#give me ALL the high school and mutant angst
katielynn526 · 1 year
Honestly, one of the best things to come out of TMNT Mutant Mayhem is the fact that we can finally have actual canon fanfics set in high school without them having to be Human AUs
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lexkent · 1 month
clex fic rec part 1:
Identical Series by Lanning (400,450 words)
summary: Lex loses everything, and finds something better.
If He Would Fall by sabershadowkat (5,291 words)
summary: Lex realizes Clark will always catch him.
Most Regretted by Tallihensia (5,062 words)
summary: A meteor mutant shows Clark what he will most regret in his future. Will Clark learn from it?
Reconcilable Differences by astolat (38,799 words)
summary: Luthor Family Values.
Soothing out the Hurts by Tallihensia (4,977 words)
summary: If one learns to harm people, one must also learn to heal. Superman accidentally hurts Lex and decides he has to make up for it.
The Perfect Life by A_Fallen_Sister (9,042 words)
summary: A little Thanksgiving tale. Lex and Clark have been angst-free for years, but life is not entirely without problems.
To Legends by Tallihensia (655 words)
summary: A final toast to legends.
Ants And Other Higher Lifeforms by Dayspring (3,123 words)
summary: He really didn't want to come back as an ant.
Escape Velocity by Bagheera (7,119 words)
summary: What if the meteor rocks had given Lex super speed?
Two Halves by Dolimir (31,254 words)
summary: A 'what if' Lex found Clark before the Kents did story.
Lex and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman by arysteia (16,816 words)
summary: Evil-doers have seized control of the Daily Planet building. Can Clark save the day, rescue Lois, Perry and Jimmy, and reconcile with Lex, all without revealing his secret identity?
Of Gods and Men by Lenore (17,176 words)
summary: What does it mean to be great?
i think that possibly maybe i'm falling for you by Nicnac (3,058 words)
summary: After the incident with Duncan, Lex is quietly asked to transfer to a different school. Lionel decides to send him to Smallville High as punishment for his misconduct, and Lex is chosen as that year's Scarecrow. Luckily, he's saved by local college student and unofficial town hero, Clark Kent.
Sealed with a Kiss by laceymcbain (28,613 words)
summary: Pete: "We're standing in Lex's office with Lana serving coffee right outside and I'm waiting for you to kiss me so we can see if you poison me or not. That's weird, Clark--even by Smallville standards."
Not a Villain by Tallihensia (156,782 words)
summary: When Clark makes a discovery about Conner, honor forces him to tell Lex. Lex comes by to see for himself.
Dancing at The Purple Parrot by laceymcbain (17,965 words)
summary: Lex couldn’t believe it, but the man seemed to be blushing. An awkward stripper in plaid who was blushing. “Oh, no,” Lex murmured to himself. “Oh God, no.”
Fixing Things by Tallihensia (45,049 words)
summary: Lex Luthor is his father's fix-it man for failing companies. But when Lex unexpectedly comes across Clark Kent again, can he fix what went wrong between them eight years ago? And will Clark let him? Through the meteor mutants trying to kill them, Clark and Lex try to find their way again.
Someone To Watch Over Me by Dolimir (22,034 words)
summary: What if the government had stepped in and collected people affected by the meteors when Clark was still a toddler?
Lover's Choice by Tallihensia (3,383 words)
summary: Lex's old lover wants him back in her cold embrace. Clark doesn't want to let him go.
Catharsis by arysteia (4,285 words)
summary: Aristotle says that tragedy purges the negative emotions of the audience. Can angsty porn purge the negative emotions of the Smallville audience? Let's give it a shot. Lex finally calls Clark on a few things.
Devil's Deal by Bagheera (29,560 words)
summary: Lex sells his soul to the devil to bring his son back from the dead. Can Clark get it back for him? 
Cookie Dough & Candy Hearts by Dayspring (3,853 words)
summary: Lex, liquor, and Martha Kent make for an interesting Valentine's Day.
iHero by I I B N F (iibnf) (80,571 words)
summary: Bitten by a radioactive CD player, Lex gets super powers and just about everything he ever wanted, not that he'd ever admit he wanted what he gets.
Cooking Considered As One Of The Fine Arts by Caro (thestarsexist) (2,906 words)
summary: Sometimes part of being a good mother is knowing the best chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Manifest Destiny by Liviapenn (24,180 words)
summary: Giant robots and things exploding.
The Lost Soul by tasabian (4,975 words)
summary: When a malicious act of magic separates Clark's soul from his body, only one person realizes how to help him.
Run by Dayspring (31,667 words)
summary: "The castle blew up right after I dragged him from the shower. We've…we've been running ever since." 
The Reset by tasabian (4,764 words)
summary: An unexpected portal opening in Smallville causes Lex Luthor from 2002 to trade places with Lex Luthor from 2018. How will it change the timeline as we know it?
Purple by Dayspring (13,922 words)
summary: Martha doesn't need an advanced degree in Art to figure it out, but Jonathan might.
Shadows & Stone: Smallville Stories by laceymcbain (83,680 words)
summary: Lex's evening has scored particularly high on the Luthor Scale of Tragic Dates. When he confesses to Toby that he thinks he's destined to be alone, an eavesdropping Clark is determined to change his mind.
Pheromones by Tallihensia (4,009 words)
summary: Lex and Batman take on the Bee Queen. It doesn't quite end up the way they planned and Superman has to step in to save Lex.
Time and Chance by Dayspring (111,267 words)
summary: Lex is pregnant. Nobody's happy. This is an mpreg (male pregnancy story). But this isn't one of those funny, life-is-great mpregs. It's full of bad days and sad days and people being ordinary pain-in-the-butts.
A Mad Season by Dolimir (22,683 words)
summary: An AU look at what might have happened if all of Lex's Smallville memories had been erased when Lionel ordered electroshock therapy.
Golden by CJAndre, Noelle (28,676 words)
summary: Lex smirked at his wishful thinking, but he knew that whatever the situation, he could handle it.
Then, confronted with the sight in front of him, he realized that maybe he couldn't handle it at all.
Memoirs Of An Alien Who Fell To Earth by Dayspring (10,566 words)
summary: See the title. FUTUREFIC.
Feel free to message me if you'd like trigger warnings on any specific fic listed. There's some very dark content here and not all is tagged.
Also @clarklexlois has an excellent clex fic rec list with descriptions, and it's actually what got me into fanfic!💖
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oracleact · 1 year
You can totally choose to look past this cuz it might be a lot (Tw trauma?) I just got Carried, you know when Carrie (from the movie) she gets a bucked full of blood over her head on prom? A guy asked me out and to my surprise, I was blessed with ketchup, eggs and flour by him and his friends, the subway didn’t let me in and no Uber would accept me getting in a car, so I had to walk home. No one asked me what was wrong
I’m still processing that actually happened,. I’m assuming it’s bc of my weight, I’m tall and overweight, I mainly keeps things to myself, am a introvert, idk what other thing could be a reason besides my body. Could you please write a comfort scenario with the tmnt boys? Or one of them, you can choose, Could be platonic, romantic, idk, just reader (who’s usually friendly but don’t talk much about their romantic life cuz they don’t feel like it’s worth investing time, and when they finally decide to change that, thst happens) crying as a mess in front of them for the first time, saying they are tired of living in a body that feels more of a curse than anything,
It’s a lot, I know, you can delete this if you aren’t comfortable doing it (I’m 100% serious)
Thank you Eitherway and hope you have a good day
first of all, I’m so sorry that happened to you. back in high school, I was doused after classes so I can definitely understand your pain here. they are absolutely pathetic for even thinking about doing that to someone; they are total assholes because they acted on it too and I wish for it to haunt them one day when (or if) they mature. you did amazing on your way home that day - I hope that, with time, things will get better for you. you deserve great things. I haven’t written anything with all of the boys before but I wanted to give it a try for you to cheer you up. I wish you well, and I hope you can find comfort in our wonderful turtles!
« got your back »
tmnt x reader / angst + fluff
notes: 1.6k words, all turtles included, platonic relationship, gender neutral reader (no pronouns used,) first person pov, I was thinking of 2012 tmnt while writing this but it probably fits with most iterations.
I can’t believe I’m walking home in the dark, completely covered in miscellaneous goop. I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone about the date that was supposed to happen tonight because, if someone saw me right now, I don’t know what I would do. no public transport let me on covered in eggs and flour, the same for taxis, so now I’m stuck dragging myself home by my own two feet. they are awfully heavy despite my hurry to get back which doesn’t seem fair at all - it’s like my body is laughing at me in equal measure to the rest of the crowd back there.
put your head down and keep walking, put your head down and keep walking, put your—
“hey guys, look!” I stop in my tracks as soon as I hear that voice echo through the night sky. it sounded too much like mikey to simply ignore it.
“mikey, for the last time, shh! ninjas, remember?” that was definitely leo. they all must be up on a roof somewhere but I don’t dare to look up. my feet won’t move anymore regardless, they’re refusing to pick up and run. my body really does hate me tonight huh?
“mikey is right though, look down - hey there!” I slowly crane my neck towards the sound of their chatters and am met with possibly the worst sight I could see at this exact moment: all four of my mutant friends standing on a nearby roof, just as I suspected.
“hi everyone,” I give an awkward wave as they stare down at me.
“want to meet up at the entrance to the lair to hang? we’re just heading back,” raph calls out.
I need a plan, and fast.
thankfully, they can’t see that I’m covered in mush from where they are, but if I go to the lair then that will change. however, if I say ‘no’ to hanging out with them then they’ll get suspicious anyway and follow after me. they’re my best friends, my favourite thing in the whole world is hanging out with them. even if I genuinely can’t hang out we still find a loophole to be together.
either of these choices leaves me doomed to talk about this disaster of a night eventually so…
“sure, you go ahead and I’ll be there in a second.”
…I go with option one.
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I knew the boys would get there first so I’ve had more time to come up with some lame lie before I face them: one point to me. I slap on a brave face and a ridiculously wide smile in the hopes that it would distract them from what I have going on all over my clothes. taking a deep breath, I turn the final corner to enter the lair.
“hey bud!” mikey bursts through the rest of the guys and comes skipping towards me. I freeze and simply wait for him to see me in the light. “woah, what happened to you?”
after hearing mikey’s question, everyone starts to crowd in around me, thinking I had been hurt or something on the way here. to their surprise, I have no cuts or scrapes…just a bunch of different types of produce in my hair. they begin to mutter more questions but my mind is too hazy to hear them clearly, opting to stand there and stare into the space behind them. leo notices me zoning out pretty quickly and leads me to the seating area in the middle of the lair by my arm, the rest of the boys following with worry in their eyes.
I sit down on the couch; raph bends down in front of me, donnie sits on my right, mikey hangs over the back of the couch to lean on my left, and leo rests his hands on my shoulders from behind me.
“who did this to you? I’ll kill them, I’ll punch them into the ground I swear to god—“
“raph, calm down. we need to know what happened first before we start going haywire.” I’ve never seen donnie look so aggravated before. it looks like he secretly wants to join in with raph’s immediate anger instead of acting ‘rationally’ this time.
“no need for punching anyone or anything ha! I— uh— tripped while I was walking home and fell straight into a pile of garbage surrounding a dumpster. how clumsy of me ha! I’m so silly. I wasn’t watching where I was going and it was dark so…” my words trail off as I finally look directly at my friends. none of them are believing this story at all.
“tell us the truth, it’s alright. you’re safe here.” leo speaks with such a warm tone, it makes holding back my tears even harder than it already was.
“I’m fine! I promise I’m fine, really I just tripped!” I force my lips into a thin line, trying to twist them into some kind of smile, until mikey pokes at my cheek. I turn to him.
“please tell us what’s wrong.” is he giving me puppy eyes? damn it mikey…
I couldn’t push back my tears any longer and the flood gates exploded. I was in hysterics, sobbing so loudly it bounced off the walls of the lair. I couldn’t stop, each sob rippled through me and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. the boys cooed at me, all of them placing a hand somewhere on my body to ground me and to let me know that I’m not alone as I cried. they tried still asking me questions but I couldn’t get out any words, only heartbreaking whimpers left my mouth. they accepted their fate of silent sobs though and simply stayed beside me.
after a while, I’ve calmed down slightly, and I see the boys look at each other and nod in the corner of my blurry eyes. then, all of a sudden, raph and leo run off. they come back not long after with a basin of water, towels and some other things that I can’t quite see cradled in their large hands. my curiosity is answered in a split second though as the four begin to wipe away the dirt that covers me, still allowing me to ride out my cries in the meantime.
raph gets back into his bent position to gently clean my face, donnie and mikey clean down my arms, and leo starts to brush my hair the best that he can. it must be a brush that april keeps here at the lair, since I don’t think I’ve left one here before.
they continued like this - softly wiping and rinsing - until they were sure that they had done all they can do to rid me of this sticky mess, and until I was able to stabilise my breathing and speak somewhat clearly again.
“april is going to be mad that you got ketchup on her hairbrush,” I say lowly between hiccups. leo laughs and assures me that the brush is perfectly fine; no need to worry.
it is silent (apart from the sound of my sniffling) while they put down their tools and clear them away from the couch, until donnie speaks, “we don’t want to push you to talk but we are here to listen if you want to.”
maybe it is finally time to talk about it. as much as I don’t want to, I think I need to. I’m always the one with a bright smile and cheery attitude but I need to let that go for now. I need comfort, and I need to admit that to myself - even if it’s for this singular moment.
I begin to explain the story of the date and how it went terribly wrong - just the vital details to build the story rather than adding my feelings about it. being vulnerable like this isn’t my strong point so I need to prepare myself to talk about that part with truth and from the heart.
I can see the pure rage in raph’s eyes as he sits in front of me, his teeth grinding together and a low growl coming out of him. he goes to say something but donnie stops him with a hand on his shoulder. he gives red a pat and he seems to understand what he is signalling, inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed before fixing his posture to listen to me again.
“you know, I don’t know if I want raph to rough up him or rough up me at this point,” I let out a laugh to try and soften the atmosphere but the expressions of the boys tell me that it didn’t work. they look confused; sad. “a good rough up might fix whatever is wrong with me, because it’s obviously me. look at me! why else would he have made plans to humiliate me like that? what do I need to punch into shape - the way I look? the way I act?” I laugh again with the same intent as earlier despite knowing that it is going to do nothing to lessen the impact of my words.
“did he specifically make you feel like that?” raph says through gritted teeth, “that you’re not good enough?”
“no, I guess I’ve been feeling that way for a while. he just made it worse - a lot worse.” my eyes start to burn again with more tears. I’m surprised I’m not dehydrated yet.
mikey grabs my face in his hands, his eyes also look clouded with tears, “you are so beautiful. really, you are. I remember when I first saw you I was like ‘woah, they’re even prettier than the humans I see on tv!’ you don’t need to change anything about the way you look, I can tell you that for sure.”
“nor do you need to change anything about your personality or how you act,” donnie chimes in. “why do you think we like you so much? you’re awesome! you’re smart, kind, caring, plus you treat us like we’re golden and we’re literally in the sewers right now,” we all giggle at the last statement he makes.
leo pats me on the head, signally me to look up towards him, “you are the greatest friend we could have ever asked for, and if we need to remind you of that more then we will. you deserve to feel that you’re worthy and loved and I can tell you with certainty that you are when you’re here with us. there’s no need to hide from us, we’ve got you’re back.”
raph grabs my hand, “and seriously, if you want us to go and talk to that guy we will.”
“raph!” the others shout. I laugh at the slight panic hiding in their voices - it’s fully directed at their brother and his fists.
“what?! I said talk not bash into the ground so what do you want from me?!”
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I CAME BACK FROM THE MOVIE LIKE AN HOUR OR SO AGO- AND HOLLY CRAP- Here is some stuff I will say and I'll give my review at the end.
I love how to movie doesn't waste time and immediately jumps straight into action and also the backstory of it's soon to be main villain.
The designs are really nice I like them a lot. They are nice to look at. Maybe for some it might take a while to get used to but their decent at best.
I enjoy that right when we are introduced to the turtles they don't waste time showing their personalities.
This movie's angst inspiration definetelly came from the fandom lmao
like bro they just threw a bunch of angst in there.
Speaking of angst, I like how they immediately establish how much the turtles genuinely wanna be accepted into humanity and how they don't hold back on making sad scenes.
I don't mind Leo's crush. It's cute and I like how it's depicted. It's not that focused on which I don't really mind. I don't know where I sit with MM Aprilnardo, I'll wait until the series drops or we get a sequel and see what happens. If nothing happens between the two then I guess I won't be too hard into it. Unless maybe we see April and Leo both sharing feelings or something. Though if April politely rejects him I'll leave it at that. Again I still don't know where to sit with this ship.
Splinter is cool and funny. Also- we don't talk about that scene with him and scumbug-
The backstory for the characters is sad and I like how you can genuinely sympathize with them and it's not forced or anything.
I-I-I-I-I-I had to look away at the Puke scenes and the make out scene- Yeah I did get second hand embarrassment with this movie-
I enjoy how cringey it is- Like I get second hand embarrassment and yet it's funny to me-
MondoMikey shippers DNI. They are cousins in Mutant Mayhem.
I love how the movie's style is that of 87 and take more inspiration from the 87 version though to me the personalities for the characters were a mixture of rise and 2012 with some inclusion of 87 as well.
I actually watched this movie in my language not the english one. Sadly I didn't record any of the scenes so I can't show it to ya'll. :( Mainly cause I assumed it wasn't allowed to be recorded.
Shocked I didn't cry at certain scenes-
I enjoy that each character shines in his own way and all of them manage to do so.
Don't lay a finger on Leo... I will bite your legs off...
Sadly me and my papa didn't stay until the cliffhanger but I watched it on YouTube though.
The animation kind of seems messy but I do feel like it's something a little kid would design and considering this is a kids movie and all it's understandable. Though it gives us a lot of funny expressions xp
Story is unique, fight scenes really fun and amazing, the ending felt deserved and overall I enjoyed it.
Now, I know Superfly is a villain and all but if I'm gonna be honest- He didn't deserve death. I wish he got a redemption arc. He's just a broken villain who I ended up sympathizing and understanding. Yeah he wasn't doing the right thing but can you blame him?
Off topic but what gender is Leatherhead-? I kind of got confused ngl lmao
So in my opinion, it's either 8.5 or a 9/10. Mainly because there are some cringey scenes that I did cringe at and ngl I feel like certain scenes's pace was kind of a bit too fast. I don't know really-
BONUS: My papa's thoughts on the movie:
Found it cringe and stupid
He prefers the old TMNT
Prefers it when they stick to the shadows rather then go to high school
He thought Splinter was stupid and how he said the old one was a 'badass mothefucka'. His words not mine.
He prefers when Leo is really serious and calm, Raph a hot head and constantly wanting to smash things, Donnie being calm and smart and Mikey- Mikey he didn't mind since he said he is always stupid and a dumbass- (not really his words but close enough-)
He found the story not to be that really consistent and also the animation to him wasn't fluid. He didn't think it was the best or that good.
The story is interesting to him and unique and all though.
Don't hate my papa pretty please-
He pretty much grew on the 87 and OG comics. He kind of also probably had to deal with watching with me and my bro the TMNTs we grew up with. If anyone's curious, my bro grew up on the 2003 and kind of also 2012 since we both binged watched it a lot every time we came back home from school meanwhile I grew up on the 2012 but also in a way with 2003. Mainly since I have a few memories of seeing some episodes of it so I know some stuff.
Anyway- his score is a 6/10 for the movie and he says that is a VERY generous score.
Extra add in:
I realized my outfit looked similar to April's- Just- it had different colors and- I'm white as fu- Loved April a lot in this movie by the way.
I watched it with 3D glasses.
They were also selling masks of the TMNT. I only saw Raph, Mikey and Donnie but not Leo. I didn't buy one by the way-
I annoyed my dad with how much I was jumping and kicking my feet around.
And yeah that's all-
Loved the movie, I enjoyed it, I hope ya'll have enjoyed it as well and yeah!
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I've seen some fics/fan theories that the reason Donnie is so smart is because he got mutated with parts of Draxums and Lou Jitsu's dna. I don't think this is true, but it is fun food for thought. What do you think about theories like this?
I'm kind of...conflicted but also neutral on it? I think it would be very funny if Draxum was super careful to not get his DNA on the turtles but Donnie like...bit him and had a little scrap of skin stuck in his mouth or something. And from a pseudo-science standpoint it makes more sense-the turtles' human DNA is basically just cloned Splinter DNA, and Splinter is...not very smart. The changes in personality can be explained by their turtle halves, but it really doesn't make sense for a himbo brain and a spiny softshell brain to combine and form a supergenius. (though to be fair this can also be said for Leo's tactical brain) Plus there's the theatricalities. The love of botany. The eyebrows. There's a lot of similarities between Donnie and Draxum and I'm willing to bet the writers had something planned for the two of them in season 3.
But on the other hand I really like what this iteration did with the family relationship. I think this was the first time they're confirmed to be biologically related to Splinter (no wait, they were mutated with his DNA in 87 too, but ironically he doesn't call them his kids there)(though also ironically he's very dadlike in that iteration) and while I absolutely love found family, I really did like this take on it and how they incorporated it into the plot. I know Donnie having Draxum's DNA wouldn't change that, but I also wouldn't want Splinter or Donnie feeling like they were 'less' father and son because of it.
I'm also not sure how to feel about it setting him apart from his brothers? In 2012 there was the theory that only Donnie had Splinter's DNA-he was notably taller than his brothers with a significantly different build and facial structure, and he's the only brother with brown eyes. Leo and Mikey both had blue eyes while Raph had green-it's extraordinarily rare for a Japanese person to have those genes, so their human DNA likely came from a different source. (also now I'm picturing the 2012 gang emailing like...some guy who was in high school and had a part-time job at Petsmart in the nineties and telling him that he technically has three surprise mutant children) I think it...worked for that particular group and that particular Donnie, the angst of knowing he was different from his brothers, feeling shitty because Leo was still Splinter's favorite despite not actually being the kid related to him. (I love 2012 Splinter but he played favorites so hard)
I don't like how that would play out with this Donnie. Rise Donnie already feels very different from the rest of his family, and unlike past iterations his turtle half is not biologically related to his brothers and it's their human DNA that binds them together. Not that DNA is what makes a family, but like...Donnie would feel like it matters. I think that would give Donnie a complex in a very not good way. Though if they found out about this in the distant future where they've all forgiven Draxum for throwing Leo off a roof and fully accepted him as Dad 2, who knows, I could see him being smugly superior about it. (and you bet he'd fucking use it too. "I can't believe you won't buy me uranium, your ONLY FLESH AND BLOOD." He'd also call dibs on all of Draxum's shit in the will)
I mean, in the end it doesn't really matter. They're all brothers, Splinter's their daddy, and Draxum is Splinter's divorced ex and their creator/father. They're still a ridiculous family no matter what their blood says.
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
You seem cool to talk to! :D
Just got into transformers less than a week ago and Bumblebee is already my favorite yellow boy! Since you seem to like Bumblebee a lot too, what are your favorite Bumblebee moments? Also, WHAT'S THIS ABOUT HIM DYING TWICE?
(Also, I know you posted this like 3 days ago, but if you still want to talk about your ninja turtle angst, I'm also a turtle fan and I will listen!)
you think i'm cool omg giving you forehead kisses
favorite Bee moments!!!!
*shows up late to the big battle to save my planet* lol sorry there was traffic HE'S SO SILLY FOR THAT
also i really really loved Dylan O'Brian as Bee's voice at the start of the Bumblebee movie! Seeing as it's one of our only times hearing him within that universe, he did a fantastic job immediately adding the usual Bee mannerisms with his own twist!
all the Bee and Charlie hugs, they're soulmates your honor
the "oh captain my captain" line in the RotB movie 😭
Optimus confirming that Bee likes going to drive-in movies while he supposed to be on patrol
the Bee and Noah team up in the final battle of RotB
In Transformers Prime (one of my FAVORITE tv shows ever, and highly recommend if you're getting into Transformers!) Bumblebee's relationship with his human, Raf! They are THE big brother little brother duo
and yeah.... spoilers for the newer movies but he dies in the Bumblebee movie, gets revived by Charlie, THEN he dies in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, and he gets revived then as well! my poor boy is getting put through the wringer!!! let him rest!!!
the Mutant Mayhem universe becomes sort of like the "home base" for whenever the four groups get together, because they've got the biggest lair and it's very fun to hang out with all the other mutants as well without having to worry about getting hurt!
omg i have THE idea of the 2012 boys staying over in the MM universe, and ending up going to school with the MM boys, and being pleasantly surprised when they're greeted with smiles and handshakes and high fives, it's another reason they favor the MM universe
the Big Confrontation between 2012 Splinter and everyone else takes place on the 2012 boys' birthday 😌 that's all i'm saying
i want to write out a conversation between 2012 Leo and Bayverse!Splinter, because i love the idea that they click super well, so I can see Leo really opening up to him about everything that happened, especially considering the fact that Bayverse!Splinter, like MM!Splinter, was a rat before he was mutated
Because RotTMNT!Splinter was human before he was mutated, and therefore had a human history, i do think the 2012 boys take the longest to connect with him, just because they're worried history is going to repeat itself. they do have an emotional conversation with him that leads to Mikey calling him Papa Lou for the first time, and that's when that name catches on!
added angst is that Kirby died in this AU, so April gets some angst to since she's kind of always felt like a replacement for Karai, so dw my girl is gonna go through it as well!
the Bayverse boys + Bayverse!April and Casey are so so protective over everyone else, they are the most older siblings to ever older sibling, they love having little brothers and sisters, but hooooo boy during the Big Confrontation there is some cursing out and Bayverse!Casey may or may not have to be carried away by Mikey and Donnie
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twinklecupcake · 1 year
Out of every marvel property known to man to be turned into shoujo x-men was....was a Choice. The funniest thing to me was that they did the 'all boys school suddenly gets a girl student' trope. Ah yes we rescue mutant children from harms way but only if youre a boy.
The thing is I can kinda see their reasoning?
X-Men's got Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted, it's got a mostly-teen cast, there's plenty of teen angst potential… So I can see why they'd decide to give X-Men the shoujo treatment over anything else. But the way they went about it, HOOO BOI.
But also yeah, the whole thing with "Kitty is the only girl student ever" was so baffling and honestly pissed me off the more I thought about it.
It's weird too because! There ARE other girl Mutants in the franchise???
Jean Gray, Storm, Rogue… Jubilee?? The first episode of the Fox Kids cartoon focused on her! (Which also begs the question, why not use Jubilee as the manga's lead?) Hell, this manga has Kurt/Nightcrawler, where's Mystique?
And it's not like Kitty's the first or only girl Mutant, either - Storm appears as a teacher, and Jean Gray cameos as a portrait on the wall!
But sure, Kitty is the only girl student, the only girl Mutant in high school (I think they try to handwave it as 'oh, girls don't usually show powers' or some bs?)
I'm not even big into X-Men and even I know how wrong all of that is.
Honestly it was just a bad attempt to explain why she gets a whole dorm suite to herself, and why nearly every boy she meets either trips over themselves for her or is just strongly implied to be a potential love interest anyway.
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One scene that stays with me is when the teens are in gym class practicing their powers, and Kitty is told to phase through a thick and dense structure. She gets stuck halfway through and starts to panic, the rest of the class starts whispering that if she hasn't come out the other side yet, she might be trapped... And suddenly Kurt runs forward, bamfs in and out of the structure to retrieve her, and of course when he gets her out he's on one knee and is bridal-carrying her.
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ophelliate · 1 year
rambling about bootleg and the domino au because i can
Omfg I have so much to say about the bootleg fic that I can barely put into words.
Like I'm gonna put this in the notes for next chapter/episode but these comments are literally giving me life. I have a bad habit of not commenting on much myself but seeing all the love is so invigorating. This is my first ever fic; I've only been in the fandom for like two months, and people like it this much? Mind-blowing really. I'm forever grateful for those who stick around.
I'd also like to shout-out my friends who witnessed me entering into mania after finding out and learning how to code html just so I could get this silly fic up on ao3. I was laughing hysterically every time it was mentioned.
Speaking of bootleg episodes though, I got about two (2) things:
1.) I'm literally so excited for the first half of the season. It seems like I'm very much motivated by what makes me laugh when it comes to screenwriting and the season 1a episodes is basically just all goofs; they make me giggle every time I think about them. As of right now, episode 2 is finished with only coding needed to be done, and I've just gotten started on episode 3.
And I also whipped this up last night to share here.
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Plot synopsis'! For the rest of the season's first half at least. Each episode has something special to them, at least in my eyes, so I hope they're a treat for everyone else as well. I'm looking to release episodes on late night Thursdays since it was nice to see comments appear throughout the weekend, so look forward to SPORTS! Any% this Thursday at around 10/11pm EST!
2.) Uhhh yeah y'all are getting 14 episodes now.
The added episode will be in the back half of the season. At first I thought it'd be too boring of an episode for kids until friends told me it'd be hilarious and I was also reminded of similar episodes I rewatched a lot as a kid myself. The main goal of this fic after all is to make this like something I'd see in my childhood memories.
I don't want to give too much away for the second half of the season, but be ready for cats, guidance counselors, and a possible Twilight parody.
But okay okay, time to talk about the Domino AU:
This project really came to me on a whim just last week, like I felt a little inspired after watching Mutant Mayhem for what I think was the fourth time. Soon will be five times.
While I said I focus on comedy for my screenwriting, I can very confidently say it's rather the opposite with my prose. A lot of original fiction novels I wrote in high school focused on tragedy and angst, and the domino au definitely matches that previous catalogue. It won't be as angsty, I'll promise you that much, but it's definitely the yin to bootleg's yang.
I'll probably post an actual infodump/proper summary of the AU next week, and release a one-shot around Halloween time. But any main fic will likely be coming out after I finish season one of bootleg.
Unless I impulsively start a season two–
But anyways as you can see, mm has giving me so much inspiration. Honestly, if it didn't come out, I don't think I would've survived the summer, so I'm immensely thankful for its existence.
And if anyone read this far, have a nice day ^^
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
*flies in like magneto* can i get some exes to lovers™?
Do I have some exes to lovers fics for you? Yes I certainly do. It seems that the cherik fandom loves some exes to lovers cherik and I don't blame anyone because this ship really calls for all the angst. I hope you enjoy this list.
Exes to Lovers AU
Bound – FuryRed
Summary: Is there anything worse than someone else’s wedding? Well, perhaps your sister’s wedding- where the groom just has to invite his boss and that man just happens to be your ex-boyfriend; a person you had an extremely passionate and tumultuous relationship with that ended badly.
Charles hadn’t seen Erik for a year by the time Raven had told him about the wedding. He wasn’t looking forward to the occasion, particularly when Raven explained that they would be celebrating the event with a two-week extravaganza at a luxury hotel, meaning that Charles would be forced to spend a whole fortnight with the man who he’d given everything to; the man who had ultimately broken his heart…
Preheat to 350 (just for you remix) – ikeracity
Summary: Charles realizes he's in love with Erik. But there's one tiny little problem: he just broke up with Erik.
Thread Through a Needle – Black_Betty
Summary: Erik and Charles are broken up. Neither of them want to be.
Carry Me Anew (Frost & Darkholme Remix) – kianspo
Summary: While working as a model for Raven and Emma's clothing line, Erik experiences a strong attraction to his shoot partner. These things happen, except Erik has a boyfriend, who does not take this at all well.
Linger like a tattoo kiss – ikeracity
Summary: Six months apart gives Erik a lot of time to think about what he really wants.
(Erik's POV from Carry Me Anew (Frost & Darkholme Remix) by kianspo)
Symphysis – ikeracity
Summary: After Charles and Erik broke up four months ago, Charles convinced himself he'd never see Erik again. But life has a funny way of bringing people back together.
Call/Response – phalangine
Summary: Charles and Erik have a real conversation for the first time since breaking up. Charles is looking to avoid confrontation. Erik is not.
Regression Therapy – Fantine_Black
Summary: O, God, he’d made a terrible mistake. Whatever he’d expected to find here, Erik was still Erik, a man he’d moved continents to avoid. In retrospect, that felt like a rather good idea…
Four years after Charles walked away from Professor Lehnsherr, the two meet again for a drink.
Because things are better the second time round, aren't they?
Forever is Only a Drunk Dial Away – bettysofia
Summary: Charles is sad and drunk and stalking Erik's Instagram.
Shop Space – Caradee
Summary: Charles and Erik break up but still meet at their favorite coffee shop and manage a completely friendly relationship. The kids who work the coffee shop don't understand it, Charles' overprotective twin brother doesn't understand it, and even Charles doesn't understand it. Then, Erik shows up with a new date, someone who seems to be everything that Charles is not.
How will the Professor handle the surprising heartbreak that comes seeing Erik with someone else?
Mutant House at Dead Kings College – mabyn
Summary: When it comes to romance, Charles has terrible timing.
Can You Feel My Heart – FuryRed
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr hates Charles Xavier.
It’s as true as the words written on the wall in the bathroom at the university that Erik attends. Erik sees them one day- accompanied by a crude drawing of Erik and Charles glaring at each other- and recognises the truth of the sentence, and smiles.
He hates Charles.
Believe (One More Time) – luninosity
Summary: For the prompt, Charles and Erik dated during college and had a bitter break-up right before graduation. It's five years later and they both meet again at their class's reunion for a weekend. Someone was even stupid enough to have them room with each other for the weekend...
Old Flame Burning – TurtleTotem
Summary: It's ridiculous for Charles to dread meeting the best man at his sister's wedding, just because he shares a name with Charles's ex. It's not as though it could possibly be the same Erik.
Don’t speak to the bartender – Wild_Imagination
Summary: Logan is a bartender, it's a gloomy evening, and in his bar there's someone with a broken heart. But this is not a movie.
Somewhere I’m Going & Have Never Been Before – Yahtzee
Summary: In late December 1984, Charles falls victim to the terrible pandemic sweeping across the globe. He's sick, probably dying, and utterly alone in an isolated cabin...until he's not.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland – TurtleTotem
Summary: Charles hasn't seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He's certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
Lean On Me – SpiritsFlame
Summary: Ten years ago, Charles and Erik split up, dividing their six kids between them. None of them expect them to meet at summer camp. And no one could have predicted the results.
It was a yellow umbrella spring – ikeracity
Summary: Three years after Charles left for Oxford, Erik discovers that Charles is coming back to New York.
Second chances are wonderful things.
My heart above my head – annejumps
Summary: Emma thinks her coworker Erik and her friend and fellow telepath Charles should get together. No one expects things to get so intense so quickly.
The Edge of What Doesn’t End – populuxe
Summary: When a mysterious object appears on the moon, Moira MacTaggert calls in two experts with very specific mutations to investigate.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, after years of breaking up and getting back together again, those two experts have finally broken up for good—and they’re the last people in the world who should be stuck together on a spaceship.
Exit Wounds – LemonadeGarden
Summary: It's been eight months since Charles and Erik had a fight that broke apart their marriage. When a mutant rights protest goes awry and Charles begins to get sick, past memories and present obstacles begin to blur the lines of their ideological differences.
Alternatively: Charles and Erik learn how to fall in love again in troubled times.
Note: Unfinished
11 Days, 8 Hours and 12 Minutes (or Bruises, Stupidity and Anger Management) – ximeria
Summary: For six months, Erik and Charles have been the disgustingly happy couple of the school. Considering their pigheadedness and general communication skills (or lack thereof), things are bound to go boom at some point.
Moon Song – ikeracity
Summary: Werewolf AU. When Charles is captured by hunters, Erik and his pack go after him. It turns out there might be some room for redemption left for both of them after all.
I will Never Stop Loving You – swoopswoop
Summary: Erik and Charles split up three years ago but Erik never really got over it and then one day when the man who walked out of his life three years ago is walking down the street towards him, Erik sees an opportunity to mend fences.
Please leave your message after the tone – ikeracity
Summary: Spending his evening getting shitfaced and pining over Erik seems like a totally productive use of Charles's time. Luckily, it turns out to be a better idea than it sounds.
When the Spell Breaks – kianspo
Summary: Erik, a high-profile lawyer with a successful career, meets a 21-year-old grad student in a bar, and within a few short months marries him. He and Charles are blissfully happy, until Erik's boss runs a background check on Charles and discovers he's been cheating on Erik. Charles denies everything, as there was no affair, but Erik doesn't believe him and throws him out. As Charles tries to figure out how to survive and stay at school that he can no longer afford and makes a lot of bad if not plain dangerous choices, Erik has to fight his own battle of discovering the truth and winning Charles back.
We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven (the things you love don’t last remix) – hllfire
Summary: Charles hands Erik the signed divorce papers, but Erik has changed his mind. Too late, it seems. All he can do is go forward with the divorce.
A year later, Charles comes back, and Erik can't help but wanting to see him. The only problem is things don't go like Erik had planned.
Suddenly There’ll Be a Blizzard (Let it Snow Remix) – kianspo
Summary: Charles was never at his best while jetlagged, but locking himself out in a snowstorm while barely dressed might be a new low. The last thing he expected was to be rescued by his high school nemesis, the man he hadn't seen in over ten years, who might have broken his heart for good once upon a time.
Write this number down (you can call it anytime) – pocky_slash
Summary: When Erik upsets his children, they have a habit of running away from home--and straight to Charles' school for cookies and consolation. Charles doesn't mind the visitors, but as they appear more and more frequently, he realizes that sooner or later, he and Erik are going to have to talk about what happened on the beach and what it means for their future and the future of Erik's children.
All we do is break up (and make up) – Stuckyl0v3r
Summary: "So instead of making the most out of this next months, because you don't know where either of you is going to end up, you decided to stay away from each other to get used to the feeling?" Hank summed up, stopping in front of the class. Charles nodded his head confidently and beamed at him, but somehow his smile didn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, something like that."
Well, that was the most idiotic plan Hank's ever heard.
Three wheels of cheese and a Great White – ximeria
Summary: Charles and Erik were friends with benefits in college.
They went their separate ways and 18 years later, they run into each other in New York.
The sex was never a problem back in college - and sex was all it had been. But now Erik is a divorced father and Charles has admitted to himself he needs more than just sex in a relationship. So in their usual round-about way they try to navigate becoming friends after so many years. The whole quest is aided by Raven, Edie, Wanda and Pietro (and a large number of shark jokes).
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Soft Pretzel
A request by @ittoehurt in which the reader has been feeling sick lately and finds out they are pregnant with Peter’s kid. But she isn't sure if he would even want to have a kid with her. I put my own little twist on it, I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: None really, mostly pure fluff, a little angst
Word count: 1780
You were currently huddled over a toilet throwing your soft pretzel up. Jubilee was with you holding your hair back. “I’m so sorry Jubilee.” You choked out in between your sickness. You laid your head against the toilet bowl, much to her protests. 
“No honey it’s okay.” She reassured you by moving your head from the public toilet to lay on her shoulder. You wrapped your arms around your stomach as if willing it to keep down your food. 
“You can leave me here, go have fun with Kurt and the gang.” You smiled weakly and she just softly shook her head at you.  You guys were supposed to be having a fun day at the carnival,  when you suddenly felt sick and rushed off to the bathroom. Peter had wanted to go with you but Jubilee insisted that he couldn't just go into a woman’ bathroom like that. 
“I am not leaving you here. You know that.” She brushed your hair away from your face. “I told you not to eat that carnival food, it always makes me sick.” She wrinkled her nose at the thought of even eating anything at the pop up carnival. Especially when she  saw the buckets of grease that everything was marinating in. Peter had eaten something from every stand as you guys had walked around together and he was in no mindset to stop soon. But for once he felt his appetite disappear as he waited for you outside of the bathroom. His foot anxiously tapping against the pavement. 
Truth be told you knew it wasn’t the pretzel was what had made you so sick. You had woken up on many occasions recently hurling into a toilet, you were always careful to never wake Peter up when you slipped out of bed to spill your guts. It had been a while since your last period as well. Your suspicions were confirmed when you took a pregnancy test a couple days ago. You had driven to the store to buy one after your morning classes. Peter wasn't home in your shared apartment when you took it, and when you saw those two lines appear you knew you were screwed. You had sat in the bathroom for god knows how long crying a mix of tears.
You and Peter had been together for a while now. You had met him in high school in your science class, he was your lab partner. He cracked some dumb chemistry joke and you fell in love with him right then and there. You guys started dating and at homecoming he admitted that he was a mutant, he had been so nervous on how you would react. He loved you so much and he hated the idea of ruining it because he was different. But you could care less, you told him that it didn't change the way you felt about him and when you said you thought his superspeed was really cool he was whipped. You guys had been together a couple years now, you had even taken the next step and moved in together, not wanting to spend the rest of your days making out in his mom’s basement. He had become a member of the x-men and you took classes at the local university. Everything seemed so perfect. And now there was a chance of ruining it all. You and Peter were in your early 20’s you two hadn’t even talked about having children, heck you hadn't even thought about it yourself. You didn't even know if he would want a kid with you, he was so young and this was both of yours first relationship. You felt as if you were going to tie him down to something he never even wanted. 
You bit your lip debating on telling Jubilee what had been bugging you for the past few weeks. She saw your brow furrowed and turned to face you. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick again.” She got up to leave. “I’ll go get you some water.” You grabbed her hand before she could leave. 
“The pretzel isn't what made me sick.” You admitted quietly, curling into yourself even more. She silently urged you to go on, sitting back down and taking your hands in hers. 
“I’m pregnant,” You admitted, staring at your lap, not wanting to meet her eyes, in fear that you would see disappointment in them. 
The bathroom was eerily quiet until Jubilee let out a happy squeal and tackled you in a hug. You nearly fell over onto the floor. 
“Omg (y/n)!!! You and Peter are going to have a kid together!! They’re going to be so cute! Especially if they look like you, I don’t know how they’ll look if they get Peter’s genes.” She rambled happily. You let out a little laugh at her excitement, but your heart was still heavy. 
She calmed herself down and her tone turned serious. “Have you told Peter yet?’
You fiddled with your hands. “No I haven’t.”
“How come?’ It wasn’t a judgmental question that Jubilee asked and you could sense the question was more for your benefit than for his. 
“I just don't know he would even want a kid with me. We’re both so young and I don’t want to trap him into a relationship he never wanted.” You admitted, tears threatening to form.
“Oh Honey.” Jubilee pulled you into a tight hug. “Peter loves you so much, I just know he would want a kid with you. It might be a shock but he’s talked about spending his life with you.”
“Yes really, that boy is so whipped for you it’s so funny.” She joked as she pulled away. She wiped your tears away gently and helped you off the floor. “You should tell him though, it's only fair.” You nodded your head in agreement and you excited the stall together. 
“Can you give me a minute to fix myself? I look like a mess.” You laughed. 
“Sure.” Jubilee left you alone to tidy yourself in the mirror. The minute she stepped out of the bathroom Peter bombarded her with questions.
“How is she? Is she okay? Does she wanna go home?” 
“Chill out she’s fine.” Jubilee replied, trying her best to hide her smile. She turned to Kurt and the rest of the gang. “Let’s go get a spot to watch the fireworks, (y/n) and Peter will catch up later.” 
They left Peter to his thoughts and he began to wonder why she wanted to leave you two all alone. The longer he sat there the more his thoughts drifted to negative ones. You came out a couple minutes later and Peter was immediately by your side. “Hey I missed you, are you okay?” You smiled at him nervously and took his hand in yours. “We need to talk.” Peter felt his heart stop at those words, but squeezed your hand in response. 
You led him over to an empty bench that was at some distance from the rest of the crowd. “Peter I-”
Before you could even continue Peter interrupted you. “Are you breaking up with me?” He asked in a small voice. 
“What no.” You cupped his face with both your hands. “No, nothing like that I could never break up with you. I love you too much.” You kissed him softly and he returned it. You pulled away running your thumb absentmindedly across his cheek. He moved his hand to cup yours. 
“What is it then?” You felt your heart pounding in your chest, drowning out all the noise around you. 
You wet your lips before meeting his gaze. “I’m pregnant Peter.” You were met with silence and immediately you took it as a rejection and started to ramble. “It’s yours but don't worry I’m not asking for anything and if you don’t want to have the kid I can raise them on my own. I can go back with my parents and I-”
“You're pregnant?” Peter repeated softly a smile starting to form on his lips. “I’m going to be a dad.” You nodded your head silently. “I’m going to be a dad!” He screamed lunging towards you and picking you up. He spun you around in circles, his head buried in the crook of your neck. 
“Peter!” You squealed. He gently set you back down and held your face in his hands. 
“You’re not mad?”
“Mad? (y/n) I couldn't be happier!” Your face broke out in a smile. “I love you so much, we’re going to be amazing parents!” He took you back in his arms, holding you tight and pressing kisses to the top of your head. You felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulder. “We have to tell the gang!”
Peter wanted to get there as fast as possible but settled for walking when he realized that the sudden speed might upset your stomach. “Peter I’m not that delicate.” You protested. 
“Not taking any chances babe! You’re carrying very precious cargo!” He rubbed your stomach slightly as if there was a bump there already. You let out a light laugh and he pulled you even closer. When you met up with the rest of the gang the fireworks had already started. Peter scared everybody by shouting at the top of his lunges that he was going to be a dad. He slapped Scott on the back with a hearty laugh nearly knocking his sunglasses off.
 “Watch it, Maximoff.” Jean stifled a laugh next to him. “Good luck spending the rest of your life with that idiot.”
You laughed and and Peter whined. “Babeeee.” 
Jubilee pulled you into a side hug, watching as Peter told random strangers that he was going to be a Dad, they just awkwardly congratulated him and he smiled proudly. “I see he took the news well.” 
“What!” Peter exclaimed as he sped back to your side. “You told Jubilee before me!” He proclaimed with mock hurt. You just rolled our eyes and nudged him playfully. 
“Yeah cause she likes me better!” Jubilee joked pulling you closer to her. 
Peter yanked you back to his side. “Not in a million years Lee.” He kissed the top of your head. You guys settled onto the grass with the rest of the group, you leaned back into Peter’s chest. He rested his head in the cook of your neck inhaling your scent. “Thank you.” He whispered.
You closed your eyes at his soft touch. “For what?”
You felt him smile and hug you closer, hands resting gently on your stomach. “For giving me everything I could have ever wanted.”
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tricktster · 5 years
the twilight series suddenly makes 100% more sense if you read them under a specific premise that, i contend, is heavily supported by the text:
Much like Amy’s diary in Gone Girl, the books in the Twilight Saga are verbatim reproductions of in-universe diary entries carefully and deliberately created and curated by badass unreliable narrator Bella Swan as a means to achieve immortality.
Prerequisite assumptions:
1) Bella actively and persistently wants to become a vampire, both diagetically and (I contend) non-diagetically. The average vampire novel format often fails to capture realistic human behavior in one highly specific area: the protagonists are frequently mortals who grapple with the choice of whether to become a vampire. This is stupid, because being a vampire would obviously be dope as hell; particularly in the Twilight Universe, where vampires are not required to take a human life to survive, and indeed, have the capacity to live full and rewarding lives while integrated* into the human community.
(*integrated-ish; see Assumption 6)
2. There are too many coincidences for Bella to have encountered the Cullens by sheer chance, only to be the ONE person that Edward can’t live without (due largely to the novelty factor of not being able to read her ding-dang thoughts.)
3. Diagetically, the Volturi don’t even know Bella’s psyonic gifts until New Moon, but we also know that the Volturi scour the globe for recruits to enlist into the protection of their governing body.
4. Nobody wants to be a voiceless cog in a bureaucracy.
5. Nobody, and especially nobody in high school, wants to be a high school student forever.
6. Vampires in twilight are, as a group, cartoonishly terrible at disguising their true nature.
7. Forks is a backwater town approximately 3.5 hours away from the biotech hub of Seattle.
7. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney can eat my farts and they deserve to be preserved in this snapshot of an innocent author’s mind slowly unraveling.
Proposed timeline:
In 1993, there is a key system meltdown at a improvised biohacking startup in Seattle, rendering all innovative genetic modification experiments into a puddle of brown sludge that nobody can figure out how to dispose of per Federal regs, since they don’t even know what it is.
The broke founder of the startup, who for the purposes of this timeline I will call Jeff Bezos because that’s who it was, eventually grows tired of all the discussion about what to do, and just pops it in a barrel, drives a few hours out of town, and dumps it in a pond.
Bella Swan, a small child, is hanging out at a park with her family friend Jacob Black (and a ton of his friends) when they all decide to wade in a slightly murky pond. Thereafter, they are transformed.
Bella grows up as a normal, highly powerful mutant with a +20 to deception checks and wisdom saves. She lives in Arizona, but up until 2002, summers in Forks. While in Forks, she picks up on the local lore about a family of vampires who don’t eat people.
Because Forks (population: 17 + Charlie’s mustache) is boring, Bella bones up on the only interesting thing about it, i.e. Vampire Hometown baybeeeee.
In 2000, George W. Bush gets elected president, and his evangelical politics and general bumbling ineptitude informs Bella’s opinions on authoritative governmental entities.
In 2001, the Cullens make their intention to move back to Forks known, but they take a while because they need to pack all their stupid graduation hats and volvos, etc.
Later in 2001, a psychic Volturi scout rolls through Forks to ensure that nobody within living memory recalls the Cullens, and notices an anomaly in the psychic field.
The scout goes to confront Bella about joining the Volturi, and Bella immediately clocks him as a vampire, because vampires in the Twilight Universe fucking suck at looking/acting human. This leaves the scout in a bind: she’s too valuable to kill, but she’s a pre-teen, and therefore too young to be transformed per Volturi authority.
The scout warns her he’ll have to kill her if she discusses the existence of vampires with any human. He then tells her he’ll be back in five years, and begins to sweet talk her on how good life will be when she’s a vampire, beautiful, immortal, powerful, etc. Bella asks if she has to kill, and dude says “nah, actually there’s a bunch of vegetarian vampires who are moving back here soon. Fucking nerds, but otherwise they’re doing well.” Bella is all about becoming a vampire, because Bella is a rational actor.
Bella moves to Arizona, and as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are unjustifiedly initiated, she recognizes that while she DOES want to be a vampire, she does NOT want to be a foot soldier in any war that she can’t support. She needs a plan.
In 2004, Bella is watching her step-dad’s minor league baseball game when it occurs to her. On her own, she’s a target for the Volturi, but if she had some people to watch her back, she might be okay. Of course, nobody fucks with the Volturi on behalf of some rando human. She’ll need to con her way into a coven who’ll have her back and also give her that +10 to constitution via vampiric transformation, which she desperately wants because she’s a rational actor. And where are the non-volturi vampires that might have her back? Fucking Forks.
Bella moves to Forks in 2004, and upon seeing the Cullens, she immediately clocks them as vampires even though they left their “we’re all vampires” booty shorts at home, because, as previously discussed, vampires in the Twilight Universe fucking suck at looking/acting human.
Bella notes that all the vampires but one are paired off in heterosexual bliss, and takes note of the straggler as a potential vehicle to vampyrdom.
Bella figures out that Eddie can read everyone’s mind but hers, because Edward Cullen fucking sucks at looking/acting like a human who can’t read minds. Bella further observes that Eddie has a huge undead boner for her.
She’s found her mark. Now she just needs to convince him that she’s better off as part of the coven than on her own. Problem: Eddie’s a self-pitying insufferably guilt-striken perpetual adolescent who keeps himself busy by feeling sorry for himself because he’s a vampire, angst angst angst etc etc. Also, I think he’s Catholic, so add some more guilt in. She’ll have to win him over by convincing him that they’re destined to be soulmates.
What does a vampire used to having complete insight into everyone’s mind but his crush’s want? A method to know what she really thinks of him. Bella begins writing a “diary” knowing that there’s no way in hell Eddie won’t sneak in and read it. So she Gone Girls it, and begins to lay a trap to lure him in. That first diary? Twilight.
This was just in the movie but a stoner chases her around with a worm on a stick. Nothing to do with this theory, I just like that part of the movie. Where’s my spinoff about that guy?
Eddie won’t give Bella what she wants (eternal life) by the end of book 1, even though she asks him to EXTREMELY POLITELY. Time to hit the diary with some more promises of undying love.
Bella reconnects with her old friend Jacob and the rest of the Mutated By Jeff Bezos Boys. Alas, they cannot turn her into a physically powerful sexy immortal with a bite, so she’s still stuck with plan A) win over a whole family of vampires with big Mormon energy. It’s the long con.
Edward’s angst abruptly takes a swing towards terminal. He’s absolutely your classic sadboy, perhaps because Bella now has one (1) friend that he knows about.
When Eddie begins to drift away on account of Angst, Bella conjurs up a secondary love interest who, coincidentally, is ALSO a sexy supernatural entity, and is much less coincidentally just Jacob.
We should establish here that Edward is like a 107 year old white dude and so even though Diary!Bella pretends not to see it, Metatextual Frame Story!Bella knows that dude is super racist.
Jacob Black is three things: 1. Like Bella, a mutant (although one with shapeshifting abilities), 2.one of Bella’s oldest and most trusted confidants, and 3. down to clown on an elderly teenage vampire who keeps stereotyping him. Sure, says Jacob, I’ll take the form of a werewolf. He seriously thinks we’re all just beastmen, huh? Hey look at me now, I’m Regis Philbin because this is 2005 and Who Wants to be a Millionaire is still sort of relevant. Sick.
Edward does not like that Bella has one (1) other friend. Bella and Jacob plot to use this to their advantage and lure Edward back on the wings of jealousy.
Eddie gets himself into trouble on account of Angst and poor communication, so Bella has to go rescue him from himself/the Volturi.
Aro finally meets her and gets to test her powers, which impress him. Now she’s back on the fucking radar.
I forget everything that happens in Eclipse, so i have chosen to omit that part.
Eventually she extracts a quid pro quo from Eddie; i’ll marry you if you turn me into a dracula.
We don’t really call ourselves that, Wet Blanket Cullen replies, entirely earnestly.
Bella gets married at 18 in 2006, and Eddie starts to backtrack his promise about changing her. This won’t stand.
Well, look, he’s an elderly guilty catholic/mormon teen who probably still uses super racist terms, but she’s stuck on honeymoon island, he has certain angles that work for him, and seriously what are they gonna do but fuck? Bella’s alternative is listening to her “husband” drone on about his interests, which are almost certainly Car, How Do I Post a Minion Picture on Facebook, and Licorice Used To Be a Lot Cheaper in the Good Old Days.
Whoops a fetus.
Bella recognizes that she’s GOT to have this baby: time’s running out, and Bella knows that at least two of the Vamps in her coven will cut ties if she terminates or otherwise fails to carry this baby to term because of the conservative religious subtext. She’s going to have to stick it out for 9 months, even though it’s a risky call.
Bella gets what she wants after giving birth. “My time as a human is over, but I've never felt more alive. I was born to be a vampire.” That’s a direct quote. Except now she’s got a (pretty cute and easy) baby that she desperately wants to protect from Turning Into A Vaguely Religious Cullen Dressed Head To Toe In Cream Colored Wool.
Bella decides to fake her own death and escape with the kid and Jake so they can form i guess a detective agency. Bella will get “killed” by the Volturi, move to Sydney, and open up shop, and Jake will take the kid after her a few months later.
They’re gonna need a reason why Jake gets the kid though, and there’s only one reason to do anything amongst the Cullens: a heterosexual love interest with a super problematic age gap.
Jesus, Jake sighs, is Eddie really going to believe I’m in romantic love with your actual infant? Does he really think that little of me?
Bella tries to draw the Volturi’s attention.
Works too well.
The Cullens call up all their vague acquaintances, who are at least kind of fun. Particularly that one dude who keeps getting angry about British conduct during the American Revolution.
Well, fuck, now the Volturi are bringing an army to fight their ragtag army of Vampires Who Are Cool And Interesting Enough That We Can Safely Presume They Are All Definitely Gay. Bella can’t let those guys die, they’re the first actually compelling vampires she’s ever talked to.
Bella saves the day because she’s OP.
All the Cool Vamps start packing up to leave and Bellz almost goes with them, but the Cullens would just keep sending missionaries after her if they knew.
Bella finishes her fourth journal with the vague warning that the Volturi are still out there somewhere and they miiiight just try and get her.
Two days later, she stages a scuffle and gets the fork out of Fucks. Her journals are the only clue.
Sirius Black and baby nessie follow once edward has stopped sobbing into his cream colored sweater and moved on to Extended Power Pouting.
Bella recruits her own army of fledglings.
Bella stages a coup against the Volturi and succeeds.
Bella sits on the iron throne with a hot lady vampire on each knee and they all kiss and stuff.
Nessie I guess forms a post punk band?
Edward dies from aspiration of a brussel sprout that he ate because he just wanted to feel something.
Charlie and Billy get married.
Charlie’s mustache develops a cult instagram following, providing them with a modest retirement income.
Jacob shapeshifts into Bill Murray and is always crashing weddings.
Bella’s stepdad is off in the B plot this whole time winning the world series with the help of a kooky angel.
There. Fixed. My soul is at rest.
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Deja Vu - Y/N’s Origin Story
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Mutant!Reader
Summary:  Summary: When your Uncle and guardian dies you get pulled into a world of superheroes and conspiracy theories, while dealing with the darkness inside of you. What you don’t expect is for someone from your past to come walking into your life.
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, mentions of death, very brief mentions of cheating
Words: 2356
A/N: I wanted to give Y/N a little bit of a backstory so Torres is only briefly in this, I’ve tried to google how old he is in the show, but I can’t really find anything so I’m going with 25/26! This part is set in high school! Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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masterlist   moodboards 
Y/N’s Origin Story
All it took was one last swipe of your chocolate scented lip-gloss and an uneasy smile at your reflection in your bedroom mirror for you to feel excited. You were going out with your old friend, Marcie and a couple of her friends, you hadn’t seen Marcie outside of school in ages and you were looking forward to seeing her.
You heard a soft knock on your doorframe and you glanced over your shoulder, your uneasy smile widened into a grin when you saw it was your Uncle and guardian, “Hi, Uncle Tony,” you smiled as you slid your brand new jacket onto your shoulders.
“You look great kid, you need a ride?”
With a shake of your head you walked over to him and pressed a kiss against his cheek, “it’s okay, Marcie is meeting me outside the ice cream place.”
Tony nodded and smiled, “okay, gave fun kid and don’t go near those factories!” he called after you as you reached the door.
You bit your lip as you stopped in your tracks, refusing to glance back at him, scared that he would see the blatant deceit on your face, “I won’t,” you replied quickly, almost wincing as you did so, the lie tasted heavy and sour on your tongue, “see you later, Uncle Tony.”
It was a beautiful afternoon in Malibu as you made your way down the boiling hot tarmac street and you could hear the waves crashing against the sand, you wanted to go to the beach. The sun on your face felt amazing and it put you in such a good mood, you had been doing well lately, you were finally moving on. As you reached the ice cream parlour, you realised that Marcie wasn’t here yet so you decided to go and get ice creams for you both.
“Hi Taylor,” you smiled at the lady behind the counter.
“Y/N! Would you like your usual?” she beamed.
“Yes please,” you nodded.
You took no notice of the guy in front of you, until Taylor handed you a bag of the white chocolate in the cute little cat shapes. The guy in front snickered as he looked back at you and you found yourself blushing as he gave you a teasing smile, he was really cute.
“Do you not like ice cream or something?” his voice was deep and warm, almost like honey.
With a smirk on your face, you exchanged a glance with Taylor, this guy must be new here, “I love ice cream, this place just does the best toppings,” you laughed, shaking the back at him as you popped one into your mouth, “want one? Even though you were rude about them.”
The boy laughed as he delved long fingers through his thick dark hair and he shook his head, “I’m Joaquin by the way.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Joaquin,” you laughed as Taylor handed you your ice creams, “see you around,” you smirked before walking towards the door. You didn’t look back but you felt his eyes following you.
As you stepped into the blinding sun, Marcie was walking down the street and grinned at you as she lifted her hand in a wave.
“Hey girl,” you beamed at her as she pulled you into a hug, “I missed you,” you handed her a sugar cone.
“Thank you!” she grinned, “I missed you too.”
Marcie linked her arm through yours as you walked down the street together, “Ruby and Abbie are meeting us by the factory, I need to talk to you about something first.”
You had told Tony that you would stay away from the factory but you’d never been before and you didn’t want to be left out. Nothing was going to happen but Tony was a worrier, “what did you want to talk about?” you asked curiously and there was no mistaking the bashful look that spread across Marcie’s face, her eyes shining like the stars.
“I might have a boyfriend,” she giggled and you smiled with a delighted gasp, you were so happy for her, she deserved someone who was as amazing as her. Your mind briefly flashed back to the cute boy you talked to in the ice cream parlour and you hoped that he wasn’t just here for the summer, you’d never seen him around before.
“Really? What’s his name?”
“I like to call him by his surname which is Torres, he just moved here but he won’t be going to our school, but that’s all the information that I’m going to give you because I don’t want to jinx it.”
You snickered as you rolled your eyes, “well you chose the right guy, all of the guys in our school are losers.”
“Don’t tell Ruby or Abbie.”
“I promise,” you smiled.
Ruby and Abbie greeted you with warm hugs as you proceeded to explore the factory grounds and the abandoned area around it. You decided that you wanted to get closer to the factory so with a burst of bravery you turned to your friends, “I’m gonna jump the fence and take some cool photographs.”
“Be careful!” Abbie smiled and you nodded.
“Yeah, yeah,” you muttered before hopping the wire fence easily.
You walked a distance away from your friends until the sounds of their happiness faded away and all that was left was the quiet and the quiet thump of what was going on in the factories. It was so eerie but it was so cool and you began taking some creepy photographs that would be great for your blog.
“Y/N!” Marcie screamed and you turned to look at her, she was waving her arms up and down and she screamed something else that you couldn’t decipher.
You frowned, but before you could even blink there was a huge boom behind you, knocking you off your feet, you must have hit your head as you stumbled to the rocky ground because your vision blurred and darkness overtook your vision. 
A few moments later, you gasped in immense pain, it felt like your eyes were on fire, it felt like your blood was on fire. You groaned in pain as your friends crowded around you before a bloodcurdling noise filled the air and it was a couple of moments before you realised that the noise was falling from your lips in a scream. 
You were so tired that your eyes slipped shut of their own accord and you succumbed to darkness again. You should have just gone to the beach
Tony pushed open the doors to the hospital and sped down the hallways, as soon as he got the news about Y/N being in a coma he got to the hospital as quickly as he could. Three of Y/N’s friends; Marcie, Ruby and Abbie were sitting in the waiting room looking very nervous and worried. Tony clenched his jaw and pushed his rage down. What the hell had these girls done for Y/N to be in a coma?
He approached the 15 year olds, his hands shaking and Marcie looked up at him all the blood draining from his face, “what happened?”
“Mr Stark,” Marcie started to stutter and stammer but Tony wasn’t having any of it and he tried to keep a straight face.
“Please!” he kept his voice as calm as he could, “tell me what happened, I promise, you’re not in any trouble.”
Ruby nervously wringed her hands together as she bit her lip and looked at her friends before she sighed and turned back to Tony, “we were at the factories downtown,” she paused, almost like she was trying to gain the courage to tell Tony what had happened. Anger boiled in Tony’s blood but he knew that he had to keep calm, “Y/N hopped the wire fence because she wanted to take some photographs and there was an explosion. She lost conscious for a couple of moments before she woke up and screamed before passing out again, and that’s when we called an ambulance. Her eyes were strange, they,” she trailed off and shuddered.
“What was wrong with her eyes?” Tony prompted, biting his lip.
Ruby shook her head as tears filled her eyes, “I can’t, Mr Stark. I’m sorry.”
Tony sighed and shook his head, reminding himself that they were only kids, “it’s alright kid, I’m just glad that she wasn’t alone.”
Tony grabbed himself a cup of coffee and began to pace the length of the hallway, his mind swirling with worry; he hoped that she was going to be okay. He couldn’t lose her, he just couldn’t. After about half an hour of waiting, he was approached by one of the doctors, “Mr Stark, your niece is awake if you’d like to see her.”
“Of course, thank you!” Tony shook the doctor’s hand gratefully as the doctor led him to Y/N’s room.
Y/N was sitting up in her bed, she looked tired but she didn’t look like she was particularly hurt, a feeling of great relief washed over him. She tried to smile at him as she shot him a guilty look, “Uncle Tony, I’m sorry that I lied to you,” she started to babble, clearly distressed as she raked a hand through her tangled hair.
Tony laughed a little, his anger seemed to dissipate at the sight of her awake, he shook his head as he crossed the room in long strides and wrapped her in a gentle hug so he wouldn’t hurt her, “oh, honey! I’m not angry about that, I’m just glad that you’re alive,” he stroked her hair.
Y/N let out a watery chuckle as she pulled away, her eyes looking teary as she swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, “I’m never going back there, you don’t have to worry,” she bit her lip.
“Good,” Tony smiled as he took her hand in his, thinking about he was going to proceed, he needed to be as gentle as possible, “what happened? Do you remember what happened?
Y/N shook her head as she chewed on her lower lip, her eyes filling up with tears again, “no, I don’t remember anything.”
“So, you don’t remember what happened to your eyes?” he prompted and he almost flinched when she looked at him with an angry look on her face, all the colour had drained from her face. She looked deranged; Tony had never seen her look like this before.
“I already told you that I don’t remember!” she shouted and for a split second, Tony saw her eyes flash orange, just for a second as the mirror on the wall cracked. Y/N’s eyes were back to their regular colour as she looked at the mirror that only a few minutes ago was pristine. Tony watched her eyes as they travelled the length of the crack on the glass. In a second her face crumpled and she covered her face with her hands, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s happening to me,” she sniffled.
Tony’s heart broke as he watched her in so much turmoil and he reached out to comfort her as the door to Y/N’s room opened and Rhodey lingered in the doorway, shooting Tony an apologetic look, “sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone here to speak to you.”
Tony nodded, “I’ll be right back sweetheart,” he kissed the top of Y/N’s head before he followed Rhodey out of the room and they walked down the hallway, Tony noticed a woman standing by the coffee machine and he frowned before turning back to his best friend, “who needs to speak to me?”
Rhodey sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, “she’s a SHIELD agent, she saw what happened outside of the factory and helped the girls call an ambulance. It was a SHIELD base.”
“I know!” Tony nodded, “that’s why I told Y/N to stay away from it because I know what SHIELD are like. What happened exactly? Did she tell you?”
“Y/N was on the actual grounds of the base and there was a small explosion, no deaths or anything like that, it just blew the window out. They’d been testing on a few things and the fumes from the experiment mixed in the air, creating a chemical reaction and Y/N was clearly sensitive to it. How is she?”
Tony shrugged as he slumped against the wall, “I’m not exactly sure, not yet anyway.”
Rhodey bit his lip as he looked at Tony hesitantly, “the agent wanted to run a couple of tests and they need Y/N’s help because she ingested the fumes.”
Fear shot through Tony’s chest as he shook his head vigorously, “no! Absolutely not!” he sighed and decided to divulge the secret that he’d never ever told anyone, he was so ashamed of it, “Y/N is my daughter.”
Rhodey’s eyes widened, “what the fuck are you talking about? She’s your older brother’s daughter.”
Tony grimaced as guilt wrapped around his heart, “my brother and his wife Vivian were always fighting, Vivian was going to ask him for a divorce and you know that I always held a candle for her. Vivian and I got drunk one evening, just before I was flying out of state and we slept together. When I flew back I discovered she was pregnant and the marriage had seemed to fix itself. I would have thought nothing of it but when Y/N was a couple of months old, Vivian sent me a paternity test, Y/N was mine and my brother had no idea.”
“Tony,” Rhodey gasped, biting his lip nervously.
“I always felt so guilty about it,” he shook his head and fiddled with his fingers, “and that guilt only increased tenfold when they died in the plane accident. That’s why I can’t lose her Rhodey, she’s my daughter.”
Rhodey must have been shocked by the news but he seemed to hide it well and Tony was very grateful, “she’s lucky to have you; I’ll send the agent away.”
“Thanks Rhodey,” Tony offered him a small smile before he made his way down the corridor, on the way back to see his daughter.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @moonheartsposts​ @mischiefmanaged71​ @1940sbuckybarnes​ @slytherinambitious​
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thepumpkinthingart · 4 years
You seem like the best source to ask. What are good/ your favtotie Msummers fics?
Bold of you too assume I have good taste-
But ah-I am a frequent digger through the Mcsummers/Halex. Starved for content, pleading for angst, fluff, and just- Alex being a good bf to beasty. I got quite a few. I’ll break this up sfw or nsfw and shall tag the author if they have a tumblr! Please, Please, PLEASE go support the authors and look into their other content. <3
For the sake of clarity I am gonna keep this to Mcsummers focused fics. There is plenty more I enjoy that have Mcsummers and Cherik, or Scott/Logan, etc. If you need more to read feel free to private message me, I am happy to link you to some of these as well.
“Black Coffee on Fabric” by @crystallized-iron
This one is a short read but it’s super adorable. Poor Hank a bundle of nerves who just wants to cute blond coffee shop worker and just- doesn’t quite stick the landing
“Supersonic” by @silverxsakura
My heart, my weak little heart. Disgustingly sappy fluffy and it’s wonderful. In summary without giving too much away- Alex is dumb like always and has a hard time dealing with his feelings for Hank so like the himbo one we all know- bullies him.
“Animal Transformation” by @eleonorebirk
Short but absolutely adorable. Alex is transformed temporarily into a cat- and his affections from a certain bozo are hard to hide when you happily want to be pet by the guy.
“You left us behind” by @parkshan820
Can I just say parkshan does a lot of amazing Mcsummers work? Seriously at some point I will go down the list and put as many as I can in here. This is a angsty as hell slow burn and it’s the best kind of torture. Also I like to personally thank parkshan for a Alpha/Beta/Omega Mcsummers. A/b/o dynamics written well is one of my favorite things and I think this may be the only Mcsummers one- if not someone link me PLZ. I just- I don’t want to spoil anything, go read it and then cry with me.
“The Magnificent McCoy” by @ag3nt-a
Once again someone else that does a lot of amazing Mcsummers work! Again will have to work down the list and put in some more. All the science puns omg, I love Alex is just as a dorky as Hank and it’s great. Also anything that touches on the fact Alex having some of that intelligence from the comics and the geophysics is perfect.
“Breathe” by @ag3nt-a
Hey look it’s my request! Has it really been 3 years? Weird to think I wasn’t even a adult then. Now I pay taxes and stress over bills. I had a old tumblr by the name of zombiemutt-trash-center, It was a mess and now I am here. 3 years later- doing the same bullshit. ANYWAYS, I do really love this fic. Alex having to calm Hank down and be sweet is always great, but Hank having to help Alex deal with PTSD is perfect. Based on how Alex lost his parents in the comics.
“Fighting Acceptance” By @heeroluva
Let me tell you this a fic I constantly go back too. I am a sap for Alex being a caring and supportive bf, but of course still a teasing jerk. All in the name of love. Heeroluva writes that dynamic really nicely, Alex doing his best to be supportive and trying to get Hank to realize he isn’t any different as the Beast. But also is impulsive and well a dumbass. Also of course it’s nsfw and spicy as hell. 10/10 would recommend.
“Who knew books could be hot?” By @ag3nt-a
Just Hank and Alex are horny dorks, who need better guidance in figuring out their feelings. Also Hank is also now a fanfic writer and it just made me want to read fanfics written by a Hank McCoy. Also- it’s really cute seeing Alex being apologetic not just cause attraction, but because he genuinely felt bad. Spice is nice- but like sappy “I’m sorry I was a asshole to you” is god tier—- and then spice later.
“Taste of What Could Have Been” by @atomicrebelomega
Also won’t be the first time you see Atomicrebeloomega! Also-, man fuck apocalypse. So my favorite Alex summers is apocalypse Alex. Aka Suburban Dad Alex summers- I love Alex from first class obviously. But worn out Alex who has calmed on the temper bit and more of a teasing asshole with a stupid grin. So any content with older Alex is much appreciated from me. Alex being the same dumbass at 31 as he was at 16 about his feelings is great. Warning this ends with the apocalypse ending.
“Flicker” by @trojieface
This one is a Apocalypse fix-it. One again grown ass Alex still dumb when it comes to feelings and it’s still great. This is more a nsfw without plot but teeth edition.
“Friendly fire still burns” by 1001cranes
This is a high school/modern Au, Where Hank is president of the NHS and Alex is the football captain. Angst, Fluff and smutt ensue, and it’s great.
“Grooming” by Wangler
So- the idea of Alex helping Hank brush out his fur after he takes a shower is adorable and precious and definitely a head cannon I hold to my heart. I mean- It’s not meant to be adorable in this fic, but leave it to me to make fluff. Also let it be known I enjoy more animalistic Hank, growls, teeth, claws, instincts and all. Alex is a furry what can I say. This one fills my need on those tendencies.
“The Side Project” By @bellsyblue
A more playfully teasing Alex and a Hank who is terrified to break him in half. Once again I love fics that play into more of Hank’s beast mutations like his strength and Alex being more then happy to take all that comes with that.
“Sweater Weather” by emperors_girl
Omg It’s so cheesy and adorable, and I love big brother Alex to Scott. Omg Alex collecting the fur and first thought was “dam this be a nice sweater” is great. Stupid cute and Hank is so done by the end of this.
“Matched” by @ag3nt-a
Big brother Alex and suburban dad looking fool with a stupid grin and awful sappy flirting? Yes please- My favorite kind of dumbass level. A getting together story about two dumb mutants meeting online. Also supportive friend Raven is best Raven. This does have Mpreg and fan kids in it, I personally enjoy these things but I know not everyone does. But as someone who has my own dumb Mcsummers children, I love to see it.
“Power of Persuasion” By @atomicrebelomega
Alex and Angel are friends and it’s great. Basically pure smut but we love to see it. Also Alex has the confidence to wear a stripper outfit and once again- it’s great.
I think this is a good starting point! Honestly I threw this together from my AO3 bookmarks- There is so many more I want to put in here. Ugh, so many good authors. I like writing, but it’s not my strong point. I enjoy drawing these nerds a lot more anyways. But I do have prompts for god dam days if anyone wants them. My free time is spent wondering all the shenanigans these dorks could get into.
If there is a author I didn’t tag but you know they have a account please message me!! I want to link back to the authors, they deserve credit.
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jeongyunhoed · 3 years
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Past-Present-Future Black Dahlia
Two major tragedies bring Lee Mirae closer to the edge as she goes through the stages of grief in a more violent manner that would affect not only her relationships with her boyfriend Jeong Yunho and her half-brother Choi San, but also has her becoming closer with the immortal mutant Kang Yeosang. Fueled by rage, grief, and pain, along with a very rude awakening that has Mirae spiraling out of control and questioning everything she holds dear.
Group: ATEEZ Member: Yunho Pairing: Jeong Yunho / OC Genre: Action, adventure, angst, fantasy
Watch Out! : Violence, blood, death, grief and loss, major character deaths, use of weapons, some jealousy (but no cheating ofc), implied smut (not sure if there is any but i’m putting it out there nonetheless), mental illness (probably?), gambling and alcohol
Anything else? : Mentions of other idols of course as well as other characters. SuperM, Dean, Chanyeol, Zelo, soloist Park Jihoon to name a few.
Author’s Note: First chapter is here! Compared to the previous stories from the AU, this might have very long chapters, like more than 10 pages in google docs long. But anyway, tag list is open, and yeah. Enjoy the first of a rollercoaster of emotions.
This whole first chapter also, is me giving brief backstories of what happened before/backstories of many characters here. Basic plot is mine, characters are not. This is all for fun/entertainment/emotional anguish. 
Chapter 1
When one is at their breaking point, everything begins to change.  The lines between right and wrong are blurred, and one’s moral compass begins to spin into oblivion. 
9:00 p.m. 
Laughter filled the almost empty space of Viva Polo, having closed for the night except for a table occupied by Lee Mirae, Park Chanyeol, and Kwon Hyuk. The rest of the tables had already been overturned, marking the end of another day at work, at least for Chanyeol. The three of them had a tradition of meeting up every week, something they started doing after the previous adventures they had. 
The three of them were mutants, and to their knowledge, they were the last surviving members of the group that saved the country, if not the world during the Seoul attack. A year after that, the three of them found each other again, reuniting to save the country once again from an evil cult bent on achieving utopia through taking control of its citizens. Two adventures that had major consequences on the three of them, and events that they will forever remember. 
Two of them, Mirae and Hyuk, were classified as omega-level or level 5 mutants, with powers that were impossible to surpass by any other mutant thus far. Mirae was not only gifted in a mastery of hand-to-hand combat, both armed and unarmed, but she had the gift of manipulating potential energy into kinetic energy. She could turn virtually any object into an explosive and if channeled to an extreme extent, was able to level a skyscraper. 
With her abilities came the secondary gift of a healing factor that made her almost immortal and slowed down her aging immensely. Because of her ability to manipulate energy, she was also able to generate static that resulted in a very strong psychic block that was only made stronger by another omega-level mutant, Jang Ino. From the adventures she had on her own and even after the Utopian cult, another ability manifested itself in her; taking souls and trapping them into objects, usually her deck of cards. 
Meanwhile, Kwon Hyuk, a well-known music producer and songwriter, was a level 5 telekinetic and could move anything with his mind. His psychic abilities also gave him the gift of producing shields that were almost impenetrable. 
 In their adventure into the Utopian cult, Hyuk developed his telepathic abilities, which he used to extract memories or read into memories of others. Hyuk was nearly captured by the goons from the Utopian cult when they met again, and has since tried to use his powers as discreetly as possible with some difficulty. 
Hyuk didn’t formally join Mirae and Chanyeol until the later days of the Seoul attack, having laid low, undiscovered by Ino who was at the time, serving his father Professor Inhwan Jang. Hyuk had openly used his powers in front of the group during a time when Mirae and one of her other colleagues, a telekinetic named Luhan, were affected by the goblin king’s inducement of traumatic memories that caused their powers to manifest for the first time. 
It was there that Hyuk realized that he could do so much more with his mutant gifts, rather than use them solely for trivial purposes.
Hyuk had a cousin, the singer Lee Midam, who was under his entertainment agency, in the 10-member group called Silver. Midam was, like him, a psychic, but of a different kind. Midam was a psychic that could make the worst fears or strongest desires of another person come to life before them. Midam also had the ability to sense when a person will die in the near future. 
Park Chanyeol was a level 4 pyrokinetic, also known as an alpha-level mutant. He created and manipulated fire in all its aspects, from turning into a fire being to being able to put out and set fire onto virtually anything. In his fire form, he was granted the ability to fly and heal and even out of his fire form, Chanyeol could withstand extreme heat. 
He worked with Mirae in the Center for Paranormal Research upon his discovery by Ino, leaving his work in his mother’s Italian restaurant behind to find purpose for his abilities. For some time after the Seoul attack, Chanyeol thought he was the only one left, until he was seen by another survivor, their tech guy Choi Junhong, looking over the remains of what used to be the Center, the epicenter of the entire attack. 
From the adventures they had, the three of them still managed to continue with their lives. Hyuk stayed in his agency to work on music, Chanyeol helped around his parents’ restaurant and live club, while Mirae ran the music store that she took ownership in after the passing of her adoptive parents. Hyuk and Chanyeol also helped other mutants like them, Mirae’s old colleagues from her days as an assassin under a sanitarium, practice controlling their powers. 
With the way the events of the past years shaped them, their lives would forever be intertwined and they knew it. Even with the disagreements that occurred in the final days of the Seoul attack, with the three of them being the only survivors from that group that acted, they were like family to each other. 
“One of these days, we’ll go on a mission, do something, just the three of us again,” Chanyeol said fondly, finishing the last slice of pizza from his place. 
“Even if we don’t go on something like that, we should still do something, just the three of us,” Mirae repeated with a grin. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” 
“Yeah, someone needs to watch your back this time, you nearly got your powers taken away,” Hyuk pointed out, taking a sip of his iced tea. 
The last adventure Mirae went on involved a demon and their followers, the one responsible for a long-running conspiracy that went behind the glitz and glamour of the country’s entertainment industry. Mirae was outmatched and captured, her powers being used to channel the summoning of the demon Ose. It left her boyfriend Yunho and her half-brother San, along with her old colleagues including immortal mutant billionaire Kang Yeosang, to be the ones to save her and the world. 
Mirae shook her head. “It was only one time. Just one. But I’m starting to think I’m losing my touch, to be honest,” She looked down at her now-empty plate. 
“I wouldn’t think of it that way if I were you,” Hyuk patted her shoulder. “You still have your powers, don’t you? Didn’t Junhong say your powers only got stronger after that? You’re practically invincible.” 
“Says the person who is also practically invincible,” Mirae grinned. 
“But I don’t heal like you do. Chanyeol doesn’t even heal like you unless he sets himself on fire.” 
“Can you stop talking about injuries now? I think we’ll be late for that training session both of you promised the guys,” Mirae nudged the telekinetic. 
Chanyeol got up at the mention of the training session. All of their plates floating in mid-air, the cutlery and glasses sorting themselves out, as Hyuk followed the taller male into the kitchen, making sure nothing dropped. Mirae smiled to herself as she removed the tablecloth and the napkins. 
The boys at the safehouse would be waiting for them, San and Yunho included. Choi San was her half-brother, and had almost the same abilities as her, including her healing factor and a mastery of martial arts. Unlike Mirae, who channeled her powers mainly through her extendable staff, San channeled his into a harpoon gun. 
San’s powers first manifested in his high school years, as a result of the constant pressure placed on him by their father, who wanted him to pursue a career he himself wanted. Upon learning how to control his abilities better, San ran away from home, eventually learning the skills he knew to become a paid hitman. San also witnessed Mirae getting taken away to be interned at the sanitarium, and he looked everywhere for her.
Jeong Yunho was Mirae’s boyfriend. Yunho was also like her, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, both unarmed and armed. Yunho was also a mutant, an immortal mutant who possessed the ability to teleport, but could only do so in dark places. 
Yunho’s powers manifested when he was killed in Morocco during what would be Mirae’s final mission before she was discharged. Her memories of him were seemingly erased in the final electroshock therapy session used to alter her recollection of missions. They only found each other again when Mirae was being targeted by the Kang crime family, descendants of Yeosang who held a disdain for mutants. 
Hyuk returned from the kitchen. “What’s that smile about?” He asked. 
“Nothing, nothing, I just realized how it’s been a while since we did something like this together,” Mirae replied. 
“Lee Mirae, you’re getting sappy.” 
“Did I lie?” She laughed. 
“No, but that’s weird of you,” Hyuk laughed as well. “I mean you are right. I’ve been busy practically managing the group, Chanyeol’s busy here, we’re just busy living our lives.” 
“My point stands that we’ve never done anything together in a while, unless those goblins come up again and try to kill us,” Mirae joked. 
“Hopefully not,” Said the psychic, the table in front of them turning itself over on top of another table. “Even with the way things ended back then, I’m glad the three of us found each other.” 
The kitchen doors opened and Chanyeol returned, wiping his hands, with his backpack in tow. “Whose car are we using?” He asked. 
Without another word, the three of them extended their fists. Both Mirae and Chanyeol had scissors, while Hyuk’s hand remained curled into a fist. “Guess it’s yours then, Mr. Psychic,” Mirae grinned. 
“Be glad I stopped for gas before coming here,” He gave them a look as they left the restaurant. 
The car pulled up in front of a brick-walled building that had a vending machine. It was the entrance to the safehouse that now became the headquarters of everything mutant-related. It was also where Mirae’s old colleagues were now staying, with the exception of two; Jung Wooyoung and Park Seonghwa. 
The three of them got out, sensing the slight change in the air as they approached the machine. They knew there was a sort of cloaking over the spot that shielded anyone from seeing that the vending machine moved to the side to reveal a secret passage. Chanyeol, Mirae, and Hyuk entered the dark passageway and stopped at the red door at the very end. 
The safehouse was similarly modeled to the recreation room in the Center for Paranormal Research, with a couch and beanbags surrounding a flat-screen television and several game consoles. There was a sleeping quarters and a shower area and a kitchen that was only stocked with instant food. Ino and Junhong’s labs and offices were in the two other doors in the kitchen area that had a small dining table where they would at least take turns in eating. 
This time, the safehouse had since expanded thanks to Ino’s ability to manipulate matter. Junhong’s lab was much bigger, more beds were added to the sleeping quarters, and there was a small training room that Junhong fortified. A shelf was behind the television, showing all the weapons carried by the group of men who now resided in the place; a rapier, a set of nunchaku, and a few axes and shurikens. Those belonged to three people: Kim Hongjoong, Choi Jongho, and Song Mingi. 
All of them were trained assassins, skilled in hand-to-hand combat both unarmed and armed. While Mirae and Yunho were no longer part of the group, the remaining members were turned into personal guards of the Kang crime family and underwent several experiments to turn them into super soldiers. All of them were impervious to pain and were a lot more agile in their movements. 
It was those experiments that triggered the mutant gene in each of them, their own mutant abilities manifesting around the same time. Hongjoong possessed superhuman speed and could be as fast as the speed of light that also enabled him to heal if wounded. Seonghwa was a telekinetic, whose powers also made itself known if his eyes and fingertips glowed green. Mingi, like Chanyeol, was also a pyrokinetic, but unlike Chanyeol, could only manipulate flames that already exist. 
Wooyoung on the other hand, possessed the ability to turn into a shadow being. His shadow form allowed him to be intangible, as well as give him superhuman strength and a healing factor. But along with his shadow form, Wooyoung developed a kind of extrasensory perception, where he could see past and future events from a person or an object, or even a name. 
Jongho had the painful ability to manipulate his bone structure, and his arms and legs would produce a sharp spike that could pierce anything. 
They immediately noticed that a few other weapons were shelved, as they were likely in the labs or in the training room; a set of sai, katanas, a bow and a quiver full of arrows, and the harpoon gun. Everyone was indeed present. 
“Hello?” Hyuk called out as they closed the door behind them. 
“We’re here!” Chanyeol called out as well. 
“Yunho? San?” Mirae spoke, looking around the empty living room. 
Suddenly materializing in front of them was Ino. “Good! You’re all here! The rest of them are in the training rooms, but can you wait a little bit? There’s something I’m finishing and I hope the three of you can test it out for me,” He said. 
Jang Ino was a prime example of a true omega-level mutant, with abilities so powerful he was almost like a god. Ino had the gift of manipulating matter, inter-dimensional teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, duplication with sentient clones, intangibility, precognition as well as the ability to see everything as it happened. Ino’s abilities manifested much later than the rest of them despite not being much older than Chanyeol, Hyuk, and Mirae, and thus had more difficulty trying to control each of his abilities. 
“Really? What is it?” Mirae asked as Chanyeol put down his backpack while she put down her staff. 
Ino looked excited. “Another training room, or…?” 
“Another Danger Room,” Hyuk nodded. “Can it not turn into a vortex manipulator again?” 
“I can’t promise that, but it’s as safe as ever, right? Just like old times,” Ino was beaming. “Ah, well, you might as well see it for yourself. I’ll call the rest of them,” and he disappeared. 
“Are we supposed to wait for them here?” Chanyeol glanced at them, and they shrugged. 
A commotion erupted from the door that was Junhong’s lab, making them turn around. “For a telekinetic, you could’ve aimed better! You could’ve killed me!” Hongjoong appeared, shooting Seonghwa a look. 
“You sped away in time! You knew it wasn’t going to reach you anyway!” Seonghwa argued back. 
“Well I wasn’t able to, not when Mingi keeps playing with that lighter of his! It’s like having to pass by a dragon each time I’m next to him.” 
“So your situation is actually my fault, is that what you’re saying?” Mingi spoke, looking at them incredulously. “I was practicing my pyrokinesis the way Chanyeol hyung showed me, right, San?”
“Stop including me!” said the male who had a visible white streak in his hair similar to Mirae’s. 
“This was a department store-bought shirt and Jongho just had to ruin it!” Wooyoung shrieked, pointing to the tears in his sleeve. 
“Welcome to my world, Wooyoung! Live with it!” Jongho shot back.
“At least I don’t have spikes coming out of my sleeves and pants!”
Chanyeol and Mirae exchanged looks. Hyuk stifled a laugh. “Kind of reminds you how much we bickered back then, huh? I bet those guys would’ve loved to see a repeat of this,” He chuckled. 
“Nothing seems to have changed after all,” Mirae laughed, their reactions making the group stop in their tracks. “We just had dinner,” She explained. “I see training’s been going well?” 
“Not so much when the rest of them bicker more than San and I do,” out of the group came Yunho, who immediately swept her up in a hug then exchanged high fives with Hyuk and Chanyeol as he pulled away. 
The taller form of Junhong appeared from the crowd as well, with scorch marks on his lab coat and a hole in his clipboard. Ino had materialized again as well. “So, the Danger Room, Junhong?” Hyuk asked. 
“Yes, yes, the Danger Room,” Junhong led them to the pair of doors on the other side of the space. He pushed the button, the doors opening up to reveal a dark room covered in what looked like steel tiles. There was a panel of buttons near the doors from the inside and on one side of the room, was a booth. “Ta-da!” He announced, looking over at the three of them, while the rest looked amazed. 
“A little shift in elements here and there, I was able to expand this entire space of ours, make it a little more familiar, don’t you think?” Ino smiled. 
Mirae approached the panel of buttons near the side. “Ice fortress, dystopia, post-apocalypse, zombie invasion, alien invasion, gladiator arena,” She read out. Mirae turned to the next set of buttons and looked over at Junhong. “Why is my name at the top of this panel? Am I a level of difficulty?” She asked, looking puzzled. 
“The highest,” Ino spoke. “But that level’s reserved for the three of you, not that these guys can’t do it, but the three of you are more experienced.” 
“San and Yunho are just as experienced, if you ask me,” Mirae pointed out with a shrug, choosing not to argue any more. 
“Yes, but they’ve never been through the same missions as you and Chanyeol did back at the Center, remember?” Ino reminded her. “The creatures at the museum, the goblin warriors at the train station, and their throne room, and the jewelry store at night?” 
“I remember the jewelry store one,” Hyuk said, glancing at her. “We were coming from dinner when the store exploded. It was the time I found out Mirae was a mutant.” 
Mirae smiled at her friend’s recollection. “Yeah, you came from that singing competition too.” 
Chanyeol grinned. “The train station, I remember that well. Everyone hated us when they saw what was happening in broad daylight. Junmyeon got hot coffee thrown at him...” He looked down the more he remembered. 
Ino noticed Wooyoung squinting at him, the rest of them looking fascinated by their brief trip down memory lane. “Well, I thought I’d show the rest of them how the three of you would do things in these simulations. Hyuk, I know you joined us late at the time, but you still know a thing or two on how to handle non-human entities, right?” He said. 
“Oh yeah, I was with you all at the Esteholm,” Hyuk smiled. Sensing everyone else’s confused expressions, he chuckled. “It’s a hidden marketplace for non-humans, goblins, witches, warlocks, ogres…” 
“You mean those things were actually here all this time?! On this planet?!” Mingi gaped at him and they nodded. 
“Okay, okay, we’ll have a lot of time to talk about that later, but let’s have the three of you take this new Danger Room for a test run?” Ino suggested. “The rest of you follow Junhong into the booth, we’ll all watch from there.” 
“What are we taking on?” Mirae asked. 
Hyuk approached the panels. “What about…” He stopped when he read the mode at the bottom. “Evil villain mansion? What kind of mode is that?” He laughed. 
Chanyeol and Mirae laughed as well. Mirae glanced at the booth, giving a thumbs up to Yunho and San, who looked excited as did the rest of them. “It’s exactly what it is. The mansion of the bad guy,” Junhong said from the booth. 
“Alright then, put up the difficulty rate to my name, I guess,” Mirae said. 
“That’s what I had in mind. Initializing evil villain mansion, Lee Mirae difficulty,” Junhong announced. 
Hyuk backed away, until he was back to back with Chanyeol and Mirae. They heard tiles shifting and a swirling of colors all around them, bringing in a strong gust of wind. Mirae took out her staff from her jacket pocket and extended it. After a few moments, the swirling was disappearing, and they found themselves in what was the ballroom of a large, abandoned house that had some bits of modern technology on the locks of the doors and the windows. 
“Okay, so this is the evil villain mansion,” Chanyeol mumbled as they took in their surroundings. “Where’s the evil villain, then?” 
Mirae took a step forward, seeing two metal circles near the large fireplace. There was a seven-pointed star engraved on one circle, a hexagon that had the shape of a keyhole in the middle engraved on the other. The circles began to turn, until it slowly went up to reveal coffin-shaped tubes. 
“This is oddly specific,” She muttered. 
Hyuk and Chanyeol stared at the tubes as well. The closer they looked, they saw bodies, blackened and as if they had been mummified. “This is very specific,” Chanyeol nodded, feeling a chill down his spine as they approached the tubes. 
Back at the booth, the rest of them stared at what was happening. “Can they see us?” Jongho asked curiously. 
“I don’t think they can, can they?” Hongjoong glanced at Junhong, who was looking at the panels of controls. “But the surroundings look so real.” 
“I know I should be used to this, but this is something I’ve never seen before…” San was staring at the tubes that were opening up in front of the three. 
“Me neither, and I thought I’ve seen everything,” Yunho nodded. 
From the side of the room, Wooyoung could suddenly see flashes of scenes in his head. He looked back at what was happening, seeing Hyuk, Mirae, and Chanyeol nearly destroy the surroundings they were in as humanoid demons with large talons began to attack them. The flashes kept coming. He could see people he hadn’t seen before having been inside the very booth they were in. Yet, Wooyoung wasn’t sure if this had already happened or it was about to happen. He stayed watching the simulation that Mirae, Hyuk, and Chanyeol were in. 
“Kind of familiar, isn’t it? The train station,” Mirae’s eyes and fingertips were glowing as she sent shockwaves towards the two demons, but to no avail. Instead, the demons clapped their hands, sending similar shockwaves towards her. “They’re parrots.” 
“What do you mean parrots?” Chanyeol had transformed into his fire form, dodging the attacks that were coming towards him. 
“They’re copying everything we do,” Mirae spun her staff a few times before hitting the demon, only to be sent back by the other, who had turned into a fiery figure as well. 
“Can they copy this?” Hyuk waved his hand, sending the two demons in mid-air. His eyes widened when the figure also raised their claws at him, lifting him up and off the floor. “This is impossible-” He crashed into the wall, moving away when some of the decor fell down. 
“Looks like Junhong had his work cut out for him,” Chanyeol tried to burn down the doors of the room until the surroundings changed into what looked like a massive dock full of zeppelins and tables full of volatile chemicals in test tubes and beakers. “Yeah, now I can see why Mirae turned into a level of difficulty.” 
“Let’s try not to touch anything, or interact with anything on those tables,” Mirae looked around on alert. 
They heard a blast from all the way on the other side of the room. “Looks like they found us,” Hyuk said, trying to move the zeppelins as carefully as possible towards the source of the blasts. 
“Those might explode if you let them get blasted,” Chanyeol called out at the telekinetic. 
“Would you rather we get out of here with those? We don’t even know what to use these for” Hyuk pointed out, still trying to move the airships as the blasts grew louder, the impact exploding the tables closest to it. “At least they get blasted and we don’t-” 
There was a blast on their side of the dock, sending the three of them to the floor, as bits of shrapnel and the chemicals on the tables exploded. A large cloud of smoke enveloped them, soon revealing that they were no longer at the dock. They were back in the Danger Room, or at least what was left of the Danger Room.
Mirae opened her eyes, feeling considerably beaten as she looked around, surprised at what she was seeing. Her clothes were scorched, her staff was gone, and from the gust of wind that hit her, she realized what happened. 
The safehouse seemed to have exploded. 
Mirae looked around for a sign of Chanyeol and Hyuk. Was she still in the simulation? “Mirae! Mirae! Mirae! Are you alright?” She turned around, seeing Junhong, Yunho, and Hongjoong run up to her. “The machines overloaded when I was about to take you three out of there,” The tech guy explained. 
She nodded, a feeling of dread suddenly overcoming her as she looked around the area. “Chanyeol? Hyuk?” She called out, kicking away a few bits and pieces of the rubble that surrounded them. “Chanyeol-” She stopped, feeling her heart sink. 
Chanyeol was lying on the floor, a puddle of blood near his head, and bits of shrapnel having hit his sides. Mirae looked around for a sign of the telekinetic, only to realize that he was also lying on the floor, eyes glazed over. A piece of shrapnel hit his head.
“Chanyeol, Hyuk,” Mirae bent down, moving the rubble away from her best friends. She refused to believe it, refused to think that what happened really happened. “Chanyeol, Hyuk,” She took one of the sharp rocks and cut open her wrist, pouring some of the blood into where Chanyeol was hit. “Come on, both of you, this isn’t funny,” She saw that they weren’t moving while her wrist had already healed. 
Junhong bent down to check Hyuk’s pulse, only for his expression to fall when he realized there was none. “Mirae,” He tried to say. 
“No, I know what you’re going to say, and I don’t believe you,” Mirae shook her head profusely, crawling up to Hyuk. Tears were already falling from her eyes as the reality was hitting her bit by bit. “No, no, this can’t happen, not here, not now, no,” She patted his face, but no response. “No, Hyuk, no, don’t, please-” A sob escaped her as she held his body. “Hyuk, no, no, no, no, no,” She sobbed, reaching out to hold Chanyeol’s hand that was going cold. “No, please no, Chanyeol, Hyuk, you two can stop it now, please…” 
“Mirae,” Junhong said again. 
Hongjoong and Yunho exchanged looks, hearing the rest of their colleagues including San appear, all of them had traces of the smoke from the explosion on them. 
“No!” Mirae shook her head again, until she broke down. They were gone. Her best friends. Gone.
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enmy-writes · 4 years
Baby Avenger
Summary: (Y/N) is one of the youngest avenger members and some government officials repeatedly let her know of “her position.” So, she lets them know exactly what her position is.
Word Count: 2100
Fandom: MCU Avengers
Pairing: Avengers x Reader
Genre: Fluff, soft, slight angst and sadness, & family love.
Rated: 18+
Content Warnings: profanity, death, abandonment, bullying, this is my first ever post of any fanfiction ever so it’s probably bad
**** This is my first ever imagine that I have ever finished and published. Please give me feedback and let me know what else I should write! I’m very excited and nervous so please let me know if you enjoyed this :) I’m thinking of making this Y/N character into a little “Baby Avenger” one-shot series, so let me know your thoughts ****
Baby Avenger.
Baby Avenger.
Baby. Avenger.
 In her head, her stomping can be heard throughout the whole Compound and all of its residents and guests can hear her anger. They know she’s going right to the meeting room; not the team meeting room, but the meeting room they use when they have special guests in for a meeting.
The new government officials who are now “in charge” of the Avengers since The Snap Part 2 were in for the day to go over the general plans that the Avengers have been coming up with. They’re nicer than those in charge of the group from the Accords, but in no way were they nice to majority of the group as a whole.
(Y/N) (L/N) happens to be the second to youngest member on the team coming in at an age of 18, second only to her best friend Peter Parker
(Y/N) is an orphan, the typical origin story of any superhero. Her parents spent their last minutes pushing her out of their burning house in rural Pennsylvania. Actually, it was her father who got her out of the flames and by their fishpond 100 meters from the house. Her mother was inside, trapped under a steal beam in the basement.
(Y/N)’s mother was a scientist who worked in secret in a little band of scientists who tried to accomplish their own small victories in testing the alterations and limits of humans. The goal of these scientists is to stay out of sight of the CIA, FBI, S.H.I.E.L.D., and other government agencies. Most of them are left alone and those who get found are either immediately sent to a high security prison or recruited to continue their experiments for a certain country/agency.
(Y/N)’s mother decided to give herself her treatment she was working on instead of potentially kidnapping someone in the everyone-knows-everything kind of town that they had been living in. Her experiment and life studies were all in trying to find a way to unlock the rest of the human brain so that more than that small percentage is being used at a time. It has been hypothesized that humans could do a lot if their brains just used itself more.
The only problem is when she gave the treatment to herself, she was unknowingly pregnant, and the treatment attached onto that small lifeform instead of her own. She created a super baby.
No one knew the exact answer to what is on the other side of that tunnel of science. No one knew what opening the mind could do, there were only theories to support ideas. Plenty of scientific evidence, but it meant nothing with no legit proof.
Well, turns out that those on the team of “you will gain the ability to read minds and shit unlike any human” were the correct guessers.
(Y/N) can read others’ minds, move things with her mind, slow down time in her mind to be able to successfully breakdown a situation and perform the best possible reaction to anything that comes her way. Oh, and the color spectrum is broader for her, allowing her to see a significantly more amount of colors than a normal human (including seeing the aura’s and heat that people give off. Very useful in the few missions she goes on.).
But her parents are dead.
After setting small (Y/N) down, her father ran back in to save the love of his life. Or, well, that’s what the towns’ people say to romanticize the situation. A brave man trying to save his family.
In the end, her father had shaken his head, laughing at the moment like a mad man with tears running down his face. He pulled (Y/N) in for the tightest hug that he had ever given the girl—which is tight considering how close the two really were. They were just like two peas in a pod, the light of each other’s lives, basically soulmates.
But love makes you do crazy things.
“You listen to me, (Y/N).” He gripped her face in a painful grip, cheeks sure to be bruised later. “I will always love you. Don’t doubt that, baby girl, okay? I love you so so so so much” By this time, tears are pouring off his face, the neon flames coming from the house reflecting off his wet face. “Mommy… mommy just needs me now, baby. I need mommy, too. We love you so much.”
It had confused her, his words. Nothing could prepare her to watch her father run back into the house, leaving her by the pond with nothing but a small bag of little family things like pictures, little stupid gifts, and a notebook she had stolen from her mom’s bookshelf one day.
Her mother’s grandfather had been friends with Howard Stark, both science men having been in the same circle of famous inventors since before WWII. While neither her mother nor father personally knew his son, Tony, he was still listed as the godfather to the child. With no close friends allowed in their secret circle, old bonds and pacts that her grandfather had with the older Stark led to a blind trust in the man.
Tony Stark had agreed to be the godfather during a one-week bender in his 30s, and when he was yelled at about it, he chose to just keep it there because “the chances of this happening is very slim.”
But here we are, Baby Avenger.
The officials who are here now actually were the same people that used to do check-ins and such with them pre-Accords, so they knew the team better than any government official save for the rare union that the team members may have with government officials. (Y/N) randomly has one with the Queen of England (she did a favor for Her Majesty once, and now they have tea every third Thursday of every month).
They knew that Tony suffered from panic attacks, and they knew Steve was going through a never ending loop of an existential crisis, and that Bucky will most likely always be having an identity crisis, and that Sam cries to sleep a lot around a certain time of year that renders him almost useless in his sleep deprived state he puts himself into. They know EVERYTHING vulnerable about the team.
So, that means they know how when she first got to the team and to Tony that she wouldn’t speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. It took her almost a year to be able to speak more than a sentence to every person she was around. No one was too upset, though, Tony was trying to figure out how to save himself and rebrand his whole legacy and the Avengers weren’t really a family family yet like they are now. (Y/N)’s shyness made it much easier on the adults to figure out their stressful situations.
The officials, though, never got why she wouldn’t speak to them. They actually pushed her progress back more and more with taunts and comments such as “Oh, the baby can’t speak?” or a “Get your phone out! She’s about to say her first words!” every time she did go to say something.
Tony soon got fed up with it and filed a lawsuit against them which threatened their agency enough to pull them out and let a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent be a liaison for them. After their presence was rid of, (Y/N) grew exponentially with her new family. She was still home schooled, but now she had Peter Parker as a friend and world geniuses as her teachers. She was an only child, but now she’s a big sister to Morgan and has plenty of people on the team that are dubbed her siblings (since they don’t act their age majority of the time to be considered aunts and uncles).
While she’s trained to fight, (Y/N) doesn’t go out on the field much unless they need her brain or her extended vision. She likes to remain behind the computer screen and help that way. She’s invented a way to make prosthetics like Bucky’s become more available to the general public and has started a school/home that’s three miles from the Compound for orphaned kids, mutants, super kids, and those who aren’t accepted where they come from.
In conclusion, (Y/N) is 18 and not useless in any way, shape, or form.
So why, why, do these absolute short dick idiots decide that they can come into here, her home, and push her around like she hasn’t contributed more to the Earth and society in the short 18 years than their middle-aged asses?
Eyes narrowed and seeing red, she stomps her way down the last hall, shoving herself into the door of the meeting room and throwing it open.
The team stays unfazed, knowing she’d show up pissed at some point. The officials, though, jump in their seat and turn to look at her.
It wasn’t the biggest meeting, the original Avengers plus Bucky, Sam, and Wanda sit around the table. Though, Rocket and Groot are here sitting along the back wall, looking bored as hell. Thor must have drug them along.
Fists clenched, (Y/N) narrows her eyes more. She’s been here since the first attack. Sure, she didn’t fight since she was like, 8 or so, but she was in charge of her man-behind-the-computer work. She’s been a part of the team since the beginning, and these assholes are too big of pricks to acknowledge that.
That’s what’s pissing the girl off. This could have been a meeting for every one of the fighters of the team, which she wouldn’t go to because that’s not her role. This meeting, though, was scheduled as “Originals plus the newly appointed leaders only.” She’s an original.
AND YET, they remained in telling her she wasn’t invited because “The Baby Avenger doesn’t need to join big kid conversation.”
She locked eyes with her adopted father and her best friend, aka Peter Parker, aka the only reason she knew this meeting was still being held.
Poor, lovely Peter. He grew confused when his best friend wasn’t sitting in between Mr. Stark and him for the meeting, especially when the officials referred to the meeting as they did. He was just there to take notes for Mr. Stark, not that the man wouldn’t remember it all. Pepper thought it’d be a good idea if Tony had written evidence to anything said in these meetings so that he wouldn’t be pouring statements out of his ass without proof, and poor, lovely Peter got elected to take such notes.
When he noticed you weren’t there, he had sent you a text asking where you were and that your drink that he brought you was right next to him.
“(Y/N)! It is so great to see you, my wonderful flower.” Thick arms wrapped around her as a golden man squeezed her tight to him. Thor and (Y/N) had a special relationship. They’re always close and do the most innocent of tasks together like flower crowns, step-by-step painting classes, and making those Tik Tok crocheted blankets made with that big yarn. He even had taken her to Asgard (back when it was a planet) for a royal ball where she was the guest of honor. They’re just soft together.
Though, rage blocked that softness that normally occurs between the two. Pushing off of him, she points her finger at the men in the front. The officials look like they’ve seen the devil and all of Hell and (Y/N) can see the fear pouring off of them.
“Let’s get this clear,” she says as she slowly stalks her way up to them. “I am an Avenger. I am an original Avenger. I know about 3,000 ways to kill you in this room at this very moment with anything. I drink tea with the fucking Queen on Thursdays, and I’ve created a better orphanage/school system in 2 years than this country has in the 250 years it’s been around. Don’t you EVER call me a fucking baby again, you fucking hear me?”
By this point, she’s right up in their faces, her glare unwavering and them sweating. The silence in the room was great and seemed to go on forever. The team held their breaths, some trying not to laugh and some scared of backlash that might be trust upon the girl.
With one last eye narrow (you could blindfold her with toothpicks at this point), she whips around and walks back to Thor, placing herself sideways on his lap and relaxing into his hold. Peter passes her (Drink Order) down the table, and (Y/N) takes it.
Clint, Bucky, and Sam try and hide their laughter when the meeting starts again as they look at their long-time teammate cradled and curled up in Thor’s arms, head on his shoulder and under his chin as she sips her drink with an angry look in her eyes and a pout on her face.
All wrapped up like a baby.
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aliendes · 4 years
Natural Borns - Chapter One
dystopian!au / futuristic!au
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AUTHOR NOTE: here it is! Chapter one of Natural Borns. If you haven’t already, please read the prologue, or else this wont make the most sense. The prologue gives some backstory about the universe that you need to fully enjoy the story. Thank you for all the love on the prologue, it pushed me to want to put this out early. If you enjoy this series, please follow and reblog so it can reach more eyes. Feel free to send me an ask! I would love to answer any questions, because I’m sure I’m inevitably going to leave some things unanswered (this is my first time writing a series, after all). Enjoy! xx Des
Series info/genre: Angst, fluff, (possible) smut NSFW due to darker themes Pairings: ot7 x fem reader (eventual) Warnings: this series will have different trigger warnings listed for each chapter (if there are any), but as a whole, this series will include violence, mentions of depression & other mental illnesses, cursing, abuse, drugs/alcohol, some shitty medical descriptions because i am NOT a doctor, self-esteem issues, fluff, and possible smut in future chapters (but that’s undecided). i will add more warnings/tags in the future if there are any. Description: In the year 2613, over half of the world’s population are what scientists consider ‘designer babies’. YN is a small town girl who is a true natural born, someone born naturally without he help of a lab or gene splicing. Her DNA is greatly sought after, but what is she willing to do to protect it? Word count: 3.6k 
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It was early. Too early for you to be awake. As you rolled over in your bed, taking your poofy duvet cover with you, you noticed that it was barely dawn. Your curtains were drawn, how you always left them - liking to wake up with the sun, and you couldn’t even see said sun on the horizon yet. You could make out a pink line that melted perfectly with the purple and blues of the night sky. After admiring the beauty of it for a moment, you rolled back over with a huff.
You’re already awake, might as well get out of bed.
You lived on a peach farm, or orchard, that your family owned and had chores and duties to fulfill around the house and land. The orchard was on about ten acres, small for a farm, but big enough to get the job done. Your father sells the peaches you harvest to local grocers and restaurants and sells the rest at your mother’s stall at the farmer’s market in town. Your mom grows flowers in her garden on the property and makes beautiful arrangements for locals. She just recently made the arrangements for the wedding of one of your old classmates. You helped out where you could with harvests, taking care of the animals your family cared for, and working the market on weekends. It wasn’t a luxurious life by any means, but you were happy. You definitely couldn’t complain, not when most natural borns had way less than you. You were fortunate, really, and content living this small town life.
You swung your legs over the edge of your bed and stretched your arms up high, letting out a big yawn. Your pajamas were all bunched up and uncomfortable on your legs as you scooted closer to the edge of your bed, expecting your toes to meet the cool wood of the floor. Instead, you were met with something warm and fuzzy and a loud meow that sounded through your room, making you jump.
“Ai- sorry Mochi,” you grumbled, watching the cat scurry across the floor. You smiled and shook your head at the cat, who was now giving you a death glare from next to your bedroom door. You slowly stood up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and opened the door to let the devil cat out. He quickly took advantage of the open door and ran down the stairs as fast as he could. You watched him for a moment before making your way to your bathroom down the hall. 
Closing and locking the door behind you, you started your morning routine of brushing your teeth and hair and washing your face. Once you turned the faucet off, you rubbed a clean white towel over your face, pulling it down slowly as you peeked over it at the mirror. You looked tired, small bags beginning to form under your eyes, skin darkening slightly from being out in the sun, maybe even a little sunburnt from working at the market yesterday. Still starting at your reflection, you hang your towel up on the rack with a sigh, turning to get dressed for the day.
Your normal work day attire consists of jeans and a t-shirt. It was June, just starting to get unbearably hot in Korea, so you opted for some looser linen pants and a light shirt. You didn’t have a whole lot to do today other than feed animals, clean the chicken coop, and help mom out with some arrangements. You wouldn’t be harvesting the peach trees until late July or early August at the rate they were growing currently, though you did still need to monitor them and make sure they remained healthy before harvest season. 
By the time you were ready for the day, the sun was just barely coming up and the smell of coffee beans entered your nose. Mom must be up, you thought to yourself. You smiled and made your way down the stairs, grabbing onto the bottom of the banister and swinging yourself around it, an old habit of yours from all the way back in elementary school. You were still a kid at heart, even at the age of 23. 
“Good morning Pearl!” your mother called from the kitchen. Pearl was the nickname your parents have called you since you could walk. Natural pearls are extremely rare, almost never occurring in nature. You were also a rare breed, a true natural born, hard to find like a pearl, hence the nickname.
“Morning mama,” you said, walking up to her and giving her a side hug, “watcha makin’?” You asked with a teasing lilt to your voice. Your mom was a tad shorter than you and you liked to take advantage of that, leaning your elbow on her shoulder as you watched her stir the pan in front of her.
“Steamed eggs and rice, now go get your father, would you? We have to start on these arrangements soon, Mrs. Lee needs 25 of them by tomorrow afternoon.”
You gave your mom a nod and made your way back up the stairs, hopping over Mochi who was now taking up residence on the second step. “You’re gonna get stepped on your curious cat,” you said under your breath. Mochi just watched on as you took two stairs at a time. 
Before you could reach the top of the stairs, you nearly stumbled straight into your father who had just come around the corner. “Who-whoa,” he laughed out as you grabbed onto the railing to stop yourself from smacking into him. 
“Mom needs you!” You yelped out, passing your dad on the stairs and running into your room to grab your phone from your nightstand. You could hear your dad chuckling as he walked down the stairs. As you picked up your phone, you noticed you had a new message in your group chat you had with your two best friends, well, your only friends, you supposed.
From Mina [11:13 pm]: pearl!!!
From Mina [11:13 pm]: pearl are u awake?
From Woo [11:15 pm]: why are you awake min?
From Mina [11:17 pm]: cant sleep, pearl, u up!?
From Woo [11:23 pm]: I’m gonna guess not
From Mina [11:25 pm]: ugh dfghjk 
You giggled at your screen for a moment before typing back a response.
You [6:37 am]: sorry guys, i went to bed early last night what’s up min?
You pocketed your phone, definitely not expecting a response at this ungodly hour, and headed back downstairs. On your short walk, you thought to your two friends, Mina and Wooyoung, who you befriended in middle school. Well, actually Mina befriended you and Wooyoung in seventh grade because you were both outcasts that didn’t talk to anyone. Ever the martyr, she brought your little group together and you’ve been thick as thieves ever since. You don’t see them as much as you’d like nowadays, as they both attended the small community college in your town. You never really liked school, never excelled at anything, and were always a homebody. College just didn’t sound fun to you, especially if people there were anything like at your highschool. Highschool hadn’t been kind to you. You were labeled ‘half-breed’ and ‘mutant’ by a group of girls who wanted nothing more than to see you suffer because of your looks. Boys would flirt with you, leave you love notes, and even try to harass you in the halls, but never because they actually took an interest in you. The one time you went to a party with Mina, you had been cornered in some guy's barn by one of the popular boys who was trying to get in your pants. This just made the popular girls even more angry with you and would jump through hoops to make your life hell while at school. All of those experiences taught you one thing: most people can’t be trusted. Some might say you have trust issues (Mina) while others will try to get you to come out of your shell a bit more (Woo and your mom), but in the end, you’re comfortable with your two best friends and your parents. You never asked for more because you simply didn’t need it.
Most, if not all, families these days only had one child, so you nor your friends ever knew what it was like to have siblings. Even your parents were only children, so no aunts, uncles, or cousins to call an extended family. This was normal, though, because a law was put in place in 2505 banning families from having more than one child to help with population control. If a family broke this law, they were fined excessive amounts of money. The law was easy to enforce with parents of lab born children, since their child had to be entered into a national database, meaning no company would work with them again to avoid hefty fines, or possibly being put out of business. It was a little harder to enforce with natural born families. The law was definitely one sided, aimed to force more and more natural borns into poverty. 
You were snapped out of your daydream as you entered your kitchen, taking in the sight of your dad sitting at the dining table reading something on his tablet and your mom making a grocery list. You smiled softly, rounding the table and taking your usual seat next to your mother. “Thanks for breakfast, mom,” you said kindly, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Of course, Pearl. Now eat up, we need to get going soon if-” your mother was cut off by the sudden shriek of the doorbell, which caused you to jump what had to be 5 feet in the air. Who was ringing your doorbell at - you took your phone out - 6:44 in the morning?
Your father had the same perplexed look that you must’ve worn, getting up out of his chair and heading towards the front room of the house. You shared a puzzled look with your mom who just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her list, blowing on a piece of hot egg in her spoon. 
As you started to fiddle with your own spoon, you tried to strain to hear the conversation happening in the other room. You could hear hushed murmurs that sounded rushed, almost angry. You squint your eyes in confusion. It sounded like your dad was mad. He never gets mad. Who could be at the front door? Slowly, you rise from your seat to go investigate, your mother paying you no mind.
As you round the corner of the kitchen, your father comes into view holding the front door at a 90 degree angle from the wall, effectively blocking your vision of the man on the other side. Your dad’s profile told you what you needed to know, though. He was visibly angry, apples of his cheeks reddening. He was still speaking in a hushed tone, though you could tell it was tense.
Slowly, you walked over to your father, peeking around the front door. If your dad noticed your presence, he didn’t mention it. Standing on your front porch was a man, shorter than your father, with dark hair and round glasses perched on his nose. He was obviously a natural born, as he didn’t have any of the perfect or striking features you were used to seeing on business men such as himself. He didn’t look intimidating in the least, but you could almost see the steam rolling out of your dad’s ears. As soon as the man caught sight of you, a bright grin took over his face.
“Ah, you must be YN,” he starts, taking a step forward and reaching out his hand, “it’s so nice to finally meet you.”
You were confused by his words, taking a step back to match his. You didn’t know this man and you definitely didn’t want to shake his hand. Did he say finally meet you? What is that supposed to mean?
“You need to leave,” your father started, causing the shorter man’s attention to fall back on him, “now.” Your dad left no room for discussion, effectively ending the conversation. 
The mysterious man nodded once, looking back at you. “We’ll be in touch,” were his final words before turning on his heel and walking back towards a sleek, black car at the end of your drive. Before you could take in any more details of the car, your father was closing the front door. He breathed out a heavy sigh and placed a hand on your bicep, gently leading you back to the kitchen.
Your mom looked up from her, now nearly finished, breakfast. “Who was it, sweetie?”
Your dad sat back in his chair, leaving you standing, confused, in the middle of your kitchen. “Yeah, dad. Who was that?” You asked, genuinely concerned about the stranger.
Your dad let out another sigh before turning to look up at you, “Just another company. You know how they are, Pearl. Persistent, but they’ll back off eventually once they realize we aren’t interested.”
You slowly nodded in understanding. These designer baby companies have been coming to ‘scout’ you since you were in elementary school. They would come to your home, or even your school, and try to talk to you about selling your DNA and how it would be beneficial to your family, maybe even bring them out of poverty, make them rich. When you were a child, the offer was enticing, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little curious even now. But you knew where you stood on the subject. You didn’t want to sell your DNA. You didn’t want anything to do with these big companies that were making natural borns poor while getting rich in the process. But you remembered something, “Dad, what did he mean by finally meeting me?”
Your dad has his back turned to you again, starting to eat his breakfast. You could see him visibly stiffen at your question before quickly relaxing again. Your mother seemed to notice this too, sending a worried glance at him, to which you couldn’t see his response. Without turning to look at you, he mumbled, “That was Hyunwoo, a former classmate of mine.”
So you were right in your assumption about Hyunwoo being a natural born. You know your dad hadn’t gone to college, and his family lived in this very house while he was growing up. That means Hyunwoo must be from the same town as you. Most people living here were living in poverty, so why did he look like a million bucks? No one from this town could afford a car like that either. Before you could get too lost in your thoughts, your father was speaking again, “He works for a pretty well known company in Seoul. He’s been interested in you since you were a little kid.” The thought alone was enough to make you feel nauseous. You didn’t even know this man, yet he’s known about you practically all your life. Apparently he’s been seeking you out for a while too, if your assumptions are correct.  
“Why was he here?” You voiced your thoughts aloud.
Your father set his spoon down on his dish before turning his entire body in his chair to face you. “It’s nothing Pearl,” he started, firm but gentle, “You know these companies never leave us alone. His is no different. They’ll get the message sooner or later.” There was a finality in his tone, making it known there was no room for discussion on the matter. With a nod of his head he stood up from his seat, gathering his dishes, and deposited them into the sink. “I’ll be out in the orchards if you need me.” 
You nodded before sitting down at the table and picking at your food. 
“Don’t worry, dear,” your mother said as she, too, stood up with her dishes, “this type of thing happens all the time.” 
Even though you trusted your parents, and they were right - it did happen fairly often, something about Hyunwoo seemed different. The way he looked at you and spoke the words ‘finally meet you’, made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Even your mom and dad seemed nervous when his name was spoken at the kitchen table. But you trusted your parents. Right?
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In the early afternoon, you had just finished your chores of feeding the chickens and cats, and you were wandering around the orchard. Your dad had retired to the shed on the far north corner of the property. He liked to spend a lot of time in there, tinkering with old appliances. You and your mother had finished the arrangements for Mrs. Lee earlier and now she was at the market fulfilling the list she made earlier. 
You didn’t really have anything that needed to get done right away. You know you should probably go check on the flowers in your mom’s garden, make sure they don’t need to be watered again, but it’s been a while since you’ve walked through the orchard without the responsibility of the trees looming over you. Your father cleaned up the trees earlier, made sure drip lines were intact and checked over the farm, so you decided to indulge in your favorite pass time. 
You walked away from the chicken coop towards the edge of the orchard. It was truly one of your favorite places in the whole world - not that you’ve seen much of it, but still - and you could spend hours getting lost among the beautifully colored canopy of peach blossoms. 
When you reached the edge of the orchard, you leaned your hand against the cool oak colored bark of one of the trees, and toed off your shoes, leaving them in the dirt. The trees were just starting to blossom with pretty pink and white flowers among the green and almost yellowish leaves. Only about another month before harvest, you thought idly to yourself. 
As you walked through the trees, you relished in the feeling of the cool dirt beneath your feet, squishing between your toes with each step. The air outside was hot and humid, but the earth was cool under the shade of the trees. With each trunk you passed, you let your hand ghost over the rough bark, memorizing the feeling of it. You looked up at the leaves, slowly moving in the slight breeze today. Your family's farm was small, only about 10 acres, so the trees weren’t so dense you couldn’t see the sky above or would be completely hidden from view while walking through them. If your dad were to come out of his shed, you probably would’ve been able to see him from here, though it was a good distance away. 
As you got closer to the center of the trees you found a nice trunk to sit down against and pulled your phone from your pocket, checking your group chat with your friends. 
From Mina [2:05 pm]: pearl pearl pearl
From Mina [2:06 pm]: where are u
You rolled your eyes at your best friend's antics before typing out your reply.
From you [2:36 pm]: walking through the trees, what’s up?
Almost immediately you were looking at a response.
From Mina [2:37 pm]: there was some guy here on campus today
From Mina [2:38 pm]: a girl from my econ class said he was looking for you
From Mina [2:39 pm]: said he looked like he didn’t belong here, i’m assuming it’s some company but i wanted to let u know
Your heart dropped into your stomach at this new knowledge. It wasn’t incredibly strange for someone to be looking for you at the college. Most residents of the town attended the college at some point or another, what with it being free to attend because of a bill passed decades ago by natural born activists fighting for education for those living in poverty. But something about this felt wrong. 
Before you could respond to Mina to ease the worries you were sure she felt, you heard what sounded like a twig snapping somewhere behind you. Already on edge from the text messages, you quickly stood up, turning almost completely around in your spot. Your eyes focused on the spot where you thought you heard the noise come from, only to be met with nothing. Despite knowing you heard something, part of you wondered if it was all in your head, the events of the day messing with you. 
In the distance, you could see that your family’s truck was still missing from the drive, meaning your mom was still out shopping. Quickly, you glanced at your father’s shed - the doors were still shut tightly. Momentarily you wondered if he would be able to hear you if you screamed. Shaking the thought from your mind, you turned back around to face the tree. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught movement from behind a trunk a few yards in front of where you stood. 
“Who’s there?!” you half yelled, fear starting to creep up your spine. You definitely weren’t one to fight, much more comfortable running from your problems and confrontation. You wished Mina was here, she would be brave enough to move forward, to protect herself from danger. You slowly started walking backwards, not taking your eyes off the trunk where you believed someone to be hiding. You wanted to turn and run, but didn’t want to risk whoever it was behind that tree attacking you from the back. As you continued to take cautious steps, your back collided with something firm, yet not hard enough to be a tree trunk. This was softer, warmer. Human. 
To be continued....
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AUTHOR NOTE: Sooooo, who do you think YN ran into?! Who do you think will make an appearance next chapter? ;)
copyright aliendes 2020
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