#giant donuts
drinksss · 4 months
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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my ACEN tip gimmick has been fulfilled, aaand i got a little carried away with it. I haven't had time to draw for myself (or at all, really??) in like two weeks, i needed to Doodle and Have Fun. ... also, i did not think he would get so many donuts. people understand the value of giving treats to fictional characters :) its what he deserves
also shoutout to snazzyskeletons who had the same Tip Theme i did. we took pictures with our tip jars together. they are adorable v
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i'm glad their vash got some donut money too :) 🍩 please check them out if you want some cute trigun stuff
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heybiji · 2 months
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boy who is secretly partially responsible for the death of dino donut is forced to wear a dino donut shirt and also has to ask the owner of said shirt for a favor
quick doodle of a scene from the MASKS game i'm running (characters are westley/the delinquent played by jd and adrian/the doomed played by dallie)
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artsymeeshee · 4 months
Thank you for enforcing your boundaries in your last post! Enforcing boundaries is something I struggle with myself and it actually helps me a lot to see other people doing it very gracefully, as you have. ^_^ Also, I don't want to pick favorites but you're TOTALLY my favorite Gravity Falls artist for how your content is primarily wholesome family moments, I appreciate that very much; it's all my favorite tropes and everything. ^_^ Thank you for being you [insert glittery star emojis] Stay hydrated, buddy
Thank you so much! (*´∀`*)
I'm way too much of a people-pleaser so it's hard to put myself first when I know the situation I'm in makes me uncomfortable but I'm trying to say no to people and yes to my boundaries. It's a struggle but it'll be easier one day
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lightnis-moonlight · 19 days
Hey! :3 So one weekend I got a little fnafic idea. óvò And so I have been working on that for a bit. I just posted the first chapter of said fanfic. And I thought I might share it here. I have some more chapters ready for proof reading and I'll start to write some more very soon. :3 Sometimes I will also add little drawings to the chapters. Which I'll post here as well. So look forward to that. ^^
Here is a little description for the fanfic: It's been a few months now after the July incident and you haven't heard anything from your uncle in quite some time. At this point you were worried he might have been in July when it happened. But then suddenly you find a letter from him in your mail, asking you to join him at his research facility as a doctor. You aren't quite sure why exactly worm researchers need a human doctor, but as it gives you a chance to see your uncle again, you decide to go and check it out.
Here is the link if you'd like to check out the story. :3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/56718199/chapters/144182131
And the bonus drawing of today's chapter!
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I wish you lots of fun reading and a wonderful rest of your day! <3 C ya!
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
Hi!could you draw a cute spamton eating donuts?
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Ahh yes, exactly what that nose was intended for
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n7punk · 7 months
i want to write, and barring that, i want to, idk, play coral island or something. but instead im sitting in a finger splint just staring at my computer
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girlvinland · 5 months
There is a donut situation going on at work rn and it’s making lose it a little.
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demoberrykai · 21 days
Rate my islanders
WeRGaming [Left] and 2Gamin [Right]
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All I know is Berri [my character] is going to be fine
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comicdiaries · 8 months
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Halloween season is the ~best~
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sharp-tooths · 1 year
Me watching the og Trigun anime after starting trigun stampede 2 moths ago: oh gee those fucking cries sound so realistic and full of pain and hurt. You just dont get that kind of genuine quality very much in newer animes. I hope Stampede delivers the same quality
Me now, having just watched episode 11 and then rewatched it just to propperly process everything: SCREAMING AND CRYING THROWING UP KICKING MY LEGS SOBBING FUCKING BAWLING MY EYES OUT DYING VIOLENTLY SHAKING-
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royal-wren · 24 days
Not me on my knees, begging to Most Dear Hera and Mother Maia (and her 15 sisters) for more rain, it is insufferable with how hot it is. Free breakfast at work is all that's keeping me sane rn in my sleep deprivation in 6+ hours.
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artsymeeshee · 5 months
Greetings, you wonderful human bean! Your art is what originally brought me to Tumblr over a year ago! During a very difficult and sad time of my life, scrolling through your old art brought me so much joy, distraction, and comfort, and I wish you as much happiness for yourself as what you bring to the people you reach both irl and online. <3
🥺🥺 thank you so much! I really really appreciate it! ;w;
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lightnis-moonlight · 5 days
Hey ya! :3
I just posted chapter 3!
I hope you'll enjoy it! ^^
Here is the link to the chapter!
And this chapter has a little bonus drawing! >v<
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I hope you'll have a wonderful rest of your day! <3
C ya! ^^
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fucking up this jamoca cappuccino blast from br while listening to cibo matto. im going to impale myself on yhis straw because i am Half Asleep
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#we didnt get back from the fuckhole that is pomona until 5am last night bc of the whole car situatiom#last night was so#so evil. we got taken to a gas station to get our tires changed by some dude w an#ginormous plumbers crack (i could have stuck a wad of $5s in there for his handywork) and his buddy wearing an fsociety tee together they#TOOK FOUR HOURS TO DO ANYTHING#THEY KEPT SITTING AROUNF AND LIKE. CALLING RANDOM ASS PEOPLE . FOR ADVUCE#arent you guys Literally Professionals. Why Are You Asking How To Change A Tire Stem#and then midway through that someone on the highway across from us lit a dumpster on fire and it was blazing for#30 mins and chuffing out black smoke while my dad called 911 to get someone out there bc we thought it was a car crash#AND THEN I FOUND A BAG FILLED W HUMAN FECES AND USED NAPKINS TIED NEATLY IN A BOW THAT STILL SMELED SO BAD..#by the time we got home i felt like a husk of a person no one was open w a bathroom except yumyum donuts and i did get a donut#that was the only highlight of last night. my dad kept apologizing to me and the kids like. dude its not your fault we hit a giant pothole#otw home#we Could Not See It#but why did chp and triple a take several hours Plus 25+ phonecalls each to let us know the insurance expired.#and the chp officer tjat had to babysit us on the side of the road to ensure we didnt get ran over or killed pn the highway#w#lookef so pissed off at us for being stranded 😐 they r always soo mad#THAT WHOLE SITUATION WAS SEVEN HOURSSS#Six flags was spo fun thooo
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
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mm,, monke,,
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