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sadiqssolitude Ā· 3 months ago
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#JayMohr #ProfessorRickPayne #GhostWhisperer #snl #SaturdayNightLive #JerryMaguire #Go #TheAdventuresofPlutoNash #GaryUnmarried #MohrStories #JayMohrSports #standupcomedian #actor #fanart #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/ACk_gI5Tixg Shorts: https://youtu.be/8ilBVlSkHVA
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echoicsmut Ā· 1 year ago
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I wonder what these Ghosts are doing to Cynthia for Monstober #6? You'll have to check out my other sites to see the full scene. https://linktr.ee/hornedlewds
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pyreshe Ā· 2 years ago
@ghostwhisperer - ā›ā› Do you dream about them? āœāœ
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livvy rolls the question over in her mind for a minute before she bends again over her whiteboard, pink marker in hand, writes something slowly and carefully. she appreciates melinda and her seemingly endless patience, the way she's never pressed her to "use her words" as so many adults had before. some had taken her silence as defiance and punished her accordingly for being a "difficult" little girl. there hasn't been a single time melinda had even implied that she was upset at her for not speaking. after a moment, she holds the whiteboard out, the letters blocky and childish, written in a nearly unsure hand.
she turns the whiteboard and adds another line.
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firebird7479 Ā· 2 months ago
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Two Sentences (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/379698872-two-sentences?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Firebird7479 BASED ON A TRUE STORY: In 1989, Tommy Clifford passed away at the age of 20, and his former co-worker, Rick Ciccone, believed it was a suicide. Two years earlier, Tommy, a summer hire at a land surveying company, experienced the tragic death of his two best friends in a car accident during a trip he had to cancel. He confided his pain to Rick, a rising star in professional wrestling working at the same company, in a conversation that haunted Rick for nearly 35 years. Rick carried the guilt of not offering more comfort to his young friend. When the shocking truth about Tommy's death is revealed, Tommy visits Rick in a dream, easing his guilt by showing that the small gestures Rick did make were exactly what Tommy needed at that moment.
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mastermicd-arch Ā· 2 years ago
@ghostwhispererĀ ā™”ā€™d for a starterĀ (still accepting)Ā !
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peyton had been talking to melinda for a solid few minutes without so much as taking a breath ā€“ā€“ ranting about her work, about how hard she was finding things, and just what might make her consider quitting if it got that little bit too difficult. it was standard practice for her at the moment, to just get her frustrations out. the distracted look on her friend's face though, wasn't quite helping her the way she'd thought. "hello?" she asked, voice melodic as a hand waved across the others face. "are you listening? what's on your mind, you're not really here."
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pyreshe Ā· 2 years ago
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olivia had read once about black holes and the way that sometimes, a star doesn't simply die. it becomes a gravitational sink that gets to be so heavy and dense that no light ever escapes it again- nothing does. she'd explained it to vincent as best she could, expressing fear that a black hole would one day swallow up the entire world and the coffee shop, and vincent had laughed that gentle laugh of his and assured her that no such thing would come to pass. he used to say how lucky he was to have such a smart and wonderful daughter; i lucked out, had been the exact sentiment.
but then vincent had died.
he died for no reason and no amount of praying had fixed anything. the ground seemed to give way under her feet and light began to vanish into the black hole and so too did all of her words.
there's nothing to say, really, and no one who'd care to listen anyway.
she blinks up at the woman standing on the stoop, her latest placement, and then goes back to her intense staring at the top of her pink plush dinosaurs fuzzy head. she doesn't know what to think of her just yet other than the distant fleeting thought that she was pretty in a soft kind of way.
once the trash bag hits the porch, livvy all but swoops in to grab the top of the bag and clutch it close, holding tightly with the free hand not squeezing her t rex just as melinda snaps at her other foster mother. her tone nearly makes her drop the bag, but her knuckles just grow pale around the dark plastic.
the drive is full of one-sided chatter that leaves livvy wondering if melinda is the kind of adult who is afraid of silence and needs to hide from it; she'd hardly be the first. still, livvy tunes about half of it out, staring out the car windows as things move past. the trees are turning orange and scarlet and halloween will come soon- but the thought of another halloween without him makes her feel hollow.
the house livvy allows melinda to lead her into is also pretty, but livvy doesn't look too closely as melinda outlines her room, she just holds the trashbag and looks cautiously over the bedroom- like it could bite her were she not careful. livvy will put her things away when melinda isn't looking, it will be as easy as dumping the bag's contents into a drawer. everything important is safely in a neighbor's possession for safekeeping- photos, a shoebox full of odds and ends, and a recipe card box painted with forget-me-nots and packed with family recipes.
the whiteboard surprises her though. surprises her enough that she nearly squeaks.
livvy stares at her and ponders her words as though melinda has started speaking an alien language and she is the sole interpreter up for the job. maybe they can be scared together.
livvy sits on the edge of the bed and writes something on the whiteboard;
at least, she hopes not.
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melinda had always wanted a family.
jim had been the first to bring it up in the casual way they shared their love, gentle and sweet. Ā  Ā  ā€˜ how many rooms should we put in the house? ā€˜ Ā  Ā  heā€™d asked a few months into their engagement, and melinda had said,Ā  Ā  ā›ā› well, we need an office, donā€™t you think? āœāœ Ā  Ā  she danced with his baby niece on a lazy sunday afternoon in the kitchen when he said, Ā  Ā  ā€˜ youā€™re gonna make a great mom someday, ā€˜ Ā  Ā  and melinda, grinning with all her teeth, had kissed his cheek and replied, Ā  Ā  ā›ā› i probably make a better aunt. āœāœ
and that was the game they played. heā€™d roll the ball into her court as gently as heā€™d hold her, and she, ever-stubborn, would always push it back, afraid of what that future could mean. as much as her mother tried to pretend, the truth was always there: her familyā€™s gift had stretched three generations now, and she wasnā€™t sure if she was ready to make it fourā€” even if she did coo at every baby that passed her by, or lay in bed and dream of how amazing a father jim would be.Ā 
but nowā€¦
now, jim was gone, and there was no room for dreaming anymore. suddenly, what sheā€™d always wanted to say but never got to stretched to all the corners of the house, through the doorway he carried her through that first nightā€” his clothes in the hamperā€” a glass of water, untouched, on his side of the bed. and yes, melinda knows in a way only she can that heā€™s not really gone. jim was just on the other side of the window, his fingertips tracing the silhouette of her hair, his lips at the corner of her own, waiting until he could reach past the pane and pull her into his arms again. but the light doesnā€™t bring her much comfort now. it doesnā€™t bring back the chapters that were ripped so unceremoniously out of her life, or the family that shouldā€™ve filled the pages full 'til the epilogue. she sat in that quiet, empty house all alone, in a bed twice as big as her, and made the only decision that made sense in a long time:
family would have to mean something else.
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oliviaā€™s last foster mom was in a hurry to usher her out. melinda stood and ignored the laughter of a full house just past the door, shaky hands balled into the pockets of her coat. she was nervous in a way she didnā€™t expect when sheā€™d first spoken to the social worker, but then again, she supposed there was a difference between words and action. she smiles down at the girl as she saysā€”
ā›ā› hey, livvy. iā€™m melinda. itā€™s nice to finally meet you. āœāœ
she thought of her grandma as they stood face-to-face, the car running behind her, ready to pick up a girl sheā€™d only known from a distance. the first thing she noticed was how small she wasā€” smaller than the pictures made her seemā€” and the fragility of it sent her heart into her throat. to make matters worse, though the crisp autumn air bit at her own nose, livvy wasnā€™t wearing a jacket. who let her out without one? melinda went to ask, but the only other adult had disappeared back into the house again, front door ajar so the light of the living room spilled out onto the driveway.
in the brief silence between them, they shared a moment.
livvy looked up at her with a gaze too old for her age, and melinda nearly flinched. it was a look she recognized, not just then but from her own childhood, too, the hollowness of her eyes too big for her tiny body. when mary ann had come eleven years too late and whisked melinda from the only hell sheā€™d ever known, did they share this same glance? did her grandma worry she wouldnā€™t be enough, too?
the moment was gone as quick as it came. the woman returned, interrupting to drop a trash bag at her feet, and, with a mix of both horror and anger, melinda realized that was all the girl had.
ā›ā› donā€™t do that. āœāœ Ā  Ā  sheā€™d snapped, and couldā€™ve screamed at the confusion the other wore.
ā€˜ sorry? '
ā›ā› treating her stuff like itā€™s garbage. how do you think that makes a kid feel? āœāœ
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her irritation eats at her the whole car ride back. olivia ( livvy, she rehearses in her head ) knows so little about her, and melinda perhaps too much. what kind of anger has she seen that the social workers hadnā€™t? is she afraid of her already? can melinda make the empty house a home for her, even though itā€™s hardly one for herself?Ā 
she tries to push back her anxiety with each turn of the wheel, chattering now and then to fill the space between them; she even does her best to ignore a spirit staring at them from the side of the road, thumb up for a ride to gods-knows-where. itā€™s still not enough.
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ā›ā› okay, soā€¦ āœāœ Ā  Ā  melinda begins after theyā€™ve brought @pyreshe's things upstairs, pacing around the girlā€™s newly-decorated room ( frilly comforter and all ), Ā  Ā  ā›ā› weā€™ve got nightlights, and, uhā€” some books. i know the bedsetā€™s a little much, but i figured after you get settled, maybe we could have a girlā€™s trip, just you and me. oh! andā€” where is itā€” āœāœ Ā  Ā  she remembers what sheā€™s looking for even before sheā€™s finished talking. turning over her shoulder towards the nightstand, she opens a drawer to pull out a whiteboard, shiny and new. a clean slate. Ā  Ā  ā›ā› ta-da! āœāœ
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melindaā€™s not expecting an answer, and knows there doesnā€™t have to be. she remembers the years she crawled into the jaws of her own heart, tucked behind the teeth sheā€™d been taught to bear. she meets the silence with softness, kneeling down slowly so her gaze can meet livvyā€™sā€” so she can coax the girl out of the wolfā€™s mouth.
ā›ā› iā€™m sure this is all a little scary, āœāœ Ā  Ā  she says, and cringes slightly at how much of an understatement that must be, Ā  Ā  ā›ā› if it makes you feel better, iā€™m a little scared, too. you know more about this than i do. butā€¦ āœāœ Ā  Ā  she pulls out a marker from the pack in her hand, holding the whiteboard out to her. Ā  Ā  ā›ā› maybe we can be scared together? āœāœ
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hannamarins Ā· 2 years ago
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giubidraws Ā· 4 months ago
they're both ghostwhisperers ig
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frogs-mystery-sideblog Ā· 5 months ago
Stanford and Jolene are in Backupsmoreā€™s library. Stanford leans against a table, wearing an orange turtleneck and brown pants, he has one hand in his pocket, the other rests over his chest.
Jolene is sitting opposite him, wearing a red and brown plaid skirt, a black turtleneck and cardigan. Her hair is auburn, long and curly. She has freckles and blue eyes.
Stanford: Youā€™re ignoring me.
Jolene: Not intentionally.
Stanford: Did I scare you away?
Jolene: I donā€™t scare easily.
(Something drips into Joleneā€™s hand.)
(Jolene looks at her hand. More blood drips into it. She looks up at the ceiling and frowns at the stain of wet, dripping blood forming there.)
(Opposite her, Stanford is confused at Joleneā€™s expression. He follows her gaze. Thereā€™s nothing to see.)
Stanford: New neck exercises?
Jolene: Uhmā€¦
(She looks back up at the ceiling. Itā€™s just a regular ceiling.)
Jolene (flustered): Yes! Actually.
Jolene: You know, that reminds me: I have a question for you!
Stanford: You always have a question for me. This time, before you ask, letā€™s talk a little ā€˜quid pro quodā€™.
Stanford: You get to ask a question, I get to ask you a question.
Jolene: Okay. Whatā€™s your question?
Stanford (jokingly): How many college professors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
(Jolene rolls her eyes)
Stanford: Donā€™t answer that! Thatā€™s not the real question.
Stanford (seriously): My real question to you is: Do you claim to have supernatural powers?
Jolene: Define ā€˜supernaturalā€™
Stanford: Ah! Now weā€™re getting somewhere! Do you claim to be connected to the supernatural?
Jolene: Sometimes it feels that way.
(Stanford pauses. Thinking.)
Stanford (squinting): How do you knowā€”
Jolene (cutting him off): Okay, that was your one question! Now itā€™s my turn.
(Stanford tuts, feigning annoyance.)
Jolene: If somebody said to you that there would be five signs, then death would come. What would you think?
Stanford: I would think about selling my house and moving to the nearest police station
Jolene: Iā€™m being serious
Stanford: Thatā€™s what scares me. So whatā€™s going on?
(Jolene looks to the ceiling. Then to her hand. Then to Ford, squinting.)
Jolene: Not yet.
(Stanford smiles, squinting at her.)
Transcript end.]
Ghostwhisperer x Dirty Work au aka ā€œFord applying for that PHD in meaningful and deep friendships with beautiful women, 1970ā€™s, colorized.ā€
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sadiqssolitude Ā· 3 months ago
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#JamieKennedy #ProfessorEliJames #GhostWhisperer #RandyMeeks #Scream #TheJamieKennedyExperiment #actor #comedian #screenwriter #producer #fanart #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/4QxK6LI9yBY Shorts: https://youtu.be/sXQmVZzPErs
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herzblau Ā· 4 months ago
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Ghostwhisperer Tonarius and his demon Kiko šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘»
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Sims made by @herzblau
Thanks to all CC and pose creators šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™
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blacksvgar Ā· 8 months ago
I'm sorry I can't take Kate Callahan seriously. I don't hate her but that is Ms. ghostwhisperer!! why is she profiling! just let her ask the victims ghost!!
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heavenboy09 Ā· 1 year ago
Happy Birthday šŸŽ‚ šŸ„³ šŸŽ‰ šŸŽ šŸŽˆ šŸŽŠ To You
The Most Remarkable & Sexiest BrunettešŸ‘© Teen Idol / Now All Grown Up Actress Of The 90's & 2000's
Born On February 21st, 1979
Hewitt was born inĀ Waco, TexasĀ to Patricia Mae (nĆ©e Shipp), aĀ speech-language pathologist, and Herbert Daniel Hewitt, a medical technician. She grew up inĀ NolanvilleĀ inĀ Central Texas,Ā and has close kinship ties in parts of Arkansas.
She is an American actress, producer and singer. Hewitt began her career as a child actress and singer, appearing in national television commercials before joining the cast of theĀ Disney ChannelĀ seriesĀ Kids IncorporatedĀ (1989ā€“1991). She had her breakthrough as Sarah Reeves Merrin on theĀ FoxĀ teen dramaĀ Party of FiveĀ (1995ā€“1999) and rose to fame as a teen star for her role as Julie James in the horror filmsĀ I Know What You Did Last SummerĀ (1997) and itsĀ 1998 sequel, as well as her role as Amanda Beckett in the teen comedy filmĀ Can't Hardly WaitĀ (1998).
Hewitt's other notable films includeĀ HeartbreakersĀ (2001),Ā The TuxedoĀ (2002) and the twoĀ GarfieldĀ live-action filmsĀ (2004ā€“2006). She has starred asĀ Melinda GordonĀ on theĀ CBSĀ supernatural dramaĀ Ghost WhispererĀ (2005ā€“2010), Riley Parks on theĀ LifetimeĀ drama seriesĀ The Client ListĀ (2012ā€“2013), Special Agent Kate Callahan on the CBS crime dramaĀ Criminal MindsĀ (2014ā€“2015), and since 2018, Maddie Buckley on the Fox first-responder proceduralĀ 9-1-1. She was nominated for theĀ Golden Globe Award for Best Actress ā€“ Miniseries or Television FilmĀ forĀ The Client ListĀ pilot filmĀ (2010).In music, Hewitt has released four studio albums to date. After her debut album,Ā Love SongsĀ (1992), was released at age 12 exclusively inĀ Japan, she went on to recordĀ Let's Go BangĀ (1995),Ā Jennifer Love HewittĀ (1996) andĀ BareNakedĀ (2002), the latter of which became her first album to chart in the United States, peaking at number 37 on theĀ BillboardĀ 200Ā chart. Her most successful single on theĀ BillboardĀ Hot 100Ā chart was the 1999 release "How Do I Deal", which peaked at number 59.Ā In addition to music and acting, Hewitt has served as a producer on some of her film and television projects. She has appeared in several magazines' lists of the world's most beautiful women.
MS. JENNIFER LOVE šŸ’˜ ā¤ šŸ’• ā™„ šŸ’– šŸ’— HEWITT šŸ‘©
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#JenniferLoveHewitt #PartyOfFive #IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer #TheAudreyHepburnStory #GhostWhisperer #TheClientList #911
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magictale Ā· 2 years ago
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Erja, my Ghostwhisperer
Satans daughter and the Witch of balance <3
Used CC: @nataliaauditore-blog @remussirion @simpliciaty-cc @goppolsme-v2 @lynxsimz @eunosims @belaloallure3 @klubbsims
Wanna see more?
-Follow me on Facebook or Insta <3
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raurquiz Ā· 1 year ago
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#happybirthday @MrKenMitchell #kennethmitchell #actor #kol #kolsha #tenavik #aurellio #startrekdiscovery #lowerdecks #captainmarvel #jericho #miracle #theastronautwivesclub #switchedandbirth #frecuency #notorious #minorityreport #ghostwhisperer #startrek57 @TrekCore
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venustrape-arch Ā· 2 years ago
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  she's often up with the sun these days. grandview made a small town morning person out of a new york night owl. granted, that doesn't mean she's eager to bolt right out of bed & march on over to the store ā€“ she has a routine. a routine she'd had to cut short this morning, but not for no good reason. she likes being part of the refurbishing process when it comes to the objects that cross their threshold, touched by time & life of their own. getting her hands a little dirty is nothing she fears. & it's most definitely not something she doesn't deem worth coming in early for. even so, mel's bribe was well received, cue the way she watches her best friend equal parts captivated & amused, coffee cup up to her lips. " mh ā€“ yeah. i think jim would agree with that. "
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  neither of them is a pro by any means. sales are what they handle best. but if they were to count experience, andrea might have just a drop more of it. she'd already stripped the old finish off the piece of furniture & melinda gracefully offered to handle the shaky wooden legs. always sweet. always meaning well. she loves her more than words could say, but the woman is struggling. good thing it's not all for nothing ! she can always use a little entertainment on a well deserved coffee & bagel break.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  chuckling still, she puts the cup aside, scooching closer on the floor to catch the stray screw in her hand before handing it over to her. " aw, mel, no, this isn't laughing. i'm just happy you're not the one who put together my coffee table. " she might tease, but she's as endeared as ever. " you know, i might've been. " nose scrunched up, hand reaches for a bagel before one of her shoulders lifts into a shrug. " i think i just got into it young. i liked shop. & i liked helping my dad fix things around the house. we made my first bookcase together, you know ? " sad nostalgia pulls at her smile. " every time i do any... dumb little handy work, it makes me feel like he's still here. so... i do it often. & practice makes pretty damn perfect. " a beat. " how are you so bad at it, are jim & i not rubbing off on you at all ?? "
thereā€™s something so special about an early morning in the store, Ā  Ā  dawn pressing in with pinks and blues to cast color across the past. itā€™s not every day melinda gets to wake up with grandviewā€” not that that choice is ever of her own volition. on the busier days spirits cling to her side, sheā€™s lucky if she gets to pop in once or twice during the afternoon; on the worst, itā€™s enough for her to get out of bed at all. melinda would be lying if she said missing as much as she does doesnā€™t disappoint her. her gift gives her as much power as it does to the souls she crosses over, but 'same as it never was' has always been different. in a way, itā€™s one of the only things she can call hers and hers alone; something she created from the ground up with her own two hands, tooth and nail.
at least she knows thereā€™s someone here who loves it as much as she does.
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ā›ā› y'know, it's a good thing jim's building the house. āœāœ Ā  Ā  melinda chuckles from the floor, cross-legged and twisting a dismantled desk leg between her hands. the store smells thickly of coffee and the bagels sheā€™d brought from home, a bribe, sheā€™d joked, to make up for andrea coming in.
when a regular had stopped in and offered a tattered writing table free-of-chargeā€” her only stipulation that sheā€™d see the restoration before being shipped off to the highest bidderā€” melinda had to hold herself back from spitting out an overwhelming yes. truth be told, the most she knows about refurbishing comes from her weekly 'fixer upper' bingeā€” unlike andrea, apparently, whoā€™d done a lot of the heavy lifting this morning while she herself dawdled between nuts and bolts. she makes it look so easy, but then again, that was andreaā€” grace and passion and secrets melinda peels back the layers of each day.
she enjoys the vulnerability of this. the normalcy. here, she doesnā€™t have to be the link between the living and the dead. all she has to be is a woman sitting with her best friendā€” the one she always wanted, but never had.
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ā›ā› oh, shoot, āœāœ Ā  Ā  melinda exclaims out of the blue; the second desk leg practically crumbles in her hands. Ā  Ā  ā›ā› i mustā€™ve dropped a screw somewhere! āœāœ Ā  Ā  her gaze sweeps circles around her, leaning forward to dig haphazardly through the pieces strewn about. she can feel @venustrape's laughter before she even looks up; giggling, she drops her hands in her lap and quips, Ā  Ā  ā›ā› ha ha. very funny. laugh at the girl who sees ghosts for a living.āœāœ Ā  Ā  as if to toy with her, the screw rolls out from under her foot. melinda grins, grabbing a screwdriver with the confidence of someone who knows far more than she does, and asks, Ā  Ā  ā›ā› how are you so good at this, anyways? were you a carpenter in a past life, or something? āœāœ
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