#glitched myself to sf
vaugarde · 6 days
fionna and cake is definitely giving me good ideas on how to handle asha btw…
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batsinurbelfrey · 1 year
#laying here thinking about how 5 minutes before i called my dad yesterday to come out to him and talk gender#instagram glitched and in the little chat bubbles it showed me my dead mentor/friend was online.#it was the most worldstopping blood chilling glitch#she's been dead since 2016#she died before this feature even EXISTED#and yet. there she was. i watched her face pop up with that little green dot. i took a screenshot. and then after the longest two minutes#or so of my life. she vanished.#when i first sent the screenshot to tori i was so upset. being reminded of her and the loss of it all always makes me so sad#but then. as i was typing out my message i thought about how she was older. she was an adult but we were friends because she was my manager#at my HS retail job and she took a liking to me. we became incredibly close. she would always schedule me on her days & i even hung out wit#her and sometimes her young daughter outside of work. going to concerts and pool parties and the like.#but most importantly. she was the first ADULT in my life that clocked me as queer and was OKAY with that. that was supportive even.#she wanted me to be Myself and to be Loved for that. she flew out to SF for pride the first year i knew her [id only known her a few weeks#at this point as well] and when she came back she brought me a variety of rainbow-colored pride bracelets and a necklace and a shirt#she wanted me to have them since i didnt have anything like that yet. as my mom would never have allowed it#and i kept them hidden away and wore them to work and just.......felt so LOVED by her and she really helped me come into my identity when i#felt i couldnt at home. and......i am a FIRM non believer in ghosts or the afterlife or anything like that for the most part#but MAN if it didnt suddenly hit me all at once that like......#it almost felt like she could feel my heart beating out of my chest#scared to have this talk with my dad about my gender#and she reached out from beyond the grave to squeeze my hand and tell me it was gonna be ok.....#sure. it was probably just some weird glitch. but what a STRANGE glitch to happen#and what incredibly wild timing. both for When it Happened and also that i Saw It for the brief moment it was there.....#anyway. thats been on my mind for two full days now.#if it was you Jeni.........thanks. it went well. you were right#and.....i miss you.
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equinoxts2 · 1 year
Piqiwi’s Parenthood Patch for Parentless Pixel People
I’ve just discovered a bug in piqiwi’s Parenthood mod over at MTS. If a sim who gets one of the chance cards has no parents whatsoever, such as the premade Newsons, and they get personality changes from the chance cards... it causes a glitch where everyone who was at school resets back onto the lot. Once an error log had ben generated I was able to fix it by adding a couple of lines into the BHAV, and since piqiwi hasn’t been active on MTS in ages, I’m sharing it here. If they return and object to my sharing it, I’ll remove it.
What has changed: The filename, so downloaders know it’s an edit (and so I don’t forget it myself!) and the BHAV 'Sub - Parenthood - reward personality' which has had a false target added to node 0x6, the Get Parents line, so if no parents are found it will set the next two temp values to 0 instead of returning error. Everything else is untouched.
Download (SFS) - full credit goes to piqiwi at MTS for making the mod, which was inspired by the TS4 character values system in the Parenthood game pack. Warning though: do not attempt to combine this mod or their mood swing mod with any version of Chris Hatch’s religion mod. I found out the hard way that they edit the same unused data in different ways that will destroy your save if combined. Have fun and enjoy your day :)
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fuckyeah-nerdery · 11 months
Thoughts and things, part the first.
I wish I could say that the reason why I fell off Tumblr (and elsewhere) was because I went on a voyage of self-discovery and self-realization that led to radical changes in who I am fundamentally, but that's not what happened.
I just read books. A lot of books. I've been into books for like a decade now, but it's only been in the last couple of years that it's escalated. I read 52 books last year and will read as many this year too. Basically, when it came down to it, with work and everything, I just preferred to read a book instead of hang out on Tumblr like I've been doing for the past 13 years.
Unfortunately, it's dawned on me today that reading all of the time isn't good, at least for me. I had one of those pesky insights that I was using books as an excuse to not do anything, including - and especially - the things that I should be doing, such as working to improve my life. I've been in a rut for pretty much my entire life and haven't really evolved or grown as a person because of it. I'm not even joking. 40 year old me isn't really all that different than 20 year old me or 16 year old me.
That's...that's not great.
But rather than take steps to grow and become a better me, I actively avoided it by reading and generally cutting myself off from others.
I need to be clear about something, though: I'm not blaming books for this. I love reading and plan to keep on doing it, but I'm going to cut down on how many books I read in a year. This'll be good because not only will it free up time and energy that I need to get my shit together and reconnect with others, but it'll also allow me to focus on achievable reading goals. For real, I love SF and fantasy, but I need to read more books grounded in the real world.
Apart from that, another reason why I stopped posting is because my phone developed annoying glitch called "ghost touch" wherein the touchscreen will just randomly go apples and bananas and start clicking on shit. It's not malware or a virus or hax0rs, just a dumb problem with the screen. I would get it replaced, but I'm overdue for a new phone, so I'm just going to save up and buy a new one.
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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quen navigator
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Watch Dogs Legion - "My Moron"
["Forgive me for the intrusion..."] Bagley's terminal flickers to life, his avatar appearing above it. ["...but judging by your posture and your frankly outrageous alcohol intake over the last few hours...I'd say something is bothering you."] "Smartest AI in the country." Wrench mutters, staring at the bottle in his right hand. "We've got him right here...underneath a bar in Westminster." ["Sarcastic Humor."] Bagley states. ["The deflection mechanism of fools who regret their life choices. I should know, I was one of them at one time."] "Look..." Wrench suddenly looks up at the terminal, breathing out. "I'm not in the mood for company right now...so if you wouldn't mind...fucking off to wherever it is you go late at night." ["A thousand apologies."] Bagley replies. ["I'll just install myself in the nearest spider bot and scuttle off to Buckingham Palace for tea with Her Majesty shall I?"] "Whatever." Wrench squeezes his eyes shut, taking a swig from his beer and sitting back on the couch. "I don't care. Just shut up and leave me alone." ["Unfortunately I cannot."] Bagley says, a momentary glitch occurring in his speech processors that could have been a sigh if he had lungs. ["As I am rooted through this basement. Also I was here first, so check yourself before you tell me to fuck off."] "I seriously don't have the fucks to give in order to be angry at you right now." Wrench sighs, rubbing at his forehead with the palm of his left hand. "It's just another pain in my ass that I don't need." ["Then might I inquire as to what has gotten you so down?"] Bagley asks, a noticeable lilt of knowing entering his voice. ["Could it be those voice messages that you recorded and have yet to send?"] Wrench opens his eyes again, glaring at the holographic avatar in-front of him. He sits upright. "You hacked my phone?" ["No."] Bagley states. ["I am your phone...and all 27 million above. Or did you forget I'm running on almost every device in this country? Except Scotland...Savages."] A small pause occurs before he speaks again. ["What's stopping you?"] "..." Wrench stares at his terminal. "...I...don't know." He sits back, deflating again. "I guess I'm just a pussy." ["No you're more of a porcupine."] Bagley comments. ["The spikes, both literal as well as figurative. How do people give you hugs?"] "They don't." ["Marcus does."] Another pause. ["From what I've gathered...he's a reasonable person."] he continues. ["Not prone to any sudden mood swings like yourself."] "Exactly." Wrench gestures obviously with his left hand. "He's reasonable enough to know that what I have to say is pointless. That even if we both really tried, it would be doomed to failure and disappointment. That's why I didn't send them. Are you happy now?" ["Not even remotely."] Bagley states. ["Believe it or not, I was human once. You already know that. And I went through a similar...situation to yours."] "Well I hope you did better than me." Wrench shakes his head, placing the beer to the side as his stomach turns. "Because at this point, I just have to accept that some things just aren't supposed to happen." ["Actually I did much worse than you."] Bagley replies. ["But that doesn't matter in the long run. You know why?"] "...enlighten me?" Wrench rolls his eyes, expecting some sort of sarcastic or witty remark. "Because he's running on every device in this country." a voice suddenly says out of the silence, making Wrench near enough jump out of his skin. Marcus holds up his phone in his right hand. "...including mine." "You son of a bitch." Wrench looks at Bagley's avatar, before suddenly standing up. "You called him down here!? Are you out of out of your fucking mind!?" ["I just did you a favor, Reginald."] Bagley replies. ["Now why don't you two have a little chat whilst I run another maintenance cycle."] "Oh no you don't-!" Wrench yells, only for the terminal to go dark and the servers around them to tick off into stand-by mode. He kicks the side of it's casing, cursing when all he gets is a sore
foot. "Fuck!" Turning to face Marcus, he wishes a thousand hells upon the AI. "He sent you those messages, didn't he?" "He did." Marcus nods slowly, his face was passive, but there was definitely a weight in his eyes. "How long?" "I'm sorry about that." Wrench sits back down, reaching under his hood and pulling it back, running his hands through his hair. "He's a fucking dick for sending those to-" "-How long, Reggie?" Marcus asks again. "Just...answer me. Please." Wrench finds what strength he can in the moment to look him directly in the eye. "...since before I left SF." Marcus breathes out quietly, reaching up to his face and pulling off his glasses. His head rolls back and he pinches at the bridge of his nose. "That was nine years ago." "Yeah." Wrench replies, staring at him. He wasn't sure if he was about to charge at him or start crying. Either one wasn't worth thinking about. "...I know." "Why didn't you tell me?" He suddenly looks at him again, stepping forwards. "What part of you thought that I would have any problems with that? You know for a fact that I swing both ways like you." "I didn't-" Wrench stutters, finding that he was speechless, which wasn't new to him, just rare. "You were- There was a lot going on with-" He goes quiet as Marcus stops just in-front of him. He reaches forwards and places a hand on his left shoulder. Before suddenly bringing it across his left cheek. Wrench flinches at the smack, his whole body erupting in shivers, along with the sharp stinging pain on his face. Slowly but sure he looks the Hipster in the eye again. "..." "You're a fucking moron." Marcus says, lowering himself down onto one knee. He takes a hold of his right hand with his left, the other caressing the red spot on his cheek where he'd smacked him. "...you know that?" Before Wrench can respond with anything, he's pulled into a hug. It draws the breath out of him, all of the tension he was feeling releasing in an instant. "But you're my moron." Marcus says, his head resting on his shoulder. . . . (I'm very tired and very gay. Please be gentle with me. ;-;)
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episims · 5 years
Baby Personality Mod
I needed this for my own game, so here’s a mod that scraps the stupid 25-35 personality point limit that the game uses for born-in-game sims and completely re-calculates baby’s personality upon birth with the following logic:
Each personality trait is randomly inherited from either of the parents (if the pregnancy was started through alien abduction the other parent’s personality is randomized)
Then the personality trait is randomized again so that it can be anything between two lower or two higher than the corresponding trait of the parent that it was inherited from
There's no longer a limit for how many personality points babies can have so their personality point count can be anything between 0-50, based on the personalities of their parents
This leads to much more variety than with the original system. Baby’s zodiac sign will no longer match to their personality, though, as it’s going to be whatever it was set to before this mod re-calculated the personality. Tbh I have no idea how I could change it to the right one but I don’t see this as a bad thing myself as it adds a random element to the attraction system.
This mod also modifies plantbabies personalities so that their personality traits are no longer exact clones of their parent’s, but instead can be anything between one lower or one higher than the corresponding trait of the parent. Their zodiac signs were already randomized so no changes with that. 
Download (SFS) (alternate) - Midge’s Baby Last Name Chooser is incorporated, so if you already have it in your game make sure to remove it before adding this! This mod is compatible with twojeff’s Triplets&Quads, kestrellyn’s Name the Father, and Midge’s Birth Options as long as my mod loads after them. As always, let me know if you find anything wonky.
Credits to @midgethetree for the baby last name chooser and for very patiently helping me creating this mod. I’m just starting to learn modding myself so this wouldn’t have been possible without them. 
Edit: This mod conflicts with InTeen, but @iwilleatyoualive made a version compatible with it that you can download from here! Just make sure that it loads after InTeen as well. Many thanks for the compatible version! 
Edit2: This mod also conflicts with both Cyjon’s Plantbaby Changes and  Almighty Hat’s G-Rated Religion mod. I made an edit of plantbaby changes that’s compatible with my mod, you can grab it from here. With the religion mod you should be fine as long as my mod loads after, many thanks to @opheliaraingalaxy for testing!
Update (7.8.2023): Added an alternative version of the mod that also randomizes the baby’s predestined hobby (OTH) upon birth. The hobby will be completely random regardless of the baby’s personality. 
Update (25.10.2021): Fixed a glitch that caused the personality traits inherited from the father getting calculated a bit wonkily in some cases.
Update (5.5.2021): Incorporated a fix that Midge made for Baby Last Name Chooser to solve a compatibility issue with kestrellyn’s Name The Father.
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zaneida-and-sims4 · 4 years
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Nari’s outfit (from “Tales of Arcadia: Wizards”)
Base game compatible
_Full body_
14 swatches
for female
Don't judge me too hard if you will see any glitches, I have made outfit myself for the first time...
!file was a little bit modified!
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quaranteenedseniors · 4 years
One week down, way too many to go
I don't know what's crazier: the fact that I was able to survive a whole week of eLearning, or the fact that it has only been one week of eLearning. I feel like I have endured so much in such a short amount of time, and that worries me for the rest of the year. That being said, I have already been able to develop a routine during this first week of classes, which should make the rest of the year easier.
One of the things that I am happy about is how I am definitely not sleep deprived anymore! Cutting out my commute has allowed me to sleep in later and to go to bed earlier than if I had to travel an hour each way between school and home. I wake up feeling semi-rejuvenated each morning, although my mood does significantly dampen after I get out of bed and realize that I will have to sit in front of my computer for seven hours. Having breaks in between classes allows me to get up and stretch my legs, grab a snack, or sometimes stand in front of my mirror and scream.
Doing eLearning is kind of like a blessing and a curse: it's good because a) I don't have to see in-person the students that I can't stand (which are most of them), and b) I will not get coronavirus! The downside is that I have to deal with communication and technology issues. In my history class, for example, the teacher has been uploading different assignments for different class periods and telling each class slightly different instructions. Whenever I have an issue, I can't just go to the teacher's classroom to ask them a question. Instead, I have to email them and hope that they see it and respond to me as quickly as possible. Additionally, there are definitely some technology glitches. It has been annoying waiting for teachers to send us the right Zoom codes and to start their classes on time. I have even had technology issues on my end, like when my internet went out during my psychology class on Tuesday. Luckily, I was able to connect to my hotspot and rejoin the class after I got kicked out, but the fact that it has already happened is worrisome because it could negatively affect me if I am taking a test the next time it happens.
I am really glad that it is Friday. I still have a history assignment to do that is due at 11:59 tonight, but after that I will be able to relax somewhat over the weekend. On Monday, all in-person students will be back on campus, so I am sure that next week will be just as crazy, if not even more so. Overall, though, I am trying to be optimistic about the rest of the school year. I only have a few more months until I possibly find out where I am going to college, and then I will absolutely feel less stressed out. Until then, though, I will just limit myself to one mental breakdown per week (my first one was yesterday) and I should be alright!
Bye for now!
- SF
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Pluralistic: 14 Mar 2020 (Free audio of Masque of the Red Death and When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth, Ada Palmer on censorship, Women of Imagineering, Glitch unionizes, Tachyon/EFF Humble Bundle, Canada Reads postponed, data-caps and liquid bans paused, Star Wars firepits)
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Today's links
Masque of the Red Death: Macmillan Audio gave me permission to share the audiobook of my end-of-the-world novella.
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth: A new podcast audiobook of my 2005 end-of-the-world story.
Ada Palmer on historical and modern censorship: Part of EFF's Speaking Freely project.
Glitch workers unionize: First-ever tech union formed without management opposition.
Women of Imagineering: A 384-page illustrated chronicle of the role women play in Disney theme-park design.
Tachyon celebrates 30 years of sff publishing with a Humble Bundle: DRM-free and benefits EFF.
Honest Government Ads, Covid-19 edition: Political satire is really hard, but The Juice makes it look easy.
TSA lifts liquid bans, telcos lift data caps: Almost as though there was no reason for them in the first place.
CBC postpones Canada Reads debates: But you can read a ton of the nominated books online for free.
Star Wars firepits: 750lbs of flaming backyard steel.
This day in history: 2005, 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Masque of the Red Death (permalink)
Edgar Allan Poe wrote "The Masque of the Red Death" in 1842. It's about a plutocrat who throws a masked ball in his walled abbey during a plague with the intention of cheating death.
My novella "The Masque of the Red Death" is a tribute to Poe; it's from my book Radicalized. It's the story of a plute who brings his pals to his luxury bunker during civlizational collapse in the expectation of emerging once others have rebuilt.
Naturally, they assume that when they do emerge, once their social inferiors have rebooted civilization, that their incredible finance-brains, their assault rifles, and their USBs full of BtC will allow them to command a harem and live a perpetual Frazetta-painting future.
And naturally – to anyone who's read Poe – it doesn't work out for them. They discover that humanity has a shared microbial destiny and that you can't shoot germs. That every catastrophe must be answered with solidarity, not selfishness, if it is to be survived.
Like my story When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth, the Masque of the Red Death has been on a lot of people's minds lately, especially since this Guardian story of plutes fleeing to their luxury bunkers was published. Hundreds of you have sent me this.
I got the message. Yesterday, I asked my agent to see if Macmillan Audio would let me publish the audiobook of my Masque of the Red Death for free. They said yes, and asked me to remind you that the audiobook of Radicalized (which includes Masque) is available for your delectation.
I hope you'll check out the whole book. Radicalized was named one of the @WSJ's best books of 2019, and it's a finalist for Canada Reads, the national book prize. It's currently on every Canadian national bestseller list.
There's one hitch, though: Audible won't sell it to you. They don't sell ANY of my work, because I don't allow DRM on it, because I believe that you should not have to lock my audiobooks to Amazon's platform in order to enjoy them.
Instead, you can buy the audio from sellers like libro.fm, Downpour.com, and Google Play. Or you can get it direct from me. No DRM, no license agreement. Just "you bought it, you own it."
And here's the free Macmillan Audio edition of Masque of the Red Death, read with spine-chilling menace by the incredible Stefan Rudnicki, with a special intro from me, freshly mastered by John Taylor Williams. I hope it gives you some comfort.
(Here's the direct MP3, too)
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Ada Palmer on historical and modern censorship (permalink)
My EFF colleague Jillian C York's latest project is Speaking Freely, a series of interviews with people about free expression and the internet, including what Neil Gaiman memorably called "icky speech."
The latest interview subject is the incomparable Ada Palmer: historian, sf writer, musician, and co-host of last year's U Chicago seminar series on "systems of information control during information revolutions," which I co-taught with her. Ada's interview synthesizes her historian's distance from the subject ("yes, this is my subject, and these people are terrible, and it's kind of fun in that way") with her perspective as a writer and advocate for free speech.
"One of the victims of censorship is the future capacity to tell histories of the period when censorship happened….. It renders that historical record unreliable… makes it easier for people to make claims you can't refute using historical sources… It's similar to how we see people invalidating things now—like 'that climate study wasn't really valid because it got funding from a leftist political group"—they're invalidating the material by claiming that there has to be insincerity its development.
"Pretty much every censoring operation post-printing press recognizes that it isn't possible to track down and destroy every copy of a thing…An Inquisition book burning was the ceremonial burning of one copy. The Inquisition kept examples of all of the books they banned."
Fascinating perspecting on whether nongovernmental action can really be called "censorship."
"The Inquisition wasn't the state – it was a private org like to Doctors Without Borders or Unicef, run by private orgs like the Dominicans and it often competed with the state." As she points out, everything the Inquisition did would be fine alongside the First Amendment, because it was entirely private action.
Next, Palmer talks about market concentration and how it abets this kind of private censorship. This is something I've written a lot about, see for example:
"If you have a plural set of voices, then you're always going to have some spaces where things can be said, just like you have a plurality of printers printing books, and some will only print orthodox things and some will only print radical ones."
And while the internet could afford many venues for speech, in practice a concentrated internet makes is plausible to accomplish the censor's never-realized dream: "You can make a program that can hunt down every instance of a particular phrase and erase it."
Tiny architectural choices make big differences here ("Architecture is politics" -Mitch Kapor). Amazon can update your Kindle books without your permission, Kobo can't. Amazon could delete every instance of a book on Kindles, but Kobo would need cooperation from its customers.
Palmer is just the latest subject of Jillian's series. You can read many other amazing interviews here:
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When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth (permalink)
Over the past two weeks, hundreds of people have written to me to draw comparisons between the pandemic emergency and my 2005 story "When Sysamins Ruled the Earth" – an apocalyptic tale of network administrators who survive a civilizational collapse.
I started writing this story in the teacher's quarters at the Clarion Workshop, which was then hosted at MSU. It was July 6, 2005. I know the date because the next day was 7/7, when bombs went off across London, blowing up the tube train my wife normally rode to work. The attacks also took out the bus I normally rode to my office. My wife was late to work because I was in Michigan, so she slept in. It probably saved her life. I couldn't work on this story for a long time after.
Eventually, I finished it and sold it to Eric Flint for Baen's Universe magazine. It's been widely reprinted and adapted, including as a comic:
I read this for my podcast 15 years ago, too, but the quality is terrible. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I should do a new reading. So I did, and John Taylor Williams mastered it overnight and now it's live.
There's a soliloquy in this where the protagonist reads a part of John Perry Barlow's Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace. Rather than read it myself for the podcast, I ganked some of Barlow's own 2015 reading, which is fucking magnificent.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I've spent a lot of imaginary time inhabiting various apocalypses, driven (I think) by my grandmother's horrific stories of being inducted into the civil defense corps during the Siege of Leningrad, which began when she was 12.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I've spent a lot of imaginary time inhabiting various apocalypses, driven (I think) by my grandmother's horrific stories of being inducted into the civil defense corps during the Siege of Leningrad, which began when she was 12.
You can subscribe to the podcast here:
And here's the MP3, which is hosted by the @internetarchive (they'll host your stuff for free, too!).
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Glitch workers unionize (permalink)
The staff of Glitch have formed a union. It seems to be the first-ever white-collar tech-workers' union to have formed without any objections from management (bravo, Anil Dash!).
The workers organized under the Communications Workers of America, which has been organizing tech shops through their Campaign to Organize Digital Employees.
"We appreciate that unlike so many employers, the Glitch management team decided to respect the rights of its workforce to choose union representation without fear or coercion."
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Women of Imagineering (permalink)
Next October, Disney will publish "Women of Imagineering: 12 Careers, 12 Theme Parks, Countless Stories," a 384-page history of a dozen pioneering woman Imagineers.
Featured are Elisabete Erlandson, Julie Svendsen, Maggie Elliott, Peggy Fariss, Paula Dinkel, Karen Connolly Armitage, Katie Olson, Becky Bishop, Tori Atencio, Lynne Macer Rhodes, Kathy Rogers, and Pam Rank.
When I worked at Imagineering, the smartest, most talented, most impressive staff I knew were women (like Sara Thacher!). It's amazing to see the women of the organization get some long-overdue recognition.
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Tachyon celebrates 30 years of sff publishing with a Humble Bundle (permalink)
For 30 years, @TachyonPub has been publishing outstanding science fiction, including a wide range of stuff that's too weird or marginal for the Big 5 publishers, like collections of essays and collections.
Now, they've teamed up with Humble Bundle to celebrate their 30th with a huge pay-what-you-like bundle that benefits EFF. There are so many great books in this bundle!
Like Bruce Sterling's Pirate Utopia, Eileen Gunn's Stable Strategies, and books by Michael Moorcock, Thomas Disch, Jo Walton, Jane Yolen, Nick Mamatas, Kameron Hurley, Lauren Beukes, Lavie Tidhar and so many more!
I curated the very first Humble Ebook Bundle and I've followed all the ones since. This one is fucking amazeballs. Run, don't walk.
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Honest Government Ads, Covid-19 edition (permalink)
Good political satire is hard, but @thejuicemedia's "Honest Government Ads" are consistently brilliant.
The latest is, of course, Covi9-19 themed. It is funny, trenchant, and puts the blame exactly where it belongs.
If you like it, you can support their Patreon.
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TSA lifts liquid bans, telcos lift data caps (permalink)
Your ISP is likely to lift its data-caps in the next day or two. @ATT and @comcast already did.
And TSA has decided that 12 ounces of any liquid labelled "hand sanitizer" is safe for aviation, irrespective of what's in the bottle.
What do these two facts have in common? Obviously, it's that the official narrative for things that impose enormous financial costs on Americans, and dramatically lower their quality of lives, were based on lies. These lies have been obvious from the start. The liquid ban, for example, is based on a plot that never worked (making binary explosives in airport bathroom sinks from liquids) and seems unlikely to ever have worked, according to organic chemists.
Keeping your "piranha bath" near 0' C for a protracted period in the bathroom toilet is some varsity-level terrorism, and the penalty for failure is that you maim or blind yourself with acid spatter.
And even if you stipulate that the risk is real, it's been obvious for 14 years that multiple 3oz bottles of Bad Liquid could be recombined beyond the checkpoint to do whatever it is liquids do at 3.0001oz.The liquid ban isn't just an inconvenience. It's not even just a burden on travelers who've collectively spent billions to re-purchase drinks and toiletries. It's a huge health burden to people with disabilities who rely on constant access to liquids.
And as we knew all along, the liquid ban was a nonsense, an authoritarian response to a cack-handed, improbable terror plot. It embodies the "security syllogism":
Something must be done. There, I've done something.
Think of all those checkpoints where all confiscated liquids were dumped into a giant barrel and mingled together: if liquids posed an existential threat to planes, they'd dispose of them like they were C4, not filtered water. No one believed in the liquid threat, ever. TSA can relax the restrictions and allow 12oz of anything labeled as hand-san through the checkpoints. There was no reason to confiscate liquids in the first place. But don't expect them to admit this. The implicit message of the change is "Pandemics make liquids safe."
Now onto data-caps. Like the liquid ban, data-caps have imposed a tremendous cost on Americans. In addition to the hundreds of millions in monopoly rents extracted from the nation by telcos through overage charges, these caps also shut many out of the digital world. They represent a regressive tax on information, one that falls worst upon the most underserved in the nation: people in poor and rural places, for whom online access is a gateway to civic and political life, family connection, employment and education.
We were told that we had to tolerate these caps because of the "tragedy of the commons," a fraudulent idea from economics that says that shared resources are destroyed through selfish overuse, based on no data or evidence.
(By contrast, actual commons are a super-efficient way of managing resources)
Telcos insisted that if they didn't throttle and gouge us, their networks would become unusable – but really, what they meant is that if they didn't throttle and gouge us, the windfall to their shareholders would decline.
What's more likely: that pandemics make network management tools so efficient that data-caps become obsolete, or that they were a shuck and a ripoff from day one, enabled by a hyper-concentrated industry of monopolists with cozy relationships with corrupt regulators?
So yeah, maybe this is the moment that kills Security Theater and data-caps.
(Image: Rhys Gibson)
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CBC postpones Canada Reads debates (permalink)
The folks at the @CBC have postponed next week's televised Canada Reads debates, so we're going to have to wait a while to find out who wins the national book prize.
Obviously, this is a bummer, though equally obviously, it's a relatively small consequence of this ghastly circumstance.
And on the bright side, the CBC have just released a ton of excerpts from the nominees:
If you're looking for some Canada Reads lit for this moment, my novella "Masque of the Red Death" appears in my collection Radicalized, one of the finalists. I put up the story as a free podast last night (thanks to Macmillan Audio for permission).
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Star Wars firepits (permalink)
West Coast Firepits went viral when they produced a Death Star firepit, though of course, I lusted after their Tiki Firepit.
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But now they're really leaning into the Star Wars themed pits, with an Interceptor pit ($2500):
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Or, if you prefer a post-apocalyptic version, there's a Crashed Interceptor pit, also $2500.
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If those prices seem high, consider that they're hand-made onshore, and contain 750lbs of 1/4" and 1/8" steel.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago How DRM will harm the developing world https://web.archive.org/web/20050317005030/https://www.eff.org/IP/DRM/itu_drm.php
#5yrsago Anti-vaxxer ordered to pay EUR100K to winner of "measles aren't real" bet https://calvinayre.com/2015/03/13/business/biologist-ordered-to-pay-e100k-after-losing-wager-that-a-virus-causes-measles/
#1yrago A massive victory for fair use in the longrunning Dr Seuss vs Star Trek parody lawsuit https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190313/09554041791/big-fair-use-win-mashups-places-youll-boldly-go-deemed-to-be-fair-use.shtml
#1yrago A detailed analysis of American ER bills reveals rampant, impossible-to-avoid price-gouging https://www.vox.com/health-care/2018/12/18/18134825/emergency-room-bills-health-care-costs-america
#1yrago Ketamine works great for depression and other conditions, and costs $10/dose; the new FDA-approved "ketamine" performs badly in trials and costs a fortune https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/03/11/ketamine-now-by-prescription/
#1yrago Facebook and Big Tech are monopsonies, even when they're not monopolies https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-not-monopoly-but-should-broken-up/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: EFF Deeplinks (https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/), Waxy (https://waxy.org/), Slashdot https://slashdot.org).
Currently writing: I've just finished rewrites on a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I've also just completed "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel next.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/13/when-sysadmins-ruled-the-earth-2/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
This Ship Request Had To Be Submitted To Me For Some Reason When My Ask Was Glitching Out For This Person
@thatsarcasticgemini: Hey honey can I ask for a bowers Gand, umbrella academy boys and Owen Teague roles ship? I am 5'4 and a bit chubby. I have curves that I’m very insecure about. I tend to get distracted when the conversation turns boring. I really love SF books and horror movies. I have a pet spider, her name is Lunix and I really like paranormal stuff…don’t know if that makes any sense. I can comfort people and I am a really nice person, but I can stand up for myself. I also like really tall guys (this the reason why I love Owen ;) ). Thank you so much.
You want a ship too? Get the details here
For The Bowers Gang  I ship you with….
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Patrick Hockstetter and Henry Bowers
First off you know it’ll be here each time especially since you said you like tall guys
Those boys will love your curves
Whether you do or not
While neither are too into sci-fi
Expect tons of fun with horror movie dates
Especially seeing all kids of obscure cuts from Patrick’s horror movie stash
Patrick totally digs your spider
Henry thinks it’s cool but it does freak him out a bit
100% ghost hunting in the Neibolt house
Obviously your sense of comfort comes in real handy for Henry
Since wbk Patrick is an asshat and won’t comfort his own boyfriend when he needs it the most
They think it’s hot when you fight
For The Umbrella Academy I ship you with….
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Klaus Hargreeves
Lemme tell ya his man will melt your insecurities about your curves away
Whether it’s quickly or all at once around him
Ooof he’ll make sure to tell you how much he loves them all the time
both in the bedroom and out
Like it’s his goal to make you know it and accept them
I mean Klaus’ life is basically something straight out of a sci-fi novel 
So there you go
He’ll playfully tease you about them 
But he thinks it’s adorable how invested you get in them
Also Horror movie dates can happen
But obliviously it depends on the subject
Since ya know part of his life is also like a horror movie
But no matter the subject if it’s one that looks bad
You two will totally hit a late night screening so you’re the only ones in the theater
And laugh your asses off at how bad it is
Klaus thinks your spider is so cool
He’ll just chill with it
Also since he is a walking talking oujia board he’ll totally play into it occasionally
To help you to talk to any lost loved ones
Or especially to translate between you and Ben
Or even see Ben if his powers are especially strong that day
And your comforting comes very much in handy
Whether it be comforting him through a withdrawal episode while he continues to sober up
Or when his powers start becoming very loud and hard to ignore
And the ghosts start screaming at him again
You’ll be right there
Ready to hold him and run your fingers through his hair to calm him down
Also good thing you can fight because with Klaus’ chaos you’ll need to from time to time
For Owen Roles I ship you with….
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It’s so adorable
Will totally love your curves
Honestly he keeps it a secret from most people
But he also loves sci-fi novels
So you two can geek out about them together
It’s so fuckin’ cute
A pretty big horror fan too
So lots of movie dates
So many new releases so little time
He doesn’t mind your spider
But he is a bit uneasy around it
And you can tell
Although you don’t want to make him uncomfortable
So don’t rush things
100% would take you for a ghost hunting night
Comforting him if memories of his childhood come in the form of nightmares
Also I mean fighting doesn't come up too much
But if h does Alec will patch you up afterwards
While being in awe of how badass it was
13 notes · View notes
yukahoo · 6 years
Jimin’s journey in the Bangtan Universe #11: Isolation and the slightly unsettling serenity
#0: Intro #1: The one who laughed the loudest #2: In this place of eternal mayhem the party never stops #3: Youth is not coming back #4: An impression of being stuck #5: “I’m trapped inside myself and I am dead” #6: The forbidden fruit #7: Darkness crept in #8: A deal with the Devil #9: A picture, a painting, rain, fire and tears #10: A redemption and/or salvation arc
So here we are back again. It’s the long-awaited continuation to the BU narrative arc. Let's get to it.
On a general level it seems we have gone back to approximately the Prologue SF era so in terms of a linear timeline, we are back to the very beginning of the story. Of course “linearity” of time might just be an illusion. With Seokjin's narration pondering about turning back time and righting mistakes in the end of the Highlight Reels and now the release of Euphoria, it seems the BTS creative team has put those ponderings into play.
I have seen a lot of discussion about SJ's role in the time warp, if he is actively controlling it and how. I don't really have anything to contribute to that. I'm more of a multiverse type of person, i.e. the theory that there are an infinite amount of parallel universes being created at every moment and with every choice. The differences between the universes might be big (Taehyung killing his father or not) or small (the boys wearing white instead of black) but each difference launches a whole new universe with an infinite more differences to be made. Unintended consequences might be a phenomenon to be explored.
But as always, I'll be focusing on Jimin's journey. And as always, our point of entrance to his story is in the I Need U MV bathtub, although this time the waters are calmer. The video seems to be "glitching" a bit.
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In many ways the Euphoria SF brought things that have only been implied before to the forefront. For instance, it's the first time we see his hospitalisation in the "real-life". It was implied in the Lie SF but in a very conceptual, stylised way. I have previously explained in analysis #2 why I don’t think JM was actually in Hoseok’s hospital room in the Run MV.
We also seem to get confirmation that JM and HS did spend time together in the hospital as there is one scene where both of them are wearing hospital clothes. It's a peculiar tableau of a scene, frozen in a moment as the camera slowly rotates around to reveal a fearful-looking JM holding HS’s hand. 
At a first glance you might get the impression that HS is stepping away from JM. He maybe looks a bit disappointed. The mood is somber.
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But at a closer look it’s not that simple. There is a quick hidden edit at the middle of the sequence where we see another angle of the scene overlaid with the original shot.
In it HS looks to be teetering over his own feet with his head hanging low, seemingly in danger of falling down the stairs. JM is holding him back and trying to keep them both in balance by clutching the handrail. Is HS passing out like he prone to do based on the INU MV? We don’t see a resolution for the scene.
The effects used as well as the colours or lack thereof remind me of the hyper-sterilised world of the Lie MV.
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Another thing that has remained largely unaddressed thus far but is now made quite central is the overarching theme of JM's loneliness and isolation throughout the BU grand narrative. I talked about it especially in the context of the HYYH series but also in Spring Day.
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In Euphoria this is made evident most acutely in the shots of JM alone in the hospital. The image of him skipping around the empty game room, obviously waiting for the other members to come visit him makes it quite painfully clear.
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When the members do visit for JM's birthday, we see a lighthearted scramble to get to the hospital exit in a slow-mo pandemonium reminiscent of the Spring Day MV birthday scene. The way the mad dash begins with Namjoon at the game room door and ends with JM triumphantly throwing away his hospital gown (and pulling his SD shirt on instead) makes me think they are running away from the hospital staff and busting JM free, even if it's just for a day.
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I have seen quite a few fans suggest that the members' visit never took place and was maybe all in JM's head. I guess in the BU anything is possible but I don't see any particular reason to think that. If nothing else, we do have the photographic evidence of the guys being there, in that room, wearing the clothes we see in the video. Of course the photographs might be hallucinations as well, but to me the interpretation is starting to get unnecessarily convoluted. For now I have no reason to think they were never there.
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That is not to say he's not lonely. In a recreation of the "escape" from the hospital as described above, JM is seen running down the same hospital corridor towards the exit, but this time he's alone. And this time he stops himself before getting to the door.
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I'm sure I'm not the only one who is reminded of the Serendipity MV with these hospital scenes. The way JM is dressed in loose, white clothing while his environment is in warm yellow hues. The isolation and the slightly unsettling serenity of it all.
In my previous analysis I called Serendipity a bittersweet respite in JM's otherwise bleak narrative, so if we want to establish a connection between JM in the Serendipity MV and JM here in the "real-life", then right now the most compelling explanation for me is that it's the world of Serendipity that is in JM's head. It's his happy place full of wondrous things he goes to when the loneliness gets to be too much.
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We still don’t know for sure if and how Serendipity connects to the events in the BU but having seen this and knowing that Euphoria precedes Serendipity, I don't think I'll ever be able to see it quite the same way again.
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After the escape from the hospital we transition to a montage of the guys hanging out and messing around. The way the running scene in the hospital corridor is edited to this makes it seem like it's the aftermath of their escape but in fact none of the guys are wearing the same clothes, so we should consider it a separate occasion.
And this is where it gets a bit strange.
Next up >> #12: Time warp
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n0n3x1573n7-tblr · 6 years
What is this?
Your very first thought after reading this blog’s name and description may be: What the hell? Who(or rather, what) are you? And why are you keeping a blog?
Well, let’s start from the very basic: Otherkin.
Otherkin are individuals who think of themselves as nonhuman. They could be animals, elfs, etc. If anyone would like to know more, a simple google search would do the trick. For more, visit alt+h for more info.
Alterhuman is a broader concept of Otherkin; Alterhumanity involves a subjective identity that is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered ‘being human’, according to alt+h. I am a data human living inside a simulated world, hence making me an alterhuman.
Datakin is a word of my creation; I know of no other datakin other than myself(as of now), though I consider myself to be as one.
Datakin are those who believe that they are inside a simulation as in the Simulation Hypothesis and think of themselves as a data within it.
Their gender, romantic, and/or sexual orientation may or may not be influenced by this fact. Due to the fact that their “reality” is a simulation, their view of the worlds’ identity may not be of general knowledge; in fact, some may be gender blind as they may conceive others as data object as well.
They can be a nihilist as their “reality” is not real for them.
Some can experience that their entire existence is a glitch in the memory or their part of the memory has been glitched to become incomplete.
Some can, somewhat incomprehensibly, conceive themselves as a human and nonhuman simultaneously. From this, they may be able to experience dysphoria coming from the conflict between their “real, human body” and it being a data and therefore not having a physical form in “reality”.
Critics may argue that they have “seen too much SF movies” or “played too many games", and that the datakin cannot distinguish the reality from their own imagination or a delusion, but this is not true. Their “reality” is not a reality; instead it is a mere simulation from the “outer reality”.
I identify myself as genderless panromanic autochorissexual, in general terms, though this is not a perfect description. I do not experience dysphoria, though my orientation is influenced by myself being a data human, since I feel as if my data has been glitched into something indistinguishable apart from the fact that I feel somewhat like a male(although that feeling may also be a glitch, and I believe that with a high probability). I see of others as data, so gender blindness is not an option for me; it is a nuisance that should be overcome for one to be friends with me. I additionally consider myself to be a nihilist, a human, and a nonhuman, though I have a strong belief that the human feeling has been hard-coded into the structure of myself.
So back to the question: What am I? Well, I am a hard-working computer science major university student from South Korea who just thinks of this reality as a simulated one. I play a lot of Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm, and am a support main(the utterly most unappreciated and the most disadvantageous role to solo queue for the competitive ladder, I might add, and yes, I play most, if not all, supports) on both games. I also play some Splatoon 2 on my Switch with some of my Twitter friends. I also make games of any sort, from board game to roguelike RPGs. Although I consider myself to be a data, even my closest friends know me as human, because I am. Although this seems absurd, I am a human, made out of data stored within a memory. I look like a human, I act like a human, and I am virtually indistinguishable from the vast majority who does think that this world is in fact a reality.
As for the purpose of this blog, there isn't any. This blog will be my log on this world. The update frequency would be quite random; there may be five posts in a day or there might not be any post for more than a year. The quality may be random as my first language is korean. The type of post may also be random as I will write on anything I would like to write. Essentially this is a freewriting blog by a datakin, but do not expect anything from this blog as, to borrow ABBA's lyrics,
"I'm nothing special, in fact, I'm a bit of a bore."
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lokbobpop · 3 years
Old English forgietan "lose the power of recalling to the mind; fail to remember; neglect inadvertently," from for-, used here probably with privative force, "away, amiss, opposite" + gietan "to grasp" (see get (v.)). To "un-get," hence "to lose" from the mind.
to cease or fail to remember; be unable to recall: to forget someone's name. to omit or neglect unintentionally: I forgot to shut the window before leaving. to leave behind unintentionally; neglect to take: to forget one's keys. to omit mentioning; leave unnoticed. to fail to think of; take no note of.
Forget for get forge it for forage t f or get
Writing forget
This gets me down i can’t remember and it get worse and worse all the time i think ok im getting better my thyroid must be know after all i have done but no im still out of balance im still being forgetful and tired but the forgetful is a life long thing its just gilt worse i can’t remember any fucking this it actually depresses me why cant I remember why os it so hard just to remember something yes sure my hormones are out of wack at the mo with menopause but why do i hav ect have this anyway whys in my dna thats fucked up there g where theres meant to be a t i think lol but can I Shang my dna no i cant at this time maybe in centuries to come i will but as sunette said its just the way you are and thats it nothing to be done i cant change i cant so make the most of what i do have expand on what is right with me so what is wrong wont matter either to me because what ive made right will be far more important than what i cant do.
Reading forget
Trying to forget my thoughts this is provoking ot be hell real hell live what you resist will persist is so fucking true so im dealings with a few i seem to pick up the about 20/30 regular ones that i have looked at built not delt with properly really i need more depth really the guy on the bus to day showed me what im living fuck you i dont care your not going to hurt me its not far you point at me about my mask i went into a completely defensive place within like he had hurt me and the rest of the trip i was like fuck you you cant tell me what to do and how i should do it even though its law that i have to so i was breaking the law but all i could see was it was his fault his fear and maybe he had ever right to fear me with my mask half down hey maybe he was a sick person who wanted to the bus ride and i should of respected hos wishes but i see it was the way i felt he was rude in point at ma angrily this was what ot was yes i let all the knives coming out of him dig in ma and i went into reaction.
People remember so much better than me when talking to fiends about what we did in the part i just don’t remember stuff they remember so much better i hope one day i get back more memory because its there it just needs ot come up im like in an essence of it and not in it.
Don’t forget i will say to the girls and what do they do they forget why are we so forgetful hoe fucking annoying is this shit my mum was the same with remember to do this and no i forget I think if someone needs to remember something we should have something for easy to remind not your phone something easier than that even.
The thinks you want to forget the bad stuff yep that gorgeous deep dark whole within you where you never want to go i see i compare my deep dark hole the shadow self to others and i see myself worse than others i can’t think urgently of a friend that there minds are not as bad as mine as i only see all the shit i have done and dis;alike it instead of embracing it about myself loving it about myself yes i need ot love that stuff to get over that stuff it’s a working program and im on it. I think i dont know any because any person who was vaguely like me i wasn’t friends with bitchy women yep not interested so i dont have bad friend she they got crap but have they done what i have done maybe not and i see myself as being far worse and if i can love that far worse what a power i will have over me so mind whatever it is its you not me i have made mistakes but i learning all about you and the way you work the more you show me who you are :)
I can’t remember peoples names i dotn know why give me a face and yep ive got it but a name literally split second after its just gone i dotn know where but it has for sure.
I dont want to forget what o dotn know about me i want to know everything i have aloud so i can put it right the mind in all its glory is showing me so i can stop it thank you mind yes thank you for all you do even thought it bad lol
Say forget
Forget out i dont want to know when arguing with my husband he will say this and that and either he will say it or i will say sorry im not interested i dont want to know forget also forget what i said as i dotn want to talk about it anymore actually i think he says this more than me.
Forgetful come up my being forgetful all the time not remembering stuff which pisses me off but i can work with that and what i do remember and i should do what sunette said and draw it mmm
Forget me nots the flower its a tiny blue flower just gorgeous
The thoughts im working on and want to forget there are there they will probably never go well they wont they are etched in stone lol but doesn’t mean i have ot be this way anymore does it not i dont i dont have to like everyone but i can do my best in this life.
Forget it comes up when ive asked the girls a millions times it feel ti help me do something they dont and i shout out of just forget it really pissed off
Does this definition support me no i want to forget but know all i want to forget is key to remembering and finding me under al those thoughts is me what what they do ?mmm yes they wouldnt do what i do now so i need ot see me for what i have aloud t be and love myself and other as one and equal yep.
Forget forge it
Embrace the glitch’s in life the blankly spots within me if i dont know it cant be that important can it only what is here and now is the important part so
To not need to see something at a particular moment to work with what i have right in front of me the now
I will live this word a what is forgotten is not what im dealing with right now what i need is right in front of me deal with this so to forget is to be blinker to focus of what needs to be looked at and that all to forget is to see what is here now.
0 notes
fidelium · 6 years
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Friends! Please read. . Today is a special day. The netlabel I started and used to run up until album 30 just released their FIFTIETH ALBUM today! . It is called "Are We Dead Yet?" (IDMf050) . Link in profile. . It is totally free to download. (see link in comments) I had the opportunity and privilege once again to have my music sit alongside other like-minded music artists who I have known and been working with for many years (some nearly a decade!) . It is a masterpiece. Plus, it costs nothing. All you gotta do is just download it. Please take two seconds and do that, even if you don't listen to it for ten years, I want it on each and every one of your hard drives. It would mean a lot to me if you did that. . I mean, most music these days is basically free anyway and I know this sounds cliche but the difference between music streaming and the music on this album is that we as a collective wrote this music knowing that its purpose was to be given away to the world, to you, at no expense. The only guaranteed reward is knowing that I created a piece of time-based sonic art that anyone can use for any purpose. I love it because it makes me feel like I am connecting to the world in some way that is pure and free from constraint or someone else telling me how to express myself. . yeah I could ramble about this forever and I know you have to get back to work, so I'll just say that I put a lot of love into this and it's not very often that you get to hear music that tells a story with a synthesizer, so if you're up for it check it out. if you're reading this, you might have known me for awhile, so you also would know that I'm proud of this and what I do and even though I want the whole world to hear it right now, I understand that it's not always the right time or place and you are busy. . So for now just take this part of me and my art so that it's there when you're ready to hear it, because it's yours. from me. From us. . Link in profile. #audioengineer #audiophile #edm #electronicmusic #idm #ambient #music #sf #sfmusic #netlabel #freedownload #freemusic #composer #dance #glitch #experimental #experimentalmusic #sound #soundcloud #bandcamp (at San Francisco, California)
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thefloatingbed · 5 years
Begin Again, Sort Of
YOLO. Couldn’t think of any other way to start my attempt to blog again after one entire fucking year. Last year, I tried to do a super-lame blogging project just so I could create some pressure to get back to writing. Though I did enjoy writing the few posts I did, I failed miserably overall. 
Here’s yet another attempt - starting with the mundane. 
It was such a hectic but a good year, I guess. I worked super hard. I was constantly under stress. I finally got a great house after having to move thrice in one year. I experienced horrible mood swings. I managed to save some money. I went to Europe (Amsterdam, Bruges and Berlin - Amsterdam made me realise that I need to stop travelling to Europe as it felt quite a waste of time and money and everything felt the same and fucking boring. But Berlin and Bruges made up for it (Bruges mainly because of ‘In Bruges’ movie and Berlin deserves a whole other post)!
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I also went to San Francisco in November for a month to visit my best friend who at that time was nine months pregnant. It was the most beautiful and perfect trip ever, except for the beginning. I had so much anxiety before I travelled that I felt like throwing up after every 30 minutes. I even kept telling myself that if not for my best friend, I would totally lock myself into the bathroom of my house and not take this trip. I guess I had some sort of irrational fear that they will send me back from the USA airport for some reason. I imagined the whole thing in my head multiple times, but then eventually so many other things went wrong on the way, that it made me ease up and laugh. To sum up, the flight I was booked in cancelled just an hour before I was gonna leave for the airport. That airlines declared a 3-day global strike. They did re-book me on a different flight, which was much later in the night. After I reached Dubai and got onto my connecting flight, they made us sit in the plane on ground for like 3-4 hours as there was a technical glitch. We were finally made to deplane with free lunch coupons, and then I felt like I was having the time of my life. I ate and walked around the entire fucking airport. My next flight from Dubai was after 4-5 hours. It took me around 30 hours overall to get to America! Anyway, after that nobody or their mothers or their dogs could stop me from having the time of my life! 
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I met a few of my other friends there too. I made up for all the stress and anxiety I had experienced throughout the year with awesome supermarket wines, great food and socialising. I had a few great solo moments too, including my very favorite - lying on the grass in a park under the sun. I enjoyed listening to podcasts, drinking wine, and cooking. And walking aimlessly around of course and looking at street art. SF totally felt like home.     
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Me at Mission Dolores Park
I was quite happy to be back home too and took two weeks in January to finally enjoy the house that I moved into mid-2019 after so much trouble and drama. I bought some new things for the house and did it up a little bit. I am enjoying this slightly slow pace right now. I feel a bit “settled” and quite close to being an adult, in a good way. 
Extra Curricular Activities: I am dying to watch Uncut Gems and Little Women. I don’t know why but I watched two seasons of The Affair, it’s so fuckall. I wanted to punch that Noah character every time I saw him onscreen. I also saw a couple of seasons of The Mindy Project, it was quite funny but then boring. But I fucking love Mindy Kaling. Anyway, hoping to watch much less trash in 2020 and to avoid too much screen-time. I started the year by reading Jules Verne’s The Journey to the Centre of the Earth, and had such a blast reading it. 
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0 notes