#get lazy and just run them under the water for a minute and call it a day
mwagneto · 3 months
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pibsboots · 8 months
I've always had chronic fatigue. I remember being twelve, and an adult mentioned how I couldn't possibly know how tired they felt because adulthood brought levels of exhaustion I couldn't imagine. I thought about that for days in fear, because I couldn't remember the last time I didn't feel tired.
Eventually I came to terms with the fact that I was just tired, and I couldn't do as many things as everyone else. People called me lazy, and I knew that wasn't true, but there's only so many times you can say "I'm tired" before people think it's an excuse. I don't blame them. When a teenager does 20 hours of extracurriculars every week and only says "I'm too tired" when you ask them to do the dishes, it's natural to think it's an excuse. At some point, I started to think the same thing.
It didn't matter that I could barely sit up. It was probably all in my head, and if I really wanted to, I could do it.
When I learned the name for it, chronic fatigue, I thought wow, people that have that must be miserable, because I am always tired and I cannot imagine what it would feel like if it were worse.
Spoiler alert, if you've been tired for a decade, it's probably chronic fatigue.
Once I figured that out though, I thought of my energy as the same as everyone else's, just smaller in quantity. And that might be true for some people, but I've figured out recently that it absolutely isn't true for me.
I used to be like wow I have so much energy today I can do this whole list for sure! And then I'd do the dishes and have to lay down for 2 hours. Then I'd think I must gave misjudged that, I didn't have as much energy as I thought.
But the thing is - I did have enough energy for more tasks, I just didn't go about them properly.
With chronic fatigue, your maximum energy is obviously much smaller than the average person's. Doing the dishes for you might use up the same percentage of energy that it takes to do all the daily chores for someone else.
If someone without chronic fatigue was to do all the daily chores, they would take breaks. Because otherwise, they're sprinting a marathon for no reason and it would take way more energy than necessary. We have to do the same.
Put the cups in the dishwasher, take a break. Put the bowls in, take a break. So on and so forth. This may mean taking breaks every 2-5 minutes but afterwards, you get to not feel like you've run a marathon while carrying 4 people on your back.
Today, I had a moderate amount of energy. Under my old system of go till you drop, I probably could have done most of the dishes and wiped off the counter and then been dead to the world for the rest of the day.
Under the new system, I scooped litter boxes, cleaned out the fridge, took the trash out, cleaned the stove, and wiped off the counter and did all the dishes. And after all that, I still had it in me to make a simple dinner, unload the dishwasher, and tidy the kitchen.
It was complete and utter insanity. Just because I sat down whenever I felt myself getting more tired than I already was.
All this to say, take fucking breaks. It's time to unlearn the ceaseless productivity bullshit that capitalism has shoved down our throats. Its actively counterproductive. Just sit down. Drink some water. Rest your body when it needs to rest.
There will still be days where there is nothing to do but rest, and days where half a load of dishes is absolutely the most I can do. But this method has really helped me minimize those, which is so incredibly relieving.
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devoutekuna · 3 months
Playing a sport with them
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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"Come on daddy" trying to drag the man out of the house, refusing to move an inch, he wasn't in the mood for baseball, especially since his daughter couldn't even play properly. "No, go away" flicking the girl off him.
Somehow he ended up outside pitching a ball for his daughter. "Watch this daddy!" Missing the ball miserably, it kind of stung watching his daughter be so unathletic despite only being 3. "How pitiful.." leaving snarky remarks under his breath. "Again!" Throwing the ball back at him. "Again" that's all he could hear as she kept throwing the ball back, hoping to at least get a hit before sunset.
This man isn't big on sports, never in your lifetime would you expect your husband to be good at it, somehow he was always in shape. So he had to be good at something, and that something was.. tennis? His daughter finding his old collection of tennis rackets he was yet to throw out. "Daddy! Let's play tennis" dumping the balls and 2 bats on the ground near his leg. "Since when did you play tennis ken?" Inquiring into his past life.
"Hi-yahh!" Hitting the ball but not over the net, as much as he loved his daughter. He couldn't handle playing with her, she didn't know how to play properly, to make it worse, she couldn't even reach over the net. "Try again." At this rate, he could sit down and eat his breakfast before she even got it over the net.
Feeling bad for the girl he decided to go teach her. "Throw the ball up" doing as he said. "Now swing" grabbing her arm as he guided it towards the ball, hitting it perfectly over the net.
He used to do swimming till he realised how ridiculous he looked with his hair all in the swimming cap, that's why he switched to volleyball. Plus they didn't have a pool in the house so he opted for some volleyball. It was around 7pm in winter when she wanted to play, so of course it was too dark, meaning they couldn't head outside incase she got lost. "Okay, don't hit the chandelier or any of the pottery." Making sure you weren't around to watch how stupid the pair were being. He'd never play in the house with a ball, it was a rule you both agreed on, yet he was doing it right now. "What do you call that?" Hitting the ball towards him. "A serve?" He didn't know what he was talking about since it had been so long since he played. "Well! I did a serve" putting her hands on her hips like a superhero.
"Go easy on him Satoru" handing him a water bottle, your son and his father were currently playing basketball after switching from baseball. Gojo knew how much of an advantage he had compared to his off spring, his height, experience and overall everything since he was against a 3 year old. "Nope" slapping his arm. "Why not?" Your son was a crybaby, always tearing up whenever his father did something he didn't like. "Because.." he didn't have a proper reason for why he wouldn't go easy.
"Hurry up daddy" throwing the ball at the man's back, you didn't understand how easily he was caught off guard when his family was around. "At least let him get a shot, Satoru!" Shouting at your husband before he ran off.
He didn't really do sports growing up, he normally just threw a ball to his ceiling for hours on end, trying to clear his boredom. "Catch papa!" Throwing the toy ball at him. He wasn't in the mood for any kind of activity, he just wanted to be lazy today. Purposely throwing the ball into the room opposite him, sighing as he saw his daughter run towards the ball. "Catch!" Throwing it back at him, this process went on for a few minutes. He didn't have the heart to tell her that he wasn't in the mood, just seeing her chubby face light up each time.
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oftenwantedafton · 2 months
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ransom | steve raglan x female reader
rating | explicit
part 3/?
words | 4.5k
cw | kidnapping, restraints, captivity, sexual content
ao3 link
If anyone had told you twenty four hours ago that you’d be snuggled up next to your captor, you would’ve called them insane.
Yet here you are, doing that very thing. Still bound, tucked against Steve’s side, one arm draped over you while your head is cradled against his shoulder. It’s finally quiet next door, the occupants apparently satisfied, and you find yourself feeling the same way, suffused with a deep, fulfilled, lethargic kind of feeling following that intense release. You don’t know precisely what had come over you, only that you’d needed the man next to you desperately, and he had delivered in spades. Those hands of his…and the way he kisses…You’re still not used to the beard, it’s a little scratchy, but well worth it, because that mouth…
An involuntary shiver runs through you and you shift a little, your fingers grazing the older man’s chest, eliciting a diminished hum of sound, the hand around your elbow tightening slightly.
“You want a beer? Or water?”
“I think it’s against the law to serve alcohol to someone under the age of twenty one,” you murmur wryly.
“Are you going to tattle to the authorities?” His voice is a lazy drawl, more relaxed now that the tension has eased between you.
“Nah. They’d be more concerned with the kidnapping anyway.” You turn your face to plant a kiss on his shoulder.
Steve groans softly. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You pause, wondering if he regrets it. It certainly doesn’t seem like it, judging by the way his fingers were carding through your hair, now following the swells and dips of your spine with a languid drag. “I’ll take the beer.”
“Okay. Let me just use the restroom really quickly first.”
The arm curled around you moves and you roll back towards your side of the bed, the lamp on the nightstand switched on to illuminate the bearded man as he swings his legs over the side of the bed, pausing for a minute to scratch one shoulder blade before he stands and walks to the bathroom. You straighten out on your back, staring at a water stain on one of the ceiling tiles overhead while you wait. You hear the toilet flush and the faucet run. You should probably go too, but you’re feeling a bit lazy at the moment.
Steve emerges several minutes later wearing a different pair of boxer briefs, these a dark shade of navy, padding over to the fridge before he recovers two beers, setting them on the nightstand and adjusting the pillows so that the topmost pair is propped against the headboard. Well, of course he’d needed to change, after the mess he’d made. Fuck. You sit upright and push yourself back against the cushion, hoping your companion doesn’t notice how red your cheeks are. You hadn’t been expecting your body to react so strongly this soon. There’s a little quickening of your pulse that you feel echoed between your thighs.
Your captor mirrors your movements, settling back against the bed, his fingers moving quickly beneath the other pillow to adjust the weapon you know is concealed there. Checking to reassure himself you haven’t moved it? The thought hadn’t even occurred to you. You wonder if the safety is on. If it’s fully loaded. The sobering thoughts help with your flush of renewed arousal and you accept the drink handed to you, noting he’s conveniently cracked the top off.
You’d been half hoping he’d take pity for a few minutes and ease up on the restraints again, but no such luck. You raise the cold rim of the glass bottle to your lips and take a sip, your features twisting into a grimace as your tastebuds assess the beverage. It was sour, the carbonated liquor buzzing along your tongue, but it was nicely chilled, at least.
Steve smirks at your expression, taking a healthy swallow from his own bottle. “You don’t like it.”
“This tastes awful. How the hell did this ever get popular?”
He shrugs. “It gets the job done. Cheaper than other alchohol.”
You try another, more generous swallow, finding it no more pleasant than the first sample. Silence rests between you, until you decide to interrupt it. “So the cabin we’re going to tomorrow. Or I guess today, now,” you note, glancing at the digital display on the alarm clock. “That’s what, like your gang’s secret hideout?”
“My secret hideout,” he corrects after a long pull. “In the mountains.”
“I don’t suppose, all things considered, you’re going to have a change of heart and just let me go and we skip over that part?”
The older man’s eyes slide from yours and he begins to pick at a corner of the paper wrapper adhered to the side of the bottle. “I want to get paid. I don’t work for free.” He manages to tear a strip of the label free and rolls it between his fingers. Another reminder of where they’d been, rolling over another round object. Your next gulp is far larger than you’d intended and you nearly choke, the liquid searing the end of your windpipe while Steve gives you a reprimanding look.
“Christ, you’re really struggling with that. Maybe I shouldn’t have offered.”
“It just went down the wrong way,” you manage to gasp, clearing your irritated throat. “What did you do for my father, anyway? Why does he owe you money?”
“It was a loan. With an interest rate better than what the banks are offering. Or it was, rather; now he knows the steep charge that dodging repayment incurs.”
“You mean me.”
His eyes find yours again, the ball of torn paper forgotten. “I mean you.”
You swallow thickly. “How much money was the loan for?”
“A lot.”
“That’s very vague. What did he need the money for?”
Steve shakes his head. “I couldn’t tell you that. He’s your father. Ask him the next time you see him.”
“I don’t get involved in his business.”
“That’s probably for the best.” He leans and sets the empty bottle on the nightstand.
“You want the rest of mine? I mean, we already swapped spit, so it’s not like…”
“Sure. You want a water instead?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Two bottles of spring water join the empty beer bottle on the nightstand. He pulls yours free from your restrained hands and replaces it with an open bottle of water.
You take a large swallow, finding this far superior to the previous offering. “How long does my father have to repay the loan?”
“It’s already past due.”
“Yeah, I know, but like…what happens if a week goes by and he still doesn’t come up with the money? Or two weeks? Or…?”
“You don’t have much faith in him,” the older man observes, chugging half of his water in one go.
“I just want to know what’s going to happen to me.”
Steve studies your face for a moment, reaching out to brush away some of the stray water that has dribbled down your chin. “You’ll be more comfortable in the cabin. I told you, you’ll have your own room to yourself. No more of these,” he adds, his hand dropping, now dragging a finger over the bindings on your wrists.
“You’ve brought other people there before?”
“Has anyone not paid your organization back?”
He doesn’t immediately reply, mulling this question over the last of your beer before returning his attention to the half empty water bottle. “Everyone pays. It’s just the currency that varies.”
“Have you ever killed anyone?”
Steve doesn’t answer, instead busying himself with disposing of the growing collection of empty bottles. Sensing he’s waiting for you to finish, you drain the remaining water from yours and hand the plastic container to him.
“Ready for bed?”
“I want to use the bathroom first.”
He nods, sitting near your bound ankles at the edge of the bed, his fingers quickly working to undo the complex series of knots he’d created earlier.
“Steve,” you say softly. “Have you?”
“Have I what?”
“Have you ever killed anyone?”
His fingers grow still. “Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters,” you reply, flabbergasted. “How could it not?”
He resumes unfastening the rope shackle. “Yes. I have.” His voice is very low and quiet.
You shudder, your legs reflexively recoiling as the last knot is undone, sliding out of his reach.
“When I had no other choice,” he adds, head lifting to watch your expression. Something in the gesture reminds you of a wolf, a wild thing moving with a kind of ethereal beauty, dangerous and not meant to be tamed, the piercing eyes regarding his helpless prey.
“There’s always a choice,” you respond gently, trying your best not to falter under that scrutiny.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to make that kind of statement.”
It sounds more like a gentle rebuke than a threat, but you can’t fail to detect the hint of a warning there, squirming a bit against the mattress. You wish you hadn’t asked. You should have just shared the drink and gone to bed. Now there is going to be another awkward tension between you, the weed of the previous specimen cut down only to make room for this new one’s growth.
He’s killed before. He’s dangerous. Well what did you expect, really? What kind of a person engages in kidnapping and extortion?
He moves a little further up the bed, seeking your wrists now. It feels like it takes an eternity to be freed. The last of the strong cord loosens and you are finally unbound.
“I did what I had to. I don’t expect you to understand. You don’t know the details. And it’s too much to get into tonight. Go use the bathroom,” he says, rising to his feet. You scramble to obey, bypassing your usual routine of massaging your sore limbs. You shut the bathroom door behind you, using the toilet and then washing your hands, your eyes falling on the towel rack occupied not with linens but your clothes hung up for the morning, tucked neatly over the bar beside Steve’s. You dry your hands off on the seat of your pajama pants, gaze flicking back towards your reflection in the mirror. There’s a reddened bruise staining the side of your neck, a souvenir from what had happened earlier. As if you’d need reminding. As if you’d forget.
You think about Steve’s body moving over yours in the darkness. Pushing your helpless arms over your head. Nudging between your thighs. Your core gives another little throb at the memory. Even the knowledge of his validation about being a murderer can’t fully dissuade your body from craving more.
You exit the bathroom to find Steve waiting just outside. Your eyes link for long moments. The conversation feels unfinished. You can see it in his eyes; the rawness, the almost feverish need for you to understand.
“I have no desire to hurt you. I’ll do everything in my power to prevent it from happening.” That gravel voice scrapes at your skin pleasantly. He’d known exactly what you’d been thinking. How was he so perceptive?
“Okay,” you agree in a whisper.
He reaches out a hand, brushing over the mark he’s made, stroking along your collarbone, adjusting the strap of your camisole that’s slid down off your shoulder. His caress continues, grazing down the length of your arm, halting when he reaches your wrist.
You know what comes next, the familiar feel of the restraints that will soon reappear. But for now, for just this brief moment, you have a taste of what might be. A little tease of freedom. You’d never take it for granted again. Complaints of the past about trivial things seemed so childish and foolish now. How fortunate you’d been. How ungrateful.
You’re back in bed now and the light is shut off once more. This time it’s Steve that crosses the imaginary line dividing the two halves of the bed, dragging you against him so your back rests against his front. Spooning with your kidnapper. Another position you’d never have believed even the previous afternoon. But that’s where you are.
And you like it.
It’s too bright inside the motel room.
Steve blinks, his eyes adjusting. The blinds are closed, but the light creeping around the edges seems far too strong. What time was it?
He lifts his head and turns it to view the clock, momentarily ignoring your drowsy protest. “Fuck. We’re late. We were supposed to be on the road three hours ago.” He turns back to you, shaking your shoulder. “Time to get up. Come on.”
“Too tired. Can’t we go later? I’m comfortable,” you mumble.
“Housekeeping is going to be knocking on the door any minute now. We’re only paid through for two nights.”
“So get another one.” You nestle your cheek against your pillow, sighing.
“What, now you like staying here?”
“Getting used to it.” A pause. Your voice sounds clearer as you grow more alert. “Company is kind of shit, though.”
The older man frowns, then hears you trying to stifle a giggle, lips pressed against the cushion beneath you.
“I’m shit company, huh? Really?”
You turn on your back, huffing out a breath to shift the tousled hair that’s fallen across your field of vision. “Yeah, really.” He can see your lips struggling not to curve into a smile.
“Tell me why.”
“I thought you were in a hurry.”
“Yes. So?”
“So that doesn’t give me enough time to run down the list.” You smirk and he moves quickly, fingers diving to stroke the set of ribs nearest him, tucking into one arm pit until you snap your arm close to your body to block him. “Steve, no, okay, okay. I was joking. I surrender,” you protest, dissolving into helpless laughter.
You’re pinned beneath him again. His face hovers over yours. The amusement fades from your features, replaced with a kind of hazy lust.
“We don’t have time for that right now,” he says, his voice husky with desire.
“I seem to remember you being pretty fast last night.”
“So were you. It’s been awhile for me. What’s your excuse?”
“Yeah, it’s been awhile for me, too.” Your hips cant along his invitingly, searching for contact with his groin.
“Are you trying to get me riled up, sweetheart?”
You shudder against him. “Maybe.”
“We have to go,” he says, the words weighted with obvious regret.
“You’re the one pinning me down.”
“Insolent little vixen, aren’t you? So much back talk. Getting braver,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting over the mark he’d placed on your throat the previous evening. Then he forces himself to climb off of you, beginning the process of undoing your restraints.
“We’re leaving in fifteen minutes. Go get dressed quickly.”
“What about a shower?”
“No time. Later. Go.” He nods towards the bathroom and you acquiesce, following his commands. His own ablutions are performed even faster than yours. He takes one last sweep of the place before he leaves, making sure he hasn’t left anything incriminating around. Then he guides you outside, one hand resting on your left elbow, your trapped wrists concealed. Once inside the car he makes sure your seatbelt is fastened and the door safety locks are engaged. Satisfied that you’re secure, he leaves the motel parking lot behind.
By noon it’s time for the next check in, earlier today now that he’s on the move. There’s been an offer, but it’s well short of what is owed and Steve growls that the figure is unacceptable and an outright insult, earning a sharp look from his passenger. “He’s demanding to talk to her? What, does he think we’re bluffing? Fine. Give him the phone.” The older man hits the button for the hazard lights and pulls onto the shoulder of the highway.
“Your father wants to talk to you.” Steve holds the flip phone near your cheek.
“Dad? Yeah, I’m okay. No, they haven’t hurt me. Yeah. I know. Just pay them, okay? I really want to come home. Okay. Love you. Bye.”
Steve snaps the cellular phone shut, shoving it back into his pants pocket. He switches the hazard lights off again and eases back onto the road. A stretch of silence follows as he continues driving.
“I have to make a stop to get supplies. There is nothing close to the cabin. You’re going to wait here and you’re going to behave,” he reminds you.
The shopping trip is quick and efficient. There are already dry goods at his retreat, so it’s mainly fresher, perishable things he’s looking to add. A quick pass through the other end of the department store to grab a few more things and he’s ready to check out. He doesn’t want to leave you unattended for too long.
You’re right where he’s left you. Sitting quietly. Obediently. He loads up the car. This is it. The last leg of the journey. The final destination until your father pays up. Then he’ll bring you back. Following the plan. A loyal member of the organization.
But for now, the cabin. He feels the car laboring a bit as the road becomes steeper. You complain about your ears popping as the alititude changes. The trees are thickly clustered here, the route becoming more and more narrow until it’s no longer paved. Dirt now. Entering wild, fairly untamed land. Except for the building he’d designed himself.
Not a single member of the organization knew about this location beyond the fact that it exists. He planned on keeping it that way, always. His own little secret.
He can see your eyes studying the exterior of the home. Curious about this new venue you’d be staying at.
“Let’s get you inside.”
Steve exits the vehicle and unlocks the passenger door. He helps extract you, leading you to the front porch. There are many keys on his keyring, but the cabin does not use any of them. There’s a keypad set into the entrance instead, one hand shielding the display while the other enters the correct sequence of numbers. A pleased sounding beep sounds and the door swings inward, granting access to the interior.
The kidnapper ushers you inside, guiding you straight to the area you’ll be dwelling in. There’s a steel door with another keypad and a set of steps down into a finished basement.
“This is your room. DVDs in the cabinet. No cable. Bathroom is over there.” He jerks a thumb towards a closed door set into the far wall.
It s a decent sized space, complete with a bed, couch, television, and a compact dining set. He watches as you survey your new windowless surroundings.
“I’ll be bringing you your meals,” he says, setting to work on undoing the bindings securing your wrists together. You’re not going to be the only one glad of the break from these, he thinks. The process was getting tiresome.
“Are you going to visit me other than for delivering food?”
“Yeah.” It’s all he can manage, because the look you’re giving him is warming the area below his waistline significantly. The groceries still needed to be put away. Things refrigerated. Otherwise it would just be a waste of money, the very purpose behind this entire venture. “Why don’t you go take a shower while I unpack the car? I need to get laundry going, too.”
He ascends the stairs, ensuring the door is locked and secured before he begins his chores. He’s very firmly shoving thoughts of what might soon be happening from his mind. That it’s still a line he shouldn’t be crossing with you is no longer open for debate. It’s clearly not. But he can’t stop himself. Not when you’re so close. So willing.
When Steve had promised you a room to yourself, you hadn’t really been expecting something this spacious.
You’d been envisioning more of a bedroom type scenario, and perhaps fantasizing about what that might entail.
It’s almost disappointing when you emerge from the bathroom after your shower to find your captor had dropped off the bag with your things while you’d been occupied. The water pressure was surprisingly good and the temperature had been perfect. You’d thought maybe you’d be clothed only in a bath towel for awhile—they’re those nice, plush, oversized ones too, he had clearly gone all out—but he’d retrieved a spare set of casual clothing for you while your things were being laundered. The briefs fit awkwardly over the curves of your body, the waistband of the sweatpants too loose, forcing you to tug on the concealed drawstring tucked into the inner lining. The white undershirt does nothing to hide your breasts, your areola and nipples clearly visible through the thin layer of fabric.
You watch the older man descend the stairs moments later, those long legs able to swiftly erase the distance between you.
“Shower good?” He asks, stopping in front of you.
“Yeah, it was great, actually. Thanks for loaning me something to wear.”
“No problem.”
You can see that his hair is still damp from his own apparent shower upstairs, the lighter tawny brown mixture now darker, the threads of silver visible here and there. You notice how his fingers flex, curling and relaxing.
“Are we going to finish what we started this morning?” You’re the one to ask the question. You see one eyebrow quirk at your boldness.
“Is that what you want?” His voice is pure rust, a sandpaper drag in your ears.
He reaches for your face, the folded knuckle of his index finger tucking beneath your chin and lifting it gently. Then his face dips towards yours, mouth crashing hungrier and wetter than you thought he’d reintroduce himself with. Your lips are parted, violently speared apart, his tongue poking and prodding and sliding while your curl your fingers into the hair at the back of his head, glad to have some freedom of movement at last.
The idea of attempting an escape seems foolish beyond reason.
There’s no place to go, for one thing. You’re quite literally on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. And for another…you don’t really want to leave the man’s presence. Not just yet. Not before your body has known his a little better. Or a lot better. Incredible to think you’d sacrifice yourself for that base desire.
You feel a hand slide under your borrowed shirt, one breast massaged before its twin receives attention. You’ve never been one to feel overly sensitive there, but the way he’s kneading your tits has your engine revving. He’s so good at that; at figuring out what you enjoy with virtually no time wasted, no guidance offered, simply exploring and discovering and gifting pleasure.
His jaw falls open, suddenly slack, as if unhinged when you finally work up the courage to squeeze his cock through his slacks. There’s a lot there, and that knowledge sends another anticipatory hum through your pussy. You feel yourself being pushed gently, stumbling backwards until the backs of your calves strike the edge of the bed, and you allow yourself to be pushed down onto it.
Steve remains upright, popping the button of his fly—no belt, he’d clearly been expecting this to happen, shortening the steps—and tugging down the zipper. He leaves that task unfinished, fingers digging into the waistband of your sweatpants and briefs and jerking them down so roughly it brings your partway with them, your ass sliding close to the edge. He leaves the clothing tangled somewhere around your knees, effectively creating another restraint, your helpless limbs gathered and tucked along one shoulder while he slides a finger between your wet folds, one calloused thumb dipping inside your dripping entrance.
Your pleading words seem to ignite something and he abandons your sex so he can fumble his own organ out of its confines. Thick. Long. Exactly what it had felt like. His arm curls tightly around your legs while he lines himself up with your channel. Then he pushes. And pushes. And pushes. Just when you think that must be the last inch, he adds another. It stretches and burns. You hadn’t lied. It’s been awhile. And you hadn’t had that many partners. Certainly none like this.
At last he stops, fully seated inside you. Letting your body reshape itself to accommodate this new violation. Blown pupils fixed on yours. Then he withdraws in that same, agonizingly gradual pace. Pulling back until just the head remains inside before slamming forward again, knocking the breath out of your lungs in a little moaned huff. He repeats this process, his speed steadily increasing, hips slapping against your body.
His grip around your legs loosens as he resumes freeing you of your clothing, fumbling to get it off of one limb, all that he needs to achieve in order to manipulate your body into a new position, legs spread apart now, leaning forward with a deep thrust so that his mouth can rediscover yours.
Everything about him in that moment is rough, crushing, hard, but you welcome it, returning his frenzied kisses, ignoring the facial hair chafing your skin, the ache that’s already started low in your belly from the pummeling you’re receiving. You feel the precise moment when he’s sucked until more vessels have burst beneath the skin, the stain now blossoming along one collarbone. Your fingernails rake down his back, leaving welts behind even with the barrier of his shirt. Your knees squeeze his ribs as he fucks into you, battering that tender space deep inside. His pace is unrelenting now, a river rapids dragging you toward your release. Your body shudders and you keen against his cheek while his body answers in kind, the hot spill of seed flooding you as he groans, the sound muffled by the stretch of flesh linking your neck and shoulder.
His cock slips out of you and he ensures you’re not going to tumble off the bed before he flops down beside you, both of your bodies stretched horizontally across the mattress. You tuck into his side, listening to his heart knocking against its imprisonment in his chest.
“Are you going to say that shouldn’t have happened?” You ask quietly.
“No. But it shouldn’t have.”
You reach for his hand draped across his chest, tangling your fingers with his. It was so nice to be unrestrained, free to move and explore and touch. “What’s going to happen when my father pays the ransom and you bring me back?”
“What do you mean?”
“What will happen to us?”
“There isn’t an us.”
The words sting, but you continue to speak. “Then what is this? This thing between us?”
“I don’t know.”
“Will I ever see you again, once you’ve gotten what you want?”
“I doubt it,” he replies, but you detect a faint waver of uncertainty in his tone.
“What are you going to do with the money?”
“You ask a lot of questions. Too many.” He sighs, gently prying his fingers free of yours. “I’m going to go make us something to eat.”
“Stay a few more minutes.”
Another sighs escapes his lips, but he remains there, hugging you to his chest, the percussive sound of his heart still rapidly drumming in your ear.
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fan-goddess · 1 year
His pretty muse {3)
Pairing: Modern!Aegon Targaryen x reader
Summary: Aegon finds what he thinks is love simply by looking through his camera lens. The only issue is, you don’t know how much he truly admires your beauty and how much he comes to crave you
Warnings: Dark themes mentioned, masterbation, pervy!aegon, talk of male oral, (any I missed let me know)
Story Taglist: @jamespotterismydaddy, @chompchompluke, @flrboyd, @teazlic, @sajida-cameron, @valeskafics,
Author Note: If you wish to be added to the taglist then please comment. If you wish to be taken out of it then say that here aswell. If it’s in bold I am unable to tag you
Other Chapters: one, two, three,
Other links: My Pretty Muse Masterlist
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Aegon doesn’t regret a thing when he wakes up that morning and uses you as a way to rid himself of his morning wood. His hand finds itself sliding under the thin blanket he slept in last night and grips himself tightly. Your name is muttered like a prayer under his breath as his head goes back to those images of you last night.
He knows he could easily just go get his laptop to look at the pictures more clearly, but he’s way to lazy to go and grab it even if it’s only a few steps away. Besides, he’s already moved on from thinking of those photos to thinking of scenarios of you in such scandalous positions it’d make the maiden blush. His favourite by far, and the one that makes him cum, is the thought of you on your knees in-front of him looking up at him through your lashes while you struggle to take all of him in your mouth.
He grabs a random sock on the side of his bed and wipes himself down when he’s finished, before trailing to the shower and blasting himself in some cold water. After he dries himself off he debates on what to wear to take you on a supposed tour of the town, but to be perfectly honest, he knows jack shit apart from a spot that famous for suicides. Though he honestly doubts he’ll be able to weave that fact in without making you run for your perfect fucking family…
He decides on some butt ugly polo shirt he accidentally stole of his brother years ago when he left. It’s slightly tight on him cause of how bigger he’s gotten practically living of fish and chips, but hey, anything for his girl right? He even puts some weird conditioner thing in his hair before ultimately rethinking about how freakishly like his brother he became in that moment. “Like a god damn vampire…” he giggles slightly when he looks at himself in the mirror, before sticking his head under the tap and rinsing it to start all over again.
He’s eventually done though, and walks to the direction of your house with his hands in his trouser pockets and his camera tucked away on his desk, for once by on him. He refuses to scare you away just yet, even though the thought kind of excites him. He even whistles a part of a song he heard walking past a house with an open window. He thinks it’s called pumped up kicks or something like that.
When he gets to your house, he finally gets a chance to look at it in the sunlight. It’s a decent sized bungalow, but the paintwork is fucking ghastly. It’s supposed to be a golden yellow, a colour he knew well in his former life, yet here it’s changed into some sickly jaundice piss stained yellow. If you ever ask if he wants to help with housework, he’s starting with this whether you agree with him or not.
The house he can hear has already come alive with people. Children’s screams and adults shouting echo of the house in waves. He even hears his own ‘name’ shouted. “Sissy your lover boy is here for you!”
It almost brings a sort of smile to his face when he knocks, and the chaos within seems to get ten times louder. He hears you most clearly. Demanding your parents/grandparents to keep the kids away from the town that day so you can’t run into them, with the whining of the kids following swiftly afterwards. You come out a couple minutes later. Your cheeks are red with he assumes is embarrassment yet his head can’t help but think of the possible reasons for having red cheeks.
“Sorry about them. My family’s kinda annoyed I’m not going with them on this stupid walk they planned, yet gave no one else a heads up on about until this morning-“ Usually he finds himself wanting to smack ramblers who can’t get to the point. Yet while you do so he can’t help but find it cute and endearing. He hears you talk but he doesn’t really listen, cause all he can think while you’re doing it is how cute you are. Your hands are moving in time with your voice. When it rises, your hands rise too. It’s an awfully funny thing to witness not that he’s noticed it.
He doesn’t even realise that the two of you are walking though while he pretends to listen to you. Yet your sudden direction of voice brings him out of this little bubble he made just for you. “I thought you said about giving me a tour?” You giggled as you spoke, yet when you raised your eyebrow almost daringly you somehow manage to turn something so perfectly innocent, into something so damn seductive.
“Well sorry princess. Kinda got caught up in your story. I mean, what is a guy supposed to focus on when a beautiful womans talking to him? Not give her attention? Now that’s just cruel of him.” His fuckboy charm doesn’t seem to have any problem coming back to him. Even after a couple years of not using it it seems he still has the swagger. It practically roars in remembrance when you blush at the compliment.
“Wow you’re a real charmer aren’t you PM…” That fucking nickname mixed with the fucking smile you have, it nearly makes him pop a boner there and then.
“Hell yeah I am princess.” It’s a simple response mixed with a simple lazy wink, yet that combo seemed to make you react the most. Your face turns a light pink and your mouth moulds itself into a bashful smile. It’s got to be one of his best works yet he’s got to say.
The walk he hadn’t even realised they were on continues. He halfheartedly talks about the buildings they pass, playing into that tour guide thing he said he’d do but had no intention of actually doing. He makes sure to put in his own personal spin to it though. He makes sure to say stories about the people who live their or frequent there.
“A man named Paul lives there. He’s goes absolutely fucking mental when you step on his grass. Parently he sprayed some little kids with his hose a couple years ago when they played on it. Even gave one a bloody nose cause they fell down getting sprayed or some shit.”
“No!” You gasped. It goes on like that for around an hour. Just him and you messing about discussing gossip about people like the weird women at his mothers boring as fuck book club.
Whilst he’s in the middle of the rumour on one of the fisherman shagging the fish however, you stop, and when he looks back you’ve got a massive grin on your face.
“Something wrong pretty girl?” He asks. It’s strange, as he both does and doesn’t mean the sentimental tone behind it. You don’t respond immediately, only pointing to something behind him with that grin still on your face.
When he turns around, the memory of it hits him like a freight train. It’s an ice cream shop, and he said he’d buy you an ice cream. An internal panic hits him suddenly. What if he has no money on him? Would you think he’s poor for not having any money on him? (Even though he knows he technically is no doubt) or would you pity him and try and play a sympathy card?
While you walk to the entrance, his hands frantically shake and pull at any and all of his pockets, and low and behold the faint sigh of relief when his hand clasps on a lim forgotten twenty pound note hidden away. His footsteps slap against the hard shop as he enters and finds you grinning with rosy cheeks waiting for him.
“You already know what you want princess?” He asks.
“I’m thinking vanilla. It’s basic but a classic.” You ponder. When he looks at the flavours he remembers why he never comes in here. He’s an indecisive little shit.
“Good choice!” The kid behind the counter smiles. It’s obvious the kids not entirely thrilled to be there. The smiles too forced and the eyes look way to dull. Even the way he spoke the generic saying Aegon would bet his boss told him to say, was as if the freaking Terminator voiced him. And the cherry on top, the kids name tag says his names Geoffrey. What kind of sick fuck names there kid Geoffrey in this time? Sociopaths from the fucking thirties, that’s who.
When you turn to him, the kids eyes seem to droop down to look at your tits, and it takes everything in him not to leap over that counter and beat him till he’s unconscious with that stupid ice cream scooper he’s holding.
“Hey kid” The attentions of the tits now, and the kid can no doubt see the anger in his eyes. “I’ll get a vanilla too. In a tub, not a cone though.”
He can already feel the judgment radiating off in waves. Reflecting off the once vibrant now sickly shade of yellow of the ice cream parlour walls. The two of you don’t have to wait long till the kids calling for the two of you, as unsurprisingly enough, no one wants to go in the piss coloured ice cream parlour.
When he walks outside, holding the door open for you like from some stupid romcom movie his sister always raved on, he leads you to an old bench overlooking some trees. It’s like one of those things old married couples do. Sit on an old bench no doubt dedicated to some old person and feed the ducks.
Before the two of you have even sat down, he’s already ditched the pathetic pink plastic spoon the kid gave him. So instead, he uses his preferred method of eating ice cream. Holding the tub to his lips and licking it straight from the tub. He can feel your eyes watching him. Though whether it was from the way he was eating it or the tub itself he has no idea.
“Oh princess your staring” he practically sings. From the corner of his eye he sees your head quickly turn back to your own food and lick it a couple times. It takes everything in him to not groan out loud when he eagerly watched you kitten lick the white liquid that already begun to drip down your hand from the heat.
The silence between him and yourself though he finds is strange nice. Every so rarely often with the move of his arm his elbow brushes against your own arm, and Aegon has to stop himself every time from obsessing in his mind over the small contact.
Eventually the sun gets to his ice cream, leaving the dessert to pool in his cup. So he does what any sane person would do. He tilts it back and drinks it like a shot. He can see your head turn to him while he does this, the slurping sound not silent in anyway whatsoever. When he’s done and wipes whatever remnants stayed on his face he hears a little giggle coming from his left. A little giggle coming from you.
Aegon turns to you with a lazy grin. Mainly to tease you about the giggle, yet his gaze seems to zero in on a small dollop of ice cream that hangs in the corner of your mouth. He can’t even find himself able to look away. The once lazy grin he can feel fade as his hand moves with a mind of its own to wipe away at the white stuff with his thumb. It doesn’t end there, as he next licks at that very same thumb to get rid of the ice cream while making direct eye contact with you.
“Sorry…” He awkwardly smiles. Deep inside, he knows damn well he doesn’t mean the apology. He’d probably do it again if it meant he could touch you over and over. He’s probably even lick the remnants straight of your skin if you asked him to.
“It’s okay” you still someone manage to smile so cutely with a blush that’s taken your face hostage. “Why do you do that? Eat ice cream with a tub?”
Aegons never really had to think about it. Even though no one ever asked. Maybe it was cause he always hung about with the sheep kids in school. The ones who only hung onto your every word cause you had more money than them, and by the seven did he have a lot. “I’ve never had a cone before. Plus It always seems to go soggy whenever ice creams there for too long and all I can think about when I see it is wet cardboard.”
“Okay.” That’s all you say? Okay! Where’s the judgement?! Where’s the calling him a weirdo?! Where’s the normal human response?
“You don’t think it’s weird?” He’s insecurity creeps up on him as his nail gets pushed further into his palm. It’s a bad habit yes, learnt straight from mother dearest, but it distracts him from the humiliation with a nice feeling of pain. So why stop when he’s having fun?
“We all have our preferences, and you just have yours. Who am I to judge?” You say with a shrug as you go back to eating your cone. It’s simple how you said it. It was so simple and short. Yet why does he feel like he’s having a heart attack?
Aegon doesn’t speak for the rest of the ice cream part of the, is it a date? Do you count it as a date? He probably would count it as a date but only if you-
“You okay?” It’s your voice that brings him out of whatever mind melt he just went through. Yet he could never tell you that. If there’s one thing he got beat into him, men don’t show emotion. Or at least that’s what he was taught and shown anyway.
“I’m fine princess.” Again, the fuckboy smile comes out and is rewarded with a blush. His heart goes fast at the sight of it. It beats even fast when there’s more white ice cream on the corner of your lip, slowing dripping down the side of your mouth. If there’s a god out there, he’s currently torturing him.
It’s only worse for him when this time, you feel the ice cream and lick it away with your tongue. The sight of it makes his pants stir.
“What now- oh shit!” The shocked face you make leaves his head spinning. He turns his head a couple times to see if it’s something around the two of you which made you act so… surprised, but there’s no one but him and you, as-well as some old cat that wonders around. You couldn’t be that much of a cat lady right?
“I still don’t really know your name! I’m practically on a date with a complete stranger! Good gods for all I know you’re planning on taking me back to your place and locking me in a basement!” That’s actually sort of close… only he doesn’t have a basement. Should he invest in a basement?
“No one knows my real name princess. That’s kinda the point of why people call me PM.” Aegon attempts to diffuse the sudden tension with another fuck boy smile, but if anything it seems to make it worse…
“So you’re telling me no one in this entire town knows who you really are?”
“Nope.” It’s a simple answer, for a simple question. Yet it makes him think about it all. No one in this town does actually know who he is. The hair should’ve been a dead give away for who he was, yet no one questioned him about it. No one in any conversation he’d ever had in this town ever really asked him questions about him…
“What’s it begin with?” Your voice breaks him out of the tangent, yet when he turns his to look at you he’s forced to look straight into your eyes. Your very pretty, very close to him eyes.
“Your name. Your real name. Not some made up alias you came up with but your actual, parent given or whatever adult given name. Tell me what it begins with if your not comfortable to say it fully.”
Aegon sighs in defeat when he sees your determined eyes. Again, your very close to him eyes that make his own want to drift to your lips and see if they taste of the vanilla ice cream. “My father picked my name, mainly cause he was a traditional cunt. It begins with an A.”
“Like that Bridgerton dude?”
“You watch Bridgerton?”
“No I remember when I was on the beach and a bunch of girls in skimpy bikinis were talking about the dude. Sounds like a dick for ditching his betrothed for her sister if you asked me.”
“Gonna just ignore that for the bigger issue… Arnold?”
“Dear gods give me strength… How about Archie?”
“Is that what I am to you princess? A fucking duke from the m 1800’s? I’m very harshly offended!”
“Are you trying to ask insinuate something princess?”
A frustrated sort of growl rips from your throat, and Aegon can’t help himself from thinking that’s the most hottest thing he’s ever heard. It almost naws at his head the idea that you growl like that in bed. When he takes you from behind, would you growl like that just for him while he’s cumming inside and paining your insides white? He certainly hopes so. He’s not very sorry for the fact he can feel himself getting hard in front of you. As why should he? He’ll be hopefully fucking you soon enough.
“You are so annoying!” You moan with your hands clenched in what he assumes is frustration. It makes him subconsciously smile from amusement.
“That’s the goal princess.” He winks for what feels like the tenth time today. That inner fuck boy really seems to be coming back full swing, though the worst part is he can’t tell if it’s a good or a bad thing. The good part is, he’s able to flirt with you like a bird flying. Scoring a couple deep blushes he’ll store the image of later. The bad part however, now that part of him is unlocked, the thoughts of that lifestyle are hitting him full force.
The images of you with that ice cream on your lips sending his mind racing. Sounds of you groaning playing again and again as if they’re on some old record player he can’t turn off. The taste of the ice cream is what he’s thinking your lips would taste like if he was to kiss you.
To be honest, the rest of the date not date went like a blur. As if he’d somehow snorted some sort of coke and was in some hallucinagenic high or something. Yeah, he remembers showing you the rest of the shitty buildings and telling you peoples secrets like you and him were on some shitty quiz show (unlike catchphrase if you ever dissed catchphrase he’d probably have to kill you). But honestly, it was as if he was watching it from above. The only way he can think of to describe it is from that marvel movie Dr Strange with the weird ghost thing they do.
The only way he’s brought back to his own body is when he felt the sudden warmth of your body on his. The feeling like his soul was entering his body hitting him harshly and quickly as he realised what was going on. You were hugging him. Your hands were wrapped around him and your head was in his neck.
Aegon can’t deny he didn’t enjoy the feeling of your warmth, but he also can’t deny the uncomfortable feeling of the hug itself. His arms though did not move, only limply and awkwardly stiff at his sides. His chin was brushing against the shell of your ear. Worst of all, he could feel his chest beating like he ran one of those marathon things, it’s almost worst that he doesn’t know if why his heart was beating so fast whether because it was from the sudden affection, or because while you hugged him he realised he could feel the imprint of your breasts.
You look up at him with your chest still in quite close proximity to his own, and your hands placed on his forearms. You seem to ponder something with a raised brow, as your mouth already begins to move.“You’re not a big hug kinda guy are you?”
“No I guess not.” He simply shrugs. His arms still hang limply, while your face is still close. He’s almost tempted to lean forward and close that gap. See if your lips will taste like the vanilla ice cream you were licking not long ago. He can’t deny though that he likes this act even better than going for the taste. A small torture for a large reward. Maybe it’s the masochist in him? Or the sadist that revels in the cat and mouse game your not even aware your playing. Call him insane, it’s not like he’s never heard it before anyway.
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shadyruinskryptonite · 10 months
Warning: Disordered eating, insecurities, depression, anxiety, self-loathing, references to s*x but no descriptions and not smut, unemployment, language, super negative self-talk (reader calls herself a bitch and fat), pet names (babe, baby, love), not proofread
Genre: hurt/comfort, established relationship, Modern AU!Eren x fem reader
A/n: Italics mean it’s the reader’s thoughts. Sorry that this is very dark and sad. As with any of my writing, it’s very self-serving. I promise that I’m alright, just feeling a bit insecure (I’m on the bigger side) and this will be comforting for me and therapeutic. Take care of yourselves <3
WC: 2390
y/n, texting: Hey Ren! You think we could hang out after work?
Ren: Sorry, I’ve gotta go to the gym and have some errands to run so I don’t think I can tonight 😢I should be able to tomorrow though if you’d like!
I sigh, feeling the familiar pressure settling on my chest as my stomach growls.
y/n: Oh, yeah. That’s fine. Tomorrow works! Love ya!
Ren: Love you too, babe.
I toss my phone to the side, heaving another sigh as I flop my head back. 
I can’t expect him to realize something is wrong if I don’t tell him. How can you be both so good at hiding how you feel AND expect Eren to see through it? Dumb bitch, this is why you are disappointed so often, people can never live up to your unrealistic expectations. 
Tears prick my eyes and I decide that the growling of my stomach is too obnoxious to ignore, so I walk to the fridge knowing I won’t find anything satisfactory. Settling on some cheese sticks, I fill the gaps with a bit of sparkling water.
If you want to like how you look in pictures, this better be the only thing you eat today. 
Nodding to myself, I go back to my bed to finish my snack before sliding under the covers. Having not had more than one meal each day for longer than I can remember, I’m definitely exhausted. I’ve been searching and applying to jobs so often that I’m mentally just shot.
You should’ve never left your job. Sure they treated you like shit, but at least you had a paycheck. You’re so stupid for thinking you’d get a job quickly. And any place you work is going to be the exact same since you’re so fucking lazy.
I squeeze my eyes together before I turn on my white noise in the background hoping to drown out my own thoughts. Slowly, I drift off to a nap.
When I’m snapped out of my sleep, the room is dark. I rub my eyes, extremely disoriented because something that wasn’t my alarm is what pulled me awake. I glance at the time and realize I had been asleep for at least three hours. There’s a knock at the door, and it dawns on me that this is what must have pulled me out of my sleep.
Wearing just Eren’s hoodie, I stretch before calling out, “One minute!”
You’re not really going to answer the door like that are you? Even though the hoodie covers your ass your fat thighs with their stretch marks are out. You can’t have someone seeing that!
I groan before stepping into my closet briefly. I pull on a pair of leggings but quickly realize they’re tighter than the last time I wore them. 
Ugh! You’re better off having your fat out. Just look at how these show the shadow under your gut! It’s disgusting.
For what feels like the hundredth time today I fight off tears not wanting to open the door looking like a crying mess on top of how shitty I already feel. I pull off the leggings in a huff and go to the door, too tired to care anymore.
When I glance through the peephole, I’m surprised to see Eren standing outside my door. I fling it open, confusion evident on my face. It’s only as he’s looking me over that I realize how messed up my hair must be so I quickly pull out the hair tie that was realistically only hanging on by a thread anyway. 
His warm smile that crinkles his eyes and his musky scent envelope me, momentarily lifting the cloud off of me. But just as quickly as I felt better, the doom and gloom returned along with guilt.
Look at how handsome he is, it’s so unfair of him to be stuck with you. You were too obvious about how you felt and now you’ve forced him to come over here instead of doing the things he was planning on doing. Always a burden.
Fighting off the thoughts, I smile up at my boyfriend, trying to convey that I really am happy he’s here. A little worried about his response, I ask “what happened, I thought you were going to the gym and had errands to run?”
There’s an almost imperceptible furrow to his brow and I can tell he knows something is wrong.
Fuck! Don’t make him worry about you!
“I got off a little early so I’ve already gone to the gym and I decided that my errands could wait. You seemed off over text so I wanted to come check on you, and…I think I’m glad I did. What’s wrong baby?”
I pull him into my apartment and say, “nothing Ren, what makes you think something is wrong?”
I don’t want to worry him but, god, there’s nothing I need more than him right now.
As the door closes, the room is once again enveloped in darkness. “Well,” he says as he flips the light on, “for starters I can tell you just woke up from a nap.”
“I nap all of the time Ren, that’s nothing special” I say with a giggle, and to an untrained ear it sounds so very genuine. Not to Eren though. Wanting desperately to change the subject I ask, “Have you had anything to eat? If you went to the gym you must be hungry.”
As I go to walk towards the kitchen, he gently grabs my arm. “I had a smoothie, so I’m fine.” He’s still holding my arm when he looks behind me and sees clothes discarded on the floor of my closet, only he’s almost certain that they aren’t dirty. When he looks back to me, I can tell the expression on his face has bloomed into full-on worry. 
“Talk to me, y/n,” he almost whispers. 
I can’t hold his eyes so I look away, his thumb now rubbing loving circles on my arm. I steel myself so I can try to keep up the already fragile wall and look back at him with a softer smile this time. “I’m okay love, I promise. I appreciate you making sure I’m okay, though,” I say before getting on my toes to peck him on the lips. His eyes narrow slightly but he doesn’t press the matter.
Moving to the couch, Eren lays down with his head resting on the arm of the chair and invites me into him. I happily oblige. He has some random show on in the background, but as soon as I settle onto his chest and into his arms, my lip starts to quiver. My face is hidden in his chest, and I can tell he’s looking at the TV and not me, which is good because this time I couldn’t hold back the tears that had been brewing the entire day and, honestly, for the last nearly month. 
I lay there, crying quietly as some stupid sitcom plays. Only there came a point where my crying wasn’t so easily hidden anymore. I move my hand to my mouth in hopes to cover any noise but there was no hiding the sob that racked my body. This got his attention.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
“Hey, hey, look at me baby, just look at me,” Eren says with increased urgency as he shifts so I can comfortably look up and make eye contact. When I fight looking at him, he changes strategy. Holding me impossibly close with one hand on the back of my head and the other on my back, he rubs comforting circles anywhere he can. “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay baby. I’m right here. It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere.
My sobbing gets harder before it starts to calm down, and if I could’ve seen his face I would’ve known how each new cry broke his heart all over again. When my crying had mostly subsided, I tried to choke out an apology which only made me begin to cry harder.
Now, Eren insisted on me looking at him. As he held my chin he asked, “Why the hell are you sorry? I don’t even know what you’re upset about yet.”
Through shuddering breaths, I manage to say, “I-I’m sorry for c-c-crying and I’m s-sorry for making you w-worry and f-f-for being a burden and, and, and… just for everything!” I try to bury my face in his chest again but he stops me.
“Baby! You never have to be sorry for crying. Where the fuck did you get the idea that you’re a BURDEN?” As he speaks, he looks almost hurt that I would say such a thing.
“I-I took you away f-f-from your plans,” I whine out.
“That doesn’t make you a burden love,” he says as he strokes my cheek. Shifting again to get us more on eye level, he continues, “this is not what’s making you cry this hard though. Please talk to me, y/n. I just, I feel so helpless if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” By now he’s holding my face, so I can only glance down to escape his eyes.
I know what I’m about to say will make him mad, so I keep looking down as I whisper, “why do you even care?” I feel his hands get tighter on my face. Not so tight that it hurts, but tighter nonetheless so I know he IS mad just like I was worried about.
What I wasn’t expecting was to be met with silence. When I look up, his eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open. Wanting to escape the situation, I say, “close your mouth, you’re going to catch flies like that,” but as I reach up to his face to gently shut his jaw, he grabs my hand hard.
“Why do I even care? I really can’t believe you just asked me that.” Mistaking his incredulity for annoyance, I frantically begin to apologize again as fresh tears spill over.
“Please stop apologizing, y/n. You don’t have anything to apologize for.” This shuts me up and for a moment we just sit in silence before it’s his turn to look away and he asks, “Have I not been doing enough to make you feel like I care? I’ll do anything you need, I-”
“What?! No! That’s not what I mean at all, you’re an incredible boyfriend and you make me feel so loved every day, it’s…it’s just that…” I pause to sigh. The last thing I wanted was for HIM to feel guilty. But how do I even begin to articulate what the problem is?
Eren waits patiently as I battle internally. Finally, I look down and continue, “It’s just that I don’t understand why you care about ME. I’m…I’m…I’m repulsive! I mean, just look at me!” I gesture to myself, still not making eye contact. Now I’m getting really worked up as I say, “We have no good pictures together because I ruin them all! I haven’t been able to contribute to a date in months because I have no money and on top of that you’ve had to bail me out financially more than once! I’m just…I’m useless! Fat, and lazy, and useless, and-”
I’m suddenly pulled into a crushing hug. Tangling one hand into Eren’s hair, I cry into the crook of his neck. For the first time in a while, I’m able to feel some of the weight lifting off of me. We stay like this for a moment and as my crying begins to subside, I can hear Eren speak through gritted teeth. Anger radiates off of him as he forces out, “did someone say something like this to you? Because if this is someone’s fault I’ll ki-”
“No one said this to me, Ren.” I lean back and realize he’s got tears glistening on his cheeks. I feel so bad for making him cry, but his silence implies he wants further explanation. I cup his face in my hands to wipe away his tears before I kind of chuckle and say, “No, no one said something to me. It’s just, I mean, I have eyes.”
“Well maybe you should get them checked then!” he bursts. I’m taken aback but it doesn’t stop him from continuing, “Because we must be seeing different things! Because when I look at you I just see happiness and love and sunshine.”
I chuckle again before I say, “Thank you Ren, but, to be fair, you’re my boyfriend. You’re supposed to say that kind of shit.”
Without an ounce of humor, he interjects “Well if I’m supposed to say it, then I must not be saying it enough. There are so many things about you that I love, like how smart you are and your humor and your kindness, but I never would have even wanted to get to know those things if I didn’t find you jaw-droppingly attractive. Your hair that looks soft and shiny no matter if you leave it natural or style it, your eyes that I find myself getting lost in every time we make eye contact, your smile that can genuinely turn my day around. And you’re every man’s dream because I don’t have to choose between tits and ass,” he squeezes both as his says that, making me genuinely laugh which reflects in his own smile before he continues, “and while I know you don’t like your stretch marks, I love them both because I think they’re like pretty tattoos but also because the skin is more sensitive so it gives me another way to drive you crazy any time we have sex.”
Before I can respond, he finishes off by saying, “You asked why I even care, but the answer is simple, and it’s because I love you. You are the greatest person I’ve ever met, and I will spend the rest of my life proving this to you if that’s what it takes.” He then kisses me softly yet passionately, conveying exactly how deeply he means everything he just said.
“It’s not something I’m just immediately going to believe about myself, but thank you. That really helped, Ren.” I kiss him one more time before saying, “I love you so much baby.”
“I love you too y/n.”
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sofiiel · 1 year
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Date: water park with Robin:
She's having a hard time functioning with you in your swimwear. Smelling of gentle sunscreen and flavored chapstick. You often catch her just quietly biting her lip and not so slyly checking you out.
You just blatantly checking her out right back and her tossing you a wink before striking poses for you. Earning herself many heated kisses.
Robin in painstaking reminding you of all safety tips when it comes to water or slippery surfaces. "Those sandals don't have much tread on them, be careful." or she's reminding you to stay hydrated as you walk around under the sun.
She's got her arm over your shoulders while you wander about the park. Giving you cheek loving nuzzles.
🤭 playing chicken/camel fight in the pool! Either you're on her shoulders or she's on yours. It turns into a giant splash war and you two aim to win.
You find a quiet spot near the aquarium to gaze at the marine life. It's quiet and you're cuddled against her. Robin will draw you into a kiss, under the rippling reflection of sunlight through the water.
A curious sea creature swims up and starts trying to get your attention from the other side of the glass. You and robin play with it by turning in circles, which it mimics.
Buying a large shell and listening to the sounds of the ocean together.
At the aquatic petting zoo you two freak out about touching the sea cucumbers.
Playing footsie while cruising down the lazy river. She can't stop giggling. "Do you have to be so cute all the time?" she laughs. "That doesn't mean stop - just so you know."
She makes a small soft groan as you're rubbing more sunscreen onto her back, she's absolutely loving the slight massage and keeps asking for 2 more minutes.
Matching bracelets from the merch shop! But as you're browsing, Robin's wandered off. She returns to you and asks you to close your eyes. You do as she asks, and feel her clasping a necklace around your neck. She leaves a gentle kiss to your collarbone and tells you to open your eyes. A mirror in the shop reveals it's a necklace you'd eyeballed as soon as you walked in the store. But would have felt guilty purchasing for yourself.
On the rushing rapids ride, Robin has you sit on her lap in the small raft. Her arms hold you tight to stop you from falling as you brave the wild ride together. Her laughter echoes in your ears.
Having people take pictures of you two snuggled just in front of the artificial water fall.
Robin calling you her little mermaid, as she rests on the edge of the pool while you swim up to her. Playfully splashing water at her to help keep her cool.
You enjoy a relaxing lunch at the juice bar, you two munch on some refreshing fruit and share a vividly colorful slushie. The waiter brought you two cute heart shaped twisty straws that they had left over from Valentine's Day.
Laying on beach towels on a simulated beach, your curled up neck to Robin as she caresses your hip, and you both are nearly falling asleep after using up so much energy. Robin talks endlessly in hopes of keeping you both awake, but you find she's making everything twice as soothing by doing so.
Near the end of your day together, you two run into a fun couple and hang out with them. They offer to snap a bunch of pictures for you if you do the same for them and you agree. Running about the water park, taking as many as you can manage, with each of your cameras.
After heading home the next day, Robin surprises you with a scrapbook of all the photos and clippings of beachy or sea themed pictures, she spent all night working on. It's scatter with little inner thoughts she had about that date inside.
Little notes such as: "she took my breath away in the shimmer of the water" or "I will remember this for the rest of my life" or "her smile out matched the sun." and "It was so crowded, but all I saw was you."
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winniemaywebber · 1 month
'in love and scared' prompts
22 & 25 for Olive & Dougie 💙
hello nonnie! thanks for the request - writing this one made me soooo soft and mushy <3
from this prompt list (still trucking on with these, but my inbox is still open for others should any take your fancy!)
under the cut to save space (tw/cw pregnancy)
laying with your back to their chest!!! their hands around your waist
lazy kisses, softly sighing and gasping into each other's mouths.!!
 It seemed everyone Olive spoke to these days -  once they’d spotted that ever growing baby bump (who could miss it, in fact?) -  was telling her to get as much rest as she possibly could, because there’d be none of that once the baby arrived. She runs that thought over in her head with a titter, sleep not having come for her now for the past four nights. If it wasn’t grisly heartburn making her nauseous, it was the being stuck with only two sleeping positions, both of them disastrously uncomfortable. Olive was beginning to miss silly things like sleeping on her back and being able to drink something other than milk to keep that angry acid reflux away. Sometimes, it was a hefty kick in the bladder multiple times a night that got her out of bed to use the bathroom, the act of walking and switching on lights being enough to pull anyone out of drowsiness, but especially a tired pregnant woman. Sometimes, Olive feels like she’s the only person in the whole world that’s wide awake - tonight, especially, that thought is too much to bear. 
The kick comes, along with the other small foot tucking itself into her ribcage. This is what makes her yelp in pain as she peels her husband off her to make her way to the bathroom, James Douglass waking up at the sound and movement with his signature snort. 
“Babydoll, what’s up?”
“Your darn daughter won’t stop booting me,” she cries, fat, hot tears dripping down her swollen cheeks. “I need to pee again and she’s got a foot in my ribs. A foot, James! It hurts, this all hurts and I am tired and I haven’t slept…” her voice drifts as it cracks with her rambles, her hands now covering her face to muffle the sobs. “How am I supposed to get rest before she gets here if I can’t get comfortable and when I need the bathroom every few minutes?” “Honey, shh,” he soothes, clambering out of the blankets and kneeling in front of her, kissing her stomach gently. “Relax, hm?” “I’m trying,” she snarls through gritted teeth, the foot finally shifting but now kicking at her stomach. 
“Hey, now,” he replies, sitting next to her. “I’m trying to help,” “I know, I know,” she exhales, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m just–”
She sees the cogs whirring in his head - she’s sure she’d see a lightbulb go off on top of his head with the face he makes when he comes up with an idea. She’s even sure she hears a little ping! as his eyes widen, his cute face totally melting her heart. 
“Why don’t I run you a bath?” Amazed she didn’t think of that for herself, she nods keenly. “Gosh, yes please, honey. That would be wonderful.”
He stands, kisses her forehead and pads to the bathroom, Olive hearing the faucet squeak as it turns on. She hears her husband humming softly from the bathroom as he opens cabinet doors to find the bath salt and bubbles, him sniffing at each to make sure they’re up to par for his grumpy wife. Within a few moments, it’s done, the steam billowing out of the door. 
“Ready, beloved!” he calls, Olive beginning to shed her clothes and place them on the bed. 
“Aaah,” she breathes out, the warm water enveloping her and instantly relaxing every aching muscle. The warmth and the ease seems to calm the baby too, the kicks now less violent but more making sure everyone knew she was still awake. “That’s better, huh?” Olive says, stroking at her swollen stomach. “Much better.” 
James sits on the floor, head on the sink. His eyes softened in total adoration at the sight in front of him as he smiles, just watching Olive relax in the warm water.
“Honey?” she murmurs. “Wanna get in with me?”
He gets up with such gusto that he bangs his head on the porcelain sink, Olive laughing at the sound. “Holy shit, slow down,” she cackles, her whole body shaking with it. “Are you okay?”
“Yep…fuck, that hurt.” “Come on, klutz. Get in.”
He slips in the water behind her, pulling her towards him and having her back rest on his chest. His hands top hers, stroking bubbles and warm water over the bump. 
“I’m sorry I was mean,” she sniffles, taking his hand and kissing it.
“Not mean, just grumpy,” he replies, his cheek resting on her hair. “Cmere,” he whispers, adjusting with a small splash so he can reach her mouth. His hand on her face, he kisses her slowly, the loveliness of it causing Olive to gasp and sigh into his mouth. 
“Better?” he asks, kissing the tip of her nose.
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theirlgarfield · 8 months
Gojo x reader fem
tell me if i should do a masc one, btw smut warning, sensitive content, still new to this so im gonna go soft do critique me pls!
Its a lazy saturday morning your on the couch reading your book some pages even make you blush.
the you hear a buzz from your phone "Bzzz...Bzzzz...BBBRRRING"
"ugh, god damnit this better be important" you flip your phone over to see 2 messages and a missed call from gojo what does this shithead want from you today
you and gojo had a stict FWB situation nothing more,or s you thought....
you check his texts and this fucker send you a white kitten gif with a text underneath it saying "good morning sweet cheeks, howd you sleep" with a little :3 at the end. you dont quite know what he wants with you but it cant be good thats for sure. you decide to text him back "what do you want gojo?" he responds in 30 seconds "i mean i think yk what i mean ;3....." your kidding me i think to myself "fine" i respond
30 minutes later hes at my house he knocks on the door and as i open it hes leaning on the door frame staring at me and looking me up and down with a smirk on his face,
"good morning beautiful" he says in a flirty voice hes wearing a tight compression shirt and grey sweatpants oh and how he knows what happens when he wears it
tbh just seeing him kinda turns me on and his outfit i already saw his pants and he knew what he was doing to me. I let him inside and close the door he whispers in my ear "you look charming in those clothes but beautiful with out them" he breaths hot air down my neck "I could say the same for you, toru~"
i lightly grab his face and bring him in for a kiss, because of his height i have to get on my tippy toes just to reach him but then he lifts me up by my waist and my legs wrap around him.
using one hand to run a finger from my neck and and down my spine and holding me, being in his arms felt like heaven and it was glorious he knew how to hold me kiss me even fuck me ecspecially the last one.
he pushes his lip into mine, as our lips disconnect a line of drool comes out. he knaws slighty on my chin before returning to clashing againts my lips.
as the tension between us grows like a magnet he places me on the counter feeling every curve of my body, and placing one of his hands under my shirt cupping my breast lighly rubbing the nipple he pulls his face to my neck and starts marking it with his teeth practically claiming me, i let out a soft moan as he pinches my nips and he bites hard and run another finger down my back exciting all my nerves and as i think hes about to keep going he pushes me farther on the counter.
"undress~"he says demandingly but also calming he knows hes won
should i continue it? lemme know and i would love comments since this is my first ever actual story and i kinda like it let me know what yall like and what u dont like! adios have a great day or good night drink water and take care of urself mwah
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divine-misfortune · 2 years
"Rain is sleepy, Aether has stuff to do, neither of them wanna get up" the fic
Aether needs to make dinner.
He could feel the unrest of several hungry ghouls stirring within the den and was even more aware of the emptiness in his own belly, but he was entangled in long thin limbs. It wasn't as if he hadn't tried to get up, he had, multiple times in fact, but the sleeping water ghoul refused to let him from his grasp. He could hear Rain's tail flick and bump against the wall in subconscious annoyance each time.
The amount of blankets piled on Rain's bed was excessive and laid heavily on him. Typically they'd have made his body run unbearably hot but Rain's skin was cool to the touch, and he was slotted perfectly flush to him. For once he was grateful for the fact Rain ran cold, but that would only last until the next time Rain decided to warm his fingers under Aether's shirt without warning.
Aether's not awake enough to really purr, though the sensation was starting to bloom somewhere within his ribs. It was beyond difficult to bring himself to shake the drowsy weight that settled over him and he almost didn't want to. In the dark room it would have been easy to give into his drooping eyelids but he forced himself to focus on the soft orange light peeking through the gap in the curtains, as if that alone would be enough to rouse him.
It hadn't been that dark when they'd laid down. Aether didn't even remember falling asleep, just the pretty doe eyed water ghoul tugging him into the nest of blankets Rain called a bed. Rain had asked to cuddle for "a few minutes" and Aether stupidly agreed. Minutes clearly had turned to hours given that the sun was surely setting just beyond the brick walls of the abbey.
His sleep schedule was certainly fucked.
But even still...he could feel Rain's fingers twitch and flex weakly against his ribs. A soft gesture that left him with a crooked and lazy smile. Aether pressed his face into his hair and took a breath, dizzied by linen and lavender.
"Lily pad..."
The other ghoul stirred briefly and let out a low whine. He only held onto Aether tighter like some oversized teddy bear.
"Sweetheart..." he sighed and ran a hand up his back, taking care as his fingertips ran over the soft bumps of his spine. "I need to get up."
"No you don't..." his words slurred, muffled into his chest.
"I do if you or anyone else wants to eat tonight."
Another sound of protest came from Rain as he tipped his head up, nose bumping clumsily into Aether's jaw.
"Nn...five more minutes..."
Rain's lips were soft as they grazed the stubble on his neck, leaving a few blind kisses in their wake. It was enough to truly draw out that deeply pleased rumble in his chest. Seemingly happy with himself, Rain tucked his face back into him, going as far as to nuzzle his cheek against him.
"Don't sleep nearly as good without you..."
Aether felt his face flush, disgustingly endeared by the sleepy confession. It was only when Rain was like this was he so earnest, nothing coy or self serving about his words. He sighed once again, though it came out far more pleased this time.
He buried his face back into Rain's messy curls in defeat. If anyone asked, Aether would insist Rain's sleepiness was contagious and he was simply a victim...He'd refuse to admit his inability to say no when it came to Rain, or the fact he was quite content to placate the other ghoul and his obnoxiously genuine request.
Aether just hoped the other's could manage to feed themselves and not burn down the kitchen, or the abbey.
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manestjerne · 1 year
Let me save you pt. ll
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Juice Ortiz x female reader 
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: mention of a toxic relationship 
My day off went by fast, I should’ve go get some groceries but instead I just spent the whole day in bed and ordered a takeout. I had no break in a week, so felt like I could use a lazy day. Reading a book under covers with a cup of hot coffee was one of my favorite ways to relax. I completely ignored the „baby, where are you? Are you running from me? What’s wrong?” texts from my ex’s new account. It’s not possible to block him so I can just pretend I don’t know what’s going on. The next day I took a shower in the morning, ate a bowl of cereal and enjoyed my free half of the day by playing some video games. When it was time to leave I went to grab my car keys, but then I remembered. Fuck, I was supposed to get some gas yesterday. After a quick fight with myself I chose to just walk there, it was about 15 minutes, and my shift started in 20. Yeah, that’s better. For me and the damn environment. I grabbed my purse and and left for work. On my way there I saw a cat sitting beside the sidewalk, so of course I had to go there and pet it, how could I just ignore that cutie? But that wasn’t a cutie.
- Ah you nasty bitch - the cat bit me and scratched half of my arm - Let go!
When I got free from the attacker I moved on looking in my bag for some tissues to wipe the drops of blood. Don’t pet stray cats ever again. Got it.
After cleaning the rest of my arm from blood I got behind a bar and started my routine by cleaning. Every time I heard the door opening I stealthily looked that way wishing Juice would come in, but he didn’t. Instead of him I saw Joe. Joe was one of our regulars, but he was a total prick. We all tried to ignore it and just serve him, but my day started bad enough, I didn’t have the patience to serve him now.
- Nat, your boy is here, come on - I yelled at the back door, waiting for her to appear.
She stood there so happy I almost felt bad doing that, but then I remembered every time she used me to deal with rude customers, so I just smiled.
- Oh, are you kidding me? I’m not-
- Sorry darling, I need to bring some coke from the back.
- There’s enough in the fridge!
- Yeah, remember last week, when you made me play pool with those creeps? You owe me one.
She still looked pissed.
- What about when some guys were fighting over that redhead? Or when I ha-
- Alright, alright. Go and hide, pussy.
Hanging out behind those magic doors was the best thing to do when something bad happened out front. Our boss didn’t really care, if the money was good one of us could literally go out and he wouldn’t give a shit. I saw a perfect opportunity. A whole lot of bottles were sitting on the floor, that’s the job for me, let’s put them away on the shelves. I had about two hours before the biggest crowd show up, so I decided to just stay there, coming out once in a while to bring Nat some more ice or sodas.
- Could you stand behind the bar for a minute? I need to call my mom.
Just 5 minutes, nothing bad can happen. I started pouring beers and mixing drinks, 10 pm and it was still quiet, but some of them have already had enough drinks. A guy tried to toss me a glass, he sat just two stools away from me, but refused to get up. I wanted to catch the sliding glass but it fell over and everything inside it went straight on my top. There wasn’t much left, about two melted ice cubes and a sip of cuba libre, but it was enough to get me wet.
- Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to do that.
- It’s alright, don’t worry.
It wasn’t, but what could I do? Can this day get any worse? I went behind the magic door and Nat was just putting her phone in a back pocket.
- Shit, what happened?
- You have a spare t-shirt I could borrow?
- No, sorry. Is it that wet?
- Nah, I look like a three year old who just ate noodle soup and smell like rum, but it’s fine.
- Just try to get it off, I can go back there.
Yeah, water didn’t help with the coke stain on my white shirt, so I decided to just keep stocking the bottles up. After only a few minutes I heard Nat.
- Hey y/n. Now your boy is here.
I rolled my eyes, pulled my pants up as much as possible to hide the stain and went through the door, ready to see a whole crowd of people, but it was shockingly quiet.
- What happened?
She just smiled, I looked around trying to find what’s wrong when I saw him.
- You know him? - I asked trying not to look at him
- Nah, but he came here yesterday, looking for you.
- Wait, you were here yesterday?
- Yeah, Laura told me you two had a hard Wednesday and wanted me to cover her. He’s cute.
- A little, but I’m not sure about that.
- Just give it a try, you’re so stressed, a dick would help.
- Oh shut up - I said when he sat on the stool across me - What can I get you?
- Just a beer - he smiled and put his phone on the bar
- What are you doing here, Juice? - I asked while pouring his drink - Another bad day?
- Yeah, stepped in on my way home.
- You live here?
- Not quite. You look like you had a bad day, what’s that? - he pointed at the stain on my stomach
- Oh yeah, very funny - but the words came out softly, not as rough my thoughts, I realized I’m not as stressed anymore
- No, seriously. Maybe you should drink with a straw next time.
I rolled my eyes handing him a beer.
- Trust me, if I had something else to wear I would put in on, but I came here on foot today. I left my spare clothes in the car, wasn’t expecting a cuba libre landing on my white shirt.
- I can borrow you a shirt - his voice was so soft, didn’t match his appearance
- Well, I don’t know you.
- It’s not a promise ring, just a shirt, and I have a jumper on, trust me I won’t freeze. But if you want to look like a three year old, then-
- Okay, that’s enough - I squinted my eyes - I’ll take it.
He smiled and went to the bathroom, came back a minute later with a white t-shirt in his hand.
- But watch out, I don’t have another one.
- Very funny - I said and went to the back
I finished changing when Nat came in with an empty keg.
- Wow, what’s that? - she asked pointing at my hand - And whose shirt is that? Oh my! You got it from the cute gangster, didn’t you?
- Stop yelling and change the keg, in 15 minutes we won’t have time for that.
I went to the tables and started collecting empty glasses, after wiping the tables I moved to the bar and wanted to get Juice’s glass but froze when he gently stroke my hand.
- What’s that?
- A scratch? - I said with fake disbelief in my eyes, trying to play it cool
- What happened?
- It’s nothing, I cleaned it already, I’m a nurse, remember? - but he acted like he didn’t hear me
- You okay? Who did this to you? - I couldn’t help but started laughing - hey, what’s so funny?
- I saw a cat on my way here… - his faced relaxed in a moment
- Natalie, could you please help me? Sure y/n, enjoy your date and I’ll serve everyone else, don’t worry - I heard a voice behind my back
- Am I interrupting you? - Juice asked nervously looking at my coworker
- Don’t worry, she’s just playing. They actually pay me for entertaining guests.
- So you’re entertaining me?
- If I’m not then why would you come back?
I felt a phone buzzing in my back pocket. I took it out to check who’s calling, but when I saw my ex’s name I quickly put it away. Yeah, whatsapp, I haven’t used it in years.
- You can’t use your phone at work?
- Of course I can, just didn’t want to pick up - I smiled trying to look as calm as possible
- Can I get your number then?
- What for?
- Well, you have my shirt
- Well - I smiled - but it’s not a promise ring, remember?
He looked me for a second not saying anything. I went to serve another guest, still smiling. When I came back after a while he took one of his rings of and gave it to me.
- And what’s that?
- A promise ring, so let me start again. Can I get your number? - I laughed at loud this time, took his phone and wrote my number down, putting his ring in my pocket - unbelievable…..
Rest of the night went by pretty fast, as always during the weekend, but this time my smile wasn’t a „customer smile”, it was real, whole damn night. I didn’t care about rude customers, I didn’t get mad when they whistled at me, I didn’t care about young boys hitting up on me. I didn’t, because I could feel him staring at me the whole time. There wasn’t much time when I could talk to him, but he still stayed, sitting at the bar all alone. People finally started to leave, so I used a moment to go back behind the bar.
- You want a lift home?
- Nah, I’m good.
- What about all the bad guys out there? And bad cats… - he smiled - you sure you want to go on foot?
I heard a phone buzzing, but this time it wasn’t mine. Juice’s phone was still on the counter. I caught myself staring at it so I looked away quickly. Jax doesn’t sound like a girls name, that’s good. He put his phone down after a minute and looked at me.
- What time do you finish?
- In 20 minutes, why?
- I can still give you a ride home.
- Don’t worry, I actually need a walk, I’ll be fine. Your boyfriend probably needs you more than me if he’s calling that late.
- You sure? - he smiled
- Yup, go home. See you - I didn’t mean to say that, felt my cheeks getting red, he just gave me a warm smile
- Get home safe, okay?
- Okay - I said, my cheeks were burning at this point
He left with a smile on his face and I was just standing there, looking at the door.
- Hey y/n, can I get another one?
- No Joe, we’re closing in 15 minutes - I said not even looking his way
My walk home was scarier than ever before, but I knew it was only because of what Juice said. When I got home I took a shower, ate some leftover pizza and got ready to go to bed. I looked at the pile of clothes tossed on the chair. Took the borrowed shirt with some other white stuff I could find and put in in the washer. I wanted to do laundry tomorrow anyways. Then I picked up my jeans and took the ring out of a pocket. I looked closely and saw „Sons of Anarchy” engraved on it. Well, a promise ring from a biker, that’s funny. I put it on my necklace and went to bed when I realized how much my head hurts and how tired I am. I refused to get up to get some painkillers. I got a text message, probably from Nat or my ex, so I ignored it. This can wait ’till morning. Another one. God. Then my phone started ringing. With my eyes closed I picked it up ready to tell him to fuck off and leave me alone.
- Hey, sorry, were you sleeping? - I opened my eyes, his voice as soft and worried as when he saw my arm
- What? No, I- I was making dinner, sorry. What’s up?
- I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.
- I’m okay. Thanks Juice.
- Wonderful, goodnight y/n, you should get some sleep.
- Goodnight.
He hung up, but I couldn’t close my eyes now, I wasn’t expecting that. My headache was gone and suddenly I was not sleepy at all, so I got up and made myself some tea.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
YESSS DUDE Iceberg and Kondraki not being on good terms is so funny to me— they hardly do anything about it though because Iceberg will just. Skip the argument and go straight to violence.
Kondraki calls him a glorified secretary and Iceberg throws a chair at him. Draven and Julian have to have tri-monthly “please don’t kill my dad” conversations, and in all of them, Julian points out how Kondraki always starts it, and by going in for the kill at the start of the argument, he’s actually preventing them from saying more shit. So instead of an argument lasting a few minutes and making a massive scene, it lasts like thirty seconds. Konny says something, Julian smacks him, they move on.
The only time Julian got really pissed at Kondraki was when the two of them and a few other doctors were having lunch together. Julian said something a little snide, and Kondraki said;
“I’m not taking this shit from someone who spends his day kneeling under a desk. Why the fuck did they even hire you?”
Everyone braces for Julian to skip over to physical violence. Instead, Julian calmly takes in a breath, then exhales.
“You know what? I’m done. I’m done! I’m not taking that kind of disrespect from a washed-up photographer whose only personality trait is being a dick to people and self loathing. I try really hard to tolerate you and keep our fights short because I like your son, but turns out that’s because he’s nothing like you, you dried up cat turd smelling son of a bitch, you snaggle-toothed butterfly-humping ketchup packet ass motherfucker, looking like you just crawled out from under a bridge— you’re calling me dumb? Saying I fucking spend all my day under a desk? Nah, I spend my day doing your paperwork, Clef’s paperwork, Bright’s paperwork, and the paperwork half these motherfuckers are too lazy to do themselves, and I still get my shit done! You think I don’t deserve my job? You think I’m under qualified? I’m a doctor of chemistry— I bet the only element you know is Lithium. I could run circles around you and your arthritic knees you decrepit little vulture. And didn’t you get your dick stuck in a water bottle? At your big age? Your fucking Jurassic age? Holy shit. When you die, I’m pulling up to your funeral as your ex-wife’s plus one and shitting on your grave. I’m done. Fuck.”
And Julian storms off, leaving Kondraki and the others to wonder what the fuck just happened. Gears, meanwhile, is pretty sure he’s feeling either admiration, love, or heartburn
-Brainworm anon
I mean they are both pretty violent already- that can't go too well, Kondraki likes provoking, Iceberg is easily provoked.
I can literally see these two having screaming matches in the middle of some rooms and everyone just,,, passing around them, with fear of not getting into the fight. If someone asks what happened this time you bet your ass is something like 'Iceberg somehow, found pictures of Kondraki's ex-wife and he photoshoped himself into them, then left them at Kondraki's desk'
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
That's not the person from NCIS
You called me to your office e for this
No, now I need your copy of the orientexpres
That's wasted already
What the fuck! How l9ng hq e we been running programing. It's not reality TV sopleae3 shh while we do are thing we won't be in your way all day
We got her a room
That'd too true it has it's only bathroom corner converted to an office for me, not as open concept as what I got bit I don't have swanson to worry about.
It was marked asbestos
A gas leak.
We could do that.
We could...or we could go out find someone who knows how much
Hammers made more of them
Guesses, that's way easier than my plan
8 see you tripped on the carpet
Buts such a romanticly corner lifted screw it Barbra Manatee
This Christmas bring home pokemon stadium
Want to try the drowsy run
She is hammered!
That's a she!
9k who told you you could Pterodactyl. Her name's Sara, the tricky three horned with half brother sounds like a tuba when it talks. Somehow Linda knew she wouldn't have to get out and push if she was the mayor. Sorry Nan. It's from the carbonated beverage STOP! She's dead as perscripted. Dust takes out the news chopper. Take me to any entrance and then hand me a kitten.
Take me to a less under water area
Well we found just ketchup ingredients
Glasses you did this.
No, I tapped the print icon and someone else said nevermind printing the whole damn thing! So I used the password from weeds and Michelle Trachtenberg what else can I say, Scott doesn't know
Win Ben steins money isn't a good enough answer for my taste. What's your tongue say. Alien hands rumor thats enough. Okay so what's your favorite?
Black man Un hospital bed: stan smith your an angel
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Stan:oh no no shhhh sh sh. I donee you're gyro.
J.E.Jones: take one of these "camera things" to any beach anywhere and then try and tell me where I could possibly fit in your production of space golf.
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Maria pulls up her bumper with shoe laces, wanna fake a round of padiwaaROSWELL tonight at eight on space
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Tell me again how close your tongue got to it
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Donnie:do you want to go with me
Anon:actually I want to see if he gives out smokes, we are in middlesex
They had to call to the tow line operator Itsa Magic bullet
Sidewalk and shiver me timber
That's exactly what he sounds like sober
Aleida: she called these menthols, and you what cats got your tongue
Nurid'Gloria: red don't know shit and you, well you're quick from timon to desk.
So...panty stainin now tinfoil lightning. Is that bitch a chemist?
Boo: I'm behind what's up?
Jen Psaki: I've got soft wet oreos and six beers that are hot to the touch please conway
Aleida: I got pizza money to leave around and turtle glaboxo.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Dance, bitches
Ointb:andpeople can walk in during the middle and see organ
Tori Spelling
Once again, here we have a panel of ghost writers
Why don't kids like swamp monster cerials!
Red:picture me surfing
Flores: enough apples for a pie, wait a minute...
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Jeez anyone need to take a boat to make an appointment for the announcement they just have to make we get it, your warmish.
Fatbastard: Now, my neck looks like a vagina.
Ai:hold on, I'm not done, folding
Pippi used
It missed. Shhhh she's about to ask the question
Filterless, if you've got them
Lucky Strike stubborn boxhound. Not infront of the nobility! Oh forbidding Mercury how do I acne
Bitch slapped I got your kijiji and I assume you bought westerfeld
That's friends
Instead we'll film then in a little box next to it we'll print LIVE
Important abortIon don't turn around too late
People running for there lives up to a point you've got to say where's the static took.enter poet. Release trigger.
Bomb on bus
Tries the door
lol suckerz
Joey: Red eyes attack the United nations
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Tracy: I only have water types and pencils!
0 notes
storytimewithnova · 1 year
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Sho's Pov:
My day began like any other - getting rudely awakened by my alarm clock and promptly throwing it against the wall. I've lost count of how many alarm clocks I've gone through. Anyway, I proceeded with my usual morning routine, putting on my uniform and heading to wake up my brother, Keiji. "Keiji, get up! You have until I come out of the bathroom," I called out.
After waiting for five minutes, I went back to Keiji's room and entered. "Kei, get your lazy ass out of bed, or I'm calling Papa," I warned him firmly. But, to my frustration, he simply groaned and turned over. Can you believe the audacity?
"Fine, I warned you, Keiji Akaashi Hinata. Papa, Kei won't get out of bed. I'll go get Eri ready for school. I'm not dealing with him today," I muttered, annoyed.
I then made my way into Eri's room, greeting her with a smile. "Good morning, it's time for our little unicorn to wake up. Come on, sis, it's time to get ready for school."
Sho's Pov:
As I walked into Eri's room, I greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, it's time for our little unicorn to wake up. Come on, sis, it's time to get ready for school."
Eri let out an adorable yawn and replied, "Nyaa! Morning, big brother sunshine."
"Good morning, unicorn. It's time for our little unicorn to go to school. Let's get you dressed and head down for breakfast. I think Dad is making pancakes today," I said, excitedly.
"Is Ji up yet?" Eri asked, mischief evident in her voice. "Do you want to see if owl boy is up, or should we throw water over him?" She giggled mischievously, unable to contain her evil smirk. "Hehe! Okay, let's go!"
Together, we made our way to Keiji's room, only to find that he was still fast asleep. Without hesitation, Sho and Eri decided to tip cold water over him. They successfully woke him up, but unfortunately, they also woke him up on his bad side.
"YOU ARE SO DEAD, SHOYO AKAASHI HINATA!" Keiji shouted angrily.
"Hehe, Sho, Sho, is Dad making chocolate pancakes?" Eri innocently asked.
"Naturally, unicorn," I replied with a smile. I quickly got Eri dressed, and we headed downstairs. After greeting Dad and Papa, we sat down for breakfast. Eri and I chanted "Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!" together, eagerly awaiting our delicious meal. Finally, Keiji made an appearance, and we continued our chant. "That's what you get for staying up late with your boyfriend, Bokuto. You know how bad your sleeping is," I teased him.
Once we finished our pancakes, we got into the car and drove to school, blasting the radio and singing along. Eri and I were in perfect harmony, and I couldn't help but admire her talent. We dropped Eri off at play school and continued on to mine and Keiji's school, thinking it would be a normal day.
Little did I know, my day was about to take a turn for the worse. As I walked into the gym, I could hear cheering and chants of congratulations. Confused, I approached my best friend, Atsumu, who was standing with my crush, Kita.
"Hey, Suna, what's happening? This doesn't seem normal," I asked him.
"Oh, hey, Shoyo. Yeah, Atsumu and Kita just became an official couple. Pretty great, huh? Congrats to them," Suna replied casually.
"That's... great. Yeah, congrats," I said, trying to hide my disappointment. I always secretly shipped Atsumu and Kita, but I never expected them to actually get together. Excusing myself, I walked away, feeling a strange mix of jealousy and nausea building up inside me.
Coughing and hacking, I couldn't control the overwhelming feeling that took over me. Panicking, I ran out of the room and looked at my hand, only to see blood and petals.
"Shit, shit, shit," I muttered under my breath.
I could hear footsteps running behind me, and Suna caught up to me. "Sho, what happened?" he asked, concerned.
"Nothing. I-I-I'm fine," I replied, trying to brush off the situation. But deep down, I knew something was wrong.
I ran out of the school and bumped into Sakusa, an acquaintance from another class. "Hey, sunshine, long time no see. Are you okay?" he asked, noticing my distressed state.
My mind wandered back to the events that had just unfolded, and before I knew it, I blurted out, "Hello, flower petals. How are you, Omi?" Sakusa looked shocked and scared simultaneously, and then he asked, "Okay, whose the bastard that gave you Hanahaki?"
I looked at Sakusa, contemplating his words. "My classmate, but why do you care?" I asked, curious about his sudden concern.
He replied, "1. I care, sunshine, because you are my best friend and the only one who can understand my phobia. 2. I want to make sure it isn't my little brother. I don't exactly feel like kicking his ass today. 3. You are dying over this bastard."
I nodded, acknowledging his points. "Those are fair points, but you forgot number four," I said.
Sakusa raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.
"Number four is that besides Kita, I am the only other person who can keep the twins under control. If I die, Kita is left to deal with them alone," I explained.
Sakusa sighed. "I can't argue with that statement. So, who gave you Hanahaki?"
"Well, I mentioned him twice. It's Kita, as in Kita Shinsuke," I replied, feeling a mix of sadness and anger. "Kita and Atsumu, to be exact. Atsumu knew I liked Kita, and he took advantage of that fact. It's hard to believe I once liked Atsumu, and he goes and pulls a dirty move like this."
My mind was filled with uncertainty. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go back to school and face them without throwing up petals, and I couldn't go home because my dads were at work. I felt like I had nowhere to go.
"Hey, sunshine, are you okay? You're zoned out. Do you need to talk about it?" Sakusa asked, concerned.
"No, I'm fine. I was just thinking. I can't go back to school and face the people who put me in this condition, and I can't face my dads and let them see me like this. I basically have nowhere to go," I replied, feeling lost.
Sakusa paused for a moment before speaking. "Well, you can stay with me as long as you need, princess. I have my own little apartment. It's nothing special, but it's homely."
Meanwhile, in the Inarizaki group chat:
Luna: Has anyone seen Shoyo? I can't find him anywhere.
Suna: No, he ran out this morning. Do you need him?
Luna: I'm worried about him. He didn't look so good. Thank you for telling me, Suna.
Sangwoo: I'm sure he's fine, Luna-chan.
Ojiro: Yeah, I agree with Sangwoo. Sho can handle himself.
Aran: Did you check his house or with his brother?
Luna: That was the first place I checked, Ojiro.
Mr. Hinata: Yes, Aran?
Aran: Mr. Hinata, Sho's other dad is a teacher and volleyball coach at the school. Your son is missing.
Mr. Hinata: He's missing? What happened, Aran?
Suna: Sorry to be off-topic, sir and Aran, but Shoyo is your son.
Mr. Hinata: Yes, Suna, and he is my cousin, by the way. Hence why I am worried. Sorry, uncle.
Suna: It's alright, dear. Shoyo and Akaashi, along with their little sister Eri, are my biological kids. I mean, you just have to look at Sho and Akaashi to tell they're related. But Uncle, you're off-topic. What about Sho? He's missing. Anything could have happened.
Atsumu has gone offline.
I received a text from Atsumu and showed it to Sakusa. "Hey, Sunshine, this is a stretch, but I'm putting it out there. Why don't you get the surgery?" he suggested.
I shook my head. "Because I don't want to be unable to feel love again, Kiyo," I replied honestly.
Sakusa sighed. "So, you're willing to end your life for AtsumBack at Inarizaki
MR Hinata has just learnt the truth well not all of the truth about his son now he is about to confront his class about the situation
“Class 1-A aka my team come to the Gym now pronto ASAP”
“Yes Sensei is something up”
"As a matter of fact yes in the search for my son my eldest has found his diary now I have read it especially the last page Kita did you know my son had feelings for you”
“I Knew he had like feelings but I thought he meant like a friendship way when he told me he loved me why do you ask sir”
“Congratulations your killing him you at Atsumu”
“Excuse me sir what do you mean Kita and Atsumu is killing him”
“Well Ren Sho has Hanahaki”
“But isn't that a myth sir”
“I thought so to but the evidence in his diary suggests other wise”
“What does the entry say as It has to be about me I have a right to know right”?
“Okay here is his last entry reads it out ~Hey diary this will be the last you hear from me you see today the ultimate betrayal happened when my best friend and my crush become official coughs while writing and <blood and petals come up> oh yeah I should mention that to you diary I have Hanahaki you know what keep the petals as a memory of the betrayal that I will never forget bye diary”~
Everyone looked shocked and disappointed Mean while Shoyo decided to text his cousin luna
Texts between Luna and Shoyo
//hey Lu if I know my brother as well as I do he would have found my diary and the truth about me would of come out I am not coming back don't look for me please//
//what do you mean where are you please give me something anything//
//we're fine we are just worried about you//
//I told you I'm safe tell dad and Akaashi and Eri I'm sorry I can't face them again before you ask why//
Shoyo forwards a text message to show
text message from Atsumu to me //some bitches need to know their place and this is yours Kita chose me over you deal with it from Atsur any bye sho//
“Uncle sho is texting me and he says he is safe he isn't coming back you know what I'll just let you read my phone”
Mr Hinata read Luna’s phone and then said
“Atsumu you can go and see The principal”
“Why that's not fair”
“this is a text from you this morning to my son”
Me Hinata read out Atsumu’s text in front of the boys
~”some bitches need to know their place and this is yours Kita chose me over you deal with it from Atsu”~
“Really Brother thats low even for you”
“Disgusting behaviour Atsumu miya”
“We’re over Atsumu” “What why”
“You are seriously asking why well if you Don’t know I ain’t telling you sir i would like to make it right with your son and save his life”
“Wise chose young man i will call him see if i can get him to tell me where he is”
Mean while akaashi walked out of school with a knife seeking revenge
He walked into the gym and his eyes were red with blood lust he couldn't his dad calling him
Huh!? Asked Keiji
Yandara said the boys
Mr hinata received a call from shoyo just letting him know he is safe at least that is whwt he wants his dad to think
📲son where are you, please come back or do you want an upset baby unicorn tonight
📱is that what you think I want my sister crying her eyes out.
📲Then come home please son
In the background
just know no one hurts my baby brother and gets away with not again not on my watch wait where is sho”
“He ran away Keiji”
“HE WHAT?! okay now its on site”
“Kei simmer down we will find him”
“You better or i swear I will cut a bitch 🔪”
“Hinata Akaashi Keiji Give me the weapon”
“Ugh whatever“ he reluctantly Hands over knife
“All of them Keiji”
“How? Fine” hands over everything he had on him well almost everything
“Cuz where. The fuck were you stashing all that”
The only anwser luna got that question was
“huh? Nunna? What's that meant to mean”
“None of your business”
“📲sho are you still on the phone with me”
“📲Unfourtunely Jesus Kei rattled your cage today” “
📲Just tell me who you with what is this mission”
In the background
📲Helios come on Dabi is getting Impatient and if you don’t complete this mission on time oir heads on the chopping block and not just Secretively”
📲Kyio are you with my brother”
📲Hey keiji who do you think found him who do you think has been helping raise money to get surgery to remove that flower It will also remove his feelings and he won’t be able to love again”
📱Im here I want to help”
“📱Funny Kita san <cough cough>”
“📱Cuz you okay”
“📱Shut up lu im fine nothing to serious”
“📱you are calling Hanahaki not serious are you shitting me you and i both know its getting worse”
“📱Where are you sho let me help you”
“📱Why are they calling you Helios little bro”
“📱My codename I am on a mission”
📲I am sorry sho when you told me how you felt I thought you meant as friends I see me and Atsumu have clearly hurt your feelings
Nice kill sunshine our next is this guy”
“K-k-kill you just killed someone and you want kita to be with you you're dangerous”
“Hahaha hold still your little bitch or your daughter gets it” 🔪
“Papa help”
“Haha let's do this Dabi give us the information and we let you go about your day”
“please what do you want to know I'll tell you anything just let my daughter go”
“Who is the corrupt MF who is trying to take down the sunshine corporate “
“Okay okay i’ll tell you its my business partner Willam”
“You just gave that infomation to the Heir to that company who will be trying the fuck company over”
“Im sorry sir really i am sorry ”
“Too late little girl i suggest you run because my friend here don’t play nice i don’t kill kids him on the other hand does as for you sir goodnight” 🔪
MR Hinata was still on the phone and hearing everything kita heard as well and he said
“Sho stop this and come back to me i want to tell you something”
“You have five minutes of my time dabi can you get me a porta from momma Kurogiri”
“Sure can sunshine”
A portal appears and shoyo goes though back to the Inarizaki gym
“Speak now before i go on my next mission”
Kita walked up to sho and kissed him
“ i am sorry i didnt recognise your feelings let me return them now”
Kita kissed shoyo and shoyo kissed back
“What about Atsumu”
“Your cousin showed us a text he is currently suspended”
“And we are over shoyo will you be my boyfriend please”
“Yes of course i will but i have to go back on my mission take down the assholes that are trying take down Sunshine corp”
“Want some help sunshine”
“You need a codename”
“Omfg your a fire fox i am more in love you”
“Thanks baby lets go”
And they went to take down all the corrupt corpations hand in hand The yandara and the firefox become informous Shinsuke also learnt those corps were after his corpation too win win and he was with the one he truly loved
“that is how mommy and daddy fell in love Emiko”
“you are telling our daughter or story Kita”
she asked how we got together sorry honey”
“ no I love our story well maybe not the start of it but the way it ends I love”
“ is that why you and daddy are famous mommy”
“yep we are famous yanderes your uncle Keiji is one too and so are you it’s our bloodline”
“cool so we get to protect the ones we love”
“yes darling now it’s bedtime goodnight sweetheart”
“goodnight baby”
“goodnight mommy and daddy”
We will always kill butterflies to keep you sake out little fox no matter who it is they will never touch you our dear child if killing butterflies (bodies) is what we have to do to keep you safe we would rather have blood on our hands and you keep your innocence
0 notes
m-talks-shit · 2 years
I woke up to the house being empty, my sister and her boyfriend were already at work. I went downstairs and got greeted by the dogs before going into the kitchen to make myself an iced coffee. It was awful, to be honest.
My sister didn't really have any food so I decided to skip breakfast. I went to take a bath instead. We don't have a bath in my house, just a shower. We used to only have a bath. I adored taking baths, I would sit there for over an hour just enjoying myself in the hot water. Today I considered 20 minutes to be a long bath. Over the years I've been burdened with massive financial guilt due to my parents constantly talking to me about the bills and how I shouldn't waste water and electricity. At this point my regular showers are 5 minutes and my long showers (where I shave my whole body, do a hair mask etc.) are 10-20 minutes. I don't understand how people can spend longer than 20 minutes in the shower. What do they do? I get so bored so quickly, I wish I could stand under running water for an hour without having a constant fear of the water bill.
After my bath I did my makeup, got dressed and decided to go for a walk around the neighbourhood. Whenever I stay at my sister's house I don't really go out anywhere, especially by myself. It was nice to explore a little, even if it is just roads upon roads. I stopped at a shop and picked up some snacks. I know I know I'm meant to be eating healthy or whatever but I figured if I didn't have my brother to buy me food everyday I'd have to survive on something.
When I got back I made myself a coffee, fed the dogs and set myself up in the living room to watch some shows before anyone got home. My sister's boyfriend picked up his kids to stay over for a night. They live with their mum normally since it's closer to their school and friends and then they usually stay here for the weekends. The older one I get along with very well, she's only 2 years younger than me, she's polite and we have the same sense of humour. The younger one however, we're both not a fan of. I don't know how she ended up so different to her sister but she is incredibly spoiled, throws tantrums over nothing, she's lazy and she's mean, really mean. Both of them are well off, in the sense that they get a lot presents, they have the newest iphones, laptops etc. but at least the older one is humble and grateful. The younger one, she's 11/12 I'm not quite sure, is absolute evil incarnate. The worst thing is that she'll never aim it at my sister or her dad, just at me and her sister for absolutely no reason. She'll kick and scream and cry and needs constant attention. As someone who is the youngest sibling themself, she sets a bad example for us. From one side I do get it, she gets jealous at how well I get along with her sister and I admit we don't include her in some things because, well to be honest, it just feels like we're babysitting. At the same time there's clearly someone who is enabling this behaviour and not teaching her that it's wrong, which isn't her fault.
I stayed up until 2am with the older one, which is later than I've stayed up in weeks. It was probably the 2 coffees I had earlier in the day but it was also a part of me that was genuinely embarrassed to fall asleep early in case she might think I'm not cool anymore. I don't know why teenagers associate an awful sleep schedule with being better than people who fall asleep and wake up at normal times after getting enough sleep. Call me old but I like getting 10 hours of quality sleep, going to bed at 10 or 11 and waking up at 8 or 9. 10 hours might be too much but that's what my body wants so that's what my body gets. Since I don't have a job there's no need for me to wake up at a specific time so I don't use alarms anymore. My body wakes me up when it has had enough sleep and I respect that. Over the years you learn to realise that your body tells you everything you need.
0 notes
valaryswrites · 2 years
hiii! saw you wanted some remus requests and i’m here to deliver :D
i’ve been feeling under the weather so maybe remus comforting reader and being all mushy for reader??
🪐 where after working the whole day, remus finds you sleeping in his quarters.
warnings: fluff, english is not my mother language
The wooden door of Remus Lupin's quarters opened at midnight, revealing his tired but satisfied face. He spent the whole night grading papers and preparing some activities for the students. Lupin cracked his neck the moment he stepped inside, and sighing in relief he looked at the room, just to find you sleeping in his sofa.
The man smiled wide open and before leaving his brown cloak over the desk he search for and old camera in his bag. Lupin always carried one just to capture moments. In this case, literally and metaphorically, he captured you.
The flash made you wake up in a quick movement, making Remus feeling a little bit guilty. Without giving you a chance to do or say something, he sat right next to you while sorrounding your body with his arms.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." he whispered, caressing your hair. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Keep resting.”
"It's okay." you said, letting yourself rest in his chest. "I slept a lot already. This is better."
"Are you okay?" Remus asked. His chin was resting on top of your head. "I thought you were going out tonight, so I stayed in the library doing some paperwork. If I knew you were here, I would've come running." you laughed.
"How dramatic." you said. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little tired and... weak, I guess."
“Is there something I can do for you to feel better?” He asked, lifting your face with one hand, making you look at him. His eyes had little sparks and the scars from the last full moon were healing perfectly.
“A bath.” you answered. “A bath would be fine. We can do it together.”
He smiled.
“Nah.” he said. “I’ll prepare you a bath and I will take care of you.”
After ten minutes you were still resting all over the sofa, when you smelled the sweet scent of lavander and mint. Remus was never the kind of man to take fancy an expensive showers. But he always wants to give you that.
“Come here, love!” he called for you.
Lazy, you stood up and walked out of his room to enter the bathroom. Your face recover it’s color when you notice he was sitting right next to bathtub, with rolled up sleeves of his dark green sweater.
He placed his wand over the sink, with the light coming from it.
“I didn’t want to turn on the lights, but I don’t have candles.” He explained. “So I though my wand can be used as something similar.”
You walked towards him and placed a sweet kiss on top of his head. He was sitting on a little chair, so he grabbed your legs with softness and kissed your clothed stomach.
“It’s ok if I undress you?” Remus asked, lifting his head to look at you. His eyes weren’t mischievous; they were full of love, admiration.
“Go ahead, Professor.” you teased, smirking. Your hands were cupping his cheeks.
“If you keep calling me that I’ll have to undress you and take you back to that sofa. But not to make you sleep.” Lupin assured. “Just let me do this without getting hard.” he laughed.
Remus unbuttoned your pants first, pulling them down until he was able to remove them completely. The cold hit your legs but he made sure to warm them up with caresses. Your shirt was next, your bare shoulders making their appearance.
And there you were, letting your body relax in the bathtub, while the man sitting next to you was in charge of covering your body with warm water and the most honest love someone could give. 
“You are too good for me.” you said, with your eyes closed.
Remus placed a kiss in your wet forehead. 
“I could never be good enough to someone like you.” he said in a whisper. “It’s a pleasure for me to come here after a long night and find you.”
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