#given how it can be frequently written in a way that isn't true to their characters? i believe is the main critique?
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I think a part of their being less fanfics is that a some of people who wrote fanfic left the fandom due to the long gaps between unlocked and Stellarlune, as well as them not liking Stellarlune.
This is shown in the way that there is a lot of AU fics or post-canon fics. While a lot fo people do enjoy writing canon-complimentary fics, it’s not something everyone is interested in, plus canon right now is kind of weird so it’s easier to just ignore it.
Also, it seems that a lot of the fandom is older now, so we are more critical of our work and have less time/motivation to write fanfic, even if we want to. Plus, as people get older, they are more aware of how characters are out of character in our writing and they therefore feel the need to make them all in character.
To add on to that, the hits to likes/kudos to comments ratio is so freaking off it’s not even funny. There’s less engagement, which leads people to believe that they are not good at writing, which means that they shouldn’t post anything.
I know what I said isn’t true for everyone, but that does feel like that’s what is happening. I am just speaking based off of what I see and experience. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
What are your thoughts on this Quil? Do you agree or disagree? Do you think this will continue or will it be resolved with the next book?
Sincerely, ⚙️
(PS I wanted to say that I did read your Kam one shot and while I didn’t really fully process what was going on, I did enjoy reading it. You did a good job at nailing their characters. When I have the time, I will properly explain every feeling that I have.)
That's a fair observation--the one thing I'd say to your comments about older fandom members leaving and current older members having less time is that fandom is always in flux. There's always new people joining and others leaving, at least here, but it doesn't seem like as many of the newer people are fic writers. Like there were some popular fanartists who aren't in the fandom anymore, but we still have popular fanartists who have joined since. And my anecdotal observation is that that doesn't seem to be happening with fic writers as much--but again, that's a casual observation not a vetted one so I may be off or just not seeing new writers myself
Though our fandom is in a weird place right now with longer wait times and the story taking an unexpected direction, so I'm sure that also has an impact. I don't think there's any one thing that's responsible, there's an intersection of different things that impact people in different ways. I'm really just focusing on one that we have more control over. We can't control all the other factors, but we can collaboratively make a supportive, encouraging space for writers of all skill levels and interests! And I think it would be neat to do so!
As for the hit/like/kudos ratio, it is disheartening at times. Though I do think we shouldn't be basing our self-worth and opinions of our writing on interaction. If someone feels shitty about their writing/skill level because of low interaction I believe they should reflect and work to disconnect that sense of self from others' opinions, not that we need to interact to make them feel better. That is something for them to work through for themselves
But at the same time, it would be naive to completely ignore how interaction shapes writing and creation in general in fandom spaces. Because it does play a role for many. Fandom spaces are a community, and community is built on interaction and support!
I have no way of knowing what will happen with the next book or what the fandom will look like--like I said, it's always changing, and my time blindness makes it very difficult for me personally to see and understand the cycle of slumps and activity. But I think we, as a fandom, do have the opportunity to take some measure of control over this.
We can choose how to react to what we see and what kind of space we want to create. We could wait for the next book and just kinda see what happens, or we could make an active effort now to interact with writers and their work when we read it, and to separate our sense of worth from the amount of interaction we get.
That doesn't mean everyone has to go out and read tons of fic and leave the longest comments in the world, just that I think many of us (and this 100% includes me too) could put in a small amount of more effort to interact with fics and writers to support fic in fandoms in a variety of ways.
I'll leave it there for now, but there is always more to be said so don't take everything as the entirety of my thoughts. The main point of my post commenting on how I saw less fic was me going "hmm, I can't control everything else happening, but interaction and encouragement is very helpful for writers and something within my control and I want to support writers more than I do currently". I'm not intending to make some grand sweeping statement or push others to do things, it's just what I've reflected on and what I want to do about it :)
#kotlc#kotlc discourse#quil's queries#⚙️ nonsie#also i'm glad you enjoyed that fic. it was a little nerve wracking because people tend to be wary of kam#given how it can be frequently written in a way that isn't true to their characters? i believe is the main critique?#so. i'm glad I got the characters well enough :)#but back to the point. sure interaction isn't the only thing and its not /mandated/#but its nice and something I can do. so I want to do it more#i've thought in the past about opening up my asks telling people to send fic recommendations (including their own)#i just never did because my ask box was /really/ full for a long time#but I've gotten it under control since then#so perhaps I will do that now :)#long post
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Chase inheriting house’s braincells the moment house lets go of his responsibility and losing all his abilities once house comes back is so funny bc it’s probably meta thing but also very parent-child coded. Kinda like being destined to mess up cooking when mom’s watching.
i'm recently really fascinated in this from a meta perspective. because like. the show is pretty fucking explicit in s1-3 that foreman is the Main Character, right? he gets the most focus, the strongest arc, he is house's special favorite (in an antagonistic way, but house clearly takes him under his wing in a way he doesn't the other two). he gets put in charge of a case in s1, and gets a whole arc in s2 where he's in charge again. foreman is the main character.
they kind of tamp down on this in s4-5 with the new team arc, but even then: foreman is the leader. he is the best of the team. he is the one house puts in charge, he is a supervisor, he is the smartest, he gets his own subplots and career. the show kind of drops this after s6 i think, although it's hard to say exactly when it happened: by s7 foreman's pathological need to be in charge is a running joke, and he starts being made fun of for it more often -- they were teasing him in s2 for it, too, but at the same time it was unequivocally true, right? by s7 they're still teasing him, but foreman isn't really given his moments of Strong Leadership to compensate. in any case, by s8 they clearly have abandoned the idea of foreman as house's natural heir, not just because foreman is now dean (instead of cameron, who in turn spend s4-5 getting lots of set up for that job): in s8 chase also starts getting very obviously thrown into the old foreman role, taking charge, being called the best of the crew, given lots and lots of focus episodes and time to shine.
i say this all because i think it's pretty clear, right? foreman is the best of the team. he is the smartest. he is the most leaderly. he has the most focus. so why, i wonder: why does chase keep getting the brain cell?
chase solves the most cases on the show outside of house. admittedly, several of them are clustered in s8, when he's being groomed to take over the department, but like. s3 he gets two independent solves; in s4.2 he solves the case two seconds after learning about it (admittedly in a moment kind of meant to show up the contrast between the old team and new candidates). in the pilot, he doesn't solve the case, but he figures out how to prove the diagnosis when everyone else is stumped. at the same time, early seasons chase isn't… i wouldn't say isn't smart, but is often slightly less likely to participate in differentials, is kind of a dumbass in a very chase-ish way; he's perceived as being a little dim. house is surprised in no reason when fake!chase says something smart, you know? chase isn't on the team for his genius intellect, he's there to keep people alive while house thinks. and that's fine! but he keeps getting that braincell.
and it's even more striking because foreman doesn't, usually. part of it is because a lot of foreman's arc is his struggles with his arrogance/coldness - he tends to lose patients to teach him a lesson, etc. and i think you can make a case that in s3, chase was written as more confident to set up his firing/leaving: foreman was going to leave as part of his development, cameron was leaving as part of hers (letting go of house -- her desire to protect/fix/shelter him by instead just letting him be), but chase doesn't really get character arcs like the other two, so we just need to prove he's ready to move on in other ways, right?
but he keeps solving cases. and foreman, really, doesn't.
i have no grand thesis conclusion here. i just find it fascinating from a meta perspective. there's a real temptation in fandom to pretend chase was always the most special smartest boy, and that really isn't the case. but because it wasn't the case, that makes his frequent wins even more interesting to me.
#malpractice posting#it would have been so easy to make foreman solve those cases -- to prove the show's goal of foreman as the smartest and best of the team#or even throw cameron a bone - she's always smart and useful but NEVER solves a case despite canonically loving the job more than chase#but instead whenever house isn't available chase gets the win#my best guess is it's a kutner situation -- kutner is the chase of the new team#not so much in personality but in the brains/morality/creativity dichotomy of the two teams#where taub is a remix of foreman while serving the same contrarian role#and 13 is a remix of cameron - often getting involved in moral and social dilemmas but in a different way -#chase and kutner are the “maybe a bit less book smart/dumbassy but very creative” types
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Jane Crocker (Homestuck) vs. Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Y'all Hate Kids: Screwed By The Writers
Propaganda below the cut
Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
(cw: brief mentions of assault)
The fandom blames her for the melodrama and problems in Act 6 and shit even though it was ALL the alpha kids who were terrible communicators and having relationship drama. She encouraged Jake to try having a relationship with Dirk even though she liked him too, she wants her friends to be happy even if she isn't. The fandom basically makes her the Stupid Bitch Who Gets In The Way Of Yaoi even though she quite literally made the yaoi happen. She's a victim of Act 6 being messy and written badly. Then we get to the epilogues/sequel. While she's an adult there, it's clear the writers just kinda hate her. She could definitely be a villain but they completely misunderstand her character in order to make her flat and completely in the wrong- even though some of the things she's saying in regards to Troll and Human society intertwining. It isn't looked at with nuance, Jane is just wrong and everyone else has to kill her. Like... hello??? If you're going to make her a villain do it right. Misogyny my nemesis.
"Jane Crocker is initially introduced when, in order to win the game they have been sucked into, the original four kids travel to a universe where their grand/parents have been swapped with them and selected to play it instead. She is the grandmother, now granddaughter of John Egbert, the first introduced character, and her hobbies include detective fiction, baking, wondering how to tell one of her best friends that she's in love with him, and avoiding frequent attempts on her life.
To explain that last one, she is the heiress to the Betty Crocker company and national monopoly, aka. Crockercorp, and has big plans about the good she can do when she finally takes power. As she finds out in the game, the company is a front ruled by the Condesce, an alien queen from another universe who was gathering power on Earth so that she could leap into the game and thus take over the world it would create. And she's happy to let Jane rule with her, so long as she puts on this computer and OBEYs.
After she is mind-controlled by the Condesce, Jane has little role in the rest of the story -- she is put to sleep and cured offscreen, and only shows up as a bit player in the final fight with no dialogue whatsoever to resolve her arc. However, she does have one scene with her crush, Jake, while she is not herself that colours a lot of the audience reaction to her.
Some context: During the game, she had chickened out during her confession to Jake, and he then proceeded to use her for relationship advice when their other friend, Dirk, succeeded in becoming his boyfriend. After one of these chats where Jake reveals he forgot her birthday, she blows up at him for using her, which is the last normal conversation they have in the comic.
By the time she is being controlled, Jake is being held prisoner, and so with her inhibitions removed and priorities redirected towards Crockercorp, she tells him all about the future he'll have as her consort and repeatedly harasses and threatens him. Because there is never any closure for this moment as both characters are shoved to the background, this is the fandom's last impression of Jane, which is used as evidence of her true nature whenever anyone needs to justify their hate for or demonization of her.
Although Jane has plenty of casual conversations with her friends early on that demonstrate her true character -- she is supportive of her friends to a fault, and is initially given the role of team leader but ultimately is too passive to fill it, one of the many reasons for her friends' frayed unity. However, absolutely none of her traits and decisions are important to the plot, and her arc is dropped with her potential left unfulfilled, leaving it easy for her to be overshadowed by a single dramatic moment she had while explicitly out of character.
And that should be the end of the story, but it gets worse. In 2019, Hussie released the Homestuck Epilogues, an explicitly ""dubiously canonical"" prose novel with two routes that many fans found so damaging and distasteful that they left the fandom entirely. Between the book itself and the ensuing flame wars, the fandom was reduced to merely a fraction of its size, and most of the people now remaining belong to the camp that liked the Epilogues, or at least saw it as part of canon.
In both routes of the Epilogue, Jane, now an adult, becomes the authoritarian president of Earth C and coerces Jake into an abusive relationship. This is worse in the Candy Route, where she is described as a fascist, declares a policy of genocide against trolls, regularly drugs Jake to have sex with him, and uses their kid to blackmail him into staying with her. All of this ultimately causes her to be cast as a central antagonist in the HS team's ongoing comic ""Homestuck^2"" that continues off of the Epilogues.
All of this follows from an extrapolation of her behaviour while mind-controlled, which is somehow still applicable to her character once she is back to normal. Now, the popular excuse for her mischaracterization is the backbone of current official Homestuck content. And because her being an antagonist is key to the story, most fans of the sequel (which is now the majority of online Homestuck fans) have to buy into the justification for her actions in order to properly suspend disbelief and keep reading. Thus, it is nigh impossible to find anyone who will engage with the canon -- and I mean /actually/ canon, not postcanon -- version of Jane.
Addendum: Although canon Jane is a teenager, I have to discuss how her adult postcanon self affects her perception and basically erases the original character. Nonetheless, since postcanon Jane can hardly be called the same character, I don't think this affects Jane's eligibility."
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
So poorly written for such an insane fandom that the actual child actor, Jake Lloyd, received enough hate mail to make him quit acting.
#yall hate kids tourney#screwed by the writers#round 1b#Homestuck#HS#Jane Crocker#Homestuck Jane#star wars#anakin skywalker#cw assault
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Do you think Kenny actually likes cartman? I’m not so sure since the reading of his will in s9e4 (https://youtu.be/QGx92r8NLIM)
I feel like nobody likes him but Kyle is the only one who thinks he can possibly get better at all.
I agree on some level with that last statement. Due to Kyle's morals and complicated attachment to Cartman, he would be the only one willing to nurture the potential Cartman has, though I'd say Cartman isn't universally hated as one would assume. I think Kenny and Cartman's friendship deepened off screen since s9. It shows itself strongly in the covid specials and post-covid (not post covid the special, I mean like.. after the actual irl covid and.. ARGH mattrey u make my life so difficult)
Kenny was the one to approach Cartman about the fragility of the broship and inspires Cartman to be the one to make sure the gang stays together. That's a level of openness and vulnerability that frankly, I haven't seen him share with Stan or Kyle. Quite the opposite in fact-- When Kenny finally admits he's immortal, Stan and Kyle dismiss him in their own way. Neither have made the move to sympathize with him since, especially at the level Cartman does in the covid episodes. Now, Cartman's "sympathetic" method of coddling Kenny wasn't the best thing to do I'd say, the show was clear Stan, Kyle and Cartman weren’t handling the broship fallout well, but Cartman definitely proved himself as the “best friend” the show has claimed he’s been in prioritizing Kenny during Covid. We even get a verbal reminder from Cartman and Kyle in Post-Covid that despite it being the literal worst future for everyone, Cartman and Kenny’s friendship thrived. With the opposite lives they lead, it's astounding they remained best friends for forty years.
That level of loyalty is kicking Stan and Kyle in the dirt and laughing rn. Look at Dikinbaus! Cartman and Kenny had a blast “planning the business” (ie living it up as owners and mutually taking advantage of Butters to just pal around) and Cartman once again concedes to Kenny when he lets him work from home. It’s a gag first and foremost, but still, I think it works as part of character analysis lolol. I’m analyzing this a lot from Cartman’s perspective, or at least his actions, but I don’t rlly have much to go by on Kenny’s end and I hope y’all can see why lol. excluding the Mysterion arc and the s22 Halloween episode, he’s a passive character. things rly just are happening to this dude.
Cartman's attachment to Kenny has grown exponentially since the early seasons ("I hate yew guys/ specially kinny/ ah hate em the most/") whereas we've heard directly from Kenny what he thought of Cartman at the time s9 was written but we don't really know what he thinks of Cartman presently. Now, mattrey have written Kenny's quietness and frequent disappearances as part of the charm of his character--the mysteriousness with a pinch of hidden sadness, maybe a dash of loneliness--and not like, a serious writing pitfall of not knowing what to do with one of your main characters, not giving them the chance to let the audience see their motivations. So the uncertainty surrounding Kenny's true opinions, in this case of his friendship with Cartman, isn't by accident. I'd say it's fair to assume Kenny now views Cartman as a best friend, given how much Cartman has done for him.
I’d also say it’s fair to assume the pity for Cartman hasn’t changed.
#asks#south park#eric cartman#kenny mccormick#kennman#sure this could be seen as kennman why not lol#now Kyle believes cartman can change and maybe kenny can see it too but kenny definitely isn’t proactive enough to put in the effort to#see it thru#Kenny’s friendship with Cartman has grown to become the least tumultuous of the m4#so Kenny doesn’t need to feel compelled to search for the food in cartman. he already sees in in their friendship#on a writing level it’s just… off to have Cartman and Kenny go thru so much only for Kenny to still have the same opinions of Cartman in s9#they’ve taken on this weird new role where Cartman takes it upon himself to console kenny in addition to stringing hm along in his schemes#ohh but as much as i’ve said that kyle sees good in cartman and wants to be the one to help see that goodness come to fruition#it’s also try that as of s20 Kyle’s been disillusioned#he told heidi ‘Cartman will never change’ and I think that was a wake up call for himself as much as it was for heidi#when cartman gave up the pangolin all kyle said was ‘i don’t believe it’#when cartman said he converted kyle refused to give cartman a chance even at the end of the special#s7 kyle would’ve clung to the promise of cartman changing with rosy eyes full of hope#that hope for cartman ain’t dead but dormant rn. the heiman arc rly burnt him out#Cartman get off ur ass and win Kyle back pls he’s so done w/ u rn my guy he will Nope himself out of stories now so he won’t deal w/ u#(kyle’s absence in streaming wars was rly felt)#wait in streaming wars kyle had a ‘he can change 🥺’ moment when he went ‘🥺’ for cartman when talkin abt the surgery#he was on everyone’s case abt the surgery he was on top of managing cartman’s boat building quality#but yeah cartman ended up taking the money for himself and. now we’re fuckin back to square one :))#although i’d say in streaming wars cartman didn’t withhold the deets on the surgery on purpose. he didn’t know what was going on#when he went to talk to the guys and he was genuine.#ANAYWAYS FUCK OK STOP TALKING EPSERANZA GOD
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Anime Ramble 2: Banana Fish is mid
So, once again I'm going to use this empty blog to ramble incessantly about something that only matters to me. Specifically, the gay romance in a crime thriller anime. It took up my thoughts all day, today, and if I don't write them down I'm going to explode.
Banana Fish was written in the 1980's, but received an anime adaptation in 2018. And having watched the whole thing through, I fully believe that the story was written in the 80's. It has a very 1980's idea of what gay people look like and do, and I mean that in all the worst ways.
(Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Pedophilia, Homophobia. It's a deep hole we're going down.)
Banana Fish is the story of Ash Lynx, a runaway mafia hitman with a 200 IQ who is a crack shot with a revolver, spends his free time at the New York Central Library, and whose kill count exceeded his age somewhere around the time he was 15. His romantic interest is Eiji, Japanese photographer and the show's resident Very Good Boy.
Ash is gay. Or at least, that's how he's presented. He has an estranged relationship with his father, which apparently happened sometime after Ash was repeatedly assaulted by an adult, when he was eleven, and Ash was eventually forced to kill his abuser. Why is Ash's father so distant and harsh, even though he knows all of the stuff that happened to his youngest son? Unsure. The show asks the question, and there's a slight hint that a reconciliation is possible, but ultimately Ash's father isn't on screen long enough to provide a clear answer.
If I were a cynical person, I would point out that "a history of being a sexual abuse victim" and "an abusive father figure" are two very common "reasons" given by bigots who want to explain why gay people exist and why their state of mind is a mental health issue. This would have been especially true in the 80's, where homosexuality was only recently removed from the DSM as a mental disorder. However, I'm not a cynical person. I'll just assume that the writers just didn't have enough time to give us a compelling reason.
The relationship between our two leads has quite a few nice points going for it. Ash makes a big deal about how tragic his past is and how he can't trust anyone, but around Eiji he's allowed to be his authentic self, without fear of judgment or betrayal. Their interactions together, particularly in safe moments where there isn't a bad guy to fight, is a very realistic depiction of what two good friends might get up to, when they're alone together. They enjoy each other's company, have a lot of cute moments, and there are even what I would identify as clear moments of emotional intimacy, that made for compelling viewing. I do, however, have two main issues with it.
The first is a phenomenon I'm beginning to see quite frequently, in the world of yaoi. It's what I refer to as the "Uke's dillemma." I can understand what Ash gets out of the relationship. A person who accepts him for him, who can look past his violent existence and treat him like a human being is something valuable and healing to him, and the show makes no bones about that. However, I find myself less able to answer what Eiji is getting, from the relationship.
His only real flaw as a character that Ash might be able to address is the temporary loss of his confidence, that he experienced before meeting Ash. That basically gets resolved a few episodes in, with a scene where he has to help save multiple people, including Ash. For the rest of the show, it really feels like Eiji is purely there for Ash's sake. He, being (as I mentioned previously) a Very Good Boy, sees a person who's clearly suffering, underneath the mask of a totally cool badass mafia assassin, and decides to show Ash the milk of human kindness in order to heal his pain and remind him that he's actually a person, and not just a wild animal that needs to be put down.
And while that's cute and cool and very much worth putting to film, that's not exactly a good reason to enter into a romantic relationship with someone. In fact, that feels more like a good reason to adopt a shelter animal.
The second problem with the romantic relationship between our two leads is that... it's not really a romantic relationship. Like, make no mistake. It's not like I was expecting these two boys to spend their free time with their hands down each other's pants. However, they don't really do anything that indicates that they're in a relationship. They spend a lot of time together. They're clearly willing to throw down, when the other is in danger. They even share a few moments of genuine tenderness. But spending time and being emotionally intimate with your friend isn't gay, no matter what the dude-bros tell you, and neither they nor anyone around them seem to give any sort of indication that they should be read as being romantically involved.
Okay, they kiss, once, but I'll get to that in a second.
By itself, this isn't a big deal. It might even be a point in the show's favor. Considering how sleazy they make the world of gay people, how overloaded the plot is with sexual assaults and horrible, senseless violence, the fact that they make the relationship we're meant to root for wholesome? Not the worst decision.
It's a little weird, though. I mean, this was the chance for the show to show us what a good gay relationship might look like. It's a chance to show how Ash would engage with a partner he genuinely loves, when there isn't a gun to his head. A chance to present what a healthy, constructive relationship could look like, even in an environment as ugly as Banana Fish's. And what they gave us... was a very good friendship. Like, an outstanding friendship. A friendship I would happily defend, were it lucky enough to come my way. But that's all it is. You could honestly walk away from the show with the idea in your head that Eiji was straight, and was only staying close to Ash because he's a Very Good Boy and could see it was what Ash needed.
But... I'm overthinking this, maybe. A friendship is a good thing to put on screen, I think. Besides, even if they don't ever say the "L" word, there's enough subtext for you to be able to make the educated guess that they love each other. I don't need to give this any more thought. I could just sit back, and enjoy the wholesome vibes of Boy Assassin and Very Good Boy.
The show presents gay sexuality as being "bad." I'm not even sensationalizing. Ash's first crimes, his first acts of evil that send him down the violent road he finds himself on, happen as a direct result of being raped as a child and needing to defend himself. The show's main antagonist is a sadistic gay mob boss who's obsessed with owning Ash like a collector's item. Sexual assault and rape are employed or threatened by every throwaway minion who has any sort of power over the protagonists. The cast can be split into three groups: people who rape and abuse people, the victims of abuse... and Ash, who half the time is in the victim category, but the other half of the time uses sexuality as a cover for dishonest behavior.
Ash is openly sexual, at times, but these are always in controlled moments. Often, it's to distract or to call in a bad guy, so he can incapacitate or kill them when they're off guard. That time we get our big kiss between Ash and Eiji, it was all part of a clever ruse on Ash's part to sneak a message out of prison, and not an actual expression of love. For Ash, sex is either something that happens to him, or that he uses to get something he wants.
So, imagine the opportunity presented in front of us, here. Ash has a Very Good Boy, around. One who will not judge him, won't betray him, and who he can finally be his genuine self with. And when given that opportunity, the writer's apparently decided that their perfect gay relationship, the relationship Ash was going to have with his designated soulmate... is one that can easily be mistaken for generic friendship. One where you complain about food, together, but you sleep in separate beds. Where you call your partner "big brother" and only ever touch them when you're having a nervous breakdown and (understandably) need to be held. Where you never say the "love" part out loud, and none of your friends say it out loud, either.
And... I'm not a cynic. I'm not. But if I were, I could have a field day with this. I could write the entire world of Banana Fish as the sort of Gay Experience Conspiracy Theorycrafting that was absolutely rife in the mid and late 20th century. Because it seems like what the writers are suggesting is that the key to being happy as a gay character is to not be gay.
Being gay, according to the writers of Banana Fish, is a sort of corruption, that happens because you were abused and traumatized. Only bad people express thoughts that could be construed as gay sexuality, and in every case it's just meant to serve some greater purpose. Breaking a person's spirit. Getting them vulnerable so they can be killed. And when you find somebody who can finally let you heal from your trauma, all you ever wanna do is take Japanese lessons with your Very Good Boy friend who isn't your boyfriend. Let me just make that last part clear. He's just your very good friend, who just so happens to be a Very Good Boy, and the two of you don't even hold hands.
And then when it's time for your Very Good Boy friend to leave, to go to Japan and back to his regular Very Good Boy life, the moment you even think about going after him, you're gonna get stabbed in the street and murdered, as the consequences of your evil lifestyle finally catch up with you.
((Spoiler alert, btw.))
Luckily, I'm not a cynical person. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that all that could be inferred from a casual viewing. Surely, I'm just mad that the anime tagged with "gay" and "romance" didn't have enough obvious romance in it.
In conclusion, Banana Fish is a competently animated and drawn crime thriller. It's protagonist is a Mary Sue, but for the story it's telling that's not the worst thing he could be. Any sort of conspiracy theories I have about the writers and their opinion of gay people are probably irrelevant. 6/10. Watched it while I was sick. Killed time while the virus was being killed.
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day six of @whumpcember
746 words
warnings: being cursed, losing a loved one
This one is…less than reliable. Found in a book about betrayal…so. I guess that kinda speaks for itself. Written by-I’m guessing- Queen Therama, though there’s no real way to tell. After skimming over it, it’s about King Gerad’s descent into madness. Which isn't really how anyone else has the story going. Let’s just get started
Third New Moon since the Winter Solstice
The king has been on edge lately. He’s always been a little jumpy, I guess that just comes with the assassination attempts, but after Bejamin’s running away, it’s only gotten worse.
He’s been getting nightmares frequently, waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep, which hasn’t been good for either of us since he’s not good at being quiet. At least he’s keeping his hands to himself.
I think it’s because he went to Auntie Fiona. She’s always had it out for him, even after he forgot about her spells and left her be.
I think she cursed him. And now he’s losing his mind. Even with his sleeping draughts he’s waking up after two, maybe three hours of sleep each night. He used to have to drink half of the draught to be able to even function in the morning, now he’s downing two every night.
I don’t know what to do, he’s always been by my side in running the kingdom, I might have to go see Auntie Fiona and ask for her help.
Even though I really don’t want to.
Because she’s the fucking worst.
I’ll keep a close eye on him and maybe ask Theod to make the draught stronger.
Fifth New Moon since the Winter Solstice
Gerad is not doing well. I’ve taken over most of the duties we used to share, but it’s getting harder and harder to keep him controlled.
Even in the past month since I’ve written he’s gotten worse. I’ve taken to putting herbs in his mead to calm him down, constantly watching him and making sure that he’s alright.
He hardly gets more than an hour of sleep a night, I worry that he’ll end up running down the hallways screaming about the demons in his dreams.
Going to talk to Theod about increasing his doses again. I just don’t know what to do anymore.
First New Moon since the Summer Solstice
Gerad is nearly constantly bedbound. The troops have taken to it, preferring me to the sporadic ruling of my husband. I don’t blame them.
Gerad constantly mumbles about what he’s seeing and even though he knows he’s seeing things he has to tell me about it. I hear about giant horned bats dropping children off cliffs, old women with water dripping from their clothes and hair screaming with lungs filled with water and things I can’t even bear to write down.
Theod thinks it’s best to cut his thread, so to say. Though I don’t know how serious he was. Since I moved to a new room, Theod spends a lot of time with Gerad to keep him safe. I know he’s getting tired.
Third New Moon since the Summer Solstice
Two days ago was Gerad’s send off. I think he would’ve liked it. That’s the whole point.
In the end, it wasn’t Theod or I, just his own mind turning against him. I finally went to Auntie Fiona and she didn’t do it to him. I don’t know if I trust her enough to take anything she says to be true. It’s easy to think she was the one to do it. I just want someone to blame.
This will probably be the last time I write anything for a while. Everything is very busy and I’ve run out of time for myself.
Huh. Well. I guess it is possible that this report is true. Queen Therama has a record of being blatantly honest. I suppose the quick timeline helps. There are reports of King Gerad being bedbound the last year of his life.
I’ve done the most follow up I can with how little information there is. Given that King Gerad died over six hundred years ago…I won’t find much.
It’s likely that King Gerad pissed off another witch and got cursed by them…though there’s no way to know for sure.
The journal will go in the Old Kings and Queens section of the library; and the recording in the “Old Kings and Queens-Queens-Queens >500 years” according to Ezran’s filing system.
#em writes#em writes stuff#my writing#whump#whump fic#whumpcember#whumpcember2023#day 6#nightmares#original characters
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#Horror (2015, Horror)
As I was scrolling through one of my favorite free entertainment platforms, I came across a section I tend to frequent a lot; the horror section. Now, for being a free streaming platform, Tubi tends to be one of the best places to watch movies when you're looking for older LifeTime-esque movies, but I often times go there for horror since it streams harder to find titles sometimes, like The Human Centipede 2 and 3. Today, I came across #Horror, a 2015 movie labeled as horror and advertised as being based on a true story... While I hate having to "bash" a movie within my favorite genre, let's get into mess of what I just watched.
#Horror is the story of a group of preteen girls having a slumber party. Now if that isn't scary enough, it quickly becomes clear that these girls are only friends because of a similar family financial status, with only one of the girls being a scholarship student at the prep school they all attend.... This leads to a lot of tension within the group as it's clear that the only thing that truly binds them is the need for popularity and status, so these kids are horrible to each other. Like bitchy with a capital 'b'. As is normal for girls, the terrible way they treat each other is done under the guise of joking and friendship and all only done as long as the 'queen bee' is approving of it. As if the bullying isn't enough for the group, it becomes clear early on that two of the young girls are suffering from underlying mental health issues, and while one seems to be trying to work past things, the other takes the bullying too far and is kicked out of the house.

Now, throughout the entire movie, there's this weird online game that involves posting pictures online that most of the girls seem to be participating in. No big deal outside of the fact that the feed we're shown is from the perspective of someone who seemed to be posting pictures of people they actually killed. And these pictures are getting tons of likes. We see these pictures through the entirety of the movie, even as the slumber party seems to pick up and the girls seem to be genuinely getting along and having fun. And that's the majority of this movies; its either these kids bullying each other to the point of lowered self-esteem and tears or laughing and dancing with flashes of photos from an unknown perspective being taken from afar until the girls begin getting tormented by this person.

Moving on to the movie being marketed as a "based on a true story' type thing.... Things like that always intrigued me when it came to the things I watch so I took it upon myself to see if I could find the event that inspired the movie. When looking for this, I found that the director Tara Subkoff confirms that the truth in this movie ends at a secondhand account of her friend's child having to change schools due to bullying issues. I found that quite disappointing considering how painfully slow the movie was paced and the how flat the characters were written despite not having to be based on the story. Given that the creators didn't have to be true to characters or storylines for most of the movie since it was about 99% fictitious, I feel like that was a poor choice entertainment wise considering on top of that, the story was oftentimes hard to follow despite it's slow pace... It all felt like a jumbled mess to sit through and unfortunately, with it being over an hour long, I don't think I can find any way to get behind something meant to be entertaining being that hard to watch.
While I went into this #Horror with hopes of being made at least a tiny bit anxious through the movie, I wound up being extremely bored and wishing I had spent the hour and half rewatching something I've already seen.
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Thank you very much for the reference @prompted-wordsmith and yes I believe there is a general misconception on the subject of homosexuality in Greece and for some reason it has remained to modern day ear as if Greeks were moving around with pride flags kissing their boyfriends or girlfriends in the open and that is not true.
As you brilliantly state there is a big difference from era to era, region to region etc. and not all customs are the same. Arguably most of our evidence in regards to homoerotic relationships come from sources like Plutarch who creates a very vivid image on relationships of same-sex and we mostly talk on men in this case. Plato as well of course as we know does comment a lot on these.
I need to start with one observation; if one sees mythology, we do indeed hve many different stories of same-sex couples especially involving gods like Apollo or even Hermes, which of course can indicate that since gods do it, it is "socially acceptable" but many things the gods did were not deemed as socially acceptable such as the sexual relationship between first grade relatives such as brother and sister or mother and son etc which was done a lot in the gods' realm but it is not acceptable in the world of humans (example of Oedipus who blinds himself when he finds out he is married to his mother, Thyestes being condemned for having a son with his daughter etc). What is more most of these relationships in mythology end up in a tragedy; Apollo cannot stay with Hiakynthus or Cyparissos etc. so the idea that homosexual relationships even for gods have most of the time tragic ending means a lot.
Of course the Mycenaean times is an obscure time because of the lack of written sources. The sources we have are mostly logistic books and they do not provide us information on social norms as clearly. Dark Ages or Geometric times are similar. We can insinuate on Homer for example given how Homer treats some of the infamous couples that are talked about for centuries such as Achilles and Patroclus or even Achilles and Antilochous or Peisistratus and Telemachus. The relationships are never explicitly told as love affairs and Homer seems to be leaving much to the imagination of the reader. So maybe writing homoerotic material might as well be not so socially acceptable in his time either.
Archaic and Classical times and onward are more clear in terms of sources and most of them refer to homosexuality in the context of pederasty, the custom in which an older man takes under his wing a teenager and many have spoken on the relationship in a sexual level (as we said before see Plutarch, Plato or others such as Xenophon). This was not followed by all city states and was not the same intense in all time periods. Quite franky it was practiced frm classical times (if we read Plato) but it was more explicitly seen in later Hellenistic and early Roman times instead. Either way it was more a social construct rather than love affairs per se but of course there is a blurring line between the two. The Sacred Band of Thebes is a classical example that speak on relationships in the army with homosexual connotations which is also seen by researchers as one of the different relationships between men in the army this time. It needs to be said that it is Plutarch once again the one to mention it and he cites Aristotle for it speaking on ellegedly friendly laws for homosexual couples created for Thebes by Philolaus of Corinth. But most part of Aristotle's work on that matter is lost, to my knowledge and Plutarch is known agin for his work on homoerotic material on his time so that needs to be kept in mind. Homosexual relationships between youths of the same age it was a less frequent phenomenon but as it happens nowadays we can expect it to exist the same as with older men.
However as comments say there isn't necesserily the preferred form of relationship and there were people who still ridiculed the homosexual relationships. I believe Aristophanes was one of those who makes satire on the factor (especially the recessive party). So the homosexual relationships were not like...celebrated necessarily and apart from the social custom of pederasty, it really differs from city to city, in fact we can expect many to often have opinions even against homosexuality. Other historical figures famous for their elleged homosexual or homoerotic adventures is of course Alexander the Great with some of his favorites like Hephestion or the infamous eunuch Bagoas among others. There could be plenty of truth in that allegation as well from all we know especially given how certain social constructs had changed throughout the years. But also needs to be said that most of the sources we have on Alexander are several centuries later sometimes and the few contemporary sources are contradictive (most are extremely positive to the point of flattery and one is extremely negative to the point of slander) so we need to keep those in mind too.
On women of course people love to bring some examples like Zeus taking the form of Artemis to seduce Callisto. Interestingly the ancient scripts like Hesiod do not mention the metamorphosis at all and they speak on Zeus simply seducing her or forcing himself on her (Pseudo-Eratosthenes on Hesiod) and then her transformation ino a bear. The mention of Zeus taking the form of Artemis to seduce Callisto comes more from sources like Apollodorous who lived in 100s BC which is like several centuries later from archaic or classical Greece. Callisto is sometimes cited in older sources, I believe Homer included, but only with the connotations of her transformation into a bear. The most classical example is of course Sappho from Lesvos, who also gave the name to female homosexuality as "Sapphic" or "Lesbian". Ironically out of her poems only a few were rescued and many of them are fragmentary. They are interpreted as having homoerotic connotations but the funny part is that this does not mean that she herself was necessarily attracted to women. In fact her poems were often adressed to both genders. It was the fact that she was often ridiculed for her sexual life by comedic writers of her time that gave stronger implications to researchers that she was indeed attracted to women apart from the poems themselves. In fact there is a debate even to this day from what I know even if of course as it happens to mythcal characters such as Achilles and Patroclus has become so famous to refer to their homoerotic connotations that it has become a taboo to talk about literally anything else!
So as @prompted-wordsmith brilliantly states there are many different connotations in homosexuality in ancient Greece. What is certain is that it absolutely existed and probably is safe to assume it was not seen as negatively as later years in abrahamic religions like christianity, and that is because sexuality was not perceived with cut and clean limits as we do nowadays in the first place but yes I believe it is wrong to assume that people were roaming about claiming they have male or female lovers respectably and be absolutely fine socially in the totality of greek history. That is a bizzare asumption to make and of course individual opinions existed back then as they exist now. Arguably Greeks were also known for creating tender relationships in their stories that are not necessarily connected to homosexuality but in the modern eye they are also interpreted as such because to our ears explicit tenderness = romance but that is not entirely accurate either.
Of course as I said above one can see a more positive outtake of homosexuality in ancient greece than later years like christianity but that doesn't mean indeed that the ancient greeks were going around celebrating homosexuality in parades hahaha
I just saw a "period typical homophobia" tag on an Odydio fic?
#ancient greek#ancient greece#also Mycenean ≠ ancient ≠ classical greece just a reminder#ancient greeks weren't all “WHOO YEAH GAAAY!!!”#neither were Mycenean Greeks#sorry that's a modern misconception.#<=prev tags#very good observations
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Semi Serious Crack- Unpublished PT 3 Ingo and Emmet
Hello again, it's been some time since I've last written anything. Life has been getting in the way, but I'm craving it again, so here we are :^| Spinoff of the "Emmet fighting god for you" post . I think I'll do some imagines after this blurb :^P Later edit: This sat in my drafts for months. Might as well publish it as is! Been focusing on Scarlet and Violet, so I suppose this isn't a terrible break from that.
Warnings: Mildly concerning behavior, lack of body control, and an undefined relationship with some romantic polyamorous undertones.
It's been noticeably difficult lately, the Battle Subway.
Most anyone who's recently been down there can say that the Subway Bosses have been more of a challenge to beat in more recent times, despite trying to keep up their default appearances that have always had something of an indecipherable quality to them.
Paired with the increasing number of 'personal emergencies' and the disheveled irritability of both Ingo and Emmet, it's not hard to figure out that something's been happening, something unlike anything any of the staff has seen before. Then, a new person appeared at the weekend train convention in Anville, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere, quiet, a new face in the regular crowd. A lot of the subway employees frequent the convention out of uniform, but they all know each other and can recognize their work friends. It's a very tight-knit, small community that stands out from the regular crowd of travelers.
Nothing was peculiar or out of place, except for the fact that the twin Subway Bosses were staring at something other than trains this time around.
You spoke to one of the merchants with a hushed, timid voice, not paying mind to the holes being bored into the back of your head as they watched from afar. Pretty much everyone there to witness the twins' weird behavior felt their skin crawling.
And when you finally turned to glance at them, your eyes became distant, and you quickly looked away. There was clearly something going on that they as onlookers did not understand, which was strange, as though the twins were polite, they were not particularly sociable people. Emmet cracked first. He sauntered over, looming behind you as your partner in conversation slowly backed away, nervously tapering off mid-sentence.
"Heeellllooo~~" It was you he was speaking to. His hands went to cup your shoulders, pressing down onto them with visible strain. Ingo lingered by the trees, and most of the regulars had their attention on the scene. "You have been, ignoring me. That's not very nice now, is it?" He dipped his head down, the brim of his cap in your peripheral, but you didn't move your eyes to get a better look. It sounded lighthearted, teasing, but there'd been a slight sharpness to the tone of his voice-- something uncharacteristically expressive, given how monotoned and robotic Emmet usually speaks. You gave no reaction. He smoothed your shoulders, keen on ignoring your personal space. The gesture was far too familiar, perplexing. "Emmet." Ingo. He seemed to have quietly approached at some point during Emmet's attempt to speak with you. "Not to derail this much-needed conversation, but you must mind your manners. We have an audience." "Oh, do we now?" He glanced up, peering over your shoulder. Suddenly it seemed that most people were enthralled by the trees and the birds, all facing everywhere but where you stood.
"That we do. I feel bashful!" Is what he said, not that it seemed very true. It was starting to look as if the two of them were harassing you. "Emmet." Ingo raised his voice. Even after all that, you offered nothing but silence, not fidgeting even the slightest.
Or so it seemed.
He laced his hand with yours, squeezing, trying to feel for any slight changes in your grip.
"Tell me. Why have you decoupled from us...?" His voice quieted to a faint whisper, brushing the side of your jaw uncarefully with his nose. "Emmet..mind your manners!" Ingo stiffened with a mild blush, ashamed by the public display of affection. Space, you desperately needed space!
You had been avoiding them for a myriad of reasons, despite having autopiloted to Anville where they were one-hundred-percent guaranteed to come looking for you. Now that same autopilot function jerked into motion, trying to act on a flight response.
The problem was that his hand had still been locked in yours.
You couldn't really see past the spots dotting your vision, but you could feel him trying to get you to slow down. What happened to Ingo, you were unsure, but you'd already gotten the two of them into enough trouble.
It only took a second to stop, but by then you'd already gone a long ways into the forest. Nothing but the emerald leaves of summer crinkling in the sunlight surrounded you now. "That was quite the ride-" Your hand flew away from his. "-But is this really the end of the line?" He shook his sore hand, his smile twitching at the corner.
#ingo x reader#emmet x reader#x reader#pokemon#reader insert#subway boss ingo#subway bosses#subway boss emmet#pokemon legends arceus#pokemon black and white#polyamourous#semi serious crack#unova region#legends arceus
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For some of you, this is goodbye.
For others of you, this is hello.
And others still, this is thank you for staying by my side.
I mentioned at the end of the Jafs Hobbit Like Birthday event that this post was coming. This is kinda gonna be a long one but I figured anyone who reads this genuinely cares about what's inside.
The long story short is, tldr, I'm retiring from fanfic.
See what I did there? Eh? Eh??? Anyways.
Sounds kinda silly doesn't it? But I feel that's a good way to put it. Retiring.
Many of my followers and mutuals know I have been struggling with balancing fanfic and my original writing. For quite some time now I've felt as though I've fallen behind my peers and lost my way as a writer. And while my irl writing friends and fanfic friends too have encouraged me...it's a fight that I was constantly losing.
For as much as I've cut back on releasing fanfics these past few years—I still always come back first to writing the ideas I have as fanfics versus my own stories. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
But over time I've felt that so much of my training and hard work became wasted.
...which shouldn't be true either.
Because at the end of the day, seeing my readers happy means the world to me. That's the way it should be. But here we are.
So why "retiring"?
Retiring is a lot less strict than quitting (at least in my little brain). I still really love fanfic. And there are still stories that I would like to finish. But this is where I am drawing my line.
I would like to finish these stories. But I will no longer be putting pressure on myself to do so. If I never finish the [blue and grey] series or Shattered Euphonies or Noise of Rain...it's sad...but I also don't owe anyone but myself to finish them. And if I don't finish them because I've outgrown them or moved on so I can do what I want with my storytelling...
Then isn't that me growing as a writer?
So...what will you be doing Jaf if you're not focusing on fanfic?
Well. In addition to posting about producing the Scattered Fragments audio drama...
I will be releasing novels on Tapas—and sharing concept writing, art, and WIPs on this blog along with any fanfic that may trickle through.
It's a bit of a gamble really.
I'm scared that no one will read my original works, I'm scared that leaving the fanfic community for a more passive role will backfire.
But thinking back to that day, that very first day that I posted my first chapter of a How to Train Your Dragon Xover Rise of the Guardians (I was that young 😂)...that was a bit of a gamble then wasn't it?
I've been planning this step for over a year now, and the fact that it's here...it's time—I'm really excited.
Now unlike my past projects, my first story for Tapas will start release in July. The story is already pretty much written, and I start editing the manuscript come mid-January/early February. And Konoponopy (who some of you may recognize from my NSD zine story) will be returning as my cover artist for the project.
I know some people will probably leave this blog now that my fanfics will become even less frequent that what it already is. But I also hope that as I reach out more, as I become more and more confident in myself as a creator, new people will join here too.
I couldn't have made my way all these years without all of my close friends, back when I took that first wobbly step into the Sesskag community here on Tumblr to where I am today. And there's no way that everyone who I know will make it on this list but I just really want to thank my friends, my inspirations, the guys I joke and mess around with on a daily-weekly-monthly- yearly-in general basis.
@chierafied @meldrymoon @mythicamagic @reifromrfa @joeys-piano @mrs-han @anon-drabble @shekilledthenightking @keeperofthefour @stormielikeweather @drosselmeyerwrites @quirky-and-kind @shittylongcat @uri59 and @space-kittie
Thank you all for what you have given me in our friendships and I can only hope that continues now into the future.
Now here's the fun part.
What will that story be, releasing in July?
I am releasing a sci-fi, lgbt romance, slowburn titled:
Stars within the Rose Roots
If you've made it this far, both in this post and alongside me all these years, then truly and sincerely—thank you.
So for now:
Please look forward to my next story 💕
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1. He has less baggage
This means that he has more time to attend to your needs and wants unlike an older guy with a demanding schedule and lots of responsibilities at hand.
2. He's more open-minded and adventurous
They are open to having new experiences and won't judge you for veering off the path you should stay on.
3. He's infectiously energetic *ehem*
Need I say more? A younger guy's youthful sense will surely find unimaginable ways to impress you!
4. He puts you on a pedestal
A younger man will appreciate your maturity and experiences and will admire you for it. They're also most likely take advice from you without letting it bruise their ego.
5. He'll make you feel young
Be prepared to relive the fun parts of your younger years with him.
It's not so wrong to say that the May-December relationship is taboo, especially among Asians. Most people I know had this inkling that when a younger guy hooks up with a woman way older than him, it could prolly mean one of two things — the guy's a paramour or she's a sugar momma. I'm honestly not a fan of it either on the premise that women mature faster than men. Let's be real, an immature relationship is a disaster. But now that I'm in my late 20s, and a hopeless romantic single at that, I kinda pondered over this. It suddenly occurred to me, what if one day I’m caught up in the position of being pursued by a younger man? Will I let the stigma affect me emotionally? Or will I take the risk ‘coz all is fair in love? I still don’t have a definite answer to this question. However, watching Find Yourself served as an eye-opener for me to look at things from a different perspective.
Find Yourself is a 2020 Chinese drama starring Song Wei Long and Victoria Song. It tells the story of a 32-year old Executive Director who never *even once* experienced dating. Given her age and career stability, she receives constant pressure from the people around her to find someone to marry and has since frequented blind dates arranged by her family, friends, or colleagues. But this girl is just someone who swears by the "spark" - no spark, then no point to the relationship. She may be old for fantasizing over first love and such, but she still yearns that it'll naturally come to find her someday. Until her thirst for real romance is quenched by a 22-year-old guy who started working as an intern in her company at his brother’s request.
Although hesitant at first due to their huge age difference and the societal views, she went out with him on the condition that they'll keep it a secret for the first 3 months. If everything went well, she agrees to publicize her relationship with him.
Let’s start off with the good things...
I just can't with this drama...! This so beautiful, cute, relatable - especially for a woman in late 20s like me.
Plot-wise, it was well-imparted and makes perfect sense, touching a looooooot of relationship aspects in 41 episodes. Not only did I enjoy the happenings between our main couple, but our side couples' stories are very interesting too.
This drama pretty much straightened out my prejudice about age-gap relationships.
Light-hearted, just the way I like it! Every episode will make you smile and/or laugh hard.
Sexual tensions overload and superb kissing scenes! Let those hormones rush in. Not awkward to watch 'coz They. Did. Not. Hold. Back. Ack! If you're single, be prepared to feel MORE SINGLE watching this drama.
Well-written lines that will make you feel real emotions. The words will shoot you straight to the heart.
Acting-wise, the casts, from the mains down to the sides, did a super fine job in conveying the sentiments of their characters. My highest admiration goes to male lead Yuan Song, not (only) because he’s young, hot, and handsome, but because his youthful vibe made me reminisce the paradox of my early 20s awww. Anyways, in the beginning, I am sort of confused why (of all girls) he fell head over heels with our female lead He Fanxing who's obviously out of his league. I even suspected him of taking advantage of her naivety in matters of the heart. But as the drama went along, our dude proved himself genuine... That he's sincerely just a guy who's deeply in love with a woman... That indeed, true love can exist in this kind of relationship. Both Yuan Song and Fanxing emotionally benefited from each other and it's so lovely seeing that.
Halfway through the drama, our main couple called it quits. I'm somewhat grateful that it happened. Their break-up scene is just so powerful I had to rewind it many times. Not because I liked seeing them suffer from the consequences of their incompatibility. Rather, I loved it 'coz it became the turning point of their relationship.
Their love is premature, to begin with — trust isn't mutual, commitment is one-way, only showing each other's good sides in fear of the relationship turning sour, one is willing to compromise while the other wants to avoid responsibility, filled with doubts and insecurities. During this break-up phase, we were shown the difference between how kids and adults behave and decide in a dilemma. I suddenly remembered this one line delivered in the drama which I agree with — "Only kids would choose one or the other. Adults find solutions". The break-up also served as our main couple's period of contemplation about who and what they want in life. It taught them how to fully embrace their offbeat romance against the norms. Fortunately, things wrapped up into a sweet end.
And of course the bad...
Hmmm... Maybe I'm just not used to it but am I the only one who thinks that this drama is quite lengthy? Yes, I enjoyed it but it's not a good one to binge-watch. It took me almost a month to finish this I nearly drowned haha. Honestly, there were parts they could've just compressed instead of dragging it for too long. One example is Ye Luming and He Fanxing's relationship trial. Ooohhh I hate this part it brought shivers down my spine ugh. Well truth be told, Luming and Fanxing are compatible and better off as friends. They jive so well, and I give it to them that they're both adults who can only understand adult things.
But when Luming all of a sudden became a sneaky character to an intolerable point... Ah, I don't know anymore! Seeing how compelled Fanxing is to being Luming's girlfriend got under my skin. Although these ugly parts eventually became a good contributory factor to Fanxing's realization of her true feelings towards Yuan Song, but still...! I also hated Fanxing at one point for being so gullible in love. But yeah, I had to swallow it because that's her character setup in the first place. It should be expected of her to be hasty and dubious about it.
On the other hand, I wished they've been generous in showing us more about how Yuan Song and Fanxing's relationship is going after the public reveal. I've been waiting for this the entire time (they could've done so much more in 41 episodes' length!) so I'm quite disappointed.
After watching the second season of Well-Intended Love, I admit I lost interest in Chinese dramas. So watching this restored my faith in them. I even have a list of C-dramas lined up now! But I have to move on from this one first before I start another. It's not as easy as I thought ㅠㅠ
What do you think about this drama? Are we on the same frequency? ❤️
If you haven't watched this yet, watch it now. As in 지금부터 RIGHT NOW. Highly-recommended!
#find yourself#下一站是幸福#song weilong#victoria song#chinese drama#romance#comedy#drama reviews#yuan song#he fanxing#chinese#romcom#cdrama#may-december relationship
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Jane Crocker (Homestuck) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Y'all Hate Kids: Screwed By The Writers
Propaganda below the cut
Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
bro literally no one likes him. not even the author does. yeah hes kind of a jerk but hes also a child and time isnt allowed to move in books
Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Cw: assault
The fandom blames her for the melodrama and problems in Act 6 and shit even though it was ALL the alpha kids who were terrible communicators and having relationship drama. She encouraged Jake to try having a relationship with Dirk even though she liked him too, she wants her friends to be happy even if she isn't. The fandom basically makes her the Stupid Bitch Who Gets In The Way Of Yaoi even though she quite literally made the yaoi happen. She's a victim of Act 6 being messy and written badly. Then we get to the epilogues/sequel. While she's an adult there, it's clear the writers just kinda hate her. She could definitely be a villain but they completely misunderstand her character in order to make her flat and completely in the wrong- even though some of the things she's saying in regards to Troll and Human society intertwining. It isn't looked at with nuance, Jane is just wrong and everyone else has to kill her. Like... hello??? If you're going to make her a villain do it right. Misogyny my nemesis.
"Jane Crocker is initially introduced when, in order to win the game they have been sucked into, the original four kids travel to a universe where their grand/parents have been swapped with them and selected to play it instead. She is the grandmother, now granddaughter of John Egbert, the first introduced character, and her hobbies include detective fiction, baking, wondering how to tell one of her best friends that she's in love with him, and avoiding frequent attempts on her life.
To explain that last one, she is the heiress to the Betty Crocker company and national monopoly, aka. Crockercorp, and has big plans about the good she can do when she finally takes power. As she finds out in the game, the company is a front ruled by the Condesce, an alien queen from another universe who was gathering power on Earth so that she could leap into the game and thus take over the world it would create. And she's happy to let Jane rule with her, so long as she puts on this computer and OBEYs.
After she is mind-controlled by the Condesce, Jane has little role in the rest of the story -- she is put to sleep and cured offscreen, and only shows up as a bit player in the final fight with no dialogue whatsoever to resolve her arc. However, she does have one scene with her crush, Jake, while she is not herself that colours a lot of the audience reaction to her.
Some context: During the game, she had chickened out during her confession to Jake, and he then proceeded to use her for relationship advice when their other friend, Dirk, succeeded in becoming his boyfriend. After one of these chats where Jake reveals he forgot her birthday, she blows up at him for using her, which is the last normal conversation they have in the comic.
By the time she is being controlled, Jake is being held prisoner, and so with her inhibitions removed and priorities redirected towards Crockercorp, she tells him all about the future he'll have as her consort and repeatedly harasses and threatens him. Because there is never any closure for this moment as both characters are shoved to the background, this is the fandom's last impression of Jane, which is used as evidence of her true nature whenever anyone needs to justify their hate for or demonization of her.
Although Jane has plenty of casual conversations with her friends early on that demonstrate her true character -- she is supportive of her friends to a fault, and is initially given the role of team leader but ultimately is too passive to fill it, one of the many reasons for her friends' frayed unity. However, absolutely none of her traits and decisions are important to the plot, and her arc is dropped with her potential left unfulfilled, leaving it easy for her to be overshadowed by a single dramatic moment she had while explicitly out of character.
And that should be the end of the story, but it gets worse. In 2019, Hussie released the Homestuck Epilogues, an explicitly ""dubiously canonical"" prose novel with two routes that many fans found so damaging and distasteful that they left the fandom entirely. Between the book itself and the ensuing flame wars, the fandom was reduced to merely a fraction of its size, and most of the people now remaining belong to the camp that liked the Epilogues, or at least saw it as part of canon.
In both routes of the Epilogue, Jane, now an adult, becomes the authoritarian president of Earth C and coerces Jake into an abusive relationship. This is worse in the Candy Route, where she is described as a fascist, declares a policy of genocide against trolls, regularly drugs Jake to have sex with him, and uses their kid to blackmail him into staying with her. All of this ultimately causes her to be cast as a central antagonist in the HS team's ongoing comic ""Homestuck^2"" that continues off of the Epilogues.
All of this follows from an extrapolation of her behaviour while mind-controlled, which is somehow still applicable to her character once she is back to normal. Now, the popular excuse for her mischaracterization is the backbone of current official Homestuck content. And because her being an antagonist is key to the story, most fans of the sequel (which is now the majority of online Homestuck fans) have to buy into the justification for her actions in order to properly suspend disbelief and keep reading. Thus, it is nigh impossible to find anyone who will engage with the canon -- and I mean /actually/ canon, not postcanon -- version of Jane.
Addendum: Although canon Jane is a teenager, I have to discuss how her adult postcanon self affects her perception and basically erases the original character. Nonetheless, since postcanon Jane can hardly be called the same character, I don't think this affects Jane's eligibility."
#yall hate kids tourney#screwed by the writers#loser round 1#Homestuck#HS#Jane Crocker#Homestuck Jane#diary of a wimpy kid#doawk#cw assault
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I always end up thinking it comes back to Shoto *needed* a abusive father who also abused and coerced his mom whom he bought to pop out kids, separated the family, practised eugenics, talked trash about the whole family year after year and turned his brother into a murdering villain. While being a selfish, power hungry No 2 hero who is greedy, uses money and abuses power and is known for his violent heroics and generally disliked. He is next in line to AFO for doing every unimaginable bad but in terms of family abuse.
He could have been a quirkless top cop, he could have been a disabled ex-hero and had the same story. It was important he was what he was just an asshole corrupt top hero. Also to show he was running away from hurting his body and from responsibility by torturing his bought family to suffer in his place.
It was never about Endeavor. His story is like an afterthought to give substance to Shoto's story and bolster him and later, the rest of Todofam's stories. Pro Hero Arc's objective was to set Endeavor up as the symbol of downfall of hero society after All Might era. It was foreshadowed after Kamino Arc by Jin Bubaigawara's comments no less. And Twice being someone Hawks replaced for admiring as the ideal for the man's virtues unlike the sins of a man who was more fake than All Might's true inspiration on a TV. And this downfall was pinned on Endeavor as his personal failure as if to say he isn't the victim folks, move along. It is said as if to make it seem unfair but when it concerns Endeavor the plot always flips to show that wasn't the case it really was his fault. It kind of is. His arrogance, his delusional view of himself, his average competence in comparison to true heroes and his weak hero motivation(I'm No. 1 instead of altruism), etc were clearly depicted. And contrasted with All Might who did his best and was not the one in the wrong in the system. And the Commission who were evil ar dead.
Endeavor's character is frequently contradictory or inconsistent and modt of what he says or thinks is contradicted and depicted as his misunderstandings or sugarcoated delusions. In fact it won't be surprising if Endeavor commented on Toya having only a fire quirk and Rei nervously suggesting having another child to be the Ice sidekick to Toya but Endeavor only believed in one body to be the only hero and mistook Fuyumi's role as the cheerleader. To make every interaction or connection negative than it appears does seem the current purpose of plot.
But what never makes sense from a real person point of view is why marriage and child at 20. Very few people think I'll have a child and spend years grooming it to replace me while I'm being impatient right now. People can say 20 is adult enough all they want but thats two years after graduating from UA high school and its unusual unlike in the States. Didn't he have parents? They also practiced quirk marriage doesn't feel like a good enough answer.
He could have experimented on himself like Danzo from Naruto, he could have had a child with a woman he gets rid permanently- a clone with genetic modifications like in Star Wars or a child throgh a surrogate. Instead he needed the free nanny, cook, cleaner and housekeeper that came with a marriage to look after the child while he was away doing heroics. That is what is pointed out recently was Rei's sole role according to Endeavor.
AFO and his cronies could have been hidden in plain sight as miraculous doctors. Quirks can be updated once without suspicion(Deku never raised red flags?) AFO can give and take quirks. Endeavor was desperate enough to commit a legal seeming unethical practice so if Dr Kyudai Garaki ran a legal experimental scene where he lured in people who searched enough to find him, then why not Endeavor?
But I feel if that was the type of plot then it will be explained how Endeavor's body was not suited to holding cooling quirk or extra quirk would shorten his lifespan. Since Shoto is the real character who has to exist with his mother of a origin. And most likely is the scenario that Endeavor forced Rei to undergo dangerous treatment for pregnancy in one of Kyudai Garaki's machines. Its typical shonen plot btw torturing the mom to have a extra special child.
As told through Rei, Endeavor's character is one who runs away from responsibility and pushes it onto people instead of doing anything himself or troubling himself to suffer at all and shows no remorse afterwards or makes no noticeable effort to do sone action to sepict the same. His endeavoring is only that- a show of endeavour, no substance. In terms of plot having a child makes sense but think of him as a real consistent human character, it no longer is. Rei's assessment contradicts what she excused during the Pro Hero Arc. If he only runs away why would she be so deluded to think he is trying to face his past and not just giving her flowers because he got what he wanted completely at last. It doesn't explain anything about his character beyond being empty words to explain why he should be given a chance. And currently the family really doesn't need him they needed Dabi to be saved and it was said in the raws Shoto stated he did not feel "saved" by having to lend a hand to Endeavor.
I do agree that a major aspect of Enji's character is to provide greater context for both his sons, one who is a main character and one who is a main villain, as well as used to highlight the flaws present in hero society but I disagree with that being all he's supposed to be, at least not anymore.
Hori has gone through great lengths to try and flesh out his character beyond what he originally wrote though it was kind of awkward at the time when he started to do so because he had already dug Enji into such a horrible hole, slowly retconning aspects of the Todoroki family past (such as him "buying" Rei to be his brood mare) in a way that wasn't jarring (by making the family unreliable narrators which is something one would expect) but sadly he couldn't change the image he had already built for Enji for the most part.
I also agree that because Hori had began to flesh out Enji more, there has been more contradictions in his story when you start to pick it apart (such as how he's supposed to be the most stubborn character and yet gave up before he should have), but these issues are really only something a reader that likes to analyse the story will notice, not that of a casual reader (which I guess Hori should be thankful for). I'm not sure if Hori planned to make Enji into a more likable character from the beginning or if he changed plans midstory (...which to be honest, the way his story is written does appear to be the later), but because of the drastic change, it has left us feeling a bit of whiplash.
I do disagree with your last sentences though, Enji is important to the family and important to saving Dabi (kinda). Unlike Shouto, who is trying to break free from Enji and because of that he doesn't need his father, Dabi is desperate for his father's attention which has evolved into hatred and spite. It needs to be Enji that reaches out to him (and I wonder if this is why he decided to have Enji begin to reform as well, to be in a place where he'd actually try to save his son? Hmmm...).
Enji is an interesting character but a lot of his writing has a lot to be desired at times, is what I'm trying to say T-T
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Journey of a shipper: Kontae and how I fell for this ship?
OKAY! SO I'M FINALLY DOING THIS. Writing a long ass meta about this ship because hell, I love them and this ship is beautiful and I just need more content for this ship, so I'm making some myself! Before I start, it's just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anybody and second, I'm not a great analyst. I'm just going to ramble about stuff here and it's pretty long. So, enjoy!
I remember making this post about gintama ships back when I first started watching Gintama and I remember mentioning Kontae there. The sweet and kind guy falls for the hard-core and strong willed woman. A ship dynamic I really love. And their interactions, so damn funny I can't even say! And the 10 years gap didn't look like a big issue to me; they are both adults so I was okay with it. This ship looked funny to me, Kondou blushing, asking her to marry him, butt hair and all xD but also made me feel like "it may not get too far". But Idk why, I decided to stick with it. Because i was just so much in love with Kondou and Otae's characters. But in between all that, I really didn't see any kind of romance happening between these two and I was like maybe in an AU, they'd make a really good couple. It's not happening in Gintama 'cause I really don't see any kind of romance happening in this universe (and yet, I continued shipping xD)
But, I was wrong.
When the Yagyuu arc came and I watched episode 81. And my faith in this ship was restored. I know there were some ship-tease moments for gintae in the benizakura arc and the yagyuu arc but then this scene came:

I know, I know, it wasn't literal but what if it was? Well, that's not the question here. I was pretty surprised to hear this myself. Gintoki saying "She'll make it up to him" and Hijikata saying "She loves him. She's just playing hard to get" and all then Otae comes and saves Kondou from his Gorilla marriage. I got the verdict here tho. Maybe it was just for comedic purpose, maybe not. But still, it was enough for me to continue shipping them coz they looked hella cute and I just thought I'd just stick to it. Maybe, I'm gonna find something big soon. I found other ships like Hijimitsu and Gintsu! But that's a topic for another day.
The pool arc came, which is like ep 217 and yes, nothing huge happened but remember how Gintoki was a making fun of Otae's breasts and how he wasn't interested in looking at her flat chest but Kondou, who was, like always, stalking her, then says he's ready to explore every part of her to find the nipple xD and Otae just punches him. Yeah that was funny. And then Tae later again comments that she can see right through Gintoki's actions and Gintoki retorts again by saying that he's not interested in her camel toe. Then this scene happens:

Kondou says he has no interest in camel toe and Tae again punches him while yelling "YOU DON'T?!"
Weird, right?
I know, it was weird for me too! But what can I say, these short details were what made me feel like maybe, JUST MAYBE, Tae has a thing for Kondou. Just look how offended she is. I know Kondou didn't mean to disrespect her neither was he rejecting her but I think Tae feels like he is. And so she goes like "what do u mean u don't?! Don't you love me!?" Even if it was just a sexual reference, it made me think that maybe, Hijikata was right. She does try to play hard and that there is something.
Then came the love choriss arc and I got a major hint.
How Sayaka-chan was Kondou's virtual girlfriend and how he introduced her to everyone in the Shimura residence. Yup then this happens.

This was stupid and weird and funny and my Kontae heart screamed "YER JEALOUS TAE!"
Just look at her going all dramatic while getting worried about Shinpachi. Well, of course she'll be worried about Shinpachi's well being and how her brother is just drowing into his own virtual world but Why. Throw. Kondou's. Game? If she really doesn't feel anything for him then there's no reason for her to throw Kondou's game. Why not let him stay in his own virtual world with his own virtual girlfriend? What were you planning, Sorachi-sama?
It was the very first time when it looked very evident to me that Tae has something for Kondou deep inside. That whole dramatic scream "THIS CAN'T BE!" just after Kondou introduced Sayaka-chan. I listened to that dialogue very closely and it first started with Kondo introducing her then Gintoki saying something like you're in this shit too? And soon was followed by Tae's dramatic "this can't be! Is Shin-chan going to be like this too!?" while throwing Kondou's game out and Kondou screaming "Sayaka-chan!!"
Tae's jealousy is still a mystery here but I still feel like, somewhere she was.
Moving on!
They went out on a date, which was a disaster and then alongside Kyubei in the Beam Saber arc, how Kondou fought for Otae I started to feel a lot more from Kondou's side. Yes. The stalking is a running gag but Kondou's feelings were given more comedic effect rather than highlighting it in a very serious tone. But that's how Sensei does his work. Gintama is supposed to be funny and this ship is supposed to be funny and I really wasn't expecting any intense and serious Kontae moment in the series.
Well, Sorachi-sama proved me wrong. AND I THANK HIM SO, SO VERY MUCH!
The Genderbender arc came, Kyubei is now this handsome hunk and Tae is blushing furiously and Kondou is this blond bombshell which is his too good! It's been shown over and over again that even if Kondou is a stalker, he just wants to see Otae happy. That's what he always wanted even if he isn't the reason for her happiness. When Jyubei and Tae starts meeting frequently, Kondou comes and encourages Jyubei to stop worrying about other and enjoy himself with Tae. He even says that he's happy with just being her friend and I think this proves how much he cares for her. He gives them those movie tickets telling he actually wanted to ask her out but now that he's like this, can't be with her like the way he always wanted to and now Jyubei is the only one who can take care of her. He was genuinely hurting but what matters most to him is Otae and so he leaves them while saying "if you make her cry, I'll arrest you". Even Kyubei later mentions it that it was him who was hurting and crying and he just happily sacrificed Otae so that she can be happy.
Then came the roach motel arc and OTAE WEARS THE KIMONO THAT KONDOU GAVE! Yes, not in the episode but in opening 15 she does and even in the manga cover! Ah..the feels. Well, coming back to the point, this episode was basically everybody bullying Kondou but the good part here was the ending of this episode. Kondou knowing that he was getting bullied and that Tae was a part of all this but he still says "that's how Otae-san is. This is what makes her, her." That was beautiful; he accepts her for who she is. He knows that she's brash and manipulative and even abusive but she's also kind and strong and beautiful; even after all her flaws he still continues to accept and love her. That's true love. And then comes Otae's part. She slowly starts to learn more and more about him, I think she knew he wasn't stalking her. And then she finally admits that she actually had fun with Kondou and that she got to see a new side of him while hugging that roach mask. She was happy to discover a new side of him, no stalking attached. I was so amazed to see this happening coz like I said, I wasn't expecting all these serious Kontae moments but these were actually happening. It was a breath of fresh air and I was really happy to see a developed relationship between these two characters which just made me ship them even more.
Then comes the love incense arc which was just....bizarre. What was Sensei thinking while writing this arc? Why would you do that to my poor kokoro!? But whatever, nothing is properly explained here, everybody is falling in love with everybody, Kondou turns gay, Gintoki just loses his senses and is sleeping with practically everybody, Tsukuyo's feelings for Gintoki starts to go havoc. But then, Tae and Kyubei comes in the picture. And they're in love with Gintoki too. But then, things change. Take turns out to be in love with Kondou! Hell, she was actually JEALOUS! Yes, it was the love incense and yes, this arc is just too crazy to explain anything properly but hear me out. What if, the love incense actually triggered some of Tae's hidden feelings for Kondou? Just like Tsukuyo's. Coz she actually saw Gintoki's dick first when she inhaled that smoke. Not him. But she ended up discovering her own feelings towards him. So what if this was the same case with Tae? We all saw that she was under the effect of that drug and was in love with Gintoki so Sensei, why this change of plans?
No answers, right? I don't have them either. It's just the little theory I came up with. What was Tae's real feelings? But soon the Shogun Assassination and the Farwell Shinsengumi arcs are followed after this.
And GOOD LORD! Sensei actually proved me wrong! By giving one of the most beautifully written scenes between these two characters.
It isn't always when Sorachi-sama actually decides to go for the romantic plot but in Kontae's case, I felt like he actually hinted a LOT. The very first ship in Gintama where I felt like no, this isn't just one-sided but actually, feelings were shown from both the sides, especially Tae. Like everyone, she misses him. But Tae remembering him like this and crying when she's about to get her neck slashed:

"A real man, a real samurai would never do something like this. That man, would never do something like this."
She knows him, she knows what kind of a man Kondou really is. And even at a time like this, Kondou is the man who comes in her mind. A true man, true police, a true samurai who not for once tried to force himself upon her. Not for once showed any kind of disgrace towards any other people or her. All this time, she comes to learn more and more about him and you know, it was worth the time.
Even Shinpachi sees it.
"I'll bring that man, and everyone, back to you for sure. So wait for us with the same old smile on your face, Sis."
Why exclude him from everybody? There has a meaning behind this and a deep one and tbh, I see a romantic meaning behind this. Shinpachi addressing Kondou like this, it was new. It's not always when Sensei uses such points to evoke a romantic gesture but when he does, it sure leaves an impact.
And this is not the last time he used such implications for KonTae. Fast forward to ep 316, Tae is at Kozenigata's place and she's now leaving. Haji and Konzenigata both tries to stop her because it was dangerous outside and the police organisation isn't working properly and she replies,
"That's exactly why police need to go back to their jobs, and cabaret girls have to go back to their job."
It's like foreshadowing their relationship- the police and the cabaret girl. And then Kozenigata just simply puts a cherry on top.

"They must have come back. Her police."
And Kondou pops out of that dustbin!
And then come the dialogues.
"Don't you think it's high time you stop doing this....You'll catch a cold."

"Why did you have to say that out of all days? I wish you had acted like always, called me a perverted stalker and hit me like you always do. You're....making it hard to say goodbye."

The voice acting, the dialogues, the animation, honestly everything screams romantic here. And yeah, the close-up happy-sad faces, if you've seen/read romantic anime/manga, you should know it's a shoujo trope used to display romantic feelings between two characters. And if I'm just making speculations, they're sharing the same umbrella...
Two people, especially a man and a woman, sharing an umbrella in rain is considered as a symbol of romance in Japan.
This kinda proves that romance is present in this scene.
And then finally this.

These eyes literally says it all. It's like Tae saying I'll wait for you and when you come back, I'll happily welcome you and then we can go back to those old days. Just like how Shinpachi said.
And I think, this is the very first and the only time, Sensei used this gesture. And this is just too much for me to not ignore it!
The way Kondou looks at Tae while talking to her, it almost feels like he's telling her to not look so sad. Like I've mentioned before, Kondou wants to see her smile. And i think, in this scene it's crushing for him to see her with such a sad smile on her face. That is the last thing he wants to see. That's why he said he wanted to see her react the way she always did. And Tae not acting like that and instead showing such emotions towards him, it's too overwhelming. Just think how Kondou would be feeling there. Tae seeing him off, her eyes glistening while she sees him walk away but also waits for his arrival in the near future, its simply poetic.
The reunion between these two is as funny as ever, Kontae was back in its own color. When Okita said Kondou was always okay with their usual type of setting, he meant to say that Kondou was happy in those old days. That's what he said in the FS arc, he wanted to see her in her usual self, no sad face, no crying, just a happy Otae who loves to beat the crap outta him but also respects him. Things really were pretty intense in the SA and FS arcs but I don't think Sensei wanted to continue this for long. It was like Sensei saying, we're back to the old days, happy days. The Silver Soul arc and the ongoing arc isn't as intense as these two arcs and that's what Sensei wants to say "we're back to those good ol' day". But that doesn't mean he threw away all those meaningful moments between these two; it was so heavily implied. Just because of a troll scene, one cannot disregard the whole development and say "it was never there" because of course there was something which was very much visible to the viewers/readers, even if it isn't present now doesn't mean it was all a joke or just some i-just-wrote-it-but-now-it-doesnt-mean-anything bullshit. Yeah, the ship isn't canon but that also doesn't mean it sank. I mean, Kondou is not gonna marry that gorilla anymore so....
Imo, KonTae is the only ship in Gintama where romantic feelings are implied from both the sides. It really didnt look unrequited. It's not only Kondou or Tae, it's both of them and both of them have actually shown interest in each other in a way which I won't say is completely ambiguous. The FS arc was the part where it is shown how far their relationship has come and how they have come to learn and respect each other, maybe even love each other. I'm not forcing these ideas on anybody, these are facts and I'm sure even non-shippers must have noticed these moments as well. Honestly, the romantic implications were heavy here, the scenes, the dialogues, the "Take care" which is just too beautiful to not to be ignored. Even if I don't see canon pairings happening here, I still somehow hope for this ship.
My love for Gintsu is eternal but Kontae, this is the only ship where I feel like has come a lot far. And even other characters have mentioned their relationship and in a serious note. Check all those subtle hints, pick up the whole FS arc, it's there. A relationship that started with a gag but now is fully developed where I can see loads of potential. It's a ship that's been here from the very beginning of the series and it didn't look rushed at all. Another universe of how I met your mother lol.
People can ship whatever they like and I'm really not trying to push my thoughts onto anybody here.
But KonTae, this ship is no gag or joke and it deserves more love.
It's stupid, it's hilarious, it's beautiful and it's properly developed and that's why I fell for this ship so hard.
#gintama#kondou isao#shimura tae#kondo isao#otae#kontae#kondou x otae#long post#i really wanted to write about them
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The Masque of the Red Death
by Edgar Allan Poe

The Masque of the Red Death a short story written by the American writter, Edgar Allan Poe. It was originally called, "The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy". It was also published in 1842.
This story tells us that no one can escape, even your wealth can't save you. In the story, Prince Prospero try to escape his death by at least having a masquerade ball. No one can change his fate but instead you can do something to somehow swerve on the designated path you are going to. Thinking and trying so hard to leave the fate you're about to conquer brings more damage to what you are actually getting in return.
The main theme of this story is that no matter how effective you do to change your fate, especially death, is useless. If it is your time, its your time. Its crazy how Prince Prospero held a party for his own sake. Your fortune won't come to you the way you imagine it. Only time and fate will dictate your life.
A Father
by Anton Chekhov

"A Father" is a short story written by Anton Chekhov. He is a known Russian playwright for being the most frequently produced playwright after Shakespear. He is also a short story writer in Russian society. He is one among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His works are considered as the modern short stories which he is known for.
The short story mentioned is about a tragic father, Old Musatov, who is a drunkard and always seeking money from his sons. The most touching part of this story is that his sons never hesitate to give him the money he do not deserve out of love and sincerity to their father. The father appreciates the love given to him by his sons but he is being haunted by the guilt of nothing to give them in return. He think he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment after all the troubles he brought into their lives.
This story depicts the true love of children to their parents no matter what. We all do bad things most of the time but at the end of the day there is still someone waiting for us to accept us back over and over again. Parent - children love is so genuine that no boundaries can stop it. Everyone deserve to be loved and love back. We must be grateful that we have these kind of people and cherish them forever.
The Piece of String
by Guy de Maupassant

"The Piece of String", also known as La Ficelle, is a short story written by the French writer, Guy de Maupassant. It was said to be included in the short story collection, Miss Harriet. This short story was published back in 1883.
"Everyone is perfidious, a liar, and a phony. Everyone wears a false face."
That quote was by the author himself. This is exactly the them of the story. This is all about being mean, cruel and injustice to humanity. The author also wrote some stories about the bad traits of us, humans.
In this story, we can say that Hauchecorne should've say the truth than dying 'guilty'. Out of his pride, he chose to just kept the truth that he just picked a string on the ground and rather being accused as someone who stole the missing wallet.
Meanwhile, Malandain stereotyped the peasant for robbing someone's wallet just because he saw him picking something he haven't seen and because he is his enemy. Eventhough the wallet was found the next day, you cannot erase to the people's mind that Hauchecorne stole it. It was so annoying that Hauchecorne told the truth when it is late and no one wants to believe him even if he died.
This basically teach us that everybody will remember the bad thing you've done when you were alive for the rest of their lives. You cannot erase them in their minds once you've dirt their minds even if it is not true. Who will be willing to accept the truth if they already closed their minds to the lie being fed to them? It is always important to be honest, be responsible with your actions and do not judge others without basis because it can affect a big part of their lives.
God Sees the Truth but Waits
by Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy is the Russian writer of the short story called, "God Sees the Truth, But Waits". It was published in 1872.
The story focuses on Ivan's strong faith in God and forgiving. For me, it isn't easy to forgive someone who causes you long time suffering and even protecting him from being caught by the police. Why would you protect someone if that someone does the opposite to you? Im really moved by Ivan's faith in God, after all the time he's far away from his family and spending his life in prison for a sin he didn't commit. How can he forgive that person? He didn't even feel to be free because he died before his case was voided.
There are still people who have good and pure heart to forgive those evil acts other committed to them. Having faith in God isn't easy but it is really wonderful how it can change a person. We must learn to forgive those unguided people and to educate them so they can flourish.
The Cask of Amontillado
by Edgar Allan Poe

"The Casque of Amontillado" is one of the short story written by the famous Edgar Allan Poe. It was published in 1846.

The theme of this story is revenge. Revenge will always be bad. It is so pointless to kill your friend because of a simple matter. At the end of the day, he'll always be your friend. It is also ironic how Montresor exclaimed "for the love of God" when he is about to commit a sin God prohibited us. Thou shall not kill. We don't have the authority to take away someone's life not even ours.
A Rose for Emily
by William Faulkner

"A Rose for Emily" is a short story written by one of the famous American writer, William Faulkner. It was featured in the issue of The Forum. The story was published in 1930.
Isolation really affects someone who experience this. Emily was used to being on the highest place in rhe society and used to having his father on her side. Its really tragic how she lost her father and have no one to be with. A big part of the community also contributed to the changes in her behavior. They don't even know how to respect her privacy and attempted many times to enter her home. They always criticize her everytime she went out of the house. Although we cannot change the fact that she killed Homer for her own sake, I still pity her for longing for someone that's she did that. But killing someone isn't an excuse to fulfill your needs. After all, she's just a lonely girl seeking for love and company.
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Ideas For Taking Your Memory Farther A good memory is vital to success in every area of your life. It may help you learn the information faster, which can result in your obtaining a more desirable job and a higher salary. Writing things down is always a good way to assist you in remembering. This exercise causes blood flow to the parts of the brain which is responsible for memory.You can drastically improve your memory when you keep a habit of letter writing or journaling. Mnemonic devices aid the memory in a great way to recall something. Place them in spots you frequently look at, like next to a cell phone or computer. These stickies make sure you don't forget things that are important. Memory games are a good way to keep your memory skills. These games are also have the added benefit of improving concentration or attention. There are several games available to play online. Changing up your environment refreshes your brain, and it also makes long-term memory a lot more effective. When there are changes to any of your routines, the mind re-awakens, making it easier to absorb information. Staying socially active can help keep your memory.This keeps you stay alert and your spirits up. If you're feeling alone or downhearted, your brain will be under-stimulated, and your brain doesn't get the workout it needs. Engaging in stimulating conversation with others will keep your friends and family can help you to maintain an acute mind. Take this time to link information you want to memorize to information that you already stored in your brain. Go to the library to get books to boost your memory. Take ginseng if you want to try and improve your memory. Ginseng has been shown to boost your memory and retention of information. It can also be of great benefit to your general health. Green tea is also thought to have some benefits in improving memory loss. Teaching other people is a long way for improving your memory. For instance, if you are having trouble recalling a particular anecdote, recount it to anyone willing to listen. This will make the memory more concrete in your mind, and help you remember the event in the future. Don't try to absorb a ton of information at one time. If you need to remember something, set up study sessions. It is not very effective to try to absorb a lot of information in one go.Your mind may not be able to handle such a large amount at one time, and you will easily forget the information. Make sure you have regular study regularly so that your brain is stimulated into remembering. Do not expect your memory. Many people think memory loss. This isn't always be true. Anticipating a decline in memory can actually hurt your memory more. If you are given information and are having a difficult time retaining it, rephrase and repeat it in a way that suits you. It is difficult for some to memorize thoughts and words if they don't understand what a given thought or concept means. Eat the right foods for the health of your brain perform better. Healthy fats are very important for brain health. Avoid unhealthy trans fats, but add things like fresh fish, nuts, and flax seed or olive oil to your diet. Classical music is known to help improve your memory. A good time to play this music is in a relaxing bath, relaxing bath with some candles and this type of music is an ideal situation. Focus all your attention on the topic you when you are memorizing information. Information that is learned must be stored in the long-term memory for humans to be able to recall it effectively. It's hard to do this effectively if you don't give it your full attention. Pay closer attention - it will help improve your memory of what they said. If you meet someone new, try picturing the first name in letters after meeting someone new, or ask them if there is a question about the spelling. You could try asking them how they spell their name is spelled.Make a habit to say something including their name to further prime your memory with this fact. Now that you have taken in some simple tips for improving your memorization skills, you should have an easy task of finding your reading glasses, car keys, or the television remote control. If you apply the tips in this article, your memory will improve and you will recall information better.
Tips Anyone Can Use To Improve Their Memory
Memory loss is not something that you have to be accepted by you. There are several things you can take that will help.There are many things you can do to help boost your memory capability. The tips in this article will offer you some clever suggestions.
Playing games that challenge your memory.This is analogous to the same way that physical exercise helps to build muscle. Good games for improving memory include crosswords, crossword puzzles and brain teasers.
Writing items down is the best way to remember important information. This exercise causes blood to flow toward the parts of the brain which is responsible for memory. You can drastically improve your ability to remember important things by making a habit of letter writing or journaling.
If you need to retain a great deal of information, it is helpful to study the information at several different locations. This is so you can dissociate information with one place so that it can be more basic to you.
If you aren't one hundred percent focused, you will miss crucial details of conversation. Think hard about and focus on these things in order to make the memory stick.
Place them in locations that you look at often, for instance on your computer. These sticky notes will ensure that you remember important things.
Studies have shown that people undergoing stress and negative thoughts hinder the memory.Consult your physician to find healthy methods of stress relief techniques.
Your brain is kind of like a muscle that you have to work out to keep your memory sharp. Research has shown that puzzles can ward off senility.
Fish oil can help your diet.If you struggle with remembering things, your diet may be deficient in omega-3. Try taking it in the form of a pill.
Take the time to link information you are trying to memorize to information you have already committed to memory.
Go to the library to get books written by experts in the field of memory improvement.
Don't try to absorb a ton of information at one sitting. If you need to remember something, set up study sessions. Don't try to memorize everything all at once. Your mind will become overwhelmed, and it can be easily forgotten. Make sure you study segments to ensure that your brain is stimulated into remembering.
Make liberal use of useful organizational tools like wall calenders and calendaring tools. Buy a day planner and use it to write down anything you want to remember. Make a schedule and look at it every day.It can help your mind to have these things down and look at them.
Meditation is a terrific means for improving overall memory function, while improving your health and relieving stress. Try to meditate for around a day to make sure your mind gets the exercise it needs.
Eat foods for the health of your brain perform better. Healthy fats are essential for brain health. Avoid trans fats, and include some delicious walnuts, fresh fish, and flax seed and olive oils.
Stress can make you more forgetful.Relax in order to think more clearly if you are learning any type of new information or trying to remember where you put something. Don't focus on your frustration, just give yourself some time to remember what it is that you're trying to recall.
You can visualize this memory tree.If you have a lot of information to memorize, work on the basic elements of it first. Organizing the relative importance of information in this way can help you remember details better.
This is a great tip that can help you retain new information. When you are trying to remember new material, try and connect it to something you already know. By creating a connection between new data and things already learned, it can be more simple to remember new stuff.
When trying to study to commit something to memory, it's ideal to structure your studying around related concepts, instead of random topics.Research studies have shown that there is a greater likelihood of the subject being retained into your memory when you compose yourself in this way.
Most memory loss can be reversed, or even avoidable in the first place. The ideas from this article should serve as a starting point. Try a few; you may find that one or more of them will work out well.
allysian mastermind
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