crimson-warrior · 2 years
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Hakuro Faces 3
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crimson-warrior · 2 years
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Hakuro Chibis 2
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crimson-warrior · 2 years
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Hakuro Faces 2
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crimson-warrior · 2 years
(( Hey guys, sorry for suddenly dropping off the face of the earth. School and work got me busy and drained. Though I'm finally on break and I'll have time to work on some drawings of Hakuro. So look forward to that!
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crimson-warrior · 2 years
ngl, I sometimes think that the USA getting marriage "equality" in 2015 wasn't an actual victory. Because it seems like, as soon as we got that, the people with the most power (cis, white gays with money) just fucked off into the sunset because they got theirs and the rest of us don't fucking matter.
I'm actually still pissed, as a disabled person, that they try to call it "marriage equality"
marriage equality for who? Disabled people dependent on SSI/SSDI still can't marry their fucking partners -- and that includes fucking gay disabled people! Hell, you can get your benefits taken away for "holding out as married" i.e., living with your partner that you're not married to.
It's fucking bullshit. But nope, the cis white assimilationists gays got to live out their white picket fence Ideal American dream for about a decade, completely ignoring the rampant transphobia slowly spreading outwards like a virulent infection...
And now that the republicans are openly attacking The Gays again like it's the fucking 1990s, suddenly 'oh my god where did this homophobia come from???'
Like we warned you! The less acceptable queers have been fucking sitting there, begging to be heard screaming "once they're done with u, they're going to come for you next"
but they had their white picket fence and their marriage "equality" so fuck us!
Now, we have fucking puriteen "queer is a slur uwu" baby gays calling the people who founded Pride fucking pedophiles and groomers because they don't understand how necessary the unpalatable queers, the fucking weirdos, the pup-player and the leather dykes and the leather daddies, are.
TBH, I think they're probably going to find out how important and necessary the freaks are to the community because not only are they the canary in the coal mine, they're the ones who have held the line.
But I don't think we can stem the rising tide before people start drowning in even greater numbers than they already are.
And I desperately wish those kids weren't going to find out -- but at the same time, they're gleefully pulling sandbags away from the shore as the fucking tsunami rolls in.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He cracked a grin and let our a chuckle. "Well considering my fight or flight response was nearly triggered...I'd only say you got me just a tiny bit."
He reached a hand out and mussed up her hair as a sort of payback. "So it's been a while! Anything new going on?"
Because she hasn't seen him in a while, she's obviously going to take the opportunity to sneak attack. Quietly running up behind him, she darn near tackles him with a hug, clinging onto his back like a backpack. "Well look what the hell hounds dragged in!"
"Whoa! What the--?!" Hakuro was SO close to throwing hands at whoever dared to attack him, but recognizing the voice, he relaxed and gave a laugh.
"Kari?! Good lord, woman, you gotta be careful doing that! I thought you were an attacker!"
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He slowly looked over at the other with a deadpanned expression.
"...And I thought I said inane bullshit."
“Clams are balls.”
No, he will not elaborate.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He relaxed a bit. Oh, so this was that same fox, huh? Alright, so maybe this little one isn't a threat after all.
"Yeah?" He asked, watching the two. "Does she have a name? And how long has she been living with you guys?"
He's currently crouched on the ceiling of a cave with a large gemstone in his hands. Gravity doesn't seem to be affecting his hair. (Or the rest of him for that matter.)
"Hmmm...should I sell this? Or add it to my collection..." He wondered out loud.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
“Clams are balls.”
No, he will not elaborate.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
Because she hasn't seen him in a while, she's obviously going to take the opportunity to sneak attack. Quietly running up behind him, she darn near tackles him with a hug, clinging onto his back like a backpack. "Well look what the hell hounds dragged in!"
"Whoa! What the--?!" Hakuro was SO close to throwing hands at whoever dared to attack him, but recognizing the voice, he relaxed and gave a laugh.
"Kari?! Good lord, woman, you gotta be careful doing that! I thought you were an attacker!"
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
Red eyes trained onto the other fox as Hakuro appeared to be studying it. He dropped down from the ceiling and landed on his feet.
Slowly standing up, he made his way over to the pair. He wasn't sure if this other demon could be trusted just yet. Could be an enemy from a rival clan.
"...I see...and...how long have you known this guy...?"
He's currently crouched on the ceiling of a cave with a large gemstone in his hands. Gravity doesn't seem to be affecting his hair. (Or the rest of him for that matter.)
"Hmmm...should I sell this? Or add it to my collection..." He wondered out loud.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He held up his hands and chuckled a bit. "Whoa, take it easy there. Just wanted someone to chat with while I wait for someone to show up."
He looks over at the bar tender and raises his hand, singling for their attention.
"So what's your poison?"
"Using paper and pen to communicate? That's gonna be annoying when you run out of space."
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[Shaddap] Angel scribbled on the notepad. [I got enough ta spare]
He tore off the page, crumpled it, and chucked it over his shoulder; writing another comment on the next sheet.
[Ya gonna jus gawk at me or actually help? Gawkin costs $50 a hour]
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He couldn't help but to chuckle.
"Hey, relax. Was just going to ask if you have a phone. And if not, I can set you up with one."
"Using paper and pen to communicate? That's gonna be annoying when you run out of space."
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[Shaddap] Angel scribbled on the notepad. [I got enough ta spare]
He tore off the page, crumpled it, and chucked it over his shoulder; writing another comment on the next sheet.
[Ya gonna jus gawk at me or actually help? Gawkin costs $50 a hour]
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
A look of pure disbelief fell on his face. "Wh--Kit! No! Who taught you that?!"
He gave a laugh, both out of amusement and disbelief. Who thought it would be a good idea to teach Kit how to be a smartass??
He's currently crouched on the ceiling of a cave with a large gemstone in his hands. Gravity doesn't seem to be affecting his hair. (Or the rest of him for that matter.)
"Hmmm...should I sell this? Or add it to my collection..." He wondered out loud.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
Hakuro couldn't help but to let an amused smile spread across his face.
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...." He tapped his fingers against the surface of his treasure, pretending to be deep in thought. "What's the magic word?" He teased, trying to bait Kit into using his manners.
He's currently crouched on the ceiling of a cave with a large gemstone in his hands. Gravity doesn't seem to be affecting his hair. (Or the rest of him for that matter.)
"Hmmm...should I sell this? Or add it to my collection..." He wondered out loud.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
He's currently crouched on the ceiling of a cave with a large gemstone in his hands. Gravity doesn't seem to be affecting his hair. (Or the rest of him for that matter.)
"Hmmm...should I sell this? Or add it to my collection..." He wondered out loud.
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crimson-warrior · 3 years
muse survey: battle edition. : bold what consistently applies, italicize situational, not always.
( repost, don’t reblog! )
fight honorably  / fight dirty  /  prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during  /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  /  high pain tolerance / attack in bursts /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill /  aim to disarm  / fight defensively /  strike first  /  provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent  / tease  / get visibly frustrated  /  shout while attacking  / use strategy  / focus on their battle  /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly  / fight calmly  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds  /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  / prefer a pistol  /  prefer a rifle  / prefer to use their ability / prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer using their fists  /  their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  /  their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  / rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength / proceed with caution /  behave arrogantly  /  brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  / use brute strength  / avoid civilians / strike down civilians /  damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings /  signature fighting style  / making it up as they go / mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  / messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  / move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  / wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  / fear pain  / fear killing  /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing  / would succumb slowly.
Tagged by: @spooksandshxtguns
Tagging: @thecatgoddessbast and @theirfirstexperiment and anyone else!
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