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remixingreality · 22 days ago
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saraw4ters · 1 year ago
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eebie · 1 year ago
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Hi, since it’s April first and I felt cute … April first selfie~! 😘✨
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(Might delete later 🙈)
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viaetor · 2 years ago
      ‘ You're clearly not from Sumeru, ʼ not that many people are, the Akademiya lures all sorts of individuals from multiple corners of Teyvat. Still, Kaveh notes that the way the traveler enunciates  each word with an odd spin he hasn't heard from anyone else. Interesting.
      His hand moves comfortably under his own chin as means to shift weight over the way it supports his head, eyes fixed on the foreign presence. In the carmine of Kaveh's, naive innocence glints.  ‘ How's it like... there? Wherever it is. ʼ
ㅤㅤcuriosity was as natural to the academics of sumeru as thirst and hunger were to most living beings, it appeared. yet the way that the famous architect directed the question to the traveller was refreshing on its own—genuinely caring, not looking for addendum knowledge or practical tools he could later on use, but rather connection. or at least that’s what the little sparkles in soft crimsons with long lashes seemed to imply. he could understand why kaveh was deemed the light of the kshahrewar. with that, lips curled delicately into a smile as aether took a shy spoonful from his padisarah pudding, not yet facing his companion from the other side of the not-so-large table. a few thousand years ago, he’d be unable to taste its sweetness; both from the desert and from the question. 
ㅤㅤhe took a few seconds too long to respond, humming pensively as he let the spoon rest against the plate. there would be no sense in lying saying he was from mondstadt or liyue, the other man had probably traversed through such countries as well. besides, he just didn’t feel like it. he thought of the stars, of the kaleidoscopic nebulae, of the white and black holes he journeyed through, of the ruins of planets he explored, of the messages from the heavens, of his sister. banzo. yes, that’s what he was feeling. how bittersweet. “it’s really beautiful, like nothing you’ve ever seen”, words came out as accent-heavy as they always were, only now carrying a mix of murky melancholy,   “i think you’d like how elaborate it is.”   he chuckled to himself, thinking about what kaveh would be able to draw out on his blueprints if he could take a close glimpse at the rings of a planet and its moons. the architecture of the universe ought to inspire anyone to create a grander project than that of palace of alcazarzaray, right?   “roofs made from shiny crystals, walls of colourful rocks, flooring as soft to the feet as clouds…”   he sighed longingly, closing his eyes for a moment.   “if you climbed up really high, you could watch the entire night sky from the ruins and hear the howling of the winds. It got… a little too cold or warm sometimes, though.”   it was space, after all. but even that was nice, he reminisced to himself.
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ㅤㅤ“but i don’t think i can return there—to… home, that is.”   the word felt awfully wrong for him to use, almost fake and perhaps his throat didn’t recognise its sound, and maybe that’s why he instinctively crossed his arms against his chest, frowning. was it really ‘home’ if he was designed to forever be a wanderer, never to stay for too long, always serving the cosmos? the stars never answered his pleas either, denying him any solace. shaking golden locks, he put on the best smile he could forge, eating yet another spoonful as he looked at kaveh.   “are you looking for inspiration, perhaps?”
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transgender-catboy · 1 year ago
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You guys have no idea how sane and normal I am right now
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kaospolosposts · 1 year ago
TERBAIK,SEGERA WA 0858-6656-4250,Kaos Polos Hitam
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le-journal-catalan · 2 years ago
L'élite française du Kitesurf est à Port Barcarès
L’élite française du Kitesurf en Big Air affrontera le plus haut niveau mondial au Parc des Dosses de Port Barcarès entre les 1 et 30 avril pour le LORDS OF TRAM GKA BIG AIR WORLD CUP 2023 Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour.Les jours de compétition seront à confirmer selon les conditions de vent. Marqué d’une forte présence française dans toutes les disciplines, le Kitesurf compte une scène…
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inubaki · 5 months ago
Urban Legend
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The Loch Ness Monster's Song by Edwin Morgan Sssnnnwhuffffll?
Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl?
Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl gg gg glbgl.
Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl -
gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm.
Hovoplodok - doplodovok - plovodokot-doplodokosh?
Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok!
Zgra kra gka fok!
Grof grawff gahf?
Gombl mbl bl -
blm plm, blm pim, blm plm, blp.
I went through so many ideas. In an alternate universe, there’s a Medusa, mothman and the man in white for Adamsapple. But it’s been quite a day so I went with odd and fun. Like, Adam, the inn Keeper and his wife by the lake.
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flyingspicerack · 1 year ago
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ladies from google and an obligatory adrien brody .... LOOK AT THESE BIG BEAUTIES
ok listen... so i love noses theyre so cool... theyre sooooooooooo cool.... my roommates joke that i have like a nose 'k/nk' or 'fet/sh' but like... my strong appreciation for noses isnt sexual, but its like... its some type of adoration?? they're beautiful ... big noses are so pretty .... what do u even call that... i dunno
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crazychaoticizzy · 6 months ago
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saraw4ters · 1 year ago
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scotianostra · 10 months ago
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One of my favourite poets, Edwin Morgan was born on April 27th 1920 in Glasgow.
Morgan is one of the poets associated with the Scottish Renaissance. He is widely recognised as one of the foremost Scottish poets of the 20th century.
An only child, he attended Rutherglen Academy and the High School of Glasgow, before studying English at Glasgow University. During the Second World War he registered as a conscientious objector, before serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps, mainly in the Middle East.
He resumed his studies in 1946, and the following year began lecturing in English at Glasgow University. His first books – original poems and translations – appeared in 1952.
Edwin Morgan produced an extensive body of work. Endlessly curious and open-minded, he experimented with the language of machines as well as translating from a variety of European languages. He was a poet who was willing to give a voice to everything around him, whether it was an apple, the Loch Ness Monster, a cancer cell or the source of the Big Bang.
Edwin Morgan became a professor at Glasgow University in 1975, and retired from full-time teaching in 1980. In the 1980s he also began publishing with Glasgow’s Mariscat Press, notably Sonnets from Scotland.
In 1990 when he turned 70 he came out publicly for the first time as a gay man, imagine having to live that long before feeling he could do this……….
In the 21st century, and his eighties, he continued to write and publish prolifically, enjoying collaborations with young musicians. In 2004 he was appointed the first Scottish Makar by the Scottish Parliament.
Edwin Morgan marked his 90th birthday in April 2010 with the publication of a new collection of poetry, he died a few months later, on 19th August 2010.
If you know me through these type of posts you will know that I don't go for those long winded peices of verse, preferring shorter pieces like thes two by Mogan. To me poems need not make sense, to me they only need to make me smile.
‘Kiss me…’
Kiss me with rain on your eyelashes, come on, let us sway together, under the trees, and to hell with thunder.
The Loch Ness Monster’s Song
Sssnnnwhuffffll? Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl? Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl g g g g glbgl. Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl – gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm. Hovoplodok – doplodovok – plovodokot-doplodokosh? Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok! Zgra kra gka fok! Grof grawff gahf? Gombl mbl bl – blm plm, blm plm, blm plm, blp.
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captain-dville · 3 months ago
You'te a goo d man Jobny. I'm gka d I ecer git ro meet you, ev en if yOy ha. Vr ttied to eat my books befite. Thsnk yoi fpr beimf my friennd.
I'm now goiing ro dusssoear before. you kil m e
*That. Fuck. Jonny is genuinely warmed reading that, though he'll never admit it.*
Yeah, yeah. It's just too much effort to go splatter your guts against your bookshelves while I'm already busy here. Go appreciate my good whiskey, because if I find out you wasted it I'll be really pissed.
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The Loch Ness Monster's Song - Edwin Morgan - UK/Scotland
Sssnnnwhuffffll? Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl? Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl g g g g glbgl. Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl – gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm. Hovoplodok – doplodovok – plovodokot-doplodokosh? Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok! Zgra kra gka fok! Grof grawff gahf? Gombl mbl bl – blm plm, blm plm, blm plm, blp.
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joanofexys · 6 months ago
I’m glad that irl you’re doing good and that you got to talk to her! I also got to see a Cat this morning so I’m happy about that.
asj;kduadhf;gkjaudf;gka I'm losing it btw. love that you immediately knew who I'm referring to lmaooo
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