#gloin is willing to hear gimli out but the second he says legolas son of thranduil he dam near rolls over dead
milfthorin · 2 years
Listen ik we talk a lot about how thranduil reacts to legolas wedding gimli, but i dont think it’s discussed enough how gloín reacts, or hell how gimli’s extended family in ye ol’ erebor react. To the son of thranduil no less!
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 3 years
Reconcilation: A story of Thranduil and Legolas
Legolas went through the plans once more. He, along with many others, will depart for the undying lands. There was room on the ships for many more, and there was one more person he wanted to ask.
It was the final attempt at reconnection. If the king would not make the first move, then he would have to do it.
Thranduil was in his room, going over some letters.
"Adar," Out of respect for Thranduil's rank, Legolas stood where he was.
"Legolas. To what do I owe this visit?"
Legolas came forward and laid out plans for the journey to the Undying Lands. "We have obtained enough ships for the journey, but there is still plenty of room. I am hoping, that is, if you were willing, of course... "
His lord father remained silent. Legolas, more than a little flustered, continued talking.
"Tauriel will be accompanying us."
"She agreed, or did you wear her down?"
He could have sworn he caught a smirk, but the glint in Thranduil's eyes showed no malice.
"I... I may have worn her down, Adar. But I am sure you will agree that this journey is necessary for her."
"Tauriel is struggling to let go of the pain of Kili's death," Thranduil felt a pain take root in his own heart when talking of losing a great love. "In the Undying Lands, her heart will heal, and her memories of him will ever be sweet and evergreen."
"That is what I thought as well," Pleased with his father's approval, Legolas pressed on with what he had to say next. "And I was wondering if you would like to accompany us. Or not. Whatever your decision is, I will respect it."
His father, however, did not reply, choosing to look around his arm instead. Legolas quickly remembered the second reason for his visit.
"From Gimli," Thranduil's eyes went wide at the mention of the dwarf. "As a gesture of good faith between the races."
Legolas laid the soft velvet bag on the table. "Mother's jewels," He carefully placed each necklace on the table. "The originals were ruined by Smaug. My friend hoped these new settings would please you."
They were far more delicate than anything Thranduil had hoped they would be. "Your friend has certainly outdone himself. But I have no more interest in jewels."
Legolas felt despondent at his father's rejection. So much for reconciliation, he thought.
"As beautiful as they are, they do not compare to the most precious thing your noble mother left me."
What was this he was hearing?
"Do not distress your heart by my words, for I am truly touched by this gift from Gimli, son Gloin. However, I have realized that I had something far more precious right in front of me. Something your mother valued above everything else. Something she would have wanted me to treasure above all, but I did not."
Legolas felt hope take root in his heart. Was he hearing what he thought he was hearing? "What is this precious object you speak of, Adar?"
"Her son," Thranduil could not bring himself to look his son in the eye, so ashamed was he at his behavior in the past.
"When I look at you, all I see is her, and I am reminded of my own failure to save her.  For too long I let my shame and sadness cloud my better judgment and blind me to everything else that mattered."
"Forgive me, my son, for my failings as a father. I know my neglect of you has been great and that there is no..."
"But there is a way," Legolas, the light of heart, interrupted him. "There is a way for us to bridge the gap. Come with me, Adar. Come with me to the Undying Lands, where we can start again."
Thranduil was stunned, for he thought any chance of mending the bond with his son was forever ruined.
The look in his son's eyes told him otherwise. There was hope still for the both of them, and it was time he left this place. The rest of his people have already expressed a desire to leave, and as their king he had an obligation to lead them on their journey.
"I will come. To mend the bond, and witness Fëanor's reaction when Gimli speaks of Galadriel's gift to him."
"His screams might be heard all the way in Middle Earth," Legolas teased good-naturedly. "I will warn Aragorn, lest he hears it and grows fearful of a new evil growing in the West."
His father guffawed, something he had not done since his mother passed away. Legolas hoped to hear more of it during their journey to Valinor.
"Write to your friend and warn him then," His father was practically grinning. "And I will make preparations for our departure."
Both men went about their final duties, both filled with hope for the future that lay before them.
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