#ad then say our ship is toxic??? wheres the logic did you drop it somehwere šŸ˜‚
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natsumiheart Ā· 5 years ago
I just wanna say how tired I am with some oumota shippers and their argument that oumasai is a bad ship cause apparently Shuichi never cared about kokichi and is annoyed with him and that oumota is better cause kokichi "opened up" to kaito like what they both were dying and kokichi had to convince kaito to work with him so he had to tell the truth that he wasn't the mastermind or else they'll die a meaningless death.I just really wanted to say this cause its driving me insane
Anonymous said:
Btw i was the anon that sent that ask ranting about oumota shippers saying oumota is better than oumasai and I just wanna clarify that I don't hate oumota shippers cause I know its their opinion and everyone can ship what they want but i feel like I really needed to tell someone about it cause it has been messing with my head and I don't have any irl friends that like DR and this blog felt the safest to vent to
Oh my goodness Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with those people! I have a friend who is actually suffering from the same exact thing. Constant harassment from Ou**ta shippers saying Oumasai is toxic. Iā€™m happy you feel like this is the safest blog to vent to ;; And just to make you feel better, here are a bunch of reasons why YOUā€™RE 100% RIGHT! and you shouldnā€™t be attacked or ashamed of how you feel towards that ship and all that hate towards yours. If anyone says Shuichi hated Kokichi and never cared for him just read this post! https://natsumiheart.tumblr.com/post/177427505177/hewwo-what-are-your-opinions-on-the-people-who
Warning: If you like Kaito x Kokichi I recommend you donā€™t read whatā€™s under the cut, I donā€™t want to diss anyoneā€™s ship in front of their face. Thatā€™s just insensitive, and the last thing I want is to ruin someoneā€™s day. Unless you really want to know why others donā€™t feel the same as you, then donā€™t check out this post. Thank you!
Note that while I mention the bunch of reasons why this ship just straight up wouldnā€™t work out, Iā€™m going to ignore the fact that Kaito acts very homophobic and transphobic in the japanese version of the game. Iā€™ve mentioned it in this blog a bunch of times before, and itā€™s pretty obvious that everyone ignores his Homophobia so Iā€™m just going to pretend as if heā€™s not homophobic and break down why exactly this ship wouldnā€™t work out even without him being homophobic in the first place. But Iā€™m definitely not going to exclude how he acts towards guys in general.
> Kaito treats most guys he meets like trash, unless he respects them. Whenever Kaito finds a guy acting ā€œWeakā€ he literally looks down on them, even gets frustrated with them. Huge proof is how he treated Shuichi for crying over Kaede, and then later punching Kokichi because he was acting ā€œWeirdā€. Kaito was a huge fan of Ryoma, but when he saw what he has become, someone who has given up on his future, he started treating him badly, and after Ryoma was dead he even talked badly on him calling him ā€œWeak.ā€ and a ā€œSissy.ā€ Not being able to understand the pain Ryoma was going through or how things were for him. He also got creeped out by Korekiyo for acting like a girl before he even revealed that he was ā€œposessedā€ by his sister. Arenā€™t all those moments in the game enough proof that Kaito just straight up doesnā€™t like guys at all in that way? Then how could he *love* a guy, and Kokichi of all people. Heck, Gonta x Kaito make more sense than Kaito x Kokichi, even though he yelled at Gonta once for crying and being too weak for a man.
Itā€™s shown multiple times in the game that Kaito treats guys like trash, and he treats Kokichi the worst of all.
Note: I do think Kaito can change the way he acts towards guys, but I donā€™t he will ever love one romantically.
> I think we can all agree that Kokichi is really hard to deal with sometimes. He distances himself so much from everyone as much as he could, and he wonā€™t back down that easily even if it meant hurting othersā€™ feelings. He keeps lying constantly so no one can figure him out or get close to him. We donā€™t exactly know the reason why, but he has major trust issues and it shows.That is the reason why for us, seeing Shuichi listed under ā€œTrustworthyā€ was a big deal. (But Iā€™m not going to dive deep into that since I already did multiple times in this blog.) My point here is that Kokichi needs someone with patience, someone who could understand him a bit and why he does what he does. Someone to decipher his actions and break down his walls, but isnā€™t afraid to sometimes step his foot down and tell him that his actions are wrong and heā€™s harming others as well as himself. Kaito on the other hand grows frustrated with guys so quickly, he doesnā€™t listen to their reasoning before heading in for physical violence. THAT is exactly the opposite of what Kokichi needs! And I still donā€™t understand how others canā€™t see it! When Kaito punched Kokichi in chapter 4, he was already in so much despair over seeing the secret of the outside world and that punch made it worse. To the point he stayed silent then locked himself in his room. How in the world do people actually see this ship as better than oumasai? I donā€™t get it.
Kokichi shouldnā€™t be with someone that will treat him like trash, and physically (if not also emotionally) harm him for how heā€™s acting.
> Opposites sometimes attract, but POLAR opposites do not. and Iā€™m talking from personal experience here, two people who are different in so many ways (ESPECIALLY THEIR WAY OF THINKING) will end up fighting 24/7. It was shown again and again in the game that Kokichi and Kaito do not get along thanks to how different their approach is to things and their seemingly different upbringings. Ships between two characters who fight a lot just make me so uncomfortable and disturbed, because I know how these relationships actually end up in real life. Fights do happen in relationships sometimes, itā€™s even needed to strengthen the relationship, to realise that no matter what happens you STILL love your partner, but when you fight every single time you talk? Thatā€™s a bad sign! 
Fighting is NOT romantic and it never will be! And when it has physical violence mixed in? My god. Please do yourself a favor and break up with your partner if they keep hitting you.
> Kaito doesnā€™t ever side with Kokichi:
He literally said in chapter 4 ā€œI donā€™t wanna survive it means I have to stoop to your level!ā€ and Kokichi said ā€œThen die in a hole for all I care! WE wanna LIVE, so stop getting in our way!ā€. Kaito will never be on Kokichiā€™s side, Even if it meant his death and the deaths of all his friends.
When Kaito realised that maybe watching all the motive videos together wouldā€™ve prevented a murder from happening Shuichi is the one that points out that it was what Kokichi was trying to do. But then Kaito is like ā€œHuh, really?ā€ Then brushes it off. Because of course, of course Kokichi wants murders to continue. Right?
Even after Kokichi spilled everything to him because he was literally about to die and really wanted Kaito to go along with his plan and believe him. Kaito still stated that he still thought he only thought of himself. Even after Kokichi sacrificed himself to save HIM from the poison and MAKI from being his murderer. He still hated him and didnā€™t believe him. The only reason Kaito went along with his plan was because he was about to die anyway, he was running out of time and he needed to get out even if it meant following Kokichiā€™s plan and killing him in the process.
When two people actually love each other they have each others backs. But with these two, they never will.
> I donā€™t believe Kokichi hated Kaito. But he literally thinks he is stupid and is a bad influence on everyone. These two have a relationship of two siblings that canā€™t stand each other. I always see myself and my brother in them, which is another reason why their ship makes me beyond uncomfortable. My brother puts his trust in people way too easily, and believes whatever tf his brain comes up with because yā€™know itā€™s him and ā€œheā€™s always rightā€. He would never take a second to think that maybe heā€™s wrong, just like Kaito and his hunch. I on the other hand find him incredibly stupid, we argue a lot because our way of thinking and our beliefs are very different, we even used to hit each other a lot. We never really got along. And the way Kokichi and Kaito act around each other really reminded me of it, but you donā€™t know me and you donā€™t know my brother so why should you take my word for it? An example I like to use when trying to explain this point to others is the relationship between Stanley and Stanford in Gravity Falls, those two fought a lot in the show but in the last episode they had to work together on a plan despite their differences. Doesnā€™t it remind you of a certain story that happened in the game? Kokichi and Kaitoā€™s relationship resembles theirs so much itā€™s insane. 
I feel like the game tried to show us how these two are more like siblings but on bad terms, even giving them similar hair and eye colors. But that flew straight over every rivalry shipperā€™s head.
These are some of the reasons why Ou**ta wouldnā€™t work out and canā€™t even be a thing in the first place, I said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: I could write a book about this topic. But Iā€™m kinda busy today and I have to leave the house soon- I hope youā€™re convinced that you are actually right. (Iā€™ve been told countless times that Iā€™m wrong leading me to question myself, so I wanted to help out by reassuring you that your feelings are valid and youā€™re not wrong in this situation at all) Saying Oumasai is toxic for one line Shuichi said while he was angry and defending his friend, while shipping Ou**ta and ignoring all this stuff is like the most hypocritical thing anyone can say. 
And yeah, people should ship whatever they want. Lots of people ignore charactersā€™ feelings and ship the crackiest of ships, making very OOC art and fanfiction. And they can do that! But they canā€™t go around dissing people for their ship while supporting an obviously flawed one. Honestly you shouldnā€™t attack people for their ships in the first place, no matter what YOU ship. Just stay in your own bubble and stay away from the ships you dislike. Itā€™s not that hard!
If youā€™re an Ou**ta fan reading this, I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and Iā€™m really not saying you should stop supporting your ship. Iā€™m just explaining why we feel this way towards it and the evidence we have behind it. If youā€™re one of the people who go around attacking shippers while boasting your ship. Please stop? Seriously, stop giving a shit about other peopleā€™s opinions and life will suddenly become much easier.
Iā€™d like to clarify: If anyone responds to this post telling me Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m not responding. My blog is for me to post art, sometimes funny stuff to make peopleā€™s days, interact with my followers and draw their requests, or ranting about topics Iā€™m passionate about (Mostly DR). I do not want it to be a place for ship discourse, so if I get disagreeing replies or asks Iā€™m going to ignore them like I always do whenever I post these rant type blogs. I hope you understand.
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