awintersrose · 4 years
Rose! I just saw your reblog of the "types of OTP - food edition" post and was wondering what are your ships for each of these types :D
Oh boy, here goes nothin’... (The post is here)
Comfort food: 
JiraOro, OroTsu, JiraTsu, Sannin OT3 - I am a simple woman with simple needs.
All-you-can-eat buffet: 
All of the above - self explanatory, you probably guessed already
Favorite takeaway: 
ItaShi, KakuHida, SasoThird - good stuff in general
Ice cream tub: 
SakuOro - once hooked, I was sold
MultiSaku - I read a lot less these days than I used to
Peanut butter and pickle sandwich: 
Considering that I basically multiship Orochimaru all over the place... probably ObiOro, TobiOro, KakuOro, and so on. This also applies to the very small number of ships in my toolbox involving Danzo. There is in fact a KagaDanzo fic on my WIP list, which tbh I don’t think is so off the wall, but hey.
Protein bar: 
MadaTobi, HashiMada, founders in general. I just enjoy them, they tick all the right boxes.
Grandma’s secret recipe: 
IzuTobi. A really hard dynamic to get right, in my opinion. 
Homemade sandwich: 
All the permutations of Dannin you can shake a stick at. KakuOro. KakuDan. SakumoDan. RasaOro. SasoRasa. RasaThird. And many others...
Thanks for the ask, Ghost - this was fun!
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akatdollie · 5 years
for the RP honesty meme: 3, 9 and 31!
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
Parody and self-described ‘fake’ rp accounts that strictly write ooc / parody shitposts, where the voice of the character isn’t even present. They are fine, I suppose, as personal accounts, but provides nothing that I feel like I can interact with?
It doesn’t feel like RP. It feels like watching a bunch of inside jokes between friends spam my dash, and it makes the audience feel left out.
I will generally not follow an account that practices this. (Some of these accounts are actually quite upsetting - I have seen slurs thrown around on one such blog.) I have started to block accounts that practice the above trend.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
If it sparks your joy, then be exclusive! 
I, however, find it limiting. I am not looking to interact with just one character or even one version of that character - I want to throw my muses into all sorts of situations with all sorts of people to see how they would react. What makes them tick.
In general, I am selective, not exclusive. By that, I mean that I have limited time and energy - I am only human after all. Hence I will only write long-term with muses who have writing chemistry with mine. (This can be friend, enemy, romantic, etc.) 
That said, I will make an effort to answer asks from everyone, both personals and rp blogs. I like sharing my writing with everyone.
(How to get Kitty to write with you: entertain her far-out AUs.)
11. Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?
I literally just had to ask what exclusivity meant lol. Thank you @akatzombie.
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rcris123 · 6 years
for that fandom Asks list!: A, C, L, Q, W!
A - Your current OTP - EraserMight!! This ship is healing, both as a ship and as a fandom.C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will - Bakugo and Deku. I want them to be friends in the end, but I can’t forgive Bakugo for what he did to Midoriya all those years since I was in his exact place at school.L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for  - if at all possible my first thought would be Nagato Miyamoto (an OC), but if not, Toshinori Yagi because they both mean so much to me.Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why - this is so hard to say, but NagaIta. I feel I wasn’t seeing in them the characters everyone else was seeing. And then there’s also everything elseW - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms - 
BNHA - (beside All Might) Midoriya Izuku
Final Fantasy XV - Noctis Lucius Caelum (esp older Noctis)
Six of Crows duology - Kaz Brekker
Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy
Lord of the Rings - Aragorn
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demyrie · 6 years
ghostkaijuju replied to your post “So I’m gonna write words on my book today. My characters are real and...”
my dear I wanna add a lil good vibes charm for you and your partner to my next New Moon ritual, if you would like it of course :3
ohmygodblease? I would be honored and delighted if you would include us in your hope of beginnings. Thank you thank you thank you, I’m touched <3
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dabiapologist · 6 years
thoughts on what kind of Quirks (if?) All For One could have passed onto Shigaraki before getting his ass thrown into SuperJail?
sorry lmao i asked for things in my inbox and then i immediately fell asleep for like four hours smh 
anyway uh, if he had passed any quirks down to shiggy it’d definitely be quirks that are different from each other and from what the other membersof the VA already have; you know like practical ones that would be of use i.e. a fast healing or regeneration quirk since shiggy explicitly says they dont have a healer in their party (that first encounter with stain where kurogiri brings stain to the bar, for clarification) 
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goodbyelore · 6 years
for the ship rating meme: Itachi/Nagato!
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
To be honest I have consumed zero content for Itachi/Nagato.... but let’s go ahead and say I’ve highlighted ‘ship it’ because I’m that bitch that ships my favorite character with every Tom, Dick, and Harry without any sort of reservation. And Itachi- well he’s my favorite ;)c
It’s really only a matter of time before I get to some of that. 
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alucardnumber13 · 6 years
Rules: Tag 10 followers who you wanna know better
Name: Megan
Nickname: Meg
Gender: agender
Star Sign: libra
Height: 162.56 cm
Sexual Orientation: asexual
Hogwarts House: i’m not a HP fan
Favorite Animal: Cat and bunny (there’s a lot more but those two are the top ones)
Average Hours of Sleep: about 7 hours (give or take 2 depending on the day)
Cat or Dog: most definitely a cat (little bit scared of dogs)
Favorite Fictional Character: I have a lot of favorites...Aizawa Shota, Yagi Toshinori, Shinsou Hitoshi, Itachi Uchiha, Alucard, Edward Elric, Yamada Hizashi...Then there’s some that aren't anime but I’ll leave those off.
Number of blankets: eight (most of which are super soft and fluffy blankets)
Dream Trip: Japan
Dream Job: I’m in school to be a psychologist so probably a version of that where I can work with kids and draw
When was this blog was created: No Idea…September 2017 is the earliest notification I have so somewhere around there? i think?
Current number of followers: 11
What made you decide to make a Tumblr: There are artists that I really enjoy so I made a Tumblr so I could follow them
Tagged by: @nerroart
@writingdeviation @lets-goldgirl-blog @otterly--wasted @ghostkaijuju @akuuperson @anxious-procrastinating @cheezbot @melamungous @greenpumpkinart @motherfucking-sunshine
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awintersrose · 6 years
fic writer Asks: 2, 3 and 8! mwuah!
2. While writing angst, what three songs would you listen to to give it that ultimate angsty feel? 
Tousei by Dir en grey (this is your fault @phantom-wired , not that i’m complaining XD)
Dust by Bella Morte
All of Nothing by The Birthday Massacre
3. While writing fluff, what three songs would you listen to to give it that ultimate fluffy feel? 
Nirvana by Adam Lambert
Songbird by Fleetwood Mac
Lucky by Colbie Caillat and Jason Mraz  
8. If you were to write a crossover between any fandoms, what would they be and why? Give us a snippet of the two worlds colliding. Answered here 
Thanks so much for the ask, Ghost
[Fanfic writer asks…]
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goodbyelore · 6 years
ghostkaijuju replied to your post “Wants to write more mundane kakaita- but also smut”
when Domestic Fluff's morning coffee turns into being rawed on the kitchen counter
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awintersrose · 6 years
I remember dropping by your blog because you left nice tags on one of my drawings, then read some of your fantastic writing! You seemed nice from what I saw through both reblogs and original posts so I hit that follow button, and I'm glad I'm following you and count you as a friend
Tumblr media
Likewise, lovely! So glad. P.S. your amazing art deserves all the nicest tags in the world   💜💜💜
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awintersrose · 6 years
for the fic asks: 4) What is your favourite genre to write for? and 29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? Smutty Romance but also Angst and Fluff in equal measure. I need Fluff with the Angst...though I have often been tempted to go for full pain.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
As We Fall , however Finding Heaven is a close second. Both charmed me to no end, and I want to revisit each of them.
Thank you for the ask, darlin!!
[Fanfiction writer asks...]
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awintersrose · 7 years
if you have the time and want to, I'd love to hear your thoughts and headcanons on Dan Kato and his relationships, especially with people other than Tsunade (though hc with her are also very welcome!)
Apologies for the delay! This ended up being very long, and to preface the following, my headcanons are those assumed in my Clandestine Joys series, and most of them were developed as my dear friend Kri-Kee and I decided Dan needed more of a personality to truly justify how devoted Tsunade was to his memory. As a Hokage hopeful, he would have had to be near a similar level of talent as the Sannin and Sakumo Hatake, which means he could not simply be the boring “nice guy” he appears to be in canon. 
Most of these ideas were created for a fic in which Dan is not killed, so please bear that in mind.
For all that he is generally affable, easygoing and unassuming while interacting with his peers, he is calculating and ruthless on the battlefield, displaying keen perception and deadly efficiency.
Duality is a common theme to his personality, as he embodies qualities that are often the polar opposites of one another. He is generally good-natured, and radiates a consistently stable sense of calm, but on the rare occasions when he is provoked, he has a temper that flares even hotter than Tsunade’s.
He is two years older than the Sannin and attended the same Chuunin Exams, where he avoided the use of his clan abilities to prevent killing his targets. He managed to advance through the use of strategy and other chakra based skills.
In peacetime, he was a Jounin sensei as well as a history and folklore enthusiast. Dan has been guilty of using reika no jutsu to abandon his body and explore ruins and other historical sites for fun as a youngster.
Due to his soul travelling ability he is known as Konoha’s Ghost, and the appellation follows him throughout his career.
Reika no jutsu is a Kato clan ability, and all of its users have white hair, which is in line with clan legends. Dan’s chakra itself has a calming effect and naturally syncs with others, the literal balm to soothe the troubled soul, a clan trait that makes it easier for him to possess a given target.
He has a summoning contract that he obtained in part due to Sannin peer pressure and a friendship with a retired courier nin: songbirds of all kinds. It did not sound useful until the day he called up a murmuration of starlings under his command, as well as magpies, and sparrows. The birds were given the appellation Songbirds of Death, due to the symbolism of the magpies and sparrows. Songbirds of Death meant Konoha’s Ghost could be anywhere on a battlefield.
The Kato were a small nomadic clan whose legends affirm that their soul-traveling ability was gifted to them by a deity who was believed by some to be a goddess, and others a demoness. They originally hailed from the coast of the Land of Lightning during the Warring Clans era, in a small settlement where the mountains met the sea. They were forced to flee as their ability made them a target to be hunted, especially so close to Kiri. Like with the Shimenawa (Orochimaru’s clan in the SC verse), they were invited to join with Konoha at its founding, but did not accept the offer until their numbers dwindled, and it was necessary to join with the village for their clan’s survival.
Shizune is the daughter of Dan’s older sister and an unnamed Uchiha who was killed during the second war.Her father’s family never found out about her, though her genes rang true in both appearance and ability. She has possibly awakened the Sharingan in secret and keeps it concealed as a personal choice, as she lived with the stigma of her possible heritage and wanted nothing to do with it. Dan’s intent was always to adopt Shizune once military matters stabilized, but during wartime, he could not do so.
Dan is pansexual and panromantic, as his clan beliefs saw the body as secondary to the soul, affirming that connections between souls exist regardless of gender.
He a true switch in terms of power dynamics, swinging deeply from one extreme to another in terms of dominance and submission. Submission finds him deeply respectful and worshipful towards his partner(s), but when dominant, he is a strict disciplinarian, often harsh, but loving.
Sannin OT4 pairings to be explored in an upcoming work called Like Sunshine After Rain:
Unexpectedly, Dan complements Orochimaru right down to a chakric level. Dan’s naturally calming chakra negates Orochimaru’s naturally sharp, abrasive chakra, and to some degree disarms his tendency to guard himself with it. The easy chemistry between them allows Orochimaru to open up to Dan a lot more easily than he anticipated. Dan in turn gives him something he find little of elsewhere - true acceptance of his differences, and a genuine sense of respect for his culture that he has never found in Konoha with anyone else.
(Their clans had history with one another and shared values, as at some point while the Kato were still nomadic in generations past, the Shimenawa aided them during their trek through Rice Paddy country. Both clans held family and children as sacred, part of the reason both groups were hesitant to join with Konoha and the Senju/Uchiha history of child soldiers. The Shimenawa saw the Kato as especially blessed due to their coloring; white snakes with blue eyes were long upheld as a symbol of good fortune. Orochimaru sees Dan as twice-blessed in this respect.)
This is a pairing that most closely resembles slowly burning embers eventually flaring bright with the addition of steady dry kindling. Dan and Jiraiya share common interests and are able to bond over the passions Jiraiya rarely lets on as being his own apart from matters of the erotic - literature, history, mythology and sealing. Both have a bit of a goofy sense of humor, with a love of puns and wordplay. Their relationship begins as an attempt at hopeful friendship that very gradually becomes a deep, abiding love over time.
She is quite literally the realization of Dan’s dreams, his first love, and first lover. They did indeed meet during a jounin assembly in support of a proposal to add medics to every shinobi team, and he did walk her home, but in the end she was the one to ask him out. She insisted on picking him up and not the other way around, and he knew he would be helpless to resist her.
Dan gives her the comfort she needs after Nawaki’s death and in the wake of the complications with her teammates after their ill fated tryst in Ame. The beginnings of their life together serve as one of the most peaceful times in either of their lives up until this point, and their bond slowly becomes unbreakable. He is her rock, her safe place when nothing else makes sense, and she loves him desperately.
Sorry this was so long, but hopefully it was enjoyable! Thanks so much for the ask
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awintersrose · 7 years
oh oh for the fandom ask thing you just rebloged: fandom: Naruto, pairing: Sannin OT3 :P and character: Orochimaru
Fandom: Naruto
Favorite character: Orochimaru
Least Favorite character: Iruka. Sorry guys, he just has such a blank personality that I can’t.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): All the Sannin possibilities, KakaYama, KisaMei, Ame OT3, ItaShi
Character I find most attractive: As if this is not a surprise…Orochimaru. Kakashi, Tobirama, Mei and Tsunade are right up there too.
Character I would marry: To be truthful, if you mix Hashirama and Minato, then add a dash of Jiraiya, that would be the closest in personality to the person I am currently married to.
Character I would be best friends with: Tenten
a random thought: Tenten deserved better. All the ladies did.
An unpopular opinion: Tsunade was the best Hokage.
My Canon OTP: Orochimaru and Science. They totally had kids together.
My Non-canon OTP: Sannin OT3
Most Badass Character: Gai, lets be real. Physically the most badass and the one who truly had to work hard for it.
Most Epic Villain: Madara/Obito
Pairing I am not a fan of: Canon SasuSaku. Note I said canon.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Too many to even name
Favourite Friendship: Sakura and Ino
Character I most identify with: Shino. I am often forgotten about.
Character I wish I could be: None of them…I’m not really an SI kind of girl.
Pairing: Sannin OT3
When I started shipping them: About 12 years ago upon reading a threesome fic I have never been able to find again.
My thoughts: They are each incomplete people who each make up for what the other two lack. They are a thousand times better together than they are apart, and they have a sort of underlying bond that ensures they can never truly escape one another, even if they want to do so.
What makes me happy about them: They are an incredible team bar none, and there were clear bonds between them that extended beyond their dissolution.
What makes me sad about them: Everything canon about their lives.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Focusing on the most insipid aspects of their personalities and flaws, and making them each a caricature of what they are supposed to be instead of letting them be three-dimensional characters with true depth.
Things I look for in fanfic: It EXISTING. Seriously. There is so little that I could cry.
My wishlist: Not sure what this means, but any content other than mine, be it fic or fanart, would be an absolute delight to find
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Tsunade with Dan or Mei Terumi. Jiraiya I think would never be able to settle down otherwise. Orochimaru…with Sakumo or science.
My happily ever after for them: That they never fell apart, and end up all still loyal, living together and doing amazing things, with a family of their own and children both adopted and biological. One of them ends up Sarutobi’s successor before he is completely burned out, and as a result a lot of bad choices are never made…
Character: Orochimaru
How I feel about this character: I…freaking love him. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jiraiya, Tsunade, Dan Kato (ask me why), Sakumo Hatake, and thanks to a strange turning of events and AUs galore on Discord… Danzo and Kakuzu (under very specific circumstances)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Kimimaro or Anko. Would have liked to see a bit more pertaining to his mentoring each of them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He is an incredibly polarizing character within the fandom, so anything I say will be unpopular on one side or another. I think he could have done amazing things had his team not dissolved and had he otherwise not lost everything he ever could have loved. They were a key link to his humanity. A loyal Orochimaru could have been a powerful asset. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Either a true redemption arc, or letting him remain the BIG BAD he was meant to be.
Favorite friendship for this character: Jiraiya and Tsunade, naturally.
My crossover ship: After reading a Sesshoumaru/Orochimaru drabble, I deeply desire to see this. More of it. Like now.
Thanks for the ask, dearie! Tagging @thatshipcat as well - she asked for Orochimaru too
[Send me a fandom/ship/character...]
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