#ginny greenteeth
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briefbestiary · 1 year ago
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A well known river hag from English folklore. Tales of her presence were used as a deterrent to prevent drownings in dangerous waters such as those choked by duckweed or algae.
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threadsun · 1 year ago
Flanon Asks: "Omg okay, biting.
TDV, DOL, your OCs, anything. I want to see biting/marking headcanons or writing!!!
I had a friend (I don’t wanna say Situationship or fwb but we have a vibe ig) who bit me on the arm the other day and hoooooly shit oh my god 😫
Maybe the bitten/biter experiences some sorta euphoria or like, ‘click’ after experiencing it for the first time?
- 🍮"
Ooooh I love biting!! I'll give a selection of who I think would be most into it >:3c
Content: biting, sadism, marking
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To Do Valley:
Abigail bites people both as a stim and because she thinks it's funny to see how they react! She'll bite anyone she likes, especially her friends and partners.
Harvey tends to bite out of a mixture of sadism and curiosity. He loves how startled people are by it since he doesn't seem the type, and he loves to watch the way bite marks develop and heal.
Sebastian and Maru both make the cutest sounds when you bite them~ They'll squeak and whimper and squirm and it's absolutely adorable, especially when they get flustered after!
Sam gets flustered if you bite him and definitely enjoys it, and he'll bite you right back! He's got kinda sharp teeth too, so he always leaves some deep marks that he admires later.
Degrees of Lewdity:
Robin and Sydney blush and make cute sounds when you bite them too! If you rile them up enough, they might bite back, though they'll be apologetic about it afterwards.
Kylar will leave you covered in bite marks to claim you and will demand that you do the same for him. Everyone needs to know that the two of you belong to each other.
Whitney bites you for fun, he likes watching you yelp and squirm! He also thinks it's hot if you get overwhelmed during sex and bite him to let out some of that pent up energy~
Black Wolf is obviously a biter. She's gentle because she knows you can't handle the full strength of her jaws, but she uses it to hold you in place and show her ownership.
Avery will bite you as a warning when you upset her. For her it's not a sexy thing, it's an anger thing, but if it turns you on then she'll definitely mentally file that away to use against you.
Izzy enjoys biting and being bitten, she gets real giggly over it. You can tell she's going to bite you because she starts giggling first. And if you bite her, you'd better be ready to fuck~
Weird Earth:
Zander is a biter, especially in golem mode but just in general. His teeth are sharp and jagged~ He'll also moan if you bite him and ask you to do it again, harder.
Glitch bites out of anger, annoyance, being overwhelmed... really any strong emotion is enough to make him sink his fangs into you. Especially if you ignore his hissing.
Lin bites for fun and curiosity. He gets bored easily, and biting always gets a fun reaction from people. He also loves to see who does and doesn't get turned on by it~
Yana enjoys startling you by biting you suddenly and for no reason. She wants to keep you on your toes. She'll definitely mock you if you get turned on when she bites you.
Gin and Aisling both have very sharp teeth and like to bite for fun. Gin's teeth are slightly jagged and she loves marking you. Aisling enjoys riling you up whenever she can~
Callum loves to bite and be bitten. It's pretty much inevitable if you're getting frisky with him. Expect to be covered in drool and bite marks whenever you start kissing him.
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casketjones · 1 year ago
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schmem14 · 1 year ago
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HP Spooky Saffic 2023 Flash Comp fest revealed!! thanks @hpsaffics for hosting, planning, and executing this event! I had so much fun participating. Check out the collection here for ten excellent Halloween reads (all less than 2000 words)
Summary: Pansy might be in love with Ginny, but she's afraid of the menacing presence that threatens to ruin it all. Ginny might be in love with Pansy, but not enough to stay where it's safe. Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson Tags: Major Character Death, Horror, Folklore (Jenny Greenteeth), Mild Blood and Gore, Hogwarts Eighth-Year, UHEA Rating: M WC: 1.9k
***Winner of HP Spooky Saffics 2023 Dark and Stormy Night (Best Imagery), Witch's Brew (Most Creative), and Pumpkin Queen (3-way tie for overall favorite) awards!***
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*award graphics made by venemousbarbie
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talesofnecromancy · 1 year ago
Baby witches be like: ooooh the candle flame flickered! the feather moved!! Eeeee! I'm sooo HaUnTeD!!!
Meanwhile I'm trying to make tea whilst the ghost in my house bats heavy objects off shelves and breaks them like a bored cat or just turns the tap on full in the kitchen when they're annoyed. Also occasionally slams and tries to lock doors there isn't a key to.
But yeah, sure little witch, you're super haunted.
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hssrarepairs · 3 months ago
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❄️🎄 Masterlist 1 🎄❄️
The masterlist for Creative Mediums other than fic that were gifted through the exchange. We had so may wonderful mediums submitted including: art, craft, remix art, audio, translation, meta, and other writing. For more works, check out the other fest masterlists!
Masterlist 1: Creative Mediums
Masterlist 2: Femslash & Poly Fic
Masterlist 3: Gen & Het Fic
Masterlist 4: Slash Fic
View all gifts on AO3
🎁 ART: between you by @knotsnuffles / objectlesson (Sirius/Harry/Severus, T, Digital)
🎁 ART: Fuck. Babe. by @phantomgrimalkin / phantomgrimalkin (Neville/Charlie, E, Digital)
🎁 ART: Hug Him Back by @siobhanhazel / SiobhanHazel (Sirius/Severus, G, Digital)
🎁 COMIC: Kiss Me if You Can by @sillylittlebeans / sillybeans (Cedric/Harry, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Messy Eater by @holliday-inn / Holliday_inn (Alice/Narcissa, E, Digital)
🎁 ART: Mine by @jadedandconfusedao3 / JadedandConfused (Hermione/Tom, M, Digital)
🎁 COMIC: Scared, Captain? by Anonymous (Gwenog/Ginny, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: School's Sweethearts by @stazvlt / shiaya (Hermione/Theodore, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Slice of a Special Season by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose / BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose (Remus/Severus, T, Digital)
🎁 COMIC: So... Thank You by @sillylittlebeans / sillybeans (Harry/Bill, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Three Hearts, One Home by @digthewriter / digthewriter (Hermione/Pansy/Ginny, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: treasure by @starsanddiamond / StarsAndDiamond (Fleur/Angelina, M, Digital)
🎁 ART: Ursa Major / Ursa Minor by @holliday-inn / Holliday_inn (Bellatrix & Luna, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Victory Kiss by @digthewriter / digthewriter (Viktor/Ron, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Weasley is Our King by @knotsnuffles / objectlesson (Draco/Ron, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: What in Merlin's Name is That by @stazvlt / shiaya (Lucius/Arthur, G, Digital)
🎁 ART: Why i love thee? by @stazvlt / shiaya (Regulus/Remus, G, Digital)
🎁 ART + FIC: I just want you to know who I am by Anonymous (Sirius/Severus, T, Calligraphy, Photography, Digital Art, 210 words)
🎁 COMIC + POETRY: Light of my life by @trueliarose / Trueliarose (Minerva/Poppy, T, Digital Comic, 70 words)
🎁 ART + FIC: Lunch? by @zoomiezoomie / ZoomieZoomie324 (Remus/Severus, T, Digital Art, 240 words)
🎁 ART + POETRY: Remnants of a Spotless Mind by @jadedandconfusedao3 / JadedandConfused (Helena/Salazar, M, Digital Art, 50 words)
🎁 SCULPTURE: Lazy Sunday by @elisedonut / elisedonut (Percy/Oliver, G, Polymer Clay)
🎁 FANBINDING: Lover’s Leap by DrPansyParkinson by @anaxandria-writes / Anaxandria (Neville/Pansy, G, Chiyogami endpapers, Marigold lokta paper)
🎁 CROCHET: Meet Me Outside by @sugareey-makes-stuff / sugareey (Marcus/Oliver, T, Yarn and stuffing)
🎁 EMBROIDERY: so sweetly by @emilyrickman / AlihotsyTotsy (Neville/Pansy, G, Felt and embroidery floss)
🎁 DIORAMA: Solace in a Star by @apricitydays-lazynights / Apricitydays (Regulus & Scorpius, G, Mixed Materials)
🎁 MOODBOARD: But First, Coffee by @pennygalleon / pennygalleon (Sirius/Lily, G, Digital)
🎁 MOODBOARD: Frame Job by @ultramarineorchid / UltramarineOrchid (Rosmerta/Severus, G, Digital)
🎁 MOODBOARD: green (like her) by @miss-grimwood / miss_grimwood (Bellatrix/Nagini, T, Digital)
🎁 BANNER: Greenteeth by Schmem_14 by @lumosatnight / lumosatnight (Pansy/Ginny, M, Digital)
🎁 MOODBOARD: oh love by @mrsprobie / mrsprobie (Luna/Harry, G, Digital)
🎁 MOODBOARD: take of my fruit by AlihotsyTotsy by @lumosatnight / lumosatnight (Narcissa/Ron, M, Digital)
🎁 MOODBOARD: Yule Ball by @obscurewriter05 / ayanadailey (Hermione/Tom, G, Digital)
🎁 FIC + PODFIC: Breaking News: Denial is not just a river in Egypt by @wretchedanddivinee / wretchedanddivine (Sirius/Severus, M, 1.1k words, 6:07 min)
🎁 PODFIC: Luna and the Hippogriff by flags_fiend by @emilyrickman / AlihotsyTotsy (Luna/Draco, T, 8:37 min)
🎁 PODFIC: my cold, dead heart still beats for you by @wilfriede / wilfriede0815 (John/Daphne, M, 13:33 min)
🎁 PODFIC: Respectfully by @elisedonut / elisedonut (Daphne/Harry, T, 8:41 min)
🎁 ENGLISH: A Christmas Gift by armassy (Lucius/Harry/Severus, E, 7.3k words)
🎁 DUTCH: Chromatische Afwijkingen by @elvira-kamgut / Elvira_Kamgut (Astoria/Ginny, M, 9.2k words)
🎁 SHIP MANIFESTO: Moonwater & Rosekiller by @phantomgrimalkin / phantomgrimalkin (Regulus/Remus, Barty/Evan, T, 4.8k words)
🎁 FIC RECIPE: A recipe for Blackbones by @miss-grimwood / miss_grimwood (Amelia/Bellatrix, T, 210 words)
🎁 POETRY: Should Have Known Better by @herochicklyrrie007 / herochick007 (Hermione/Abraxas, T, 700 words)
🎁 GUESSING GAME: What's that ship? by @lumosatnight / lumosatnight (Surprise, G, Ship Guessing Game)
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randybutternubber · 6 months ago
Thoughts on Little Nightmares Monster aus? (Alternate universes where one or more characters are mythological/folkloric monsters) (Not where the characters turn into Little Nightmares monsters thats something different) (Asking because I read a fanfic with Siren Six and now I'm hyperfixating)
I like them a lot. A lot of ln characters have roots in folklore/share key themes with mythological creatures, like the teacher being very similar to the yokai Rokurokubi. She’s not the only one too!
The granny shares some similarities with Ginny Greenteeth, grindlylows, and peg prowlers. She also is somewhat similar to baba yaga
The north wind is likely inspired from several folk tales and mythical creatures like The North Wind from old stories, venti from ancient Roman or Greek stories, Nachtkrapp which is a really fucked up crow bogeyman, valravn to a lesser extent, and general bogeyman stuff. Its story itself is super similar to the format of the north wind and the sun, in which the sun, or in this case the ferryman, prevails and wins a bet with the north wind by using deception/persuasion instead of brute force.
There are a ton of other ones but my brain is kind of mushy rn, I might write a follow up later.
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hannahhook7744 · 16 days ago
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody—She's your what?!
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Ick sighed and reluctantly peeked her head out of the kitchen to see just what was happening now. Just in case the kids were messing around with something they shouldn't be—only to see  Johanna in a frenzy, leaning against the bathroom door. Face scratched up and eyes wide, and wild with panic. 
Someone was pounding on the other end of the door with an unearthly shriek. 
And the only other person who it logically could have been, seeing as everyone else was occupied with something or another outside of the house, was sitting on the couch. Scrolling on her phone. 
Why Mako didn't seem more concerned, Ick didn't know. Perhaps she had more context than the brunette did. 
“Uh… what'd I miss?”
Because clearly, somehow and some way something had happened in the ten minute span Ick had been out of the room grabbing the popcorn and other snacks for their movie night. 
“I trapped my poltergeist ex in our mirror and now she's throwing shit trying to break through our door.” Johanna blurted out bluntly, as if that explained anything at all. 
Ick stared at the witch, already feeling a headache coming on. Which, considering this matter concerned Johanna's love life pre-Halmar really wasn't much of a surprise. “What.” 
“Bloody Mary tried to attack us in the bathroom so Johanna trapped her in the mirror. Turns out doing that doesn't really stop her from being able to throw shit around.” Mako clarified nonchalantly, still scrolling on her phone.
Not noticing the way the information made the human completely short circuit or the way she rounded on the other brunette. “YOUR EX IS BLOODY MARY?!”
Johanna winced. 
“It was the 1720s! There was a lot of shit going on and my decision making wasn't the best!” It was a weak defense but it was the truth. 
“Was she Bloody Mary before or after you started dating?” 
The pause that followed was more than a little awkward. 
“Are you serious—”
“I dunno why you're surprised.” Their blonde friend interrupted, like the shark she was. “It's not like this is the only questionable person Johanna has dated.”
“OI!” Johanna scowled, crossing her arms. 
“Oh don't you ‘oi’ me, you know it's true. Ginny Greenteeth ring any bells?” Mako shot back. 
“You dated her too!”
“Not for four years!”
“Four years is nothing in the grand scheme of things! Not when you're as old as I am!”
“Is that your excuse for Anatrix the hunter slayer, Moth Van Helsing, and—”
“Okay that's enough about my love life! Can one of you please give me a hand with our little unwanted guest before she completely trashes our bathroom—”
Now that grabbed Mako’s attention and qualled all arguing between the three as Mary started cackling. 
Mako stared at Johanna.
Johanna stared at Ick. 
Ick’s eyes darted in-between the two of them. “Was….was that the toilet?”
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ratherdrawn · 2 years ago
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Faebruary day #5
Ginny Greenteeth
 A creature of English folklore, she haunts rivers and ponds waiting to ensnare hapless children and the elderly.
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talesofnecromancy · 3 years ago
She will try to drown you. But if you can swim you’re okay. Also she is fae and likes to play games. Lastly wear a huge bunch of iron keys round your neck. She hates that. All in all she’s not that powerful, or bad really. She just wants to defend her place? Don’t be unkind to her. She’s been there longer than you have. She’s only mean ‘cos she doesn’t know you. She sort of wants to drown you but only like a child that wants to play murder games? And that's why you need the iron keys.
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sophie prestigiacomo's swamp deities, sculpted from mud and algae
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everythingcatalogue · 6 years ago
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pumpernickel-simswood · 6 years ago
Selkie And Ginny Greenteeth
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This took quite awhile to throw together. I'm not quite a fan of the setting's design but ah well. I think the mythical ladies look pretty good especially since I had to figure out that darn seal skin. Also, this inspired a little story, which will be below.
Rustling came from the branches above. Her eyes snapped up to the noise, ready to turn and run. She saw a feminine figure, skin a shade or two darker the leaves about the woman's form, long, wet hair obscuring all but the barest glimpse of sharp teeth.
"Wh-what are you!" She blurted.
"The human folk call me Ginny Greenteeth. You clearly aren't among them." Ginny's eyes were as large as soup plates and full of intrigue.
"I-I'm not. I was told not to walk amongst human folk but… but I had to know what they were really like." She managed. She bit her lip, "Do you have a name of your own?"
"I…" the Ginny paused and let herself smile softly, "Yes. I'd like to be called Tiffany."
"Well then, it's nice to meet you, Tiffany. I'm Hilda. A, I believe the human phrase is, um, selkie." Hilda announced.
"I've heard tale of your kind. Mostly from well rounded travelers. You're quite far from home." Tiffany canted her head. "You can't go into town like that, Hilda. They'll find you out."
"I can't just leave my skin laying about either. If I make that mistake, I'll have to marry some horrid man and," Hilda shuddered, "bear him pups."
"I'm not saying you should. In fact, I have some clothes and a rucksack for you to continue your travels without as much harassment by the males." Tiffany slide from her tree and offered her hand, "It's just this way."
Relief flooded Hilda and she took Tiffany's hand, "Thank you."
Tiffany smiled at her sincerely, "Of course."
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multifru196 · 6 years ago
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Ginny Greenteeth from The Child Thief by Gerald Brom
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schmem14 · 1 year ago
"Ginny patted the ground beside her, but Pansy shook her head, hugging one of the posts instead. They watched together. The water was uncanny in its stillness. Not a single ripple disturbed the verdant surface.  Pansy’s neck prickled under a phantom, malevolent gaze.  She was about to open her mouth again to ask Ginny to go on a walk with her— somewhere safer— when clammy cold fingers wrapped around her ankle and tugged."
-From Greenteeth Pansy x Ginny and the evil thing lurking in the Black Lake
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hssrarepairs · 3 months ago
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☃️ Week 4 Roundup ☃️
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!! Today is our Week 4 Roundup, our last one for the fest. We've had a truly amazing range of gifts this week. From fics to art, podfic, moodboards, and even a ship guessing game! Creator Reveals will be on Dec 30 with a Masterlist released at the same time. We can't wait!
More roundups: Week 1, 2, 3
View all gifts on AO3 ✨
🎁 for @depraveddove !
FIC: planned (Daphne/Lucius, T, 600 words)
FIC: Still a Boy (Remus/Harry, E, 6.3k words)
🎁 for @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose !
FIC: Green Thumb (Neville/Ernie, G, 250 words)
FIC: I've got you. (Harry/Ron, E, 3.7k words)
🎁 for CarmCharm
FIC: sweet taste (Daphne/Theodore, T, 760 words)
FIC: Yuletide Mischief (Daphne/Theodore, Susan/Fred, E, 2.7k words)
🎁 for suniwrites
FIC: Copper and Blond Catharsis (Draco/Ron, E, 16.6k words)
FIC: Duties and Pleasures (Lucius/Narcissa, M, 1.9k words)
🎁 for @nena-96 !
FIC: Tannenbaum (Hannah/Neville, T, 3.7k words)
FIC: too old for this (Hannah/Neville, T, 1.5k words)
🎁 for @eastwindmlk !
MOODBOARD: But First, Coffee (Sirius/Lily, G, Digital)
FIC: The Tabby Teapot (Seamus/Dean, Minerva/Poppy, T, 7.6k words)
🎁 for @celestemagnoliathewriter !
FIC: A Tale of Two Tonks Women (Andromeda & Tonks, T, 3.6k words)
FIC: Our Second Chance (Remus/Tonks, Muriel/Dolores, M, 3.1k words)
🎁 for TheSkyAtMidnight
FIC + MOODBOARD: It's Not About The Blood (Hermione/Draco/Ron, M, 4.5k words, Digital)
FIC: Addictive Kisses (Hermione/Draco/Ron, M, 2.9k words)
🎁 for @mischiefmandied !
ART: treasure (Fleur/Angelina, M, Digital)
FIC: Happy Accidents (Hermione/Remus/George, E, 6.7k words)
🎁 for @venom0usbarbie !
FIC: A Loving Husband (Charity/Severus, T, 840 words)
FIC: frostbitten (Astoria/Luna, G, 350 words)
🎁 for our Pinch-Hitters !
FIC: if only (Pansy/Blaise, M, 5.5k words)
PODFIC: my cold, dead heart still beats for you (John/Daphne, M, 13:33 min)
FIC: Rotten Roots (Neville/Draco, G, 2.3k words)
FIC: Roots entwined, Wings unfurled (Neville/Draco, T, 9.0k words)
🎁 for the mods !
FIC: Secret Santa (Hermione/Theodore, G, 1.3k words)
FIC: Keep Quiet (and I'll Ruin You) (Regulus/Barty, E, 1.6k words)
FIC: Just a Quintet (Sirius/Hermione/Harry/Charlie/Blaise, G, 670 words)
FIC: Teacups & Tankards (Puddifoot/Rosmerta, M, 9.5k words)
FIC: Blossom Pink (Fleur/Narcissa, T, 340 words)
FIC: Purpling (Sirius/Kingsley/Severus, T, 900 words)
ART: What in Merlin's Name is That (Lucius/Arthur, G, Digital)
MOODBOARD: take of my fruit by AlihotsyTotsy (Narcissa/Ron, M, Digital)
BANNER: Greenteeth by Schmem_14 (Pansy/Ginny, M, Digital)
GUESSING GAME: What's that ship? (Surprise ships, G, Ship Guessing Game)
Thanks for sticking around! We may have some stats coming soon 😘
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assthetic-angel · 8 years ago
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Sisters : Lady Modron & Ginny Greenteeth
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