#girls weekend movie poll
shinekocreator · 4 months
Hi everyone 👋
So... seeing as there is a high demand for more movies to be included in the girls night movie poll, I'm going to make it a series. I'm also going to do girls weekend movie poll for longer watches.
In this post I will gather some contenders that have been thrown in, and if there's anything else you wanna see, tell me in the comments or reblogs.
Girls night:
Ghibli movies
Jennifer's Body
13 going on 30
It takes two
Newer Barbie movies
Barbie 2023
Barbenheimer (all 3 option will be included in the same poll)
Bring it on
High school musical + Sharpay
What a girl wants
Star trek: aos
The Devil Wears Prada
She's the man
Girls weekend:
Hobbit+ Lotr
Harry potter (don't like don't choose)
Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse (yes, you can suggest a short series)
Star wars (1-6)
Star wars (1-9)
Pride and prejudice (1995)
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novankenn · 6 months
OMAKE : OMG!!! (I)
( Series Chapter List )
It was a long weekend for Vale and by extension Beacon. So since Friday there had been no classes or scheduled Academy activities. So Pyrrha was bored. She had spent the last three days trying to stay invested and focused by training... but that had worn thin.
So now she was lounging about on her bed in JNPR's dorm, trying to decide what to do. He had a few options... a f2p scroll game, maybe the one Jaune even showed her. An e-book, or even heading to the library to get a real book. Watch a movie or some videos. Of course she could always have a nap.
But if she was going to be honest with herself, none of that was appealing to her. She actually wanted to be spending this free time with Jaune. Maybe working up the courage to finally confess to him.
"How are you working during a kingdom wide holiday?" Pyrrha mutter to herself as she rolled over on her bed, and tightly hugged her pillow.
A chime from her scroll, drew her out of her depressive thoughts, Rolling on to her back, she picked up the device and noticed that Nora had sent her a link.
"Nora this better not be another Dust-Tube Run Montage." Pyrrha groaned as she hit the link. "Wait is this a streamer account?"
Confused as to why Nora would send her a link to a streamer, when the bombastic girl knew full well that Pyrrha had no interest in watching people play games. Pyrrha turned and sat up, dangling her legs over the edge of her bed.
"Who is BlondAngel?" Pyrrha's brow furrowed, "If Nora sent me the link then it has to be someone I know... Yang, maybe?"
A count down time appeared on the screen, making Pyrrha even more curious as the words... VIEWER POLL RESULTS!!
... scrolled along the bottom.
Pyrrha prepared to close the video when she heard a familiar voice...
"Okay, as I promised. If I hit the donation goal I would put up a poll."
"Jaune?" Pyrrha whispered to herself, in complete shock.
"So you guys, my... loyal viewers... made a choice so..."
The Black video flipped on, revealing Jaune, giving Pyrrha an instant reaction to the sight before her...
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(image generated using perchance ai text-to-image)
"I'm seriously considering that you all are real freaks, you know that?" Jaune pouted. That simple act combined with his current attire, spelt the Four Time Mistralian Champion's doom...
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(Image sourced via Google. No Rights Claimed/Implied)
Shortly thereafter Ren entered JNPR's door, took one look at the mess and shook his head in defeat and disappointment.
"Nora... why?"
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understandableparadox · 10 months
?????? Achlys
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19 yo Mage of Void hemoanon, Achlys is a air-headed party girl who likes to take it easy, life is definitely too short to be worried about every little thing. She's quite friendly for a troll and always knows what to say to please people. She changes quadrants pretty often.
However when SGRUB begins she seems to know just where to look to learn all the rules and easily makes herself the leader before anyone notices. Not to mention her fake lusus and dreamself that seems to be puppeted by horrorterrors…
Auiwyn Trasyl
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The silliest, most self deprecating emo you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. His favorite movies would be the troll twilight saga, and they would make fanfiction of his rainbow drinker oc and Troll Edward. They have such a large obsession with rainbow drinkers that it’s consumed almost everything in his life. They would geek out if they ever met Kanaya, it would be so bad they’d probably faint. Would bite people to taste the blood and then gag when it tastes bad.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Aaron and Emily's 4-year-old daughter wants to go as the infamous demon clown from It for Halloween, but a bout of chicken pox ruins her plans.
Hi friends!
I recently did a poll about what I should write next and a prompt from the lovely @astridncs - who asked for a fic where Hotchniss's daughter wants to be Pennywise for Halloween - and a prompt of my own - the family gets chicken pox - got the SAME percentage in the poll. So, as any normal person would, I combined them.
I hope you like this, and that it's just the right mix of funny, hurt/comfort and domestic fluff <3
Please do let me know what you think! -x-
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of clowns/Pennywise. All the talk of chicken pox might make you itchy.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Aaron smiles as he hears the front door open, shortly followed by his daughter running towards the living room, her smile wide as she runs up to him, still in her jacket.
“Hi, Daddy!” Violet exclaims, her excitement palpable, “I picked my Halloween outfit.” 
“You mean a costume, princess,” he says, dutifully undoing the buttons on the 4-year-old's jacket for her and helping her take it off, “And that’s good, it’s Halloween this weekend.” 
Jack had picked his costume weeks ago, gently reassured that he didn’t have to go as Aaron every year when he eventually landed on Spiderman. Benjamin, being 8 months old, didn’t have much of a choice- and would be wearing the same pumpkin costume Penelope had bought Violet for her first Halloween. Violet had struggled to decide what she wanted to wear for trick or treating, agonising over the decision like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. 
“Why don’t you tell Daddy what you decided on, sweetie,” Emily says as she walks into the room, smiling at her husband as she sits next to him on the couch, “Hi,” she whispers as she stamps a kiss against his lips. 
“Hi,” he replies kissing her again before he turns his attention back to his daughter, her excitement clear in her dark eyes, in the way she was practically bouncing up and down, “What are you going as?”
He smiles, “You want to go as Aunt Penny? She’ll love that-”
“No,” Emily cuts over him, clearly smothering a laugh as she clears her throat, “Not Aunt Penny. She means Pennywise the Clown.” 
It takes a moment for his wife’s words to register, for the level of amusement she clearly felt to line up with what she had said. He frowns, his eyebrows knitting together as he remembers the first time he’d seen It. How Tim Curry’s version of the demon clown had stayed with him for weeks, making him shiver every time he thought about it. He’d seen trailers for the new version that was about to come out, modern filmmaking allowing it to be even creepier and more insidious, and it had reawakened an old fear.
A fear of something that his 4-year-old daughter had lovingly dubbed Penny.
He turns back to Violet and smiles, grateful for years in his chosen career that means he doesn’t show her how she really feels. 
“That’s great, Vi,” he says, placing his hand on Emily’s thigh and squeezing when she giggles next to him, “Jack is in the den playing MarioKart if you want to go play?” 
She nods enthusiastically and runs away, scratching the back of her neck and calling her big brother's name as she goes. As soon as she’s out of earshot he turns to Emily, his eyebrows furrowed.
“How does she know who Pennywise is?” 
Emily scrunches her nose up, a mix of amusement and vague horror that her little girl seemed to have fallen in love with a character from a horror movie washing over her. 
“There was a big display in Target with merchandise for the new movie,” she says, placing her hand over his on her leg and linking their fingers together, “I thought she’d be terrified but she was fascinated. She said she liked his make-up.” 
“Well she can’t go as him…” he starts, watching how Emily avoids his eye contact, her gaze fixed on their joint hands, “You already got everything didn’t you.”
She shrugs as she smiles at him, the same dark eyes that she’d passed on to both their youngest children meeting his. Her cheeks go pink with embarrassment, “Don’t act like you would have been able to say no to her either. Plus, she didn’t quite seem herself when I picked her up from school. She only perked up when she saw the damn clown.” 
Violet had them both wrapped around her finger the moment they’d first seen her as a grainy dot during Emily’s first ultrasound. He knows she’s right, that if anything he would have crumbled even sooner than his wife. Any further conversation is cut off as they hear crying from upstairs a second before it crackles through the baby monitor on the coffee table, letting them know that Benjamin is done with his nap. Emily gets up to go see him, but Aaron stops her, leaning in to kiss her cheek before he stands up.
“You did the school run, I’ll go sort him out.” 
She smiles and nods, squeezing his hand once more before he lets go and she watches him go. She huffs out a breath as she slumps back on the couch. She was exhausted. A kind of tiredness that ran bone deep but she couldn’t figure out why, the level of fatigue she was feeling not quite matching up with what she’d done the last few days. She smiles as she hears Aaron walk into the nursery, his voice soft down the baby monitor as she hears him talk to their youngest when he walks into the room. She switches off the monitor, groaning as she sits up straight, and she hears her daughter's familiar footfall on the hardwood floor. Violet runs in and sits next to her on the couch, immediately leaning against her. 
“I thought you were playing with Jack?” Emily says, tucking Violet into her side. She frowns when Violet shrugs and snuggles in deeper to her side. “You ok, sweet girl?” She asks, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. She pauses when she feels the heat of the little girls skin, and she pulls back to put her hand on Violet’s forehead, wincing when she feels that she’s got the start of a fever, “You feel a bit warm, baby. Let’s get your sweater off for a little bit,” she suggests, and Violet nods, taking off her sweater, mussing up her neat braids that Aaron had done that morning as she pulls it over her head. 
Emily takes it from her and frowns when she sees a few red marks on her arm, clustered around the inside of her elbow, the skin around it looking pink and sore. She gently grabs Violet’s arm to get a closer look. 
“Does this hurt Vi?” She asks, looking up at her, concern bubbling in her stomach and the little girl shakes her head, “Are you sure?” 
“It scratches.” 
“Itches, sweetie,” she corrects gently. She bites her lower lip and calls out, hoping her husband won’t confirm her suspicions. She hears Aaron walk down the stairs, “Honey? Can you come here?” 
He appears around the corner, Benjamin on his hip, the little boy still looking a little sleepy, his head on his father’s shoulder. Aaron frowns at the sight in front of his wife and daughter snuggled on the couch, Violet burrowing into Emily’s side in a way she only ever did when she was tired or sick.
“Is everything okay?” 
“She’s a little warm, and she has a rash on her arm,” Emily says as Aaron leans in to have a closer look, he takes almost an immediate step back, making sure Benjamin is on his hip furthest from them. Emily’s frown deepens, “What?” 
He sighs, and looks at his daughter, the little girl looking more forlorn by the second, “I think she has chicken pox.”
Emily hums softly as she runs her fingers through Violet’s hair, looking down to double-check that she is still asleep. The paediatrician had confirmed Aaron’s suspicion when they’d called and advised what they needed to do - including, if they could, keeping her away from her little brother to try and minimise the risk of him getting it too. Emily had called the school to let them know Violet wouldn’t be in for the rest of the week, and the teacher told her three other students had come down with chicken pox in the last week or so, answering the question of where she had picked it up from.
The bedroom door opens and Emily looks up from where she is sitting on Violet’s bed and she smiles softly at her husband. Her smile slips away at the look on his face, the way he blows out a breath, and she groans, making sure she keeps her voice quiet so she doesn’t wake up the little girl glued to her side. 
“Oh no, please don’t tell me…”
Aaron sighs as she drifts off and he pushes his hands into his pockets, “Looks like Jack has it too, he said he didn’t feel too great when you took Violet for her bath. He’s got a rash too.” 
She closes her eyes and shakes her head and she scratches her abdomen idly, “How the hell are we going to keep Benny away from them until their rashes clear up,” she mutters, shaking her head, “They’ll have been infectious for days anyway.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he says, his eyes fixed on how she was scratching her abdomen just to the left of her scar, seemingly unaware that she was doing it, “But he isn’t showing any symptoms, and he hasn’t had the vaccine for it yet so the doctor said it’s best to keep him away.” 
Emily nods and she looks back down at Violet, “You’re right,” she says, and she looks back up at her husband, “Who’s going to break it to her this means no trick or treating this year?” 
“Well, at least it means she won’t dress up like a demon clown,” Aaron deadpans, smiling as his wife rolls her eyes before he’s once again drawn to how she’s scratching her skin through her shirt. His eyes drift and land on a small patch of skin on her arm just visible from the hem of her sleeve. Red spots surrounded by pink skin. “Sweetheart…” he says curiously, only carrying on when their eyes meet, “Did you ever have chicken pox when you were a kid?”
“No,” she replies quickly, “Why?” She asks, but her eyes widen as she realises what she’s been doing, her scratching coming to a halt almost immediately. She pulls up the sleeve on her arm and groans at the sight of the rash that hadn’t been there that morning, “Oh, for fuck sake.” 
It was a rough few days in the Hotchner household. 
Emily had been hit harder by chicken pox than Violet and Jack, since they’d both been vaccinated against it when they were toddlers. Their symptoms were managed easily with medication and chamomile lotion. Emily, however, had a fever that kept peaking overnight, leading to Aaron being so worried about her that he’d barely slept. He kept a vigil from the other side of the bedroom to try and stop himself from getting too close since he was also looking after Benjamin, whilst trying to constantly remind his wife why it wasn’t a good idea for her to go near the 8-month-old. 
Aaron yawns as he paces the nursery with Benjamin in his arms. The baby was grumpy, his forehead against Aaron’s neck as he mumbled the sound Aaron knew meant mama. He sighs as he presses a kiss to his son’s forehead, running his hand up and down his back as he tries to soothe him as best as he can. 
“I know, buddy,” he says, kissing his dark hair, “Mommy is my favourite too, but I’m just trying to stop you from getting sick.” 
He continues pacing until Benjamin finally gives up the fight against sleep and goes slack in his arms. He carefully places him down and leaves the nursery. He knocks on Jack’s bedroom door and opens it, smiling at the sight of his eldest sitting up in bed, white spots on his skin where lotion had tried over his blisters, and his game controller in his hands.
“How are you feeling buddy?”
Jack shrugs, “I’m okay. Itchy.”
Aaron smiles, “Just make sure-”
“Don’t scratch, I know,” he replies, rolling his eyes at his dad, something Aaron was sure he’d never done before Emily moved in with them. Jack turns serious for a second, his concern clear. “Is Mom okay? 
Aaron still remembered Jack coming up to him a few years ago, just after Violet had been born, a nervous look on his face as he asked whether he could start calling Emily's mom. He’d been worried Haley would be angry at him for it, something Aaron had assured him couldn’t be further from the truth. He assured his eldest that if it felt right for him he should do it, and Jack had smiled and run across the house to ask Emily, who had burst into tears because she was exhausted and full of hormones. Even though the memory involved all of the people he loved most in the world crying, it was one of Aaron’s favourites. One of the moments he knew he’d fought to experience.
“She’s fine, I promise,” he assures him, and Jack nods, “I’ll leave you to it. Only 30 more minutes on your game before you go to sleep, okay?” 
Jack nods again, “Night, Dad. Love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
He’s almost in the doorway of the master bedroom when he hears a noise from the main bathroom. He turns and sees that Violet’s door is slightly open, the light from her nightlight seeping out of her room, casting shadows throughout the hallway. The bathroom door is also open and he hears the noise again, a small crash that draws him closer. 
Later, he won’t be able to explain his reaction. As she pushes the door open he spots Violet sitting on the counter and facing the mirror, she turns to face him as he enters the room, and he jumps as their eyes meet, a noise he’ll later refuse was a scream escaping him as he places his hand on his chest. 
Violet had apparently found one of Emily’s red lipsticks and drawn vertical red lines from her forehead down to her lips, passing over her eyelids as they met at her lips, which were also covered in the lipstick. There was a bright red dot on her nose, drawn messily, and Aaron could see the almost worn-down lipstick on the counter. 
He should have known that Halloween essentially being cancelled from his family wouldn’t save him from his daughter's apparent love for Pennywise. 
Violet giggles at his reaction and reaches her arms out for him. “Silly Daddy! I’m Penny.” 
“Aaron? Is everything okay I heard a…” Emily asks before she walks into the room, her eyes wide as she stops in the doorway. She’s still covered in a rash. It had spread to her face, and even to the inside of her mouth. She was miserable and desperate to feel better, and she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She blinks and shakes her head as she looks back and forth between Aaron and Violet, “Am I hallucinating? Has my fever spiked again?” 
He chuckles and shakes his head, “No, your daughter got into your makeup and decided to do her Halloween makeup,” he says, winking at his wife, “You go back to bed, sweetheart, I’ll be there in a minute.”
She nods and turns to leave before she looks at him again, “Make sure you get some photos.” 
He smiles and nods, pulling his phone out of his sweatpants pocket, “I was already planning on it,” he says, and they exchange a smile before she walks back to the bedroom. He turns to look at his daughter, “Smile for the camera.” 
As he takes the pictures, the messily drawn makeup and the chicken pox spots visible on her skin, he knows this will one day be one of his favourites. One of the many pictures she’ll end up hating, her cheeks red with embarrassment when she’s older and too cool for her parents and horrified that her dad has this photo on his desk. Once he’s happy, the pictures already in his favourites folder, he puts his phone away and lifts her off of the counter, holding her close as she wraps her arms around his neck. 
“Let’s go clean your face and get you to bed, Penny.” 
For the first time in days, Emily feels human. Her rash was gone and, whilst the fatigue was still lingering, she was no longer contagious, meaning she could finally do what she’d wanted to do for days. 
She’s sitting on the couch with Benjamin asleep on her chest, his face pressed into her skin as he naps. She runs her hand up and down his back and periodically presses a kiss to the top of his head, breathing in the scent she’d missed so much it hurt since she’d got sick. 
“Want me to take him up to bed?”
She turns to look at her husband and shakes her head, tightening her hold on him, “No,” she replies, kissing the top of her son’s head again, “I’m catching up on Benny time.” 
“Violet and Jack are in bed. They both crashed hard after we finally let them at the Halloween candy,” Aaron smiles softly as he sits down next to her. He studies his wife and son, how Benjamin was as relaxed as he had been in days, his face completely slack, a small wet patch of drool on Emily’s skin. How Emily was holding him tightly like she was trying to press her love into his skin, her affection, as if it wasn’t what she’d made him with. Every bit of him stitched together with how much she loved him. “I’m sorry I kept you guys apart for so long.”
“Honey, you have nothing to apologise for,” she says, resting her cheek against the top of Benjamin’s head, “It was the right thing to do. It just sucked,” she takes one of her hands from her son’s back and places it on Aaron’s knee and squeezes, “Thank you for looking after all of us so well.” 
“It was my pleasure,” he says sincerely, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and settling closer. He kisses her forehead and they sit in contented silence and he runs his hand up and down her arm, his soft smile slips off of his face as he’s hit with a realisation, “You’re going to tell everyone about me screaming at the Pennywise make up aren’t you?”
“Oh honey,” she says, tilting her head to look up at him and reaching up to cup his cheek, a familiar glint in her eyes, “I already have.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
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Renaissance Masterlist
AN: I LIED. It's out tonight, though it is 11:45 here, so close enough.
Feyre tells Rhys she's pregnant won the bonus chapter poll, though the honeymoon was a very close second. I was watching the results like, are y'all serious?
CW: Smut. Tooth-rotting fluff. You know, smluff. The usual.
Word Count: 1188
Bonus Chapter: And Then There Were Three
This was not how she imagined the girls’ trip ending. Mor, being the cool cousin, decided to take Avy on a beach vacation in celebration of her graduation. They’d invited Feyre along, suggesting Rhys and his brothers plan some sort of boys’ trip or hang out. It started out well enough. They’d have five days of lounging in the sun or swimming and then come in for dinner and movies. Maybe a little wine. Then Feyre caught a stomach bug. Or she thought she had.
Until she realized her stomach was only turning at certain smells. Ones she typically approved of. Then she recognized she’d yet to run a fever, and recalled it had been long enough since her last cycle to be concerned, even if she had always been irregular by a few days.
Now, staring down at the pregnancy test she’d gone to buy that morning, that line made her condition clear enough. Washing her hands, she stepped out of the condo’s bathroom. 
“Well?” the waiting pair demanded together, both more than eager to drop the word aunt in front of their names.
There was really no way to tell Rhys first at this point without flat out lying to the girls. “I suppose it’s a good thing you two have been the only ones drinking on this trip.” She flinched at their squeals of excitement, accepting their hugs a moment later. “Okay, okay. Don’t break any ribs, please.”
Her phone buzzed with a text and she detangled herself to grab it. Two messages from Rhys popped up.
Missing you. 
Can’t wait till you’re home.
She smiled. Boys’ weekend that bad?”
Cass is drunk and singing. Az and I don’t know what to do with him until he passes out.
Sing along until someone’s ears start bleeding? she proposed.
I’m glad you find my suffering funny.
I’ll leave you girls be. Goodnight, my love.
“How are you gonna tell him?” Mor asked when Feyre set the phone down. 
She shrugged. “The same way I’d tell him anything else. I’m not worried. I know he’ll be thrilled.”
She and Rhys had agreed months ago that Feyre could come off birth control. Even as calm as he had been on the subject, she’d seen the new light in his eyes when she said she wanted to start trying for a baby. Neither of their families had been perfect, but they would make it work, whatever challenges came their way.
“The same way you’d tell him anything else? Well where’s the fun in that?” Avy asked.
“Lord help me. You two are terrible.”
In the end they’d agreed on a “souvenir”. In truth, it was a gift bag with a rattle and onesie under a couple layers of tissue paper. Unoriginal, perhaps. But it didn’t need to be a grand affair. “Rhys?” Though his car was out front, the empty house told her enough. She shrugged, heading to the master bedroom to open Bryaxis’ crate and change into pajamas.
She heard the front door open. “Feyre?” 
“I’ll be back out in a minute!” Twisting her hair in a clip, she came back out to the living room. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He stooped to kiss her cheek. “I missed you. You ladies didn’t let my sister get too drunk, did you? She is still underage.”
“She was with two responsible adults, despite what you may believe about your cousin. You and your parents can stop all the fussing. We took care of her.”
“I was teasing.” He slumped into the couch, tugging her into his lap. “Mostly. Right now, the only thing I really want to think about is how dearly I’ve missed my wife the past five days.”
She smiled. “I brought you something bag, you know.”
Her smile broadened and she tucked her face into his neck. “That gift back in front of you isn’t for the cat.”
He hummed, shifting forward to pluck it from the coffee table, furrowing his brow at either the lack of weight or the muffled plinking of the rattle. She bit her lip as the tissue paper slipped from his fingers, his body tensing beneath her. “Rhys—”
He laughed, his beautiful smile breaking through that shock. “Feyre, you’re really—I mean, you're certain?”
“I tested positive on the beach trip. I was feeling sick and other things started lining up. I’m pregnant.”
That pure glee softened as he cupped her face, kissing her soundly. “Feyre. My Feyre.”
Her back hit the cushions of the sofa. “At least take me to bed, you mongrel.”
He chuckled, cradling her in his arms once more, practically growling as she stretched to scrape her teeth against his neck. “Fuck. Feyre.”
“Now if we could put those two things together.”
He grinned, laying her down and pulling his shirt over his head. “You’re a mess,” he groaned into her neck before pressing a kiss there. “And you make me a mess. And I thank God every day that you do. I don’t know where I’d be without you, Feyre.”
“Living it up like any other guy in his twenties, I assume. Lucky for the both of us I saved you from that method of dating.”
“You and that smart mouth,” he growled, dragging her shorts down her legs, her panties and shirt joining it seconds later. He kissed down her collar, between her breasts, and lower still, to where their child would soon be growing. Her throat tightened as he lingered there. “God, I love you.” 
He pulled back long enough to peel out of his jeans, rolling over to pull her on top of him, the hard length of him pressing against her. And as eager as she was for that… This time she was the one sliding down the bed, her hands and mouth trailing over his chest and abdomen as she made her way down. He choked as she took him in her mouth. “Feyre.”
One word—her name alone—and he sounded positively feral. It was truly her favorite sound. He hissed as she took him deeper, nearly hitting her gag reflex. She would have taken more, had he not pulled her off of him and back up to a desperate kiss. She sank down on him with a low groan, hands bracing on his shoulders as he gripped her hips to hold her still. To say she was impatient at the moment would be an understatement. “Rhys.”
He cursed as she clenched hard, her nails biting into skin. Though his grip remained firm, he let her shift over him, each stroke bringing her closer to the edge. She cried out as her release crashed through her, at first barely registering Rhys rolling them to flip their position in the bed before thrusting deeper, already working her into her second orgasm. But rather than the pinch of teeth or filthy words, it was a kiss that sent her over the edge. Tender, passionate, and claiming in its own gentle way. 
It was a promise. One they both meant to keep, granting their child the picture-perfect family they deserved. Granting themselves their own happily ever after.
@goddess-aelin // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @acotar-fanns // @reverie-tales // @acourtofwips // @jealousveronya // @darling-archeron // @elentiya-whitethorn // @gwynkyrie
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 5 months
Tag meme
Thank you @hecatesbroom for the tag!
Last song: Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I didn't listen to this for years due to personal reasons, and rediscovered it only last week -- I can't believe I deprived myself of it for so long! It's lovely.
Last Book: (currently reading) "Piccolo libro di entomologia fantastica" [= a small book of imaginary entomology], by Fulvio Ervas. It's a novel involving a group of children united by their passion for bugs and a group of terminally ill (cancer) patients that somehow meet in the middle. Very sweet so far.
Last Movie: Un mondo a parte (2024) [= a world apart]. Bad (very, very bad). The last movie I watched and enjoyed is The Blue Caftan (2022).
Last TV Show: do I even need to tell you? My favourite -- The Golden Girls <3
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: hmm. I enjoy all three, but I think savory.
Relationship status: single (until I manage to build a time machine and go back to woo Rue McClanahan, that is)
Last thing I googled: "dustin hoffman". I wasn't sure about the spelling of his last name lmao
Current obsession(s): I'm sure it's very clear at this point, but everything Golden Girls, plus the various hot & vintage polls going around this site. Oh, and every Thursday I go a bit crazy about The Magnus Protocol.
Looking Forward To: I'm meeting a couple of dear friends on Sunday for a fun afternoon together, so that! And my long weekend at sea in about a month :)
tag 9 people: if you want to do this, consider this your official tag! and tag me -- I'd love to read your thoughts! :)
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girlbosstourney · 1 year
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We have 128 phenomenal contestants, and several shitty ones that were abandoned on the spreadsheet. Some were rejected for good reasons: Freddie Mercury isn’t a girl, Princess Di died too recently, and Trish is from one lady’s single Tiktok. Some were rejected for petty and foolish reasons, such as “I don’t like Hetalia” and “I don’t like early 2000s movies.”
Under the cut is all the match-ups in plain text for those of you who with to ctrl+F for their girlboss. If your own girlboss didn’t make it in, feel free to send in asks about how I’m a fool for running this poll without including your rejected babygirl.
Additionally, feel free to peruse the original spreadsheet to see everyone who didn’t make it in. It is organized in no way shape or form besides the occasional collating of characters who had multiple submissions (notably, Vriska).
If there’s anything I should know about any of the accepted girlbosses (”The person who played this girlboss is currently being prosecuted for murder in North Carolina” or other similar aspects of despicability that should get them disqualified) please inform me off-anon, with evidence. While some of these girlbosses are literal murderers, those who have shed human blood are either fictional or have been dead for over a century, but I don’t want any current murderers around. I want everyone on tumblr to be able to enjoy this tournament if possible.
Polls should begin some time this weekend, assuming no problems arise.
Vriska Serket vs. Azula
Makima vs. Lady Macbeth
Wu Zhao vs. Asahina Tomiko
Edelgard von Hresvelg vs. Allison (Kill Six Billion Demons)
Turanga Leela vs. Emily Prentiss
Lady Dimitrescu vs. Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche
Franziska von Karma vs. Gerri Kellman
Romana vs. Missy
Hatsune Miku vs. Lord Dominator
Kim Wexler vs. Dahlia Hawthorne
Maria Calavera vs. Maria (Silent Hill 2)
Lup Taaco vs. Fig Faeth
Banica Conchita vs. Queen Maud/Empress Matilda
Lady Jessica vs. Jadwiga
Stepmother (Dimension 20) vs. Fine (Symphogear)
Princess Caroline vs. Queen (Deltarune)
Amanda Young vs. Erica Slaughter
Charlie vs. Victim
Charlotte Hale vs. Bryce Tankthrust
Edalyn Clawthorne vs. Amaya
Fujiko Mine vs. Mitsuru Kirijo
Arashi Narukami vs. Mizuki Akiyama
Bela Talbot vs. Hamyuts Meseta
Michael Burnham vs. Eva Popoff
Anna Kyoyama vs. Ava Maddox
Giulia Tofana vs. Eleanor Guthrie
Renee Minkowski vs. Katherine Pulitzer
Ozaki Kouyou vs. Ayt Madashi
Romina vs. Clytemnestra
Pioneer 10 vs. Prospera Mercury
Kafka vs. Jinx
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Dana Scully
Grell Sutcliffe vs. Misa Amane
T'Pring vs. Della Duck
Madalena (Galavant) vs. Cersei Lannister
Baru Cormorant vs. Riza Hawkeye
Cleopatra vs. Morton Salt Girl
Susie (Deltarune) vs. Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Pearl Forrester vs. GlaDOS
Mapleshade vs. Midna
Amanda Waller vs. Victoria Hand
Chevalier d'Eon vs. Samus
The Golden Witch Beatrice vs. Morgana
Amy Dunne vs. Irene Adler
Junko Enoshima vs. Usagi Tsukino
Sharpay Evans vs. Heather Chandler
Moira O'Deorain vs. Tsunade
Welegato/Cairngorm vs. Garnet (Steven Universe)
Ada Wong vs. Medea
Shego vs. Loba
Maddie Fenton vs. Pearl Houzuki
Cala Maria vs. Morathi
Akane Kurashiki vs. Evolved One
Boudica vs. Tlacey
Larxene vs. The Administrator
Jane Johnston Schoolcraft vs. Joan d'Arc
Koyanskaya vs. Mitzi May
Eowyn vs. Chacha
Alexis Rose vs. Julia Cotton
Shenzi vs. Tak
Grandmother Raven vs. Roxanne Wolf
Toph Beifong vs. Sasha Waybright
April O'Neil vs. Misty Quigley
Rose Lalonde vs. Mia Fey
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threebooksoneplot · 1 year
Episode 26 - "Not Sponsored by BetterHelp" (Show Notes)
listen along here
General content warning for this entire season: there will be discussion of suicide! It's a major theme/allusion/plot point in New Moon. There will also be dark humor about suicide.
[00:06:19] Stephenie Meyer's “the story behind the writing of New Moon” blog post
[00:08:51] A Reddit AMA from the person who read Forever Dawn, plus a recent article about the overturning of the law that requires 2 copies of a work to be deposited at the Library of Congress
[00:14:20] Listen to Episode 0 here!
[00:14:45] The BYU symposium Q&A where Stephenie Meyer discusses her "method-writing" Bella's grief by imagining she had lost a child (a fascinating read. There's other buckwild stuff in here)
[00:19:01] Listen to Episode 6 here!
[00:19:16] A video from last fall of the new Quileute tribal school!! Consider donating to the next phase of the Move to Higher Ground project if you're able
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[00:25:02] The New Moon movie tie-in covers:
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[00:25:07] Winni (our Episode 6 guest) having a Moment on a trip to 2nd & Charles with G
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[00:26:10] The original (left) and horrid new (right) versions of the actual New Moon cover. Bonus: it's an Estella Rijnveld Tulip!
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[00:26:15] Stephenie Meyer's New Moon FAQ discussing the tulip cover
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[00:36:10] Vote for your favorite Euphoria and Something title variation in this poll (through 9/20/23!)
[00:37:50] Cousin Oskaar from Iceland
[00:40:58] G’s and Shannon’s “sad green plant” cover image ideas for Euphoria and Something
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[00:41:06] Some “same tulip but green” cover image ideas
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[00:41:36] Shannon’s "colorblind-filtered tulip" cover
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[00:43:06] Some “head of cabbage” cover image ideas
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[00:43:31] Some “overripe banana” cover image ideas
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[00:44:05] Shannon's "little red vial of poison" cover image idea
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[00:44:45] G’s “frosted autumn leaf/frozen branch” cover image ideas
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[00:46:22] Shannon's "cows" quote comes from Nona the Ninth, the third book in one of hers and G's favorite series, the Locked Tomb books by Tamsyn Muir
[00:46:45] G is thinking of this Beau Swan moodboard/edit
[00:47:00] The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
[00:47:59] Vote in the Euphoria and Something epigraph poll (through 9/20/23)
[00:49:57] Manfred by Lord Byron (the phrase G is looking for is “closet drama” lol)
[00:50:36] Vote in the Dark Noon epigraph poll (through 9/20/23)
[00:54:22] Guest of the week Nicole is called!
[00:56:40] “Tumblarity”
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[00:59:19] The Fanlore entry for Superwholock
[00:59:59] Nicole’s viral Lilo and Stitch/Destiel post
[01:05:16] Shannon (left) and G (right) on their cannibalism-themed girls’ trip
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[01:05:42] One of Shannon’s many, many tiktoks asking Smeyer for the Cullens' birthdays (feat. G and Rae [Episode 12])
[1:06:39] Olivia Rodrigo's music video for "Vampire" vs this 2008 RPattz & KStew photoshoot by Jeff Riedel for Entertainment Weekly
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[01:12:55] Shannon’s Euphoria and Something summary
What do you mean Beau became a vampire and Life and Death ended differently? No it didn’t. Right now he’s unfortunately able to relate to trash song Seventeen Forever by Metro Station, because he too is constantly trying to fuck this seventeen year old girl. Fuck you Trace Cyrus! Anyways, Not Like Other Boys Beau doesn’t want to be 18, doesn’t want a birthday party, and super doesn’t want to hear about how his vampire girlfriend, Edythe, wishes she could kill herself! Too bad, so sad Beau. Welcome to the start of book two, where we finally give you a REAL reason for being scared shitless of Jessamine, and all the foreshadowing in this chapter will surely come back to bite you in the ass; one thing you WISH one of these vampires would do already. Hold on tight, king, things are about to get Worse.
[01:23:34] Livejournal user @ twilight-sucks' rant on “liquid topaz eyes”
[01:28:51] With a birthday gift on my birthday
[01:29:36] Wanna watch Romeo + Juliet with us this weekend? Info (and Discord link) here!
[01:31:57] Wack vs tight as fuck
[01:33:10] Yzma
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actually kind of slaps I would totally wear this
[01:35:31] Alice, probably
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[02:02:21] Rabid Birthday Jasper as depicted in the first New Moon graphic novel by Young Kim
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[02:02:45] Some Snickers commercials
[02:22:30] Our alternate cover contest is open through 10/09/23! Check out the details and how to enter here.
[02:23:27] That Euphoria and Something title poll once again
Welcome back to show notes, gang!! We'll be keeping up with this season's notes even as we work our way through posting the backlog of unfinished ones for last season.
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pinkeoni · 5 months
“By wanting to erase these qualities, you are literally siding with the characters that the show is telling you to hate. I don't understand why fans like you are so insistent on getting away from the characterization Will has in the show when it goes against one of the messages the show is trying to get across— being different is a good thing.”
That seems like a strawman to me. I haven’t seen very many Bylers who don’t want Will to be different, who want to erase his kindness and sensitivity and creativity. Most Bylers deeply relate to Will on these things, so why would they want to get rid of these traits?
Of course being different is a good thing. And yeah, sure, Will is more feminine than the average boy, especially during the time. No one’s arguing against that. Most of us are queer here and very in tune with not fitting in. Additionally, according to that one byler poll, the Byler fandom largely consists of INFPs (Will’s type).
But he isn’t actually…. effeminate in a deeper sense? He still is a boy. He still has a lot of boy interests and a mostly male friend group. There’s a world between the Reaganite Rambo ideal and the hyperfeminine girlypop gay that Will just isn’t? Like in canon, when has he ever been that?
Give examples that go beyond what Lonnie and other homophobic bullies have attacked him for being. Will’s feminine enough. Why do people want to make him more feminine?
To me, that’s one of the things that makes Will so relatable and refreshing in media. Him not being a stereotype. I never once watched the show and thought, “Wow, this kid is so effeminate.” I was surprised by how attached some people are to that vision of him.
Will is canonically into rock music like Bowie and The Cure, which is a very queer taste in music, but not “feminine” in the way modern gay men are often stans of pop divas. Will loves Star Wars and movies and a lot of the things his friends love. He doesn’t go shopping every weekend.
Most Bylers are girls and it seems like your side wants to make Will more feminine than even the most femme woman here. It reminds me of those middle-aged women with poodles who adorn their poodles in bowties and such.
There’s a big difference between being more in tune with your emotions than the average male and crying at the breeze. I just find a lot of that heightened stuff to be deeply uncomfortable and unnatural feeling. I don’t think, “awww.” I think, “Who is that?” It seems like GNC Will diehards want to make Will so light and girly and ethereal he floats away like a feather and disappears into a cloud of pink
You typed all of that and still didn't answer my question, why is making him more feminine a bad thing? What I was saying was that by leaning into his feminine traits it aligns with the message the story is telling.
I'm not sure where these diehard GNC Will fans are that you are describing, but at least from what I see they aren't on tumblr. What I and some of my friends talk about specifically is how Will's gender non-conformity acts as a function within the narrative, and how he is non-traditionally masculine for that time period. No one is denying his interests? All of this over a post about Will picking flower petals, but is that too much for you?
I also don't really care if someone wants to make Will a hyperfemme girlypop, have you ever heard of headcanons and AUs anon?
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
TLM got an "A" in CinemaScore which does polling interviewing people as they exit cinemas. Are they bought off too anon? PostTrack, another polling service also got similar results. This is Trumpian logic that when the majority of people like something that a certain person dislikes, they most surely be bought off, no matter how wide the conspiracy the person has to construct to make their beliefs true
Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Fandango, which is in turn owned by Universal. Anon thinks that Universal is manipulating the Verified User process to make a project of their competitor Disney look better? The verification is done through the users that buy tickets through Fandango and there are already more than 5,000 verified users that have left their ratings. According to anon, Disney put more than 5000 credit card numbers in Fandango to create the fake accounts and then made sure to buy the CinemaScore and PostTrack results too. Or could it just be that a lot of people really liked TLM and the negative ratings are just seen in measuring tools where people don't have to verify that they actually watched the movie?
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EXACTLY Anon. Some of these (sad to say) GROWN ADULTS are just bitter, salty, and racist asl. The fact that they are so triggered by a black Mermaid named Ariel (who's fictional btw) is just really utterly dumb and irritating imo. 🙄 They want this movie to "flop" so bad lol... 😅🤣 But it's not gonna flop. The movie already made almost HALF of what it took to make it in like 72 HOURS. Ummmmm....You do the math. Yes, other films are coming out this weekend and onward that will more than likely have a much bigger box office bang since those films are not geared just towards little girls, but people underestimate the power of GOOD word of mouth, fun times, great musical numbers, and FEEL-good movies!
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falloutjay · 4 years
Okay Clyde Donovan x flirty reader
Clyde tries to flirt with reader but it doesn't work, not because she rejected him or anything, but because she out flirts him and asks him out instead.
Two months later, This seems to take a poll on Clyde's masculinity like sometimes they fight over movies and by times Clyde is onboard with the romance movie, Reader changes her mind and wants to watch the action movie...And Clyde makes it slip by accident he wanted to see the romance movie, he is caught by the guys.
Or sometimes, he'll catch us talking to others guys with reader's massive charm. He almost goes Burn (y'know from Hamilton) but someone stops him from burning their memories away and convinces him to talk her instead.
He does, reader and Clyde talk things out, and things get better.
Thank you very much for your patience and for your request, I hope you enjoy it. You inspired me to make a flustered Clyde gif. It's sadly still WIP 😊
Clyde x Flirty!Reader
"And yeah, you know, that's why they call me the backbone of the team." Clyde said, smiling slyly at you and flexing his small muscles a little bit.
You just chuckled while biting your lip, contemplating if you should really say what was on your mind. "Well...I sure don't mind you being my backbone."
Your laugh was ringing in Clyde's ears. He didn't fully grasp what you just said, which is why he was just starring with you with a friendly expression, while his brain tried processing your words.
From afar the guys watched him. Craig shook his head, while the other three guys, Token, Tweek and Jimmy laughed.
"Ehm.. yeah.. so... Eh... What were we talking about?" Clyde was perplexed.
He wasn't sure what to do.
He was no stranger to flirting and he would say he's pretty good at it, but every time he talked to YN, his brain went straight out of the window.
"I don't know. But I know what he could do instead." You smiled devilishly and there was this mischievous glint in your eyes.
"And that would be?" Clyde asked, leaning over the cafeteria table you were seated at. He tried playing it cool again.
"You know, how about you..." Your index finger started drawing little circles on the back of his hand.
"Come over to my house, my parents are out of town, we just order some food, watch a movie and get down and dirty." Just like perfect timing, the bell rang, and you got up.
"You got my number, just text me if that sounds good to you." You smiled and started walking to your next class.
Clyde just sat at the table, almost like he was a statue since he couldn’t move at all.
"Clyde, move your ass, we don't wanna be late." Token said and shook him slightly.
"I told you they are something different."
Craig said and the guys just laughed about his misery. Meanwhile the brunette just managed to stutter.
"B-b-bu...but that... That was supposed to be my line."
Nether the less, Clyde still went over that weekend. He had a great time but at the back of his mind, something kept occupying his thoughts.
And it was this conversation you two had in the cafeteria.
It was just bothering him.
He was supposed to leave you stuttering. He was supposed to make those jokes. He was the man, he was supposed to flirt with you and make you giggle.
But then you just turned it around and all that. It made him wonder... Was he maybe not man enough?
Well, his friends always told him you were just a very different kind of person. But he never expected this.
After meeting up, they were pretty much seen as a couple by the whole school. Rumors spread fast, especially when Cartman gets his hand on any juicy gossip.
Walking down the hallway with a very flustered Clyde was amusing to you. The pink tint on his cheeks was always present and it only motivated you more to keep it always visible. Be it a dirty joke, some stupid pick-up line delivered in your most flirtatious voice or just touching him.
Two months passed by like this and the biggest problem for Clyde despite being out flirted every time by you was that he felt embarrassed in front of his friends.
He still pretended to be this cool and masculine boyfriend. His façade only crumbled when it came to the discussion of movies.
Whenever it came to what movies you two were going to watch he kept pretending to not like your suggestions.
“Too boring.” “Too cheesy” “Too girly”
When he felt like he played enough around or when it was a movie, he would actually like watching, he just agreed.
”Yeah, okay babe, we can watch ‘To all the boys I’ve loved before’. I don’t mind.” But then to his surprise, you would just laugh and smile evilly.
“Mhm.. I changed my mind. I’d like to watch Kill Bill.” You giggled and the guys would sometimes just encourage you, saying you had great taste.
“But I thought we were… We wanted to watch that movie?” By his expression, the guys could just easily tell that he was disappointed.
“O-Oh poor Cl-Clyde. G-G-G-ot the hots for P-P-Peter?” Jimmy joked and you all broke out in contagious laughter.
Except the brunette who would just try his best to not show how much this bothered him.
Another thing that bothered the brown-haired half-orphan was that your flirty and cocky behavior wasn’t exclusive for him.
While wanting to pick you up from one of your classes, he noticed you talking to Stan and Kyle.
“Nice muscles Stan. If Wendy wasn’t already with you, I’m sure every girl here would fight to get vomited on by you. Goes for both of you.” You giggled and so did the two best friends next to you.
“Not too sure about that, YN.” Stan laughed.
“Yeah, I wish girls would acknowledge me.” Kyle mumbled shyly.
“Ah Kyle, come on, you’re like a parking ticket, ‘cause you got FINE written all over you.” All of you laughed once more and Clyde’s blood was boiling.
Without any hesitation he turned around and caught up to his friends. He recounted everything and kept talking about how angry he was.
“They just keep flirting. I hate it. It’s like they don’t take us seriously. I just wanna end it all.” He fumed and Craig just let out a big sigh.
“Dude, it’s just how they are. If you have a problem with it, have you considered talking to them about it?” The black-haired questioned. The other guys also turning to look at Clyde.
“Eh..I guess not. Not really, I think..?” He said quietly.
“Then talk it out. Clyde, I know you are a bit dense but come on.” Token now insisted too.
“Fine, fine. You are right.” He said and turned around once more to sprint towards where he thought you would maybe still be.
And to his surprise you were there, still waiting in front of your classroom. When you spotted the brunette, you smiled warmly at him.
“There you are. I was waiting.” You said excited and he felt bad for being angry with you.
“Will you walk with me for a bit?” He questioned and extended his hand to you. You gladly took it and you two started walking through the school.
“How come you wanted to walk? Somethings up?” You asked and the grip on your hand got stronger.
“I…I don’t know how to say but... I kinda have a problem with you being so flirty and embarrassing me about movies and all that. It just…. Makes me feel less like a man.” The last part he mumbled very very quietly but you were luckily still able to catch it.
You giggled and Clyde almost thought you were making fun of him. “I’m sorry then. I sure didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I can tone it down a bit if you want.”
Clyde nodded. “That would be great.” You two laughed awkwardly. “So…Wanna watch ‘To all the boys I’ve loved before?’ tonight at your place?” You asked and smiled at the brunette. Clyde’s brown eyes starred right into yours while he smiled widely. “I’d love that, babe.”
You got on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet and tender kiss onto his lips. “Good, see you tonight, hun. I gotta go to class.”
With a pep in his step Clyde walked to his class. He felt fuzzy and warm inside, happy that the boys talked him into talking to you. Because he sure was in love with this incredibly flirty you.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Here's All the Big News That Was Revealed at Anime Japan 2021
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  This weekend was filled with pretty much nothing but big news from Anime Japan 2021, and unless you were keeping your eyes glued to your screen, you might have missed out on a few key items. With the dust still settling, we decided to round it all up in one handy list, with news pieces separated into a small handful of categories for your convenience. 
  See what went down at this year's big event, and let us know which announcements had you surprised, delighted, or downright flummoxed. 
  Heavy-Hitter Premieres
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    Some of the biggest stories had to do with dates and other announcements regarding hotly-anticipated projects. The whole weekend was sandwiched between JUJUTSU KAISEN and Black Clover movie news, and here's what went down in between both. 
  Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night Anime Film Premieres in Japan in Autumn 2021
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop Anime Film to Finally Release on July 22
My Hero Academia THE MOVIE: World Heroes Mission Reveals August 6 Release in 1st Trailer
World Trigger Season 3 TV Anime to Air in October 2021
Mahouka Spin-Off The Honor at Magic High School TV Anime Reveals July 2021 Broadcast
  New and Updated Projects
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    A few projects were announced for the first time, while others were updated with new details. Here's an overview of what came out over the weekend. 
  Original TV Anime Visual Prison Combines Vampires With Visual Kei
New ETOTAMA Web Anime & Audio Drama Hit ABEMA in May of 2021
Uta no Prince-sama New Concert Film "Maji LOVE ST☆RISH TOURS" Coming in 2022
MUTEKING THE Dancing HERO TV Anime Goes Full Disco in Fall 2021
Blue Reflection Ray TV Anime to Spread Hope Over 2 Cours
DEEMO THE MOVIE Reveals Full Name in New Trailer for CG Anime Film
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S TV Anime Re-Enlists Fhaná for Opening Theme
The Case Study of Vanitas Sinks Its Fangs Into a TV Anime
    Trailer Debuts
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    From a bunch of reels out of Netflix to new promos for some of the biggest upcoming shows, Anime Japan 2021 had no shortage of footage to go around. 
  Netflix Comes in Hot With Anime Announcements at AnimeJapan 2021
The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Posts Teaser PV with English Narration
Record of Ragnarok Anime Releases Brand New Trailer 
Rom-Com Koikimo TV Anime Previews ED Ahead of April 5 Broadcast
Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song- Anime Reveals 2nd PV Ahead of April 3 Debut
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord Season 2 TV Anime Previews OP in New Trailer
86 EIGHTY SIX TV Anime Releases a Blast of a New Trailer
TV Anime The Vampire Dies in No Time Teaser PV Announces October 2021 Premiere
Fate/Grand Order: Camelot Paladin; Agateram Summons New Trailer and Visual Ahead of Anime Film Release
The Duke of Death and His Maid 1st PV Confirms Its July 2021 Premiere
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA Licht Film Teaser Trailer Foreshadows The Beginning of A New Battle
Original TV Anime Back Arrow TV Anime Gets New Visual and Trailer For 2nd Half
SSSS.DYNAZENON Reveals New Promo and Visual at Anime Japan
Three-Way Relationship TV Anime Series Girlfriend, Girlfriend Reveals 1st Trailer and July Broadcast
Harem TV Anime Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun Gets 1st NSFW Trailer
Historical Romance TV Anime Taisho Otome Otogi Banashi Receives New Visual and Trailer
Meet the Nine Idol Candidates in SELECTION PROJECT TV Anime Trailer
Final Evangelion Film Shares a Pair of 90 Second Clips
NisiOisin's Pretty Boy Detective Club Anime Reveals New Promo, Visual
  Fresh Visuals
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    You want key visuals? Buddy, Anime Japan had 'em up comin' out of its ears. Here are all the KVs we covered that weren't attached to news about a trailer. 
  I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level! Gets New Key Visual Ahead of April Premiere
Kumoko and Humans Feature in New So I’m a Spider, So What? TV Anime Key Visual
Fairy Ranmaru TV Anime Releases Striking New Visual
3rd Key Visual for That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 2 TV Anime Unveiled
Girls are Hockey Idols in PRIDE OF ORANGE TV Anime Visual
Nemo and Faria Get Their Own Seven Knights Revolution Visuals
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Anime Shares Beary Nice Visual
My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission Anime Film Goes Plus Ultra in 1st Poster
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day TV Anime Gets Aged up Key Visual for 10th Anniversary Project
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Visual Hypes Continuing Anime
Gil and a Pair of Jeannes Join Fate/Grand Carnival's Ever-Growing Key Visual
Fruits Basket: The Final Season Gets 12 Ending Illustrations From Manga Author
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    If you're wondering which manga series fans currently want to be adapted into an anime the most, look no further than this year's poll out of Anime Japan.
  Top 10 Manga Fans Want to Be Animated According to Anime Japan Poll
  Some interesting collaborations made themselves known, as well: 
  Battle Athletes Victory ReSTART! Kicks off with Women's Soccer Collaboration
Go on an Onsen Adventure During Golden Kamuy's Latest Collaboration
  Until next year, AJ! 
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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enderspawn · 3 years
hullo sir! any movie suggestions for me on this fine afternoon? :0
i dont watch a ton of movies, but ive got some i enjoy off top my head! uh. no idea where you can watch em so i Hope they’re available on streaming service of your choice. worst case scenario uh..... (pirate shanty begins quietly playing)
1. spirit! it’s my favorite movie tbh. great soundtrack,  main character doesn’t speak so it relys on a lot of visual storytelling, strong anti-american and anti-imperialist message, what more could you want?
2. bruce almighty! i just enjoy jim carrey movies man idk what else to say. fuck it, add “yes man” to this list too. stan jim carrey movies
3. matilda! real nice feel good movie w good comedy, likable found family, and danny devito as a character and director
4. 27 dresses! okay so fun fact i barely remember much abt this movie beyond the premise, its honesly a p average romcom, but like. i did an informal poll of my friends once: a good 75% of all the girls i asked have SEEN this movie while like none of the guys did. i think ONE had heard of it. what is this phenominon. 
OR you can be like my mom/sister and jsut watch one of the twilight movies every weekend. like seriously they both watch so much twilight i dont get it. like i accept it they’re fun movies but why so often its no joke a weekly occurrence at this point. they dont even like seek it out w a dvd or something its just always on tv so they put it on in the bg or something. girl help ive seen each twilight movie so many times JFKDLSJFKL
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lunarrwolf · 4 years
black butterflies [colby brock]
fandom: sam and colby/traphouse
pairing: colby x self
word count: 1,963
part(s): one
summary: after a prank gone wrong, colby and his friends meet another youtuber during her meet and greet in hopes it will cheer her up
A/N: this is a self-insert because it’s a fic that was started for my own personal pleasure. it was supposed to be shared last year on my fan account after a poll was done but never was bc i ended up not feeling ready to do so. i figured since i‘m ready to share it now, it would be best to do it here since it’s pretty detailed
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“What’s up guys?! It’s your girl Kirsy here, and today we’re going to be entering Freetown State Forest. Otherwise known as The Cursed Forest of Massachusetts.” The girl looked into her camera brightly, the excitement of finally being able to explore her home state’s most bizarre places setting in as she recorded.
“Wait - cursed? You didn’t say anything about that.” Her best friend and roommate exclaimed, red locks shaking as quickly as her head was. Casey had been interrupted during a well credited movie of theirs when her friend decided she wanted to go out and take advantage of the fact that neither of them had any plans for the weekend. And as usual in their two bedroom home, no morning schedules meant the freedom to explore the best-worst possible places and capture it all on film for both social network and personal use.
“Didn’t I?” Kirsy chimed, turning the camera toward her roommate who only glanced into the object before shooting her friend the middle finger. She laughed and followed the retreating figure toward the path that would eventually lead them into the actual forest. It was a widened road of dirt and rocks, causing the two of them to nearly trip every so often. The sun was just beginning to set, so the scenery on the other side of the camera was something the green haired girl was glad she was able to capture as she filmed. They continued to walk down the barren path for about forty-five minutes - trees starting to surround them after a half hour - and by then the sun had set quickly without notice and the night began. She could hear Casey muttering about how the place was significantly creepier, and an idea popped into her head. She turned the camera to herself and glanced up to make sure no attention was being brought to her before looking into the lens. “So we’ve been walking for nearly an hour. Casey is already kind of freaked out because of how dark it is, so as her best friend I thought it would be fun to do a little prank on her.”
“What are you doing?” She looked up to meet the narrowed eyes of the redhead that caught her speaking lowly to the camera.
Casey’s eyes didn’t falter from their current state as she continued to glare at the other girl. “Kirsy, I swear if you’re planning something-”
Kirsy scoffed, “What would I be planning out here? Your murder? No thanks - too much work.” She finished off, laughing lightly at the expression she received before the girl with reddish brown locks turned back to survey their surroundings. Kirsy did the same thing for the following ten minutes of their walk. The only sounds they heard so far were forest animals and the wind rustling through the loose leaves of the trees. There was the occasional crunch or branch snapping, which unnerved both of the girls until they would see some small critter scattering to another bush or inside a hole somewhere. She really wanted to pull a practical joke on her friend after not being able to do one on her the whole month she’d been gone on a trip prior to this night. It seemed to be quiet enough to where she wouldn’t really suspect a thing. As long as comments were made from behind her, Casey wouldn’t notice.
She took the opportunity when they were nearing a fork in the pathway and jokingly said something about the atmosphere of the place that would make her friend give her a knowing look. And that was just what happened. However, when Casey turned around, the main star of the channel the video would be posted on was nowhere to be seen. She turned in a full circle slowly, being even more aware and extremely careful where she stepped so she wouldn’t disrupt the sudden silence of the area. “Kirsy.. Kirsy.” She hissed out, moving toward the edge of the path. “I swear to god if this is one of your pranks-” A twig snapped from directly beside her once she got to the natural line that separated a way back to civilization from unpredictable darkness. Her heart was pounding, and tears were springing in her eyes. It had been too long of a time since her last appearance in one of her friend’s scary videos; she forgot how frightening things could get within minutes or hours of arriving somewhere.
There was an obnoxiously loud rustling coming from the same direction, and she approached the bushes to her right cautiously. Reaching a reluctant arm out, she started to move stuff away from her so she could peer behind the plant. As her face got closer, someone jumped out and screamed a scream that was deadly enough to be included in a horror film. “Shit!” Casey jumped back, almost falling to the ground if she hadn’t been able to balance herself.
She glared up at the girl who was trying hard to hold on to the camera as she held her stomach in laughter. “Holy crap, you should’ve seen your face!”
“Dude. What the fuck!” Casey stood back up and snatched the camera away from her friend, marching away as she ignored the calls of the hysterical girl running to catch up.
A small group of friends sat on the leather couch in the living room, watching a fellow YouTuber explore a haunted forest with only one other person. It was entertaining to say the least - the amount of times the media influencer messed with her friend was endless, and it only got better when payback would be put into order. One of the darker haired males shook his head, a smile on his face as he shared an amused look with his friends. “I need to marry this girl.”
“Marry who?”
Brennen looked up to see a brunette enter from upstairs, looking at the group of them with curiosity written all over their faces. “Kirsy, dude. Not only is she rocking the new hair, but she obviously knows how to have fun.” Colby didn’t hesitate to join the others on the couch once he heard the name. She was very well known in their industry; a skyrocketing vlogger who stuck to the same several categories of videos and never failed to deliver quality content. She was known to go above and beyond for her fans after having been one herself for years before deciding to dive into the world of explorations. At a recent milestone of 500,000 subscribers, she not only released new merch, she also scheduled a last minute meet and greet that had the sidewalks and almost half of the central park of Boston flooded with local fans of hers. She was someone the members and friends of the trap house admired, as she wasn’t afraid to be herself even when others put her down and criticized the way she behaved on camera.
“Guys, check it out. She added something at the end of this.” Jake brought the guys’ attention back to the computer from their phones. She wasn’t smiling and didn’t hold a bright aura like she usually did when adding bits recorded after her adventures. When she spoke it sounded normal, but after having watched her for the past three years, the boys knew when something was off. They watched the girl give the lens a wry smile before clearing her throat, glancing away as she dove right into the point of the additional bit.
“So this part was recorded a couple of nights after we went into the forest. Casey hasn’t been with me since we got back.” She started off. “I did realize after the fact that she was genuinely mad at me, and I do feel really bad about it. She’d been gone for a month before then. Which meant she didn’t have to deal with abandoned houses, restless spirits, or me and my stupidity - so she wasn’t prepared to be brought back into the swing of things so quickly. I take full responsibility for any actual fear I caused her, and I want to apologize for doing this to her right as she got back from what I know was a good, relaxing trip for her. I did apologize off camera as soon as I caught up with her and she did say she forgave me. However, she uh- she won’t be in videos anymore. And I’m going to be honest with you guys...” She trailed off, and Colby’s heart lurched when he noticed the glossiness in her eyes, “I don’t know where our friendship stands. We know each other’s limits, and while I didn’t go too far, I think she just got tired of me doing all of this. So... yeah.” She gave a dry chuckle, tugging at the end of her sleeves.
“Damn.. she must be crushed right now.” Mike commented, glancing between his friends as they all gave their agreements.
“I can’t even imagine possibly losing you guys.” Sam added.
“And over a prank - Casey’s pretty cold.” Corey brought in, changing his position on the couch and leaning forward when the girl began to speak again.
“Anyway, I’m sure you guys didn’t keep watching just to see me get all emotional. So on to the good news!” The green haired girl continued, clapping her hands together and smiling brightly at the camera as if nothing happened. Still, they could see the look in her eyes, and it was unsettling to see the otherwise outgoing Dominican that way. “I'll be going to Los Angeles in a few days on business, and am happy to announce that I'll also be having a meetup at Santa Monica Pier. I haven't set the exact date in case my schedule goes out of whack, but I will be bringing along someone special. I expect that our family's policy of acceptance will be applied to him.”
“Wait wait wait - my girl's got a man?”
Mike rolled his eyes, smirking at Brennen. “If she was yours, wouldn't she know you exist?”
There was a short amount of silence while the targeted guy looked over with a playfully offended look on his face. “That was cold.” The guys laughed and chuckled, but deep down they still felt bad about what they just heard. The ginger had been by the brunette's side since the start of the channel. Though Casey was mostly the support and a guest in abandoned vlogs and some other types of videos, she would speak out as her friend's defense and help out in any way she could. Some would have figured that a month off would have her ecstatic in going back into working with her best friend. However, it sounded like that time away made her less for the type of content Kirsy had and more against it. The latter of the two must have been devastated at that moment.
“We should go meet her.” Sam announced. “Sounds like it's free - and Brennen could use an ego boost if she does know he exists.”
“You guys gotta give me a little credit here. My channel's pretty big.”
“Yes, but has she acknowledged it?” The dyed brunette questioned, laughing at the glare he received in return. It seemed like it was a unanimous agreement to take a short trip to the pier when she arrived, but everyone was vocal except for Colby. Sam shook his best friend's shoulder, and the young man blinked, switching his gaze over to the former blonde. “You alright?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, glancing back at the screen. “I agree. We should go meet her.”
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purplesurveys · 5 years
First things first, did you have a good year? I would say most of it was good. I did most of the stuff I said I was going to do so I’m giving myself pats on the back for that. Things just kinda took a turn for the worse by the end of the year what with an ambiguous end to my most recent semester (I don’t have two of my seven final grades yet because my prof likes seeing her students suffer, I guess) and losing Nacho, so it all balances out.
How old did you turn this year? I turned 21. Which means legality in the US, but I’ve been legal in the Philippines for three years now so it doesn’t warrant much of a celebration lol.
Do you feel your age? I guess. There are days where it’s very tempting to feel inadequate because there are many 21-year-olds in my social circle who have their own business, are grabbing opportunities here and there (they’re in a successful band, are junior radio jocks, hired as emcees, serve as UAAP courtside reporters, to name a few), already make their own money, etc., but I just have to remind myself that everybody is moving at their own pace and that in my case, at least I’m not behind and that I’m moving remarkably fairly for my age.
Did your appearance change in anyway? Nah I BARELY did anything to my look this year. I did not go for a haircut at all in 2019 and now my hair is crazy long. I’m keeping it untrimmed until my grad shoot, so the long hair will stay with me for a while.
Post your favorite selfie. I would but Tumblr doesn’t really work the same way as Twitter where I’d feel more free to share photos of myself haha.
If you traveled, where did you go? My family went to Pangasinan, Bicol, Tagaytay, and Cavite this year. I also took my friends on a day trip to Nasugbu shortly before school started in August as sort of a last hurrah for our summer vacation.
Which fashion trends did you love? Which fashion trends did you hate? I initially liked chunky sneakers until everyone bought their own pair solely so that they’d feel like they’re one of the cool kids – it quickly became uncool after that. I was a fan of mom jeans (still am), high-waisted jeans, culottes, and tops in muted colors and had cute little bows in the chest area. I hated bike shorts and scrunchies, and slowly got tired of off-shoulder tops by the end of the year. I never understood tracksuits and never bought one of my own, and was also never a fan of hype fashion like DBTK shirts.
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? I looooooooved the floral romper and the two-piece ensemble I was both able to snag at Feliz.
What song sums up this year for you? Buwan by juan karlos, the two reasons being that the song exploded in 2019 and because it was Nacho’s favorite and he made a million jokes about it.
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? This question is a little vague so I’ll answer it in two ways. In my case, I definitely played Beyonce’s Homecoming album TOO MUCH last year. But radio-wise, it looked like Ariana Grande and Camila Cabello had stellar years.
What was your favorite movie of the year? I had several favorite movies, but here they are put in order: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Midsommar, and Toy Story 4.
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? Florence fucking Pugh. Also I just realized how attractive Timothee Chalamet is, although I’ve been aware of him way before 2019 and haven’t watched any of his material.
Favorite new TV show? I watched the first few episodes of Stranger Things but I found it too slow-paced so I let it go easily. Other than that I didn’t really get into any 2019 shows because I’m not a big TV person, but I did recently get into Descendants of the Sun so that’s new for me! Queer Eye will also always have a place in my heart.
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? I’m a little too old for that now but I did heavily get into the Try Guys. I don’t ship any of them together but I just genuinely love each of them, them as a group, and all the content they put out.
What food did you try for the first time? Ooh there’s a lot. Foie gras, aligue (crab fat) ramen, Bloody Mary, pistachios, a vanilla frappe from Starbucks, Tim Hortons food, ji pai (Taiwanese fried chicken) and pad thai, to name a few. I’m so so so pumped to try out even more new food in 2020.
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? I stopped talking to my brother.
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? Being one of the only two people in my org who can drive, I’ve always offered lifts to my friends. I don’t say anything even if where I’m taking them is entirely off my normal route, which frustrates Gabie, but honestly I just like helping my friends and making their commute easier for them. I also checked up on Nacho a day before he passed. I regret being too civil, but at least I checked up on him. Not a lot of people did that in his last few days.
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? Ok so one thing my org does is hold journalism workshops to schools across the country. The org is a bit small and not all the members are reliable, so what usually happens is that the same group of people attend the workshops and teach and facilitate – me being a part of that same group of people. Given that we have class during weekdays and these workshops happen on weekends, the schedule can be very demanding, especially if these schools request a shit-ton of topics for us to teach them. I sort of looked out for myself more this year by declining to go to a couple of the workshops, so that I can experience actually having a full weekend to myself.
Did you develop a new obsession? I discovered a YouTuber who is insanely good at Mario Kart 8 and I watched a ton of his playthroughs in 2019. Oh, and MUKBANG ASMRs. It’s an insanely unpopular opinion but I love chewing noises, dude.
Did you vote? It was the senatorial elections this year and yes, I did vote. None of my votes got in, of course, because unfortunately the rest of the Filipino electorate don’t know any better. I was part of a real-time fact-checking group that day for extra class credit, and I will never forget the collective groan and moan that came out of that room when the first batch of results came out on the news and we saw the same corrupt, power-hungry, money-hungry, anti-poor politicians top the polls.
Did you move? No. I’ve lived in the same house since 2008.
Did you get a job? I did not, BUT I did get an internship which I was pretty stoked about.
Did you get a pet? I did not. I don’t want anyone else but my dog, who I’ve had also since 2008.
Do you regret not doing anything? Sure. I have never taken Gab’s mom out on a girls’ night kind of date, and I always told myself that I was going to finally do that in 2019 – which I didn’t. I’m so going to make sure we do it this year. I’m also sad that I didn’t get to see Angela more times last year. And that I didn’t do more for Nacho, so now I have to live with the loss of him forever.
Do you regret doing something? Nothing is coming to mind so I guess nothing major. <-- Pretty much, thankfully.
Have you done anything that scared you? Tried vaping, did shisha for the first time, walk alone in Katipunan, be stuck at a restaurant table with Gab’s (very stoic) dad while she went to the washroom, to name a few lol. On a deeper note, I was a bad girlfriend several times over 2019 and it rocked the relationship quite a bit.
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? Yeah absolutely. I hated the people who went too far when it came to Nach, especially his ‘friends’ who didn’t hesitate to turn his back on him. And when things finally crashed and burned, I was too fucking pissed at everybody to even say something about it.
Did you lose anyone close to you? Yes.
Did you fall in love? For most of 2019 as with 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, yes.
Did you fall out of love? Nope.
Did you start a new relationship? I did not.
Did you go through a break up? I almost had to, but we sat each other down several times in the year to fix what had to be fixed, and it’s been very smooth sailing since.
Did you have to cut ties to someone? They weren’t people I was close to in any extent, but I’ve blocked several people from a certain elite school because I hate that school.
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? No one strongly comes to mind since I basically just retained my circle, but I did meet Gab’s closest cousin this year for the first time, and anyone who’s family to her is automatically important to me, so I’d go with him.
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? This is going to sound completely awful, but I guess my college blockmates. I was always sort of the ~black sheep in our small batch of 7 while all of them are incredibly close with one another. 2019 was the year that I stopped trying to hang out with them, because I realized that no matter how hard I try, we’re really just on different wavelengths and I can’t keep faking my expressions and mannerisms just so I feel accepted or so that I can survive a day with them.
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? Yeah, I definitely wish I cut some of my classes much less.
What was the best moment of the year for you? What was the worst? There were a lot of high moments from 2019 if we’re being honest. I liked taking Gab and her dad out for a ONE Championship pay-per-view back in January, I liked being invited to her dad’s birthday dinner, my road trip to Nasugbu, every day that my dad was here, going to the beach, partying for Halloween with friends, seeing old friends again in our org Christmas party, that one night Gab and I went to BGC just to bar-hop, our fancypants date that was also in BGC, and I’m sure there’s a bunch more that I’ve forgotten to mention. The absolute worst moment came at the very minute I pieced it together and found out *surprise surprise* Nacho was gone forever. I don’t think I was able to speak for two hours. When I did, I ended up crying the rest of the night until I passed out.
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? Not-so-serious answer, but I thought I was gonna live my entire life without needing injections to my mouth, but lo and behold I went to the dentist in December and got THREE. I thought I was going to pass out, I thought it was going to hurt, I thought I was going to thrash around my seat in terror... I ended up not even feeling anything. I dunno if it’s because I got a lower dose of whatever, or if my dentist is just better than others, but the whole experience went much better than I expected. This may sound shallow but I have the biggest needle-and-any-sharp-object phobia, so this is a lot coming from me hahaha.
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? Watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Gab just needed a companion to the cinema that night; I had no idea what the movie was going to be about and even read the entire plot while trailers were showing – in the end, it’s been me who’s been talking about the movie way way more than she.
What are you most proud of accomplishing? Not killing myself. The 2010s was just me internally betting on when I’d finally pull the plug, but I had what it took to get me to 2020, apparently.
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? That everything you do and say on the internet is permanent, and you’ll forever have to live with the the consequences that come from them.
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? Andrew. Before 2019, I found him so horrifyingly clingy, so chatty, and he was always trying to be close to everyone (he still does). It drove the introvert side of my ambivert-ness absolutely NUTS. At one point I realized he wasn’t going to change, so I just gave him a chance and turns out, he’s a great friend and an even better co-worker hahaha.
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? Everybody who claimed to be Nach’s friend but didn’t find it hard to say vile stuff about him.
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? I told myself I was going to make a one-photo-a-day private Instagram dump for 2019, but I stopped as early as January 27 LMAOOOOO. I’m doing it again this year and I’m much more determined to keep it going.
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? Keep my 2020 Instagram active, be able to travel... and be happier, basically.
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? A little too late my dude. I’m typing this out in 2020.
What do you wish for others for the coming year? What do you wish for yourself? I just hope everybody on here feels a little bit more warmth and happiness, dude. We all deserve it.
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 6 years
Get to know me tag! Thank you @edourado <333 
1. how tall are you?
I’m anywhere between 5′8 and 5′9 depending on who you ask (I always say I’m 5′8)
2. what color and style is your hair?
My NATURAL hair color is strawberry blonde, but it’s currently dyed dark magenta :) the style is a short asymmetrical bob, and my hair is naturally very thick and straight so I often have fun styling it with sea salt spray to give it texture. 
3. what color are your eyes?
Blue green, and my left eye is more blue and my right is more green. It’s actually pretty noticeable in the light
4. do you wear glasses?
I do! I have terrible vision without them as well, so I wear them at all times
5. do you wear braces?
I have never needed braces
6. what is your fashion style?
If the goth girl in your high school grew up, matured a little, decided to like some color, and learned how to style her body instead of just buying things that fit. OR if a mermaid came up on land, was a little cold so she bought a bunch of sweaters, had an affinity for chunky knits and soft fabrics and vintage jewelry, and lived in a cottage on the sea. OR if the off beat step daughter in a second chance RomCom worked in a coffee shop but sang in a grunge band on the weekends. OR if a soul from the 50s got reincarnated and missed the silhouettes of the dresses and the high-waisted jeans, but loves progressive feminism so she wears a rockabilly skirt to the polls when she votes.  Just depends on the day.
7. full name?
Haha, have to be smarter than that NSA! 
8. when were you born?
I’m old enough to remember the sounds of dial up, and how it feels to hang up on someone with a land line phone. And I remember when Nickelodeon cartoons were good.
9. where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from North Carolina, and I live in Massachusetts now 
10. what school do you go to?
which one and when?
11. what kind of student are you?
I was a really great student by teachers standards, I was a decent student by my mother’s standards, and I was a fuck you student by my own standards.
12. do you like school?
I did until I didn’t. And then I bounced.
13. what are your favorite school subjects?
English and Art. 
14. favorite TV shows?
Hahahaha how much time do you have?
15. favorite movies?
I feel like my favorites change based on where I’m at in my life. I think the movie that changed things for me and made me fall in love with fun story telling was The Mummy
16. favorite books?
How about you try to get me to pick a favorite child?? (lol jk I don’t have kids, but the sentiment stands). Books I recommend that I’ve read recently are Children of Blood and Bone, In the Lies of Men by IR Harris (who is also my friend and I adore her and her work), and LA Noir for you history folks <3
17. favorite pastime?
I..... I don’t know if..... I have...... “pasttimes”........ Cuz my favorite things to do are..... also my work???? I’ve been getting into macrame lately, and made my “headboard” and a driftwood wall hanging that I’m really proud of. But my favorite weird thing to do is get in the car and drive somewhere and just explore. I like finding new places, I love the beauty of back roads and snippets of people’s lives that I get to witness through my car windows.
18. do you have any regrets?
I have plenty but honestly I’m thankful for them because they taught me so much and got me where I am today, so I wouldn’t change anything.
19. dream job?
Exactly what I’m doing-- Writing and creating stories.
20. would you like to get married someday?
I would! I don’t want a normal wedding though. Two words... Surprise Wedding. I want to have a big ole party and then surprise everyone by going “hey guess what! We’re getting married TODAY.” And watch everyone lose their minds lol.
21. would you like to have kids someday?
I very much want children, either my own or adopted. 
23. do you like shopping?
N OOOO OOO OOOO O O O. I hate it. I get in, get out, then get a coffee to reward myself for being in public for so long.
24. what countries have you visited?
I’ve been to the UK (England, Scotland, Wales.) I lived in England for 6 months for study abroad. I’ve also been to Paris, France, and I spent a month in Ireland.
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
Probably the one when I was a kid, where I was stuck in a white room with a giant spider and I couldn’t leave to find my mom, and the spider caught me and spun a web around me to trap me like it wanted to eat me. And then I woke up.
26. do you have any enemies?
I dunno............ DO I???
27. do you have an s/o?
Not yet! Feel free to apply though ;)
28. do you believe in miracles?
I do, indeed <3
tagging @kteague @asnowballschance @priya212 @purelyfueledbycaffeine and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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