#girl direction fic
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give yourself a hand, girl. by warmcuppatea
“I’m not sure that I can.” Louise shrugged, sinking into her chair.
“Can come?”
“Yes, well, no.”
“Yes, no. Can we stop this weird word thing?”
Louise hasn't had an orgasm and thinks her clit is broken. Harry's determined to prove her wrong.
read it on ao3
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birthday! — oneshot larry
“talvez ter mantido uma amizade com seu ex-marido tenha sido sim uma boa ideia, uma vez que harry revê seu ex padrasto, que a criou tão bem durante anos, fica toda mexida. louis só queria dar um presentinho para sua garotinha no seu aniversário, que mal tinha?”
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hcisgirl • daddy kink • inocência • manipulação • exibicionismo • binky (chupeta) kink • todos personagens maiores de idade • negação de orgasmo • dirty talk.
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— Louis! — a mulher de cabelos loiros escorridos celebrou sua chegada. — Que bom que você veio. Fico feliz que tenha aceitado o convite.
— Eu nunca perderia o aniversário dela — Louis cumprimentou sua ex mulher, entregando em suas mãos o presente que tinha comprado dias passados. — Como você está, Ruby? Parece muito bem.
— Estou ótima. E você… parece ótimo, né?
Ruby notou certa diferença no corpo de Louis. Mesmo que magro, seus músculos definidos eram notáveis, ainda com os braços repletos de tatuagens só realçando a visão privilegiada que era olhar e admirar as curvas dos bíceps. Ruby também não deixou de notar os fios brancos no cabelo de Louis.
— Eu precisava — disse em um tom divertido. — Mas eu ainda continuo comendo muita besteira, você sabe.
Algumas risadinhas só para Louis poder entrar na casa e ficar besta pela decoração. Tudo remetia a Harry.
As paredes brancas da sala enfeitadas com balões rosa choque e rosa pastel, fitinhas do teto pendurando vários lacinhos e a mesa posta só com tons de rosa e branco, nada mais que isso. O bolo estava no centro, em formato de coração com a escrita “Feliz aniversário, Princesa” cheio de pérolas do lado. E onde estava a decoração, podia ver alguns desenhos de bambi pulando pra e lá pra cá.
Louis sorriu bobo para tudo isso.
— Onde ela tá?
— Lá atrás com as amigas — Ruby informou. — Vai lá. Ela está morrendo de saudades do pai.
Ele gostava de ser lembrado como pai de Harry por ter simplesmente boa parte da vida da garota ao seu lado. E somente eles sabem o melhor lado disso.
Louis se dirigiu até os fundos da casa, um jardim consideravelmente grande com uma piscina fazendo a divisa da sala e da área de lazer. Não demorou muito para ele achar Harry.
Estava sentada em uma roda com mais cinco amigas, no chão com as pernas brincando no ar, a barriga deitada na grama enquanto as outras garotas se apoiavam nos cotovelos. Todas pareciam muito despojadas e confortáveis.
Louis elogiou Harry mentalmente, a chamando de princesa ao colocar os olhos no seu vestido azul e rosa, a saia sendo rosa e a parte de cima sendo justinha em um tom muito, muito claro de azul. quase branco. Uma gola gravata era o charme, o colar de pérolas em volta do pescoço era delicado. Percebeu que estava usando meias 3/4 de rendinha, ainda ser está calçando os sapatinhos.
— Princesa?
Harry reconheceu o tom rouco da voz, sabendo que era a pessoa que mais amava no mundo. Se levantou tão rápido que Louis mal teve tempo o suficiente para raciocinar o pulo em seu colo.
— Papai! — Harry entrelaçou suas pernas em volta de sua cintura, afundando seu rostinho no pescoço do homem. — Senti tanta sua falta.
— Eu também, amor — juntou suas mãos por baixo do bumbum de Harry, se virando de costas para as outras garotas para poder apertar de leve suas nádegas, subindo o toque para a cintura. — Estava morrendo de saudades.
— Por que não veio me ver mais? — Harry fez um beicinho choroso, se perdendo nos olhos azuis de seu papai, na barba ralinha meio ruiva e por fazer. — Eu chorava de saudades, você não sabia?
— Eu sabia. Mas o papai estava muito ocupado com o trabalho, viajando pra todo lado — Louis fez mais força para aguentar Harry em seus braços, a garota sorrindo sapeca ao que sentia as mãos espalmadas do homem em seu bumbum. — Por isso eu te trouxe muitos presentes.
— Presentes! — exclamou toda sorridente. — Onde estão?
— Todos na sala — Louis informou. — Mas um tem que pegar comigo depois.
Harry estreitou o olhar, mordendo o lábio inferior sem perceber o movimento desse ato.
Louis colocou sua garotinha no chão novamente, fazendo um carinho em seus cachos, soltos e definidos. Ergueu o rostinho lindo de Harry, o interior de seu peito queimando quando se deu o tempo o suficiente para admira-la.
— Gostou do meu vestido, papai? — Harry questionou, segurando as barrinhas do tecido e balançando seu corpo pra lá e pra cá.
— Eu amei, princesa — Louis fez questão de pegar em sua mão e dar um giro lentamente, descendo os olhos em cada parte daquele vestido. — Bem comportadinha… — disse mais para si do que para Harry. — Rosa e azul para sempre, lembra?
— É claro que lembro, né papai! Por que acha que escolhi esse?
— Boa garota —Louis segurou o rosto de Harry com as duas mãos, trazendo seu rosto até o seu para deixar um beijo carinhoso na testa.
E as amigas de Harry já se queixavam dela. Deu um abraço apertado na cintura de seu papai e foi correndo até as outras garotas, pulando como um bambi.
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Tudo estava indo perfeitamente bem. Harry estava recebendo todos seus convidados, a maioria amigos de colégio e alguns familiares. Até que…
— Cala sua boca, Agnes, para de falar!
— Você tem problema? Eu só estava brincando!
— Que brincadeira mais idiota! Igual a você!
As vozes altas e finas das duas estavam sendo ouvidas por todos da casa. Ruby foi correndo juntamente com Louis até a sala, que era onde estava acontecendo essa discussão.
— Parem com essa gritaria! — Ruby interviu, se colocando no meio das duas para prevenir um possível briga física. — Eu quero explicações agora, andem! Podem falar!
Harry estava chorando, era possível ver seu rímel escorrendo pelas bochechas. Foi direto para os braços de Louis, que teve que fazer um carinho nas suas costas para acalmar os soluços. Estava muito aborrecida.
— Harry, o que aconteceu? — Ruby perguntou.
Ela não soube falar, só enterrar seu rosto no peitoral de Louis molhando toda a camisa social dele.
— Você pode começar a se explicar? — sem chances com Harry, tentou com Agnes.
— Eu só disse que achava Louis bonito! — Agnes literalmente berrou, somente as duas e os pais de Harry ali, o resto todos olhando pela porta de correr dos fundos. — Ela começou a chorar e me xingar!
— Você não disse só isso, sua mentirosa de merda! — Harry rebateu a altura, abraçada em Louis mas ainda assim seu rosto maneava para frente jogando as palavras na cara de Agnes. — Eu nem te convidei pro meu aniversário, você é amiga da Cindy, não minha!
As outras garotas foram chegando ali e Ruby foi conversando com Agnes, enquanto isso, Louis fazia um carinho na sua cabeça com o coração amolecido por ver Harry chorando daquela forma.
— Bebê — Louis a chamou. — O que ela disse pra você ter ficado assim, uhn? — Harry ficou de cabeça baixa, chorando mais porém baixinho. — Não quer falar pro papai?
— Ela… — tinha um soluço entalado na sua garganta. Fungou forte antes de começar a falar devidamente. — Ela disse que te achava muito bonito. Queria ter você como papai dela. Ela quer você, Lou.
Louis sabia que nada do que falasse naquele momento acalmaria Harry. Sendo assim:
— Ruby, vou conversar com Harry lá em cima, okay? Ela está muito mal. Pode tranquilizar a situação aqui?
— Sim, sim — Ruby assentiu. — Voltem só quando for a hora do parabéns.
E assim, Louis abraçou Harry de lado e foram até as escadas, subindo duas até chegar no quarto da garota.
Ainda continuava o mesmo.
— Você ainda tem os bonequinhos Sylvanian Families que eu te dei? — tentaria distrair sua garotinha de qualquer jeito.
— Tenho, papai — disse baixinho, ainda abatida.
Quando seguiram para o banheiro, para limpar o rosto sujo de maquiagem borrada de Harry, ele viu uma fileira só com os bonequinhas Sylvanian que ela tinha guardado, todos bem cuidados e era a coleção inteira ali. Seu quarto com as paredes rosa pastel estavam revestidas por pequenos lacinhos, Harry amava lacinhos.
— Vem aqui — Louis a chamou para seus braços, pegando ela em seu colo para deixar em cima da bancada da pia. Louis ficou entre o meio de suas pernas. — Por que você chorou tanto por causa daquilo, bebê? Você não sabe que ninguém nunca vai me ter como você me tem?
— Eu não gosto que falem de você daquele jeito! — Harry exclamou, os olhos trêmulos cheios de lágrimas olhando para Louis, cruzando os braços à sua frente. — Ela ficou olhando pra você o tempo todo, eu queria pular no pescoço daquela piranha!
— Presta atenção em mim, tá? — Louis pegou o rosto abatido em suas mãos, apertando suas bochechas. — Eu sou o seu papai e você é minha garotinha. Minha princesa, meu bebê. Ninguém nunca vai me ter. Assim como ninguém nunca vai te ter, Harry. Você é minha.
— Jura? Por favor, papai, você jura? — disse tão desesperada que conseguiu tirar seu rosto do aperto, abraçando o pescoço de Louis.
— Eu não preciso jurar. Você sabe que é verdade, não sabe?
— Eu sei.
Harry abraçou Louis com toda sua força, sentia uma saudade imensa dele todos os dias, nunca parecia ser o suficiente estar com ele uma ou duas vezes por semana, tinha que ser todos os dias até morrer. Harry dependia de Louis.
— Você ainda usa chupeta, meu bebê?
— Uhum — Harry faz que sim com o rostinho no ombro de Louis.
— Vai gostar dessa.
Simplesmente, Louis tirou do seu bolso uma caixinha pequena com uma chupeta rosinha com um desenho de um bambi, e isso fez Harry brilhar os olhos.
— Ela é linda, papai! Eu gosto de usar por que me deixa calma.
— Sei disso — Louis fez um breve carinho nas suas bochechas. — Coloca ela pra mim ver?
Nem precisou pedir. Harry colocou sua língua para fora, uma mania sua, e abocanhou a chupeta, Louis vendo ela se remexer em sua boquinha rapidinho, vendo como sua garotinha precisava se acalmar. Precisava até demais.
— Você é linda — Louis elogiou, dando um beijo na chupeta fazendo ela se empurrar na boca de Harry. — Agora o papai vai cuidar de você, tá?
Harry fez que sim, balançando as perninhas aéreas na bancada vendo Louis pegar demaquilante e algodões.
Ele se fez novamente entre as pernas e Harry ficou sentada, reta e com o rosto para frente, para que Louis pudesse pegar em queixo e limpar sua testa, olhos e bochechas, nessa sequência, bem devagar para não machucar.
— Tem tirado notas boas no colégio?
Harry fez que sim, os olhinhos fechados sentindo Louis tirar sua sombra rosa gliterinada.
— Jura?
— S-sim, papai — disse um pouco atrapalhada por conta da chupetinha.
— E sem distrações, né? — Louis questionou, segurando seu rosto pelo queixo encontrando os verdes esmeraldas se abrirem. — Você sabe o que eu quero dizer.
Harry hesitou.
— Só existe uma resposta para essa pergunta e eu espero que seja a que estou pensando.
Ela tirou sua chupeta antes de poder falar, os olhos daquele jeitinho pidão.
— Eu só me distraio pensando em você, papai…
— Por que eu sinto que você está mentindo?
— Não estou! — Harry colocou sua chupeta na boca novamente, para não se equivocar novamente, deixando ela na beira dos lábios. — Eu fico pensando quando você brincava comigo… — seus olhos estavam olhando para seus pés enquanto falava, mas de repente, um pensamento surge em sua cabeça e decidiu colocar para fora: — Mas você não deve gostar mais de brincar comigo!
— Por que acha isso? — Louis estava sorrindo pela forma birrenta que Harry disse. Colocou os algodões e demaquilante de lado para tomar sua atenção a ela.
— Você não quis mais ficar comigo… — Harry resmungou pausadamente, a chupeta indo para o meio de sua boca. — Você me deixou, papai.
— Eu nunca vou te deixar — Louis puxou Harry pela cintura com certa violência, erguendo seu vestido para passar os dedos bem de leve por cima de sua bucetinha ainda revestida na calcinha. — Sempre vou querer brincar com a minha bebezinha. Lembra quando foi a nossa primeira vez? Você chorava tanto, amor, mas não queria deixar meu pau.
— Papai… por favor, me diz que você vai brincar comigo? — Harry implorou baixinho, abrindo mais as pernas para que Louis pudesse ter mais facilidade com os dedos. — M-mhn… você vai fazer com carinho?
— Muito, meu amor — Louis deixou um beijo na chupeta, tirando ela de Harry, vendo a garotinha formar um biquinho tão gordo que apenas sentiu seu lábio inferior entre os dela, da forma mais fofa. — Vou mostrar pra você que não precisa fazer birra com medo de perder o papai. Sempre vou estar aqui.
— O senhor… mhn… papai, o s-senhor? Mhn! — as palavras começaram uma cair sobre as outras quando Louis decidiu só arrastar pro lado sua calcinha, massageando devagar seu clítoris inchadinho, indo tão lento que era uma tortura. — Papai, dorme hoje aqui!
— Shhh… — Louis se aproximou de Harry, sentindo seu pescoço sendo abraçado pelos bracinhos da garota.
O que fez foi como dizer a Harry “fique calma, vive esse momento com seu papai, não pense demais.”
Louis tinha dado início nos carinhos por todo rosto de Harry, fazia questão de acariciar suas bochechas, enrolar os dedos nos cachos e fixar os olhos na chupeta que mexia pra lá e pra cá na boquinha de sua garotinha. Mesmo que estivesse gemendo baixinho contra a chupeta, Harry parecia pura demais, numa inocência genuína, do jeito que Louis se encantou por ela.
Seu pau já estava extremamente duro, precisava se aliviar de uma vez ou poderia gozar ali mesmo só com os gemidos manhosos de Harry e aquela bucetinha toda molhada, o toque escorregadio e macio em seus dedos. Louis conseguiu desabotoar sua calça somente com um mão, tirando seu cacete para fora da boxer e iniciou seus movimentos por todo comprimento rígido e pesado, se punhetando rapidamente ao que o pré-gozo jorrava da glande avermelhada.
Harry arregalou os olhos quando sentiu Louis parar com dedilhar em seu clítoris. Ficou confusa, mas logo depois reparou devidamente no que estava acontecendo.
Imediatamente a garota abriu os braços com os dedinhos chamando por Louis.
— Eu quero colinho! — Harry praticamente gemeu, naquele tom dengosa, e ao mesmo tempo, um tanto diabólica.
— Vou te dar colinho depois que deixar sua buceta escorrendo minha porra — Louis disse rangendo os dentes, sem muitas cerimônias, desceu mais o corpo de Harry na bancada da pia e começou a roçar somente sua cabecinha nos lábios gordinhos daquela xotinha. — Você merece tanto isso, amor, sei que vai deixar o papai orgulhoso, não vai?
— Uhum, uhum — Harry fez que sim freneticamente com a cabeça, ela mesmo se esfregando no pau que estava quase se introduzindo.
Louis só arrastou pro ladinho a calcinha branca de renda, e sem muita demora, enfiou todo seu pau na bucetinha de Harry, arrancando dela um ofego alto e doloroso, os olhinhos se fechando com força por se lembrar do quão grande e grosso seu papai era. O quão sem piedade Louis podia ser quando se tratava de cuidar de sua filhinha.
— De… devagar, papai, você me m-machuca assim… — Harry pediu aos choramingos, sua voz chorosa na chupeta era um tanto embargada. Ela amava ver o cacete de Louis saindo e entrando de sua bucetinha, não conseguia tirar os olhos disso.
— Vê se fica quietinha? — foi uma pergunta retórica, Louis indo mais rápido com seu quadril, sentindo uma certa dificuldade em voltar com seu pau dentro de Harry por ela ser simplesmente muito apertada, muito mesmo. — Não quer que ninguém veja o papai brincando com você, quer?
Harry negou com a cabeça, respirando fundo a cada estocada.
— Boa garota — Louis segurou a cintura de Harry com as duas mãos, deixando ela com um total de zero chances de sair dali.
Os gemidos de Harry eram baixinhos por conta da chupetinha em sua boca, ela chupava mais forte a medida que Louis empurrava seu pau na buceta toda encharcada, já estava se acostumando com o tamanho, trazendo em todo seu corpo aquele prazer mórbido que era sentir uma saliência em sua barriga devida a sua dilatação e o tamanho daquele cacete.
Louis não se aguentava e tinha que beijar sua boca contra a chupeta, sabia que isso deixava Harry louca e sem graça, as bochechas da mesma se queimando.
— Papai, eu quero colo… — Harry implorou novamente, queria muito, muito, mas muito sentar naquele pau e deixar Louis gozar dentro de si, bem gostoso. — Por favor, eu prometo… mhn! Papai!
Como se já não bastasse, Louis começou a estimular seu clítoris rapidamente, tão rapidinho que era doloroso a sensibilidade. Louis fazia de seu cacete ir o mais fundo possível, perto de seu ápice, querendo prolongar a sensação a cada estocada forte e rápida.
— Você promete? — deu continuidade, a respiração indo pra casa do caralho com aquela velocidade que seu quadril tomava.
— Eu! Mhn… papai, eu prometo ficar quietinha! — Louis queria devorar aqueles peitinhos balançando pra cima e pra baixo pelo solavanco de seu corpo. — Eu quero seu colo, papai, por favor!
Louis sorriu tão sujo que a ideia de serem pegos só o motivou ainda mais. O fato de que Harry era o seu segredinho mais sujo.
A cintura de Harry tinha marcas dos dedos de Louis, ele a apertava com mais força assim que voltava a enterrar aquele pau dentro da bucetinha apertada e toda melada.
— Eu vou gozar, Lou… — Harry contorcia os dedinhos de seus pés e tentava afastar Louis do seu corpo, por estar muito sensível.
— Nem pense — Louis disse rapidamente.
O som das estocadas estavam altas, Harry começando a dar indícios de um choro e Louis fazendo o favor de ir lento e fundo, gozando dentro daquela bucetinha a cada ida e volta para fora e para dentro, gemendo rouco juntamente com os gemidos chorosos de Harry, que estava mordendo a chupeta.
— Oh, bebê, se você soubesse o quanto eu amo comer sua bucetinha… — Louis disse meio aéreo, segurando seu pau pela base para não sair do ritmo, ainda estocando lentamente. — Você deixaria o papai orgulhoso todos os dias.
— Deixaria, papai! — Harry estava se derretendo por dentro, não havia sensação melhor do que fazer seu papai gozar tudo na sua bucetinha, sentindo cada centímetro alargando sua entrada. — Isso… mhn… é tão gostoso, papai, não para…
Louis enterrou seu pau em Harry para poder pegar ela em seu colo. Tirou a chupeta da sua boca, que estava toda babada mas isso não era problema, e selou seus lábios, andando até a cama para deitar ela com cuidado, ainda dentro daquele xotinha tão quente que seria um pecado deixá-la para trás.
— Eu vou descer… — Louis sussurrou contra o beijo, dando mais um selinho e logo indo para o pescoço de sua garotinha. — Você vai se arrumar de novo… — fez mais uma estocada, a última, deixando seu pau mais enterrado ainda em Harry, arrancando da mesma um choro. — E vai cantar seu parabéns. Seu presente de aniversário é ser minha garotinha, minha putinha, que eu sei que você ama tudo isso.
E quando finalmente saiu de Harry, viu aquela buceta expelir seu gozo para fora, pulsando repetidas vezes pela pressão que levou durante todo esse tempo. Era a visão mais linda que Louis já viu em toda sua vida.
— Depois você tem outra surpresa. Agora quero que se arrume e desça aquelas escadas direito, sem cambalear.
— Fica comigo um pouco mais, papai… — Harry estava chorando, tendo que colocar sua chupeta novamente na boca para não surtar ali. — Eu quero gozar, por favor, por favor!
— Você vai — Louis disse, firme. — Mas não agora. Para de birra.
Harry fez que sim tristemente.
— E desça sem calcinha. Quero meu gozo escorrendo pela sua buceta o dia inteiro hoje. Mais tarde, seu colinho vai chegar.
E Louis deixou um beijo na testa de Harry, se arrumando dentro das calças já indo para a sala novamente, dando a desculpa para Ruby que ela só estava terminado de se maquiar.
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O sol se pondo sempre refletia a luz laranja nos fundos da casa de Harry. Era lindo ver a grama verdinha sendo beijada pelas luzes cansadas e quentes, a água da piscina bem calma se movimentando de acordo com o caminho do vento.
Ela demorou um pouquinho para descer as escadas, e quando o fez, arrancou elogios de todos e um olhar orgulhoso de Louis, um olhar muito singular também.
— Quer ver o pôr do sol, querida?
— Não, mãe, acho que vou tirar alguns fotos antes do parabéns.
— Hum — Ruby passou as mãos pelos ombros de Harry. — Está bem. Acho que Louis está lá dentro. Chama ele?
— Sim, sim — sorriu gentilmente.
Harry encontrou Louis sentado no banco da mesa posta de seu aniversário, o bolo em formato de coração era simplesmente lindo, com a escrita delicada e o chantilly fazendo enfeites em volta. Ele estava distraído, até colocar os olhos na figura de Harry, ali parada sorrindo boba.
— Você fica linda desse jeito — fez referência a troca de vestido, um mais curto, mas nem tanto, e a pouca maquiagem. Cabelos soltos, apenas duas mechas presas em um laço atrás. — Vem aqui, amor.
Harry foi até o homem com pulinhos, fazendo o barulho de suas Mary-Jane no piso porcelanato.
— Posso sentar no seu colo? — Harry pediu com um beicinho proposital.
— Meu colo é seu, bebê — e Louis deu tapinhas em sua coxa, indicando que podia sentar ali quando quisesse.
Dito e feito. Harry fez questão de levantar seu vestido para sentar diretamente com a bunda no colo de Louis, o mesmo que correu suas mãos entre as pernas da garota só para sentir sua bucetinha ainda quente e toda melada, cheia de gozo do seu verdadeiro dono. Harry começou a rebolar nos dedos de Louis, gemendo para dentro e sem tirar os olhos dos convidados ali.
— Levanta um pouco — Louis mandou de repente, tirando seu pau para fora da boxer e se encaixando aos poucos na buceta de Harry. — Não queria colinho?
— Mhn… eu quero, papai… — Harry gemeu tão baixinho que sua cabeça caiu para frente ao sentir todo o cacete de Louis dentro de si, sua buceta pulsando com todo aquele tamanho enterrado, praticamente enterrado dentro de si.
— Rebola pro papai, amor — Louis teve que abraçar o corpo de Harry, encostando sua cabeça nas costas da garota só para apertar seus peitos e deixar leves beijos em seus ombros. — Isso, uhum, devagarinho…
Harry fazia movimentos muito calmos e leves, lentamente para frente e para trás, a bucetinha pulsando no pau de Louis trazia a sensação que alguém estivesse o beijando ali.
E todos os convidados voltaram.
— Não para.
— Papai, eles vão ver a gente!
— Não. Para. — Louis sibilou, apertando muito forte sua cintura, a obrigando a rebolar.
— P-papai, por favor!
— Você quer mesmo me deixar decepcionado? — Louis disse, tendo que fazer um carinho nem tão carinhoso para controlar suas pernas tremelicando de baixo da mesa, olhando o pessoal se aproximando cada vez mais. — Depois de tudo o que eu fiz para estar aqui hoje? Depois de você me implorar pra sentar no meu pau e agora fica nessa? É assim que você diz ser minha garotinha?
— Uh-uhn — Harry negou com a cabeça, gemendo por estar muito, muito, mas muito perto de gozar.
“Tudo está lindo!” “Que graça esses laços, Ruby, onde comprou?” “Harry está cada dia mais angelical, como pode?” “Tudo parece tão encantador” “Que decoração mais bonita!”
Eles iam ouvindo os mais tipos de comentários.
Chegou certo momento que Harry não conseguia mais rebolar, se fizesse, ia se tremer inteira e acabar gemendo um tanto alto. Sabendo disso, Louis deu início no seus movimentos rápidos no clítoris todo inchadinho da garota, não demorou muito para ver ela abafando a boca e fingindo sorrisos meigos para cada convidado, se custando a dizer algo quando alguém perguntava onde ficava o banheiro, só sinalizava com as mãos e Louis ainda tinha a pachorra de dar um sorriso calmo. Se abrisse a boca, um gemido escaparia.
— Pode gozar, meu bebê — Louis disse, num sussurro. — Bem devagar, tá?
Os dois estavam gozando juntos naquele momento. O cacete de Louis não parava de jorrar toda sua porra dentro daquela bucetinha, e todo o seu melzinho lambuzando os lábios gordinhos e ardidos, Harry queria tanto a chupeta que começou a chupar o próprio dedo, discretamente.
— Agora sabe o que você vai fazer? — Louis questionou, os últimos jatos de gozo lhe trazendo o alívio necessário. — Você vai cantar parabéns com a bucetinha marcada por mim. Você vai dar seu primeiro pedaço de bolo para Ruby e para mim. E depois, quero que mostre a Agnes o que seu papai faz com você.
— C-como assim? — podia jurar que o gaguejo foi um gemido.
— É isso mesmo — disse firme. — Enfia seus dois dedinhos na sua bucetinha e leva elas até a boquinha da sua amiga Agnes, mostra pra ela que ninguém vai me ter como você me tem, mostra pra ela quem é a garotinha do papai.
— Eu não posso fazer isso…
— Você deve. Se não, vou ter que mostrar a ela o gostinho do que seria me ter.
— O que quer dizer?! — Harry protestou em revolta, tendo que disfarçar a expressão brava para os convidados.
— É dois toques pra mim levar Agnes pro seu quarto e fuder ela na sua cama, bem do jeitinho que eu faço com você.
— Não! Você não faria isso!
— Faria. Se você não mostrar a ela o quão bom é ser minha, terei que provar isso diretamente com ela.
Harry olhou para Agnes com raiva. Muita raiva. Com certo custo, conseguiu se levantar e gemeu em protesto por estar longe do pau de Louis.
No passo que Harry ia dar para ir até a garota, voltou no mesmo.
— Eu não consigo…
— Consegue — Louis deu uma piscadinha. — Vai lá e me deixa orgulhoso.
E ela foi. A ideia de aborrecer Louis era a pior que podia passar por sua mente.
Harry pegou no pulso de Agnes a trouxe para um canto reservado e perto de onde já estavam, levou seus dois dedos maiores até sua bucetinha recolhendo todo o gozo de Louis e o próprio, Agnes olhava confusa e paralisada, mal se dando conta que aqueles dedos de Harry estavam pintando seus lábios e sua língua com tanto gozo.
Harry chegou perto do ouvido de Agnes, tão perto que sua boca encostava em seu ouvido, e então, disse em um sussurro manhoso:
— Esse é o gostinho do meu papai.
E assim, Agnes foi deixada de boca aberta e olhos arregalados naquele canto, vendo Harry se sentar ao lado de Louis toda sorridente, o mesmo homem que sorriu sujo ao ver a expressão pasma, vendo a garota levar seu gosto goela abaixo.
Harry teria aquele gostinho pelo final de semana inteiro, a tal surpresa de Louis não podia ser melhor, pois dentre a três, todas elas se conversavam.
#harry styles#louis tomlinson#harry edward styles#one direction#larry fanfiction#larry stylinson#fanfic#louis william tomlinson#larry is real#harrys house#hbottom#ltops#intersex#daddy’s babygirl#daddy's good girl#daddy k!nk#binky#bd/sm kink#larry fic#louis and harry#harry and louis
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it would be SO fun if at the next season finale when whichever characters are still alive are fighting the next Big Bad, Sam pops back through the portal at Hilltop Road (after months of silence and being assumed dead) and casually deals with it. And then the next season is just about whatever Sam and the Archivist were up to in the other dimension.
#it would never happen. but once we know what the BBEG of the next season is#I might write a fic about it#idk the idea of Sam appearing suddenly as a seasoned monster-hunter#(having been under the direction of Georgie/Melanie/Basira/etc since he got there)#is so appealing#it would also be really cool in the complete opposite direction if the next time we hear from Sam he's an Archivist#or rather#The Archivist#replacing the one the TMA dimension lost yk?#tmagp#tmagp spoilers#the magnus protocol#and I know the Fears aren't in that universe at all anymore so it couldn't happen. but a girl can dream
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Rec List: Short Fics!
This month, I asked you for your favourite fics under 5,000 words -- and y'all showed up! We have eighteen amazing quick reads for your perusing pleasure, including four rarepairs and one girl direction. We've got hot smut, we've got aliens, we've got two different soulmate goose fics? I didn't know those were a trope but I love it already.
Please join me in reading, kudosing, commenting, reblogging, and celebrating all these lovely authors capturing so much emotion and story and description in just a few entrancing pages.
Talk Body All Night by Anonymous (3005, Explicit, Niall Horan/Zayn Malik/Liam Payne/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Use of safeword to stop a scene
Hot OT5 smut with Niall as pov. Niall is new to BDSM and he ends up tapping out. He feels frustrated with himself, but his boyfriends are all 110% supportive of his needs and desires.
Reccer says: Excellent handling of D/S dynamics, it deals really well with someone overwhelmed with multiple partners
Louis and the no good, very bad day by haztobegood (4537, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis collapses back into the bed with a groan. Just when he thought his day couldn’t get any worse, there’s a fucking goose stuck on his balcony.
Reccer says: Absolutely love the soulmate goose concept! This fic was so silly and so much fun to read!
That’s the way love goes by bella28 (4202, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
In a world, where soulmate geese are sent to the people who can’t figure out who their soulmate is, Harry finds himself stuck with a goose when he is attending a concert of his favourite artist Louis Tomlinson.
Reccer says: This is the first soulmate goose fic in our fandom! And it was an utter delight to read! Thankful to this writer for bringing the concept to us!
Hot to Go! by allwaswell16 (2353, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
When Harry does something weird at the barricade, he leaves Louis’ show devastated and hoping he can somehow make things right.
Reccer says: Absolutely hilarious and charming!
Stray by haztobegood (1713, Explicit, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles) – fic post
Zayn and Harry hook up at a club before Zayn returns him to Louis.
Reccer says: So so hot and dreamy and kinky
Soup, Sex, and Sun Salutations by littleroverlouis (2315, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is bribed with the promise of brownies to spend the summer solstice with Harry in his backyard. Between the special ingredient taking effect and Harry dancing in the sunshine, Louis is overwhelmed in the best way.
Reccer says: This fic somehow makes you feel high without taking any substances. Warm and wonderful.
someday, girl, we’re gonna get to that place by yeah_alright (2912, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry's been drawn to pantyhose since he was a kid. If only he could stop taking every snag and run personally.
Reccer says: It's so soft and comforting!
a night like this by momentofclarity (3915, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Meeting Louis made Harry sure she likes girls. Harry's nervous to see her again.
Reccer says: I don't remember the specifics unfortunately I just remember loving it so much!
see or touch or use by jishler (3733, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
He gathered Harry’s hands in his own. “Good boy,” said Louis. He kissed a knuckle and looked up at Harry, who seemed to be drifting somewhere between a haze of tenderness and the kind of arousal that made him shudder, gag, beg for more. Exactly where Louis liked to keep him. He gave Harry’s hands back to him, placing them at his sides.
Reccer says: tender and gentle and HOOOO so hot!
Like You Did Before, Sing a New Song by larenthood (4700, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis motorboats Harry on a drunken dare. Harry really wants to do it again.
Reccer says: Intimate and loving!
Feel Your Way by kingsofeverything (3445, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis Tomlinson tries to meet some colleagues for drinks and winds up meeting Harry Styles instead. Harry Styles: famous singer, songwriter, and actor, as well as the source material for the folder of wanking fodder entitled “hiddies” that Louis keeps hidden on his laptop.
Reccer says: Great mix of flirting and hotness and humor and surprise
Let's get physical by Kerasines (3500, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Alien!Harry tries to adapt to the strange aspects of the human form.
Reccer says: wonderful exploration of desire
Thesis Management by LadyLondonderry (2600, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry's got an assignment due and it's the full moon.
Reccer says: Funny and charming!
Use You As A Warning Sign by jiksa (2200, Mature, Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Nick and Louis get trapped in a closet for seven minutes in heaven/hell.
Reccer says: Such great tension and dynamics!
Take Care by everysingleday (4900, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry’s exhausted and needy and Louis loves him entirely too much to ever say no.
Reccer says: Tender kink!
Us, Me, We by homosociallyyours (2300, Explicit, Harry Styles/Harry Styles) – fic post
High on shrooms, Harry has an encounter with someone who looks a lot like him, and it opens him up a lot of new perspectives. They're very pretty.
Reccer says: It's a beautiful, sensual self exploration!
Watermelon Sugar High by rosemarianthyme (2200, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Resting right between his legs, the long slice open and juicy and red and his fingers pressed just so, it looked to his wine-hazy brain like a cunt. Like it could be /his/ cunt. (In which Harry Styles fingers a watermelon.)
Reccer says: So visceral and unbelievably hot
To Be Real by Throwthemflowers (3900, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Inspired by The Velveteen Rabbit
Reccer says: Incredibly moving. So much beauty and hurt and tenderness packed in.
#rec list#short fics#category 15#one direction#louis tomlinson#liam payne#harry styles#niall horan#zayn malik#1dficvillage#1d rare pairs#1dsource#allwaswell16#alwaysxlarrie#ficsfor4am#tracksintheam#trackinghome#hlficlibrary#hlcreators#girl direction source
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Welcome back to another post for the directory of fic recs on my blog! If you would like a specific theme or trope, let me know! As always, these are all fics I have read and loved, not all the fics out there. You can find more Girl Direction fics here! **This post will be updated as I have more fics in this theme to recommend!**
Tell Them We’re Like Magnets || @nobodymoves || 31.3k Girl Direction, College!AU, Friends to Lovers, Oblivious Idiots
Dancing on the kitchen tiles (it’s all about you) || hopelesswriter || 30k Girl Direction, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Pregnant Harry
daydream about me || louistomlinsons || 21.5k Girl Direction, Famous/Famous, Fluff, Coming Out (sorta), Idiots to Lovers
Read Me Like a Book || @1diamondinthesun || 21.5k Girl Direction, Librarian Harry, Writer Louis, Pining
darling, I’ll take care of you || @louly23 || 20.3k Girl Direction, Famous/Famous, KidFic
Lesbian!Alpha Series || @bottomlinsons || 20.1k Omegaverse, Girl!Direction, Alpha x Alpha, Meet Cute (sorta), Ruts
Knew It As Soon As I Felt It || fondlyrainbows || 20k Girl Direction, Lesbians, College AU, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut
pink like the paradise found || @disgruntledkittenface || 18.4k Girl Direction, Fluff/Smut
‘tis the damn season || @louandhazaf || 17.9k Girl Direction, Christmas, Long Distance, Coming Home
The Sorority AU Series || louistomlinsons || 14.7k Girl Direction, Sorority AU, Fluff and Humor
when half spent was the night || @juliusschmidt || 14.7k Girl Direction, Pregnancy
Don't Have to Be Good to Be My Girl || @homosociallyyours || 12.8k Girl Direction, Daddy Kink, Kink Negotiation
Tease You, Please You || @homosociallyyours || 12.5k Girl Direction, Famous/Non Famous, Boss/Employee (kinda), Friends to Lovers
Bluer than velvet were her eyes (softer than satin were her thighs) || @thebreadvansstuff || 12.3k Girl Direction, Fashion Designer Harry, Model Louis, Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Bambi Legs || @disgruntledkittenface || 11.5k Girl Direction, Fluff, Coming Out, First date
Only You (Blue Always Stays True) || @justanotherghostblr || 11k Regency, Girl Direction, Omegaverse, Friends to Lovers
I Want All Your Saturday Nights || @homosociallyyours || 10.8k Girl Direction, Famous Louis, SNL Cast Member Harry
It’s Been So Long || @littleroverlouis|| 10.6k Girl Direction, Exes to Lovers, Older Harry and Louis
Let Mummy Take Care of You, Baby Girl || orphan_account || 10.1k Girl Direction, Age Difference, Mummy Kink, PWP
I'll drive and you just lay back || @alwaysxlarrie || 10k Girl Direction, Established Relationship, Watching Porn Together
Undo This Privacy || little_obelia || 9.5k Girl Direction, Established Relationship, Watersports, Fluff
When Louis Met Harry Series || @berzerkshires || 9.3k Girl Direction, Weddings, Porn with Plot
lend me your thoughts || HappyPrincess || 9k Girl Direction, Some degree of Hurt/Comfort, Mostly PWP
Set It Up, Spin Me Round || @becomeawendybird || 8.9k Girl Directions, Masquerades, Dom/Sub
You’re Invited || QuickedWeen || 8.5k Christmas Party, Girl Direction, Meet-Cute, Dating Apps
Got Me an Appetite || zedi || 8.1k Omegaverse, Girl Direction, Omega x Omega
bright lights (she’s fading) || @loveloveolivia || 8k PWP, Girl Direction, College AU
Paint My Kiss Across Your Chest || @larrysballetslippers || 6.9k Girl Direction, Religion, Daddy Kink, Strap On
you were right in front of me || @non-binharry || 6.9k Girl Direction, Service Top Harry, Vacation
Painted On Jeans || @becomeawendybird || 6.8k Girl Direction, Greek Life, Friends to Lovers, Nipple Piercings
Gotta Get (Me) Out of My Head || @parmahamlarrie || 5.8k Girl Direction, PWP, Established Relationship, Collars
Under My Umbrella || @lululawrence || 5k Girl Direction, Famous/Non Famous
Quiet Afternoon Crush / Violent Overnight Rush || harrys || 4.9k Girl Direction, Friends with Benefits, Halloween, Unresolved Feelings
Trenigh: Sweet Nothing || @littleohs || 4.9k Omegaverse, Girl Direction, Non-Traditional Omegaverse Dynamics, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Dom/Sub, Established Relationship
reckless serenade || thepolourryexpress || 4.4k Girl Direction, College AU, Valentine's Day, Established Relationship
Barefoot Bubbly || @berzerkshires || 4.1k Girl Direction, Strangers to Loves, Older Louis, Drinking Games
Wouldn’t Have it Any Other Way || @parmahamlarrie || 4k Girl Direction, Established Relationship, Car sex, PwP
To Sleep, Perchance to Ream || @uhoh-but-yeah-alright || 3.9k Girl Direction, Established Relationship, Somnophilia
just be mine || elusivedays || 3.7k Girl Direction, Jealous Louis, Bisexual Harry, Humor
I'd Choose You Over Sleep || @homosociallyyours || 2.1k Girl Direction, Fluff, New Relationship, Established Relationship
#tracksintheam#trackinghappily#trackinghome#1dsource#fic rec#fic rec list#larry fic rec#my fic rec lists#girl direction
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call me any, anytime by @disgruntledkittenface
Canon Compliant, Girl Direction, Exes to Lovers, Masturbation, Hopeful Ending
Harry's plans for the night are interrupted by an unexpected FaceTime call.
explicit | 2.2k | written for @wankersday
#hlficlibrary#hlcreators#thelarriefics#tracksintheam#girl direction#disgruntled fics#call me any anytime
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it is immensely funny to me that the beast afterword is just like. an endorsement of fanfiction.
like i know people talk abt asgr saying theres a universe where skk joined the ada tgthr but like. its a fanfiction prompt. bro gave us fic prompts😭😭😭😭
'what do i want you to think after reading this novel' and his answer is MAKE SO MANY AUS. also why is one of the ideas 'what if the ada was broke' like?? major plot point: they do unpaid overtime together
#also. calling us young scientists experimenting with the story 😥😥😥#and the 'by doing so [exploring au ideas] you have become one of us [...] welcome to our world'#anyway. i have direct permission to write skk fic he said so🙏🙏🙏#i mean. its not surprising coming from a guy who based his like fav character's motivation on writing a fix it fic for his fav book series#but its still funny to me#'GO WRITE ALL THE GENDERSWAP YOU WANT! WRITE GIRL ATSUSHI INTO THE WORLD!' like im ON IT o7#bsd#soukoku#like. more seriously its just encouragement for people to find solace in writing which is beautiful and i agree#but ITS SO FUNNY😭😭😭😭
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Oiii amo sua escrita!!
Queria tanto um concept que ela está de tpm e eles estão sozinhos em casa, quero a referência 5 🥰
Frase:"Sorvete? um filme? abraços? o que você quer? Diga qualquer coisa."
NotaAutora: Muito obrigada pelo pedido amor espero que goste 💗 Olha eu voltando com os clichês aí aí Sorry kkkkk
Aviso: Clichê, fofura.
Harry Concept #23
Você estava jogada no sofá, com um cobertor felpudo enrolada em torno de si, neste mês a temida TPM havia resolvido vir com força, tudo parecia estar contra você. – A luz entrando pela janela, o barulho distante da rua, até mesmo a própria existência parecia irrita-lá.
A televisão estava ligada em um programa qualquer, pois com a dor era difícil se concentrar em algo. Seus olhos desviaram-se da tela assim que Harry, seu namorado entrou devagar, observando-a com atenção. Ele sabia que algo estava errado só pelo jeito como estava encolhida em seu cobertor com olhos lacrimejantes.Harry Aproximou-se e sentou-se ao seu lado, sua presença já trazia um pouco de alívio.
— Oi, como você está, amor? — perguntou, a voz carregada de preocupação.
— Eu me sinto péssima... — disse, frustrada — Tudo está me irritando hoje, e eu nem sei por quê.
Harry nem hesitou; puxou-a para mais perto, envolvendo-a em um abraço aconchegante.
— Eu sei, amor. Esses dias são difíceis, mas você não precisa passar por isso sozinha — ele disse, beijando o topo da cabeça dela. — Eu estou aqui.
— Eu só quero que isso passe logo — sussurrou.
Harry a segurou em seus braços por longos minutos, como se pudesse afastar todas as sensações ruins com seu carinho.
— Baby? — disse ele, afastando-se um pouco.
— Sim? — resmungou.
— Sorvete? Um filme? Abraços? O que você quer? Diga qualquer coisa — ofereceu, a voz cheia de paciência e amor.
— Tudo isso soa bem — respondeu, tentando sorrir através das lágrimas.
— Então vamos começar com um pouco de tudo. Primeiro, vou pegar o sorvete. Depois, a gente escolhe um filme e... muitos abraços — disse ele, levantando-se.
Você o observou sair, o coração um pouco mais leve. Harry Styles podia ser muitas coisas, mas um namorado ruim, nunca. Ele era gentil e amável, e talvez por isso você se apaixonou tão rápido por ele.
Minutos depois, ele voltou com uma tigela de sorvete de chocolate e a estendeu para você, sentando-se ao seu lado novamente.
— Chocolate, o remédio perfeito — disse ele, com um sorriso carinhoso.
— Você é o melhor — murmurou, sentindo-se grata por tê-lo ao seu lado.
— Só quero que você se sinta melhor, amor. Estou aqui para tudo, sempre — ele a puxou de volta para seus braços, segurando-a como se nunca fosse soltar.
E com o sorvete na mão, o filme começando, e o calor do abraço dele, você sentiu que, apesar da TPM e do seu dia terrível, tudo ia ficar bem.
Muito obrigado pela leitura! Se você gostou, por favor, considere deixar algum feedback, opinião, sugestão, idea AQUI isso significa muito para mim.💕
Taglist: @little-big-fan @say-narry @umadirectioner @harry-sofrida @lanavelstommo
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#styles#one direction#senhora styles#1d imagines#imagineshot onedirection#imagines one direction#harry#harry styles#imagine harry styles#concept#concepts#smutty concepts#soft concepts#nsft concept#harry concept#harry styles fic#harry styles tour#harry styles girlfriend#daddy harry styles#harry styles fluff#harry styles soft#harry styles x reader#harry styles writing#writing fiction#harry styles wattpad#harry styles daddy kink#daddy's good girl#boyfriend! harry styles#boyfriend!harry#harry styles boyfriend
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Sunset in the Heart of that Green Valley
started drumming up an au accidentally with some input from the mutuals beloved. told myself it wasn't going anywhere but this so I had to stick as much as I could into just. this. I SWEAR. < lying
Bdubs can't remember a part of his life without Etho--no matter the shape or profession, the danger or lackthereof. It was always Etho, and himself, and this wild, wasted world. Or, Bdubs watches his cows on the farm. Etho joins him on his horseback ride around the perimeter fence.
(4111 words)
It's a long, slow ride a mile from the wire fence and sparse tree line that borders the ranch. It's nothing but cool wind and wiregrass for miles, soft green and brown as the spring starts to roll in. Soon enough the field will be full of baby calves and their healthy mamas, big brown eyes and full stomachs. Horses too—lots of 'em, kind natured but tough, enough to fight you but not enough to bite the hand that feeds 'em. He'll be able to lift a foal into his arms to stand it upright and watch its mother nose his armpit and look at him with those soft brown eyes. For now, BdoubleO takes that long ride along the border, listening to cicadas sing in the trees. That's not the only thing singing though. Besides the breathing of his horse beneath him and the cattle dog that runs ahead, is the soft, mellow voice of his partner, Etho, humming indistinctly.
He has his head turned toward the tree line, eyes scanning listlessly for any sign of movement. Just a couple of weeks ago, they lost a handful of chickens to a fox, a thing neither of them could stand to kill even as they went looking for it. From where he rides next to him, Bdubs can see the holster for his revolver strapped tight to his thigh. He's never actually seen the gun, for what it's worth. Not in action. Not even the smell of gunpowder on Etho's leather work gloves. He's only ever watched his thin, strong, meticulous hands clean the individual parts and put it back together. It makes sense why Etho's focus is so drawn to that tree line. He probably doesn’t want it to happen again.
Bdubs watches the curve of his shoulders under the off-white button-up he's wearing. It's loose at his elbows and under his arms, but from the way he slouches, hat tipped back to cover his neck, it's tight across his back. Bdubs sighs—for a moment, that's the only thing that breaks the silence. Bdubs' longing rings out in the stale air, and a chuckle joins the hum of that wordless melody.
"Somethin' the matter, 'dubs?" Etho says, glancing over. He can just hear him through the scarf tucked around his face, tied behind his neck. His hair is tucked under his hat, tied away nearly the same. Its just his eyes, warm and smiling, eyebrows raised, when he looks over. Bdubs scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"No," he says. "Nothin's the matter. What's it to ya, anyway?"
Etho shrugs. He shuts his eyes for a second when he does. Bdubs can picture the little frown on his face when he does.
"Figured I'd ask," he says cooly. "That was a pretty profound sigh."
"Nothin' for you to worry about," Bdubs gripes. He taps Lacey with his heels and she meanders forward, huffing out through her nose. He hears Etho laugh as he pulls away, and it's only a second before Etho's at his side again. He tugs Bdubs' hat over his eyebrows.
"Don't be like that, 'dubs!" Etho pouts. "You sounded upset."
"Quit teasin' me," Bdubs grumbles, swatting at him with the hand not wrapped around the reigns. Lacey patters to a stop as Bdubs slackens on the reigns, trying to grab Etho's hat. Etho ducks his head.
"Bdubs!" He laughs, pushing his hands away.
"You quit!"
Bdubs huffs again, shrinking back, then straightens. Etho's turned away from him, all of a sudden. Bdubs goes to speak, but as he does, he hears Etho say something so quiet it's felt more than heard.
It's sunset, he's just realized. The orange light leaks through gaps in the trees, casting gold bars over the wheatgrass and dry dirt. He can see light blue leaking into orange, pink, yellow, blending into white clouds above him. This time, the profound sigh whistles out of Etho's chest. Bdubs bites his tongue. Haloed by the gold light, Etho looks like the type of things only lonely cowboys dream about. The perfect outlaw, or the hardworking ranch hand, or the kindhearted sheriff looking for love. The things you read in dime novels, no matter the flavor of romance. Bdubs feels his heart squeeze, the want pooling in his elbows and the joint of his hips. He won't sigh again, or make any other sound, not as long as Etho watches the sunset.
"Wow," Etho mumbles. His horse snorts. Etho huffs a laugh, reaching just far enough to pet between his ears. "Wow..."
"It's gorgeous," Bdubs says. He'd be lying if he said he was talking about the sunset.
Etho turns back to him after a beat. Bdubs's eyes flick up to his face, tilting his head a little as Etho's soft eyes linger on him. He can see the indistinct scarring up part of his face, near his eye and eyebrow. Tugging off his gloves, Bdubs raises a careful hand up to Etho's face. There, he tucks two fingers in the space between his cheek and the scarf over his face, and tugs it down. Etho doesn't stop him. In fact, he's smiling just so when Bdubs does. He's got nothing to hide, really—the scarf is for the dust, more than anything else. He scrunches his nose as the scarf falls around his neck.
"Hey there, sweetheart," Bdubs says softly. His hand cups Etho's cheek, thumb smoothing over the rough, scarred skin of his left cheek. Fire. They're all healed burns. His thumb dances over them anyway, like he'd never seen them or brushed them or kissed them before. Two long strands of hair frame Etho's face. Here, Bdubs tucks one of them behind his ear, still moving to cradle his face. The look that passes over him makes Bdubs' stomach fold over. He's smiling, wide and soft, and his eyes shut as he leans into Bdubs' palm.
"Hiya, Bdubs," Etho mumbles. His voice hits a low octave as he whispers. Bdubs flushes. Etho's hand falls to Bdubs' hip, both steadying for himself and for Bdubs' balance, thumb pressed into his hipbone as he leans forward into Bdubs' space. Etho's hand comes to tip his hat back as far as it'll go before it knocks from his head, scrunching up his nose as Bdubs' flush grows a little warmer, a little further over his cheeks and ears. He's smiling, though, and so is Etho. Bdubs can't help it—he was just so damn handsome, that stupid cowboy. Damn him. He keeps himself lingering in Etho's space for a beat longer, tracing out the high of his cheek with his thumb. The sun's still setting, warm and orange behind him. He can't even see stars yet.
"Can we stay?" Bdubs asks, sighing out his nose. His eyes flick behind Etho's shoulder for a moment, watching the bars of light through the trees. "Just to watch?"
Etho smiles, his eyes going all soft and round like they do when Bdubs says something he particularly likes. Must've liked that, then. He noses Bdubs' palm just a little, looking up into the sky before settling on Bdubs' face again.
"Sure," Etho mumbles. "Why not? Stars haven't even come out yet."
Bdubs grins, knocking their foreheads together, a soft laugh bubbling up in his chest before it leaves him with his exhale. Etho scrunches his nose.
Leaning forward as far as he can, Etho kisses him. His warm, gloved hand fits over the back of his neck, brushing through the close cropped hair there. His lips are chapped from the dusty air, but they're dry and warm and Bdubs feels Etho hum against his mouth. He presses back and up into him, free hand falling to his knee to stabilize himself. Etho pulls in a fast breath through his teeth and kisses him again, firm but gentle. Bdubs shuts his eyes and keeps them shut, feeling Etho's hand curl against the base of his skull, feeling them work in tandem with each other. It's nice and easy and tender in a way that curls up in Bdubs' chest and rests there, calmly. It's sweeter than anything else he knows, or damn near close to it.
He smiles against his lips, dragging his thumb in a slow line across the rippled scar on his cheek. He's so gentle with him, Etho is, as he is with Etho, up until the point of course that they're chasing each other around on foot and on horseback and scrapping in the dirt just to prove a point. But here it's intentional. Bdubs rubs his cheek and that scar so Etho knows he wants to feel it He wants to feel where it starts at the high of his cheekbone and ends just under the low dip of his eye, how the uneven surface gives to smoother skin, how it’s all patches of rough and light. He wants to see that it cuts through his eyelid and eyebrow and that the eyebrow never really grew back and his hearing wasn't always that good in that ear. He wants to. He loves him. To love Etho was to love each thing he called an imperfection.
"I'll be damned, cowboy," he mumbles under his breath. Etho laughs, just a little, from somewhere high in his chest.
"What's that?" he asks, crushing his cheek into the heel of Bdubs' hand. Bdubs shakes his head.
"Nothin', gorgeous."
"Mmh," Etho agrees. Bdubs can tell his face is warm from more than just the desert heat.
"You liked that, mm?" he says. He leans up to kiss Etho just once, sighing out through his nose.
Etho nods, stilted, still flushing as Bdubs draws himself and his hand away. There's a moment that Etho's hand stays warm and solid on his hip and the back of his neck. His dark eyes sweep over him, the clouded vision of his left still trying to focus on Bdubs' face. A soft smile lingers on his face, lifting the edges just enough to form the smile lines Bdubs loves to kiss. They're there more often than not, still fading as Etho's face softens, as he takes care to wash the grime off and soothe his skin with beeswax. They linger for a second before they, and Etho, draw away, settling back on his saddle and sitting up. He stretches, screwing up his expression as Bdubs hears his spine pop.
"Augh," he vocalizes. Bdubs snorts as Lacey does, shuffling her hooves in the dry grass.
"Let's get a move on then, old man," Bdubs teases, reaching for his reins and to prod the soft of Etho's knee. Etho jerks, trotting his horse a step away from Bdubs hands. There, he sticks out his tongue, fixes his hat, and tucks the bandana around his nose again. There's that familiar shape—sheriff to outlaw, the line of Etho's eyes honing his gaze to razor sharp. Bdubs sighs, letting himself laugh, before he jerks his head forward, pushing his hat back onto his head. He prods Lacey with the heels of his boots and she steps forward into a jog.
Above his head, the wink of stars begin to shine in the dull, pale blue sky. He can still see the lick of orange light like flames above the treeline, cascading over the red-grey and sparse green hills, framing Etho in a delicate picture. Bdubs grins, eyes settling on his partner behind him. He sees Etho's eyes squint as he presumably smiles. Nudging a little more, Bdubs brings Lacey up to a trot, and further to a canter as he hears Etho laugh, loud and clear across the planes, behind him.
In the distance, he can see the warm cast of oil lamps they lit before they left. As much as Bdubs' bones crave the man not even a few yards behind him, they ache for the cool halls of their house, warm coffee, and the light he can just barely catch in the rising night.
Later that night, Bdubs scrapes congealed fat out of the cast iron skillet Etho cooked in. His body and stomach are heavy with the meal they’ve just finished, beans and pork and cornmeal grits, the taste of whatever last few seasonings Etho had thrown in still lingering between his teeth. He scrubs the pan in the hot water, feeling out what were nicks in the pan and what was dirt. He’d hate to ruin the seasoning they’d just built up on the pan. He raises it from the soapy water after a moment, giving it a good shake as his eyes track over the dusty-grey surface. Clean as can be. As he finishes, toweling off his hands as he lays the skillet to dry, he turns back to the room behind him.
It’s starting to smell a bit like coffee and a bit like woodfire smoke, the embers of their fireplace and stove fire still filling the room. Etho has tucked himself on the couch, knitted blanket draped over his shoulders and a book open on his folded legs. That was one thing about the desert that Bdubs never got used to—it got cold quickly. The air seeped the heat right out of the ground, right underneath your feet, as soon as the lick of sunshine from the day was gone. Etho had the right idea, curling himself into the smallest spot on their worn couch, blanket drawn tight around him, enough to where only his socked feet poked out. He’d tied his long hair up and away from his face, stark white locks delicately balanced on the top of his head. Bdubs hums as he wanders over.
Etho picks up his head, blinking slowly at him. His gaze seems far away as it pins on him.
“Hi, Etho,” Bdubs says, scrunching up his nose. “You fall asleep on me after dinner?”
“Mm?” Etho questions. He shakes his head. “No, no, never.”
Bdubs snorts. As he stands beside the front of the couch, Etho’s hand comes out, his cold fingers wrapping around Bdubs’ wrist. Bdubs makes a small, startled sound, but lets Etho tug him forward and onto the couch beside him. He was deceptively strong—it was the one thing nobody would guess about him. Well—maybe not the only thing. Etho’s life, much like his own, was so different compared to the docile, almost domestic, ranch life they’d build together. Bdubs sinks into the couch cushions, and not even a beat later, Etho leans his back against his arm. Bdubs’ hum peters into a giggle.
“Y’know,” he starts. “I’m not sure I believe you. I think you might me lyin’ to me, Etho.”
“Mm? About what?”
Bdubs shrugs.
“Dunno, you looked pretty dang tired a second ago.”
Etho shakes his head, leaning back a little further. Bdubs gets the message. He shifts around until his leg hooks under Etho’s arm, until Etho can settle back and rest his head and back against Bdubs’ chest. The book rests on Etho’s shins now, all but forgotten as Etho tips his head back to take a look at Bdubs behind him. He seems satisfied with what he sees, because he shuffles to get comfortable.
“I don’t know about that,” Etho drawls, a smile tugging at his mouth. Bdubs scoffs. He kisses the top of Etho’s head, hands cupping around his ears to hold his head still. He feels that smile tug at his cheeks a little more and nuzzles his head for good measure.
“Alright,” he placates. “I’ll believe you for now.”
Etho hums, satisfied.
Bdubs lets his hands fall to Etho’s shoulders. As Etho reaches to pick up his book from his lap, Bdubs shifts him a bit more, sitting upright. His hands fall to Etho’s upper back, before he starts to shift his hair, unweaving it from where it had balanced atop his head. Etho seems to pick up on his message, sitting forward a bit as Bdubs begins to comb his fingers through Etho’s white hair.
It’s much longer than it’s ever been, Bdubs thinks—it must be. He doesn’t think it’s ever been past his shoulders when they were together before, and definitely not when Etho was a sheriff. He’d never get away with hair past his shoulders. It was bad enough that he got so many nasty scars from scrapes and threats and whatever people threw at him. Bdubs smooths his hand down the back of his neck, feeling out the base of his skull. It’s painful to think of what Etho had to get through to get here. His hair must be a testimony to that, the fine, white-blond strands reaching to just past his shoulderblades. Bdubs is careful as he weaves his hands through, tucking stray strands behind Etho’s ears, combing back from his widow’s peak to the base of his head.
He was a criminal before he was a sheriff—Bdubs remembers that. He remembers it because he was one, too. Pretty damn good. It was hard, though. Hard on Etho, who was just trying to do something with his life, to put his artistry to work, his craftsmanship. When he finally landed a job, the gang was already falling apart. He wasn’t even the first to leave—someone left for a damn sheriff. And Bdubs had laughed, then. He watched Etho set his hat on Bdubs head and felt those now memorized, strong hands squeeze his shoulders.
He found him again when Etho walked past the tiny 3-by-3 cell Bdubs had managed to worm his way into. Wasn’t that a sight for sore eyes? The fine line of Etho’s jaw cuffed by a high collared marshal's uniform, badge and all, hat pulled low over his eyes. He hadn’t meant to lock himself up in there, but as soon as he was out, he promised Etho he’d never go back. And he never did. He sat himself at the strong wooden desk catty-corner to Etho’s and dispensed justice like he’d never done a wrong deed in his life. They were fair, though. Nothing but fair. No blood but on their teeth or nose or throat. No blood on their hands.
Etho sighs warmly as Bdubs starts to braid his hair. He keeps a firm hold on the strands he weaves in and out of each other, working slowly and carefully as he absorbs himself in thought. He was there for a lot of Etho’s life. But he wasn’t there when Etho got his scar. He only saw it afterwards, during that first time he saw him from that cell.
Etho had described it late one night, after all was said and done between them, their bodies pressed so close in the same, small bed in Etho’s home that there wasn’t a molecule of space left. He’d let Bdubs trace the valleys and ridges of the burnt skin, tucked his face into Bdubs neck to breathe out a wet sigh. Coals and fire—not an accident like Bdubs had always presumed. He’d weaseled himself out of their gang of bandits, but it’s not always that the life of bandits leaves you. He’d messed up an order for another group, he’d said, when he finally got a job as a metalsmith. Too few bullets. It was a lie. He’d known from the shape of the man's mouth as he’d spoken it, but his face found the furnace regardless. Hot ash, coals, smoke in the back of his throat. It had been a long time since he’d been really able to see out of that eye. It hurt to read. It was too blurry to focus.
Now, Bdubs knows, Etho focuses and reads just fine. And Bdubs drags his fingers over his skin like it were any other part of him to touch. And touch he did. Hey! He wasn’t ashamed of himself! He spent a good few years loving this man and he was allowed to love him right and true. Whatever Etho wanted, Etho could have. He’d build him a terracotta and tile ranch house, with darkened oak and stained wood floors, a fireplace big enough to hang a kettle in, horses, cows, dogs, cats, wheatfields tall enough to lose himself in. The rolling hills of the valley were endless. They’d find a homestead, a life, friends, family, anywhere they went. And so they went. And they found the ones they’d loved all along just as they thought they would.
Bdubs cards his fingers through the braided hair for a final time, letting it hang loose and wavy around Etho’s shoulders. He instead maps the rise of his spine with his palm, listening to Etho hum and feeling his heartbeat.
“How’s your book?” Bdubs asks softly. Etho nods.
“Good,” he says, just as quiet. “It’s a real tough read, ‘Dubs.”
Bdubs glances over his shoulder as Etho leans back into his chest, trying to catch a glimpse at the cover. Etho’s tucked the book under his knee, though. He can’t even peek at the type of book it is.
“Mm?” he says. “Is that so?”
“Mmmhm,” Etho drawls. “I’m real deep into some equations that I can’t wrap my head around. It’s this long complicated thing that’s supposed to help determine scale and size of the fractal-izing of light, and how we can use planetary distances to figure it out.”
Bdubs blinks, scoffing.
“Etho,” he hums.
“I’m trying to figure out how this could be relevant for our growing seasons and how I can best predict rainfall in the valley—”
“And I’m sure Tango will want to know all about it considering he’s making that huge telescope, don’t you think—”
Bdubs thwaps his head laughing.
Etho laughs, reaching back to grab at Bdubs hands on his head. They swat uselessly at each other for a moment.
“You think you’re so smart, don’t you, Etho?” Bdubs grumbles.
“You’re just jealous because I understand math,” Etho jeers. “It has nothing to do with how smart I am.”
“Sure it doesn’t,” Bdubs huffs. “I bet you read the almanac in your spare time!”
Etho gasps, but the gravitas and dramatic turn he does to worm away from Bdubs is enough to hint that he’s doing it for a reason. He scrambles back, tucking his book behind him as he does. Blue cover. Bdubs doesn’t know many books with a blue cover. Maybe it is the almanac after all.
“How dare you insult my knowledge of flowers, Bdubs!” Etho gasps. “I just know all those things.”
“All those things about the regional weather, too?”
Etho nods, trying to hold back a smile. Liar.
“Mhm,” he says. “All of it. I’ve known it since I was a wee little boy, ‘Dubs.”
Bdubs rolls his eyes.
“I’m sure,” he placates. “Nothin’ to do with how we just moved here a year and a half ago, no?”
Etho shakes his head.
“Not at all. I’ve known it all my life,” Etho says. He can’t fight the smile this time, or the way he draws out the a of his word, his smile growing with it. He finally cracks enough to giggle and Bdubs swats his knee. Etho sticks his tongue out at him.
“And what’s the almanac say about me?” Bdubs asks, watching Etho shuffle back into his corner, looking comfortable. He tilts his head a little, eyebrows furrowing.
“You?” Etho says. “I don’t know. Nothing—I’ve never read it. I doubt they put people in it.” Then Etho smiles, adding: “I can check my book on 100 facts about B-double-O, though.”
Bdubs startles.
“Your book on what?”
Etho snorts, tipping his head back, laughter bubbling out of him. Bdubs jabs him with his socked foot and Etho curls further into himself, still giggling. Bdubs can’t help but smile, though, watching Etho break into a giggling fit over his stupid comment. He rolls his eyes as he peels himself off the couch and over to their bookshelf. Standing there for a moment, feeling the cold seep slightly into his clothes, Bdubs scans for a book. He isn’t sure what he’s looking for yet, but he’ll know it when he sees it.
In the meantime, he halfway searches for that obviously fake book Etho had mentioned. He snorts, just to himself. A hundred facts, huh?
Plucking one of his well-worn novels from the shelf, Bdubs turns back to the couch. He drops a kiss to the crown of Etho’s head as he passes and Etho is quick enough to pull him down to kiss his cheek. It’s worth it, though, as Bdubs tucks himself back against the other side of the couch and Etho’s legs tangle with his. He loves the stupid smile on Etho’s face too much to care about much else.
#ethubs#ethoslab#bdoubleo100#hermitshipping#hermitcraft#hermitcraft fic#fics#text#mcyt#mcyt fic#help girl how do all my aus start out with ethubs < THIS IS NOT AN AU#NOT ONE THAT I SHOULD CONTINUE THAT IS#green valley au#< haha ignore that#direct shout out to myke and shep who enabled this and also gave several good ideas#like the stupid bdubs book. and the images myke sent. ill and sick i say
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Carry the One by yeah_alright
Five times Louis carries her best friend and one time Harry carries the love of her life.
A Girl Direction Drabble written for week 3 of the 2024 @wordplayfics challenge for the word carry.
Larry | 5+1, friends to lovers | Rated T
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🌺 my favourite girl direction fics under the cut! 🌺
There is nothing else in this world that I love more than women. I grew up in a family built around the strongest women I’ll ever met in my life. So powerful, so determined, yet so gentle and affectionate. Huge personalities and all.
It took me awhile to understand who I am and I’m not completely sure I do and this little world where women love women feels so safe for me.
Can I also use this post to open my research for my next wife? No, I can’t? No, I shouldn’t? Whaaaat I just did! Please, babe HMU 🫶
🌺 The changer and the changed by homosociallyyours || 60K ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It’s the spring of 1977 and Harry Styles has just moved to New York City after graduating college. She knows she’s a lesbian. She just needs to figure out how to meet other lesbians. Louis Tomlinson works at a popular women’s bookstore in the Lower East Side, Womon’s Direction, where she spends her days reading feminist literature, writing poetry, exchanging friendly barbs with her boss Niall, and dreaming of finding someone to love. When Harry and Louis meet, their connection is instantaneous. Slowly but surely, Louis welcomes Harry into her community of women. Stonewall veteran and old school butch Niall; Liam, a land dyke who’s moved to the city for love; and Zayn, a lesbian musician who’s been ostracized by a vocal part of women’s community for being trans, welcome Harry with open arms, ready to help her find her place in New York City’s bustling lesbian scene. It’s a time of growth for everyone involved.
🌺 It’s all gonna roll your way by 1Diamondinthesun ( @1diamondinthesun ) || 53K
Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn are editors at Nova, a historically progressive women’s print magazine with plans to launch digital content at the end of the summer. Louis is a single mom and temporary worker with a knack for graphic design. When investors request sweeping reform in their content, Harry and her team have to decide which principles, if any, they’re willing to compromise in order to survive as an online publication.
🌺 Bluer than velvet were her eyes (softer than satin were her thighs) by thebreadvan ( @thebreadvansstuff ) || 12K
Harry hums a melody absentmindedly as she works, bent over the sewing table, when the bell above the door chimes suddenly, announcing the arrival of a customer. Mid-stitch, Harry glances up.
“Good morning,” comes the woman’s feathery voice. Harry should probably welcome her, say something, anything, but she’s captivated by her slow and powerful walk, the click of her leather knee-high boots. With the needle hovering above the fabric, Harry slides her eyes up thick thighs, the maroon blazer that ends just above them, and the black knit dress that engulfs the woman’s figure, stretching obscenely around her bust. Jesus Christ.
Or, Harry should probably stop obsessing over her customer’s boobs, but fate can’t keep her away from Louis.
🌺 who run the world (girls!) by dolce_piccante || 11K
A femslash take on the beginning of Relief Next To Me, complete with girl!Direction, lots of tongue action, and lots of hints to the original work.
🌺 I feel it when my heart beats by Quickedween ( @becomeawendybird ) || 10K
Harry offers to be her best friend Liam's fake date to his work Valentine's Day party, and the night takes an unexpected turn.
🌺 Ride the W.A.V.E by Quickedween ( @becomeawendybird ) || 7K ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Petty officer Louis Tomlinson can't resist a good thing when it's right in front of her.
🌺 Under the R.A.D.A.R by Quickedween ( @becomeawendybird ) || 6K ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Petty officer Louis Tomlinson has been assigned to the rear admiral's fiancée for the month the couple is aboard the USS John F. Kennedy. She can only hope that he won't catch on to what they're doing... after hours.
🌺 Gotta get (me) out of my head by parmahamlarrie ( @parmahamlarrie ) || 6K
Sometimes, Harry Styles cannot get out of her head. Her ADHD, coupled with working from home, sometimes makes it impossible for her to ever find peace. Luckily, she has Louis, her loving girlfriend and Daddy, to take care of her.
Or the one where Harry gets her first collar.
🌺 Pacify her by yeah_alright ( @uhoh-but-yeah-alright ) || 5K ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Harry's anxiety is acting up. Louis has the only thing that will soothe her.
OR Louis' pussy is the ultimate pacifier.
🌺 To sleep, perchance to ream by yeah_alright ( @uhoh-but-yeah-alright ) || 4K
Louis has never minded that Harry tends to go to sleep earlier than her. But the nights when Harry signals she'd like Louis to...wake her when she comes to bed are Louis' favorite.
🌺 The Christmas (to the one I’ve been missing) by Kikiberoski16 ( @larrysballetslippers ) || 3K
“Thank you, Louis,” Miss cutie said with a light whine. Louis nodded and walked with her to the paper sheets' aisle. To hear the girl's soft footsteps behind her was more than satisfying. So polite and cute, the fact she remembered Louis name said- “Wait, how do you know my name?”
or, Louis almost made it to the end of her shift before someone familiar stepped into the store. A long awaited Christmas tale.
🌺 Tear it off by ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ( @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ) || 3K
Harry and Louis are married and have a toddler. Their home life is a cuteness overload, and then grandma Anne comes by to pick up the kid for a day out. Harry and Louis are then alone, perfect timing for a little bedroom adventure. Including, you guessed it, harry's pink cowboy get-up from coachella.
🌺 little pink skirt by ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ( @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ) || 3K ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam are at a festival. It's the afternoon of the last day, and they're lounging on the grass before the action starts, still recovering from the night before. There's a bunch of sexual tension between H and L from where things left off in their drunken haze. When Louis tries to light a spliff, the wind makes it impossible to do so, for which Harry has an ingenious idea. And then one thing leads to another.
#lesbian fic rec#girl direction fic rec#if you have more please send my way#i read them all i truly do#girl direction
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I Feel Like I Wanna Sing When You Do Your Thing by loulousmiles
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 8.3K | T
“Oh, you were watching me, were you?” Louis said with a comically arched brow. “Well, um…” Harry was back to stammering, Louis feeling a strange pride in already having figured out how to fluster her. She noticed as a look of resolve settled on Harry’s features. “Yes.” Harry cleared her throat. “I was restocking my pineapple pandan buns after the first morning rush when I heard a great laugh coming from across the way, and when I followed the sound I saw it was coming from your truck, from you. And I thought, ‘She—um, they—seem like someone to get to know.’” -- In which Louis, owner of a taco food truck, and Harry, co-owner of a bakery, are both vendors at the same northern Michigan summer farmers market. Told in four timestamps during the summer when they first meet.
Written for the 1D Astro Fic Fest Round 3: Minor Arcana @1dastroficfest
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Ribbons In Your Hair by Kikiberoski16 and erstequeen
Harry/Louis | 8.1k | Girl Direction | High school cheerleaders
“Oh, come on, ask her out already! You two are, like, the dream couple and she’s been flirting with you for months now, take a hint, Haz!” “You’re the only one who thinks that, Niall, and while I appreciate your support or whatever it is, I still think you’re wrong. She has not been flirting with me and if she liked me she would have said something. I don’t even know if she’s gay, she only ever hangs with the basketball crew.” Harry was getting stressed out again only thinking about this. When she finished her little rant and Niall didn’t say anything she dragged her eyes away from Louis putting away books in her locker and looked at her friend instead. She was met with a sympathetic expression. “Girl you are so blind I am surprised you can still walk straight.” Or, Harry is a high-school cheerleader and obsessed with the most beautiful girl in her grade who is obviously totally straight. Of course.
Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo. This fic is part of the @1dsongfest. Thank you Emmy for reading over the fic!
#girl direction source#hlficlibrary#trackinghome#trackinghappily#allwaswell16#1dficvillage#hltracks#yourlarrysource#ao3 feed larry#tracksintheam#hljournal#ficsfor4am#larry fanfiction#smut#my fic
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I'd Choose You Over Sleep
by homosociallyyours 2100 words, G, Girl Direction
If there's one thing Louis values, it's a bit of sleeping in on the weekends. There's very little she'll let come between her and those few precious hours of the day.
Harry might just make her shift her priorities. At least a little.
This fic was written as part of the @wordplayfics challenge for prompt 8.4: Press. Check out the other fics in the collection here, and as always a big thanks to @lululawrence for modding one of my very favorite fests :)
#hlcreators#girldirectionsource#girl direction#hlficlibrary#ficsfor4am#hlsource#1d#my fic#wordplay 8.0
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3rd Annual Girl Direction Femslash Festuary 2024 Masterpost
pretty please? by @disgruntledkittenface 3.4k, E
Room With a View by @littleroverlouis 1.9k, E
Get Ready With Me! by @loulousmiles 2.1k, M
The Sweet Yoke by @littleobelia 1.7k, T
baby you're the boss at home by @loveislarryislove 3.3k, E
Pussy Juice by @homosociallyyours 3.9k, M
We have six amazing fics for you this year!! Big thank you to all the authors who took part and to everyone who reads, reblogs, and appreciates girl direction in any capacity!
If anyone needs a fic post, the generic image will look a bit like the one above (but with title, author, etc)
#girl direction#girldirectionsource#larry fanfic#hlcreators#ficsfor4am#hlficlibrary#tracksintheam#hlsource#hljournal#fic rec#masterpost
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I Feel It When My Heart Beats by QuickedWeen (10.6k, E)
Harry offers to be her best friend Liam's fake date to his work Valentine's Day party, and the night takes an unexpected turn.
Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Valentine's Day, Party, Office Party, Sugar Baby Harry Styles, Girl Direction, Smut, Strap-Ons
A femslash Valentine's remix of Ride My Sleigh Tonight by @kingsofeverything for the @dirtythirtyfest
#girldirectionsource#girl direction#quickedween#becomeawendybird#i feel it when my heart beats#my fics#my fic post#my fic posts#fic remix#kingsofeverything
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