#girls own the void
cuatrotrece · 2 years
the kraken - katie dey
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gildedmuse · 5 months
Listen.... Trafalgar Law is like Opposite Pick Me Girl.
He stole Doffy's whole look down to the shirtless sluttiness, feather coat and the earrings.
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He COPIED DOFFY'S ACTIVATION METHOD. How "notice me, senpai!!" is THAT!?
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Like Doflamingo, he acts as though your attempts at torturing him are absolutely precious.
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Law straight up based his jolly roger on Doffy's. Like it's not even kinda subtle. (Not that Law does subtle. Which is weird for someone trying SO HARD to be dark, mysterious, and edge-y as Kikoku. )
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Trafalgar spent years of his life travelling around the world, gaining notoriety and power, putting into place a series of intricate moving parts that all had to come together in just the right way all so Doflamingo would notice him and remember his face forever.
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Law: Please, Young amaster-sama! Oh, please pick me!
Law: To kick your pathetic, subhuman ass.
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[Thanks to @revlischarm who gave me this idea.]
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actual-changeling · 1 year
probably projecting but idc but imagine ellie having a little crisis once they're in jackson and thinking that eventually joel will leave her cause she becomes too much of a burden/too annoying/too whatever and starts pushing his boundaries.
being more rude, being mean, behaving badly, trying everything to push him away cause she would rather figure it out now and have it be her doing instead of joel suddenly leaving her when she isn't prepared for it.
joel is incredibly confused by wtf ellie is doing cause to him it's all out of nowhere but he just assumes she's struggling and does not budge no matter what, he stays calm, lets her do whatever she wants, gives her what she asks for, even fights tommy and maria when they're like "parent ur child" and he just goes "shut tf up she is going through a thing and you will let her"
and eventually ellie reaches her breaking point and just yells at him before she starts sobbing "why dont you leave me already why are you still here i dont understand" and joel holds her face and goes "i wont ever leave you cause you're mine" (theyre too emotionally repressed to reach the ur my kid/dad stage just yet so he does the same thing he did with tess)
anyway they hug a lot and they talk it out in their own way and are happy nothing bad ever happens to the tlou 2 doesnt exist the end
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godisasimp · 4 months
2nd eruption with no context given
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"they casted ___ too hot, how am i supposed to root against the villain" is a direct product of children's literature that constantly associates physical attractiveness with moral character and value
#its the most frustrating thing ever actually#to read books where they CONSTANTLY have to tell you how the good guys are attractive and the bad guys arent#also a product of ableism and fatphobia bc the bad guys are always disabled and fat too COUGH COUGH DISNEY#even with characters like luke who are written as attractive the fact that he's the 1 hot bad guy makes us believe there's smth worth savin#like just admit that if he wasn't hot soooo many more people would be sooooo quick to condemn all of his horribly abusive actions#im so sick of people defending male villains just with “hes hot” or “its not my fault they made him hot” DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT BAD MEN#USE THEIR PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL CAPITAL TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE AND GAIN UNDESERVED RESPECT AND OPPORTUNITIES#BEING HOT IS PART OF THE WAY HE IS ABLE TO GAIN POWER AND INFLUENCE (AND STEP ON ALL THESE WOMEN TO GET THERE)#WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP#this is less so for women i feel like bc characters (like kelly the empousa) are hot but they are Evil bc they use that to their own gain#like you have to be quirky mc attractive but not AWARE that you are attractive (like one direction type girl) to be valuable and good#and that beauty can only serve others basically like you can't use it to further your own goals bc thats Evil Women#which is why i think a lot of people are drawn to evil women bc its the one time women are allowed to be selfish and confident in themselve#and you dont have to be worried about the constant over criticism of every mistake or imperfect trait bc like yeah. shes evil.#while if you have a fmc she has to be PERFECTLY PURE to deserve any modicum of love and appreciation#if people put as much energy into appreciating “basic” female protagonists as they do into “redeeming” male villains....#anyways blah blah blah ive been thinking so much lately about how much we associate attractiveness with having value#like i thought to myself early that not being 'pretty' doesn't mean i shouldn't feel worthy of love from others or myself#and i was like woah. physical attractiveness doesn't define your worth as a human being#like i know that mentally but saying it out loud i was like woahhhh waitafuckingminute#anyways fuck jk rowling#thats what i actually meant to say#kiri into the void#once again writing essays in the tags#because it frees me from expectations and lets me just yap away
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lokiusly · 4 months
this is a delulu account btw 🤠💃🏽💅🏽
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authenticcadence18 · 2 months
I miss the person I was a year ago. two years ago. more social. happier. doing more creatively.
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sexycornenthusiast · 1 month
is this anyone in the we're plastic but we still have fun verse,,,
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I think Gretchen has an entire well-organized folder of screenshots that she can pull out at any time at Regina's command- when the situation calls for it.
(that being said, I think it would be awkward to format that, which is why there is only one (1) joke involving screenshots in the million chapter drafts I have...)
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duckapus · 7 months
With how Cream is shown during the intro animation it feels like Cream's involvement is being set up as very important to Dream Team's plot (probably some sort of "the power of a child's imagination" thing) and as a massive Cream Fan I am here for it!
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 4 months
the ATS women at Thorpe Abbotts just trying to do their jobs with the most emotionally constipated commander in the world who has adopted some random guy's dog all of a sudden
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cruell-summers · 5 months
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thatoneluckybee · 4 months
You know what? Fuck you. Banishes you to the joid/j/ref
Also I found the original Void but can't find the Joid edit I think it is gone sadly
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justagaycryptid · 1 year
Hannibal AU but Randall Tier is an online fursuit maker/furry gore artist
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thatonefatgumsimp · 6 months
I NEED HELP (DND Stuff, might be a dumb question idk-)
So genuine question for DND side of tumblr, but- I've been thinking recently...
And are the things next to the dragonborn colors in the player handbook, like, types of damage that are less effective, their magical girl power, or both?
Cuz I never really thought about that before and I have absolutely no idea-
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a-ramblinrose · 1 year
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7 books 7 days day 2
Rules: every day, I will post the cover of a book that I love and nominate someone new to start the challenge
Tagged by @booksandrandomfandoms Tagging @godzilla-reads
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pmnis · 2 days
y'know   ...   pom's   arrival   coinciding   w   kaufmo's   abstraction   makes   me   wonder   if   her   being   a   jester   was   really   a   coincidence   ...
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