#Diana taurasi x oc
boobabietch · 5 days
Chapter I: "From College Phenom to WNBA Superstar: The Victoria O’Hara Story" | Diana Taurasi x OC
Warnings: Kinda narcissistic, kinda obsessed Victoria (excuse my girl she just wants to do good)
A/N: first chapter baby let’s fucking goooo, I’m so so excited about this series and I cannot wait for you guys to read it. As always English is not my first language so if you see any mistakes (I wrote this super high so there’s probably some) please let me know so I can change them asap, comments are highly appreciated, please let me know what you think! My ask box is always open too. Love Sof :))
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There’s a funny thing about being a woman in sports, and it’s that being good is not enough.
When I was first drafted to the W, my back was in agonizing pain, breaking under the weight of everyone’s expectations. Having an excellent college career made the country ache with the need to see me play with the big dogs, some rooting for my success, but most of them patiently waiting for my imminent downfall. I struggled; climbing up that fucking hill was hard. But everything became easier once my mind was blinded with rage, and that anger had a name: Diana motherfucking Taurasi.
Growing up she was everything I aspired to be. She made it all look so easy, so effortless, and I wanted that. And the thing is, I’m not an aggressive person, not even a bad one. I bake for my teammates every Friday, I have friends all over the league, little girls want my shoes after the games and their grown fathers want my ass, teenage girls even write about me on Tumblr, for fuck's sake! I am perfectly fine!
Until that fucking game.
May 19, 2017
My rookie season. We faced Phoenix for the first time. The air was thick with anticipation, and I couldn’t shake the feeling in my gut that nobody on that arena came to see me.
There she was.
Diana was there, larger than life, owning the court like she owned the entire damn league. And the truth was, she did.
I knew this moment was coming, but nothing could’ve prepared me for actually standing across from her. She locked eyes with me during warm-ups, her face impassive, like I wasn’t even worth her time. I looked around and every person was the same, nobody really came to see me, not even my team. That’s when I realized that being good at the game it’s not enough, you have to play another type of game if you want people to see you, and I was determined to make them beg for more of me.
That was all it took. I felt something rise inside of me, a mix of insecurity and pure terror, and from that moment, the only thing I wanted more than winning was beating her. Proving her wrong.
And that’s where all the shit unraveled.
It wasn’t just the basketball. It was personal. Every shot I took, every time I drove the lane, I wasn’t just thinking about the score, I was thinking about her. The way she moved. How her voice echoed through the arena when she barked orders to her team. I hated how much I was drawn to it, to her.
My teammates tried to talk me down, “Vico, chill you’re obsessing,” Sydney said. But they didn’t get it. Diana Taurasi was my benchmark, my North Star. My fire, I wanted what she had and in order to get it she was the one to beat. Every game after that I took it as duel, a fight for dominance. I was determined to make her see me, to make her acknowledge that I wasn’t just some rookie passing through, because if she knew that, then everybody would know that I was Victoria fucking O’Hara, and I was coming for the crown, her crown.
And I was doing a hell of a job:
"Rising Star: Victoria O'Hara Leads All Rookies in Scoring and Rebounds"
"WNBA newest princess? O’Hara’s Rookie Season Proves She’s a Force to Be Reckoned With"
"Victoria O’Hara Makes Waves: Record-Breaking Rookie Season Captivates Fans and Analysts"
But it never seemed to be enough, until…
July 7, 2017
It was after another grueling game. We lost by three points, but I played the game of my life. I was exhausted, mentally and physically, slumped on the bench, trying to catch my breath. And someone towered over me.
Someone I was very aware of.
“Not bad, O’Hara. Keep it up, and you might actually be a challenge someday.”
My stomach twisted.
I stared at her for a weirdly amount of time, unsure how to respond. Hell, was she mocking me? Or was this some twisted form of respect?
Before I could think too much, I snapped back:
“Someday? I’m already a problem for you.”
Fuck, that sounded way harsher than I intended.
I saw her look at her shoes, clicking her tongue before staring at me again, a smirk plastered in her face begging to be slapped it out “Of course you are”
And that’s it. She left.
July 30, 2017:
We were playing again, and the tension was unbearable. Everyone could feel it. Diana was all over the place, controlling the game like she always did, like she owned it. But this time? I wasn’t letting her have it. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of thinking she still ran the show. I needed this moment. I needed to prove myself. To her. To everyone.
Then, in the third quarter, it happened.
I saw her coming. Her eyes were locked on me like a damn predator, and I wasn’t backing down. I made a drive, quick and sharp, cutting to the basket with everything I had. I was going to score, but she had other plans. She slammed into me, body on body, knocking me off my path like I was nothing. I hit the floor hard, my elbows burning from the impact. The whistle blew, and I stayed down for a second, rage boiling under my skin.
"Get up," she muttered, standing over me like she owned the place. "You’re gonna need more than that to take me down, rook."
The audacity. I pushed myself up, heart pounding in my chest, glaring straight at her. I was chest to chest with the legend, staring into her eyes, and for the first time, I wasn’t intimidated. I was pissed. “You think you’re untouchable? Just fucking wait.”
She smirked, like she’d heard it all before. Like she didn’t even have to try. "I don’t think, O’Hara. I know," she spat back, her voice dripping with arrogance.
That was it. That was the moment I snapped. "Oh, you’re just a fucking bitch, aren’t you?" The words flew out before I could stop them, and I shoved her, hard.
The arena erupted in chaos.
Before I knew it, she was lunging at me, ready to push me back. But our teammates were faster, grabbing us before we could even make contact. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears, my fists clenched, ready to throw. But the second I tried to break free, I was held back by a wall of arms pulling me away from her.
It took four players to hold me back. Four.
Diana wasn’t any better off. Her teammates were holding her down too, but I could see it in her eyes. She wanted this fight as much as I did. There was fire there, the same fire I felt burning inside me. She wasn’t just here to win; she was here to prove a point. But so was I.
We both struggled against the hands holding us back, trying to break free, trying to get at each other. My muscles ached with the effort of pushing forward, but no matter how hard I fought, it wasn’t happening. I could almost feel the impact of my fist hitting her. The unfinished fight burned inside me, an itch that couldn’t be scratched.
I didn’t give a shit about the cameras or the refs. I didn’t care about the technical they were about to call. All I cared about was making her feel this rage, this fire that she had sparked inside me. I wanted her to know that she wasn’t untouchable. That I wasn’t just another rookie.
Finally, the refs managed to pull us apart, forcing us to opposite sides of the court. My chest heaved with adrenaline, but I wasn’t done. I looked back at her, catching her eyes one more time. That damn smirk still on her face. But I knew she saw me now. I knew she felt it too.
The fight wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
That was the moment I realized. Diana Taurasi wasn’t just another player to beat. She was the one. The one I had to take down. And maybe, just maybe, she’d finally met someone who could.
Fucking Diana.
"Rivalry Ignites: O’Hara and Taurasi Get into Fiery Altercation During Friday Game"
San Antonio Stars Victoria O’Hara Adidas Grey and Black Edition Player Jersey | SOLD OUT
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Requests are Open!
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mopopshop · 4 months
Embrace (DT x OC!Reader)
based off this request <-
i love this sm guys and i hope y’all do too so please enjoy 🙏🏾🙏🏾
give feedback if you feel like it!
You’ve always been more comfortable in the background. Even at UConn, where you met Diana, you preferred watching from the stands rather than being the center of attention. What you didn’t expect was catching the eye of the star player, much less marrying her and starting a family. 
Now, years later, as you stand outside the Footprint Center with your daughters, Aria and Jaylen, you can’t help but reflect on how far you’ve all come. Aria, the older of the two at six, is bouncing on her toes, her excitement palpable. Jaylen, at just two, is perched upon your hip. 
To support your wife you obviously come dressed in DT merchandise, you and your daughters came matching in Diana’s jersey with Jaylen wearing that and a tool skirt in Phoenix Mercury colors. 
"Mommy, mommy, can we get popcorn?" Aria asks, tugging at your sleeve.
“Yeah, yeah, baby hold on, we needa find our seats first” you grin.
The arena is alive with energy, fans buzzing in anticipation of another legendary Diana Taurasi performance. You lead your daughters through the throng, finally finding your seats close to the court. You’ve always had good seats—one of the perks of being with D.
As the game begins, you watch Diana with a mix of pride and awe. She’s as fierce as ever, commanding the court with her presence, making impossible shots look effortless. Aria and Jaylen cheer loudly, their voices joining the chorus of fans.
"Mama is the best!" Aria exclaims, her eyes shining. "Do you think she’ll win tonight, Mommy?"
"You already know baby," you say, squeezing her shoulder. 
During a timeout, Diana glances toward you and the girls, a smile playing on her lips. You wave, and she blows a small kiss, her eyes filled with love.
Then, when it comes to halftime, she finds time to sneak from the locker room to come see you. Diana approaches, her face lighting up as she spots you and the girls.
"How are my girls" she says, a grin spreading across her face as she kneels down to scoop Aria from the floor then plucking Jaylen from your arms. "You having fun?"
Aria nods vigorously. "Yes, Mama! You're doing awesome!"
Jaylen giggles and reaches out to Diana, pulling on her lips and cheeks. "That's my little cheerleader," she says, her voice warm and affectionate.
You smile at the sight, feeling your heart swell with love. "You’re killing it out there, D," you say. "We’re so proud of you."
Diana puts the girls down and pulls you into a quick hug, wrapping her sweaty arms around your waist. "Thanks, baby. You know i’m gonna show out when I got y’all here" She glances back at the tunnel that leads to the locker room and sighs. "I have to get back, but I'll see you after the game, ‘kay?"
"Go get 'em, babe" you say, giving her a reassuring smile.
She gives you a quick kiss and hugs Aria and Jaylen one last time before heading back to the locker room. As she disappears down the tunnel, you settle back into your seat, feeling a rush of pride and excitement.
The second half of the game is just as thrilling. Diana's energy is electric, and she continues to dominate the court. Aria’s on her feet cheering louder than ever and Jaylen’s perched on your lap cooing at the sight of her mom. You join them, your voice hoarse from shouting encouragement.
When the final buzzer sounds, the Mercury emerge victorious. The crowd roars, and your daughters are ecstatic, jumping up and down in pure joy.
"Mama won! Mama won!" Aria shouts, her face glowing with excitement.
You make your way down to the court once more, the sea of fans parting as they recognize Diana's family. She meets you with open arms, pulling all of you into a tight embrace.
"You did so good, D!" you say, kissing her cheek.
"Couldn't have done it without my biggest fans," she replies, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
Diana looks down at Aria and Jaylen with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Y’all wanna sit with me for my interview?" she asks.
Aria's eyes widen with excitement. "Can we, Mommy? Please?"
You chuckle and nod. "Of course. Go show them how it's done."
Diana leads you all to the interview area. The reporters are already assembled, and their faces light up when they see Diana with her family. She lifts Aria onto the panel chair next to her and sits Jaylen on her lap, while you stand nearby, watching with pride.
The interviewer smiles warmly. "Diana, another incredible game. How do you do it?"
Diana grins, glancing at Aria and Jaylen. "Well, having these two cheering me on from the stands definitely helps," she says, her voice filled with affection. "And my amazing wife, who’s always been my rock. I couldn't do any of this without her."
Aria grabs the microphone, her small hand dwarfed by it. "Mama is the best player ever!" she declares confidently, drawing laughs from the crowd.
Jaylen babbles happily, patting Diana's cheek, and Diana kisses her forehead. "They're my motivation, my inspiration," Diana continues. "Every time I step on the court, I play for them. For our family."
The interviewer smiles, clearly charmed by the scene. "We noticed you glancing over at your family several times during the game. How important is it for you to have them here supporting you?"
Diana smiles, enjoying speaking about you and the kids “It's everything. Seeing my… insanely gorgeous, selfless, intelligent wife Elyse” she gushes, taking a moment to brag about you “and the girls in the stands reminds me why I play. They’re my biggest cheerleaders, and their support means the world to me. It helps me stay focused and gives me that extra push when the game gets tough.
Another interviewer raises their hand for a question “Aria and Jaylen seem to be quite the little fans. Do they understand the significance of what you do on the court?"
"Aria is starting to get it.” Diana chuckles “She knows when Mama is doing well and gets really excited. Jaylen is a bit young, but she loves the energy and the cheering. It’s great to have them involved and to see their faces light up."
“How do you balance your career with family life? It must be challenging."
"It definitely is… but we make it work. Elyse is incredible—she holds everything together when I’m on the road or training. We have a great support system and we make sure to prioritize family time whenever we can. It’s all about finding that— that balance and making the most of our moments together."
"Lastly what’s next for you, Diana? Any big plans or goals you’re looking forward to?"
“Um.. Sleep honestly” she jokes "Yeah but nah, nah, we have some big games coming up, and I’m focused on staying in shape. Off the court, it’s just about spending time with Elyse and the girls, and maybe squeezing in a family vacation if we can. Like I said It’s all about balance and enjoying every moment." Diana grins as she finishes.
After the interview, you and the girls head back home, Diana's hand firmly in yours. The girls fall asleep in the car, exhausted from the excitement, and you share a quiet moment with Diana, both of you basking in the glow of the evening's events.
Once home, you tuck the girls into bed and join Diana on the couch. She leans into you, her head resting on your shoulder.
"Thank you for being here tonight," she says softly. "For everything."
You press a kiss to her forehead. "Always, D. I’ll always be here."
You sit in comfortable silence for a bit before Diana opens her mouth again. 
“I know you have to say I played well cause we’re married and shit but.. you can’t lie I was kinda fly out there tonight” she cackles
You scoff, shoving her playfully “Shut up! You sound so old, nobody says ‘fly’ anymore dumbass”
“Old where?!! I’m three years older than you”
“Like I said— Old!”
She groans, laughing and shoving her face into your neck. You both fall back into the couch in a fit of giggles and hearts full of love. 
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mopopshop · 3 months
Caught (DT x Fem OC)
based on this request <-
i love this a lot and hope yall do too so please enjoy 😝🤞🏾
You’ve always loved game days. The atmosphere, the energy of the crowd, and the thrill of watching your dad’s team play. But lately, there’s been something, or rather someone, who makes these days even more special.
From the cheerleaders' section, you keep an eye on Diana. She’s a force on the court, a whirlwind of talent and determination, and more importantly, the girl you’ve been secretly seeing for the past few months.
The relationship started innocently enough. A chance encounter after practice, a shared laugh, and before you knew it, you were spending more and more time together. Diana's confidence and charm were irresistible, and it wasn’t long before you fell for her.
Your father is Geno Auriemma, oh you know— The head coach of the women’s basketball team, as in the coach of the team that your secret girlfriend is currently on. 
Your dad has always been strict about keeping professional and personal lives separate, especially when it comes to his players. That’s why you and Diana have been careful, meeting in secret, keeping your relationship under wraps. But hiding something this significant from him hasn’t been easy.
As the game progresses, you can’t help but feel a mix of pride and nerves watching Diana. She’s playing exceptionally well tonight, and you know that part of that comes from wanting to impress you. Every time she glances your way, your heart skips a beat and you blush profusely. 
The game ends with another victory for UConn, and the crowd erupts in cheers. You perform your routine with the rest of the cheerleaders, but your mind is on Diana. As soon as you’re finished and the crowd starts to disperse, you make your way to the locker rooms, hoping to catch a moment with her before your dad starts his post-game debrief.
You find her waiting in a quiet corner, a grin spreading across her face when she sees you. “Hey, superstar,” you tease, wrapping your arms around her neck.
“Hey yourself,” she replies, pulling you close by your waist. “Did you like the game?”
“Loved it,” you say, leaning in for a kiss.
“Hey,” you whisper, pulling back slightly. “You want to come over later?”
Diana's eyes light up. “Hell yeah, when?”
“Give me an hour to get home and settled,” you say. “I’ll text you.”
Diana nods, giving you one last kiss before you part ways. You head home, your heart lighter than it’s been in weeks.
An hour later, you hear a knock on your window. You open it to find Diana standing outside, a mischievous grin on her face.
"Hey," she whispers. "You look gorgeous but wanna let me in? Cold as shit out here" she mumbles rubbing her hands together. 
You laugh and open the window wider, helping her climb in. The two of you settle on your bed, turning on a movie for background noise and talking comfortably about your days. Soon enough the conversation drifts when you catch Diana staring at your lips, seemingly distracted.
“And then she came yelling back at me for being “loud and bossy” like? I’m the team captain, that shits gonna happen regardle— D, are you even listening?”
“Uh huh,” she nods dumbly, still staring at your lips.
You scoff “What’d I say then?”
Diana smirks, leaning in closer. "Something about you being loud and bossy... but really, I can't focus when you're this close."
You roll your eyes playfully. "Smooth, Taurasi."
Before you can say anything else, Diana cups your face, her thumb brushing your lip and tugging at it lightly. "You know you drive me crazy, right?"
Your breath hitches as she closes the distance, her lips meeting yours in a soft, lingering kiss. The movie fades into the background as you lose yourself in the moment, your hands finding their way to Diana’s shoulders.
She deepens the kiss, her fingers tangling in your hair, and soon you’re lying back on the bed, Diana hovering over you. Your heart races, a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Just as her hand slips under your shirt, the door bursts open.
“Brittany, I was thinking—” Your dad’s voice cuts off abruptly.
You and Diana scramble apart, faces flushing with embarrassment. Your dad stands there, his eyes wide, taking in the scene.
“Dad!” you exclaim, sitting up and trying to smooth your shirt. “Jesus what do you need?!”
Your dad's face hardens, and for a moment, he looks at both of you, his expression a mix of anger and disappointment. "Diana, I think you should leave."
“Dad! No— What? She doesn’t need to leave”
“Brit, Brit, chill it’s fine. I’ll go”
Diana glances at you, then back at your dad, clearly reluctant. She nods slowly, squeezing your hand before standing up. "I'll see you later," she says softly, giving you a small, apologetic smile.
You watch as she climbs back out the window, your heart sinking. The room feels colder without her, and you can already sense the tension radiating from your dad.
He doesn’t say anything for a long moment, just stands there with a look that makes you feel like you’re a little kid who’s been caught sneaking cookies before dinner. Finally, he speaks, his voice low and controlled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You swallow hard, trying to find the right words. “I didn’t know how to. I knew you’d be upset.”
He shakes his head, frustration evident in his eyes. “Brittany, this is not just about being upset. You kept something important from me. This affects the team, and it affects you.”
You stand up, feeling a surge of defiance. “Dad, this isn’t just about the team. This is about me. I really care about Diana, and she cares about me. Why can’t you just accept that?”
He looks at you, and you can see the conflict in his eyes. “I.. I’m going to bed. We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
Without another word, he turns and leaves the room, closing the door firmly behind him. You sit back down on the bed, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. The silent treatment starts immediately, and it feels like a weight pressing down on you.
For the next few days, your dad barely speaks to you. Meals are silent, and he avoids looking at you directly. The tension in the house is palpable, and you miss Diana more than ever. She texts you constantly, checking in, but it’s not the same as having her there with you.
One evening, as you’re sitting at the kitchen table, your dad finally breaks the silence. “Brittany, we need to talk.”
You look up, surprised. He’s standing there with a serious expression, but there’s a softness in his eyes that wasn’t there before.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said,” he begins, sitting down across from you. “And I realize that… I haven’t been fair. You’re right. This isn’t just about the team, it’s about you, and your happiness matters to me.”
Tears well up in your eyes as you listen to him. “Dad, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”
He reaches across the table, taking your hand in his. “You could never disappoint me. I just want you to be happy, and if Diana makes you happy, then I’ll do my best to accept that.”
You nod, tears spilling over. “Thank you, Dad.”
He smiles, squeezing your hand. “Now, go call Diana. Tell her I want her over for dinner, she can come through a door this time.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You rush to your room and grab your phone, clicking her contact with trembling hands. When she answers, you can hear the worry in her voice.
“Hey, it’s me,” you say, your voice choked with emotion. “Come over. Dad wants to talk.”
20 minutes after, Diana is at your front door, and you let her in, feeling a sense of relief and joy. You lead her to the kitchen, where your dad is waiting.
He stands up as she enters, extending his hand. “Diana, I’m sorry for the other night. You’re very welcome here. Anytime, I promise. 
Diana takes his hand, her eyes bright with gratitude. “Thank you, Coach. That means a lot.”
— — —
The roar of the crowd at Footprint Center is deafening as the Phoenix Mercury secure yet another victory, led by the unparalleled prowess of Diana Taurasi. Fans cheer, and the energy is electric, but there's an extra sparkle in Diana’s eye tonight.
As the final buzzer sounds, you catch Diana’s glance from across the court. She spots you in the stands, beaming, your hand resting on your slightly rounded belly. You give her a small, encouraging wave, and she responds with a rush of pride and excitement that you can feel even from this distance.
After the game, Diana hurries through her post-game routine, eager to get home. You wait by the car, excitement building with every passing minute. When she finally emerges, her eyes light up as she sees you, and she breaks into a run, wrapping her arms around you the moment she reaches you.
“Hey, superstar,” you tease, echoing your old playful banter.
“Hey yourself,” she replies, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You feeling okay? How’re my babies?”
You smile, placing her hand on your belly. “We’re doing good. Little one was kicking like crazy during the game.”
Her eyes shine with happiness. “I can’t wait to meet them.”
You drive home, the excitement of the game giving way to the quiet anticipation of your growing family. As you settle into your cozy living room, you can’t help but reflect on how much your lives have changed since your college days.
“Remember when we had to sneak around to be together?” Diana muses, her arm draped around you.
You laugh softly. “How could I forget? Your crazy schemes to sneak me into my own house without my dad knowing.”
Diana grins. “Yeah, and then Geno caught us. I thought I was done for.”
“But he came around,” you say, leaning into her. “He loves you like his own now.”
Diana nods, thinking about how much has changed since those early days. You and Diana have built a life together, and now you’re about to become parents.
As you sit together, you feel the baby kick against Diana’s hand, a gentle reminder of the future you’re creating. You look at Diana, your heart swelling with love.
“We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?” you say softly.
She smiles, her eyes meeting yours. “We have. And I wouldn’t change a thing.”
You pull her close, your future full of promise and love. “Me neither,” you whisper. “Me neither.”
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mopopshop · 3 months
Baby Steps (Diana Taurasi x OC)
based on this <- request
summary: imani and dt being cute and domestic over their baby
i wanted to write a fic abt it instead of little headcannons so i hope you enjoy y’all!
You wake up to the soft light of the morning filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Diana is already awake, resting against the headboard quietly watching TV. 
"Good morning, mama," she whispers, noticing you’re awake and leaning in to kiss your forehead.
You smile, feeling a flutter of happiness. "G’morning”
Diana slides out of bed, moving with the grace and ease that comes naturally to her. "Stay here, I’ll get breakfast started," she says, pulling on an old hoodie and heading to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, the smell of pancakes fills the air, and you hear the sizzle of bacon in the pan. You take a moment to stretch, feeling the gentle weight of your pregnancy. The baby seems to sense your contentment, giving a soft kick that makes you smile even wider.
When you finally make your way to the kitchen, you find Diana humming softly as she flips a pancake. She looks up and grins, her eyes sparkling. "Perfect timing. Breakfast is almost ready."
You sit at the table, resting your hands on your belly. "You spoil me too much, D”
"Hell yeah I do, I’m gonna keep doing it too” she replies, plating up a stack of pancakes and setting them in front of you. She adds a generous portion of bacon and pours you a glass of fresh orange juice.
As you eat, you talk about your plans for the day. It's a rare day off for Diana, and you both intend to make the most of it. 
"So, what should we tackle first?" Diana asks, taking a bite of her pancake.
"I was thinking we could start on that nursery," you suggest, smiling at the thought. "We barely touched it"
"Yes ma’am," Diana agrees, her eyes lighting up. "I've been waiting to get those damn walls painted”
You laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I know, you've mentioned it a few times."
Diana grins, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. "I can't help it. I just want everything to be perfect"
"It will be," you assure her, squeezing back. "Especially with me in charge." you tease back
“Shut up” she grins back
After breakfast, she insists on cleaning up while you relax on the couch, catching up on some reading.
"You don't have to do everything, you know," you call out as you settle into the cushions.
"I know," she replies from the kitchen, the sound of running water accompanying her voice. "But you deserve to take it easy. Besides, I like taking care of you, baby” she smiles, pecking you on the lips.
You can't help but smile at her actions. "Well, thank you. But I can help with the nursery, at least."
"Maybe… I’ll think about it," Diana says, emerging from the kitchen with a satisfied look. "But only after you finish that chapter."
You laugh, holding up your book. "Yes, ma'am."
She joins you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and peeking at your book. "What you reading, anyway?"
"It's a parenting book," you say, flipping the cover to show her. "Thought I'd get a head start."
Diana nods appreciatively, laughing. "Okay, okay I see you Mrs. Scholar"
"Whatever, whatever” you blush, leaning into her. Later, the two of you take a walk in the nearby park. The weather is perfect, the sun shining but not too hot. Diana holds your hand, matching her pace to yours, making sure you’re comfortable. You talk about everything and nothing, just enjoying the day. 
When you return home, you decide to tackle the nursery. Diana has been excited about this project, and today seems like the perfect day to start. She paints the walls a soft, calming shade of green while you sort through the tiny clothes and toys you've been collecting.
"I can’t believe we’re gonna be parents" Diana says, her voice filled with wonder as she steps back to admire her work.
"It's still sinking in," you admit, folding a onesie with little stars on it. "But I can't wait."
She puts down the paintbrush and crosses the room to you, wrapping her arms around you from behind. "Me neither. I love you, baby."
You lean back into her embrace, feeling the warmth of her love surrounding you. "I love you too, D."
The rest of the day passes in a blur of contentment. You take a nap together in the afternoon, the cool breeze from the open window lulling you to sleep. When you wake, Diana is already up, preparing a simple but delicious dinner. You join her in the kitchen, helping where you can, laughing and talking as you cook.
After dinner, you settle on the couch to watch a movie. Diana holds you close, her hand resting protectively on your belly. You feel the baby kick again, and Diana's face lights up with joy.
"Hey there, little guy," she whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your belly. "We can’t wait to meet you."
As you continue to watch the movie you start to dose off slightly but are woken up as Diana helps you back to your room. You drift off to sleep with Diana's arms around you, feeling safe, loved, and excited for the journey ahead.
give feedback if this sucked or not 🙃
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mopopshop · 3 months
could you do a DT fic where diana and the reader both play on the mercury and are like a power couple? always having matching fits, cute post game interviews with their kid, and just overall fluff.
Goals (Diana Taurasi x OC)
this probably isn’t my best writing 💔💔 i hope y’all still enjoy it tho and give feedback if you’d like
You’re in the locker room, lacing up your shoes, getting ready for another game with the Phoenix Mercury. The familiar buzz of excitement fills the air as your teammates chatter and laugh around you. But your focus is elsewhere—on Diana, who’s sitting across from you, tying her own shoes with that same intense determination you’ve always admired.
“You ready, Lex?” Diana asks, her voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
You smile and nod. “You know it”
Diana flashes you that signature smirk that makes your heart skip a beat. You two have been a power couple on and off the court since  you transferred from Atlanta and joined the team, your chemistry is undeniable. The media loves to talk about it, but to you, it’s just the way things are meant to be.
You go through your pre-game rituals, stealing glances at Diana whenever you can. She catches you once, winking playfully, and you feel a blush creep up your cheeks. The connection you share is unspoken yet so powerful, a bond that translates into every pass, every assist, every basket on the court.
The game is intense, as always, but you and Diana are in sync. You feed off each other’s energy, making plays that leave the crowd in awe. You love the adrenaline, the rush of the game, but most of all, you love the way Diana looks at you when you both know you’ve nailed it.
When the final buzzer sounds, you’ve won convincingly, and the arena erupts in cheers. You and Diana meet at the center of the court, sharing a quick kiss before heading to the locker room. The crowd goes wild every time, and tonight is no exception.
In the locker room, the team is celebrating, but you and Diana have something special planned. You’ve both coordinated your post-game outfits—color-coordinated in the team’s colors, with complementary designs. It’s a little thing, but it’s one of the ways you like to show your connection.
As you step out for the post-game interviews, hand in hand, you see Olivia waiting for you next to the team manager with a big smile on her face. She runs up to you, and you scoop her into your arms.
“How was the game, babe?” Diana asks, pinching Olivia’s cheek.
“It was awesome! Plus I got feee candy!” Olivia exclaims, her excitement contagious and you and Diana burst into laughter. 
The reporters gather around, cameras flashing. One of them asks, “Lexie, Diana, how does it feel to play so well together on the court and be such a strong family off it?”
You glance at Diana, and she gives you a nod. “It’s amazing,” you say. “l mean.. all I can say is how lucky we are to be doing it together”
Diana adds, “This game it’s.. it’s our passion, but family is everything.”
One reporter asks Olivia, “Do you want to play basketball like your moms?”
Olivia looks away shyly when answering the question .“Maybe..”
You and Diana laugh, and Diana says, “Whatever she chooses, we’ll support her 100%.”
After the interviews, you head home, where the three of you settle into your cozy living room. Olivia snuggles between you and Diana as you watch a movie. Halfway through, Olivia falls asleep, her head resting on your lap.
You look over at Diana, who’s watching you with a tender smile. “I love you, Lex,” she whispers, her voice soft and full of emotion as she leans over Olivia and gives you a quick peck.
“I love you Di”
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boobabietch · 11 days
Making headlines | Diana Taurasi x OC!Victoria O’Hara
Warnings: Big age gap but they are two consenting adults!, OC Victoria O’Hara is used (I’m sorry but y/n was just not working for this lol)
A/N: hellooo, disclaimer before everything please remember English is not my first language so if you find something wrong please let me know so I can change it asap thanksss. I haven’t been as active as I’d like to be but this idea has been on my mind for the longest time now and I needed to make a series about this so so bad, and please don’t hate me for using an oc lmaoo I just hated the way y/n looked. Hope you like this as much is I do!! Love Sof :)
Making headlines masterlist
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When people talked about Diana Taurasi and Victoria O’Hara, no one had anything nice to say.
Diana was the mighty golden vet of the WNBA, powerful like no one else. Everybody respected her for who she was and the things she did. She could punch, throw, scream, and cuss because she knew nobody was able to defy her, she knew she was untouchable.
You could say Victoria was also the star of the show. First pick in her draft, multiple records broken in her rookie season, and over her head hung the shiny title of Rookie of the Year. She was fresh meat, new blood, basically the WNBA’s newest golden girl.
Everybody could see they were two sides of the same coin, a very golden, shiny, and pricey coin.
If this industry didn’t thrive on drama they could’ve been friends, maybe even more!
But when people talked about Diana Taurasi and Victoria O’Hara, no one had anything nice to say
"From Trash Talk to Shoving: Taurasi and O’Hara's Bitter Rivalry Continues to Escalate"
"No Love Lost: Taurasi and O’Hara’s Heated Rivalry Turns Physical Once Again"
"Taurasi vs. O’Hara: WNBA’s Bad Blood Rivalry Is the Talk of the Season"
And trust me, there’s more. There’s always more. But the worst part? They never lied. That was purely the truth... wasn’t it?
I don’t know, but I think if you ask Diana and Victoria about it, I think they would like a lot more if you put it this way:
"Is It Really Trash Talk If They’re Just Flirting Aggressively?"
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Requests are: Open!
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mopopshop · 3 months
hey!! can i request a dt fic where reader is friends with bg and they meet at an event and dt flirts with her all night and reader isn't sure if dt is being serious or not and after a while agrees to go on a date and then they fall in love
A Night To Remember (Diana Taurasi x OC)
short but sweet, please enjoy and give feedback if you like!!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
You walk into the buzzing event, a celebration for the team's latest victory. The room is filled with familiar faces, laughter echoing off the walls, and the scent of delicious food wafting through the air. As you scan the room, you spot Brittany, your close friend and confidante, waving enthusiastically. You make your way through the crowd, weaving between teammates and their friends, until you reach her.
“Elena!” Brittany greets you with a hug. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you reply with a grin. “Where’s the rest of the gang?”
Brittany points towards the bar area, where a group of players are gathered, and as your eyes follow her gesture, they land on Diana. She’s laughing at something a teammate said, her presence magnetic as always. You've seen her countless times on the court, but there's something different about seeing her here, off the court, relaxed and in her element.
As you and Brittany chat, you can't help but steal glances in Diana's direction. To your surprise, you notice her looking your way more than once. Eventually, Brittany nudges you playfully.
“Looks like someone has caught Diana’s eye,” she teases in a sing song way.
You laugh it off, though your heart skips a beat. “Yeah, right.”
Before you can dwell on it further, Diana makes her way over to you both. “Hey, B. Who’s your friend?” she asks, though you have a feeling she already knows your name.
“This is Elena,” Brittany introduces you. “Elena, this is—”
“Diana Taurasi,” you finish a little too excitedly, shaking Diana’s outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Diana replies, her gaze lingering on yours just a bit longer than necessary. “Mind if I steal you away for a bit?”
You look to Brittany, who just smirks and waves you off. “Go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later.”
Diana leads you to a quieter corner of the room, where the noise of the party fades slightly, allowing for easier conversation. You talk about everything and nothing—your job, her career, mutual friends. As the night progresses, Diana’s flirtatious remarks become more frequent and bold. She compliments your dress, makes jokes that send you into fits of laughter, and her hand occasionally brushes against yours in a way that feels deliberate.
“That dress looks amazing on you, Elena,” Diana says, her eyes sweeping over you appreciatively. “But I bet it would look even better on that dance floor.”
You laugh, feeling your cheeks warm. “Is that your way of asking me to dance?”
“Maybe,” she replies with a playful grin. “Or maybe I just want an excuse to keep you close.”
You shake your head, amused. “You’re pretty smooth, Taurasi. Does this usually work for you?”
She leans in slightly, her voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “I don’t know. Is it working now?”
Before you can answer, she cracks a joke about one of the more eccentric teammates, and you burst into laughter, shaking your head. “You’re terrible.”
“Only when I’m trying to impress someone,” she says, her hand brushing yours again. This time, the touch lingers, sending a shiver up your spine.
“You don’t need to try so hard,” you admit, your voice softer. “You’re already pretty impressive.”
“Good to know,” she says, her smile widening. “Because I’ve been wanting to impress you for a while now.”
You raise an eyebrow, surprised. “Oh really?”
“Really,” she confirms, her eyes locked onto yours as you continue your conversation.
But with each passing moment, you grow more uncertain. Is she serious, or is this just how she interacts with everyone? Diana is known for her charisma; maybe this is just another side of that.
At one point, you voice your thoughts. “Are you always this charming, or am I just special tonight?”
Diana smiles, a soft, genuine smile that reaches her eyes. “You think I’m playing games? Elena you are stunning. I’ve been wanting to get to know you better for a while now. I’m serious.”
Your heart skips again, but this time with excitement rather than doubt. “Really?”
“Really,” she assures you, taking your hand in hers. “So, how about a date? Just you and me. No crowds, no distractions.”
You hesitate for only a moment, then nod. “Okay. I’d like that.”
Diana’s smile widens, and she gives your hand a gentle squeeze. “Great. I’ll make sure it’s a night to remember.”
As the evening continues, you find yourself feeling lighter, the uncertainty replaced by anticipation. By the time you part ways, you’re already looking forward to your date with Diana, wondering what the future might hold.
Brittany finds you later, a knowing grin on her face. “So, how did it go?”
You smile back, your heart still fluttering. “Better than I could have imagined.”
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mopopshop · 3 months
Next Question (DT x OC)
based on this request <-
ty for being patient 🫡 hope you guys enjoy 🤞🏾🤞🏾
You adjust your notes, nervously shuffling through the questions you have prepared. It's not every day you get to interview a legend like Diana Taurasi. The excitement is palpable in the air as you wait in the lounge area of the practice facility.
The door opens, and in walks Diana, her stride confident and her smile warm. She extends a hand to you, and you quickly stand up to greet her.
"Hi, Diana. It's such an honor to meet you," you say, shaking her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine. It’s Alina, right?”
You nod, swallowing nervously. There's something about the way she says your name that sends a shiver down your spine. "Shall we get started?"
You both sit down, and you begin the interview, asking her about her recent games, her training routine, and her thoughts on the upcoming season.
"So, Diana," you say,  glancing down at your notes, "what's been the most challenging part of this season so far?"
She leans in a little closer, her knee brushing against yours. "Honestly, Alina, the toughest part is trying to stay focused when you’re surrounded by distractions" Her eyes twinkle as she speaks, and you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"Distractions?" you ask, trying to maintain your professionalism despite the butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah” she says, her voice dropping to a lower, more intimate tone. "Like right now, getting hard to concentrate when I’m a few feet away from a stunning reporter"
Your breath catches, and you fumble with your notes. "I—I'm sure you deal with distractions all the time," you manage to say, hoping your voice doesn't betray your flustered state.
Diana chuckles softly, her fingers brushing against your arm as she adjusts the microphone clipped to your shirt. "Something like that"
The room feels suddenly warmer, and you can barely focus on your next question. You clear your throat, trying to regain your composure. "Um, could you tell me about your pre-game ritual? How do you prepare mentally and physically for a big game?"
Diana's hand lingers on your arm for a moment longer before she pulls away, her touch leaving a tingling sensation on your skin. She leans back in her chair, her eyes never leaving yours. "Well, I have a few routines, but I mostly just like to prioritize getting into the right mindset. And sometimes, it helps to have someone special to talk to beforehand"
You nod, trying to focus on her words, but her intense gaze makes it difficult. "That sounds really important. Do you have anyone in particular you talk to before games?"
Diana's smile widens, and she leans forward again, her face inches from yours. "Maybe I do. Wanna volunteer as my good luck charm?"
"I... uh," you stammer, struggling to find the right words amidst the electrifying tension between you. "I'm flattered, Diana, but I'm here to learn about your career and achievements."
Diana leans back, her laughter filling the room. "Alright, alright, I see you're trying to keep it strictly professional. Respect." She winks mischievously, and you feel a mix of relief and lingering excitement.
As the interview wraps up, Diana stands, offering you her hand once more. "Thank you for the interview. I really enjoyed it”
You shake her hand, her grip firm and reassuring. "No, no, thank you, seriously"
She doesn't let go immediately, her thumb brushing gently over the back of your hand. "Of course, maybe we can do this again sometime. Off the record."
You nod, your mind racing with possibilities. "I'd like that."
“Give me your number real quick and I’ll hit you up about that off the record thing, kay?”
You nod sheepishly taking her phone from her hand and typing in your number. 
Diana smiles one last time, her eyes lingering on yours before she turns to leave. 
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boobabietch · 3 days
Chapter II: "A Rookie’s Obsession, A Legend’s Indifference: Is Diana Taurasi ready for Victoria O’Hara?” | Diana Taurasi x OC
Warnings: fight fight fight!! And a tad bit narcissistic Diana
A/N: I’m having a shitload of fun writing this lmao, so here’s another chapter I hope you like. As always English is not my first language so if you find something wrong tell me so I can change it asap, I can’t wait for y’all to read this and the next chapters I’m so excited. Likes, comments (!!!) and reblogs are highly appreciated and my ask box is always open. Love Sof :))
Making headlines masterlist
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There’s a funny thing about being the best in women’s sports. People either love you or wait for you to fall. But when you’ve been around long enough, it doesn’t matter what they think. You know your place. And you protect it.
That’s what I’ve been doing since my debut in the WNBA. Owning the court. Owning the pressure. Every game, every season, everyone expects the same thing from me: perfection. Winning is never enough because when your name is Diana Taurasi, nothing is ever enough.
Then, she showed up.
Victoria O’Hara. The rookie everyone wouldn’t shut up about. Reminded me of me, hungry, talented, a little too much attitude for her own good. The first time I saw her was just before our game against San Antonio. I’d heard her name, knew she had something. But there’s a difference between hype and reality.
May 19, 2017
Game day. I could feel her eyes on me during warm-ups, it was cute honestly, I could see the gears working hard on her mind, probably wondering what it’s like to be me, to dominate the way I have. They all wonder. But what she didn’t know yet is that being good in college doesn’t mean shit here. Welcome to the W, kid.
I didn’t give her a second glance. What was there to say? Another rookie trying to prove something. I’ve seen it all. I’ve been that girl. But this one, this woman, had something extra in her. I could see it the minute the game started. Every time she took a shot, it was like she was aiming at me, if I didn’t know she wanted to rip my throat out I’d say she was in love. Every drive, every step, was a challenge.
I could hear the yelling in the crowd, I’d hear her teammates tell her to relax, feel the energy shift. People loved watching us, golden veteran vs. golden rookie. A fucking classic. O’Hara wanted to make a statement. I could tell she was on the edge, burning herself out just to prove she belonged. And every time, I’d remind her, I’ve been there. I’ve fought harder battles. If she wanted to be the next big thing, she was going to have to earn it. She was good, but I wasn’t worried. I’ve dealt with players like her before. They rise fast, burn out faster. But this one... she kept pushing.
Every game we played after that, it was like she had a personal vendetta. I couldn’t walk on the court without feeling her eyes drilling into me. She was obsessed. It was funny, really. This kid was trying so hard to beat me, to make me see her.
I saw her. I always see them coming.
July 7, 2017
We were in San Antonio. Close game. O’Hara played her heart out, I’ll give her that. But we still won. After the game, I found her slumped on the bench, wiped out. I should’ve just left her there. But something in me couldn’t resist. The kid had fire. I respected that.
“Not bad, O’Hara. Keep it up, and you might actually be a challenge someday.”
Her face said it all. She was rattled, but she had that spark. I liked seeing it. She looked at me like she was trying to figure out if I was serious. I was. Kinda. Then, she shot back:
“Someday? I’m already a problem for you.”
I almost laughed. Her confidence was impressive, misplaced, but impressive. I glanced down, smirked. Let her have that moment.
“Of course you are,” I said, walking off.
Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I never said that, lucky for everyone I did.
July 30, 2017
Maybe I overestimated how in control I am of everything; the game, the rookie, and my body.
We were playing again, tensions running high. It was bound to happen. O’Hara wanted her moment, wanted to prove herself. And me? I wasn’t giving her an inch. Then, somewhere in the third quarter, it happened.
I saw her coming, her eyes locked on me with a mix of defiance and determination. She made a quick drive, cutting to the basket with an intensity that almost made me respect her. But I wasn’t about to let a rookie get one over on me. I slammed into her, blocking her path with enough force to knock her off balance. She hit the floor hard, her elbows scraping against the court. The whistle blew, and for a moment, I watched her lay there, her frustration almost palpable.
“Get up,” I muttered, standing over her. “You’re gonna need more than that to take me down, rook”
I saw the anger in her eyes as she pushed herself up, pressing her chest on mine. Damn, was she this tall the whole time? The way she glared at me, it was almost as if she was daring me to push her further. “You think you’re untouchable? Just fucking wait.”
My smirk didn’t waver. I’d seen that fire in rookies before, puffed up, ready to prove themselves. “I don’t think, O’Hara. I know.” I said with the most arrogant tone I owned.
“Oh you’re just a fucking bitch, aren’t you?” Before I could react further, she shoved me hard. Everyone erupted into chaos. I felt the rush of adrenaline as I moved to shove her back, but the moment I lunged, my teammates were already there, hands gripping my arms and holding me back.
O’Hara wasn’t any better off. Many of her teammates were swarming around her, trying to pull her away from me. I could see the frustration in her eyes as she struggled against their hold, her fists clenched and ready to throw.
Fun fact about fights: when you need the strength of 4 pro basketball players to hold you back, it makes you look really fucking dangerous.
We both tried to break through the human barriers restraining us. I could almost feel the impact of our fists connecting, the unfinished fight burning in my veins. But with every struggle, every strained push against the hands holding us back, the reality set in: we were not going to get to finish this here.
I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the cameras, the refs, or the impending technical. All I cared about was feeling that fire she was throwing at me. I wanted her to know what it felt like to face me, to try and break through the wall I’d built around myself.
Eventually, the refs managed to get us both under control, leading us to opposite sides of the court. As I was pulled away, I couldn’t help but glance back at O’Hara, her eyes still blazing with that same fire. Despite the chaos, a small part of me felt a twisted respect for her, a rookie who was not just willing to challenge me, but was ready to throw down if necessary.
The arena buzzed with excitement and disbelief as we were separated, but the fight between us was far from over.
That was the moment I knew this kid wasn’t going anywhere. And maybe, just maybe, I’d finally met someone who could keep up.
Little did I know.
Fucking Victoria.
"Rivalry Ignites: O’Hara and Taurasi Get into Fiery Altercation During Friday Game"
"San Antonio Stars Victoria O’Hara Adidas Grey and Black Edition Player Jersey | SOLD OUT"
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Requests are Open!
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boobabietch · 11 days
Making headlines masterlist | Diana Taurasi x OC!Victoria O’Hara
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Chapter 1: "From College Phenom to WNBA Superstar: The Victoria O’Hara Story"
Chapter 2: "A Rookie’s Obsession, A Legend’s Indifference: Is Diana Taurasi ready for Victoria O’Hara?”
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