#giorno x self insert
inkpot909 · 1 year
First Love Headcanons: Pannacotta Fugo x Reader
↳ Gender neutral reader.
A/n: This was so much fun to write! Fugo is such an interesting character to write for that I couldn’t help but fuss over this one for a good while. I hope y’all enjoy it as well. <3
Warning(s): None.
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It started out innocently enough, as Fugo is not the type to fall in love overnight.
Curiosity itself is a perfectly normal reaction to have regarding a new member of Bucciarati’s team. Fugo is no exception to this, as he no doubt harbored questions about you when you initially joined.
That said, his approach is different compared to the others on the team. If you join after Mista, Narancia, and Abbacchio, they do just fine on their own intimating you at the very start.
Past the initial meeting, where some lighthearted hazing is likely to occur from everyone, Fugo sees no reason to contribute to any form of poking and prodding outside of missions. You already have to get used to so many strong personalities at once, after all.
He’s been with Bucciarati since the formation of his team, so he’s quite accustomed to getting used to someone new being around. Hell, if he wasn’t so closed off, he would’ve thought to feel bad for you.
Due to the walls he’s long put up, he prefers to remain observant from afar for a good while. Regardless of when you enter the picture, he’s going to keep his distance.
He’s not as good at reading people as someone like Giorno, but he trusts what he can decipher.
This will likely result in Fugo making some assumptions about you prior to the two of you finding equal footing. Whether or not his judgements turn out correct is unknown to you, as he doesn’t care share them with you to begin with.
This does lead to some aspects of your personality to be surprising to him. Nothing bad, just little details about you that he wasn’t expecting.
Your hobbies may be what’s shocking, or perhaps the type of media you prefer to consume. Little aspects of life and personality that unfold because of how much time the team spends together. The discovery of such things is what likely makes him feel more inclined to get to know you better.
Little by little, Fugo will eventually start including you in conversations and vise versa. Especially when Narancia and Mista are involved, he begins to turn to you it in an attempt to keep himself sane:
Mista and Narancia’s relentless chatter is still intimating.
How can you even approach a guy like Mista? He’s more than proven himself to be the type that says anything and everything that pops into his brain. Although he is certainly the relaxed type, his words can be quite vicious if he’s in the mood to tease and you just so happen to be in his line of sight. Sit him next to a full-time enabler like Narancia, and the two can go off on pretty much any topic imaginable.
Their conversations at the dinner table are wild, spontaneous, and still- even after more than a month of knowing them -manage to catch you off guard. Sometimes it’s thought-provoking and other times… not so much.
Which leads to their current conversation, one you sincerely wish wouldn’t take place while you’re trying to eat.
“I’m just saying-“ Mista argues, waving his fork in the air, “If it promotes a soothing and relaxing environment within the human body, I don’t see why it’s so unbelievable that it could also theoretically resonate with your bowels as well.”
“Yeah, maybe-“ Narancia rolls his eyes, “But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna make you crap your freaking pants! That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous; it’s psychology.” Mista retorts, raising a brow. His smug expression does nothing to convince you, or a bewildered Fugo sitting next to you, his knowledge on the subject. But it is enough to grind Narancia’s gears, which ultimately, is probably the key to his actual intent.
Still… you think, staring at your food with a pinched nose. It’s the brown noise. They’re actually trying to prove or disprove the psychological effects of the brown noise. Why on earth… no, how on earth can either of them discuss such a thing with a straight face?
“What kind of messed up psychoglogy-“
“Psychology,” Fugo cuts in with a sigh.
“-Yeah, whatever,” Narancia dismisses with a wave of his hand, “What kind of messed up psycho-logically are you reading up on?”
Grunting in frustration, Fugo drops his forehead onto the table with an exaggerated thud. Mista and Narancia continue to argue amongst the two of them, but you instead direct your attention to the grumbling blonde.
“Umm… Fugo?” you ask, hesitant to even address him.
He raises his head from the table, looking at you with desperation in his dark violet eyes. “Please don’t tell me you think this is worth discussing.”
You raise both your hands in the air. “Are you kidding? I just wanted to eat, but apparently that’s unheard of here.”
Sighing once more, he runs his hand through his hair. His hand stops at his neck and rubs the back of it. “Trust me, I don’t get them either,” he shakes his head, hand finally returning to his lap, “I’m glad you don’t encourage this nonsense, though.”
You let out a chuckle, a little surprised. Sure, you’ve spoken with Fugo before, but hardly ever this casually. The notion brings a tiny smile to your face. “I can’t believe you’d ever think I would,” you reply lightheartedly.
“Well, hanging around these two must be making me lose critical thinking skills… my apologies,” he replies. Despite his words, a smile crawls it’s way onto his face too.
Casual conversations held between the two of you opens the door to the beginning of a genuine friendship.
Unlike Abbacchio, Fugo knows better than to be contrarian to everything you say and do just because you’re new. Considering his intellect, he has always done his best to be objective. And there eventually comes a point where, upon reflection, he figures that you’re alright.
By then, off missions, he started asking you- quite bluntly -questions about yourself.
Although forward, he won’t overwhelm you all at once. From time to time, you might catch him staring at you thoughtfully out the corner of your eye (Do not bring this up to him; he will deny it to his grave). A round of questions often followed his stares.
And it’s when he feels he really knows you on a personal level that he’s able to truly relax around you.
He started greeting you with the same kindness and courtesy he offers the others. He gave you encouragement throughout both your private and work life… a lot of it. Turning to you during conversations comes to be as natural as it is for anyone else on the team.
Fugo’s caring side may be blocked off behind walls he keeps up for the sake of self preservation and the result of an unhappy childhood, but once you’re allowed to peek beyond them, his sweetness really knows no limit.
And it’s through his behavior that developing feelings start to shine through.
Fugo’s not going to at all realize his feelings toward you until the truth is smacking him across the face. But his actions show a certain kind of fondness before he himself recognizes anything.
His expressed love languages are most commonly words of affirmation and acts of service. This is very much so the case in the early stages of him developing feelings.
The words of affirmation were never explicitly affectionate, but always careful and supportive.
Fugo beats himself up over his temper often, so when he can think straight, he’s using his mind to its full extent. In other words, because he’s easily blinded by rage, he chooses his words very carefully whenever he can.
So after a particularly rough mission, he may get upset at one point or another. During the quiet moments after the fact, when adrenaline isn’t flowing any longer, he always gives credit where credit is due. He’ll gently comment on your work throughout the job, expressing he thought you did good with examples to boot.
Or it can be something as simple as offering you a job well done after making yourself a dinner.
From always holding his tongue unless he disagreed with your actions or input, to showering you with praise constantly. It comes to him so naturally he doesn’t even think twice.
And soon, even others in the group start to take notice:
“I don’t wanna do this right now… Fugo’s not even here yet, can’t I just wait?” Narancia whines.
His head is resting on top of an open notebook, his right cheek squished against crumpled paper. Pencil lead is smushed on his cheek, but pointing out he’s likely ruining his work would be a waste of time.
Resting your elbows on the table, you give Narancia a playful smile. “He’s supposed to get here with Abbacchio in thirty minutes. You know you should’ve gotten more done by now…”
Narancia let out an obnoxious groan, rolling his head onto his opposite cheek so he no longer has to look you in the eye.
“Narancia…” you sigh, smile falling. “I’m sorry if it seems harsh, but Fugo asked me to make sure you practiced on his recent lesson. He and Abbacchio are out doing the heavy lifting for the team right now, so it’s the least I can do.”
Narancia replies, but mutters it out so quietly you don’t pick up on his words.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he says at a volume you can hear, half bitter and half teasing.
“I said,” he lifts his head from the table, “You think like that ‘cause he’s always so nice to you.”
“What?” you blurt, heart skipping a beat.
“He compliments you all the time,” he chuckles. The smugness in his tone only grows, and as he continues, heat rushes to your cheeks. “‘Oh, Y/n, you did such a good job today, Y/n.’ And, ‘Oh, Y/n, you’re so very smart why don’t you help out Narancia?’ And who could forget, ‘Oh, Y/n, you look very beautiful today. Why don’t you kiss me on my big fat mouth?’”
“H-He doesn’t say that!” you exclaim, absentmindedly pulling at your fingertips underneath the safety of the tablecloth.
“You gotta know what I mean, though!” he insists. Pausing in order to read your expression, another laugh escapes him. “What? You haven’t noticed?”
“Umm, well.” Your lips pucker out, unsure if you should feel intrigued or embarrassed. After a short pause, you continue, “Fugo compliments everyone; including you… you know? He believes you can do this. He wouldn’t put care into teaching you if he didn’t. And I’ve seen what you’ve accomplished myself too. I certainly know you can get this.”
“You’re changing the subject,” he points out.
“And that not what you’re trying to do?” you ask, gesturing towards his notebook.
Narancia blinks dumbly, bewildered by your response. For a moment, you become pleased with yourself. Seemingly, you’d backed him into a corner and couldn’t help but be a little proud of yourself for it.
“You really don’t know…” he utters, eyes suddenly brightening.
Wait, what? you think, confidence quickly dwindling.
A fit of laughter erupts from him, kicking his feet in the limited space underneath the table. The movement halts your hands. His chair creaks and squeaks in distress, quickly quieting down when he once again slams both feet back on the floor.
He eagerly hunches over his notebook, eyes wide. Snatching up his pencil, he finally begins scribbling on the paper once more.
You’re left staring at him in awe. “What…? So now… you’re good then? You’re just… you’re just going to continue your work?”
Narancia lets out another laugh. “Ha! Well, the sooner I finish, the sooner I can tell Mista about this. I can’t believe you’re so clueless!”
Narancia is calling you clueless… yikes.
The confusion you may have felt that afternoon is nothing compared to Fugo’s reeling mind when the others started pointing things out and teasing him over his supposed affection.
Fugo doesn’t remember when it started, but they didn’t wait long after noticing his feelings to begin teasing him over them.
He would cross his arms, turning away with an annoyed expression while a pool of denials flood from his mouth. With a reaction like that, Narancia and Mista especially enjoyed pushing his buttons on the subject.
Abbacchio would partake in teasing as well in his own little way. Namely, he began making straight-faced comments and turning smug the moment Fugo’s voice raises. Bucciarati mostly keeps quiet on the matter, but no one could miss the fond grin he wears when the others get on his case.
Once, Giorno called you Fugo’s boyfriend/girlfriend. A bashed remote and a broken plate later, Fugo is shocked to learn Giorno wasn’t picking on him and genuinely thought the two of you were together.
The guy must be either super egotistical or is just not at all used to being wrong about this kind of thing, Fugo distinctly thought.
But of course he’s wrong about this! Everyone’s comments made no sense to him at all! There’s no way he felt that much towards you. That kind of thing… is not for him. He may take note when someone’s attractive, but he’s never really thought too seriously about romantic relationships. Just because you’re attractive, doesn’t mean-
Nope… nope, nope, nope, nope. He’s not touching that one with a ten foot pole. No way.
But by the next time he’s helping you with dishes the concept pops into his brain. When he’s dotting on you after a mission it’s plaguing his mind. And he can’t help but notice how meticulous he is when retrieving your additions to the group’s grocery list.
Fugo doesn’t know what to think. He really… does go out of his way for you at times. Well, okay, all the time. Looking back, he finds some of his actions to be a little embarrassing. And the more the notion is stuck in his brain, the more he starts understanding that he really does care about you more than just as a friend.
Which is a whole other problem. Fugo’s going to get completely stuck in his own head.
This is the very first time he’s felt this way about someone, and he’s a mess over his lack of knowledge on the subject.
Because what the hell is he supposed to do? Tell you…? Don’t be ridiculous. That notion is met with a mocking tone, as if the mere idea of doing so is itself far too absurd.
But still… there’s this overwhelming urge telling him he has to do something. According to the others he’s already doing something, apparently. But you’re not saying anything about it. Wouldn’t you say something about it if you noticed? What if you never notice on your own? You won’t know unless he makes some sort of move…. but surely that would cause the sky to fall and mark the beginning of end times.
It’s a real echo chamber of insecurity in his head.
Yet… he feels a weird compulsion to be closer to you despite himself. He gets a weirdly beautiful feeling when he’s around you and it flutters his heart so much he doesn’t want to just let it go. It’s brand new to him, and as much as he stresses, he holds onto his affection tight.
Even though it’s more annoying than not, the others are consistent enough with their jabs that it gives Fugo hope that just maybe…
One of the only times Bucciarati explicitly commented on it himself, he mentioned that he believes Fugo’s frustration with his feelings will eventually pass.
The tone he carried indicated that he must know something that Fugo doesn’t, which only made his mind run wild further. Because if you’re going to tell anyone on the team about your feelings, it would probably be him.
Regardless of how much Fugo begs, Bucciarati doesn’t confirm nor deny that hunch. He’s rather adamant that Fugo should just “Ask Y/n and find out on your own.”
And after months of pushing, the others begin echoing that sentiment.
The likelihood of him making the first move is still slim, he figures, but he does hold onto hope that he’ll get a chance one day. Daydreams and “what if” scenarios are a common occurrence for him.
He procrastinates waits for the perfect opportunity, but it never seems to come. Mista mocks him for it, laughing that “There’s no such thing as a perfect opportunity.” Fugo only grows more defensive in response.
I’m already so nervous about expressing myself to Y/n, Fugo fusses, I don’t know what I’d do if I mess this up. If I can’t sweep them off their feet, how can I even-
“Pannacotta?” you ask, pulling him away from his thoughts.
He blinks a couple of times, focusing his attention back on you.
When Giorno is absent, Fugo’s the best source of first aid on the team. All you had to do was walk up to him, apologetic and sheepish. Without a word, he eagerly jumped at the opportunity to help patch you up after a particularly rough mission. It’s the closest he ever physically gets to you.
He calmly led you into a bathroom, gesturing for you to sit atop the sink. His fingers were light and gentle as he worked with what he has on hand. You gave him reassurance that Giorno will likely return soon, so he has no need to stress.
A smile played on his lips, thankful that you know him well enough to guess his own worry.
But slowing movements and focused eyes told you his mind began wandering elsewhere. The cutely taken aback expression on his face after you spoke up is also more than enough evidence to confirm your suspicion.
“You with me?” you ask, playfully trying to get him to respond.
You’re not used to him being this quiet after you’ve gotten hurt. He either talks you through the pain or feels the need to give a lecture. Even when Giorno’s healing you, he’s right by your side whenever he can. Just the thought of his usual behavior can bring warmth to your heart.
“My apologies, you’re just distracting,” he says, hands immediately snapping from your person. Oh god, oh god, it’s not like him to speak without thinking. He stutters trying to cover up his words and only digs a bigger hole for himself in the process. “I-I mean you’re distracted- I’m distracted.”
You laugh, but it dies out fast as you clutch your side at the sting of pain rippling though your body. Fugo’s hands instinctively fly to your side as well, his fingertips brushing up against your own.
Slowly, he lifts his head only to meet your gaze closer to him than it was mere moments ago. You seem just as surprised as he is, and there’s a brief pause while both of you wait for the other to pull away.
Neither of you do.
He’s so close he can feel your breath fanning his face. Normally his face would burn red and he’d retreat to his bedroom as soon as he could, where he’d proceed to reply the moment in his head for the rest of the night. But your eyes… your breathtaking gaze is locked on his own so intently he can’t bring himself to pull away.
And they give him courage he never knew he has.
With a nervous gulp, he leans forward and plants a single kiss to your lips. His own lips are unimaginably soft and hesitant, yet linger against your own longingly. Even when he pulls away far too soon, his nose nuzzles against yours as he plays with the idea of brushing his lips against yours again.
Just to have felt you… to have the briefest taste of what it’s like being closer to you than anyone else he’s ever known before…
“I-“ he pulls himself away, joy dissolving into self-consciousness. You open your mouth to speak, but in his haste, he cuts you off by accident, “I’m sorry… I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You… didn’t want to?”
Your reply is spoken in a whisper, voice so faint not even someone standing in the doorway could pick up on it. Fugo’s heart thuds against his ribcage at the crestfallen look on your face. Are you… really disappointed? He’s understanding this correctly… right?
There’s no time to think, and once again he lets his mouth move faster than his mind. “Well, I… you deserve better, you know?” he reasons, “I should’ve explained myself first and then asked… not just go for it… you know. This- I-… I’m not doing this right, aren’t I?”
You adjust yourself on the sink top, glancing away from him for only a second. “If you were to have explained yourself… what would you have said?” you gently plead.
“I-…” he shakes his head.
“Please, Pannacotta, I want to know…”
“I-…” he starts again, taking in a deep breath, “I think I would’ve said… that I think you’re very remarkable. That I’ve never met someone like you before… someone who makes me feel this way… someone who makes me-… umm…”
A hopeful smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you finish for him, “Makes you… want to kiss me?”
He nods, clearing his throat for a couple moments too long. “Not just that, though… you know? It makes me want to take care of you and look after you if I may. I-I-“ he hesitates, “I’m sorry… I’ve thought about this for so long. What I’d say to you if… if I got the impression that you wanted to hear it.”
“I do want to hear it,” you tell him, still grinning from ear to ear, “Pannacotta… I’ve been wanting to say something too for a while now. But you’ve taken the words right out of my mouth.”
He would think he’s dreaming if it weren’t for your hand reaching out and holding his with a gentle squeeze.
“I like you a lot…” you softly confess, “And I need you to know that. It’s always really cute to see you so shy… but for a moment I got to see you push yourself a little. And I think that was beautiful.”
His head falls, staring down at your interlocked hands. Your words stir something within him, taking a tiny step forward in trying to grasp that burst of confidence he felt when he kissed you. “You’re beautiful…” he mumbles, squeezing your hand.
Just a quick glance your way, a brief view of the bright smile on your face, is the best reassurance he could’ve hoped for. He took the plunge, and not only is chaos not ascending to the world’s surface, but his eyes finally open to the affection you feel for him in return.
He ultimately had a love-hate relationship with the way he feels about you before anything concrete happened between the two of you, but that didn’t stop him for falling for you more and more.
And with hindsight, he’s a little timid over not having told you how he feels sooner. But it doesn’t consume him as it may once have before.
With you now at his side, you his and him yours, his heart can only flutter with joy at the prospect of finding his first love.
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kimiko24-art · 5 days
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GRIEF: Kimiko learns of Bruno's death
I often think about how my s/i would have fared in the JoJo canon after Bucciarati's death. (In my AU everyone lives). She's not always doing field work with the team, usually handling things that are more behind the scenes. Though, this time she had a nagging feeling to accompany them during the escort of Trish. But ultimately, she decides to hang back. She doesn't cope well at all with Bucciarati's death and struggles quite a lot despite having the help of Giorno, whom she gets closer with during that time. My s/i probably wouldn't leave her state of mourning and would lead to darker days in her life.
I know most self-shippers including myself don't like to think about their f/O's death. But I'm a sucker for keeping things close to canon. Though I think I'll stick with my AU where everyone is alive and happy for now lol
Also his headstone says April 6th ik it looks like an 8 😭
Credits(s): Art was created using a combination of anime stills and my own artwork. OTHER COMICS: Comic 1, Comic 2, Comic 3
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etherealzx · 2 years
Hello there! I hope that I'm not being rude and I hope that this follows the rules!
But would it be okay if there would be a scenario where Giorno and Josuke are affected by a stand that makes them act completely different?
Giorno acts hyper, bubbly, and adorable while Josuke acts super shy, timid, and cute! And S/O has to deal with all this adorable cuteness!
hi love, don't worry, this follows the rules!! and yes this is such a cute idea! (sorry the josuke one turned out a little bit longer oops)
Giorno and Josuke Having Opposite Personalities! (x gn! reader)
Something was up with him. Your boyfriend, Giorno, was acting really weird. He was usually the quiet, calm type. But today, it was like a switch had flipped inside of him. He was being super loud. Like, super loud. He was bouncing around as he talked, like he couldn't sit still. He was also giggling at everything you said like a little kid. It caught you completely off-guard, you had never seen him act this way before. Besides the fact that you were concerned for his well-being, it was actually really funny. You had asked him if he was feeling okay, to which he responded "I feel great, y/n! The best I've felt in a long time!" You had absolutely no idea what had gotten into him. After about an hour or two of observing his bizarre actions, you realized what was happening. This was the effect of the enemy stand he had fought earlier that day. The stand's effects must have been long lasting, despite the user being defeated. You chuckled to yourself as you watched him jump around, mouth moving a million miles a minute about how he loved you and how much fun he was having. You figured you'd just let him wear himself out for a few hours while you let the stand attack run it's course. Although you love Giorno's real personality, you'd be lying if you said you didn't find this opposite version of him somewhat adorable.
Josuke had been acting strange all day. At school, he was usually surrounded by people (mainly girls) trying to talk to him. However today he kept almost entirely to himself. He didn't speak to anyone unless spoken to first, and even then acted terrified. He was acting shy, which is nothing like your boyfriend's usual self. You had tried all day to ask him what was wrong, but each time he just avoided you, like he was scared of you. At first, you thought you had done something to make him upset. You made yourself sick trying to figure out what it was you might have done to make him upset, growing more and more frustrated when you couldn't think of anything. You felt an ache in your chest all day, hoping that he didn't want to break up with you. After school, you went to his house, deciding that you were going to talk this out with him in person. You arrived at his house, and knocked on the door. His mother answered, like usual. "Hi, Ms. Higashikata. Is Josuke here?" You asked out of politeness, even though you already knew he was here. "Yes, but I don't know if he's feeling well. He's acting strange, he just went straight to his room and I can't get him to come out!" She said, sounding frustrated. You walked to Josuke's bedroom door, knocking on it softly. "Josuke? It's y/n. Can we talk, please?" You said. He opened the door halfway, peeking out from behind it. He yelped, slamming the door shut in your face. You sat for a moment in shock, wondering what just happened. Why was he acting like he was scared of you? The two of you had been dating for almost a year now! "Josuke, what the hell is going on with you today?!" You yelled into the door. Then, something suddenly clicked in your mind. He had fought a stand user earlier on his way to school. Was this the effect of the enemy stand? You softened your tone and opened the door to his room. "Josuke? It's okay, it's just me!" You said softly. He peeked up at you from where he was curled up on his bed. "Oh, hey, y/n," He peeped out quietly. He actually looked pretty adorable like this, despite how ridiculous the situation was. You sat on the bed, petting his precious hair that he spent an hour on each morning. He leaned into your touch, laying his head on your lap. You decided you would just sit like this, comforting him and keeping him calm until the effects wore off.
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
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I jumped in on a trend. Lol I'm sorry I might have broke the cringemeter
You can find the generator here
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Melone came to me in a dream and told me to write him some smut. So here’s the first part of this monstrosity, I’m sorry.
Cyber Sex: Melone x Reader PART ONE
Warnings: stalking, medical kink, porn, very dark humor, reader thinks it would be kind of sexy to be dissected there’s nothing wrong with her she just thinks it would be kinda fun and in no way relates to the author (me) and my mental state (will be explicit in coming chapters)
Summary: when you get bored you like to message men on tinder unhinged things and see how far they’ll go trying to hook up. So far your best was getting a man to say he’d cut off three toes if you bought him six shots, which was kind of pathetic.
It was one of those night, the really dark long boring ones. Like most of them were… no one told you grad school in another country would be so isolating but fortunately your trusty undergrad boredom solver was able to continent hop with you.
You called it “playing tinder”. You started freshman year of undergrad in the states with the boys who lived above you. You’d take one of the boys phones, swipe right on every girl, and say the most unhinged things you could come up with and see how long it would take for them to unmatch. It was like mad libs but for drunk people who wanted to fuck. A great, morally neutral, pass time.
You scrolled through your matches with a glass of wine. For the man on ice skates who “liked the Beatles” you sent “how many beetles can you fit in your mouth?” To the man with fiery orange hair who had messaged you “shiiiiiit yes pls” you replied “omg amazing I didn’t even have to ask, thank you so much for letting me harvest your organs”. For the special looking man who had multiple ponytails and started with the ever boring “what’s up?” You replied “my little sister just poisoned our whole family, except me and my senile uncle, by dousing the sugar for blackberries in arsenic :,(“. And lastly to the shockingly pretty purple haired man on a motorcycle you messaged, “Wanna role play going through the Egyptian underworld?” That was good enough for now, should reap some interesting conversations in a few minutes if Italian men were as horny as all the American ones.
You put your phone done for a second to pour some more wine. It was fine, you definitely weren’t an old lonely lady using men for entertainment. If anything it was more morally acceptable than going out and fucking them all. Your tension eased as your phone buzzed a few times against the table. The bait had worked for someone.
“Beatles, not beetles. Why would I know how many beetles could fit in my mouth? It would vary wildly depending on species” Clearly not a real Beatles fan. Next.
“Lmao idk I like my body as it is but I like yours more” kind of sad? You just said you wanted his organs and he’s still trying to hit it? Next.
“That sounds terrible” boring, where’s the drama? Why did he not know you just summarized We Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson? Clearly illiterate. Next.
“Anubis, is that you?”
Oh? This one piqued your interest. This was someone you could have some fun with. You swiped back to look at his profile, a guy going by Melone, the pretty purple man on a motorcycle. Looking more closely you saw he also had a sheer eyepatch, which was a fashion choice, and was often depicted working on a computer. He must be in tech or something. Weird for a guy like that to be in Naples though, usually they were all up in Rome. Oh well, who were you to judge your source of entertainment for the night.
Melone: Anubis is that you?
You: okay wow you’re really starting in the middle of things. Before I can measure the weight of your heart against a feather I’m gonna have to remove it. Just protocol.
Melone: Of course of course, but wouldn’t sucking my brain out of my nose with a straw come first? Do you even have enough linen and salt to preserve it properly?
He was brilliant. He could banter AND knew exactly what you were talking about? Perfection. You cozied into the couch and prepared for a long night of texting.
Melone was dangled over the kitchen counter messaging you until you fell asleep and stopped responding. He knew you had fallen asleep because in the few hours you had been chatting he had been able to pin point your IP address (and silently judge you for not having a VPN in case someone scarier than him should come along). But now that he wasn’t distracted by all of your cute little texts, the real work could begin.
He started prowling through your social media. So basic he knew, every sorority girl with half a brain could fact check someone on Facebook or Instagram. He just wanted to see your face from different angles, and to confirm that your personality and wit followed from platform to platform. He was very pleased to find that you had several fake instagrams, twitters, and tumblrs. Different names, but same general tone of character, never interacted with each other. A crude but simple system, all it would take for someone to link the two would be some simple tracking, but that was more than a recruiter or school would do so he supposed you were safe.
Your more professional and less used sites showed your undergraduate degree, what you studied, what you were studying, boring things that you’d be asked at any forced mingling scenario. He wanted to know more, he wanted to know what you were posting on tumblr when you first joined in 2011, he wanted to know everything about you, not just the curated photos you wanted people to see.
Next was your search history, just basic things like summaries of the last House of the Dragon episode, best espresso bars near you, etc etc. but then they got a little more interesting, human tongue, lobotomy, live lobotomy, ice pick for sale, is grave robbing legal in Poland, shibari, homemade cyanide, antique Etruscan poison pendants. I’m your defense you had searched these on private mode, but nothing could ever be private between lovers could it? And you certainly were his style of fun.
He saved the Twitter account with no photo, no description, and no followers for last. Something told him it was where you would keep everything you didn’t want even your online personas associated with. He nearly started drooling when he saw the first porn gif. A little basic, just some tits bouncing, but that could be improved. Namely they could be your tits bouncing and his face could be between them, but he enjoyed knowing you were at least a little perverse.
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icerisotto · 6 months
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ about ⟢ me !
☆ i am kero, a huge fan of vento aureo!
★ although i like jojo in general, my heart lies with vento aureo characters, hence why i made this blog.
☆ my ships are very... uncommon (in an unpopular way, of course). i have rare pairings and 90% of the jojotwt community doesn't know about these, so i decided to create a special place to keep in touch with anyone else who likes rare pairings!
★ if you're interested in knowing more about me, consider reading my carrd or visiting my twitter and ao3 profile!
☆ this blog is meant to be a way to communicate with other vento aureo fans, make fans and entertain myself with my writing hobby.
★ i have a brumis only blog with a friend of mine!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ likes !
☆ favorite characters: bucciarati, mista, abbacchio, risotto, ghiaccio and formaggio.
★ favorite pairs: brumisabba, brumis, misabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ characters i really enjoy: narancia, trish, pesci, prosciutto and polnareff.
★ shipps i really enjoy: brupros and formapros.
☆ characters i slightly enjoy: giorno, melone, illuso, fugo, tiziano, squalo, secco and cioccolata.
★ shipps i slightly enjoy: meloghia, formailluso, seccolata, ghiasecco, formaghia, brupros, and formapros.
☆ characters i don't care about: doppio, carne, zucchero, sale, scolippi, sorbet and gelato (at least not enough to write anything with them alive, sorry).
★ shipps i don't care about: every other ship (including those involving bucci gang members, risopros, bruabba, sorlato and risabba).
☆ characters i hate: diavolo.
★ shipps i hate: anything involving minors with adults or relatives.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ new ⟢ commissions !
☆ lately, i've been quite busy with uni and struggling with mental health issues, so writing has been heaven and hell to me.
★ that doesn't mean i'm not willing to write if i get any suggestions! my current issue is creativity, since i've been lacking of new ideas.
☆ so, if you checked my profile and felt like making a request, feel free! as long as you follow my rules, of course, which are:
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𖤐 ִֶָ no-go! 𓂃 🧷
☆ incest, rape, sexual harassment, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, ableism, animal abuse, or any type of prejudice and sex-related crimes.
★ age regression, yandere, furry, vore, vomit or feces eating, knife or needle play, cuckold, wound fingering.
☆ extreme crackfic (example: risotto shoves a hydrant up his ass and dies), non-angst infidelity, arranged marriage, fake dating, self-insert (y/n or character x reader stuff).
★ stereotyped or fetishized trans people, mpreg, dead dove: do not eat.
☆ bruabba without mista, risopros without ghiaccio, mista + anyone aside my personal ships, any ship with giorno or trish, -18 with +18, any character who isn't from vento aureo, any ship with diavolo or doppio.
★ fics without risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno or leone.
☆ mom bruno, rapist melone, dumb narancia and any other unfunny, overused, offensive or inaccurate joke/stereotype.
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𖤐 ִֶָ maybe! 𓂃 🧷
☆ infidelity plot (angst/tragedy only).
★ sad ending (depends on my mood).
☆ what if settings (depends on the plot).
★ non-romantic oneshots.
☆ longfics (keep in mind that i have personal projects in production, so there's a slight chance i won't be able to do longfic requests </3 but you'll be contacted and/or credited if your idea gets used).
★ weird kinks (unless they don't fall on any of my previous no-go restrictions).
☆ random pairs (if they don't go against my personal tastes and look interesting to write about, i'll give it a try!).
★ age gap (+10 age gaps only if both parts are +24 adults).
☆ age changing (years passing? fine. characters with no canon ages getting a defined age? fine. turning minors into adults for pairing purposes? hell nah...).
★ solo/centric fics of anyone aside from risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno and leone (depends on the character).
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𖤐 ִֶָ yes! 𓂃 🧷
☆ smut.
★ gore and violence.
☆ fluff.
★ light crackfic.
☆ domestic settings.
★ polyamory.
☆ alternative realities (example: bucci gang as lawyers).
★ horror (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, etc).
☆ la squadra headcannons (i'm in need of ideas!).
★ brumis, misabba, brumisabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ scenarioss, hc and opinion posts in here.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ schedule !
☆ i am a student with a busy household, so please understand that external factors may cause delays in my response to your requests. be patient.
★ oneshots may take a week or more to write, but scenarios or drabbles will be posted within 24 hours after you send me your request. <3
☆ if you need to contact me or have any questions, send me a message via inbox or twitter!
★ i always make update or divulgation posts whenever a request or original work has been written. follow me to check if your request has been posted; if not, contact me!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ good ⟢ bye !
☆ please like and reblog.
★ consider following me.
☆ i'll appreciate any feedback on my works, especially positive ones!
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Trish Una x OC Post
Trish x Abella Wedding Heacanons 👰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👰
Here’s a link to my JJBA Masterlist I write a lot of character x reader. I also have Trish x Abella under the Trish x OC category if you’re interested in their story. My OC is a self insert OC so she’s me. I like creating OC content for fun. I enjoy talking about OCs so feel free to tell me about your own OCs if you like.
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Trish would be the one to propose with how confident she is. They get married within three years of their committed relationship to each other. Trish truly understood Abella was her soul mate after knowing her for seven years. It was when Abella dedicated a fashion line of clothing to her beloved Trish she knew Abella was her bride to be. The popstar proposed to Abella after a garden date. While they looked over the flowers she got on her knee popping the question to Abella. The ring she offered Abella is a rose gold band with a huge pink heart shaped diamond center outlined in diamonds. Trish would have a ring with similar colors but a big diamond with the band covered in small diamonds. She spent a month figuring out how she wanted to propose and what rings she would want for them.
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Trish would be twenty-one by this point and Abella would be twenty-five. They marry in 2008 around spring time.
The two desire a pink rose theme so they’ll book somewhere private with a ballroom and huge pink rose garden. The garden will be where they marry in front of the rose covered gazebo.
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Trish would’ve loved Bruno Bucciarati to walk her down the isle but after his passing she grew close friends to her companions she met when she was fifteen. She asks none other than Giorno Giovanna to would walk her down the isle. The don was pleasantly surprised and accepted. He felt honored and was a friend of Abella’s as well, he was happy upon hearing the news of the girl’s marriage.
For Abella her treasure hunting uncle would walk her down the isle as she has no other father figure in her life. Her father died in a tragic accident after she moved away from New York when she was fourteen. Her uncle was someone who inspired her to become a treasure hunter after she established her fashion boutique in France with her best friend, Crisella.
The entire wedding would have a garden theme and the two young women would spend much time together planning. They knew what they desired so no wedding planner was necessary. Their friends in Passione would help them plan. Giorno offered to help cover costs for much of their wedding much to the girl’s surprise. They would thank him countless times and squeeze him into hugs. Much to the surprise of their blonde friend. He isn’t used to hugs but accepted them. He would help them with the flowers too since his stand has no trouble growing them.
There would be no expense too high for Trish’s outfit. She went shopping for a short white bridal dress with all her friends. They would help her pick her outfit for the wedding. It would be Giorno, Mista, Fugo, Polnareff, and many of her friends from her popstar life.
The day before the wedding she gets a manicure with hot pink tips fading to pink. She hires her hairstylist and makeup artist who normally take care of her looks before she goes on stage to perform. They’re eager to help her achieve her look for the wedding. Her hair is styled about the same but styled to be more elegant. Her hair is a bit longer reaching to her shoulders. For makeup she has pink lips with sparkly rose gold eyeshadows and long black flirty lashes. She’ll wear a pair of rosegold pearl earrings to finish off her look.
Her attire consists of a short white bridal dress with puffy off the shoulder sleeves. For her shoes they’re white lace heals with thin white bows at the heal. She’ll wear short white lace gloves and a small head accessory with a small veil shielding her face.
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Abella being the fashion designer she is takes it upon herself to design her wedding dress. She’ll spend months sewing together the lace and gown together. Her strapless ball gown will be the wedding dress of her dreams. The gown itself is elegant with a floor length, giving enough room to show off her heals as she walks. She’ll buy a long cathedral wedding veil with lace and white bridal heals with white thin ribbons tied into bows around her ankles. She’ll decide to wear a black tailcoat vest with enough room to show off the front of her dress, making for a heart shaped look at the chest. The black tailcoat will be short with two small buttons in the front. Her wrists will have black suit cuffs and gold teal colored rose cuff links. She’ll wear rose gold hanging earrings with teardrop teal jewels to match the cuff links.
The day of the wedding Bella’s staff and friends will help her get ready at the boutique. Abella owns her own boutique with her business partner and bestie Crisella, so it’s big enough to accommodate all her friends. Since it’s self owned she closed for the day so all her staff could go to her wedding. They help her into her gown and give her a makeover. They like to call it a bridal makeover.
All her friends are good at makeup and hair. Abella has long dark locks of curls that require a lot to maintain. Her curls are waist length. Three of her friends begin to style it since she has so much hair to work with. One friend focuses on her eye makeup going for nude brown colors and shimmering inner corners to bring out Bella’s big brown eyes. Her long lashes are attached with an elegant look to them. Her lip gloss is a natural pink much like her manicured nails one of her staff members took upon themselves to do. Her manicure looked similar to a French tip.
After all is said and done Abella has curls dropping beside her face to shape her face. A big strand of her hair was wrapped around her head while the rest of her curls fell behind her shoulders. Her hairs falls down her back and waist. After she is done getting ready her friends begin to cry and take pictures of her inside her boutique. They all get ready for the wedding since they’re bridesmaids.
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Finally at the huge rose garden Bella is walked down the isle first and her uncle has a smile upon his face as he’s walking her down the isle. His gold tooth among the rest of his white teeth shining eagerly as he smiles. His normal black eye patch is switched out with one having a pink rose stitched to his eyepatch. He wears a black suit with the front showing off some of his chest. The leather boots and ponytail finish off his look. He towers over the small bride at 5’11. Her long wedding viel is two tiered so the front covers her torso and face. The gown is big covering the area she walks by.
Her uncle gives her such a proud and loving smile before he kisses her head whispering an, “I love you” and she returns the loving words to her emotional uncle. Her veil is so long Mista and his stands take it upon themselves to fix it prompting Abella to thank them with a kiss to the foreheads. They all give her a thumbs up as they take their seats. Number five is crying and surprisingly the others don’t pick on him for it.
Abella tried keeping it together since she felt so overwhelmingly happy. Her loved ones in the crowd crying as well. Trish’s side is filled with mafioso, her manager, fellow celebrities, famous fashion designers or models she’s met, etc. They’re not emotional like Abella’s side but they do smile upon seeing Trish.
Soon it’s Trish’s turn to walk down the isle. Giorno is beside her wearing a pink suit with golden ladybug button accessories. The undershirt is black with the vest matching his jacket. His outfit is complete with a red tie and white gloves. His hair is down with a pink rose sticking by his ear. He is smiling but his smile doesn’t compare to Trish’s.
The pink haired bride is smiling like never before. It’s such a gaze she only makes while she’s singing on stage. Such a smile will make for a lovely picture as in the near future it will be used on the cover of a magazine when it’s revealed she had married. She kisses Giornos cheek before he gives Abella a kind smile which she returns with a thankful teary eyed expression. He’s happy for his dear friends and thinks it’s nice to witness their beautiful display of love with this marriage. More so when he hears their vows to each other later. He takes a seat between Fugo and Polnareff. His consigliere crying rivers of tears for poor Fugo to deal with. Who wipes off his purple suit with a tired sigh. Polnareff always cries at weddings.
Trish is greeted to Abella who is crying tears of joy. She tells Trish how beautiful she looks. Trish returns the compliment as she lifts her brides veil, gently placing it behind her head. Abella’s teary eyes are filled with love but she’s wiping off her tears. Afterwards the two say their vows and “I do’s” with tears running down their faces. Abella shyly kisses her bride and their picture is taken by their photographer.
They run down the isle together holding hands and looking at each other with love. Abella’s side is cheering while Trish’s side applauds. They’ll be taking pictures at the gazebo with all their friends and family.
Everyone makes it to the ballroom to dance. The brides are greeted by all their loved ones. Their bridesmaids crying and giving the two a big group hug.
Giorno takes it upon himself to steal the first dance by inviting Trish with a gentlemanly bow. She accepts while Abella giggles. Not long after her uncle asks her to dance with him. The two brides end up dancing with everyone.
Abella and Trish attack their dessert table since they’ve been eating so healthy to look good for the wedding. The giant wedding cake had their favorite flavors. Red velvet and extra dark chocolate for Trish who devoured two pieces. Carrot cake for Abella who also had strawberry shortcake from the dessert table. The two had plenty of guests especially Trish since she’s a celebrity. They took plenty of pictures with the wedding cake since it was so incredibly over priced.
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At the end of the night they toss their bouquets who ended up being Fugo and Abella’s maid of honor, Crisella. Fugo was pleasantly surprised he caught it. He caught Trish’s bouquet. He was walking by to serve himself strawberry shortcake. Bella’s best friend was screaming as she cheered catching her bouquet.
The blushing brides end up at an expensive hotel Trish booked. For their honeymoon they traveled to Cancun to enjoy three days together. Trish would get many calls from her manager upon the news of her marriage being known as many wanted to contact her about it once she’s back from her honeymoon.
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boozyoranges · 4 months
moscato masterpost
This is The Big Post for my Vento Aureo self-insert OC, Moscato Guerrera.
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Full Name: Moscato Guerrera Nickname(s): Momo, Mochi Age: 19 Gender: X (intersex. she/her pronouns by default) Date of Birth: September 17 Weapons: "B-Boy," her keytar (repurposed as a weapon after awakening her stand ability) Skills: "Telecaster B-Boy" - "Telecaster" is the stand ability itself. Sound waves can be repurposed into physical objects. The frequency and volume of the sound determines the type and size of the object created. By using her keytar, Moscato can create almost any object she desires by playing different melodies. Likes: Slimy animals, wine, mushrooms, goofing off, making + listening to music Dislikes: Being scolded, cola, dull colors, judgmental people Habits: Fiddling with and/or chewing the end of her scarf; smoking Fears: Heights. Being alone. Riding on a bus or train, especially if it's crowded. Trivia:
Prone to making stuff up and stating it as fact. Narancia believes her every time.
Her addictive tendencies are strong. If you show her something she thinks is fun, she will want to do it over and over and over again.
As a result of medication abuse and selling her blood when she was homeless, she is perpetually pale and sickly looking. She doesn't let it get to her, though.
Had her sex changed by a stand user when she was a younger teen. She's never cared enough to mention it to people.
Has resting bitch face REALLY bad, but she's actually very excitable.
AU where everyone lives; Giorno simply wins harder than he does in canon and nobody gets killed, or maybe The Rolling Stones fight never happened (me coping)
Takes place in modern day Italy
Moscato was a cheerful, playful kid who loved her mother and father very much. She had an innate talent for playing musical instruments by ear from a very young age, which her parents praised her for. With encouragement from her family and peers, Moscato became a child prodigy when it came to writing music. She was especially enamored with the different electronic sounds she could create with a keyboard, and when she was 7 years old, her parents bought her a keytar, which she named “B Boy” and carried with her and played everywhere.
One day, at the age of 10, Moscato received news while she was at school that her parents had been involved in a bus accident and passed away. From that day on, Moscato’s demeanor changed completely. Her cheerful attitude was replaced with an apathetic one, and her playfulness was replaced by truancy and vandalism. However, she never stopped playing her keytar, and deep down she harbored a dream of becoming a famous musician to make her parents proud.
Moscato entered the foster care system, where she was labeled a “problem child.” She was often abused and eventually abandoned by different families for her brash, destructive behavior. At the age of 16, shortly before she was to age out of the foster care system, Moscato’s latest set of foster parents beat her near unconsciousness after she graffitied the side of their villa. Rather than stay, knowing she was unlikely to get adopted out and that the beatings would only continue, Moscato packed her keytar, a small bag of clothes, pocket change, and supplies, and boarded a train to Naples.
Homeless and with no real aspirations other than becoming a musician, Moscato spent her days as a busker with B Boy. She was talented enough to make a decent amount of money this way, but with no friends, family, or goals other than keeping herself alive, she easily turned to the drugs which plagued the streets of Naples at the time. For this reason, Moscato was perpetually broke, despite receiving generous donations from the townspeople. Busking was how she met Bucciarati’s team for the first time - a skinny boy with an orange headband had praised her music emphatically and begged a taller, black haired man to give her money, and the man obliged. She would not know who these men were until one fateful day a year later.
Moscato overdosed on Passione’s potent narcotics in an alley not far from where she would usually busk. Narancia, who had become accustomed to hearing her play every day, knew something was wrong when he went for a walk and the street was silent. He used Aerosmith to locate her shallow breathing and called for help upon finding her limp body. Bucciarati’s team had her rushed to the hospital, where she spent a week recovering.
During this time, the boy with the orange headband, who she hadn’t seen in months, came to visit her. He chided her for taking drugs before admitting that the thought of never hearing her music again had scared him, and he and Bucciarati had rescued her. She expressed her indebtedness to both Narancia and Bucciarati’s gang, and begged Narancia to let her join.
“I’m not the one who decides that kinda thing, but Bucciarati is a little bit of a hardass when it comes to who he lets in the gang,” Narancia had said. “I don’t think he’ll let you, but…”
Moscato pleaded with him to let her talk to the capo, and he obliged. 
Bucciarati and Moscato came to an agreement; Moscato would serve as a housekeeper for Passione while he monitored to make sure she stayed clean from drugs. This way, Moscato was afforded the opportunity to hold a job and get back on her feet. With the company of the gang around her and supporting her, Moscato felt like she was a part of a family again, and her old playful personality slowly bubbled to the surface again. The love she felt towards the gang awakened her latent stand ability, “Telecaster B Boy,” which eventually led to her becoming a permanent member of Team Bucciarati and participating in missions alongside the rest of the gang.
“Telecaster B Boy” is a short-range, sound-based stand. It allows Moscato to transform sound waves into tangible objects; the type of object she creates depends on the pitch and tune. With her keytar, B Boy, she can create almost any object she desires. When she dissolves an object it releases the sound, so it’s not good for stealth missions.
Within Team Bucciarati, Moscato is joined at the hip with Narancia. When she started to come out of her shell, the two developed a playful rivalry where they were constantly playing different games in an attempt to best each other. The rest of the gang sees them as the sort of bratty twin siblings of the gang. However, both Narancia and Moscato are hiding deeper feelings for each other that neither of them admit until much later.
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
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He compartido 81 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 62 más que en 2021!
52 publicaciones originales (64 %)
29 reblogueos (36 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 51 publicaciones en 2022
Solo el 37 % de mis publicaciones no incluye ninguna etiqueta
#reader insert: 47 publicaciones
#x reader: 44 publicaciones
#angst: 37 publicaciones
#joestar family: 30 publicaciones
#spotify: 26 publicaciones
#jojo x reader: 23 publicaciones
#jotaro kujo: 16 publicaciones
#jonathan joestar: 11 publicaciones
#jjba pt 1: 10 publicaciones
#josuke x reader: 10 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#crying screaming sliding down the wall
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
You and Me, in a Different Way (pt. 5-6)
Synopsis: Stands are the reflection of your soul, they show want you try to hide or feel, how do their Stands react to you or your own Stand? How would they react to your child, the combination of your bodies and souls?
Warnings: implied childbirth, parenthood and some problems that come with it, self doubt, very old music, some fluff.
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno: Golden Experience Requiem
You: Pink Floyd
Result: Space Oddity
- Let's be honest, there was a bet going on with the gang, most putting their money in that Giorno would never get a 'yes' out of you, only Bruno and Fugo had some faith in him, and they ended up winning.
- Because, let's be honest again, Giorno first advance wasn't the best, a good reason to have more than a half of the gang putting their money against him.
"So, I just stole this wallet, want to get some ice cream?"
"Do you wanna die, Giovanna? Return that thing in this instant"
- You had a hero kind of mind, he wasn't complaining but it was quite ironic by the fact that you would beat someone to a pulp if they did you any wrong.
- Like, he really wasn't complaining, especially when he got to see you defending yourself, it was appealing.
- So he changed his approaches, trying to help you, if you permitted, or trying to be more subtle about it.
"I can see that Pinky right arm is way more faster now" he couldn't give you compliments directly, so now he used to give them to your stand, it doesn't matter that your stand is one of the most monstrous out there, he even called it Pinky like a cute nickname.
"Oh, yeah, thanks for noticing" and of course you would blush a little, it would make him smile.
- Following what gave good results he just landed his first date with you.
- It was obvious that he couldn't just parade around just in his usual outfit, not because people feared him, but because he would be recognized and all the people would approach to give him gifts and practically push you out of the way, so he would use GER to change his appearance.
"I'm here"
"Oh, hi Gio- wow, quite the change"
"Don't worry, this is just how I looked before having Golden Experience"
- You would never tell him that you liked his incognito mode a little bit more than his usual self, black really suited him.
- There were many occasions, especially when you first started your relationship, when GER would appear to see you, since it got to be a stand Requiem it gained way more freedom, to the point where Giorno couldn't control it all the time because now it had free will and was totally sentient.
- At first it was normal, he would appear to see you and in rare occasions smile at you.
- Then when you and Giorno got... more intimate with time, he got the habit of sleeping next to you while holding you wrist, other couples would hold hands but Giorno always took your wrist, you figured that this habit was a result of his constant need to assure himself that you were still alive and kicking.
- The thing with GER also got more weird but he did something similar to Giorno, and given that it was sentient it was now normal to have it touching your neck to feel your pulse, you just let it be.
- But then it got way more weird.
"Giorno Giovanna"
40 notas. Fecha de publicación: 19 de noviembre de 2022
What Am I To You?
Different kinds of love: JJBA edition.
Synopsis: How they saw you, did they love you? Did they only liked you as a friend? Did they at least noticed?
Warnings: Heart breakdown, Unrequited feelings, character´s death, spoilers
Jolyne Kujo
Wounds heal but scars prevail
- You weren't blind, not yet, every time that you got to California by matters related to the SWF you tried to at least say hi to Jotaro and his little family, that atmosphere was tense and sometimes you thought that was going to affect your son, Rei.
- But no, Rei lived for the days that he could trip with you to California and see his beloved "big sis Jolyne" like he would always call her.
- You called her "Baby JoJo" because the family tradition of everyone getting the same nickname ended with you saying it and having Josuke and Jotaro turn their heads to you, Jolyne was a little kid then, so "Baby JoJo" remained.
- Jolyne was older but she was patient with your gremlin of a son, maybe she inherited that patience from her mother's side, hardly from Jotaro.
- And talking about Jotaro...
"Have you seen him recently?" Jotaro's wife was beautiful, you give her that, but her eyes were swollen, eyes red, a sad expression on her face.
"I haven't seen him since the last month" if she had any tears left in her, she could have spilled them by now.
- You were so gonna punch him in the face.
- The two of you only remain in silence, hearing how Jolyne was telling Rei a story, her japanese was better than the last time.
- She was a kind girl, and you believed that deep down she kept that kindness somewhere.
- Being a police officer helped to know the news, first there were charges, minimal, and most of the time proved that the girl was wrongly accused, you tried to be as unnoticed as possible because you were investigated after being contacted by a person of interest for the PD in Italy.
- Just when you were investigated Jolyne was sent to prison, Jotaro was again in radio silence and Rei ran away from home in the middle of the night, leaving a letter that said "Jotaro-san contacted me, Jolyne-nee needs me"
- You appeared in the prison, with proof that Jolyne was inocent, with your Stand ready to punch Jotaro in the face and to drag Rei back home.
- The moment that you got there it was a mess, Jotaro was half death, Jolyne didn't want the proof because her father's soul was somewhere inside the prison, Rei dressed himself as a girl and got inside with Jolyne before you could stop him.
- It was such a mess.
- And now you were in charge of seeing Jotaro, your jerk ex back in your teenage years, he was almost death, Jolyne and your son were in danger and you didn't give a shit about your work anymore, Josuke would take care of Morioh in your place, he was ready, you believed in him.
"What are you doing here?!" Jolyne didn't know why you would put so much in line for her and her father, in her mind you were some kind of intrusive figure, every time that you could go to her house her mother would cry and ask you for her father but you wouldn't answer, her mother could only contact her father by you.
- Jolyne also kind of disliked Rei, because Rei had black hair and aquamarine eyes, just like her father´s, this only fueled her own conviction, not knowing a thing about Rohan, the father of Rei and Julius, your younger son, who also had green eyes and dark hair.
- Jolyne thought that you and Rei were her father's other family.
- But if that was true why were you there.
"Run away from here!" You thrown Jolyne and Rei out of the way with your Stand, Pucci was coming, fast, and all of you couldn't stand a chance against him.
"Wait, I'm not going to leave you here!" Jolyne screamed, using her Stand to drag you to their side, one that you were totally sure she didn't have before, you were so gonna ask Jotaro about this.
- You got severally injured but Jolyne saved your life.
- Rei activated his stand and got the three of you out, all your group could get to your final point.
49 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de septiembre de 2022
Where Is Your Soul?
Synopsis: Everyone can live, everyone can have a future, a brighter one, if you give up your own.
Warnings: Character's death, suicide thought, self-sacrifice, angst, dismembered body, blood, mention of sexual assault, if you don't like this don't read, it's just me searching for some pain.
Jonathan Joestar
- When he declined your offer to keep searching for Dio's possible corpse he didn't believe that it would end like this, he wanted to spent time with Erina after so long, he could have told you, he really should have done it.
"Maybe later" He was trying to get to see her soon, so he left you there, in the street near your home, you only needed to turn around the corner and get safely to your house, "go straight home, it's dangerous at night"
In another reality you did as Jonathan told you
But now you decided to go along your own idea and turned around, entering the dark streets
- He never thought that you would go alone.
- When he heard of the shooting he didn't connect the dots right away, he thought that you would be still sleeping, your hair a mess and refusing to wake up earlier.
- Then, out of nowhere his father was calling for him, he was going downstairs when he noticed his master, Mister Zeppeli, with a gloomy expression that his father was starting to show too.
- His master appeared with something on his hands, when Jonathan saw it he didn't believed.
- He wished that it was a joke of yours, a weird one, a terrible one, a sick one.
"The body was found next to ashes and this..."
- He was holding your revolver, the one that your father gifted you so many years ago, one that your family didn't want back because of such a thing, such a tragedy, happening.
- It had blood over it, and anyone would know that it was yours.
- Jonathan didn't believed such a thing.
- George tried to stop his son but Jonathan was stronger, he was faster, he got to the place of the events in such a short amount of time.
Why wasn't I fast enough when you need him?
- When he arrived he found Speedwagon there, looking perplexed at the officers and a body in the floor, the blanket over it to spare the gruesome scene from the public didn't cover all the blood that was painting the floor or the walls.
"They really did it" he was trembling, crying, in his hand was your coat, the one that you used to carry all your guns around, it was empty, every gun and bullet on the floor, with blood, "They are both death, Dio is death and..."
- Speedwagon got wind of what was happening, but it was already late, when he got there he found you dragging your body on the floor, so much blood on your way, some kind of bloody pulp on your hands that then he realized was the remains of Dio.
- You left them fall in the sunrise light of the new day, smiling at him while it was turned to ashes that got carried away by the wind.
"Hey, Rob, I did it..." Your body on the floor, your hand full of ashes like some other parts of your body before you finally collapsed, he wanted to call for help but the police areived and at first they put the blame of such a crime on him.
- They just concluded that you committed suicide.
- Even if Jonathan asked Robert would never tell him that you used yourself to trap Dio in your embrace and started shooting, the bullets got to him but also your body, it weakened him and you could wait till the sunrise to finally kill him with the sun, the horrible escene would be forever on his mind.
- People would talk about you, about how your soul would haunt forever that street, how even in the future people would find the many bullets that you used in the walls near.
- Jonathan just thought, with tears on his eyes and your revolver in his hands, how reckless you were, just like always, even when he believed that Dio was already death you thought otherwise, not believing that everything ended, and you were right, even so, why didn't you ask him for help when you found Dio, why did you just go there all alone and without calling him for help, but what if you did, what if Dio caught you and you could only fight trying to survive? If you called for help but he was so far away to even know that you needed him there?
- Why did you choose to go there? All alone, almost ready to die for something that was supposed to be his responsibility.
- When his son is born, Jonathan would be overprotective, almost forbidding him to be near the place where the "Crazy ghost" would be roaming, that damned street where his nightmares would take place from time to time, punishing George when he, after a dare, put a foot in that place.
81 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de septiembre de 2022
You and Me, in a Different Way (pt. 3-4)
Synopsis: Stands are the reflection of your soul, they show want you try to hide or feel, how do their Stands react to you or your own Stand? How would they react to your child, the combination of your bodies and souls?
Warnings: implied childbirth, parenthood and some problems that come with it, self doubt, very old music, some fluff after the angst.
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro: Star Platinum
You: All my Love
Result: Bring me The Horizon
- Star Platinum was a strong stand, no one could deny it, it didn't even care that it only could move in a short range, one of it's fists was enough to finish a battle and the ability to stop time didn't have a rival.
- You were quite sure that it was sentient, and there were moments when Star noticed you, affirming your suspicion.
"Oh my" he would appear out of nowhere when you entered Jotaro's studio, he was totally immersed in the papers in his hands, not noticing that his stand was getting near to you with curiosity, "hi there, Star" you would put your hand on their cheek, the stand closing it's eyes at the contact.
"What is it?" Now Jotaro was looking at you both, Star disappeared at that moment, "do you need help?" you wouldn't tell him, he would feel embarrassed of having so little control over himself (it was his own fault after not training his stand for years), so you changed the topic showing the reason why you got there to begin with.
"No, I just found your pen"
- Star Platinum was sentient, that is what you believed, and you also had the heavy theory that it was because Jotaro bottle up many things inside of him, so his stand showed what he couldn't, but it also showed everything that was related to his abilities multiplied tenfold, like the crazy strength or the excellent eyesight.
- That one time with the crazy shit of Alessi you noticed that Star could smile, in an... interesting way to say the least, showing all his teeth and an intense gaze.
- From time to time Star would change his usual estoic face, if Jotaro was enjoying something he would smile, if he was in the verge of laughter or extreme satisfaction, which was pretty rare, Star would show a big, and a little scary, smile.
"I mean, he does looks like you when you guys lost your shit back with the sun stand" you would never let him forget that, and he would never forget how embarrassed he felt when he noticed your horrified expression when he finally could compose himself.
"Give me a break, you also found it funny" he tried to cover his face with his hat, but you took his face in your hands, you could see his eyes looking at another place and his cheeks a little red.
"Nope, I was horrified, totally traumatized that you three just started laughing like crazy when we all almost died" and now you laughed at his angry expression.
- In your now normalized life you almost never called your stand, with Jotaro was the same, but there would be moments that Star appeared out of nowhere, a result of Jotaro not even using Star and leading to his poor performance with his stand.
"pepper, where is the pepper?" Jotaro was just doing dinner, he just felt at ease, and then he felt like he was touching something, but he didn't have anything in his hands, and then the feeling of being surrounded by something almost made him lost his grip on the frying pan, he called for his stand, who was being hugged by you at that moment.
"I couldn't resist it, you get angry if I disturb you and he was just here" you were saying that but didn't let go of the stand.
- Jotaro knew that you didn't use All Love often, mainly because it's eyes were too sensible to the light, it was pain to have such a ability in the middle of the dessert with all the sun, but it helped in the night.
- So he wasn't exactly sure of how to proceed when he found his stand next to yours, he heard that you were mumbling in your sleep, he was still up doing a paper, and now he noticed that your stand was out.
- All Love was big, sharp and twisted fangs, claws, totally black with little luminescent blue sprayed in it's body, big blue eyes that reflected the light, anyone that crossed paths with it could be scared of such a monster, but he didn't even bat an eye.
- Well, in reality it did scare him when he got to share rooms with you for the first time, but you didn't need to know that.
"Is it a nightmare again?" Your stand didn't said anything, just blinking and looking at him, you moved again, sweat on your forehead, "it's okay, I will take care of it from here" he then took place next to you, and your stand understood, disappearing shortly after.
- Jotaro never told you that when you were back in the dessert how good and also how bad your stand was, since the fact that you would scream when the sun got to it's eyes or the fact that All Love could inflict wounds and pain to any enemy near to you, but it also needed that those same injuries were inflicted in you first, and if you fainted due to the pain then your stand would fight for at least 5 minutes before disappearing, if that happened then the wounds would remain in you.
- And, yeah, that's how you ended up scarred.
- Jotaro lost count of how many times he found you in near death experiences, even ending with him accepting the wounds on you in order to safe your life.
"What were you thinking?!" You were bleeding, bad, your eye was almost out of it's place.
90 notas. Fecha de publicación: 7 de noviembre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
What Am I To You?
Different kinds of love: JJBA edition.
Synopsis: How they saw you, did they love you? Did they only liked you as a friend? Did they at least noticed?
Warnings: Heart breakdown, Unrequited feelings, character´s death, spoilers
Jonathan Joestar
The one that held you dearly and loved but not in a romantic way
- Both born from noble families with business involved, both born with a golden spoon on the mouth.
- Jonathan was always the kind and golden star child that everyone knew that was going to have only happiness in his life, you were the crashed little girl with a pompous dress bigger than your body that maybe was going to be a beauty because you were little and for your lineage.
-Then you weren't as beautiful as other expected and Jonathan was what everyone expected.
- He was there for you when the other kids were cruel, he was there for you when your mother didn't show the same care and attention that she showed your sisters, all great beauties, or your father with your brother.
- He was there for you, low and below, in those tender and hard years of childhood.
- Jonathan was bounded to someone, you learned that from a book, for every prince there was a princess, he had a princess somewhere.
- So, with your 6 year old self, you wished him good luck with his love while your love and heart were buried underground by your own tiny hands to spare you a bigger pain in the future, just like the books said: princess were beautiful, gentle and sweet, you were nothing like that description.
- It did help when a certain blond girl appeared, Jonathan was in cloud nine after been with her only for a day, meanwhile you only cleaned the new revolver that you father gifted you the other day.
- And then there were some... strange events that you didn't even have the energy to try to give a proper reason, but in the bat of the eye Jonathan was already married and boarding a cruise to his honeymoon with his loved wife.
"I'm worried about you" he was always so concerned for you, from the moment you got your first gun to the moment you survived all the strange events.
"You are only gone for a few weeks, I will survive" you never told him that you have been recently seen a man, the son of a business partner of your father on Norway, he was decent, he was kind and funny to be with, sometimes kind of strange when he was talking to a wall with that curious red book on his hands.
- You wanted to invite him to your wedding, be the best man of your groom if possible, because he wasn't a social person but you knew that they would get along.
- You were the first one to be there to welcome Erina when she finally arrived to the port, a baby in her arms and another on her womb.
- You promised to Jonathan's empty coffin that you and your husband would help her to overcome all.
Joseph Joestar
The one that was too late to notice
- You didn't have much options to be honest, Joseph was always on the top of the world and he used it to his benefit in some occasions.
- You were born the same year in the same household, both of your grannies best friends, the Joestar household was warm, something interesting to do at any time because 1) Joseph always had this strange never ending energy inside of him and he always put the both of you on trouble, 2) you always had the red magical book of your grandfather, sometimes he would lend it to you or it would appear on your hands from thin air when you wanted it, 3) your big imaginary friend was always there for you doing metal trinkets.
"You are seriously a weird one" Joseph was such a pest sometimes, specially when he caught you with some strange little metallic thing on hands and saying thank you to the nothing.
"Says the guy who uses some kind of weird magic to open a soda"
"Ripple, it's called ripple!" How strange that such a name was on your grandfather's book, with something related to the sun and other things that you didn't understand.
- One thing lead to other, before you noticed you and Joseph were in Italy and you saw the handsomest man that you have ever seen.
"He is hot" it was a mere whisper, but Joseph heard it, he thought that you were talking about him and his new outfit, he did a weird pose in order to still had your attention, but he noticed that your eyes weren't on him.
You were seeing that Italian bubble guy bastard jerk of Caesar.
130 notas. Fecha de publicación: 9 de septiembre de 2022
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noaltbruh · 2 years
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Huge shout out to @kakyoin-n0rii for having drawn this beautiful piece for Gioel!
Please go follow this artist, he's so incredibly talented 😭😭😭✨
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Scarlet Ribbons / When You’re Sick.
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Note: reader is described as ‘girlfriend’ once !
Giorno is surprised by how much he misses you while you’re down for the count. Of course, he was well aware that he cherishes you most in this world, but oh wow... to this extent? He’s in deep. Giorno keeps glancing over to the couch in his study that you normally occupy to keep him company (you said you feared he’d become a recluse otherwise), something within him aching that he’s never felt before. In meetings, he’ll think to ask for your advice, then catch himself. Accidentally requests a table for two every time he goes out to eat. Poor boy. Giorno calls you almost hourly if he knows you’re not sleeping. Asks if you’ve been taking your medicine on time, if the bed is comfortable enough, if you’d like him to bring anything home... ends up purposefully prolonging the conversation to hear your voice that he can’t stop yearning for. He really wants his partner back.
Bruno somewhat blames himself for not catching onto it earlier and questions what kind of partner he is. If you’ve been working a lot at his behest lately, he’s definitely going to be beating himself up over it. He finds a way to take a few days off to tend to your every need — even goes so far as to silence his phone. You know that’s a big deal for your high in demand Capo. Bruno’s an absolute gem, though, giving you three home cooked meals a day made with ingredients fresh from the farmers market. It’s no overstatement to say you’re spoiled rotten. You end up trying to flirt with him by saying he’s proved how wonderful a husband he’d be, but the most you get is a chuckle and pat on your head. (Don’t be fooled, he ruminates on it the rest of the night, probably names two of your future kids in his head).  
Fugo is so irritable during this time you’d almost think it was him who was sick. Not only is he down his girlfriend, he’s also down his best friend by extension. Who is going to listen to his various musings throughout the day? Take earlier, when some tourist asked a barista for a “latte” then got upset when they were handed a cup of milk. Normally he’d tell you about it, you’d play devil’s advocate and make a dumb defense, then he’d argue his case against it. This would probably end with a make-out session after you said something infuriatingly seductive like, “Make me.” But no. Your immune system just had to throw up the white flag. Great, now Narancia’s throwing rocks at your window again to check in on you, meaning Fugo has to shoo him off for the umpteenth time... is that a fucking ladder he sees...? This is absolutely purgatory. At least you sound cute when you mumble his name in your sleep. Other than that, you’re on thin ice. Hmph.
Mista ends up being lowkey about the entire ordeal. The Pistols, however... they’re another story. They’re split between leaving you alone so you can rest and pestering you nonstop to quell their anxiety. Number Five tearfully recites what you can only assume to be a eulogy on your shoulder, and while he had some nice things to say, you’d prefer if they didn’t act as if you’d kick the bucket at any second. Mista alternates between keeping his worried Stand away from you and checking to see if you need anything. If you ask to go anywhere, expect him to bridal carry you there. He won’t let you so much as lift a finger if he can help it. Mista makes for wonderful company, he’ll have you laughing (or producing the closest sound to it in your current state), in no time. The best at taking your mind of things. 
Narancia here is the type to pick a fight with an onion for making you tear up. He just adores you from the bottom of his heart, seeing you at anything but your best kinda messes with his brain. It feels wrong. Jarring. Narancia breaks out into a sprint to pick up all sorts of goodies at the closest convenience store — chips, sugary drinks, ice cream — basically everything he’d want if he was sick. And yes, he gets you a fun twisty straw. That’s a given. Regardless of whether or not you indulge in the feast, you can expect to see Narancia almost nonstop for the next few days. He gets antsy when he can’t be around to support you. In truth, Narancia is acting like a busy bee to distract from how much this reminds him of when his mom fell ill... then never got better. Reassure him that you’re going to be just fine and he smothers your face in a bunch of kisses (and doesn’t care if you say he’s probably going to get sick now too). 
Abbacchio just kinda... waltzes into your bedroom... says your face looks gross... then leaves (after closing the blinds and turning the lights off). Your prince charming. What an absolute catch. Just when you’re planning how to best make a divorce joke when you’re not yet married, he swoops back in to redeem himself. Says he didn’t know what medicine to buy so he just got one of everything. If you’re feeling up to it, he’ll bring in his record player, and play some of his favorite chill songs. Lots of good vibes in the room. He ends up offering you some wine every now and then. Bless his heart, he has no idea what to do, but he’s trying. You notice that you always wake up from your naps with a fresh towel on your forehead and the blanket pulled up. Naturally, he refuses to accept responsibility for this, but you both know the truth. 
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amberswords · 2 years
Hi uh if it’s not too much of a bother could I please request Giorno x pregnant!reader smut hc’s? If you’re not comfortable with that then just some fluff will do. Thank you and have a nice day. :)
🗡 Thank you very much for the request! I wrote a bit of fluff and a bit of nsfw for some sweet balance. Hope you enjoy them! Giorno is aged up in this one (20+!)
MINORS DNI. Sexual themes under the cut.
CWs: Pregnant reader, no gendered terms. Aged up Giorno. Come marking, cockwarming, a bit of food play (very light, just hand-feeding), slight descriptions of a pregnant body.
🗡 SFW:
Giorno is an incredibly attentive partner once you've come forward with your pregnancy. As the head of the mafia, he has both the money and the reach to make sure that you are as accommodated as you could possibly be.
That entails: almost nightly sessions of pampering and care, when he will take at least an hour to sit down with you and rub your shoulders and back free from tension, and rub your feet when you start getting a bit swollen.
Also, just say what you are craving and it's right at your hand. Even the weirdest things.
The baby's nursery was hand decorated. The walls are minimalist, with flower designs, but where it really shines is in the fresh, beautiful flowers that hang across every little surface.
He is so happy to be able to offer you the care and space you need, and will do his best to be the best father he could be.
The prospect of it might make him a bit nervous, too, even if he doesn't show it. His bad experiences growing up make him feel a little unprepared for taking over the role of a parent, but you can easily reassure him that he's nothing like the family he grew up with, and that he will be a great parent.
VERY possessive, which only increases the more you start showing.
Will do some come marking. A lovely pearl necklace or a facial, depending on what you'll let him do.
Loves taking you slow with your back towards him so he can cup your stomach, tracing your curves and the slowly appearing stretch marks over your skin.
If you start feeling less open to penetrative sex, will absolutely go down on you whenever you'd like. Could spend hours between your legs if you let him.
Laser-focused on your pleasure. Fully believes that you deserve all the attention he can give, and it clearly shows.
If you want to give back to him, he will rest your head on his lap and gently have you sucking him off, almost cockwarming him.
Have I said enough that this man takes his time? He likes indulgence and decadence. He has earned it.
It includes hand-feeding you as you sit on his dick, keeping him warm and wet. If you are extra nice he will get you to come like this at least twice before he's done with you.
All in all, he's delighted to be able to keep you safe, happy and warm with him. He will be a wonderful dad <3
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etherealzx · 2 years
Heey~could you write how would giorno act as a brother to f!reader?
awww giorno would be such a good brother!! i have a brother that's two years younger than me and he's a little SHIT. giorno would be the opposite of him tho <3
Giorno as a Brother (F! READER)
(i feel like i shouldn't have to say this but this is PLATONIC!)
Giorno wouldn't be the type of stereotypical brother that picks on his sister, pulling her hair and calling her names. He would always tell you that you look pretty, and always compliment your hair and outfits.
The two of you would be best friends. Like absolutely inseparable. You would tell each other everything, nothing would be kept a secret
Because of you two being so close, it would be impossible to try and hide your emotions from him. If your tone is even the slightest bit off, he's asking you what's wrong and what's bothering you. It'll drive him crazy if he thinks you're sad or upset in any way.
He's the type of brother that just always wants to see you happy. If you're ever sad about something or had a bad day, expect him to show up outside your bedroom door with your favorite ice cream.
He would always be there to talk about anything on your mind, and let you vent to him.
He also gives surprisingly good relationship advice for being so young, and being a guy.
Giorno isn't a violent or angry person, but if someone hurts you in any way (emotionally or physically) he would have to restrain himself from destroying them. He's protective over you because he loves you and just wants to see you happy!!
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
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Yayy it's selfship Sunday 🥰
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Its been a while since I've done one of these, lol. I've been thinking about Bri and Giorno for a bit today, and decided to post after coming across something I redrew a while back lol. Also, it's been fun to imagine how Giorno would be spoiling Bri as it draws closer to her my birthday. As clichéd as it sounds, my version of Giorno is the type that gets his s/o small gifts until her actual birthday. Small, meaningful things that she thought he'd have forgotten. In the beginning of their relationship, they're all about grand gestures and exclusive outings, but as they get older they value their down time with each other a whole lot more. Booking out restaurants turns into locking down the villa so that it's just to two of them. He often leaves his proxy to Fugo who holds the Fort while Bri, Giorno (and Bucciarati - Sept 27th) are away, but he trusts him completely so he focuses all his attention on Bri. As much as I thrive on writing them in the most exclusive resorts and imagine then in the most gorgeous designers clothes, my favourite imagines with them are like the ones pictured above, just him and her, one soul, two bodies, at home within each other, where nothing else matters.
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
JJBA Harry Potter AU - Chapter 1
Here it finally is!! Chapter 1 of our HP AU! We’ve had so much fun creating this and really hope you’ll love it as much as we do. Bini and I worked hard on it. @simpingandprocrastinating Our little Bingo team >:3
House sorting!
Word Count: 4721
The halls of Hogwarts filled with students all moving to their next class.
First years following the crowd in the hopes they’ll go the right way, third years strutting around with confidence, sixth and seventh years, tired and stressed, all of them were thrown together in a big pile, just trying to get to the right place on time.
The year was now well under way, the holidays steadily approaching though not yet within grasp - just far enough away to give the students that hope of reprieve.
Among those students, a small group of four now walked through the halls. Two Slytherins and two Ravenclaws. Kakyoin, Bini, Gogo and Jotaro. The quartet were a familiar sight - especially given the towering stature of one of the boys, as well as the vibrant and deep red hair of the other.
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Right now, they were walking towards the Astronomy tower, headed to their second to last class of the day: Astronomy.
“God, I can’t deal with all these stairs.” The taller of the two girls borderline panted out, earning a groan from the other.
“Same here.” Bini briefly put up her finger to emphasise her point, sighing heavily.
“Six years and you’re still not used to the stairs?” Jotaro scoffed from behind the two, earning a soft chuckle from Kakyoin and a half-hearted glare from the dark blonde dressed in green.
“Technically it’s only been five years to get used to it.” The redhead mused.
“Five years and a bit if you wanna get really technical.” Gogo spoke up, before getting harshly poked in her back by the tall raven behind her.
“That’s plenty of time, so move faster. Or do I have to carry you?”
“That’d save time and spare you a lot of heartburn.” Bini poked her blue clad friend in the arm, making the girl jump and swat at the invasive appendage.
“I think I’ll pass, thank you!” She squeaked, picking up her pace just a little bit. “Besides, you’re just as slow as me, so would that mean Kakyoin has to carry you?”
“If needed, how can I refuse.” Kakyoin spoke up, making Bini look back to see the corner of his lips quirked up into a playful smirk. She quickly turned to face back forward again, Gogo holding back a soft giggle at the red hue on her friend’s cheeks. Ignoring the similar effect on her own.
“Yare yare, just move your asses, will you? I’ll throw you over the bannister if you don’t speed up in the next five seconds.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re going.”
With those words, Bini steeled herself before urging her friend to do the same, the group of four now moving moderately faster, climbing the seemingly endless stairs to the highest level of the Astronomy tower.
- - - -
“Well, that was unproductive.” Kakyoin spoke with a little disappointment, stretching his arms over his head and slightly cracking his back after having sat hunched over his desk for an hour and a half.
“It was basically just studying.” Bini said with a comforting pat to the redhead’s back, simultaneously urging the man to move, given that he was partially blocking the doorway for other students.
“Would you have preferred to do it in your free time?” Jotaro raised his eyebrow at Kakyoin, who quickly waved his hands in front of himself.
“Oh definitely not!”
“On the other hand, it would have spared us the climb.” Bini stated, looking at the massive winding stairs that led down, currently filled with students moving down.
Kakyoin looked back at her with a smile, only for it to fall a bit when he noticed someone was missing. “Where’s your other half?” He asked her, and Bini looked back to indeed see no familiar form next to her.
“Is she still packing up?”
“Yare yare, she’s like a tortoise.” Jotaro sighed out. “I’ll go get her.” With that, he wordlessly excused himself and moved upstream in the flood of students leaving the classroom, just barging his way through without problems as he then disappeared back through the door and around the corner, out of sight.
The other two were left standing for a bit, looking back, but they were clearly holding up students so Kakyoin turned to the girl next to him.
“Why don’t we move on ahead? I’m sure Jotaro will herd her your way before you leave the castle. Cause you three have Care of Magical Creatures next, right?”
Bini hummed in affirmation, looking back once more before starting to move with the cherry boy.
“That is one of the few things that made me regret I chose Muggle Studies. I’m the only one who has to leave you guys every time.”
“Aww, Yoin.” At the use of the nickname, Kakyoin perked up a bit, looking back at Bini with a soft smile. “Think of it like this: it’s only one class. And afterwards we always come back together for studying anyways!” She placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled, Kakyoin mirroring the expression as he put his hand over hers.
“Thank you. I’m really lucky to have you all as my friends. You especially.” A very light blush was on his cheeks as he said that, though he held a confident aura.
Bini rubbed the back of her neck a bit bashfully, holding a blush and thanking the boy softly. After that, the two kept walking down the stairs, some students who now had to be in the Astronomy tower already walking up, making the redhead and dark blonde have to stick to the railing side of the stairs as they walked down.
The two eventually reached the bottom, and right as Bini looked up to see if her friend had made it out yet, her voice very faintly reached her from way up above.
“No, Jotaro, don’t! Please!”
“Ah, they made it out.” Kakyoin chuckled and Bini joined in, looking up to see if she could spot them. Though they didn’t hear Jotaro’s response, it would undoubtedly be along the lines of ‘Move’ or ‘Hurry up’. Just then, the Slytherin girl spotted the tall menace holding - wait, was he holding her bag over the side? Well, that would certainly explain the rare vocal outburst of the usually quiet Gogo.
“I think you should leave the lovebirds be and just try to make it to class in time. You need to get to the ground’s keepers hut don’t you?” Kakyoin piped up after watching the scene playing out way above himself for a few seconds.
“Why don’t we walk together? That way you won’t have to be alone.” A new voice suddenly spoke and Bini snapped her head from looking up, down to her side, spotting a familiar face.
“Ciao, Bini. How are you today?” The blond smiled warmly.
“Apart from having a slow friend and boring class? Pretty good.”
Giorno softly chuckled at this, looking up once as well before looking to the hall in front. Most students leaving the Astronomy tower were well and properly gone now, more and more students who had to get to the tower starting to come in and climb the stairs. “I think it would be best to start moving, no? Wouldn’t want to be late.”
“Right!” Bini shook herself from her stupor and turned around, Kakyoin patting her shoulder with a head shake before the three now started walking.
The further towards the courtyard they got, the thinner the crowd became, until eventually, even Kakyoin had to split off.
“See you at the usual spot after class!”
Kakyoin stuck up his hand to show he heard, waving once before quickly turning around and making his way to his Muggle Studies class, leaving the two Slytherins behind to walk by themselves.
“So, haven’t seen you around in a while. How have you been?” Bini turned back to the blond walking beside her as she said that, the two of them now part of a small stream of students walking through the courtyard and out onto the school grounds.
“I’ve still been in most of your classes, you know.” Giorno joked and Bini chuckled a little awkwardly before the boy continued. “You must have been too busy staring at the Gryffindor section to see me in your own.”
Giorno laughed softly at the dumbstruck expression on her face, slyly clasping his hands behind his back to seem more innocent. “No need to seem so surprised.”
“What makes you think I stare at the Gryffindor section?” Bini quickly tried to defend herself, avoidingly looking to the side.
“Because I see you do it.” Was the plain and simple answer.
“No you don’t.”
Giorno chuckled softly at her response before glancing to the side, his eyes locking on something which made him both smile as well as have that little seed of jealousy grow just a tad. “I see it just as clearly as I see him looking at you right now.”
Bini’s head shot up, immediately looking every which way with eyes like a deer in headlights, trying to spot who Giorno saw, only to sigh a breath of relief when no one came up.
“Giorno, why would you do that?”
“He must’ve ducked away right when you started looking around.” Shrugged the blonde.
“Oh, ha ha.” Bini deadpanned before speeding up a bit - wondering where Gogo was at, in the hopes that she could save her from this embarrassment.
- - - -
Walking down the steps towards Professor Hagrid’s hut, the sound of heavier footsteps sounded out from behind and Bini turned around to see who it was. Coming from up above came a leisurely walking Jotaro and a defeated looking Gogo, simply doing her best to keep up.
The moment the brown haired girl locked eyes with Bini below, she broke away from the tall man beside her and jumped down the steps.
“There you are! Took you long enough!” Bini chuckled as she and Giorno stopped on the steps, waiting for the two students to catch up.
Gogo stopped one step above and Bini noticed the lack of carry on accessory she was supposed to have.
“Where’s your bag?”
“Jotaro won’t give it back.” The brunette pouted - yet as if to prove her wrong, a voice called out through the air.
Turning around, Gogo only got a second before her bag was flung directly into her face. “Ack-!”
“We caught up. You can carry your own shit now.” Jotaro spoke, yet the smallest hint of a smirk played on his lips as he walked past while Gogo was peeling her bag off her face before rubbing her forehead.
Before she could even comprehend anything however, her bag was snatched away.
“Hey, tall man!”
Hearing that being called out, Jotaro automatically turned around, an eyebrow raised as to why he was being called, only to get a book bag slammed right into his face.
There was a dead silence for a second as Bini got up from her baseball thrower position with a proud smirk, Gogo having slapped her hands in front of her mouth while Jotaro held no visible reaction, not even having flinched upon getting hit. “See? That’s what you get.” The dark blonde huffed as the bag comically fell down to the ground with a sad thud - revealing a glaring Jotaro, which Bini ignored as she sighed disappointedly. “God, Jotaro, you took the ‘hit on your crush’ a bit too literally. You should be carrying her bag, not throwing it at her.”
As the words left her mouth, the entirety of Jotaro’s form seemed to freeze up, his eyes widening slightly and briefly darting to the girl in question as a redness spread across his cheeks, which he quickly hid by turning around on his axis and marching away without a word.
“That was—” Giorno started, unsure of what to say upon seeing the usually intimidating teen just turn around and walk away after literally being smacked in the face.
“—Exactly what he deserved.” Bini finished for him before turning to her friend, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?” She chuckled softly at the still bewildered yet now also flustered look on the brunette.
“I-“ There were several things running through the girls mind, yet the first thought that made it to her mouth was the least intelligent one. “Why’d you have to use my bag?”
“It had already been thrown.” Bini’s reasoning was accompanied by a placating pat to the shoulder and Gogo whined softly, walking the few steps down until she reached her bag and picked it up.
“Are you trying to get him to hate me? Cause that’s how you do it.” She stood back up straight with those words, looking up at her friend a few steps higher.
“Do you doubt me so much? You and I see things differently.”
Just ignoring that implication, Gogo looked back at her bag. “I swear if any of it is damaged.” She started, but the dark blonde knew there was absolutely no real threat behind it.
“I’m sure it’s fine.” Bini chuckled softly, getting a slightly sarcastic thumbs up in return. Giorno looked on at the scene with an amused smile, surprised when he saw Kujo walk back up the stairs, now sporting an annoyed glare on his face.
He stopped right behind Gogo, who hadn’t noticed him yet and then nearly jumped out of her skin when the tall teen grabbed her wrist. “I go through all that trouble to get you, and then you stay standing still. Come on.” Jotaro turned back around and dragged her with him, yet the two Slytherins took notice of the faint leftover pink hue decorating his cheeks from Bini’s earlier comment.
Sharing a look with Giorno, the girl smiled before following down the stairs, the four of them finally reaching the cluster of students who were all waiting for the lesson to begin.
All the way at the front of the small crowd, stood the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Decked out in wellies and towering over all heads.
“Right! Everyone settle down now, please!” Hagrid’s voice called out over the chatter, a happy twinkle in his eye as he spoke. No matter what day, the professor always looked to be in good spirits as he taught, seeming to truly like the teaching role.
Everyone quieted down after he spoke and as soon as they did, Hagrid clapped his hands together in front of himself.
“If you would all follow me! I’ve got a right treat for ya today!”
He instantly started leading the way, causing everyone to have to speed-walk to try and keep up with the half-giant professor.
For the next ten to fifteen minutes, the group walked across the Hogwarts grounds. Following Hagrid as he led with a curt step yet made sure to walk at a speed everyone could keep up with.
“We’re headed to the black lake.” Jotaro remarked after a while, breaking his bout of silence as he looked over almost all people’s heads to the large body of water ahead.
“I was wondering when we’d cover water creatures this year.” Gogo said as she briefly got on her toes to look over at the lake as well.
“You like that, don’t you, ocean brain?” Bini smiled while Gogo made an un-convinced sound in response.
“Meh, I barely know anything about the ocean. Pretty standard stuff actually.”
“You know more than me.” The dark blonde shrugged, earning a friendly shoulder bump from her friend.
Just then, the class reached the edge of the water and Hagrid turned around, wordlessly making everyone stop.
About a meter into the lake stood three glass tanks filled with water, each containing a creature.
“Everyone gather round now, you know the drill! Don’t step into the water and don’t come too close. Any attack from these little fellas and you won’t be too happy!” Hagrid spoke the usual warnings when handling live creatures while the student body formed half a circle around the tanks, giving room for everyone to see.
Seeing as to how everyone was in position, Hagrid smiled before moving in between two of the tanks so he could stand behind them and face the class - having to turn sideways and suck in his belly to do so.
“Right! Here before yeh are the Lobalug, Shrake and the Mackled Malaclaw!” Hagrid pointed to each of the tanks; from the one on the left (from the students’ point of view), to the one on the right - the glass of which was heavily scraped up. “Not necessarily in order of danger level, but I’d stay away from all of ‘em.” The man then chuckled before clearing his throat a little and continuing. “Though rather common, these critters aren’t as bombastic as most creatures you’ve learned about so far, thus you’ve probably not heard of ‘em.”
Some students shared some looks, unsure of what to think of it. Especially since this mainly meant that there were three more creatures they would have to learn and study about in a short period of time.
“Let’s start with the Lobalug! Open your books to page 88.” Hagrid happily walked over to the tank on the left, the dark water of the black lake obscuring the majority of the view of the creature, only very briefly showing a vague yellow form of something when it swam past the edge of the glass.
The student body whipped out their books and parchment, ready to take notes while Hagrid put on some protective gloves and slowly opened the lid of the tank.
Reaching inside, he carefully took hold of the small animal inside before raising it, a yellow squid looking creature now presented that looked absolutely tiny in his large hands. It couldn’t have been much bigger than a glass bottle.
“If you ever encounter a Lobalug in the wild: stay. away. from its spout.” Hagrid warned, pointing to the long tube like thing that made up the majority of the creature. “It spits a venom that will give you a bad time on the best of days, and will kill you on the worst.”
From then on, the professor continued to explain the effects of the venom, the anatomy of the creature, and how the merfolk in the black lake used it as a weapon.
“Ya got all of that?” Hagrid asked a few seconds after he finished talking, looking around at the numerous heads who were all switching between looking at him and the creature and scribbling down notes. He got no answer but when most of the heads turned to look at him, he nodded contently and took a step back. “Alright, let’s release this little guy then.” Turning around and taking care that the spout never pointed at the students, he bent down and put the small squid back into the water of the lake.
As he stood up and turned back around, a Hufflepuff put her arm up. “Is that safe to do, professor?”
“Of course. He’s from here after all.” Hagrid answered happily before stepping to the middle tank. “Now then.” Looking back up to the crowd, his eyes locked onto a familiar group of friends. “Bini, would you mind coming over here and helping me with this next one?”
Said girl’s head shot up from taking notes, pointing to herself with wide eyes, to which Hagrid encouragingly waved her over.
It took a second to respond but then, Bini hesitantly turned around, giving her stuff to Gogo who quickly took it over before giving the girl a little shove to get her going, making her shoot a playful glare back before walking forward.
“There’s some boots and gloves there for ya t’ wear.” Hagrid pointed out the items on the pebbled shore. “Actually…” He then started, looking up at the sky. “We’re running a bit short on time, so, Gogo, if you could step up as well.” He pointed to the brunette who’s eyes widened, not having expected to be subjected to the same thing. Behind her, Jotaro snorted in sly amusement, taking initiative to take both her’s as well as Bini’s books from her arms - leaving Gogo with nothing to do but just walk up to Bini and put on the same protective gear. “If the rest of you could walk up to the water’s edge.” Hagrid motioned for the rest of the students to come closer while Bini just finished putting on the wellies and thick leather gloves that reached up to her elbows. Seeing as she was done, the half-giant focused back on her with a smile. “That’s it, step right up.”
Bini did as Hagrid said, sending one last look at Gogo - who was now nervously putting on wellies - before carefully moving in between the two tanks closest to where she stood, only for the one on the right to suddenly violently shake, as if whatever was inside the darkened water had rammed into the glass. Bini jumped in fright, a short scream leaving her as she hopped away from the tank.
“No need to scare!” Hagrid quickly remarked, placing a - what was meant to be - reassuring hand on the dark blonde’s shoulder. Though it was mainly just heavy. Bini simply used her energy in discreetly getting away from the tank.
Whatever was in there was not happy.
“Right over here please.” Hagrid excitedly spoke as he manoeuvred the - compared to him - tiny girl by both her shoulders now, making her stand in front of the middle tank. “You know what a Mackled Malaclaw looks like?” Bini nodded and Hagrid smiled. “Good! Now, just reach in and feel around until you feel a body, and try to grab it behind the legs. There should be two in there!”
“Uh, okay.” She carefully stuck her hand into the tank, starting to try and find the creature inside.
Just then, Gogo finished with the gloves as well and stepped into the water’s edge, Hagrid moving over to the scratched up tank and waving the girl towards himself, who looked only moderately taller than Bini did compared to the 8”6 man.
“Alright then. We’re just going to show both of these at the same time!” Waving her into position, Gogo now stood directly behind the scratched up tank, another loud noise coming from inside it as the water sloshed around, making Gogo start a bit while Hagrid stood, happily grinning to the left of it.
“Uh, professor, I think I’ve got one.” Bini then spoke up, breaking people’s focus from the mystery tank.
“Excellent! Go on then! Lift it up!” Hagrid quickly walked over to her, right as she lifted it from the water.
In Bini’s hand sat a grey coloured lobster. Specks of green spots littered all over its body but other than that it looked completely ordinary.
“Don’t let it bite you.” Hagrid remarked, looking down at the critter squirming in the dark blonde’s hold. “If it does, you will be unlucky for a week.”
Bini’s eyes widened as she looked at the professor from the corner of her eyes.
“Everyone, study it closely, as the position of the green spots will show you whether it is a male or a female. Excellent hold by the way.” Hagrid complimented.
People then started crowding a little closer to the water’s edge, trying to get a good look at the creature, to which Bini held out the lobster looking thing so they could see it better.
“I once met a chap who was bitten by one of these fellows when he went out swimming. Didn’t realise what it was until after he had lost half his fortune and nearly divorced his wife. When they say the bite gives you bad luck, they mean it. So, don’t even let it nip you, Bini.” Hagrid heartily laughed at his own story before calming down a bit. He was about to turn away to move onto the other tank when he remembered something. “Uh, don’t try to eat it either. You’ll get sick and get a green rash all over you.” With that, he turned and walked over to Gogo, leaving Bini to furrow her brows in shocked disbelief and lift her free hand in a ‘wtf’ motion. She hadn’t been planning to taste test the animal before. Whatever made Hagrid think that she might, she most definitely wasn’t going to, and especially now. “See if you can find the other one in there as well!” The professor then pointed at the tank one last time and Bini nodded, taking a deep breath before diving her left hand into the water as well while the other students were still studying the creature curling and wiggling its legs and claws in her hold.
Seeing that it was now most likely her turn, Gogo looked down at the tank in front of herself, briefly catching Bini’s unsure look when they looked at each other, right past the large man standing in between, before focusing once more.
“So, what exactly is in here again, professor?”
“That, is a Shrake.” Hagrid spoke, standing to the right of the tank as everyone now focused back on him. “These fish were magically created, supposedly by some wizards who had been insulted by muggles in the 1800’s. Shrake have sharp spikes on their backs and specifically seek out muggle fishing nets to cut open and destroy. Very inconvenient for them.”
Stepping forward, Hagrid opened the top of the tank and immediately, water splashed out as the Shrake thrashed, throwing some water over the brunette that was standing behind it, making her gasp lightly. “Whoa, careful there.” Hagrid chuckled before turning to Gogo. “Now, I’m going to distract it and make it come to the surface. You grab it and hold on tight alright? Just don’t impale your hand on a spike and you’ll be fine!”
“Uh, okay.” Just now ignoring the wet stain forming on her uniform, Gogo nodded and swallowed in preparation.
“Once she grabs it, you all need to pay close attention as I will show you how to calm it down. I can only do this once, as the Shrake will be in a calm trance for the rest of the lesson once I do, so pay close attention.”
Readjusting his gloves, Hagrid then tapped the edge of the glass right in front of him, tapping in an off beat, irregular rhythm.
It was dead quiet for a few seconds, only the soft lapping of the water on the shore. And then, the surface tension of the water in the tank broke, a fish the size of a person’s forearm jumping out of the water and towards Hagrid, jaw open and teeth gleaming, ready to clamp down on his wrists.
Yet before it could, Gogo made a grab for the creature. Jaw clenched and lips turned down in an unhappy frown, eyes wide in fright, the unexpected jump of the fish made her flinch before she had immediately tried to lunge for it, managing to grab it under the belly.
A strained yelp left her as the fish thrashed, yet she did her best to keep hold.
Now in her hands sat a large, flailing, brown fish, sharp spikes sticking up high from its body, as well as a large mouth more akin to an alligator than a fish, filled with sharp teeth.
“Very good! Now, keep your arms outstretched and I’ll-“ Hagrid reached out and wrapped his hand over the jaws of the fish, forcing them to stay shut as he then lifted his left hand to press behind the neck, pushing down on a scale right in the middle, instantly stopping the Shrake from thrashing. “Make sure you put more then enough pressure and there! Now, Gogo, hold it against yourself, like so.” Hagrid pushed the fish into her chest, making sure the entire body was supported as the brunette now basically cradled it like a baby.
With his hands on his hips, Hagrid turned back around to the girl still holding the Mackled Malaclaw.
“Did you find the other one yet in there?”
“Uh… yeah.” Bini spoke, lifting her left hand to show an identical lobster.
“Good! Now, I want you all to spot which one is male, and which is female! Don’t get bitten though.”
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cuefunkymusic · 3 years
Hello, Could we have a JJBA Part 5 (Bucci Gang) headcanon reacting to their S / O by singing a song to them? Like Freak'N You if you want, or If I Aint Got You By Alicia Keys :)
Hi! Thank you for the request! I’m gonna be 100% honest, the only song from that list I’m really familiar with is Freak’n You, haha, I’ve been listening to so much kpop recently it’s a bit of a hazard. (/lh) But I’ll try my best! Honestly this might just be more of a general singing to the Bucci Gang headcanons but I hope it’s okay! Also these might be a little shorter due to how many people there are in the request- again, I hope it’s okay!
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Bucci Gang's reaction to you singing for them
Bruno Buccellati
Throughout most of his life, Bruno hasn’t really had much time for himself. Usually, he’s been so busy with things in Passione he doesn’t have time for personal things, like singing, or playing an instrument. When he was younger, his mother would play the piano for him, but that’s about all the musical experience he has, other than listening to music on the radio.
I think that he would really enjoy you singing a song for him! It has a really calming effect on him, he loves you so much and listening to you sing for him really touches his heart. No matter your singing experience, he thinks your voice is beautiful, and he loves every second of the song you sing for him.
He loves to sit down with you and listen to you sing. If you sing for him while you two are cuddling, he would love it so much. He wishes the moments that you two have together where you’ll just sing for him while you run your fingers through his hair would last forever.
Leone Abbacchio
I think that similar to Bruno, singing to him would have a really calming effect on him. We know how Abbacchio is- he hasn’t had that much happiness in his life, really, but I think that listening to you sing would just bring peace to his heart, even if for a little while.
Also like Bruno, he really, really loves when you sing and run your fingers through his hair, or put it in a little braid. Again, it’s one of the few moments where he will really just feel at peace- it’s just such a nice break from his usual busy (and sometimes stressful) life.
Overall, he’s just very very flattered you like to sing for him. He never really thought he would have such a loving and caring S/O in his life, and especially one that helps him relax with their voice.
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia actually enjoys singing in his spare time- I mean, we all knew this with how much he gets into the music he listens to. Of course, he’s not the best singer around, but he’s got the spirit.
So when you first sing for him, he’s actually really overjoyed. He’s glad that his S/O is as into music as he is! He really, really loves whenever you sing for him, and sometimes might ask you to sing for him when he wants to hear it. He loves your voice!
He might ask for some tips on his own singing voice. He’s not too serious about it, he mostly just wants to be able to sing along a little better to his favorite songs; But he does take the advice you give him to heart. He hopes that one day maybe you two could sing a song together, like a duet.
Pannacotta Fugo
Out of all the members, I think that Fugo definitely has the most musical experience. He grew up playing the piano, mostly because his parents wanted him to learn it, but I think that it’s become something that he learns to enjoy on his own. Of course, he’s never really done much singing himself- he’s much more of an instrument person instead.
Out of all the members, I think that he would be able to appreciate your singing the most. He’s done a bit of research into music and music theory, mostly in school, but also in his spare time. He’s really just able to enjoy your voice to the fullest, and appreciates it a lot.
Please sing to him when he’s angry. I think that it would be one of the few things that could calm him down when he’s upset- your voice is just so calming to him, he practically melts when you softly sing to him and just take his hands in yours, grounding him.
Giorno Giovanna
I think he might be caught a little off guard at first when you start singing- it’s not that he doesn’t appreciate it, it’s just something that he’s not very used to in his life. During his childhood, there was never really any room for music, and I think most of his life has been so busy since then that he doesn’t listen to music that much.
He would definitely enjoy your singing a lot, though. Like Narancia, might ask you to sing for him again after you first sing for him. He just really enjoys your voice, he thinks it’s very neat that you’re able to sing- he’s honestly a little jealous of how well you can sing. He wishes he could sing that well.
Definitely teach him how to sing! He is a very patient learner and is very attentive, will take all of your tips to heart and use them to improve. He’s a very efficient learner, always looking for ways to improve himself for the better.
Guido Mista
Honestly, I think he would be a bit shocked when you start singing. Not in a bad way! His first thought is just something along the lines of god damn, my S/O has such a nice voice! Is very supportive and claps a lot at the end when you’re done singing, gives lots of praise.
Will also definitely ask you to sing for him sometimes. If he’s had a bad day, he might ask you to sing him a little song, it calms him down and he just really loves listening to your voice. Honestly, he’s a bit spoiled- he just really enjoys your voice and will ask you to sing for him a lot from time to time.
Sex Pistols also really loves your voice! They’re like a little audience, sitting and listening attentively to you when you sing. You definitely get lots of attention from your boyfriend and his stand whenever you decide to put on a performance for them.
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