#gil kruger
byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Line Noro and Jean Gabin in Pépé le Moko (Julien Duvivier, 1937)
Cast: Jean Gabin, Gabriel Gabrio, Mireille Balin, Saturnin Fabre, Fernand Charpin, Lucas Gridoux, Gilbert Gil, Marcel Dalio, Gaston Modot, LIne Noro. Screenplay: Henri La Barthe, Julien Duvivier, Jacques Constant, Henri Jeanson. Cinematography: Marc Fossard, Jules Kruger. Production design: Jacques Krauss. Film editing: Marguerite Beaugé. Music: Vincent Scotto, Mohamed Ygerbuchen. 
When Walter Wanger decided to remake Pépé le Moko in 1938 as Algiers (John Cromwell), he tried to buy up all the existing copies of the French film and destroy them. Fortunately, he didn't succeed, but it's easy to see why he made the effort: As fine an actor as Charles Boyer was, he could never capture the combination of thuggishness and charm that Jean Gabin displays in the role of Pépé, a thief living in the labyrinth of the Casbah in Algiers. It's one of the definitive film performances, an inspiration for, among many others, Humphrey Bogart's Rick in Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1943). The story, based on a novel by Henri La Barthe, who collaborated with Duvivier on the screenplay, is pure romantic hokum, but done with the kind of commitment on the part of everyone involved that raises hokum to the level of art. Gabin makes us believe that Pépé would give up the security of a life where the flics can't touch him, all out of love for the chic Gaby (Mireille Balin), the mistress of a wealthy man vacationing in Algiers. He is also drawn out of his hiding place in the Casbah by a nostalgia for Paris, which Gaby elicits from him in a memorable scene in which they recall the places they once knew. Gabin and Balin are surrounded by a marvelous supporting cast of thieves and spies and informers, including Line Noro as Pépé's Algerian mistress, Inès, and the invaluable Marcel Dalio as L'Arbi.
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i-iip · 4 months
2023 Marta Martins Silva :: Retornados
🇦🇴 Mocubela; Bairro Montanha Pinto; Uíge: Maquela do Zombo; Baia Farta; Malanje; Songololo; Úíje; São Salvador do Congo; Sabondo; praia Morena; Luanda: Bairro da Cuca, Praia das Conchas; Congo Belga; Luso; Moçâmedes; Lubango [Sá da Bandeira]; Caconda, Bembe, Mabubas, Caxito; Cuito [Silva Porto], Cala, Matal; Huambo [Nova Lisboa], Cela Angola, Serpa Pinho, Cuanza Sul: Gabela, Porto Amboim
🇲🇿 Miteda; Muidambe; Nampula; Vilanculos; SOFALA | Beira: Vila Pery; Boane; Mecuburi; Cabo Delgado; Angoche [António Enes]; Moma, Napetil; Marracuene; Quelimane; Tanganhica; Monapo; Nacala; Nagololo; Boane; Nacala; Gungunhana; Chimoio; Morrumbala; Leopoldville; Alto Molucué; Nauela; Guarué; Muxagala; Murralelo; Inaço; Marromeu;
🇵🇹 Sobreira Formosa, Milreu, Sardoal, Sesimbra: Hotel do Mar, Lisboa: Seraton, Ritz, praia Ribeira do Cavalo; Lisbia: Fonte Luminosa, Bairro Quinta das Furnas, Baixa da Banheira; Castelo de Vide; Paião; Vila Flor; Termas Vale da Mó; Odiáxere; Portela; Minde; São João da Talha; Monfortinho; Forras de Algodres;
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🇿🇦 Joanesburgo; 🇧🇷 Curitiba; 🇨🇩 Kinshasa; 🇬🇦 Libreville; 🇳🇦 Windhoek; Walvis Bay; Wandouc;
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1957 independência colónias Belgas, Britânicas
1960: >migração colónias (/) condição civil <> motivos comerciais: seguros, agrorural, indústria, serviços públicos;
amiúde; decrepitudes; cacimbo; bailundos; mala de Mpingo; Marmorite; Cotonang; esbaforida; Frelimo; Navio Niasse, Uige; dinamitar, sanzala, sizal, umbundo, genealógico, Acordo Nakuru, Centro Lingua Portuguesa; crispação, resvalou, chapas Lusalite, tabique, tacanha, navio Kwanza, engalanava, Carlos Gil fotografia, Válery Giscard d'Estaing, naperões, Chipenda, Adidos, cós das calças, previdente, bicuatas, chapas de Flandres; óleo de palma, amêndoa de dendém; Navio Silver Sky; Cruz Vermelha; Claudete; caldeirada de cabrito; ostras, burriés, búzios; debandada; turba, vinho de Moçâmedes, barco Mouzinho de Albuquerque, muamba, calulu; Savimbi; aldeia Tchamutete, Casa dos Rapazes, laripo; cal, mercurocromo; fraticida, kimbo; barco Principe Perfeito, açulada, Colégio Viriato, musseque, Saab 99; Renault 12; taipa; adobe; rockets; quitengues; funge
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1956 MPLA: Manifesto Escrito
15.03.1961 Massacre UPA; Congo, Cuanza Norte, Luanda; Baixa dd Cassange; bacongos, canhangulos; Carmona;
13.04.1961 Salazar: envio tropas (33m
Transferência Angola-Portugal com pagamento de % a empresa ou autorizado;
1966 MPLA: Leste - Songololo-Malanje
1966 UNITA: 1ª ação
09.1976 IARN Apoio Retorno de Nacionais
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fornecimento: colchão, espumas
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Portugal - Moçambique
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🔤 cordoer;
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ear-worthy · 2 years
Mentally Gil Podcast Premieres: The Headspace Of Creators
The new Mentally Gil podcast exemplifies what makes podcasting such an ideal media format for listeners. This new podcast, which premiered on October 20, deals with mental illness. Yes, there are numerous other podcasts that deal with mental illness, although not enough. I’ll just note that there are more podcasts that instruct you how to get washboard abs than get your head straight. In a battle between a six-pack and finding my mental happy place, I’ll take the head health every time.
What makes Mentally Gil l so unique is…everything. From its smart-ass podcast name — a takeoff on mentally ill because the creator and host is Gil Kruger — to its cutesy, make-you-laugh title song that begins, “His name is Gil, and he’s mentally ill.”
This is how creator and host Gil Kruger frames his new podcast: “On the Mentally Gil podcast, I interview some of the world’s biggest YouTube and social media creators about their mental health journeys. Season one centers around anxiety, OCD, and burnout. The show also explores the connection between mental illness and creativity”
Gil Kruger has been involved in podcasting for over a decade as a podcast think tank for podcast development to producer and executive producer. In short, you may not have heard his voice or name, but he’s been a force in podcasting for a while.
Now, as creator and host of his own podcast, Kruger gets to showcase his on-air talents. And he’s superb at it. He’s a terrific host with nicely woven interviewing skills, supercharged sonic energy, and vocal empathy.
Kruger was able to step away from his busy schedule for this interview, and his time is appreciated.
Q&A with Gil Kruger of the Mentally Gil podcast
Q. How did you develop the topic for your podcast? After all, mental health is a touchy subject.
A. It was early in the pandemic and, like many people, I was feeling very anxious, but there was still a stigma attached to talking about such feelings. Many of the mental health podcasts I sought out involved experts and doctors and gurus talking about this stuff, but I heard very little from people who were actually the ones suffering. That’s when I had the idea to do a podcast where I would only focus on stories from the people who were going through it.
Q. You have extensive experience in podcasting via Rooster Teeth and as a script developer? How did that prepare you for this role as a creator and host?
A. Actually, the consulting I did for Rooster Teeth was my first dip into podcasting. I don’t want to say too much about that project, but it was a true-crime story set in the world of YouTube, so it made a lot of sense for me to try my hand at it. My background is in film and TV. I produced two feature films and oversaw the development and production of a dozen digital series at companies like Fullscreen and eko. I’ve learned a lot about storytelling and marketing as both a buyer and seller of content, and from observing the creators I’ve worked with.
Q. How did your educational experience at NYU in film and TV production prepare you for podcasting?
A. At NYU, I took sound design and other courses that really shaped how I viewed the importance of audio in storytelling. In a movie or TV show, it’s half of the experience. My show’s executive producer, Zac Stuart-Pontier, is an accomplished podcaster, and we met very early on at film school.
Q. How did growing up in North Jersey impact your professional life?
A. I grew up thirty minutes from Manhattan. My parents were (and still are) obsessed with Broadway, and they took advantage of our proximity to the city by taking me to many, many shows. We also lived next to a town with a great arts scene that had three independent movie theatres. There’s no question that the location had an impact on my eventually entering entertainment.
Q. Why focus on popular creators from YouTube and other media?
A. It’s the world that I know the best. I’ve been working with video creators for ten years, and I’ve seen a lot happen: some have quit, some have burned out and eventually returned, others lost themselves in the hamster wheel and are only now learning who they are inside. In future seasons, I’d love to open up the series to interviews with influential people from all walks of life. Gabby Douglas is a dream guest.
Q. Can you give us a heads-up on some upcoming guests?
A. We just released our first two episodes with Grace Helbig and Lauren Riihimaki (LaurDIY). Coming up are creators Kelsey Darragh, Allison Raskin, and Anna Akana.
Q. What will be the most challenging part of podcast hosting?
A. The most challenging part hasn’t been hosting so much as just overseeing the whole thing and finding the right collaborators. I’m not just the host, but I’m also the researcher, the executive producer, the marketer, the brand sales guy, and so forth. The timeline from having the idea to launching the show took almost three years.
Q. How do you view podcasting as strictly an audio medium? How about when a video component is added?
A. I’m not an audio purist, but I prefer podcasts that are produced and which lead the listener on a journey. My show doesn’t have a video component because it’s highly produced — sections of the interviews are condensed or re-arranged, there’s narration, sound design, music, and even skits. It would be very difficult to make a video version of my show. There are a couple of podcasts that I think make very good use of the video medium, though: The Colin & Samir Show and Jay Clouse’s Creative Elements.
Q. On your Twitter feed, when you announced Mentally Gil, you wrote: Spoiler: We’re all nuts. What did you mean?
A. I won’t say everyone, but most people are going through something. One of the messages of Mentally Gil that I want people to hear is that they are not alone in their struggle. If listeners pick up on that, then I think I’ve done my job.
Q. How are you monetizing the podcast?
A. I paid for the show out of pocket, but managed to make a deal with online therapy provider BetterHelp, which saw some early materials and responded well to it. I’m very grateful for their support. I’m still pounding the pavement trying to land more sponsorships.
Q. Finally, what do you want your podcast to say about the state of how society deals with mental health issues? I mean, how bad are we?
A. I’m not trying to make any big statements with the podcast, but personally, I think there’s a lot more work to be done in normalizing conversations around mental health. We also need as a country need to provide better access to mental healthcare. I don’t think any therapist I’ve ever seen has taken insurance.
I’ve listened to the two episodes that have been released to date, and they’re both ear worthy for several reasons.
First, Kruger is an excellent interviewer, and he displays those subtle but important skills in both episodes. Unlike some podcasts hosts who can’t control their guests from blurting out their entire story, Kruger is patient and empathetic with his guests. He helps them unfold their stories carefully, with no demand for lurid details or overhyped stories.
Second, the guests do not have these horrendous childhood tales that make you as the listener go, “That’s why.” No, their stories of burgeoning anxiety are more complex and ultimately more instructive for listeners.
No doubt we all connect creativity with mental illness. Go to the Van Gogh exhibit to appreciate the connection.
And check out Mentally Gil. Kruger helps us ultimately to understand ourselves better. And we all need that.
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katzkinder · 3 years
Top iconic/classic Halloween costumes each of our fav characters would dress up as? These are all meant to be silly. There were a few I couldn’t think of… but like your input too, so if you want to replace some or something please by all means
Nico - male equivalent of banshee… this boy does some screamin’ on Halloween
Ildio - headless horseman (literally ripped the top/stem of the pumpkin off with his hand, slammed the pumpkin on his head and he’s just eating the pumpkin from the inside out)
Hugh - “he looks like a mini Dracula!” - Mahiru Shirota
Tetsu -
Lily - the birth of Venus
Misono - Sebastian the crab
Licht - Gerard Way (black parade era)
Hyde - kinky boots or Oscar from Shark Tale or Gerard Way (Killjoy era)
Crantz -
Guildenstern - Oswald the octopus
Mikuni - Indiana Jones
Jeje - Slenderman
Mahiru - Timmy Turner
Kuro - Jack Skellington
Inner Kuro - Oogie Boogie
Gear - male red riding hood in wolf form because… irony
Yotaro - red riding hood’s sassy knitty grandma
Toma - demon
Toru - George george George of the Jungle
Tsurugi - Chuck from angry birds
Yumikage - Red from angry birds
Junichiro - Bomb from angry birds
Freya - Meg from Hercules?
Izuna - (suicide squad version) Harley Quinn w/ a heart of gold
Gil & Ray - don’t even try to convince me these two wouldn’t be an AWESOME Pain & Panic duo! https://images.app.goo.gl/4NUcnHwqKuxhRMbo8
Tsuyuki - he just told me “no”…
Johannes - Beetlejuice or dr. doofenshmirtz
Tsubaki -
Sakuya - combo between Freddy Kruger and dark knight Joker
Berukia - magician piñata? Or Grell Sutcliff
Otogiri - naughty bunny
Higan - Captain Hook or Yosemite Sam
Shamrock -
Oh god I got to Lily as Birth of Venus and almost threw up from laughing 😭 and then you took me out again immediately after with Misono as Sebastian the crab, fuck...
Tooru as George of the Jungle also got me www
I actually did some Halloween costume ideas like... Two years ago? Here❣
Thanks for the ask! I'm still not back to 100% yet so finding this in my inbox was really nice ;w;
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Lodge 49 -  AMC -  August 6, 2018 - Present
Comedy Drama (10 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Wyatt Russell as Sean "Dud" Dudley
Brent Jennings as Ernie Fontaine
Sonya Cassidy as Liz Dudley
Linda Emond as Connie Clark
David Pasquesi as Blaise St. John
Eric Allan Kramer as Scott Wright
Kenneth Welsh as Larry Loomis
Avis-Marie Barnes as Anita Jones
Njema Williams as Big Ben Peters
Jimmy Gonzales as Gil Sandoval
Brian Doyle-Murray as Bob Kruger
Daniel Stewart Sherman as Jeremy
David Ury as Champ
Atkins Estimond as Gerson
Hayden Szeto as Corporate
Joe Grifasi as Burt
Tom Nowicki as Bill Dudley
Adam Godley as Jocelyn Pugh
Bruce Campbell as Gary Green
Tyson Ritter as Avery
Jocelyn Towne as Gloria Keller
Pollyanna McIntosh as Clara (season 2)
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daydreamer0078 · 5 years
16 Most Anticipated Movies in 2020 that Must Watch
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There are special movies coming in 2020. We have to watch them without missing them. It's exciting that so many special movies releasing in 2020 that include birds of prey, do little, quiet place 2, black widow and other movies. These movies are producing by the major studios and releasing in 2020. If you're a movie lover, you shouldn't miss them. I don't think you don't miss them. As a movie lover, you are gonna watch all of them because the movies that are gonna release have a great expectations. The following list are the most anticipated movies which are gonna release in 2020. Do Little
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About Movie: Dolittle is an American action fantasy film directed by Stephen Gaghan from Gaghan's script and Thomas Shepherd's plot. The film is based on Hugh Lofting's character Doctor Dolittle, and primarily based on Doctor Dolittle's Voyages. Robert Downey Jr. appears as the title character in live-action performances along with Antonio Banderas and Michael Sheen; the voice cast features Emma Thompson, Rami Malek, John Cena, Kumail Nanjiani, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland, Craig Robinson, Ralph Fiennes, Selena Gomez and Marion Cotillard. Dolittle is scheduled to be released on January 17, 2020, in the United States. Plot: A doctor finds he can speak to animals Birds of Prey
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About Movie: Birds of Prey: And One Harley Quinn's Fantabulous Emancipation is an American superhero film based on Birds of Prey's DC Comics team. The film, directed by Cathy Yan and written by Christina Hodson, is intended to be the eighth film in the DC Extended Universe and a follow-up spin-off to the 2016 film Suicide Squad. Margot Robbie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Rosie Perez, Chris Messina, Ali Wong, Ella Jay Basco, and Ewan McGregor. Birds of Prey is the first R-rated DCEU film. On February 7, 2020, Warner Bros is scheduled to release Birds of Prey in the United States. Plot: Harley Quinn meets Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya after breaking with the Joker to save a young girl from a lord of bad crime.   A Quiet Place: Part II
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About Movie: A Quiet Place: Part II is the sequel to A Quiet Place (2018) of an upcoming American horror film. The sequel film, directed and written by John Krasinski, stars Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, and Noah Jupe. The cast is also joined by Cillian Murphy and Djimon Hounsou. After the first film's box office success. Krasinski wrote the film by August 2018 and was hired to direct in February 2019. From June 2019 to September 2019, production took place in Western New York. On March 20, 2020, Paramount Pictures plans to release A Quiet Place: Part II at theaters. Plot: The Abbott family is now facing the outside world's horror after the events at home. Forced to venture into the unknown, they realize the creatures that are not the only threats that lie beyond the path of the sand.   The New Mutants
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About Movie: The New Mutants is a group of new teenaged mutant superheroes-in-training distributed by Marvel Comics. They were the main characters of three successive series of comic books that were X-Men franchise spin-offs. Chris Claremont and artist Bob McLeod created the first team of characters from New Mutants. They first appeared in The New Mutants 1982, part of the Marvel Graphic Novel series, followed by their own cover from 1983 to 1991. A new group of young mutants is introduced in the second New Mutants in 2003. It was relaunched in 2004 as New X-Men: Academy X, after which the core squad was collectively called the "Young Mutants." The surviving members were incorporated into one junior team, the New X-Men, after the "M-Day" crossover event at the end of 2005. The third series of New Mutants was released in May 2009, putting together most of the original team. A film will be released on 3 April 2020 about the New Mutants. Plot: Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves. No Time to Die
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About Movie: No Time to Die is an  spy film and the twenty-fifth installment to be produced by Eon Productions in the James Bond film franchise. This features Daniel Craig as fictional MI6 agent James Bond in his fifth outing. It is written by Cary Joji Fukunaga, who also co-wrote the script with Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. With Rami Malek, Lashana Lynch and Ana de Armas joining the cast, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Léa Seydoux and Christoph Waltz take over from previous films. It will be the first film in the series to be internationally distributed by Universal Pictures.The film is scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom on April 2, 2020, and in the United States on April 10, 2020. Plot: Bond has left active service. His peace is short-lived when his old CIA friend Felix Leiter turns up asking for assistance, leading Bond to the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology. Black Widow
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About Movie: Black Widow is a forthcoming American superhero film based on the same name's Marvel Comics character. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film is directed by Jac Schaeffer and Ned Benson, Cate Shortland, and stars Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff, alongside David Harbour, Florence Pugh, O-T Fagbenle, and Rachel Weisz.  Black Widow is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on May 1, 2020. Plot:  Not yet revealed , but the film took place between the events Civil War and Infinity War.   Fast & Furious 9
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About Movie: Fast & Furious 9 is an  film directed by Justin Lin and penned by Daniel Casey on American violence. It will be the ninth installment in the Fast & Furious franchise, a sequel to 2017's The Fate of the Furious. The film will feature stars like Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chris Bridges "Ludacris," Nathalie Emmanuel, John Cena, Helen Mirren, Charlize Theron, and Michael Rooker. Fast & Furious 9 is scheduled to be released by Universal Pictures in the U.S. on May 22, 2020. Plot:  Not yet revealed. Wonder Woman 1984
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About Movie:  Wonder Woman 1984  is an  American superhero film based on the character DC Comics Wonder Woman, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It's a sequel to the Wonder Woman in 2017. Patty Jenkins directs the film from the screenplay she wrote with Geoff Johns and David Callaham, From Johns and Jenkins's narrative. Together with Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright, and Connie Nielsen, it stars Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman will be released by Warner Bros in the United States in 1984. From June 5, 2020 Plot: Not yet revealed. Top Gun: Maverick
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About Movie: Top Gun: Maverick is an  American adventure drama movie directed by Joseph Kosinski, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Tom Cruise, and David Ellison, composed by Ehren Kruger, Eric Warren Singer, and Christopher McQuarrie. It is the sequel to Top Gun (1986) and Tom Cruise, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Glen Powell, Lewis Pullman, Ed Harris, and Val Kilmer stars. From the first film, Cruise and Kilmer take over their roles. Top Gun: Maverick is scheduled to be released by Paramount Pictures in the U.S. on June 26, 2020. Plot: Pete Mitchell is where he belongs after more than thirty years of service as one of the best aviators in the Navy, pushing the envelope as a daring test pilot and dodging the rise of rank that would ground him. Free Guy
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About Movie: Free Guy is an American science fiction action comedy movie directed by Shawn Levy, Matt Lieberman's plot, and Lieberman and Zak Penn's screenplay in 2020. The movie stars Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Joe Keery, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Lil Rel Howery, and Taika Waititi. Free Guy will be released by 20th Century Fox on July 3, 2020. Plot: A bank teller discovers that within a brutal, open-world video game, he's actually an NPC. Ghostbusters: Afterlife
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About Movie: Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a future supernatural American comedy movie directed by Jason Reitman and written by Reitman and Gil Kenan. It stars Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, Logan Kim, and Celeste O'Connor, while from the original films Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts take over their roles. It's a reference to the franchise of Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters: Paramount Pictures, by Sony Pictures Releasing, is scheduled to be released in the United States on July 10, 2020. Plot: When a single mother and her two children arrive in a small town, they start to discover their connection with the original Ghostbusters and their grandfather left behind the secret legacy.   Tenet
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About Movie: Tenet is an action thriller movie produced by Nolan and Emma Thomas, written and directed by Christopher Nolan. It stars John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Dimple Kapadia, Elizabeth Debicki, Michael Caine, and Kenneth Branagh. Warner Bros is scheduled to release Tenet on July 17, 2020. Plot: An epic action revolving around spying, time travel and evolution around the world. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
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About Movie: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is a supernatural American horror film written by David Leslie Johnson's Michael Chaves from a screenplay. The film is the Conjuring Universe's eighth chapter. Together with Sterling Jerins, Julian Hilliard, Sarah Catherine Hook, Charlene Amoia and Ruairi O'Connor, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga will also take on their roles as paranormal investigators and authors, Ed and Lorraine Warren. The project is being co-produced by James Wan and Peter Safran. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is expected to be released on September 11, 2020 in the United States and will be distributed by Warner Bros. and New Cinema Line. Plot: Not yet revealed. Venom 2
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About Movie: Venom 2 is an upcoming American superhero movie based on the character of Marvel Comics Venom, produced in partnership with Marvel by Columbia Pictures. It is planned to be the third installment of Sony's Marvel Universe and the successor to Venom (2018), released by Sony Pictures Releasing. The film is directed by Andy Serkis from a script by Kelly Marcel and, along with Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams, Reid Scott, and Naomie Harris, stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom. The release of Venom 2 in the United States is scheduled for October 2, 2020. Plot: Not yet revealed. The Eternals
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About Movie: The Eternals is a potential American superhero movie based on the same name's Marvel Comics race. Produced by Marvel Studios and produced by Motion Pictures at Walt Disney Studios. The film is directed by Matthew and Ryan Firpo's Chloé Zhao, and features an ensemble cast including Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Lia McHugh, Don Lee, Barry Keoghan, Gemma Chan, and Kit Harington. The Eternals are scheduled to be released in the United States on November 6, 2020. Plot: The Eternals ' saga, a race of immortal beings that lived on Earth and shaped their history and civilizations. Godzilla vs. Kong
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About Movie: Godzilla vs. Kong is Adam Wingard's new American monster movie, produced by Terry Rossio. The movie is also the 36th film in the Godzilla series, the 12th film in the King Kong franchise, and the fourth Godzilla film to be made exclusively by a Hollywood studio. The film stars are Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Shun Oguri, Eiza González, Jessica Henwick, Julian Dennison, Kyle Chandler, Zhang Ziyi, and Demián Bichir. Godzilla vs. Kong is expected to be released on  November 20, 2020. Plot: As the gigantic Kong meets the unstoppable Godzilla, the world watches to see which one of them will become King of the Monsters.   You might be interested in these articles, Have a look at them. MARVEL  PHASE 5 MOVIES AND SHOWS LIST HUGE MARVEL PHASE 5 LEAK – MCU Deadpool will Join with Avengers Soon – MCU Best Hollywood Movies of 2019 that You Must See! Read the full article
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mellifluouyllium · 7 years
The Extended Signs as Shipwrecks
Aries - Black Assarca shipwreck Arsces - Globe Star Arrius - HMS Gulland Ariborn - MV Mtongwe Arittarius - Katina P Arpia - Sunny South Arza - MS Achille Lauro Arga - SMS Königsberg Aro - HMS Pegasus Arcen - MV Spice Islander I Armini - MVBukoba Arun - MVKabalega Arist - SS Robert Coryndon Arsci - Adventure Galley Arnius - HMS Serapis Aricorn - HMS Karanja Arittanius - HMS Algerine Arpio - SS City of Venice Arra - HMT Narkunda Argo - HMS Ibis Arlo - USS Leedstown Arcer - HMCS Louisburg Armino - HMT Rohna Arus - HMS Samphire Taurus - HMS Attack Taurist - HMS Defender Taursci - HMS Myngs Taurnius - L'Orient Tauricorn - HMS Salvia Taurittanius - Yolanda Taurpio - HMS Dainty Taurra - HMS Ladybird Taurgo - SS Shuntien Taurlo - HMS Sikh Taurcer - HMS Terror Taurmino - La Seyne Taurun - SS Yoma Tauries - Commerce Taursces - SS Delhi Taurrius - SS Empire Barracuda Tauriborn - USS Hugh L. Scott Taurittarius - HMS Lady Shirley Taurpia - USS Tasker H. Bliss Taurza - SY Taube Taurga - HMS Havock Tauro - HMS Hostile Taurcen - Mahdia Taurmini - HMS Manchester Gemini - USS PC-496 Gemun - USS Redwing Gemries - Bom Jesus Gemsces - MV Dunedin Star Gemrius - Eduard Bohlen Gemiborn - Natal Coast Gemittarius - Otavi Gempia - Frotamerica Gemza - Bredenhof Gemga - Cordigliera Gemo - Doddington Gemcen - Grosvenor Gemino - Kapodistrias Gemus - Kiperousa Gemrist - Meng Yaw Gemsci - MTS Oceanos Gemnius - Santissimo Sacramento Gemicorn - SS Shalom Gemittanius - TMP Sagittarius Gempio - HMS Otus Gemra - MT Phoenix Gemgo - Volo Gemlo - Arniston Gemcer - HMS Birkenhead Cancer - BOS 400 Camino - British Peer Canus - Cospatrick Canrist - HMS Guardian Cansci - Ikan Tanda Cannius - Joanna Canicorn - Johanna Wagner Canittanius - SS Maori Canpio - Meisho Maru No. 38 Canra - Nolloth Cango - Pantalis A Lemos Canlo - HMS Pelorus Cancen - Great Basses wreck Camini - SAS President Kruger Canun - São José Paquete Africa Canries - HMS Sceptre Cansces - MV Seli 1 Canrius - Staaten Generaal Caniborn - A.H. Stevens Canittarius - HMS Thames Canpia - SS Thomas T. Tucker Canza - MV Treasure Canga - SS Wafra Cano - MV Farah III Leo - Diemermeer Lecen - Hartwell Lemini - MV George Leun - MV Joola Leries - Bouvet Lesces - HNoMS Nordkapp Lerius - Primauguet Leiborn - William D. Lawrence Leittarius - Fifi Lepia - MV Demas Victory Leza - MV Glen Sannox Lega - Saudi Golden Arrow Lelo - Allah Mina Lecer - MV Dara Lemino - Aden Leus - SS Hutton Lerist - HMS Khartoum Lesci - HMIS Jamnagar Lenius - USS Salute Leicorn - HMIS Indus Leittanius - Amatsukaze Lepio - SMS Cormoran Lera - Dashun Lego - Dingyuan Virgo - Dong Fang Zhi Xing Virlo - Huaguangjiao One Vircer - Jingyuan Virmino - Jiyuan Virus - Kaimon Virist - Laiyuan Virsci - Nan'ao One Virnius - Nanhai One Viricorn - Ōshima Virittanius - Petropavlovsk Virpio - Red Star 312 Virra - Rong Jian Virga - Sevastopol Viro - Wanjiao One Vircen - HMAS Armidale Virmini - HMAS Voyager Virun - SS Bokhara Viries - Fatshan Virsces - RMS Queen Elizabeth Virrius - Lamma IV Viriborn - Neftegaz-67 Virittarius - PNS Ghazi Virpia - The Kadakkarapally Boat Virza - SS Stakesby Libra - HMS Alceste Ligo - Amagiri Liblo - SS Aquila Licer - Asagumo Limino - Ashigara Libus - Belitung shipwreck Librist - USS Bullhead Libsci - HNLMS De Ruyter Libnius - USS Edsall Libicorn - HMS Electra Libittanius - HMS Encounter Lipio - HMS Exeter Libza - SMS Breslau Liga - Hayanami Libo - Hokaze Licen - USS Houston Limini - I-60 Libun - Inazuma Libries - Isonami Libsces - Isuzu Librius - Itsukushima Libiborn - HNLMS Java Libittarius - Junyō Maru Lipia - HMS Jupiter Scorpio - Hatsutaka Scorra - HNLMS Kortenaer Scorgo - Lammermuir Scorlo - USS Langley Scorcer - Levina 1 Scormino - USAT Liberty Scorus - HMS Li Wo Scorist - Memnon Scorsci - Minazuki Scornius - Nadakaze Scoricorn - Natsushio Scorittanius - Atago Maru Scorpia - Uluburun shipwreck Scorza - USS Perch Scorga - HMAS Perth Scoro - USS Pope Scorcen - USS S-36 Scormini - SS San Flaviano Scorun - MV Senopati Nusantara Scories - SS Sierra Cordoba Scorsces - KMP Tampomas II Scorrius - Tōhō Maru Scoriborn - Tsugaru Scorittarius - HMS Victoria Sagittarius - HNLMS Van Ghent Sagipia - HNLMS Van Nes Sagiza - Admiral Nakhimov Sagiga - Admiral Ushakov Sagio - Aki Sagicen - Aoba Sagimini - Aoba Maru Sagiun - MV Danny F II Sagiries - USS Bates Sagisces - Borodino Sagirius - Chishima Sagiborn - Chiyoda Sagittanius - SS Dakota Sagipio - USS Emmons Sagira - Ertuğrul Sagigo - USS Greene Sagilo - Lisbon Maru Sagicer - Vladimir Monomakh Sagimino - Imperator Aleksandr III Sagius - Kamikaze Sagirist - Kawachi Sagisci - SS Kiche Maru Saginius - Kitagawa Maru No.5 Sagicorn - Knyaz Suvorov Capricorn - Nagara Caprittanius - Nankai Maru Capripio - Nisshin Caprira - Nossa Senhora da Graça Caprigo - Numakuze Caprilo - Okikaze Capricer - Oslyabya Caprimino - Otowa Caprius - Seiki Caprist - Sekirei Maru Caprisci - SS Shiun Maru Caprinius - USS Skylark Capriborn - Sissoi Veliky Caprittarius - USS Swallow Capripia - USS Tang Capriza - Tarumizu Maru No.6 Capriga - HMS Somali Caprio - USS Thornton Capricen - Tofuku Maru Caprimini - Tokiwa Maru Capriun - Tosa Capries - Tōya Maru Caprisces - Toyo Maru No 10 Capririus - Tsushima Maru Aquarius - Atago Maru Aquiborn - Awazisan Maru Aquittarius - Haguro Aquapia - Hatsutaka Aquaza - Kuma Aquaga - SS Kuroshio Maru Aquo - HMS Prince of Wales Aquacen - HMS Repulse Aquamini - HMS Stratagem Aquiun - HMS Achates Aquaries - RFA Aldersdale Aquasces - HMS Bickerton Aquanius - HMS Edinburgh Aquicorn - SS Empire Byron Aquittanius - SS Empire Cowper Aquapio - SS El Occidente Aquara - Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt Aquago - FV Gaul Aqualo - HMS Trinidad Aquacer - RFA Gray Ranger Aquamino - Hinrich Freese Aquius - Lauenburg Aquarist - SS Oliver Ellsworth Aquasci - SS Santa Rosa Pisces - SS Stalingrad Pirius - Crown of Italy Piborn - MV Explorer Pittarius - San Telmo Pipia - MY Ady Gil Piza - Desdemona Piga - Duchess of Albany Pio - ARA General Belgrano Picen - HMS Justice Pimini - USS Perkins Piun - Potosi Piries - Sarmiento Pisci - Usurbil Pinius - Aquidabã Picorn - Bezerra de Menezes Pittanius - Sobral Santos II Pipio - Stag Hound Pira - Tocantins Pigo - Elihu B. Washburne Pilo - Kapunda Picer - RMS Magdalena Pimino - Novo Amapa Pius - Pinguino Pirist - Príncipe de Asturias
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My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Director: Hayao Miyazaki Cast: Noriko Hidaka, Chika Sakamoto, Shigesato Itoi, Sumi Shimamoto,  Hitoshi Takagi, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Tanie Kitabayashi, Naoki Tatsuta, Chie Kojiro Best Moment: Encounter with Totoro under the rain
10 Things I Hate About You (2001) Director: Gil Junger Cast: Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik, Larry Miller, Andrew Keegan, David Krumholtz, Susan May Pratt Best Moment: Cameron standing up to Joey
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) Director: Paul Greengrass Cast: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn, Scott Glenn, Paddy Considine, Édgar Ramírez, Albert Finney, Joan Allen Best Moment: White knuckle showdown between Bourne and Bouksani
Inglourious Basterds (2009) Director: Quentin Tarantino Cast: Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger, Gedeon Burkhard, Jacky Ido Best Moment: The bar buildup
Where the Wild Things Are (2009) Director: Spike Jonze Cast: Max Records, Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper, Forest Whitaker, Catherine O'Hara, Paul Dano, Michael Berry Jr. Best Moment: Max and Carol wandering around the woods
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semester2research · 7 years
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Détournement- Situationists
Barbara Kruger
Cacophony Society
‘A détournement, meaning "rerouting, hijacking" in French, is a technique developed in the 1950s by the Letterist International, and later adapted by the Situationist International (SI), that was defined in the SI's inaugural 1958 journal as "[t]he integration of present or past artistic productions into a superior construction of a milieu.” “It has been defined elsewhere as "turning expressions of the capitalist system and its media culture against itself" Détournement was prominently used to set up subversive political pranks, an influential tactic called situationist prank that was reprised by the punk movement in the late 1970s and inspired the culture jamming movement in the late 1980s.’
‘Détournement is similar to satirical parody, but employs more direct reuse or faithful mimicry of the original works rather than constructing a new work which merely alludes strongly to the original. It may be contrasted with recuperation, in which originally subversive works and ideas are themselves appropriated by mainstream media.’
‘Guy Debord and Gil J Wolman categorized détourned elements into two types: minor détournements and deceptive détournements. Minor détournements are détournements of elements that in themselves are of no real importance such as a snapshot, a press clipping, an everyday object which draw all their meaning from being placed in a new context. Deceptive détournements are when already significant elements such as a major political or philosophical text, great artwork or work of literature take on new meanings or scope by being placed in a new context.’
‘However, the line between 'recuperation' and 'détournement' can become thin (or at least very fuzzy) at times, as Naomi Klein points out in her book No Logo. Here she details how corporations such as Nike, Pepsi or Diesel have approached Culture Jammers and Adbusters and offered them lucrative contracts in return for partaking in 'ironic' promotional campaigns. She points out further irony by drawing attention to merchandising produced in order to promote Adbusters' Buy Nothing Day, an example of the recuperation of détournement if ever there was one.‘
‘Klein's arguments about irony reifying rather than breaking down power structures are echoed by Slavoj Žižek. Žižek argues that the kind of distance opened up by détournement is the condition of possibility for ideology to operate: by attacking and distancing oneself from the sign-systems of capital, the subject creates a fantasy of transgression that "covers up" his/her actual complicity with capitalism as an overarching system. In contrast, scholars are very fond of pointing out the differences between hypergraphics, 'detournement', the postmodern idea of appropriation and the Neoistuse of plagiarism as the use of different and similar techniques used for different and similar means, effects and causes.‘
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casseroleboombox · 8 years
Grace Helbig's Fractured Foot | Electra Woman & Dyna Girl | Fullscreen
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tenaciouspeachbread · 9 years
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Electrawoman & DynaGil
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shmoo06 · 9 years
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ialsodontknow7 · 10 years
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Does Gil Kruger ships Elise vs Natasha???
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queer-shipper · 10 years
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Happy birthday to itsswike
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casseroleboombox · 8 years
Grace's Accents | Electra Woman & Dyna Girl | Fullscreen
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tenaciouspeachbread · 9 years
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Gil’s favorite Game Of Thrones character?
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