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Do we ever considered that 97% of the population may not know what a fruit looks like
#3%#3% netflix#michele santana#fernando carvalho#marco alvarez#tiago moreira#joana coelho#glòria#xavier toledo#natàlia#elìsa#artùr moreira#3% netflix textpost#sometimes-petty
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"You're tired of hearing about it? We're tired of living it" banner in the Catalan language in a feminist demonstration in Girona, Catalonia, on March 8th 2023.
Photo by Glòria Sánchez/Europa Press.
#8m#dia de la dona treballadora#actualitat#girona#catalunya#catalonia#coses de la terra#català#catalan#feminisme#feminism#feminist#europe#photojournalism#Glòria Sánchez#social justice
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30 llibres en català!
Bon any! (Sí, ja sé que arribo molt tard, però necessitava un descans després dels examens i tant de viatjar durant les vacances 😅) Porto un temps volent fer algun pas més amb el català, com que ja tinc un C1 còmode i no gaire pressió per millorar. El fet és que arribat en aquest punt, encara em queda moltíssim per aprendre, i per fer el pas al C2 i més enllà he d’esforçar-me més per afinar el lèxic i aprecisar els registres. També és cert que no he tingut gaires oportunitats aquest any per utilitzar el català, i es nota. Però tot això té un remei: tornar a estudiar, verament estudiar, el català.
Amb el C1 i C2, com que depenen tant de l’ús precís i mesurat de la llengua, és molt important interactuar amb una diversitat de gèneres i estils lingüístics. Amb el català, no tinc cap problema amb la gran majoria de registres orals ni escrits, si és que són informals, però entrats en coses més formals ja hi tinc molt menys familiaritat. També cal dir que el llenguatge literari sol ser més ric, tant a nivell lèxic com estilístic, i per això és un bon punt de partida per treballar la llengua. A més a més, llegir en anglès ja forma una gran part del meu dia-a-dia, i tot i que no puc canviar-ho tot al català, fer que el català sigui una de les llengües que faig servir tindrà un impacte important en el meu nivell i també podrà ser una part fonamental de la meva vida professional en algun moment, com que em vull dedicar a la catalanística. Per totes aquestes raons, crec que posar-me a prova amb la lectura en català serà un bon repte.
He pres com a punt de partida aquest repte en castellà (que he arribat a conèixer gràcies a, i que també ha estat elaborat més per @cernuda), però he decidit rebaixar la quantitat de llibres per algunes raons: (1) la persona que ha fet el repte ha triat llibres més curtets, i jo en tinc algunes de 500 pàgines i més, per tant crec que és més que justificat, (2) tinc moltes coses que em demanen l’atenció i sé que si poso un número més alt no em trobaré amb els ànims d’acabar el repte, (3) vull tenir el temps d’assaborir alguns d’aquests llibres perquè són clàssics, i (4) ja faig moltes més coses en català, i llegir 30 llibres ja per mi són molts llibres per llegir en un any, ni que siguin en català. Crec que, vist així, té tot el sentit del món la xifra que he triat.
Tinc una llista més o menys elaborada, amb una gran varietat de llibres (no-ficció, juvenil, medieval, poesia, tant moderns com clàssics de la llengua), i espero que amb això ja tindré prou per ocupar-me fins a desembre. Si teniu recomanacions ja em direu, i moltes gràcies a @no-passaran i @quimerathetraveler per l’allau de llibres que ja m’heu recomanat, sou els millors ❤️ Si algú més s’anima a acompanyar-me, ja em diràs i podem intercanviar llistes. I amb això, apa, a llegir!
#catalan:general#catalan:goals#general:goals#no prometo absolutament res de contingut perquè amb llegir ja n'hi ha prou però si ha un llibre que m'agrada en especial us ho diré#però vull llegir tirant lo blanc el canigó el llibre de meravelles i incerta glòria com a mínim#fa temps que els he volgut llegir però necessito una excusa per fer-ho#em sap greu quimera no m'ha deixat etiquetar-te 😔✊ però mil gràcies per totes les recomanacions ja confio que veuràs aquest post#ostres porto el català formal fatal però ja ho treballarem ja :///
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Glòria Mena on Wikipedia: age, biography, partner and relationship with Íñigo Errejón
In the last few hours, the name Gloria Mena has been echoing on internet search platforms, after her ex-partner Íñigo Errejón was accused of gender-based violence against several women, which is why interest has arisen in her personal life and especially in her profile on Wikipedia . Following his resignation as a member of the Sumar party, after being involved in accusations of violence from…
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GUARIR EL PA Guarir el pa. Entaular el vi. René Char Apropiar-me d’aquesta claredat, d’aquest dolor: que ningú no rebregui papers de colors sobre el xiulet agut de la memòria: si no vam saber guarir el pa, si el vam pastar amb la farina blanca de la mort: mirar-me les mans d’avui i no falsejar-ne les relles
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Coberta del quart volum de l'edició catalana de Berserk, versió ‘Maximum’, que conté Casca (part 3), Disposats a morir (parts 1, 2, 3), El retorn, Fogueres de somnis, La batalla de Doldrey (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Retorn triomfant, El moment de glòria, Làpida de foc (parts 1 i 2), En una nit de neu..., L'alba de la partida (parts 1, 2, 3).
#llibre#coberta#manga#en català#Berserk#Kentaro Miura#fantasia#fantasia èpica#espasa i fetilleria#fantàstic#Guts#Casca#Disposats a morir#El retorn#Fogueres de somnis#La batalla de Doldrey#Retorn triomfant#El moment de glòria#Làpida de foc#En una nit de neu...#L'alba de la partida#còmic#narrativa
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Antoni Maria Fabrés i Costa (Spanish, 1854-1938)
Retrat de Glòria Fabrés, filla de l’artista
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Barcelona 2018 (2) (3) (4) by Bertrand Waridel
Via Flickr:
(1) (2) Sagrada Família (3) Baixada de la Glòria (4) Park Güell
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6, 14,22💗💗💗💗
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
Lots of things, as always! I need to read White Teeth, my dad gave it to me ages ago because it's one of his favorite books, and I started it but didn't finish (and I also have a several-year backlog of books from my cousin that I've been meaning to get to). I checked out The Dispossessed but ran out of time to read it. There were also a couple of Catalan books I was really hoping to read, but didn't end up doing it, especially more Mercè Rodoreda (I was thinking Quanta, quanta guerra), a few books by Pep Coll, and of course El comte Arnau, which I've had for ages and still somehow haven't read. And I won't even get into my rereading list or we'll be here forever....I am nothing if overambitious.
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
I have a couple I'm almost done with that I'd like to finish! Nosaltres els valencian by Joan Fuster and El llibre de meravelles by Vicent Andrés Estellés, partially because they're part of something I'm presenting on (whoops). Also, Napalm al cor by Pol Guasch, and, if I can, Ariel i els cossos by Sebastià Portell, which I started in March but then completely forgot to finish. Also I really should just read the last 10 pages or so of The Unknown Shore (by POB), I don't know why I've been languishing on that.
22. What’s the longest book you read?
Probably Incerta glòria! It kept me busy for most of June haha
Gracias por las preguntas <3
#i didn't get anywhere near to 30 books for catalan but i did read a fair amount nonetheless!#i think i want to do it again next year it was good#ask games
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hiii! i’m the person who asked you for book recs and i just wanted to let you know that i’ve started reading written on the body by jeanette winterson and i’m ABSOLUTELY LOVING IT. i love the way it’s so intricately written and i’m only about thirty pages in! and as for my personal liking for books, i also lean more towards the literary side! i absolutely love the books you suggested to me (i did some bg research on them and all of them are so interesting!) and i knew you’d be the perfect person to ask! i asked you because i absolutely love your style of writing and i was wondering what books you read that inspire you to write like that. just know that i’ll always be a big fan and thank you so much for the book recs!
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲THAT MAKES ME INCREDIBLY HAPPY! thank you very much for trusting me i hope you keep enjoying it (and you are up for a surprise in part two). also, thank you very much for your words about my writing, they make me blush, eheh!
honestly, i read so much that it is impossible for me to tell you exactly what books i read to write like i do. i can confidently aay that i have been writing with the same style for over 7 years now (i took a trip down memory lane not too long ago and i surprised myself!), but before that there were like hints about my current style in writing too. so i would say that style is something you acquire the more you write, and definitely refine over the years. the same way, i think all reading shapes our writing, so i would say all the books since i was 12 years old counted on that hahahaha. some formative novels for me in terms of style that i remember, and that i wanted to copy back in the days were:
- cien horas con mario, by miguel de unamuno (i don't know if it is translated in english)
- drames rurals by victor català (this is not even translated into spanish)
- berlin alexanderplatz by alfred döblin
- ulisses by james joyce
- the short stories by david foster wallace
books that shaped my imaginary (politically, or thematically):
- our share of night by mariana enríquez
- the process by franz kafka
- la tormenta by benito pérez galdós
- midnight children
- incerta glòria by joan sales
most of what i read when i was young was either catalan, spanish or french, i didn't start reading more english classics since i was in uni! however, again, i have read so much over the years that i think even when i didn't like the book, something stuck with me even if i didn't want to! i work in publishing, so i read mostly in foreign languages now, and i would say that has shaped my english in a loy of ways. but english is always mixed with my sintactical structures from my native language. and i do think this is a plus. i think being able to read lotsmof languages has shaped my style. people think that to write correct english you need to leave aside your language identity, but i don't want to do that. the best english writer for me is nabokov, and he was russian--i wish i could be at his english level!
is this a veeeery long answer? YES! but we have so much to talk about hehehe. tell me what you keep on thinking about winterson! and if you ever need other recs, do not hesitate to chat with me❤️🔥 as you can tell... literature is my passion!
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Antoni Fabres - Retrat de cavaller [Enrico Betti-Berutto, marit de Glòria Fabrés]
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I’ve been a translator from Catalan for almost fourteen years, and something that never fails to astonish me is the vibrancy of the Catalan literary tradition. Whether a re-discovered classic or a startling young author from the near-constant flurry of innovative writing, there are always new voices to be unearthed, and the time-worn phrase “embarrassment of riches” comes to mind.
It’s this commitment in Wilder Winds to unflinching honesty and genuine emotion that is shared by the books on this list. Whether it be the realities or war, anarchism or autism, these voices offer the reader an intimate glimpse into other lives that never feel distant from our own. I’ve chosen eight books that demonstrate the richness of Catalan literature over the last century or so, but there are literally dozens more I could have chosen. Think of what follows, then, as less of a reading list and more of an amuse-bouche to whet your reading appetite for Catalan literature in English.
Are you interested in reading Catalan books that have been translated to English? Read this article to find 8 books that the translator Laura McGloughlin recommends (mostly novels, some short story books, and one poetry book).
#literatura#arts#literature#catalan#catalan literature#world literature#books#bookblr#bel olid#joan maragall#joan sales#incerta glòria#uncertain glory#rosa maria arquimbau#forty lost years#mercè rodoreda#death in spring#quim monzó#alicia kopf#brother in ice#eva baltasar#permafrost#wilder winds
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Willem Pijper (1894-1947) - String Quartet nr. 3
I. Lento - Andantino Grazioso - Scherzando 0:02 II. Larghetto espressivo 3:51 III. Tempo I: Molto tranquillo; Piu Leggiero - Tempo II: Poco mosso 8:36
Alban Kwartet:
Anne-Catherine Feltgen, violin
Isaac Pérez Riera, violin
Rodrigo de Freitas, viola
Glòria Expósito Pérez, cello
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cumple d nups, glòria a les santes etc
#artwork#traditional art#illustration#illustrator#traditional illustration#drawing#painting#cartoon#comic#sketchbook#gouache#gouache illustration#gouache painting#bday#mataró#les santes
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Man Utd 2-1 Barcelona Highlights
Ja ho vaig dir jo...ni Champions, ni Europa League...2 anys fracassant. El FC Barcelona està fet ja per guanyar Champions League i no m'interessa absolutament res guanyar només una Super Copa d'Espanya, perquè si creieu en aquest projecte després de 2 anys fent el ridícul espantós a Europa...jo li dic als socis i als simpatitzants que demà al Camp de l'Almeria el meu Barça no guanyarà i al final la Lliga la guanyarà el Madrid si demà no es prenen solucions dràstiques urgentment...I a Semifinals de Copa del Rei passarà lo mateix...sinó ja ho veure-ho. Jo ja vaig dir que la preparació física la fessin les millors ex-jugadores italianes de Voleibol la Francesca Piccinini i la Maurizia Cacciatori i no van fer-me ni putu cas...ja teniu els resutats i el millor tècnic possible i al que el Barça li deu moltíssim perquè ens va fer tocar la glòria aquell 20 de Maig de 1992 i va marxar del meu Barça fart del Johan i humiliat per no ser titular a la final d'Atenes del 94 contra el Milán i us asseguro que ell se sent culer i és el Michael Laudrup el millor candidat per entrenar aquest equip ja, si volem guanyar la Copa i la Lliga sinó no guanyarem res...TIEMPO AL TIEMPO.
#fc barcelona#joan laporta#denmark#charlotte casiraghi#spotify#pierre casiraghi#andrea casiraghi#infanta sofia#letizia ortiz#youtube#alicia vikander#pep guardiola#italia#catalunya#monaco#jorge lorenzo#taylor swift#kendal jenner#felipe vi#infanta leonor#scarlett johansson#dani pedrosa#valentino rossi#pedro de la rosa#roberto baggio#españa#sabadell#cunit#livorno#bergamo
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