#getting to steal the main villain's look after you wipe the floor with them is SO funny
goldensunset · 2 months
i properly beat my third pla file yesterday (arceus killed me like 4 times lol) and immediately went to go take some silly photos as volo
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'we've been expecting you' type beat. what it's like when you get curbstomped and don't return to the mountain for a second attempt at volo for a while
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yay yippee!!! subjugation! overthrowing!! yippee!!!!!!
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i just thought this one went hard. volo's getup looks so much better when right next to arceus to compare. he wishes he could be me soooo bad
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stressy-enby · 3 years
The Four Times Katsuki Bakugo Wanted to Kiss Eijiro Kirishima and the One Time he Did
If any of you remember that Kiribaku hate anon from a few weeks ago, I should tell you that the idea for this story was born in the middle of that incident, because I’m petty as hell.
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Warnings: Some angst, swearing, mentions of panic attacks and self loathing
“C’mon!” Kirishima roared, hand outstretched. Without hesitation, Katsuki created a blast under him, propelling him across the sky.
He grabbed Kirishima’s hand, grinning like a maniac. “You idiots!”
Kirishima grinned back.
It was over in an instant. A few more words were exchanged, but Katsuki was on autopilot. He glanced back behind him, watching the villains shrink away until they were unseen. He was out. He was safe. Before he knew it, the groud was under his feet again. He wobbled a little, straightening up. Deku called someone, Todoroki it sounded like as the group merged with Kamino Ward’s massive crowd.
Kirishima dropped Katsuki’s hand, and he felt something odd prickle in his gut. He stared hard at the red-head, who was still smiling like nothing was wrong in the world.
“What the hell are you grinning for?” Katsuki snapped. “You look like a moron.”
“We got you back, I’m happy!” Kirishima exclaimed, his smile turning teasing. “And don’t think I didn’t see you smiling earlier, Bakugo.”
“Tch. I was just glad to be out of there.” Katsuki shook his head. “But I guess seeing your stupid face is better than seeing those villains.” He added after an afterthought.
“Hey, I’ll take it!” Kirishima laughed. The sound was scraggly, as if he hadn’t laughed in days. Katsuki figured there hadn’t been much reason to laugh, but the broken noise still made his head spin.
He scowled, and looked pointedly at the ground, hoping it would signal the end of the conversation. It didn’t stop him from still thinking about that bright smile. It didn’t stop him from hearing that bittersweet laugh.
Stop that. What the hell is wrong with you?
Katsuki allowed himself a glance back up at Kirishima, who was saying something to Iida. His hands gestured as he spoke, and Katsuki realized that he could still feel his phantom touch in his hand.
No, that’s not a thing. No you can’t. Shut the fuck up. He scolded himself. This was getting absurd.
Though his brain screamed at him to stop, Katsuki still couldn’t bring himself to look away from the boy. Kirishima finally noticed him staring. 
“You’re okay, right? They didn’t hurt you or anything, did they?” He pursed his lips, brow creasing in concern.
“No. I was handling it.”
“If you say so, man. Just glad to have you back.”
Thank you.
The words bubbled in the back of his throat, but he couldn’t find it in himself to say them. His pride wouldn’t let them. Kirishima’s dumb face, written all over in unnecessary worry made it hard for him to say anything.
“Oh,” Iida gasped, hand clasped over his mouth.
Katsuki’s eyes ripped from Kirishima to see what had startled the class rep. On the large TV mounted into one of Kamino’s tall buildings was live footage of the scene he’d just escaped from. The League of Villains were gone, but the Boss Villain in all black still stood there. And there was All Might.
Suddenly Katsuki’s odd feelings became the least of his concern.
. . .
Kirishima was late.
Katsuki slammed his hand on his desk, an irritated growl passing his lips. He crossed the room, and banged on the wall connecting their dorms. “Shitty Hair, hurry your ass up!”
There was a muffled response. Katsuki sighed heavily, shoving his way out of his room to see what the deal was.
“OI! Kirishima! What the hell are you doing in there?” He knocked loudly on his door. “I thought you wanted to do homework together.”
Kirishima’s nervous voice floated through the wooden barrier. “Uh, sorry, Bakugo! Something-uh-”
I can’t deal with this.
With another annoyed noise, Katsuki barged in without any other warning. “You’d better have a good-”
Red. There was red all over the floor. It was mostly in the little bathroom off to the side, but a little of the bright sticky substance had spilled into the main room. Kirishima sat cross-legged on the floor, furiously scrubbing at it with a soggy washcloth. He looked up, not all that surprised to see his friend, and smiled weakly.
“What the fuck?” Katsuki yelled. It had scared him at first, thinking it had been blood. Upon a second look though, he could tell that it was far too thick and too bright to be blood. “What the hell is all that?”
“Hair dye,” Kirishima admitted, his hand connecting with the back of his neck. “I was trying to touch up my roots, but I accidentally knocked over the open bottle, and well…”
“Idiot. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“What? That I dye my hair?”
“No, stupid, I knew that! That you made a mess!”
“Oh! I didn’t wanna bother you.” The boy ran his hand through his hair, which Katsuki noticed was hanging low around his shoulders, like it had been the night he’d come for him in Kamino. “Also, I feel really dumb right now.”
“Don’t.” Katsuki leaned into the bathroom, grabbing another towel. He ran it under the faucet, before crouching down to scrub at the dye himself.
“You- you’re helping?” Kirishima’s red eyes widened, smile pulling at his mouth.
“The faster this gets cleaned up, the faster we do homework.”
The smile pulled wider, until he was wearing the biggest, toothiest grin Katsuki was sure he’d ever seen. “Thanks, Bakugo! I really appreciate it.”
The blond’s face began to feel warmer, so he quickly hung his head, focusing on the mess and hoping his unruly hair would hide his blush. “Whatever. Just be more careful. You could’ve gotten your stupid ass hurt if you slipped in it.”
“It won’t happen again, I promise!”
If Katsuki Bakugo was a braver person, he would’ve leaned right over the pool of sticky hair dye and kissed that idiot right there. The idea sounded more than appealing. He’d been thinking about doing it for weeks, ever since Kamino. 
But for all his bravado, Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t brave enough to do it. Instead, he pressed his towel harder than he needed to into the floor, as if he could wipe away his frustration with himself along with all the hair dye.
. . .
“Wait, I can steal a star?” Kirishima realized excitedly.
“Do it.” Katsuki grinned wickedly.
“Oh, don’t you dare, Kirishima.” Kaminari hissed.
“He has the coins, he’s gonna do it!” Sero groaned.
“Oh I’m totally doing it.” Kirishima triumphantly tapped a button on his controller, agreeing to the transaction.
Kaminari and Sero went bananas. It was fantastic. 
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
He had been skeptical about Mario Party. It looked pretty dumb, if he was being honest, which he most always was. But when Kirishima suggested they play teams, and then gave a very impassioned speech about how to the two of them could do anything, who was Katsuki Bakugo to deny him?
God, I sound like an idiot.
Personal feelings aside though, he was glad he’d caved. Kirishima had been right; they were kicking ass.
Katsuki cackled as Lakitu fished a star away from Peach, Kaminari’s character, and brought it back to Kirishima’s Mario.
“Fuck yeah!” Katsuki cheered as he directed Bowser to the star still on the board.
“And they get another- UGH!” Sero dropped his controller, draping an arm over his eyes. “Oh, this is torture.”
“Five to one. Hell yeah!” Kirishima whooped.
“You haven’t won yet.” Kaminari dramatically pointed a finger at the pair.
“But we’re going to.” Katsuki promised.
“Kaminari, there are two turns left.” Sero pointed out, still sulking. “The only thing that could possibly save us now are the bonus stars, and even then it probably still won’t help much. Not when we’re four stars behind.”
“Ugh, this suuuuucks.” The golden eyed boy groaned, joining his partner in agony.
“You losers have to roll, it’s your turn.” Katsuki thrust Sero’s controller back into his hands.
“Yeah, finish out strong!” Kirishima encouraged, pointing to the screen. “Look, the next star’s close to you, Kaminari, you could probably get it.”
“It won’t save your sorry asses though.”
“Not helping, Bakugo.” Sero deadpanned. “Not helping at all.”
Kirishima chuckled, knocking his knee against Katsuki’s. “I highly doubt he’s trying to.”
The ash-blond smirked at him, leaning back against the couch cushions. He tried to ignore how Kirishima hadn’t moved his knee. He tried to ignore how his own body seemed to be gravitating towards Kirishima’s. Katsuki had been trying to ignore the signs for two months now, but it was becoming more and more obvious what was going on.
Katsuki Bakugo was officially head-over-heels and face-in-the-mud in love with Eijiro Kirishima. The thought was slowly killing him inside, because how could he ever feel the same way? How could charismatic, energetic, “Live without regrets” Kirishima ever love him? 
Depression seeped in as Sero and Kaminari’s turn ended, and he had to mindlessly press the button to roll the dice. 
I’m a fucking idiot.
Still immersed in the game and their imminent loss, Kaminari and Sero didn’t notice Katsuki’s sudden shift in attitude. Kirishima did though. Worry coursed through him as he wondered what was troubling his friend so much to make him look so distant and distraught.
“Bakugo?” He whispered, leaning in to keep his other friends out of it. “You don’t look so good, man.”
“I’m fine.” Katsuki growled though gritted teeth. “Let’s just finish this stupid-ass game already. I’m tired.”
. . . 
Katskui’s world warped and twisted. He was standing in front of a swirling black portal, the villain Dabi’s hand wrapped around his neck. He felt panic building in his chest, but before he could process it all, he was jerked backwards. It was as if a string wrapped around his torso had been yanked, hard. Next thing he knew he was watching All Might fight All for One. His stomach lurched. His body felt weightless, and not entirely corporeal. 
This is a dream, Katsuki reminded himself, but that didn’t stop the familiar panic from seizing him like a fist closing tightly around his heart. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t do anything. He silently screamed at himself, cursing his incompetence, his weakness, his uselessness. 
Katsuki sat up so quickly he nearly gave himself whiplash. He breathed heavily, hands clenching in his hair. He brought his legs to his chest, and lowered his head so his forehead touched his knees. 
“It wasn’t real,” he reminded himself breathlessly. “You weren’t in any danger,”
Then why didn’t you do anything?
The thought was an ugly one, but hardly unfamiliar. It was one that plagued him nearly every time he had a dream like this. If he couldn’t spur himself into action even when he was dreaming, how the hell did he except to get anything done when there was real danger? How did he except himself to be a hero?
If you hadn’t been so damn weak, you never would’ve gotten caught and caused all that trouble!
Katsuki flinched at his mother’s words, still reverberating in his skull months after she’d said them. 
I’m fucking useless.
Temper suddenly flared, he unfolded himself from his fetal position, grabbing the closet thing, which was an electrical alarm clock. Forcefully yanking the clock so the plug was pulled out of the socket, Katsuki hurled it to the floor. It landed with an unsatisfactory dull clunk, which only enflamed his anger more. 
With a guttural growl, he lumbered out of bed, snatching the clock back up. This time, when he lobbed it again, he aimed for the wall next to his bed. With more force behind it, the clock hit the wall with a resounding CRACK. Katsuki watched, still panting as it tumbled onto the bed. He doubted it’d ever work again.
Taking a deep breath, he tossed the clock back to the floor, only there was no anger behind the gesture now. Just bitter resignation. Katsuki crawled back onto the bed, leaning against the wall.
“Bakugo?” A knock sounded just left of his head. “Everything ok? Did you throw something?”
Fuck. He’d woken Kirishima. Katsuki had forgotten about the red-head sleeping just next door. Anger coursed through him again, but this time it was laced with guilt. Idiot.
“It’s nothing,” Katsuki called back through the wall “Go back to sleep.”
Hoping Kirishima would leave it there, but knowing he wouldn’t, Katsuki buried himself in his blanket. Don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over-
Knock knock knock. “Bakugo? Can I come in?”
With an explosive sigh, Katsuki dragged himself back out of bed, stepping on the abandoned alarm clock in the process. “Shit!” He winced, kicking the now useless piece of plastic aside and rubbing his sore foot.
Kirishima knocked again.
“I’m comin’, quit whining.” The blond groaned, opening the door.
“Dude, what happened?” Worry laced Kirishima’s voice. His eyes darted from Katsuki to the room behind him, presumably searching for the source of the sound that’d awoken him.
“Nothing. I had a dream and I got mad.” Katsuki said lamely. “It’s not a big deal. Go back to bed.”
“Did you throw the alarm?” Kirishima ignored him, sidestepping the boy into his room. “Why? What kind of dream did you have?”
“None of your business.”
His voice was soft and coaxing. It was the kind of voice you used when you were trying to get a small child to come out of a hiding spot. It was appropriate, Katsuki certainly felt small in that moment. He felt a dull ache in his chest at the sound of it. He sighed heavily again, sitting on the edge of his bed, walls caving in. “It was about Kamino.”
Katsuki hung his head, not wanting the boy to see the tears burning the corners of his eyes. He felt the bed dip as Kirishima joined him.
“It wasn’t your fault, you know.” He said quietly. “None of it. Not the kidnapping, not the fight, not even All Might’s retirement.”
“If I hadn’t gotten caught-”
“None of us couldn’t prevented that. It was a surprise attack, we couldn’t have seen it coming. You were overwhelmed, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Katsuki felt a warm hand cover his knee. He looked up at Kirishima, seeing nothing but warmth.
“I feel weak.” Katsuki admitted.
Don’t. It was the same thing he’d told Kirishima when he said he’d felt dumb for spilling his hair dye all those months ago. Though he’d all but forgotten about the exchange, it all rushed back now, like a tidal wave that’d been held back by a dam. 
“Thank you.”
There was more to say than that. More than Katsuki thought he could actually articulate. Those two small words carried more messages than he could ever say.
Kirishima seemed to understand, though. He didn’t ask for elaboration. He simply gave the toothy grin Katsuki had grown to love, patted him on the back, and said “You’re welcome.”
. . .
Gym Beta rumbled as Katsuki leveled a particularly strong blast against Kirishima, who took the brunt of it unflinchingly.
“Woah, that was a big one!” The red head batted the smoke away, deactivating his quirk. “How’re you not tired? We’ve been at this for an hour!”
“Or course I’m tired, dimwit. I’m human, aren’t I?” Katsuki rolled his eyes, and whipped beads of sweat off his forehead. “I’ve been active so I’m sweating more. That’s what’s making my blasts more powerful.”
“Oh, yeah! That makes sense.” Kirishima chuckled, grabbing his and his the blond’s water bottles. “Man, you sure are lucky, Bakugo.”
“With your quirk, I mean.” Kirishima explained, tossing the other bottle, which Katsuki caught deftly. “It’s so strong and flashy, and it only gets stronger the longer you use it! You’re gonna be a great hero some day. I just hope I can keep up with you.”
“Not this shit again,” Katsuki groaned, taking a swig from his water. “You’re strong. How many times do we have to have this conversation, Shitty Hair?”
“I know, I know,” Kirishima waved him off, also taking a drink. “Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate you saying that! It’s just hard to believe, y’know?”
Katsuki was quiet for a minute. It sucked because he did know. His friend’s words hit closer to home than he had probably intended. He knew first hand how difficult it was to change your mind when you’d already convinced yourself of something, no matter how often people told you otherwise. 
Katsuki didn’t say any of this, though. “It’s late. We should head back.” Is what he said instead.
“Right,” Kirishima sighed, disappointment heavy in his voice. His eyes flashed with hurt as he turned his back to pick up his gym bag.
Damnit, say something.
He turned back, surprised, but not unpleasantly so. “Yeah?”
“I don’t like it when you look down on yourself. You’re better than that, even if you don’t think so.”
“Woah, where’s this coming from?” There was laughter in his voice.
Katsuki shrugged, scuffing his toe against the cement floor. “I just need you to hear it. Even if you don’t believe it yourself.”
The smile that spread across Kirishima’s face wasn’t the huge shit-eating grin Katsuki had gotten so used to. It was a new one. This one was shy and grateful. This smile came with a small blush, the lightest dusting of pink across the boy’s cheeks. 
Oh fuck. Katsuki felt his own face heat up. 
“Thank you Bakugo. That really means a lot.”
“You’re welcome.”
Suddenly Katsuki was restless. Here he was, standing in front Eijiro Kirishima, a boy he’d thought about kissing a hell of a lot more than he was willing to admit, and he wasn’t doing a single thing. Suddenly, he felt like he had to do something.
“Hey. You know that thing you say about living without regrets?”
“Oh, yeah? What about it?”
Before he could think too much about it, Katsuki closed the gap between his and Eijiro, and pressed his lips to his.
Eijiro let out a surprised squeak, but didn’t pull back. Instead, his hand found Katsuki’s shoulder, and he pulled his closer. The kiss was awkward, and a little too forceful on the blond’s part. But it was happening. The kiss several months in the making was finally happening, and Katsuki was wondering what the hell had taken him so long?
“How long have you wanted to do that?” Eijio asked with a breathy laugh as they pulled apart.
Katsuki pursed his lips, considering. “I think since Kamino.”
“Since the final exams, for me.”
Katsuki scowled. “You mean I could’ve pulled this shit way earlier?” The red head laughed again, this time it was less breathy. “I guess, yeah. What stopped you?”
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same,” the blond grumbled, crossing his arms. “What a waste.”
“Aw, don’t say that! I was too scared to do it, too!” Eijiro planted both hands firmly on Katsuki’s shoulders, beaming. “But it’s ok! Cause you did it!”
Katsuki chuckled a little, burying his face in Eijiro’s shoulder and wrapping his shaking arms around him. He returned the embrace ten-fold, squeezing Katsuki so tightly he thought he’d pop. He let him, though. 
It felt good to be held. So good, it might’ve even been worth all those wasted months.
“I’m so glad I’ve got you,” Eijiro whispered into Katsuki’s shirt.
Katsuki squeezed tighter. Defiantly worth it.
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Unforgettable pt. 2
Hi again! 
I’ll admit up front I’m not too happy with this chapter but I wanted to get this out!
Warnings: none! just some sass but what else is new?
Pairing: Dabi/Touya x f!reader x Hawks
Part one Part 3
Masterlist is here 
Time passed by too slowly for the rest of their hero commission academy days. Keigo had become the full-fledged hero Hawks, while you had your plans kept being altered and halted. After your stint at the hospital, the commission was worried about using you knowing the danger of your quirks limit. However, you still wanted to help out in anyway you could; after all this was all you knew.
So you find yourself working at the hero commission headquarters as a personal assistant for the higher ups. Your quirk proved useful around the building so they kept you around, keeping schedules tight, missions in order, and anything else that needed to be done, including some maintenance.
They never let you near their archives or library.
For fear of what could happen, they forbade you from going in there on your own. Unless you were otherwise notified, those two places were off limits. You understood, of course but it still hurt that you weren’t allowed in those places considering all you’ve done for them.
Now into your 20’s, you had the ability to live on your own. Unfortunately, it was all under the watchful eye of the commission. They picked your apartment building, which floor to be on for easy access if heroes ever need a safe haven, almost down to your furniture. You were grateful but very annoyed.
At least it was easy for Hawks to come and go as he pleased. With it being near the headquarters and his alliance to the commission, Hawks frequented you quite a bit. If the press and social media were allowed in your life, they’d be filled with rumors about the two of you potentially dating. However, that was another aspect of life your quirk and hero commission took away from you.
As much as you were allowed to look at meetings, update their website, man some of the phone calls, the world outside of that was off limits. They were terrified of losing such a valuable asset as yourself so they took every precaution to shelter you. Or so you had been told.
On this particular afternoon, you were heading out of the building when you got a text on your phone asking you to go to the roof. A smirk graced your face as you closed all your files in your desk as you prepared to make a pit stop on your way home. Once on the roof, you’re greeted with the bright and warm afternoon sun. Your eyes squint adjusting to the scene before you, the view of the city is gorgeous up here and he knows that.
“Hey pretty bird.”
At the sound of his voice, you turn and see your long time friend. You run to him and tightly embrace him, chuckling into his chest. He falls back at the sudden move and hugs you back, but lifts up slightly off the rooftop to twirl you in the air.
“Keigo! I hate it when you do that.” You pout at him, causing the blond to laugh lightly.
“Sorry Kid, I couldn’t help myself. How are you today,” he asks, cautiously placing you back on even footing.
“Oh I’m good,” you tease, “but not as good as you Mr. Number Two hero! I’m sad I just got the news but… you know…”
His golden eyes soften at that. As much as he hates to keep you in the dark of most life, he knows it’s for the best. He’s still deeply terrified of losing you and the news he’s kept in his back pocket that he’s about to share are a dead weight.
Hawks sighs deeply, “I know dove, I wish there was more I could do. But, that’s not why I brought you up here.” You give him a questioning look as the two of you sit on the edge, just enjoying each others presence. “Do you remember that meeting I had a couple weeks ago?”
Your face scrunches as you go through each memory of the last two weeks at the office. Hawks can’t help but steal a glance at you like this. He’s always loved your intense thinking face, how each crease, each little wrinkle he sees makes his heart soar. But he quickly drowns those bubbling feelings once your eyes meet.
“Ah yes! I handed you files outside of the main meeting room with all of the higher ups. I couldn’t go into detail but it involved the League of Villains and a dangerous mission for a particular candidate which I can assume is you?”
“Sheesh kid, even though I’ve known you for years I can’t get over how detailed you always are. But yeah that one…” he trails off looking at the sky in front of him.
“So? What do you need to tell me?”
He can’t look at you as he tells you his new and elongated mission. “I’m going undercover to infiltrate the League.” He pauses when he feels your body flinch against his. Fuck, he knew this would suck. “The commission didn’t want me to tell you, but I couldn’t do that to you.”
You lift off of him and your jaw drops. “Gasp, the Takami Keigo ignoring orders from the hero commission?! What has the world turned into?”
Hawks deadpans you as small laughs erupt from your belly. He does his best to keep a serious expression but he cracks and always will crack at your reactions. “Yes,” regaining his composure, “I went against one order, they’ll drop me for sure.” Keigo waits for the two of you to calm down before proceeding. “But I mean it, I couldn’t keep you out of the loop of my life like that.”
“How long?”
“A few months minimum. I’m actually already in talks with someone right now in the league. But kid, I wanted to let you know that I won’t be able to visit you as much. I’ll be pulled between them and the hero commission and my agency.” The tenor in his voice trails off as he looks onto your form.  “Aw c’mon baby bird, don’t give me that.”
You stand up and walk closer to the roof’s center. “I know this mission was supposed to be for me.” It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. You knew, you knew they were preparing you for a mission just like this to test you but somehow it fell through.
“Things have changed, the league has grown more powerful. The hero commission and heroes in general are in the spotlight now more than ever. You know that they-“
You stop and turn to face him, “I’m not some fragile piece of glass that has to be kept away! I’m so tired of this!” Tears threatened to fall but you squeezed your eyes so tight to prevent that from happening. “I’m so, so tired of being stuck with them and I know you are too.”
You feel Hawks’ being before feeling his wings encircle you. The smell of his cologne mixes with his musk and sweat that reminds you of home. Keigo has always been your sense of home and to lose that is too much. “One day. But we owe them so much. You know that more than I do (Y/n).”
Your thumb brushes the few tears that fell and you turn to face the blond man. His eyes hold yours, almost speaking to you silently as your heartbeat slows. A chuckle leaves your lips as you slump your shoulders. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make this so sad. You wanted to do something right?”
Shocked at your ability to completely turn the mood around, he resists the urge to wipe your trailing tears and smirks at you. “Ah yeah, in like two hours I’m meeting with Endeavor for a meal. I was hoping we could do one last fly around the city for old times sake,” he opens his arms for you.
You try, and fail, to hide the feeling of your face warming up. “I’d love nothing more.”
Hawks knows all too well that this isn’t the life you want or the one you deserve. Whenever he’s had a meeting with the commission he can’t help but frown at your sight behind your back. You can’t know that he knows you feel trapped, a mutual feeling shared. But he vowed to always be there for you and make you happy. He wants to take you out on the town at least and learn more about the world around you.
Before he meets with his idol, he drops the two of you off a means away from his meeting place. You glance at him, confusion etched onto your features. “I don’t understand,” you start, “normally you take me back to my balcony why are we nowhere close to that?”
Keigo exhales lightly, “look Kid, you have a map app on your phone right? Use that to get home.”
He’s met with confused silence once he meets your gaze. “Do I have to spell it out for you? Spread your wings, go find a new place to eat on your way back. Find a nice park to sit in for a little while…”
“Go experience some freedom for me okay? I mean it, (Y/n).”
You’re at a loss for words, flabbergasted at what Hawks just told you. Be free? Go home without his help? “Are you trying to get the hero commission to kill you?!”
“Heh, only if you tell them. Now what do you observe, hm?”
You start to look around, really taking your time to take in your surroundings. “Well, we’re in an alley where you could kill me.”
“Words can hurt.”
“And judging by the lack of super tall buildings and wandering bystanders, we’re somewhere near the housing unit of the city correct?” He nods at your questioning as he waits for you to understand the implications of what he’s done. He asked to meet you on the roof, took you on a fly around the city, dropped you near the housing area… “You’re really the best aren’t you?” You hug him tightly and quickly, eager to just wander around for once.
“You can always come back to this spot if you feel trapped. I’ve been scoping this area out for awhile now. Not a lot of press or people; it’s perfect. I know there’s a park and some open spaces and I wanna tell you to be careful but I know you won’t listen. But, from here to your apartment is about a 20 minute walk and yes it has access to the buildings secret entrance.”
“Keigo I could kiss you this is the best gift ever.”
“Whoa dove, save that for the apartment.”
He smirks at you and you just roll your eyes. “You’re incorrigible. But I really appreciate this. You have no idea how much I love this Kei.”
Hawks flies away as he makes sure your new journey of newfound freedom begins. He checks the time on his phone and double checks the information he had been told and heads to meet Endeavor. Coming out of the shadows to avoid being seen is Hawks’ inside accomplice for what’s about to go down in an hour.
Twinkling sapphire eyes briefly follow the winged man take flight, but are swiftly moving from the man in the air to the woman walking far away from him. The figure emerges, donned in his notable long black jacket but face covered in a mask to somewhat hide his identity. His eyes widen in recognition and a whisper leaves his lips before he prepares the Nomu.
“(Y/n), my little mouse.”
taglist! @kiribaku-queen @shinsouskitten @cupcake-rogue @abonshit @luluwiie
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Losing My Mind (Part 2)
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SSA Main ✧ Luthor ✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧
    “I want you out of my head, Y/N.” He turns to you, “Now.”
    You scoff, “Do you think I love seeing you hurt people? We can’t control it Lex. The links are a sealed deal.”
    He smiles, a knowing smirk, his tell when he’s got an idea playing through his head. “You said you know of my plans.”
    You narrow your eyes, “Everything you’ve done is only temporary. I’m your last piece and I’m going to make sure you never find me.”
    Lex shakes his head lightly. He walks up to you and you tense. He holds his hands up by his side for you to see. Then slowly he leans in and leaves a peck on your cheek. He moves his mouth close to your ears and whispers, “Remember, Y/N. I don’t need powers to find you.”
     “I do not understand.” Dr. Fate’s eyes stare intently at the man you’ve known your entire life.
     “What’s not to understand?” he mocks. “It’s simple. Really. Even old brains can comprehend it.”
     “I don’t understand why I’m here.” Dr. Fate’s tone is a lot more stern. His eyes are glaring from within his golden helmet. “The Moirai are Greek. I am not.”
     “Hmm.” Your soulmate pretends to mull this over in thought. “Yes. But you’re both ancient divine beings, aren’t you? From what Savage has told me--” he pauses to turn to the immortal hero in the room, expecting his icy glare to turn more hostile. “You’re much older.”
     Dr. Fate presses his lips together.
     “Listen, Nabu.” Lex stresses the name, Dr. Fate’s mortal name. “You have a new body now-- an immortal body thanks to me. And we both know I don’t do favors for free.
     “But surely it’s fine if you don’t want to repay me. I’ll just fail at my plans and turn myself in to the Justice League. Then I’ll tell them everything I’ve been up to. Including that body you’ve been using.”
     Silence fills the room and your soulmate’s smirk irritates Dr. Fate to the point of victory. The Justice League member walks up to where the Fate sister is lying on the floor, unconscious. Next to her is a cauldron. The ancient artifact that once held every living being’s past, present, and future.
     Dr. Fate reaches down to touch the Fate sister’s forehead with his hand. Where their skin meets, a golden glow peeks from in between. It dimmed away when Dr. Fate stood up.
     “Well?” Lex asks without patience.
     “The cauldron once held destinies before an Olympian god had spilled its content down to Earth. Zeus was alerted the moment it happened. There was enough time to prevent our destinies from falling into our own hands.”
     Luthor purses his lips, “And instead placed our destiny in the hands of other people.”
     “Your other half.”
     Luthor clenches his fist. He’s thinking about his parents on the farm and the foster family that tried to take advantage of him. But Dr. Fate was right. There is also you.
     “Do I have enough energy from the ‘destinies’ I’ve collected?”
     “No. To wield more power than the gods, you need every single link in existence.”
     Lex purses his lips, “I assume that includes the links of every single baby being born by the second.”
     Dr. Fate doesn’t nod or shake his head. He stares at Luthor with the same standing position he’s assumed all this time. “For what you desire, you only need one last link.” He strides forward until he’s looking down at Lex from inside his golden helmet. “I know what you truly want even when you haven’t realized it yet. So be reminded.” He leans down to match Lex’s eye level. “Gods are not to be threatened.”
     Your soulmate’s fingers twitch, making Dr. Fate look at them. Then he disappears, leaving Lex alone breathing out slowly until he can find his voice again, “And yet.”
     He turns to the cauldron and touches the rim. Despite being a man of science, he could feel the ethereal energy emanating from it. It’s the same feeling when you’re around.
     “Did you enjoy the show, soulmate?”
     You step out from the shadows and approach the cauldron. There are no images of gods and mighty heroes embossed on it but only of a creature with four legs and four arms.
     “See how close I am?” Your soulmate’s eyes are wide and filled with excitement. His hands almost clapping, forcing himself from committing a habit he used to do with you.
     He steps forward and holds your face in his hands. You suddenly feel weak. Like all you want to do is melt back into his touch. Go back to the past together and stay there.
     “All I need is our link, Y/N.”
     Suddenly there’s that prickling feeling in your chest. You grab his hands and squeeze them with your trembling fingers. You close your eyes and push back your tears with the anger boiling inside you. Then you finally look back with a steely gaze. “You’ll never get me, Lex. You’re not the only one with friends.”
     You disappear while Lex’s hands remain in the air, still feeling the press of your fingertips, but holding nothing.
✧ ✧ ✧
     You finally make it to the rendezvous point in Gotham City. You reach an unusually quiet alley at the East End and Batman steps out of the shadows to greet you.     
     “Were you followed?”
     It’s not like you’re here to exchange pleasantries but you had at least hoped to see his soulmate with him. “No,” you answer.
     “Did you take the link blockers?”
     “Yes. Two hours ago. I brought enough for the next 24 hours.”
     Batman nods. He has been suspicious of you since day one. Of course, he wouldn’t allow his soulmate to be any more involved in this. Not when it’s your soulmate you’re plotting to take down.
     “Flash will take you to the safehouse. Another team will be staying with you while the Justice League raid the labs.”
     You’re surprised. Even though this is your plan, you’re not allowed to know the specifics in case Luthor makes it in your memories. You did ask Batman to only tell you what you need to know.
     Batman is backing up against the wall. “Stay close. Stay alert.”
     Suddenly, everything was a blur of red with small streaks of yellow. The only thing stable you can see is the jawline of the fastest man alive. He’s carrying you in his arms and he steals a quick look at you. “Are you really Luthor’s soulmate?”
     “Yes. Why would I lie?”
     “Why would you admit you’re his soulmate?” he asks with a raised brow.
     Suddenly you feel no sympathy for the speedster. “I love him.”
     “Oh,” he mutters, shoulders slacking but only for a moment. “So why help us? He had my soulmate kidnapped but didn’t take her link.”
     You stare at him and realize this is why he’s the one taking you to the safehouse. He volunteered.
     Since the Fate sisters refuse to see any hero or villain, meta or human, the Justice League knows very little about the links. And since you share a memory link with Luthor, you’re the closest expert they’ll ever have.
     “Ever wondered why there are so many types of links?” you ask and Flash only replies by raising an eyebrow. “It’s all the same energy, divine energy from the Greek gods--” 
     “They’re real?”
     It’s your turn to raise an eyebrow, “You have an Amazonian on your team.”
     “Right,” he chuckles sheepishly, “Sometimes I just forget-- Continue.”
     “When the energy turns itself into a link between soulmates, in order to completely seal their bond, it changes itself into one that will perfectly suit them.”
     Flash scoffs. “A tracker on a speedster. That’s not even clever.”
     “Lex thought so, too. So he went to Eobard Thawne--”
     Flash skids to a stop. The inertia against his grasp might leave light bruises on your arms and legs. “Thawne gave his soulmate link-- his tracker-- to Luthor? That means he really is after just one of each link.” Flash is staring down at the ground and you see his eyes widen before they turn to you. “That’s why his real targets have been League members-- powerhouses.”
     You eye him curiously. You had told Batman and his soulmate all you know but it looks like he didn’t share that with the Justice League. Or maybe the League isn’t even in on this after all. Maybe no one else is in on this. Not Martian Manhunter nor Miss Martian.
     Your nerves have gotten hold of you and you didn’t notice when you’d started running again. You want to ask the Flash, to make sure Batman trusts you enough to try your plan. But you stop.
     “Something’s wrong,” Flash says, tightening his grip on you as he looks around inside an empty warehouse near a loading dock. “Someone from the team should’ve been here by-- AAARGH!”
     A bright blue light hits Flash’s back and he throws you away before it reaches you, too. You watch him quickly turn to ice as you fall against the hard floor. You used your arms to brace your fall and protect your head, grazing them and the stinging feeling makes you weak.
     A pair of black shiny loafers settle in front of you. “I told you, Y/N.” Hearing his voice for the first time-- the first real time feels different, like listening to the lyrics without the instruments. As if it’s the only sound that’s ever existed. He bends down. “I don’t need powers to find you.”
     You look up and the moment your eyes meet with his, every single memory you’ve shared flashes in your mind. An album of recollections. A film reel of everything you’ve been through. Every single moment of being together but not.
     The moment it’s over, you close your eyes shut and massage them. Lex has been wiped from the memories you’ve once shared but you still remember the feeling of him being there, as well as every single conversation you’ve ever had. The good and the bad. 
     When you open your eyes, Lex is still massaging the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. You watch tears slip through his eyes and only then do you notice the warmth on your own cheeks. 
     You reach out and wipe away your soulmate’s tears. At your touch, his eyes snap open and he stares at you. It’s as if he’s truly seeing you for the first time. He touches your cheek and your skin is warm and soft. He can finally tell the difference, that every you in his memories had been a lie.
     You watch Lex narrow his eyes at you before he stabs your arm with a tranquilizer. It acts quickly and your whole body gives in. Your consciousness fades as Lex catches you and carries you in his arms.
✧ ✧ ✧
     You didn’t know what to expect once you woke up but the sudden feeling of loneliness wasn’t even a guess. You sit up from the armchair you find yourself lying in. It stands out from the bland interior of yet another Cadmus lab.
     There are scientists and guards littered about. Computers humming lightly in the background. In the middle of the room is the cauldron surrounded by a few scientists with tablets and Lex.
     Suddenly the loneliness fades. But you realize why. Lex had taken your link.
     You rise up and almost sprint. He turns around and you grab him by the collar and push him back against the cauldron. But your own strength is meager compared to your soulmate’s. Even that fact infuriates you.
     Tears are streaming down your face and you’re glaring at your soulmate. You scream at him, “You took it away!”
     Lex is staring at you with a puzzled look before his eyes narrow and his expression becomes bored. “Not yet.”
     Your eyes widen and Lex sees himself completely reflected in them, looking back. He gently removes your hold on his collar and holds both of your hands in his. “Much like the timer link, Y/N, our memory link disappears when we meet.”
     Your eyes narrow as if you’re in pain. Lex’s thumb brushes the skin on the back of your hands. “And just like with every other link--”
     “The souls’ links still exist,” you finish, suddenly remembering what you know. The fear of losing your link has made you lose focus and lose sight of the plan.
     “Now,” Lex lets go of your hands and turns to the cauldron. “I suppose this is the part where I tell you my plans.”
     You wrap your arms around you with the sensation of his touch still lingering. “I already know,” you whisper.
     “Humor me,” he answers. He turns to you with a familiar smirk he hasn’t worn since he was a teenager. “One last time.”
     Being so close to losing him forever and knowing that this will truly be the last time, you turn away and stare at the cauldron. It’s no longer empty. It’s filled with an ethereal hue of gold and silver lines stirring around inside. Touching it might feel like cold air or soft clouds.
     “Guesswork is never enough for you,” you start and Lex hums in agreement. “You wanted proof that the souls’ links still exist. And Dr. Fate was your first-ever customer.
     “You found a couple with the immortality link. You took away their link using the Fate sisters’ scissors-- another experiment you needed proof of. Then you offered the woman to Dr. Fate as an immortal magical host.”
     You grip the ends of the cauldron, unfazed by the metal’s warmth.
     “I was there when he brought the woman back. She was older. Dr. Fate believed you did something wrong and you let him believe just that. But you knew--” your eyes narrow as you stare into the cauldron. Lex watches as the ethereal energy’s light dances across your features. “With her soulmate dead, his soul lingered around her, causing her to age. Alone.”
     Lex sighs, “Even in death, destiny haunts us. How inconvenient.”
     You’re so close to your boiling point. You turn to Lex and you’re shouting, “But that wasn’t enough for you! You found another couple and offered another sacrifice to Nabu while keeping their soulmate in eternal captivity!”
     Lex lazily waves a hand without looking at you. “You’re getting off-topic, Y/N.”
     You clench your teeth and take a swing at your soulmate but it’s weak. Lex is able to block it and hold your wrist. “Tell me. What am I planning?”
     You lean in and your voice is laced with spite, “You’re after what you’ve always wanted, Lex. Control.”
     Lex stares at you before he smiles and lets go of your hand. You take it back and this time there’s no lingering touch. “You want control over your own life and that means control over everything. Everyone. You want to use the divine energy from the links to fuel the Fate sisters’ cauldron and be in charge of the world’s destiny.”
     You laugh but it sounds empty and forced, “But like Dr. Fate said-- like I’ve been telling you, it’s not going to work.”
     Luthor raises an eyebrow at you but he’s smiling, “My. What a spy you’ve grown to be.”
     This irritates you more and you stomp forward, “You can’t change what’s already been done, Lex! The past has passed, and the future isn’t in your hands.”
     Lex rolls his eyes at you, “Don’t try to be the smartest person in the room, Y/N. It’s embarrassing.” He signals to one of the scientists before turning his attention back to the cauldron. “With every single link in existence, I would’ve become the god that decides everyone’s destiny. And you know what, Y/N, I never wanted that.”
     The shock of what you heard made you take a step back.
     “Becoming a god would’ve made me into the very thing I hate. Superman. Metahumans. Aliens. Extraordinary beings that hold our lifelines with the tips of their fingernails. I have no desire to be one of them.”
     The scientist walks up to Lex carrying a suitcase.
     “You’re right, Y/N. The past has passed and we can’t change it. Not completely. But what is within my control are people’s memories. The only proof that the past even existed.”
     Lex opens the suitcase and inside is a pair of old and damaged scissors, rusted and bent. He takes it out of the suitcase and holds it in one hand.
     “The gods have controlled our lives using these links and I intend to do the same using ours. I’ve collected every single memory link in the world, Y/N. Being the rarest and limited, it wasn’t all too hard. Especially with a god on your side.
     “The only one missing is ours.”
     You suddenly press your arms against your chest but your soulmate doesn’t advance toward you.
     “By erasing my past and altering people’s memories, I can finally peacefully live in a world without soulmates and links. I’ll erase everything we know about them and chalk them up as anomalies with no sense nor purpose.
     “It’ll be the perfect world. A world where I’ll be whatever I aspire to be. All without you burrowing into my brain like a parasite. Forcing my hand into killing my family and going on about an imaginary lover--”
     “Lex, don’t do this. Please. You can’t--”
     “I can.”
     You’re starting to take a step back and guards are approaching you. Lex waves them away and he holds out his hand to you. He’s asking you.
     Your eyes narrow and you beg him not to do this.
     “Please. I… I don’t want to forget you. I don’t want that! This link has brought you uncertainty and muddled memories but Lex, every moment we shared was real. I was with you in every single one. I felt your happiness and sadness. I’ve seen your anger. Just because we weren’t there physically, doesn’t mean they were imaginary.”
     Lex doesn’t answer you. He takes a step forward and lightly touches your hand. The gentleness he’s suddenly showing keeps you from pulling away.
     “Lex, please. The world be damned, let me keep my--”
     Don’t worry, YN.
     “Don’t worry, Y/N,” he holds your hand and his thumb brushes your skin.
     There’s no mistaking it. Lex’s words came with an echo that vibrated inside your mind. They’re here. Batman followed through.
     “I’ll make sure both you and I will forget everything. You won’t have to get hurt anymore.”
     You force yourself to focus back on your soulmate. There’s no lie or sarcasm or pity in his voice. This is Lex offering you his sincerity for the last time, showing you that a part of him still cares and might love you.
     It almost makes you wish this didn’t have to happen. That maybe you’d be satisfied with playing cat and mouse for the rest of your lives. But your soulmate isn’t just destroying your link, he’s willing to take away everyone else’s.
     And your memory link is gone. Losing your souls’ link is a small sacrifice for the love of your life, to keep him from spiraling into darker places where he can’t come back from.
     You raise your hand and offer it to him. He smiles at you but you refuse to look. He presses his palm up against yours and makes sure your pinkies are touching and aligned. Then he takes the scissors and snips at the invisible string tying you together.
     The moment it snaps, you see the golden thread burst from thin air. Lex holds it with the scissors and turns to the cauldron.
     But before he can drop it in, you rush forward until you’ve tackled him to the ground. The scissors fly across the room and opens, and your link disappears in midair.
     “No!” Lex turns to you and tries to push you off but stronger pairs of arms are also holding him down. “What--”
    The air moves and both Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian appear beside you.
    You watch Lex’s eyes widen and turn from one alien to another. Once they’ve entered his mind, his eyes start closing. You lean down and whisper, “A courtesy, my soulmate.”
✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧
✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧
66 notes · View notes
crackimagines · 4 years
Take Over (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Persona 5 AU (Crimson Flower)
P5 AU Masterlist Here
With the Adrestian Empire declaring war on the church and moving to invade Garreg Mach, the Phantom Thieves move to steal the heart of Archbishop Rhea.
The clock is ticking for the Phantom Thieves, because if the invasion fails, then all their classmates are doomed to perish from the might of the Church.
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Akira made sure that the Black Eagles and the Imperial forces were moving far ahead of them, as his team slowed down.
(Morgana) “I don’t think they’ll realize we’re gone in time.”
(Ryuji) “Alright, then let’s hurry this shit up! If we can take down Rhea and her lackies, then we can stop this war before it even begins!”
(Makoto) “As much as I would like for that to happen, we need to be extra careful. Something’s been acting up with the MetaNAV as of late!”
When Akira pulled out his phone, their Phantom Thief outfits began flashing onto them before fading away.
(Futaba) “This has happened everytime we’re preparing to enter it, what’s going on?”
(Yusuke) “I’m afraid we do not have the luxury of time to be asking that. We must hurry before the Imperials reach Garreg Mach!”
(Ann) “Yeah, and Rhea’s palace is on full alert. We gotta get going.”
(Haru) “Akira, if you would!”
Akira nodded and pressed the button.
(Phone) Transformation successful. Now merging Metaverse and the Real World.
(Everyone) ?!
The world around them began to distort as normal, but when it was finished, they noticed the world had not even changed in the slightest.
Even Garreg Mach in the distance had no visible effect. Edelgard and the others kept marching.
(Ryuji) “The shit is this?!”
(Makoto) “How is this even possible, we shouldn’t be able to access our Personas in the real world!”
(Haru) “This is bad! Everyone might be walking into a palace! They aren’t equipped to deal with shadows!”
(Futaba) “No, I’m not detecting anything different except...Holy crap, there’s one super strong reading in Garreg Mach!”
(Ann) “Rhea!”
(Yusuke) “They’re going to get massacred!”
(Morgana) “Joker, what’s our orders?!”
(Akira) “We need to get there before they do as fast as possible! Our identities might get compromised, but that doesn’t matter right now! Futaba, take Yusuke and Haru on your Persona and head over right now! Makoto, you break through that front gate and make a way for us! Morgana, Ryuji, Ann! With me! Our mission objective remains the same, STOP RHEA!”
[Life Will Change - Persona 5]
Wasting no time, Makoto rode Johanna straight down the road, pulling out her revolver.
Futaba’s Persona beamed the three of them up and flew around the sides.
Morgana transformed into his bus as Akira got on the wheel and stepped on the gas pedal.
All the soldiers charged the gates, ready to break it down until everyone heard a strange noise coming up behind them.
(???) “OUT OF THE WAY!”
Several squads’ advances were halted when a woman on a strange vehicle flew past them and crashed through the gate doors, making several of the church soldiers fly off from the impact.
(Soldier) “Who was that?!”
(Soldier 2) “Was that one of ours?!”
(Hubert) “Doesn’t matter. If they’re helping us then we cannot refuse their help! EVERYONE, CHARGE!”
The Black Eagles charged in with the rest of the soldiers, not noticing the flying saucer soaring above them.
Driving up the middle, Makoto used the front wheels to stop her, turning the back wheels up and hit away a squad of Church soldiers, sending them onto the concrete.
Getting off, Makoto quickly got her mask back on as Johanna disappeared, clenching her fists.
Another squad of soldiers rushed her, swiping their swords at her.
Swiftly dodging the first strike, she counterattacked with a fist going into his stomach, and a kick to the face hurling him back onto two other soldiers.
Grabbing her revolver, she quickly spun around and shot a soldier’s spear, making it fly out of his hand.
Elbowing his head, she ran to the sides of the nearby buildings and found a nearby ballista.
(Soldier) “Take out that thing that’s flying in the sky!”
(Makoto) “Oracle! Tch, NO YOU WON’T!”
Futaba beamed down Haru near the ballista Makoto was fighting at, and flew towards the other one.
(Futaba) “Fox and I will get the other ballista! Help Queen!”
Needing no further instruction, Haru held her axe firmly and hit a soldier in the back with the hilt.
(Soldier) “Huh?! BEHIND US-!”
Seizing the opportunity, Makoto used her legs and swept underneath several soldiers, tipping them all over.
(Haru) “MILADY!”
Summoning her Persona, it used a psychokinesis attack and distorted the soldiers, making them unable to get up.
(Makoto) “Thanks for that, Noir!”
(Haru) “No problem, now get back!”
Haru had a devilish smile as she pulled out her grenade launcher and pointed it at the ballista.
(Haru) “It’s going to go boom!”
Makoto smiled and saw other soldiers coming towards them.
After firing a single shot, it completely blew apart, scaring the others.
(Soldier) “W-What kinda weapon is that?!”
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A soldier came for his back, and Yusuke aimed his rifle downwards and shot the sword, the reflection making the soldier recoil in surprise.
His Persona appeared behind him and froze the soldier solid.
(Yusuke) “And now!-”
Turning right around, he used his katana to break the wires and gears, and his Persona slammed its sword downwards, crushing it completely.
(Futaba) “Good job, Fox!”
(Yusuke) “Thank you. Come, we must infiltrate the main room without being seen!”
As they rushed off, the Death Knight and several other Imperial forces took notice of them.
(Death Knight) “The Phantom Thieves are here...? You, send a report to the Emperor!”
Once Edelgard and her company took out the squad in the middle, an Imperial soldier ran to her.
(Soldier) “Milady, the ballistae have already been completely wiped out, and enemy forces are dealing with a third group inside! Reports indicate its the Phantom Thieves!”
(Edelgard) “What?!”
Byleth came in from behind and shook his head.
(Byleth) “I couldn’t find Akira and the others, they just disappeared!”
(Edelgard) “Where-...wait a minute, could they?-”
Her thoughts were interrupted when a bus came barreling through.
(Familiar Girl’s Voice) “S-SORRY EVERYONE!”
(Familiar Punk’s Voice) “SHIT MAN!”
Spinning around, the bus exploded into a cloud of smoke, revealing 3 figures and a cat.
(Byleth) “Identify yourselves!”
Looking up, they all had masks that was hard to make out their faces, but their hair...
No one had time to get a good luck and recognize them when 2 golems headed their way.
(Soldier) “INCOMING!”
The 3 figures and cat turned around, reaching for their masks.
(Everyone) “PERSONA!”
4 shadows emerged from them and flew towards the golem, using a combination of slicing and spells to wipe them out, with a fireball and tornado wiping out one while a bolt of lightning wiped out the others.
The wings of the boy in black’s shadow blew an incoming squad away and straight into the walls.
The boy made sure not to say a word and moved through the main gate of the Monastery.
(Byleth) “I’m going after them!”
(Edelgard) “Professor, wait!”
Before she could follow, Edelgard heard someone’s voice scream out.
Slamming his lance against her shield, she knew that he wasn’t going to stop until either of them were dead.
She quietly muttered to herself.
(Byleth) “...Akira, Byleth, please be careful...”
Finally making it to the final room, Catherine was blown back by an explosion while Cyril fell to the floor, covered in frost.
[Blood of Villain - Persona 5]
(Rhea) “They’re still alive...You play an interesting game, Phantom Thieves.”
Everyone noticed that her eyes were yellow instead of green.
(Futaba) “D-Did her shadow merge with her real self?!”
(Ryuji) “Tch, she was already powerful enough!”
Byleth ran in, and stood beside Akira, drawing his sword.
(Byleth) “Heh, kinda upset I didn’t realize you all were the Phantom Thieves beforehand...”
(Akira) “Little slow there, teach! But hope that isn’t true when it comes to this fight! As for you, you have anything to say Rhea?! For all the lives you’ve taken?!”
(Rhea) “THOSE WHO OPPOSE THE CHURCH WILL BE CRUSHED WITHOUT MERCY. I CARE NOT FOR YOUR OPINIONS...No matter...Thanks to your appearances, I can now get rid of all my problems at once! Phantom Thieves, the Empire, Byleth...Your crimes will not go unpunished!”
(Ann) “That’s our line, you psychotic bitch! Enforcing your law on everyone and killing them as soon as they disagree?! You’re the one in the wrong!”
(Yusuke) “So, it would seem that she refuses to admit the fault in her logic.”
(Haru) “I can’t say that I’m surprised!”
(Makoto) “Words are meaningless, we gotta let our fists do the talking!”
[Blooming Villain - Persona 5]
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Byleth rushed first, slamming the Sword of the Creator against Rhea's dagger.
She kicked him away, her strike hurting far more than he anticipated and flew back near the stairs.
Both of them took off their masks and summoned their Personas, Carmen igniting the area around Rhea as Arsene used its foot blade to cut her.
Wounded from the cut and bits of cloth and skin on fire, she ran through it and fired a spell at Arsene, making it stagger back.
Akira clenched his teeth as he felt the pain Arsene did, the spell hitting the shoulder hard.
Ann used her whip and swung it at Rhean which wrapped around Rhea's dagger.
Yanking it back, the whip flew out of her hand and into the floor.
Before Rhea rushed forward, she noticed that the rest of the Phantom Thieves were nowhere to be seen.
She leaped onto the air as bullets flew and hit the wall where she was, everyone pointing their guns at her.
Yusuke kept the pressure on her with his assault rifle, the bullets coming too rapidly for her to try anything.
When Rhea landed, she used her dagger to deflect a bullet, seeing Makoto attempting to make precise shots.
Rhea dashed towards Makoto and threw a fist out, which was caught by Makoto's arm, and whiffed to the side of her head.
Makoto kept her in place as she took off her mask, and a blinding blue light was underneath them.
Headbutting Makoto away, Rhea dodged the explosion by rolling away as she was barely caught by it.
Looking upwards, Ryuji, Morgana, and Haru had their Personas out, and Rhea was blinded by a psychokinesis spell.
Morgana's persona thrusted its rapier at her, but managed to dodge every single strike.
A cannon shot out of its arm, and hit Rhea in the stomach, making her crash through a wall.
Quickly getting up, Rhea tried to anticipate the next attack and barely managed to catch Yusuke's katana with her hand.
Joker came from behind and had Arsene grab her by the neck and slam her against the floor, sliding her and tossing her up onto the ceiling, making it crack with the impact.
Byleth jumped in and used the whip function of his sword to strike her midair, leaving a nasty wound across her chest.
Despite such a harsh assault, she managed to land on both her feet, looking at the Phantom Thieves.
Seeing her hands covered in blood, she clenched her teeth and her eyes widened with rage.
(Akira) "Surrender Rhea, you have lost!"
(Futaba) "She's weak guys, LET'S FINISH THIS!"
(Akira) "ON ME!”
All of them hopped back and prepared for a final assault.
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Drawing their weapons they all rushed her at once, striking at her weak and wounded spots in the blink of an eye.
Joker landed in front of Byleth, adjusting his gloves as Rhea’s body started shaking.
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[Song End]
Rhea collapsed to the ground, not being able to stand up after that onslaught. 
Byleth nodded in thanks, and moved towards Rhea, pointing his sword at her.
Edelgard and the other Black Eagles moved in, surrounding her with the Phantom Thieves.
(Edelgard) “So, it really is you guys.”
(Akira) “Surprised?”
(Edelgard) “Not particularly. But, that’s for another time. Rhea. By the order of the Adrestian Empire, you will be imprisoned. This fight is over, you have lost.”
(Rhea) “No...”
Her body shook violently again, with her looking straight at Edelgard.
The pressure she exerted pushed everyone back.
With her shape changing form, she towered over everyone.
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(Edelgard) “Damn it! EVERYONE, RETREAT!”
Everyone started running out, with Byleth and the Phantom Thieves keeping her occupied.
(Edelgard) “EVERYONE, COME ON!”
(Akira) “Oracle, escape route for us? If she chases us, then everyone outside’s done for!”
(Futaba) “I can’t find any! Dang it, come on!”
(Ryuji) “Tch...I think there’s only one way out of here for them.”
Everyone turned to Ryuji, but realized what he meant.
There was no other way.
(Akira) “Professor, go. They need you!”
(Byleth) “What?! What about you all?!”
(Akira) “Don’t worry about that, you just gotta-”
Rhea began charging up a beam from her mouth, and Byleth spun around and activated the whip function, slicing at a massive pile of debris above them, cutting off the Black Eagles from them.
(Akira) “...I see.”
(Edelgard) “Everyone, what the hell are you doing?!”
(Byleth) “Hah...It’s all right. Now, get out of here!”
(Edelgard) “No, I won’t accept this! WE’RE NOT LEAVING YOU ALL BEHIND!”
(Akira) “Then we have to make you. ARSENE!”
Appearing outside the rubble, it closed its wings, using the pressure of the wind to send them flying away.
Byleth and Akira had a self-mocking smile, as they turned around.
(Akira) “Everyone, it’s been a good run.”
(Ryuji) “I don’t wanna die but...Hah, I’m glad I’m at least dying together with you all.”
(Ann) “You idiots were the best thing that happened to me, you know that?”
(Yusuke) “I concur...with you all, my life found its meaning.”
(Makoto) “I’m proud to have fought for justice with everyone.”
(Haru) “May we all meet again in a better life...”
(Morgana) “I guess this is goodbye then...Hey, Byleth...Thanks for everything too.”
(Byleth) “All of you...”
The Phantom Thieves turned around to Byleth.
(Byleth) “I’m proud to have been your teacher.”
Rhea fired the beam at them, everyone accepting their fate.
However, the beam reflected onto the ground from an unknown force, shattering the ground around them.
Rhea managed to fly away from it, albeit heavily injured but the rest of the Phantom Thieves and Byleth were surprised.
(Ryuji) “You gotta be effin’ kidding me! IS THIS FOR REAL?! AFTER ALL WE SAID, WE DIE TO SOME GOD DAMN RO-”
Before everyone could process that they were still alive, the ground beneath them collapsed, sending them into the bottomless canyon below.
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Can you believe it, the Whitmore Guy knew all along
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
word count: 1160 
warnings: i need to make a masterlist for this
music: blink 182 - snake charmer
“Here’s what I don’t understand”, Y/N said, as they were walking back to the main building. “If they’re newly turned. And they’re no less than fifteen. Well, fourteen now, how come they haven’t killed a single person yet?”
“That’s the only thing that bugs you about all that?” Ric held the door for her, and they found themselves in the cool, shady hall. A couple of freshmen were walking down the stairs.
“To be honest, none of it bugs me even half the way it should. Now it suddenly is about me for some reason, and I don’t even feel scared”, Y/N revealed, “this is all complete bullshit. I’m annoyed, that’s what I am. I’ll call Caroline and tell her to gather everybody in Craze tonight, and I don’t want to work today anymore”.
Maybe she was being silly, walking away from him, and heading for the basement. But then again, Y/N’s always been an escapist. And lately, she’s been holding the punch like a real warrior.
She knocked on the door twice, and went in. Mal’s space/basement/mancave was a hollow place, organized only in the middle of the big, half-empty room. It reminded her of all the zombie apocalypse movies, where the dark floors were thrashed, and the pieces of furniture stood in random places, left there seemingly by hurricanes. Mal gathered all the necessary chairs and desks in the center, leaving feet of empty space around, and sat there, in a comfortable gamer chair like a king. Sometimes he left random lights and lamps around, but never opened the windows. In fact, he kept them all safely shut, covered with pieces of curtains and paper. His den looked scary at first. But to a criminalist, Y/N was sure, it would say a lot of things. Every time she came down here, she couldn’t help analyze things. Why would he place a bookcase, one just like her own, in her office, like that, in the middle of nowhere? A piece of furniture positioned like that, not propping the wall, looks empty and makes humans feel awkward, unsafe. Mal felt great around it. Why did he choose to reside in such darkness? It was like he was pretending to be a comic book villain. Well, he very well might wish to be one.
“Hey”, he threw Y/N a bag of chewy bears.
“You wanted to tell me something important”, Y/N took a chair and pulled it closer to his desk, sitting next to him.
“Yeah, no, I wanted to do it after work”.
“Do it now”.
His lean face looked infernal in the blue light of the screen. Mal looked at her with a smile that quickly faded.
“What happened?”
“Mhm?” she threw a couple of bears into her mouth and started chewing.
His eyes were completely dark in the twilight of the basement. He looked very handsome, the fine bone structure outlined by the fluorescent shining. He looked like a picture.
“You look completely pissed”.
“It’s Damon’s birthday”, she blurted out, “and there’s going to be a party. And I have to be there”.
Tell me, she thought. Tell me it’s my paranoia, my imagination. Tell me you’re just a nice boy with no empathy in your brain who just happens to have the weirdest look about you, and come round exactly when suspicious shit starts happening.
“I’m sorry. You want me to come with? I’ll ruin the whole thing. Then we can run away laughing like maniacs, and steal his car. I’m good at stealing cars”.
“No, I actually came to tell you that you should stay away tonight”.
His eyes widened, and he got that bitter look about him again.
“Something bad’s going to go down tonight, and you should be at home”.
He was completely confused.
“Bad like… he’s gonna sing in karaoke? Because I bet I can do it worse than him”.
“A little badder. Can you go home after work and not ask me any questions about it, ever? And if something really does happen, and it’s like… in papers, can you just ignore it?”
“Nope”, he said simply. At least he was being honest.
“Don’t pull the conspiratorial shit on me, Y/N. Are you in trouble?”
His voice went really gentle. Y/N was chewing on four bears. She shook her head.
“I’m the last person who should be concerned. You know, one day I’ll tell you all about it, and we will laugh. But I can’t do it now because it’s not only my secret”.
Mal exhaled slowly, heavily, like he was a very exhausted babysitter worn out by an extremely irritating baby.
“The secret about vampires?”
She stopped chewing.
They sat, knees almost touching, and his computer was producing weird, barely audible ringing noise. It was all the more eerie as Mal kept silent for several seconds, as she stared into him.
“Yeah. Damon’s a vampire, right? And his brother, too. And, I guess, the slow blonde girl, Caroline”.
He sneaked two fingers into the open pack in her hand and stole a couple of bears.
“How do you know?”
Mal snorted, mincing almost in pain,
“Please. It’s like three steps from Mystic Falls, the vampire capital of America here. Come on, Y/N, you’re all so wrapped up in your tiny world you fail to see how simply obvious it is. This Salvatore guys didn’t even bother to erase like, the Full History of Mystic Falls from the database and the library. You go there, you choose the first book, and you see their boring faces in the pictures taken in the nineteenth century. You should get out more often”, he added, “or else you’re going to go nuts, and become just like them. Bloodsucking idiots who never change outfit and think they’re indistinguishable from other people. You know, if I was a vampire, I would try to fit in with people around. I would, like, sleep less to look tired, like normal people. Buy two or three shirts, eat sometimes. Try not to look old”.
He got back to his computer, chewing.
“You’re the weirdo here, not them”, Y/N said before she could snap her mouth closed.
“That’s not the first time you’re telling me that”, he chanted quietly. “So, can I come then? I wanna see if Damon kills somebody tonight. Actually, you know, the one thing I still can’t crack is, why do you hang out with them?”
Y/N scratched the tiny bite on her wrist, pressed it with finger and wiped the blood with her thumb. Mal looked at it but didn’t say anything.
“I remember half of them as humans. My classmates, Mal. They’re my friends”.
His mouth twisted into an upside-down smile.
“I never had any friends before you. Wasn’t a problem. Definitely didn’t waste my time on a bunch of awkward vampires who are still worried about some college parties”. And then he said,
He had that amazing ability to vocalize written things.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Sixty: Aftermath ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Hyūga Neji, Hyūga Hanabi, Uchiha Fugaku, Shimura Danzō ] [ SasuHina, death, blood, gore, child death ] [ Verse: Then It All Went Wrong ] [ AO3 Link ]
“And so the diseased branches find themselves severed and burned at last.”
Arms bound behind his back with chakra-sealing shackles, Fugaku is shoved to his knees, spine slumped as his exhaustion steals his posture. The ropes are up above his elbows, his severed hand meaning his wrists are no longer viable to hold him. Blood from a split in his brow seeps down over an eye, running down his cheek to drip from his chin to the floor.
From his hunched position, he can see the sandals of his captor, and the urge to spit is overcome only by his lethargy.
“A pity...we had plans only to eliminate your traitorous clan, Fugaku. But then you went and corrupted the Hyūga. Does your depravity and lust for power have no end?”
“...I could ask you the same thing, you rotten son of a bitch -!”
There’s a dull thud as a boot meets his ribs, form jumping slightly with the force before falling flat on his front with a groan.
“Now now...he’s earned a last few words, I think. Let the man speak. He’ll be dead soon. We may as well entertain him.”
Breath ragged, Fugaku struggles to draw air. “...someday...you’ll get yours. We begged and pleaded for our dignity, and our respect...and you met us with murder.”
“Your little uprising had no other outcome, Fugaku.”
“Because your bias and the bias of the council means we would never be free!” he shouts, even as his chest clenches and his ribs protest. “...I know what you want...and you won’t get it. You realize that, don’t you?”
Above him, a single eye narrows. “...what do you mean…?”
Along the floor, Fugaku’s lips curl in a grin that grows and grows, a low laugh rumbling in his chest. It slowly rises, echoing in the chamber until it sounds like the ravings of a madman.
“You think we didn’t plan this far ahead…? You think we didn’t know the outcome…?” Rolling to a side and looking up, he smirks in triumph. “...did you forget just who we allied with…?”
“...no...you didn’t…”
“...we did. Because I’ll be damned before you get your slimy, greedy hands on our eyes, councilman. Us, or the Hyūga. Every dead body laying in our compounds are useless to you now. Our eyes are sealed. You will never have the power of the Sharingan...or the Byakugan. They’re all sealed.”
A long, tense silence blooms, broken only by the rasping of Fugaku’s breathing. Hands both resting atop his cane, Danzō’s bowed head bears an unreadable expression.
“...the Hyūga I was prepared to lose for just such a reason, save for Hiashi. To think that he swallowed his pride enough for that...he must really have put his faith in you. A fool’s mistake. But for the Uchiha do to the same...I will admit, I did not foresee it. In that regard, you have outsmarted me, Fugaku. But you’ve forgotten one thing.”
The councilman’s head lifts, staring down at the clan head with a furious eye. “...you are still alive.”
Fugaku stares back, unblinking. “...wrong again.”
With a clamp of his teeth, he bites into his tongue, flooding his mouth with blood. The viscous liquid alights over the seal imprinted along the roof of his mouth, activating the stored chakra within.
There’s so little time to react.
Immediately, several Root officers leap in front of Danzō, others attempting to smother Fugaku with their own bodies. Yet another drags the councilman back just as the explosion sounds. Glass shatters and debris flies, several of the ANBU torn apart on impact.
Once Danzō finds his feet again, he stares at the aftermath in genuine shock.
...he never thought they’d go so far.
...he underestimated them.
As the surprise fades, a lick of temper grows. It’s true, he was relying on the genocide of the Uchiha to resupply himself and his ally with fresh Sharingan. But now...that appears to be a moot point.
“...when the collection detail is finished, I want a full report of the body count.” While he already knows children are among the dead, a kind of knowing stirs in the back of his mind. “...if anyone is missing...begin a search immediately.”
Surely they would have a backup plan. Some kind of failsafe. There must be Uchiha or Hyūga left alive somewhere...the only question is who, and where.
He still has a chance to salvage this.
Until then, he straightens his garments. “...tell Hiruzen the attacks were a success. Anything else - any information regarding survivors - report to me, and me alone.”
Hours later and miles north, the last remnants of the clans begin to wake. Shisui, already up after taking second watch, helps gather up the others: Itachi, Sasuke, Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi.
As the younger four adjust to wakefulness, he steps outside their cavern hideaway to talk with Itachi quietly. “No hide nor hair of anyone following us. Seems for now, we’re in the clear. They might not have realized we’re not among the dead...not yet, anyway.”
“Still, best we operate under the assumption they’re right on our tail. We can’t be too careful,” Itachi replies softly, expression heavy with worry.
“Of course.” Looking his cousin over, Shisui then asks, “...did you sleep at all?”
“...a bit.”
“...yeah, me too.” A hand wipes down his face. “...I know we’ve both been through heavy training to get to our ranks, and we both saw the effects of the last war, but...I’ll admit...I wasn’t ready for that.”
Itachi doesn’t reply, glancing aside bitterly.
“...I know that look. Don’t blame yourself, Itachi -”
“There must have been something I could have -?”
“No. The village had already made up its mind. We did all we could. Fugaku and Hiashi, too. And now...this is our reality. Don’t beat yourself up over something you can’t change. Focus on the here, and the now.” He rests a heavy hand on his cousin’s shoulder, expression grave. “...focus on Sasuke. Keeping them safe is all that matters, now. We’re all that’s left. And I’ll personally be damned before we let Konoha wipe us out completely.”
“...you’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for, Itachi. You’re allowed to have moments where you waver. I’ll be here to back you up. We’re in this together. For now...best we pack things up, and get going. There’s a chance we have a pretty good lead. They can’t really know what direction we took. While the Naka’s the best choice, it does go both north and south, and has branches. If they want to cover all the possibilities, they’ll have to spread thin, and Root’s not that big to begin with. So long as we’re vigilant, we have a fighting chance.”
“...it’s still unnerving not knowing where we’re going,” Itachi then admits quietly. “Otōsan never told me anything about where we were supposed to go. I never found any information about an Uchiha outpost that far north...it’s practically on the border.”
“Might be a village where he had some allies. Some kind of failsafe where he knew we’d have help.”
“...perhaps. But there were no records of anything there in the library, even in the most recent cartography notes. It’s all tall mountains and thick forests between Hi no Kuni and the more northern nations - the entire range appears to be uninhabited. It’s along the same peaks as Shūmatsu no Tani.”
Shisui hums thoughtfully with a frown. “...well, we’ll just have to see. We might not have always seen eye to eye, but I trust your father’s judgement. He wouldn’t send us anywhere he wasn’t sure would be safe.”
“...I hope you are right.”
The pair commiserate over the map, plotting their route until the younger ones are ready.
“Do you want me to carry Hanabi?”
“Nah, I can do it. No offense, Itachi...but I’m a bit bulkier than you are. You worry about Sasuke, and I’ll handle the Hyūga girls. Feel bad for Neji, though…”
“We will make due. Perhaps he and Hinata can exchange if he gets too tired.”
Given the slim entrance to the cave, they usher the little ones out first, everyone on edge with themselves out in the open. Itachi hefts Sasuke to his back, Shisui strapping Hanabi to his chest as the other two argue over positions.
“I-I can go on foot!”
“So can I.”
“B-but...I was carried y-yesterday, it isn’t fair!”
“Guys, no time for arguing! Hinata, you’ll be carried first. Neji can switch later, okay?”
She makes to protest, but acquiesces as Shisui takes a knee, mirroring Sasuke’s position with Itachi.
“All right...let’s get going.”
     (This is a sequel to days 99 and 241!)       More of the double clan genocide verse! Which is fun :''D I know there wasn't much "ship" content (I use that lightly since at this point they're wee kiddos), BUT consider it some build up...? I DEFINITELY want to do more of this after the challenge with a proper fic, so...I wanted to establish a bit more plot-wise.      So of course Danzō is our main villain because he's literally Konoha's biggest jerk, and canonly wants those Uchiha peepers. And while Fugaku dying really bums me out...at least he got to give Danzō a big ol' middle finger (AND cost him a few Root agents, so that's a plus!). Sorry for the details, I try not to get too heavy into death / blood / gore. But it was just what Fugaku insisted he do. One last nobel sacrifice u_u      But...seems Danzō knows this can't be the end of it, so there'll definitely be more conflict there later. Cuz I can't let these kids have nice things :''D And just to clarify, Itachi and Shisui will NOT be a ship in this. I don't do Uchiha pairs, or Hyūga pairs. Shisui and Itachi are best buds, that's all.      ANYWAY, it's...very very late and I've still got stuff to do, so I'ma sign off there! Thanks for reading~
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1phoenixfeather · 4 years
Traitor #2
#1 traitor is here. 
Happy may first, I hope you get nice weather and a real summer today.
Alex was cold and warm, why did they feel so tired? The ground wasn’t this soft.
With open eyes, they saw the small room. Bright light and with more than one blanket over them. They felt their body bandaged, somebody had saved them. Had Tony saved their life? Curiosity made Alex want to get some answers.
Where were they? What had happened?
With help from furniture hero slowly went from laying down, sitting, and then even walk to a window. Groaning and gasping for the surprise pain, finally at the window and covering the eyes because of the sun. But all in all, it only was a forest. Nothing could give any answer.  
Soon after looking out the window a few minutes, their knees bending.
Waking up at the floor, they must have had a blackout. But missing the strength to stand up again they curled up in themselves. Heard steps outside, coming closer. Fear rose in their throat and as soon they saw Tony enter the room they moved close to the wall. 
“I saved your worthless life, don’t be so damn pathetic.” Tony cupped their face and forced them to meet their eyes. Hard as a stone and cold as ice. It only made Alex even more scared when they remembered the favor Tony wanted from them.
Alex opened and closed their month at least a dozen times, not knowing what to say. “What happened?” Their voice was raspy and weak, so they had too clear their throat.
Tony roughly helped Alex up to the bed again. “You asked me for help and I answered with backup and taking you to one of my safehouses.” With a sight Tony put Alex under the blankets, a bit rough tough. “No one will find you here.” They said softer and was that a look of curiosity they had?
Alex didn’t calm down even under soft blankets. “Right... Thanks, I guess...“ 
“Why do they think you are a traitor?” The question made Alex even more uncomfortable, but Tony didn’t care. Right?
“Does it matter for you if I am or not?” Alex added faster then Tony could answer “why do you care?”
Slowly Tony leaned over Alex “I don’t, but you had to be pretty desperate to run to me for help.” They grinned and Alex thought it looked like something terrible would happen. In fact, Alex didn’t know much about further actions. “If you had been a traitor I would have been impressed and surprised, but your not.”
Alex calmed a little when the grin was gone. “Funny, my colleges laughed too. Until they believed it and started hunting me instead.” Instead of fear, they were annoyed. “They would have tortured me for answers and revenge and then kill. Or just killed me for betraying my… Their moral.” Alex shuddered by the thought of that fate. Which still was very much possible.
“Damn… If I hadn’t been able to do that myself it almost had been satisfying.” But there was no smile on Tony’s face, they swallowed and looked a little scared. “Even though it scary to know your methods.”
Alex snorted, knowing very much if it hadn’t been for Tony they would be there right now. “Don’t worry, it’s an unusual way to handle a situation.” But soon Alex head was supported by the pillow, looking dead upon the roof. “This is a nightmare…”
“Nightmare huh…” Tony pointed out, but what it meant was hard to say, then when they had thought a good question or waited for the right moment they asked.  “So you got framed for something?”
“Because stealing a pen makes one worthy of death?!” Alex violently hit their hand in the soft bed. Even if it was soft they grinned of pain “of course I was framed.” Their voice weaker and teeth clinging together.
Tony must have realized they got a point to Alex when fear was far gone and anger was the main attraction. “Don’t scream so damn much” they told Alex and probably counted on them to obey. “What happened exactly?”
Alex’s whole body gave up and hopelessness settles in and probably never would move out. “I tried to spy on an infiltrator, see if I could see what they planned or who they worked for.” They wiped away a tear “maybe even prove them to be an infiltrator.”
“You’re not a spy, not a good one…”
“I got a lot of proof against them…” Alex snorted. “Then they used it against me.”
“Did you confront them before?”    
“NO! That’s stupid…”
“Calm down a bit.” Alex did and had to accept villains aid. Why did they want to know this anyway? “Did they confront you?”
The memory of these past weeks was enough to break Alex “...They did…” Hiding their face in their hands mumbling “said something like… ‘Back off or I’ll make sure you’ll regret it.’”
“Surprising…” Tony only commented before next question was out. “Who do they work for?”
Alexes cover was forced away and they obeyed a quite order “I’m not sure, but I think supervillain has something to do with this.” Tony was quite and Alex presented their proof. Or more like theories “their activity has been suspicious low during this time.” 
“Would seem so.” Tony rose up from Alexes bed, looked like they were done here “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Wait… About what?” Alex reached for Tony, was afraid of being alone. Maybe even see what they meant.
“I’ll see if I can do something about that infiltrator and maybe clear your name.” They cleared out their voice and didn’t move.
Alex had no words “you would do that?” But wanted to be sure “for what reason?”
Tony grinned and got Alex nervous again. “I’ve gotten used to knowing when you going to smash my door down.” Their touch was highly unwelcome “next hero might be more stealthy.”
“Oh… I can help in other ways.” Alex offered knowing their lack of skill in sneaking.
Tony pushed Alex carefully down, made sure it didn’t hurt too much. Even if Alex would have said the opposite. “You’ll stay here and heal.” Something wicked played in Tony’s eyes, what was about to happen? Did Alex really want something to do with it? “I can handle this without your help.”
Alex gasped and hugged their torso shaking “that almost hurt as much as cutting out my own tracker.” 
“You did that deep wound on your arm?” 
“No meaning in hiding if they can track me…” Alex noted and carefully felt their arm. Were the cut probably had been stitched, they didn’t want to get it open. “It was unnecessary deep.” But there was no saying when you cutting yourself how deep the cut is when the eye is filled with tears.
“You really went through hell, who would have thought heroes could be so bad?” 
Alex snorted and grinned “we’re heroes, not saints.” Then they remembered Tony’s past, the news about the war hero who had turned dark. “You were a hero once.”
They didn’t meet Alex’s eyes. “It doesn’t matter now” Then they smirked, “I’ll come back if I need to know something.”
“Am I supposed to just lay here alone and…?” Alex was suddenly abrupt by Tony.
“I’ll come and check on you, I’m sure others will do the same” they reassured Alex. But they didn’t believe them entirely. “You just need to heal and stay safe for now.” Tony smirk playful and even if they didn’t torture Alex with the truth in the same tone. It was in a way the same “there is no idea for you to go back and be killed. Because that will happen.”
“Yeah…” Alex whispered weakly, “I can help.”
Tony laughed wicked and it made Alex feel even weaker. “Save your energy for know” they ordered. “Maybe I’ll do this for one more favor.”
Alex stiffened and their blood froze. “I’m starting to regret my decision.”
“Starting? I thought you regretted it once it was decided.” Tony drew their hand through their hair  “don’t overthink everything, you’ll be fine.”
“Please let me help.” Alex begged. It was maybe better to help then to owe them, not only one but two favors. The thought made Alex shiver.
“Maybe…” Tony only said playful and left the room. Locked it before leaving, Alex didn’t know what to do know.
Do you like what you read send me an ask or a message. I would love to hear from you.
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chlodines · 5 years
gasps. . . a prompt, fic, about the times where chloe was always late-
real quick, gotta write an essay due yday 
Nadine considers herself to be a good judge of character and, within about 3 minutes of knowing Chloe, she already knows Chloe’s trouble.
“You’re late, Frazer.”
“Nice to see you, too!”
She better not make it a habit.
She does. 
“Yes, yes, I’m late,” Chloe says, bulldozing through a crowd with her 4-wheel suitcase and forcing Nadine to whirl around to catch up. “Let’s go!”
Rolling her eyes, Nadine follows suit towards the check-in desk where they weigh their suitcases. Of course, Chloe’s suitcase is a single gram off the limit and she’s very clearly smug about it, humming in satisfaction as the attendant sticks the tag on. Nadine has a suitcase and a duffel bag, both of which are a reasonable weight and decidedly under the limit. 
Nadine checks her watch. They have 45 minutes to get through security and get to their gate, very conveniently located on the other side of the airport. Chloe just grins at Nadine’s clear annoyance.
“Race you there?”
“I won’t ask them to wait if you’re late for boarding.”
Chloe just grins wider, says, “I’m touched,” and yanks her towards security. 
The necklace, an ugly thing, is right within her grasp. She cautiously tries the floor… nothing happens. So, she takes one step, two, and reaches out and–
Click of a disabled safety. 
“Ah, ah,” comes a deep voice, too pleased, too familiar. “I wouldn’t.”
Nadine tilts her head and lets out a long-suffering sigh. Just her luck. “Shame you aren’t dead.”
Rafe laughs like the movie villain that he is. “You never were good at finishing the job.”
“No,” Nadine says, shrugging, “I suppose not.”
“Well, then, what’s another failure?” He moves, rotates to her 3, and she sees him. A petty part of her enjoys the fact that he had not, at least, escaped the ship unscathed. There is scar tissue. A lot of it. “Oh, how the tables have turned.”
Nadine narrows her eyes. “Remember how I let you live?”
Rafe’s eye twitches. Again, the petty part of her relishes in the fact that he looks on the outside as unhinged as he is on the inside. “You left me to die.”
“To-may-to, to-mah-to.”
“This is going to feel so good,” he sneers.
Sarcastically, she says, “Would it help to know that I’m a changed woman?”
He flushes a deep shade of red, his lips twisting into a scowl. 
And, then, BANG! 
Blood spatters across her face and arm. Ah, there’s the change to her woman.
“I wish you wouldn’t provoke a man pointing a gun to your head,” Chloe huffs, stomping in just as Nadine mutters, “excellent timing as always.”
“You’re late,” she says, grimacing and wiping delicately at herself with the hem of her shirt.
Chloe snorts and yanks the necklace off the pedestal. “Some things never change.”
“I think some things do,” Nadine says, lightly. 
Nadine doesn’t turn around. Waits. 
Chloe approaches until Nadine can see her from the corner of her eye. She lifts her phone up, opens her texts, and reads: “You’re late.”
“Was I wrong?”
Pocketing her phone with a huff, Chloe leans an arm against the railing and regards Nadine’s profile. After a moment, Nadine turns her head, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “…No, you weren’t.”
Nadine sighs, putting on a false air of indignation. “When am I ever?”
“Oi, no one ever holds me to it when I say meet me outside in 5 minutes. It just isn’t done. It’s a suggestion. An estimate.” Chloe sniffs and lifts up the arm behind her back, revealing a bottle of wine. “And, anyway, it was worth it.”
“I’m sure.”
“Well, what?”
Chloe huffs again but her eyes light up with mirth. “If you’re holding me to throwaway lines I’ve said, I’m holding you to yours.”
Nadine lifts an eyebrow. “And what exactly have I said to you that I have not followed through on?”
“You said, and I quote: just steal something and get me out of here, I’ll kiss you, have your firstborn.” Chloe shakes the bottle as if Nadine had somehow forgotten it was there. “I don’t care too much for children, but I stole something and here you are, outside, and, well, I’m waiting.”
“Retributive justice,” Nadine says, smoothly, unashamed, and grabs Chloe by the front of her shirt and yanks her down. 
On her ascent, 2 men go screaming over the edge of the cliff above her. When she finally hauls herself over, Nadine’s got a boot upon a rock, retying her laces. Behind her, a man lies prone. She has barely broken a sweat. 
“You’re late.”
“…you’re attractive.”
Nadine stops, looks up at Chloe through her lashes as Chloe makes a beeline for her. “Okay, I forgive you,” she says into Chloe’s mouth.
They’re on the pier again, dressed down this time. It had been an accident, really. They were just taking a walk, winding down from their last job, and had found themselves here. 
“I’m late.”
Nadine rolls her eyes and accepts the cotton candy Chloe passes over. “What’s new?”
Chloe hums, steps between her legs, and puts a hand on Nadine’s cheek, the other behind her neck. She kisses Nadine, ardently, into the railing. 
“You tell me,” she says once she’s satisfied and pulls away. 
Nadine laughs, eyes crinkled around the edges. “Never pegged you as a romantic.”
“I love to defy expectations.” When Nadine prods her in the stomach, she just smiles, obliging. “It would’ve been more romantic if I brought you here–our sweet, little place–in, like, 4 months. A whole year since you first threw yourself at me.”
“You coerced me.”
“It’s not my fault you’re so easily convinced.”
Nadine squints, organizes her face into as much of a pout as Nadine Ross could physically get it into. “Name one other occasion.”
“No, I’ll do you one better,” Chloe says, cockily. “Watch this: meet me here in 4 months, 8 o’clock.” She leans in as Nadine opens her mouth to reply which is the perfect opportunity to lay one very salacious, very public kiss on her. It takes all her willpower to slant her forehead against Nadine’s and pull away. When she does, she grins. “See you there.”
“Don’t be late–” Chloe laughs. “Eish, this doesn’t prove anything.”
The jeep comes crashing through the foliage, horn and guns blazing. Chloe jumps out, practically hurls her whole body in Nadine’s direction, and grabs her arm– 
Only, Nadine jerks away and shoots the last remaining merc in the head. 
“Look, Nadine, it’s not what you think. I had a plan. I have a plan.” She tries again, reaching out. Nadine pulls her arm to her chest and glares. “Really, it’s not–”
“What?” Nadine bites out. “It’s not what?”
Chloe’s about to respond, but Nadine’s really had enough of Chloe’s excuses. 
“What is it, then? Enlighten me.” She bunches her fists up but does not move them voluntarily. The shaking, she cannot help. “What plan could possibly involve making a deal with Shoreline? And without telling me shit?”
“I was going to–”
“Oh, fok off.” Nadine breathes out roughly, lifts her fist, the butt of her gun, to her temple and tries to rub away the headache. “You should’ve known. You know.”
“I said,” she says, quietly, turning away, “fuck. off.”
“Please. Just– Please–”
“It’s always the same with you. Too little, too late.” She’s hopping onto her motorbike, revving the engine, before Chloe can come up with a response. 
And then she’s gone.
Nadine doesn’t know why she’s here. She wasn’t going to come even before the Shoreline mess but, then, she was just messing with Chloe. She was going to make up for it, make Chloe laugh, and now, well. She doesn’t know. 
She doesn’t know. 
The details, she does know. She has friends, still, associated with Shoreline, and they had told her when she had gotten spectacularly drunk, thanks to a different friend, and sent a terse email to those very Shoreline friends. 
They had threatened her. Her mother. Her friends. Her–Nadine looks up at the sky and sighs–her girlfriend. Ja, there are so many things she could have done better but Nadine can understand, sort of. Nadine can sympathise. Most of all, Nadine just hurts. 
Below her, the water rises and falls, pushes in and pulls away. She looks down into the dark, swirling depths. Catches, in her peripheries, the time: 8:32. She shakes her head, at herself, at this whole situation, and stands fully. She turns, the side of the pier reaching out for the dark ocean is empty, and she leaves.
Then, she misses a step and almost stumbles. 
At the other end, leaning against a pillar, Chloe watches her. 
Approaching, Nadine gathers her wits and puts on her perfected poker face. When she’s close enough, Chloe pushes off the pillar and takes a few uncertain steps closer. They stop a good meter apart, silent for a few moments. 
“How long were you there?” Nadine finally asks. So unimportant, but it was her first thought. 
Chloe smiles, fond, wry, sad. “Yes, I was late. I, um.”
This time, Nadine waits for Chloe to explain.
“I was sitting in my car. Since 7:00.” Embarrassed, she glances over her shoulder and points over to the carpark. Looks back. 
“Ah,” is all Nadine says. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She takes another step closer but doesn’t try to touch Nadine. Just so she can speak quieter. “I knew. But I did it anyway and I… I am so sorry. I–” She seems to be at a loss for words, rubbing at her neck.
“What do you want?” Nadine asks, not harshly, just prompting. 
“I’m not asking for anything, for forgiveness. I just want to make it right.”
“That’s what you want?”
Chloe smiles again, this time it is just rueful. “You know what I want.”
Nadine does know. She’s just not ready. At least, she doesn’t think she is. 
After a long time, she opens her arms and it feels like everything from the past few months washes off her, disappearing with the tide, when Chloe collapses into her. “Will you wait?”
Chloe tucks her face into Nadine’s shoulder, lets out a shuddering breath. “I will.”
It’s been just over half a year.
Nadine doesn’t think she’s arrogant but she will take credit for Chloe’s new policy of showing up on time. (Of course, she hasn’t done a total 180°. She still refuses to believe Nadine when she tells Chloe that 15 minutes early is on time and on time is late.)
She does think she is quite forgiving. 
Chloe’s late, but only by a few minutes. 
Then, classic Chloe, she comes charging in and scoops Nadine’s hand into her own. “Sorry for keeping you waiting.”
Nadine shrugs. “It’s alright.”
Chloe laughs. “Of course it is, you don’t even want to be here.”
“So you did it for me.”
“Well, yes, in a way; I was texting Nate to tell Sam to keep his trap shut about Shoreline.” Nadine’s face darkens, but Chloe starts to pull her towards the Fisher-Drake house and continues on: “Anyway, I think we should move in together.”
Nadine gapes.
It’s been over 3 years.
Nadine, drunk, adjusts her ill-fitting tuxedo and hums an old favourite. The man taps his foot, checks the clock on the wall. 
“Um,” he starts. 
Nadine smiles, blandly. “She’ll come.”
“Are you sure–”
Vindication comes but 2 seconds later. The doors sweep open with a bang and in comes Chloe, stumbling over a plastic chair. 
“I’m here, I’m here, I’m here,” she says in a rush, yanking her dress from around the arm of the chair and, when she’s free, turning to flash a megawatt at Nadine. “Hello.”
“Hi,” says Nadine, lightheaded. Before Chloe can apologise for her tardiness, as she does now, Nadine beckons her over, impatient. “Yes, yes, you are forgiven.”
“I went to buy you flowers,” she points out as if she isn’t hugging a massive bouquet to her chest. “Really expensive.”
Nadine, graciously, accepts it and, in quick succession, dumps it into the officiator’s arms. 
It takes them another hour to get married. 
It’s been almost 50 years. 
She sits on a bench next to a weeping stranger, leans closer onto her cane to rub a hand on the person’s back. 
“Who is it?” Nadine asks after handing over a packet of tissues.
“My father,” murmurs the stranger, a girl, then sniffles. 
Nadine nods. “Did he make you happy?”
“No. Sometimes.” The girl looks down at her feet, eyes red-rimmed. “But I don’t know why I’m sad.”
“You feel what you feel,” Nadine says, sagely. The girl gives her a wobbly smile and introduces herself. 
After she gets her breathing in control, she gestures vaguely and asks, “What about you?” 
Nadine smiles. “Just thinking about her makes me happy.”
“Who is ‘her’?” she asks, frank in the way only children and teenagers can pull off without seeming rude. 
Nadine doesn’t say anything for a moment, looking out at the grass, the blue skies, Chloe’s name. Then, she looks back and laughs, so very warmly, and says, “My late wife.”
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queenmorgawse · 6 years
transmigration for dummies
mdzs scum villain au, chapter two. read chapter one on tumblr. fic on ao3. as always, credits for the og idea to @lee-luca.
Here’s a life lesson from yours truly : if you don’t give yourself time to think about it, you won’t worry about it.
Getting into Gusu Lan’s white robes is so much of a hassle that, as he struggles with the unholy number of layers and conventions, Jingyi has no time at all to mull over the OOC function or how to get rid of it as soon as possible. To think he used to complain when his mother wanted him to wear a dress shirt and a tie to family events — if she could see him now, she’d probably tear a muscle laughing.
Fortunately, Sizhui seems to take it all into stride. Or, more accurately, he thinks Jingyi’s still too out of it to properly function, and therefore sees nothing wrong with having to walk him through the process of putting his own clothes on step by step like he’s a toddler learning about shoelaces for the first time. He imagines the original would feel humiliated, but Jingyi himself is all too glad for a plausible excuse to ask for help to care. The System grants him this one favor, and stays mercifully silent as Sizhui secures his hair into a high ponytail and shows him the proper way to tie his forehead ribbon (I really can’t do it for you, he says, and Jingyi understands. There’s no helping the virginity ribbon.)
Speaking of hair, he’s got to figure out what to do with his. He hasn’t had a chance to look into a mirror yet, but he knows that this body’s hair reaches his waist. From the looks of it, it’s lustrous and well-cared for, but it’s still a huge change from Jingyi’s style, trimmed whenever it threatened to grow past a finger’s length. His head feels heavy.
Right as Sizhui pats a speck of dust off his shoulder and declares him ready to go, the chime of a bell echoes through the Cloud Recesses, which Jingyi guesses means breakfast is served. Oh, well. His hairstyle’s a problem for tomorrow-Jingyi.
Their dorm’s disciples make their way to the common hall in orderly fashion. In Jingyi’s opinion, they look like a row of ducklings toddling after Sizhui, to whom the younger boys cling to like he’s their father, mother and brother all wrapped into the same person. Truly worthy of being the protagonists’ son! Perhaps in someone else, he’d dislike the model student, can-do-no-wrong attitude. In Lan Sizhui, though, it’s endearing — admirable, even.
They reach the dining hall before Jingyi can elaborate on that train of thought. On the doorstep, he has to take a moment. The donghua’s version was gorgeous, but even it pales before the real thing. The hall is all dark wood, draped in blue and white and delicate silver, the cloud patterns of Gusu Lan running across the banners. There’s something engraved on top of the doors, which Jingyi assumes is the sect’s motto, Be righteous.
One of his fellow disciples squints at him and he realizes, belatedly, that the original has probably seen this place a million times before and wouldn’t bat an eye at the scenery, no matter how enchanting. He immediately puts on the most dazed look he can manage, letting his eyes go blank, until the other boy turns away with a shrug.
Damn right, I’m a weirdo! Leave me alone!
The most anyone here seems to open their mouths for is to exchange quiet greetings, and Jingyi’s not quite comfortable enough with his surroundings to attempt it. What if he accidentally offends someone important? That’ll be the end of him for sure. Instead, he busies himself with trying to identify characters among the gathered disciples.
As it turns out, the task isn’t much of a challenge at all. The main branch of the Lan clan sits at the same table, though it does not particularly stand out among the others save for the cloud-patterned banners hanging directly above it. The guy in the middle must be Lan Xichen, Jingyi guesses, if only because of the respect others address him with, obvious even though he can’t hear their voices from where he stands.
From what he can tell, the unsmiling man sitting to Lan Xichen’s right is Lan Wangji, the main love interest. The intuition is further confirmed when Sizhui excuses himself from their group and flits to his side. Father and son barely exchange a few words, their dark heads bent together, but Jingyi could swear he sees Lan Wangji’s eyes soften a little.
He really does look sad. It’s not like Jingyi didn’t know, having read an entire novel about it, but seeing it for himself still makes his heart tighten in his chest a little. Worry not, Hanguang-Jun! he wants to say. Your future husband is coming back real soon! But of course, the System would probably nuke him instantly if he tried to, so Lan Wangji will have to be miserable for a little while longer.
“Come sit with me,” Sizhui’s voice says, and for the second time in less than two hours, Jingyi snaps himself back into reality to come face to face with the other junior’s kindly face.
It’s pretty wild how much effort Sizhui puts into being nice to him. Is it because he was there when Lan Jingyi was hurt? Does he feel responsible for him now? It’s not like the original was exceptionally pleasant to be around. He really does have to do something about it ⎯ or at least, he’ll take care of it when the System’s no longer on his ass about remaining in-character.
When Sizhui doesn’t seem to come to his senses and retract the offer, he hesitantly settles into the seat on the other’s left. Hopefully, everyone will just chalk up the delay in each of his movements to typical post-traumatic event confusion. What even happened on that night-hunt?
The silence that reigns in the dining hall is eerie, only disturbed by the clink of chopsticks against ceramic bowls and the occasional whispered thanks when a dish is passed down the table. It reminds Jingyi of an exam session, which does nothing to help his nerves.
He’s in the middle of his second bowl when the alert chimes in his head.【OOC behavior detected : -10 points. Current balance : 90 points. 】
What the hell? I didn’t do anything!
【The original Lan Jingyi never manages to stay silent during meals, effectively breaking Gusu Lan Sect’s two hundred and fifty-third rule. Points were deducted accordingly. 】
Was this even mentioned? Now you’re just pulling canon out of your ass! When the System doesn’t answer, Jingyi adds, plus, he’s sick, he doesn’t feel up to talking. It’s weird to refer to someone who’s technically himself in third person, but he can’t help it. He and the other guy probably wouldn’t be friends if they met, nevermind body roommates!
【... 】For the first time since Jingyi arrived, the System sounds somewhat irritated.【Objection considered : +5 points. Current balance : 95 points.】
A wide smile worms his way onto his face. So he can negotiate, huh? Jingyi’s always been pretty good at debate ⎯ he verbally wiped the floor with Huan Hua High’s team last competition, okay? He can definitely duke it out with an omniscient AI!
...Put like that, it sounds a little more daunting than before. But if he doesn’t want to end up booted off into a potentially dead body, he doesn’t exactly have a choice either.
Out of sheer spite, Jingyi finishes the third and last bowl of his breakfast in stubborn silence.
He shouldn’t have underestimated the soporific effect of a never-ending lecture. God, and he thought two-hour classes were bad. It's been three, and his soul feels like it's going to throw itself out of the reincarnation cycle.
Jingyi steals a mournful glance towards the window. The sun is shining outside, dammit! This is no time to keep children indoors! Yet Lan Qiren drones on, pacing back and forth in front of them and reading from one of too many foot-long scrolls, seemingly oblivious to his students’ boredom.
Why does he even have to be here? He was born a Lan, he’s supposed to know these things already! Jingyi conveniently ignores the fair point his brain raises (how the original must have known, but Jingyi himself could only recite a handful if he tried) in favor of complaining that, if pointless, is at least relaxing.
One of the Jiang guest disciples is dozing, head strategically propped up and brush in hand to give the illusion of attention. Lan Qiren hasn’t noticed yet. God, I wish that were me.
As if to offer convenient narrative contrast, Lan Sizhui and perhaps a couple others are making a valiant effort to stay focused on Jingyi’s other side, dutifully taking notes. Even Sizhui’s eyes have started to glaze over, though, and when their gazes meet (the umpteenth time Jingyi lets his sweep over the room in an attempt to spot something of interest before he bores himself to death), the other boy actually slumps a little before sitting up ramrod-straight again, just in time to look pristine when Lan Qiren’s eyes sweep over him.
It’s kind of reassuring, to see that even the Lan clan’s resident golden boy is a little imperfect.
Just as Jingyi glances down at the dregs of his notes, wondering if it’s worth it to pick them up again, chaos erupts on his right. Random-Jiang-Extra’s steadfast elbow pose has finally failed him, sending him crashing onto the table. Ink spills everywhere, drenching his notes, the lapels of his robes and even the hem of his neighbours’. Jingyi saves his in extremis by scrambling back, almost knocking over his own desk in the process.
The guest disciple blinks, like he doesn’t realize yet the magnitude of Lan Qiren’s wrath about to descend upon him. There’s a rather large smudge of ink on his chin. From a distance, it could pass for Lan Qiren’s goatee.
Jingyi snorts before he can think that decision through.
Beginner’s mistake. Lan Qiren turns towards him, eyes narrowing, and his laughter dies in his throat. “Do not laugh at others’ plight,” their teacher fumes. “Three thousand and fourth rule, Lan Jingyi! I postponed the punishments for your previous offenses on the grounds that you needed time to recover, but since you’re obviously well enough to embarrass our sect again, you won’t need that delay after all!”
I don’t even know what the other guy did! Jingyi almost protests, but since that objection just sounds like it’ll get him hit with another rule about not telling lies or whatnot, he keeps his mouth shut. Instead, he bows his head and says, “Sorry, Teacher. I’ll try my best not to do it again.” Screw his pride! Anything to escape copying rules! Especially not while doing handstands!
Not to the original’s credit, Lan Qiren looks, for a moment, genuinely surprised. Not for the first time, Jingyi feels a small stab of resentment towards Lan Jingyi. He’s been trying not to, given that he has no idea what happened to the guy’s soul and he may be in a worse situation than Jingyi is right now, but why couldn’t he have been a good, well-behaved student like Lan Sizhui?
...In retrospect, maybe it’s just as good that he wasn’t. Jingyi would have gotten way too many points deducted just because he couldn’t sit still in class.
【OOC behavior detected : -10 points. Current balance : 85 points. 】
Ouch. Must be for the apology. Well, if it saves him from the dreaded handstand copying, he can make up for the loss later.
Against all odds, it works. Lan Qiren rubs the bridge of his nose, stifling what Jingyi is fairly sure is meant to be a long-suffering sigh. “One copy of our sect rules, to be done in the Library Pavilion. Lan Sizhui will supervise you...after his guqin lesson, is that right?”
“Yes, Teacher.” If Sizhui’s annoyed to have to take time out of an assumedly free evening to watch him butcher calligraphy, he doesn’t show it. From the look in his eyes, though, it may not be the first time.
Jingyi tunes out of Lan Qiren’s next tirade, directed at the hapless Jiang boy, who’s still staring at his ruined notes as his martial brothers make sympathetic noises. Can’t say this day started out all that well, but it’s not that bad for a beginning. It definitely could have been worse.
Then Lan Sizhui gives him a tiny smile that carves a dimple into his right cheek, and maybe today really is going to be a pretty good day after all.
strolls in with starbucks almost a month later,,, hello, i haven’t abandoned this fic, mini exam period just punched me harder than expected. i hope this chapter wasn’t boring - i’m trying to set things up before the actual mdzs plot kicks in, but we’re in for some zhuiyi fluffTM. also, i made a twitter! feel free to follow me over there for random au ideas (but mostly crying). still taking questions + prompts, both here and there. and finally, would you guys read a more serious / plotty / angsty fic with ljy x jl as the main ship (though romance would probably take a backseat to the plot)? i wrote a small premise over here, but i crave feedback and validation.
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certifiablyidiotic · 5 years
I have a headcanon...
Keep in mind, this is a BroTP from an Amino roleplay between my OC and Mezo Shoji. To start it off, Ryan (My OC) had been talking with two villains, Chronostasis and Overhaul after watching Deku join the league. He is now going back to the dorms.
The redhead pushed through the door that led into the dorms. He slipped inside before flicking his glance towards the white haired male who sat in the common area, reading a book. The redhead had a small look of worry on his face and Shoji, being the papa mode he was, could sense that he had been in a nerve wracking situation. He stood up and walked over to Ryan obviously worried about him. Mezo stood in front of the redhead and, from a certain angle, Shoji was a skyscraper compared to the short redhead. The redhead had barely gotten into the building before he was confronted by the multi armed student. Shoji kneeled down, placing his two main hands on the redheads shoulder. He had a look of concern on his masked face.
"What happened while you were gone?"
The redhead had obviously not wanted to answer, but he trusted Shoji. He curled his eyebrows up, obviously nervous. He pushed his glasses up his nose before gesturing for head to his dorm. The white haired male nodded before they headed up to the second floor. The redhead kept a lookout for any nosy students. Once he spotted that there were none, he pushed the door to his poster-filled dorm and slipped inside, Shoji following behind swiftly. Ryan made his way over to the bed and sat on it. Shoji sat on the other end, intently listened to what the redhead had to say.
Shoji grew worried as the boy explained /almost/ everything he'd seen and done. He explained that Deku had joined the LoV and how he had been threatened by the villains who recruited him. He kept the location of the base a secret, though. He wasn't /that/ desperate to die. The redhead also explained that he had fought several villains at once with little to no help. Mezo was speechless. His friend had done so much in the past little while. Ryan was obviously afraid, and he had every right to be. Shoji was afraid for Ryan. What the hell had caused that damned redhead to do all of this?! Shoji had activated comfor lt dad mode and hugged the smaller redhead. He rested his chin on the boy's head. Ryan was so... so scared for his life. What if the villains had found him? And they took all of his friends... and hurt them? He did something so stupid. He felt the tears filling up his eyes. His lips quivered at the thought of all of his friends getting hurt. He wasn't prepared to deal with that. He was already dealing with losing his family, or the family he cared about, rather, and if he had gotten his friends hurt because of his stupidity, he would never be able to live with himself. 'What an idiot you are, Ryan. Why can't you do one simple thing: protect your friends. Just... stop doing rash things.' A couple tears had trickled down his face. He wrapped his arms around the taller male. He needed this comfort.
"I'm so sorry, Shoji. I put you all in danger."
The white haired male let out a small gasp as his friend blamed himself for all of this. It was partially the school's fault for not monitoring the kids and keeping them safe. He let out a small sigh before responding.
"We'll be fine. Just... stay safe, Ryan..."
The redhead nodded before letting go. He wiped the tears away from his face before sighing. Shoji had a hand gently placed on his friends back comfortingly. The rest of the time they were in Ryan's dorm was silent. Nothing else was needed to be said.
.   .   .
The redhead thanked Shoji for the comfort he was given by his friend before the octopus male stepped out of the redhead's dorm. The door shut with a soft click, Shoji making his way to his own dorm, which happened to be next to Ryan's. There was a boy, about seventeen, Spiderman-crouching on a dresser in the white haired male's room. 
"What the hell?!"
The male who sat in the room turned his attention from the money he had been stealing towards the tall male who had discovered his presence. The redhead heard the octopus yelling at something, obviously afraid. He teleported into the room to find the thief in there. He wore a bandana with a feline mouth on it, a pair of purple rimmed glasses that had some sort of animated eyes on it, a blue hoodie, black jeans, white Vans, black hair and tanned skin. (Shdh the explanation was irrelevant) He flicked his glance over to the two students who discovered his presence before shoving Shoji's wallet into his jacket pocket and hopping down from the dresser. He made his way to the open window in the dorm before Ryan bolted after him, Shoji trying to stop him.
Carlos made contact with the ground at a high rate of speed. The redhead who was chasing this cyborg had teleported down to the ground to stay safe and to avoid Shoji's grasp. The cyborg noticed that this damned apple started to follow him. He let out a small groan before holding out one of his hands and shooting a burst of sound at the boy. This noise was ear shattering. Ryan covered his virgin ears with his hands and winced. Sound manipulation? Definitely. The cyborg had gotten Ryan so distracted by the noise that he managed to escape. He ran away, the money-filled wallet still in his pocket. 
Ryan had little time to recover from the pain. There was a trickle of blood coming from his ears and his hearing was absolutely shot. There was a ringing sound in his ears, but he could still hear just enough to find this guy. The redhead teleported out onto the streets, mot having a clue as to where this hoe was. He looked up and down, blood still dripping from his ears trying to find this hoe ass. He teleported once more to see if he got any closer. He had no luck. He continued to try and find this guy by teleporting, and he was already reaching the limit of what he could do. Ryan only had ten teleports that he could use and he was at nine with no luck. He hoped for the best on this last teleport and used it. He ended up appearing not too far behind the now-strolling villain. The redhead would've teleported to him, but he would be physically disabled if he did so. Instead, he focused his power solely on one of the robotic arms the villain had and yanked the cyborg towards him. Carlos let out a small yelp as he landed on the ground before the redhead. Ryan stepped on the villain's chest to prevent him from leaving. The redhead yanked the villains robotic arms to prevent the use of his powers. Carlos screamed in pain. Oh god, Ryan was gonna get chewed out by Aizawa for this. And maybe the police. Definitely the police. He knew that this could get him imprisoned, but he needed to do this for Shoji. But why for just a wallet? It wasn't as much for the money as it was for the approval. He needed this so Shoji would care for him more. He loved that damned Octopus too much. In a friendlY wAy. The redhead dug his hands into the villains pockets before laying his fingers on the wallet. He smiled a bit before standing up. Just so he didn't get caught, he reattached the cyborg's arm, but then proceeded to knock that hoe out. Carlos lay unconscious while Ryan hid him somewhere hhh. The redhead started walking back before realizing it was too far of a walk. He groaned a bit before he settled on teleporting back. Oh god. That was a mistake. His stomach was gurgling and he felt sick. He ran towards the communal bathroom, trying not to explode before he reached the toilets. Shoji had been pacing in the common area as the redhead burst into the bathroom. The white haired male followed closely behind as the redhead ran into one of the stalls. Mezo knelt down next to Ryan before thinking to go get some medicine. He stood up and ran to the medical supply closet, searching for good stomach medicines. Once he acquired the medicine, he ran back to the violently vomiting redhead. Shoji poured the medicine into the redhead's mouth so that he wouldn't have to. Ryan softly thanked Shoji while he grabbed a trashcan so he could go back to his dorm. Shoji followed close behind so he could be there if Ryan needed any support. Mezo helped the shorter boy into bed, pulling the blankets over him so he could relax. The redhead whimpered as the vomiting began to slow. He flicked his now reddened eyes towards the octopus and smiled.
"Thanks, Dad..."
The redhead teased the octopus for acting like a better father than his oWn. (Not Elliott-) Shoji chuckled softly, pulling a chair up from the desk Ryan had in his dorm and placing himself in it to make sure the redhead had everything he needed. 
"You're welcome, my son."
.   .   .
The redhead had slept for several hours. It was all uninterrupted. Once his body told him to sleep, his vomiting stopped. Thank God for that. Shoji started to feel queasy, as well. The redhead fluttered his eyes opened to see Mezo sleeping in a chair he had pulled up along with a clean trash can, the one Ryan had been vomiting in. Did… Shoji clean it out? As a matter of fact, he had. While the shorter boy slept, the white haired octopus had decided to clean it out, seeing as it was growing rather full. He also decided to straighten up Ryan’s dorm for him. It was rather messy anyways. The redhead came to this realization and felt his lips curl up into a smile. He slowly slipped out of the bed, taking the bin back to the bathroom, where it had been previously, before heading back towards his room. The psychic student decided to change out of his previous ‘date clothes’ and into more comfortable clothing. From what he could tell, it was still Saturday, so there was some time left in the day before lights out in the dorms. The redhead changed in his dorm, knowing full well that there was a sleeping Mezo Shoji about four feet from him. He quietly slipped his previous clothing off and set them on the floor neatly before pulling the new set of clothing over his bare body. As Ryan leaned over to pick up his dirty clothes, he ended up slamming his head into the wardrobe that held all of his outfits, including backup uniforms in case of accidental destruction. There also sat a costume. It was seemingly a cosplay for a Pro Hero that had his hero’s license and could actually hurt villains, as Ryan had done illegally. If he was caught, he would be in a world of trouble. But the costume was, in fact, his hero costume that he had made for future events. He hadn’t particularly *enjoyed* his costume, but it got the job done. He knew the cape was a bit too much, but he wanted to add some personal pizazz to it. The costume didn’t consist of much. Just a head piece that could replace his glasses that had ear covers that could block out all the sounds with the simple click of a button. He could go completely deaf, but it was all to keep focus. After all, he needed to focus if he wanted his Quirk to be useful. There was also metallic body pieces for no other purpose except agility. If he could use his telekinetics on himself, he would be able to dodge any incoming attacks easier. These pieces were made for his shoulders and elbows. There wasn’t any need for more due to the regulator he had gotten produced. This regulator wrapped around his stomach like a big belt and it had a giant circular piece that was placed on the stomach region. This was so Ryan could teleport more times in a day without risk of destroying his organs. It brought up the limit of ten uses to about twenty. The whole of the costume had no use for him now, but in later terms, it would. Such as becoming a hero. Anyways, back to Ryan slamming his head into his wardrobe. The noise ended up waking Shoji with a small jump. The smaller boy grasped at his head where he had hit it. He let out a small groan before Shoji realized what had happened. The white haired male let out a small chuckle, standing up to make sure Ryan was okay. He knelt down in front of him and examined his face for any sign of pain that the boy’s face would show. Ryan chuckled softly at his dumb mistake. He held his clothes in one arm before he patted the white haired male on the head. The masked male let out a small chuckle at the redhead’s babyish actions. The shorter student made his way out of the dorm and towards the communal laundry room. Ryan made his way into the room he intended to go to and noticed that there were two girls there. One was invisible and the other was pink. They were whispering to each other about… Ryan and Shoji. The redhead slipped behind the large dryer silently to listen in on the conversation.
”Are they dating? They have to be!”
“It’s too hard to tell, Toru, but, yeah! They have to be. Ryan and Shoji are, like, the perfect couple. Shoji takes too much care of Ryan to *not* be loving on him.”
”Exactly! See, Mina. You and I think alike. That’s one of the many things I like about ya. Anyways, let’s get an octopus to date an apple!”
The pink haired girl squealed childishly, showing that she had been excited for the whole situation. Toru and Mina were very determined to get the two students together. The redhead was speechless. His face was as red as his hair and he had been afraid of the power Toru and Mina had. They had been friends with everyone, so they could definitely get a look under the curtains into people’s personal lives. The redhead quickly threw his dirty clothes into the laundry hamper before teleporting into his dorm once more. Shoji had already left. The octopus was now in his own dorm. There was a light, muffled knocking on the door next to his dorm. On the right side, where… SHOJI’S DORM! The boy slipped out of his dorm to see Mina and Toru waiting outside a closed dorm room. The door made a clicking sound as Shoji opened the door. The two girls slipped inside the bland dorm. Oh god… This would be hell.
.   .   .
The two girls slipped out from the room about twenty minutes later. Shoji followed right after them only to come to Ryan’s dorm and knock softly. Before the boy had time to come answer the knocking, Shoji made his way into the dorm, rushing to slip inside. He shut the door softly, gesturing for Ryan to sit down. The redhead placed himself on the bed, as he had been doing some quirk exercises beforehand. Mezo pulled up a chair once more, holding a look of concern. Oh God, what did Mina and Toru say? The redhead had obvious worry. There was silence for several moments before Shoji spoke the first word.
“Ashido and Hagakure told me that… you had a crush on me?”
Those b a s t a r d s.
The truth was, Ryan did have some sort of feelings towards the white haired male, but he couldn’t quite place a name to it. He knew it wasn’t a ‘crush,’ but there was definitely some attraction towards Shoji. The redhead’s face flustered a dark red hue, Shoji growing more worried. Ryan nervously shook his head before speaking.
“W-Well, I wouldn’t say th-that! I don’t s-see you as a b-boyfriend, m-more as a father or-or a brother! I h-heard Mina and Toru pla-planning to get us together. Th-This has to be a part of their plan. Y-You’re my best friend. Not saying that you’re not at-attractive, but I just don’t see you that way!”
Mezo nodded slowly, feeling relaxed for the blunt response. He let out a small sigh before standing up and walking towards the bed. Shoji pulled the redhead into a small hug, softly thanking him for being a good friend. The boy hummed his agreement, leaning into the hug. 
Maybe there was some attraction.
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sineala · 6 years
Hi! I really love your fic, and sorry if this is a bit of an awkward question, feel free to ignore it, but which comics would you recommend as ‘essential’ stony reading? You seem very knowledgeable about them :)
That’s not an awkward question at all! And thank you!
When people who haven’t really read comics ask me what comics they should read to get into Steve/Tony, I usually say that they should read Captain America: Man Out of Time – it’s short, it’s modern, it redoes Steve’s origin story in an interesting and approachable way. and it has some very sweet Steve & Tony moments. If you read it and like it, it’s probably worth seeking out other comics. But the thing is, I wouldn’t say it’s “essential” Steve/Tony reading, because it hasn’t really made an impact on fandom either in its plot events or its characterization of Steve & Tony. Like, if you go to AO3, you’re not going to find a lot of fic specifically about it. (Also it’s a retelling so it’s… not really canon in exactly the same way as the regular comics.)
So when you say you want “essential” comics, I am interpreting it as the comics that are basically the greatest hits of Steve/Tony fandom. Comics everyone is expected to know because they are featured again and again in fanfiction and because they have shaped our understanding of Steve and Tony’s characters. That’s what I would consider essential. I mean, much as I love, say, v3, you can probably get by without reading most of v3 because most of it doesn’t show up in fanfic (although you may eventually want to know who Rumiko and Tiberius are and what the deal is with the Sentient Armor).
I’m going to stick the list under a Read More.
Anyway, here’s a stab at making such a list for 616:
Avengers vol 1 #4: Necessary reading for any Steve/Tony fan. The Avengers find an iceberg, and there’s a body in the iceberg wearing red, white and blue, and… yeah, welcome to the future, Captain America. The first voice he hears is Tony’s!
Tales of Suspense vol 1 #58: Marvel had distribution agreements throughout most of the 1960s that limited the number of different comic titles they could sell; as a result, instead of solo books Marvel had a bunch of anthology titles (Tales to Astonish, Strange Tales, Journey into Mystery…) that became “split books” with solo tales of two different heroes. Tales of Suspense had up to this point featured Iron Man, but with this issue it became an Iron Man/Captain America split book, and in this issue Iron Man and Cap team up to fight the Chameleon, by which I mean that the Chameleon impersonates Captain America and Tony accidentally fights the real Cap. Whoops.
Nomad (Captain America vol 1 #180-183): You should probably start reading at about #176 for context. Anyway, Steve is disillusioned with the government after he discovers that Richard Nixon, who commits suicide in front of him, is the leader of the evil Secret Empire, and so he gives up being Captain America and decides to be Nomad. He’s only Nomad for about four issues, but what a glorious four issues it is.
Demon in a Bottle (Iron Man vol 1 #120-128): The original arc that established Tony’s alcoholism. If you see references in fanfic to an incident with the Carnelian ambassador, that’s this arc.
Avengers vol 1 #216: Steve finds out that Tony is Iron Man, because they’re on an Avengers mission and the villain magically strips Tony out of his armor, leaving him standing there wearing only his underwear.
The second drinking arc (Iron Man vol 1 #160-200): Tony starts drinking again and loses everything, to the point where he’s living on the streets in a cardboard box. Rhodey becomes Iron Man and Obadiah Stane takes over the company. This is the drinking arc you want to read. Highlights include #172, in which Steve bridal-carries Tony from a burning building, and #182, in which Tony nearly dies in a blizzard.
Armor Wars (Iron Man vol 1 #225-231): Tony tries to steal his technology back from everyone who has it; you will want to read #228, the issue where Steve tries to stop him. (Stories referencing an incident with the Guardsmen are talking about this.)
Operation Galactic Storm: This is a massive crossover from the early 90s where the Kree and Sh’iar have a fight and Steve and Tony disagree about whether to kill the Kree Supreme Intelligence. You don’t need to read the entire crossover; the part you do need to read is the issue afterwards, Captain America vol 1 #401, in which Steve and Tony make their apologies to each other.
Tales of Suspense vol 2 #1: This is a one-shot issue from the mid-90s in which Steve and Tony team up; its claim to fame is that it includes Tony thinking the following line about Steve: "Captain America. Steve. I look at your handsome face, into your clear azure eyes, and as ever, I feel the same guilty envy.“ (Steve also thinks similarly complimentary things about Tony – it’s very much mutual admiration society/mutual inferiority complex.)
Captain America/Iron Man 1998 Annual: Tony wipes Steve’s mind! Steve finds out and is mad! Then they fight MODOK, get lei’d, and make up at the end. It’s a lot of fun.
Red Zone (Avengers vol 3 #65-70): Tony exposes himself to a deadly disease because Steve is more important than he is and he has to give Steve mouth-to-mouth to save his life. Includes giant panels of their lips touching.
Civil War: You should really read Civil War and everything after.
Avengers Prime: This is a miniseries taking place after Steve comes back to life where Steve and Tony end up on an adventure in the Nine Realms together, Tony gets naked, and also they get some closure about Civil War. They hug it out at the end.
One Night in Madripoor (Captain America & Iron Man #633-635): Steve and Tony team up to fight Batroc, MODOK, and robot bees in Madripoor. There’s a lot of banter.
Avengers vol 5 & New Avengers vol 3: After Civil War, Hickman’s Avengers run is probably the second most popular canon setting for comics Steve/Tony. It’s controversial in fandom, and there’s no happy ending… but you can’t deny that it is absolutely about Steve & Tony’s relationship. A hundred issues of pain and betrayal!
Civil War II: The Oath: Okay, yeah, so, I think we can all agree that Secret Empire (the recent one, not the original one) was a terrible idea and it was a very bad decision to make Steve a fascist dictator – but “The Oath” did give us Steve canonically declaring his love for Tony, so, you know, it has that going for it.
The Cap-IM Tumblr maintains a list of Slashy Moments if you’d like to see panels from most of these (and more). Also, the 18+ 616 Steve/Tony Discord maintains a list of resources and summaries of these and more issues.
I also specifically want to say a little more about Civil War because I think of all the storylines you could read it is probably the most essential for Steve/Tony fans. CW is where the pairing really got its start and I think it’s the most popular setting for stories that engage with a particular era of canon. So if you are going to read one era, Civil War should probably be it.
I recommend starting with New Avengers vol 1, which as a bonus is very good for Steve & Tony up until about #20, when Civil War hits. The Cap and IM runs of the time are also generally viewed as very good and you should definitely read them – that would be Cap v5, by Brubaker, which has the Winter Soldier arc, and IM v4, which starts with Extremis and then continues on to Execute Program and then reaches Civil War.
You are going to want to read the main Civil War storyline but if you’re a Steve and Tony fan honestly most of the fun is in the tie-ins. My abbreviated Civil War reading list is as follows:
Civil War #1-7: You’re gonna need to read this.
Captain America vol 5 #22-24: Honestly I don’t remember most of this but you might as well.
Iron Man vol 4 #13-14: Tony’s motivations are explored, Steve and Tony attempt to come to an agreement during the war, and also Happy Hogan dies and it’s sad.
Captain America/Iron Man: Casualties of War: One of the two key issues you absolutely must read, in which Steve and Tony meet during the war and try to talk things out, and they also summarize what they’re doing and why and basically their entire friendship up to this point.
Civil War: Front Line #11: Toward the end of the war, reporters interview Steve and Tony. Tony lies on the floor and cries. I think I would summarize the post-CW era as a whole as “Tony cries a lot.”
Captain America vol 5 #25: The one where Steve dies.
Civil War: The Confession: READ THIS. If you read nothing else, read this. This is why we have a Steve/Tony ship. This is the essential issue.
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #1-5: Features Steve’s funeral. Well, both of Steve’s funerals. If you guessed that they also involve Tony crying a lot, you would be right.
What If? Fallen Son: Mostly worth it for the cover art.
What If? Civil War: After Steve’s funeral, a mysterious stranger shows Tony two worlds in the multiverse where the war could have gone differently. More tears for Tony!
After that, you probably also need to keep up with New Avengers/Mighty Avengers plus the major events up through Steve’s return to life – that would be Secret Invasion (the Skrulls invade), Dark Reign (Norman Osborn runs everything), and Siege (Osborn decides to invade Asgard; Steve comes back for this one). Steve’s return to life is in a miniseries called Captain America Reborn.
I would also recommend the rest of Iron Man vol 4 that takes place after Civil War – it’s renamed to Iron Man: Director of SHIELD because that’s the job Tony gets after Steve dies. Tony is basically a grieving mess. There’s also a miniseries called Avengers/Invaders in which Tony and the post-CW Avengers meet the WWII Invaders – including Steve – and it is a glorious pile of feelings and time travel and sadness.
So, uh, yeah, that’s a lot of issues but honestly I think if you get up to speed on Civil War and the couple years after you will be able to understand a lot of where fandom is coming from. (And then if you read Hickman’s run that’s basically the other run you are most likely to need to know.)
If you can find a copy of it – it’s out of print, alas – there’s a really great trade called Iron Man/Captain America (not Civil War: Captain America/Iron Man, that’s the one with the CW tie-ins, but you will probably want it too) that reprints several pre-Civil War issues focusing on Steve & Tony, including several of the ones mentioned above, like ToS 58, the 1998 annual, and the issues of Armor Wars and the second drinking arc that have Steve in them. Notably, I think it’s the only place that the ToS v2 one-shot (the “azure eyes” issue) has ever been reprinted. 
(I take that back, the ToS one-shot is now in a trade called Avengers: Tales to Astonish. And now that I’m looking, the ToS one-shot is now on Marvel Unlimited and comiXology. Sweet!)
I hope that helps!
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Ant-Man
Yay, time for Ant-Man! This one has rather grown on me over the last couple of viewings (not that I ever didn’t like it).  
Hi middle-aged Peggy! (Isn’t it great how many times Hayley Atwell managed to get herself into these movies beyond what the original plan was, out of sheer enthusiasm? Yeah, I’m still bitter Agent Carter got cancelled.)
The music for the logo is awesome.
My killjoy brother says the main reason he dislikes this movie is that he doesn’t think it makes sense that Hank would ever trust some stranger (Scott) with his tech. Um. Hank has been protective of the tech because he doesn’t want it to be abused. But Scott proved he wasn’t a corporate goon by going to prison for screwing over a corrupt corporation. He’s proven himself. Also he doesn’t have the knowledge to make more of the particles, so he can’t steal any of the secrets himself. 
Luis is probably my favorite sidekick in the whole MCU. He’s irrepressibly cheerful, he compulsively makes delicious-looking waffles, he’s a refined wine man and fan of neo-cubism yet also steals two smoothie machines, and when he goes into ramble mode it’s the greatest thing ever.
Anyone who has ever worked food service has met an idiot like Scott’s customer. Also his boss is basically David Brent. Trying way too hard to be cool, but kind of a git and a coward.
Scott’s attitude is super endearing. Very chill, understated reactions to things that annoy him. You get the impression that it’s not so much that he’s a very patient man as that he’s just so used to stuff like Luis’s antics that he’s become kind of inured to it. He’s also able to roll with the punches. Getting fired from Baskin Robbins could’ve made him bitter and angry, but instead he just kind of shrugs and takes that Mango Fruit Blast. He’s not prideful at all. 
I called the tank being real by the second time the keychain appeared onscreen. Chekhov’s Tank!
Hello, Darren Cross, dude who is only not the worst MCU villain because Malekith exists. (How did Malekith manage to have less of a personality than Darren? It’s absurd.)
The ad video for the Yellowjacket is horrifying. Do people actually make ad videos for advanced weaponry? Do they narrate them with movie narrator voices and tidy up the diction to make them sound like wonderful good pieces of technology, but in a not-entirely-convincing way?
How is a hand on a shoulder such a sinister and obvious sign of impending murder?
Cassie is the most adorable little girl ever, and the kid playing her is a really good actress. I love that Scott is a dad. It makes him much more interesting. (Also is he the only divorcé in the entire MCU? Wait no, May is too. I think he’s the only one in the movies, though.)
“He’s so ugly! I LOVE HIM!” AAAAGH. SO CUTE.
I love that all the little details keep coming back. (The tank, the “La Cucaracha” horn.” Just lots of really good callbacks. It’s hard to believe this movie had production issues with changing directors.)
The way Darren kills that guy by shrinking him, and then wipes him up and flushes him, is ridiculously horrific. And the way he looks in the mirror after that is probably the most interesting he ever is in the movie. He knows the path he’s going down, and he’s not stopping.
So it’s not entirely clear. Is Hope dating Darren? Are they living together? Or are they just business partners? I’m confused.
YES LUIS STORY TIME. This is like Kid History, and it’s my favorite thing. Please please please make an MCU recap narrated by Luis, Marvel.
This music is weird and fun. I love it.
Scott parkouring is great. I wonder why he developed that skillset when he was just an electrical engineer. Has he been doing it since he was a kid?
Scott is like the midpoint between Tony Stark and Peter Quill in almost every way. Good at outside-the-box solutions, has engineering skills (but not at Tony’s level), a sense of humor that’s more self-deprecating than Tony’s but less wide-eyed dorky than Peter’s, etc. That’s awesome.
Could you be more transparently evil than using a bleating white lamb for your ill-fated lab experiments?
Huh. There’s a moment where Scott looks in the mirror too. Is that meant to be a contrast with when Darren does it? For Scott, it’s a moment where he resigns himself to failing, even though he caved and did the burglary. I don’t really see the connection, emotionally, to the way Darren looked in the mirror, but I guess one of them is the apprentice Hank rejected, and the other is the apprentice he ultimately chose. *shrug*
Ant-Man perspective is great. The encounter with the rat is terrifying.
You broke Scott’s chill, Hank!
Okay, so Scott’s actual superpower is changing his clothes at the speed of light. It was entirely unnecessary for them to give him such a small interval of time to get the suit on.
“What happens if I throw up in this helmet?”
There were zero bullet ants on the floor in the initial wide shot of the room. Also in the second wide shot. Which takes place two seconds before Scott tries to put his foot on the floor. Did they...forget to render ants in those shots? Or did they forget there were going to be ants there when they filmed from that angle? Gonna count that one as a mistake, because they could not have gotten all over the floor that fast.
They really needed to do more to explain about Darren’s brain chemistry getting messed up by the particles, because as far as I can tell, the first time he ever shrinks himself is on the helicopter at the end. How do these particles make him evil/crazy, exactly? What was he like before? What have the particles done to Hank?
Also they shouldn’t have explained the particles as changing “atomic relative distance” without also explaining that the suit allows you to control your weight relative to size. Because sometimes Ant-Man appears to weigh as much as he looks like he should, but the rest of the time, he’s clearly still 180 lbs in that tiny space (with the reverse problem when he becomes Giant-Man). If he always weighed 180 lbs while being the size of an ant, he would constantly punch through surfaces by walking on them, and if he was always the weight of an ant, he’d be powerless to do anything except be sneaky.
The montages in this movie are great.
Scott uses Hope’s move later. :D And she was totally checking him out.
Huh. Hope and Scott’s conversation in the car happens exactly halfway through the movie, and it’s the turning point. This is when they start being on the same team.
Hank’s revelation about Janet comes rather out of nowhere. I feel like they could’ve woven that in more effectively. It’s also a little exposition-heavy to entirely work on the emotional level.
This gesture by Scott is one of the best things.
Tumblr media
I love the crossovers. Crossovers forever! (Seriously, put Thor cameos in future GotG movies and Loki cameos in future Doctor Strange movies. No, I don’t for a second believe Loki is really dead.)
Poor Sam. He missed out on Sokovia just to get trolled by this rando in a shrinking suit.
Hope saw Scott use her move! Hee!
Sinister hand on shoulder!
Okay, Hope’s “I’m at home” line is why I was confused about whether she and Darren were dating and living together. But it occurs to me now that there’s not really an implication that it’s his home too. So I think they’re just business partners. Good. Because Darren being double-crossed by his girlfriend and failing to react on that level would have made him a much worse character than he already was.
Seriously love Luis, and the other two guys are great too. Excellent crew of wombats.
I love the wallpaper in Hank’s house. Also, just, all of Hank’s house. It’s so pretty.
Okay I absolutely believe that Luis was the only guy to ever knock out that huge dude from the prison. He’s been knocking people out with single punches left and right on this job so far. I love him even more now! That’s such a cool little bit of consistency for him.
Is it true that cops use Crown Victorias as their undercover cars most often? Because I’ve kind of assimilated that as real-life trivia ever since theaters.
What was the point of frying the servers if they were just going to shrink the building to nothing anyway?
Kurt and Tip are hilarious. “There was a black guy who looked exactly like me who attacked us and put us in the back of this disgusting van!”
So if the Avengers have spent the last year taking down Hydra facilities, how are there still people in Hydra who can spend billions for Yellowjacket suits?
I thought Hank was going to die the first time I saw this. Now I’m betting this will be a How to Train Your Dragon situation with Ant-Man and the Wasp, where not long after we discover the long-lost mom, the dad gets killed.
Darren’s villain music is the best thing about him. It’s very unnerving.
All the fights while Scott’s in the suit are so much fun to watch.
“Are we the good guys? Feels kinda weird.”
I don’t like that the chain attachment on the tank also gets huge. And how does a tank cushion a three-storey drop?
That Darren is able to shoot ants is very silly and weird. Would’ve worked better if there was buckshot or something. But still. This movie made me care about an ant dying.
Dangit, Darren, you just killed everyone else in the chopper. You suck.
Briefcase fight! I remember how hard everyone laughed when “Disintegration” started playing in theaters. So great.
All the abrupt cuts from epic to insignificantly small are what make these fights so funny and awesome.
Bug zapper! I watched this with my dad recently (his first time seeing it) and he laughed so hard at the bug zapper.
Another tased Avenger!
So I thought this movie was going to be stupid, right up until the trailer got to the bit with Thomas the Tank Engine. Then I knew it was going to be amazing. It’s still probably my favorite moment in the whole movie.
They kinda overdid it with the “back it up” bit.
Giant ant! Poor Paxton.
Did anyone not see it coming from the moment Hank talked about going sub-atomic that Scott was going to have to do it at the end?
The infinite shrink is mesmerizing to look at. I bet this movie was cool in 3-D. (I have glasses, so 3-D is not so fun.)
Hi Janet!
The bottom half of that face in the photo actually looks kinda like Michelle Pfeiffer’s face. Nice work!
Hahaha, I love that Cassie kept the ant as a dog.
MORE STORIES FROM LUIS! The way he blinks too many times after he finishes is what really clinches it.
So yeah, I like me a heist movie, and it was definitely a brilliant decision on Marvel’s part to go small (figuratively and literally) with the next movie after Ultron. It is a mistake to think you always have to escalate your threats in a series. That was the problem for a while with Supernatural, and it’s definitely a problem in shows like Dragonball Z and Naruto too. Ant-Man was the perfect way to scale back and remind us that these movies are a ton of fun. I’m so glad that they did the same thing with the scheduling of Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp, and I can’t wait for July 6.
I really hope Ant-Man and the Wasp does the same thing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 did, and goes deeper with the characters instead of just getting bigger in scope. Because Ant-Man is one of the more surface-level movies in the MCU. Scott doesn’t really carry a lot of angst, so even though his arc is about proving he can be the hero Cassie sees him as, it’s pretty chill, with just a couple of moments where he loses...hope...(dang it) in his ability to make this work and be the dad he wants to be.
The bigger emotional arc was Hank and Hope, because Hope absolutely carries her angst and bitterness in a big way. They’re kind of a representation of what Scott and Cassie could end up being if Scott doesn’t get his crap together. And Darren is an evil parallel for Scott, obviously. All of the different arcs probably would’ve worked better if they’d spent enough time and effort on Darren to make him interesting. But the lack of depth in all of the arcs doesn’t ruin the movie because it’s a comedy. This is deliberately a light, fun comedy action movie, and it’s great.
Also it has a good and memorable soundtrack, so bonus points.
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