lightnis-moonlight · 5 days
Hey! :3 I just posted chapter two of "Doctors, Typhoons and Donuts"! >v< Here is the link if you want to check it out! ^^ https://archiveofourown.org/works/56718199/chapters/144597214
And here is a little drawing that I will add to the chapters if I don't have a specific drawing/doodle for that chapter.
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I hope you will have a wonderful day! <3 C ya! ^^
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lightnis-moonlight · 7 days
Hey! For this drawing I wanted to try and use a different style. So ye! This is the result. ^^ I hope you have a nice day! <3 C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 12 days
Hey! :3 So one weekend I got a little fnafic idea. óvò And so I have been working on that for a bit. I just posted the first chapter of said fanfic. And I thought I might share it here. I have some more chapters ready for proof reading and I'll start to write some more very soon. :3 Sometimes I will also add little drawings to the chapters. Which I'll post here as well. So look forward to that. ^^
Here is a little description for the fanfic: It's been a few months now after the July incident and you haven't heard anything from your uncle in quite some time. At this point you were worried he might have been in July when it happened. But then suddenly you find a letter from him in your mail, asking you to join him at his research facility as a doctor. You aren't quite sure why exactly worm researchers need a human doctor, but as it gives you a chance to see your uncle again, you decide to go and check it out.
Here is the link if you'd like to check out the story. :3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/56718199/chapters/144182131
And the bonus drawing of today's chapter!
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I wish you lots of fun reading and a wonderful rest of your day! <3 C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 1 month
I was really busy lately, so I didn't have a lot of time to finish any of the drawings that I had started. qvq'
But now I was finally able to! >v<
Sooo here is a little drawing of Vash, that I did on my phone! :3
Have a nice day! >v<
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lightnis-moonlight · 3 months
Hey! :3 Here is another drawing of Vash! ^^ Have a nice day! <3 C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 3 months
Hey! I recently got into the anime Trigun. ^^ So here are some little doodles of Vash! :3 Have a nice day! ^^ C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
I just wanted to say that please don't ask me anything in my asks that involves personal problems.
While yes I want everyone to be alright and healthy, what I don't want though is to get stress from other people's problems, that i barely know.
If you need help, please ask friends or your family.
Have a nice day.
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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Peter: “I'm all yours darling. You could even say, I'm your puppet.~”
Hey guys!
I’m sorry for being so inactive lately, I’ll try posting stuff again. ^^’ Ehm anyway I made this a month or so ago. I hope you guys like it! >w<
Have a nice day! :D
C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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Hey guys! Here are some Peter sketches! :3
Have a nice day! :D
C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 6: Rat shopping
* Riiiing!!! * *Riiiiiing!!! * 'Ahhhhh!' I turn around and shut off my alarm. Tiredly I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight.
 'God it's too early!' Peter: "Good morning darling.~" His voice being gruff and deep from just waking up, making me shudder. 'Damn I love his morning voice!' I turn around and look Peter in his half lidded blue eyes. Y/N: "Good morning Peter!" He gives me a warm smile, hugs me closer to his form and kisses my forehead. Peter: "You are so beautiful my love.~" I blush and award my gaze from his eyes as I hide my face in his chest. Y/N: "Peeeeteeer!" He chuckles clearly enjoying my embarrassment. We stay like this for a bit, but sadly we have to get up at one point. So I push myself away from him, receiving a whine in protest and get up. Y/N: "Sorry sweetie, we gotta get going." Peter: * Sigh * "I know..., darling." Peter pouts in disappointment, but gets up, makes the bed, grabs his clothes and goes to the door that leads to the hall. Peter: "Take your time love, I'll make us some breakfast." Y/N: "Thank you!!!" I walk up to him, stand on my tippy toes and give him a small peck on the cheek before grabbing my own clothes. His face turns pink, eyes wide as he touches his cheek. A smile creeps onto his face, nodding at me, he left the room. My lips curl into small smile and I go into my bathroom to finish my morning routine. Once done I leave my room and enter the kitchen. Scanning the room I notice the already prepared' food on the table. 'An omelet! Heck yeah!' I was about to take a seat, ready to just eat, but when I hear Peter's voice coming from the next room. It was muffled and quiet.
 'What is he doing?' Not wanting to eavesdrop, I quietly knock on the door. Y/N: "Sweetie?" Peter: "Ah hang on a sec!" He partially opens the door and peeks out of the room. Peter: "Hey darling, sorry I am ranting us a car at the moment. You can start eating breakfast without me. I'll try to join you as soon as possible though." Y/N: "Hey its fine! Don't worry. Take your time! Thank you for being so thoughtful." I give him a quick hug and a smile, leaving him to finish the call. Now sitting down once more I start eating the delicious food Peter had prepared. 'Damn! This is really good! Either he really improved very quickly or they fucking lied to me that he can't cook!' The omelet was fluffy and light and he even added (favorite ingredient)! It's perfect! 'I'll need to thank him later! But how? He has been on such good behavior. Hmm we'll see.' Speaking of the devil, he enters the kitchen, giving me a big smile. Peter: "All done! We’ll just have to pick it up after breakfast and then we can start our little Rat shopping trip." 'I should have really called it something less silly.' Y/N: "Sounds good! Now eat! It'll get cold if you don't." Peter: "Alright darling." He chuckles to himself, takes the seat that is opposite from mine and starts digging into his food. We quickly finish our breakfast, grabbing my wallet and my jacket, we get ready to leave for our trip. Once ready we leave and I lock the door of our home. Y/N: "So how far do we have to go to get to the car?" Peter: "Not far. It's pretty close by actually. Will probably only take five minutes to get there." Y/N: "Alright!" After a bit of walking we finally get to a parking lot. Peter: "Stay here, I'll just go and get the keys." I nod, putting my hands into the pockets of my jacket and smile. Y/N: "Don't take too long!" Peter: "I won't. I'll be back before you know it Y/N.~" My face turns a deep shade of red.
 'H-he said my name! He actually said it!'
 He chuckles at my reaction, giving me a pat on the shoulder before leaving to get the car keys. 'God fucking damn it Peter! Why do you make me feel this way? Aaaaah!'
I hide my blush in my hands, internally screaming at my feelings, not noticing that Peter was already back and only looking up at the feeling of someone touching my shoulder. Peter: "Darling are you alright?" I sigh in relief seeing that it was 'only' Peter. Y/N: "Y-Yeah I'm fine it's just, I ehm I am still stunned that you called me by my name." Peter: "Oh? Is it really that rare that I call you by name?" I look away shyly and nod. Peter: "I'll have to change that then OR I'll only use it when it's important, making it something special.~" Y/N: "I eh uhm you choose!" Peter: "Hmm alright dear.~" A smirk forms on his lips, making it pretty obvious what he chose. 'That fucker!' Peter: "Now, we should better get going." Y/N: "Yeah, let's go." He takes my hand in his and leads me to the car he has ranted for us. 'Of course it's a fucking white van!' Peter looks at my unimpressed expression with amusement. Y/N: "Seriously Peter?" Peter: "Yup!" Y/N: "You are not going to kidnap me and tie me up in a random basement that you've found, are you?" Peter: "No, but if you want me to I can arrange that.~" Y/N: "Peter no!" Peter: "I was just joking! Unless?~" Y/N: "Peter!!!" Peter: "Alright, alright! I'm just messing with you love. Anyway hop in." He gestures to the passenger seat. Peter: "I'm going to drive." Y/N: "Of course you are." We sit down in the car and buckle up. Looking around the car, I notice that even from the inside it looks eerily similar to his van. 'What the hell? How ironic is that?' I give him a slight concerned look. Peter: "You know I didn't choose it to be that close to mine." Y/N: "I know, but it's just... so strange!" Peter puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently. Peter: "I won't harm you Y/N." I look into his eyes to see if they hold any ill intent, but only find them showing sincerity. Y/N: * Sigh * "Thank you. I'm just overthinking is all." Peter: "It's fine really! I tend to do so sometimes as well. But lighten up a little! We are supposed to have fun after all." Y/N: "You are right!" I beam at him.
 'He really knows what to say, doesn't he?' He gives me a warm smile before turning on the radio and starting the car. We sit in comfortable silence, listening to the music on the radio. And after half an hour we arrive at the pet store. Because it is quite early, we easily find a parking spot that is close to the entrance of the store. After leaving and locking the car, we enter said building. The store isn't particular big, but it still has a lot to offer. From furry fluff balls and scaly cuties, they have quite a lot to choose from. But we aren't here for that, we are here to spoil our little Rat! Peter takes a list, which he had prepared earlier, out of his back pocket. The list reads as follows: Rat shopping list: - pvc tank - strip lights - heat mat - thermostat - aspen substrate - 2-3 hides - thermometer - plants - food Y/N: "That's quite a lot! Do they even sell everything that is on there?" Peter: "No we sadly won't get everything in here. So we need to hit a few other stores later." Y/N: "Ah alright." We take one of the carts and look for the items on the list. The tank, aspen and food being the easiest ones to find. But finding the thermostat, thermometer and heat mat isn't. They for some reason put them in the back of the shop making them difficult to spot. And the hides, well let's just say I get a little carried away then it comes to decor. Only being satisfied with my choices after around a twenty minute search. The little hide that looks like a skull being my favorite. Though I am not quite sure which animal it's supposed to represent. After paying for our items, we leave the store, enter the van and drive back home to put the things we already collected away and the frozen rats into the freezer. Now onto the rest of our list!
Y/N: "I think for the other stuff we should go to a mall, so we don't have to drive as much and maybe we can grab some lunch there!" Peter: "Hm… sound good." He doesn’t seem to really like the idea. Probably being wary of all the people there. So I give him a reassuring smile and his hand a gentle squeeze. Y/N: "Don't worry, I’m here! I won't leave you. And if you really do get uncomfortable we can also leave." Peter: "Thanks darling." He says, now finally looking back up at me with a small smile of his own. On the way to the mall I notice just how good of a driver he is. Guess that's a given when he drives 3 hours every day just to see his darling. But still, it's nice that I can trust him to drive safely. And after around an hour we finally arrive at the mall. Before entering the building I take one of his larger hands in mine, rubbing invisible shapes on its back in a way to calm him. Which he returns by squeezing my hand. Once in, we immediately search for the missing items. Finding the strip lights in a tech store and the decorative plants in a dollar store. This time Peter being the one to choose the plants, since I probably couldn't decide which once to pick. 'Hmm while we're here, we could get him some new clothes. I mean they look good, but he can't wear the same thing every day.' Y/N: "Hey Peter?" Peter: "Yes darling?" Y/N: "I was wondering, since we're already here, could we ehm buy you some new clothes?" Peter: "So you don't like what I'm wearing right now?" Y/N: "No! No! It's just you can't wear the same clothes every day and I thought you might want some variety!" A nervous smile adorns my features as I stare at the ground. Peter: "Sure, why not?" He chuckles and smiles at me. Peter: "Lead the way love." My lips curl up in excitement as I eagerly grab one of his hands and sort of drag him into one of the many clothing stores. Only letting go of his hand once we finally reach the male section of the store. Y/N: "Okay so I would say, we'll look around for about ten minutes and meet back here with the clothes we find." Peter: "But what if-" Y/N: "Hey I'll be close by and I won't leave your sight okay?" He nods and gives me a small smile. And both of us start searching for clothes. I grab some blue and black t-shirts, long sleeve shirts and hoodies, hoping that they would match his style. And, quicker than expected, the time has come to see just how they would fit him. Though not just in looks, but also in size, snice I didn't really know what sizes he needed, making me have to guess them. Quickly scanning the shop, I find him rather easily, thanks to his tall stature. Y/N: "Hey!" I exclaim with excitement, happily skipping towards him. Peter: "Hey there!" A warm and relieved smile adorning his lips. Y/N: "Did you find something you like?" Peter nods, a small smirk creeping onto his face as he gave me suggestive look. Peter: "Sure did love.~" Y/N: "I meant clothes!" My face heats up and turns bright red. Peter: "I know, I know." He chuckles and gestures to the changing rooms. Peter: "Let's go." Peter enters one of the stalls and pulls its curtain shut. I lean against the stall he is using and listen to the sound of moving fabric. 'I hope he likes what I picked for him.' Peter: "Hey darling?" Y/N: "Yes Peter?" Peter: "Could you close your eyes for me?" Y/N: "Sure!" Lifting my hands up to my face, I cover my eyes. Y/N: "Eyes are closed!" I hear the sound of the curtain opening as he steps out of the stall. Peter: "Alright you can open your eyes now." My hands leave my face and I open my eyes to see a flustered Peter standing in front of me. Peter: "So...how do I look darling?"
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I take a step back and scan his appearance from head to toe. 'He is... wearing the thing I chose! And damn, he looks good in it!' Y/N: "You look great!" A huge smile makes its way onto my face as I gush over his appearance, replacing his coy expression with a smug proud look.
He quickly goes back into the changing room so he could show me more of the clothes we gathered and maybe receive the same star struck reaction. After paying for the clothes, we grab our lunch in one of the many restaurants and leave the mall soon after. Once we are back home I immediately flop on the couch in exhaustion. Peter: "Are you alright darling?" Y/N: "Yeah just tired." I groan into the couch cushion, muffling my voice in the process. Peter stiffens a laugh and pats me on my head. Peter: "I'll go set up the tank. Don't let the couch swallow you while I'm gone." Y/N: "No promises!" And with a chuckle he leaves the room, giving me some time to rest for a while. ------------------------------------ A/N: Heeyyyy guys! I finally got this chapter done! :D Sorry that you had to wait so long! >-< I just didn't expect it to turn out as long as it did. ^^' Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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“You mean this cherry darling?” ----------------------------------------------------------
Hey guys! I finally finished another drawing of Peter! :3
Have a nice day! :D
C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 5: Moviesssss
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As I wake up I feel two warm arms wrapped around my torso. 'Wait two arms?' Worried I turn my head, looking behind me, only to find a peacefully sleeping Peter. 'Is he smiling? God he looks so adorable!' The worry instantly leaving my features. I turn back around, aware that I won't leave his hold anytime soon, grabbing my phone which was on the coffee table next to the couch. I scrawled through social media for a bit. Looking at fan art of the gray skinned, round headed man behind me. Peter: "You know, you can just turn around if you want to see my face darling." Startled, I jump a little, almost dropping my phone in the process. I turn around in his hold and look at him with an embarrassed, awkward, little smile. Y/N: "I-I know! Just didn't want to be staring at you and make you uncomfortable..." Peter: "You don't make me uncomfortable, not at all and never will." His arms tightening their hold on my, pressing me closer to his chest and he nuzzles the cruck of my neck. I pet his back, a smile forming on my lips at hearing his statement. Y/N: "Thank you." Peter: "Don't mention it." Y/N: "Hey Peter?" Peter: "Yeah darling." Y/N: "We missed lunch." A chuckle escapes him at my words. Peter: "Are you hungry darling?" Y/N: "A little." Peter: "Do you want me to make you something?" Y/N: "Not really....thooooughh we could get snacks and watch some movies together." He nods and looks at me with that signature smirk of his. Peter: "How about we watch some horror movies.~" Y/N: "Sure, but I have to warn you, I am a little jumpy." Peter: "Oh darling I know." An expression of realization forms on my face. And I facepalm myself. Y/N: "Riiiiight! I forgot about that." He holds back a laugh, moves us into an upright position and loosens his hold on me. I get off the couch, his arms now back at his sides and I can hear him wine at the loss of our physical contact. Y/N: "I'll get the snacks! You can choose the movie, I'm down to watch anything really." Peter: "Alright, but please come back soon." Y/N: "Naw, of cause! I'll be quick." I leave the living room and grab some chips, popcorn and drinks from the cupboards. I put the popcorn and put it into the microwave and while the corn is being popped I get two cups as well. The Microwave started beeping, so I got the finished popcorn, add (anything you like to add to popcorn), grab everything else and return to the living room. Y/N: "What are you doing?" Peter: "Waiting for you darling!~" Y/N: "When why are you posing and taking up the whole couch?" Peter: "Because I can and you know you like it." Y/N: "Touché." I set everything down on the coffee table. Y/N: "Now shooo! I wanna sit." Peter: "Nah! I'm comfortable like this!" Y/N: "Peeeeteeerr pleeeeaaassse!" Peter: "No not moving." Y/N: "Alright no cuddling for you sir!" Peter: "Sir? No cuddling? But darling-! Okay I'll move." Y/N: "Thanks." I sit down with a satisfied look and glance at the screen. Y/N: "Oh I see you found a movie!" Peter: "Yeah!" He pulls me into his side and presses the play button. 'Yup it's a slasher movie.' We sit back and enjoy the movie in a comfortable silence. Well as comfortable as you can get while watching a horror movie with a lot of gore that is. Every time a scene is going to get very gory, he squeezes my hand, letting me know if I want to look away or not 'He is so sweet.' One movie turned to two and then to three. Not all of them being slasher movies. For dinner we ordered a pizza, him eating most of it, making me giggle, but also pout in jealousy. As we start cleaning the little mess we have made in the living room, a question entered my mind. Which worried me a little, so as I speak the concern is evident in my voice. Y/N: "Hey Peter?" Peter: "Yes darling?" Y/N: "Did you leave Rat in the game?" He stops his actions and looks at me a little shaken.Peter: "No ... I brought her with me. I hope you don't mind." He scratches his neck nervously. Y/N: "Where is she?" My voice now full with excitement. Surprising Peter as his mussels began to relax, a small sigh of relief leaving him, as he began to smile once more. Peter: "She is in your guest room, the one next to yours." I grab his hand and drag him to said location leaving the living room in a state that still needs cleaning, but who cares! There is a cute little snake to see! I open the door quickly, but carefully not wanting to scare her and I turn on the light. 'God it's warm in here.' My eyes scan the room only to fall on something rather big on the bed. The small hognose snake sits in a pretty big plastic box, the ground of the box is covered in gravel and the lid littered with tiny holes so she'd be able to breath. In the tank sits a small bowl filled with water, as well as a small plastic hide. Peter: "I made her a makeshift tank out of stuff I could find here, since I couldn't bring hers with me." Again giving me this apologetic look. Y/N: "Peter it's totally fine, stop looking like I'd be mad at you for bringing this cutie with you. I love her! She is so adorable!" I give him a warm smile making his worries fade away. Peter: "Do you want to take a closer look at her?" Y/N: "Of course I’d love to!" Peter: "Okay wait a sec." He takes a water spray bottle off of a small table and sprays his hands with the water. Peter: "She is probably still a bit uncomfortable since this place is new to her and all, so sadly we can't do this for too long." He takes a pencil out of his pocket, poking its butt into the ground to get her to come out again. Peter slides the pencil under her lifting her out of the substrate. He puts the pencil away, sticks his hands into the box and approaches her with them from the side, so not to scare her. Peter lifts her out of the tank and holds most of her body in his hands, supporting her. After taking one more glance down at her to make sure she isn't stressed, he approaches me, giving me a cute smile. Peter: "Well Rat meet my darling Y/N." We gush over her for a few minutes before Peter had to sadly put her back into her makeshift tank. 'She is so adorable!' He puts the lid back on the box and we leave her room. Y/N: "Peter?" Peter: "Yeah?" Y/N: "We have to go Rat shopping." Peter: "What do you mean by that?" He chuckles a little at my antics. Y/N: "Get her a bunch of new things! We are going to spoil her!" He pet's my shoulder and nods, giving me an amused look. Peter: "Rat shopping it is then." We both go to bed happy and excited for the days to come. ------------------------------------ A/N: Heyyyyy, another chapter done and it’s even longer! :3
(The next chapter might take a bit though, sorry! >-<)
Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 4: Sweet little interrogation
Peter: "So how are they?" Y/N: "You mean the waffles? They are actually pretty good!" Peter: "Actually? Why are you so surprised?" Y/N: "Because I heard that someone can’t cook too well." Peter: "Oh darling! You hurt my feewlings!" Y/N: "Oh god! Peter speak normally! Please!" I wheeze at his antics. Peter: "But iam tawlking nowmaly dawling!" Y/N: "Stop! Noo!" We both laugh and smile at each other. Peter: "But yeah, I used a tutorial to make the batter." His eyes leaving mine, a bashful smile on his lips as he scratches his neck. Y/N: "Hey you don't need to be ashamed. The waffles taste good after all! And you learn rather quickly right? So you'll be fine!" Peter: "Thanks darling. I appreciate that." We are quiet after that, enjoying our meal in a comfortable silence. While eating a thought pops in my head. 'Didn't I fall asleep at my desk?' Y/N: "Hey Peter?" Peter: "Hmm?" Y/N: "How long have you been here for?" Peter: "Oh, a few hours now. Since 3am i think." Y/N: "3am? Really? You must be tired!" Peter: "I'm fine! I'm used to it after all." Y/N: "Promise me you sleep more now." Peter: "Huh? Sure, but only if we sleep in one bed." My face burns, I probably look like a cherry. Y/N: "I-If that makes you sleep more, s-sure." Peter: "Well then it's a deal!" Y/N: "Are you a demon now?" Peter: "One that crawled out of hell for you." He says, smirking, making me cover my red face with my hands. Y/N: "You flirt!" I can hear him chuckling to himself. Y/N: "A-anyway." 'God! He makes me so god damn nervous somehow!' Y/N: "Did you move me to my bed last night?" Peter: "Yeah that was me. You looked cold." Y/N: "Thank you." Peter: "No problem darling. But love, we should continue the questioning after breakfast. Our waffles are getting cold." Y/n: "Oh! Your right. But don't try avoiding my questions later." Peter smiles and nods. Peter: "Wouldn't dream of it." We quickly finish our delicious waffles and start cleaning the kitchen, which had become quite a mess. I start doing the dishes while Peter puts away everything, that isn't needed anymore, into their original place. Peter, done with his part, hugs me from behind. His head on my shoulder, while he watches me clean the last dish. Peter: "Your hair smells nice." He says right next to my ear, in a voice that is an octave lower than usual. I shiver, turned on a little. 'Shit he probably felt that.' Peter caresses my check gently. Y/N: "Th-thanks?" 'Fuck he turns me into an awkward stuttering mess!' I finish drying the dish, leave his hold and try putting it in the cupboard. Enthuses on 'try', because this damn thing needs to go into the highest shelf, which I can't reach without a stool. I feel the dish leaving my hand as my back hits Peter's chest. Looking up I see his long, gray arm putting the dish onto the shelf. I turn around and pout, craning my neck to look up at him. 'I really forgot how tall he is.' His expression smug as he pets my head. Peter: "Now, let's continue your little interrogation darling." We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, facing each other. Peter: "Well ask away darling!" He gives me a big closed eyed smile. 'This man! Ahhhhh!' Y/N: "Sooo how exactly did you get here? I didn't just will you into existence did I?" Peter: "No, no!" He chuckles and smiles amused. Peter: "I heard you yesterday, you know? That you would like to meet me." His larger hand wrapping around mine. Peter: "And as you probably know, I wanted to be with you as well. But I only just recently found an opening." Y/N: "An opening? What do you mean by that?" Peter: "You know how the game gets updated a bunch right?" I nod.
Peter: "Well there are some sort of safety locks that keep me from having access to your data. But this time, because they had to test something, they forgot to lock some of them. Giving me the chance to breach the system and using your PC as a link to your world."
I look at him surprised at what he had accomplished.
Y/N: "You can do that?" Peter: "Yeah! I looked into the game’s code and into hacking for a while now, so it was honestly a walk in the park!" Y/N: "Whoa!"
He smirks as he takes my chin into his grasp. Holding it with his thumb and pointer finger while looking into my surprised eyes.
Peter: "Only for you darling.~"
He leans in and gives me a soft kiss on my head.
Y/N: "I-I have no words! ...You are amazing!"
My free hand moving to his cheek caressing it softly.
Y/N: "I still can't believe that you are here, with me."
Peter leans into my touch, holding my hand in place as he looks somewhat love drunken.
Peter: "Me neither. I can't believe that I can finally touch you, hold you, that you finally can be mine and mine alone."
We sit like this for quite some time. Caressing turning into cuddling, the excitement draining both of us of our energy and we both fall asleep on the couch, in each other’s arms.
A/N: Hey guys! :D Here is some more fluff and a longer chapter! I like writing that stuff! :3 But will it stay like this? Who knows? Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 3: Surprise and waffles! 
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'Ahhh five more minutes!'
It's morning and the sun is shining directly in my face. I turn around trying to fall back asleep only to smell something...FOOD! I jump out of my bed only to fall on the ground. 'Fuck that was too quick!' Getting back up slower this time, I walk carefully out of my room. 'Did I leave a window open? Are the neighbors making waffles? Oh god now I am hungry!' As I was in front of the kitchen I noticed something. 'Noises? In my kitchen? At this time? Shit! Did someone break in? Do they think I am still asleep? Oh god! Oh god!' Grabbing a close by umbrella as a weapon, I enter the kitchen. Peter: "Oh good morning darling!~" 'Peter?!?' Stunned I lost my grip on the umbrella, my movements frozen and my jaw figuratively on the floor.
Peter: "Oh surprised? Can't blame you I thought it was impossible too."
He says waving around a wooden spoon.
Peter: "But I guess things can change!"
He smiles smugly, putting the spoon in the bowl that is holding the batter and started approaching me. His long legs covering the distance in seconds.
He puts one hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb and closes my still hanging jaw gently with the other.
Peter: "And now we aren't bound by those restrictions anymore.“
His eyes meet mine and his smile turned from smug into an adoring loving smile.
Peter: "Your so beautiful darling."
His deep voice purring with delight.
But our moment was interrupted by the smell of something burning. And he let's go of my face rushing to the waffle iron.
Peter: "Oh no the waffles!!"
I am finally unfrozen, quickly grabbing mittens and help him getting the now slightly burned waffle out of the still hot iron.
Peter: "Oh gosh! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I was too caught up in the moment I-"
And I finally find my voice again, as I lay my hand on this shoulder giving it a reassuring pat.
Y/N: "Hey sweetie, it's fine! Don't worry, its ok! Look they aren't even really burned. They are just a little darker is all."
I smile at him, hoping to calm his nerves.
Peter: "Thank you darling."
He says returning my smile with a small one of his own.
My hand leaves his shoulder and is now propped against my waist.
Y/N: "You still got batter right? Now let's finish them up so we can eat breakfast together. Shall we?"
I beam at him with excitement. His face now mimicking mine.
Peter: "Yes we shall!"
And with that we finish making all of the waffles and I grab some berries, some chocolate sauce and whipped cream to top 'em off.
Y/N: "God they look so delicious!" Peter: "Oh how right you are. Let's eat my dear.~"
A/N: Soooo! What do you guys think? Do you like the fluff? :3 The next chapter is going to be longer again! ^^ Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 2: Wishes
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It's really late at night, but a certain someone is still wide awake. This certain someone being Peter who was standing in front of game Y/N's window.
He puts a hand on the cold glass and leans in closer to the closed window. Hearing something or more like someone.
Y/N: "God Peter, how I would love to actually meet you."
Stunned he takes a stab back.
'They wants to meet me?'
You really wanted to actually meet him? For real? He could barely contain his joy!
He punches the air, smiling like a doofus, giddily dancing and almost falling off of the fire escape railing.
But how is he supposed to get to you?
He stops his movements once he realists this. Striking a thinking pose, he ponders on a solution to this problem. And after a few minutes of thinking, he got what he was looking for. Smirking he stares up into the surprisingly clear star filled sky.
Peter: "Guess you were wrong mother." "And now..." "These walls won't stop me darling!~"
(A/N: "Roll credits! :D) (A/N: "jk jk!")
The once dark room is now bathed in the blue light of the recently 'sleeping' computer screen. Quiet snoring could be heard whilst the screen's color switched and glitches into a multitude of colors.
A rather large gray hand could be seen pressed against the thin glass surface.
The glitching of the screen only escalates more by the increasing pressure added by that hand.
And suddenly the light of the screen was gone, the room being swallowed by the darkness once more.
But something still was off.
Quiet barely audible thudding filled the dark room.
Though just as soon as they came they were gone again.
Two deep blue orbs now being where the source of the sound once was.
'Oh how wrong you were mother.'
Peter: "I'll see you tomorrow darling.~"
A/n: Sorry for this being shorter than the last chapter, but at least the quality in writing improved so that's something! Also I kinda thought that this would be a good place to end at ^^'. The next chapter is going to be longer though.  Anyway, let's see how this goes shall we? :) Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
| Walls |
------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------
Work has been hard on you and you just want to relax for a bit. Spending some time with your boyfriend should help right? Well we will see about that won't we?~ Peter: "These walls won't stop me darling!~" 
Chapter 1: Rest
* Sigh * 'Fucking finally! Home!' I enter my living room and throw myself on the couch. Work has been really rough on my lately and oh god! The Karens! Ahhh I fucking can't! But hey it's the weekend now! I am freeeee! (For a bit at least) I get up again and go into the kitchen. I grab myself a ramen cup, heat some water and poor it over the nuddly goodness. Fooood! God I'm starving! I turn on some music and start digging in to my 'oh so lovingly prepared' meal. Hmm what to do? What to doooo? Maybe i could play that visual novel again? Or should i just draw? Ooor do both? Well we'll see I guess. Once finished, I throw the cup into the trash pin and clean my eating utensils. I leave the kitchen and go into my room. Sitting down in front of my PC, I click on a familiar icon. The program starts up and presents me with its title screen. It reading "Your boyfriend". Y/N: "Well hellooo darlin'! Long time no see huh?" I joke and press the play button. . . . Shit!!!!!!! God damn jumpscare! I jump at the red screen which was showing an eerily grinning golf ball headed man. God this still gets me? Seriously? Y/N: "Guess I am a jumpy one, aren't I?" I chuckle a little and proceed with entering my name. 'Welcome Y/N, you too have fun ...' Oh we will have fun alright. I appear in the oh so familiar park and read through my lines in a breeze. Till our beloved golf ball decided to join the party. Stranger: "Whoa! Hey, take it easy it's just me." "You are a jumpy one aren’t cha?" Y/N: "Pff yup and you are the reason as to why. You really like jumpscaring people don't cha?" Stranger: "Soo are you waiting for a family member or a friend?" "Just seems kind of odd for you to be sitting out here, all alone like this and so far away from the jogging track." Y/N: "I'm waiting for you Peter.~" Damn I should really stop talking shouldn't I? I scratch the back of my neck. Stranger: "L-Look I know this is sudden. Very sudden. But if you're free tonight could I have the pleasure in taking you out to dinner?" Oh fuckin heck yeah. Stranger: "Well I'm your boyfriend!" "Isn't that why you are here?" Y/N: "Oh sweetie, that’s exactly why I'm here." ... I did it again!!!! Ah god! I face palm myself. Cheesh just continue. Options: "Umm dinner sounds nice." ✓ "What? No!" "..." I smile at his happy expression. He really god me wrapped around his finger doesn't he? I continue playing the game, taking the nice options and trying not to talk to myself. Y/N: "God Peter, how I would love to actually meet you." I say looking at his silhouette behind the curtain. The end of the day appears and with a sad smile, I close the game. Mumbling a quiet 'Sorry.' After closing the game, I grab my stylus and continue to color one of the drawings I made of him. I have fallen hard I know. I draw for quite some time. Actually falling asleep at the desk after finishing the last touches. But who cares? It's comfy and warm... ------------------------------- A/N: Hey guys! Soo first chapter done whoooh! What do you think? This is an ongoing story and if you’d like I would continue posting new chapters on here as well. Anyway, I hope you guys have a nice day! :D C ya! <3
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
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Hey guys! Here is another drawing of Peter!
Have a nice day! :D
C ya!
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