#given kokichi caused this mess in the first place
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How’s Kokichi?
What kind of a stupid question is that? I'm still watching the Pupa marathon and get spanked all the time-
Tentacle Monster: Stop talking and watch the episodes!
(Nikei Yomiuri...you will pay for this!)
#danganronpa#dr#kana's christmas adventure#danganronpa v3 killing harmony#v3#kokichi ouma#kokichi is fine#he's still in pupa hell#remember he's there for a while#and its cute he's cursing nikei#given kokichi caused this mess in the first place#hypocrisy at its finest
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i am bringing you the good word about ishiouma aka ishimaru x kokichi, if one desires further explanation please look at their event together in the v3 bonus mode where kokichi is basically flirting with him the entire time all "wow you're really not boring im so glad to have someone here for my evil schemes to go against, hey how about i burn the world down so you can rebuild it better?' like just kiss him already
No explanation needed; I've actually written about them a bit before! 😁
A couple of mini-ideas that popped into my head for them (I can write something in-depth for them at a later date, lol):
Taka and Kokichi both working on a school election. Maybe they're running against each other (in which case, of course Kokichi is up to something there; he almost definitely intends for Taka to win), or maybe Kokichi is directly helping with Taka's campaign, etc.
Taka and Kokichi cleaning a classroom together. Taka has given Kokichi this task for detention, because Kokichi is the one who messed up the room in the first place. Taka is helping, perhaps because Kokichi is pretending he doesn't know how to use a broom. Cue quality time!
Taka is a volunteer chaperone for a field trip the 79th class is taking, and Kokichi keeps causing trouble to get his attention. (This is basically just taking their dynamic at school and moving the setting to an aquarium or something.)
Taka is trying to get students with good grades to tutor students with bad grades, and Kokichi happens to be one of his class's high achievers. Just a conversation between them in which Taka is trying to convince Kokichi to tutor one of his classmates and Kokichi is being silly to prolong the interaction.
Alternatively, Taka tutors Kokichi. Maybe Kokichi genuinely doesn't understand the subject, or maybe he understands everything fine but just doesn't feel motivated to do his work. Either way, Taka can certainly help with that.
Okay, this one's corny, but stay with me here: So, Taka catches Kokichi in the kitchen when he's not supposed to be, and he's making a bunch of sandwiches. Taka chastens him about that, but the food is already made, and it's wrong to waste food, so he lets Kokichi put the sandwiches in a basket, and blah blah blah ultimately this culminates in Kokichi running off, Taka chasing him, and they have a picnic with all the sandwiches because that was Kokichi's plan the whole time. Kokichi tells Taka that it's his birthday so Taka has to eat with him; it's his one wish! And Taka goes along with it and then maybe checks Kokichi's records to see if the birthday thing was true. (Either way, Kokichi's getting a detention for misuse of the kitchen.)
Just the various ways Taka preemptively averts Kokichi's hijinks. Like, maybe Kokichi was about to sneak into a room where he stashed some bottles of spray paint, but Taka is already waiting inside with a stern, knowing look. "Looking for this?" (Taka holds up the spray paint.) Kokichi starts to flee but just ends up stumbling. "Looking for these?" (Taka holds up some wheels.) "When did you steal the wheels from my heelies?!" "Heelies aren't allowed! They scuff the floor!"
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oh it’s you (that i lie with)
for Oumota Week Day 2 - Timeloop
warnings: major character death (temporary but graphic)
notes: title from as the world caves in by matt maltese but i just listened to the cover by sarah cothran. happy oumota week everyone!! consider joining my oumota discord maybe!
AO3 Link
Kokichi lazily spins a french fry through his ketchup as Momota takes a seat across from him. The movement makes the table jostle. Kokichi doesn’t move.
“Getting used to it, huh?” Momota asks. “I guess this is just life now. Beats being dead, at least.”
“You failed, then?”
“I think every smoke alarm is busted.”
At 6:15 pm, the cafeteria will explode. A stray spark will hit an errant gas line and the entire place will go up in flames. There will be no survivors.
Kokichi knows this because he has experienced it eleven times already.
The first time was unexpected. Obviously. When he woke up this morning (eleven mornings ago) in his dorm room he assumed today (eleven todays ago) would be normal.
That assumption was disproven before he died and the day reset, but that’s unrelated.
The first time he died, the last supposedly normal minutes of his life, he and Momota were at this very same table. They weren’t alone then. Their friends had been with them, and Akamatsu had been in the middle of telling a story about a bird flying into the room during one of her classes, and suddenly there had been the loudest sound Kokichi had ever heard. He’d felt an intense, searing heat for just a moment, and then something large and heavy falling on top of him, and then he didn’t feel anything because he was dead.
When he woke up in his bed again he’d assumed it was a dream. Even when the morning played out much like the morning in his “dream” - well, that wasn’t too strange. Saihara had lost his favourite socks, but he did that often. Yumeno fell asleep in the cafeteria during breakfast, but she did that every day. Amami tripped down the stairs and had to go to the nurse, but he never paid attention to his surroundings.
And then, right at the end of breakfast, Momota got down on one knee, presented Kokichi with a ring pop, and asked him to go on a date with him after dinner.
The beginning of the day had been typical. It wasn’t strange for his dream to match with reality, because his life was predictable.
That was not something he could have predicted, unless he had suddenly developed a new superpower.
The first time, he’d beamed at Momota, took the ring pop, and said he would be delighted to and that if this was a prank he’d have Momota killed.
The second time, he’d just said “What the fuck,” and then took off running.
The rest of the day went differently, but it was just close enough to make it clear. Kokichi had snuck around unused halls, spying on the classes he was skipping. Chabashira still had a five minute argument with the teacher during math, Hoshi still spilled a beaker in science. This time he got to watch Akamatsu’s unfinished bird story play out.
Just like before, he went to the cafeteria, and just like before he felt his bones flattened and then nothing at all.
In the present, whatever that really means, he tells Momota, “I hope I don’t get crushed again.”
Momota frowns. “At least it’s quick. The fire was the worst.”
“Well, I at least want some variety. It is the spice of life and all.”
Leaning forward, Momota rests his chin on his hand. His eyes keep darting to the clock on the wall. “I’ll toss you into the fire this time, if you want.”
“My hero.” Kokichi folds his arms behind his head and leans back.
They’d really tried, this time. They’d tried every time. This time, Kokichi had barely broken into the kitchen when he was caught. At least it was one of the kinder chefs. They’d given him french fries and instructed him to stay in the cafeteria where they could see him.
“We still have some time,” Momota argues. “I mean, 6:15 is in like, an hour. We can at least prepare for next time.”
“Hm, would you like to scope out some more interesting places to die? I’m getting bored of the cafeteria. At least maybe something different will crush me.” He’s fairly certain it’s a table that keeps killing him, at least in the last few loops. For a second he’d felt the texture of the wood crushed against his face.
“We’re gonna figure it out,” Momota says. His voice is full of empty confidence, a thin soap bubble that will pop if looked at for too long.
“Well, of course. You still owe me that date, after all.”
Perhaps it’s his imagination, but the glint in Momota’s eyes gets sharper. “I do. I’m a man of my word, you know.”
“You’ve given me your word more than a few times. I think you might owe me a few dates, my dearest Momota-chan.”
Momota’s eyes dart to the clock again, and Kokichi follows his gaze. 5:25.
“I’ll take you on as many dates as you want, Ouma.”
Momota had asked him out again in the third loop, and the fourth. Kokichi had accepted those, though in the fourth one Momota hadn’t bothered to drop to one knee and hadn’t even offered him a ring pop. He’d just turned to Kokichi and asked, “Will you go out with me?”
“I want a ring first,” Kokichi had said in response.
“A ring,” Momota repeated. “What kind?”
Momota had presented the ring pop, and Kokichi said yes.
In the fifth loop, Momota got down on one knee again.
“Ouma,” he started.
“Will you go on a date with me?” Kokichi asked. Momota reeled back, looking around the room in surprise.
“Uh….yeah.” He stood up, blinking heavily. “How -”
“I have my ways,” Kokichi said with a wink.
He’d skipped his next classes. That had been the first time he broke into the kitchen. He did a decent job sneaking, and his little recon mission was how he figured out the likely cause. He’d only gotten a brief glimpse before the chef kicked him out.
Momota was waiting for him at that same table. “Ouma,” he’d called out, waving him over, and Kokichi obliged him by taking a seat in the same chair he’d died in four times. “Are you hiding something?”
“Always. Are you?”
“You knew what I was doing this morning.”
“I’ve known you were in love with me for months.” Kokichi leaned back in his chair, twirling a strand of hair around his finger. “Obviously I knew what you were doing.”
“But you didn’t! The first - Uh, I mean...Oh, fuck it. You know what’s happening, right?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He kicked his chair back, balancing it on two legs. He was not going to be the one to say it first, and it was so fun to get him worked up like this. “I mean, I know everything, but -”
“The loops! You’re the only one acting different! The first loop, you were surprised, the second loop you were - and now you’re stealing my lines!” Momota leaned towards him, hands on the table.
Kokichi raised a single eyebrow. “Your first performance was your best, Momota-chan.”
“So you are aware. How?”
The chair’s legs thudded against the ground. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“I…” Momota hesitates, bluster wavering before it comes back full force. “Obviously, the universe knew I was the best person to task with fixing this. I’m gonna save everyone, just you watch.”
“Oh, good. I was worried I’d have to do something.” He stood up abruptly, almost knocking the chair over. “I’ll see you for our date, then.”
A hand grabbed his sleeve, pulling him back down. Momota was reaching across the entire table, gripping Kokichi’s sleeve tightly. His brows were pinched together, face unguarded and open and desperate. There was only a second of hesitation before Kokichi ripped his sleeve away, narrowing his eyes at the man across from him.
“You can’t seriously plan to do nothing,” Momota insisted. “There’s gotta be a reason -”
“Maybe I’m supposed to be working against you,” Kokichi said. His expression fell away to blankness. “You’re so eager to trust, Momota-chan. It’s very stupid of you.”
“That shit stopped working on me last year.” Momota jumped to his feet, hands pressed against the table as he leaned dangerously forward. Kokichi doesn’t need to have time traveled to know he will inevitably topple forward and crash into the table. Perhaps he would be the one to die to it this loop. “Ouma, I know you. Fuck, I asked you out this morning, you really think I’m still gonna fall for your evil bullshit?”
“I mean, it’s worked before. Recently, even.”
“You broke in through my window! Look, you’re missing the point. I know you wanna save everyone as much as I do.” His eyes were alight, grin too sharp for Kokichi’s liking.
“It’s in the kitchen.”
Momota leaned forward again, and there it was - he fell face first onto the table.
“Idiot. Maybe the universe did choose me to help you. You’re clearly too stupid to figure it out on your own.”
Momota didn’t waste a second. He pushed himself back up as Kokichi spoke, completely ignoring his words. “See! We’re a perfect team, Ouma. What’s in the kitchen?”
A mess was in the kitchen. Every surface had at least five distinct fire hazards, and all together it combined into something unfathomably dangerous. A stray spark ignited a chain, and at the end of that chain was a crater.
Since that loop, they’d tried different ways to fix the kitchen. They’d tried scoping out times where no one was there (there weren’t any), they’d tried convincing the chefs something needed to be fixed (they’d been kicked out), they’d tried fixing it themselves (the explosion happened three hours earlier that loop), they’d tried setting off every smoke detector they could find (none of them worked).
It’s starting to look a little hopeless.
Students begin filing into the cafeteria, happy and carefree and unconcerned. Akamatsu’s voice carries as she rushes to their table. “Ouma-kun, Momota-kun! I was wondering where you’d gone. The strangest thing happened in math earlier -”
Kokichi lays his head on the table. In his mind, he could only see Akamatsu’s broken body, her flesh beginning to bubble. Her screams were always the loudest.
It‘s always the same. Akamatsu starts her stupid story. Saihara arrives late, feathers in his hair, and Harukawa trails after him and glares at Kokichi.
She usually survives the longest, from what Kokichi can see. She stays standing until the end. Saihara crumbles quick and quiet.
“Are you alright?” Saihara asks as he takes a seat next to Kokichi.
Kokichi looks up at him. He’s too tired for expressions. “You’re going to die in twelve minutes.”
“Right,” Saihara says, and then he turns to Akamatsu and asks if she can help him get the feathers out of his hair.
They smile, and laugh, and talk, and at 6:15 exactly, that spark is set off.
Kokchi lives a moment longer than the last few loops, long enough to see Momota crushed by a falling piece of ceiling.
“Liar,” Kokichi says to him, and then he too is gone.
He wakes up in bed.
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x reader (fluff + angst) - (COMMISSION)
When I get a commission that isn’t Danganronpa related, I keep the client’s name private and switch names and some paragraphs around to fit a Danganronpa character so you all can enjoy it. This commission best fit Fuyuhiko’s personality, so here you are - Admin Kokichi
SFW, gender-neutral reader
I walked through the halls of Hope’s Peak Academy, still toweling off my scalp after a shower in the gym’s locker room. Heavily I sighed, thankful for the much-needed sustenance that was soon to come when I finally reached the cafeteria. Sport after sport, activity after activity, it really wore the body out. Hope’s Peak really stressed the importance of the Ultimate-level students honing their skills. That’s why we were there, after all. Yes, we took general education classes like any normal student, the basics like the many different types of mathematics, general art, history, government, sciences and all that, but each student in the Main Course had several hours a day blocked out of their schedule dedicated to their specific talent and that talent only. It was rigorous, obsessive, and exhausting.
At times like this, I envied those who sat down for their talent, like animators and gamers, for I, the Ultimate Athlete, was always on my feet. Not that I’m saying art and gaming don’t take a lot out of those students, I just wanted a break from physical exertion once and awhile. My brain wasn’t stimulated quite as much as I’d like. Even the other athletes, like Aoi Asahina, the Ultimate Swimmer, and Akane Owari, the Ultimate Gymnast, had one set training area, and trained one sport for long sessions during the school day. As the all around Ultimate Athlete, the administration of Hope’s Peak had me training lots of different sports and exercise methods in short bursts. This meant running across campus from the pool to the dojo, from the gym to the baseball field, from the wrestling mat to the biking trails. Every day, a different muscle was sore, but I suppose I can’t really complain. It is an honor to be selected to attend Hope’s Peak. I mean, there were hundreds of regular students paying extraordinary rates to attend, just to be mocked and berated for being Reserve Course students anyway. I was lucky to have been chosen as the Ultimate Athlete at all, considering they already had so many types of athletes here. I think the appeal of my talent was that instead of being the best at one sport alone, I was above average at every single sport there was. Well, there was no use wasting time dwelling on my burnt-out body, because immediately after lunch, I was expected back at the gym with no delay. The longer this walk took, the less time I had to eat.
Picking up the pace, I sprinted - something I excelled at - through the courtyard that connected the Reserve Course and Main Course wings for what was a well-known shortcut to the cafeteria. Reaching the other side, I slowed my pace, my eyes landing on a curious scene that caught my attention. Three Reserve Course girls - distinguishable by the ash-black of their identical uniforms as opposed to the customizable (and optional) Ultimate uniforms - were whispering in hushed tones in front of one of the cream-colored pillars of the courtyard surrounded by some well-tended flowers. They trembled slightly, a bit jittery it seemed, and were clearly gossiping profusely like the gaggle of hens they resembled. There was malice and fear in their expressions as they looked back and forth from the object of their scrutiny then back to each other to deliberate and discuss. My eyes followed their line of sight to the opposite side of the courtyard, where the pond and benches sat. Of course, it was him. How did I not notice him as I passed by from that end? I must have been in some hurry.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, the Ultimate Yakuza, sat on the ground leaned up against a wall on the opposite side of the courtyard, scrawling notes into a notebook in his lap. His brow was creased, fairly engrossed in his studies. I could tell he heard the girls chattering, they weren’t being subtle and weren’t very far away, but Fuyuhiko was paying them no mind.
“Do you think his dad threatens the teachers if they give him a bad grade?” A blonde gasped, as if the thought had just occurred to her.
“Probably, I wouldn’t put anything past that clan of brutes,” another plain-looking girl whimpered in reply.
I stopped to watch the situation play out, hiding behind a nearby pillar and ready to step in if it continued, as rumor-spreading bullies were something that I just couldn’t stand by any means. I knew Fuyuhiko could handle himself… err… maybe I was just being a bit nosey to be honest.
After a few more minutes of the clique getting louder and bolder with their insultingly toxic babble, I saw Fuyuhiko’s head snap up, throwing them a pointed glare. The flock gasped in unison, with looks of horror on their faces, and scrambled away past me and into the hall. I smirked merrily: now that reaction was the more typical one. I was just thinking how brave these girls must have been to be provoking a Kuzuryuu in the first place. Many people in the school, and just the country in general were terrified of them. I myself felt a bit indifferent about Fuyuhiko. He was in my home room and never caused trouble.
The Kuzuryuu Clan was the largest and most powerful Yazuka clan in the country, with ties to national governments, huge drug rings, and a hand in many influential corporations throughout the country. People knew to fear them and not to mess with them, like any gang. Fuyuhiko was the only son of the head of the clan, and next in line as its leader, but if you’d spoken more than two words to the guy, you’d see that it was wise to respect him, but there was no need to fear him. In fact, his little sister Natsumi, who terrorized the Reserve Course girls, probably was the reason Fuyuhiko’s reputation around the school was smeared by association. People saw her bitterness, her jealousy, her need to harass or threaten anyone who she felt inferior to, her horrible attitude, and probably transferred that fear over to her older brother, thinking the siblings must be similar. It was just ridiculous. If anything, he was an asshole at times, but not dangerous.
Plus, how could someone be afraid of a guy who looked like that? Fuyuhiko was both adorable in some ways, and handsome in others. His cute side came out through in his meager height, the way his pale skin blushed easily when flustered, the softness of his blonde hair, the small pout he wore at times. He didn’t even have ink yet like most Yazuka. His skin was milky and untouched. On the other side of the spectrum, he was handsome and manly in the way he spoke, the elegance of his expensive suits and ties, his intelligence, the way he carried himself, his sharp and intense gaze. I always thought it was more reasonable to be attracted to him rather than afraid.
He did have a bit of an attitude problem, but I often felt bad for him because of it. The quipping, feisty exterior he presented was clearly a coping mechanism, a method of self-defense after years of pressure to be a pillar of his family and being misunderstood by his peers. It probably wasn’t easy to be expected to watch or even perform drug deals, interrogations, or even murders - who knows? Then after all of that, you come back into normal society and get judged for being tiny with a baby face behind your back while people are scared of you to your face.
He projected the anger he was taught was normal, and used the years of being raised in the Yakuza to adapt and mold his personality. He often cursed out or blew up at others, was stubborn and hard to work with, did his own thing, and despite how well he thought he hid her, his personal bodyguard being around the corner ready to kick someone’s ass at a moment's notice deterred many potential friendships. Most of our home room were friends with him, but I rarely talked to him. I really only made myself known to a few of the quieter kids in our class like Komaeda and Tsumiki, even Peko herself at times… but other than them I mainly kept to myself.
I just wished…. he’d talk to me first. I was desperate to get to know him without the fear of feeling like I was bothering him.
Ok, so maybe I wasn’t as indifferent as I let on before. Now that I’ve given myself away, I suppose I’ll just say it:
Yes, I was a bit biased on the topic of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu because… I had a massive crush on him.
And it was hard, so very hard to see him in class everyday, at the dorms, around campus, and not be able to make those feelings known. I couldn’t tell if it was fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of him just cussing me out until I pissed myself, maybe a mix of all three? But now we were alone… save for Peko, who was undoubtedly spying from somewhere close by. Why should I care what anyone thinks? I was sure he’d never tell anyone if he rejected me anyway. He wasn’t the gossiping type, and he only told people what he needed them to hear. Steadying myself, I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the decorative colonnade. As I shakily stepped across the grass, lunch became the last thing on my mind, and I approached him. He didn’t even look up until I began to speak, cowardice lining my tone.
“H-hey,” I mumbled, towering above him like some weirdo. He squinted in suspicion, a small pout settling onto his lips as he silently acknowledged me. “Are you studying?!” I yelled more than spoke, my nerves taking hold. He rolled his eyes, holding the notebook up with one hand. I couldn’t help scanning him, taking in the way the sun bounced off the yellow fluff of his buzz cut, the way his chest heaved slowly, the cute little mole under his bottom lip. I was sweating, wondering if Peko would knock me out for getting too close, but also entranced in his hazel eyes.
“What does it look like?” He huffed, irritated by my very presence. He probably came out hime to be alone, after all. Now he had to deal with me right after those insufferable girls.
“Ah, haha, yeah, well anyway, I wanted to say that those girls were obnoxious and wrong. You shouldn’t let their words get to you. They’re meaningless. Y-you shouldn’t care about what they think. I-” I spoke quickly, nervously, and he parried my words instantly, tired of me wasting his precious time.
“I don’t give a shit what they think. Since you’re such a fuckin’ creep and were apparently watching the whole time, you must have seen me scare them off, yeah? I obviously don’t care, and I don’t need some rando to come give me a fuckin’ pep talk! What do I look like to you, some fuckin’ kid that got his feelings hurt by some bullies? Fuck those bitches and fuck you! If that’s all you had to say, get lost,” he spat, and I flinched backwards. He was feeling vulnerable, and biting back was the only thing she knew, like an abused dog lashing out at its rescuers. I knew not to take it personal, that Fuyuhiko sometimes said things he didn’t mean out of anger. I knew all of this, but I was still taken aback and thoroughly intimidated. Almost as soon as he’d snapped at me, he settled back into his calm studying, opening the notebook again. That was Fuyuhiko, a little ball of rage that could be turned on and off like a switch.
“Well, I, um-” I cut off my own words, swiftly turning on my heel and marching out of the courtyard, clutching my bag like it could save me from this humiliation.
“Fuck… I’m such an idiot.” I shook my head, involuntarily replaying my blunderous attempt to ask Fuyuhiko out in my head over and over again. Could it even be called that? I mean, I didn’t even get to the asking out part before I made a complete fool of myself and pissed him off. I was now rushing through the corridors of the first floor, trying to make it to what was my last class of the day after a very short lunch and some extremely demanding training. The gardening class was mainly unsupervised and casual, but I hated the feeling of being technically late nonetheless.
The term “class” is used loosely hime. At Hope’s Peak, each student was required to choose an elective course that “gave back” to the community or school in some way. It was thought to boost the school’s reputation, along with the student’s resume. That was the sentiment the school held, anyway. Some students volunteered at local retirement homes, some, like the eccentric Gundham Tanaka, lead clubs that tended to rescue animals and raised them. Others tutored exchange students in Japanese, some did maintenance around the school to earn the credit. I chose the gardening club, where students would break up into little groups and tend to all the plants, flowers, grass, vegetable gardens, and courtyards on and around campus. Sometimes we even took “field trips” to tend to other local greenery. I found it to be the most calming and quiet option of all the electives. There was very little human interaction, and it was satisfying to see the (literal) fruits of your labor grow.
Today I would be tending to the garden in the secondary courtyard behind the school. This one was more hidden away, rarely ever used, and that’s what I loved about it. But… as I turned the corner, my box of gardening supplies in hand, I froze dead in my tracks, shuffling back to hide behind the cover of the wall.
Fuyuhiko was sitting there on his hands and knees, pruning weeds from the garden. The coat of his uniform was discarded, and she sat in only his slacks and a button up dress shirt with a tie. He had little towels folded up as make-shift knee padding, green gloves on, and was leaning into his work with such fervor.
What?! I screamed internally, panic taking hold of me. I had been a member of the gardening club for months, and not once had I seen him on the class roster or in rotation. I’d been to every station, been assigned every task at least once, and I’d never been paired with him. So of course, on the day I was thoroughly humiliated in front of him, here he was, ruining what was supposed to be the most relaxing part of my day. I considered leaving, simply lying about my hour of gardening time on the school’s check-in portal, but something in me told me to stay. I sat there, fighting with myself, nearly collapsing with anxiety, and then he began to speak, tearing my from my thoughts:
“Now now, how are you gonna grow big and strong if you keep lettin’ these little punks fuck you up like this…?” He huffed, almost fatherly in his tone. I peeked around the corner, wondering who the hell he was talking to. Maybe this shift wouldn’t be so awkward with a third party to distract me from him, I thought, but when I hazarded a glance, not a soul was in sight, save Fuyuhiko. Taking a closer look, I noticed his calloused hands nestled around the leaf of a plant, and he tsk’d, observing the bite marks left by pestiferous insects and small animals. He was talking to the plant?! My cheeks started to warm up, my heart melting at the realization.
Fuyuhiko began to hum, then to sing softly, a lullaby of sorts for this injured little green darling. Holding my breath, I nearly crumpled against the wall, feeling my flush spread from my cheeks to rush throughout my entire body. This is so fucking cute, I thought to myself, glancing once more, perhaps a bit riskily. I was getting greedy, greedy for even a glimpse of seeing him in the state of happiness I knew he deserved. I couldn’t care less if Peko was sneaking up behind me with a bamboo sword at the ready.
When I looked, he was smiling, truly smiling. I’d never seen him smile like that before, a smile birthed out of an innocent and serene joy, and now I never wanted it to stop. There was no way I was turning back now.
I took a few steps back down the hall, then stomped loudly toward the courtyard, allowing him to save face by thinking I had only just approached. I knew I would be in for quite the sour retaliation if he knew I had caught him singing. He may have even gotten up and left. He looked up, still leaned over his plants but now dead silent as I entered, and when he realized who I was, his breath caught in his throat. Another expression I rarely saw from him: one of being caught off guard.
“Hey… so, I didn’t know you were in the gardening club? I’ve been in it since the start and I’ve never seen you.” I set down my box next to him and pulled out some gloves. I was hoping that acting like earlier never happened was the best course of action. Something can’t be awkward if it doesn’t exist, right? Luckily, he played along… or rather, just didn’t bring it up, either.
“Uh, yeah. I was hoping to avoid all the bullshit of the whole, volunteer-but-not -actually-because-it’s-a-requirement class thing altogether. I just don’t have time for this shit, but my academic advisor caught on and forced me into gardening. It was the last one with spots left open…” he grumbled, as if he weren’t absolutely loving it mere moments ago.
“Huh… and they aren’t penalizing you for, you know, losing all those points from the first few months you missed?” I inquired bravely. Maybe those girls were right earlier about his father threatening professors…?
“Nah, I guess not. My advisor is super chill. She worked something out…”
“That’s lucky…” my words trailed off, and we both got to work. The longer the silence grew, the more the awkward energy imposed itself on both of us. I could tell that he was thinking back to our earlier encounter by the way he made eye contact and quickly snatched his gaze away, the way she would open his mouth then close it without a hesitant word.
Half an hour passed, and my nerves were beginning to stand on edge. What was more daunting than being alone with your crush? Being alone with your crush who verbally ripped you a new one that same day.
Now mere inches away from him, focusing in on the same patch of flowers, we both reached for a small watering can at the same time, and our hands touched briefly, fleetingly before he snatched his own back, a shade of pink dusting his soft cheeks. He turned away, embarrassed, but I couldn’t have been more excited by the small interaction. Still, for both our sakes, I felt the need to break the silence.
“You… you seem happier - now, I mean… as opposed to earlier today…” It was time to bring up the elephant in the room. I saw his body tense up, his spine stiffen, and he turned to face me, dirt staining his forearms and a swipe on his cheek where he’d scratched an itch earlier.
“Yeah… I should probably apologize for that, bein’ a dick and all. I was just, really pissed and stressed. I shouldn’t have attacked you like that… it’s just… those stupid, loud-mouth, air-headed-” I saw his fists clench, his gloves squeaking a bit under the pressure. I continued where he left off, not wanting him to force himself to relive the gossip or the anger attached to it.
“It’s fine, seriously. I get it. There will always be assholes like them in the world. I don’t blame you for being upset. Besides, I’m sure it was weird to have a stranger just approach you like that, trying to give you unsolicited advice and bothering you by-”
“Well, you’re not really a stranger, are you? I’ve seen you around plenty of times… and you’re in my home room.” He spoke reluctantly, clearly fighting against the compulsory need to deflect and defend.
“O-oh, yeah, you are. I didn’t think you’d notice.” I felt my heart rate speed up. Of course I’d seen him many times in the back of the classroom, but I had no idea he’d given me even a first glance, much less a second one.
“Of course I noticed. Sports, right? Exercise, fitness, an’ all that?” He nodded, smirking. God, he was so hot… I didn’t know how to contain my excitement. I was trying my best.
“Yeah, exactly. Sports, exercise, fitness. That’s me.” I chuckled a bit, finding myself more and more drawn to him with every second spent in his presence.
“Shit’s cool. I can respect someone who’s disciplined and keeps in shape. I’ve seen a few of your games,” he let slip.
“You have?” I immediately picked it up, a shiver of anticipation running over my skin and setting my pores on fire. Fuyuhiko wasn’t on any of the teams I played for and his Ultimate talent had nothing to do with sports. He wasn’t the type to go watch a sports game for fun, and didn’t have the free time for it anyway.
My eyes widened slowly, and I’m sure he could see the moment I made the connection deep inside myself almost as soon as I’d made it.
That was the day I realized that Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu liked me back.
An obscene shade of red flooded onto his face and his nose scrunched up, his voice cracking as he spoke:
“Stop starin’ at me like that! The fuck’s wrong with you?!”
#fuyuhiko kuzuryuu#fuyuhiko x reader#danganronpa#super danganronpa 2#sdr2 goodbye despair#danganronpa v3#danganronpa killing harmony#end of hope's peak academy#gender neutral reader#female reader#male reader#angst#fluff#crush#oneshot#commission#fanfiction#imagine#x reader#reader insert#scenarios#headcanon#sfw#Trigger happy havoc#nagito komaeda#writing commission#mikan tsumiki#danganronpa imagine#y/n#s/o
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how i’d rewrite v3
warning: long post
chapter 1:
everything is essentially the same with one key difference
when voting ends, shuuichi is revealed to have abstained, leading to his death alongside kaede’s
thus resulting in a double protag switch, with kiibo becoming the protag
chapter 1 results in three deaths
this establishes the arc number, makes things interesting by killing off three of the seemingly most important characters, and gives leeway for the rest of the cast to shine
chapter 2:
the motive is the same, and maki gets hoshi’s tape
however, maki refuses to trade with him and he gets angry about it
because he’s always wanted to feel like he was worth something, and there’s someone standing in the way of letting him know if there’s anything outside waiting for him, he kills maki
however, after that, he watches his tape and realizes that he’s completely alone
he leaves the crime scene as is, and kokichi tries to throw the trial because he has maki’s tape and has revealed her as the SHSL assassin
kokichi attempts to make it be that maki committed suicide as a means of escaping her past, but he also posits that maybe she was framing hoshi since he was already a convicted murderer
hoshi, having nothing left to live for, confesses, and kokichi gets angry, citing that it would have been so much more interesting if he had fought his fate
maki and hoshi die in a fiercely antagonistic, ultimately self-destructive mess
chapter 3:
there’s a similar motive, and it’s established that there was a pair of relatives in the cast, but one of them is dead
miu has already cemented herself as being pretty isolated from the rest of the group, and people suspect that she and kaede were twins, based on them knowing that kaede had a twin sister
other guesses include rantarou being related to tenko or kirumi, and shuuichi being related to korekiyo or tsumugi
angie decides to hold a seance so that they can figure it out and reunite them
himiko offers to help and it’s during the seance that himiko is killed
this is a 1 victim chapter, subverting the expectation, and also making sense since 3 people died in chapter 1
during the trial, people start to suspect miu, but korekiyo starts acting weird
korekiyo has a meltdown completely out of nowhere, and believes himself to be possessed by the spirit of shuuichi
he reveals that shuuichi was his brother, and that he was vengeful towards the group for not stopping the killing game (making his, kaede’s, and rantarou’s sacrifices be in vain)
he also claims that shuuichi was trying to target the mastermind, but when himiko volunteered herself to help, he ended up killing her instead
korekiyo is voted, despite a couple people claiming that shuuichi would be the true culprit
korekiyo is executed, and in retaliation for monodam having killed monokid and monosuke during the prior executions, monotaro and monophanie kill him
chapter 4:
virtual reality is still part of the motive
angie has a breakdown, having lost the one person that was most receptive to her teachings about atua
miu and tsumugi are shown to be very close after the last few chapters due to their self-isolated nature
angie snaps and tries to kill miu, but tsumugi steps in in her place, killing angie as defense
the world glitches, and miu goes missing for a bit, leading people to believe that she was the victim
when they get out of the game, miu is still alive, and so people believe her to be the murderer
it’s revealed that miu caused the glitch in order to save tsumugi
kokichi’s been part of this too, having noticed how close they were and putting pieces together, as well as eavesdropping and coercing info out of miu
kokichi ouma, revealed as a magnificent bastard
miu begs everyone to vote for her, but tsumugi confesses, and she is executed
during tsumugi’s execution, monotaro seems like he’ll be next to die, but monophanie sacrifices herself for him, in line with this chapter’s theme
after this trial, miu and tenko start hanging out, having lost their closest friends (tsumugi and himiko respectively)
chapter 5:
everybody hates ouma: the musical
after it was revealed that he manipulated the events of both chapter 2 and chapter 4, literally everybody suspects him of being the mastermind, or at least a traitor of some sort
he decides to try and enlist miu to help hack into kiibo to make him a minion of his
miu goes along with it, thanks to some masterful manipulation tactics on ouma’s end (he’s good with words, the shit)
kiibo’s software goes blank for a bit, but he eventually gets better thanks to an unforeseen software update
(during the time that kiibo’s offline, we play briefly as the other cast, who are all either preparing to confront or already confronting ouma by this point)
ouma is also shown to be causing injuries to himself, hoping to die by his own hand and cause a trial where nobody knows the real killer, taking everyone with him because they’re all so bad at playing the game
ouma is the victim and nobody knows who killed him, not even monokuma
everyone is hesitant to admit that they confronted him, but only gonta, kaito, and tenko confess to having fought him physically
miu and kiibo work together to reveal that kiibo was still recording during the time he was offline, and they show ouma inflicting injuries to himself
everyone believes that ouma committed suicide, but just before everyone goes to vote, gonta confesses
gonta delivered the killing blow accidentally, not realizing his own strength
over the course of the game, gonta and kiibo had gotten close, and gonta got so angry seeing kiibo malfunctioning that he killed ouma on accident
tenko and kaito both then claim that they killed him, not wanting gonta to die
kiibo has to convince them that voting for gonta is the right thing to do
gonta is executed, and it seems like monotaro is safe, but right at the end of gonta’s execution, monotaro commits suicide
chapter 6:
after talking to monokuma during the previous trial about rules and what to do if the results of a trial were unclear or ambiguous, they realize that the mastermind broke a rule back in chapter 1
the rule being that someone killing more than 2 people isn’t allowed
when kiibo’s attempting to find out who the mastermind could be alongside kirumi, miu, tenko, and kaito, they are given class files for each student
nowhere in either korekiyo or shuuichi’s files do they mention a brother, while in kaede’s, her twin sister is mentioned
after gathering evidence and demanding a retrial of the first case, kiibo confronts monokuma, believing that korekiyo is the mastermind, having hidden his death after causing the deaths of kaede, rantarou, shuuichi, and himiko
it’s revealed that shuuichi was actually the one faking his death, and that he is the mastermind of the killing game
danganronpa is still a show, but shuuichi passes it off as an experimental documentary on how people can be forced to kill, based on a real life set of video games
he confesses that he fabricated his relation to korekiyo, but that it worked well, as korekiyo was a traitor, having worked with shuuichi on his experiment
he also reveals that kiibo was made solely for the experiment, as a camera and an audience surrogate, making him essentially a conduit for amateur sleuths to solve real life murders on TV
this breaks kiibo and we play as the other four survivors to help him
it’s revealed that the show technically hasn’t even aired, and that shuuichi was planning on killing all of them in order to survive to share his findings with the world
shuuichi is thwarted, and the survivors all agree to die alongside him if it means destroying the video
kiibo initiates self-destruct, but after seeing that the others are safe in a bunker, accepts his death and kills himself alongside shuuichi
the survivors are kaito, tenko, miu, and kirumi, subverting the theme number of 3
it’s revealed that rantarou had memories of surviving two other experiments led by shuuichi, explaining the v3 -- this was the 3rd version of his game
the footage is destroyed, and the four survivors walk away from the rubble, unsure of how to assimilate back into society having pretended that nothing happened
#v3#danganronpa v3#new danganronpa v3#ndrv3#v3 rewrite#ndrv3 rewrite#danganronpa#dr#saimotalks#saimotass.exe#spoilers#v3 spoilers#ndrv3 spoilers#dr spoilers#danganronpa spoilers#new danganronpa v3 spoilers#long post#let me know if this is any good lmao
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A Sleepy Autumn Morning (Naga!Kokichi & Minotaur!Gonta)
As most autumn mornings tend to be, the air was freezing, dew glistened in the first light of the day. Leaves covered almost every part of the school. From rooftops to the gavel paths winding themselves through the schoolyard, everything was covered in browns, reds, oranges, and yellows of all shapes and sizes. Water dripped down from the remaining leaves, still hanging onto the branches, forming small puddles below. The musky smell of rain hung in the air. The next rainstorm would surely hit within the next hour, the dark gray clouds looming overhead told the students as much.
Not many people enjoyed the season. They say it's too moist, or too cold. Kokichi was of the latter opinion, as many nagas -and dragons, too for that matter- tend to be. Considering this, Kokichi had spent the last days curled up in his tail, covered by three, thick blankets and a heating pad he 'borrowed' from a dragon in class 77. He barely moved to prevent a cool breeze from finding a way to him. Besides the cold temperatures making him sleepy, the chattering of one's sharp teeth was not something Kokichi enjoyed.
While curled up, he fell in and out of sleep, his muscles feeling as if they were made of iron; Unmovable, rigid and above all, heavy.
At around noon, a couple of knocks at his door made Kokichi wake up: "Yes?" he called, voice raspy from not having used it in three days. No reply. Who'd knock on his door and then not answer? Hell, who'd knock on his door, to begin with? Probably the space-idiot…
Groaning, the small naga, for the first time in three days, lifted his blankets to climb out of them. As expected, the air hit him like a bucket of water. Icy water. He hissed and retreated back into his castle of warmth and coziness, however, another row of knocks forced him to uncurl his tail and use it to grab the nearest winter coat, a dark-blue one with thick fur stitched around the neck. It fitted him poorly, obvious given the fact that it was sewn to fit a male sphinx. Still, it was his all-time favorite. He liked blue.
Kokichi slipped into the coat and crawled back out of bed, teeth began to chatter as if the cold had flipped a switch. The naga pressed his lips together and forced himself towards the door of his room. Upon opening, a loud voice greeted him: "Kokichi! Gonta was so worried, wanted to break down door!"
"But then I'd have to get a new door *and* doorway. That'd be so boring!" Kokichi retorted, secretly relieved he was able to without shaking too much: "But thanks for your concern, big guy. Who knows, you might as well be the only person to check in on me all autumn."
"Really? Thank you!" Gonta smiled, chest puffed out in pride. Just then, Kokichi's eyes fell to the bowl in the minotaur's hands. The heavenly smell of Tomato Soup reached his tongue as it darted out.
Gonta too noticed the longing looks and his smile grew even bigger: "Gonta bring you soup!"
Water gathered in the naga's mouth: "For me? Wait-" he stopped as he remembered why nobody ever asked Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Entomologist, to cook -or bake- anything: "Did you make that?"
To Kokichi's delight, Gonta shook his head, one hand reaching behind his head the other balancing the bowl of heaven: "No, Gonta asked Teruteru. Gonta too busy looking for bugs this morning. Sorry! Gonta know that's not gentlemanly. Gonta make you soup tomorrow."
"Oh, I can't wait." he grabbed the bowl, his fingers embracing their warmth. Turning around, back into the room, Kokichi wanted to close the door with his tail but instead of touching wood, it made contact with a fur-covered leg. The tall minotaur closed the door behind him as Kokichi sat down on his bed. He removed the cover, fresh steam warmed his face, the scent of tomatoes hit his tongue, causing him to lick his lips. Besides the red soup, there was also a big spoon inside. Immediately, he shoved a spoon of soup inside his mouth, enjoying the heat as it went down his throat. He continued to eat, having all but forgotten about the minotaur. That was, however, until 207 lbs sat down next to him on the mattress. As one would expect, the weight made Kokichi jump, luckily after removing the empty spoon from his mouth. Kokichi looked up at him, eyes narrowed: "Watch out!"
"Sorry!" Gonta quickly said, arms raised: "Gonta so big."
"You don't say…"
To prevent Gonta from messing up again, Kokichi quickly finished his meal and put the bowl and spoon on his bedside table. As he turned back, thinking about how to make the minotaur leave, said minotaur had taken a caterpillar out of his little box and presented it on his finger. "Gah!" Kokichi yelped at the small animal. He almost jumped from his bed -willingly this time.
"Gonta find him this morning." the colorful insect reared it's head upwards to look at the naga, moving the sections of their body as if to connect with him on some level. As if it wanted to say: "Hey, you are like me." or something like that. However, Kokichi disagreed.
"Gonta think you two will be good company." the minotaur reached forward until the caterpillar could crawl on the naga's arm. "Don't!"
"Huh? Kokichi not like caterpillar?" Gonta's red eyes blazed and even with his muscles covered by his suit, Kokichi could still see them tensing.
"Whaaat? Me, not liking a bug? Gonta, please. I love bugs! You know that. It's just…" he sighed: "I'm sorry I guess I never told you."
"Never told Gonta what?" the tall minotaur blinked, anger momentarily forgotten.
"That I… I am allergic to bugs!"
"A… Lergic?" Gonta asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah! If a bug touches me, I'll explode!" Kokichi threw his arms in the air: "Do you want that, Gonta? Do you want me to explode?"
"No! Gonta not want that!" quickly Gonta pulled back his hand and put the insect back in its box: "But why Kokichi never tell Gonta?"
"I was embarrassed. I thought you wouldn't like me anymore." tear built up in Kokichi's plum eyes.
"Huh?! No, Gonta never do that! It's not gentlemanly!"
"T-Then you're not mad?"
Gonta shook his head.
With the soup's heat dying down, Kokichi began to shiver again and the heaviness of the last days returned to his body. The simple motion of whipping away his tears exhausted him. He reached to grab his heating pad but a strong arm threw him back. Back against a firm chest. At first, Kokichi wanted to protest but… Gonta's chest was heavenly warm. Warmer then his blankets had been. He looked up, seeing a bright smile above him: "Forrest family teach Gonta how to keep others warm. Cuddling good for heat." his other arm put itself around the shivering naga, too.
Drowsy, Kokichi nodded, cheek pressed again Gonta's chest, teeth chattering ever so slightly. Gonta reached towards the blankets and put them over his friend's long tail. He had always wondered why so many people thought naga scales were slimy. They were smooth and soft; the complete opposite of slimy. If they weren't, nagas couldn't move around, let alone climb up trees. Mermaids were the ones with slimy scales because otherwise they'd dry out too fast.
Gonta's thoughts came back to the naga in his arms. He could feel Kokichi shivering: "You want Gonta to get more soup?"
"No…" Kokichi closed his eyes, unable to keep them open any longer. He didn't want this heat source to go away. Even if it would just be for a few minutes: "Stay." to emphasize his command he wrapped his tail around Gonta's waist. He knew he wasn't nearly strong enough to actually keep a fully grown minotaur such as Gonta in place but luckily he didn't try to leave. Instead, he pulled Kokichi closer, something Kokichi noted he should revolt against. He yawned and rubbed his face against Gonta's chest. The other's strong heartbeat drummed against his ear. It was steady, calm but powerful. Kokichi had heard that a minotaur's heart was almost twice as big as a naga's. Judging from the sound, that could certainly be true. "Kokichi?"
"Are you sleeping?"
Somehow, Kokichi shook his head and his tail's grip tightend, desperate as if he wanted to squeeze all the warmth out and absorb it.
"Still too cold?" Gonta asked.
Kokichi nodded. Careful as to not disturb the naga, Gonta put the still hot heating pad over the smaller one's shoulders.
He didn't stay awake long after that. The temperatures mixed with Gonta's heartbeat still drumming against his ear was just too much, too overwhelming.
#fanfic#fanfiction#danganronpa v3#danganronpa au#mythical monster#mythical monster au#danganronpa#drv3 kokichi#kokichi ouma#naga!kokichi#minotaur!gonta#gonta gokuhara#drv3 gonta#platonic#platonic ship#friends#friendship#ougoku#huddling for warmth#fantasy#fantasy au#fantasy creature#gonta is a gentleman
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So I saw a The Good Place AU on ao3, rewatched the show and I had so many ideas for a different take on it like seriously !
So here's a bunch of the ideas I had bc I'm losing my mind at this
First of all : Warning, there's gonna be spoilers of season 1 and probably 2 of the show, please go watch it it's so good and funny.
So all the class are residents, except Tsumugi and Kiibo. Kiibo is the equivalent of Janet. Welcome to The Good Place, yaddy yaddy, except there are 3 bad apples : Ryoma, Maki and Kokichi.
Each one of them are given an identity that isn’t theirs and they’re trying to pull it off, for a while at least. When the day after their arrival chaos happen and they find themselves the only one without the “emergency suit”, Ryoma decide to tell Tsumugi and Kiibo, but Maki and Kokichi saw that he was a fraud too and kept him from giving himself away, because right now Tsumugi and Kiibo don’t know what’s causing all the chaos, but if Ryoma gives himself away, is sent to The Bad Place but chaos is still happening, they will know the other two are here. Ryoma ask them what’s their plan then, which Maki says they try to blend in. Try to BE good people. Kokichi doesn’t believe one bit of this but act like he does to convince Ryoma. And so begin their journey to becoming good people.
(more under the cut cause it’s kinda long)
Here a list of the soulmates btw (not ship, most of them are made for plot purpose)
Suichi Saihara | Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota | Maki Harukawa
Tenko Chabashira | Korekiyo Shinguji
Ryoma Hoshi | Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Ouma | Gonta Gokuhara
Himiko Yumeno | Miu Iruma
Angie Yonaga | Rantaro Amami
But it turns out that trying to be a good person isn’t necessary instinctual for them, Ryoma is the one doing well but oh boy the other two are messes. Maki keeps menacing other people and her polite smile is so forced even Gonta knows it’s fake. Kokichi just keeps making pranks on the other residents because there’s no harm in a little prank (he just had problem adjusting to this new group and hates that he likes some of them so he pranks them so they get away from him and he doesn’t have to be vulnerable around them.)
Ryoma ends up sitting them down after a few days and telling them they need help. So they debate about who would be the best fit. They end up with Korekiyo, mostly because he studies human and they guess moral are part of humen so maybe he knows the best way to be a good person, plus the guy is lonely most of the time, doesn’t gossip and creepily study and takes note of the other residents.
They ask him and he accepts. He takes it as a new way to study human behaviour in a field he didn’t specialize during his life. (btw, here the characters are aged-up, they’re in their 20s so they can have more Life Knowledge:TM:). They chose to meet up at Korekiyo’s house to study because his soulmate, Tenko, hates his gut and never comes to visit; while the other three have way too caring soulmates that comes to visit them on a daily basis (Kaito being the more insistant, Gonta and Kirumi try to respect their personal boundaries but still, the gang doesn’t want to be interrupted by them, so at Korekiyo’s it is.
A little more about Tenko and Korekiyo. When Tsumugi introduced them to each other, Tenko was out of her mind. First, she’s a lesbian, second, she finds Korekiyo super creepy and has a bad feeling about him, worst than all other degenerate male she ever met (nevermind the fact that she says this every time she meets a new guy). Korekiyo is also unpleased by this arrangement, mainly because she’s a bit much for him. Tsumugi says soulmates aren’t always romantic, they can also take form in a strong companionship. Both are still skeptical when she leaves and basically avoid each other. Korekiyo also asked Tsumugi about other neighboorhood and if visiting is possible, since he would like to see his sister.
(Little point here, I doubt Korekiyo might be a serial killer here, he might have thought about it but never acted on it. He’s still pretty fucked up by the abuse his sister made him go through, but he also doesn’t recognise it as abuse yet, part of his character arc would be to come to term with that)
So ! The teaching is... Sure going. Korekiyo is good at teaching the theory but oh boy if he doesn’t suck at practice. They’re sure learning, but it’s still a trainwreck and Ryoma is the only reasonnable person in this house. They need a person who is a good person naturally, and wouldn’t go tell Tsumugi their situation...
Yeah they take a look at Gonta and it’s settled. The man is way too nice to everyone and “a true gentleman never tells friends secret to others !”. They thought about Angie for a moment, she seems nice with everyone and alwyas organise parties or artistic activities to unite everyone together, but she’s close friend with Tenko and Himiko so they doubt she would let Korekiyo hang out with her friends.
Gonta is not the best teacher. He tries his best, but even though he is nice and try his best to help everyone, he is also incredibly naive and can be mislead to do bad things pretty easily, which is what Kokichi proves within the first day his soulmate agrees to help them. They basically have a Insect Meet and Greet. Once Gonta understands he hurt his friends, he’s pretty sad and isolate himself. Ryoma would probably come talk to him. Gonta talks about how he didn’t act like a gentleman and he regrets it, which leads to a conversation about why he wants so badly to be a gentleman and their past life. Ryoma mentions how he didn’t have anything to live for back on earth, no family, no friends, no lovers. Gonta says he’ll make sure he does now, which makes Ryoma laugh. They grow closer after that, Gonta trying to spend more time with him.
Meanwhile, Kokichi is onto something. Since he arrived here, he felt like something was wrong. Tsumugi keeps saying they have no idea what’s causing all the chaos and there’s no way someone got here by accident ? Three frauds in one go ? That’s not right. So he investigates, everyone. Their past, their actions, their words, he wants to know everything and understand what is really this place. He doesn’t trust anyone. So he used the Insect Meet and Greet to find more info while everyone is busy. That’s when he’ll cross path with Shuichi, because he sneaked into his and Kaede’s house. Shuichi become suspicious of him from there on and they develop a kind of rivalry where Shuichi knows Kokichi is up to something but doesn’t know what, and Kokichi likes to mess with him. He also likes to mess with Kiibo to ask them a myriad of questions about everything and nothing.
Kokichi : Hi Kiiboy !
Kiibo : Not a boy, but hi (bc hell yes nb Kiibo and maybe this whole thing was based of my want to write this dialogue down, but who knows really)
MEANWHILE, Maki ends up hiding with Kaito who has been trying to talk to her for a while and now she can’t leave him because there are insects everywhere outside. They sit there for a while, Kaito trying to start a conversation, but getting frustrated because she doesn’t talk back until they both lash out. Maki insists she doesn’t want to make friends, especially with him and not on the basis of them being soulmates or whatever. She adds that he doesn’t want to be friend with her, trust her. He asks why but she doesn’t answers. So he starts all over again, straighten up and introduce himself again. “Name’s Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars and totally not your soulmate.” She sniggers and introduce herself. They chit-chat for a bit and once the insects are gone, they leave. They say goodbye and Maki avoids him a bit less after this.
The day after the Insect Meet and Greet, Kokichi arrive at Korekiyo’s home earlier than the others. He brags about how much of a shame it is that Gonta won’t work with them anymore, really it’s too bad. Except that when Ryoma arrives with Gonta in toe, his eyes are the size of saucers. In the days following, Kokichi still tries to use Gonta and make the giant hate him, which is slowly irritating Ryoma. He asks him why he keeps trusting Kokichi after everything he’s done, but Gonta says he believes Kokichi can become a good person, it’s actually the point of everything they’re doing. After a while Kokichi expends his pranks to the other frauds and Shuichi. That’s when it clicks for Korekiyo who goes to talk to him in private. He tries to ask him why he’s trying to get everyone who is close to him into hating him. Kokichi denies everything, just says it’s fun. Korekiyo just tells him it’s not doing him any good and they won’t hurt him if he let them get closer. He still prank them all, but it’s less mean.
There is also a point where the group wonder if Miu isn’t a fraud too because of her loud mouth. She’s super annoyed by the automatic swear words blocker. She’s so loud and don’t get along at all with her soulmate Himiko who finds her exhausting.
Also at some point, after Korekiyo began to understand that he was abused by his sister, Tsumugi reaches out to him. She give him a letter from his sister. She tells him visiting is not authorised yet, but she managed to negotiate postal communication just for him. He doesn’t take it well. At all. He has a mental breakdown, having flash-back and being terrorised of what to do with this letter. He doesn’t leave his home anymore and doesn’t answer to anybody, the group can’t have class with him. Everyone is getting worried and ends up asking Tenko for helps. They don’t really think he’ll talk to her but they really tried everything else. Himiko slides a word in their favor and Tenko agrees. She goes to the house, knocks and tells him to open. He doesn’t. She stays in front of the door for a while. After a few hours, Korekiyo finally asks what she wants. She says she wants to make sure he’s not dying or something. He says she heard his voice so now she knows he’s not dead, she can leave. But she doesn’t. She asks him to open the door, that it’s typical degenerate male behavior to lock themselves up and not face their emotions. She’s about to say he’s an idiot for making everyone worry like that, but the words die in her throat as the door opens and she sees her soulmate. He’s a mess. He lets her in. He sits down on the floor, she follows. After a few minutes she asks what’s going on. He tells her about how he recently found out what he always believed was false and maybe someone he cares a lot about actually hurt him a lot. He talks about his sister, about what he thought. He says he was wrong but don’t go in the details, he can’t for now. He cries and lose his composure again, which rings a billion alarms and raise his sister voice in his mind. Tenko instinctively reach her hand out and tries to stroke his hairs in a reassuring paterms. After a while, he calms himself and show her the letter, tells her he doesn’t know what to do. She takes it, rise to her feet and help him up. She goes to the chimney, light up a fire and give him back to him. “You don’t have to worry about this if it doesn’t exist anymore”. He let it falls into the flames and they both watch it burns until they are only ashes left.
Korekiyo still needs some time, but he slowly let the other back. Tenko also go to talk to Tsumugi, telling her to cut the postal communication thing. She seems disapointed but agrees.
After that they both start to get better. Tenko slowly try to have a better view on guys, she understands maybe not all of them are bad, like all women are perfect. Korekiyo is slowly opening up to others, slowly trying to move on from the abuse. It’s slow, for both of them, Tenko stops calling guys degenerate, but keeps the male, Korekiyo drops the hat, but keep the rest of the uniform. They’re making progress and supporting each other in little ways.
Maybe the cast of Danganronpa 2 can be the demons (you know bc of Ultimate despair and all, and maybe the survivors of the game can be the demons that would end up agreeing with the humans) but I didn’t thought too much on this.
ANYWAY that’s a few things in my mind. If some of you are interested I’ll probably answer questions about it or post more if I have ideas. Maybe draw, who knows ! Hope some of you liked my ideas
#danganronpa#new danganronpa v3#danganronpa v3#the good place AU#maki harukawa#ryoma hoshi#gonta gokuhara#korekiyo shinguji#kokichi ouma#tenko chabashira#tsumugi shirogane#kiibo
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Sanders Sides OneShots
What Happened Before Accepting Anxiety - what I think happened that caused Virgil to sink out
The Creativity Split -my interpretation of the Split. Warning for slight U!Pat and gaslighting
Analogical Clothes Prompt - some fluffy Analogical with Logan stealing Virgil’s clothes
Moceit No Mom prompt - fluffy Moceit prompt with a bit of demiboy Patton or Patton in a skirt where Patton is oblivious til the end
Royality short Pat prompt - no further explanation needed
Can’t You See It - Analogical One Shot. Virgil wants the others to know about how loving Logan is...and that he’s a giant memelord. Is that so bad? Hints of background Roceit And Remus being himself
Who say you have to leave your past behind you - my first one shot with Rachel. Some stuff has changed about her since this but it has a special place in my heart. Hinted at Past U!Pat and Remus being himself. Dee speaks in lies ofc.
This is the Worst Ending - oh boy. okay this is what I call my angst :tm: If you are senstive to any of the following: don’t read Unsympathetic Patton, multiple major character deaths, blood, Sayori like scene, string imagery, gore, depression, brainwashing, emotional manipulation,murder, strangulation, eating disorder(kinda), stabbing, gaslighting There was a part 2 but......it didn’t last long, i wasn’t proud of it
Puppet!Ray Origins - the first part of my fnaf au! (i literally only have this part and the end so far). Warnings for U!Pat (he’s Afton), along with child death. However some cute Logan and Ray interactions
Puppet!Ray: End of Everything: continuation of FNAF AU. This time the Henry scene at the end of FNAF 6. The fic I got to use the tag ‘is it still fluff if everyone dies’ on. TW: Hinted Unsympathetic Patton because of who he replaces
And They Were Roommates - a hurt/comfort fic writen for the sanders gift exchange last year. LAMP fic, nonbinary Dee, college AU, supportive boyfs all around
Prinxiety Prompt - takes place post DWIT, Virgil and Roman talking/flirting
Moxiety, Mobster Patton - again, nuff said. no death, actually pretty fluffy for the prompt. maybe a little kidnapping?
Movie Night: cute fluffy LAMP
Logan Prevents A Murder: QPP Analogical, Virgil debating murdering Roman
The Bane of Protectiveness: Ray was there when Roman....and she couldn’t stop him TW: Suicide, Self-deprecation, self-hatred
MM3: The Murder: based of a Murder Mystery from a discord server, how Talyn’s death played out TW: death, murder, vomiting, planned murder, drugging a drink, Unsympathetic Logan
How Ray Became Anxiety: Little clip from an au of mine where Ray becomes anxiety, along with keeping protectiveness. TW: character death, Virgil ducks out, Patton and Roman are jerks
Fighting the Dragon Witch isn’t Therapy: after POF, Roman will do anything to prove himself TW: Temporary Major Character Death
Random Fandom One Shots
Peter Meets Angel - short one shot about my oc meeting Peter (Marvel)
Mitsue Goes Off: Mitsue was already having a bad day, so when the LOV kidnaps her, she’s going to give them a piece of her mind (MHA)
We Have Mic - Mic gets kidnapped, Aizawa has something to say bout that (MHA)
Scar to Remember - Overhaul left a mark on Mitsue (MHA)
Demise Of A Gamer (DR) - Chp5 of SDR2 from Chiaki’s Pov
Friends Protect Each Other- Tubbo goes to visit Tommy during his exile...and finds Dream with him TW: manipulative Dream
Original Writing
Saving The Moon - a short story I wrote for a contest a few years back
Never Trust A Newbie- short story written for a writing camp
The Hug Wizard- if you know, you know
Spiritfarer Hug Wizard: o w o
Soulmates Don’t Have to Be Romantic (finished :D )
my platonic soulmates series, starring my oc Ray
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Soulmate GC
Based off my soulmate story, a gc with the members messing w/ each other. Crack fic.
Chp 1
Chp 2
Bad Things Happen Bingo
The Collector - Logan collects people. TW: U!Logan, Kidnapping, Taxidermy on a person, blunt force trauma, character death, implied use of a date rape drug, major character death
Pressure Doesn’t Always Make A Diamond: Reminding a side for their mistakes was never a good idea. Especially when they feel guilty about it like Patton did. TW: Unsympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Logan, constant guilt-tripping, self-hatred, self-deprecation, blaming someone for something that isn’t their fault
He’s Not Yours: Patton’s parents....aren’t the best TW: emotional abuse, yelling, numbness
Keeping Them Pure: Patton just wanted to make sure his kiddos wouldn’t get corrupted by those nasty dark sides TW: Unsympathetic Patton, Kidnapping, Forced holding, chains
The Past Can Haunt You: Remus keeps getting left by those he cares about TW: Abandonment, Self deprecation, Childhood Trauma, the split, implied unsympathetic light sides
Snakes Don’t Like the Cold: Dee is part snake...so what happens when he gets trapped in a freezer TW: Unsympathetic Roman, locked in a freezer, hypothermia
All It Takes Is One Mistake: It’s very easy for the Ego to crack TW: Roman angst ,cracks, roman needing to talk to people
A Game of Paranoia: Something seems off to Rantaro as he goes through this game
You Just Need a Push to be Good: Patton couldn’t let those dark sides keep corrupting Thomas TW: Unsympathethic Patton, using shock collars as punishment
‘I’m Fine’ And Other Lies: Introduction of Mitsue, my bnha oc. Mitsue gets hurt in a fight and doesn’t realize how bad it is until it’s too late TW: mention of blood, hospitals
They Never Saw It Coming: a small one shot with my own sides. Warning, the title is a really bad pun. TW: graphic eye injury
The Collector: What Happened Before: a sort of prequel to The Collector, Patton thinking over what happened TW: hypnotism, mind control, U!Logan
Replaceable?: takes place post POF, Logan’s reaction to what Janus did
Those Left Behind: Ray was there when Virgil left them
You’ll See: From my given to Overhaul AU: Why Mitsue works with Overhaul TW: Forced Starvation, Kidnapping, Parents not caring
Why Roman’s Sword Isn’t Allowed In the Common Room: All I’m gonna say is this is not as much as a crack fic as it sounds. TW: stabbing, coughing up blood, fighting
Scar To Remember: Mitsue wasn’t left okay after Overhaul got a hold of her
We Have Mic: Someone kidnaps Mic to get to Aizawa. TW: Kidnapping
Don’t Hurt Ray Or Else: Even while with the lights, Virgil is going to protect his sister TW: Morally Grey/Unsympathetic Patton, Outing Someone, not Accepting someone, Transphobia?, mentions of fighting someone
Even In The Face Of Death, Logan Ignores His Feelings - a day to relax goes wrong when Remus decides to mess with Logan TW: blood, stabbing
Trapped- Virgil gets kidnapped while out in the imagination. It doesn’t go well. TW: kidnapping, panic attack, flashbacks, claustrophobia, implied pranking, implied fighting
Who Knew Sleep Paralysis Could Be Deadly?- Talent Swap AU with Makoto and Kyoko TW: stabby stab, K-nife, sickness, sleep paralysis
Kokichi’s Sacrifice - Kokichi’s POV of Chp 4 TW: major character death, strangulation
A Well Needed Lesson - Byakuya has had enough of the Ultimate Lucky Student, Kyoko responds in return
Oh Look, A Yandere - Mic gets kidnapped by a yandere and has to try to escape TW: Yandere, kidnapping
Bad Things Happen Bingo Part 2: New Card, New Category
To Manipulate A Protector -Orange goes after Virgil? Or is that just a trick? TW: Kidnapping, implied fighting, manipulation, being controlled
Some Apologies Go Nowhere - after chp 4, Kokichi tries to apologize to Shuichi. Key word there is try
No One Noticed...- What if Shiro hadn’t been the only one Replaced? TW: Abandonment, heavy doubt, replaced and not noticed
Of All People Why’d it have to be Deku? - Bakugou and Midoryia switch bodies. Chaos ensues. TW:… cussing I guess?
A Broken Disc- Spoilers for the March 1st Tommyinnit Stream TW: Major Character Death, Attempted Manipulation, Flashbacks
not again...: Nagito gets kidnapped...again TW: kidnapping, locked in small place
Goodbye Green- Who ever said the Creativity twins were supposed to be separated? TW: Morally Grey Patton, having to leave someone you care about
One Step Behind: Phil’s POV of what happened that fateful day TW: Major Character Death, Stabbing, Bleeding Out, Explosions
Adrien’s Realization
Lila Bashing fic where Adrien finally realizes that ‘Hey what Lila is doing to me isn’t good’
Chp 1- TW: Unrequited flirting, unrequited crush, Lila hate(?)
Chp 2- TW:Self doubt, bad advice
Another Path
After All Might tells Izuku he can’t be hero, Izuku decides it might be better to take another path to help people. Planned mix of actual story and chat fic
TW: slight All Might bashing
Chp 1
Chp 2
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I just wanna say how tired I am with some oumota shippers and their argument that oumasai is a bad ship cause apparently Shuichi never cared about kokichi and is annoyed with him and that oumota is better cause kokichi "opened up" to kaito like what they both were dying and kokichi had to convince kaito to work with him so he had to tell the truth that he wasn't the mastermind or else they'll die a meaningless death.I just really wanted to say this cause its driving me insane
Anonymous said:
Btw i was the anon that sent that ask ranting about oumota shippers saying oumota is better than oumasai and I just wanna clarify that I don't hate oumota shippers cause I know its their opinion and everyone can ship what they want but i feel like I really needed to tell someone about it cause it has been messing with my head and I don't have any irl friends that like DR and this blog felt the safest to vent to
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry you’re dealing with those people! I have a friend who is actually suffering from the same exact thing. Constant harassment from Ou**ta shippers saying Oumasai is toxic. I’m happy you feel like this is the safest blog to vent to ;; And just to make you feel better, here are a bunch of reasons why YOU’RE 100% RIGHT! and you shouldn’t be attacked or ashamed of how you feel towards that ship and all that hate towards yours. If anyone says Shuichi hated Kokichi and never cared for him just read this post! https://natsumiheart.tumblr.com/post/177427505177/hewwo-what-are-your-opinions-on-the-people-who
Warning: If you like Kaito x Kokichi I recommend you don’t read what’s under the cut, I don’t want to diss anyone’s ship in front of their face. That’s just insensitive, and the last thing I want is to ruin someone’s day. Unless you really want to know why others don’t feel the same as you, then don’t check out this post. Thank you!
Note that while I mention the bunch of reasons why this ship just straight up wouldn’t work out, I’m going to ignore the fact that Kaito acts very homophobic and transphobic in the japanese version of the game. I’ve mentioned it in this blog a bunch of times before, and it’s pretty obvious that everyone ignores his Homophobia so I’m just going to pretend as if he’s not homophobic and break down why exactly this ship wouldn’t work out even without him being homophobic in the first place. But I’m definitely not going to exclude how he acts towards guys in general.
> Kaito treats most guys he meets like trash, unless he respects them. Whenever Kaito finds a guy acting “Weak” he literally looks down on them, even gets frustrated with them. Huge proof is how he treated Shuichi for crying over Kaede, and then later punching Kokichi because he was acting “Weird”. Kaito was a huge fan of Ryoma, but when he saw what he has become, someone who has given up on his future, he started treating him badly, and after Ryoma was dead he even talked badly on him calling him “Weak.” and a “Sissy.” Not being able to understand the pain Ryoma was going through or how things were for him. He also got creeped out by Korekiyo for acting like a girl before he even revealed that he was “posessed” by his sister. Aren’t all those moments in the game enough proof that Kaito just straight up doesn’t like guys at all in that way? Then how could he *love* a guy, and Kokichi of all people. Heck, Gonta x Kaito make more sense than Kaito x Kokichi, even though he yelled at Gonta once for crying and being too weak for a man.
It’s shown multiple times in the game that Kaito treats guys like trash, and he treats Kokichi the worst of all.
Note: I do think Kaito can change the way he acts towards guys, but I don’t he will ever love one romantically.
> I think we can all agree that Kokichi is really hard to deal with sometimes. He distances himself so much from everyone as much as he could, and he won’t back down that easily even if it meant hurting others’ feelings. He keeps lying constantly so no one can figure him out or get close to him. We don’t exactly know the reason why, but he has major trust issues and it shows.That is the reason why for us, seeing Shuichi listed under “Trustworthy” was a big deal. (But I’m not going to dive deep into that since I already did multiple times in this blog.) My point here is that Kokichi needs someone with patience, someone who could understand him a bit and why he does what he does. Someone to decipher his actions and break down his walls, but isn’t afraid to sometimes step his foot down and tell him that his actions are wrong and he’s harming others as well as himself. Kaito on the other hand grows frustrated with guys so quickly, he doesn’t listen to their reasoning before heading in for physical violence. THAT is exactly the opposite of what Kokichi needs! And I still don’t understand how others can’t see it! When Kaito punched Kokichi in chapter 4, he was already in so much despair over seeing the secret of the outside world and that punch made it worse. To the point he stayed silent then locked himself in his room. How in the world do people actually see this ship as better than oumasai? I don’t get it.
Kokichi shouldn’t be with someone that will treat him like trash, and physically (if not also emotionally) harm him for how he’s acting.
> Opposites sometimes attract, but POLAR opposites do not. and I’m talking from personal experience here, two people who are different in so many ways (ESPECIALLY THEIR WAY OF THINKING) will end up fighting 24/7. It was shown again and again in the game that Kokichi and Kaito do not get along thanks to how different their approach is to things and their seemingly different upbringings. Ships between two characters who fight a lot just make me so uncomfortable and disturbed, because I know how these relationships actually end up in real life. Fights do happen in relationships sometimes, it’s even needed to strengthen the relationship, to realise that no matter what happens you STILL love your partner, but when you fight every single time you talk? That’s a bad sign!
Fighting is NOT romantic and it never will be! And when it has physical violence mixed in? My god. Please do yourself a favor and break up with your partner if they keep hitting you.
> Kaito doesn’t ever side with Kokichi:
He literally said in chapter 4 “I don’t wanna survive it means I have to stoop to your level!” and Kokichi said “Then die in a hole for all I care! WE wanna LIVE, so stop getting in our way!”. Kaito will never be on Kokichi’s side, Even if it meant his death and the deaths of all his friends.
When Kaito realised that maybe watching all the motive videos together would’ve prevented a murder from happening Shuichi is the one that points out that it was what Kokichi was trying to do. But then Kaito is like “Huh, really?” Then brushes it off. Because of course, of course Kokichi wants murders to continue. Right?
Even after Kokichi spilled everything to him because he was literally about to die and really wanted Kaito to go along with his plan and believe him. Kaito still stated that he still thought he only thought of himself. Even after Kokichi sacrificed himself to save HIM from the poison and MAKI from being his murderer. He still hated him and didn’t believe him. The only reason Kaito went along with his plan was because he was about to die anyway, he was running out of time and he needed to get out even if it meant following Kokichi’s plan and killing him in the process.
When two people actually love each other they have each others backs. But with these two, they never will.
> I don’t believe Kokichi hated Kaito. But he literally thinks he is stupid and is a bad influence on everyone. These two have a relationship of two siblings that can’t stand each other. I always see myself and my brother in them, which is another reason why their ship makes me beyond uncomfortable. My brother puts his trust in people way too easily, and believes whatever tf his brain comes up with because y’know it’s him and “he’s always right”. He would never take a second to think that maybe he’s wrong, just like Kaito and his hunch. I on the other hand find him incredibly stupid, we argue a lot because our way of thinking and our beliefs are very different, we even used to hit each other a lot. We never really got along. And the way Kokichi and Kaito act around each other really reminded me of it, but you don’t know me and you don’t know my brother so why should you take my word for it? An example I like to use when trying to explain this point to others is the relationship between Stanley and Stanford in Gravity Falls, those two fought a lot in the show but in the last episode they had to work together on a plan despite their differences. Doesn’t it remind you of a certain story that happened in the game? Kokichi and Kaito’s relationship resembles theirs so much it’s insane.
I feel like the game tried to show us how these two are more like siblings but on bad terms, even giving them similar hair and eye colors. But that flew straight over every rivalry shipper’s head.
These are some of the reasons why Ou**ta wouldn’t work out and can’t even be a thing in the first place, I said it before and I’ll say it again: I could write a book about this topic. But I’m kinda busy today and I have to leave the house soon- I hope you’re convinced that you are actually right. (I’ve been told countless times that I’m wrong leading me to question myself, so I wanted to help out by reassuring you that your feelings are valid and you’re not wrong in this situation at all) Saying Oumasai is toxic for one line Shuichi said while he was angry and defending his friend, while shipping Ou**ta and ignoring all this stuff is like the most hypocritical thing anyone can say.
And yeah, people should ship whatever they want. Lots of people ignore characters’ feelings and ship the crackiest of ships, making very OOC art and fanfiction. And they can do that! But they can’t go around dissing people for their ship while supporting an obviously flawed one. Honestly you shouldn’t attack people for their ships in the first place, no matter what YOU ship. Just stay in your own bubble and stay away from the ships you dislike. It’s not that hard!
If you’re an Ou**ta fan reading this, I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and I’m really not saying you should stop supporting your ship. I’m just explaining why we feel this way towards it and the evidence we have behind it. If you’re one of the people who go around attacking shippers while boasting your ship. Please stop? Seriously, stop giving a shit about other people’s opinions and life will suddenly become much easier.
I’d like to clarify: If anyone responds to this post telling me I’m wrong, I’m not responding. My blog is for me to post art, sometimes funny stuff to make people’s days, interact with my followers and draw their requests, or ranting about topics I’m passionate about (Mostly DR). I do not want it to be a place for ship discourse, so if I get disagreeing replies or asks I’m going to ignore them like I always do whenever I post these rant type blogs. I hope you understand.
#asks#rant#danganronpa#drv3#New Danganronpa V3#ndrv3#cn you tell that i really dislike this ship PFPF#i really love the two characters and want them to be friends by fixing their relationship i just reaaally dislike them as a couple#an i hate ut so much when people ignore EVERYTHING that happened in the game between them#ad then say our ship is toxic??? wheres the logic did you drop it somehwere 😂#i wanna tag this as anti ou**ta but im scared it will show up in that ship's tags so im not gonna#there are no cases of the virus in my village btw so dun worry about me leaving the house im safe here i promise 😂#im sorry if theres any spelling mistakes or grammar errors btw i wrote this in a hurry PFPF
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⚠️ Potential Spoilers for Mekakucity Actors and Danganronpa V3 ⚠️
So, this is something I started on Instagram, so I thought I'd also do it here (I'm not sure how good it'll do here, but yeah-). Still not exactly sure what I'll do with it here (Maybe asks or something? I don't know, I'm lost-), but I'll come up with something.
So, these characters are a mix of my pre-game headcannons, their in-game personality, and the personalities of the Mekakucity cast they take the place of.
First, we have Maki as Kido.
Honestly, there wasn't much to change here. She's simply slightly more emotional than she is in V3, I guess. Not much for me to add that isn't already in the picture.
Now, Kaito as Seto.
I know, Seto isn't exactly as confident as Kaito is, but hear me out. Basically, Kaito was lacking in self-confidence before. His inability to control his power made him hear things that he would rather not. He was a strange kid in his mind, he didn't think he fit in anywhere.
Then he met Himiko. He met her, and knew she was afraid, he knew she was also lacking in self-confidence. And so, he became more brave, just to help her. He gave her his jacket, originally given to him by Kaede, and took her to meet the rest of the group.
Now onto Kokichi. He's Kano, another character I kind of adore.
So, yeah, the annoying prankster became another annoying prankster. Honestly, their personalities are really just too similar (though, Kokichi isn't that flirtatious-). I don't have much more to add here, tbh-
Here's Himiko as Marry, a design I might change later, I'm not too sure on hers yet.
I still love her, though! She's extremely quiet and shy at first, but gets a little more brave later on. She spends a lot of time with Angie and Tae, who help boost her confidence.
Because she doesn't know her birthday, the others decided to make it the day that Kaito found her. As for her age, Kokichi decided it would be appropriate to make her 17, just like the rest of them.
The Ultimate Artist has become the Ultimate Pop Sensation! Here we have Angie as Momo!
She's you're regular happy-go-lucky Angie. She gets excited when she comes up with new ideas and does her best to follow through with them.
Every now and then, she regrets her decision to become an idol, but her friends (and big brother) are always there to remind her how great it is.
In the beginning, she had a very difficult time controlling her ability, making it difficult for her to go out in public. This caused her to isolate herself more than she'd like. However, after she met the group, they all helped her develop her ability more. This allowed her to go out more often without worrying about so many people crowding her.
I'll design a more casual outfit for Angie later on, but that's all I have for now.
Out of all of the characters, Tenko is the only one that is used twice. Here's Tenko, or Tae, as Ene.
Like it says above, Tae is a virus on Shuichi's computer. She came in an email from am unknown sender. Even though she is a virus, she doesn't seem to have any I'll intent (except for the fact that she likes messing with Shuichi's files)
Even though she does like to pick on people, she does get worried when she notices they're in a bad state. Every now and then, when Shuichi really regrets not being there for Kaede, Tae will talk to him, trying to cheer him up.
Here's the (main) protagonist himself, Shuichi as Shintaro! Honestly, it's basically just Shuichi in a casual outfit.
Being around too many people makes him extremely anxious, which is another reason he rarely leaves his room. Before Kaede died, he was more confident, but she was really the only person that had tried helping him overcome his social anxiety.
As he believes that pretty much everything has a simple answer, it was very difficult for him to accept that the reason for her death was as simple as everyone made it seem. Because if that, he spends the next two years of his life trying to figure out what had happened. Even after those two years, he continued searching for answers, but he wasn't getting any closer to the truth.
Now onto his relationship with Angie! They're step siblings and, honestly, they hardly know each other. After Ayano's death, he started hiding away in his room, rarely coming out. The only interactions they would really have would be the few times she brought him food because their mother was worried for him.
On top of that, with Angie being an idol, she is rarely home as is.
Because they never really got a chance to bond, he does his best when they both join the Dan. Though, it isn't exactly easy for Shuichi, as he doesn't know how to handle social situations too well.
Here's some stuff that's not too important: before Kaede died, Shuichi had dreamt of becoming a detective. He had a love for mystery novels and puzzle games.
And lastly (for now), we have Rantaro as the one and only Hibiya.
Before I say ANYTHING else about him, I must emphasise, do NOT ship him with anyone else in this AU! He is a middle schooler, while the rest of them are either in their last year of highschool or graduated (not counting Angie, because if you know Momo... Yeah). The only one that he could possibly be shipped with here is Miu, or Hiyori, who is cannonically Hibiya's crush. Small rant over, carrying on.
I like the idea of pre-game Rantaro being a real cocky asshole, do woo. This kid is a mix of a complete asshole and a legitimate nice person, depending on his mood or who he's around.
After losing Miu, he became emotionally distant, trying to push people away from him. He tries to act like he doesn't care about losing his best friend, but it all gets to him later on. He remembers a good amount of the looks pretty well, even the ones in which he dies. With the knowledge of how many times awful events have unfolded in front of him, it's definitely done some damage.
And so, there we are. The first right characters of what I'm calling "Dangancity Actors". If you managed to put up with me and rad through this all, thank you so much. If you're here from Instagram, this is where you'll get more information on the characters, bc honestly I can't bother writing this much on Instagram. Until next time!
#danganronpa#drv3#shuichi saihara#kaito momota#angie yonaga#rantaro amami#maki harukawa#kokichi ouma#tenko chabashira#himiko yumeno#mekakucity actors#mekakushi dan#kagepro#kagerou project#kagerou daze#heat haze days#dangancity actors#character design#character sheet#crossover#danganronpa au
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Untouchable-Kaito Momota x Reader
Requested by minorycantwrite on Wattpad
Trigger warning: Implications of abuse
Soulmate AU: When a person is born, they have their soulmate's hair and eye color. Their natural color only returns when they first touch their soulmate. H/C= Hair color, E/C= Eye color
You sighed as you stared into the mirror. Just like every other morning, you couldn't help but take a few good minutes to just look at the garish purple color that was your hair and your eyes. It's not that you dislike the color purple, it's just you didn't think you looked good with it at all. And honestly, you didn't think it was a good color for hair in general. So you had two reasons for wanting to find your soulmate. The first being the obvious one; you wanted to know who your true love is.
The second reason was so you could get rid of this ugly mess that was currently your hair and eye color.
You pulled your hood over your head as you made your way down Hope's Peak Academy's halls. You were really self conscious of your hair color because, again, you thought you looked ugly with it. You kept your head low as you hurried to your classroom. It was your first day at Hope's Peak, and though you were excited, you were also a bit nervous about others judging you. You were a pretty shy person and didn't have a lot of self esteem, and were also very anxious about what others thought about you. You also disliked making psychical contact with people, which is a problem if you were to ever find your soulmate. During your rush, you accidentally bumped into somebody, causing you to stumble backwards and fall down.
"Whoa, you ok?"
You looked up at the voice to see the person you had bumped into hold their hand out to you to take. They were wearing a white jacket of sorts with a checker pattern style scarf around his neck. He had green hair and eyes and was looking at you brightly. You hesitantly took his hand. After he helped you stand, he chuckled and placed his arms behind his head. "Nishishi. Man, you should look where you're going. You could get seriously hurt."
"Oh, I-I'm sorry." You muttered. "You're right, I should." You went to head on to class, but the boy stepped in your way.
"Name's Kokichi Ouma. I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader." He looked you over, smirking at your purple hair that showed now that your hood had fallen off. "Who're you?"
"I-I'm Y/N L/N." You introduced yourself quietly. "The Ultimate Gardener." You noticed his gaze and quickly fixed your hood.
Kokichi chuckled. "Is that your real hair, or have you not found your soulmate yet?"
You shook your head. "It-it's not mine." You assured him. "I still don't know who my soulmate is."
Kokichi sighed and pulled at his hair. "Same here. I have no idea who mine is." He smirked at your hood. "But I think purple fits you! It's a good color."
You turned away shyly. "I...thank you, I guess." You muttered.
Kokichi watched you with a smirk before sighing. "Alright, I'm bored now. I've got to get to class." He waved goodbye to you. "I'll see you later, Y/N!" He turned around and skipped away, leaving you alone.
You pulled your hood even closer to your face as you hurried along to your classroom. You checked the doors until you got to the correct room and entered. As you looked around, your eyes settled on a particular boy with H/C hair and E/C eyes in the corner of the room. He had his cheek resting on his palm as he looked out the window. He was wearing a purple jacket that hung off one shoulder, and his hair was in a kind of spiky style. You couldn't help but stare at him. He was really attractive. The boy turned his head and locked eyes with you. You blushed as he caught you staring, and he smirked at you. He gave you a wink before looking back out the window. You pulled your hood further over your head as you went to look for a seat.
You were stopped by a hand on your wrist. You flinched, and looked up to see it was Kokichi. He was grinning at you. "Hey!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Who whoulda guessed we'd be in the same class!?"
You gave the boy a small smile. "Oh, hi, Kokichi." You greeted him.
"You just haaaaaave to sit next to me!" The green haired boy insisted, pulling you towards his seat.
You tried to pull your arm out of his grasp. "Please, let go of my wrist." You asked the boy quietly. He ignored you and continued to pull you along, until suddenly he was ripped away from you, the boy letting out a surprised yelp.
"Didn't ya hear the girl, Kokichi? She asked you to let her go." You looked up at the new voice, and noticed it was the boy from the corner. He was currently holding the Ultimate Supreme Leader by the back of the shirt, and the shorter boy was pouting.
"I just wanted my new friend to sit by me." He whined.
The man in purple rolled his eyes and let Kokichi go, causing the boy to stumble a bit before he caught his footing. "Well she obviously doesn't wanna." Kokichi let out a 'hmph' and sat down at his seat, his arms crossed. The H/C haired boy chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to you. "Sorry about him. He can be a lot sometimes." He gave you a wide smile. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself." He thrust his thumb into his chest. "I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! They call me the Ultimate Astronaut!" He held his hand out to you.
You stared at it for a moment before looking back up to Kaito. "Y/N L/N....The Ultimate Gardener." You informed the other softly.
Kaito looked from his hand to you and shrugged before placing it at his side. "Not a very touchy person, huh? That's fine." He tilted his head as he tried to get a look at your hair despite your hood. When he couldn't, he searched for your eyes instead. Finding those, he smiled warmly. "Wow. You have very beautiful eyes, Y/N." He complimented you.
You felt yourself blush slightly. Did everyone really find the color purple that good on you? "Thank you...but they aren't my real eye color." You told him.
Kaito's eyes widened at that. "Really? I'm kinda surprised. I woulda thought someone as beautiful as you would've found your soulmate right away." The blush on your face increased tenfold, and your turned your face away from Kaito, causing him to chuckle. Suddenly the bell rang, and the boy smiled at you. "Looks like the only open seat is by me. That ok with you?"
You nodded, slowly turning your head back to him. "That's fine." Kaito beamed at you as he turned around and led you to the corner of the room. The two of you took your seats, and class began.
You were given an assignment that required a partner. The goal was to get to know your classmates. As soon as the teacher told you all to pick a partner, you noticed both Kaito and Kokichi look towards you. You gave the green haired boy a sad smile as you turned to Kaito. "Wanna be my partner, Kaito?" You asked.
The boy beside you beamed and nodded, giving you a thumbs up. "Sounds fun, Y/N!" He exclaimed.
You covered your mouth as you giggled. The two of you began brainstorming questions to ask each other and activities you could both do. During this, you turned to see who Kokichi had paired up with. You noticed that a boy in a blue shirt with brown pants had scooted his desk next to the Supreme Leader's. Your eyes widened when you noticed his hair color.
You were so surprised there was someone else with such a color that you couldn't help but stare. Kaito noticed you had stopped responding and looked up at you. Following your gaze, he noticed who you were looking at. "Oh, that's Rantaro Amami." He informed you. "He's the richest kid in the class."
You turned back to look at Kaito. "Oh, uh...interesting." You said. There was a bit of an awkward silence as you both went back to work. It stayed that way until the bell rang. The both of you packed up your stuff, bid each other goodbye, and left.
This continued for several months, and your friendship with Kaito had grown. Even after the project had ended, the both of you would hang out all the time. The purple clothed boy was very respectful and never touched you, not even for a high five or hug. This fact made you fall for him even more.
One day class went by as normal, and the bell rang. As you put your stuff away, Kaito spoke up. "Hey, why don't you come over to my dorm?" He suggested. "We can hang our and play video games or whatever."
You looked up at him and smiled softly. "That sounds...fun." You agreed.
Kaito smiled so wide you thought his jaw would break. "Hell yeah!" He exclaimed happily as he made his way to the door. "Sweet! C'mon, lets go!"
You giggled as you made your way after your friend. You gave a quick last glance around the classroom and noticed Kokichi talking to Rantaro. The boy in white looked happy, and he looked past his now green haired conversation partner to look at you. He grinned and waved at you, to which you responded with a small wave of your own. You then turned around and followed Kaito to his dorm.
"Sorry it's a bit of a mess." Kaito apologized as he closed the door to his room behind him. "I'm not a very neat person."
You smiled at him reassuringly. "It's fine, don't worry."
Kaito nodded as he sat on his bed. He pat the spot beside him, indicating for you to sit there. You hesitated, but eventually sat down, though you made sure to have a good foot or two distance between you both. The H/C haired boy noticed and frowned. "So, I've been really curious." He started. "And I don't mean to get too personal, but..." He looked you in the eyes. "Why don't you like being touched?"
You bit your lip and grasped your arms. "I...don't really want to talk about it." You muttered. "It's just..." You trailed off as you rubbed your arms.
Kaito narrowed his eyes as he waited for you to continue. When you didn't, he looked confused until you sighed shakily and slowly rolled up your hoodie sleeve, revealing a large bruise. It looked as if someone had grabbed your upper arm roughly. The astronaut trainee's eyes shot up to yours, but your head was turned away from him. "I...I had no idea, Y/N." He whispered, sadness in his E/C eyes.
You shrugged as you wiped away a single tear. "It's alright." You murmured. "I know this is going to sound horrible but...I've grown used to it."
Kaito clenched his fists. "You're right, that does sound horrible." The boy sitting beside you scooted closer to you. "I can completely understand why you avoid touching people now." He smiled at you warmly, though you still weren't facing him. "But not everyone is going to hurt you. Like me. In fact, I wanna keep ya safe."
You felt your face heat up, and your chest flutter. You rolled your sleeve back down as you slowly turned to look at him. "I...trust you, Kaito." You told him, giving a small smile in return. "You've been so sweet. In the months we've known each other, you never once have touched me. You've been so respectful." Your smile widened without you realizing it, and you let a happy sigh as you stared up at Kaito's eyes. "You make me feel so safe. I...didn't even know what safe felt like before you. I...care about you so much."
Kaito listened to you, his smile growing as you spoke. When you finished he scooted even closer to you, though the two of you were still not touching. "Y/N, I care about you as well." He said. "Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me." He sighed and rubbed his neck as he looked away. "I...have to admit, though. There were times I was real tempted to grab your hand and hold it. Both because I wanna show you how much I like ya, but also because..." He sucked in a breath before looking back at you. "I really want to know if you're my soulmate."
You bit your lip as Kaito finished speaking. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought the same thing. And if you were honest, you really wanted Kaito to be your soulmate. You slowly brought your hand up. Kaito watched it as you did, a puzzled look on his face. You swallowed as you hesitantly brought it towards Kaito's face. Your hand was shaking, but you kept telling yourself that this was Kaito. He wouldn't hurt you.
Your hand hovered just beside his cheek for a long while, Kaito's patient gaze flickering between your hand and your eyes. "It's ok, Y/N." He told you softly. "If you aren't ready, you don't have-"
He was cut off by you throwing both of your arms around him. The astronaut let out a surprised noise, and even you were a bit surprised you went straight for a hug. But...it felt nice. Kaito was muscular, and as the trainee slowly placed his arms around your middle, you melted into his strong and protective embrace.
You had never felt this safe in your life.
"Ok...on three, we'll pull apart and look at our hair." Kaito's voice brought you back to reality.
You took a breath and nodded. "O-ok."
"Alright. 1..." Kaito ran his hands gently over your sides as he began to lean apart from you.
"2..." You moved your hands from around his shoulders and to his biceps, clinging to his sleeves as you felt your heart beat wildly.
The two of you pulled apart, and both of your gazes shot to the other's hair. Your eyes widened and your hand shot to your mouth as a smile formed on your face.
Kaito had a similar reaction. He beamed at you, as his purple eyes looked you over. You saw many emotions flash through them.
But there was one you noticed out of all of them.
The purple haired man reached a hand out to you, which you gave him as your stupor wore off. He continued to grin at you, until finally he gave you a soft tug, pulling you into his chest. He wrapped his arms back around you in that warm embrace you loved so much. You went to bury your head in his chest, but were stopped by him gently grabbing your chin. You glanced up at him, and couldn't help but smile as he gave you such a loving grin.
"Can I kiss you, Y/N?" He asked quietly.
You were a little surprised, but it didn't take long for you to answer. "Yes. Of course, Kaito."
Kaito chuckled and pulled you closer, pressing his lips against your own. You reached your hands up until they tangled into his hair as you closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. The astronaut placed a hand on the back of your head as he lightly ran his tongue across your mouth, asking for entrance. After a moments hesitation, you parted your lips. Kaito smirked as your tongues battled one another, Kaito easily dominating your own. The man in purple finally pulled away from your mouth in order to lightly pepper your neck with kisses.
As he did this, Kaito began to slowly lean back onto the bed while still holding onto you. This caused you to be lying on his chest as he kissed your neck and gently rubbed up and down your sides.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N." He murmured. "I'm so glad you're my soulmate."
You smiled, and lifted your head up to look down at Kaito. Your soulmate was grinning at you lovingly, his purple hair slightly messed up now. You looked at that purple hair, then stared into his purple eyes. Your smiled widened as you leaned down to kiss him.
Maybe purple wasn't such a bad color for hair after all.
#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#danganronpa kaito#kaito momota#soulmate au#x reader#reader#request#fanfic#fanfiction
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some p!g-drv3 theories (spoilers obvi)
First of all I think people demonize the pg versions wayyy too much because its a good way to be le sexy in like fanfictions. And i get it, villains are hot or whatever. and also hs is a horny age to be. But even the edgiest and horniest of teens aren’t like. that sexual/monstrous. its kind of insane the portrayals people are placing
maybe this could also be like me being older bc when i was early hs i was like yea its fair to place these super mature portrayals on a 18-22 year old they are like adults but young and now im that age and im like woah there pardner. might be an age/maturity thing.
also like its normal for people to relate to and portray characters their same age in a similar fashion, but when adults write more sexual content about the dg kids i get hella fucking sus
idk where i was going with that first comment i guess its like a preface and in the end i think its important when characters especially teenage characters are morally grey not because they’re mature and dark/brooding but because they are still young and learning. fuck im older than like most of them, but im still young and learning. its good to be in turmoil and confused, especially the drv3 cast. they are more confused than anything.
which i think is a reason why people would join dr because if you are completely loss and in turmoil, it is appealing to be given a purpose in life and amazing talents/abilities. despite the morals of danganronpa, it is a simple reality to be told who you are and what to do
OK ONTO HEADCANONS (not doing all bc i dont have thoughts about all)
first of all i understand changing stories but i think, deep down, you can’t change fundamental personalities/values. so while the backstories might be different i think, in the end, a baseline is always the same
SHUICHI being a Bad Boy is like canon obviously but i dont think he’s as manipulative as people make him out to be. i think he falls in the more the bully role that like. mae borowski or tf2′s scout filled before they grew up. rough background, bad anger issues, lots of emotional turmoil, and the only way he knows how to deal with shit is by committing crimes and beating the shit out of people. and, similar to those characters, drv3 represents an older, more emotionally sober yet equally confused version of himself. the urges are still there as foreshadowed in the dialogue. i think he struggles with guilt, mostly survivors, but there is still a lasting impact of guilt of what he did in his past, even if he can’t remember.
KOKICHI is a child. a piece of shit motherfucker child but a child. I really do think he’s like one of the youngest people in the cast. he reminds me a lot of when my brother doesn’t take his adhd medicine and takes jokes way too far and does mean and cruel things because he thinks its funny and that its just a fun joke, but is hurting people. he desperately wants approval, which is why his leader role is so interesting because in the dr narrative he has the approval he craves and so he is satisfied. still, he does try to impress characters like rantaro and values his opinions a lot, even developing a brotherly relationship in the time they knew each other. this being said, its established kokichi was bullied before, but i dont think he’s like. the wimp people make him out to be. i think he’s more of like the class clown who desperately uses humor to make people like him, and ends up resorting to be the butt of most of his jokes. you don’t just develop a good sense of humor out of a brainwash, and that’s not something you can program in. i think that was a remnant of before, and he’s so good at bullying people and coming up with roasts - i just think that in p!g the roasts were about him.
KAEDE is baby but her p!g personality seriously reminds me of any ~quirky/edgy~ girl in a teen coming of age story who tries to be edgy and cool and act like she doesn’t care but deep down, she really does. if she didn’t have an empathetic personality, she wouldn’t want to end the game. i also think she has that self-identifying QuIrKy personality because its like she lives in her own narrative, practically announcing this story is about her and she is the protagonist. i know i used to self narrate like that and distinguish how i was different when i was like. 15-16. she has a tumblr.
I really like the theory where KAITO is a make-a-wish kid who was better when he was younger but relapses later in teens. he never used his wish before, so he decides to use it now to be on danganronpa and become the hero he always wanted to be. i also think he might have joined as a way to raise awareness about adolescent healthcare. definitely the type who puts on a “heroic” character to make everyone else feel better about the fact he is literally dying of a terminal illness, and keeps that act up till the end.
i think KOREKIYO is still a serial killer. i think honestly a reason why he mightve auditioned for danganronpa is because he is a serial killer. maybe his sister found out and he felt so much shame that’s why he auditioned. he probably mentioned why in his interview because duh, tell them im a serial killer and then only reason im coming clean is my sister found out and im ashamed, that is like a guarantee to get on the show. i LOVE the theory that his sister is still alive, however, and has to watch her brother go insane because they wrote her into the story as the villain. because technically, she brought on this guilt, and is the reason why he auditioned - as a way to cause despair, twist it around so she’s the one to blame for his insanity. also, because its pretty accepted DR members become celebrities, kork’s sister is totally bombarded with paparazzi and is demonized in the media. she might end up writing a tell-all memoir about kork’s actual childhood and personality. quiet kid, thoughtful, interested in anthropology, she never thought he’d hurt a fly. watching her brother go insane probably destroyed her.
I also think, timeline wise, kork is probably one of the oldest members along with rantaro. tbh i think kork actually graduated hs and went on a gap year doing the whole “hitchhike around the world to discover myself thing” which is where he began killing people. he was getting ready to go to college when his sister found out about what he did. this is when he decided to go on danganronpa instead of university. this would help explain why he knows so much about other cultures/travel/been so many places with so many memories/killed/is knowledgable on a level most other students are not. this would place him at like, 20-21, where everyone else is like 15-18.
ok so there’s two p!g RANTARO, p!g before 53 and p!p!g before 52. i’d like to establish now i think rantaro is the oldest of the characters, seeing as though he was already pretty old to begin with in 52, it takes time between television seasons, and he was in another game. so im placing him like 21-23, similar to yasuhiro in d1 being so much older than everyone else. i do think, in all iterations, rantaro was pretty much raising his sisters, though i don’t think he had twelve like the story (i think that’s an exaggeration, his sisters mean a lot to him, lets make him have a TON and then lose them all and feel GUILTY) rantaro joined the first game, partially to get money for his family and hopefully establish them as celebrities and let them have a comfy lifestyle, even if he doesn’t live...and also to finally ahve some sort of experience without his siblings tagging along. if he’s been raising his sisters all his life, he’s never had like something that’s JUST his. that’s his adventure. 52 is his ULTIMATE adventure. ahaha. mostly for money, kind of dreading it, still a tiny bit excited
ok p!g rantaro between 52 and 53 probably came back broken. he did the signings and appearances, but mostly wanted to spend time with his family and make sure they were set up. i think he knew the whole like few months between seasons he had to go on another show, but he did’t tell his sisters. his family found out when they saw a billboard with his face plastered on it hyping up the return of a fan favorite. yikes!
ok i get it a lot of people hate HIMIKO but i think she’s not nearly as similar as other “useless” characters in other games. its like, pretty clear she’s depressed, and the only thing she’s holding onto with dear life is magic. lack of hygiene, lack of personal care, constantly tired, social interaction exhausts - she has depression, but she’s not an UWU depressed character. so people find her depressive traits (which are some of the most realistic portrayals of mental health in the series) SUPER annoygin. she joined dr because she was completely lost and needed some sort of direction in her life, even if she’ll die for it. the thing is, even with direction, her mental state didn’t change because she wasn’t getting legitimate help. it’s like that one SNL skit that’s like. same sad you from before but in a new place. i also think she knows the magic is not real, because how could she not. i think she’s so adamant that it IS real, less as a way to convince others, and more of a way to convince herself. it’s like really super cruel that team danganronpa took a girl who is desperate for meaning and gave her literally a meaningless, fake talent.
i also kin himiko and find her a comfort character because i feel seen by her, replacing her useless talent of magic with mine of like shitty film making and comedy. i am seen.
related i don’t think she’s nearly as ugly as everyone says she is, i think she’s probably just depressed and takes absolutely no care of her hygiene and sleep and looks like sick and greasy all the time. same queen.
honest to god i think RYOMA’s backstory, tennis and all, is like 100% real and he’s the only one who keeps all of his memories except for the fact this is a tv show. i think he rolled up, a hot fucking mess, and the danganronpa team were like damn. we cannot improve upon this.
#ryoma hoshi#himiko yumeno#rantaro amami#korekiyo shinguji#kaito momota#kaede akamatsu#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#drv3#killing harmony#pg dr#pre!game danganronpa#danganronpa#theories#danganronpa spoilers
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Passengers on the Road to Nowhere
Saioumota Week 2019 - Day 2: Road Trip & Long Distances
Description: Kaito, Shuichi and Kokichi pile into an old car and drive away from their troubles. Word Count: 2189
Read on AO3 here
The sun beat down on the bill of Shuichi’s cap as he leaned against the window, watching the signs flash by. The map was loosely grasped in his hands until they got closer to their next exit. He crumpled it a bit, tightening his hand, then letting it go again, staring at the tiny creases, like new markings on the face of the region. Maybe making somewhere new, just like they were hoping to find. His half lidded eyes drift to the driver’s seat, where Kaito sits at the wheel. His overly large sunglasses and gel free hair made almost look like a stranger, but the big grin on his face despite everything and his hand tapping along to the song playing through the crusty speakers gave him away.
Shuichi shifted his shoulders with a wince, and turned to glance into the backseat. Sprawled across the entirety of it was Kokichi, seemingly asleep. The hoodie he had been wearing was pulled off and thrown over his face to blot out the sun. He hadn’t said much since the argument about seatbelts, and the middle one was still awkwardly clipped around his waist, even sideways. A bump in the road bounced him up, and Shuichi heard a groan under the fabric.
He turned back to the map, and then out the window. A rest stop was coming up. His tired eyes widened a little.
Carefully, Shuichi folded the map and quietly spoke, low enough so maybe not to alert Kokichi as he got back to his nap.
“Kaito, can we stop?”
He must have been too soft to be heard under the buzz of the radio as Kaito kept tapping along with his eyes on the road. Should he poke him? What if he startles him and they swerve. Shuichi cleared his throat a bit, and tried a touch louder this time.
“Hm? Everything alright, Shuichi?” This time he turned ever so slightly towards him, and Shuichi could feel the inspection he was getting behind the shades even if he couldn’t quite make out his eyes. Shuichi smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine, but could we stop? There’s a rest stop coming up-”
“Hey we weren’t gonna stop until it was dark, you know that, it was your suggestion.”
“I know that but… I don’t think a quick little stop to get some snacks or something to drink would be-”
“Shuichi, is this another coffee stop?! We are gonna get spotted for sure one of these times!”
“No we won’t! It’ll just be real quick stop, I’ll be in and out before you even know I’m gone and-”
“We’re stopping?”
Kokichi sat up like a zombie rising from the grave in an old horror film, hoodie still wrapped around his face. He clawed it off quickly and poked his head up between the front seats, grinning ear to ear.
“We are NOT, and even if we were you are not getting out of the car again,” Kaito grunted.
“Come onnnnnnnn, puuuhleeease. My legs are gonna wither away to stubs before we get anywhere, and then you’ll have to carry me. Do you want that on your conscience?”
“Oh so you don’t like to be carried? Good to know.”
“HOLD ON, that was NOT the point! I’ll be good, I just wanna get some air!”
“I’ll crack a window.”
“I need some exercise!”
“You can probably do sit-ups from how you’re lying back there if you want to that badly, Kokichi.”
Shuichi couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange. He knew that last time was a mess, but for once he was on Kokichi’s side. The quieter boy gently placed his hand on Kaito’s where it held the steering wheel, and the other boy’s grimace smoothed over. He glanced back at his navigator.
“Please Kaito, you could probably use a stretch too, you’ve been behind the wheel for hours. It’s not safe, you know.”
“Yeah! Just cause you can pilot a spaceship doesn’t mean you’re allowed to coop us up in here and crash!”
“That’s not what I said,” Shuichi hurriedly added. He could hear Kaito exhale a long held breath and sigh.
“Fine, but we’re sticking together, okay? That means you too, stub legs!”
“Yes sir!”
Kokichi snickered as he pulled his hoodie over his head, dark locks reemerging moments later under the hood. Shuichi adjusted his hat and checked his wallet. Kaito pulled them over into the off-ramp and toward the sign proclaiming Gas, Restrooms, & Food. The old car’s engine made some ominous clicking sounds as they dropped in speed, but steadily came to a halt in the parking lot. There were only a few spots taken, a good sign really. The trio piled out of the car. Despite his claims Kokichi was the least shaky on his legs as he bounced from foot to foot, and tugged the drawstrings on his hood tight, so only his nose and eyes showed, with a stray bit of purplish hair sticking out like a whisker. The three of them shared a quick look, checking each other over for anything obvious they may have forgotten. Then as one they started towards the little rest stop shop.
The ease they’d had in the car dissipated instantly. The tight knit trio bunched together. Shuichi’s shoulder brushed against Kaito’s arm. Kokichi’s finger hooked on Shuichi’s belt loop like a tether. Kaito kept pace with the both of them while watching the lot over their heads. This was how they were together in public. How they managed crowds, comments, and stares.
The troupe broke apart at the door to go in single file, Shuichi first. The bell at the top of the door chimed, announcing new customers. He made a beeline for the counter while Kaito held the door for Kokichi. It didn’t take long to spot the coffee machine, nothing fancy just the regular and decaf options behind the cashier. There was a line that Shuichi stepped into it while fidgeting with his hands. He turned to watch the other two while he waited.
Kokichi walked down one of the aisles plucking colourful snack packages up with excitement and handing them to Kaito who trailed behind him. Once his arms were full, Kaito started putting one back every time he was given another to avoid a juggling situation. He was nowhere near as good at it as Kokichi was. At least not yet. Both of them had promised Kokichi they’d practice their juggling when they got time to. As they stepped out before turning to the next row Kokichi skipped over to the line and handed him a package of Oreos and winked. Shuichi couldn’t help but smile as he hopped away with an exasperated Kaito in tow.
Shuichi turned his attention back to the line as the person at the front finished their purchase and left. One more person and then he was up. His eyes drifted to the tv behind the cash, it was playing some ads on mute while music played over the actual speakers. He swallowed. The same ad that had been haunting him for weeks popped onto the screen. He reached up and adjusted his hat self-consciously. Despite that his eyes were glued to the screen as the Team DanganRonpa logo spun on it.
Even though it was muted, he knew a remix of the theme music was playing while the convention date and location popped up in big letters. Then the words were shot to pieces. Clips of each fan favourite participant that was announced as a special guest played, one after another in a reel. He hoped Kokichi was still looking for snacks and not watching this like he was. He’d seen it plenty of times. The mute remained a blessing. Shuichi knew that each ‘character’ was introduced with their own voices. And on cue, there was the latest favourite, in his iconic checkered scarf. He remembered the day Kokichi had been called to the recording studio for that one. He had come back entirely drained. Closed off. It’d been a long taxing one.
That’d been the day they decided they were getting out of there. Contracts be damned, they weren’t here to be paraded around for show.
Finally, Monokuma popped up at the end to wave goodbye. The ad was over. Something innocuous about a fruit juice with a cute girl in orange dancing took its place. Shuichi finally was able to look away. He glanced over his shoulder with concern, trying to be sure the other two boys were okay, but he didn’t see them anywhere nearby. He turned quickly, trying to find them but that was just as the woman in front of him was leaving. They collided, her purchase and his hat falling to the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, I-”
Shuichi froze mid-sentence. On her shirt was show’s logo, big in black, red and white. She hadn’t looked up, having bent to pick up her bag and mutter. His hat sat on the floor beside it. Shuichi’s hands shot up to his face automatically, dropping the Oreos as well in the process.
“Watch it this could have broken,” she was saying. “Seriously…” Shuichi nodded from behind his hands, trying to think. She hadn’t moved. Was she staring at him? He didn’t want to dare look. What if she recogni-
Shuichi felt the hat slide down on his head.
“Hey you dropped this right?” He heard Kaito say, playing up a gruffer voice to his side as he removed his hands. He got a pat on his back. “No harm done, right?” Behind the shades and the grin he could just be a concerned stranger, but if she noticed the goatee she might-
“C’mon, c’mon, you were gonna buy these for me, right?” Kokichi swooped in on his other side, linking their arms and tugging Shuichi towards the cash, past the woman who’s attention was now on Kaito. The fallen Oreos were already in his hand. He slid them onto the counter and through the still-pulled-tight opening in the hood he asked the cashier for a black coffee as well. As his thoughts finally caught up with the transaction Shuichi fumbled with his wallet.
Behind him he heard the woman huff and head out the door with her gathered things. The bell chimed. Kaito slid a couple of the snacks he was still holding onto the counter as well, putting it all together.
They paid cash and left. Kaito carried the bag, Shuichi held his coffee, and Kokichi clinged to Shuichi’s arm the whole walk through the parking lot. They didn’t say another word until they reach Kaito’s old car, and pile back in.
The doors clicked shut. They collectively let out their held breaths.
“‘It’ll just be real quick’ you said, ‘in and out before you even know’,” Kaito sighed, kneading his forehead behind the shades. The heavy moment hung in the air. Shuichi looked down at his coffee.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“Talk about a deer-in-headlights, jeez Shumai. You’re so lucky you brought us huh? And what was all that about definitely not needing wanting me out there, hmmmm?” Kokichi leaned into the front seat and sprawled himself across Kaito’s shoulder. He poked Kaito’s cheek. “You should have seen this idiot’s face until I went to get the cookies. You two matched! Frozen like statues!”
Shuichi’s eyebrows shot up and he glanced up at Kaito’s reddening face. “H-hey this is serious, Kokichi, we could have-”
“But we’re fine. We stuck together like you said and we’re fiiiiine.”
Shuichi chuckled and reached out to loosen Kokichi’s hood, and swiping away bits of hair from his face. They really did look like whiskers stuck like that. “You’re right, we’re fine.”
In return he got a brief soft look that broke into mischievous smirk. Kokichi gave Kaito’s face a light pap with his hand and rolled off of him to the backseat again. They heard the fizz and pop sound of the unscrewed cap of a soft drink.
It took the other two boys a moment to realize the snack bag was unopened in the front seat.
“Kokichi! We talked about this!”
“We have more than enough just to buy it-”
“No one noticed, don’t worry about it~”
“We don’t need more risks! You-”
“Can’t hear you over the bubbles!”
The squabble continued as the car pulled back out onto the highway. Shuichi fell out of it after a bit to sip his coffee, enjoying the light mood’s return. This cramped vehicle may not be the best living situation, but for the time being it was their safest place. Where they were themselves. Where there was no audience. Shuichi wasn’t sure how long it would last, but he had a new shred of hope. The ad had still listed Kokichi as appearing at the convention. The company wasn’t telling anyone they’d gone. Any search they were doing was internal and hushed. They were trying to save face, and the public didn’t know to watch for them.
That they could play to their advantage. This might just work. Their getaway might have a destination after all.
#saioumotaweek#saioumotaweek2019#saioumota#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#kaito momota#road trip#my writing#my content#hope you guys like iiit :'D#vr au#postgame#fic
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In the Dead of Night (Saiouma)
Saiouma “Shut up and kiss me already” from the Romantic/Fluff Starters list for @redes22! I’m sorry that this took a while for me to finish; I got busy with Saiou Week and then homework’s becoming a huge thorn in my side (like, staying up until quarter to 3am working on it thorn in my side). As I was writing this, it took a completely different turn and went in the direction of hurt/comfort with a sprinkling of some potential smut happenings. I hope that’s okay XD
I hope you like it and let me know if you would like anything changed/edited! :)
Title: In the Dead of Night
Prompt: “Shut up and kiss me already.”
Summary: After a nasty break-up between him and his boyfriend of four years, Kokichi decides to crash at Shuichi’s place and drink his sorrows away. However, things take an unexpected turn when Kokichi has one too many drinks and decides to throw himself onto Shuichi.
One-Shot Notes: Past Oumami (it gets brought up later on in the one-shot); the reason for their break-up is because he accidentally said Shuichi’s name as he was having sex with Rantaro, but Kokichi doesn’t admit that until he’s really drunk
Warnings: Light NSFW (all they do is strip and grind against each other, but I’m still putting this warning up just in case); read at your own risk!
*If you like what I do, please consider supporting me on my Ko-fi! It would be greatly appreciated!*
One-shot is under the cut!
Shuichi honestly had no idea how it came to this, but it did.
He had taken a shower three hours ago and was about to go back and look through a case he had been given to work on earlier that afternoon when Kokichi showed up at his apartment door with two plastic bags of beer cans in his hands and a drawstring bag slung over his shoulder, insisting that he crash at his place for the night and drink the night away.
He had planned on telling Kokichi to go back to the apartment he shared with Rantaro, but upon seeing the dry tear marks on his cheeks and how red and puffy his eyes looked, he decided to let him come in.
Now three hours, two beer cans, and a platter of karaage later, he found himself seated on the living room floor across from Kokichi, who had just finished chugging his second can of beer.
Slamming the can down onto the table, Kokichi let out an exasperated groan.
“Ah, goddamn that avocado...!” he shouted.
“Ouma-kun, please keep it down! You’ll disturb the neighbors!” Shuichi chided, nursing a beer can of his own.
“Why don’t you keep it down, Saihara-chan?! Shhhhhhhhh!” Kokichi shouted, bringing a finger to his lips so that he could shush Shuichi.
Shuichi reached up to massage his temple, which was beginning to pound more the louder Kokichi got.
I’m going to have a lot of apologizing to do when morning comes, he thought to himself.
He looked down at his phone, checking the time.
“Ouma-kun, it’s almost two in the morning. Shouldn’t you go to sleep now?” he asked.
“Nope! No sleep!” Kokichi dug through the plastic bag beside him and took out another can of beer. “I drink some more...” he slurred as he tried cracking open the can with clumsy fingers.
After five attempts and a little bit of swearing, he managed to crack it open and began to gulp the bubbly liquid down.
“Ouma-kun, you’re quite drunk.” Shuichi finished his beer and set the can down on the table. “Maybe you really should stop drinking for the night—“ he reached out to try and take the can away from Kokichi, but he smacked Shuichi’s hand away.
“Buzz off, why dontcha?!” Kokichi tried to flip Shuichi off, but he rose his index finger instead as he gulped down some more beer. “You don’t know what it’s like...” he grumbled.
“I don’t know what what’s like?” Shuichi asked.
“To—hic!—be hurt like me...” Kokichi said.
“To be hurt like you?”
“Eh, you wouldn’t understand...”
Kokichi finished his third beer and reached for his fourth. Shuichi chose not to stop him this time as he watched him take a swig from the can, a few hiccups escaping his lips. As he reached for a piece of karaage and began to chew on it, he listened as Kokichi began swearing and cursing Rantaro, each one becoming louder and louder.
This piqued Shuichi’s curiosity.
I wonder...
“Ouma-kun...you don’t need to answer if you feel that I’m prying, but...did something happen between you and Amami-kun?” he asked.
Kokichi slammed the can down on the table, turning to shoot Shuichi a look.
“What do you fuckin’ think, Sherlock...?” he slurred.
“Okay, so something did happen between you two.” Shuichi said.
At that moment, Kokichi’s eyes began to fill with tears, his lips trembling. Then, he started sobbing loudly, catching Shuichi off-guard.
“Ou-Ouma-kun?!” Shuichi exclaimed in surprise.
Something really bad must have happened between them if it’s making Ouma-kun cry over it, he thought to himself.
“Why did he have to be such a prick about it?! Goddammit, just thinking back on that stupid avocado makes my blood boil!” Kokichi continued sobbing, reaching up to swipe the never ending tears away. “Curse him...” he mumbled.
Kokichi sniffled.
“Gosh, I don’t even know what’s wrong with me these days...my mind’s a total mess, my relationship has fallen apart, and I’m sitting here, drinking and drinking and drinking and...” Kokichi hiccuped as he reached for his can and tried to bring it to his lips.
However, because his hands were shaking so much, the can slipped out of his hands and beer spilled all over him.
“Ah!” Shuichi scrambled for some napkins. “Here, let me—“ he was cut off by Kokichi, who resumed wailing loudly.
“Goddammit, Saihara-chan, this is all your fault! You made me this way! If only I hadn’t said your name...!” he wailed.
Shuichi stopped, peering at Kokichi curiously.
“Wait...what do you mean by that?” he asked.
“During sex! I called your name during sex and Rantaro got angry and broke things off with me!” Kokichi sobbed harder. “I really think...that something is wrong with me! I keep thinking about you, I keep longing to see you, all I ever talk and think and dream about is you and I...I don’t know what to think! It’s almost like I’m in love with you or something!” he shouted.
Shuichi’s eyes grew wide at Kokichi’s confession. The napkins fell from his hand and onto Kokichi’s lap as his heart pounded loudly in his ears.
He’s...in love with me?
The pounding in his ears only grew louder.
He...likes me, too.
Shuichi knew that Kokichi was very intoxicated and that he was rambling nonsense, saying things that he would never say if he were sober. But, a part of him wished that maybe, just maybe, what Kokichi was saying about being in love with him was the truth.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Kokichi chuckling to himself.
“Well, shit, I can’t really blame myself for falling for you...like yeah, Rantaro’s hot, but you, Saihara-chan? Flip through the dictionary and your picture will be plastered under the word hot because you are the essence of hot. Not to mention, just downright sexy...” Kokichi drawled.
Shuichi’s cheeks flushed red.
“H-Huh?!” he squeaked.
“What, you wanna try and comfort me?”
“I don’t—” he was cut off by Kokichi hiccuping.
“Mmmm, actually, you know what? You need to take responsibility.” Kokichi stated.
“Responsibility for what?” Shuichi asked.
“For making me fall for you.” Kokichi replied.
Then, he reached down and yanked his shirt over his head. Shuichi felt the blush begin to spread up to his ears as Kokichi balled his shirt up and chucked it into one corner of the room.
“Ouma-kun! Why in the world are you stripping?!” he exclaimed.
“Why else do you think?” Kokichi undid his jeans and wiggled out of them, revealing his red and yellow striped underwear. “One, you need to take responsibility, and two, you need to comfort me.” he said.
“But...!” Shuichi drew in a gasp as Kokichi crawled onto his lap.
“Hey...I know you like me, Saihara-chan.” Kokichi said.
Shuichi swore his heart was going to leap out of his chest. At this point, his face resembled a rose as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with a response. However, he failed to do so, watching as a seductive smile danced across Kokichi’s lips.
“I know, Saihara-chan. I bet you’re getting hard right now just having me sit in your lap like this.” he said, grinding his hips against Shuichi’s to prove his point.
Shuichi hissed, a pang of arousal slamming into him at the friction. He looked down with wide eyes and saw that he was indeed hard.
When did...?
He didn’t even bother trying to finish that thought as he spoke.
“Th-That...! That’s just the alcohol! I’m drunk, you’re drunk, we’re both drunk, and this is most definitely not something that we should be doing!” Shuichi exclaimed.
“That’s not what your dick is telling me.” Kokichi shot back as he moved his hips again.
They moaned in unison. Shuichi felt the arousal continue to well up inside of him as he stared at Kokichi, who got to work pulling off his pajama shirt.
“You know you want this.” he purred.
Shuichi swallowed as Kokichi threw his shirt off to the side.
“Ouma-kun...can we at least talk about this—“
“No. Fuck first, talk later.”
“Saihara-chan, just shut up and kiss me already.”
Shuichi had little time to react as Kokichi pulled Shuichi towards him, their lips mashing together in a rough kiss. Their bodies pressed against one another as Kokichi looped his arms around Shuichi’s neck and Shuichi placed his hands on Kokichi’s hips. Grunts and moans filled the room as teeth and tongues clashed together messily. Shuichi found himself getting more drunk off of the way Kokichi kissed him, his rationality slowly being torn apart at the seams. He caught Kokichi’s tongue in between his lips and began to suck on it, causing Kokichi to moan. He bucked his hips, eliciting a grunt from Shuichi. He grabbed Kokichi’s ass roughly, making Kokichi groan as they pulled apart, a string of saliva connecting their lips together. Kokichi spoke, snapping the string.
“Shuichi...” Shuichi swallowed at the way Kokichi said his first name. “Comfort me...let me lose myself in you, please...” he pleaded.
That was all it took for Shuichi to throw caution to the wind and turn them over so that Kokichi was under him, capturing his lips in another rough kiss.
He knew they would forget what transpired between them in the morning. But, Shuichi decided not to think about that for now. All that was on his mind was Kokichi and “comforting” him, as he put it, all in the dead of night.
#request#redes22#danganronpa v3#saiouma#shuichi saihara#kokichi ouma#past oumami#romantic/fluff starters#as i was writing this it leaned more in the direction of hurt/comfort#look at me turning a fluff prompt into a hurt/comfort one 😂#good job me#hurt/comfort#alcohol consumption#and things kinda started turning steamy too#i hope that’s fine#i was listening to like i need u by keshi on loop as i wrote this#which is how i wound up with the title for this#kawaiikichi
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can you please write one about the NDRV3 boys and s/o getting a noise complaint from being too loud during sex? i hope that isnt too NSFW
I don’t think this is too bad. Underthe cut, of course! I hope you like it!
V3 Boys & S/O Getting aNoise Complaint After Being Too Loud! (NSFW)!
Saihara Shuichi
Saihara isn’t a very vocal partner – he actually stays prettyquiet the whole time. However, he can let out a few spontaneous whimpers andwhines, but don’t expect a lot of noises from him.
Despite not being loud himself, he does find it attractive if hispartner is vocal. He actively tries doing the things he knows will get the mostreaction out of you and gets hot and bothered whenever you are more vocal. Youtwo have never faced any issues before and he’s viewed as one of the betterneighbors in your apartment complex, so you both assumed that you weren’t ever tooloud.
But it’s hard to gauge just how loud you two are because Saiharagets so into your love-making and foreplay that everything else sounds morelike white-noise to him. He becomes much more oblivious to your surroundingswhen focused on you, for the most part. Small sounds will completely fly overhis head because he’s much more worried about getting you off instead and gets enveloped in the ecstasy.
On this particular day, it was your anniversary and you had madeplans for each other. Saihara picked the restaurant and you picked what you twowould do afterwards, which eventually lead to a passionate make-out session upthe stairs leading to your apartment.
At the beginning of your relationship, Saihara was pretty shy whenit came to intimacy. Since then, he’s branched out and become much moreconfident and even commanding at times.
Both of you assumed that you’d end the night in this way, so youeach had ideas for one another. You wore his favorite outfit of yours,including what was underneath; while he set up candles and rose petals beforeyou two left: he wanted to make the night extra special.
After that, everything happened so fast. Your hands were travelingover one another’s bodies desperately and feverishly, feeling all of the curvesand marks on each other’s skin. Saihara was working on you with his hands whileyou attacked his neck with your mouth, garnering a few sighs to slip out fromeach of you.
He helped guide you towards your bed where you didn’t even manage to get completely undressed. You were both so desperate to have one anotherthat you didn’t even bother with clothes and skipped that part, even thoughSaihara prefers skin-on-skin contact.
Right now, all he was worried about was you – and that reallyshowed. He toyed with your body until you were whimpering and begging for himto continue, which lead to a hasty and passionate, yet romantic, love-makingsession with limbs tangled around one another and clinging onto each other’sshoulders and waists; nails being driven into backs and kisses placed wheneverskin was readily available.
Saihara let out a long sigh accompanied by sheepish laughter onceyou two were finished and cradled you in his arms. His eyes were about to driftclose when you received a pounding knock at your door.
He jolted upwards and hurried to answer it, nearly stumbling over his feet as he does so – due to the persistentknocking, he assumed that it was an emergency. You can imagine the surprise onSaihara’s face when a police officer was standing at his door instead; hisexpression flushed and turned paler than normal.
“W-Why are you here, officer? Can I help you?” They harshlyresponded to him with evidence of a noise complaint, likely from your next-door neighbors, and now your boyfriendlooked ghostly white.
He was embarrassed, to say the least. The officer gave him a winkand seemed to know exactly whatyou two were doing, before warning you to keep it down next time.
Saihara returned to your side with a blush painting his face, andhe could hardly look at you in the eyes. “Were we really that loud?” Hemuttered, wanting to disappear at the thought of your neighbors hearing you twohaving sex. All you could do was support him and tell him that everything wasokay, and that he had nothing to worry about.
Regardless, Saihara was still overcome with embarrassment andcouldn’t stand the thought. The incident was burned into his memory and still comesup from time to time, but only when you want to tease him.
He doesn’t appreciate it.
Ouma Kokichi
Both you and Ouma can get pretty loud during sex, depending on thedesperation and the level of intimacy. He’s pretty quiet during quick sessions,but much more vocal during love-making or when he’s in a rough, dominantmood.
He also tends to drag out your sessions for as long as possible,edging you along and denying you permission to finish. Ouma wants to make youwhine and beg, and he’ll smugly grin at you the entire time he’s teasing yourbody. This causes a lot of noises and sounds to fall from your lips.
But he doesn’t care if you’re loud, and he actually thinks it’spretty attractive and turns him on. You used to be much more hesitant about thesounds you make, but Ouma has insisted that he loves it and that you shouldn’tfeel so insecure; so, his reassuring words have opened you up.
You’ve been given warnings before but nothing has ever come out ofthem – mainly, your warnings stemmed from his behavior rather than noisecomplaints or anything of the sort.
Ouma took you out for your birthday and you spent most of the dayout on the town, doing whatever he had in store. That included dinner and amovie; the night was concluded with a long walk, hand-in-hand just to see thesights around the city; he was actually pretty good at planning dates.
You felt like there had to be a catch, though – it was Ouma after all. You realized what the catchwas on the way back home: his hand traveled up your thigh and fidgets with your core as he drove with theother, pretending to not notice you shifting in your seat.
You weren’t being very vocal at first, but the longer he teasedyou, the louder you got. Ouma also kept encouraging and provoking you, askingyou to beg for more or telling you to make more noises. Every time he wouldsuddenly pause without warning, you’d let out a long, frustrated sigh. Thisunforgiving teasing continued until you were finally back at your apartment.
Eventually, your desperate hands tugged on his hair and guided himto your lips where you enveloped him in a long, passionate kiss. He couldn’ttake it anymore, either, and got on top of you then and there. You weren’t expectingthe first couple of thrusts, which caused you to cry out in shock; that shocksoon turned into a blissful mix of pleasure and moans.
Ouma was smiling into your skin, telling you to keep making soundsfor him and continue telling him how much you were enjoying yourself.
It wasn’t long after you two finished that you got a knock on yourdoor. Ouma groaned as he dragged himself out of your shared bed and made hisway towards the nuisance that was bothering you two.
You could hear him talking with what you assumed was yournext-door neighbors, and then you hid your head under the covers fromembarrassment when you realized what had happened. Clearly, your boyfriendwasn’t as fazed as you were.
Your neighbors knew him for his pranks and chaotic mannerisms, butyou never thought you’d get a noise complaint - at least not after sex. Youdidn’t even realize how loud you were, and now your face was burning from yourintense blush.
Ouma returned with a smug smile, in which you promptly asked him to wipe it off.He began to pout, “But why, (Y/N)? What’s the big deal? It’s just a noise complaint!” He emphasized the lastsentence with a wink.
Everything was silent for a moment before he let out a loud, mischievous laughter, then slipped into bed beside you and shrugged the wholeencounter off. “Wow, (Y/N), I didn’t realize you were that loud! Was I justthat good?”
It took all of your strength to not snap at him, but you did haveto admit that it was pretty funny. Still, that was the last thing you wanted tohappen tonight. But Ouma wasn’t bothered, and neither should you be.
“Next time, I’ll make sure I make you scream so that we really geton their nerves~!” He exclaims gleefully, resulting in an eye-roll from you.
Rantaro Amami
Generally speaking, Rantaro is pretty quiet during intimacy. Hemakes a few grunts here and there, however a lot of the sounds he makes areverbal commands.
But he definitely isn’t the loudest partner – he knows exactlywhat to do to make you crumble into a vocal mess, though. He knows exactly whatyou like and will torture you with it; hearing your sounds gives him a sense ofpride and satisfaction.
Rantaro is also quite the sensual partner, especially after you’vebeen dating for so long. During those more private times, he zones everythingelse out and focuses only on you. This has caused him to miss a lot of thingshappening around him, such as phone-calls and news reports.
He gets really into it, and you don’t pay a lot of attention,either – you just get wrapped up in the pleasure. With all that said, it’s notvery surprising that you two tend to not realize how loud you’re being.
You’ve never had any issues before, but your neighbors who justrecently moved into the apartment beside yours were much more strict andunforgiving than the last.
You two had been building your sexual frustration all day – it wasValentine’s Day and Rantaro cooked a fancy meal for you two and took you outfor a night in the city. It was quite romantic, but also filled with plentyinnuendos and light touches; he knew exactly what hewas doing.
Frustrated and flustered, the moment you two got back to yourhome he had you against a wall. You didn’t even bother making it to yourbedroom, and ended up collapsing right there on the couch.
It may not have been as ‘romantic’ as you planned, but it wasdefinitely hot and sensual.
Rantaro immediately got to work and gave into all of your needs,not bothering to tease or toy with you like he normally did and instead wentstraight for the things he knew you like. This caused you to let out a loud,exasperated gasp and tightly grip his hair.
Things progressed, and before you knew it, he had one of your legspulled back and was on top of you. Both of you became so wrapped up in thepleasure that you didn’t notice the couch bumping against the wall – you triedmuffling your cries by biting into his shoulder, but that did little tonothing.
It was a steamy session of love-making which left you both coveredin kisses, scratches, and bite-marks. After all was said and done, you meltedinto each other’s arms, skin-to-skin contact made and loving sighs falling fromyour lips; but that peace only lasted for so long.
You received a knock on your door a few minutes later. Rantarodirected you to stay put and wrapped the blanket around you to hide your nudityfrom whoever was on your doorstep and kicked your clothes under the couch, thenhe promptly started pulling his pants up again – without bothering to put ashirt on.
When he opened the door, your apartment’s equivalent of a landlordwas standing there with an unimpressed look on their face. All they had to do washand Rantaro the slip of paper that issued the noise complaint, then turned andmade their way back down the steps. Before disappearing, they glanced over their shoulder and growled, “I know it’s Valentine’s Day, but keep it down nexttime.”
Rantaro handled the noise complaint well, politely apologizing as a light blushformed on his face. Regardless, he was still as relaxed and calm as always. Yougive him an embarrassed, shy smile which causes him to chuckle. ���It’s nobig deal, love.”
Sliding beside you on the couch, he quickly helps you get dressedagain. You wondered how he was able to stay so calm and confident, even afteryour neighbors just heard you two having sex. Rantaro simply didn’t stress overthe little things in life like that, and he soon forgot that the incident everhappened.
His calmness causes you to relax and unwind, soon dismissing thesituation and trying to not think about it too much. Thankfully, you were ableto get off with just a warning. Sometimes he still makes jokes about it just to makeyou blush; but he doesn’t really mind and he isn’t too bothered by thecomplaint.
“At least they got to hear how good I was, eh?”
Let’s be honest, Kiibo isn’t the most vocal partner. A lot of thesounds he makes are fabricated anyway, since he can’t actually feel pleasureand his sex life works differently than that of real humans. It’s a bit of adowner, but you gradually get used to it.
That just means that he’s much more fixated on pleasuring you,instead. Kiibo also never forgets the things you like and all of your positivereactions are immediately recorded in one of his memory systems, which makeshim an incredible partner. Of course, he was pretty awkward the first handfulof times you two had sex but he quickly gets used to it and loosens up quite abit.
Because he’s so undeniably skilled and tends to worry about youmore than himself, you’ve become a pretty loud person in bed. You didn’t usedto be this noisy, but Kiibo’s functions and the things he does to you aremind-blowing, so you just can’t help it.
He isn’t the best at planning things and a lot of your intimatemoments are pretty spontaneous. He was feeling particularly in the mood thismorning and initiated the contact, which you happily reciprocated.
It was getting close to Valentine’s Day, and your boyfriend wasfeeling friskier than normal around this time of year. Love is in the air, asthey say!
After that, things got heated very quickly. Kiibo continued askingif he was doing a good job and you had to reassure him that all was well,mustering up some uncontrollable moans to get your point across.
You melted into his touch and let him work on you,which is all he really wanted anyway. Seeing you like this and getting you off iswhat brought him pleasure, and he could go for as long as you needed him to.That’s one of the perks of dating a Robot.
All of the sounds you were making were only causing him to becomeeven more passionate than before, which also increased your pleasure. Beforeyou knew it, you weren’t able to keep yourself quiet.
Kiibo smirks as he continues, feeling proud of himself. He had you gripping the sheets, forcing you to cover your mouth with your hand in an attempt to muffle your moans.
But that can only do so much, apparently. Even though you tried your best to hush yourself, it seems as though you were still a bit too loud for your neighbor’s liking.
Your session was interrupted by a knock at your door, and hefrightfully paused and looked at you, bewildered and stunned. You wrap a blanketaround yourself and slowly make your way to the door, gently pushing yourboyfriend off of you.
Kiibo wasn’t very far, though, and watched curiously as youanswered the door. He tailed you and watched from a distance, peeking around the doorway as his face turned red from embarrassment.
You were met with the face of an angry neighbor who scowled atyou. The realization almost immediately sunk in, and now you were a bitembarrassed that you were completely naked under your blanket. Your face flushed and you began stuttering, hoping that they wouldn’t interrogate you too hard.
“Can you please keep itdown? I don’t want to have to file a noise complaint on you!” They hiss harshly,sending chills down your spine. With a reluctant nod, you close the door andreturn to Kiibo who was beginning to look extremely uneasy.
“Did they… hear us?” He asked, rather innocently. You sigh andcollapse on the bed, nodding and quickly ending your session since the mood wasruined. He sits beside you as a heavy, awkward silence fills your bedroom.
Kiibo apologized multiple times and quickly nuzzles up next to you, trying his best to alleviate the awkwardness. Although you insist that he didn’t do anything wrong, you were still drowningin embarrassment right now. He tried to recover and get you back in the mood but to no avail, and the rest of your night was filled with movies and lovingly cuddling each other.
Kaito isa vocal partner and he likes it when you’re able to match him. He will doeverything in his power to receive loud, ecstasy-filled moans from you, even ifthat means teasing you until you’re trembling.
When it comes to your pleasure, he will relentlessly torture you and deny your orgasm just to make you scream. This has resulted in a plentiful amount of moans, as well as noise complaints in the past. Since moving into your new apartment, you had yet to receive any warnings and assumed that you couldn’t be heard as easily as before.
Almost all of your sessions are rather long and drawn out and you often fearthat your neighbors are able to hear you two whenever you go at it. Kaitoinsists that you have nothing to worry about and that if an issue ever didarise concerning your sex-life, he would handle it. There was nothing more foryou to do than to accept his reassuring promise.
He gets really into your sessions which often last throughout the night, or at least for several hours. That’s probably another reason why you two have had previous issues.
It was New Years, and you two figured you’d have messy New Years sex. But first, Kaito wanted to spend the day out in the city and celebrating in as many ways as possible; like he always said, go big or go home.
Everyone was loud on New Years so you didn’t expect it to really be a problem,at least not for you two. You never caused any other trouble and were typically good neighbors, and you hoped that the holiday would cause your noise levels to be a bit more acceptable.
After a night of exploring the city, you two returned home late at night afterringing in midnight and celebrating to your heart’s content. Kaito wouldn’t let the celebration die just yet, though, and switched on one of the late-night New Years programs. He was a bit tipsy as well, so he was already talking, or more-so yelling, pretty loudly anyway.
He guides you towards your bedroom with his lips melting against yours, handsfumbling to open the door as you both nearly collapse inside. Things werealready getting heavy and you were beginning to moan against his lips as he works on you with his hands.
Kaito got to work, first kissing down your body before teasing you with his mouth. The sensation of both his mouth and hands pleasuring you at the same time caused you to cry out and bury your face in a pillow.
That didn’t last too long before he takes you, climbing on top and roughly thrusting into you. The new movement not only shakes the bed, but also slams it against the wall behind you. Admittedly, you were both being unintentionally loud, which annoyed your sleeping neighbors.
All of a sudden, an irritating knock on your door interrupted your love-making. Kaito groans, hurrying to finish before rushing towards the door. He tugged on his pants as he goes to answer it, without bothering to put on a shirt, then greets your landlord with an irritated tone.
“Your neighbors have issued a noise complaint, please keep it down,” they say bluntly. Kaito raises a brow and responds with slurred words, “Was it because of the partying?”
“No, I think it was because of your sex-life.” When they say this, Kaito’s face flushes and turns red. He quickly apologizes, trying to force back the laughter that was ensuing. The response caught him off-guard and caused him to drunkenly snicker a little bit.
He was never really bothered by your previous noise complaints, much more amused by them than anything else. Regardless, you were still a bit embarrassed and hide your face in his chest. He asked if you wanted a round two, which you politely declined.
The thought of your neighbors hearing you two again was enough to drive you away from that. Kaito understood, and soon fell asleep beside you, forgetting about the complaint by the next morning.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
It’s not that Korekiyo isn’t a vocal partner, but a lot of thesounds he makes don’t come in the form of moans or sighs of pleasure. Instead,he is commanding and dominant. He does let out a few haywire grunts here andthere, but that vocal aspect of sex is more reserved for you because it’s hard to make him genuinely moan out of ecstasy.
With that said, he makes sure that you, on the other hand, are amoaning mess before he’s finished with you, every time. He places high value onyour pleasure and experience; above his own. Korekiyo feels a sense ofsatisfaction whenever you’re panting and shaking when he’s finished.
It was your anniversary and he had some special plans for youtonight. He wanted to try something new that you’ve talked about before butnever really got around to doing.
Korekiyo took you out to eat first and then you two did whateveryou had in mind, but you expected that the night would soon take a much more intimate turn.
He leads you back to your bedroom which was now dimly lit by candles. It was romantic and got you in the mood, until you noticed the bondageropes laying curiously on the bed.
With a hesitant glance, he promised to take good care of you. Bynow, you two have had enough experience that you could trust him and you knewthat this was one of his deeper fantasies. After a lot of conversation and reassurance, you finally decide to give ita try.
Proudly, Korekiyo helps undress you and leads you to the bed. That’swhen he takes your wrists and ankles and ties you up in an incredibly delicateand elaborate way - it made you wonder where he learned to do all of this. You weren’t sure how much you would enjoy this and only gave in to make him happy, but the thrill and excitement began to build in your stomach.
His smile was a little bit intimidating, but the pleasure thatsoon filled you was incredible. There was no way for you to cover your mouth,and Korekiyo certainly wasn’t going to do that for you, so your loud criesbounced off the walls since you couldn’t hold yourself back and let yourself go instead,completely submitting to this new feeling.
Korekiyo will normally gag you if he worries that you’ll be too loud, or at least use his hand to cover your mouth and muffle the sounds, but this time he was going to bask in the beautiful noises coming from your lips.
He continued asking if what he was doing was okay as he worked onyou with a combination of hands, tongue, and toys. In reality, you didn’t wanthim to stop…
Until someone started banging on your door. Korekiyo paused andwas hesitant to make his way into the other room, eyeing you and noticing your defensiveresponse. He places a gentle kiss on your lips to relax you, before closing the bedroom door so thatthey wouldn’t be able to see you, and making his way to answer whomever wasinterrupting your first ever bondage session.
Their conversation was muffled through the door, but from what youcould tell, you knew it wasn’t going well.
When he finally returned, Korekiyo showed you the slip of papertitled ‘Nose Complaint’ and explained that that was your landlord tellingyou two to quiet down. Apparently, your neighbors on both sides could hear allof the sounds you were making.
You immediately became embarrassed and asked to stop, in which heobliged. The rest of your night was replaced with cuddling and some morevanilla intimacy, but the experience hindered your future bondage attempts andcaused you to be much more hesitant.
You were both visibly embarrassed, but Korekiyo handled it much better. He politely apologized to your landlord and insisted that it wouldn’t happen again, and then eased you out of the situation. He cradles you until you feel better, sensing your embarrassment and convincing you that everything was okay, shushing you and stroking your hair.
He thought that the sounds you made were beautiful and wondered how anyone could be bothered by them, quickly shrugging the complaint off.
Gontacompletely loses himself in intimacy and becomes a completely different person. He’s much more vocal than you’d think, but a lot of it comes in the form ofanimalistic grunts, howls, and growling. His natural instincts kick in during sex andhe can’t really contain himself.
He doesn’t try to be loud, he just is. Gonta also moans and sighs a lot, andplenty of “I love you’s” fall from his lips so he’s able to take control of his instincts and make love to you as well, swapping between rough sex and gentle, romantic intimacy.
You’re not the quietest person, either, and sometimes you match his noiselevels. He does like it, but sometimes hushes you or covers your mouth. When he gets extremely rough or needy, though, it becomes much harder to silence your noises.
You planned a surprise birthday party for Gonta and had been busy allday. You ran around the city and did everything you knew he loved, including going on a nature trail and concluded the celebration with dinner.
When you two got back, you could immediately tell that he was growing impatient and horny.Maybe it was his instincts again, but you didn’t do anything to trigger them or tooutright get him in the mood.
Gonta is the one who initiated the contact and asked you for one more birthdaygift. You immediately caught onto what he was hinting at and guided him towardsthe bedroom, laying on the bed and positioning him on top of you.
During your intimacy, there are rarely any clothes involved – even when he’sreally desperate, he still strips completely naked because Gonta much prefers thefeeling of skin-on-skin contact. That was the first thing he got to work on, tugging at your clothes and tossing them in the floor.
He wasted no time at all getting to the sex, although a Gentleman would never skipforeplay. However, the touching and pleasuring you was minimal this time. Normally, Gontais much more considerate during these moments and puts you before himself, butwhat can he say? It’s his birthday and he’s needy.
You don’t really mind, and instead you do him a favor and start working on himwith your mouth. That alone sent him into a mess of moans and grunts – it wasso pleasurable that he gripped your hair and drove his fist against the wall as the tension builds up inside his core.He isn’t always aware of his strength, so it was much louder than anticipated.
Afterwards, Gonta completely zoned out as he took you. He was rougher thannormal, and you don’t think he caught his breath once, only grunting thewhole time as he holds you tightly.
When you both finished, he reverted back to his normal self and held you in hisarms, cuddling you and nuzzling his face into your chest. He showered you with“I love you,” “Thank you’s,” and compliments, and began to fall asleep when youreceived a loud knock on your door.
Gonta was confused, wondering who could possibly be here at this time of night. He was a bit frightened when he opened the door and found two policeofficers standing there, asking if this was the Gokuhara residence. With a wary nod,they explained that the neighbors called and issued a noise complaint on you two.
A bright blush formed on his face and he became immediately flustered, jaw dropping and feeling ashamed. “Gonta so sorry! Gonta don’t normally act like that!” He went into a bit of a panic, apologizing several times.
Clearly, the police didn’t want to hear the details about your sex lives andbacked up, letting you off with a warning; but Gonta isn’t going to let it go that easily and instead buries his face into your chest and whines with embarrassment, retreating like an animal who just got punished. You can’t help but to giggle at his innocent response.
You reassuringly stroked his hair and whispered loving thoughts into his ear. He’s never got a noise complaint before and certainly didn’t want anyone else to hear what goes on in your bedroom, so Gonta was much more hesitant and wary next time.
Now,Ryoma isn’t the most vocal partner during sex – a lot of his sounds are gruntsand small sighs; he also often finds himself purring into your skinlovingly, smiling softly and leaving gentle kisses as he does so.
It washis birthday and you wanted to celebrate with him. Ryoma isn’t very fond of hisbirthday, though, and doesn’t normally show any interest or excitement. Hedidn’t even celebrate it until you two started dating and you convinced him to.
However, you two always end up in a passionate frenzy whenever you ring in holidays, anniversaries, or birthdays – a lot of that is Ryoma’s motivating factor to celebrate with you.
Despite not being the most affectionate lover, he is very attentive. He makescareful notes of the things he knows you like and will continue to tease youand draw out sessions for as long as possible, or at least until you’rebegging.
He doesn’t respond with a lot of verbal cues, so you’re the louder one duringsex. Sometimes, his silence can be intimidating, but that’s only because he gets extremely focused during intimacy.
After everyone had dispersed from his party and it was just you and Ryoma alone, you initiated the more private birthday gift you had in mind.
Tauntingly slow, you approach your boyfriend and caress his thigh, movingtowards his inner leg. Ryoma caught on very quickly and guides you towards moreintimate contact, smirking into your kiss. Surprisingly enough, he’s a damn goodsexual partner.
Things begin to get hot and heavy and you pull away briefly so that you can lead him into your bedroom, where you got on top of him and start working on his body.
Ryoma doesn’t bother to take off his clothes, turning the tables and insisting that he wants to pleasure you instead. After all, he’s the type of partner who gets off to you; getting more out of your reactions and sounds than his own.
He started with his hand and then moved to tease your core with his mouth, his eyes locking on yours the whole time. You can’t help but to cry out, unable to bring yourself to cover your own mouth and melting into the bed sheets. You grip the pillow above your head and let out a long, drawn out moan that signals Ryoma to continue what he was doing.
He pauses when there’s a knock on your door, his eyes meeting yoursquestioningly. Considering you were only half-dressed and he had yet to removea single item of clothing, he took the liberty to answer the door and politely asked foryou to wait there.
Ryoma was met with the face of your unhappy neighbor, who crossed their armsand scowled at the Tennis Player. Not in the mood for any of this, he simplyraises a brow and bluntly mutters, “What do you want?”
Insulted, they go off about how they’ve filed a noise complaint to your landlord and how they could hear everything you two were doing, going so far to call your acts disgusting and begging you to keep it down next time.
Ryoma’s face remains expressionless and unimpressed, and he calmly, silently waits until they were done. Once they finally finished, and threatened him with a noise complaint one last time, he slams the door in their face and promptly locks it.
They stand in place, shocked by his reaction. Ryoma chuckles to himself as he can hear them demand he opens the door and spews even more nasty threats at him, rattling the door-handle as he walks away completely unfazed.
“Now where were we?”
- Mod Rantaro
#danganronpa#danganronpa imagines#danganronpa v3#ndrv3#ndrv3 imagines#killing harmony#lemon#shuichi saihara#saihara shuichi#kokichi ouma#ouma kokichi#oma kokichi#amami rantarou#rantaro amami#kiibo#kaito momota#korekiyo shinguuji#gonta gokuhara#ryoma hoshi
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Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 4.17
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time, in the first half of trial 4’s conclusion, Alter Ego Gonta confessed about his motive (most of it) which Kokichi very much manipulated him into having and acting on even though nobody realises it, Kaito struggled to understand Gonta’s despair while still also trying to understand Kokichi, Gonta was the loveliest who had even managed to get through to Kokichi somewhat (but not nearly enough), Kokichi got closer than he’s ever been to showing how he really feels while still noping out of taking any responsibility for murdering anyone… and Gonta went to fluffy bug heaven. Shush, he did, that’s definitely what happened.
Tsumugi: *sob*… *sob*…
Himiko: “Waaaaaaaaaaah! Gooontaaa!”
Kaito: “Dammit! Why did it turn out like this!?”
Shuichi: “…”
Kaito is the only one out of these four who isn’t crying. Now, granted, Kaito is one of only a handful of characters who don’t have any sprites in which they’re crying that could show this, but given that there’s going to be some illustrations of him soon, if the writers wanted to show that he’s crying, they could put it in those, like they did in chapter 1 in the one where he punched Shuichi. They don’t, so he isn’t.
And so it’s pretty notable that Kaito doesn’t cry here even though he is definitely in more emotional pain right now than he’s ever been. He was… “willing” isn’t exactly the right word, but he didn’t manage to stop himself from crying on those previous occasions at the end of trial 1 and trial 3. He was probably reasonably accepting of those because everyone else was crying too. But this time, despite still being surrounded by other people crying, Kaito is more determined than ever before to stop himself from joining them. He cannot and must not show any kind of weakness right now.
Maki: “Hey, Kokichi… why don’t you tell us now? What is the secret of the outside world? If we don’t know it, then we won’t be able to understand or accept it.”
Even though Maki’s emotionally jaded enough that she’s not crying over this, she still is being affected by it and wants to understand so that she can accept it, just like everyone else!
Kokichi: “…”
Kaito: “Kokichi, if you really cared for Gonta, explain yourself to everyone and—”
Kaito is still willing to accept the interpretation that Kokichi is a somewhat decent person even after seeing Gonta die horribly because of him! I would absolutely not put it past Kaito’s intuition to have picked up on the fact that somewhere deep down Kokichi did truly care about Gonta on some level. Even now, even through all of his anger towards Kokichi and all of his own suffering, Kaito has not stopped trying to get through to Kokichi and get him to admit how he really feels about everything. God, Kaito is so good.
And remember that Kokichi has been targeting Kaito in particular throughout this, so Kaito would have every reason not to want to reach out to Kokichi simply out of personal spite. But of course Kaito wouldn’t ever be like that. This is the very opposite of Kokichi’s petty vindictiveness.
Kokichi: “I don’t… want to…”
This one line before he starts his big act could be somewhat genuine, in that it’s Kokichi not wanting to face up to any of the pain he’s in and admit that it’s all his fault. This moment right here is Kokichi’s big chance to finally turn things around, show remorse for everything and start to work on becoming a better person. But… he doesn’t want to. Because admitting to everything in the first place in order to be able to change would be incredibly painful, and he’s too much of a coward to ever face that.
Kokichi: “Ah-hahahaha! Oh man, did you fall for all that fake crying!? You’re so dumb! I would never cry for Gonta!”
Yup, it was definitely all just a lie, you keep telling yourself that. You tell yourself that even harder than you’ve ever told yourself anything like that before.
Kokichi: “If I said the actual truth back there, Gonta would’ve been reeeeal mad! That would’ve interfered with the game, so I simply lied to calm him down. …See? As long as you lie for a good purpose, right?”
I’m also willing to believe that actually the main reason Kokichi never told Gonta the truth (you know, about Kokichi having deliberately ruined the plan himself and got Gonta killed) was because he felt bad enough about the way Gonta was feeling that he couldn’t bear to make Gonta suffer any more than he already was at that point. This would be the one time Kokichi genuinely did something out of concern for another’s feelings… but it’s still primarily to protect his own feelings on the matter, and it still doesn’t change the fact that he caused all of Gonta’s suffering and his death in the first place.
And now, of course, he’s telling himself that this is the real reason he lied because obviously he didn’t care about Gonta one bit and isn’t in any pain at all and so it totally doesn’t matter that everything that happened to Gonta is his fault.
Kokichi: “C’mon, think about it. If I actually wanted to save everyone, like what Gonta did… I wouldn’t have betrayed Gonta. You should’ve realized that.”
Everyone should realise that. This is even explicitly pointed out here for anyone who’s forgotten that he did that back in the trial.
Kokichi: “Who cares about that idiot!?”
Yeah, definitely not you, right? Gonta definitely wasn’t the one person you actually kinda sorta slightly cared about (completely irrelevant probable crush on Shuichi notwithstanding because it’s completely irrelevant), of course not!
Kokichi: “I wanna enjoy this game filled with suspicion and betrayal from the bottom of my heart!”
Aside from the bottom of his heart part, this is technically not a lie. He may not truly enjoy it, but he really desperately wants to enjoy it so that he doesn’t have to suffer like he is doing. And in the process of him trying as hard as he can to enjoy it despite how fucked up he knows that is, he deliberately caused this whole tragic mess here.
Kokichi: “The more you suffer, the more I enjoy it. There are people in this world who spread grief and misery for no reason than the thrill of it! And I’m one of those people. Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others!”
So. Just as Kokichi’s stance prior to the execution (that he wanted the mercy kill) was mostly a huge lie but had a certain grain of truth to it (that he was genuinely upset about Gonta on some level), this one is the same. It is mostly a huge lie for the sake of his plan, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still true, on a much less extreme level than he’s claiming, that he does enjoy most people’s suffering. His organisation exists to do basically a lesser version of this; it’s not nearly “grief and misery”, but pranking people who aren’t on board with the possibility of being pranked causes them inconvenience and frustration and general mishmash of largely harmless but still mostly negative emotions that Kokichi and his goons get a kick out of. Him constantly being an unnecessary dick to everyone and literally bullying Keebo among other things, while not quite the same thing as pranking them, is still also that. And then there’s him having spent basically this entire case trying to jab at Kaito where he’s vulnerable and hurt him for no reason other than him being a “fun” target and probably some petty vindictiveness over their clash of values, because, as I mentioned, he went about it far too subtly for it to be for the purpose of backing up this lie here. This killing game may have twisted Kokichi to make him a lot worse than otherwise, but he was always this kind of person on some minor level.
Kaito: “S-Seriously… Who the hell do you think you are?”
I wonder if Kaito can tell that this is mostly a lie and is only angry because he hates that Kokichi would even tell a lie like that in the first place. I wonder.
Maki: “So… for your own entertainment, you sacrificed Miu and Gonta?”
Kokichi: “What’s so bad about that? You kill people for money… right, Maki Roll?”
Maki tries to make it clear that he killed Miu and Gonta, and nope, even now that he’s putting on this act where he’s the kind of evil person who would happily do something like that, Kokichi deflects the fuck out of it and dodges actually acknowledging his responsibility in their deaths at all.
Maki: “Someone like you has no right to call me Maki Roll…”
Implying someone not like Kokichi does have the right to call her that! Implying that she’s started to like that nickname and is happy that Kaito gave it to her! Aww.
Kokichi: “Nee-heehee… you look so much better with a scowl on your face, Maki Roll.”
Why? Because then it’s easier for you to tell yourself that she’s just a horrible murderous assassin and not an actual person whom Kaito was right about all along?
Kokichi: “But hey, you guys are just waaay too trusting. If only you had suspected me more, then… Miu and Gonta wouldn’t have died such meaningless deaths!”
Nobody ever trusted you! They already suspected you plenty! Kaito spent the entirety of the trip to the Virtual World on super high alert about you and only didn’t manage to stop you because he trusted Gonta!
Kokichi is s t i l l trying to shove his idea that trusting people is idiotic down everyone’s throats, even though actually everybody had a perfectly reasonable amount of trust for the appropriate people – namely, plenty of trust for everyone who wasn’t Kokichi or Miu, and barely any trust at all for those two. He would do a better job of making his point here if he also argued that everyone should have suspected Gonta more and kept more of an eye on him in the Virtual World – I guess he’s not trying to do that at this point because he’s too busy with his lie that he’s super evil and so he needs to focus everything on himself? (Or because he actually feels sort of bad about betrayal-related things when Gonta is involved, both on his end and hypothetically on Gonta’s end, and doesn’t want to think about that.)
And of course he’s trying to make it seem like the two deaths are everyone else’s fault for being too trusting, not at all his own fault for deliberately choosing to be the kind of untrustworthy murderous asshole who is exactly the reason it is sometimes wise to be suspicious of others in the first place.
Kaito: “M-Meaningless deaths!?”
(Kaito screamed and sprinted up to Kokichi like a bullet…)
It is absolutely delightful that this is the line that sets Kaito off into an uncontrollable rage of lashing out at Kokichi with violence. Because Kaito has spent this entire chapter terrified of dying a meaningless death himself.
It’s especially bad given that Gonta had been desperately trying to help everyone despite how weak and useless he was feeling, which is exactly how Kaito also felt, and he definitely picked up on that similarity. Yet Gonta’s attempts to be a hero ultimately ended up in nothing but tragic failure and meaningless death – as if all of his efforts meant nothing in the first place, as if losing pointlessly like this is the only possible fate waiting for any pathetic wannabe hero who has no idea what he’s doing – and Kaito cannot bear that thought at all.
(I also like how the narration describes him as screaming. Normally Kaito’s loud outbursts would just be called “yelling”, but this time there is a lot more raw, desperate anguish to it than that.)
Kokichi: “Oops, sorry! I tried to dodge you… but I punched you instead.”
Yeah, that totally wasn’t 100% on purpose or anything.
Kaito: “Y-You…!”
Kokichi: “By the way, Kaito, is it just me…? Or are you waaay slower?”
Kaito: “Ah…”
Kokichi: “Maybe, just maybe… Kaito is hiding something from us, too.”
Not only did Kokichi’s punch probably hit Kaito exactly where he’s literally, physically vulnerable and exacerbate his illness, Kokichi now just made it clear that he knows. Kaito is panicking, because he absolutely cannot let anyone know about this, especially not Shuichi, especially not now.
Kokichi probably picked up on Kaito’s illness back in this chapter’s Daily Life during one of the times Kaito was chasing him around. If he wanted to reveal it to everyone because he wanted to help, he’d have done it sooner – but instead, he deliberately sat on the info and saved it for the moment when it would cause Kaito the most pain possible to have it revealed. At this point, now that Kokichi’s pointedly pretending to be the evilest most sadistic, there’s always the argument that he’s only causing Kaito pain here to help back up that lie, but come on – when he was already subtly trying to hurt Kaito so much throughout this case, this is just the final stage of that and not about his big lie at all.
Maki: “Kaito! Are you okay!?”
This is the first time in the game we hear Maki’s voice clip of desperately yelling Kaito’s name, which is A Good. I am very pleased that there are multiple moments of Maki being this frantically, openly worried about him, in this chapter and the next, that we get to hear this voice clip several times.
Maki: “You… really want to die, don’t you!?”
I also love that this is the first time we see Maki’s fiercest sprite! She’s always had a hell of a death glare, but this is the first time we’ve seen the full extent of how terrifying she can be, and it’s when it’s well and truly on our side and being used to defend those she cares about. It’s a great moment. Taking her catchphrase and using it 100% seriously is a pretty neat subversion, too.
Kokichi: “Maki wouldn’t lose her cool for a guy like Kaito. He’s waaaay too pathetic. He’s all bark and no bite.”
And yet, Maki just did lose her cool on his behalf, so no, Kokichi, your attempt to rub in Kaito’s feelings of being pathetic and worthless isn’t going to work so well this time because Maki clearly thinks otherwise.
(I don’t think Kaito’s really registering this, though, because he’s too busy panicking over the fact that oh god he’s going to cough up blood in front of everyone and they’re all going to see. He doesn’t say anything at all between getting punched and when Kokichi leaves.)
Kokichi: “Let’s face it. The Ultimate Astronaut is just a trainee anywa—”
And the Ultimate Supreme Leader is just a fucking clown, what’s your point.
(No one cared what he had to say anymore. They all rushed to Kaito’s side.)
Tsumugi: “Kaito, are you hurt!?”
Keebo: “Can you stand? Do you need to lean on my shoulder?”
Himiko: “S-Sorry! My MP’s at zero, so I can’t use any recovery magic!”
I love that this is here to show that it’s not just his sidekicks – everyone here except Kokichi cares about Kaito and is worried when he’s hurt. And while it’s lovely that they’re doing this, Kaito probably hates the fact that he’s being so obviously weak right now that everyone is rushing to support him. He’s not supposed to need support! He’s supposed to be the hero!
Kokichi: “Hey… why are you all so worried about this pathetic gu—”
Shuichi: “Pathetic? Look at yourself, Kokichi.”
Kokichi: “…What?”
Shuichi: “Kaito always has us by his side, see? But no one wants to be around you. You’re alone, Kokichi. And you always will be.”
With how many times Kokichi has been annoyingly self-righteous about something that he’s blatantly either wrong or being a hypocrite about, it’s quite refreshing to have someone actually call him out on that for once and shut him right down. Kokichi brought this upon himself. Everyone cares about Kaito because he’s always cared about everyone else. Nobody cares about Kokichi because he’s done everything to not deserve it, especially now that he’s killed two people for no good reason and is showing no remorse. Shuichi’s not calling him pathetic because he’s alone, but because he’s deliberately choosing to be a person who will always end up alone.
Kokichi: “Ah-haha! You’re talking about friends? Friends don’t make this game more entert— … Geez, boooring. I’m no longer interested. I don’t care anymore…”
(Friends clearly do make this game more entertaining for us in the audience, you know.)
I think this is another instance of the vaguely decent person inside Kokichi having a moment of control and making him pause, before the rest of him brushes it off and changes the subject (obviously if it’s something that makes him feel bad then it’s just boring, right, not actually painful). Apparently he does kind of regret not having friends on some level when faced with how much everyone cares about Kaito. But it’s still absolutely his own fault and is now basically too late to change.
…I mean, not completely too late. If he genuinely broke down and showed remorse, apologised for everything and asked for a second chance to try and do better, you know who’d be the first person to acknowledge that and give him that chance? Kaito. Despite everything Kokichi’s done, Kaito would not hesitate if he saw that Kokichi really wanted to change. But Kaito can only help people who want to help themselves, and Kokichi does not even remotely want to help himself.
Kokichi: “But, I will tell you this… The one who will win this game… is me.”
So instead Kokichi just clings to the thing he’s been fixated on this whole time because at least if he does that then it’ll make everything worth it, right? (It won’t, at all; hello, sunk cost fallacy. And that’s even if his plan did succeed, which it’s not going to.)
Kaito: “Grh… Uuugh…”
Shuichi: “Hey, Kaito…?”
Maki: “You don’t look well… It didn’t seem like he punched you that hard, but…”
Maki was being furiously worried about Kaito this whole time even though she knew Kokichi’s punch wasn’t that bad. So apparently she could already tell that Kaito was in a lot more pain from it than he should have been.
Kaito: “I-I’m okay… It’s fine…”
Oh, Kaito. You are not convincing anyone right now.
Himiko: “Don’t push yourself. You should lie down and—”
Kaito: “I s-said I’m… fine…”
Kaito is especially insistent about this when someone else is trying to tell him to take it easy and rest, because needing to do that would mean he’s weak and he can’t be weak (not in front of Shuichi, not after everything in the trial that already proved he is).
(Kaito tried to get up, but…)
Kaito: “Urgh!”
(Kaito doubled over, his knees gave out, and he collapsed hard…)
Kaito: *cough* *cough, cough*
And it seems like the reason his body finally betrayed him and started coughing blood, the thing he’d been most desperate to avoid, is because he pushed himself too hard and tried to stand up by himself when he didn’t have the strength for it. Kaito’s furious need to appear as if he’s perfectly strong on his own is delightfully self-destructive, both on an emotional level during the trial, and on a physical level right here.
Apart from the fact that Kaito should actually be on the floor and not standing up because the narration just described him collapsing, this illustration is delightful. Kaito looks so freaked out, not over the fact that he’s coughing up blood, but over the fact that everyone can see it. If it were the former, he’d be staring at the blood in his hand – but instead he’s staring at Maki, because to him the worst part of this is her reaction.
(And it’s Maki and not Shuichi he’s staring at, even though he’d be at least as freaked out about Shuichi’s reaction to this, because I doubt he’s wanted to look Shuichi in the eye since a while before the vote.)
Tsumugi: “Blood!? Why!? What’s the matter, Kaito!?”
I don’t know, Tsumugi, why don’t *you* tell us exactly what the fucking matter is.
Kaito: “C’mon… Don’t freak out over this… It’s nothing… My… cold just got worse is all…”
Stop freaking out about it, guys. Nobody is supposed to ever worry about Kaito. That’s not how this works.
Keebo: “I didn’t know that coughing up blood was a cold symptom!”
Kaito: “You’re a robot and you don’t know that? I’m saying it’s fine. Just… chill.”
Kaito’s line is probably a little awkwardly translated here since he makes it sound like Keebo ought to know about colds due to being a robot, when that doesn’t make much sense. What I imagine he’s supposed to be saying is “you’re a robot so of course you wouldn’t know that coughing up blood is totally a legitimate cold symptom (please don’t contradict me on this guys)”.
Kaito: “I just… coughed too much and cut my throat or something… I dunno…”
I love that last “I dunno” and the way Kaito’s voice wavers during it. He knows full well that everyone can tell this is an obvious, pathetic excuse he just made up on the spot. It is exactly as bad as it looks, and he’s feeling so trapped by his inability to convincingly hide it.
Kaito: “Y-Yeah, that’s it… I just need a drink of water…”
He’s saying “yeah, that’s it”, like he’s telling himself that yes, this obvious lie about cutting his throat is totally the real truth and everyone should buy it, right??? Or he’s telling himself that about the idea that just getting a drink of water will totally fix everything and then they can all stop worrying about him and everything will be fine. I’m sure he does need a drink of water, but he also needs a lot more than just that to ever be okay.
Kaito: “Sorry, but… I’m… gonna head back to my room…”
He’s apologising. Of course he is; he’s showing weakness and making everyone worry about him. Even if it’s not his fault, how could he not apologise for that?
And while needing a drink of water is a convenient excuse, the real reason he wants to go straight to his room is that he just wants to get out of here. Every moment he spends here is a moment he’s letting everybody see how weak and pathetic he really is, since he doesn’t have the strength to convince them otherwise right now. He can’t handle that and just wants it to stop before it gets any worse, to get himself behind closed doors where it won’t matter how weak he is because nobody will be able to see him.
Shuichi: “Okay, I’ll go with—”
Kaito: “Don’t follow me!!!”
Shuichi: “…What!?”
Kaito: “I can walk on my own. I don’t need your help… Shuichi.”
Shuichi, the hero that he is, reaches out to Kaito and offers to help and support him – and Kaito cannot let that happen. Even though Shuichi only said he’d walk with him, from the fact that Kaito insisted he can walk on his own and doesn’t need help, it seems he was picturing Shuichi physically supporting him as he walked back (which means he probably actually does need that, really). Kaito can’t bear such an obvious, literal representation of who’s really the one in need of support here, especially not when it’s from Shuichi, the person who was supposed to be his sidekick and need his support and yet now he’s completely outshining Kaito and leaving him in the dust. He can’t need Shuichi’s help.
It might seem at first glance like Kaito pushing Shuichi away here is about him still being angry over Gonta’s death, but like everything else in this trial, it’s got very little to do with that and everything to do with Shuichi being stronger than him.
Also, fun fact about the original Japanese! Remember how I mentioned when they became friends that Japanese-Kaito started calling Shuichi by his given name and not his surname as a sign of close friendship? He’s been consistently doing that this whole time – but in this line right here, he calls him “Saihara”, making this moment even more painful. It’s a shame that the localisation cannot get that same nuance across – Kaito only sometimes calls him “bro” in English because doing so all the time would sound ridiculous, so not using that word here doesn’t mean anything – but I do like that they kept the highlighted text on Shuichi’s name, hinting that there’s a lot more harshness in Kaito’s voice as he says it here than there ever usually is. It’s that that made me think “huh, I bet I know what this was in Japanese” and confirm it.
(Kaito staggered off.)
Maki: “… …I’ll go with him. It would be bad if he collapses on the way.”
Someone should, and since he’s refusing to accept any kind of help from Shuichi right now, Maki should definitely be the one to do so. Her face is in shadow as she says this, suggesting she’s a lot more worried than she’s letting on, not just about Kaito’s illness but also about the way he just acted towards Shuichi.
(Also look at how unconvinced she was by his insistence that he can walk on his own.)
Kaito would be somewhat more willing to accept help from Maki here, since she didn’t show herself to be so obviously stronger than him in the trial and he hasn’t done anything to so obviously fail her like he has for Shuichi, but I still can’t imagine he would let her physically support him right now. She probably just walked behind him, close enough to help if he does collapse, but otherwise far enough away to make it look like she just happens to be heading back at the same time as him, since he’s being such a goddamn stubborn idiot about this.
Himiko: “D-Don’t worry about it, Shuichi. Kaito was just… stressed out, is all.”
Shuichi: “…”
Aww, Himiko! It’s lovely that she can tell Shuichi was really hurt by being pushed away by Kaito and is trying to help. And she’s basically right, although “stressed out” is one hell of an oversimplification.
(I quite enjoy that it is specifically Himiko who is trying to be understanding about this, for reasons you will learn next chapter.)
Shuichi: (Why…? Why… did it end up like this?)
Because Kokichi’s a selfish asshole, of course. And because Kaito’s not as strong as you thought. None of this is your fault, Shuichi.
Shuichi: (I thought… I thought I could help… I wanted us all to survive…)
You did help! Everyone except Gonta survived because of you! Kaito is so upset because you did something amazing under the circumstances, not because you did anything wrong!
Shuichi: (By trying to survive, we’re just playing the stupid game… Just like Kokichi.)
Those who are simply trying to survive are only forced to play the game once a murder has already happened. Kokichi was playing the game by making a murder happen. So it is still entirely Kokichi’s fault.
Kokichi: “Yeah, it’s almost time. This should be enough…”
Yeah, I would hope that murdering two people and causing incredible suffering should be enough to convince everyone that he’s evil enough to be the mastermind. I’d hate to imagine what else he’d do if he thought it wasn’t. This was way too fucking much more than enough and he shouldn’t have even done it at all.
Kokichi: “Now is the time… I’ll end this killing game.”
This is a misleading way of wording it. His primary goal is to “win” the killing game, which happens to involve ending it, since most games are over once somebody has won. If his primary goal were to end the killing game, then he could have already achieved that earlier this chapter in one of two ways – using Miu’s weapons to mount an escape, or showing everyone the outside world so they’ll all fall into despair and stop trying to kill each other and make everything boring.
I mean, he does also want to end the game, since he hates it – that’s not just a meaningless byproduct of winning – but he wants to end it in a way which he considers to be winning it, and nothing else is acceptable.
More of note about this scene than the precise things Kokichi says is the fact that he’s completely alone here. He’s wandering through the courtyard with nobody else in sight – but his mask is still up. It’s not quite the same mask he wore just now while claiming he enjoyed everyone’s suffering, because that part was a conscious lie to fool the others into believing it. But everything else: the idea that he totally didn’t care about Gonta at all, that he definitely didn’t murder anyone, that everything that just happened was all according to plan and exactly what he wanted and he doesn’t regret it one bit – since he’s still telling them here, those lies are primarily for himself. Such lies would have to be mostly told on a subconscious level, so that on the surface he doesn’t properly realise he’s lying and doesn’t have to acknowledge anything at all.
Which I think makes a noteworthy contrast from the kind of lies that Kaito’s been telling this chapter and were also nearly laid bare at the end of this trial. Kaito’s lies are almost entirely for the benefit of the people around him, so that they don’t worry about him and he can still inspire them. Which means that Kaito’s lies are on a much more conscious level than Kokichi’s. Beneath the mask he’s putting on for the sake of others, he’d be able to at least somewhat acknowledge how he’s really feeling, even if he’d still hate doing so. This turn of events would just have forced Kaito to face those feelings of fear and helplessness on a greater level than he’d ever done before – and he’d have a much harder time stopping himself from doing that when he’s alone and doesn’t have anyone he needs to lie to.
The end of this chapter features both Kaito and Kokichi being forced into a stark realisation of how they really feel about their place in this situation… and then both of them ultimately decide to ignore it and persist with the façade they’d had the whole time instead of properly admitting to things. But even though that part is the same, they still manage to also be complete opposites in more ways than just the level on which they’re telling their lies. There’s also the direct, obvious contrast in how much of a good idea it is to continue with their lies at all, since Kaito is trying to help everyone, while Kokichi is exploiting everyone for his own gain.
Kaito was stubbornly climbing a mountain and telling himself he could reach the top even though it might really be a bit too steep for him, and halfway up he fell all the way back down and was faced with the realisation that maybe he’s not strong enough to climb it after all. Then he chooses to ignore that and keep climbing anyway, because it’s still better than giving up and sitting at the bottom forever even if it might be impossible for him to ever reach the summit.
Kokichi, meanwhile, was stubbornly digging himself into a hole while telling himself it was a good idea even though it clearly wasn’t, and halfway down he was suddenly hit with the realisation that, oh god, this was in fact a terrible idea, he doesn’t want to be in this hole at all, why did he even do this. Then he chooses to ignore that and keep digging anyway, because that’s easier for him than climbing back out even though he doesn’t really want to be here.
Both are continuing to ignore the reality of their situation and keep lying, but they still couldn’t be more different. There’s so many direct contrasts between Kaito and Kokichi, tied together by a few pointed similarities, which is obviously deliberate on the writers’ part and really quite delightful.
[Chapter-end bonus ramble] [Next post]
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