#get stabbed idiot !!!!!!!!
mascara-massacres · 1 year
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Both. Both are true.
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cptnghoulowl · 1 year
If only I had nine more, then maybe I could kill Caesar😳🗡️🗡️🗡️
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Plus a bonus one for all my fellow writers, imma be pulling up with this bad boy:
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caesar: *gets stabbed violently*
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ailathemoodentity · 1 year
Happy national holiday everyone!
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tiredghostby · 4 months
Oh shit it's the Ides of March now
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artbysarf · 9 months
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OC-tober Day 23: Injured!
Kyne is one of my strongest OC's ability-wise. He's got a rep, and usually, that alone protects him. However, that means that if anyone actually gets the jump on him, he's unprepared.
OC-tober prompts by @Inked_Wing on twitter
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lelelego · 1 year
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nooo brother elijah youre so sexy don't steal my equipment hahah
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
If Zoro ever gave Luffy one of his earrings as a love confession, Luffy would like, instantly try to put it on even though he doesn't have his earlobe pierced in any way. Luckily, Nami takes the earring away from him before he can do something stupid and they have to sit him down to do it for him because otherwise he'll probably make a whole bloody mess on the floor.
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"Did the conspirators kill Caesar to defend liberty or for personal gain" - have we considered that they might've killed him because he was really, really annoying?
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
obsessing over the idea of a "tales of the clones" or "tales of the rebellion" episode set in the Rebels era where all the older clones - Rex, Wolffe, Gregor, Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker (hopefully Echo & Howzer & Cody too) - come together for a special mission, where they pretend to be these confused, slow moving, frail old men as a 'disguise' and then end up kicking everyone's ass
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knifearo · 5 months
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deleting this stupid shit off my post but here’s just a reminder that ace people can do whatever the FUCK they want. you can have sex whenever you want for whatever reason you please and you never have to justify that to anyone. you can decide NOT to have sex for whatever reason you want and you never have to justify that to anyone. you don’t owe anyone sex or celibacy and the validity of someone’s asexuality has nothing to do with the amount of sex they have. learn what asexuality is before you waltz onto my post to say something harmful and fucking incorrect. “asexuals can have sex” “asexuals shouldn’t have sex” ASEXUALS CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT. our bodily autonomy is OUR bodily autonomy and i wish everyone opening their mouths to say something about what ace people can do with their own damn lives and their own damn bodies a very shut the fuck up and die.
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dullahanblorboposting · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 spoilers I guess but
I cannot stress enough how amazing it is that Astarion gets to brutally inflict a bit of the same torture on his abuser that had been done to him (carve the '''poem''' into his back), but then ALSO gets to viciously stab the shit out of said abuser. Like, a lot.
And this is treated 100% straight as the good and correct option by the game. It's actually ESSENTIAL to his growth and redemption. You kill Cazador either way, and the visceral rage fueled stabbing spree is the GOOD ending.
This is very hot and sexy of bg3 to do.
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Going out to stab Caesar, to kill him, to murder him. To iugulare him. To e medio tollere him. To necare him. To occidere him. To interficere him. To caedere him. To ferire him. To conficere him. To removere him a vita. To exanimare him. Maybe even involving a bit exercire or torquere.
Feel the dolores, culus.
Esse percussus, idiota.
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martuzzio · 1 year
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Social hierarchy (or more specifically, royal status) becomes a lot less important after seven or eight hours of trudging through snow. Roach and Soap enjoy reminding Gaz of this far too often.
Check out more Medieval 141 here
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