#glowstick chronicals
blake-in-the-closet · 1 month
i hate this place.
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musicalteacats · 3 months
I just wanted to ask the general audience if my joints are weird enough to use my cane more often??? And the KokoBot thing thinks I'm in a crisis??? My good sir I just wanted to see if other people think my ancient joints and wacky heart rate warrant me wanting to use my cane more often??? How is that CONCERNING??? I just want someone else's opinion T_T
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l00ney-m00ny · 2 years
hate the chronic pain. Every step I take makes my hips crack and pop like a fucking glow stick add that to my back hurting for absolutly no reason and making my eyes go all blurry and water and the fact that I still need to do school today and no position that i sit in or anything is comfortable and i need the heatpack on like, 3 places at once... ugh, I’m just a mess. a hot one despite everything but still a mess.
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nicepersondisorder · 1 year
where is the "they should invent joints that dont hurt" post when you need it the most (my joints fucking hurt)
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ghosst-writer · 9 months
hadn't realized how bad my mobility issues had gotten until we've been packing to move. I have to sit on the floor (there's stuff under my bed that's already in boxes) and I'm not doing that again
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king-sassy08 · 2 years
Rip to my shoulder blades yall deserve better and instead u got me who sits hunch backed despite being perfectly capable of sitting up straight
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
i have the constitution of a victorian orphan ive not a penny to my name but i do have extra strength tums on me at all times
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
A masterpost digital grimoire a list of all the educational content on deities, witchcraft, and familiars I've posted!
As a key: if the post is about Loki, it is marked in green, if the post is about Aphrodite, it is marked in pink, if it is about Ares, it is marked in red, if it is about Apollo, it is marked in orange. If it is a post about familiars, it is purple. If it is general witchcraft, deities, spellwork, or religion, or advice, it is marked in blue. If it is marked with a ❗, it is a longer and more educational-based post.
This will be updates each time I post!
Devotional day to Aphrodite
Aphrodite's beauty
Shattered and put back together - a devotional story from Aphrodite❗
Aphrodite's altar
Aphrodite's beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Aphrodite and my service dog
Some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee
Aphrodite and my familiars working together
Loki as a god of storytellers
Loki UPG quote about storytelling
Loki and his glowsticks (UPG)
Loki's altar shot glass and a chaotic job change
Personal associations with Loki (ask)
Interpreting Loki as a nature deity❗
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter, and Loyalty from the Norse Gods (quotes)
Loki's a little bit like moldavite
Loki's altar
Ares moodboard and aesthetic
To find peace in a war deity ❗
Ares is a woman respector send post
Ares as a protector of women and god of strength
Ares and how his energy feels
Ares altar
Ares is a proud dad, I guess?
I am a daughter of Ares
A prayer to Apollo❗
Apollo werewolf cult curiosity
Deity appreciation post
My god squad's energies and how I see them as a poet
Blending/combining different branches of polytheism
Devotee and Deity Trend
My participation in devotee and deity
Deity interactions in my practice
How my relationships with my deities feels ❗
Worship the gods you are drawn to!
My God Squad + Familiar Moodboards
What is spiritual psychosis, and how do you recognize the signs in pagan spaces?❗
The danger of Divine Masculinity and Femininity in pagan spaces
What is a spirit worker?❗
A unique perspective on godspousing and the afterlife ❗
The Divine Aurora Borealis
Mundane enchantment ideas
Becoming open and loud about being a pagan & witch is scary. But what makes that any different than a Christian being open and loud about their faith? ❗
Custom tincture and balm making/herbalism
Colored flame candles
Healing from spiritual psychosis—a survivor's journey from delusion and depression, to happiness and purpose as a practicing pagan. ❗
Reminders for the disabled and chronically ill pagans/witches
Wolf encounter in Yellowstone as a wolf spirit worker
Learning about spiritual psychosis saves lives (thread) ❗
Litha wreathes with the coven!
Ecology, nature, and accessibility in neo-paganism
Honk if you worship the old gods
Intersectionality and spiritual psychosis ❗
Spiritual psychosis is not a harmless delusion ❗
Familiar Spirits in Eclectic Paganism and Witchcraft ❗
Life as a wolf spirit worker
Familiar appreciation post
How I work with my familiars❗
Familiar spirit readings (OPEN)
Reasons I think every witch/pagan should have a familiar spirit
A lil wisdom from the wolf spirits :)
Resources and readings for research on familiars & familiar spirits
How are familiar spirits found?
Familiar spirit anon Q&A ❗
Can we tell I never shut my mouth?
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blake-in-the-closet · 28 days
what the fuck did i just do
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stillfrownyclownlol · 10 months
Aiden hcs because I do actually like to interact with the Canon media sometimes
-adhd brain: forgets to eat for 17 hours. Will binge eat if you let him. He can't cook because a) nobody ever taught him, b) he's way too distracted anyways and would burn the kitchen down, and c) he's just kinda lazy. His diet is terrible, lot of Ramen, microwaveable dinners, or fast snacks.
-Chugs soda and juiceboxes like nobody's business. Never drinks water, severely and chronically dehydrated help him
-he's pretty fit but not from working out because that's BORING to him. Likes parkour a lot. Ask him to play tag with you it'll enrich him
-his favorite music is anything that'll give him a headache ngl, overstimulation for the wwwww. Let him dance, he likes dancing!!! He always cranks up the volume if he can 🙃
-He hates suits and tight clothing so much you don't understand. Feels like the collars are strangling him. Probably has a Supreme hoodie in the back of his closet ngl
-Paints his nails, but with a Sharpie if he's bored in class cuz he's just a savage. Taylor is the one who Paints them properly because he doesn't have the patience to wait for the polish to dry.
-WORST posture ever in the history of humanity <3 somebody needs to crack his spine like a glowstick
-Sore loser. Doesn't like not being good at something right away, and he really doesn't have the patience to practice. He's working on it tho, bless him
-His parents are physically affectionate with each other and with him (whenever they're around 💀) so his love language is touch. Please hug him, he doesn't know how else to say his feelings. Kinda insecure so he'll always be grabbing hands, clinging onto somebody, touching them, whatever. He tried to ask Ash first tho, in his own way.
-Pyro. Not allowed near matches. Would probably touch an open flame if you let him. "I know it burns! I just wanna touch it a lil..."
-bpd. Addictive prone personality.
-hehe he has a lot of self destructive behavior 🙃 regularly eats shit while skateboarding. Crashes his Go-Karts on purpose. Once smoked an entire packet of cigarettes in one go on a dare and was pretty much dead the next morning. Gets approx. 4 hours of sleep at night-
-BEGGED for a sibling when he was little, then he begged for a pet (like a dog), only got a lot of pretty fish that he forgot to take care of...sorry Goldie :(
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candle-lamp · 2 months
Rereading SBG and writing what I notice: Episode 1-10:
- the art!! It started off great and was one of the things that made me read it at first, but it's improved so much
- I forgot how suspenseful the og bus scene was, genuinely feels straight out of a horror movie
- Ashlyn's name for the group chat is "Them."
- the scene with Mr. Thomas being ignored is so funny
- Aiden sculpting with his school lunch
- chronically sleepy Ben (he's so me)
- Aiden throwing shade at Tyler
- random kid hearing Tyler's rant and slowly leaving
- Ben being the one to tell Tyler to be quiet
- Taylor is the only one who ate a significant portion of her lunch
- Ashlyn's parents being iconic
- Aiden + Ben and Ashlyn live one house apart
- Aiden seeing befriending Ashlyn to be a challenge
- Tyler's shoe being embedded in the wall
- Ashlyn comparing Logan to a puppy
- Logan in the background while Ashlyn is looking for her seat
- "I pretend I do not see"
- all the background students being silly
- the characters introducing themselves (Ash: likes dogs, Aiden: likes bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-, Ben: (asleep, even before all the phantom stuff), Logan: likes astrology, Taylor: mechanics club, Tyler: baseball)
- Ashlyn hiding in her shirt and Aiden comparing her to a turtle
- paper cranes on Mr. Thomas's desk
- turtle Ashlyn again when she’s telling her parents about the group project
- Ashlyn's parents being fake dramatic (I love them sm)
- Ashlyn definitely takes after her mom
- Ashlyn contemplating life in the bathroom
- also Aiden what the heck man, inviting yourself and your parents over
- Aiden's dad calling Ben "Benny"
- Ash chilling, casually bent in half
- Taylor asking Tyler for his bag since she left hers
- Logan calling someone (his grandparents?) in the background
- 8 hour drive to Savannah, yeah the distance reseting makes a lot of sense
- all the students have Mr. Thomas's number, wonder if that'll ever come up
- Ashlyn being described as giving up too easily, wow she's really grown
- Aiden solving a 4x4 rubix cube super fast
- him giving Ash and Taylor fidget toys
- might just be the angle, but Logan looked interested in what Ben was writing
- Ash scaring the others with her glowstick joints
- Ashlyn having a bad feeling about Savannah, as well as her first day
- her not wanting Aiden to call her "Ash"
- Taylor stealing Logan's camera, Aiden stealing coins from the fountain
- Taylor knowing the Sorrel Weed House is haunted
- paper crane on tour guide's phone
- Logan not getting sarcasm
- Taylor being the optimistic one and hyping everyone up
- first phantom is freaky, Ash was able to see it slightly before the others
- Tyler insisting ghosts aren't real, while Taylor seems knowledgeable on ghosts... hmm
- tour guide lady has some way of sensing the connection someone has to the phantom realm
- little Ashlyn is so cute!!
- the phantom shadow thing shows up on camera, I wonder if it's only for anyone who's been exposed or if they could show the photo to some random person and they'd see the shadow
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l00ney-m00ny · 2 years
🎶fly me to the moon and let me finally be free,
Let me see how much pain it takes ‘fore i collapse.
In other words, im in pain.
In other words, end me now!🎶
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bluravenite · 1 year
Wonderful @cirrus-ghoulette made this post about chronically ill Dew headcanons so I COME BEARING MY OWN/MORE!!
headcanons about post-(fire element)transition Dewdrop as well as some bonus ghouls with chronic pain and disabilities!!
you'd think his hands would run warm because he's a fire-ghoul... but it's quite the opposite!! because all the heat and blood rests at his core, Dew usually has temperature dysregulation which gives him cold fingers and he has to wear fluffy or thick socks on his feet :> (however he can easily channel his magic through his hands if needed, it's just not constantly emanating warmth)
DEW HAS several breathing problems, seasonal asthma outbursts, and shortness of breath. During the colder months, his asthma gets really bad and the ghouls just have a stash of inhalers, mountain, and Aeth usually carry some with them, as well as mountain growing and making eucalyptus and peppermint coffee (hot)(also yeah its a thing, and surprisingly helps with asthma) to help him breathe. All around the year though he tends to have shortness of breath any time he does anything mildly energy-consuming (picture that one mommy dust gif where he's heavy breathing)
this one is also about breathing but it's entirely psychological, cw: mild angst <3. Dewdrop's breathing problems give him panic attacks. If he starts breathing too heavily or his throat starts closing up he begins panicking and freaking out, gets dizzy and clammy, and will likely start crying if its too bad, the ghouls usually try to keep him grounded and calm if he's having an asthma attack while he uses the inhaler or settles down, but all-year-round he wakes up at night sweating cold, coughing and choking on air, usually also crying from PTSD and nightmares.
continuing that ^ think about it like standing in a room that's lit on fire, the black smoke hurting your airways from the inside out, it burns. That's how Dew feels. His lungs were clearly made for working with water, and with his gills closed up the muscles around them practically become useless, they only react to being touched or triggered occasionally by muscle spasms. His body is not used to the fire magic and breathing air burns his throat.
which on a lighter note, is why I think he sucks at smoking, lmao... at least smoking too much without something to drink, if he hits too fast or too slow he WILL cough, and he demands that swiss give him cherry-flavored drinks to wash out the taste, because apparently, swiss' rolls taste like shit (mountain's don't, mountain's usually have a sort of bittery pomegranate berry kind of herbal taste, swiss' just taste... like swiss...??/don't quote me on that)
Cumulus has endometriosis, mountain, and dew are usually the ones who help her most, aether and Popia also look into rituals and magick to help her and how to safely do it (cries a little)
Mountain has really bad knees... yet really strong leg muscles, he can usually be seen wearing his knee braces and compression sleeves, however, if it gets too bad he will occasionally use crutches.
He also has back pain pretty often both from carrying heavy equipment and working hunched over the greenhouse or at his kit when they tour, he doesn't need a brace or a lot of support because his pain is mainly from soreness and exertion but he usually gets dewdrop to both lay on his back and also walk on it, Zephyr will also give him lower back massages when he's been in the greenhouse for a while, and in return, mountain helps zephyr CRACK his bones like a glowstick LMAO
mountain often gets wrist pain :) it's not quite carpal, but he also uses wrist braces and compression gloves as well as ice and heats his wrists from time to time, he mainly gets tendinitis though if he's been doing too much work.
RAIN has pots, or pots adjacent water ghoul shit... here's my reasoning: pressure underwater is different than above the surface, so underwater rain's blood pressure regulates, but out on earth for extended periods of time it just does NOT flow properly. Imagine kind of like that feeling of HEAVINESS you get after you've been swimming in the pool for several hours? Yeah kinda like that but less perceptible, sitting up or laying down without moving for too long will make him dizzy and nauseous, but standing up for too long will also make him clammy, dizzy, and very weak. He doesn't faint too often, usually because the ghouls tend to have his back and watch out for him, but he might faint a couple times a month from fatigue or a sudden drop in blood pressure.
Rain, as we know, also has hypermobile joints, there are already a lot of headcanons about that but I still wanted to make sure I mentioned it. He mainly uses a cane for support but otherwise, he also uses braces, compression sleeves and socks, and other such aids that I'm sure others have mentioned!
I really loved what @cirrus-ghoulette mentioned in their post about the ghoulettes sunshine and cirrus so I'm not really going to repeat much aside from!!!! I absolutely think Sunny is a little ball of autism and adhd, you cannot tell me you LOOK INTO HER BIG AUTISTIC EYEs and tell me she doesn't have a slight touch of le tism, also? auditory processing disorder, because I do not believe she understands a fucking thing you say. people just think she's silly and clueless, but little do they fucking know (laughs IN PAIN) that in her little pea brain, she's overthinking the mechanics of the SIMPLEST task, just because she needs to figure out the exact conditions in which to solve the task, like its a puzzle. (she just like me fr /lhj)
Swiss and sunny are also not allowed to drive, mainly bc sunny just CANNOT understand behavioral cues so driving with her is like a rollercoaster ride where every curve is a step closer towards totaling the car... and swiss... because he understands the behavioral cues BUT CHOOSES TO DELIBERATELY IGNORE THEM, red light? that's just a suggestion... car has its blinkers on to turn right? not if HE TURNS FIRST... it's danger out there with swiss...
Also I believe swiss IS in fact AND OLD MAN, and he hates to agree that he constantly also has joint and muscle pain until its literally impairing, and the ghoulettes force him to LAY DOWN.
aether... babyboy aefer... heavy booby... give back pain... someone please hold them /lhj... no but, aether has tummy issues :(
He has mild hyperglycemia which causes his blood sugar to be a little higher than it should be if he doesn't keep it regulated, one wrong food and it's trouble.
he's also a VERY light drinker because he is prone to seizures due to the alcohol spiking his blood sugar, if he does drink it's usually low-alcohol beer and he prepares his diet a day in advance to make sure he doesn't eat anything that will spike it, as well as only having a couple drinks. (I don't see him having diabetes, but certainly struggles with food and blood sugar levels from time to time, especially if while on tour for too long and such)
and that is the end of a VERY LONG FUCKING POST.... these are some of my headcanons I've gathered both from personal experiences and people close to me, so they may not be entirely correct!!
PLEASE!!! and I beg!! If you see any misinformation or misrepresentation (outside of the ghoul elemental anatomy differences headcanons) DO shoot me a direct message or comment correcting me or explaining what you think should be discussed, changed, edited, etc!!
As I said, this is based mostly on my personal knowledge and experiences of those close to me, so it may not be 100% correct or accurate!!
that being said, I hope you enjoyed <3 MWAH!!
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biological-catastrophe · 10 months
Zee lore answer!
Under the cut is the answer to the poll!! Plus explanations of everything! Yes ik I’m a day early idc-
I’ve never broken a bone but broke an eardrum
I’ve never broken a bone! I was decently careful for a kid so yeah. But! Back in like 3rd grade my eardrum did rupture, and I had to get surgery to fix it. I have like 7-8 stitches.
I technically would’ve failed kindergarten if I didn’t have a dr note
True! If you have a certain number of absences, you’d fail a grade. And I have a chronic illness that (at the time) we were still learning to manage, so i would often get sick and have to go home, thus too many absences and technically failing. So a dr note is the only reason I passed the grade BSHSBAJ
I helped give someone a flu shot
I did in fact do this. My parents are nurses so once they offered me to help (ofc they like. Just guided my hand)
I once sprained my knee just bending it
I have no idea how but I did. I was outside during marching band waiting and went to bend my knee to stretch it and I heard a pop and for the rest of the day I was in nasty pain..
Sprained both of my ankles at the same time the day d4 marching band competition
I’m. I’m a little ashamed of this,, b but I did. It was raining during a football game and I was walking down the stands. But like.. down the seats, not using the stairs. Thankfully I wasn’t holding my instrument but I slipped and my feet caught under the ledge and yeah. Rip me
Had to get pushed out of school TWICE in a wheelchair
This actually is part of the one where I sprained my knee by bending it. Twice I had the most god awful leg cramps, like 8-9 out of 10 pain, I was literally unable to do anything else. So they called my parents and I got wheeled out of the school
Had a lockdown in school cafeteria while in line and we just ate lunch there
True, I don’t know what else to add onto this. Not sure if it’s true but a guy down the road stole a car and had a gun.
Got toothpaste, metal, hairspray, eyeliner, and glowstick juice in my eye
S sadly this is true. I was a kid when I got glowstick juice in my eye so I don’t remember it much but god the toothpaste and metal…
I wear contacts and when I was brushing my teeth once I didn’t check my hand to see if it was clean and when to adjust my contact and oops peppermint hell goes into my eye. I was in pain for HOURS JSHSBSHH
And the metal.. I was in welding and my dumbass didn’t have safety glasses while my instructor was grinding down this weld.
The other stuff is self explanatory on how it gets in an eye
Got an under the counter covid shot
True. Kind of. The way it’s worded without context makes it sound sketchy, but basically; nurse parents.
Stole a stop sign while my coworkers cheered me on
Very much true! I was leaving work one day and saw a stop sign was beaten and fallen off the post but still. It was kind of attached? I just decided to take it and my coworkers cheered me on. I still have it
Kicked some kid in the balls and he just bent over and gave me a thumbs up
Wh. Why does this one have the most votes. Maybe because it’s the most normal ? But it’s true. I did martial arts and was sparing with this kid and went to kick his leg and missed. I felt really bad-
So the lie is: I’m not allergic to penicillin!
I’m not allergic to anything except maybe fragrances! I don’t even know if I’ve had penicillin, I’m sure I have since I was a Sick Kid but I don’t remember it-
So yeah no bad allergic reactions for me. Sadly everything else is true. I’m a tad bit of a dumbass.
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faolanrune · 8 months
CW: talking bout arthritis and shit like that, dunno if this falls under chronic type stuff or not
Sticks and Stones Won’t Break My Bones
But aging likely will
I don’t mean the normal sort of aging
Where my skin sags and my hair greys
I mean the aging that comes too soon
Joints cracking and shifting
Muscles tight and loose all at once
Sliding under my skin like snakes
Wrapped up in this violent ball of time
Ticking away second where my movements do not ache
They creak in warning
Snap from stagnation and
Pronounce themselves in protest
For they do not care for movement
They do not care for my stillness either
I cannot crouch
Catlike and small
I cannot curl up
burrow or contort
My knees are old men
Spinning tales of walking uphill both ways In the snow
Of when gas prices were a buck fifty and popcorn was a nickel
My muscles are elderly women,
Weaving this way and that to speak to the folks at church
Sharing words of Jenny’s new baby and that promotion Timothy just got
They never stay where they’re supposed to
They twist and move about
I’m stuck putting them back in place
My hands know every muscle
They’ve gotten friendly
Like neighbors with kids the same age
For I’ve put them back a dozen times
And another dozen over
My fingers know which muscle has loosened it’s restraints
Works quickly to rebuild what tries to decay
“But you’re just a child! Surely you’ve got good years left!”
Genetic they tell me
Family joints they tell me
Your old man has arthritis they told me
He’s 47, and only the gods could slow him down
I’m 20, and the gods might just succeed
For sticks and stones might not break my bones
But that does little to stop their rotting away
Context under the cut
So back a couple years ago my father got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, which for anybody who doesn’t know it’s the step below rheumatoid. It’s all the fun shit without it actually eating away at his joints and muscles and stuff. It’s manageable to an extent with diet and being active in some way shape or form to help keep the joints loose.
I’ve had joint issues myself since puberty at least, if not earlier. Can’t rly sit cross legged or crouch or lay in a tight fetal position for very long without something trying to lock up or it beginning to ache. Somedays it feels like all I hear from my body is joints cracking.
I’ve put several muscles out of place, mostly in the neck and shoulder area. Put a large one out about a month ago simply by stretching. It’s not fun when you move one, muscles shouldn’t move like that.
Overall, even though I have yet to be tested myself cause don’t got the resources to do that rn, the chances of me not having are absolutely minuscule. I sound like a glowstick ffs. I’m an active sort of person, not in the running sort of way but in the I always like to be doing something kinda way. And the thought of this being able to take that ability away slowly but surely as I age is honestly terrifying to me.
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