#gladys really pulled the short end of the stick here since pendulum wasnt in this version
angelamontoo · 2 years
W-what if? The old dark house(1932) but instead of Phillip and Margaret Waverton and also the third guy, Herman and Jonathan went to the scary Femm house while on the run in the storm?
•Herman's really put through the wringer here. I'm thinking he mostly takes Margaret's role of being pestered by both Morgan and Rebecca in this version, but on top of that, he's fairly new to the whole murder business and his alliance with Jonathan at this point and is still constantly terrified of being caught and probably still not totally confident that he can trust Jonathan.
• I think Jonathan would be irritated by the weird family and end up arguing with Herman about the merit of killing them so they can at least sleep in peace while waiting for the storm to clear, but Einstein doesn't want to leave more of a trail than they already have and probably feels guilty about harming two eccentric old people and a mentally unwell man
•If chonny was annoyed by the Femms, lord knows how many years Porter would take off his life. Herman's not a fan either, but there are too many potential witnesses/bodies at this point
•I figure Jonathan doesn't know how he feels about Herman yet and wouldn't be comfortable expressing it infront of others-especially Porterhouse and Gladys, anyway(plus he'd be distracted wondering how easy it would be to kill Sir William and make it look like an accident so he doesnt have to bother killing everyone) So the fact that he continuously leaves poor Herm alone in this house full of weirdos probably makes more sense than Phillips lack of concern for Margaret's safety in the regular film
•Jonathan finally snaps and kills Morgan when he sees him chasing The doctor-convinced that the seething hatred he puts into every bash or stab or chop is totally just pent up frustration from dealing with those annoying chumps for the last few hours and in no way because he cares about Herman.
• It's only after Morgans dead that Horace says "You fool! Why do you think we kept him around??" And proceeds to tell them about Saul. To which Herman-whos been on edge since before they came to the house goes full cairo and shrieks something like "WHY THE BLEEDING CHRIST DIDNT YOU TELL US THAT BEFORE, YOU HAGGARD DOLT??" This takes Jonathan by slight surprise
•Ultimately Jonathan ends up being the one to kill Saul aswell and everyone else in the house remains comically oblivious to the fact that Herman and Jonathan are murderers-just assuming that Jonathan did what was right for the safety of everyone in the house in the moment. Porterhouse(with the sensitivity you'd expect from him, giving the fact that even if Saul was a terrible person, Rebecca and Horace lost a brother) claps Jobathan on the back and loudly congratulates him on his bravery. He's lucky Jonathan is very tired and had a good fill of murder for now
•Everyone sleeps and in the morning go their separate ways. Herman and Jonathan both have a lot to think about as they drive away from the old dark house
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