carlandrea · 2 years
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gloin & thranduil to go with your fic 🥺❤️
wait omg this is. this is SO. oh my GOD this is LOVELY
I love love love your designs for them I LOVE Gloín's two pronged hood I LOVE their expressions i LOVE the mood
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shiinata-library · 2 years
Imagine: Bees’ fear
How would Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo, Dwalin, Ori react if they found out you were afraid of bees?
Note 1: I’m not an English native speaker so there are probably mistakes. Note 2: It’s the first time I wrote with Dwalin and Ori, I hope it’ll be alright!
[ 📚 Main Imagines Masterlist 📚 ]
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You tried to hide your fear of bees during the whole quest. Thinking nobody could realise it, you were pretty proud of you, and to your surprise, there weren't as many bees in Middle-earth as you thought. After the Shire, you never saw one. Your meals and your walking were so peaceful that it was strange, but you were thinking the other lands may be not conducive to their development.
The thing you didn't know was that Thorin always made sure to put himself between you and a bee as soon as he saw one, or to push you slightly away from it without you realising it. He still remembered when he had discovered your fear of those tiny animals: you had closed your eyes tightly as you had remained motionless, waiting for it to disappear at some point.
He never said anything about this. Until Beorn’s house. The house with a lot of animals and giant bees.
If Thorin already heard you yelling because of goblins or orcs, it was nothing compared to the cry you made when you woke up alone with a giant bee above you. Between its size, your waking, and the unknown place, your (stupid) instinct, you couldn’t help but yell. 
The surprise continued with the sudden arrival of Thorin, almost breathless, in the room. The giant bee left the room, more scared than you. 
Your scared eyes, shining with contained tears, stopped him from thinking. He just ran to you and took you in his arms. His chest was hard like a rock, but his warm coat and his scent calmed you immediately. Your heart took a few minutes to calm down, until you realised you were in Thorin’s arms.
“I-I’m sorry, I overreacted! I’m okay, i-it surprised me…” you said as you placed your hands on his chest, trying to push him because of your embarrassment. 
“It’s okay to be afraid,” he said in a calm voice as he stroked your back. “From now, I will be with you when you wake up. Nothing will scare you.”
From that moment, Thorin got into the habit of sleeping next to you. Even in Mirkwood, even in Laketown, even in Erebor.
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Even though you know the benefit of bees for the environment – and for honey, you couldn't help but be tense when one of them was flying near you. And of course, they were everywhere in Middle-earth!
“They may often be around you because you smell as good as a flower,” Fíli said one day when you were alone with him in a forest as the sun started to set.
Thorin had asked for you and Fíli to bring kindling for Gloín’s fire, so you were both alone in the middle of a forest. No Thorin for ordering something, no Kíli for making jokes, or no Bombur asking for help for preparing dinner.
You couldn’t help but stop your moves when your cheeks stupidly blushed at his sentence. As you had your back to him, you tried to stay insensitive, not wanting to misunderstand what he said.
Staying insensitive is easy when there are no bees around you, but when a tiny one flew next to you, you couldn’t help but say Fíli’s name in an imploring tone, remaining motionless. With a few slow steps, he joined you and pushed the bee away. After a shy “Thank you”, you continued to search for kindling.
During the whole quest, you developed the habit of calling Fíli each time a bee was coming close to you. His help was so often that the other made fun of you sometimes, imitating your imploring voice. You let them do it since they were right. You weren’t proud of yourself, but he never complained, always walking quickly to you and saving you from the tiny thing. 
One night, you were both on watch duty as you were sitting next to each other, whispering while everyone else slept. The moon was high in a sky without clouds and a light wind was blowing in the trees. A perfect quiet night.
“Can I ask you something?” you eventually asked as you smiled at him after a long discussion about an anecdote of his brother.
“Yes, you can. Anything you want,” he replied with a smile, making the braids of his moustache dance.
“Why do you never complain when I call you as soon as a bee approaches me? I must call you at least once a day,” you said as you looked at his smile widened.
“Because I love when you call my name in an imploring tone,” he simply replied without looking away, obviously proud of the effect his answer had on you.
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The first time Kíli saw you being afraid of bees it was in the Shire. They were everywhere! On each flower, on each tree, on each step you have taken! It was at the very beginning of the quest. Just a little cry of surprise – alright ‘of fear’, when a bee approached you as you were on your pony. You almost fell from it and it didn’t escape Kíli’s notice.
Since then, not two days went by without him pretending to have seen a bee, making the sound of a bee, or showing you one near you.
It was tiring and not fun. Even his uncle scolded him about it, but he continued.
“You’re stupid and I hate you!” you ended up exploding after a long, tiring day. “You know what, don’t approach me or talk to me again!”
You left him alone, surprised by your reaction, as you joined the camp without any woods you were supposed to bring. This evening, he searched for woods alone as his brother was with Thorin and Balin talking about the road.
Then, you kept your distance with him for days. He tried several times to speak with you but you ignored him. The whole company laughed about it, calling you ‘the sulkiest woman of Middle-earth’, and joking about Kíli’s grumpy behaviour.
However, when Bilbo and you discovered the trolls had captured the ponies because of Fíli and Kíli’s inattention, you had no choice but speak with him to plan the ponies’ rescue, which quickly failed of course.
After that, Kíli and you started talking again, as before. He apologised one last time and you finally forgave him. As you both spoke about what happened the day you avoided him, you realise you weren’t the only one to miss your chatting.
Your good understanding lasted until you arrived at Beorn, when you discovered Kíli’s fear for the giant bees. He avoided them, trying to stay brave, while you could almost see cold sweat on his face. 
What could you do to make fun of him as much as he did to you? So many possibilities! Once you eventually found the good joke, you started it!
One afternoon while everyone was busy on their own, Kíli was sleeping on the ground at the back of the house. Laying under a tree, the sun didn't bother him to sleep, you could even hear him snoring. In the quietest way possible, you walked to him with a giant bee. 
In conversation with Beorn, you realised these giant bees were harmless and they could even understand you a little. So you asked one of them to follow you to Kíli.
In front of him, you took your most beautiful voice to call him. After calling him several times as he groaned, he ended up opening his eyes. At the sight of the bee just in front of him, he froze. You never saw him so quiet, you even suspected he stopped breathing. Kíli only reacted when he heard you laugh as you asked the bee to leave.
Once the bee left, it didn’t take him a long time to understand you made fun of him, especially with your laugh echoing through the garden. “I promised if I catch you…” he shouted as he quickly got to his feet. Between your laugh and his sudden move, you stumbled over a root and fell to the ground. Kíli easily caught you.  He lowered to the ground above you and locked your arms next to your head, as he used to do with his brother when they were young.
“Do you think it's funny?” he groaned, still angry with you because of his sudden, scary waking.
“It was very funny! If you could have seen your face!” you continued to laugh until his hands hurt you. “Ouch! Hey calm down, I’m not a solid dwarf like all of you! You’re going to break my wrist!”
His grip loosened but he didn’t move. He looked at you from above as his cheeks started to blush under his little beard. 
You wondered how long he could have stayed like that if Thorin hadn't called him from the other side of the house…
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It wasn't hard for Bilbo to understand you were afraid of bees. Still in the Shire, the journey barely started, you let out a light cry as you were sitting on the ground for lunch. At that very moment, Bilbo was just next to you. So it was impossible to hide it. 
He looked at you with a gentle smile as he made it leave with a simple move of his hand, not even standing up. 
“Do you have a superpower with bees? Do they understand you?” you asked, looking first at his hand, then at his face. 
“A super what?” he replied with a questioning face as he bit into an apple. 
You didn't try to explain him and preferred to change the subject, still impressed by him however. 
After that, you decided to stay next to Bilbo when you were sitting on the ground. It was the safer way! And Bilbo’s company was always agreeable.
The rest of the journey was better now you knew Bilbo’s superpower. If we talked of bees, of course, not of goblins or orcs. You didn’t even know where he was when you faced the goblins. But for bees, he was the best!
When you spent the first night at Beorn, the company let you sleep the next morning as much as you want. The sun was already up when you felt something tickling your cheek. You first scratched your face before opening your eyes and understanding a giant bee just in front of you. 
With a quick involuntary move, you hit the bee and it fell on the floor, not moving anymore. Your heart arched and you tried to think what you should do.
The solution was evident when you found it. You run to find Bilbo in the house until you find him outside talking to Balin. Without explaining anything, the little hobbit eventually followed you to the bee still on the floor, moving a little. 
You let him act as he wanted and he found a way to wake it up and help him to go outside. Who knew that a little honey could save a bee?
Bilbo knew. After he brought out the giant bee and came back to you, you immediately hugged him. Surprised and embarrassed, he tensed before thinking you needed comfort.
“It’s fine. I don’t think another one would come in after what you did,” he said as he stroked your back.
“I’m sorry! And I thank you so much!” you said as you pulled back a little, your hands still holding his upper arms. “It was amazing! You’re amazing!”
Your enthusiastic words quickly made the little hobbit blush, or maybe it was your hands on him or your previous hug. Unlike the dwarfs, he had no beards, so you could see it easily, even if he tried to hide it with some nose moves and by offering you breakfast.
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“Why are ye scared of something so tiny?” Dwalin asked as you hid behind him.
“I don't do it on purpose,” you replied a little too harshly.
You don’t want to talk about it, you want it to disappear. From your sight, not from this universe, you’re not a monster.
So you had hidden yourself behind the first person next to you until the bee’s sound went away, and the person in question was Dwalin. This big dwarf was a good shield for tiny things. Tiny or big, for trolls, goblins, or orcs, he wasn’t bad either! 
But for bees, he couldn’t help but laugh when you were running behind him without a word until it left. Dwalin wasn’t the kind of dwarf to laugh, so you were surprised the first time you saw him smile after you thanked him for being your shield.
“At your service, lass!” he always replied with a smile before regaining his serious behaviour as usual.
You were glad to always have him when you needed it. He was a perfect shield.
When you arrived at Beorn’s house, you quickly noticed the giant bees. So you tried to avoid them. They were almost less frightening. Almost. Until you went on a walk and you found several of them around you, gathering pollen on flowers. They hadn’t noticed you, but their sounds were scary. It was nothing like the discreet sound of tiny ordinary bees.
You tried to keep you calm but the anxiety made your heart beat so hard that your eyes couldn’t stop the tears from coming. The ultimate solutions were to yell Dwalin’s help or to run away, but afraid like you were, you just closed your eyes and remained motionless.
Bees’ sounds were everywhere until you felt something in front of you. Your fear made you hesitate to open your eyes, but at the sounds of the bees moving away, you eventually opened them.
The back of Dwalin was just before you. The strong back of your shield was protecting you. 
You let your head fall on it, tears running over your cheek with relief. Dwalin immediately turned to you when he heard you. You hit his chest with the little strength you had as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Are ye ok?” he said in a worried voice.
“Why did my shield take so long?” you said, hitting him once again.
“I’m here, and I’m sorry. Yer shield was looking for ye in the wrong place,” he said as he stroked your back. “I promise ye it'll never happen again.”
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Bees used to scare you when they were near you. If they were far enough away to not hear them, it was fine. So you used to look around you when you were sitting on the ground, maybe a little too much.
“They don't go out at night,” Ori said with a shy voice as he was sitting next to you. “You won't find any insects like bees or wasps at night. I read it in a book when I was young.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, full of hope. “I never think of it, but you must be right. I never saw any of them at night.” 
“If it can reassure you, bees almost never attack someone. It’s very rare, I’m sure you will never be attacked if you do nothing to them,” he said with a comfort face’s expression.
“Do you promise me?” you asked seriously.
“Oh, hm, yes. I promise you,” he replied in a hesitant voice but still with his nice smile.
This was the first of many conversations with the shy dwarf. He always taught you something that calmed you down when you were scared. And in this quest, there was enough to be scared of! 
Even at Beorn, you weren’t so afraid of the giant bees. You were almost used to them. Then, one nice afternoon, with the permission of Dori and Nori, you went for a walk with Ori in Beorn’s territory. You both were sure you would be safe here, so you took your time. And the time always passed quickly with Ori because you always found good subjects to talk about.
In the middle of the afternoon, you took a break near a river under a big tree. As your head leaned towards the water to refresh your face, you heard a light but loud cry from Ori. You ran to him as fast as you could and saw him shake his hand. In front of him, you wanted to take his hand but he stepped back. Looking more panicked than him, he tried to reassure you but it didn’t work.
“It was just a bee that stung me. I didn't pay attention and put my hand on it when I wanted to sit down,” he explained as you were more and more worried.
He couldn’t tell you he was watching you instead of paying attention to the ground. Between you and the ground, his choice was easily made.
“You promised they never attack!” you exclaimed in a louder voice than you wanted. “What if you react wrongly and die? What if you lost your hand? Your hand Ori! What if–”
“M-my hand is fine,” he cut you off in a calm voice when his cheeks were red from your sudden over-attention to him. “I have never read that a dwarf died because of a bee. I’m sure Oín can help me with that easily. D-do you want to come with me?”
Of course you were coming with him! You will help Oín as much as you can! The scribe dwarf will need your help for a long time before he can use his hand!
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eglerieth · 7 months
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tending-the-hearth · 5 months
"no master gloín, he is offering you food" CACKLING
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fornlorness · 9 months
𝔄𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢
🖋️𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴
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I am Canadian and can speak english as well as french, and a bit of spanish
My favourite colours are purples, blues and greys
I am in love with everything concerning cottagecore
My favourite characters are Samwise Gamgee, Legolas Thranduilion, Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite, Jake Sully, Tuffnut Thorston, Miguel O’Hara, Hobie Brown, Miles Morales, Fa Mulan & Merida
Writing and reading are things that bring me so much joy, especially when people like or comment on my stories. Bringing joy, entertainment, or even sadness. Any kinds of emotions is good
I love writing angst and reading it, but I don’t like sad endings (writing or reading them)
I have multiple OCs from each fandom I’m in, though I don’t really write about them
I love writing for the Tolkien fandom and I’m trying to dabble in the Avatar (JC), Spiderman ATSV as well as COD (Modern Warfare). It’s something I’m working on, though
My comfort characters are most always the ‘comic reliefs’ (Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Snotlout Jorgenson, Peregrine Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Gimli son of Gloín, Hobie Brown and more)
My taste in music is diversified, going from rap to classical music, jazz to rock, k-pop to pop, and more
I love any song that has a fantasy vibe
I have good grades at school and don’t like partying (nerd, you’ll tell me)
I have been reading since I was five and don’t plan on stopping any time soon
I’m 5’5” (1,67 m) Sometimes I don’t like my height, since everyone around me is taller
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘶𝘴✒️
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Okay, I'm planning on writing a lotr fic with a disabled hobbit as the main character. I'd like to represent disabilities that I do not have, so I'm wondering what diasbilities or differences the community would like to see represented. If you are disabled and would like to see your disability represented, please comment on or reblog this post, I will also be making other original characters, so if you don't want your disability to be the main character's, but still want to be represented, please feel free to say so. I want as much diversityas possible.
If possible, please also include a resource for said disability or message me with information. Also, let me know if you'd like to be a sensitivity reader.
Also, if you'd like to have an input on how their autism or adhd presents, please reblog or comment or message me. I am autistic but do not just want to base them off of my own autism and adhd, same with the other disabilities.
More info about them and the fic:
The character will be intersex and nonbinary, so if you'd like to talk to me about either of those, please do.
They will be dating Gimli, son go Gloín, so if you want to share brainrot with me please do because I love him so much.
It is going to be written in 3rd person, so yeah. Overall, I want there to be more diversity in fiction and If you'd like to see yourself represented, please comment, reblog or message me.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Something concerning weddingnights
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JwsmU5E
by Longest_Nights
There had been rumours, of course, whispers that were perhaps a bit foul.
To bed an elf is to wed an elf.
Gimli thought those stories and whispers always rather useless. Mainly because they were rather rude, even if one disliked elves like he used to. The he befriended multiple elves, but one elf in particular. And then he got married to that certain particular one and the jokes and whispers got worse.
Those fools didn't know what they were talking about in the slightest...!
Words: 3210, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gimli (Son of Glóin), Legolas Greenleaf, Other charachters mentioned
Relationships: Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf
Additional Tags: Demiromantic Gimli (Son of Gloín), Asexual Legolas Greenleaf, Sex-Neutral Asexual Character, Discussion of Boundaries, Fluff, mostly plot, Lazy Mornings, Morning Kisses, Early Mornings, Morning Sex, except not really, Hand Jobs, that's as far as it goes, Fluff and Smut, They are in love your honour
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JwsmU5E
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lockedloki · 5 years
The Company wishing you happy birthday and the gifts they'd give you:
(Happy birthday again Meg! @reaperswritings )
Thorin gave you a handcrafted necklace of sapphires he made himself (he's very proud, not that he'll show it...)
Fíli (bless his heart) decided to give you a mithril knife he smithed under guidance of Thorin. Its handle was inlaid with 3 pearls, one for each of the lights in his life: the sun, the moon, and you.
Kíli got you a puppy that looked like an alcoholic in need of a shave! (She was a feisty little one, but the love in her heart when she cuddled with you in front of the fire made up for the torn towels and wet hair she had so graciously caused you in your chase through the royal wing after an attempted bath...) Kíli tried ("tried" being the operative word), to bake you a cake, but, well, Kíli in a kitchen went about as well as a bull in a china store...
Balin (sweet, sweet saint) gifted you a cut and polished geode with quartz lining it. It was one of the few things he still had left of the old Erebor, and wanted you to have it, seeing as you held as an special place in his heart as that geode.
Dwalin had smithed alongside Thorin in the past, and thought of making a axe for you with the name "Courage" engraved on the handle, but seeing that you will have nothing to fear with the Company protecting you (bunch of nannies, they are), he instead opted to build you your very own garden inside the mountain for when the winter months came. He planted all of your favourite flowers, and boy oh boy, did he nearly give up a few time on working on that garden... But in the end, he pulled through and he must say that all the frustration was worth the joy in your eyes and the hug he got from you afterwards he showed it to you. (He might have developed a liking to gardening, so it wasn't uncommon to find him working alongside you on hands and knees in your garden covered in dirt)
Oín decided that you were entirely too quiet for his tastes and that it was only by luck alone that you haven't given some of the dwarves a heart attack, (he has suffered more than his share, according to him), so he bought you cute little golden bell to wear around your neck so people mostly he could hear you coming (he didn't. And he shrieked like a girl when you both had ventured down into the kitchens for a midnight snack)
Gloín had a secret talent of painting, and no one, no one outside the family knows of it... Guess what he gave to you? :) A magnificent painting of the view from the top of the Lonely Mountain over Daleb Laketown and even a tiny, teensy weensy, might-miss-it, smidge which could possibly be Mirkwood? He won't admit anything.... (I'm onto you, Mister Gloín)
Dori bought you a delicate porcelain tea set from the Blue Mountains, in which he claims tea tastes the best... Uh huh, we'll see honey, we'll see...
Nori, Nori, Nori, Nori..... He thought it would be very funny to give you a chicken. In the marketplace. Among a hundreds of dwarves. And he thought it would be funny watching you scream your head off at the creature suddenly deposited into your arms. Jokes on him though, he had to chase and catch the feathery fiend in the market! (You named the hen "Dori" after he had caught her and you had calmed down enough to see straight...)
Ori (my sweet, sweet summer child), had filled an entire sketchbook with drawings of you and the company (but mostly you.) (He was so shy when he had presented you with the carefully wrapped gift. My he ar t)
Bifur had an immense soft spot for cute things, and the image of you animatedly performing enacting and reading a fairytale to some dwarflings made up his mind. He was going to make you a stage to entertain those dear dwarflings you so loved. He worked, he sewed, he carved, he- well, you get the idea. It was magnificent! And he hit two birds with one stone! You got to live out your passion for making others smile, and he got to see you perform frequently!
Bofur thought that seeing as you frequently stole his hat and made him chase you all over the Company's wing, that maybe, just maybe he could finally take off his hat without fear for your escapades (I'm only trying to keep you fit! Yeah right, and his mother was an elf.), if he got you your own hat. And it worked! For about three days, before you returned to your nefarious hat-stealing, dwarf-parkour activities...
Bombur (he looks very huggable) had a specially embroidered apron made for you. (Bofur had suggested "World's Best Buns," but from the look on his brother's face he collapsed in a giggling fit.) No no, Bombur was a gentleman, thank you very much. So what did he have embroidered??? Keep your hands off my buns😀
Bilbo gave you a bouquet of tulips (how did he even get them???), and a handwritten book titled "450 Reasons Why I Love You." (My HeARt!) (And it's alphabetical too!)
Gandalf.... Gandalf decided to gift you with a puzzle box ("A gift that keeps on giving.") And boy oh boy did he look smug after the 4th hour you still hadn't found out how to open it.... Ahah, just you wait, Mister Firepopper, revenge might be beneath me, but accidents will happen....
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Modern Gloín
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Is a banker
Very successfull
And a family man
He loves his wife and their only son to ffing bits!
He is so in love with his wife, even after like 25 years of marriage, after having been with her since like middle school
He is literally still so in love with her
And he is very proud of his son Gimli
The lad is the apple of Gloín eye
Except of course for the fact that Gimli fancies Legolas
Gloín really does his best to discourage that
But of course it does not work
Legolas and Gloín will never warm up to each other
But at least they do try to be polite to each other in the end
For Gimli’s sake
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x-kytanna-x · 5 years
Gloín had many reasons to join into the quest to reclaim Erebor, Oín, Thorin, but most importantly Gimli. 
His wee lad was Gloín’s best accomplishment in life, that's why when he saw that the hobbit that was supposed to be their burglar was all alone and seemed to not have any family by his side, Gloín decided he would show him that he could have a place in their company.
To him, Bilbo is prosperity, because he has seen Bilbo's heart and only wonderful things can come from there.
To him, Bilbo is exchanging family traditions, sharing childhood stories and listening to a delighted laugh that carries the very essence of life on it. 
He really can't wait for his son and Bilbo to meet, he will make sure that their hobbit feels more welcome than ever.
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ava-cunningam · 5 years
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carlandrea · 2 years
@matrose wrote something for you :)
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geniusgen · 4 years
6 years later and I now notice that Glóin is wearing the same helmet as Gimli in Botfa. He gave his son his helmet I'm cry.
What else did I miss aside from the overwhelming focus on elves and humans in a dwarf movie?
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guardianofrivendell · 2 years
Hi and congrats on your celebration! 🥳
I’d like to request a 💚 and this totally unpredictable gif:
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Thank you and have a happy sleepover! 💙💚❤️
Well this is about 3 or 4 months too late but let’s not focus on that shall we 😂
A reminder: the green hearts were gif requests, followers could send a gif and I would write a little drabble based on that gif. Here’s @lathalea’s request 💚
(the sleepover was back in January, so the gif requests are closed right now!)
A/N: this drabble lived in my head for the past three/four months, and you wouldn’t believe how relieved I am that I finally got it out! Not proofread because honestly who has the time 🙃
Thorin felt warm. And pleasantly so. 
Not because he was sitting by a cozy campfire, close enough to have his braids scorched if he wasn’t careful, which he always was. Also not because he was dressed in one of his thickest furs with his hands wrapped in knitted mittens in order to brace the cold winter temperatures. And not even because he has you tucked in his side, curled up against him because you were getting drowsy and refused to go back inside to turn in for the night. 
Thorin felt warm because for the first time since long, he was happy. 
He smiled to himself when he watched the people surrounding the fire. They were all laughing and merrily chatting with each other, each of them content in their own little world. Both of his nephews, his sister-sons, were happily married to someone of their own choice whom they adored, and Fíli had his first pebble on the way. There was never any question if they would have an arranged marriage, not even for political reasons. Thorin knew better than that, and even if the thought would’ve crossed his mind at the time, he was sure that Dís would have knocked it right out of him. 
Speaking of, Dís, his beloved sister, was currently sitting a little too close to Dwalin for his liking. She had made the journey shortly after they reclaimed Erebor and he was more than pleased to have his sister back by his side. At Dwalin’s side, not so much. He’d have a word with his trusted friend soon enough. As her older brother it was his duty to threaten any possible suitors, even if they were his best friend. By Mahal’s beard, especially when they were his best friend. But for now, Thorin would let them be. His sister deserved to be happy again. 
The other members of the Company, who stood by him when he needed them most, all found their place in the mountain. Gloín and Bombur reunited with their families, some started new ones, others took up their crafts again. They were singing the most crude of Yule songs at that moment, led by Bofur of course, and Thorin would be offended if he wasn’t the one who had taught the hatted Dwarf the song in the first place. 
For all the blessings Mahal had placed upon them, Thorin felt the most blessed of all. His eyes welled with happy tears, overwhelmed by the realization that he truly was the luckiest Dwarf. They all survived, Erebor was restored and thriving, everyone was happy… he was happy. 
He was pulled out of his thoughts when you stirred and slowly sat up again, yawning and stretching your arms. 
“Thorin?” you asked when you noticed the subtle glistening in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
"Nothing at all, ghivashel," he reassured you, cupping your cheek before he pulled you closer and kissed your hair, "nothing at all..."
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @the-banannah @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @sokkasdarling @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @starry-cookies @thepeanutcollective @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @emmapotato88 @kirenia15 @vicmackeybullshxt @hey-its-nonny @moarfandomtrash @beenovel @cassiabaggins @shethereadinghobbit @justfollowtheroad @laurfilijames @fizzyxcustard @brokennerdalert @linasofia @naimadrawsstuff @errruvande-2-0 @m-sterboggins @amaryllis23 @enchantzz @narniaandthenorth @sketch-and-write-lover @blairsanne @ruthoakenshield @midearthwritings @alone19-24 @medusas-hairband @ren-ni
Thorin taglist:  @paracosmfantasy @spidergirla5 @clumsy-wonderland
Note: if your name is in bold and crossed out, it means I couldn’t tag you. If you want to be removed from a taglist, don’t be scared to let me know! No hard feelings whatsoever :) 
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tending-the-hearth · 5 months
i haven't mentioned it yet but i also love that gloín is so obviously gilmi's dad. his voice, his mannerisms, his fighting style, it's such a fantastic way to tie things together
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milfthorin · 2 years
Listen ik we talk a lot about how thranduil reacts to legolas wedding gimli, but i dont think it’s discussed enough how gloín reacts, or hell how gimli’s extended family in ye ol’ erebor react. To the son of thranduil no less!
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