so i love snl
20 posts
im isa, i love saturday night live.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
snl-loves · 6 years ago
May I please have a Seth Meyers x Fem!Reader x Bill Hader where they’re cast mates together?
sure!! ill get to work on everything as soon as i can!!!
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
Hi there! I was wondering if you still take requests?
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
Could you do something with Mikey? He seems like a lot of fun!
of course!
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
could yall do me a favor and request
please uwu
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
im so sad it was really good and i was so motivated too :( im gonna rewrite it though dont worry i just really liked that one
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
i just posted the whole colin fic but it posted the wrong draft and i cant find the finished one haha yeet
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
I’m so excited for your new Colin imagine! Hope you get to relax and take a breather for a moment today.
❤ you are so kind, ive needed to hear this lately. itll be up hopefully soon!
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
colin x reader will be up either today or tomorrow!
school has been biting me in the ass yall. i go home, do hw, shower, sleep. i essentially have no life. also, musical auditions were thursday and if i get in that will also take up a lot of time. im sorry, maintaining grades and extra curriculars is a lot. 
my mom would of have said no anyway but
{send requests pls}
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
Do you take requests for fanfics? I’m new to your account but loving it so much xxx
yeah i do!! and thank you so much!!!
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
hi! could I request a colin x reader fic? maybe one where shes also on the show and they're dating and she gets anxiety a lot and she has an anxiety attack right before the show and colin helps her through it? and then maybe during the show shes a guest on weekend update and colin subtly makes sure shes ok? also, welcome to the snl tumblr community! :)
THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! thank u so much ive been dying for requests because i just have... no inspiration right now... but yes this is seriously so cute! also, thank you for being so welcoming! you guys are so nice :)
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
i hope to have the colin fic done so, i really dont think its that good though :/ i could do better honestly.
send requests!!! (im in the mood to write for seth meyers if you guys would want that??)
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
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there is so much cursed energy in this gif and i don’t even want to begin unpacking what’s happening here
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
colin laughing at pete 😂
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
colin jost x reader | new job | pt. 1/2
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request: n/a {please leave requests tho lmao}
a/n: ok this is... a lot. idk i feel like its a bit descriptive BUT there will be a part two that will hopefully be better, and actually have mainly colin focused content in it. if there is anything you think i could improve on let me know!
warnings: the jokes written and character are ones i came up and they’re mediocre at best. sadly two of my friends and i actually came up with the character at school and two other ones as well and annoy our teachers with them sksksksk. this also probably not 100% accurate to an actual snl audition.
word count: 1,368
        making people laugh was sort of your specialty, or at least you thought so. in middle school you won class clown for your eighth-grade superlatives, but that was when you were young and even something as simple as the word “bean” could make a whole class of fourteen-year-olds laugh. though, even if your classmates were wrong about you being funny, you enjoyed at least trying to be. in fact, you enjoyed it so much you kissed your family goodbye and moved to new york city to audition for saturday night live. though this was very exciting, to say you were nervous was an understatement. the day you arrived was the day you auditioned, so a whole new city and trying out for your dream job in the span of two hours. fun. especially because you’d be around the 80th person to stand on that stage all day.
        you heard in the waiting room that lorne michaels and writers sat in the room as you performed, which was a given, but, current cast members seemed to switch in and out every audition. multiple people said beck bennett sat in for them, some others said kenan thompson or cecily strong, and others even said three or more of them sat in the room. this left you on edge. you didn’t know who was going to be in there. what if it was someone you really liked and wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of? what if it was someone you knew wouldn’t like you? then again, you didn’t know any of these people outside of playing characters on tv, but still. a million thoughts ran through your head, but it was just nerve-wracking knowing you're gonna be performing in a room full of actual funny people, as a nobody.
         “ NUMBER EIGHTY-TWO, OR Y/N L/N! ” an older salt and pepper haired man yelled, who you assumed to be a casting director. as you got up and grabbed your box of props, a young man rushed out of the room crying. this made you break into a nervous sweat and your eyes became glossy, wanting your mother for some reason, but you tried to stay composed. you took a deep breath and walked into the room.
        as soon as you stepped in the room you stopped. the stage where the musical guest and host gave their monologue stood in front of you. it was a mesmerizing site. imagine seeing something that you’ve loved and imagined yourself on for the past fifteen years. for a few seconds you just stood and stared, but you shook your head out of your daze and walked over to the table where lorne and the writers sat. you handed your rèsumè to one of the writers. at first, you tried not to make eye contact with any of them, but you soon realized that was one of the poorest choices you could make; you just shook everyone’s hand and flashed a smile.
        after shaking lorne’s hand you, which caused a flash of heat to run through your body, you walked onto the stage. that was probably the worst part so far, walking in complete silence, with only the only the tap of your shoes hitting the floor, and all of them staring at you. you set up your things on stage, which wasn’t much. a plate, fork, knife, and an unplugged landline. they were nice enough to provide you with a small table and chair. you had prepared a small standup routine, and two different characters.
        “ hi, i’m y/n l/n and today i’m going to be performing a small set of jokes i have written, and two characters i have come up with. ” the moment those words came out of your mouth, you heard a door from the right of you opening. you didn’t look though, for two reasons. you didn’t want to seem distracted easily, or know who just walked in.
        you took the mic off of its stand and began telling jokes. “ wow, um. this audition sure does feel different than any of the other ones i’ve done,” you smiled, trying to loosen up. “sorta like a perfume commercial. in your head, it’s totally perfect and you think it’s going to be all peaches and roses, yet it ends up smelling like your grandma's bathroom and two-year-old baby powder. ” this was a bad joke, at least you thought. you knew the writers/people in the audition weren’t supposed to laugh or even chuckle while you audition, so you knew just to keep going, but you were a bit taken back to hear a chuckle come from where you just heard door open, and though you just told yourself not to look, you did for a split second and realized it was the damned weekend update boy. you were too flustered to remember his name. you looked forward and kept going, noticing lorne michaels glaring at him.
        “ AND! you are NOT gonna believe what stacy brought to thanksgiving this year! ” you half-shouted, in the thickest boston accent you could achieve, into the unplugged landline you had brought with you. “ chicken teriyaki! i mean, who does that? i don't care how hard you're trying to re brand yourself after finding out your husband is cheating on you with the hygienist at the dentist’s offices he works at, you can still bring god damned yams to the family thanksgiving! ” the whole time you performed, you could feel the update boy burning a whole into the side of your head with his eyes. you couldn’t tell if this good or bad, but to the least bit, you were flattered. i mean, at least he's paying attention. plus, whenever you’d glance back at him you could see he was trying to conceal a smile. you completely forgot how nervous you were about cast members watching you.
        before you even knew it, the thing that you had worried you for over a month had come to an end. you gathered your things, thanked all the producers, writers, and lorne, and walked out of the room. you had no idea what was gonna happen next; but you were excited.
        you headed out of rockefeller center, the mild wind breezing past you. you were just about to turn a corner, when you were stopped by someone tapping your shoulder and a small “ hey! ” you turned and it was weekend update boy. kind of surprised, you just smiled and replied “ hi ? “ back.
        “ you probably remember me as the creepy guy giggling in the dim lit corner from your audition. i’m colin, by the way. “ that was it. colin jost. “ i know i’m not allowed to do this, but i really just wanted to compliment you on your whole performance... it was fantastic, and i mean like, 100% fantastic,” you felt your face heat up a little bit, and you began playing with your hands. “ uh... i... thank you i guess-- i mean no, not i guess, thank you. i was so nervous, and i’m nervous right now, but that means a lot to me. “ you managed to get out. he chuckled at you, “ i really don’t want to boost your hopes up because i don’t decide who gets on the show or not, but i really cannot wait to maybe begin working with you. “ he stuck out his hand for you to shake, and you complied. “ it was nice meeting you, “ you smiled, pulling your hand back. you looked down into it, and saw a tiny crumbled up piece of paper in it. you opened it, and it revealed a phone number. cheesy, but okay. “ you too. “ he winked, turning around and walking back into the building, not even hesitating or thinking about what he had just done. you just and stared for a minute trying to comprehend what just happened. you stuck the paper in your pants pocket, let out a small “today has been weird in a good way” squeal, and began your walk to the subway, and to an apartment you now had to unpack.
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
ok yall should start requesting some john mulaney he is my boy and i wanna write for him (there is also currently a colin fic in the works, will probably be done by the end of the week or the weekend!)
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snl-loves · 6 years ago
so uh
as you can tell, ive been inactive and i thoroughly apologize. i have been stressed a lot lately because of school, and i was just in washington dc doing some volunteer stuff so a lot has been happening. though, winter break is coming soon! thats when ill probably have time to write a lot so send in some requests! i actually wanna write tonight too so lets hope i have something out soon. itll probably have something to do with colin or alex.
also, due to the recent things that have happened with pete davidson, im not gonna write about him for a little while until everythings okay and we know he is. this is just out of respect and privacy for him.
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