#im not tagging every franchise due to a limit
companionhell · 6 years
Hi im new here and i was wondering if you have an upload schedule and/or rules for asks? Your writeing is ReaLLy GOOd!!
Hi! Thanks so much! :)
I try to upload every night, but sometimes my schedule makes that impossible for me. For example, working on a long piece right now that I might not have up till tomorrow (this is a sad one, my friends).
As for rules, yeah, I do have some! They’re right here (or, if that link isn’t working for you, I’ll copy and paste under the cut). 
Some basic stuff:
Usually I’ll include all base-game companions in reaction requests. Due to popular request, I also now include Gage. An exception is if the ask relates to romance; I will then remove Strong, Dogmeat, and Codsworth from the running. If specifically asked in the request, I can put Strong and synth!Codsworth back in there, but definitely not Dogmeat.
I can add DLC companions, along with non-companion characters, to any ask received if requested. However, given that I may not know the characters as well, it might take longer for me to answer that ask.
Some stuff I’d rather not write about includes bestiality, miscarriages, and cheating in a monogamous relationship. Severe gender dysphoria is also difficult for me to write about, as I suffer from it myself. This list may be added to as time goes on.
There is a lot of media I haven’t watched. If your request involves a crossover that would require me to do extensive research into a franchise I have not seen (anything google-able is fine), then I may not be able to answer it.
While I can write about either Sole or the companions experiencing discrimination, I’d appreciate no messages idealizing or promoting the messages of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. (Basically, don’t call me slurs in my ask box and we’ll be fine.)
Sole will be written using gender neutral (i.e. they/them) pronouns. You can specify another preferred pronoun or gender in your ask, and I’ll work with it, but otherwise I’m assuming gender neutrality.
Trigger warnings for common triggers will be used liberally. If I miss one or you’d like me to add your trigger to my tags, just ask- I will happily comply.
How many characters can I request?
For reactions, as many of the base-game companions as you wish. Please limit it to 4ish additional characters though, if adding beyond that. For one-shots, considering that it’s pretty much equivalent to a standalone short story, I’d appreciate a limit of two or three.
Do you accept NSFW requests?
Eh, yeah, I’ll take ‘em. I mean, I might not be great at writing NSFW (haven’t tried it much before), so keep that in mind when assessing the quality, but go ahead. I will, of course, tag every NSFW post as such.
How many asks can I send in at one time?
Whoa there pardner. Maybe keep it to three or four, then have a cooling-off period for a few hours. After that, if you’d still really like to see me write an idea, go ahead and send in more. I’m flattered, though, at the excitement. :)
Who the hell are you?
I’m Jean. They/them pronouns, gay as all hell, and suuuuuper late to the Fallout 4 hype train (to be fair, though, I did get a sick bargain on the game). I really love reading, writing, and video games, so this is the logical intersection.
No, like, what’s your username?
Send me a message or an ask off-anon to get my main (which is politics and writing) or my personal (which is Todd Howard jokes and general tomfoolery).
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hivemined · 5 years
mobile rules !!
𝒎𝒖𝒏 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
-   name :   eli -   age :   24 -   timezone :   gmt-5  /  est -   pronouns :   she  /  her
this is an  independent  roleplay blog portraying several  canon characters  of  yu-gi-oh!,  kingdom hearts,  sailor moon,  and  pokemon.   i am in  no way  affiliated with the official work or releases,  i am simply a fan creating  fan work  of characters from these series.  i  do not  claim ownership of any of these characters,  or anything having to do with them or the franchises they come from.
while i have considerable knowledge   &   understanding of the source material from which these characters come,  all of my muses are primarily headcanon based,  and some are canon divergent.  this is due to my own writing preferences   &   personal perceptions of these characters.
i plan on being active,  obviously!!  but i have other blogs to run,  as well as a life outside of rp,  so i won’t be able to be here every waking moment,  and it may take me a while to reply sometimes.  but i do my best,  always!!  it’s never anything personal,  or me not caring about being here.
i hold all of my writing partners to the same basic writing etiquette as pretty much everyone else :  no godmodding  /  metagaming,  no ooc drama,  and approach me  beforehand  about specific plots you’d like to do.
i reserve the right to turn down anything i don’t believe suits or fits my muse,  but if that comes to be the case, i will of course  always  be friendly   &   polite about it!  and i expect the same in return.  let’s be kind and have fun pls.
i am  semi-selective,  but very loosely so.  i am more than open to interacting with characters from series other than those portrayed on this blog.  that  includes  ocs   (  so long as they have some information for me to reference  ) !!   
that being said,  if i’m unfamiliar with the series your muse comes from,  it may take me a while to get used to interacting with them,  but i am open to looking into info about them and learning more about the character!!  
𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈.
i tend to write a lot.  please  don’t be intimidated or discouraged by that!!   i  never  expect anyone to match the amount of words in my starters or replies.  i only ask that equal effort is put in,  and paragraphs aren’t responded to with one-liners,  lest i simply won’t reply. 
this is obviously for fun,  but i put a  lot  of effort into my portrayal   &   into my writing!!  if i write you a starter upon your request,  please  dignify it with an adequate response.  i’m here to write after all    . . . . .   i can’t imagine what else i would be here for fjhvjhgfg
there’s  never  any rush to reply.  i’ll take my time   &   you should take yours,  too!! this is meant to be a fun   &   relaxing hobby,  so let’s not stress over anything.
if you feel the need to drop a thread with me,  please let me know!!  i keep track of my threads as i like to stay organized, so it would help me a lot to know which ones to not expect a response to.  i’ll do my best to return the favour,  of course.
i write exclusively in  para  /  novella  style,  meaning literate sentences with quotations to indicate when a character is speaking.  that’s just how i’m most comfortable writing, i don’t tend to stray away from that. 
i do occasionally do text message threads,  but those are not necessarily ideal for me. 
i am open to plotting with  all mutuals!!  even if our characters come from the same series   &   have something of a relationship already in canon,  i’m willing to expand upon it   &   explore different types of relationships!!  
i do ask,  however,  that if you approach me to plot,  you come with something of an idea or ready to contribute to a brainstorming session.  i’m not finna do all the work lmao
i have  terrible  anxiety,  so unless it’s been like an ungodly amount of time   (  i.e.,  over a month or something  ),   please  do not  approach me about the status of your reply.  i’m working on it,  i promise!!  i try my best to do them in order but some threads naturally get a quicker response than others due to various factors;  length, inspiration,  relationships,  et cetera.  it’s never anything personal if i’m taking a bit of a while,  i promise.  i’ll do my best!!  ♡
also,  i usually post ooc updates if i’m going through something   &   need more time than usual to reply to things, so look out for those, please!!    
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔.
i have shipping biases.  there are some ships that i am quite fond of   &   that i am more likely to want to write.  even still,  the main factor when it comes to shipping is,  you guessed it,  chemistry.  even if i have a bias for the ship,  i prefer some amount of buildup to the actual romance.  
that aside,  i’m willing to ship just about anything  so long as it is unproblematic.  y’all know what that means,  i’m not even gonna get into it.  don’t be gross.  
i don’t ship with duplicates;  i don't ship my muses with duplicates of themselves,  nor of other muses i am already shipping that particular character with.  i’m also  highly selective  with shipping.  though this is technically a multishipping blog,  i don’t like having a lot of ships.  i just like to have a few that i can focus on   &   develop.  
despite that,  i am  more than willing  to interact with duplicates of both my muses   &   muses of others i interact with!!  more on that further down.
you might be able to tell by now,  but shipping is  not  my main priority.  i’m interested in exploring ALL types of relationships!!  
i  do not  formally claim mains or exclusives.  the  only  instances of  ‘  mains  ’  will be in shipping verses,  but beyond that,  i don’t want anyone to feel excluded or like less of a priority while writing with me! 
obviously these things happen naturally sometimes,  even for me,  and that’s  okay!!   but if we’re mutuals,  that means we should write together regardless of if i write with someone else’s version of your muse!!
i lightly format my posts,  but i tend to keep things pretty plain.  nothing wild   &   crazy or illegible from me because i’m just a basic ass bitch lmao
i do use icons,  though i don’t  need  to use them per se.  that mostly means if i notice my partner does not use icons than i won’t use them,  either,  just to keep things looking cohesive. 
speaking of my icons,  i know they’re nothing special but please  do not take them  or any other graphics you see on this blog.  i make them all on my own.  the artwork i use is almost entirely sourced from pixiv,  and all credit goes to the respective artists who worked hard to create them. 
if you are an artist   &   you notice your work used on my page   &   you would like me to take it down   &   cease using it,  please contact me immediately!!  i would be more than happy to comply with your request.
you are more than welcome to ask for my  discord  /  twitter  if you’d like to contact me ooc outside of tumblr!  tumblr im is always an option,  too,  but i’m notoriously forgetful so if i don’t respond after a bit,  just  gently  poke me   &   i’ll do my best to get back to you!!  
this is actually kind of important,  but i am over the age of 21,  so mature content may be present from time to time.  it will  always  be tagged.  i will not write mature themes with minors.  period.   
concerning  smut,  some of my muses are actual children,  so obviously there will be no smut with them.  at all.  if it is so much as even  suggested,  it’s a hardblock.  don’t be gross. 
other muses i am open to smutting in ship verses,  but those threads will be exclusively on discord,  as tumblr no longer allows mature content on the site.  we not getting my whole ass blog deleted over some smut,  sorry.
there won’t be a lot of triggers around here, but on the occasion i post or write something triggering,  it will  always  be tagged.  if i miss something that triggers you, please contact me   (  politely  )   immediately!!  i don’t want to hurt anyone.
that being said,  i expect triggers to be tagged by my mutuals for my own safety,  as well.  if you post something triggering to me without tagging,  i’ll probably shoot you a   (  polite  )   message asking that you tag it so i can avoid it. 
my personal triggers are,  but are not  limited  to :  p*dophilia,  r*pe,  self harm,  suicide   &   suicidal ideation,  eating disorders,  and vomiting.
lastly,  i  do not  use or send  ‘  rule passwords  ’.  if i’m interacting with you,  you can trust that i’ve read your rules.  this is me telling you that 100%  for sure  in writing.  so don’t worry!  ♡
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junker-town · 5 years
WNBA nearly did All-Star weekend right. But they made the stars fly economy
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The WNBA nearly did All-Star weekend right. Then 6’8 Brittney Griner was given a middle seat in coach.
Welcome to The W Is It, a weekly column about all the stuff that freakin’ rules in the WNBA. Have any tips of topics to cover? Find me @mellentuck on Twitter.
When Brittney Griner landed at McCarron International Airport in Las Vegas on the Thursday before the All-Star Game, she was greeted by a limo ready to take her to an upgraded suite at the Delano Hotel. As she walked through the doors of her new room, she witnessed something not seen at any of her previous five All-Star appearances: a room with a common room and supersized bathroom.
It’s here where the Phoenix Mercury center changed before going to a luxurious players-only dinner down the Vegas strip at the Bellagio. There were no ball-signings or media appearances to make. Just the best in the world enjoying a night together.
“It was fun,” Griner told SB Nation of the weekend. “Not that the other ones weren’t fun ... the one in Phoenix [in 2014] was fun. But it just felt like a real All-Star.”
At least it felt that way once the players arrived. The 22 All-Stars still had to fly coach to the event, which meant a middle seat for the 6’8 Griner. She had to pay her own money to upgrade and get the necessary extra leg room.
“If they would’ve listened to [Aces general manager and head coach] Bill Laimbeer on how to get us there, our travel there, to make us really feel like All-Stars, then it would’ve been great,” Griner said. “Like first-class seats, or at least exit row.”
Indeed, Las Vegas’ inaugural All-Star flashed the grandeur the stars of the league’s biggest celebratory weekend has long craved. At the same time, Griner’s flight difficulties showed the league still has a ways to go to improve the All-Star experience for those stars.
Upon arrival, everything was pristine. The biggest draw of the weekend featured a beach party performance the night before the game, with rapper Snoop Dogg and hip-hop artist Iggy Azalea performing at the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel. (Las Vegas Aces star Liz Cambage was set to open the night as a DJ, but technical difficulties scratched that segment.)
The next day, the All-Star Game player introductions were done between sets of Cirque Du Soleil stunts. For the first time ever, the game even had a halftime act, with singer Teyana Taylor owning the stage for the duration of the intermission.
Taylor was able to perform because, for the first time since 2006, the Three-Point Shootout and Skills Competition were not only paired together, but given their own night. For the past three years, the Three-Point shootout was played at halftime of the actual game, and there was no skills contest. Moving the events to Friday night gave the players a second day of spotlight on ESPN and opened the weekend to other events.
Taylor’s performance was a memorable one for the All Stars. In lieu of a halftime speech in the locker room, the players surrounded the stage to enjoy quasi-personal show. First-time All-Stars Diamond DeShield of the Chicago Sky and Odyssey Sims of the Minnesota Lynx took the mic to belt out Taylor lyrics in front of the crowd.
SING IT, @diamonddoesit1 pic.twitter.com/afZVZ3Lffk
— Chicago Sky (@wnbachicagosky) July 27, 2019
Griner also noticed all the other players from around the league in attendance to enjoy the weekend with them. With so much to enjoy around the game, it was hard for them to pass up, even if the alternative was a much-needed vacation. Luminaries included Sky forwards Gabby Williams and Stefanie Dolson, Seattle Storm guard Sue Bird and recent World Cup winner Megan Rapinoe, and NBA All-Stars Kobe Bryant and Chris Paul.
“I’d definitely call it my favorite weekend,” Griner said. “They made a lot of improvements. The aura around everything was great. I think it should be there again.”
But there’s still a ways for the league to go, through no fault of its host. One complaint was the All-Star Game’s early tip time at 12:30 p.m. PT the afternoon following the Snoop Dogg and Iggy Azalea concert. “Come on,” Griner said. “We’re all adults here. Maybe push the game back a little later.”
And then, there were the flights. All-Star Weekend is funded through a partnership between the WNBA and the host franchise, according to the league. Usually, the host franchise is responsible for travel arrangements.
Knowing that, Laimbeer, the coach and general manager of the Aces — and himself a 6’11 former NBA player — proposed setting $20,000 of his organization’s share aside to pay for first-class flights for the 22 All-Stars. But the league rejected the proposal, forcing Griner and her companions to squeeze into coach seats.
“I made a complaint at the board of governors meeting about that specific issue,” Laimbeer told The Associated Press. “They are our best assets, they are our All-Stars; treat them with respect. I apologized to them that I couldn’t get that done.”
Difficult travel accommodations have become a key point of emphasis for the league’s players and coaches. The WNBA’s collective bargaining agreement, which expires on Oct. 31, requires all players to fly commercially, which has contributed to frequent in-season delays, cancellations and uncomfortable trips across the country. Last season, 24 hours worth of plane troubles caused Laimbeer’s Aces to forfeit a late-season game with playoff implications. This season, new L.A. Sparks head coach Derek Fisher posted a picture of his team carrying their own bags through an airport terminal.
View this post on Instagram
So after a hard fought win on national television @la_sparks are right back to reality that these women are not being treated like the best athletes in the world!! #facts #hastochange #comeonnow
A post shared by Derek Fisher (@dereklfisher) on Jun 8, 2019 at 5:53pm PDT
“So after a hard fought win on national television [the L.A. Sparks] are right back to reality that these women are not being treated like the best athletes in the world!!”
Still, the league played police for All-Star in the name of fairness and parity. The fear was that Laimbeer’s first-class ticket offer would be seen as a recruiting tactic to lure top players to join Vegas’ superteam in the future. After all, Vegas acquired Cambage, last year’s league-leading scorer, when she requested a trade from a smaller-market Dallas Wings. MGM owns the Aces, and few, if any, other teams can and will match the pockets of the international powerhouse. The league OK’d the upgraded suites, but drew the line at airfare.
The league’s logic mirrors the decision to force Mystics guard Kristi Toliver to get paid a mere $10,000 for what is typically a six-figure role as an NBA assistant coach during the winter. The Wizards and Mystics are both owned by Monumental Sports, so the WNBA wanted to prevent them from using the carrot of a six-figure salary with the same organization to circumvent the salary cap and retain Tolliver as a player.
Yet this anti-tampering fear from the league is wildly misplaced. For one, the WNBA’s current CBA features the core designation, a provision similar to the NFL’s franchise tag that can be used to keep a player for up to four years. This is already one of the most team-friendly perks in all of sports, so what threat would a comped first-class flight really pose to a small-market team?
More fundamentally, the All-Stars deserve better. This isn’t the same as NBA teams offering perks outside the CBA to lure free agents like Kawhi Leonard that make tens of millions of dollars a season. These are the WNBA’s most talented athletes, who already play year-round because a maximum salary — a maximum salary — is worth just $117,500. Their bodies are pushed to limit over and over again, and their health should be the primary concern.
Consider that the All Star showcase was already missing six of the league’s biggest stars due to injury. Reigning MVP Breanna Stewart tore her Achilles in the Euroleague title game (Dynamo Kursk), while teammate and legendary point guard Sue Bird has missed the entire season to arthroscopic knee surgery. Former MVPs Candace Parker and Diana Taurasi have only played 10 games combined due to nagging ailments, and thus missed the weekend. A’ja Wilson, the league’s second-most popular player by fan vote, has been in a walking boot due to a high-ankle sprain in late July. Finally, Maya Moore, arguably the league’s most recognizable face, is taking the year off to focus on “family” and “ministry dreams.”
Vegas’ All-Star set the pace for what the W should bring every year, and players are eager to come back. But it wasn’t perfect just yet.
Now for some fun stuff.
Speaking of ... Candace Parker is BACK!
A hamstring injury has cost Parker all but nine games this season, and she’s looked shaky for most of those. Until this week.
Check out the highlights from @Candace_Parker's season-high performance ⬇️ #WatchMeWork pic.twitter.com/7YbIwm31P0
— WNBA (@WNBA) August 4, 2019
CP3 was named Player of the Week after a pair of wins showed her score 16 and then 21 points. She looked like her former All-Star self, throwing behind-the-head passes in a win over the Storm. Let’s goooooo!
now candace is throwing THIS pass l.a. is getting rude af and im ready for it pic.twitter.com/vPGgXjxh9N
— Matt Ellentuck (@mellentuck) August 4, 2019
Courtney Williams is a PROBLEM
The Sun quietly have the WNBA’s best record, despite being forced to trade top big Chimey Ogwumike to the Sparks before the season. Though forward Jonquel Jones takes a lot of the spotlight, Williams is an assassin. In a win over the Liberty, she scored 28 points on 12-of-18 shooting and also added seven rebounds, six assists and THIS BLOCK.
She’s 5’8.
courtney williams is 5'8 pic.twitter.com/L3wFJztoAc
— Matt Ellentuck (@mellentuck) August 4, 2019
Marina Mabrey is disrespectful as hell for this lmao
The L.A. Sparks guard:
Blocked the hell out of Seattle’s Jewell Loyd
Chucked the ball at her to try and gain possession
Dapped up her teammate Tierra Ruffin-Pratt after doing it
marina mabrey lmfaaaaoo this is the most disrespectful shit ive ever seen pic.twitter.com/Z6KUDB9lbX
— Matt Ellentuck (@mellentuck) August 4, 2019
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