#gigi good morning you amazing legend
andreabarzagli · 7 years
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Buffon, Alex Sandro, Höwedes, Khedira, Lichtsteiner, Benatia, Matuidi and Allegri during today’s training session (21.02.18)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Heart of Glass, Mind of Stone, 1/? (Jiji, Methydoll) - Ella
summary - When Crystal envisioned her life as a law student, she daydreamed of topping her classes and the inevitable sleepless nights that it would come with. What she didn’t expect was to be so tied up to a high-profile murder case that it was next to impossible to get herself out of it.
a/n - welcome to my first ever multichap! ive been planning this for almost a month now, so glad that it’s finally out here! thank you so much to the amazing and talented @imalwaysaslutfordrag for beta-ing! thank you to v as well for helping me sort out some concerns, she’s really really cool :>
feel free to hmu here on tumblr @dawningofdrag or maybe, if you have the time, give this a read on ao3 as well! enjoy some lawyer gays, folks
There was a dead body lying on the floor and nobody. dared. to move.
“We killed her,” Crystal spoke, voice so hoarse from the screaming just moments ago that her throat ached.
Her eyes were blown wide- just like everyone else’s -as she stared at the corpse lying lifeless on the dark herringbone floorboards. The bright fluorescent light of the lamp posts that stood outside the property peeked through the sheer curtains of the living room they stood in, almost perfectly framing the bleak expression of the cadaver resting in the middle of the circle the Latina and the rest of the group had created.
A breathy scream broke the silence and Crystal traced the sound back to Gigi, who dropped to the floor in sheer terror. Her green eyes barely broke contact with the body, short erratic breaths escaping her bare pink lips through the pale hand that covered it. Crystal instinctively ran over to where the blonde now sat on the floor, wrapping her arms around her lean frame in an attempt to calm her down.
“She’s dead,” Gigi gasped out, bloodshot eyes still refusing to tear away from the body laid out in front of her. The Latina grasped the blonde’s hand, squeezing it to offer some sense of comfort despite the horrifying circumstances.
The room fell silent, a thick, heavy air resting on their shoulders as they all collectively just stood there, allowing their actions and its repercussions to settle into their conscience.
“We’re murderers,” Gigi whispered through her hiccups, and all Crystal could do was nod. They killed her. They committed murder, and all of a sudden it felt like it was much, much harder to breathe.
- three months before -
Crystal shot the rest of her now lukewarm coffee down her throat in a quick motion, slamming the warm thermos down on her incredibly small desk with a loud thud. She exhaled, setting her bag on the floor next to her chair before inserting herself in it. Her hands grazed the chipped wood that made up her armrests, a soft smile appearing on her painted lips.
First day of law school, totally not the scariest thing in the whole world. Not like she dreamt of this day since she was a little girl, you know?
Crystal could now proudly declare to the world (and her extremely judgemental tia’s and tio’s) that she was studying law at the best law school in the country, sitting in a lecture hall ready to attend a class spearheaded by the sole individual who made her realize she wanted to pursue a law career in the first place. How she wasn’t fully freaking out right now was just as much of a mystery to her as it was to everyone else.
She set her laptop on the desk attached to her assigned chair, flipping through the thin folder of her academic roster with curious eyes. She quickly glanced over her classes, the professors teaching them, taking into account the buildings they were held in and when they started.
The sound of a cough diverted the Latina’s attention, bright green eyes meeting hers.
The woman was clad in an olive green pantsuit and a plain black blouse that seemed to fit her like a glove. It seemed perfectly tailored, almost as if the suit was custom-made. Her short blonde hair was styled to be pin straight, meticulously tucked behind one ear to show off her strong jawline. Her green eyes were narrowed, staring into the Latina’s eyes as if she was guilty of a crime she didn’t commit.
Crystal almost laughed at how hard the woman tried her best to look intimidating.
“Can I help you?” She questioned in a sing-song tone, a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised in confusion. The blonde rolled her eyes.
Crystal narrowed her own. Okay, Elle Woods.
“You’re sitting in my seat.” The woman tapped the sole of her black Louboutin on the tiled floor repeatedly, impatiently waiting for a response.
“Pretty sure I sit here, Ms. Woods.”
“How original.” The blonde scoffed, pulling out a digital image of the assigned seating from her phone to show the Latina who still sat comfortably in her seat, showing no willingness to move whatsoever.
“I sit in the sixth chair from the right.” She stated matter-of-factly. Crystal didn’t even bother hiding her amusement.
She chuckled, turning her body to point at the vacant seat next to her. “I sit in the fifth seat from the right.” Crystal grinned a mischievous smile. “You’re one off, Woods.”
She watched as the blonde woman’s cheeks flared up in embarrassment, quickly taking a seat next to her while keeping her head hung low.
“You’re a law student and you can’t even like, count correctly?” The brunette mocked the woman next to her, nudging her side softly to lighten the mood.
“I’m smart in other ways.” The blonde rolled her eyes once more, but her cold facade faded away just moments after doing so, and a grin started to creep up on the edges of her glossed lips.
“Georgina Goode, Columbia.” She greeted Crystal’s lighthearted gaze with an extension of her arm, hand out for her to shake. “Guess I should master the art of counting before I try to act like I know my shit.”
“Well, you learn new things everyday.” The brunette grinned. Of course she was a Georgina. She reeked of water polo lessons and summers in a beach house in Miami. It further supported Crystal’s initial hypothesis that Ms. Goode, she was definitely an Elle Woods type. You know, the privileged but woke white kid who believed they deserved a medal for recognizing their privilege. She met a couple of them back in pre-law, and they were all so incredibly annoying.
Gigi seemed slightly less annoying though, so she’ll reserve the need to have an opinion until she actually got to know her.
“Just call me Gigi, though.”
Crystal nodded at the information, extending her arm out to receive the open hand.
“Crystal Harness, Yale.”
Their hands collided, a firm couple of shakes and soft smiles before they both pulled away, shifting away from each other to set up their table (seriously though, why were they so small? She wasn’t paying forty grand a semester for her lecture desk to support the weight of half her laptop).
“So, what brings you here?” Crystal couldn’t help but question, starting a conversation between the two and sparking the interest of the woman next to her. It never hurt to make friends in law school.
“I mean, if you were already in Columbia. Don’t they like, top the bars all the time?”
“Oh, easy.” Gigi scoffed at the question as if her answer was so painfully obvious, briefly pointing to the professor’s desk situated just a couple of rows in front of them. “Her.”
I mean, that reason was fair enough. Crystal would be lying if she told you she didn’t also take the attorney into mind when choosing a law school. If she really had to tell the truth, then yes, Attorney Jaida Essence Hall’s teaching position was the sole reason she chose Middleton for law.
Could you blame her though? She was Black, gay, female, and an absolute fucking legend. Harvard Law Valedictorian, record-breaking LSAT score, and built her whole reputation from the ground up. She was a whole ass celebrity in Crystal’s eyes, and hearing that Jaida had a teaching position in Middleton was all the information she needed to choose the university.
“I get it.” Crystal replied after a brief moment, finally relaxing against the back of her chair’s deflated cushions. “I kind of wanna be her.”
“You and every other woman in this class, Crystal.” The blonde mumbled, smirking at her snide remark. “You’re not special.”
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
The booming sound of high heels clicking against the tiled floor almost startled Crystal, immediately turning her attention towards the woman who just entered the room.
“Good morning class, my name is Jaida Essence Hall-”
She set her black Hermes bag on top of the wooden professor’s table with a loud thud, flipping her long dark hair past her shoulder so effortlessly that she had Crystal, Gigi, and the rest of the class absolutely mesmerized.
Professor Hall turned to face the class in one swift motion, sporting a welcoming grin before continuing her entrancing introduction.
“- and welcome to Criminal Law 100.”
Crystal swore under her breath, taking everything in. The reason she wanted to pursue law was standing twelve feet away from her, leaning against the table with her arms crossed around her chest.
The Latina couldn’t even force herself to focus on the rest of Jaida’s probably really inspiring opening monologue, mind still busy trying to wrap about the idea of breathing the same air as Jaida Essence Hall. Was she overreacting? Probably. Did she care? Absolutely the fuck not. Let her have this.
“If you have been keeping yourselves updated on local news, I’m certain that you have crossed the ongoing case regarding the murder of Brianna Heller.”
That sentence pulled Crystal out of the trance she found herself in, the wording of her statement incorrect in her honest opinion. You didn’t need to watch the local news to know about it. If you lived in Philadelphia for a solid five minutes you’d know about the case of Brianna Heller. She was a Middleton undergrad who went missing for a whole month before her body was found two days ago in the basement of an abandoned warehouse, a spot frequented by undergrads looking for their dose of illegal thrill. Each and every aspect of the case felt like it was pulled right out of a murder mystery book, down to the alleged suspects and their relationships with each other. The press was having a field day milking the case dry for any information they could publish.  
Jaida went back and forth across the platform, one hand on her hip as she continued. “Just this morning, I was asked to represent one of the main suspects, Jamie McKenna.”
The woman clicked on her remote, displaying a photo of the woman on the projector screen.
I mean if you were gonna ask Crystal, she thought Jamie did it. After quickly scanning the case a couple of nights ago when she had absolutely nothing better to do, she had a gut feeling the blonde committed the murder. They both had rather large online followings due to their theater backgrounds, but Brianna had much bigger numbers in comparison to Jamie, even though in Crystal’s opinion, Jamie was a much better singer.
There was a very clear motive and intent. All they needed was to find the murder weapon and the case was closed.
The class erupted in loud whispers once the photo displayed itself on screen, Gigi visibly unfazed next to her. Everyone has had a conversation about the case with friends, family, strangers. Talking about it felt redundant and unnecessary, and if you were going to ask Crystal, the conversation was getting really boring.
Jaida paused for a brief moment, allowing the murmurs to die on their own before speaking further. “And although both my associates are very capable individuals, the publicity surrounding the case is unbearable, which means I cannot make one single mistake.”
Crystal narrowed her eyes, confused as to the relevancy of her announcement until it hit her.
Oh my fucking God.
Jaida’s gonna need a team.
“Which means I’m gonna need a team.”
Holy shit.
“For the next week, I will be paying close attention to how you all work during my lectures. My associates will be in attendance, watching from the sidelines, and observing each and every one of you. We need the best of the best so that those chosen will be more of an asset rather than a burden.”
Crystal’s eyes were blown wide at Jaida’s words, her head still spinning as she tried to grasp how big of a deal this actually was. Her eyes met Gigi’s, who was equally as taken back as the Latina, jaw slacked open in shock.
“You will be meeting my associates tomorrow, but make a lasting first impression on me and you might find yourself in the list of people I consider. Am I clear?”
Crystal nodded absent-mindedly, her mind sprinting a million miles a minute as she automatically started to come up with ways to stand out of a class of sixty people.
“Alright, now that that’s all cleared up,” Jaida turned on her heel to fiddle with her laptop, displaying the assigned reading on screen before turning to face the class once more.
“Does anyone want to summarize the case of Commonwealth v. Polachek for me?”
Crystal had never raised her hand quicker in her entire life. It was game on, I guess.
Crystal fumbled to pull out the keys of her front door from the pocket of her cross-body bag, feeling the contents with her fingers until she felt the metal touch her skin. She walked past her neighbor, flashing a nervous smile the woman’s way before she stopped just in front of her apartment.
“Weren’t you in Professor Hall’s class today?”
Crystal’s head whipped around to face the woman who stood a couple of feet away from where she stood, leaning against the doorway of the apartment just next to hers.
The Latina’s eyes met the other girl’s equally dark ones, wavy dark hair framing the woman’s face perfectly. She was clad in a tight-fitting black turtleneck tucked into a high waist black pant, dark plaid blazer and gold jewelry breaking the monochromatic fabrics and causing her jet-black hair to stand out against the blazer’s tweed fabric.  
“Yeah. ” Crystal stumbled over her words, running her free hand through her thick curls. How was every single woman in her Criminal Law class so fucking pretty? “Middleton Law too?”
“Mhmm.” Her neighbor smiled, taking a couple of steps forward to close the rather large distance between them both.
She reached out her hand. “Jackie Cox. Harvard Medicine.”
Crystal has never shaken so many hands in such a small period of time. The second they all entered law school everyone became so pathetically professional that it almost humored her.
“Crystal! NYU.” She grinned, shaking her hand before catching onto the words that filled Jackie’s introduction.  
“Wait, medicine?” Crystal questioned, pulling her arm back and tucking it into her jean pocket.
“Yeah.” Jackie shrugged the question off with a rather confused tone, acting as if her circumstances were a normal occurrence. “Medicine got really boring, so did Harvard, so I thought I’d give law a shot.”
The Latina didn’t know how to respond. “Woah that’s uh, really cool.”
Crystal wanted to wince at herself for sounding like a fucking four-year-old. She stepped back, shifted her body away, and lifted her key to the lock. Her mind ran in circles, deciding whether or not to invite Jackie to the dinner she and her roommate planned to have later that night. Making friends in law school had many more benefits than it had consequences, and having an incredibly smart medical student-turned-law student on your side sounded like an incredible asset to have in future study groups. Plus, Jackie just seemed really fucking cool.
“Well, uh, my roommate Heidi is coming tonight and we were planning to get to know each other over dinner at 8 o’clock.” The Latina smiled, meeting Jackie’s eyes once more. “Do you maybe wanna join?”
As if on cue, Crystal’s front door burst open to reveal her roommate, who greeted her and Jackie’s startled dispositions with a toothy grin and bare arms spread wide, ready to envelop the Latina in a warm hug.
“Oh my god, Crystal it’s so nice to finally meet you!” Heidi ran a couple of steps to tackle the smaller woman into a tight hug, rocking from side to side as if they were long lost sisters who had finally been reunited. “I can’t believe we’re here!”
A laugh escaped from deep in Crystal’s chest after her new roommate knocked the wind out of her with an overexcited hug. She paused for a quick moment, still taken back by the sudden action, before wrapping her arms around the shorter woman. “Hi!”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Crystal pulled back a couple of inches, reciprocating the infectious energy her new roommate put out for her to receive.
Crystal had never met Heidi before, they’ve only been exchanging a handful of texts and semi-professional emails just to get their living situation all sorted out before they moved in. The brunette never would have thought that the woman behind the meticulously worded emails she was receiving over the week was an extrovert who would rather give out hugs over a professional handshake. The duality of man, I guess.
She and Heidi exchange introductions, Jackie joining in on the conversation after a while as they talk about their dinner plans together.
“That sounds great!” Jackie grinned at the invitation, beamed almost, unlocking her door with a twist of a key, pushing it open with force. “I’ll bring some baklava for dessert.”
“I have never heard of baklava! Is it like a Middle Eastern thing or sum’n?” Heidi questioned, her fingernails mindlessly picking on the lint of her wool sweater.
Jackie nodded, a soft laugh coming out of her mouth as she did so. “Yes it is, you hit the nail on the head.”
“Well, it sounds delightful.” The Black woman smiled, arm wrapped around Crystal’s waist like they were all of a sudden the bestest of friends. She honestly didn’t mind having someone like Heidi as a roommate, the loving and positive energy just radiating off of her warm skin was a great juxtaposition from the cold and professional people she was probably going to encounter throughout her law student experience.
They bid their goodbye’s, setting up their final dinner plans before they entered their respective apartments, Heidi already chatting up a storm as they turned to leave.
Crystal waved as Jackie disappeared into her apartment, a small grin resting on her painted lips as she turned to swing her front door open. “See ya, Doc.”
“Gigi, if you fucking scream one more time I swear to god-” Jackie spoke through gritted teeth, knuckles turning white at how tight she gripped the metal bat in her hand.
Her dark eyes scanned the room, pausing at the surrounding windows to check if anyone was peeking through them. Jackie dropped the bat with caution, afraid that the collision of metal on wood would startle anyone that was currently inside the house. She crouched down to inspect the lifeless corpse that separated her from the rest of the group, delicately grazing the pale skin and dead blue eyes with her trembling fingers. She closed the body’s eyes before meeting Crystal’s brown, much more alive ones.
“We have to get rid of the body.”
“Are you fucking insane?” Crystal scoffed, guiding a very distraught Gigi to sit against the armrest of a lounge chair not far by. She made sure the blonde was much calmer than she was just moments ago before shifting her gaze to the Persian across the room.
“You want us to go out on a Friday night? after finals week?” The brunette spat out, her uncontrollable fear turning itself into annoyance and frustration at the sound of her friend’s suggestion.
“Are you dumb?” Jackie hissed, the heels of her boots clicking against the wood as she looked around for a way to clean up the blood slowly pooling around the corpse’s body. “Our DNA is on her skin, Crystal. Under her nails, on her clothes, on the fucking gun.”
“We go to an incinerator and burn the body.” Jackie reasoned, pulling a handkerchief from her bag and getting on her knees as she soaked up the blood from the floor like it was nothing serious. “We’ll classify the remains as animal carcass.”
Crystal stood in place, jaw slacked open in awe of Jackie’s lack of disgust towards the corpse as she dragged the previously clean fabric across the wooden floorboards. “Get rid of any evidence. We can say she ran away. They’ll believe it, her case was a clear loss anyway.”
The Latina groaned in defeat, pulling a handkerchief from her winter coat as she crouched down to join Jackie in cleaning up the mess they had made together. “Fuck you, Doc.”
“Can’t help that I know my shit, Mistress.”
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mrjlogic · 5 years
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This is so good! [swipe left] . . Thank you @chocolatecitycomics for this! *salute to all the fathers out there* . . “Kobe posts till my tears dry up!” . . #Repost @chocolatecitycomics ・・・ Morning all, . We hope you are all having a dope weekend, . . We weren't going to post any more Kobe and Gianna art BUT this was too amazing not to post by two good friends of ours Justin @justin_richburg and Mike @morethanmiked , flick to read the strip... . . All our love and condolences from ourselves, these guys and all our followers go out to the Bryant family and the others killed in the tragedy...we are still processing it... . . IF you're a parent live your best life with your children hold them tight, tell them you love them EVERY day, you never know what life will throw at you, as parents we won't always get things right but we can love our children unconditionally and that's all they need... . . A true legend and an amazing father with an amazing family, Rest in peace Kobe & Gigi . . . . #chocolatecitycomics #blackmamba #art #artist #kobe #kobebryant #mambamentality #ripkobe #ripgigi #sosad #bhm #shareblackstories #blackhistorymonth #lalakers #truelegend #girldad #nba #ripgianna #mambacita #lakers #lakernation (at Staples Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FvFTqg6Kq/?igshid=5gniag3drvwd
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/melania-trump-ready-vogue-wile-george-clooney-proves-fertile/
Melania Trump ready to Vogue while George Clooney proves fertile
Despite her husband publically bashing the media (including fashion publication Vanity Fair) on countless occasions, First Lady Melania Trump will likely still get a chance to be a fashion magazine cover star. In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour revealed that she is planning to shoot Melania during her reign as the nation’s First Lady. Anna told the Journal, “We have a tradition of always covering whoever is the first lady at Vogue, and I can’t imagine that this time would be any different.” Surprisingly, Donald’s wife has already been featured on Vogue, which is a highly sought after cover within the modeling world. Back in 2005, Melania graced the cover in an embroidered bridal gown. The accompanying article within the magazine introduced the Slovenia-native as “Donald Trump’s New Bride,” as 2005 was the year that the two tied the knot. In line with what Anna told The Wall Street Journal, Vogue has had numerous US First Ladies on their cover. In fact, Michelle Obama graced the cover of the high fashion magazine on 3 separate occasions. Based on all of the controversy surrounding both Melania and her husband Donald Trump, it will be interesting to see how consumers react to Melania’s [future] issue of Vogue. Unlike the public, who just found out earlier this week, George Clooney’s good friend Matt Damon has known about George and Amal’s pregnancy for several months now. Earlier this week, The Talk co-host Julie Chen broke the big news to the public, revealing that actor George Clooney and his accomplished journalist wife Amal are expecting twins. This inevitably came as a shock to most, as many assumed that George was not interested in having kids. In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight Canada, George’s pal Matt Damon revealed that he has been keeping the couple’s secret for the past while. Matt told the media outlet, “I was working with [George] last fall, and he pulled me aside on set and I mean, I almost started crying. I was so happy for him. And I was like, ‘How far along is she?’ and he goes, ‘Eight weeks.’ [And I said] ‘Are you out of your mind? Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t you know the 12-week rule?’ Like, of course he doesn’t.” Matt went on to recount, “Then four weeks later, I’m like, ‘We’re good right?’” Fortunately, George assured Matt that Amal and him were still preparing for parenthood. When asked about George’s beau Amal Clooney, Matt gushed all about her to ET. Matt explained, “I’m thrilled for [George]. [Amal’s] amazing. He hit the jackpot. Just on every level. She is a remarkable woman. They’re gonna be great. They’re gonna be awesome parents. Those kids are lucky.” With George and Amal’s A-list network of friends, as well as the baby frenzy that is currently going on in Hollywood, the couple’s offspring will undoubtedly have a long list of famous friends. This year's Oscar telecast will have some big Grammy Award winners: Sting, Justin Timberlake, John Legend and Lin-Manuel Miranda are all slated to perform the tunes nominated for Best Original Song. Timberlake will perform "Can't Stop The Feeling" from the movie "Trolls" and Sting will perform "The Empty Chair" from "Jim: The James Foley Story," the Oscar-nominated song he co-wrote with three-time Oscar nominee J. Ralph. Legend will perform both "Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" and "City of Stars" from "La La Land" and Miranda will team up with Auli'i Cravalho to perform the Oscar-nominated song "How Far I'll Go" from "Moana." The Oscars air Feb. 26 on ABC, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. In a bizarre series of events, Josh Elliott stepped down from CBS’s digital channel on Friday for a larger role at CBS News — shocking his own bosses. Elliott, who had served as CBSN’s lead daytime anchor for a year, bid an emotional farewell to viewers, saying that it was to be his “last day.” “It has been by any measure a great stay here at CBSN,” he added. It was surprising news — not least to CBS News execs, who had no idea he was announcing his plan to leave the online station. “This is a mess of epic proportions,” said a network source. “Nobody at the top at CBS News knew that Josh was going to do that.” It seems Elliott — who joined the network from NBC in 2016 — had recently met with Laurie Orlando, the network’s head of talent, who told him that she wanted him to take on a bigger role at CBS News. The plan is for him to file reports for “CBS Evening News” and “CBS This Morning,” and help fill in for Charlie Rose, who has just undergone heart surgery. We’re told the surgery was a success and Rose is expected back at work in three weeks. “Then Josh announced his departure without warning,” said the insider. “Executives at CBS were stunned.” Meanwhile, sources close to Elliott claim that his executive producer dropped the ball for not alerting higher-ups, including Orlando and CBS News president David Rhodes. “They totally bungled their own announcement,” said the source. “There was no communication.” There was a flurry of meetings Friday at CBS News to work out how to handle the debacle. Finally, they announced Elliott would be reporting on a national level for CBS News. Insiders say the move is part of a plan for Elliott to take on a bigger role down the line. There are rumors CBS could move Scott Pelley off “CBS Evening News,” which network chiefs have denied. On Friday, a CBS rep told us, “Josh is going to be taking field assignments and reporting long-form pieces as well. He will appear across CBS News programs, including CBSN.” Gigi Hadid couldn’t keep her cool on her first date with boyfriend Zayn Malik. “We actually met at a friends birthday party a few years ago,” the 21-year-old model told Ellen DeGeneres in an episode that aired on Friday, “Then he was in New York to go to the Victoria’s Secret show last year, I think, and ended up not coming. I was like ‘I’ll play it cool. I’ll go to the after-party.’ He wasn’t there and then later that week we ended up going on our first date.” She added, “We played it cool for like 10 minutes, and then I was like, ‘You’re really cute.'” The couple began dating in 2015. “We connected really quickly,” she said, “We had the same sense of humor.” In June 2016, there were rumors the couple had called it quits. According to E!, the couple have experienced several rough patches throughout their relationship, but it seems they’ve worked through those issues. “Black-ish” star Yara Shahidi called a federal appeals court ruling against President Donald Trump’s travel ban an “early birthday present.” That because the half African-American, half Iranian-American actress’ grandmother can now come to visit her, the actress explained to People. “I have family that’s already in the states, and I have family in Iran. That was my early birthday present,” she told the magazine. While none of the 16-year-old’s family was directly affected by the ban, it has placed any future travel plans in limbo. “Fortunately, none of my family was traveling. It did affect the fact that my joon joon [grandmother] was possibly coming,” she said. “That’s kind of been halted until we assess what’s happening.” The Minnesota native, whose first language was Farsi, said that despite the ruling, it’s still hard to get a handle on exactly what is happening. “It goes from, ‘it’s happening,’ to ‘no, it’s postponed,’ to, ‘oh, it’s temporarily postponed,’ to ‘how temporary is the postponement? When are we going to get rid of it?’ So I feel like it’s just hard to adjust and keep up,” she admitted. On Thursday, three federal appeals judges unanimously upheld a decision that halted the president’s refugee and immigration ban. The decision prompted a shrill rebuke from Trump on Twitter. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/829836231802515457 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/830389130311921667 “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!” he wrote shortly after news of the decision broke. Clive Davis isn’t letting national politics affect his famed pre-Grammys party. The veteran music executive says his annual event will be at capacity again this year despite moves elsewhere in Hollywood to scale back awards season soirees. Celebrities have used acceptance speeches and red carpet appearances at recent awards shows to voice their concerns about President Donald Trump. The more serious mood prompted talent agency UTA this week to replace its big traditional pre-Oscars party with a political rally. But speaking Thursday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel alongside soul singer Maxwell, Davis said “there is no impact whatsoever” on Saturday’s gathering of business and tech leaders, actors, musicians and other celebrities. (Trump himself attended the event years ago when it was held in New York.) “There was a hunger for this night,” the 84-year-old music mogul said. “The audience is totally glittering and special. You can’t wait to see all of these cultural-influencing forces be in one room, one night.” Performers will include Chicago’s Chance the Rapper and Maxwell, who performed last month at the Women’s March on Washington at the invitation of Harry Belafonte, who was an honorary co-chair of the event. Davis said he expected a rising level of political engagement by fellow musicians, well past Grammy weekend. “It’s like the ’60s and the ’70s again, isn’t it. A great time for art. A great time to be able to say something that needs to be heard,” he said. “I just hope that in this time, people start using their voices.” Davis, meanwhile, says he used his voice to make sure there was a focus on music as producers crafted a documentary about his life, “Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of our Lives.” The movie was selected to kick off the Tribeca Film Festival in April. “That’s more than cool. I’m from New York. I’m from Brooklyn,” he said, “and to open at Radio City Music Hall, which is the first theater I ever visited in Manhattan when I was 13 years old — that night of April 19 will be very special.” Actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and professional ballerina Misty Copeland have joined basketball star Stephen Curry in criticizing the CEO of sports apparel company Under Armour for praising President Donald Trump. Kevin Plank, the CEO of Baltimore-based Under Armour, called Trump “an asset to the country” in an interview with CNBC this week. The company later issued a statement saying it engages in “policy, not politics.” “I appreciate and welcome the feedback from people who disagree (and agree) with Kevin Plank’s words on CNBC, but these are neither my words, nor my beliefs,” Johnson wrote as part of a lengthy Facebook post. “His words were divisive and lacking in perspective. Inadvertently creating a situation where the personal political opinions of Under Armour’s partners and its employees were overshadowed by the comments of its CEO.” Under Armour sponsors Johnson, Copeland and Curry, the two-time NBA MVP and star of the Warriors. Copeland wrote in an Instagram post she was so concerned about Plank’s comments that she spoke to him directly. Curry turned Plank’s use of “asset” around. “I agree with that description,” Curry told the Mercury News, “if you remove the ‘-et’ from asset.” None of the three has severed ties with the company. Actor Shia LaBeouf slammed the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens Friday for shuttering his controversial anti-President Trump webcam exhibit. “THE MUSEUM HAS ABANDONED US,” he wrote on Twitter. https://twitter.com/thecampaignbook/status/830078936533102592 LaBeouf’s criticism drew a swift response on his site — not all of it favorable. “Well you created a circus,” responded Quite Frankly Podcast. The Astoria-based museum said it shut down the 24/7 webcam project Friday morning because the installation had become a “flashpoint of violence.” The webcam exhibit mounted on a wall outside the museum— titled “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US” — began filming on Inauguration Day, and was to be in place 24/7, for the duration of Trump’s presidency. NBC is in talks with FremantleMedia to resurrect “American Idol,” Variety has learned. According to sources with knowledge of the discussions, NBC has been pitched a revival of the long-running singing competition by producer Fremantle and is now mulling options for how to integrate the show into its programming slate. One possibility being considered: cutting NBC’s existing singing competition “The Voice” from two cycles a year to one. Fremantle has been shopping an “Idol” revival in recent weeks, with NBC emerging as the leading candidate to become the new home of the long-running singing competition series. Sources emphasize that talks are ongoing, and no deal is yet in place. Representatives for NBC and Fremantle declined to comment. “American Idol” ran on Fox for 15 seasons beginning in 2002. For eight consecutive seasons, beginning in 2003-04, it was the highest-rated show on television. At its peak in 2006, “American Idol” averaged a 12.4 rating among the 18-49 demographic and 36.4 million total viewers, according to Nielsen live-plus-same-day numbers. Ratings began to decline steeply in the show’s later years, to the point that Fox decided that it no longer represented a worthwhile financial or scheduling commitment. (The series aired two nights a week, typically beginning in midseason.) The final season in 2016 averaged a 2.2 and 9.1 million viewers. Those numbers were far diminished from what the show drew in its heyday, but they remain respectable by contemporary standards, with delayed viewing and increased competition applying downward pressure on live ratings across television. An “American Idol” revival has been a subject of speculation since before the final season aired on Fox last year. Speaking at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in 2016, longtime host Ryan Seacrest discussed the show’s future even as he promoted what Fox had dubbed the “farewell season.” “When you’ve got a franchise that has this kind of heritage, and you’ve got a franchise that generates X amount of millions of people, if it sustains, does that mean it’s the end?” Seacrest said. “I’m not so sure.” “The Voice,” currently in its seventh year, has shown its own ratings fatigue — even as it remains NBC’s most-watched non-football offering besides freshman drama “This Is Us.” The 2016 fall cycle, which ended Dec. 12, averaged a 2.5 live-plus-same-day rating among adults 18-49, according to Nielsen overnight numbers — down 19 percent from the previous fall. From a scheduling standpoint, it could be difficult for NBC to find a place for “American Idol” without making changes to its existing unscripted slate. NBC’s schedule is already loaded with talent competitions year-round, with “The Voice” premiering new cycles in fall and mid-season, and “America’s Got Talent” — produced by original “American Idol” judge Simon Cowell — reigning as the network’s biggest draw in summer. In July, NBC gave a series order to “World of Dance,” a dance competition series from another former “American Idol” judge, Jennifer Lopez, which has not yet been scheduled. After saying she'd like to play President Donald Trump's controversial adviser Steve Bannon on "Saturday Night Live," comedienne Rosie O'Donnell has apparently changed her Twitter profile picture to make herself look like him. O'Donnell's offer to play the chief strategist came after actress Melissa McCarthy's caustic portrayal of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on "SNL" last weekend. O'Donnell's new Twitter picture appears to be a digitally altered picture of Bannon with her face replacing his. But the actress-comedian will not appear on the NBC show this weekend, her spokeswoman said Friday. O'Donnell and Trump have publicly feuded in the past, with Trump making derogatory comments about O'Donnell's looks and weight.
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