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Coisa mais linda esse pincel da Glamour Dolls x Lisa Frank com esses unicórnios 😍💐💖 . #unicorn #unicornlovers #makeuplover#makeupdolls #beautydoll #blogsquadd #makeupbrushes #glamourdolls #pausaparafeminices #bocarosa #beautybox #ipsy #ipsybag #ipsylove #maquillaje #latinablogger #inspired #instamakeup #makeupmobb #makeupaddict #makeupjunkie #makeuphaul #makeupcollection #makeupfavourites #marcfam #marcjacobs #entry
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My Bit of Fun - Slice Of Life Stories 🎧
🎧Slice Of Life Stories “My Bit of Fun” #Podcast - Weaving a tale is a skill, with unexpected rewards.
#Career #GlamourDoll #WitAndRepartee #DreamsComeTrue #WeakKneed #GlossyMagazine #LovelyLady #SummerAfternoon #Scar #Stronger #LargeGarden #MangoTree #DreamGirl #RightAndWrong #LostHold #FaceCuts #Emergency #NearMiss #MangoStealing #NarrowEscape #MyMother #WildAnimals #Truth #Exciting #MyStory #BestOption #EyeOnMe #SlipAway
Music : @MarisVijay
Studio Recording : @trinitywaves2487
@SliceOfLifeStories - Written and Narrated by Tehnaz Bahadurji
For more story updates follow us @
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Woop Woop! @ipsy bag is here! Glad to have another banana powder in the mix 😎 and look at that brush! 😍 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ #ipsy #ipsyglambag #glambag #bellapierre #glamourdolls #ciate #brtc #triflecosmetics #beautyonabudget #discoverunder100k #beautysubscription #betablinx85
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @tracigilliam #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #coach #sonoma #glamourdolls: https://posh.mk/x7i65DMT5Z
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The first pieces of @lisa_frank’s collaboration with @glamourdollsmakeup came in today and i feel like a teenage girl at an N*Sync concert! (Did i just date myself, there?) 🌈✌🏻💓 #lisafrank #90s4eva #glamourdolls #alltherainbows #lisafrankmakeup #mattebronzer #shimmereyeshadow
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One of the cutest brands out there! @glamourdollsmakeup has everything you need in your life. 😍😂 I definitely want to do a full face with these pretties. PS. That Bronzer in the size of my head. 🙃 #glamourdolls #glamourdollsmakeup #allthingsgirly #girlythings #fakecation #slave2beauty #makeupdollz #wakeupandmakeup #instaglam
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #glamourdolls #tretorn #reformation: https://posh.mk/EVQ4dvOxQX
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💚🖤Digustingly Decadent 🖤💚 Got a lil funky, no surprise at this point. Products @prettyweirdcosmetics Lucid Dreamer palette, Radiation glitter, @nyxcosmetics epic ink liquid liner, @jordanacosmetics 12 hr liquid eyeliner pencil, @glamour_dollss eyeliner blue, @toofaced better than sex mascara, @sonia_k_onlineshop tinted moisturizer, @lunabylunacosmetics translucent powder white sand, @katvondbeauty Lock-it setting powder translucent, @physiciansformula butter bronzer in light @shopmissa AOA studio baked blush aura @wetnwildbeauty reserve your Cabana bronzer, baked blush hummingbird hype, liquid catsuit liquid lipstick in shady witch with @lacolorscosmetics brow Wowie eyebrow pencil and tinted brow gel @poisoncosmetics slime patted over and with the lavender lip oil on top. #kentuckiana #wetnwildbeauty #lacolorscosmetics #toofaced #nyxcosmetics #physiciansformula #glamourdollsmakeup #glamourdolls #prettyweirdcosmetics #affordablemakeup #highendmakeup #katvondbeauty #abhprsearch #crueltyfree #crueltyfreebeauty #crueltyfreemakeup #shopmissa #lunabylunacosmetics #jordanacosmetics #poisoncosmetics #soniakashuk #covenkosmetics https://www.instagram.com/p/Byp3tLrJJcI/?igshid=233a7plegd06
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @kellysoape @elgranmontalvo @texaschainsawmascara13 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #jcrew #glamourdolls: https://posh.mk/WWnODEQTST
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Ipsy linda de Abril com esse pincel lindo de Unicórnios da @glamourdollsmakeup, Serum de vitamina C da @mintpearbeauty, delineador para olhos da @colourpopcosmetics na cor Mr.Bing, um marrom lindo para esfumar, um pigmento em pó Naked Cosmetics em um tom de cobre metálico e duas miniaturas de esmelte, que foi o que menos gostei . . . #ipsy #ipsybag #ipster #ipsylove #boxlove #glambox #beautybox #caixasdebeleza #recebidos #glambag #aprilglambag #aprilipsybag #makeupaddict #makeupjunkie #makeuphaul #colourpopcosmetics #colourpopme #glamourdolls #nakedcosmetics
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Beautiful Mink Lashes . 💋♥️at its finest! We specialize in designing & creating long flawless Mink lashes. #minklashes #thatgirldolcelashes#thatgirldolce #shopthatgirldolce #lashes #3dminklashes #minkstriplashes #minklashextensions #glamourlashes #glamourdolls #beautifullashes #beauty #3dminklash https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSDvIiHHyP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ckp14114xg2z
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #glamourdolls #reebok #brighton: https://bnc.lt/focc/IVTN4opSBP
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THIS IS MY DREAM COME TRUE! 🙌😍🌈🦄💖 I'm sorry for yelling but guys - it's a freaking @lisa_frank Rainbow Unicorn Brush 😵 Anyone who knows me knows this is *made* for me! I wish I ordered 10 of them 😍🦄💖🌈🙌🦄🌈😍💖 There are not enough emojis in the world... BTW you need this so check out @glamourdollsmakeup and find true happiness in brush form! • @toofaced • • • #makeupjustforfun🦄 #glamourdolls #glamourdollsmakeup #lisafrank #lisafrankforever #makeupbrush #makeupbrushes #brush #brushes #unicorn #rainbow #rainbowunicorn #toofaced #toofacedcosmetics #toofacedchocolatebar #toofacedmelted #getmelted #pink #eyeshadow #palette #makeup #eyeshadowpalette #makeuppalette #makeupaccount #makeupobsessed #l4l #instamakeup #vanitytable #beauty #beautiful
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The first piece of the @lisa_frank / @glamourdollsmakeup collaboration has arrived! So much more to come as they roll out! The preteen inside me is shrieking for joy ✨🦄🌈💖 #iseriouslycanteven #lisafrank #glamourdolls #anglebrush #alltherainbows #glamourdollsmakepup #lisafrankmakeup
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No other bag could ever top this one for me. So lucky it's my first. Thanks @ipsy 💛 #ipsy #ipsyglambag #glambag #aprilglambag #admission #ticket #makeup #makeupbag #cosmetics #touchinsol #glamourdolls #ciatelondon #eauthermaleavene #nakedcosmetics #happy
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#AprilGlamBag #ipsy #sweepstakes #ColourPop #ciatelondon #adesse #LisaFrank #GlamourDolls #EauThermaleAvene #MAC
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