#The Void
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nymphaura777 · 1 day ago
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Procrastinating? Read this.
So, you wanna manifest your dream life but keep putting it off?
Let’s be real. You say you’re gonna affirm, visualize, and persist, but then suddenly, scrolling through reels, watching a whole-ass Netflix series, or overanalyzing the 3D becomes your full-time job. And then? You freak out because nothing is changing. Sound familiar? Yeah, thought so.
Why do you even procrastinate on something you want?
Your brain is lowkey trippin’. It craves instant dopamine, and let’s be honest—staring at your ceiling, imagining your dream life while reality looks the same ain’t always fun. Your mind wants proof, results, and fireworks ASAP, but that’s not how this game works. You gotta train your brain like a puppy—consistency, belief, and a whole lotta "sit down and shut up" energy.
"I’ll start tomorrow" is the biggest scam ever
Tell me why you think tomorrow will magically make you more disciplined? Spoiler alert: It won’t. Tomorrow turns into next week, next month, and suddenly it’s 2026 and you’re still waiting for "the right moment." That moment? It’s now. Get up. Start affirming. Step into the version of you that already has it.
The 3D is playing with your head, but you gotta play it back
I know, I know—the 3D is looking mad disrespectful. Your SP is acting like you don’t exist, your bank account is laughing at you, and your dream life feels like a fever dream. But guess what? The 3D is just old news, and if you keep reacting, you’re just keeping the same boring storyline alive. Ignore it. You’re the director here.
How to actually stop procrastinating & start manifesting
Set a deadline for your doubts: Give yourself 10 minutes to freak out, then move TF on cause we ain't gonna suppress our emotions.
Romanticize your manifestation: Act like you’re the main character and your dream life is unfolding.
Affirm like it’s your job: No days off. No breaks. This is your reality, claim it.
Stop playing victim: You are literally the creator of your life. Act like it.
Make it a habit: Turn manifesting into muscle memory. If you can scroll IG for hours, you can repeat affirmations.
Drop the obsession: Desperate energy repels. Relax. Breathe. Your desire is already yours.
You either keep waiting, or you wake up and take control
The truth is, your dream life is waiting on YOU. Not the universe, not some random timeline, not "divine timing"—just YOU deciding to stop playing and actually persist. So, what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna keep making excuses, or are you finally gonna step into your power?
You already know what to do. Now go do it.
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pineapplepr1nc3ss888 · 1 day ago
i entered the void for relaxation and its the easiest thing ever, i just done it for relaxation. all i did was focus on my breathing and relaxed my body, then affirmed i am pure consciousness and i am already in the void and it happened so fast. i couldn’t feel nor hear anything, it was just focusing on darkness and just knowing ur already in it. it so easy, you don’t need xyz or subliminals you just need to relax and stop trying to force it. it’s like falling and floating in darkness. it really is easy. stop over complicating it.
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oatpaws-silly-kittys · 2 days ago
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erin hunter when i get u
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salemlunaa · 5 months ago
wanna shift? let me put you out of your misery
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This is the only method you need to induce pure consciousness/ tap into the “I AM”/ tap into the void:
relax, deep breathing
affirm “I AM”
relax some more
detach, get lost in the darkness of your closed eyes
you’re done, you’ve shifted
there are no if ands or buts, there’s no “i was so close”, “it just doesn’t work for me”. this method cannot fail, there is no such thing, at all, it’s you who focuses too much on the symptoms, it’s you gets upset when “nothing happens” before rolling over to go to sleep just to endure another day in your shitty reality. it’s you who fails to see your own potential and it’s only you who can change that
this is the basic method that works for anyone with a conscious and subconscious mind,
it’s not anyone’s fault that you’ve decided to overcomplicate it
that’s the basic fucking template you don’t need shit but yourself
stop with the neediness it’s getting kinda pathetic
You dont need to follow some stupid 10k affirmation challenge
You don’t need to follow any challenges lasting weeks
You don’t need subliminals or waves or a guided meditation
You don’t need to ask bloggers the same shit and vent about how you “just can’t do it”
You don’t need to lucid dream
You don’t need any of this
again the basic template is only difficult to you because of the over-complication of it all
Let me give you an example: Imagine you’re a baker and there’s this iconic legendary baker who has this incredible, world famous cake, they give the world a recipe to it and it’s quite simple. how can such a simple recipe impress the taste buds of so many? it doesn’t matter about the how or why, it just does. But so many bakers around the world, including you, are scared of not impressing their customers so they add all this other shit to the recipe that was perfectly fine. And it just makes everything so complicated, all because they don’t trust that the original recipe will be able to impress and satisfy their customers.
That basic recipe is the “method” that Neville gave to us, he didn’t have tumblr, he didn’t have youtube to binge fucking yoga nidra meditation videos. He didn’t have a phone to inhale subliminal after subliminal like it’s a full time job. He didn’t have bloggers shoving 10k challenges down his throat, and guess what, he was just fine! Stop overcomplicating the recipe, all you need is the mind. You don’t need a fucking routine, all you need is you
But I know there are some people who will look at this, scroll past and still scan their feed, scrambling for an “instant method” like some junky. And to that i say, go ahead, waste your days overcomplicating the act of shifting consciousness, waste your days overconsuming, doomscrolling, complaining. The law and the art of shifting was always real and will continue to be real while you sit there with absolutely nothing, so go ahead. Rack your brain to the point of a headache, to the point of insanity trying to understand what’s right infront of you, you’re only doing yourself harm.
shifting consciousness/ the “I AM” state/ the void is a basic ability, it’s like breathing, just fucking do it
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ilovecatfr · 3 months ago
how people who are victims of misinformation of the void and consciousness look at me when I tell them you can “enter” the void or “become” the pure consciousness simply by stuff like daydreaming, having inner monologue, or just really anything that puts your mind off 3D and it doesn’t have to be 4 hours of subliminals or 6283 different methods
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tormva · 3 months ago
So Viktor can see the arcane, interact with it
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But that is just one side of it
There's a message hidden within the pattern
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And it's the void.
And that's what Jayce is able to see through
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The other side of that coin
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eazysxlana · 1 month ago
Here are the things I manifested for in the void:
- my fav celebrity couple getting back together (more content for me🤭)
- revised a pregnancy
- revised my dream body ( having those cartoon mom bodies)
- dream car (Mercedes Benz)
- applying and got accepted to Georgia state university
- moving to Atlanta
- I’m rich and wealthy
- high intelligence
- revised my grades throughout school years and got scholarships
- having knowledge about acting and directing (since that’s my major)
- passing all of my college classes with straight A’s
- having a single dorm room for college (I like having my own space)
- understanding every college class I have ( I wanna know wtf is going on)
- having my desired boyfriend (i basically created this mf in the void)
- my desired friend group (yep, also created them)
- having infinite aura
- my nana moving out of our parents home (I couldn’t stand her living there it was annoying asf, exactly why I manifested moving to Atlanta)
- parents are rich (making enough money for a living. I hate seeing my parents struggle)
- having all of my videostar edits (I accidentally deleted videostar and never got my edits back :(
- being a Pinterest baddie
- being a popular influencer
- being married by 21 (yeah I’m on that!)
- getting paid tons of money without working (I’m talking about not having to go anywhere to “work”)
- doing very good independently (don’t need my parents worrying about me)
- I graduate college on time (I had to push back going to college due to money issues but not anymore now🤗)
- having the money to buy a house in Atlanta
- having great cooking skills
- having a beautiful singing voice (im finna be on broadway soon, gots to have that!!)
- I have my desired lips and smile
- revising my grandmas death
- having my desired outfits
- being protected and safe from harm and danger
- my family’s dog being calm and obedient (he’s a lab mixed with poodle…ofc they’re hyper even as pups)
- having clear skin
- having the perfect loctician for invisible locs
That’s most of the things I manifested for and I have plenty of more shit that i manifested for but yall… THE VOID STATE IS VERY REAL!! You just have to keep going and not give up! It’s so easy!!
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reality-shitting · 27 days ago
General realizations ab shifting that helped me
The void is not a realm or a place- it is YOU. You ARE the Void. The Void is solely the awareness of being, fully.
You are not ONE being. Think of the consciousness in you as being interconnected with all other infinite versions of you. These interconnections converge into your full consciousness, the true YOU. It's almost Eldritch to think about.
Something I'm just now thinking of, perhaps this means the subconscious is all other versions of you- you're separated and cut off from experiencing the entirety of being, but that entirety is still there, guiding you from behind the scenes.
No matter what the assumption, "I am" is true. I am kind, as my actions and thoughts show, but I'm also cruel and cold-hearted, as may be the perception of another. I think I'm funny, but someone else may think I'm cheesy- therefore, I am both. And this also goes for the personas of myself in other realities. I am everything. Simultaneously, this also means I am Nothing. I simply am.
To add to the points above, I believe this "Eldritch" conglomerate is what we call the Void state, and would explain why every manifestation happens instantly once we reach this state. Think of it like accessing the files in an infinite data base- all you need to do is find the files you're looking for and download them.
As much as people will try to stress things like "you need to let go" or realizing that shifting is easy, you won't truly be able to understand what they're saying until you experience it.
All things exist at once and every inconceivably small action creates a new reality. As small as "this single cell from 7000 years ago died .000000001 seconds prematurely", and smaller.
Shifting IS easy- in the same way that gleeking or stretching is easy. Some people are able to do it on command or go further than others with no training whatsoever. Others may do it accidentally and sporadically. This does not mean the latter are unable to do these things at will, but they simply need a bit of help learning to do it on command.
Question stressing you out? "But what about this plot hole?", "How does XYZ work??", "What will happen back in my OR???"- STOP. No need to stress yourself over that, this by itself I feel cost me years on my journey. Everything will work out. It doesn't matter how, but it will, and it will either even itself out or be in your favor. Don't even think about those things. Relax.
Another one that held me back MASSIVELY. Struggling to visualize your DR? "I know it has THIS SPECIFIC TABLE in this SPECIFIC place and everything has to be perfect"! No. Your visualization does Not need to be perfect. Nor does it have to be "accurate", really. Once you just let your mind wander and let your subconscious make up it's own layout, it'll help you slip in much more easily. I put so much pressure on myself to make sure I was visualizing my specific reality, and it became so much easier when I just trusted myself to build it up from my subconscious instead of "forcing" a look
They say once it's in the 4D (imagination), it's already real. That's why you're encouraged to embody, think, act, feel as your DR self. Like playing pretend as a kid, you'll be so focused on your imagination, you don't even realize you're in your OR. If you don't shift through that alone, it certainly helps make you feel far more connected. This is also why I came up with the Furina method (although I suppose it's debatable if I really "came up" with it)
Methods/Advice are like pants. Some are too itchy, some are too tight, some you like the feel of but there's just some small flaw. When you find what you were missing, what you needed to hear, it'll be a perfect fit.
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luryona · 8 days ago
How i got into the void state.
So, i was scrolling through tumblr, and usually, my feed is all about shifting. Yesterday, it was all about the void state. I've heard about the void state before, but i never intended to go there. Until yesterday, i was like "sure why not?". So how i did that. Basically, i didn't put any pressure on myself. I was just chill about it and kept affirming that i am already in the void state. I usually meditate, this time tho i was visualizing waking up in the void in the middle of a meditation. Even when a doubtful thought came up, i was just like, "wdym? I'm already in the void?" Before sleep i listened to this subliminal.
Before going to bed.
I laid down in my bed, told myself "alright. I'll go into the void." I started taking deep, relaxing breaths. I was focusing on each of my body parts. First, i tensed up my head, inhaled, exhaled, and relaxed. That's what i did with each part until i was completely relaxed. I did move and just took a deep breath. i wasn't focusing too much. I just moved once. I kept affirming,
"i am in the void state."
"I am pure consciousness."
"I feel nothing nor hear anything."
I was about to give up, but then, yet again, i said to myself I'm already there." Then i was. It happened so fast. Some people feel symptoms before they got there, but i didn't. It was so cool. I didn't feel my body, nor did I hear anything, absolutely nothing. Then i don't know why, but then i said, "I'm still in my room, tho?" And then i went back. I just straightened up and was like, oh? I know that i can get into the void state anytime i want now and to my desired reality. If i can do it too, so can you.
Happy shifting.
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nymphaura777 · 2 days ago
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Why persisting feels fake?
One of the biggest struggles in manifestation is persisting in the wish fulfilled state when everything around you seems to contradict it. You affirm, you visualize, you script—but deep down, a voice whispers, "This isn’t real. I’m just pretending."
And that’s where most people give up. They feel fake. They feel like they’re lying to themselves. But here’s the truth: You’re not being fake—you’re shifting your identity.
Think about this: When you try on a new habit or persona, it feels unnatural at first. The first time you call yourself confident, rich, loved, or successful, your mind rebels because it’s used to the old you. That discomfort is not proof that it's not working; it's proof that you're breaking old patterns.
Manifestation is not about forcing reality to change. It’s about embodying the new version of you so deeply that reality has no choice but to align. The key? Saturate your mind with your desired state until it feels like home.
You’re not faking it. You’re claiming it. You’re stepping into the version of yourself that already exists in another timeline. Every time you persist, even when it feels weird, you’re reinforcing your new reality.
So if you feel fake while embodying your wish fulfilled, remind yourself: This is just my mind catching up to my new reality. Keep going. Keep persisting. The shift is already happening.
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eluviannaa · 2 days ago
I've had this headcanon that going through intense Void moments would feel something like wolfing out—a temporary physical state. And under the right circumstances: irreversible corruption.
I love the idea of having it be some horrifying abomination of the self. A mental state manifesting. And it just looks...wrong. Unsettling to see as it is to experience.
Pretty elf. Scary as hell monster.
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patrick wolf - wind in the wires
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goryhorroor · 10 months ago
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horror sub-genres: cults
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saisiprincessa · 4 months ago
Being a real-life angel…
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I’m beautiful, like so so beautiful. And everyone can see it, and sure my looks play a role i have a face some can dream of and a body that looks like it was sculpted by the gods. But there’s something about my aura that is so angelic, people describe me as a real-life angel. I’m often complimented on how much more surreal I look in person and how angelic I am. I am such a sweetheart, people wonder how I’m real when they meet me in person.
When people speak of those perfect girls who are breathtakingly beautiful on the inside and out, they are talking about me. Those who are jealous of me can’t even rally a strong army against me because i’m so loveable and so beautiful, it’s hard to hate me.
There is a subtle almost otherworldly energy around me, as if I’m always connected to something higher and spiritually uplifting. And it’s why people treat me with such respect and kindness, pretty privilege comes easy to me because of how beautiful I feel to others. I radiate warmth and light, and people often say there’s something beautiful about my presence that makes them feel safe and accepted.
It doesn’t help that I smell immaculate, ask people what their favourite scent is and they will just say my name. My scent and aura attracts people and gives them an obsession with being around me
I’m often a source of light and guidance, and people view me as a beautiful presence that inspires them to bring out the best in themselves, which is why so many people fall in love with me unprovoked. I’m treated like such a princess everywhere I go, even when I try not to be the spotlight, it’s impossible not to be because everyone is obsessed with me and the vibe I bring .
It’s not hard to fall in love with an angel like me
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pineapplepr1nc3ss888 · 1 month ago
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Potential New Method?
okay i wouldn’t say a method as the void is literally within you but i saw this on reddit and attempted it and i felt my body lift up in a way, it was so cool. it’s a visualisation technique as if you are hypnotising yourself. you want to imagine a pendulum with your eyes closed, one hanging in front of your eyes now imagine it swinging, left and right, follow it with your eyes. affirm any affirmation you want as you visualise this swinging you want to be hypnotising your self that you are in just a black emptiness, that’s what your mind is gonna believe cos you are hypnotising yourself and moving your eyes left and right really fast puts your body into REM sleep a lot quicker. its so cool, lemme know if you manage to get in.
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salemlunaa · 1 month ago
*ੈ𑁍༘⋆ I know some of you are scared in the back of your mind *ੈ𑁍༘⋆
but you don’t need to be, STOP RACING AGAINST THE CLOCK
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some of you are gaslighting yourself to into persisting while still being scared. You’re persisting in that new body but, in the back of your mind you’re scared that it won’t come before summer because you aren’t doing anything in the 3D, what if this is all for nothing. You’re persisting in your good grades but in the back of your mind you’re like “what if this is all for nothing, i need to study to get good grades”. So you’re scared, you waver and you start to believe that you’re nothing to change your reality.
And why is this
Because stupid society has told you that in order to see a result in absolutely anything, you must work for it. In order to get money, you MUST work. In order to pass you classes you MUST study. In order for your skin to clear up you MUST do skincare. You need to do something in the 3D to set things in motion is what they tell us. And because of that you think you’re being lazy, “what if i can’t actually manifest money and actually have to work for it, what have been doing this whole time?” So you panic and start wavering. And because of that it never comes. Because you’re SO skeptical of the fact that we don’t need to even touch our 3D to get what we want. You’ve been so conditioned to think another way you can’t fathom what’s right.
But what you need to realise is that creation is finished, done. There is nothing you need to do. at all. And it doesn’t take days or weeks to adopt this new mindset just know that in this moment, creation is finished. It takes a second to flip your thoughts you just need to persist. Why are you anxiously awaiting the deadline you’ve given yourself in the back of your mind? Time isn’t real, the 3D isn’t real. The 3D doesn’t determine your experience it’s your mind
for example
if you try and persist in a new body before summer and you’re anxious that you won’t get and believe that you just “should’ve worked out” → you won’t get what you want.
if you work out but you believe that you’re “not doing enough” → you won’t get what you want
so whether you did or you did not it didn’t matter, same outcome when your mind isn’t with it.
i’ll use good grades again as an example
Lora said she persisted in her good grades fore her exam, she tried staying strong however the scary exam talk from the teachers and other people around her got in her head. In the back of her mind she’s scared that it won’t work and that “she should’ve studied”(affirmation btw). She panics and wavers and then she doesn’t get what she wants.
This is because she couldn’t understand that creation is finished. The second she wanted those good grades they were hers, if only society didn’t constantly tell her she needs to work for a result. I have many friends who study and still don’t feel confident so they fail and re affirm that “they’re just dumb”, so it doesn’t matter what you do in your 3d because it isn’t real.
Creation is done, stop being scared. “what if is all for nothing and i fail?” (affirmation) you’re allowed to feel. but counter that by telling yourself what’s true. Your innerman doesn’t experience the 3d so it doesn’t matter what you do. Saturate your mind into believing what’s true.
Your innerman doesn’t experience time, there are no deadlines to be afraid of, it’s already yours.
stop thinking you need to persist for a certain amount of time for your manifestation to be valid. You only got your head in the game and started persisting in your dream life, “i should’ve been doing this for longer” time is not real, persisting in a fact for 60 seconds is the same as persisting in a fact for 60 days.
Let’s say both Luna and Lani are both trying to have their dream body before summer break in June. Luna started persisting in January, and Lani after months of wavering decided to persist in the last week of May. Time isn’t real so, it doesn’t matter how long theyve been persisting for, both of them get what they want.
Stop panicking it’s yours. Idc what’s going on your life, even if you’re backed up against a wall it’s yours. It’s okay to feel upset and panicky but don’t indulge in those feelings anymore let them pass, cast them out with psych k, or simple visualisation and tell yourself it’s already done.
If you hop on a train from london to paris, it doesn’t matter if you’re going to eat loads of food on the train, sleep or do an exercise in the middle of the isle like a crazy person, it’s still going to end up in paris. If you persist, no matter what, you will end up having what you want. Affirm to yourself “no matter what happens, everything is done”
don’t be afraid, creation is done
there’s nothing to do, and i mean this, you don’t have to meet in the middle with the 3D. EVER
there. is. nothing. absolutely. nothing. you. need. to. do ��👏 it’s happened already
you have that face, body, house, car, you’ve induced pure consciousness, no. matter. what.
Why would you clean a house that’s already squeaky clean, why would you need to work for something THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. If you were 8 months pregnant would you be scared that “it’s all for nothing” and that your baby won’t come when it’s due, that you’ll wake up and your stomach just disappears?
be serious
🌺🍯 stop feeling scared that something isn’t coming. you already have that thing.
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