#give it up for chapter 15 (mr krabs voice)
frownyalfred · 11 months
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Day 15 of #30daysofautismacceptance
April 15: Free day! Write about any topic you want!
*beating a cowbell and imitating Mr. Krabs’s voice* DAY 15!! GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 15!!
XD okay I’ll stop.
Anyways, picking a topic for today was a little hard. But eventually the idea came to me to just list some positive autism-related experiences! A bunch of this can get to be about struggles we have as autistic people, but, like, there’s a whole positive side to be autistic too, right? So Imma just take today to talk about that!
1) A few weeks ago, one of my favorite slow burn fanfics got an update that gave me SO many different feels on top of each other I could just EXPLODE. After reading that, I found myself pacing around and around the house for an undisclosed period of time just thinking about it and flapping my hands like crazy. I couldn’t stop flapping. I don’t particularly often feel like I stim to express my feelings, but that day, I was flapping out ALL the insane amounts of feels that chapter gave me and it felt so, SO good.
2) I think I mentioned that back in 7th grade when my special interest in Trolls first took hold, I was at PEAK obsession, and part of that was blurting out random quotes from it at random times all day long. Several times a day I would, unprovoked, shout “NO TROLL LEFT BEHIND!” I got kind of a reputation for that. At some point, some other kids from other classes who I didn’t know, including some kids from the older grades, started calling out “No troll left behind!” whenever they saw me. And that would always make me so happy. I’d be grinning ear to ear shouting “NO TROLL LEFT BEHIND!” back to them. A lot of those kids hadn’t even seen the movie, actually. They were just like “yeah, that girl always shouts ‘no troll left behind’ for some reason. we don’t know why, but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “ To this day, some people still call out “No troll left behind!” when they see me, and I still shout it back to them.
3) The first time I told a group of internet friend/sisters that I’m autistic and talked some about that and what it’s like, several of them commented saying they were autistic too and ALSO talked a bunch about it. They said a bunch of stuff that I related to a lot. And the few who commented and weren’t also autistic were just like “wow, i never knew that about you guys! this is so cool!”
4) Those same internet friends/sisters were also super supportive and awesome when much much later I told them the whole story of my emotionally scarring first year-and-a-half or so of middle school as an autistic person, which I hadn’t told anycreature about in the three years or so that had passed since then.
5) O.T. at my elementary school had some pretty great stuff. The obstacle courses, the various sensory toys to play with, the ball pits and trampolines and dance parties and containers of putty to find objects in and bins of rice and stuff to stick your hands into? Not to mention at some point they got these meditation stories to play the audio for aloud, and they were amazing. We could lie down somewhere soft in the room and listen to relaxing music and some calming voice tell stories about finding a room full of trophies for your proudest moments in life, or finding a rainbow that brings you all different positive feelings when you touch the colors and that you can slide down afterwards, or going on a magic carpet journey and finding all kinds of amazing things that you capture in magic jars like a lion’s roar or a really pretty snowflake or a flower that smells really really good... you get the idea. It was awesome. I miss it.
6) Last year for a school project we were supposed to make a presentation on a historically oppressed group of people, and the group I chose was autistic people. I went through a bunch of really stupid supposed “treatments” people had tried over the decades, went into the general problems with them and how those problems still exist and everything. I actually really enjoyed doing that project and the presentation turned out REALLY good in the end. I got a bunch of applause afterwards from the rest of the class. Heck, I'd even made a slide all about why the R word is a slur, as a “take THAT” to those few idiots in my class who insisted on throwing it around all the time no matter how many times I told them how offensive it was. Those idiots didn’t take the hint, but this one other kid in the class who actually was kind of nice came up to me afterwards and talked about how he’d never known that stuff before and using the word like that had kind of gotten to be a habit that was gonna take some effort to break, but like...y’know. So yeah, I was really proud of how that all turned out.
I think that’s enough for now. Always good to spread the positivity! :-)
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murvinetaylor-blog · 6 years
The Second Blow : Chapter 1: Sick about the Test
Original upload date: 01/02/15- 04/11/16
Summary: Mrs. Puff loses her puff for the second time, except this time it is not SpongeBob's fault. Disclaimer: I do not own SpongeBob or any characters. They belong to Nickelodeon.
Pearl and her friends, Lana and Anna were sitting at a table in the school cafeteria, eating lunch.
"Hey girls," Lana said, "Did you know that there is going to be a test in Mrs. Dane's class tomorrow?"
"Oh shoot," Pearl said, "I have not studied."
"Me neither," said Anna, "I do not want to take the test."
"I feel sick about the test," Lana said.
"WAIT!" Pearl said, "Did you say 'sick' because that gives me an idea."
"What is it?" asked Lana.
"Yeah," Anna said, "What is it?"
Pearl then said, "What if we all faked sick tomorrow, so that we do not have to take the test?"
"Pearl, you are a genius," Anna said, "And while we are not at school, we could sneak out of the house to drive around."
"I agree with Anna," said Lana.
"Yeah," Pearl said, "While all of those losers will be taking a test, we will be having fun."
And so the next morning, Pearl stayed in her pajamas and tried to make her voice sound scratchy. Her dad Mr. Eugene Krabs, was downstairs.
"Pearl, what's wrong," Mr. Krabs asked, "You look sick."
"I don't feel too well," Pearl said, in a scratchy and pitiful sounding tone of voice, "and when I am sick, my voice changes."
"Go get the thermometer," Mr. Krabs said in an unusually concerned tone.
Pearl then went to the kitchen to get the thermometer and stuck it in a hot pot of freshly brewed coffee. She then went back to the living room and Mr. Krabs checked her temperature. The thermometer said one-hundred in ten degrees Fahrenheit.
"Oh no, you poor girl," said Mr. Krabs, "I am afraid that you can't come to school today."
"But what about the test?" Pearl said trying to sound pitiful.
"You will have to make-up the test," Mr. Krabs said, "I will call the principal and tell him that you won't be at school today. Now, go get some rest."
Pearl then went up to her room. She picked up her cell phone, having received a text from Lana saying, "We will b at ur place at 11," and Pearl responded, "K." After that she took a nap for a while and when she got up at ten O'clock, she got dressed, fixed her hair, and put on some make-up. By the time Pearl finished getting ready, she saw a boat outside of her window. It was Lana and Anna.
Pearl knew that if she tried to sneak out through the front door, she would get caught, as her dad decided to stay home from work to take care of her. So, what she did was stuffed a few things under her sheets to make it look like she was still in the bed. Pearl had also tried to think of a way to sneak through the window, until it hit her. She spotted a few scarves and belts lying around and tied the ends of them together to make a rope and tied it to the knob of her door. Pearl then climbed down the "rope" until she reached the ground.
"You made it," Lana said, "Now hop in."
Pearl then hoped in the back seat and the three girls drove off. They went to the mall for an hour and had lunch at the food court at twelve. When they went back into the car, Lana decided to let Pearl drive. They drove around the town for a while. Pearl then pulled out her phone and started texting, thus causing her to lose focus.
"Umm, Pearl, do you know what you are doing?" said Lana.
Pearl replied, "Yeah, I know what I am doing. Now don't distract me. I am trying to drive."
"Pearl," Anna said, "I think you are distracting yourself."
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murvinetaylor-blog · 6 years
Vocal Evolution
Original upload date:  07/04/15-07/09/15
Summary: This is a story base on my theory on how SpongeBob's voice changed. Disclaimer: I don't own SpongeBob or any of it's characters. Since the chapters are short, I am going to fit them into one post. 
Chapter 1
It was the year 2004. SpongeBob woke up that morning not feeling too great. His throat was hurting all night and when he got up, he puked out blood.
"Ouch," the sponge whimpered, "My throat hurts. I need to go to the doctor."
SpongeBob picked up the phone and called the doctor's office to schedule an appointment.
"Hello, I would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Forrest . . . My throat was hurting and I just puked up blood . . . Four fifteen this Friday will work . . . Thanks, bye."
At work, SpongeBob had it rough. He kept throwing up on the floor and on the patties. One customer had complained that their patty was covered in blood.
"Excuse me," the customer said to Mr. Krabs, "My patty is all covered in blood."
He showed Mr. Krabs the bloody patty.
"Ewww, SPONGEBOB GET OVER HERE!" Mr. Krabs yelled to his employee and SpongeBob came in just a flash.
"What is it sir?" SpongeBob asked.
Mr. Krabs then answered, "This customer had complained to me that his patty was all covered in blood."
"Sorry Mr. Krabs," SpongeBob said, "It's just that I have been puking up blood and I can't help it."
Mr. Krabs then said, "Why don't you take some time off, until this problem is cured?"
SpongeBob then said, "Aye ye, sir," and started going home.
So during the rest of the day and this week SpongeBob decided to stay at home and get some rest, hoping the problem would go away. Unfortunately, it didn't. SpongeBob was still sick and puking blood the next morning.
Chapter 2
At the doctor's office, Dr. Forrest checked SpongeBob's temperature, which was negative infinity, and his pulse, which was dangerously high.
"Mr. Squarepants," Dr. Forrest began, "Unfortunately, you have bloodythroatittis, which can lead to death."
SpongeBob freaked out, "Is there a cure, doctor?"
Dr. Forrest then answered, "Fortunately there is, but the cure is voice surgery. You will have to go in for an operation to get your voice changed."
"What if I sound weird after my surgery and what if people start hating me?" SpongeBob said, in a panicky tone.
"Mr. Squarepants, do you want to get better?" Dr. Forrest said.
"I do," SpongeBob said, "I am too young to die."
Dr. Forrest then said, "You can call the Bikini Bottom Hospital to schedule an appointment," he then handed SpongeBob a card, "This is there business card."
When SpongeBob got home he scheduled his appointment, which was going to be in two weeks.
The next day, SpongeBob could see Squidward walking home from work. He walked up to him and said,
"Hey Squidward, you will never believe this."
Squidward then said sarcastically, "What is it that I will not believe?"
"I have to have surgery in two weeks," SpongeBob continued, "To have my voice changed."
"That's great," Squidward replied, still being sarcastic.
"I got more people to tell," SpongeBob said, "I will tell Patrick, Sandy, Mr. Krabs, Pearl, and Mrs. Puff."
Squidward then said, "Better do it while you still sound normal," and laughed nasally.
"Don't worry Squidward, my surgery is in two weeks so that gives me plenty of time," SpongeBob said.
During the next two weeks, SpongeBob told all of his friends and acquaintances about his surgery and the night before his surgery, he said,
"I am going to miss sounding like this. I am going to miss all of the good times, That I had with this voice."
Chapter 3
On the day of his operation, SpongeBob came at eleven in the morning and sat down in the waiting room. Right beside him he could hear a kid saying,
"No dad, I don't want my voice changed! Please let me stay home and have my friends over to play!"
His dad replied, "Too bad, Billy. This is what you get for beating your sister into a coma, and after your voice change, you will go to your room and think about what you did."
Soon it was SpongeBob's turn. A woman walked in and called his name. "SpongeBob Squarepants!" SpongeBob got up from his chair and followed the woman to a room, where he changed into a hospital gown. After that, the woman led him to the operation room.
A doctor came and said, "Hello Mr. Squarepants. My name is Dr. Young and I will be performing your surgery. Now get into this bed and just relax."
SpongeBob obeyed and tried to stay calm, as the doctor put a tranquilizing mask onto him, which put him to sleep in just five seconds. SpongeBob had dreamed that his new voice would cause him to lose all of his friends.
"We hate you SpongeBob," Patrick said, "You sound like a girl now and I don't hang with girly men."
SpongeBob said in his new girly voice, "But Patrick, I thought we were friends," and began crying.
"Not anymore," Patrick replied.
It took until he woke up from his surgery to find it was just a dream. SpongeBob was being sent to a room in a wheel bed to a hospital bed room. He had to spend a few nights at the hospital and could not talk until the fifth day after the surgery. That day, Dr. Young said to SpongeBob,
"Let's test out your new voice."
SpongeBob then said his "I'm ready," line. His new voice sounded a lot like his old one, only higher pitched.
"I sound different," SpongeBob commented.
The doctor then said, "Well hopefully, you should be well enough to go home and you should be able to do your movie."
SpongeBob then said, "Thanks Dr. Young," and went home that day.
Chapter 4
As soon as SpongeBob got out of the hospital, he was finally able to do his movie, which was going to come out in November. Not only that, but his show got renewed for a fourth season in May of 2005. Unfortunately, that was when people were also saying that he was going downhill.
SpongeBob was hiding behind a dumpster in a dark ally. He could hear two people talking to each other.
"New SpongeBob sucks," said one of them.
"I agree, man," said the other, "I miss the golden age, you know, back when SpongeBob's voice used to be deeper."
SpongeBob began to feel saddened. As soon as those people left SpongeBob continued walking.
"Why do people hate the new me?" SpongeBob said in his new voice miserably.
That's when a few people came by to comfort the little square yellow sponge.
"Don't feel sad," said one of them, "We still love you."
"Yeah," another post-movie fan said, "You still have fans."
"I agree," the first post-movie fan said and both post-movie fans gave SpongeBob a hug. That's when a few more people crowded around SpongeBob.
"Thanks guys," SpongeBob said, "This is why I love you all."
SpongeBob was sad about losing the popularity he once had, but it felt good knowing he still had fans, his best friend, Patrick, and his job as a fry cook. He was not going to give up.
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