#gibbs x oc
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cas-kingdom · 1 year ago
The Night Shift
A/N: First NCIS fic! Decided to keep my OC's name instead of reader as I'm pretty attached to her.
If you're alone on V Day, here's some Gibbs. <3
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Title: The Night Shift
Summary: What's worse than a sick Gibbs? A sick mini Gibbs.
Words: 2568
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It was two am, and Emmie Gibbs was tired.
She wrinkled her nose as something tickled at it and sat up to reach for the packet of tissues sitting dutifully by the pillow.
It was two am, and Emmie Gibbs was sick and tired.
Tony, the shit-stirrer that he was, leaned precariously back in his swivel chair to stare at her. If it weren’t for the squeak of the chair itself, she still would have noticed his sudden attention by the feeling of his eyes boring into her for perhaps the tenth time since they’d set up camp in the NCIS building about five hours ago. He was relentless.
Emmie paused. Tissue wedged in her nose, sinuses burning, she looked up and stared at him. Tony rose an eyebrow. Emmie hardened her stare. Tony, because he was Tony, purposefully leaned further back so she could see the exact moment he dramatically cupped a hand to his stupid little mouth and—
Emmie’s jaw tensed. Tony grinned in superfluous victory.
Another squeak, a more familiar one this time, and Gibbs’s swivel chair glided along the carpeted floor around the divider between the cubicles until he could see Emmie. She was still sitting up, looking quite the sight with a tissue halfway up her right nostril and her hair sticking at all angles. On any other day she would have responded to Tony’s pure gall by glaring him straight into the ground. But today was not that day. Today was a bad day. Today, her week-long, just-about-bearable cold had decided to manifest into sinusitis, and she’d woken with a face that felt as though tiny little men were mining for gold in her skull. Ducky had liked that metaphor.
Partly because she was absolutely awful at caring for herself when she was ill, and partly—mostly—because he knew he wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on work if she was left to fend for herself at home, Gibbs had dragged Emmie into the office with him. She’d made her rounds all day—curled up on Abby’s little couch at first, then bundled off to an empty room when Abby found working in silence too impossible. At lunchtime, a meeting had been scheduled in the room, and she’d been forced to accompany Gibbs and Tony in the car to a naval base connected to the case they were working on, sniffling and groaning in the back seat like a Victorian child on her death bed.
And here she was now, at two a bloody m, lying on an ungodly amount of blankets, wrapped in Gibbs’s jacket and Tony’s hoodie, on the floor, feeling like her body was readying to explode. Life couldn’t get worse.
Unless you were acquainted with Tony DiNozzo. In which case, life could, and most certainly would, get worse.
Gibbs dipped his head and rose an eyebrow at Emmie. Emmie couldn’t do much in her defence but sniff. Hard. A slight protest only she had the guts to attempt. It was when he pointed a finger at her and motioned with it for her to lie down again that Emmie tossed her arms up.
“Do you know—” Another sniff—“Do you even know how hard it is to lie down and feel your sinuses drain into your throat?” Her voice was so nasally she couldn’t sound stern, even if she put every ounce of effort into it.
Tony, naturally, did not try hard to cover his amusement at that. He snorted and crossed his arms over his chest, spinning from side to side absently in his chair with the tip of his tongue held between his smirking lips when Emmie turned narrowed eyes on him.
“I was getting a tissue, FYI,” she said to him and only him. “So, you can stop being a kiss ass, Anthony.”
“Emmie.” Gibbs disappeared behind the divider again. “Back to sleep.”
Tony, meanwhile, gaped. “Kiss ass who?”
Emmie ignored him and shuffled back down again. She shut her eyes and swallowed. Already the disgusting stuff had decided the place it wanted to be right now was her stomach, and was meandering slowly down her throat towards it.
“You were being a bit of a kiss ass,” she heard Gibbs agree.
“Oh, come on. You said you wanted her to sleep!”
“Yeah, and I do.”
“But you’re gonna call me a kiss ass when I tell you she’s not sleeping? Kiss my ass.”
“What was that?”
“Sorry, Boss.”
In all honesty, there was nothing more that Emmie wanted least right now than to sleep. True, she was exhausted, but the part of her brain not currently still enshrouded in said exhaustion wanted to be up and active again, helping Gibbs with the case like her internship allowed.
And yet, the man still believed she needed her head on a pillow.
The team had been working on a case all day, one she didn’t know the specifics of. It wasn’t exactly often that they stayed in the office well into the night to continue their current case, but it appeared Gibbs had a weird feeling about this one. From the snippets of conversation that she’d picked up and actually retained in her decrepit brain, a potential witness was lying unconscious in a hospital bed somewhere, and Gibbs wanted to speak to him the moment he woke up, which, according to the doctors, could be at any time. That apparently required the entire team to stay behind which, considering the fact Emmie was currently holed up on the floor of Ziva’s empty cubicle, not everyone had complied with.
The moment Tony got out of his chair to help Gibbs with something and disappeared from her line of sight, Emmie eased herself into a sitting position once more. She reached for the tissues again, rubbing at her leaking nose with the sleeve of Gibbs’s jacket and not possessing the brain power to regret that decision. She blew into a tissue, paused to catch her breath, then—
Emmie deflated completely. Wow. The world truly hated her today.
She looked up to see McGee walking in with a bag of takeout. He barely glanced at her as he passed, choosing to instead spend that energy alerting Gibbs to the fact she was, again, not lying down.
Before either Tony or Gibbs could come into view once more, Emmie sighed, stuck two bits of tissue in both nostrils, and scooted backwards to sit against the wall.
“Can’t breathe lying down,” she said before anyone could say a single word. “And I’m tired of being tired. I don’t want to sleep anymore. Leave me alone. Don’t talk to me. Shush.”
Tony’s head appeared around the corner, and he snorted again. Then the squeak of Gibbs’s chair as he got up. A rustling. A moment later he appeared with a takeout box in his hand, walking towards her. He lifted it so she could see, and she groaned, shaking her head. A corner of Gibbs’s mouth lifted but he wasn’t about to back down on this fight. He never did.
He knelt in front of her, close enough to see the pallidness of her face and the slight sickly tremble of her small frame. Emmie visibly relaxed when he reached out a hand to press against her forehead, the coolness of his skin momentarily dowsing the heat of hers.
Gibbs checked the watch at his wrist. “Another couple hours and you can dose up again.”
“Yep. ‘Till then…” He went to withdraw his hand, but Emmie’s own hand shot up and pinned his to her forehead.
“No,” she said simply.
“No to my hand leaving, or food?”
“You gotta eat. You know the drill. Eat or sleep.” She grumbled something and Gibbs reached with his free hand to lift the lid on the box. The smell of warm chicken soup filled the space between them, and Emmie wrinkled her nose. “Come on, kiddo. It’s only soup.”
“I feel too sick to eat.”
“Sleep it is, then.”
“Hey. The cure for alll Emmie-related illness is sleep. Always has been, always will be.” It was true. Gibbs knew his daughter better than she knew herself, after all. Everyone was different, but Emmie’s medicine was sleep until she could look him in the eye and confidently tell him she felt a bit better. If years of being a single parent had taught him anything, it was that.
With a bit of reluctance, he pulled his hand from her head and leant forward on his toes. “You don’t have to lie down to sleep,” he told her. “Here—” Emmie wasn’t quite sure what he was doing with the pillows and blankets behind her, but when he sat back and she turned as much as her aching neck would allow, there was a nice little DIY upright-bed against the wall. Gibbs, seemingly proud of his work, was met with a look of absolute discontent on his daughter’s face.
He puffed his cheeks out and glanced at the soup. “Aeroplane?”
“Seriously?” Emmie deadpanned.
He reached for the spoon, a teasing smile pulling at his lips. “Worked when you were a kid.”
“There’re a few keywords in that sentence, Dad. Are you trying to give Tony more fuel to embarrass me?”
Gibbs glanced over his shoulder. Tony had returned to his desk, leaning dangerously back in his chair to gain the best vantage point. The man had absolutely zero shame.
Gibbs jerked his head. “Check with the hospital about Lupin, would you, DiNozzo?”
Tony visibly deflated. Emmie sent him a smug look and he stuck his tongue out. Reluctantly, he wheeled back to his desk and picked up the phone. “Do this, DiNozzo, do that, DiNozzo,” he grumbled to himself. “Oh, while you’re at it, why don’t you polish my boots and write a thesis on my intellectual prowess, DiNozzo? Sure, I’ll get right on it, Boss!” He dialled the number and put the phone to his ear. “Should I get your laundry and your coffee too, Boss? Should I do—hi, there! Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS, calling for an update on a patient? Ryan Lupin. Yeah, I’ll hold. Thanks.”
“Dad.” Such an exasperated voice could only belong to the resident invalid, and after only a second’s hesitation, Tony—slowly—wheeled himself back, as far as the cord to the phone still held against his ear would allow. Emmie and Gibbs were still on the floor, the former looking most disgruntled at the spoon in the latter’s hand.
“I’m being serious,” she said then.
“So am I,” Gibbs said, “very serious. I’m being very serious right now. Soup?”
Emmie rolled her eyes, but a smile was pulling at her lips all the same. She shook her head. “Go back to your desk, old man.”
Tony’s brows shot up and he grinned. “Oohoohoo!” He was close to rubbing his hands together in sheer glee. “You gonna let her get away with that, Boss?”
“Lupin, DiNozzo.”
“I’m on hold!” The fact that Gibbs made no sign that he was going to pick his daughter up on her insult, when Tony knew that if he’d been the one to call his boss elderly he’d be getting a bit more than a slap to the back of the head, hit a sore spot. “Wait,” he said, looking hilariously appalled, “you’re actually gonna let her get away with it?”
Gibbs, defeated in this part only, dropped the spoon back in the box and put it on the desk. “I’ve been called worse,” he called back, “believe me.”
“Grandpa,” Emmie said.
“Thank you, Em, that’s very helpful.”
“Ninnyhammer, pillock, douche canoe, old man—”
“You already said that one.” Gibbs chuckled. “Douche canoe?”
Emmie shrugged. “Dunderhead.”
McGee, who’d since been silently working and eating at his desk, paused. Mouth open, forkful of noodles on its way, he turned confused eyes to the ground.
“Her name’s Jemima?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “How long you been here McGee?”
As soon as Emmie looked the slightest bit like she was about to resume her name-calling, Gibbs put his palm over her mouth. He rose a brow in warning. She blinked. Blinked again. Then—
“Aw, come on!” Gibbs’s face contorted into one of absolute disgust as a rush of air and wet stuff flew at his hand. He withdrew it immediately, holding it away from him, while Emmie sniffed and nonchalantly used the jacket sleeve again.
“You little crapbag.” It was the best he could come up with.
“What? You think I plan my sneezes?”
Tony, up until now quite enjoying the performance, rolled quickly back to the desk with the phone at his ear. “Hi, yeah, I’m still here.”
Gibbs stood and walked briskly to his desk so he could grab the stack of napkins the takeout had come with. “I don’t doubt anything when it comes to you.”
“Thank you.” Emmie rubbed at her red eyes with her hand and slumped against the back of the wall. Gibbs, coating his hands with sanitizer, watched with a knowing eye. He shook his hands and walked back around to Ziva’s cubicle, perching on the desk to look down at her.
“You’re sick,” he said.
“I know. And?”
“And, sick people eat soup, and they sleep. Okay? They don’t stay up at all hours of the night—nooo, no, no. I’m talking now, kiddo. I know you’ve been sleeping all day, I know you wanna get up and back to work, but that’s not happening until your fever’s gone. No point in fighting that, and you know full well. Clear?”
Any other day. Any. Other. Day. The protests were practically clawing at her throat. But a sudden wave of nausea rushed over her and she backed down immediately. Still, the thought of lying down again was awful, and the tired eyes she turned on her dad somehow translated that.
Gibbs sighed. “What’s it gonna take, huh?” Emmie didn’t need to think about her answer to that. She wasn’t even sure her expression had changed at all when Gibbs shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “No,” he said, “come on, now. I gotta work.”
This time, she did change her expression, putting it on in the way she knew worked best. Gibbs, naturally, relented.
“Fine,” he said, motioning with his hands for her to move over. She did, though admittedly it was a bit of a pitiful move with her aching body. He breathed a short laugh but came to sit in the miniscule space she’d made beside her anyway.
“Thanks, douche canoe,” Emmie whispered.
Tony put the phone down. “Still knocked out, Boss,” he said, pushing his chair backwards. When he saw Gibbs on the floor, arm wrapped around his daughter, who had her head on his shoulder, he crossed his arms over his chest and positively pouted.
“Hey, why do you get to sleep?”
Gibbs chuckled and shut his eyes. “When you’ve got a sick kid, I’ll let you sleep on the office floor with her. Wake me before Lupin does, would you?”
“How am I—Boss? Boss?” Tony threw his arms up in the air and shook his head, grabbing a notebook from his desk to doodle in. “Kiss my ass.”
“Heard that.”
“I wanted you to.”
Well, one thing was for certain. Gibbs may have won this fight, but so had Emmie.
NCIS Masterpost
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Hit it off
Gibbs x fem!OC
Warnings: canon typical violence, light swearing, bomb, concussion
How Elaine and Gibbs met
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Elaine smiled at the delivery man as he dropped off the package. She signed for the box before the delivery man nodded at her and walked away.
“I need to move this to the cooler,” She said. The nurse next to her nodded and Elaine grabbed the box. It felt strangely heavy for a shipment of vaccines. She pulled open the cooler room and stepped in. She heard a click from the box and froze as the door to the cooler shut behind her. Slowly she transferred the box to one arm and pulled the tape of the top. She opened the flaps and gasped. Inside was an amalgamations of wires, and a brick of explosive material. Elaine looked at the blinking light and swallowed thickly. A nurse opened the cooler behind her.
“Dr. wright?” The nurse asked. Elaine straightened.
“Ynez, I need you to call the authorities,” Elaine spoke evenly.
“Why?” Ynez stepped into the room.
“STOP!” Elaine barked. She heard Ynez’s footsteps cease. Elaine took another deep breath and watched the air puff in front of her, “Ynez I am currently holding a bomb, call the police.”
It was a matter of minutes before NCIS was on the scene. Elaine heard the cooler door ease open.
“Dr. Wright?” A male voice called from behind her.
“That’s me,” Elaine said. She heard careful footsteps enter the cooler. Out of her peripheral she saw a man step around her, “close the door,” She said, “these medications need to stay cold.”
The door clicked shut or clicked shut. She turned her eyes towards the man. He was tall with silver hair and some of the bluest eyes Elaine had ever seen. She gave him a slightly nervous smile as he stepped around him.
“Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS,” The man showed her his badge and is card.
“Gibbs,” Elaine smiled slightly and laughed, “I know that name.”
“Yeah? How?” Gibbs asked.
“My godfather works with you,” Elaine said, “Donald Mallard.”
“Ducky,” Gibbs said back. Elaine nodded.
“He would not be all too pleased to know I’m currently holding a bomb,” Elaine said.
“You’re calm for the circumstances,” Gibbs said.
“Not my first rodeo, agent Gibbs,” Elaine said.
“Military?” Gibbs asked. Elaine nodded.
“Marines,” Elaine said, “fought with the boys out front for two tours, got a back injury, and then returned to do medical. Back in the tents they called me Ms. Mend,” she looked Gibbs up and down, “you a military man?”
“Marines,” Gibbs said, “Gunnery Sergeant.”
Elaine smiled, “Staff Sergeant.”
Gibbs cracked a small smile, “bomb squad should be here soon.”
Gibbs sat and talked with her, feeling the chill from the cooler slowly slip past his clothes and into his skin. When the bomb squad arrived Elaine’s lips had begun to turn blue but she stayed still, suppressing the shivers threatening to course through her. The squad pushed in and took Gibbs spot as they began setting up barriers and getting to work. Her muscles strained to keep the bomb up in her arms. There was a silent tension as the men around her worked. Gibbs returned eventually and placed a coat around her shoulders gently. Elaine could only manage a chattered, “thanks.”
It was 45 minutes before the bomb squad cut the final wire and carefully took the explosive from Elaine’s hands. A crushing relief washed over her as she dropped her arms and allowed the shivers to run through her. When she stepped out of the hospital Ducky stood there with a hot coffee and blanket. Elaine rushed to him and allowed the doctor to gather her in his arms. Her whole body shivered from the aching cold her body had been exposed to for so long.
“Jethro called me and I got here as fast as I could, my dear,” Ducky said, “are you alright?” His voice was soft as he pulled away and held her shoulders. He unfolded the blanket and threw it around her shoulders, pulling it snug against her. Elaine nodded
“M-my patients?” She asked, taking the coffee and holding it in her hands, reveling in the warmth that seeped through the cup.
“All safe and accounted for,” Ducky said, “now, Jethro wants me to take you back to the Navy Yard. He has a few questions.”
Elaine nodded and followed him to his car.
The conference room was quiet as Elaine sat. She studied the map hung on the wall opposite of her. When the door opened and closed she stood and turned.
“Doin’ alright Sarge?” Gibbs asked as he walked in, holding yet another warm drink for her. Tea this time.
“Just call me Elaine,” She said, “I’m doing alright, a little cold but nothing too bad.” Gibbs nods and takes the end seat next to Elaine. He gives her a moment to sip her tea. He observes her quietly.
“Who gave you the bomb?” Gibbs asked.
“Delivery guy,” Elaine answered, “it was supposed to be a shipment of insulin, and it wasn’t the normal guy who delivers.”
“What did he look like?” Gibbs continued to interview her, taking notes on what she said and descriptions she gave, “can you think of anyone who would want to hurt you?”
Elaine huffed a laugh, “yeah, a few.” She sighed and placed her tea down, “marines, mostly, ones I had to take off the battlefield for medical purposes. Amputees, transplants, those kind. They get mad about their injuries, and then get madder when I have to fix them.”
Gibbs nodded and jotted down a few notes, “we’ll keep you in the loop.”
“Thanks, gunny,” Elaine stood and shook Gibbs’ hand once more, “if you have any more questions-“ she took out a small pad of paper from her pocket and a pen. She jotted down her number and folded the piece up, handing it over to Gibbs, “just gimme a call.”
Elaine’s house was quiet as she flicked the lights on. She placed her purse down on the entrance table and kicked her shoes off in front of the rack. She sighed and rolled her shoulders before working out her braid. It had been a week since the hospital incident. Gibbs had called her a few times to ask a few more questions but other than that it was practically radio silence.
She padded into the kitchen and grabbed some leftover Chinese from the fridge and popped it into the microwave. As she leaned against the counter she looked down at her phone. As though on command it began to ring. The caller is reading ‘Gunny Sergeant Gibbs”. She flipped her phone open and answered the call.
“Awfully late for a work call, agent Gibbs,” She said as she pulled the Chinese from the microwave.
“Just had a few questions,” Gibbs answered. Elaine hummed and went to sit down.
“What’s up?”
“Do you know a Petty Officer Garrett Blanche?” Gibbs asked.
“Yeah, came in three months ago. He had practically shattered his leg. I placed 4 rods and 12 screws to get that thing back together,” Elaine took a bite, “he should be doing PT now, no way they’ll let him stay active though. Didn’t seem the type to blow me up though.”
“They never do,” Gibbs said. Elaine laughed lightly at that. She stood up, and then black.
When she woke again she was on her kitchen floor, the Chinese noodles spread by her hand, “Elaine?” There was a hand on her back as a blurry face came into view, “you alright?” She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again as a ringing began in the back of her head and a thump began pounding in her skull. The face blurred and crossed. She blinked a few more times and it came into view.
“Agent Gibbs?” She croaked, “what happened?”
“Took a metal bat to the head,” Gibbs said. She moved to sit up and her head swam, nausea roiling in her stomach. She swayed and Gibbs caught her, “careful, paramedics are still on their way.”
“Damn,” Elaine put her hand against the back of her head and came back with blood.
Elaine’s eyes blurred again and she leaned heavily on Gibbs, “whoa, you staying with me Doc?”
“How did you know I got hit? Are you stalking me?” Elaine asked.
“We were on the phone, remember?” Gibbs scooted her to the counter cupboards and leaned her against it as he stood and grabbed a cloth. He soaked it in tepid water and pressed it against her head, “I was asking you questions about Petty Officer Blanche.”
Elaine’s eyes squinted, “no… I don’t remember. I remember coming home… and then… and then…”
“Don’t worry too much, we got the guy, that’s what matters,” Gibbs squatted in front of her. Her focused eyes relaxed before zeroing in on Gibbs.
“You know-“ Elaine reached up and grabbed his hoodie string, “you’re really handsome.”
“You’re delirious, Elaine,” Gibbs said.
“Yeah probably,” Elaine closed her eyes, “but I’m not kidding… you’re one of the most handsome men I’ve met. Ever. You could never have been my Gunny or I would have been distracted. And in your civvies? Like damn. You look good in a suit, Agent Gibbs, but red is your color.”
Gibbs laughed lightly as the paramedics knocked. They entered the house and began inspecting Elaine while Gibbs described what happened.
“She’s a little delirious but that should clear, she shouldn’t be alone though,” The paramedic said to Gibbs. He nodded, “anywhere she can stay?”
Gibbs looked at the clock. It was 3:00 AM at this point, “she can stay with me.”
A/N: leave of comment on what you want to see next!
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momentaryescape · 9 months ago
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Gibbs x Agent!Reader Warnings: Cursing Word Count: 1406 A/N- When I wrote this the vibe for Gibbs is similar to how he acts at the end of season 7 episode 23 when he is taking to the lawyer. It seems really specific but gives an idea for the vibe.
“Was any of it true?” The anger you tried to hide was boiling inside you. You thought you meant something to him. That it was real and not pretend. But here you were, standing in his living room feeling like a fool.
“You knew what this was. It was fun y/n, nothing more. I don’t know what made you think this would be anything but that.” Gibbs seemed like his normal emotionless self. Hell by the looks of it he seemed more annoyed you were bothering him with this conversation
“For months you would get mad if a guy even so much as looked in my direction. Tony brought me coffee and you dismissed him over some bullshit thing he didn’t even do. Mcgee gave me his coat after mine got fucked chasing down a perp and you ignored him for the rest of the case. So nothing my ass Jethro. You want to act like it was nothing but I know that deep down you felt something.” That was your breaking point. You grabbed your stuff before leaving his home, slamming the door on the way out.
“Hey y/n, everything good?” Mcgee gave you a questioning look.
“I’m fine.” You snapped.
“Ohhkay.” Mcgee’s seemed shocked at the outburst.
“Fuck. Sorry Mcgee. I had a rough night. I'm better now, some things have been cleared up.” You smiled back.
“Well if you want a different kind of rough, let me know.” You Didn't see Tony walk up behind you, his comment making you jump in your seat.”Here, brought you coffee.”
“Thank you Tony.” You shot him a flirty smile. Tony winked back at you before sitting at his desk.
Gibbs was watching the entire interaction play out from his desk. He knew what you were trying to do. The remarks of a rough night, the flirty look at Tony. You were trying to get under his skin. He hated it. Not just what you were doing but the fact that it was working.
It had been a few days since the moment you had in Gibbs’ living room. There hadn’t been any new cases the past few days, so the team was catching up on paperwork. Disrupting the silence, Gibbs slaps a hand on your desk.
“Can I help you?” You don’t even bother looking up, already knowing who it is.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Gibbs snapps through gritted teeth. Irritation clearly written across his face.
“Work Gibbs. I have a job to do and that's what I plan on doing.” You still hadn’t looked up from your computer.
“Agent l/n, I expect you to look at me when I’m talking to you.” His outburst drew the attention of everyone around. Questionable faces wondering what the hell was happening.
“Careful Jethro, people might think you have emotions, wouldn't want that to happen.” You looked up at him, clearly annoyed with his presence. Your quip had also clearly pissed him off.
“Leave.” His voice had a bite to it.
“Why? You're the one who came over to my desk, got annoyed I was focused and not looking up at you, and now you want me to leave? I get it, you're the boss man, but I still deserve respect. So give me one valid reason that I need to leave, aside from hurting your “feelings”.”
“Y/n-” Zive tried cutting in before things got more heated.
“Thank you but I’ve got this Ziva. I'm not scared of an emotionally immature man who thinks he can stab me with his words like pins. You want to act all big and bad, but we both know what you are.” You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it was.
“Thats it agent l/n. You need to leave, and until you can act like an adult don't feel the need to come in.” Gibbs was pissed. At this point he was practically yelling.
“Gladly. I would rather be anywhere but near the smallest man who ever lived.” With that you grabbed your bag, collected what you would need to finish your work from home and started toward the elevators.
Gibbs knew he had fucked up. Both in front of everyone and during the original fight. He had cared. He loved to show you off, but always made sure nobody the two of you knew could see. He was a private man, he told himself. But looking back you're the only person he hid. He felt ashamed. You were younger, happier, all the things he wasn't you were.
And now here he was, at your front door. He straightened his stace before knocking on the door. At first he thought you might not be home, but that thought was whipped away when he saw your frame in the open door. He heard you scoff, before asking him what he was doing there.
“I wanted to apologize.” He stated with a small hint of softness.
“Really?” You were calling his bluff.
“Yes, I had no right to yell at you in front of everyone. We should've talked privately.” You rolled your eyes at his statement.
“Yeah I tried that with you, remember? What was what started thin. I wanted to talk and you acted like it was nothing. I'm over it. I can deal with arguments, but being pretty much getting told I was delusional for believing that we had something killed any spark I had.” You meant every word.
“I’m trying here y/n.” His plea fell on deaf ears.
“Next time don't think “I’m sorry” will fix all your problems. You're a grown man Gibbs, act like it.”
“Its always the dramatics with you isn't it?” You scoffed at his remark. “Listen, I meant what I said. What we had, it was great. I’m sorry I said it was only fun. I had feelings for you, but we both knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Why not? Was it not fun once it wasnt forbidden? Once we were seen together was the thrill gone?” You thought back on all the times he would make excuses not to be seen with you. You felt stupid.
“Don't act like you didn't know that this was only meant to be between the two of us.” He knew he was pushing your buttons, but he kept going.
“Are you that ashamed of me? Years of friendship, months of passion, and after that you still hide me away. I don't want to be some secret.” You wanted to smack his chest, cause the same pain he caused you.
“Do you not understand what would happen if they knew? How many rules I broke every time we were together?” He was yelling at this point.
“You know what the saddest part was? I would have died for you, but instead I just died inside. And you deserve prison but you won't serve the time.” You felt hot tears fall from your eyes. The realization you allowed yourself to cry over him fueled your anger. “It's over Gibbs. No second chance. No “it's different this time”. And no more acting like I’m nothing. We still work together. And as much as I would love to say "Good riddance", I love my job too much. I will take punishment for the show he had in the office, but I will not let you take my career.”
He didn’t say anything, he just looked at you, trying to read your expression. Without saying anything you walked to the door, opening it. A silent tell for him to leave. Taking in a slow deep breath you turn to face him. “Leave Gibbs, please.”
“I understand you're hurt y/n, and I know I'm the reason. I will still have your back, and I will still be your boss. But for both our sakes, I think it's best we keep the rest of the details between the two of us.”. You watched him walk out your door, down your steps to his car, and drive away from your home, shutting the door when you could no longer see him. And just like that it was over. No more late nights after cases where you end up in bed together, mornings shared over fresh coffee, and one less friend. Maybe some day the two of you could be friends again, but as for now that wasn’t something either of you wanted, or more realistically could handle.
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queenquinzel715 · 2 years ago
Jethro Gibbs An undercover job turns to romance
Wrd count: 4,313
Warning: adult content, knife cutting (no self harm)
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Jethro Gibbs (I know nothing about the military protocols so just believe it lol)
(Y/n) P.O.V
My morning was going just like all the others. I'd wake up, eat breakfast, fill my travel mug with coffee, and go to work. However halfway through my eggs, bacon, and toast when my cell phone rings. I sigh as I place my book down, and answer.
"(L/n)." I answer.
"(Y/n) we need you to come in. We have a… well the best type hinky." I hear Abby's cheery voice.
"Okay I'll be right there." I hung up with her.
I quickly get dressed into my scrubs, pull my hair into a high ponytail. Once on the road I make a quick stop for gas, and a couple drinks for my fellow colleagues. As I walk into the NCIS building I greet security and others as I get into the elevator. I hear heavy metal music as the doors open, and it brings a smile to my face.
"Good morning, Abby." I smile at her as I place her big gulp next to her quick fingers.
"Y/n you doll." Abby gives me a big smile before she takes a sip.
"What's the big hinky?" I laugh at her excited smile.
"Well this morning Gibbs and his gang had a call to this military housing neighborhood, and found a newlywed couple completely torn apart." She informs me.
"And?" I push because I know there's more by here turning to the computer screen.
"I've already found a handful of murders that were just swept under the rug, because they didn't have any sort of evidence." She walks over to a table. "Until I figured out the weapon is both a hunter's knife, and a scalpel." She then smiles in triumph.
"It's like you're a psychic, and you just give us pieces to throw us off." I laugh with her, but it's short lived by Special Agent Gibbs walking in with a box full of evidence.
"Abby, this is for you. (Y/n) I need you upstairs." He walks back toward the door. "Thanks for getting her here, Abbs." He says just as he walks out.
I give Abby a quick look before quickly walking to the elevator. Gibbs and I stay in silence the whole way until we get to the group looking at multiple people's pictures on a screen.
"(Y/n) great." McGee says. "We need you to go on an undercover operation. I just need you to pick a male that will pass for a Marine." He runs off like I knew what he was talking about.
"Gibbs?" I look at him with a pointed look, hoping he'd fill in the spots.
"We know the killer is going after newlyweds, so you are the bride." He smirks once he's finished. "I already have an idea of who it is, but of course we need to prove I'm right. I picked you for this." He ends his speech there.
"Okay." I turn to McGee. "What do I need to do?"
The rest of the day I'm given a crash course on how the undercover business works, and once I was done with my three hours course I found out that Gibbs is going to be my husband. I returned to the gang's area, and saw Gibbs watching the others talk.
"So my dear husband, how will our wedding work, hmm? Quick courthouse, or are you just gonna throw me over your shoulder like a caveman." I joke as I sit on the corner of his desk.
"Well I was thinking the club over the head would be easier." He smirks at me when I gasp. "You asked."
"So seriously, does this start immediately today?" I ask, grabbing the file about the suspect.
"You are a free woman until tomorrow night, and then we will sign the marriage certificate. I will get my uniforms, the address we will set up, and we will begin then." He puts away his belongings, and as he stands he pulls on his coat. "Chinese or pizza?" He asks.
"Chinese." I respond as I follow behind him.
This has been a new norm for me and Gibbs for a couple months now. I was pretty bad when I had to end my engagement, because my fiance was sleeping with our neighbor. An entire five year relationship down the drain. I didn't leave the lab for two weeks before Gibbs and Abby came knocking on my door. Apparently Abby had some concerns for my sanity so she went to Gibbs, and he came straight to the lab. Ever since then he has taken me to dinner every other day, or brings me dinner in the lab.
Tonight, we sit inside a little Chinese restaurant eating in a comfortable silence. With Gibbs I've learned, to much relief, I don't have to speak unless I absolutely want to.
"How's the boat coming along?" I ask as we throw away our trash.
"Pain in the ass." He chuckles.
-next morning-
I walked into the office a little bit early with coffees, and sat at Gibb's desk until I saw DiNozzo walk in with Kate in a heated discussion.
"Oh please DiNozzo all because you think it's him doesn't mean it is." Kate rolls her eyes at him, but lights up when she sees me holding a coffee cup in the air for her.
"(Y/n) you've read the files right?" I give DiNozzo nod in response. "Okay so don't you think it's Corporal Simon. He just fits every creepy fib." He acts like he's shaking.
"All because he's creepy doesn't mean anything, DiNozzo." Gibbs says before I could open my mouth. "And you. Why are you at my desk?" He says in my direction.
I simply hold up the coffee cup.
"Aw lovely wife boss." DiNozzo gets smacked in the back of the head for that.
For the next couple of hours I'm with Abby in the lab testing blood samples, fingerprints, and retesting the little bit of evidence for the past murders. By two in the afternoon Gibbs came to the lab to collect me, and my bags to go to our new home. Once there we five the whole moving in show I'm giving direction to Gibbs and DiNozzo as they carry furniture. Inside I'm dying of laughter, because every time Gibbs gives me a side eye I know he wants to tell me something smart. We had pizza delivered and sent DiNozzo back to the office.
"How do you want the sleeping arrangements to go?" I ask as I clean up the trash.
"Well I usually fall asleep in my boat." He speaks in a voice full of normalcy.
"Gibbs! That's not good." I fuss. "You told me "you can't do things that harm your body, or we won't solve shit" and look at you breaking your body down." I continued to fuss, and didn't realize Gibbs had gotten up from the table.
"Yea. I know." His voice comes right behind me as his hand drops the fork into the sink. "Then tell me where to sleep." He looks into my eyes.
"I put bedding in both rooms, so just pick one." I nervously turn back toward the sink.
"I'll take the room closer to the living room just in case." He grabs our bags by the doors, and goes toward the rooms.
Over the next couple days Gibbs, Kate, DiNozzo, and McGee have ran around the entire Marine Base to find who's actually the murder, but since I'm the stay at home wife I'm doing home things. I've taken broken down boxes to the trash, messed in the garden in the front yard, and went grocery shopping at the grocery store on base to meet other stay at home wives. As I'm taking the groceries into the house I hear a female yell hello through the front door. I secure my gun in the waist of my pants before walking to the door. A brunette woman is standing with a big smile, and a wrap covered plate.
"I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to say hello, and welcome you to the neighborhood." She smiles at me. "My name is Christine."
"Well that's so kind. I'd invite you inside, but the place is a complete mess." I give a smile as I take the plate.
"Oh I understand. I just wanted to drop off some sweets, and let you know if you need anything I can help. I work in the main office, so I can pull some strings." She gives me a wink.
"Well that's comforting to know." I laugh. "Thank you again, but I have to get dinner started before my husband Jethro comes home." I give a small wave as I shut the door watching her walk down the driveway.
I place the plate on the counter as I call Gibbs.
"Yes Mrs. Gibbs?" He answers.
"I was wondering when you will be back. I just met the most wonderful person." I vaguely respond.
"Be back in an hour. Everything okay?" He asks quietly.
"Yes, perfectly fine." I reassure him, and he hangs up.
Just like clockwork, an hour later Gibbs, and Kate walk through the door. I'm pulling the chicken out of the oven as Kate walks into the kitchen.
"Smells great (y/n)." She comments.
"Thank you. I love cooking." I hand her a plate, which she takes with a great smile.
"So who was this neighbor you met today?" Gibbs gets to the point as I walk to the table where they have everything set up.
"A woman named Christine. She didn't exactly say she was a neighbor, just that she worked in the main office and could pull some strings in case I needed anything, and handed me the plate of cookies there on the counter." I say pointing to the still wrapped plate. "Told her I had to get dinner ready for my new husband Jethro." As I fill him in on what else happened in my day I'm fixing both of our plates, because I realized he hasn't even looked in the kitchen direction.
"She does have access to high documents, and can cut through a lot of red tape." Gibbs informs me, and gives me a thank you nod when he takes the plate.
"Wait, can I see the witness report again?" I ask, and Kate hands it to me.
I read through the report, and found where a witness saw a brunette white woman, with long legs, short torso, and pointed face. I place the paper down as I point out the passage I read.
"This describes Christine." I inform them.
"I figured." Gibbs sighs. "We'll follow up on this in the morning. Thank you." He holds up the paper as he drinks the rest of his beer.
Once dinner is over Kate leaves. Gibbs goes to the garage, and I to the bath. I can't help but think how this is so simple for us. How we fit into the role perfectly, but I know it has to end. After I clean the rest of the kitchen I come out to find Gibbs glaring at the evidence board from the garage door. I take his empty bottle, replacing it with a new one.
"You already know who's doing this, don't you?" I lean against the table.
He leans next to me with his arms crossed.
"My gut tells me it's Christine. The evidence we have points to her office." He shakes his head.
I give him a hum in response as I stand on my feet. I can feel his eyes watching me while I walk toward my room. I do turn back at him with a soft smile before going to the door. I throw on my tank top and shorts for bed, and end up just laying there in frustration. I haven't had any sort of touch since my ex, but I can't do anything like that here with Gibbs' falcon hearing. I lay there for three hours until I've had enough, and I throw the blankets off me. I grumble under my breath as I open my bedroom door, but I quietly walk down the hall to the kitchen. I pull pb&j stuff out only for the garage door to open. I grab the large knife from the knife stand, and throw it at the door, only for it to get stuck in the doorframe.
"Whoa! It's me." Gibbs holds his hands up as he comes into the light better.
"Oh my God Jethro I'm so sorry." I run toward him, but he grabs my hand before I could grab his.
"Good throw." He keeps my hands into his one while he pulls the knife out of the wall.
"Good throw?! Gibbs, that's all you can say?" I keep freaking out.
"I thought it was Jethro." He looks into my eyes with a smirk.
He lets go of my hands to go put the knife back. He then starts making a sandwich.
"I…well..it just came out." I stumble over my words, and my face heats up.
"I think you should get used to calling me Jethro." He keeps his back to me while he speaks.
I'm too nervous to say anything, but he soon turns with two sandwiches in his hands. He holds out one to me with a paper towel wrapped around it as he takes a bite of his.
"Thank you Jethro." I smile as I take the sandwich.
We end up sitting on the counter, and Jethro telling me stories. We laugh, I joke about his military days, and he jokes about my technical "support" skills. The sun is starting to rise as my eyes become heavy.
"You should go get some sleep." He softly says.
"You're right, but so should you." I look over at him as he gets down.
"I will." He softly holds my arm as I get off the counter.
We separate into our rooms, and he is gone by the time I wake up. I stay inside for the day, and just watch movies. My phone rings as I'm stepping into the bath, and it's Jethro. I sit on the side of the tubs as I answer.
"Yes Jethro?"
"I have pizza for dinner." He simply tells me.
"That's nice." I sarcastically respond, trying not to laugh.
"I'll get you garlic bread. What is that noise?" He has the most annoying hearing.
"That is the bathtub water running." I run my foot in the hot water.
"I'll be there in an hour." He then hangs up causing me to laugh.
I'm too relaxed to hear the front door opening, but when I hear doors opening I call out for Jethro. When I don't get a response I slowly get out of the bath, wrapping my house robe on. I'm about to reach for the gun I have in my nightstand when the door is burst open. I give a scream of surprise, but I'm quickly shut up by a gun being pointed at me. Christine comes creeping into the room with a hard look in her eyes.
"What are you doing?" I keep up the act, hopefully I can stall until Jethro gets here.
"Living room, now." She demands.
I timidly walk to the living room with my hands raised, and slowly sit on the couch. I watch her look around the living room, and kitchen before she comes in front of me. She points her gun at my head as she sits on the table directly in front of me.
"So tell me how long have you and hubby been together?" She asks, sounding sweet.
"Y..year." I look confused.
"Ahhh newly newlyweds." She stood to go over to the bag she had put on the loveseat. "I was with my husband for six years before we decided to get married." She turns with rope and a knife in her hands. "We then were married for two before he was deployed. He was a Marine that was sent overseas, obviously that's all he could tell me. I was kept in the dark the whole time while my husband was tortured by terrorists." She takes her seat back on the table. "Tell me what do you think Jethro would do if you were taken."
"I…I don't know. I'd hope he'd help me." I shake from her moving the knife closer.
"Sad isn't it? Shouldn't the answer be something on the lines of "he'd burn the whole world apart" or "he'd never stop looking"?" She cuts the arms of my robe open to the elbow. "You want to know what the US military does to help their Marines?" I scream from her cutting a short cut going down my arm. "Quiet!" She shoves pieces of robe into my mouth. "Four men died because the US tried to play into the terrorists computer, instead of simply allowing the terrorists into the Union, and they would let the Marines go." She cuts another line. "They could've said they would allow it, get the Marines, and then grab the terrorists!" Her voice gets louder as she goes.
I see movement from the corner of my eye, but I keep watching Christine move the knife around. She goes to cut my arm again when the front door, garage door, and backdoor open.
"Freeze NCIS!" I hear from my three favorite people.
Jethro comes in through the backdoor, DiNozzo through the garage door, and Kate comes in the front with their guns raised. Christine looks at me in surprise as she drops the knife and gun. Jethro softly grabs my face to make me lock eyes with him.
"I'm here. Come on." He helps me stand, walk to my room while the others handcuff Christine.
I'm quiet as Jethro cleans up my wounds with the first aid kit I keep in my bag. I'm so out of it my robe opens slightly, and I didn't realize until Jethro closed it more. He gives a deep sigh as he cleans up the trash.
"Thank you Jethro." I timidly tell him as he goes to walk out.
He turns back, and kisses me hard with a hand on my cheek, his other on my thigh. I grip his shirt in my hands as I kiss him back. We pull apart after a moment, and rest our heads against each other.
That night my nerves were level, and everythings calmed down. I start packing up, and put the bags in the garage for the guys to load up. Tomorrow the movers will come for the rest.
"Ready." Jethro walks up to me, grabbing my bag.
"Yes. I checked everywhere to make sure nothing was left." I tell him as we walk to his car.
"Tomorrow morning we need to meet at the director's office." He informs me, once we are on the road.
He helps me carry my bags into my apartment, and shuts the door. I softly smile at him as he walks toward me. I rest my hands on his shoulders as his hand rests on my waist. He kisses me deeply as he pulls me to his chest. I melt against him, having my fingers run along his shaved hair. I gasp when we pull back, but his warm hands moving up my back makes me softly moan.
"Room." He orders.
"Yes sir." I give him a sly smile as I walk him toward my room.
I hear him chuckle as he follows me, but once to the door he pulls me in from my waist. I throw my shirt off so I can feel his hands again. While he works on the buttons of my pants he gives me soft kisses to my neck. I lean my head against his shoulder just melting against him. The feeling of being protected feels so much more different, but amazing. He flattens his hands to slide my pants down, and he lets me walk out of them. I turn to him, locking eyes with him as I lay on my bed.
"You sure about this?" He asks me while untucking his shirt.
"I'm more than sure." I give him a straight answer.
Once he gets down to his boxers he crawls over me with a dark look in his eyes. I put my hands on his cheeks to pull him into a deep kiss. His skillful hands unhook my bra, making me throw it behind him. I move my hand along his shoulders while he kisses along my neck to my chest.
"Jethro." I moan softly when his lips wrap around my nipple.
He wraps his arm around my lower back pulling me closer, biting lightly on my nipple. His other hand moves my underwear down, but once he got to my thigh, he had pulled back to snatch them off my ankles. My legs open back up for him to lay comfortably in between them. He looks me in the eyes as he slides his boxers off. My knees rest on his hips, relaxing into the bed, feeling him rub against my entrance. Him slowly entering me makes a shiver take over my body, but Jethro deeply groans. His hand grips my thigh in a tight grip, causing it to rise higher.
"(Y/n)." He rests his head on my shoulder.
"Please move Jethro." I whine.
He starts to move back some only to piston back inside. My body arches up to his chest, and my throat closes on the scream that wants to leave. All I could do was grip his bicep, lock my ankles together, and enjoy the feeling of him stretching me. The feeling of his hands, his deep harsh movements, and the tightening feeling in my stomach. I start to lose my mind.
"Let go for me." He groans in my ear before he kisses my neck.
He kisses me as he goes harder making it very difficult to let my moans out, but I just hold onto his back as he just lets go. With a deep groan and final thrust Jethro and I finish together with a loud moan from me. He lays next to me with an arm under my head as we catch our breath.
"Wow." I breathed out.
He chuckles, turning over, and grips my lips with his forefinger and thumb. I giggle as we kiss a lot more softly now. We lay together for a while before finally getting in the shower. I did think Jethro was going to leave, however when I went back to lay down he joined me. I slept amazing with his warmth next to me whenever I would turn.
When I wake up I see a hand placing a coffee mug on my nightstand, and a hand rubbing along my side.
"You got to wake up. We still have to work." He talks quietly in my ear.
"Thank you." I smile as I reach for the mug.
"You are quite welcome." He chuckles as he grabs his clothes.
"Jethro!" I giggle at his joke, placing my hand over my eye.
"I'll see you at the office. I have to change." He says as he throws his clothes on.
Once he leaves I finish my coffee, get dressed, and try to keep the smile off my face as I walk into the office.
"Well what made you so smiley this morning?" Abby asks as I walk into the lab, and pull on my lab coat.
"I'm just glad to have my bed back." Is all I tell her.
"Is that so?" I hear behind me.
I turned to a smirking Jethro holding a cardboard cup holder with two coffees, and in his hand was a big gulp for Abby.
"Jet…Gibbs." I exclaim almost messing up.
"Morning Abs." He hands her the drink, and walks back to me.
"(Y/n)." He hands me a coffee. "Director needs us." He leans me with a hand on my lower back to the elevator.
"I'm sorry I didn't know if you were okay with me saying anything, or if…" I'm stopped by him stepping closer to me.
He kisses me softly like he's been doing so for his whole life. I'm just about to relax into him when the elevator opens, and there stands Kate and McGee. They are shocked when they finally realize what they just saw. I step out of the elevator, quickly getting to the director's office. I stop at his door, and wait for Jethro. Jethro walks up the hall with purpose, and goes right into the office.
"Alright let's get you two divorced." Director Morrow places the papers in front of Jethro.
"What if we don't sign?" Jethro asks so nonchalantly.
Director Morrow looks lost as he turns his attention to me, then back to Jethro. I'm just frozen from shock.
"I'll let you two talk." Vance leaves quickly, and once he's gone Jethro turns to me.
"What are you doing Jethro?" I timidly ask.
"Well I was thinking how easy it was for us to be together this week." He starts. "We don't have to sign just yet. Let's give it some time, and then if you want we can sign these papers." He lifts them as he speaks.
"So you're making me number three?" I sass.
He shrugs as he throws the papers back on the director's desk. The rest of the day DiNozzo gave Jethro so much crap about how he didn't get to throw a bachelor party. I also got an ear full from Abby about how I should get a big dress. Kate was like an older sister asking me if being married is what I wanted. Her being Catholic marriage is a big thing, but after telling her how I felt, she understood.
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eddysocs · 7 months ago
Borrowed Warmth — Jethro Gibbs x OC
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Summary: Leah is dealing with a cold when she comes to work, but she’s going to power through with just a little bit of added comfort.
Word Count: 681
Warnings: None
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The bullpen was quieter than usual that morning, the normal hum of activity dulled by the absence of their lead agent. Gibbs was out, having been called to a meeting at the Pentagon early that morning, and the team was taking advantage of the rare lull to catch up on paperwork and enjoy a slightly more relaxed atmosphere.
Leah, however, was not having a very easy day. She'd woken up feeling the onset of a cold but had decided to tough it out. She’d been at NCIS long enough to know that taking a sick day wasn’t an option unless you were practically on your deathbed. So, she’d bundled up, armed herself with tissues and cold medicine, and headed into the office.
Upon arrival, she'd immediately felt the chill in the air, her desk positioned under one of the notoriously cold air vents. Shivering, she’d glanced around the bullpen, her eyes falling on Gibbs' desk. There it was, the familiar, worn grey company hoodie he often had draped over his chair this time of year. A quick look around confirmed what she already knew. Gibbs wasn’t in yet. Without a second thought, she grabbed the hoodie and pulled it over her head, the soft, well worn fabric immediately providing a comforting warmth.
Settling back at her desk, Leah tried to focus on the files in front of her, but her head was pounding, and the words seemed to blur together. She blew her nose for what felt like the hundredth time and sighed, leaning back in her chair.
“Hey, Massey,” Tony’s voice broke through her fog. She looked up to see him standing by her desk, a curious look on his face. “Feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just a cold,” she replied, trying to sound more energetic than she felt.
Tony’s eyes drifted to the hoodie she was wearing, and he raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Nice hoodie.”
Leah felt her cheeks heat up. “It was cold in here,” she mumbled, knowing full well that Tony recognized Gibbs’ hoodie.
Tony opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could, McGee appeared behind him, holding a coffee cup. “You want some coffee, Massey? Might help you feel better.”
“Thanks, McGee,” Leah said, gratefully accepting the cup. She took a sip, the warmth spreading through her, and gave him a small smile.
McGee’s eyes also lingered on the hoodie, but he wisely chose not to comment. Instead, he returned to his desk, leaving Leah to her work.
Ziva passed by a few minutes later, her keen eyes immediately noticing the oversized hoodie. She gave Leah a knowing look but didn’t say anything, just nodded in acknowledgment before settling into her own work.
The morning passed in a blur of tissues and paperwork, Leah’s head aching more with each passing hour. By lunchtime, she was ready to collapse, but she stubbornly stayed at her desk, determined to make it through the day.
Around two in the afternoon, Gibbs finally returned, immediately taking in the scene of his team, hard at work, or hardly working, as the case could be. He walked over to Leah’s desk, his expression unreadable. “Hey there, Massey.”
She looked up, trying to muster a smile. “Hey, Gibbs.”
He studied her for a moment, then reached over and gently tugged at the sleeve of his hoodie. “Cold?”
“Yeah, sorry, I was—”
He held up a hand, cutting her off. “Keep it,” he said simply, before turning and heading to his own desk.
Leah blinked in surprise, watching him go. She glanced over at Tony, who gave her a wink, and McGee, who just smiled. Even Ziva looked amused.
For the rest of the day, no one mentioned the hoodie, and Leah was grateful for the silent support of her team. As the day came to a close, she finally allowed herself to relax, feeling a little better despite her cold.
When she left that evening, she made sure to drape Gibbs’ hoodie carefully over his chair, a silent thank you for his unspoken kindness.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot
Leah Massey: @nathan-ocs
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novastories · 2 years ago
Running Up That Hill
Title and chapter loosely inspired by the song “Running Up That Hill” by Kate Bush.
Summary: Aurora ends up back in the field to help with a case. She starts coming to terms about her self-worth, but at a cost.
Warnings: Mentions of guns, bombs, cancer, and death/suicide.
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: I’m so sorry for the cliffhanger from the last chapter! 😬This one also contains another cliffhanger so…🫣 I’m so thankful that people are enjoying the story and loving Aurora and Bradley as much as I do 💖
Btw, I have a note for the people I tag at the end of the chapter, so if you’re tagged or want to be tagged, please read the note after the chapter! 💜
Thankful always for my beta reader and editor @reginleight 
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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A few hours earlier
“You want me to do what?” Aurora looked at her boss with a confused look.
“I want you back in the field. Just for this case. It’s all hands on deck, and I trust you to be out on the field,” her boss looks at her. Agent Daniella Hopkins knew her agents' capabilities, that’s what made her a good boss.
“You know this case better than anyone,” she adds.
“That’s only because I was transferring the case into the computer, since I am on desk duty. I just help put the reports in the database,” Aurora sighs.
There were many cases and reports that got put on her desk, which she helped with typing and filing them into the system. The downside of desk duty. 
“And you know those reports will help the case. It’s an advantage so we don’t have to put another agent in the field who has no idea what’s going on.”
“But why me? I’m supposed to be on desk duty for a reason.”
“Because, I know you Artemis. As much as you���re doing well behind the desk, you’re itching to go back out in the field.”
Aurora stood in front of her boss, fidgeting with her bracelet behind her back.
“That, and you were requested by the team that’s on the case.”
“What team?” Aurora questions.
As if on cue, the doors to Daniella’s office opened, and Aurora turned to gape at who had walked in.
“It’s good to see you, Artemis.”
Aurora smiles, and walks over to give Gibbs a hug.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Aurora smiled at him before noticing Ziva and Tony behind him.
“It is an all hands on deck case, Artemis. Who else better to have on this case than you?” Ziva smirks as Aurora turns to pull her into a hug next.
“I never thought I’d ever say this, but I actually missed you for a moment there, DiNozzo,” Aurora chuckles. Tony rolls his eyes and simply greets her with a hug of his own.
“I don’t know, little probie. I kind of miss not having a knife being thrown at me,” he tells her.
“McGee and Abby are getting set up in the lab and we’ll set up in your office.” Gibbs interrupts their conversation to inform her of the situation.
“The fact you went from a cubicle to your own office is just unfair,” Tony shakes his head.
“Let’s catch you up to speed, Artemis,” Ziva beckons Aurora out the door. Aurora turns to look at her boss, to which she nods.
“I still can’t believe you have your own office. If I ask for a transfer here, think I’d get an office too?” Tony looks out the window of Aurora’s office before getting smacked on the head from Gibbs.
“This isn’t a social call, DiNozzo. We have a job to do.” 
McGee and Abby got to say their hellos to Aurora before Abby had to start working on some evidence for the case, while the team got settled in their temporary space in Aurora’s office.
Aurora was sitting on her desk facing the TV screen, while Ziva stood next to her. Tony went to sit at her desk (and began snooping), while Gibbs sat in the corner chair, sipping his coffee.
McGee was getting the TV screen ready to prep the case for Aurora.
“Alright, let’s catch you up to speed, Artemis.” Gibbs gestures to McGee to start.
“A petty officer in DC was found dead in a hotel room. Turns out, the San Diego office had put a nationwide BOLO search for him for his involvement in drug and weapon dealing. His name is Noah Ward.” McGee stated, showing the file up on screen for Aurora to see.
“I recognize the name,” Aurora stares at the profile on the screen. “He was in San Diego to help pay for his sister’s hospital treatments, but got caught by some local LEOs selling cocaine. He was about to turn the name of his supplier over, but he escaped before he could say anything and we lost track of him. He didn’t have any friends, and his only living relative left is his sister, Karli, who also didn’t know anything because she’s currently in a coma.”
“Well, now he’s dead,” Tony states.
Aurora turns to him. “No duh, DiNozzo. How did he even end up all the way in DC?”
“Fake ID got him a plane ticket to DC. He fled all the way to Washington DC to get out of San Diego, but died instead. We caught the killer, but it turns out he was just a hired hand, a hitman,” Ziva informs her.
“And did the hitman say who hired him?”
“Gee Artemis, now why didn’t we think of that?” Tony sarcastically replies. 
Aurora gave him a murderous look to which he turned pale and continued on to what he was going to say.
“All he said was that he was contacted via email and that all the money was wire transferred to his account.”
“I tracked the email to San Diego, but that’s about as far as we got. We can’t even get a fix to which area of San Diego, so we figured that it’s best we find whoever it was that hired the hitman since it is still our case,” McGee explains. 
“I wonder what was the reason to kill him,” Aurora thought out loud.
“Tying up loose ends most likely,” Tony shrugs as he starts touching things on Aurora’s desk. 
“You’re just assuming this, we don’t even know if it’s his supplier, anyone could have had a grudge against him. And stop touching my stuff, DiNosy!” Aurora exclaims, slapping his hand off of a photo frame of her, her brother, and Bradley.
“Aurora’s right. Right now, we need to find out where he was getting his drugs from and go from there,” Gibbs concludes.
“DiNozzo, you and Ziva go over his cellphone records and bank statements. McGee, keep working on that email. You and Abby can work on that in her lab she has set up. Artemis, give me any files you have on the petty officer, the ones you’ve put into the system and the ones you have yet to type up.”
“Yes, boss!” They all reply while moving about to their destinations Aurora hops back into her desk chair to get started searching for more background on this guy.
“And Artemis,” Gibbs pauses at the doorway before turning back to Aurora.
Aurora turns her head towards him.
“Glad you’re back on the team for a bit.”
Aurora smiles. “Just like old times, boss.”
“Work has been so weird without you,” Abby tells Aurora as she sips her Caf-Pow.
Aurora didn’t have any luck with finding anything in her files or reports, so she had decided to take a snack break and visit Abby and McGee in the lab and bring Abby a Caf-Pow and McGee a coffee.
McGee was currently on his computer typing away, while Abby multi-tasked and had a program running in the background while talking to Aurora, who was seated on a stool next to her.
“Gibbs didn’t even want to find a replacement, so the team feels empty without you in it. But we’ve been getting by,” Abby continues.
“I miss you all too. It definitely feels weird being at the desk most of my day, but at least it gets me home at night,” Aurora shrugs. “Unlike when Gibbs called us at 3am for a dead body and we have to work 46 hours straight,” She sighs at the memory, munching on her chips. 
“Oh, yeah! That case took way too long, I remember you were so tired you accidentally fell asleep in the elevator and Tony decided to wake you up with an airhorn.”
Aurora cringes at that memory. “And then I kicked him in the shins.”
“Fun times,” Abby nods while sipping her drink. “How’s your panic attacks by the way? Any bad ones since you’ve left?”
“A few, but not like how they used to be. So not too bad. Bradley helped calm me down, which was the latest one.”
“So about Bradley, please tell me you’ve made a move!”
“Oh, c’mon! I can tell you’ve been anxious about something, you’re eating hot cheetos again.”
Aurora looks down at the bag of chips she’s been eating from and at her red dyed fingertips. Hot cheetos have been her staple snack when she’s anxious or overthinking, especially when she didn’t have her bracelet on her wrist during those times.
The team had seen her go through so many bags, especially when working a case. She had once made the mistake of doing paperwork while she was anxious and had to redo it because she’d accidentally gotten red powder over it.
“It helps me think!” Aurora whines.
“So, you’re telling me, you and Bradley haven’t had a moment or like made out yet?”
“Well, I mean there was this one moment-”
“Oh my gosh!”
“-but my brother accidentally interrupted us.”
Abby groans. “Rory, you just need to walk up and kiss him already! I don’t know how much more of your pining I can take.”
“I’m not pining!”
“Please! He so wants you!” Abby exclaims. “Like you both live together! How do you NOT have the temptation to like, do it right on the kitchen table?!”
“I didn’t say I haven’t thought about that!”
“Uhh, guys, I’m still here,” McGee pops his head out from behind the computer he was working on.
“Shush McGee, the women are talking here,” Abby sasses him.
“Not right now you’re not,” Gibbs walks in, coffee in hand. “Any luck with the background?” he asks Aurora.
“Nothing we don’t already know. Sister’s in a coma from a car accident for almost a year, Ward couldn’t keep up with the payments, so sold cocaine and weapons on the side from an unknown source up until he was caught, was then dishonorably discharged and was supposed to be tried until he escaped and that’s all the intel I have,” she informs him.
“I have a lead!” Tony exclaims as he and Ziva walk in.
“WE have a lead,” Ziva corrects him.
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” Tony dismisses. Ziva rolls her eyes.
“Anyways, we found the supplier,” Tony continues. “One of Ziva’s contacts owed her a favor and we found out that the supplier is a small group of people that operate in a warehouse near the edge of the city. They’re called the Dark Renegades.”
“I know of them. They've been on NCIS San Diego’s radar because they’ve been known to recruit officers who have been dishonorably discharged by the Navy,” Aurora pipes in.
“Why haven’t they been caught?” McGee asks.
“Because they kill their dealers and keep everything tied shut. The fact that Ziva’s contact found out the location is such a big deal.”
“Let’s go check it out. McGee, you stay here, send the warehouse floor plans to us when you get them. Artemis, you’re with us,” Gibbs orders.
“Good luck! Stay safe!” Abby calls out, as Aurora trails behind Ziva, Tony, and Gibbs.
“Are you good to be out on the field?” Gibbs asks Aurora in the elevator as they ascend floor levels to gear up.
“I’m ready, Gibbs,” Aurora reassures him. Gibbs gives her a small look of concern before he nods.
Ziva gives her shoulder a light squeeze before they all exit the elevator, Aurora letting out a sigh before she starts to get into her gear. 
They arrived at the warehouse and made sure the coms in their ears were working. Tony was suggesting an attack plan, but none of them liked it.
“I’m just saying, if we came from the roof, we’d be like ninjas, they’d never see us coming. It’s like in the movie-”
“We don’t even have the equipment for that,” Ziva interrupts him and sighs at his stupidity.
“We can use rope!”
“I’m not dangling from a rope just to enter the warehouse.”
“But that way is more efficient,” Tony points out.
“No, that way is stupid and would get us killed,” Aurora corrects him.
“According to the floor plan McGee sent us, there’s a couple of side windows we can look inside to get a visual,” Gibbs interrupts them as they exit the car, which they park a block from the warehouse so they wouldn’t hear them coming.
“There’s also a front and back entrance. Ziva and Artemis, you get the back entrance. DiNozzo, you check out the situation from the window, I’ll cover the front until we have a plan.”
They agree before splitting to get into position.
“You good, Artemis?” Ziva turns to her, making sure the girl is doing alright.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Aurora nods, gun in hand.
“You know, I missed this. You, back on the team. Us, the unstoppable duo.”
“I miss this too, Ziva,” Aurora smiles at her.
“Aww, they’re having a girl moment,” Tony teases over coms.
“You know what Tony-”
“Enough chit chat. What’s your visual, DiNozzo?” Gibbs interrupts.
“I have 6 men, armed, scattered around the warehouse,” Tony asses. “No wait, no. Scratch that, 5 more men, also armed, just came out of the back office.”
“On my orders, Ziva, Artemis, you go in quietly. Tony, you and I will take the front when they’re in position.” Gibbs orders them.
They were silent, knowing Gibbs would take that as their answer as they prepared to enter from different places in order to quietly infiltrate. Tony moves to meet Gibbs at the front entrance.
“Okay, Ziva, Artemis go.”
Aurora opens the backdoor for Ziva to slip inside, while Aurora covers her. Ziva quietly navigates through the back part of the warehouse, with Aurora behind her, making sure there were no alarms or any threats behind them. 
They silently enter the warehouse until the two come to a stop by a stack of crates, blocking them from the men, but getting a visual.
“Aurora and I have 4 men in sight, they all have automatic weapons on them,” Ziva whispers into her coms.
“Alright, you know the drill. If they start shooting when we go in, you shoot back,” Gibbs reminds them.
“Got it, Gibbs,” Aurora whispers. 
“Alright. Ready, DiNozzo?” Gibbs asks him over the coms.
“Ready when you are, boss.”
A few seconds pass until Ziva and Aurora hear the front door of the warehouse get kicked down.
“Federal agents! Drop your weapons!” Gibbs yells out.
The men in the warehouse start shouting and automatically shoot at them so Gibbs and Tony take cover.
At that signal, Aurora takes out the man closest to her with a shot of her gun, hitting his shoulder. He goes down instantly and Aurora takes another shot at the man next to the guy that went down, immediately taking cover after knowing that they would soon retaliate with firepower of their own. 
Ziva also starts shooting from her vantage point, not missing her marks, already taking down 2 men. Gibbs takes one man down on his side, while Tony hits one as well.
The rest of the men took cover and tried to shoot back at the agents.
Aurora moves slowly from her cover of boxes and peaks around to see two men aiming to shoot her. She quickly covers herself as they rain a bunch of bullets her way. 
Ziva yells out, gesturing for Aurora to move to her left. There was a big gap between the crates to where the shooters could get her if she wasn’t fast enough.
Aurora takes a deep breath and starts to move towards Ziva. Aurora slides out from her spot, left leg out, right knee down as to help stabilize herself as she takes her two shots. Both shots end up taking down the two shooters that were cornering her.
Still sliding, she ends up next to Ziva, safely behind the crates. 
“Nice move,” Ziva praises her.
“Nice shooting,” she replies back. “How many left?”
Ziva takes a glance, seeing that there was one guy left.
Before she could reply, Tony takes him down instantly with one shot.
“I think that’s it, but I think Gibbs is working on one more.”
Looking over and seeing who Aurora assumes is the leader, he was currently in the middle of hand to hand combat with Gibbs. Eventually Gibbs hit him in the stomach, then the throat, taking the man down.
“Clear here!” Ziva yells out from their spot.
“Clear!” Tony calls out.
Gibbs puts his handcuffs on the leader before lifting him to his feet.
“Let’s take him back to the office, hopefully we got our guy.”
“Don’t jinx it, Gibbs. I’m ready for this to be over,” Aurora sighs.
“Gibbs jinxed it! All of that and it turns out to be a dead end?!” Aurora groans, laying her head on her desk. 
Turns out, no one in the Dark Renegades even knew that Noah Ward was dead. They were working on a big shipment of weapons that they were getting ready to sell.
No one in the group even had the technical skill of being able to block a trace. Basically, they weren’t smart enough to block a trace via email, therefore they weren’t the ones to kill the petty officer.
Gibbs had just finished interrogating the leader, who was now being charged and sent to jail.
“Well, at least we took them down,” Ziva reassures her.
They were all back in Aurora’s office, trying to regroup to see what they had missed.
“Now we’re back to square one on finding whoever hired the hitman,” Tony speaks up from his chair, hissing from a bruise on his face that he was currently icing. He accidentally ended up hitting the side of a crate earlier during the shootout.
McGee and Abby were still in the lab, trying to crack the email trace. Gibbs was updating both Director Vance and Agent Hopkins about the situation.
“What if someone had a grudge against Noah Ward? I mean, he was selling drugs, maybe someone wanted him to pay?” Aurora theorizes. 
“Yeah, but who? He didn’t have a client list that we could go through. And even if he did, his list would be long,” Tony points out.
McGee rushes into Aurora’s office and puffs out air.
“Guys, I think Abby and I found a lead.”
They rush into the lab to where Abby and Gibbs were waiting.
“We were finally able to trace the email address to an Adam Lewis,” Abby pulls up his file. According to his file at glance, Adam Lewis was a Marine, honorably discharged a few years ago.
“He doesn’t seem like the hiring hitman type,” Ziva profiles from his photo.
“That’s because he wasn’t, but up until two years ago when he lost his daughter,” Abby switches his profile to the daughter’s profile.
“His daughter was another Naval petty officer that also happened to serve with Noah Ward. Her name was Isabella Lewis. She died from a drug overdose, cocaine was the source,” McGee informs.
“She was a drug user?” Aurora asks.
“That’s how she got dishonorably discharged, and then a few weeks after her discharge, she was found dead in her house. Her dad was the one that found her,” McGee answers.
Aurora’s heart broke hearing that. No father should see their child dead.
“So, I’m guessing Noah Ward was the one supplying her drugs?” Tony inquires.
“And you’d be correct,” Abby nods her confirmation. “But he wasn’t charged for her death because no one knew who supplied her drugs because Noah Ward wasn’t caught until a few days ago.”
“What’s the background on the father?” Gibbs questions.
“He’s currently working as one of the Navy contractor’s for IT support,” Tony reads from the profile.
“Which would explain why it took so long for his email to be cracked,” McGee points out.
“But get this when he was in the Corps, he didn’t just work in the communications unit, but also an EOD technician,” Tony keeps on reading out loud.
“EOD as in Explosive Ordnance Disposal,” Ziva confirms. The team stills at that information.
“That doesn’t sound like a good thing,” Aurora mumbles. Her phone beeps and she takes it out while Gibbs gives out orders.
“We need to find him. McGee, phone records and bank statements. Tony-”
“Oh my gosh,” Aurora interrupts him. They all turn to look at her. 
“What is it?” Gibbs asks her.
Aurora, without a sound, moves to Abby, to which she moves and lets Aurora use the computer. She pulls up a live news feed and everyone freezes at what they see.
The news was reporting live that someone was holding hostages at a local coffee shop near the navy base by way of a bomb threat. About 20 people were in there, and that the criminal holding them hostage was the person they were looking for, Adam Lewis. 
“No time to waste, everyone let’s go! Abby, you stay here!” Gibbs orders the team.
Gibbs, Ziva, Tony, McGee, and Aurora rush out, hoping they were able to make it in time to save the hostages.
“What’s the status of the situation?” Gibbs questions the lead officer in charge.
After explaining that the suspect inside was an NCIS suspect, the San Diego Police Department were more than willing to let NCIS be in charge, especially since they were still waiting for the bomb squad to arrive.
The police department had set up a ways away, with a few medical tents and a barricade in place.
“We can’t get a clear visual on the bomber,” A police officer on scene reports to them.  “He took out all the security cameras and closed the blinds. We can’t send a man in there without him threatening to blow the place up if he doesn’t speak to NCIS. We did a scan of the area and it looks like he put the bomb in the basement of the coffee shop, which is their storage space. If we don’t take any action, he will blow himself and the hostages up,” the officer answers.
“What’s the bomb trigger?” Gibbs asks.
“Remote detonation, he has the remote in his hand, but we can’t find a way to trace or jam the signal from the remote to the bomb.”
“How many hostages?” Ziva inquires.
“27, men, women, and children. Most are Navy dependents. We figured that he was targeting them because of their connection.”
“Okay, Ziva, McGee, I want you to secure the perimeter, see if there’s any other way to get a visual without compromising yourselves,” Gibbs begins issuing out orders.  “DiNozzo, you and Artemis stay here and wait for the bomb squad. I’ll go in and try to get him to talk.”
Aurora stays rooted in her spot before realizing what had to happen.
“Gibbs, I think I should go in,” Artemis speaks up.
“No, not an option,” he shuts down the idea quickly.
“Think about it, Gibbs. If I go in, he’ll see another woman that’s like his daughter. He’s more likely to be sympathetic towards me and let me release the hostages then. 
“No! Absolutely not, Artemis. You could get hurt.”
“This is the job, Gibbs! Please, let me do this. It’s the only way he’ll release them. I’ll keep him talking while you guys find a way to take the shot without triggering the bomb,” Aurora pleads to him.
This was Aurora’s shot to prove that she can get the job done. She needed those hostages out of harm’s way from the crazy guy and his bomb. She needed to prove self-worth. And to keep everyone safe. But at what cost?
Gibbs stood there thinking about what she said. Tony, Ziva, and McGee look at him in disbelief that he would even think about it.
“Gibbs, this is insane,” Tony hisses.
“She raises a good point. She gets him talking enough to distract him, and we attach a live feed camera on her vest so we can see the detonator,” the lead police officer inputs.
“Gib-,” McGee argues but gets interrupted.
“You distract him until we can take the shot and disarm the bomb. And if it gets bad, you get out. You get out fast and run away even if he tries to blow himself up, got it?”
“Understood, sir,” Aurora nods.
“Alright, McGee, hook a camera up to her so we can get a visual inside. Tony and I will coordinate with the other police officers right now to get any more information about the situation. Ziva, stay with her.”
They all get to work quickly. Gibbs and Tony rush out, while McGee leads Aurora setting up a camera small enough to stay on her vest.
“I can’t believe you offered yourself like that, Artemis. That was stupid,” McGee mutters as he starts setting up the camera.
“I have no choice. If it was Gibbs, would you say the same thing?” Aurora defends herself. McGee stays silent while Ziva coaches her.
“You ask him to release the hostages and get him talking and distracted while we figure out a solution. You may have to try and talk him down so he doesn’t detonate, can you do that?”
Ziva was nervous for Aurora. She’s  been in many situations like Aurora, but the fact that she’d now be watching Aurora go through it, didn’t sit right with her.
“I’ll be fine Ziva,” Aurora reassures her. “Can you actually do me a favor?”
Aurora takes off her charm bracelet, her hands trembling.
“No, Art-”
“Ziva, just listen to me. If anything happens to me, I need you to give this to Bradley.”
Ziva brings her hands on Aurora's shaking hands that were clasped on her bracelet.
“Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“I know, but please, just in case,” Aurora pleads to her as she slips the bracelet into Ziva’s hands.
Ziva solemnly nods as McGee pulls Aurora away to put the camera on her. Ziva grips the bracelet tightly, before tucking it away into one of her vest pockets for safety.
“Alright, signal is receiving, audio is working,” McGee reports just as Gibbs and Tony come back.
“You ready, Artemis? You don’t have to do this,” Gibbs assures her.
“I do, we need to get those people out before anything happens,” Aurora affirms. She was determined to get this over with, but she was nervous. Her hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
“Alright, approach the door slowly, and just listen to me in your coms, got it?” Gibbs asks.
Aurora nods. She takes a deep breath before leaving the area and walking past the barricade, towards the door to the coffee shop. She opens the door slowly.
“Identify yourself!” A voice yells out.
“I’m NCIS Special Agent Aurora Benjamin-Mitchell. I heard you wanted to talk to NCIS,” she replies, slipping into the coffee shop.
She took in her surroundings and saw people scattered around the shop, all huddled, crying and scared.
In the middle of the shop, Adam Lewis sat in a chair, his right hand holding a gun, the left holding what looked to be the remote.
“So, you finally came. Took you long enough,” Adam scoffs. He sat confident, but Aurora could tell he was nervous.
“Let the hostages go, Adam. They don’t need to be here. You got what you want,” Aurora tells him.
“No! What I want is for NCIS to admit that it was their fault my daughter is dead, and that you should have done better.”
“Even if I said that, what good would it do? It won’t bring your daughter back!”
“Artemis, keep him talking, we think Ziva found a way into the basement of the coffee shop to try and disarm the bomb," she heard Gibbs say in her coms.
“Look, release the hostages, and we can talk about this, “ Artemis continued, trying to persuade Adam. He hesitates, getting a good look at her facial expression. She was determined to get the hostages out, but scared about his next actions.
Adam saw the determination in her eyes to do her job and get the hostages out safely. He saw his daughter in her eyes. 
A few seconds later, the front door to the coffee shop opened and the hostages came running out. Children were clinging to their parents crying, while some of the police officers were helping lead them to the ambulances and medical tents they had set up.
“She did it, boss,” Tony proudly says from next to Gibbs.
“She’s not done yet, DiNozzo,” Gibbs corrects him. “Status update, Ziva.”
“This bomb is way too sophisticated for me to disarm, I’ve never seen one like this before.”
“He is a computer tech. He made and disarmed bombs for a living. Makes sense why it’s probably hard to disarm it,” McGee speaks up from his laptop.
Just then, Gibbs’ cell phone rang and he answered it, putting it on speakerphone for Tony to hear.
“Yeah, Abs?” Gibbs asks on the phone.
“Okay, so I was looking up his background, Gibbs.  I found his bank statements and it turns out he spent most of his money on the hitman, and the rest went to a charity for veterans.”
“A charity? Why would he give away all his money?” Tony wonders out loud.
Gibbs was lost in thought before he was interrupted over his coms.
“Gibbs, I think there’s a timer on it,” Ziva informs them.
“How much time is left?”
“3 minutes and 23 seconds.”
“Try to disarm it, and if it reaches 1 minute you run out of there. Tony, what’s the status of the bomb squad, where are they?” Gibbs demands turning toward the other man.
“Won’t get here in time boss. They’re 7 minutes out.”
“Damnit!” Gibbs cusses, worried for his team.
He had Aurora talking to Adam Lewis and Ziva in the basement trying to disarm the bomb, he could only hope that Aurora would be able to talk him down, or Ziva disarms the bomb. He couldn’t lose either of them.
“Why would he bring a bomb to a coffee shop?” McGee asks from his laptop.
“Turns out, he and his daughter used to go there almost every Sunday since her mother passed away from cancer. It was the one place they shared together,” Abby answers.
“So what is his endgame? Why bring a bunch of hostages in and blow up the coffee shop?” Tony wonders.
“Should we inform Artemis of the situation?” McGee asks Gibbs.
“Not yet, if we tell her now, she’s going to panic. Which might cause him to panic and pull the trigger, remotely.”
“Boss-” Tony worriedly tries to talk him out of that decision, but Gibbs made up his mind.
“We wait until the last minute,” Gibbs orders, firmly.
“Look,” Aurora had her hands up, showing she wasn’t a threat. “I get that you lost your daughter, and I’m sorry about that. I know what it’s like to be scared that you lose your loved ones. I-I can’t even imagine how that feels when you found out what happened. She was a good person from what I read on her file, Adam.”
Aurora still stood near the door of the coffee shop. She had no idea what the status was on the bomb that Ziva was disarming or about why he was even threatening to blow up the coffee shop.
Adam looks at her sorrowfully. “You remind me of her, my daughter. Empathetic to strangers, brave, knowledgeable.”
Aurora stood silently.
“Tell me, agent. Do you have family who serve?” Adam wonders.
Adam could feel her sympathy radiating from her. He recognized the feeling anywhere, the hurt and pain of having someone that you love serve in the Navy. It was the same feeling he felt when his daughter had left on deployment.
“You can call me Aurora,” she replied, hoping to help build rapport with him, “And I do, my dad, best friend, and two of my godfather’s are Naval aviators. My brother is an aviation mechanic, also in the Navy. I almost lost my godfather in a training accident when I was little, and my other godfather to cancer.”
“Then you understand the pain when they leave, not knowing if they will ever return. But you never lost anyone?”
“I’m fortunate enough to never have felt that loss. I’ve lost many friends working at NCIS, losing a family member? I can’t even imagine. I wake up every day grateful for them to be alive, but your daughter Isabella wouldn’t want you to do this.”
“You didn’t know her! You don’t understand what it’s like!” Adam shouts. “To have someone ripped away from you forever and never see them again!” He was growing agitated.
Aurora stays silent. She had felt that feeling, she grew up with that feeling every time her dad left for a mission. The worry that he would never return. She felt that feeling the first time Bradley and Peyton were deployed. But losing someone to death, that was something she knew would break her, and she was lucky to never have known that.
“If only you had done your job, she would still be here! I had to hire a hitman in order to get the man that killed her! I got my revenge!” He screams at her, waving his gun around.
Aurora drew her gun out as a response. “Sometimes things don’t work out like that, Adam. Sometimes we don’t get the bad guy until it’s too late. There’s nothing else we can do. You blow us both up, and what will you have achieved?!” She cries out at him.
“I had him killed because I needed to make sure he was gone! I just want to hold my daughter one more time.” he starts crying, the grip on his gun loosening.  “It should have been me that died.”
Aurora’s aim falters as she hears this.
“How much time do we have left, McGee?” Gibbs asks as Ziva had left the basement and ran back to the team and the officers. They were behind the barricade in case the bomb was going to go off.
“Less than a minute left, boss!”
“Artemis, get out of there! That’s an order! There’s a timer on the bomb!” Gibbs yells into his coms.
Aurora’s eyes widened as she heard this. “It’s on a timer?” 
“I’m sorry, Aurora, I am. But I have to do this,” he cries. Adam just wanted to see his daughter one more time.
Then it dawned on Aurora. He was tying up loose ends. He hired the hitman in order to kill the man that caused his daughter’s death. Blowing up the coffee shop would put an end to the pain he felt losing his daughter.
This was his end game.
“How do we disarm it?” she worriedly asks both Gibbs, via her coms, as well as Adam.
Adam shook his head. “You can’t. I’m sorry.”
Aurora hesitates. She knew she should run, but she didn’t want to leave him. 
Adam looks at her. “Go,” he whispers.
“Go! For your family, Aurora, get out of here!” he cries out.
Aurora quickly rushes out of the coffee shop.
Adam closes his eyes as she exits, waiting for the bomb to take him. A tear leaks from his eyes as he smiles. He could finally be at peace.
Gibbs spots Aurora running out of the coffee shop and yells for her, but before she could even reach them, the bomb goes off.
Everyone braces and covers themselves. A few seconds later, Gibbs rises from his barricade to get a glimpse of Aurora.
Aurora was a few feet away from the barricade, sprawled on her right side and laying limp in the grass. She was barely conscious, bleeding from shrapnel that hit her. It didn’t look good.
Gibbs, Ziva, and Tony rush to her, while McGee yells for a medic. Aurora moans in pain as they rolled her onto her back, waiting for the medic to reach them.
“Artemis, c’mon, stay awake,” Ziva encourages her.
“Medic! Where’s the medic!” Tony hollers at McGee.
“They’re on the way!”
“Hold on, Aurora. C’mon kid,” Gibbs brushes her hair away from her face.
She coughs before looking up at Gibbs.
“I just need a little rest, just let me close my eyes a bit,” she croaks out.
“No, you stay awake Artemis, that’s an order.”
“The hostages-”
“They’re all safe, thanks to you.”
Aurora soon starts tearing up. “I couldn’t save him, Gibbs,” she cries. “I couldn’t save Adam Lewis.”
“Shhh, it’s alright. There was nothing else you could have done. It was a suicide for him from the start.”
She glances at Ziva as her eyes start to flutter.
“Tell my family I’m sorry. Tell Bra-”
“You’re going to tell them yourself, Aurora,” Ziva grips her hand tightly.
“I’m tired, I’m just gonna rest for a bit.”
Aurora smiles before her eyes start fluttering closed.
“No, stay awake, Artemis…Artemis!” Tony calls out to her.
Darkness takes over Aurora and soon everything was quiet.
- - -
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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dutchessofcaladan · 11 months ago
Pirates of the Caribbean: Wrath of the Kraken
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My 1st Pirates fic! And before you ask: No. I didn't abandon Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence. My hyperfixation wheel decided to spin and somehow landed on Pirates of the Caribbean (I blame Geoffrey Rush).
Anyway, this fic (and possibly others, we'll see how this goes) will be a continuation of the PotC franchise (not a reboot like Disney so stupidly decided on) and will feature new and returning characters as well as take inspiration from previous films and the mobile game Tides of War.
And just like Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence, a bit thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When Jack recruits Smith to help him find the lost relics of Cortez, their mission doesn't go as planned when they run into terrors and joys from their past, ultimately witnessing the resurrection of the Dutchman...and her beloved Captain.
TW: Some language
Jack smiled as his face became illuminated by the moon, its light shining through the parting clouds.
"Mr. Gibbs!" He shouted from the helm.
"Cap'n?" Gibbs responded, turning to Jack.
"Prepare the Pearl for docking!"
"But Cap'n, where be the dock?"
"Look through the mist, Mr. Gibbs." Jack smiled.
As if by magic, the mist faded, revealing the fortress that had been built into the side of a mountain.
"El Silencio en el mar Caspio." Jack all but sighed, as if he was returning home. "The Silence in the Caspian Sea."
As the ship got closer to the dock, Jack hopped down to the main deck, Cotton having taken the wheel.
"ALRIGHT STEADY! STEADY!" Jack shrieked as the ship aligned itself.
A terrified look covered his face as a loud snap echoed from the front of the ship.
Turning back to Cotton he shouted, "No matter! Everything's fine!" Pulling Gibbs to him he whispered, "Let's just hope she'll go easy on him otherwise we'll need a new helmsman."
Gibbs turned to him in shock. Before he could ask who they were here to see, Jack had hopped off the ship and started down what was left of the dock.
"Oi!" One of the guards shouted, blocking Jack's way. "What do you think you're doin'?"
Jumping back slightly, Jack looked at him in confusion. "Have we met before?" He questioned bluntly.
Before the guard could answer, Jack snapped his fingers, delight painting his face.
"I've got it!" He slurred. "You're one of those guards from Port Royal!" Leaning in close he asked, "Have you learned to swim yet?"
He jumped as the guard let out an angered huff.
"Let's just forget that last bit, shall we?" His eyes widened slightly, seeing that the guards expression hadn't changed. "How 'bout this: I'll go wait in that tavern over there, have a few drinks, while you go get your Captain for me."
Before the guard could answer, Jack pushed past him towards the tavern.
"Pirate, nay. Privateer."
"I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request. Means no."
"Aye. But that's a gamble of long odds, ain't it?"
"There's no guarantee of comin' back. Passin' on, that's dead certain."
"Too long me fate has not been in me own hands. No longer."
"Do ya mean grass? On a farm? Milkin’ a cow? Makin’ cheese? While they sink me treasure?! I'm a Pirate. Always will be."
"You know the first thing I'm gonna do after the curse is lifted...eat a whole bushel of apples."
“For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starving to death and haven't died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the warmth of a woman's flesh.”
“You best start believing in ghost stories Ms. Turner. You’re in one!”
"I'm the master of me ship. Not Blackbeard. I'm the master of me fate. Not Blackbeard. So I did what needed done. I survived."
"Nay, belay that! Let ‘er run straight and true!"
"Brace up yards, ya cack-handed deck apes! Dyin' is the day worth livin' for!"
"I feel...cold."
Smith awoke in a cold sweat to someone banging on her door. Standing up, she went to open it.
"What do you want, Mullroy?" She growled, glaring daggers at the guard who'd been banging on her door.
"Pardon me for awakin' you, Captain, especially at this hour, but," the look on her face told him to get to the point, "there's a man, in the tavern. He requested that I bring you to him."
Grumbling, Smith slammed the door, only to reamerge moments later fully dressed, motioning to Mullroy to take her to him.
As Jack downed his 4th mug of rum, the door to the tavern opened.
"Jack Sparrow." Smith smirked.
"Smith! It's been too long!" Steadying himself as he stood. "Hasn't it?"
"Aye." Her smile was strained. "9 years."
Heading to the table and pulling up a chair, Smith leaned close to Jack.
"What the hell are you doing here, Jack?"
Leaning forward, Jack slurred, "I've heard stories. Of a great treasure that lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. It's said to be one of the relics of Cortez himself."
Sensing she wasn't paying attention, he poked her in the forehead.
"'re you alright?" He asked.
"I've been having these...dreams." She sighed. "Every night for the past 9 years. Every single one about Hector. It's like he's calling to me."
"Tis not Barbossa who calls to you."
Swiftly turning in the direction of the voice, Jack aimed his pistol while Smith readied her sword.
Jack's eyes widened.
"Calypso." Smith's eyes narrowed.
"In de flesh." The Sea Goddess smiled, black teeth shining in the dim light of the rising Sun.
"What do you want?" Smith held her sword more firmly.
"Not'ing more dan to give you a gift."
"A gift?" Jack questioned. "Did you bring me a gift too?"
Calypso shot him an incredulous look, causing his smile to fall.
"Tis more of a...repayment, den a gift."
Smith's eyebrows furrowed. "A repayment? For what?"
Stepping closer, Calypso smiled. "In time, you and Jack will venture to dah sea. Dehn you will fallow Deh Map No Man Can Read. Dehr you will find your repayment."
"Repayment for what?" Smith repeated.
"You'll see."
As quick as she'd arrived, Calypso vanished.
"The Map No Man Can Read." Smith repeated, turning to Jack. "You don't think-"
"Think what?"
Before he could get an answer, Smith fled the tavern.
Placing her hands upon the wheel of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Smith let out a shaky breath. For the first time in 9 years, she stood at the helm of her ship. Her. Ship. Those words felt wrong. No. This was Hector's ship. He had been the one to take it from Blackbeard. He had been the one to make the Revenge what it was today.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her sword from its sheath and thrust it into the air, the tip of it gleaning in the newly risen Sun. As she did so, the wine colored Sails were released from their bonds, the early morning air filling them. Thrusting the sword towards the bow of the ship, she watched as her crew tumbled down the deck at the sudden burst of acceleration.
Returning the sword to its sheath, she addressed her crew. "All hands! Ply to windward! Get crackin' ye bloomin' cockroaches!" She let out a laugh as her crew joined. "The Crown served me well! But now, by the Gods of sea and sky, make way for Tortuga!" Her crew cheered as the ship continued on.
Smiling as he heard the cheers of Smith's crew, Jack whispered to himself, "That's my girl."
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cyberneticnipples · 9 months ago
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I laid before the monuments of love, now I'm buried underneath them
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seraslights · 10 months ago
Suspect PT 2
I looked between the agent in front of us and my brother who only glares. My brother glared until he started to laugh.
"Oh dear..." I murmur, knowing full well what was about to happen. He hugged me tighter, his laughing getting louder which only angered the agent.
He let me go and stood, smiling at the agent.
"Gibbs was it? Please forgive me for my unprofessionalism but I couldn’t help myself but laugh at such a dumb question.”
He slams his hand on the table, hard enough to grab his attention but soft enough to not startle me.
“If it’s someone she doesn’t know how would she be able to contact said person? Not to mention if she didn’t know they were there! Ah yes let me call a “witness” to the stand that had nothing to do with the whole case let alone has no knowledge of what the hell is going on!”
He was mad, so very mad. "We have DNA evidence that she slept with the victim! She was the last person seen going in-" He stopped when I stood.
"It wasn't me. I was with my brothers boyfriend!"
Gibbs glared at me, before growling, "DNA doesn't lie." My brother pulled me back, making me sit back down. "Well clearly someone made a mistake. Serena isn't a killer."
"We have enough evidence to keep her and charge her with the crime." My heart dropped.
My life was over, that is until my brother and I had the same thought. We looked at each other and nod. "Luna."
"Who the fuck is Luna?"
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writing-until-i-drop · 6 months ago
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Hey! Call me Bet, I'm a writer who gets so absorbed in the stories in my head that I forget to do important things...like my actual job... And fun fact, my mom reads my fics (she's very supportive, it's validating and mortifying)
Fandoms I Write For
Top Gun Maverick
Outer Range
9-1-1 ABC
Stardew Valley
Hogwarts Legacy
Salem's Lot
Top Gun 1986
I take requests!
My Bookshelf Of Favorite Fics @bets-bookshelf
My Personal Blog That's Filled With Chaos
Comfort Drabbles Masterlist
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
WIP Ask Game (Go ahead, send an ask!)
Rooster x Single Mom!OC
Sneak peek
After divorcing her gay, marriage of convenience husband, Olivia and her teenage daughter move to North Island. Her daughter's one wish for Christmas? A hot step dad. And damn, if Rooster's Hawaiian shirts don't look like the perfect wrapping paper.
[Chaotic teenager daughter plays wingman | Rooster has total dad vibes | Olivia's exe just wants her to be happy | Olivia really needs to get laid | Her exe and daughter agree | Lots of domesticity | Olivia is the best mom to her gremlin daughter | Fresh start at life | Accidental pregnancy]
Hangman x Marine Corpsman-Devil Doc!OC
Sneak peek
Every time Fiona "Kitten" Reid is deployed, something bad happens. Win-a-medal type bad. And when Warlock is looking for a survivalist instructor for the Daggers during the uranium mission, he's shocked that the top recommendation from his colleagues is a young medical corpsman the Marines she served with dubbed "Kitten." After making a grand entrance at the expense of Jake's older brother and Bob's sanity, Fiona finds herself squarely in Hangman's sights. But he better pay attention in class because her lessons come from more than a textbook...
[Its classified sweetheart | Tequila makes her want to dance on elevated surfaces | Fiona has a Meredith Grey level disrespect for her own well being | Jake really wants to know how Fiona knows his brother | Fiona prepares the Daggers for being shot down in enemy territory | Warlock is a chaos enabler | Lots of Marine slang | Big Gibbs vibes | She once ran towards gunfire with a stethoscope around her neck | Bob is a great dancer | Penny will kick Jake's ass personally if he hurts her | She'll also kick Fiona's ass if she hurts him | Penny needs a raise]
NCIS! Top Gun Maverick AU
Blurb to come...
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ash-whimsicalfanfic · 2 years ago
I was wondering if you can please write fanfic. Where the reader is a mother of young twins who is fiercely protective of them because one of them is completely colorblind and the other one is going deaf and nobody on the team knows of their existence.
So one day her babysitter can’t work or something do whatever you like at this part, but basically, the NCIS team finds out about the twins and her fierceness protectiveness and Leroy Jethro is like ok I’m kinda in love with you to you’re officially Mrs. Gibbs five and have fun with it.
Do whatever you like with this and I hope you enjoy writing it. I hope you have a wonderful year a wonderful month in your writing is amazing and I appreciate you.
Fierce Love
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Flashbacks, Mentions of SA, Kidnapping, Mild Language, Violence, Guns, Blood, Suggestive, Angst, Fluff, etc.
Prompt: You are a mother of young twins, one who is colorblind and the other who is going deaf. The team doesn’t know of their existence until something happens to the babysitter who so happens to be your goddaughter. The team finds that you are fiercely protective and fiercely in love with your kids. But, this stands out more to Gibbs because he’s been trying to figure out for
Sidenotes: I used a scene from “The Rookie”, not to the exact measures, but similar.
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You look down at the twins you held, your eyes instantly teary as you looked at the two bundles that saved you. They were perfect with their ten fingers, their ten toes, their tiny noses, their tiny lips and their healthy selves.
Adeline Iridessa Y/L/N, you sweet baby girl who was younger by a few minutes. Then her older brother by only minutes, Alexander Archer Y/L/N.
"Mommy will always protect you." You whisper softly.
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"Ms. Y/L/N, I'm afraid to tell you that Adeline is colorblind. Alexander is rapidly losing hearing and we fear he may be deaf." Dr. Bryant explains.
You were silent for a moment, trying to soak in this information. You look at the twins for a moment before turning back to him.
"Is there anything we can do to try and preserve and maybe even salvage what hearing Alex has?" You ask.
"We could try some tubes, however I fear that his case is too severe. Here are some pamphlets. This will help Alexander if he needs to learn sign language. It's always good starting them off at a young age anyway. They tend to retain the language better and he will be better. You may want to also have Adeline learn the language for her brother as well." He explains.
You nod, looking at the twins who were wide awake, looking around curiously. Your heart aches knowing that Adeline will never get to see such beautiful colors because she has achromatopsia color blindness and then Alexander will eventually lose his hearing altogether.
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You were sitting at your bullpen, trying to figure out how to make their 5th birthday party the best birthday ever for them. You know you probably spoiled them too much, but they were your babies and you'd be damned if you ever let something happen to them.
The thought of sending them to school was agonizing. Knowing that they were getting older was scary. These were your babies and the thought of anything happening to them sent you into a protective mode instantly.
"Alright, what do we have?" Gibbs asks, coming back from getting coffee.
Tony, Ziva and Tim immediately are up and fighting to tell their finds. However, Gibbs was focused on you who seem distracted on something.
Gibbs was able to read everyone. However, after four years of working for him, he still was trying to figure you out. Almost everything about your file was confidential. He was so brutal on you when you first came here, however he has gotten better over time.
The elevator doors open and everyone turns back. You stand slowly as you see your twins exit the elevator hand in hand with your neighbor following behind them.
"Mommy!" Adeline squeals, running to you and hugging you.
You squat down, hugging her and Alexander. You gently push them back and look to Alexander, signing, "What's wrong baby boy?" 
He looked pale and like he wasn't feeling the greatest. Which was strange because before you left this morning, you made sure to make sure both were tucked in and weren't running fevers.
He sighs, signing, "Just worried and tired." You frown, gently guiding them both behind your desk, lifting them both into your chair before your neighbor walks to you.
"Y/N/N, Lexi answered the door this morning and their was a man there who was claiming to be the twins' father. The twins followed your "game" as Adeline put it if a stranger shows up. Lexi was taken by that man. And I came over here as fast I could." She explains.
You let a slow breath out as your heart rate picks up. Lexi was a good girl. She was your older sisters daughter. Lexi made you realize how much you wanted kids of your own. Lexi was like a daughter to you. You look at the twins, knowing that Lexi would do anything for them—just like you—which is probably how she ended up in this situation to begin with.
"Thank you, Bebe. You did the right thing." You say.
"Do you want me to take the twins so that you can work and get Lexi back?" She asks.
"No, no, it's alright. I think I'd feel better knowing they are with me. Thank you, Bebe. I'd say yes if I felt safe about it, but their father is...a very unpredictable man. I don't want to put you or the twins in danger." You explain.
It made you feel guilty, like you didn't trust Bebe, but thankfully she understood where you were coming from. She gave you a big hug, promising that everything would be okay and that Lexi was a tough girl. You knew Lexi was tough. You also knew Lexi would have left clues for you. She leaves and you turn to your team who was watching.
"You have kids?" Tony asks surprised.
"Yes." You say a bit more defensively than you expected, moving in front of the twins.
"Hey, easy there mama bear. I'm just surprised. You have no pictures and you've never mentioned them." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.
You clench your jaw, choosing to keep silent. These were your babies. You know your team wouldn't do anything to them. You knew that they'd protect them just as fiercely as you. However, your protective side was running wild knowing their father was after them and knowing he had Lexi.
Gibbs was staring at you, a small smirk on his lips. He could finally read you and put every piece to the puzzle together about you. It was like you were an open book right now.
I'm so in love with her, he thinks to himself.
"That's a pretty dress you have on sweetie. Is pink your favorite color?" Ziva asks and your heart clenches.
"Adeline can't see colors. She has achromatopsia color blindness. Alexander is deaf...he lost all of his hearing by the time he was one. He knows sign language though. So does Adeline. He can also read lips very well. Both of them can. Even though Adeline can talk, sign language and reading lips is a second nature to her." You explain.
You didn't realize you were nervously rambling, but the team did and smiled softly. They understood the normal moms fierce love for their child, however yours was far fiercer and far more protective. And it wasn't because you were an NCIS agent. It was because both of your babies were special.
"Mommy says pink is my color. And I trust mommy." Adeline says, smiling at Ziva who grins.
"Well, your mommy is very much right. Pink is definitely your color." She says.
"Alex, Addy...this is mommy's friends. That's Ziva, this is Tim and that's Tony. That's mommy's boss, Gibbs." You say, pointing to each of them.
Adeline was in a full conversation with Tony, Tim and Ziva. Alexander was looking at Gibbs who crouches down to his height and signs, "Are you okay?"
Alexander smiles and you look down, a light blush on your cheeks. You always had what Abby liked to call a "school-girl crush" on Gibbs. The elevator doors open and you look over to see Abby skipping towards you.
"Oh my goodness! They are so cute!" She exclaims.
"Mommy, who is that?" Adeline asks while looking at you.
"Mommy?" Abby asks, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N is a mom, Abby. She's just been trying to keep them safe from their father." Gibbs explains before going back to signing with Alexander.
"What? You didn't trust us?" Abby asks.
"Abs, that isn't the case...their father is a terrible man. I thought he was still in prison. But, he isn't and he has my goddaughter who babysits for me...and because he is out, he was trying to get the twins. I just was scared that mostly you would get attached and what if I had to up and leave one day with the twins? I knew staying in one place meant he'd find me. I just..." You trail off and sit down as you bury your head in your hands.
"You have made a family. It explains why you were so distant. How did you and the father meet?" Tim asks.
"I was kidnapped by him when I was undercover. I'm sure you can put the pieces together." You mumble.
"Y/N/N." Abby whispers with watery eyes.
"It's fine. I don't dwell on the past. Not to mention, I've got these two who saved me." You murmur, lifting your head to look at your twins.
The team shared pitiful smiles, never realizing what you have gone through. You let a shaky breath out, moving your hands to your knees.
"They know sign language?" Abby asks while looking at Alexander.
"Alexander is deaf. He can read lips and sign, and Adeline can too. I made her learn too for him. Adeline has achromatopsia color blindness." You explain.
"Okay. Y/N, would you be okay with Abby taking them so that we can get your goddaughter back? And so I can personally speak with the bastard?" Gibbs asks.
"Y-Yeah, of course. Abby...I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I...I probably—." You start until she covers your mouth.
"Don't apologize. I understand and I'm not mad. However, I'm making them call me Aunt Abby." She says and you laugh.
"Alright. I mean I've talked about all of you guys to them and that's kind of how I've labeled you. Personally, I think you should be their godmother but if you want to be Aunt Abby, well I guess I'll have to find a different godmother." You say casually as you shrug with a smile and she gasps before squealing and hugging you.
"I want to be the godmother!" She exclaims.
You chuckle and stand before you tap your foot three times pretty hard on the ground. Alexander turns to you, feeling the vibrations on the ground.
"Come here." You sign and he walks over to you.
You kneel and gently grasp Adeline's elbow and she looks at you before moving to stand by Alexander.
"I want you guys to meet someone else. This is your godmother and one of mommy's other friends." You say and sign.
"Okay mommy, who is it?" Adeline asks.
You point to Abby and they both turn. Abby kneels and starts to sign to them which you couldn't help, but smile at Alexander's excitement. He really struggled because it wasn't like everyone knew sign language.
You turn and see a hand outstretched in front of you. It was Gibbs. You take it and he helps you up. You turn to look at the twins who seemed to be in awe. You focus on Abby's hands and notice she is telling them about her lab. You laugh quietly. Both of your twins were in love with anything to do with science so you knew they'd be just fine with Abby.
Abby looks at you and grins before she takes their hands and goes to lead them to the elevator. You find yourself having an internal battle, wanting to go with them, but you managed to keep yourself rooted to where you stood. You feel a hand on your hip and turn to see Gibbs.
"They are with Abby. They are safe." He mumbles.
You nod, knowing he was right and he pats your hip twice as Tony excitedly announces since it's your case, your lead.
"We should start at my house. Lexi is a smart girl and she would've left clues. I know her. And knowing that man, he probably searched the house for the twins. But, Lexi told them to play that game when a stranger comes over. It's basically a game to them, but it's something I've done in case someone tries to get to the twins. They have a hiding spot. Lexi and I are the only ones aware of that spot." You explain.
"It's good you had that in place." Ziva says as you all head to the elevator.
"I know I probably seem like an overbearing mom and that I'm really overprotective, it's just...I worry. And Alexander can't hear what's going on and I know Adeline will talk to anyone and everyone because she doesn't understand the dangers of talking to strangers. She thinks I'm mean for saying we can't talk to people we don't know." You explain.
"Y/N, we aren't judging you. Your an amazing mother. You have no need to worry." Gibbs says softly.
You look at him for a moment and nod. You go with Gibbs to the car as the other three go to the van. You felt extremely stressed and nervous so when traffic hit, it was even more stressful.
"They arrived at the house. I'd try to get us out but we are blocked in." Gibbs says.
You sigh, running a shaky hand through your hair. He studies you for a moment before putting a hand on your thigh. You look at him and he smiles slightly.
"We will get her back." He says.
It was silent, his hand on your thigh and your brain was now running about your "school-girl crush" on him.
"Gibbs, I need to tell you something." You admit.
"I know." He says softly, grinning.
"You know?" You ask confused.
"I know." He says, the both of you looking at each other.
"Then what was I going to say?" You ask.
"That you like me." He says and your cheeks flush.
"Was it really that obvious?" You ask quietly and he chuckles.
"Trust me, I only know because I was looking for the same signs." He says, looking ahead.
"Wait, you like me too?" You ask.
"Mhm. After we wrap up this case and the other one we are working on, I'd like to have you over for dinner." He says.
"I'd like that a lot." You say softly, your cheeks flushing red.
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"Alright, we got prints but that's all." Tony says once you arrive.
You walk into the house and look at the end table and grab the notepad.
"License plate." You say and Tony grabs it, looking at it confused.
"She etched it in?" He asks.
"You do what you have to do. Plus he would've saw it and I'm sure we would have found her already, just not the way we wanted." You say, doing your own investigation.
"Name." Gibbs says, grabbing a candy wrapped off the ground.
"She probably didn't think Bebe would've witnessed it all." You murmur as you knew who it was.
"What's this?" Tim asks.
You walk into the living room again and see the TV was glitching and you laugh. Soon Lexi's face was on the TV.
"Oh thank god. I knew you'd be there." She says.
"We are coming for you Lex." You say.
"The twins, are they alright?" She asks.
"Yes, they are. Are you okay?" You ask.
"A little roughed up, but you should see him." She says with a grin and you smile slightly.
"Just be careful. If he loses his temper, it will be bad. Don't antagonize. Just comply with whatever he says. I'm hurrying. Do you know where your at?" You ask.
"I kind of stole his phone and I'm using it to somehow hack into your router so that I can display this. I'm in the back of a truck. It's a semi-truck. It's been moving ever since he left. I don't know where he is taking me." She says.
"Did he say anything to you?" You ask.
"He's rambling. It's like he's having some psychosis episode." She says.
"He might've mentioned where he's bringing you though, Lexi. Think." Gibbs says.
"He said something about a desert and a cabin. He also said he was going to tattoo my date of death on me. That's what that tattoo on your thigh is, isn't it?" She asks.
"Yeah. He's taking you back to where everything happened with me. Okay. Listen to me. If I don't get there before he does the tattoo and the barrel, don't panic. Slow breaths. It will give us more time to find you." You say seriously.
"Barrel? What the hell did he do to you? And is he actually the twins' father? Were you guys dating or something?" She asks.
"He's a sociopath, Lexi. I was really hoping he'd do some ransom thing but clearly he is still just as delusional as he use to be." You say.
"Oh shit. I've got to go." She says and the video cuts out.
"I think we need to review your case." Gibbs says.
"He kidnapped me. He proceeded to SA me. Lexi is safe there. He happens to like (your hair color). She's (her hair color). However he doesn't like (her hair color). That was who we were finding in the barrels. Well, then he tattooed the day he thought I was going to die, but little did he know I had a whole team ready to bring me home. So, I wasn't in the barrel long. A few hours, but that's it." You explain.
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Gibbs and you run in from the front, Tony and Ziva going in through the back with Tim following not long behind him.
"Zayn, where is she?" You ask, your gun on him.
"I want my kids. Give me my kids." He snaps.
"They aren't your kids. You'll never be a father to them. They are my kids and I'd be damned if you ever try to get near them again because if you try, I'll shoot you." You say lowly, further pressing the gun against his temple to get the point across.
"And they say I'm crazy." He laughs.
"She isn't crazy. She's a mother and a mothers love for their children is such a crazy thing because a mother would do anything for their child. She's fiercely in love with those kids and she will fiercely protect them, no matter what." Gibbs says, hooking his arm around your waist and pulling you back.
Tony arrests him and you step out of Gibbs' hold and head outside. You knew he wouldn't have put her close to the cabin. He would have gone a bit further out. But, it would be close enough to his property so he could see it. You get to the edge of the hill and look over it before something sparkles in the sun. You start hurrying down the hill as Gibbs yells for you to wait.
You kneel and grab it. It was her ring. You shove it in your pocket before digging around, pushing the sand away when you see the top of the barrel. You start to lift the lid and toss it to the side.
"Y-Y/N?" She whispers.
"Oh baby. It's okay. I'm here. I promised I would be here." You murmur as your team joins you.
Tony helps get her out of the barrel and you sit next to her. She leans her head against your chest before breaking into tears. You shush her softly, petting her hair.
"He told me what he did to you. He told me everything. Why did you lie to us? You went through all of that alone and had no help. And we were so hard on you because we thought you should've worked it out. We didn't know he did those things." She sobs.
"Lexi, shhh...I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be treated any different. Your okay and I'm okay. I didn't take anything you guys said to heart because I knew you guys didn't know." You explain softly.
"What do you think of my tattoo?" She says, trying to smile and you look at her leg.
"I think you've got one hell of a story to tell. Don't look at it and think of this. Think of it as surviving. Because you did survive something horrific." You said.
"I don't even feel scared. I never felt scared once because I knew you'd find me. I did what you said to. Slow breaths. Because I knew you'd find me. I don't even care about that tattoo. This should bother me more than it is, but it isn't." She says.
"You could be in shock." Tim says.
"No. Not in shock. Right, look at my pupils." She says.
"She's right. She isn't in shock. She use to be a nurse." You explain.
"Your a strong girl. And you know your aunt well. You knew she'd find you. You are very brave after today." Gibbs says.
"Can you walk?" You ask.
"I'm not going to lie, I think I sprained my ankle." She says.
"How did you do that?" You ask confused.
"I full on round house kicked him, but then I screwed up my footing. I sooooo could've got away if I didn't screw that up. It so reminded me of this movie. I felt like a total badass too. Then I ruined it." She says and you couldn't help, but laugh.
"Well come on. I'll carry you up." You say.
"What? You can't do that." She says.
"Piggy back ride? I think I can." You say.
After getting situated, you start up the hill with your team. You had Tony and Gibbs on either side of you, in case you lose your footing. Lexi was babbling on with Tim about some game.
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You move off of Gibbs, laying your head on his bare chest as you move the sheets up to cover your bare body.
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. It has been a little of six months since it had became official between you both. He stayed over at your house almost every day. You had been over to his house a few times, but you didn't like being away from the twins for long.
He noticed that and quickly made sure to make it your house that you guys went to most of the time. He found himself thinking about how you use to be so eager to get home and frustrated when you couldn't leave yet because of a case and yet, now he knew why you were so eager to get home. You had two wonderful kids that you adored fiercely and he found himself loving them just as you do.
"Okay, I've realized something." He murmurs.
"And what is that?" You ask softly, tracing random patterns on his chest.
"I'm so in love with you and I think it's time you become Mrs. Gibbs number five. Okay, you may end up Mrs. Gibbs number five, however I want you to be the last Mrs. Gibbs." He says.
"Wait...are you...purposing?" You ask, sitting up on your elbow to look at him.
"Not yet...I want to purpose the way you deserve it. But, what do you think?" He asks.
"I...I've honestly been wondering when your going to ask the damn question." You admit as you laugh softly and he joins you.
"Soon." He promises.
"I know you ain't crazy about the whole idea of getting married in front of people unless it's a judge, but if this is gonna be the only time I get married, I want the whole experience." You say and he chuckles.
"Then we better give you the experience because this is the only time you'll be getting married." He says and you laugh.
"Mrs. Y/N Gibbs...I like the sound of that." You murmur.
"Hm...me too. What about Adeline Gibbs and Alexander Gibbs?" He suggests and you cover your mouth as your eyes water.
"Y-You'd really want that?" You ask softly.
"Of course. I love them like they are my own. They are my kids." He says, his own eyes watering and you grin.
"I'd love that. And what about Luna Shannon Gibbs and Leroy Jethro-Arlo Gibbs?" You ask and he shoots up, looking down at you confused.
"Why are you trying to change the twins' names?" He asks.
"Well...actually. I'm not." You say softly.
It was quiet as he looked down at you with a confused look. You waited, smiling softly as you knew he was about to figure it out.
"Your pregnant...with twins?" He asks.
"Mhm." You hum.
"Wow...this is...amazing. For Luna...can we do Luna-Kate Shannon Gibbs?" He asks.
"Of course. I love that. Kate would be honored." You murmur.
"I miss her still. It's been almost what three or four years and I still miss her." He admits.
"I miss her too, Jethro. She was a good women, but she died doing what she loved most. She'll forever be remembered." You murmur, sitting up with the blankets wrapped tightly around your front.
He smiles, nodding in agreement.
"Mommy! Mommy! It's time to get up! It's our first day of school!" Adeline exclaims.
"Can we just keep them home forever?" You ask and he chuckles as he gets up to get dressed.
"No, we can't. Come on. You go shower real quick and I'll start breakfast. Then we will switch so that you finish it and I shower. Hopefully, we can all eat together and then we will take them to school and we will go work." He says.
You nod, sighing as you stand. You left the blankets on the bed and you look over at him to see his eyes on the tattoo from the unsub. You frown, covering it with your hand as you hurry to the bathroom and close the door. You heard him sigh and curse, but you needed a moment.
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You were kind of sad that it was the twins' first day. You made sure to get plenty of pictures and now it was silent between Jethro and you on your guys' way to work.
"Baby?" He says.
"Hm?" You hum.
You were a little surprised he called you that. He typically only does when he's deep in thought or scared shitless. So, you clue it that he was deep in thought.
"I didn't mean to make you upset this morning." He admits.
"I wasn't upset." You say.
"You covered it and ran off to the bathroom like a dog with its tail between its legs." He deadpans.
"I wasn't upset though. I just...I wouldn't even say self-conscious. However, I know when you look at it, your putting every piece of what happened to me, together. You know what that date means. Anyone else will look at it and assume it's for someone or it's some joke. But, it's the day I was supposed to die. Plus, it kind of springs up memories on me. I need to get it removed, but I don't for the time for it and I don't want to be asked about it either." You admit.
"Baby, when I look at that...it just makes me realize what you've been through and how strong you are. You are a fighter and I love how strong and how brave and how fierce you are." He say and you smile slightly.
"I love you." You murmur.
"I love you too, hon." He says, grabbing your hand.
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cas-kingdom · 2 months ago
"If you steal my blanket one more time, I’m throwing you outside."
Maybe with NCIS or possibly Grey's?
I hope you are doing good!💛
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"If you steal my blanket one more time, I'm throwing you outside."
"Your blanket? Who said you had dibs on it?"
"Uh, I did, when I said "I dibs the blanket.""
"Okay, I didn't even know we were dibsing anything then, so that doesn't count—"
"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, did you want a warning?"
McGee, stuck beside the two bickering idiots for twenty minutes now with four hours to go, groaned. He hit his head against the back of his seat and wondered why he hadn't fought Ziva harder for the passenger seat.
Not that he would have won.
"Just—just give me a bit of it, at least."
"Not. A. Chance."
"God, you're so—"
"Handsome, talented, charming?"
He stared blankly at the road outside his window, longing for it to open so he could take a nosedive through it. Why they couldn't have gone in separate cars, he had no idea. Why they couldn't have stayed in a hotel when their plane was cancelled due to bad weather, he had even less of one.
Tony gasped. "How do you know my name?"
"Either of you say another word and I'm throwing you both outside." McGee felt as though the heavens had opened and angels were floating down when Gibbs finally, finally, opened his mouth.
He’d said it without even turning around, his eyes on the road ahead, his voice casual and devoid of anything that might indicate he had been slowly losing his mind since he’d started driving. Emmie and Tony had been quiet in their squabbling, knowing from experience that any louder than a mutter and they'd be on the receiving end of more than a few choice words, but their on-off retorts were enough to drive anyone up the wall, no matter how loud they were. If Ziva weren't already asleep, completely wiped out by the case they were driving home from, she would have been on them from the moment they'd opened their mouths.
Gibbs glanced in the rear-view mirror as silence filled the car.
"I dibsed it," Tony mumbled under his breath.
"McGee, slap him for me, would you?"
McGee was all too happy to comply. Tony yelped.
"Dad, I—"
Gibbs lifted a finger. "I don't wanna hear another peep outta you or we're switching drivers now and I'm heading back there."
Emmie slunk down in her seat.
McGee took a breath of fresh, quiet, peaceful air and let himself relax.
And when the car stopped two hours later to let Ziva and Gibbs switch places, Tony and Emmie were asleep against each other, the blanket spread across the both of them.
NCIS Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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Gibbs x Fem!oc
Warnings: light swearing, canon typical warnings
Summary: sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes.
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Gibbs leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head as he looked over the screens in front of him. He had examined and re-examined the evidence several times and yet he felt stuck. A dead Navy officer whose circumstances and crime scene pointed to murder but death implied natural causes. All roads led to a dead end. Gibbs let out a frustrated sigh and sat up, deciding a coffee would be a good way to clear his mind. He grabbed his coat and threw it over his shoulder as he exited the building. The sun felt refreshing as he walked out of the navy yard, flashing security his badge and ID as he passed.
The streets were surprisingly quiet for noon, but he couldn’t argue. After years living alone he’d come to appreciate quiet. A brief walk later and he stepped into his favorite coffee shop, the one he frequented often enough that the entire staff had memorized his order. Not that it was difficult, large black coffee, Jamaican blend. The barista behind the counter simply nodded and him and rang up the coffee as Gibbs provided his card to pay.
The bell over the door chimed behind him as a voice flooded through the small shop, “-Well I know that, but he’s not stable enough. His wound is volatile enough as is, if he leaves the hospital the risk of infection is too high… don’t tell me that, tell him that!… ugh, push 100 Ml.s until I get back and can handle this myself. Don’t let him out of your sight.” Gibbs peeked over his shoulder to see a somewhat familiar face, however she looked disgruntled and minutely irritated. He stepped out of the way as he listened to her order. Her drink order was complex and (he assumed) would be very very sweet by the end.
“Lotta sugar for a doctor to be drinking,” Gibbs said casually. The girl looked over at him and he managed a half smile, “Dr. Wright.”
Elaine’s face broke out into a wide grin as she turned to him, still dressed in her work scrubs, her badge clipped to her lapel. On her lunch break, he assumed.
“Agent Gibbs,” her voice was surprised, but pleasant, “I don’t think you should come after my sugar consumption. I’ve heard just how high your caffeine intake is.”
Gibbs chuckled, “fair enough. Tough patient?”
“Yeah, you could say that,” Elaine stood next to him, “tough case?”
Gibbs nodded and mimicked her words, “yeah… you could say that.” He looked down at her. Her flaming red curls were stuffed into a tight bun on the back of her head. A few stray curls bounced around her head, free from the elastics holding everything else in place.
“Tell me about it,” Elaine glanced up at him, “Consider me a… consultant. Y’know like those psychics on TV.”
“Are you a psychic, Elaine?” Gibbs asked.
“No, but I’m a doctor,” Elaine said, “and a little birdie told me that cause of death looks natural, but you’re investigating murder. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes is what you need?”
Gibbs stopped a moment and considered. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes was what he needed. Ducky had gone over the body several times and all of the evidence had been scoured for forensics. A different perspective could be enlightening.
“Gibbs!” The barista called. Gibbs grabbed his coffee and took a sip.
“You free today?” Gibbs asked.
“For the case? Or… something else?” Elaine cheekily smiled. Gibbs rolled his eyes. Elaine laughed, “What time do you want me there?
“1700 hours,” Gibbs said.
“Copy that, gunny.”
The elevator dinged and Elaine ran her hands down the front of her shirt, smoothing it out after taking a deep breath. The last time she was here, she had held a bomb for four hours, and then developed a slight crush on the leading investigator, who also happened to be her godfather’s best friend. She had woken up in his home, after receiving a serious concussion where he had monitored her for the full day.
Elaine had changed out of her scrubs into more office-appropriate attire. As the elevator doors slowly opened in front of her she was greeted by the familiar sight of the orange squad room. She stepped out and quickly made her way to the bullpen.
“Dr. Wright,” DiNozzo stood and moved to her side, “how can I help you?”
“I’m looking for agent Gibbs, he asked me to be here.”
“For what?”
“Elaine,” Gibbs rounded the dividers. Elaine smiled and walked to him, “with me.”
“Yes, sir,” Elaine fell into step with him as he guided her to the second elevator, “so read me in.”
“Navy officer, 35, house was trashed and raided, there was a significant amount of deer blood on the body but when the body was examined, all roads lead to a heart attack,” Gibbs said, “but the officer was perfectly healthy when we pulled his medical records.”
“Huh,” Elaine rolled her lips, “I might have an idea.”
When the elevator opened Elaine was greeted by the sight of a serile autopsy room, and her godfather.
“Hello dear,” Ducky smiled and walked over to her, embracing her tight.
“Hi dad,” Elaine smiled and returned the hug, “i’m here as a fresh pair of eyes.”
“Yes Jethro told me,” Ducky pulled away and retrieved her a fresh set of protective equipment, “our dear officer is right here.” Elaine pulled the PPE over her clothing and approached the body. He looked healthy, for a dead guy who had been autopsied. Nothing immediately struck her as strange. Elaine rolled the body’s arm out and inspected its veins.
“Did this man go to the hospital before he died?” elaine asked, grabbing a magnifying glass to zoom the area.
“No,” Ducky said. Elaine pulled away from the glass, and showed Ducky. He hummed, “Looks like an IV. But there were no drugs in his blood.”
“No, there wasnt,” Elaine said, “They didnt inject medication. They injected air. Of course you wouldn’t see it on a tox screen. An injection of air can cause what looks like a heart attack. The air bubbles block the flow of blood, it’s the reason we watch so close for air bubbles in shots, and IV drips.”
It was that moment that Gibbs realized just how smart this woman was, “The injection was professional. Straight into the vein. You’re looking for someone who works in a hospital or medical testing lab. A phlebotomist maybe, or a nurse.”
A nurse, that was it. Gibbs nodded and began walking off.
“Say thank you, Jethro!” Ducky called. Gibbs halted and turned, approaching Elaine as she took her gloves off with her back turned to him. When she turned she froze to see he was mere inches from her. She looked up at him with a small blush dusting her cheeks.
“Good work, doctor,” Gibbs’ voice was low. Elaine swallowed and smiled at him.
“Told you, you needed fresh eyes,” She smiled slightly. Gibbs turned and walked away and Elaine took a deep breath, leaning against the sinks.
“You’re swooning, Elaine,” Ducky said. Elaine laughed slightly.
“That man is worth swooning for,” She answered.
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sleepyfawn444 · 5 months ago
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Sleepy Fawn’s Works
- I am currently into Criminal Minds, meaning if I get anything out anytime soon it will likely be an CM fanfiction 🎀
- I have 2 published fanfics for Avatar TWOTW, and 1 for COD.
- I am a romance, x reader writer. I’ve been thinking about writing x OC fics but I don’t know if anyone would read it.
Below is a list of characters I have written or may write for, and links to my published works.
Criminal Minds
disclaimer: I’m only up to season 5
Aaron Hotchner;
> hotchreidaway fic is in the works
Spencer Reid;
> hotchreidaway fic is in the works
Elle Greenaway;
> hotchreidaway fic is in the works
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NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service
disclaimer: I haven’t watched seasons 1-7 or 18-22, so I can’t write for Kate, Jenny, Knight, etc (as of last updated)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs;
> no works yet
Young Mike Franks;
> no works yet
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Avatar: The Way Of The Water
Miles Quaritch;
> Speak Up, Love
⤷ Recom!Reader is selectively mute, shy, n a scientist/medic. incomplete/discontinued series
> Saccharine incomplete/discontinued series
Jake Sully;
> no works yet
> no works yet
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Call Of Duty : MWII
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley;
> Yearning
⤷ In which, reader and Simon go for a walk and share a conversation outside. The conversation ends a little too flirtatiously for Simon to handle. incomplete/discontinued series
Capt. John Price;
> no works yet
> no works yet
To Be Continued
last updated; 15/3, 2025
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queenquinzel715 · 2 years ago
I loved youd Gibbs x reader if you're willing to I would like to request one. Y/n has a tooth she needs to get pulled but she's scared of the dentist. For days she gets calls the team hears her cancel plans they assume it's a date meanwhile her tooth pain gets worse she can drink cold she can't drink hot can't eat without pain One day her phone rings when she's out Gibbs answers the dentist office pretty much asks if she is rescheduling her afternoon appointment again he tells them she'll keep it. He tells her they are going to talk to a suspect but brings her to the dentist. "I know you're scared, but i can see your in pain. I will be with you the whole time" she holds his hand from the second they get out of the car till she falls asleep on his couch afterwards.
I know it's probably stupid but I need the fictional moral support. Of course you don't have to write it!
I TOTALLY get this because I have the biggest phobia of the dentist myself.
Now I do have some other stories for my other series that have been forgotten about lmao but I will definitely do this 💚
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novastories · 2 years ago
Hold On
Title and chapter loosely inspired the song “Hold On” by Chord Overstreet. 
Summary: The night doesn’t go as anyone had planned, and truths are revealed as Aurora fights for her life.
Warnings: Mentions of bombing, torture (past case) and medical talk. Lots of angst in this one. 
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: I’m sorry for not updating in a while! I hope this chapter makes up for it! We’re a few chapters away from the story ending, and I’m not ready to let it go just yet 😭 I have some works in progress though! 🫣 Thank you always to my beta reader and editor @reginleight
Also, I'm 10 followers away from 100?? That's so crazy to me! 🥺
So enjoy this chapter for now, and thank you everyone for your support if you’re still here reading this! 💜
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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Bradley hated the hospital.
It brought up too many bad memories. His car crash when he was in high school, visiting his mom when she had cancer, the many times he’s been in a flight accident, and seeing his godfather almost not make it from throat cancer. The hospital was not a good place for him, especially now.
“Where is my daughter?!” Maverick rushes up to the front desk of the hospital. He, Peyton, and Bradley drove in one car together as soon as they heard the news.
“Sir, calm down,” the receptionist said in a calm manner.
“I will not calm down! Where is she?!”
“Mav,” a voice spoke from the waiting room.
Peyton, Bradley, and Maverick turned to see Penny standing there, while Amelia was sitting in a chair, Carole and Goose sitting next to her. Maverick went straight to Penny as she latched onto him for a hug.
Peyton went to Amelia who was bawling her eyes out. She had CJ in her arms, since CJ was a certified therapy dog he was allowed to stay with them.
Bradley walked to his parents, who stood up and hugged their son. He was still shaking from the news.
“What’s the update, Pen?” Maverick sniffles, pulling back from the embrace.
“We don’t have anything yet, just that she’s in surgery.”
“Surgery?! What happened? What-” Peyton asks from his spot next to Amelia.
“Y-you didn’t see the n-news?” Amelia hiccups from her tears.
“What news?” Bradley turns to ask her. Amelia points at the TV and the pilots soon gaped at it.
The news headlines read “Suicide Bomber. One Dead; Few Injured. Bombing Closes NCIS Case.”
“R-rory was t-there when it happened,” Amelia whispers.
“She was out on the field?! I thought she was on desk duty!” Maverick exclaims.
“We brought her in for a case,” a firm voice spoke up, everyone in the room turning to see a group of people.
An older man with graying hair who had a stoic look on his face. Standing next to him was a man the same height as the older gentlemen with dark brown hair and a third man who was shorter and had lighter brown hair.
Trailing behind them were two women, one with darker hair tied back into a ponytail and the other dressed in a goth-like style, but looked like she was the one crying the most besides Amelia.
Bradley recognized them as Aurora’s old team in Washington.
“Agent Gibbs,” Maverick approaches them.
“Captain,” Gibbs responds as Maverick and Penny walk closer to the team.
“W-what happened?” Penny asks them, holding onto Maverick’s arm.
“Artemis went back into the field today for a case,” Gibbs tells them.
“Your daughter–” Tony starts, but his voice cracks.
“Saved a lot of people’s lives today, ma’am,” Ziva finished for him.
Penny gasps, while Maverick’s eyes fill with tears.
“She was the hostage negotiator. Once Artemis got the hostages released, she tried to get him to back down and prevent him from blowing the place up,” McGee explains. “But by the time we found out it was a suicide, it was too late. Luckily, Aurora ran out before the bomb detonated, but she didn’t make it to the barriers. She got hit by some shrapnel and lost a lot of blood.”
“We don’t know how bad it is yet. They’re still in surgery,” Gibbs informs.
The family pales at the information they had gotten.
Gibbs continues. “She offered to be the hostage negotiator. And with previous experience, I knew not to argue with her, especially since she was the best person to get all of those hostages out. Your daughter saved lots of lives today, you should be proud of her.” 
Penny sniffles as she hugs Maverick, scared about Aurora’s condition. Bradley stood stunned at what he had just heard.
He knew Aurora was a good NCIS agent, but hearing the actions she pulled today…what else had she done without them knowing, all the sacrifices she had made, why didn’t she tell them?
Gibbs’ phone rings, breaking the conversation with Aurora’s parents.
“This is the director of NCIS,” he explains to them. They nod as he turns to walk into a secluded spot to talk on the phone. The rest of the team introduce themselves to everyone in the waiting room, besides Maverick, as he had already met them. 
Later, Maverick had gotten on a phone call with Iceman to let him know the situation at hand. Bradley, Peyton, McGee, and Tony talk to each other in order to pass the time. Carole, Goose, and Penny are in a separate corner, Carole reassuring Penny that Aurora would be okay. 
Amelia had her head buried in CJ’s fur, not wanting to talk to anyone, especially since Aurora’s team had walked in. She kept her head down until she was approached by the two women on the team. She lifted her head up to get a good look at them. 
“Hi Amelia, my name is–”
“Ziva David, right? And you’re Abby Scuito,” Amelia sniffles through her tears.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Abby sits next to her, as Ziva crouches in front of her.
“Rory talks about you two a lot,” Amelia replies as she continues to pet CJ.
“She talks about you too, Amelia,” Abby croaks out before giving Amelia a small smile. “Aurora always said that you were the best little sister and skater that she knew.”
Amelia continues to pet CJ in silence, scared that she would burst into tears again.
“Did you know, CJ was a gift the team got for her?” Ziva asks Amelia, hopefully drawing her out of her thoughts.
Amelia looks up into Ziva’s eyes with wonder. “Really?”
“Yeah, and did you know Abby was the one to train him before we gave him to Aurora?”
“I train a few emotional support dogs before they get their forever home. I train a few seeing eye puppies too. When I started training CJ, I knew right away that he would be a great fit for Aurora,” Abby explained to her.
“Did she ever tell you why she named him CJ?” Amelia tearfully chuckled, as she wiped her tears with her sweater sleeve.
They both shook their heads before Amelia whispered to both of them. After hearing this, they all started chuckling, turning the heads of the people in the waiting room.
“I’m glad they’re cheering Amelia up,” Peyton sighs.
“I still can’t believe this is happening,” Bradley turns to look at the doors leading to the surgery room, hoping that there would be an update soon. He was patient with a lot of things, but this was the one time he couldn’t wait. Not when it came to her.
“Rory is strong. She’ll be okay,” McGee reassures Peyton.
“I’m her older brother. I should have done something. I should have been protecting her. I could hav–.”
“There’s nothing you could have done, Peyton,” Tony stops his ramblings. “Artemis already had made up her mind and nothing could have stopped her.”
“How did she get that nickname?” Bradley interrupts Tony, wanting to get his mind off of the situation. “Artemis? I mean Peyton got Apollo because he set a tool box on fire during a training exercise we were doing.”
“Dude, it was an accidental fire, I don’t even know how it started,” Peyton defends himself.
“There was a case,” Tony ignores Peyton’s defense. “One of her first cases as a little probie. We were trying to figure out the killer’s weapon of choice, which led to us believing it was an old throwing knife. Then Aurora kept going on about Greek mythology throwing knife uses, and how they were actually useful at the time. She wouldn’t stop rambling until she got her first Gibbs’ head slap.”
“Head slap?” Peyton looks at Tony confused.
“Yeah, you know? Like this,” then Tony proceeds to demonstrate the head slap on McGee, to which McGee retaliates and slaps him on the head back.
“Gibbs always says, ‘A slap to the face is humiliating. A slap to the back of the head is a wakeup call,” McGee explains.
“Does he do that all the time?” Bradley asks.
“It comes from a place of love,” Tony assures him.
“Also Artemis liked to play with and throw the knife she keeps on her a lot. And one time, Tony kept irritating her and she got tired of his ramblings and threw a knife at him,” McGee adds.
“Luckily, it didn’t hit me.”
“Sadly,” Ziva calls out from her seat, hearing the men talk.
Tony rolls his eyes.
“Let’s just say, Tony has been on the receiving end of the knife many times,” McGee chuckles.
This gets a chuckle out of Peyton and Bradley too at the story. Hearing some of the shenanigans Aurora got up to with her team made them feel a bit better, but the waiting went on, sinking them both back into worry.
A few hours had passed, Amelia was taking a nap in the chair, CJ sleeping on her lap. Ziva and Tony had gone to get food and drinks for everyone. Abby was sitting next to McGee, both had fallen asleep on each other.
Gibbs was outside taking more phone calls, as he was in and out getting calls from Director Vance and Ducky, who were worried about Aurora and making sure the case was closed.
Bradley and Peyton had passed out as well on the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, as they were exhausted from the emotional events that had occurred the past few hours.
Penny and Carole were still talking, as Maverick and Goose had gone out to take a breath of fresh air, when a doctor soon walked in, file in hand.
“Are you all here for Agent Aurora Benjamin-Mitchell?”
Penny stood up fast, everyone else snapping out from their conversations or sleep.
“I’m her mother,” she tells the doctor.
“The surgery went well, and we were able to take out the shrapnel.” 
Penny puts a hand over to her mouth as she gasps at the good news. Maverick, Goose, and Gibbs walk back just in time to hear this.
“Is she awake? What is it?” Maverick panics.
“You're the father, I presume?” The doctor asks, to which Maverick nods as he takes his place beside Penny, while Goose stands next to his son.
“Although the surgery went well, she needs rest. We had to medically induce her into a coma. We can’t predict what her recovery will look like until she comes out of it. These next few hours will be vital. We’ll continue to monitor her and run a few more tests.”
Everyone stays quiet as he tells them they can visit her, but it would have to be two people at a time, so as to not overcrowd the ICU and her room.
They all agree that Maverick and Penny should be the first to see her and as the two leave being escorted by a nurse, the doctor fills the rest of them in on the update.
“Right now is a critical time since we’ll be monitoring her and hoping she comes out of her coma soon. Some of her wounds did reopen old scars. Since some of those older scars were deeper, it was a bit harder to find some of the shrapnel, but we got them all out, we just need to wait for her to wake up to assess her situation.”
“Wait, hold on,” Bradley interrupts the doctor. “What do you mean by old scars?”
The doctor hesitates before reopening the file in his hands. 
“She has old scars from an incident from one, almost two years ago. There were multiple scars on her arms, back, and collarbone area, missing the vital organs, but enough to cause maximum pain. She had bruises and electric burns on crucial parts of her body. PTSD and panic attacks were also in her medical file, but she was getting treatment for it.”
Bradley, Peyton, and Amelia pale at hearing that.
“W-what incident?” Amelia speaks up.
The doctor opens his mouth to speak, but Gibbs interrupts him.
“I’ve got this, doctor.”
The doctor nods.
“Once the mother and father come back, another pair can go on until at least everyone has seen her. You all should go home and get some rest afterwards.”
The doctor soon leaves them to check on Aurora once again.
Gibbs turns to the awaiting eyes of Aurora's sibling and best friend. 
“Aurora didn’t want to tell you all yet–”
“Tell us what?” Peyton impatiently interrupts. McGee and Abby stood next to Gibbs, prepared to help him out in telling the story. Carole goes to Peyton trying to calm him down, and sits him next to Amelia while Goose takes the seat by Bradley, knowing how his son would react.
“About a year ago, we had a case. We were close to catching the suspect but before we could, he decided to get ahead and give himself insurance. He kidnapped Aurora.”
Bradley couldn't breathe. Amelia gasps, as Peyton starts to tear up. 
McGee speaks up from his spot. “We…we tried our best to find him quickly. But–”
“How bad?” Bradley croaks, his throat sore from the events of the day.
McGee became uncomfortable telling them, so he looked to Gibbs.
“He inflicted the fullest amount of pain that he could to her in the time she was there. Targeting areas that would bleed her out but not kill her, electrocuting her with a cattle prod to the point where she has electric burn scars,” Gibbs tells them.
Amelia immediately sobs while Peyton grips Amelia into a tight hug, tears running down his face, crying for their sister’s pain. Carole holds Amelia’s hand, her heart breaking for all of them. Goose had his hands on his son’s shoulder, who was still frozen from what he had heard.
“It took us 17 hours to find her. By the time we found her, she was covered in her own blood and fainted as soon as we got her to safety. She woke up a few days later, but stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks.”
The room stays silent, apart from the cries of Amelia and Peyton. 
“Is the bastard dead?”
Gibbs turned to see Bradley who was trying his hardest not to break down. He was not only upset, he was furious. Furious that he couldn’t protect her, mad at himself for not checking up on her sooner.
Gibbs nods. He and Ziva were the first ones to find her, and each took multiple shots at the man.
“I know it’s a lot to take in right now.”
“Why didn’t she tell us?” Amelia whimpers.
“She didn’t want to say anything because she was worried about what you would say.”
Peyton sighs. “She’s the one that got hurt and she worried about us.”
“Is that the reason she came back here?” Amelia asks Gibbs.
“She came back because she wanted to come home. Her panic attacks got a lot worse being in the field. She was going to therapy, but we all knew that her being home would make her feel better, surrounded by her family.”
Amelia nods before starting to cry again.
Bradley started becoming claustrophobic. He stood and rushed out of the room. It was too much for him.
This can’t be happening. Less than 24 hours ago, he was holding her in his arms, now he may never be able to hold her again. She had suffered so much, and yet didn’t say anything. He should have known. He had so many things to still say to her, things he wanted to experience with her. But now he may never get the chance.
Finding a bench outside, Bradley sat down and buried his face into his hands. Tears started to run down his face as the emotions of the day began to hit him hard. 
Not long after he had sat down, the bench creaks from another weight sitting next to him. Bradley wipes his tears and takes his hands away from his face to see who had followed him out.
“Aurora talked about you a lot,” Gibbs breaks the silence. Bradley remained quiet, listening to what he had to say.
“She kept your bracelet in her desk, she was so scared to lose it out in the field. The first picture she put up when the team found out about her family was a photo of you and her brother. She kept all the postcards you sent her, and would always ask me what were good things to send for your care package,” Gibbs chuckles. 
“I knew she was a good agent, but I never knew all the dangers she had to face until now. I mean, she was suffering through so much and I just…I mean, I should have known,” Bradley whispers.
“You couldn’t have known.”
“I DID!” Bradley cried out. “I ignored all the signs because she told me she would come to me when she was ready. But this?! We promised we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. This is why! How many times have I almost lost her?! How many times has she cried and I wasn’t there to protect her, to be there for her?! I-I can’t lose her, Gibbs.”
“You’re not going to lose her.”
“How do you know that?! You may not have known Aurora for long, but I’ve known her most of my life! How do you know that she’ll be fine?!” 
“Because she’s Aurora,” Gibbs states. “If there was one thing that Aurora stood by, it’s that we protect those we love. She kept this from you because she loves you and her family. She works and fights every day, just like you do to protect our country. She has the Benjamin-Mitchell blood in her. She’s a fighter,” he assures, placing a hand on Bradley’s shoulder.
Bradley sniffles and chuckles.
“She and Peyton say that all the time. The whole ‘Benjamin-Mitchell blood’ thing.”
Gibbs chuckles and retracts his hand. “She would whisper it to herself every time a case got rough. Guess I’ve heard it from her way too often.”
Bradley sighs before looking up at the sky.
“I can’t lose her, Gibbs. She’s my everything. I think about her every hour, every minute and every second I breathe. She makes me the best version of myself. She is the star I look up at in the night sky every time and know she’s always there.. Aurora is my home.”
Gibbs stills at hearing that phrase. Every hour, every minute, every second I breathe.
Aurora would always whisper that when she held a photo of Bradley and Peyton in her hands, doing the same when she held her bracelet in her hands as well. She told Gibbs it was a phrase that brought her comfort when things got low.
That no matter where her best friend and brother were in the world, she would always be thinking of them. It was a bond that no one could break.
“Aurora went through so much, but every time she came out even stronger. This time is no exception. She’ll be surrounded by family and people who love and care about her,” Gibbs comforts him.
The two sit in silence together for a moment before Bradley turns to the man next to him.
“She always talked highly of you. Said you were the reason she is the agent she is today.”
Gibbs shook his head. “She became a great agent all on her own. We work hard because you work hard. Each and every one of you who serve. Aurora became an agent to help protect those who serve when they come home. NCIS gave her that opportunity. You should be very proud of her.”
Bradley smiles at this. He was proud of her, even if he didn’t tell her often, he was proud of who she had grown to be. Even after all she’d gone through, she survived and she was still alive. That’s all Bradley could be thankful for.
Peyton went to take a walk inside the hospital with Goose, while Ziva and Tony arrived back to drop off the stuff they had bought. McGee and Abby had filled Ziva and Tony in on what had happened while they were gone.
Ziva goes to sit next to Amelia, who had just calmed down from crying, but still clinging onto CJ like a lifeline.
“Were you there? When Aurora was rescued?” Amelia asked her as soon as she sat down next to her. 
“I was.”
Amelia nodded at this and stayed silent.
“Your sister…,” Ziva started with a slight pause before continuing. “She fought her way through so much. She fought to come back home for you and your family. She told me that the reason she came back was that she was finally ready to let go of what had happened and come back to spend a life at home with her family.”
“I just…I wish I had known. All the sacrifices she made and all she had gone through. I used to be so mad when I never heard from her. When she came back, I was so happy to have my sister back. But, hearing that…I can’t believe I was ever mad at her.”
“It’s okay to feel all of those things, Amelia.” Ziva states, comforting her. “She always regretted not talking to you when she could. But this job takes a lot out of us. We’ve lost so much and sometimes when we go in a dark place, some don’t come back out. She didn’t want you to see her like that.”
Ziva lifts a necklace from under her shirt and shows Amelia. It was a necklace with a gold Star of David pendant.
“This was my little sister’s. Her name…was Tali.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
“It is…Tali was my little sister and, where I come from, there’s so much hate and violence. When Tali was 16, she was killed in a Hamas suicide bombing.”
Amelia looks into Ziva’s eyes, seeing the hurt.
“It tore our family apart, and we were never the same since. I was a Mossad officer, and came here to be a liaison officer between Mossad and NCIS. But long story short, I left Mossad and became an official NCIS agent. And then, your sister came into our lives.”
Ziva smiles remembering the first time she met Aurora.
“She was so nervous at first, but soon, she became part of our team, our little family. She is stubborn, but she’s loyal and she cares so much about everyone. She became a little sister to me. And I wouldn’t change anything. Because it has led me to where I belong.”
Amelia smiles. “She is stubborn. She gets it from mom and Mav.”
They both chuckle before Ziva smiles at her. “She will be alright. I know she will be okay.”
Amelia sighs and continues to pet CJ. “Thank you, Ziva, for telling me your story, For everything. At least I knew she had someone even when we couldn’t be there for her.”
Ziva ruffles her head, lovingly, just like how she would do it to Aurora. Abby comes up to give Amelia some snacks and water, and sits besides them. The three girls make small talk together as they wait their turn to see Aurora.
“Uncle Goose, I’m fine, just please leave me alone.”
Peyton and Goose were standing in a secluded hallway. 
“Kid, you just heard about what happened to your sister. I am not leaving you.”
“I’m fine!”
“I mean, as fine as a brother could be from hearing that his twin sister was tortured and hospitalized before! Not to mention that she might not even make it tonig–”
“Now you stop that. Your sister is going to be fine.”
“Is she, Goose?! I mean you heard the doctor! She might not even wake up, and what’s to say her state of mind after!”
Goose lets him rant while Peyton paces.
“I mean, why didn’t she say anything?! You all knew, but she couldn’t even tell us! She could have died! She could have died and would we even have known?! Why her, Goose?! Why didn’t she say anything?! Sh…I…” Peyton puts his back against the wall and slides down it. He puts his arms around his knees and sobs. 
Goose goes to sit next to him, letting him cry his emotions out.
A few minutes later, his crying subsidies, and all that was left were sniffles.
“You know, you’re taking this a lot better than your old man.”
Peyton laughs tearfully as he wipes his face with his hands.
“That bad, huh?”
“I mean, you know your dad. He may be strong and reckless, but when it comes to you and your sisters, even Amelia, you are his whole world. He blames himself for what happened.”
Peyton scoffs. “It’s not like he could have seen the future, he couldn’t have known.”
“Exactly Peyton, which is why you need to also not blame yourself. Your dad, as protective as he may be, understands why Aurora did what she did. Working for NCIS and not saying anything. Because she wanted to protect you. You and your dad have spent your whole lives worrying about her. She didn’t want you to worry about this.”
Peyton took in the words Goose had said to him. He just didn’t want his sister to hurt anymore, he wished he had told her, but he understood why. He was proud of her, that even with all that she went through, she can still smile and laugh today. And hopefully after all of this, she wouldn’t get hurt anymore.
“You doing alright in there kiddo?” Goose knocks on Peyton’s head as if he was knocking on a door after a few minutes of silence had passed. Peyton laughs.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. She’ll be okay,” Peyton affirms not only to the universe, but to himself.
After Penny and Maverick came back from seeing Aurora, everyone went in pairs, Peyton and Amelia, then Goose and Carole. They were shortly followed up by Aurora's team in pairs of their own, Ziva aside, stating she didn't want anyone to see her cry and therefore went in alone.
After Ziva, Iceman and Sarah dropped by to see her. The only one who had yet to see her still, was Bradley.
“Take your time, B,” Peyton tells Bradley when it eventually came to his turn visiting her.
The sight alone of seeing Aurora laying in that bed, all wrapped up in bandages was nearly enough to break Bradley down right then.
It was a reminder to him that he couldn’t protect her, and that this time, he failed to be her knight in shining armor.
Taking the seat beside her, he watched the rise and fall of Aurora’s chest. Whether or not it was by the machine’s support, at least he knew she was breathing.
“Hey, princess.”
He knew he wasn’t going to get a response, but talking to her always made him feel better.
“The doctors don’t know if you’re able to hear what we say to you, but I don’t care if you hear me or not.”
Bradley hesitates before continuing to speak.
“Your team is pretty cool. Gibbs is really intimidating, like you’ve told me before, but seeing him in person, I see what you mean,” he chuckles.
“They told me about…about what happened, your scars, the panic attacks. Princess, I don’t know why you had to hide it all from us. I wish you told us, but I get you weren’t ready to say anything yet. Just know that when you wake up, I will spend every day making sure you’re alright, and the days that you aren’t, I want to be there for you. I will make up for all the time we lost.”
Bradley reaches for her hand and clutches it in both of his. “Gibbs said that the director of NCIS will be awarding you an award. But I know you don’t care about a stupid award. You did it to save those people. We’re so proud of you, princess. I’m so proud of you.”
The beeping of the machine fills with silence.
“So you keep on fighting, princess. Because, I don’t know how to do anything without you. Because I think of you every hour, every minute, and every second I breathe. Because, I love you Aurora, and I want us to finally have a life together, to finally be together. And I hate that time never gave us that chance, but if you just hold on a little longer, I promise I will spend every day fighting for you, for us.” 
Bradley kisses her hand as the tears run down his face. It soon was quiet, except for the beeping of the machine. All Bradley could do was watch her lay there, and that is all that mattered to him in that moment. 
Because that was the sound of her still breathing; alive and fighting.
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