#get it? it’s the funny Vriska number
loboto-bear · 11 months
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Wait. Hang on. Who graffitied my announcement post?!
Anyway, no matter. A big thank you to everyone who’s been keeping up with my silly little AU fic, and if you want to start the Warmer Hues Experience from the beginning, you can read it here.
Why not also check out the Warmer Hues ask blog @ask-warmer-hues? I’m always happy to answer any burning questions you may have for both the characters and myself :))
Thanks, everyone!!
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bottlehawk · 1 year
i know in canon they barely vibe with each other. but to me they should be like. bros number 1. everyone else thinks vriska is insane except dave who has been mentally conditioned into the same mindset that she has and therefore thinks that she actually kind of makes sense out of everyone there. if vriska brings up something dave should be there in the background going "yo but like hold up a minute... she got a point tho..." like a broken record. biggest grifters in the universe maybe. forever on that #grind. two of the most attention-seeking rambling conspiracy theory level opinioned people on the planet teaming up to host their own podcast. the ethan klein and trisha paytas of the meteor. dave's spine has the constitution and integrity of damp toilet paper and he bends to whatever vriska says so easily when she negs him it's insane. she'll get him to agree with her on shit he doesn't even believe in by saying shit like
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which vriska thinks is funny that he's such a willing little easily manipulated minion for her. they should be making their own crypto-currency. selling snake oil on the street. going out on desert expeditions together on earth c for buried treasure and bones. dave accidentally admits in typical freudian fashion to karkat that he looks up to her and sees her as basically Bro 2 but healthier and the guy is jaw dropped open horrified. sometimes a vriska-ism will fall from dave's mouth when they're chatting as if it was as natural as breathing air and karkat will have to take a second and leave. no one's sure what their relationship is but they make out at christmas parties if they had too much eggnog and then act like nothing happened afterwards. nobody supports this.
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handwrittenhello · 2 years
i think its kind of ridiculous to think that homestucks are seriously using bots in this poll because why the hell would they bot this poll instead of the tumblrwoman poll which was the poll EVERYBODY in the hs fandom was actually making a big deal out of . also because im going to be real but i dont think anyone cares about polls enough to rig one? even the bayonetta/miku poll turned out to actually not be vriska voter fraud (most people in the homestuck fandom voted miku anyway) i think people are just unable to comprehend that a lot of people are still dormantly into homestuck & probably just saw vriska serket at the front of the trending disco elysium tag and thought it was funny. like oh my godddd no one cares enough about the outcome of this poll to bot it . somebody with a lot of followers probably just posted about it on twitter or something mundane like that its not that deep . a lot of people on tumblr have read homestuck its not extraordinary that a lot of vriska voters exist. disco elysium fans im sorry your blorbo is losing you’ll probably be back in the lead in a couple hours anyway all of you need to chill out‼️‼️‼️
answering only this ask about the cheating/botting, and no others, because i'm getting a lot of asks about it. congratulations, this contest has officially had all the fun sucked out of it.
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here's data i've been collecting for every poll i've run. it's organized by votes the character received per round, then the total number of votes on that poll, for all five rounds. then there are two columns for totals.
the next five columns, Notes 1-5, are the number of notes on each poll. i've highlighted two posts that were circulated with a greater-than-average frequency even after the poll ended (the loki/JC one because people were memeing on JC, and then HDB/Howl one because it gained popularity following a popular blogger reblogging it.)
V/N is the votes to notes ratio for each poll. it was taken by dividing the number of votes when the poll ended by the number of notes on each post. one limitation is that this was not taken at the same time each day, and so older posts will have slightly higher notes. however, i believe this uncertainty isn't enough to discount the conclusions i'll come to.
i've highlighted vriska's V:N ratio in red at the top. as you can see, round vriska's V:N ratio wasn't even the highest; she beat kaeya alberich easily, and the comments in the notes reflected that.
in round 2, things started to get interesting. this is where i and other people noticed a sudden flip, but i didn't think much of it. she was up against izzy hands. izzy was leading all day, and when i queued the next day's poll and went to bed, izzy was leading by 60%. when i woke up, it had flipped to 53/47 in vriska's favor. it's not a HUGEamount, but it is a NOTICEABLE amount.
keep in mind that every single day, there have been other, closer polls, that hovered around 49-50-51 all day, and which also flipped at the end of the day, or remained 50/50 and could only be determined by tumblr. in these cases, the notes also reflect the split. these polls also never swayed more than one or two percent.
in round 3, when vriska faced zuko, there was a clear and immediate lead for zuko, with him leading by 80%. keep in mind that by this point, all 28 other polls i ran, besides vriska's the day before, never swayed more than 1 or 2% once a clear lead had been established.
this poll went from 80/20 zuko to 59/41 vriska. that's RIDICULOUS. the only way that's possible is if an OVERWHELMING amount of people voted vriska and NO people voted zuko. for such a thing to happen, this post would need to spread really rapidly, right? surely this post had tens of thousands of notes and comments!
the V:N ratio for round 3 is TWENTY-SEVEN to one. that's the most out of any poll. the standard deviation for the round 3 polls is 9.0, compared to 4.8 and 4.9 the days before. not to mention reading those notes also does not get us an overwhelming amount of comments rooting for vriska.
today has also been highly suspicious. it started out with an 85/15 lead for harry. i wouldn't necessarily expect it to hold exactly at that percentage, but the flip was immediate and drastic. you can see the trend being tracked on this post. not at all suspicious, right? also note that the comments all day have been 95% rooting for harry and maybe 5% for vriska.
please also look at the GRAND TOTAL column, which has reliably predicted the winners of future polls each day. vriska has received 49,064 votes over the course of the whole contest. harry has received 64,644. that's 24% more votes. and yet the poll is locked at 50/50?
and if this isn't enough evidence for you, then remember the tumblr sexywoman poll. it is a FLAT FUCKING FACT that those polls were spammed by bots. out of respect for their privacy i won't go into detail, but they outright admitted it.
it's pretty fucking obvious that something is up, and although i admit that there's simply no concrete way of proving it, there would have to be a really standout explanation for this.
and besides this being super lame, it's also removed all the fun from this contest. it's a stupid tumblr poll that wins literally nothing, congratulations!
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also, to everyone making death threats in the notes, BOTH SIDES, you've failed my secret challenge of not being rude which means i'm judging you personally. be fucking nice.
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epicaricacyyy · 11 months
re-rating karkat ships because im bored and like doing stuff to keep me busyy
junekat: cute and silly!! i dont really have anything else to say 9/10
davekat: eh. ive gotten pretty tired of this ship but i just cant bring myself to hate it. i know im aloud to hate ships and stuff,,, but something about it is just so,,,, unhateable... 6.5/10
rosekat: proud to have warmed up to this ship!!!!!! 9.5/10.
jadekat: two of my favorite characters????? in a RELATIONSHIP????? hell yes. sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10
arakat: havent seen much content of these two.... theyd be very cute and strange to eachother... yes.. 8.5/10
tavkat: they shouldve hugged like... atleast 7 times in a row... and giggle together... and hold hands... and made extreme eye contact without blinking for half an hour 15/10
solkat: suree!!!!e yeahhh!!!!!!!! okayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! i dont have much to say about it buts its so yahhhh!!!!!!!! 8/10
nepkat: yah yeah yeahhhh yes 10/10
kankat: no!!!! noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0/10
karezi: someone contain them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!! 9/10
vriskat: they would definitely kiss if given the chance.,,, vriska would be extremely enthusiastic about it 10/10
equikat: mwah mwah mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats the sound of them kissing eachothers cheeks mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/10
gamkar: man. ughhhh. this ship is just too much all at once,,, too much surrounding it... makes my tummy hurt. still too stressful to rate ?/10
erikar: the girls ever!!!!!!!!!! they would rate eachother five stars in fashion frenzy just to win together and then after they would go get taco bell or something idk!!!!! 11/10
fefkat: this is my NUMBER ONE!!!!! karkat ship. have to admit!! i have thought about them way too much to the point they just live in my brain and refuse to pay any rent... i love sunshine and lollipops girl x grumpy angry kitty girl pairings!!!!! they just feel like a breath of fresh air everytime i think about them,,,, 100/100
janekat: oh man this ship would have so many flaws and im fucking living for it 13/10
roxykat: fefkat but with a alot more sass and hanging out... love them in allllLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL quadrants <3 99/100
dirkkat: basically davekat but somewhat better yet alot worse at the same time but in a good way.... cant say i lookf for content of them 24/7 but im definitely willing to!! 7.5/10
jakekat: this would be so cute and SOOOO fucking funny 80/100
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what type of youtubers would the trolls be? Karkat would definitely make rants and reviews of romance movies, Kanaya would make makeup or fashion tutorials, Sollux has an IT channel he made so people stop bugging him (nobody ever bothers checking it instead of asking him)
quick spitballed ideas bc this is such a cute prompt
aradia - reviews of inaccurate halloween decoration skeletons. theyre not rated on anatomical accuracy but by how much swag they have. most of her other videos are short clips of her livevlogging her day and telling short stories, but shes funny and witty so they do numbers. very low effort and low cost, but shes having fun.
tavros - CARD PACK UNWRAPPING. guy who in no way can afford his hobby but keeps getting these card packs for his channel. surprisingly relaxing to listen to while you have him minimized in another tab while you do something else. he goes over each card in the deck and their effects as well as rarity.
sollux - basically what you said. IT guide on walking through common computer problems. horrible mic quality, but really helpful information.
karkat - ABSOLUTELY would be a movie reviewer. no facecam but for whatever reason has CRISP mic quality. somehow NEVER peaks his mic despite all the screaming he does. he loves media analysis and getting pissed off over fandom drama so hed probably also do breakdowns of scandals in fandom spheres, and somehow almost getting sued.
nepeta - SPEEDPAINTS. and like. flipnote hatena style amvs. obviously very amateur but its a very cute art style and she has no concept of copyright infringement.
kanaya - makeup tutorials and fashion reviews. would definitely be like that one youtuber who reviews the accuracy of historical fiction dresses in film and tv. everytime the virgin mothergrub is in the background of her videos her comments are spammed with "MOTH MOM REAL"
terezi - animated shitposts. like. grinchs ultimatum, garfielf, shit like that. REALLY bright colors and shitty linework with windows moviemaker transitions. no one knows who she is and shes never done a face reveal so shes a total enigma. there are deep web theories that her videos are anti-empire propaganda.
vriska - flarping tutorials. genuinely. she goes over mechanics, spells, class breakdowns, even shares stories of her own flarp campaigns. VERY passionate about it and kind of has an asshole youtuber persona. posts an apology video like once a month then goes on like nothing happened. replies to every mean comment.
equius - weightlifting videos. dead silent. just grunting and metal clanking. no editing. addresses every comment in every video. lots of heavy breathing. very uncomfortable. almost like performance art in how desolate it feels.
gamzee - cooking videos. its as bad as it sounds.
eridan - showing off everything in his hive and talking about it. his guns. his outfits. ranting about pollution. each video is an hour long. its mostly just him complaining or bragging about the stuff he owns.
feferi - has a live feed of her cuttlefish pen going constantly. posts animal care videos. posts music. does challenges. her youtube is kind of an inconsistent mish-mash of content but one thing remains: you will watch her cuttlefish.
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thewebcomicsreview · 11 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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Number Twelve, fashionably late.
He's the only Zodiac troll left, so he's almost certainly CC's unseen moirail. High-class, doubletalking and nefarious – it’s time to learn what this guy’s up to. 
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin GA: Who CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
Well someone got out of the wrong side of the recuperacoon this morning.
Granted, he is talking about Vriska, so that's a pretty fair description. My guess is that he was the one commissioning doomsday devices from her. She might not even be ignoring him on purpose - after all, she's got a lot on her plate today.
GA: Overstating Our Relationship Wont Make Me Feel Very Cooperative GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok
Sounds like it was CA's use of the term crush which prompted this reaction. Apparently it's 'paler', which I think means that Kanaya's feelings for Vriska are less intense than a crush.
We know moirallegiance is romance, but maybe the romantic feelings involved aren't as strong as with a 'typical' relationship.
GA: I Dont Got To And Every Time You Take My Help For Granted I Feel Like I Got To A Little Less CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
Alright, I’m honestly starting to drown in all this lingo, but it’s still a damn fun puzzle to solve. 
Auspisticing is yet another variety of troll relationship - and it sounds like it's centered around interference. Specifically, it involves interfering with troll 'grudges', so I think it's another negative, blackrom relationship.
CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right GA: Your Black Solicitation Just Seems Really Indecent
Thanks for the exposition and Dark Flirtation, CA.
So, auspisticing is when a single individual approaches two feuding trolls, and interferes in their relationship. This is something that the feuding trolls want, so the interference carries some sort of benefit.
CA wants Vriska to stop giving him the cold shoulder, and he thinks Kanaya's auspisticing would be able to help with that. It sounds like what he's looking for is mediation.
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blaperile · 8 days
Homestuck: Beyond Canon (reactions page 666 - “Davepeta feather” path)
Ok, finally got around to writing a reaction to this update
I was very surprised to see Vriska was not in this update!
It's funny, because beforehand when looking at all the images for the different chapters, this was the one that seemed the most obvious, showing Davepeta's feather and implying another conversation between Vriska and Davepeta.
After the previous update, I was convinced it would be about Davepeta trying to help Vriska move on from the traumatic Doc Scratch conversation.
Instead, we get a surprise Jasprose appearance!
Again, I'm very happy about all the new talksprites we got in this update :D
And FINALLY we get an update addressing the bonus stories the old creative team made! I'm actually surprised it's in this way though, I thought that perhaps they would first integrate all the old bonus panels into the main comic, but apparently not.
On the other hand, the things Jasprose said here only briefly touched upon the events of the Catnappped bonus story, so perhaps when it properly focuses on them again there will first be the old panels (maybe a URL link, kind of like the old Homestuck days with some panels about the Exiles being on a separate page linked from a normal panel?).
Anyway, only after a while I realized something quite sad: this is only the first time in the entirety of Homestuck^2 that we see (a version of) Dave and Rose interacting. Because with the events of the Epilogues, both the Meat and Candy versions of Dave and Rose got entirely separated from each other.
And even now, Davepeta and Jasprose are in totally separate realities, only managing to talk to each other via sprite magic.
If you start thinking even harder about it, Jasprose is technically from the Meat timeline while Davepeta originates from neither seeing as they weren't on Earth when the timeline split happened.
Though I guess you could wonder, IS there a Candy Jasprose? What if she was also outside of the normal reality when the timeline split and there really is only one version of her as well? Then the same thing could be true about Gcatavrosprite, Erisolsprite (wherever the hell he suddenly came from) and Nannasprite (ok not entirely, there's 2 versions of her but that's already from before the Meat-Candy split, haha).
That's something to think about.
Anyway, let's talk more about the actual content of this update, haha.
I like how the music utilizes the Sunsetter leitmotif, referencing the Davesprite song that was already used for Dave's walkaround music in Openbound.
So, all chapters now retroactively got names, with this one being Chapter X. Makes sense to not be a number, when all the other numbered chapters follow Vriska and seem to indicate in what year they're taking place.
Does it mean the next update, the 8-ball path, will be "Chapter 8" and take place in year 8? It would make sense thematically, as well as be an excellent transition with how this conversation between Davepeta and Jasprose ended.
It's also good to know that in the outside world only an hour or so should have passed. I mean, obviously they wouldn't have let years pass by, but it also means that Vriska isn't INSTANTLY back from the perspective of John, Roxy, Calliope and Sollux. What will have happened there in the meantime? Will Vriska be returning at a very climatic moment?
It's interesting that Jasprose claims she's only been in Midnight City for a night. But on the other hand, it's basically always night there! So she might as well have spent a pretty long time there, who knows!
I like that they addressed this Rose's alcohol problem. Good to hear she's not fallen off the wagon!
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carcinoGeneticist has started a memo on Thaumbler
CG: ALRIGHT, THE REST OF YOU, SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'M GOING TO EXPLAIN TO THESE NON-STUDENTS WHAT IN THE SEVEN FORSAKEN WE ARE DOING IN HERE, AND IF ANYONE TALKS IN HERE BESIDES ME I'M GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE THE JUNIORS FROM THIS GOD FORSAKEN DORM I'M IN. GA: Karkat, I'm Positive That It Would Be Better For Me To Explain This In The Current Situation GA: Ahem, Pardon Him, Dear Viewers. My Name Is Kanaya Maryam, But You May Know Me As Mod Maryam, While The Creator Of The Memo Is Karkat Vantas, or Mod Karkat. GA: You See, Me And Karkat, Together With Other Lucky (Or Maybe Unlucky, Depending In Their Views) Students, Are A Friend Group At Night Raven College, One Of The Most Prestigious Magical Academies In Our World, Twisted Wonderland. GA: We Collectively Decided To Introduce Ourselves By Our Names, Class, Homeland, And Dorm So You May Ask Us About Our Particular Experience In Night Raven College So Far. CG: MY FUCKING TURN, SHUT UP NOW. CG: SINCE I'VE SEEN SOME OF THE BULLSHIT THE PEOPLE IN THAUMBLR CAN PULL, I'M LAYING DOWN SOME GROUND RULES AND YOU BETTER FOLLOW THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT US TO TALK WITH THE HEADMAGE. NO SNITCHING ON MAGICAM TOO, OR I'LL PERSONALLY COME AFTER YOUR FUCKIGN THROAT.
GA: Have You Finished Your Tantrum Filled Rant, Or Should I Wait More For The Introductions? CG: REALLY NICE WAY TO SAY SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK. GO.
GA: As You May Have Seen, There Are Quite A Bit Of Us, So I Will Try To Keep This Short. Each Of Us Wrote A Bit As To Make Mine And Karkat's Work Easier. I'm Kanaya Maryam, I'm From Class 1-A, I Come From The Land Of Scalding Sands And Am From Ignihyde, Much To My Dismay. I'M KARKAT VANTAS, I'M FROM CLASS 1-A, I'M FROM THE QUEENDOM OF ROSES AND AM FROM THE SEVEN FORSAKEN POMEFIORE. Hell0 there 0u0. I'm Aradia Megid0, I'm fr0m class 1-B, am fr0m the Briar Valley and study f0r Scarabia. hI, I'M TAVROS NITRAM. i'M IN CLASS 1-E, I WAS BORN ON, UH, THE SUNSET SAVANNAH AND AM IN OCTAVINELLE (:{ ii'm kiiliing you for thi2 KK. Ii'm 2ollux Captor, Cla22 1-C, 2haftland2 and in fuckiing 2avanaclaw. :33< *tackles you on the ground* Hii! I'm Nepeta Leijon, in class 1-D! I'm furrm Sunset Savannah and am in Purrmefiore with Karkitty! Hiii! H3H3H3! H1 K4RKL3S 4ND K4N >:] 1'M T3R3Z1 PYROP3 FROM CL4SS 1-A 4ND 4M 1N H34RTSL4BYUL. 1'M FROM TH3 SH4FTL4NDS >:] (ALT: hehehe! Hi Karkles and Kan. I'm terezi Pyrope From Class 1-A and am in heartslabyul. I'm from the shaftlands) The name is Vriska Serk8 (Serket for the NERDS!). I'm in class 1-C and am from the Shaftlands. Since I'm soooooooo cool I'm in Diasomnia ::::) D-> Oh my... My name is Equius Zahaak, and I'm from the Shaftlands, though there is STRONG evidence of my birth being from the great Briar Valley. I'm in class 1-B and in the Ignihyde dorm. HoNk. NaMe's gAmZeE MaKaRa, FrOm cLaSs 1-e. I'M FrOm tHiS MiRaClE MoThErFuCkInG PlAcE CaLlEd fLeUr cItY. i'm iN OcTaViNeLlE ToO :o) i'm named Eridan Ampora, and am a noble from the Coral Sea. I study in class 1-D and am in... the fuckin savanaclaw, irk. )(I! 38D i'm Feferi Peixes and am in class 1-D!!! my )(homeland is the Coral Sea and i'm in the Octavinelle dorm!!! 38)
GA: I Do Believe This Is Everyone, So We Are Ending The First Introductory Post. CG: IF YOU DON'T LEAVE ASKS WE ARE GONNA CURSE YOUR BLOODLINE OR WHATEVER. GA: Don't Speak On My Regard, Karkat.
-Mod Karkat and Mod Maryam
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dingodad · 2 years
my beautiful little mutual spencer asked a really interesting question which is that IF the subjugglators are responsible for the nightmares that trolls have, are the trolls going to still have nightmares with the subjugglators gone, and are they still going to need sopor slime to deal with those nightmares. so i checked my little sources. and this is the closest thing to an explanation andrew gives on formspring:
For the subjugglators in their small numbers to keep such a large population under their control, it would be very useful to have the ability to psychically amplify fears through dreams. They may have directed their chucklevoodoos on every susceptible mind in the population. Each lowblood may have a little highblood voodoo doll lurking in their subconscious, making them too terrified to organize any sort of rebellion.
we might guess from this that trolls' nightmares stem from a chucklevoodoo doll, which makes sense bc it's also where john and dave's nightmares et al. come from. so the next question might be whether we presume a clown's chucklevoodoo doll sticks around if that clown dies. and since gamzee never REALLY dies, i guess there's no way we can answer that for certain. but im going to go with yes, it sticks around? for a couple reasons.
chiefly that because of the whole dream self thing, there's not really any clear difference between a 'dream object' and a 'real object'... like, dream selves can dissolve into smoke, but generally speaking if you grab something from someones dream room and take it out of the dream room, it still exists as a regular object. an obvious example of this is lil cal; if gamzee got sucked into lil cal at the end of the comic, would that count as gamzee still "being around" to maintain lil cal's existence? it's interesting to think about it... but it's also implied to some degree that gamzee didn't even "create" lil cal, he just used his powers to pull him out of the void... so is that true for all chucklevoodoo dolls? kind of besides the point but still worth thinking about
there's also a question of practicality. like, if subjugglators are constantly controlling the fears of the population at all times, and a subjugglator dies, does another clown have to take over that guy's job and re-curse a bunch of kids... it would be stupid. but. pretty funny to think about. like having to cover your friend's shift at the nightmare factory. funny.
so im going to say the answer is that if you already had a nightmare doll when troll society blew up then you would keep it. and you might need therapy or maybe the good version of an evil clown to get rid of it. but if you were born after the collapse of alternia youre probably fine.
2 more questions though. what about ghosts. ghosts dont really have dream rooms cus they kind of ARE dream people? and we also dont know if they sleep at all. BUT we DO know kurloz could still fuck with meulin's brain while they were both dead. so do the ghosts on earth c for example still have evil fleas.
second question. more of a thought. in his formspring answer hussie also suggests gamzee could have been fucking with everyone on the meteor with his powers, i.e. messing with vriska's luck or terezi's investigative abilities. this has to make you wonder whether gamzee is messing with the voodoo dolls they presumably already have in their minds, or if he is like, adding them? like does your dream self bed just become one of those huge plushy walls over time as you get more and more traumatised
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yandereforelorn · 1 year
re the choose violence ask game: 1, 10 and 13 for jjba <3 and homestuck even tho i don't know anything about it explain it to me like im 5
!! thank :D
“1. the character everyone gets wrong”
for jjba: no one gets giorno like me. he’s incredibly morally gray and constantly justifying things to himself and constantly straddling the line between his joestar and brando ancestry without knowing it. he is not bland, and he is not a pure cinnamon roll. he tortures multiple people. he’s my baby girl. also doppio. also—
for hs: I think this is said relatively often now but: rose is not actually more mature or more put together than any of the other beta kids!!! she has just as many funny immature moments and is just better about hiding her “irony” than dave. the fact that I don’t see people exploring her relationship with mom and the alcoholism more makes me. sad
“10. worst part of fanon”
jjba: I can’t think of any I particularly hate? I guess I’m not a huge fan of the AUs where kaky0in lives, despite me liking his character! they’re mostly used for jota/kak fluff which I’m just. not interested in XD
hs: again, have a hard time thinking of any I super hate, though I’m sure they’re out there and I’m forgetting fjdjfng. I guess I wasn’t a huge fan of the extended classpects, considering the classes and aspects aren’t the Clearest in canon already, it seems like creating more stretches the definitions of what makes a certain player blood aspect or a witch even murkier. I don’t have anything against them, though
“13. worst blorbofication”
I don’t know exactly… what blorbofication means? I would guess like “woobiefication”? :?
jjba: literally any of the part 5 guys except like. trish djdnfg. like. I woobify them myself. but they are literally all murderers and part of the mafia and I wish that was taken into account more often!!! please!!! mista is stone cold when killing people!!! he’s not just funny number man!!
hs: listen. you’re thinking vriska. I’m thinking vriska. she’s incredibly complicated and i hate boiling her down to her horrible acts or her virtues! hmmm, aside from her, I really haven’t seen TOO bad stuff aside from some ppl taking away all of the alpha kids flaws (aside from dirk of course XD)
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Homestuck, page 3,600
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Author commentary: What we didn't realize is that immediately after Vriska's funny prank, Tavros spent a while lying on the beach paralyzed, subconsciously controlling Horsaroni to write the t1CK code all over his walls. He had no idea he was doing it, and beyond that point the code on his walls was completely invisible to him, functioning as sort of a suppressed memory. Remember that the human kids also had their suppressed-memory wall scribblings which were invisible to them as well. We're finally getting a look at the troll equivalent of that phenomenon, and what purpose it served. Rose's suppressed scribbles were the MEOW code, making her solely responsible for the first guardian DNA sequence which created Bec. But here, it's a group effort between four (+1) people to create the same code (using different letters and numbers standing in for the GCAT nucleotides of course). Trolls always seem to reprise analogous concepts established by the human kids as a precedent, but…bigger. Like the human romance system—a single "quadrant," which is a grid of 1^1 dimensions—for trolls gets expanded to a 2^2 grid, which is 4. There are a lot of such precipitous escalations when it comes trolls, either due to the bigger size of their group, the complexity of their culture, or the intensity of their arc as a group and other surrounding circumstances. Even their First Guardian, Doc, is more intense (cerebrally at least) than Bec. So where the humans had 1^1 people scribble Bec's code, Doc's code had 2^2 scribblers (+1 "wild card"). This escalation therefore demands a more elaborate backstory sequence, which is what we're seeing here.
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
25 12 and 11 for the choose violence ask game >:)
11 - Number of fandom related words you've filtered
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Four apparently - only one of them for one of my fandoms though lmao
12 - the unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them
Okay obligatory davesprite (yes he isn't unpopular, yes more people should like him anyway) but I also fucking love erisolsprite. He's so funny he's just two guys that fucking hate each other shoved into one person, but since they hate *themselves* just as much, they don't pull a tavrissprite and tavrisplode. Incredible (also I love eridan and sollux anyway so great combo)
25 - common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing
Okay this ones probably going to get me crucified but. Act 6 and postcanon aren't that bad? Like yeah post canon is objectively worse, and has some fucking *terrible* shit in it (looking at you yiffany) but while I was reading it I was having fun? It's only when I looked back that I realised how fucked it was (and even then there's still some really interesting aspects I'd love to see explored elsewhere)
And act 6 I found pretty interesting, even the retcon arc. I know a lot of people dislike it for (pretty good) reasons, but I think it has some merit? Homestuck is a story all about defying the story and the author, and breaking free of it to make your own destiny - john literally rewriting the story to give his friends a happier ending that isn't as narratively satisfying is interesting conceptually! And as much as I hate vriska coming back and saving the day, it *does* make sense with her being a Rogue of Light
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(ask game ,,,)
(4, 6, 10, 80, 85, 92 ?) (hope those are the right numbers)
(im glad this is a homestuck blog) (i can use my brackets)
4. Ever made your own chumhandle?
burningStardust. Don't care if it doesn't follow the GCAT/UU rule from canon, I think making my/my trollsona's chumhandle "BS" is funny as hell.
6. Ever made a kidsona?
Nah, I think I'd get too much dysphoria from it. I already have to put up with being a human here, why make myself a human in any other universe?
10. Ever drank Faygo?
I found some cans of it at Dollar Tree a few weeks ago. The flavors I tried were Cotton Candy, Grape, Twist (which was like lemon-lime), and Orange. Orange and Twist were good, if not a little generic, and Cotton Candy and Grape were. not gr8.
80. Do you use Pesterchum, MxRP, CheRP, or other HSRP platforms?
Nah. I have RPed a little within the Homestuck fandom but it's been entirely within a priv8 discord server with my friends.
85. Favorite Homestuck soundtrack?
Oh so mean to me, making me choose /j But if I had to, I think I'd go with Even in Death (the T'morra remix).
92. Favorite typing quirk?
I'd probably have to say Vriska's, considering I stole part of it (mostly to piss her off but it's also just fun to use).
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saltisboring · 5 months
thinking of chbstuck so uhm… here’s some camp stuff!!!! I make my favs very clear
INFO <— link to the main CHBstuck post, which contains who’s a kid of who, who’s at what camp, and some art :3
now this is complicated…. Because neither Apollo twins (Dave + Rose) know how the fuck to use a bow. Its more of,, them calling for their dad like “pls don’t let us fuck it up” and Apollo just kinda “okay be cool”
Like, Dave got more of the music aspect of Apollo, along with some healing and yk,, flocks (haha I’m so funny) and Rose got light, arts, and also a bit of healing as a treat. So idk why they’re expected to run the archery practice but they are!!! Because they’re kinda either the oldest Apollo kids, or simply the only ones,,
(Context on “the only ones” is just trials of Apollo, i imagine he’d be less uhh careless with the number of kids he has after THAT experience lol)
(Haven’t decided if canon should be canon bc,, that’d just make this a crossover but also TRIALS!!!!! anyways)
Chiron makes an effort to lead as many as he can, but he can’t exactly control when he’s needed elsewhere lol
the twins just kinda make sure to give offerings every night like “don’t let us fuck this up PLEASE” it’s great
Equius is a big enthusiast of these lessons, even if he isn’t very,, good? He tries but (like in canon) he just can’t get the right amount of pressure to put on it?
June is also surprisingly okay with a bow and arrow!! She’s just cool like that B)
Jade tried once and never again. Her hands were shaky and she almost shot someone’s eye out?? Didn’t matter too much to her tho, she’s much batter at hand-to-hand and sword fighting.
now I kinda already said who has in the club, but I never rlly talked about it much!!! So here’s that
Review: dnd club is basically the flarp group, except restricted to dnd bc they larped too hard and Mr.D and the Apollo kids were tired of all the injuries lol!! Its Tav, aradia, vriska, and terezi, tho I might add more nerds in the future even though they’re not,, yk,, the flarpers
Anyways Vriska DMs and is so insufferable about it but they’re too into the story now to really give up?? Plus fighting so much can be fun sometimes
Theres also the honorary members, who r just spectators that come by to watch their friends play!! That would be June and Sollux lawl (might add more)
ohhhh boy do these games get heated. Listen, okay, when you restrict a group of kids from hurting eachother while role playing, what makes you think they won’t take advantage of a game that is literally just that…
Vriska is the CTF equivalent to those try hard gym kids (being a daughter of Nike). She is just so extremely into the game it’s insane!!!
Hephaestus kids also kinda also go hard, yk finding an excuse to test out the stuff they make!! Dirk more than anything, and also to kinda test out his strengths n shit cuz he’s lame
Dave and Rose sit on the sidelines because,, healing and also they have an excuse to sit out so they WILL be sitting out
Gamzee is usually put to watch and guard the flag idk it just makes sense? He doesn’t mind tho, he just sits around and fends it off when he can.
Karkat and Feferi seem like the type that would sort of scout the area? Like, while someone guards the flag difectly, they stop any surprise attacks from a bit father. Feferi tends to stick next to the lake, and Karkat is just placed wherever (he is, after all, luck).
While I do think Terezi and Vriska would make such a good leader combo for CTF, I have a small little feeling that Mr.D already has them clocked and just does not let them team up because that is too many injuries!!!! It only reduces them by a bit tho, being on opposite sides simply making them a taaad bit more competitive
The amount of accidents is actually insane,,, though it’s more of bruising than anything that would need Apollo kid action.
I don’t even have to tell you the people who would have an absolute blast.
Nepeta and Equius hang out near the stables the most, but that doesn’t mean the pegasi are any less loved :3 Gosh, they are definitely pampered.
Dave probably falls off the most often — not because he’s not skilled, but because he forgets he has to actually hold on (It makes sense to me, trust).
June really really enjoys flying around. That’s not exactly a big scenario, I just felt like that needed to be included. She likes the freedom that comes with it!!
I have more ideas for Canoe racing and the chariot stuff,, however words are hard so take the other brainrot instead :3
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anarcha66 · 5 months
Sending any instance of the number 8 to vriska who I know and going "holy shit, you reference?" and getting blocked within 2 weeks because it goes from funny to annoying in record time
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