#getup gatcha
amplexadversary · 26 days
Man I think the thing that annoys me the most about Genshin is that there is genuinely a great open-world adventure RPG game underneath its many many many flaws.
Cut because I have a lot to fucking say apparently.
Are there problems with the character designs? Absolutely. Rather than having truly unique characters the game uses the way 3D models work as a crutch and an excuse. But at the end of the day, it's still a bunch of weird little guys in minxy outfits, and in an ideal version of the game, you would only really need a handful of them to really speak to you.
The overworld and all the various places you can go are genuinely beautiful, and the climbing and gliding mechanics scratch a particular itch in my brain; there is a freedom to approaching the terrain howeverthefuck you want because you can climb damn near everything, and while there is always an "easy" route to get anywhere, there is also endless potential for self-imposed challenges like "climbing the fuck up a mostly sheer wall meant as a one-way shortcut, because there *are* some very hard to find footholds there where you can regain stamina," or "shut up, story, Mountain is talking, and I want to see just how many places I can get to before I'm actually meant to go there." This is held back by the fact that it is not a central mechanic, and I found as I moved into newer areas, there were a lot more exceptions to the "can climb anything" rule. Another frustration of mine that might not be relevant anymore was that at the point where I quit, the newest areas had a lot of flat areas with only occasional verticality that were just not as fun to screw around in.
But no, the things that REALLY frustrate me about this game and, imo, hold it back from being truly excellent are the monetization and the over-reliance on timers to create difficulty.
Look. Gatchas are predatory monetization schemes that foster gambling addictions and add perverse incentives to gameplay, like a mandatory Power Creep to always make it feel necessary to pull for the New Characters. This intertwines a lot with the over-use of timed fights; the goal of these is to make the player over-rely on DPS as their main goal, which is the easiest way to ensure that your power creep strategy works.
Reworking these two infuriating fucking elements would do the bulk of the work that would turn this game from a decent one to a uniquely great one and I am not even fucking joking. Remove the timers? Players now have more freedom to choose their play style, whether it's to create the most efficient DPS teams possible for a challenge, to play defensively and rely on their resource management, built healers, and general not-getting-hit skills to win them fights, or to create the most crackpot builds and party combinations that let them, at a steeper challenge, win with their favorites.
Then, heavily tweaking and adding variety to the gatcha system for another gated, but fairer progression. There honestly could still remain an element of chance, an option for a player to buy the chance to gamble (which, I DON"T LIKE but serves as a big ol' COMPROMISE to the counterargument "but what about the money???"), AND the potential to roughly tie character acquisition to game progress, while still allowing some flexibility for people who REALLY REALLY want a specific little doll in a flashy getup.
The solution? Make all the banners for the big "5*" characters available tied to whether you've completed certain quests, that would make sense for them to join your party after. You could even do this in chunks where you have a variety of possible recruits per banner. Tweak the pity system to be like the weapon banners, where after your guarantees for *a* powerful character/weapon, you are guaranteed *the* powerful character/weapon you *want.*
If you must, change the drop rates of the 4* and 5* each month; it adds a little element of planning and waiting for the perfect moment to strike to get the highest chance of getting someone you want.
Do the same for the weapon acquisition banners. Also, add an option where the player can forego the exp the shit weapons can give and instead trade them for more rolls. Also also, if the player rolls a constellation for a character who already has all their special shit unlocked, make it so that if the player uses it, it transforms into a constellation for a random character. Just because it would be funny, make it so that this may or may not be for a character they actually own. In order to use it they have to unlock the character. (What? Just because I want games to foster a healthy relationship with the player doesn't mean I'm not evil.)
Again, this preserves the personalized element of the current game's balance between working with the randos you get and going after a specific one you want. (Which I think is both funny and the only redeeming element of the gatcha system; I spent like half the time I played the game without an effective healer and had to make do with incidental ones and I think that is fucking hilarious. Also I ended up really liking a gal I got early on who I probably wouldn't have considered otherwise.)
Instead of tailored challenges for the what is it fucking called abyss, have a pool of possible challenges that are randomly rolled each month per player, and make the number of "floors" available tied to where they are in the story. This replicates the incentive to get new characters to address new challenges, but makes it less *mandatory.* Increase the timer for the challenges by like 50% and add another level of reward for speed. Make this one of the only timed challenges in the game. Add "survival" challenges to the pool, where rewards are given based on how many waves of enemies are defeated before a party wipe. This creates a system where players ARE rewarded for building new characters and creating effective builds, while rewarding multiple playstyles, and gives the option to either try for the maximum amount of currency per cycle or to save up (by playing the game over all at a slower pace).
Make events permanently available, unlocked via a system similar to the quest keys. Have a menu to activate events that works like the quest system in Warframe. Make these replayable, but only refresh the rewards (ie, you can replay the event, but get nothing until the refresh) on relevant calendar days. This provides incentive for players to play an event when it's "in season," and gives them something to look forward to, but removes the toxic FOMO element.
Hell, make the "refresh" rewards from events different than the initial ones, by giving currency for the whatsitcalled shop where you can straight up buy characters/constellations. That way there's incentive to play both new *and* old events.
Speaking of the shop, keep the monthly rotations of purchasable characters, but increase the number of slots based on story progression, and add one (1) "5*" character and like, three (3) "4*" slots that are determined randomly from the characters the player has met in-story. Increase the random 4* slots by like one for every major story chapter the player completes, and increase the 5* slots by one for every 2 or 3 chapters. This creates a system that I think math nerds and guide writers would love, trying to sus out the precisely perfect story progression to have the best chance to get every specific character, which would probably drive engagement as these nerds talk about it, while balancing the incentive to get later-game characters with the penalty of having a larger pool which is less likely to give the guy (gender neutral) you want.
Add an identical system for weapons.
Also, let people climb shit and sequence break in the dungeon areas like the gremlins we are; just don't let us actually get the rewards until we complete the various challenges. People will find stupid fucking ways to accomplish these things, you add some sweet bait to get the kind of player who loves going out-of-bounds, and also to the kind of player who loves looking for unexpected tactical advantages to give themselves.
Honestly a lot of this shit largely fixes the irritating artifact/equipment system as well without even touching it, because removing the timers makes it possible for players to largely settle for "good enough" random equipment rather than "perfect" equipment (and the nerds who want perfect equipment can still grind for it. Maybe add a pity system where you sacrifice one of every piece of a set to reroll either the main or sub stats of a chosen piece. (full 5* set of equipment for the main stat, full 4* set for a substat, maybe a full 3* and below set to juice up the specific gains on one substat to a higher number in the possible range)
Anyway TL;DR this game could be so much better, greatly lower the incentive to develop an gambling addiction and still have the opportunity to make money* and it drives me fucking batty
tl;dr yes I want this game to be more like Warframe, shoot me.
*(pay to unlock certain banners out of sequence, pay to get more currency for rolls or for the shop instead of saving up and choosing purchases carefully, pay to refresh rewards or get more chances to get equipment, but none of it is strictly necessary. It kind of mimics Warframe in that it becomes "pay to skip grinding")
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modelronpagame · 6 years
okay eve puts 2 coins in for clothes. he wants less fancy clothes please. he is not this fancy.
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[Hanzo’s Baseball T-Shirt]
This iconic purple baseball tee from the short-statured demon, Urushihara Hanzo, is now yours to wear!
+3 Style+2 Funny
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[Flower Embroidered Fishnets]
Are fishnets too plain for you? Do we have the solution for you! These tan fishnets have flowers and vines embroidered into them to give them that extra special something. If you’re going for an otherworldly look, these might be for you!
+2 Style+2 Fancy
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draayder · 3 years
FMK Genshin edition: Kaeya, Childe and Zhongli
oh boy I don't know shit about Genshin except for the copious amounts of porn it has flooded places with. lets see if I even recognize any of these guys I don't see the one windy twink that everyone goes apeshit over but I can't remember his name
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oh damn okay hiiiiiiiiiiii
so like I do have to dunk on genshin for being a predatory gatcha game (as all gatcha games are) that I won't play but I can also say that this dude could get it. I contain multitudes. this dude is custom tailored to me. why are people just drawing windy twink instead of this dude (V......... V-something??? Ventus???)
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okay I've seen this guy like twice. he's just kind of whatever. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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hey now that's better! this guy has some character to him, or maybe I just like his color scheme more lmao. I don't know if I'd want to marry him per say, that getup screams stuffy and stoic and that's not what I'm looking for, but I could def fuck him so I get to marry Kaeya
rip to Childe but I'm different
wait Ventus is the kingdom hearts guy. Ve. Vent......... fuck it, I'm looking it up
...........................Venti! I was really close. starbucks ass name bullshit
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Kaise deposits exactly one coin into the getup gacha.
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[ Surgical Mask Set ]
Nyahaha! Choose from a selection of adorable emoticon face masks that double up as actual anti-dust/flu protection. Now you can look sick while being sick!
add+ 2 Styleadd+ 1 Funny
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Eiji has 2 more coins I think.... So he puts in two more coins into the Getup Gatcha one at a time purely because he is. Addicted now. Damn you E. ve.
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[ Teddy Bear Tights ]
White tights with a bear’s face just above the knee. These tights won’t tear unless you take a pair of scissors to them. 
+3 Style+2 Cute
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[ Nightlife Tights ]
A pair of black compression tights decorated in sleek white geometric designs reminiscent of an urban skyline. They’ll look great at the gym or spice up a casual outfit. 
+2 Style+3 Cool
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Eiji sighs and puts in one more KiraCoin into the Getup Gatcha. He has given up but at least it's kinda fun.
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[ Black Hoodie ]
A medium sized black hooded zip up sweater, with a skull printed across the back. 
+3 Style+2 Cool
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modelronpagame · 6 years
More clothes, though that suit is cute. Have a coin, treat yourself
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[ Cage Heels ]
These heels look like they’re meant to hold a princess inside. Golden bars decorated by flowers, these heels make you question why the caged bird won’t sing.
+2 Style+3 Fancy
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modelronpagame · 6 years
E. ve Still has at least 5 more coins. Another coin to the clothes gods.
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[ Banana Suit ]
An apple a day keeps the doctor away... but a banana a day will make you first place on the runway! (Disclaimer: The Getup Gatcha cannot guarantee runway wins and will not be held responsible for the wearer’s inability to score first in a competition.)
add+ 4 Styleadd+ 3 Funny
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modelronpagame · 6 years
rowena is gonna put another coin in the getup gacha. she wants the rene descartes shirt
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[ Hisoka Enamel Pin ]
You're given a glossy enamel pin of a chibi person with brown hair and purple clothes. They're posing while they boredly text on their phone, the text bubble spouting from their cell holding a purple heart emoji. It's a cute, high-quality pin! Nice!
+1 Style+1 Fancy
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modelronpagame · 6 years
May I Offer You A Kiracoin In These Trying Times (For clothes)
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[ Moon Hair Clip ]
Made shiny with gemstones and silver, this hair clip is simply out of this world, wouldn’t you say? 
+1 Style+1 Cute+2 Fancy
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Oh boy! Now how about some pants? Another coin to the clothes gods.
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[ Blue Lipstick ]
No, this isn’t quite Coral Blue Number Two-- it’s more akin to a bold cobalt. Still real pretty, though...
add+ 1 Styleadd+ 1 Fancyadd+ 1 Funny 
The Clothing Gods think otherwise. Sorry E.ve, your main quest for pants continues.
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modelronpagame · 6 years
may i please have a shirt here is a coin for clothes. no more scarves please.
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Oversized Argyle Cardigan
A plaid cardigan with muted reds, browns, and some mint green patches to even it out. Overall it's a very sophisticated (and surprisingly expensive) piece. Enjoy that Gucci chic.
add+ 3 Styleadd+ 2 Fancy
It appears his request has been obliged!
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Chitose tries his luck and puts two coins into the Getup Gatcha!
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[ Pink and Blue Pastel Striped Socks ]
Thigh high socks that alternate between Pastel Pink and Pastel Blue stripes.
add+ 1 Styleadd+ 2 Cute 
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A T-Shirt from the esteemed T-Shirts Bot line.
add+ 2 Styleadd+ 1 Funny
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Mickey slamdunks that coin into the getup gacha. Gently.
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[ Measuring Ribbon ]
A yellow ribbon for your hair, marked off with metric and Imperial measurements on opposite sides. It’s about one meter long.
add+ 2 Styleadd+ 1 Cute
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Izumi hesitantly spends two coins on the getup gacha.
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[ Water Lily Pin ]
Feeling traditional? This hairpin has a beautiful carved water lily on the end and connects another one using a chain. This pin looks like it would stand out against dark hair.
+1 Style+2 Fancy
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[ Phantom of the Opera ]
A black suit, silky red vest with a flower motif, long black coat with a red inside, black hat… This all looks very western, very old. Maybe the 19th century, you think, and- oh, there’s a white mask in here, covering only one side of your face. You know where this costume is from. Even if you’ve never seen a musical in your life, it’s still pretty iconic. 
+4 Style+3 Fancy+2 Funny
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modelronpagame · 6 years
rowena is gonna deposit another coin in the getup gacha, hopefully she can get an actual outfit this time.
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[ Jacquard Wool Cashmere Sweater ]
A monochromatic, brown sweater with intricate but elegant designs embroidered onto the front. Some people may say it’s tacky, but it’s high class to others!
+2 Style+3 Fancy
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