#get busy shake that queue
nco05 · 4 months
The Barça season 2023/24 - femení edition
At long last, the femení edition. I couldn't not do it for the history makers!
Analysis of goals, transfers & injuries
Note: Club Friendlies are not counted, considering it's really just a meeting of teams that don't usually meet. It's not a competition
Warning: There could be inaccuracies, for that I am sorry
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As you can see, the ladies closed out yet another season with over 200 goals scored! In Liga F alone 135!;
Salma is the total topscorer, whilst also being the topscorer in 3 of the 4 competitions;
Caroline is the Liga F Pichichi for the 1st time ever since transferring to Barça! An amazing season for her turns out to be very fruitful;
Fridolina who missed 7 months came up to score a whooping 6;
Marta & Ona scored the most out of all defenders. 9 for Marta is incredibly well done. Ona definetly didn't miss her mark in her 1st season back with 7;
7 players with double digit goals, including Alexia who despite missing 5 months scored 10 more than last season;
Many youngsters also marked 1 or more goal, with Vicky being the outlier with 9!
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Some of the transfers are loans;
Pere Romeu becomes the new coach. He was part of Jona's staff. The cycle of Barça coach is a long involved staff member thus continues;
The departure of some was expected (Asisat, Geyse, Laia), however the 2 that are still a bitter pill were Ana-Maria & Nuria's. With how little notice both were sent away. I do think they learnt their lesson considering Jona, Mario & Sandra's sent-off;
There weren't many new transfers ahead of the season. 2 of these were even for Barça B - Onyeka & Giulia;
However there are 2 incoming transfers that are pre-negociated (?) in the form of Ewa Pajor & Ellie Roebuck. Pajor would be a striker which Barça hasn't had since Oshoala left mid-season. Roebuck would be more of a Cata stand-in as Cata officially becomes the no.1. I'd assume Ellie would be rotated with her;
Then there's also the rumour of Laia Aleixandri coming home - like Ona, she is also a La Masia product. This would be crucial given the CB-crisis that was this past season was horrendous. As well as the fact that Laia is a decent player: very fast on & off the ball & much like Patri willing to fight all the time;
It is painful but I say goodbye to Asisat, Sandra, Jonatan & Mariona with the utmust gratitude
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Which is what I'll highlight here first: the CB crisis; Irene for parts of the year was ill, Mapi had a whooping total of 3 injuries with her most severe putting her out of action for 200 days & Jana herself was out for 7 months. This resulted in relying heavily on Martina Fernandez - a Barça B player - & Ingrid Engen - a MIDFIELDER. Unfortunately this came at the cost for Martina at the very end of the season;
With Ona & Martina being the final additions to equipo lesionado, Ingrid is potentially the final player left to not have been injured. This is evident in the high amount of minutes to she played. It is crucial that Barça could close the deal on free agent Laia A. if they want so that Ingrid can be rotated from time to time;
Mapi, Fridolina, Alexia & Jana missed a lot of months to play & were greatly missed;
Caroline this season was out for less long than other times. This was usually with Norway;
September, October & November were by far the worst months;
Aitana & Bruna played through discomfort.
Other highlights
Ingrid whilst not reflected in the G/A had a very stable season. Goddamn this woman played CB despite not even being a defender. She played a lot of minutes & she did it well;
Alexia & Frido's comebacks!!!;
The amount of Barça B players that got a significant amount of time is also very pleasant. They all had a moment to shine;
Jana & Bruna finally recovering for real;
The highly anticipated return of Mapi;
Irene lifting the UWCL for a 2nd time... having defeated Lyon by a strong performance... in her home that is the Basque country <3;
Cata inevitable number change from 13 to 1!
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elibeeline · 1 year
Sometimes i doubt if im autistic, but then there are days where I'm going to cry and have a panic attack (or meltdown) because something in the routine changes
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shoyudon · 5 months
when their baby doesn't recognize them after they come home from a long mission.
starring. gojo satoru, geto suguru, toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. pure fluff, your child with toji is baby gumi :D
note. this is how everything should have been :< anyways, just an information, my blog now runs on queue so, i'm grind writing before i get too busy for everything since my finals are coming up! chap 259 leaks got me on my knees and telling my friends i needed a whole ass break, gege when i catch u gege.
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──────〃★ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔
"i'm home!" gojo's cheery voice rings out throughout his warm home, despite his fatigue catching up with him. he drops a few crown colored paper bags on top of the kitchen counter — his nostrils twitching at the smell of your home cooked meal that he's grown to miss a lot during his mission.
trotting down the hall, he could vividly hear the distinct voices of both you and his daughter's loud laughter, with a big smile he grips onto the door handle of his daughter's nursery and pulls it down eagerly, "daddy's home!"
you looked at the door in surprise, not hearing his call just a few minutes ago, "satoru? you're home!" you marvel out, happily. nose scrunching in just slightly — your daughter sat on the play mat, eyebrows furrowed and she shows no signs of happiness or excitement like you did.
gojo went in and engulfed you into a tight hug, "hi sweetie," he whispers, kissing your temple — his slender fingers squeezing your hips, "i missed you both so much, y'know?"
returning the hug, you inhaled his scent, "we missed you too, 'toru, i was wondering when you'd be home," gojo cupped your face, pecking your lips multiple times.
"'m home now, baby," his vague whispers enters your ear.
gojo's head turns to see his daughter, who has strands of white hair just like his along with her deep blue eyes, staring back at him in worry — and a tinge of suspicion glazing over them. she babbles in concern, pointing at you as a signal to come for her.
instead of you, gojo stepped towards her little figure, resulting in an erupt of loud wail. he flinched at the loud cry and got on his knees, slipping his big hands under his daughter's pits to pull her closer, "hey, hey . . . why're you crying, baby?"
her wails got worse along with a few kicks here and there, gojo turns to look at you in concern, wondering what was wrong with her, his deep blue eyes silently begging for help, "hey, shh. 'ts okay, daddy's here," he cooed in panic.
chuckling softly, you gently grabbed her away from him, "i think she might have forgotten you, 'toru. you've been gone for too long, y'know?" instantly, your daughter calms down, feeling your familiar grip on her, teary doe eyes suspiciously eyeing gojo up and down.
gojo's face fell, "babies have short term memory? i was gone for two weeks," he softly whispers.
you caressed his face, "'ts okay, love. it takes time, she'll eventually remember her daddy, won't you, princess?" your daughter swiveled her face away into your neck, peeking at gojo curiously every now and then.
"can i hold her, please?" he questions, almost desperately. he was gone for more than two weeks — and all he wanted was to coddle his wife and daughter, and yet, here he was; a stranger to his own five month old daughter.
you nodded, "mhm, take it slow, she'll remember you . . ."
gojo gently grabs her from your grip, cooing softly at her as she squirms a bit, crunching her short and chubby legs up. she wasn't crying, yet. but her blue eyes were staring into gojo deeply, as if she was assessing everything, "bwa!"
she began kicking her legs happily. the corner of gojo's lips tugged upwards slowly, "do you remember me now? hm? you remember daddy now?" he cooed, shaking his head gently before nuzzling his nose into her belly.
the interaction made you smile warmly. gojo who was once exhausted with fatigue chasing his tail, now all freshened up with a fatherly smile on his face, "made me all sad for a second, you silly bean," he chuckles, cradling her in his arms.
as he cooed, you could see your daughter giggling loudly, her body reacting to his words as if she understood them. all she saw was his smile and she's a laughing matter. brushing your fingers through gojo's hair, you whisper, "go shower, you're stinky, 'toru."
"mama's being mean, isn't she? daddy don't stink, right?" gojo jokes, "isn't it supposed to be her bed time now?"
you nodded, "i wanted her to see you, at least for a bit," gojo smiled at your thoughtfulness and pressed your daughter to his hip, using his free hand to pull you closer — he wrapped an arm around you, moving side-to-side slowly and without realizing; the slight movement made the baby drowsy, her eyelids drooping down slowly.
and before the both of you know, her soft snores resounded, cheek leaned onto gojo's shoulder as her arms went limp by her side. you chuckled, kissing her other cheek, "i leave you to lay her down in the crib then."
──────〃★ 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔
"baby, why is he staring at me like that?" geto questions softly, pinching the bridge of his nose as he looks back into his six month old son's (eye color) eyes in exhaustion.
just fifteen minutes ago, he had gotten back home after almost a three week mission — dropping his bags onto the couch, he greets you with a tight hug and a kiss on the lips, like he usually does every other day. on the other hand, greeting his not-so newborn son was a different experience, geto had his palm on the baby's head who was sitting on the his feeding chair. squatting down, all he got was an odd stare.
"you've been gone for almost a month, sugu'. he probably has a foggy memory of you," you explain, brushing your index finger over the baby's chubby cheek as his stare never bailed on getos' sitting figure across the table.
geto sighs, nodding his head, "if i get close, he won't cry, right?" he wouldn't say it out loud — but he often feared that this would happen at some point, his own son forgetting about him after a mission. given his job as a sorcerer, he'd have to go out on missions often, and some of them . . . don't exactly finish in a short amount of time. like this one.
"'m not sure, baby. why don't you come here and stop acting like you're our enemy?" you smiled at him, wiping the corner of your baby's stained lips, "'m pretty sure he's trying to remember your face! isn't that right, love? you won't forget your papa, will you?"
geto ascended from the chair, slowly stepping closer to both you and your son. he squats down in front of your son momentarily, "hi buddy," he gave out a small tired smile.
your son scrunched his face up slightly, eyes narrowing. you almost chuckled at the sight of geto's puckered lips, "you don't remember papa? 'm sad, y'know?" his voice softly cooed out, his finger reaching out to trace his baby's small button like nose.
as if your son realized that this was his father upon the soft touch on his nose, his face was no longer scrunched up, eyes returning back to normal — the difference? his toothless grin pops up, raspy laughter escaping his throat. geto smiles back in response, "yes, you do remember me, my baby boy."
geto stands up, carrying your son up from his feeding chair; not even caring about the mess on his son's tiny little bib. at this point, geto just wanted to hold his own flesh and blood, "papa missed you so much, y'know?" he whispers, pressing gentle kisses onto the baby's head.
your lips formed a smile in reflex, "see? he was just trying to remember you," geto chuckles out softly, nodding his head.
the then house that was filled with loud babbles and gargles of a baby refusing to eat, is now filled with euphoric laughter — it just felt magical. and watching your husband cradle your baby just felt like home, all you could do was stare at them both with much affection.
"bwaa! bababa!"
"mhm, that's right—" geto acknowledged calmly, rocking your son back and forth gently, "you're eating well, aren't you? look at the mess you made for mama. don't give her a tough time when papa's not home, 'lright?"
your son kicked his little legs downwards in response, his giggles loud and clear. geto took that as a yes to his question and nodded proudly, placing another gentle kiss to the baby's forehead.
toji's job is a little questionable. all his life, he's never thought of settling in with a woman, marrying her, and having a son of his own — it all happened so fast. but toji has never really thought of it as a bad thing in the first place. he has a wife waiting for him everyday at home with his son to welcome him, it all felt unreal.
"hey," he mumbles out, leaning down to let you press a kiss on his cheek like you always do — once you did, toji returns the kiss on your lips, "missed you."
you leaned your forehead into his, "i missed you too, toji."
"ma!" a high-pitched voice attracted both of your attention, craning your neck to the side, you saw your one year old son peeking from behind the wall, timidly eyeing the stranger beside you — speaking of toji, by the way.
"gumi, come here," you beckoned him to come over, but the toddler stays in his spot, his little fingers grasping onto the corner of the wall as his eyes pierced onto toji's large figure. sensing his discomfort, you pulled yourself away from toji to approach megumi.
"what's wrong, baby?" you squat down to his eye level, gently grabbing him by his waist, "is something bothering you?" your questions went unanswered — but you figured it had to do something with toji as megumi's eyes never left him.
"baby, that's daddy. your daddy," you can't help but to chuckle softly, carrying the toddler into your arms; pressed to your hip. megumi didn't falter back or trashed, already accustomed to your touch. although you felt his little body tremble when you walked back over to toji, "don't you miss daddy? he's back!"
"dada?" megumi exclaims in a confused tone, patting your cheeks with his chubby little fingers, his toddler mind in a swirl of turmoil. still unconvinced at the fact that this big and tall stranger is his father, despite the same identical hair.
"mhm, that's dada," you point at toji, who has been awkwardly standing a in the same spot now — toji sighs and strides over to you, making megumi narrow his eyes in reflex, "dada, dada's home."
toji extended his finger and poked megumi's cheek teasingly with a straight face, "y' don't even remember your old man, huh?"
megumi scowls deeply, his nose scrunching; resulting in toji's satisfied smirk — the older man prompted to do the same thing again, poking megumi's cheek once more, like he always does to mess with him, "i made you, you little punk," toji rolls his eyes.
"dada!" megumi yells out in frustration, as if he now remembered that his father — toji, the same person who would always mess with him is now right back beyond his eyes, "dada dada!"
toji closened his index finger to megumi's face, and megumi instinctively wrapped his little fingers around toji's index finger, as if saying 'no!'
toji's face warmed up at the sight, and so he curled his finger to bring megumi's hand into his large one, "y'r old man missed you, y'know?" he mutters out gruffly, brushing megumi's cheek gently; so gently he's managed to surprise himself a couple of times.
"aww, he remembers you now, toji."
toji scoffs lightly, a small smile gracing his lips, "guess he does remember."
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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bruisedboys · 2 years
can I request the first time shy!reader spends the night at eddie’s? maybe she falls asleep during movie night and he just doesn’t have the heart to wake her up? lots of snuggles ensue?!
ohmygosh thank you so much for this adorable req I love u so much. hope this is what u wanted angel!
shy!fem!reader 1.3k words
Eddie comes back from the bathroom and into the living room, only to stop dead in the doorway.
You’ve fallen asleep. On his couch. Well, technically his and Wayne’s, but that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you’re fast asleep and you look so lovely and peaceful and Eddie actually had to grab the doorframe to stop himself from falling over.
To be trusted so much that you’ve allowed yourself to fall asleep at his place feels like a big step to Eddie. You’re a shy girl, always cautious, overly polite. Eddie remembers the first time you’d been over to his trailer, you were so quiet, so scared of doing or saying something wrong.
And now look at you.
Eddie feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He practically skips the rest of the way to the couch, desperate to be close to you again, a newfound fondness for you burning in his chest that can only be cured by sitting as close as humanly possible to you. He sits down in the space he’d left, his thigh pressed to yours. Your body has tipped away from him, your head resting on a stack of cushions balanced on the arm of the couch.
The credits of the movie you’d been watching with him play on, but Eddie’s too busy looking at you, drinking up every inch of you. Your face, squished into the cushion, the TV light painting you green and red and blue. Your t-shirt sleeve riding up your shoulder. Eddie imagines your skin is as warm and soft as it looks. He longs to touch you and has an excuse when the movie ends. He knows you’ll want to be woken up.
His hand finds your shoulder and his fingers slip beneath your sleeve.
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Eddie squeezes you gently, his thumb pressed to your shoulder. “Wake up.”
It doesn’t take much for you to wake. Soon you’re blinking awake slowly, tearing your tired eyes apart, and it’s maybe the cutest thing you’ve done ever. Eddie feels so much fondness for you it actually hurts.
“Hey,” he says gently. He shuffles closer so he can get his torso in front of yours, hoping to block the TV lights that he’ll know will be blinding for you. “Hey, baby. You fell asleep.”
You blink at him. “I did?” You ask, all raspy and sleepy.
Eddie chuckles and resists the urge to kiss you all over your cute face. “Yeah, you did. Was I boring you?”
Your expression goes from sleepy to mortified so quickly it’s alarming.
“No!” You say quickly, shaking your head. “No, I—“
Eddie’s laugh drowns out the rest of your words, and you stop fretting when you realise he’s teasing.
“I’m messing with you, sweet girl.” He slides his hand up to your collar and presses his thumb to the corner of your mouth. “You must’ve been tired, huh?”
A yawn takes over your features right on queue. Your eyes scrunch up and your mouth opens wide and Eddie can’t stop smiling. You’re so cute.
“Do you want me to take you home?” Eddie asks, his hand still pressed to your face. He’s secretly hoping you’ll say no. He’d like you to stay here forever, thank you very much. “Or … you could stay the night here? Only if you want, of course.”
You blink up at Eddie owlishly. He’s never asked you to stay the night. Never suggested it, because he’s afraid of scaring you off. He’s afraid now, waiting for your answer, that you’ll run away and never come back. But you smile. You smile, and his heart does a backflip.
“Um. Okay,” you say, quiet and unsure but that sweet smile stays put. “I think I’ll stay, if that’s okay with you.”
Eddie melts like a popsicle. He brings his other hand to your jaw and cups your pretty, sleepy face.
“Of course it’s okay, angel,” he says, soft and earnest all at once. His chest feels tight. “You can stay whenever you like, you know.”
Your smile grows. Eddie’s heart aches tenfold. “I know.”
Eddie nods. He’s feeling so much for you in this moment that it’s hard to do anything, let alone speak. Instead he pulls away from you, stands up and holds his hand out. You take it unabashedly.
“Come on then,” he says, finally finding his words as he pulls you up to stand. “I’ll find you some pyjamas, hm?”
Ten minutes later Eddie comes back from the shower and finds you in his bed, dressed in a pair of his red and black checkered pyjama pants and one of his shirts. Your eyes are half closed.
You look so lovely that Eddie feels, for the second time tonight, like he’s been punched in the stomach. His breath hitches and his heart goes haywire.
“Hi,” he says softly, dropping the towel he’d been scrubbing his hair with over the back of his desk chair. “You okay?”
You nod. “M’okay,” you mumble quietly. “Just tired.”
Eddie rounds his bed til he’s on the side you’re on, kneeling next to the bed so he can take your bicep in his hand, his palm kneading at the soft muscle. You look seconds away from falling asleep.
“Poor girl,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. Then, to you, “Do you want me to sleep on the couch? ‘Cos I will, if you’re not comfortable with us both sleeping in the bed.”
You wrench your eyes open and quit looking tired to instead look confused and mildly put out.
“What?” You ask, exhaustion tugging at your words and making them sluggish and slurred. “No, don’t sleep on the couch.”
Eddie grins like mad. He squeezes your bicep, his fingers pushing beneath your t-shirt sleeve. “You want me to sleep in the bed? With you?”
You shut you eyes again and nod into your pillow. Eddie can’t stop smiling.
“Okay, then.”
He gives your arm one last squeeze and then leaps up to switch the light off. The room gets swallowed by darkness. Eddie can just make out your figure where you’re lying in his bed, the bump of your hip, the curve of your legs.
He slides into bed next to you and it feels like it’s never felt before. Even though it’s his same, regular old bed that he sleeps in every night, nothing about this is regular. Nothing about this doesn’t make his heart race and his skin tingle and his stomach ache with fondness sweet as sugar.
He shuffles closer to you and his arm touches your arm.
“Are you okay?” He asks you. You’re awfully quiet. Well, quieter than usual. He knows it’s because you’re tired, and maybe because this whole thing is probably making you about as nervous as it’s making him, if not more.
You don’t answer but you do press your arm further into Eddie’s. He curls his pinky around yours in the dark.
“Are you nervous?” He whispers, staring at the dark roof, feeling quite a bit nervous himself.
He feels rather than hears you rolling over, and when he tears his eyes away from the roof to look at you, he sees you’ve rolled onto your side to look at him.
“A bit,” you whisper back. Your pinky hooks tighter around his.
“Me too,” Eddie admits. “I’ve never had a girl sleep over before.”
You make a sound that Eddie thinks is a tired, quiet laugh. He can hear your smile when you say, “Really?”
Eddie nods though you probably can’t see him. He slides closer and takes your hand, his fingers lacing through yours. You’re so close you could lay your head on his chest if you wanted. He hopes you will eventually.
“Yeah, really,” he says. He dips his head to kiss your forehead. “Get some sleep now, okay?”
You hum something incoherent. You’re asleep within the next minute, your head lolling onto Eddie’s shoulder within the next two.
Eddie lies awake for far longer, wondering how in the world he got this damn lucky.
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normspellsman · 2 years
She Is Mine
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part one | part two
pairing: neteyam x fem!omatikaya!reader
genre: violence, bit of angst + fluff, & comfort
word count: 2.7k+
warning(s): death threats, mentions of death + injuries + blood, reader thinking she’s going to die + accepts it, neteyam going apeshit on an avatar soldier, reader being stabbed, mentions of brutal killings / violence, reader crying, & a bit of dark!neteyam
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @liyahsocorro @amortencjja @universal-s1ut @goodiesinthecloset21 @chshshhshshshshshshshs @minkyungseokie
word bank: mawey — calm; calm down, eywa / the great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, ikran — winged creature used for flying + hunting, yawne — beloved, & yawntutsyip — darling; little darling
note: literally wrote this within two to three hours so it might not be that great, so bare with me. hope you guys liked it & let me know if i should do something similar to this with lo’ak <3
It was stupid really.
When you think back on it, it was definitely stupid to agree to tag along with Lo’ak and the rest to wherever the hell they were planning on going. But you could not say no to Tuk when she asked you to come with them. She was your weakness and used it to her advantage.
You’d been silently weaving a new armband for your boyfriend, Neteyam, when his youngest sister had approached you, hands interlocked behind her back and the all too familiar ‘innocent’ look plastered on her face. You knew that whatever she was thinking of saying or asking you would end up in you ultimately agreeing to it, most likely getting you in trouble with your lover.
“Join me and Kiri to the mountains with Lo’ak. Pretty please?” She had asked, pouting and widening her amber eyes up at you as she gently swayed from side to side.
You gave in immediately.
It was sad how fast the youngest Sully got you to cave in so quickly. You had restraint with the others, even Neteyam, but had none whatsoever when it came to Tuktirey. You had such a soft spot for her and Tuk took advantage of it every time.
Should’ve never said yes, you grumble to yourself inside your head, head shaking to yourself as you struggled against the restraints the RDA soldiers had put you in upon catching you all when you attempted to leave the scene you weren’t supposed to be at.
Jake instilled it into you guys so many times to never get close to the abandoned shack. You needed asked why. It was something that Jake wasn’t going to argue about and made it very clear after his youngest son tried to pry the answer out of him the first time he mentioned it. Should’ve listened to Jake.
Everything went by so fast, you had barely had time to process what was going on before you were shackled in handcuffs and essentially held prisoner by RDA Avatars.
“Who is she?” A deep voice asked, pulling you out of your seething thoughts.
Quaritch had a good estimate on who was who in the little rag tag group he caught. The five fingered teens one-hundred-percent belonged to Jake Sully while the human boy was a result of the Corporals past. So, that left you and Tuk. He would give it a fifty-fifty chance that the both of you were also Jake’s kids. Man, he and the Missus sure was busy, he thinks to himself, smirking at the thought.
By the only Na’vi boys reaction, Quaritch could tell that you were something else to the kid. A girlfriend perhaps?, he thinks, best friend?.
Lo’ak knew he was fucked the minute Tuk managed to convince you to join in on their little ‘adventure’. Neteyam continuously told him to look out for you whenever he left to go hunt or do whatever their parents told him to do, threatening bodily harm and death if he didn’t obey. He had a bad feeling about the whole thing but regardless of it, still continued on with his plan. Neteyam was so going to kill him.
“Our sister,” Lo’ak muttered, the soldier behind him still had a tight grip on his queue, tightening it before he answered.
Everyone on the scene could tell that Lo’ak was lying. It was evident. The boy's ears were pinned back, mostly in pain, and his tail fell limp beside him as it gently curled in on itself.
Bingo, Quaritch thought to himself, more leverage.
“Hmm, I think you’re lying, boy,” the Corporal starts, inching closer to Lo’ak, “And do you know what I do to liars?” he asked.
You gulped at the man’s words. You could only assume his following answer would entail torture or death. You all were totally fucked either way.
Lo’ak refused to answer the man’s question, making Quaritch smirk even more.
“I punish them,” he answered, a sick and disturbing glint in his eyes as he stared down Jake Sully’s second son.
Anxiety spiked in all of our systems, making you struggle further in the soldier's grasp.
“Don’t hurt him,” you and Kiri pleaded, the soldiers behind you yanking back on your braided queue, making you cry out in pain.
Quaritch tsked at your response, turning towards you as he stalked towards your figure. “I’m not going to hurt him, sweetheart. Just you,” he finalized, pulling out a knife that was sheathed in its carrier on his hip.
You and everyone else began to protest at his words.
“(Y/N)! No!” Lo’ak cried out, trying to inch closer towards you to protect you but was pulled back by a soldier, hissing out in pain and frustration.
Tuk began to cry as she saw the knife inch towards your face before it dipped down to your neck.
“You fucking asshole!” Spider yelled out, struggling in the grips of the two Avatar soldiers holding him, surprisingly making them struggle to keep him in their grasps in return.
Kiri could only close her eyes in response, not wanting to see you get hurt in front of her.
You stopped at the contact the cold knife made with your warm skin, the temperature of it making you lightly flinch back at it. Your heartbeat rose increasingly within the confines of your chest, hammering against the bone. Holy shit, you thought, this is how I’m going to die.
As you looked around and saw your friends' reactions, you accepted your fate. You accepted that you were going to be murdered in front of them. You could only hope that your death would help the Sullys and Spider escape from the soldiers and Quaritch safely and unharmed. You also hoped that it was going to be a quick death. You didn’t want them to see you suffer.
It’s okay, be calm. Don’t fight back, it’ll only make it worse. Mawey. Eywa, please ensure the safe return of the Sully’s and Spider. And make sure that Neteyam finds only happiness after this, you prayed.
Quaritch had taken your queue from the soldiers grasp behind you, granting you momentary relief from the tight hold only to be replaced with an even harsher grip. You hissed out at the returning pain.
“Now, listen here boy,” he starts, pointing the clean knife at Lo’ak, making him look at him, “I want ‘ya to contact your Father and tell him that if he isn’t here after the sun sets, girly over here,” he gestures to you with the knife in hand, “Is going to be gutted and strung up on the tree line as a little surprise for your Daddy. Am I clear?”.
His words makes Tuk cry even harder, making the soldier behind her give up on her hold on the girls queue and instead hold her up by her arms.
Lo’ak reluctantly nodded at his words, swallowing down the gathering spit in his mouth. His eyes jumped from Spider to Quaritch to you, then to Kiri and Tuk. He was dreading the moment his parents and Neteyam arrived, knowing that regardless of how much they cooperate, Quaritch is going to do whatever he wants to even if that includes staying true to his words of harming you.
The three were close to nearing the old abandoned shack when Lo’ak called in again, the line going static for a second before he spoke up.
“Quaritch is giving you until after sunset to arrive,” he shakingly starts, anxiety clearly evident in his tone as he speaks, “Or…or he’ll gut (Y/N) and string her up as a welcome gift for you.”.
Neteyam nearly crashes into a tree when he hears his brother's words.
Quaritch was threatening the life of you, his mate, in hopes of riling up Jake. Well, it was working, except it was Neteyam who was riled up and not his Father.
All the boy could see was red as the three of them silently continued their flight towards your destination after Jake told Lo’ak that they were on their way and that the message was clearly received.
Rage boiled up inside of Neteyam’s body, causing him to slightly shake from the emotion atop his ikran. He was going to kill every single one of the soldiers there once he arrived. He’d do anything to get you back. Anything.
Everything ached.
From your queue, to your scalp, to your neck, and to the fresh new wound Quaritch left after he decided Lo’ak was taking too long to relay his message to his Father. He had sliced your thigh and stabbed the wound in response, jamming it into the flesh/plush of your thigh. You cried out to the brutal attack, growling out in pain as a handful of tears fell down your cheeks. Quaritch only smirked at your reaction, throwing you down onto the ground as the rest of the soldiers followed suit in discarding their prisoners, herding them into a circle.
Kiri helped you up, allowing you to lean into her. She quickly assessed your wound and deemed that you were going to be fine, as long as no one pulled the knife out from your leg.
Lo’ak held your head in the palms of his hands as he looked for any other slices Quaritch managed to make before stabbing you. He didn’t find any and sighed out in relief from that.
Spider had gathered Tuk in his arms and tried to silence her crying before any of the soldiers got inspiration from Quaritch and decided to punish the child for crying.
“Fucking son of a bitch,” you whispered between grinded teeth after the attack, trying your best to not yank out the foreign object in your thigh. You began to think that maybe you will end up dying out here after all, amongst the beautiful greenery of Pandora. Albeit it not being the way you wanted to go out, it still wouldn’t be the most gruesomest death you imagined happening. You just wished that you were able to kiss Neteyam goodbye one last time.
Furious wouldn’t even begin to describe the type of emotion he was feeling at the moment. There probably was no word equivalent to the emotion he currently felt.
Neteyam had ended up disobeying his Fathers orders of him staying with the ikrans, saying that he was ‘too emotionally invested’ and that his anger was too risky for what he was about to face. He thought it was utter bullshit that he wasn’t allowed to aid his parents in rescuing his siblings and his lover from Quaritch. If anything, it gave him more of a reason to focus and get everyone out of there safely.
He had managed to take down two Avatar soldiers in his search for you. He decided that they weren’t worthy of wasting his arrows on, slicing and stabbing them until their throats were practically open wide in exposure or had any time to process the pain. He’d been quick and brutal in his attacks. The more bodies he left behind, the more closer he was to having you in his arms.
His Mother had already released her arrow by the time he arrived on the scene, causing the other soldiers to shoot out into the trees and pull you all up in response. He was forced to hid behind a tree, eyes desperately searching for your familiar figure amongst the Avatar bodies and his siblings.
Neteyam’s eyes finally found your body, still in a soldiers grasp as they tried to pull you away towards where the others were gathering.
His gaze narrowed at the soldiers tight grip on you, robotically notching an arrow and drawing his bowstring back, almost immediately letting it go just as quick as his initial drawing of the arrow.
The arrow lodged itself in between the eyes of the soldier, it’s body slumping backwards as it’s grip loosened on your body, allowing you to follow its descent to the ground.
You groaned out in pain when your body made contact with the forest floor. You were too tired to move out of the way once you realized the soldier that had you in its arms had died, accepting your fall to the floor as gracefully as you could. The knife was still in your thigh, shooting electric hot pain up your leg upon being disturbed from the short fall.
You felt another pair of hands grab you and roughly pull you upwards, you screaming and kicking in retaliation. But just as quickly as their arms grabbed you, they let you go, a loud grunt and hiss following as their body was thrown to the side.
Neteyam had quickly made his way to you once he spotted another Avatar pull you up. He had unsheathed his knife and jumped on the soldier, causing the two of them to roll around on the floor before Neteyam brutally and repeatedly drove his weapon into the Avatar’s body, not stopping until he was certain that he caused enough damage to the fake Na’vi.
Stay away from her, he thought after every stab he inflicted, it’s not her time.
You had looked up when Neteyam delivered the final blow, slitting the insignificant soldier's throat.
You had never seen your mate this angry. Sure there were times where he lashed out at you after an argument or got so angry he hissed and growled at his brother for his ridiculous antics. But never, never have you ever seen him so vengeful. You didn’t even know if vengeful was the right word to describe how Neteyam looked like at the moment. But nothing else came to mind.
“Yawne,” you whispered out, desperate to catch your boyfriend's attention, wanting to get out of the line of fire as quickly as possible.
The teen whipped his head towards you, eyes dilated to the point where they looked like slits in his pupils. His chest was heaving up and down heavily, lungs taking big gulps of air as he did so. A few braids fell in front of his face, masking some of it as he looked at you.
His whole expression softened once he laid eyes on you. He could tell that you wanted to get as far away from the scene as you quickly could, that sad and traumatic look in your eyes at you pleaded with him.
Neteyam quickly shook out of his stupor and gathered you in his arms, being weary of the knife in your leg that he just noticed. Another thing that made him want to kill Quaritch himself.
“It’s okay, I got you yawntutsyip,” he whispered back, dodging all of the flying bullets and arrows he could as he weaved into the heavy forest foliage. His grip on you never faltered as he jumped over logs and ducked under stray branches to get you to safety. His whole body was on autopilot as he ran around, solely focused on getting you out of there alive.
Once Neteyam had decided he was far out enough to not be chased or caught by any more Avatar soldiers, he gently laid you down onto the soft grass, eyes quickly assessing your figure for any other injuries he should be aware about. He let out a sigh of relief when he came to the conclusion that you had no other wounds that needed tending to, softly bringing you into his arms for a warm embrace.
You immediately broke down into the hug, burrowing your face into the crook of Neteyam’s neck and wrapping your arms around his back to bring him in closer. Your sobs were a telltale sign of how distraught you were from the events that just occurred, brain still racing to process it all.
Neteyam softly shushed you as he put one hand on the back of your head and the other on the lower portion of your back, softly rubbing the skin in attempts to comfort you.
“You’re safe now, my love,” he whispered, kissing your hair, “I got you. You’re safe.”.
You relaxed into your lovers arms as he comforted you, feeling safe in his hold.
Neteyam had never gotten that blood thirsty before and that frightened him a little. If he acted like this when you were in trouble, can you imagine how’d he act if you actually died as a result of tonight’s events? He didn’t know the answer to that. All he knew was that you’re his and he’d do anything to ensure that it is not your time yet.
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cyripticchronicler · 7 months
Love Potions and Unspoken Desires - Sirius Black
A mishap with Amortentia has you and Sirius head over heels for each other. Except, your feelings are genuine. But what is his were too?
A/N: I haven't posted in forever and I'm so sorry! I've been busy with school and have been studying a lot. I'm really proud of this one shot though and I hope everyone likes it!! If there are any errors or constructive criticism you want to give please tell me <3
Warnings: Slight mentions of abuse, kissing
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The torch-lit halls guide your way as you walk towards Potions, mind racing at the mere thought of the lesson. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable, trying your best to keep your back straight. 
They slump as soon as you enter the room.
“You’re late,” Professor Slughorn announces loudly causing your cheeks to heat. Everyone's heads whipped around to face you and you prayed to Merlin the ground would swallow you up whole. 
You clear your throat so your voice doesn't come out scratchy, “Sorry, Professor. I was helping out in Transfiguration.”
He nods in dismissal and you take that as your queue to find a seat, eyes scanning the crowded room for an empty spot. Your eyes land on the only free seat next to Sirius Black and you tense.  You can barely be in the same room as him and now you're going to have to sit next to you? Merlin, you wish this day was over. 
And he looks so pretty today too. His hair was freshly washed, Gryffindor tie slung loosely around his neck, and shirt sleeves pulled up to his elbows. 
A pointed cough snaps you out of your thoughts and you hurry towards the seat, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
You’re pretty sure everyone just saw you check out Sirius Black. 
Could this day get any worse?
Turns out it could. 
You go to chuck your bag underneath the table but miss by a long shot, the bottom of your school bag hitting Sirius in the face, causing him to let out a surprised groan. Some people behind you let out a laugh and you squeeze your eyes shut, kicking your bag underneath the table and sitting in your seat. 
You barely make eye contact before you look away, muttering a hushed ‘sorry’ and attempting to catch up on the notes you missed. 
“Today we’re making Amortentia. Can someone tell me what this is?” At the lack of answers, he turns to you with a pointed look.
You raise your hand nervously. “It’s the most potent love potion. When consumed it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker towards the person who administered the potion. it does not create genuine love; rather, it amplifies preexisting feelings or creates an artificial attraction.”
“Very good. Five points to Gryffindor.”
You nod your head awkwardly and look back down at your notes. 
“Write down the ingredients and instructions and then get started. You’re going to be working with the people next to you.”
You tense up, head snapping up. Sirius chuckles next to you and you turn to face him. 
“Looks like we’re working together, Love. I’ll go get the ingredients.”
You nod your head awkwardly, too shocked to respond. Did he just call you love? Are you okay?
Your cheeks heat and you groan internally at yourself. Stop blushing you dipshit. 
Attempting to distract yourself, you make quick work of cleaning the workspace, spotting Sirius talking to James and Remus out of the corner of your eye. James smacks Sirius’ back, whispering something that causes Remus to shake his head and Sirius to grin. 
He comes back a minute later, ingredients in hand. 
“You seem to know a lot about this potion, you ever used it on someone?” He smirks teasingly causing your cheeks to flush. “No,” You mutter quietly, “I just like making potions.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, eyes searching your face. You look away quickly, his stare burning your face as you pour some ingredients into the cauldron. 
You continue the work in comfortable - for him at least- silence, working with him easier than ever. 
You were finished in no time, grinning in triumph as you tried not to breathe in the strong smell. 
“Well done you too! Grab a vile and bottle some up why don't you.” Professor Slughorn smiles, hurrying off to another table whose cauldron is smoking. 
“Good job, love. I might have to work with you more,” Sirius flirts and you jerk in surprise, hand flying back and knocking the vile that he was holding with your own, Amortentia effectively spilling over you both. 
His eyes grow dilated in seconds and you assume yours do the same, heart thumping and palms sweating as you stare up at him with heart eyes. 
“I-I'm so sorry.” You force out, too focused on how he looked at you like you hung the moon. 
“For?” He questions, seemingly in a daze. He looks down at his shirt and grins. “Right, it’s no problem, Love. You can do nothing wrong in my eyes.” He flirts and you go back to respond but are successfully cut off by James. 
“Sirius! You’re in deep shit, man.” He laughs, slapping him on the back. You track the hand, wishing it was yours instead.
Sirius doesn’t respond, too busy grinning at you. Merlin, this potion is good.
“Dear, dear.” Professor Slughorn mutters as he comes to inspect the chaos. “Right, it will wear off soon. You’re just going to be partially in love with each other for a bit.”
Sirius grins, “I am in love with her-” James cuts him off with a hand on the shoulder, dragging him towards the door. “I’ll just keep him away until the potion wears off-”
“The class isn’t over-” Professor Slughorn protests but James is already gone. You frown in disappointment, already missing Sirius. 
It was a few hours later, the potion's effects still thrumming through your blood, your infatuation for him stronger than ever. You were distracted the whole day, mind always seeming to stray away to thoughts of Sirius. How pretty he looked, how he’d let you put his hair up, maybe even braid it, how he’d smile at you. He’d probably be great in bed too- 
“You’re doing it again.” Lily mutters, face scrunched up in disgust and you groan in shame. “It’s like my feelings for him have been amplified by 100. It’s amazing but unbearable at the same time.”
She grabs your hand in comfort, grabbing the mashed potatoes with her other hand and piling them onto her plate. You’re in the Great Hall for dinner, loud chattering filling the crowded space. From just a few feet away Sirius and his friends sit and if you listen hard enough you can hear James’ obnoxious laugh. 
“I'm sure the potion will wear off soon,” Alice reassures from beside you, grinning at you in hopes of making you feel better.
You shake your head in disagreement. “It’s only been two hours and these potions can last for days.”
“We just have to keep you away from him. How hard can that be?”
Very hard, you realise, eyes widening at the sight of Sirius Black stalking towards you, encouraged by the jeering of his friends. 
“Hello, Love.” He smiles, eyes soft as he admires your face. You sigh, chin resting on your hand, too distracted by his beauty to respond. He seems too distracted by your beauty to call you out on your silence.
“Fucking hell,” Lily whispers from somewhere behind you but you pay her no mind, continuing to smile at Sirius as he does the same. 
A loud laugh from James who still sits at the table, snaps him out of his daze, “W-would you want to have breakfast with me tomorrow?”
You nod immediately, smile blinding, probably losing a few brain cells from how intensely you were nodding. 
He flashes his pearly whites, “Great! I’ll meet you in the common room at seven?” He questions and you nod, too distracted by this freckle you just spotted right underneath his eye. He doesn’t make a move to go, eyes tracing your jawline slowly. 
“Okay!” You jump at Lily’s hands on your shoulders, slowly dragging you out of the hall. “Time to say goodbye.” You and Sirius both frown. “Don’t be like that, you’ll see each other tomorrow.” She grabs your arm and waves it back and forth, “Now say bye-bye.”
“Bye,” You whisper, cheeks flushing. “Bye, Love.” He mutters back. 
“Why did today of all days be the day nothing turned out properly!” You whine, head falling in defeat onto your folded arms that rest on your dresser, abandoned mascara bottle hanging loosely in your hand. 
Lily coos softly from behind you, distracted by getting dressed. “Sweetheart, you look amazing. You’re not having a bad eyelash day and your hair looks great! Sirius is going to fall to his knees when he sees you.”
You look up from your arms slowly, meeting Lily’s eyes in the mirror, “You think?” You question hopefully. She nods. “And my eyelashes look okay?” She nods again and you smile softly. “Thank you,” You stand up, moving to get dressed. “I don’t even know why I care so much, it’s just breakfast. I swear this love potion is making me go crazy.”
“Sure, it’s the ‘love potion’ that’s making you go crazy,” Lily mutters sarcastically from behind you but you’re too busy daydreaming about Sirius’ eyes to notice. 
“Hello.” You mutter, successfully gaining Sirius’ attention as he turns to face you. He’s dressed in his uniform but he’s obviously tried to tidy it up a little bit. His usually loose tie wrapped tightly around his neck, his white t-shirt tucked into his freshly ironed slacks. “You look nice today, but-” You walk over, hand gripping his tie and losing it. “That’s better.”
You notice a faint blush on his cheeks and grin. “Thank you, love. So do you. Are you ready for breakfast?” 
You nod you both start walking to the hall together, his hand brushing yours slightly. You take in a deep breath for confidence, trying to calm your racing heart as you link your fingers through his. 
He doesn't pull away. 
You make it into the hall a few minutes later, taking a seat beside Sirius. James attempts to sit across from us but one look from Sirius sends him sitting at the end of the table beside Remus, a pout on his lips. 
“You didn't have to send him away,” You mutter, feeling bad. 
“He’ll live. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you.” Sirius states, causing you to blush. He grabs your plate, piling it with the stuff you get every morning before handing it back to you.
“How do you know what I eat for breakfast?” You question, face scrunched in confusion. Sirius pauses his movements of piling his own plate, cheeks tinted pink. “I-I guess the potion has made me more aware of what you eat.”
“Yeah, but the incident happened after breakfast yesterday.”
He shrugs, “Huh, I don’t know then.”
“Have you-”
“Do you like to read? There's this really pretty bookstore that just opened up in Hogsmeade. Maybe we can go after breakfast? Get some butter beer too?”
You decide to let it go, “Yeah, I’d love to go. I’ve been meaning to get some more books to read, too.”
He grins, eyes sparkling in delight as he stares into your eyes, “Great! It’s a date.”
“I don’t believe you!” You laugh, knocking your shoulder against Sirius’, hands linked as you make your way down the snowy path to Hogsmeade.
“It’s true!” Sirius insists, pulling you closer, nose red from the cold. He looks so pretty, you think. If only his feelings for you were true. 
“And Euphemia let you stay after that? She must have a heart of gold.” You tease playfulling, relishing in his laugh that warms your insides. 
“Oh she does, I owe her my life.” Before you can question him he’s pulling you towards The Three Broomsticks. “Now c’mon, let's get you a butterbeer before you freeze to death.”
You comply, following him into the warm building, the quiet talks of chatter greeting you as Sirius leads you to a table in the corner. 
“So,” He begins, leaning forward for suspense. “Tell me something that you’ve told no one else.”
You impulsively grab his hand, letting it warm up your cold one. He doesn't mention it as you speak, “Um, in first year I once walked in on The Grey Lady and The Bloody Baron trying to ‘get it on.’ I was too traumatized to tell anyone.”
He stares at you, shellshocked. “Well- That’s certainly not what I was expecting. Is that even possible?”
You chuckle quietly at his shocked impression, “No, actually. They kept on going through each other. It was horrible to watch.”
“Your poor eyes,” He winces in sympathy, squeezing your hand tightly. 
“It’s still engraved in my mind. It’s put me off kissing ever since.”
He freezes slightly. “So you haven't kissed anyone?” He questions quietly, eyes shining in delight. Your cheeks flush, “No.”
He takes in a breath, leaning forward and you instinctively do the same until your noses are brushing. “So if I were to kiss you right now, I’d be the first one to ever touch these precious lips?” You nod and his eyes squeeze shut. 
“Fuck.” He mutters under his breath. “Can I-”
“Here are your two butterbeers.” You jerk back at the unexpected voice, watching as Sirius does the same. “T-thank you,” You mutter to the waitress who is already gone, taking a big gulp of your butterbeer in the hope of cooling down your flushed body. 
You sit in silence until it gets too awkward for you and you attempt to start a conversation, “We’re still going to the bookstore after this, right?”
He jumps, not expecting you to speak before he breaks out into a relaxed grin. “Of course, Love. I’m not much of a reader but I know you are.”
“Oh, that’s sweet. If you don’t want to go then we can just head back-” “I want to go. I want to spend time with you.”
“Oh.” You curse internally. You’ve already said ‘Oh.’ “Thank you? Yeah, thank you.” He laughs, “Don’t thank me, love.”
You flush, “Sorry-” “And don't say sorry either.”
You nod, “Sorry- I mean, shit.” He laughs at your ramble causing your cheeks to go bright red. You attempt to turn the conversation around, “What do you mean you owe Euphemia your life?” He visibly tenses and you curse. Fucking idiot.
“You don’t have to- That was rude-” He links your fingers together, placing them on the table and successfully cutting you off. 
“It’s okay. I trust you, love.” He grins but it seems fake. “My parents and I never got along, and after I joined Gryfindor things started getting worse. Whenever they got violent I went to James and Euphemia would take care of me. My family successfully kicked me out last summer and I’ve been living with James ever since.” He falls quiet and you squeeze his hand. 
“I’m sorry-” You cut yourself off at his glare. “I hope you’re okay.”
He manages a grin, a true one this time. “I’m okay, especially with you.” He teases causing your cheeks to flush. 
“That’ll change once the potion wears off,” You attempt to joke but Sirius is silent. “Yeah…”
“Want to go check out the bookstore?” You grasp at any shred of confidence. 
Sirius practically jumps out of his seat, taking you with him. “Let’s go.”
“I had fun tonight.” You state, awkwardly standing by the steps that will lead you to your dorm. Sirius stalks closer towards you. 
“I did too,” He grins, diamonds in his eyes as he brushes your hair behind your ear before cradling your cheek gently. “Remember to tell me what you thought of that book,” He shrugs down at the book in your hand, unable to keep his eyes off you.
“Yeah. I should go…” You make no move to leave and Sirius makes no move to remove his hand from your cheek. 
“You should,” He whispers, eyes trained on your lips, swollen from how many times you’ve bitten it out of nervousness. 
And then his lips are on yours. 
And then you're kissing him back. 
And your back is against the wall, his tongue pushes into your mouth, and he’s holding your waist. You can't breathe and you're scratching your nails down his shirt-clad back until he groans against your mouth in pleasure. 
And then you’re pulling away. “Stop,” You whisper against his lips.
He stops immediately, taking a few steps away from you, “I-I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.” His lips are swollen and wet and you want nothing more than to kiss him again.
But you can't.
“No, I’m sorry.” You hide your face in your hands, back against the wall. “I-I should’ve said no to the date. I just- I wanted so badly for your feelings to be real. That you’d actually like me but it’s not fair on you. And I’m sorry.”
He looks at you like you’ve grown another head. “I do like you.”
You shake your head, “Sirius-” “I do! I’ve liked you for years. I’ve been wanting to tell you but you just make me so nervous-” “Sirius-”
“C’mon, listen to me-” “This is the potion!” 
“The potion wore off hours ago and you know it!”
You slump against the wall in defeat, legs against your chest as you look away from him. You know he’s right. The once amplified feelings you had for him are more sane and you no longer feel like you’d kill every single person who so much as looked at him the wrong way. 
“You can’t like me back. I don’t believe you.”
He crouches down in front of you, hands shaking as he reaches to touch your knee. “Why don’t you believe me, my love?” He questions, his voice much quieter than it was before.
“Because you’re Sirius Black,” You whisper like it explains everything. And it does. He’s Sirius Black, the golden boy who could have anyone he wanted.
“And you’re you. If anything I don’t deserve you. You’re smart, beautiful, way out of my league.” You open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off. “But I’m going to work every day to be the man you deserve because I want you. So badly it hurts.”
“I want you too,” You mutter shyly, you look into his eyes that still look at you like you’ve hung the moon. 
“Aw my love,” He pulls you closer, breath fanning your cheek. “You’ve had me for a long time.”
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scribblesofagoonerr · 1 month
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September Love | Never Grow Up
the third and final installment in the mini series - this is the second version, more sadder so that's a heads up there
summary: remi starts her first year of school and there's a new arrival in the williamson family
pairings: leah williamson x reader
warning: talks of death.
alternative ending for this one - please don't hate me for it, i'm sorry in advance!
based on the reactions to this one, is how i am going to figure out the next mini series!
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“I can’t believe it’s this time already,” Leah says, a frown etched on her face as she stares at an old photo of Remi at 5 weeks old that she had saved in her phone, “Where has the time gone?” She murmurs.
It only felt like it was yesterday.
“We blinked Le,” You tell her, your eyes softening, “And just like that, she’s off to big school.” You add.
“But she’s still too tiny for big school, isn’t she?” Your wife exhales a sigh and continues to stare at the photo on her phone with tears welling up in her eyes.
“Le, she’s 5 years old now. We have to let her go now,” You say gently, reminding your wife that your eldest girl was indeed not a baby now.
“I still don’t like it though,” Leah admits quietly, shaking her head in disagreement.
You can’t help but chuckle heartily, “She’s only going into her first year of reception, it’s not like she’s moving out the country,” You tease your wife, which you’re quick to be on the dirty end of a scowl, “Come on Le, you know what I mean.”
“Don’t even joke about things like that,” Leah murmurs, continuing to frown at you, “You don’t get it though, it’s her first day of big school… which means she’s not a baby anymore.” She adds.
“No she’s not,” You reply quietly in agreement.
Your wife bites her bottom lip and shakes her head vigorously, “I don’t like it. Why can’t we just turn back the clock?” She asks.
“It doesn’t work like that,” You laugh humorlessly and shake your head.
“It’s just,” Leah begins to say as she finds the right words, “She was our tiny little baby at one point and now… now she’s just growing up so fast.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve still got time to go through all this again, remember?” You tell her, gesturing towards your swollen belly as you are ready to give birth any day now, “Twice.”
“I know,” Your wife’s eyes soften as she crouches down and rests her hands on your baby bump, “I can’t wait to meet you baby boy.” She whispers, placing a gentle kiss on your stomach.
“And he can’t wait to meet his Mummy either,” You tell her, genuinely smiling at the blonde, “Any day now.” You add, hopeful that he does make his appearance sooner rather than later after getting to the stage of being uncomfortable, and pregnancy during Summer is no joke.
“Why’re you sad, Mummy?” Remi’s voice pipes up out of nowhere, all ready for school wearing her brand new school uniform that you have to admit looks massive on her, her hair done up in a loose ponytail with a red ribbon attached while she wears her new black shiny shoes that you had the absolute misfortune of having to experience standing in a queue to just to get into the busy shop – that is something that you can definitely say you’re not such a fan off.
“Oh I’m not sad, baby Gooner,” Leah immediately plasters a smile on her face, “I’m just… I’m really proud of you, you know?” She adds, wiping away the stray tears from her face.
“But you’re crying though,” Remi frowns in confusion as she tilts her head to the side, “You only do that when you’re sad, like when you watch them really sad films about the puppies or when you’re on the pitch sometimes–”
“Okay, okay, I think we get it,” Leah interjects, before your daughter has any further chance to expose your wife for the softy that she really is, “I’m not sad, baby Gooner. I’m just so excited for you that you’re starting big school today. Are you excited?” She questions.
“Uh huh! I am so excited, I can’t wait to make lots of friends like uncle Jacob told me about!” Remi is vibrating with excitement, which is more than can be said about your wife.
“You’re going to make so many new friends!” You reassure your little girl with a proud smile on your face, “Alright, how about we take a picture for your first day of big school, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Remi jumps up and down in delight at the idea.
“Big smiles, Remi Roo!” You encourage as your daughter flashes you a gap-toothed smile from the tooth that she lost just the previous week.
You make it a whole family occasion with Esme toddling in to join in the photo opportunity and many snaps are taken amongst your little family of four, soon to be five.
“Perfect, baby girl!” You tell her, taking lots of pictures as you stare at them with a sense of nostalgia as all the sudden memories come to light of the several milestones Remi has achieved over the last 5 years, “You really are growing up, Remi Roo.”
“I don’t like it, it’s too many milestones at once,” Leah cracks under the pressure and shakes her head, wiping another stray tear away.
“Le,” Your facial expression softens as you wrap your arms around your wife to comfort her.
“It’s okay, Mummy!” Remi wraps her small arms around Leah’s legs, “Don’t be sad now! It’s gon’ be okay!”
“Me join!” Esme, not wanting to be left out, holds her hands up in the air for you to lift her up, “Mummy sad?” She asks, confused.
“A little bit,” You answer your youngest honestly.
“I make it better,” Esme declares, pressing a sloppy kiss on Leah’s cheek, “All better?”
“Much better, thank you Essie Bear,” Leah coos, returning a gentle kiss to Esme’s cheek.
“You can still cuddle me, even when I’m at big school!” Remi points out, peering up to look at your wife from where she’s stood, “It’s okay!”
“Oh, well in that case then I am definitely holding you to that,” Leah grins and scoops Remi up into her arms, “I’m gonna get in all the snuggles in that I can!” She says, squeezing her tightly.
“Alright, alright,” You break it up jokingly, “Let’s not smother her before she even makes it out the door for her first day.”
“Don’t you dare make fun of me,” Leah tells you, pointing her index finger in your face, “This is a big moment today.” She adds, placing Remi back down on the floor.
You snicker in amusement at your wife’s expense, “Oh don’t I know it? Big bad scary Leah Williamson crying over her little girl’s first day at big school,” You pause, the smirk not leaving your face, “Gosh, what will the world think?”
Your wife glares at you and gently swats you, “Shut up, I’m allowed to be emotional today.”
“Uh huh, and what’s the reason for every other day then?” You can’t help but wonder with a shit eating grin on your face.
“You’re lucky that I love you,” Leah murmurs, rolling her eyes at your antics to wind her up.
“And I love you too,” You reply, pecking her on the lips, “You’re the lucky one that I put up with you being a blubbering mess every time Remi does something that’s deemed ‘too grown up’,” You remind her, amusedly.
“I’m emotional, okay?” Leah exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air, “She’s our eldest, our baby… Our baby Gooner!”
“You can’t call me that anymore, Mummy!” Your 5 year old points out, “I’m not a baby!”
Your wife pouts at your daughter's words and shakes her head, “You will always be my baby, no matter how old you get,” She pauses, “Even when you’re 30 and you have your own family.”
Remi wrinkles her face up in disgust, “Boys are yucky, I don’t want a boyfriend.” She states,
“And you’re definitely right to think that,” You chuckle amusedly as you gather your small family out of the door and make your way to your wife’s BMW, “I think if Mummy had her way, she wouldn’t let you date until you’re 25 at least.” You joke.
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“I’m ready to go in!” Remi announces, standing outside of the school gates in a tone that sounds far more grown up than her 5 year old self, “I’m not scared.”
“It’s good to not be scared, you’re going to have so much fun!” You tell her, holding her hand and guiding her through the gates of the school while Leah follows behind holding Esme’s hand, “You’re going to smash it, baby girl!”
“And we’ll be right here to pick you up when the day is done, okay?” Leah reassures your daughter, catching up with your toddler, who likes to walk at her own pace.
“Okay!” Your eldest nods in agreement, bouncing on her toes as she carries her backpack that looks way too big for her.
“Rem! Rem!” Esme shouts to get her big sister’s attention, “Rem!”
“I’m going to big school, Bear,” Remi crouches down and wraps her arms around her little sister, “But I’ll see you when I’m home and tell you all about it!”
Watching the exchange between your daughters, makes your heart swell with pride and a touch of bittersweetness.
“Miss ‘ou, Rem,” Esme pouts, a little frown forming on her tiny face as her voice wobbles, as if she’s on the verge of tears.
“Miss you too, Bear,” Remi continues to squeeze her little sister tightly, “I’ll be back later though, don’t worry!” She adds with a smile that reveals her recently lost tooth.
“Come here, you,” Leah crouches down to your daughter’s level and wraps her arms around her, squeezing her tightly as if to not let go and hold on to her forever, “I’m so proud of you, here at big school, eh?  You’re going to make so many friends and learn so much! Oh, and have a lot of fun as well!” She tells her.
“Mummy,” Remi attempts to wriggle away from your wife’s embrace, “You’re… You’re squeezing too tight.” She whines,
“I’m just soaking up the moment until you’re home from school,” Leah admits, pulling back and brushing a loose strand of hair behind Remi’s ear, “Big school, eh? I wish you would stop growing up so much on me, I don’t like it.” She jokes with her.
“You have to let me grow up, Mummy,” Remi’s giggle is infectious as she squeezes your wife again tightly, “I gots’ to go in now, but I’ll see you when you pick me up, remember?”
“We will be right here waiting for you,” You tell her, unable to crouch down properly with your swollen belly in the way, “We’re so proud of you, Remi Roo!” You add, kissing the top of her head.
You spot your daughters’ teacher making her way over to your family as she gives you both a kind smile, “Hi, Remi. Are you ready to go in?” She asks.
“Yes!” Remi excitedly replies, giving you both a final hug goodbye before she takes hold of her teachers’ hand and begins to walk in the building, “Bye, Mummy! Bye, Mumma! Bye, Bear!” She calls back, her voice ringing with excitement.
“Bye, baby Gooner,” Leah waved back, her voice catching slightly as you see the glimmer of tears threatening to spill over again.
You can feel your own chest tightening as you force a smile and wave, “See you later, Remi Roo. Have the best day!”
“Bye-bye, Rem! Love you!” Esme clings to Leah’s leg, waving frantically.
“Save your tears for the car, Le,” You tease, taking note of your wife’s eyes, the tears are a lot more visible now, “I know it’s hard to watch her go in there, but it’ll be 3 o’clock before we know it.” You add, hoping that helps things a little better.
“I know,” Leah murmurs in agreement, walking round to the pre-school that Esme attended next to the school.
You can say that dropping Esme off to pre-school wasn’t too hard, although there were extra tight hugs given before your youngest daughter ran off inside without a care in the world.
Much to your wife’s disappointment, and you swear the tears threaten to spill again.
“At least we know what your weakness is now,” You joke, climbing back into the passenger seat of the car after dropping them both off, “It’s only a few hours, remember? It’ll be here before we know it.” You tell her.
Leah tries to laugh it off and shake her head as she climbs into the driver's seat, “Yeah, and to think I still have to go to training,” She pauses as wipes a visible tear away as she buckles her seatbelt in, “I wish I could just tell Jonas that we have a family emergency.” She tells you.
It’s at that moment, you completely freeze as you feel a sudden wet patch on your leather seat.
 “Um, Le,” You mumble, getting her attention as she fiddles with the dials of the car to find the right music playlist, “I think you might need to call Jonas and tell him that there’s a family emergency.” You say.
Leah turns towards you and looks confused, “Why’s that, love?” She wonders.
“Well, because I’m 99% sure that my waters have just broken,” You admit, gazing down to motion to the seat.
It takes literal seconds for your wife’s eyes to widen in shock, “What? Here? Now?” She rambles in a clear panic, “Seriously? Oh my God!”
“Don’t panic,” You murmur, trying to keep the situation calm despite your best efforts – Your wife is very much in a complete panic over this.
“I’m not… I’m not panicking,” Leah stutters her words as she runs her hand through her hair, “What'd we do? Do you feel like you have contractions? We need to get the hospital bag from the house!” She continues to ramble.
You shake your head in disagreement, “I don’t feel like there’s any currently,” You pause, “We’ll go home, stay there until they start and head to the hospital when it’s time, yeah?” You suggest, trying to keep calm in the situation despite the one being hours away from giving birth.
“O… Okay,” Leah swallows the lump that’s formed in her throat, “We’ll go home, we’ll wait there– I need to call my Mum, she’ll need to pick the girls up.” She notes in realisation.
“Yeah, I somehow don’t think it’s going to be possible to be there for the 3 o’clock pick up after all,” You murmur, exhaling a sigh, “Little man has decided today’s the day to make his grand entrance into the world.”
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Plans don’t always go as expected. You certainly didn’t expect to go into labour on the very same day that your eldest daughter started big school, but sometimes life takes you by complete surprise.
That day, life had a far bigger surprise than you or Leah could ever have imagined.
“This doesn’t feel right, you should be here,” Leah speaks aloud a few hours later, cradling your newborn son, Archie George Williamson at home  in her arms, knowing that you should be here to see this moment as well. 
His tiny breaths, soft and slow, his fingers curled into little fists – You’re not there to hold him yourself.
The labour had been far more complicated than anyone could have anticipated and you lost too much blood, and though they tried to save you, you never woke up after your son came into the world.
Leah's eyes are red from crying, but she’s holding herself together for the sake of the baby – For the sake of the three children that you’ve left behind while she strokes Archie’s head softly, “I hate that you aren’t here, I hate that my Mum had to pick Remi up on her first day," She murmurs, almost to herself, “We promised her we would both be there.”
The room feels empty without you, a hollow space where your laughter and warmth should be. Leah feels the ache of your absence in every corner, in every breath she takes.
“I hope you know how much your Mumma loved you already, little man,” The blonde whispers,  her heart breaking as she looks down at Archie, whose little face is scrunched up while he sleeps, “Believe me, she loved you so, so much from the minute we found out we were expecting you.”
As she takes a deep breath to steady herself, she continues to speak, “Our family might not be complete now, but you’re here, Archie Bug and we’ll make sure that you know all about her.”
There’s a quiet knock on the door and the sound of little feet thundering down the hallway as Amanda has brought Remi and Esme back from school. Leah wipes her eyes quickly, trying to put on a brave face as the door flies open.
“Mummy!” Remi shouts, her voice full of excitement, her hair now wild and free from it’s ponytail, running into the room with wide eyes, bright and full of curiosity, unaware of the loss that’s waiting to be explained.
“Mumma! Mummy!” Esme echoes, hot of her sister’s heels, her usual energetic self completely oblivious to the gravity of the situation.
“Shhh, girls,” Leah gently admonishes, holding up a finger to her lips, “We have to be quiet and use our inside voices.” She reminds them softly, her heart aching as she realises she’ll have to tell them soon.
Remi, always so observant, stops short and notices the bundle in Leah’s arms, but frowns when she doesn’t see you on the sofa like she thought she would, “Where’s Mumma?”
Leah’s smile falters, the weight of her grief momentarily overwhelming as she struggles to find the words, “Mumma… She’s not here anymore,” she says softly, her voice quivering.
Remi’s head tilts in confusion, not able to understand your wife’s words so much, “What do you mean, Mummy?” She asks as her eyes fix on Archie as she tiptoes over to Leah with exaggerated caution, “Is this him?”
“It is,” Leah responds, her voice trembling, “Girls, this is your baby brother, Archie.”
Esme’s face lights up with delight, “Baby?” She says, her voice high-pitched and curious, “My baby?” She asks.
“Your baby brother,” Leah corrects with a small, sad smile as she continues to hold Archie in her arms.
Amanda, who has walked through the house with Jacob, peers over to look at her new grandson, “He’s perfect, Bubba.” She says, sharing a sad smile with her daughter.
Jacob scoops Esme up into his arms to give her a better look at your newborn, “He’s very little still, Es, so you have to be very gentle with him.” He tells her.
Remi leans in closer, her little face filled with wonder, “He’s tiny, Mummy,” She reaches out, carefully touching Archie’s tiny hand, “He’s smaller than my dollies.”
Leah laughs softly, tears threatening again, “He is, isn’t he?” She pauses to settle Archie down in his Moses basket, “But he’ll grow up to be big and strong, just like you.”
Jacob sets Esme down next to Remi, watching the two girls stare at their brother in the Moses basket as Amanda takes the moment to wrap her arms around her daughter to comfort her.
Wanting to be brave for her children, Leah wipes away any visible tears and plasters on a fake smile as she looks in the direction of her daughters, “What do you think, Essie Bear?” She asks, catching the moment that Esme tries to reach out and poke Archie’s cheek gently, “Gentle, Essie.” She reminds her with a soft smile.
Archie just lets out a soft sigh but still remains asleep, already learning to find comfort in the noise around him.
“He likes it, Mummy,” Esme declares confidently, trying to reach out and poke him again.
“We have to be gentle with him, Es. He’s only little,” Leah tells her softly, her voice catching in her throat.
Remi glances up at Leah, “Mummy, will he like Arsenal, like you do?” She asks, curiously.
“I mean I hope so, but if not then that’s okay too,” Leah answers honestly, pushing past the weight in her chest, “Just as long as he doesn’t follow uncle Jacob and support Spurs.” She jokes, trying to make light of the situation despite how heartbroken she feels inside.
“Of course you just had to get in there, didn’t you?” Jacob rolls his eyes, shaking his head in amusement.
“What? We’re a family full of Gooners in this house,”  Leah shrugs, trying to hold onto the joy in the room, “Just as long as all 3 of my kids are happy then that’s all that matters to me now.”
“Can I hold him, Mummy? Please?” Remi leans in closer, looking at Leah with those big, hopeful eyes that match her own.
Leah nods with a smile that almost feels real, “Okay, Rem, but you have to sit down and be very still, okay?” She instructs gently.
Remi eagers nods and hops onto the chair beside the bed, her little legs dangling off the edge as she waits in anticipation to hold Archie. Leah gently lifts the sleeping baby from his Moses basket, cradling his body with steady hands, though her heart feels anything but, as she slowly places him into Remi’s waiting arms.
“Hi, Archie,” Remi’s face lights up with pure delight, her grin stretching from ear to ear as she cradles her baby brother with such tender care in the world, “I’m Remi, I’m your big sister and I love you lots!” she whispers, her voice filled with awe.
“He loves you lots too, Rem,” Leah whispers back, her voice breaking just a little, how she wishes you were to see this, to be part of this moment.
“My turn next!” Esme declares, standing on her tiptoes, trying to peek over Remi’s shoulder, “My turn!” She repeats, a little too loud as Leah quickly hushes her with a finger to her lips.
“Soon, Essie Bear,” Leah promises, brushing a hand through Esme’s curly hair, “Remi’s just having a cuddle first, see?”
Esme nods eagerly, her face scrunched up in concentration as she watches her sister carefully, “Okay, I wait,” She whispers, “He’s cute, Mummy.”
“He is, isn’t he?” Leah agrees, her smile wobbly but genuine as she looks down at Archie before leaning down to kiss the top of Esme’s head, “He looks just like you when you were born as well. Tiny and perfect.”
As Leah watches her three children, she feels the weight of your absence, an ache that will never fully leave but she knows that no matter what, she needs to be strong for them now. Making sure that they never forget you, she will keep your memory alive in every way that she can.
Because even though you’re not here, your love is and Leah will make sure that’s enough.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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Cool for the Summer 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After finishing your degree, you return home only to find things aren't as you left them.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: Hellooooooooo. I've done it.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The heat is suffocating. There’s so many people crammed into the tight space. Enough to smother you and make you sweat. You're close to the end. 
The train is finally still and passengers rise to take down their bags and form a queue along the center aisle. You stay patiently in your seat. You’d rather wait there then brave the crowded shuffle as the impatience to disembark mounts. 
At last, the doors open and people begin to move. You don’t stand until the last person passes your row. Your suitcase is at the front of the car with the bigger luggage. 
Step-by-step you make your way up and slip your bag off the middle shelf. You haul it awkwardly to the door and the man on the ground helps bring it down. You thank him, looking only at his branded pin, and step off. 
You drag the bag behind you and hike up the smaller bag on your shoulder. You’re exhausted and it’s not even noon. The automatic doors stand open as the other passengers enter the station. You follow and wheel your bag to the side so you’re out of the way. 
You take out your phone. Your mother texted that she was here ten minutes ago. You can’t see much through the busy station. It’s summer and everyone is on their way somewhere; going home or heading out on vacation. 
You’re relieved to be back but you won’t be able to relax until you’re at your mom’s house. You can’t wait to hide in your room and catch up on your reading. After four years at college, you have a long list. 
As endless as your list may be, your reprieve won’t be. You have your degree now. You need to use it. Find a job, start your life, be an adult. The prospect is exciting but terrifying. More the latter as it entails associating with strangers. You’ve never been very good at that. 
You did so well in school because it’s all you did. You didn’t go out and party, you didn’t distract yourself with dating or drinking, you didn’t even sign up for that book club that looked fun. You only stayed in and studied and occasionally ate in the cafe instead of boiling ramen or ordering in. 
You don’t see her. You roll over to a free seat and sit. You text and ask where she is. 
The general public stirs around you, blending into your peripherals as you stare at your phone and wait. You’d be better off waiting outside. Maybe. There’s a line of taxis and it’s all clustered with people trying to claim one. 
“Ahem, excuse me.” The deep tone draws your head up but your eyes don’t go all the way. You focus on the man’s neck and the silver and brown stubble under his chin. He says your name and you sit up taller. “That’s you, right? Your mom showed me a pic. She’s just run to the bathroom.” 
“Huh?” You clutch your bag tight. 
“She did tell you I was coming, didn’t she?” He asks. 
You shake your head and gnaw on your lip, “no. Who are you?” 
You don’t know him. Not by his voice or the brief peek at his face. He’s older. Maybe her age. His dark hair is peppered with grey and his face is lined around his eyes and mouth, a few softer wrinkles in his forehead. His blue eyes are as bold as gems. 
“Bucky.” He answers as if that should be explanation enough. He offers his hand. “Finally, we meet.” 
You look around and accept his hand. You shake it. “Um, okay?” 
He lets you go and grabs the handle of your suitcase. You reach for it in panic and stand. You nearly tip over and barely avoid brushing against him. 
“She didn’t mention me. At all?” 
You shake your head. 
“Bucky,” your mom’s voice undercuts the awkward introduction. You turn to watch her flutter over. “Oh, sweetie, you’re home!” 
Your mom seizes you and wraps you in a tight hug. She usually lets you have your space. You’ve never been touchy feely but you don’t protest. It has been a while since you saw her. 
“Um, mom?” You murmur as she releases you. 
She steps back and looks between you and the stranger. No, his name is Bucky. 
“Oh, yes. You two. This is Bucky. Bucky--” 
“We met,” Bucky interrupts. 
“So sorry. I had an iced coffee on the way,” she trills. 
“Bucky?” You raise your brows in your mom’s direction. 
“You remember. I told you I met a guy,” she lowers her voice and nudges you. “This is him.” 
You vaguely remember her mentioning it after Christmas. You didn’t think too much about it. You don’t remember it coming up again. She always just said she went out or talked about chores. You wonder if she didn’t tell you on purpose. If maybe she expected you to overreact. 
“We thought we could take you out for lunch as a bit of a homecoming. That train food isn’t very filling.” She smiles. “Well, it was Bucky’s idea. He’s so sweet.” 
“Honey,” he chuckles. “Please, you’re giving me a lot to live up to.” 
“Erm. If you want.” You shrug. 
“Sounds like a plan. I’m starving.” Bucky pulls your bag away and you flinch again. “Ladies, first. Want me to get your other bag?” He offers and you shake your head.  
Your mom moves first and you quickly catch up to her. You wish she’d at least warned you. You’re entirely unprepared for this. She knows you don’t do well with new people but maybe that’s why she didn’t say anything. So you couldn’t come up with an excuse to get out of it. 
The sun beats down and adds to the sheet of sweat across your nape. Bucky looms behind you, his shadow skewing on the pavement, and you search for your mom’s car. You don’t see it. 
She leads you to a dark blue car and you stare at it dumbly. 
“Bucky drove,” your mom explains. The trunk pops as Bucky rolls your bag up. You step back as he lifts it inside. You thank him again as guilt bristles in your chest. 
You follow your mom around the side of the car, waiting for her lead. When she opens the door, you open the back one. When she gets in, you get it. When she clips in her seat belt, you do. Bucky gets in on the driver’s side and drops his keys in the little tray between the cup holders. He jabs the button to turn the engine. 
He doesn’t shift into gear right away. He does up his own seat belt, adjusts his posture, then fiddles with the mirror. You glance up as his eyes dart away in the mirror. Was he looking at you?
You pick at the hem of your sleeves button-up and lean into the door. You really hope you’re not in the way. You have that rotting sensation in your gut. You’ve ruined their day. 
“Alright, everyone buckled in?” He grips the wheel with one hand, the other hooking behind your mother’s seat as he cranes and backs out of the spot. You stare at his thick fingers as you slump down in self-consciousness. You know he’s only checking his rear window but you’re always paranoid of being seen. 
He rolls the car straight and steers between the slanted rows of vehicles. He idles behind the fleet of cabs and weaves his way through the chaos. Your mom sighs and shifts. She’s a less than patient driver. 
“So, we were thinking the new bar and grill, figured you haven’t been around to try it,” your mom explains. “But if you miss Dezi’s, we can go there. Me and Bucky love getting Sunday lunch there. You remember how we used to go?” 
Your lips twitch as you fright a frown. Dezi’s is your place. You and your mom went there since you were in grade school. Knowing she’s been taking him feels like a violation. The suspicion that you’re being replaced unnerves you. You don’t have any right to be mad about it. You’re grown now and your mom’s allowed to live her life. Thing’s change, they already have. 
“New place is fine,” you grumble. 
“Great! Megan recommended it. I’ve been dying to try it.” Your mom is elated. 
She’s never short of enthusiasm but you don’t know the last time she didn’t have a single complaint. If it’s a nice day, she’s disappointed she can’t be at the beach. If she has the day off, she’s upset she has to do the laundry, even if you offer to throw it in with yours. And when she finally gets her food at a restaurant, she laments that she didn’t order the chicken instead of beef. Maybe change is good. 
“Your mom’s a great tour guide. I don’t feel so lost anymore.” Bucky stops at a light and looks at her. “Uh, Lauren?” 
“Straight then left,” she instructs him with a point of her finger. Her nails are done. Not her usual chipped paint on her short square cuticles; she has a full set with a lovely almond shape. 
He follows her directions and continues through the green. You turn your attention out the window. You were only just home for the holidays but everything feels so different. Or maybe you are too.  
There’s nothing ahead of you no, yet everything at the same time. You haven’t found much in your job search. Every job your mom sent you, you applied. You trawled the online boards and even used the student career center for help with your CV. A dozen articles littered your feed deeming the market oversaturated. 
Another disappointment for your mom. You’re sure she won’t fail to mention this one. You exhale and twine your fingers together in your lap. 
“Tired, sweetie?” Your mom asks. 
“Uh, yeah,” you answer. It wouldn’t do any good to share your worries. You still have time to find a job. Eventually, you have to get something. 
“Alright,” Bucky flicks his blinker on and waits to turn. “Here we are.” 
He pulls into the lot of the bar and grill. It’s built to resemble a log cabin and the entire theme has a rustic tint. He slides into a spot and shuts the engine off. In the silence, your stomach rumbles loudly. 
“Hungry?” He chuckles and peeks back over his shoulder. As your mom jostles her purse and untangles her seat belt, he winks. Your blink dumbly and click the button to release yourself. 
“Sure.” Your voice creaks as you pull the door handle. It doesn’t budge. You try again. Then frantically feel around for the lock. 
“Oops.” Bucky turns and hits a switch. The locks thunk back. 
Your mom gets out first and you follow. Bucky catches up and brushes by you as he passes. He beats you both to the front door and opens it for you. You trail your mom and he stays close as he enters behind you. 
“Such a gentleman,” your mom praises and giggles. She sounds bubbly. You can’t remember her sounding like that before. 
“Table for three,” Bucky says to the hostess. 
Again, he lets you go ahead of him. Your mom is ahead of you as the hostess leads you into the dining room. You’re sat at a booth. You’re relieve to have a bench to yourself, facing your mother and Bucky, but she insists on being on the outside in case she needs the bathroom. That leaves you across from him. 
“Drinks.” Bucky intones as he grabs the slender menu. “Cocktails?” 
“What do they have?” Your mom leans on him as she reads over his shoulder. 
“Hmm, interesting. Apple cider’s a bit out of season,” Bucky comments. “Figured we should celebrate. Baby girl is home and graduated.” 
You wince at the reference. Baby girl? He sucks his teeth as he examines the menu then turns it around. He offers it across the table. 
“Think I'll stick to beer,” he says. 
“Go on,” your mom goads. “Get something special, sweetie. You earned it.” 
“Oh, it’s okay, I’ll just have water.” 
“It’s a special day,” she insists.  
“Well, er...” you take the menu and nod. You look down at the listings as your cheeks burn hot. You don’t like to argue, especially when there’s no good reason. 
You try to make sense of it. Blackberry sounds good but you’re not sure what bitters are. You don’t drink. You had one glass of wine at a New Years party with your mom’s friends a few years ago and didn’t really get the appeal. It made your stomach feel swishy. 
There’s a lemonade that sounds okay. You like lemonade. You settle on that and put the menu down. Your mother scoops it up and you apologise. You should’ve asked her if she needed it. 
A server appears and takes your drink orders as she doles out a set of larger menus. You take yours and listen as she recites the specials. You don’t really catch any of it. You’ve always done better with writing than oral instruction. She leaves and you wait for the others to open their menu before you do the same. 
“This is nice,” your mom says. “I’m so happy you two are getting along.” 
You force a smile and Bucky slips his arm around her and squeezes. Your eyes meet again and his cheek dimples beneath his beard. You quickly avert your attention back to the sandwich options.
Getting along? You barely know him. Not to mention, you didn’t expect him. No use in whining about it. He's here and your mother is happy. 
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nco05 · 8 months
I think it's important for people a bit clueless on this testing: It matters nothing what laptimes were placed. What matters a whole lot more how many laps they managed to complete within their testing times
Is it way above what anyone else did? Good for them cuz it seems like most of it is alright!
Is it on par with what anyone else did? Good for them cuz it seems like you're on equal foot with the rest
Is it way below what anyone else did? Not great for them cuz it seems like something's not quite right... yet
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flrlgreen · 8 months
lights, camera, action (kento nanami x reader) + twt prn links
a/n: been thinking about porn star nanami heavily. (again, i'm tired sorry for any errors.)
cw: fem reader, DADDY KINK, filming, size kink, vaginal sex, use of the names good girl, pretty girl, fingering, reader has a vagina, breeding, unprotected sex, HEAVY dom sub dynamics.
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Kento Nanami was popular, and for good reason. He was damn good at what he did. When you found out you two would be working together your heart fluttered a bit. In this business, you’ve worked with a lot of different people, but Nanami was different. He was one of the most popular, if not THE most popular male adult movie star on the scene right now. 
You felt nervous as you sat in the makeup chair. The soft bristles touched your skin for what seemed like the millionth time until you heard a ‘you’re all done!’ from the makeup artist. “What do you think?”  She asks as you run a hand through your styled hair and look in the mirror in front of you. “I love it. Thank you.” You say and admire your reflection in the mirror.  “I’m glad!” She says and as if on queue the director enters. You spin the chair around to look at him. “Great, you’re done. Nanami is here. Filming starts in 45 minutes.” He says and as quickly as he entered he left. 
You let out a sigh say your thanks to the makeup artist one last time and walk onto the cold sterile set. There was some light chatter before you entered, but when the director and Nanami saw you it all came to a halt. 
Nanami catches your attention immediately. God, this man was TALL. Much bigger than you in every single way, and the fact he was drop-dead gorgeous didn’t help calm your nerves. “Just the girl we were talking about.” The director says. “O-oh! Hi.” You say meekly and walk over to the two men. Nanami smiles when he sees how nervous you are. “Hello, I’m Nanami.” He says and his big hand reaches out to shake yours. 
It was like you had short circuited. Your smaller hand wrapped around his. Fuck, he’s so big. How’s his dick going to fit? You didn’t realize you were shaking his hand without saying anything until you snapped out of your perverted haze. “H-hi! I’m sorry.” You apologize, he doesn’t seem to mind your nervousness. If anything, he thinks it’s cute.
Despite a very awkward start, before you know it you get lost in conversation with your scene partner, and when filming started the acting and fluff before the actual sex scenes didn’t feel as robotic and awkward as they always do with the other men you shoot with. 
But now, it’s time for the actual thing. 
The blonde man was greedily kissing your soft lips while his strong hands roamed your small frame. You were straddling him and grinding on his rock-hard bulge. He let out some moans into the kiss. He kissed you with so much want, and it was unlike anything you had ever experienced on a porn set before. His teeth grazed and tugged on your bottom lip while his hands began to unclasp your bra. 
When your bra hits the bed Nanami pulls away from the intense kiss to admire your plump breasts. “Pretty girl, has such pretty little tits.” He groans before immediately latching onto your hardened bud. 
He sucks on your right nipple while his big hand massages the other one. “D-daddy, fuck. Feels good~” You moan. Making sure to be louder than you usually would be to play it up for the camera. The sounds of light sucking and soft whiny moans fill the room while he works on your tits. “My pretty girl.” He gives each one of your tits one last kiss before turning you on your stomach and getting behind you for the next scene. 
He massages the fat of your ass before his hand starts to dip into your wet panties. “Sweet little Baby is already so wet for me. So fucking cute.” He says as his index finger begins to push your wet panties to the side and prods at your wetness. “I’m so wet for Daddy.” You reply. Your words go straight to his impossibly hard cock. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” He says and shoves a digit in your cunt. He can’t hold himself back anymore.  
“F-fuck!” You yelp while his thick digit goes in and out at an agonizingly slow pace. “Mhm, so fucking tight and wet for Daddy, Baby.” He says while slowly speeding up the movement of his finger before adding another. “Feels so good Daddy. F-fuck.” You look straight into the camera while he works his magic on your pussy with his fingers. The bright lights are shining down on you two illuminating the glistening wetness on his fingers. 
Nanami is very gifted when it comes to pleasuring women. You can tell why he was so popular with other adult actresses. 
He climbs on you while his pointer and middle finger are knuckles deep in you while he bites and licks the shell of your ear while you cry and moan like a whore for the camera. “R-right there!” You cry out when he hits the spot that makes you see stars. “Right here, Baby?” He teases and hits your g spot with his thick fingers. “Yes, Daddy! I can’t!” You cry when he hits your sweet spot over and over. 
He smiles against the shell of your ear and pulls his fingers out of your wetness suddenly. You whine and clench around nothing and before you could even retort, the blonde man turns you on your back and you watch as he brings his two slicked fingers to his mouth. His tongue darts out and licks up the sweet fluid all over his fingers. “You taste good Sweetheart.” He says and licks every last drop of your arousal off of his fingers. 
“Stop,” You cover your face with your hands and try not to look at the man in front of you. “It’s embarrassing Daddy.” You say behind your hands. Nanami smiles and moves your hands away from your face. “Come here, Baby. Taste yourself on my tongue.” He leans in and shoves his strong tongue into your desperate and needy mouth.
The taste of him and your sweet arousal was mind-numbingly good. You suck on his tongue and you can hear him moan into the kiss. You suck every last drop of your arousal out of your scene partner's mouth. When the kiss eventually breaks there’s a long trail of spit connecting you two. “So good, take off that slutty little skirt and panties now.” He demands, his eyes filled with lust. Pupils dilated. 
You obey Nanami and take off your soaked panties along with your short skirt that didn’t really cover much. His gaze stays on your glistening pussy the whole time, even while he takes off his own pants and boxers. When your panties were completely off you admire his pretty cock, but his gaze never left you. 
He was big. No surprise there. The tip leaked  pre cum. It dripped all the way down to his trimmed pubes. “Do you like what you see?” He teases and strokes his cock a couple of times. “Yeah, it’s so big Daddy.” You reply. He laughs. “You sure you can take it?” He says while pushing you flat on your back while nestling between your now spread legs. 
“Mhm~” You say. “Daddy’s girl has such a pretty little cunt.” He says when he gets completely situated between your legs. “So cute,” He hisses before rubbing the tip of his leaking cock head on your wet folds. “Mn- I could cum just from this.” He says continuing to rub the tip up and down occasionally catching your clit and circling it. 
“Daddy put it in. Please. No teasing.” You cry when you feel his warm pre cum smear on your aching clit. “But it’s gonna hurt,” He says, voice dripping with faux sympathy. “Don’t care, need it no- FUCK!” 
The stretch is something you’ve never felt before. All the cocks you’ve taken don't even compare to his. The stretch is so delicious. His cock fills you to the brim and you swear you’ve never felt so full. “So big, oh my fucking god.” You cry while he bottoms out inside your pussy.
“You’re squeezing me so fucking tight.” He hisses and grabs your leg and throws it over his shoulder to go deeper. You’re in heaven, eyes rolling to the back of your skull. You feel like you could melt. 
The camera man gets up from his chair. The focus of the camera shifts over to where you two are connected. The way your pussy glistened with wetness under the harsh bright lights made Nanami’s cock twitch inside of you. “Good girl. You’re taking me so well.” He moans while speeding up his thrusts. The camera pans over to your fucked out face. 
You know for a fact you look like a hot mess. Makeup smudged and hair ruined. “I’m so full!” Right when those words escape your mouth Nanami hits your cervix. “I can’t!” You feel like you’re going to pass out in this very bed. 
Nanami pulls his cock out before slamming it back in so many times you can’t count. You weren’t even keeping track of the amount of times he hit that spot inside you. The camera goes back and forth between capturing your face and zooming in on your abused pussy. 
Nanami’s grunts fill the room which tells you he is reaching his peak soon. “Best pussy I’ve ever had. I need to fill you up and breed you.” He grips your thigh and drills you harder than before. From this angle, he was only going deeper with each thrust. “Do you feel good Sweetie?” He asks while sweat drips down his forehead. You can only nod. “I can’t fuck. I’m gonna.” You can feel his whole body tense up while he gets the last of his sloppy thrusts in. 
The camera is on him now. The focus is on his last couple of thrusts. He’s almost whining while he spills his seed inside of you. “Fuck, I didn’t mean to cum that fast.” He huffs and apologizes. “It’s okay Daddy.” You reply as he pulls out. You watch as his thick cock slides out along with his warm cum. “Okay cut!” The director yells. 
(To be continued??? Maybe.)
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⚘ Miguel x fem!reader
⚘ fluff
⚘ I don’t think there are any warnings?
⚘ summary: Y/n spends all her time with Spidercat, causing Miguel to feel little jelous.
⚘ wc: 960
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“Sorry, Miguel, Spider-cat is back from a mission. Gotta go!” Y/n states, giving Miguel a quick peck on the cheek before swigging off the monitor platform and out of the room.
Recently Y/n had made a new friend amongst the spider crowd, Spider-cat, and this cat had her wrapped around his furry paw. Miguel sighs, not wanting to admit to himself that his girlfriend is spending more time with a cat than him and that he is jealous.
As Y/n roams around looking for her furry friend, she spots him down the hall, and she quickens her pace. “My baby!” she calls out, holding her arms open for the cat to jump into, “how was the mission?” Y/n inquires, getting a content meow in response. “I’m glad to hear it,” she nods, setting down Spider-cat so he can walk beside her.
Y/n and Spider-cat step out of the orange portal, now on Y/n’s earth. In their downtime, the two would go for swings around their Earths for as long as they could before having to go on a mission. Today was no different.
“Ready to go?” Y/n asks, looking down at the cat, who replies with a happy meow.
With that, the two swing off the fire escape they were previously on and begin their swing around the city. They were showing off their tricks and finding interesting new locations around the city. A while into their adventure, Y/n notices a hologram of a certain someone show up on her watch, causing her to pull over to the roof of the nearest building. Spider-cat follows suit, making himself comfortable, and begins making biscuits on Y/n’s lap once she sits down.
“Yes, Miguel?” she prompts, not too happy about her time with Spider-cat getting cut short.
“Are you busy?” Miguel asks, knowing she’s probably with the cat.
“Kinda off...” Y/n trails off, holding Spider-cat up for him to see. 
“I-” he starts, almost at a loss for words, “I’ll just get someone else to do it.”
Before Y/n could even say anything, the hologram disappeared. With a sigh, she looks down at the cat, who’s looking back up at her. 
“I guess that’s my queue to leave,” she gets a disappointed meow in response.
“Yeah, I wanted to keep swinging too. But I have to spend some time with my boyfriend now,” she explains, standing up and opening a portal for her and Spider-cat to go back to headquarters.
Now back at headquarters, Y/n makes her way to Miguel’s locations thinking as to how she can smooth things over. It’ll be fine; she says to herself as she arrives at the room.
“Heyy, spider-bae~,” Y/n says, dragging out her words as she walks toward the (painfully) slowly descending platform.
Miguel raises an eyebrow as he turns around to face Y/n, clearly unamused. She opens her mouth to defend herself but promptly stops. She opens her mouth once more to try again, but she stops. ”I have nothing to say.”
“Typical,” he deadpans, shaking his head and returning to his work.
“Aww, don’t be like that,” she pouts, taking a little swing onto the platform to stand next to him.
Y/n tunnels her way under Miguel’s arm so that his arm is over her shoulder. She leans into him, looking up with apologetic eyes, hoping he looks down at her. 
“Y’know you my boo thang, right, Miguel?” she says with a slowly spreading smile.
“Boo thang?” Miguel repeats, slightly amused, looking at Y/n.
“You heard me.”
Y/n moves from under his arm to in front of him, taking hold of his hand and leaning slightly against the control panel under the monitors. Looking up at him with a look that says, ‘I’m sorry.’
“I’ve missed you, mi amor,” Miguel voices, resting a hand on the side of Y/n’s face.
Leaning into his touch, the corner of her lips turns up slightly, “I’m sorry about ditching you for spider-cat.”
Miguel shakes his head a bit, chuckling softly, “It’s not your fault; he is pretty cute.”
“Yeah, but you’re cuter,” Y/n flirts tilting her head.
“I don’t know how I feel about getting called cute...”
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Thanks for reading!
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hanggarae · 1 year
i want to spend this whole night with you ..
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doctor!seungcheol x reader 4.3k words, fluff, minor angst, some jealousy, reader has a broken ankle, this is probably incredibly inaccurate.. based off the one week i spent doing work experience at a hospital, part of waves will take us far away series !
when you’d managed to wind up in the hospital for breaking your arm you were dreading it more than anything, that is until you were assigned to the young doctor who found you too pretty to ignore.
“mom i told you it’s fine. it’s probably just a little sprain it’s been worse before” there was honestly no point in trying to reason with your mother over the phone like this, you know she’d never give in.
you had to admit it did warm your heart hearing the concern in your mother’s voice, but not enough to convince you to head to the hospital. yes, your ankle felt like it was two minutes away from practically falling off of your limbs but you would’ve rather that than spend the next week in the hospital and the next few months having to go to regular check-ups.
“honey, nothing is going to happen to you at the hospital, please stop being paranoid. look, if you leave it any longer your it’ll probably get worse, you’re better off getting it done with now”
she had a point. if you put this off you might wind up having to stay there even longer. a deep breath escaped you as you nodded to yourself, “alright sure i’ll head to the hospital then”
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limping as you got out of the taxi and through the hospital doors, you cringed at both the pain and the chemical scent of artificial fragrances hitting your nose. you rubbed the hand sanitizer into your hand while you both stood in a queue for the receptionist desk. two minutes and you already want to go home. great.
“yes, how can i help you?” the receptionist smiled at you, fingers already getting ready to search your name in the system.
“uh hi i booked an appointment for a sprained ankle” you told her handing over your ID.
the receptionist scanned it for a few seconds, the quick clicking of the keys catching you a little off guard. after you’d confirmed the details for her she handed you a small note with the room and doctor name.
you limped walked down the hospital wards, wincing while you searched for the room you were supposed to be in. the hospital was a lot busier today- at least compared to the last time you visited. to be fair that was at least two years ago so you wouldn’t know if this was considered busy anymore.
double checking the room number, you knocked the door pushing it open when, you’re assuming, dr lee let you in. he gave you a cheerful smile, motioning you to the seat while he took his own behind the computer.
“hi miss yn, you said you were here for a sprained ankle?” he waited for your nod, “no problem we just need to run a few tests to see how bad it is, if you’re fine you can be on your way within the hour”
the thought immediately lifted your mood. you spent the next few minutes going through the tests with dr lee, wincing whenever he touched a certain part of your ankle, feeling bad whenever he apologised profusely. he looked confused for a few seconds, checking back on the notes he was given on you, “miss, i’m afraid this isn’t a sprained ankle. from the looks of it i think it may be fractured, we’re going to have to run an x-ray”
he left the room for a few minutes to get everything for the x-ray ready, giving you a few minutes to wallow in your self pity. ‘great it just had to be fractured. walking around on it couldn’t have helped either..’
when dr lee returned he returned with someone else. you scanned his jacket for a name tag eyes relaxing as they set on the ‘dr choi’ in all caps.
‘dr choi’ smiled widely at you before shaking your hand, “hi i’m dr choi, unfortunately dr lee is being called in for something else so i’ll be taking over your x-ray if that’s fine with you?”
oh it was definitely fine with you.
you nodded, turning your head so you could focus on the clock rather than dr choi’s far too perfect face.
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the x-rays technically went pretty quick but getting them done felt like hours. dr choi and his stupid too handsome face- “yn? yn you there?” your eyes went wide when you saw dr choi’s face only a few inches away from your own, apparently he’d been trying to get your attention for 30 seconds.
“you’ll have to wait about a half hour until the results come through so for now how about you just keep that ankle raised, alright? i’ll be here finishing your paperwork so if anything starts hurting a lot out of nowhere let me know. oh and i might need to be asking you a few questions too”
“oh that’s fine and thank you” you nodded as he smiled at you, wheeling his chair to the computer and loading up your file. the room was silent for a few minutes so you took it as an opportunity to text back your mom, assuring her everything was fine and that the doctor wouldn’t have to amputate your leg.
“so you thought it was a sprain?” dr choi’s deep voice cut through the silence making you sit up slightly as you answered him.
“oh yeah. it was pretty swollen and when i’d read up on it all i saw was that swelling was usually a sign of a sprain, thought it wasn’t too big a deal” you shrugged your shoulders. you saw an expression flick on seungcheol’s face for a split second; he looked- annoyed?
“if something like this happens again yn please don’t wait until the end to come here” he looked so serious. after seeing his intimidating stare, you wouldn’t have been able to say no if you wanted to.
“you sure you just don’t want to see me more often, dr choi?” you teased in hopes it would lighten the mood. as soon as the words left your mouth though you regretted it- what if you’d crossed a line? surely a doctor doesn’t want to flirt with a patient.
much to your surprise however, the young doctor only shot you a smile before speaking “since we’re probably going to be seeing each other often why don’t you just get used to calling me seungcheol?”
heat rose to your cheeks, dr choi- seungcheol, never wiping the grin off of his face. he only turned back to the computer after you nodded.
“how did you manage to do that to it anyway?” it took you a few seconds to register his question was referring to your ankle but you couldn’t stop yourself growing embarrassed when dwelling back on the memory.
“i uh..” you trailed off, looking to the side. why were you so nervous? you’d easily told anyone else so why were you embarrassed telling seungcheol. “just a little accident, i fell trying to reach something”
seungcheol looked at you unamused and you’d wished you had told him something else, now you just look like an idiot in front of him.
“when did that happen exactly?”
“uh about a week ago? something like that”
“you just walked on your ankle normally for a week?” you looked flustered at his tone, “well no wonder it ended up getting worse. if something like that happens yn you should at least book an appointment with your doctor if you don’t want to head here”
the way he talked to you, it sounded he was so caring. suppose that’s what you need as a doctor. still, even if it was part of his job, you couldn’t help the way he made your heart beat a little faster and cheeks grow a little warmer.
“sorry. the hospital just intimidates me so i guess i was just hoping even if it was a little sprain it’ll heal on its own as long as i don’t put too much pressure on it”
seungcheol nodded at your words, getting something from the desk before turning back to the computer. you could see now that he had a pair of glasses resting on his nose bridge, you hate to admit it but it made him look even cuter than before.
“oh you need glasses?” why did you ask him that? that’s such a stupid thing to ask.
“hm? oh these? nah they’re just blue light glasses” he said with a small smile, continuing his work.
you’d spent the rest of the half hour scrolling on your phone and texting your friends about where you were. your friend jeonghan promising you a bouquet of flowers from the shop when he comes to visit you. you didn’t mention the cute doctor you had that you definitely did not have a crush on. it was just attraction, that’s totally normal.
“oh your x-ray results are back” seungcheol told you, picking it up from the printer and wheeling his chair over to the bed you were on. “alright so it’s definitely a fracture and luckily for you, it’s not too serious. as you can see there only one bone cracked which means you most likely won’t be needing surgery. but considering how reckless you are, we’ll be giving you a cast and i’ll check to see if you can approved for crutches too”
despite all this information there was only one thing you really wanted to know. “so when can i go home?”
seungcheol let out a sigh, “after we get the cast on you and get the okay for the crutches. i’ll send the request in now should take about an hour or two, alright?”
“yeah that’s fine”
it’d been about twenty minutes since you’d gotten the cast on and you can already feel it start to annoy you. this was going to make your life hell for the next- wait how long do you have to wear this thing?
you looked over to seungcheol who was still busy at work, you really did not want to bother him. but then again he did say that you could ask him anything and it’d be fine.
“hey seungcheol?” he turned his head toward you humming, “i was just wondering how long i need to keep this thing on for”
he turned his body completely toward you, “there’s no guaranteed date, usually it takes around 6-8 weeks to heal on its own but it depends on everyone’s own body and how well you take care of it” a teasing lilt in his voice as he told you the last part.
“very funny” you jokingly rolled you eyes at him.
“it’s not my fault you couldn’t take care of yourself” he chuckled, spinning his chair around to continue sorting through his files.
eventually you could feel yourself growing more and more tired and before you knew it, you were out cold.
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when you woke up there was a blanket covering your frame, the room being illuminated by the small desk lamp and seungcheol’s computer. you groaned a little, stretching your limbs as you rose from your nap. just how long had you been sleeping?
seungcheol heard you and realised you’d woken up, he stood and walked toward you. “sleep well?”
you laughed a little, “yeah i did, what time is it by the way my phones dead” you told him waving your phone that had the red battery sign on it.
“pass it to me, i have a charger you can use it. also it’s uhhh” he looked over at his watch, “just a little past midnight”
“midnight? oh wow how long was that nap” you laughed lightly. “alright well i should get going then”
“do you have a ride?” seungcheol eyed you cautiously.
“after my phone’s done charging i can call jeonghan he usually stays up late” you said more to yourself then to seungcheol.
“yoon jeonghan?”
“yeah.. you know him too?”
seungcheol cleared his throat, “we met a couple months ago. he’s a florist right? we usually get a lot of bouquets from his shop and he’ll sometimes stick around after delivering them. i can call him for you if you don’t wanna wait for your phone to finish charging”
you nodded and mumbled a ‘thanks’ when he handed you his phone. on the fourth ring jeonghan picked up.
“hello? seungcheol you’re up at this hour? usually you’re in bed at 10pm sharp” you heard your friend on the other side of the call.
“jeonghan it’s me”
“yn? what’ve you got seungcheol’s phone for? are you two..?” he trailed off at the end and you knew exactly what he was implying.
“no you idiot. my phones dead and i’m still at the hospital, think you can come pick me up?”
“oh yeah sure. you feeling any better?”
“yeah thanks, text either of us when you’re here okay? bye” you pressed the red hang up sign, handing the phone back to seungcheol.
ten minutes later, jeonghan had texted you that he was waiting outside, reception wouldn’t let him in at this hour. with seungcheol’s help you got to the parking lot, jeonghan parking closest to the entrance so that you wouldn’t have to walk too much.
“i’ll see you again in a week” seungcheol waved you off with a smile.
“see you later, dr choi” you teased him.
when you were completely buckled up in jeonghan’s car and he’d finally left the hospital parking lot he finally asked you what he’d been dying to know for the last fifteen minutes.
“so you and cheol?” he asked you, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“he’s just my doctor calm down. i’m not going to try making a move on my doctor” you giggled, “he was pretty cool though.. i guess” you started out the window, trying to desperately fight back the smile when the thoughts of seungcheol flooded your mind.
“oh yeah you’re gone for him already” jeonghan laughed.
“it’s been a day! i couldn’t possibly like him that much after a few hours come on jeonghan i’m not that bad”
“i don’t know, i wouldn’t be so sure. i mean it’s not like you’re the only one who feels like that. cheol could’ve woken you up and went home but he didn’t. he worked overtime to make sure you were alright”
“okay now you’re just being crazy. he probably had his own work to do. what kind of guy would do that for some random person they met two hours before?” you scoffed, throwing him a questioning look.
he shrugged, “i’m just saying what i’ve observed”
you shook your head, remembering what seungcheol had told you, “wait why do you stick around the hospital so much? even after delivering the orders?”
“oh that..” jeonghan was.. blushing? you’ve known him since you were ten and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him blushing, “i’m uh.. friends with one of the surgeons. i usually stick around talking to her and then met cheol and shua. but enough about me what’d they say about your ankle?”
“hm? oh yeah they said it usually takes around 6 weeks to heal, maybe even two months. just gotta be careful with it now that it’s in the cast”
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four weeks later you'd returned to the hospital for your checkup, an extra pip in your step despite the crutches. you’d been having regular weekly checkups with seungcheol ever since that day and you enjoy the time spent with him more than anything. the hospital was done up nicely today, decorations everywhere in time for valentine’s day.
your ankle was heeling up nicely, so you’ve been told. if it kept up how it was you’d definitely be out of the cast at the six week mark. when you reached seungcheol’s door you knocked on it a few times before he opened it for you with a smile.
“my favourite patient, how’ve you been? ankle not giving you any new trouble right?” he told you as he helped you up on the bed.
“i’ve been good thanks and no, it’s been the same” you returned his wide grin. it was a long shot but you were secretly hoping he’d do something for valentine’s day. you guys had spent the last few weeks subtly flirting and the chemistry between you both was undeniable.
the checkup went smoothly as usual and seungcheol assured you that you were on a steady path to being completely recovered. as you were about to leave you saw dr hong waiting outside the door, holding a.. bouquet of red roses? seungcheol let him in and took the roses from him.
“jeonghan just left these for you, said you ordered them?” dr hong told him, smiling at you.
“thanks shua” he sighed.
you didn’t want to invade his privacy but you couldn’t help the way that the ‘to you’ card just happened to be right in front of your face. you wished it wasn’t though after seeing who the flowers were really for.
you felt a knot forming in your throat and cleared your throat, “uh i’ll see you next week doctor” you smiled at him tight lipped, not waiting for his response before you headed out the door.
jeonghan was probably around and could’ve given you a ride but you don’t think you could last in a car ride with him. he was far too good at reading emotions and would he able to tell somethings up with you in a minute.
sighing, you opened up the app for an uber and waited in the hospital cafe until you got the notification it was here. the entire car ride you tried your hardest to not think about seungcheol and how sweet he was to you, and definitely not about how the flowers he bought were for someone else and not you.
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it’d been a week since your last appointment with seungcheol, and a week after valentines. you felt so stupid and so disgusted at yourself. this entire time you’d been shamelessly flirting with someone who couldn’t want less to do with you. someone who already had a girlfriend that he was buying a bouquet of red roses for.
you had an appointment tomorrow and you weren’t sure how you were going to face seungcheol, it was way too embarrassing to even think about. sighing, you picked up your keys before deciding to go out on a walk. there was a spot you always came to whenever you felt like this. it was past a little public trail near a few fields, everything always felt so calm there.
the only problem was that getting there was usually difficult even when you didn’t have a cast on your leg. it was bound to be even worse now. regardless, you started walking down the trail anyway, trying your hardest to avoid stepping into the dips in the ground too harshly. however careful you were though, the path was too randomly uneven so you couldn’t avoid harshly coming down on one. and it just had to be on your injured leg.
a sharp pain shooting through your ankle as you winced in pain. you sat on some of the grass near the trail and tried keeping your leg as elevated as you could. even if you could get the pain to alleviate, you were still only halfway down the path and trying to go the full way was far too risky. sighing, you stood again to head back home instead, limping and wincing whenever your foot hit the ground a little hard.
eventually the pain was too much so you needed to take a break. even if you could get someone to pick you up, you’d still need to get through this trail to head back to where cars were able to drive anyway.
you stood again continuing your journey back until you heard someone call your name from behind. that can’t be..?
“yn! just because i said your ankle was healing well does not mean you can pull something like this! are you crazy?” seungcheol told you, trying his best to not get mad but you could still tell he was frustrated. “what were you even here for?”
“i just wanted to get to that field” you scoffed, “surprised you even care” you muttered the last part.
“excuse me?” seungcheol looked at you intently.
“whatever, i don’t need to explain myself to you”
“yn i’m your doctor-”
“not right now. right now you’re not working so you’re just choi seungcheol” you told him pointedly.
“yn why are you being like this? did something happen?” seungcheol told asked you hesitantly.
you put some distance between the two of you, “it’s not like i need to tell you any of this. we’re not friends and you’re not my boyfriend, so please do not pretend like you care” you hated how your voice cracked slightly, tears welling up in your eyes. “besides i don’t think your girlfriend would really appreciate this so it’s better i just leave”
before you could leave you felt a strong hand gripping your forearm bringing you back toward him, “what the hell are you talking about? what girlfriend?”
if you hadn’t seen the evidence yourself you would’ve believed him considering how convincing his confused face looks.
“yn listen to me, i don’t even have a girlfriend, if i did i would not have the spent the last month thinking of ways to ask you out after your ankle was fine”
“huh? but- but i saw it! that day- with the flowers! they said to-”
“yn those were for my brother..” he interrupted you, amusement pulling at his features.
“you’re asking out your brother?” you shouted.
“no you idiot! ew! let me explain. my brother needed to get his girlfriend flowers for valentines and i told him about jeonghan. so he asked me to pick them up for him” seungcheol laughed lightly, holding your shoulders so that you knew not to interrupt him halfway through.
“oh.. well- any normal person would assume you were getting those for your own girlfriend!” you pouted trying to turn away from his teasing smirk.
“i don’t really understand why you were jealous though.. hmm” he put his finger on his chin sarcastically. he knew exactly why but still wanted to tease you for it, “oh! unless you’re jealous”
you groaned, covering your face before seungcheol pried your hands away. his gaze on you was too much at once so you turned away attempting to walk away. you’d forgotten where you were though so your foot slipped hard on a whole in the ground again.
“shit- we need to get you back to the hospital. can’t let you walk this whole way though..” you saw seungcheol think about it for a few seconds before he knelt down on the ground in front on you, “get on my back, i’ll carry you back and then you’re headed straight to the hospital, i’ll drop you off”
“are you sure?”
“yes now hurry. can’t believe you were willing to break your leg over something as petty as this” he scoffed jokingly as he made sure you were secure on his back.
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it took about twenty minutes to get to the hospital and after they ran all the tests it was decided it was best for you to stay overnight. this time you weren’t in seungcheol’s usual office but one in the emergency ward. you didn’t like this one bit.
when seungcheol walked in he smiled when he met your gaze, “hey, everything alright?”
“well all things considered it’s not too bad i guess” you said sarcastically drawing a laugh out of seungcheol.
“yeah well i didn’t ask you to make the injury worse, did i?”
you stayed quiet for a few seconds, “hey cheol, they won’t need to do a surgery right?”
seungcheol could see the nerves on your face and part of him felt so guilty for finding the pout on your face so cute.
“don’t worry about that pretty, you didn’t manage to break another bone, you just undid some of what was already healed. it’ll take a couple extra weeks to heal that’s it” he said, rubbing his hand over your head to provide comfort to your clearly distressed figure.
there was one more thing you needed to know“and about us-”
“do you really want me to confess to you in a stinky hospital room?” he laughed, “i had a whole plan in mind but now i gotta postpone it because little miss wants to have a broken leg decided she wants to stay in a cast even longer”
“alright, but if you’re making me wait longer it better be good” you tried threatening him, fighting back your giggles.
“get some rest yn, jeonghan said a couple of your friends are visiting tomorrow. sleep well, i’ll be here if you need anything”
during visiting hours the next day you saw seungcheol was right, your friends really did visit you; albeit your best friend was late because she got lost and had to have joshua escort her over.
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“oh it feels so good to finally have that thing off” you sighed, “it felt so suffocating after a while i was starting to forget what my leg felt like”
“yeah well make sure you don’t wind up here again or else you might end up in something worse than a cast” seungcheol half heartedly scolded, “try twisting it around. if it feels alright take a couple steps so we can just be completely sure, yeah?”
you did as seungcheol asked more than glad to say everything felt fine and back to normal. you laughed happily, smiling at him when he said you were officially healed and wouldn’t need to keep the cast on.
you wanted to hug him but something stopped you, a twinge of excitement in your eyes when you cleared your throat ready to ask seungcheol, “so about that confession you promised me..”
he chuckled moving closer to you, both of you mirroring each other’s wide grins, “yn. would you like to have dinner with me tonight? i’ll tell you all about my feelings then”
“i would love to” you giggled, finally hugging him.
745 notes · View notes
cloudcountry · 5 months
sneaking riddle out to a summer carnival!!!
SUMMARY: you take riddle to his first carnival!
COMMENTS: takes place post-overblot. honestly this can be read as heavy pining or established relationship LMAO also riddle wears heels outside of his housewarden's uniform shut UP
please be nice to me i am rusty i fear
TAGLIST: i'm going to be doing this again so let me know if you'd like to be tagged in stuff!!
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Riddle’s first instinct is to turn right on his heel and walk out of there, and if it wasn’t for your hopeful smile and bright eyes he probably would have. The bright flashing lights, the screaming, and oh Great Seven, the food were all things his mother would have screamed at him for participating in. He supposes that's why you brought him here.
Just the two of you. No Ace, no Deuce, not even Grim is here with you.
The smell of grease and sugar is in the air as your fingers intertwine with his. The action catches him off guard, and you use it to your advantage and drag him deeper into the carnival. He vaguely hears you ask for tickets, making small talk with the vendor as they exchange a handful of tickets for your thaumarks.
(Letting someone else pay for his activities would also be something his mother would yell at him for, he thinks. He’s too busy trying to figure out how safe the ferris wheel is to examine the thought further.)
He’s glad Grim isn’t here. The thought makes his mouth twist in displeasure at how immature he’s being, but deep down he knows the direbeast would be hogging all of your attention. It’s easy to dispel the thought when you grab his hand and lead him into the chaos that is the carnival.
“Which ride do you want to start first?” you ask, a bounce in your step as you turn back and smile at him.
Riddle eyes each one warily. They all look rather horrifying, and if he’s honest with you he’d say he doesn't want to ride any of them.
His eyes catch on the drop tower, and it’s at that moment that the tower drops, and Riddle watches with wide eyes as the people on the ride plunge to the bottom, screaming like they're going to be killed.
“It’s for fun! Adrenaline, you know?” you say hastily.
He’s certain he’s gaping at the ride like he’s seen a ghost.
“We could try some games...?”
Riddle takes a moment to compose himself, shaking himself out of his stupor. He’s never been so out of his element, but he knows for sure you’d never lead him astray. You never have.
“Which one is your favorite?” he asks, watching your face relax.
“I think we should start with the ferris wheel.” you smile softly, and he can't tell if you're dodging the question or if that is your favorite ride, “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s a good ride to start with when you’re nervous.”
He wants to thank you, but the words get stuck in his throat. He lets you chatter about each game and each ride as you pass them, the ground beneath you uneven and bumpy. Riddle is glad you told him to dress comfortably—as ridiculous as it would have been to wear a pair of his heels for a carnival, he’s struggling even in his dress shoes.
You should always look presentable. There is no use complaining.
He feels you squeeze his hand again. You’ve found yourselves in front of the ferris wheel, with the queue shorter than he imagined it’d be. He looks over to you with a question in his eyes, and you giggle.
“Sage Island isn’t that crowded around here, you know? It’s already pretty isolated from everywhere else.” you say, “Don’t worry about it, just let me take the reigns today, okay?”
You bump your hip against his playfully as the line starts to move, and Riddle stumbles after you as you squeeze into a cart. You bounce in your seat as the attendant shuts the door and sends you up into the sky.
Riddle has seen the movies, the cheesy ones were the cart was a little bit bigger and the view was a little bit brighter, but he never understood the appeal of sitting there and watching rides move with someone else.
Now he gets it.
Your hand is still touching his, and he swears if he focuses hard enough he can feel your pulse against the heel of his palm. Riddle spares a glance at you, only to find you looking at him with a hopeful smile.
“Isn’t it nice?” you ask, voice soft and sweet and kind.
“Yes.” he nods, choking on his words as the scent of your shampoo wafts towards him.
You’re both so close.
The ferris wheel starts moving again, and Riddle feels a stab of disappointment in his chest. You laugh at his pout, bumping shoulders with him.
“Don’t worry, we get to go again!” you say, and he perks right back up.
He loves the ferris wheel. He wants to go on it again sometime, if you’d let him.
It seems like only a few minutes before you’re off of the ride and you’re pulling him over to all the food stalls, The smile on your face is infectious as you rattle off the different types of carnival food, talking about the strawberry variants of each one. It fills his chest with butterflies to see you so attentive—truly, he feels spoiled when you buy him a strawberry funnel cake and a caramel apple and even strawberry flavored shaved ice. In return, Riddle insists he pay for your food, and you laugh before accepting.
“I just wanted to treat you.” you confess, sipping on the drink your ordered, “You worked so hard during exams and even worked with others to make sure they were doing okay. Deuce did really well because you inspired him to work hard. You’re amazing—and you deserve a day off every now and then.”
It takes him off guard, just how candid you can be, especially with someone like him. Maybe it’s because you’ve seen him at his most vulnerable, you’ve seen parts of his past only Trey knows, you took the time to get closer to him when everyone else kept their distance, He knows now that that distance was his own fault, which is yet another thing you helped him realize, and—
You’re still doing more for him, over and over again. It’s like a debt he’ll never be able to pay back.
So instead, he reaches over and grabs your hand, the pads of his fingertips pressing into your palm.
You look over at him.
His heart feels like it’s caught in his throat, but he forces the words out.
“Thank you for today.”
The smile that stretches across your face is the widest one yet. It’s triumphant, like his smile was the prize for winning a game you’d been playing for far too long.
“Of course, Riddle.” you scoot closer, “It’s no problem at all. I hope you’ll do this with me again sometime.”
He will. In a heartbeat, he will.
218 notes · View notes
fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Two of Them
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: When Hondo asks you to help catch a car thief, you meet Jim Street. As you get to know one another, you learn that you have a lot in common, but balance each other out perfectly.
Warnings: r loves cars/owns an auto shop & is sarcastic and makes jokes (very similar to Street), mentions of robbery and murder, fluff, softie Street
Word Count: 4.7k+ words
A/N: There's so many things I love about this request and a ton of (personal) references! I hope you all enjoy!🤍
Masterlist Directory | Jim Street Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
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Someone wolf whistles as the garage door opens, and you walk faster to see what is worthy of such attention. When you step into the garage if your auto restoration shop, your jaw drops.
“Is that a ’59 Impala?” you ask breathlessly.
“Sure is,” Joel, your righthand man and drivetrain expert, answers. “She’s here for a tune-up. I know you’re busy, boss, so I can handle this one.”
“Yeah, right!” you exclaim. “All of my childhood dreams are under that hood.”
“You dreamt about reconstructed motors as a kid?”
“Do you talk to your wife like this, Joel? Because she’s never going to let you buy a C-10 with that attitude.”
He chuckles before he waves toward the office. “Impala owner is in there. Wants to talk to you.”
“Thanks, Joel. Don’t start without me!” you call over your shoulder.
As you enter the lobby, you put on your best customer service smile and straighten your shirt.
“Good afternoon,” you greet. “You must be the owner of that beautiful Impala.”
“Yes, ma’am. My friend Rick Castle told me that you were the person to see. I had the car restored by a guy in Texas, a ground-up rebuild, but it’s not riding as smoothly as it was before. The passenger side – sorry, I’m not very good at explaining these things – it almost feels like it’s bouncing while I drive,” he explains.
“Okay, that’s really helpful. It sounds like it’s probably an alignment issue. We can look at it today and give you a call when we find the issue,” you suggest.
“That would be great. Thank you.”
You review the paperwork he completed with Joel quickly before telling him bye. After putting his contact information into your computer system, you rush back to the garage.
“Let’s find out what’s causing the involuntary hydraulics,” you tell Joel.
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“Hondo, get 20 squad in here!” Hicks calls.
As they gather in the situation room, Lieutenant Lynch queues a video pulled from a security camera. Street recognizes the location as the building they raided a few days earlier but remains quiet as she begins speaking.
“This is, of course, the building you raided. If you’ll recall, we hoped to locate an unidentified subject tied to several car robberies, assaults, and more recently, carjacking with deadly force. He killed a driver during a carjacking gone wrong and has continued to get more violent with each crime. We still haven’t identified the perp, courtesy of his never-ending vehicle supply and seeming knowledge of traffic cams. He didn’t seem to think about the security camera across the street from the parking garage before the raid, however.”
She presses a button on the tablet in her hand, and the video begins to play. Several cars come and go, but there’s nothing unusual. Hicks raises his hand to point to the time stamp, and the guys watch, waiting for some smoking gun or clear picture of the guy running from the cops. All that happens, though, is a man leaving in a convertible. Lynch pauses the video again and looks up expectantly.
“Was that a Triumph?” Luca asks excitedly. “Those are still rare in the states, even decades after they stopped manufacturing them.”
“It’s not stock,” Street adds with a shake of his head. “That’s not standard suspension, and the paint is too new to be original. Whoever brought that over had a lot of work done to it.”
“Which is great, makes it easier to find,” Hicks agrees. “Except there’s no plates, no registration, and no one has reported it missing. There’s not even a T3 in that color registered to anyone through the California DMV. We have something to look for, but no more information on who we’re looking for.”
“I know someone who can help,” Hondo says. “Classic cars, new paint, rebuilds…”
“You have a car guy?” Deacon asks. “Why?”
“Of course, I have a car guy,” Hondo scoffs. “My dad may have introduced me.”
“That makes more sense,” Luca says, nodding with Deacon.
“Hold on, guys,” Lynch calls. “The tech team thinks they may have found another lead. Consensus is this video is the same driver.”
She plays a new video, this one taken from a gas station camera. Another newer sports car pulls in, but no one exits the car. It sits for nearly three minutes, then pulls out.
“I’m not as versed as these guys, but that looks like a Lamborghini,” Tan comments. “Can’t be too hard to trace those in Los Angeles.”
“It is when they don’t have the original drivetrain. The back tires spun out way too far in that turn. It’s been modified, too,” Luca points out.
“He’s either got a thing for modified sports cars or he’s someone who’s flipping them to be completely different cars after he steals them,” Street hypothesizes.
“Your car guy gonna be able to help with that?” Hicks asks Hondo.
“Oh, yeah,” he answers. “This case’ll be closed in a week.”
“Then get out of here. You’ve got a rare car to track down.”
“One more thing,” Lynch says. “Really, I promise this is the last thing. None of those cars have been seen again. Seems like he drives them once and then ditches them.”
“He has to have his own garage, then,” Street says. “One that I wish I had.”
“Then it’s a bigger target,” Hondo declares. “Let’s roll.”
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The chime connected to the front door of your shop rings loudly and you tell Joel to go check on the customer. You are under a 1977 Chevrolet Nova and elbow-deep in the engine bay. Even if you’d wanted to be the first face they saw, given that it is your business, you wouldn’t be able to get out from under the car before they assumed no one was here.
“Ah ha,” you murmur.
You pull the broken mounting bracket down past the ballast. It falls to the floor with a loud ting before you roll out from under the car. As you sit up and wipe your grease-covered hands on your coveralls, you see Hondo looking at you with his brows raised.
“Hello,” you greet.
“You got a little something right… everywhere,” he jokes.
“Funny,” you reply as you stand. “If your eyesight is that good, it’s no wonder you made SWAT.”
Someone laughs behind him, and you lean to the side. His entire squad waits in the lobby, and you wave before returning your attention to Hondo.
“I take it you’re not here about your dad’s car then,” you muse.
“Not today. We need some help with a case, if you have the time,” he explains.
“Sure. I’ll have Joel take you to my office. Let me clean up and I’ll meet you – all of you, I guess – in there in a minute.”
“Thanks. I owe you one.”
“You owe me an entire car at this point, Hondo,” you call as you walk out of the garage.
Once you’re out of your stained overalls and have washed all of the grease and car-related grime off of your skin, you return to your office. Hondo and three other men wait beside your desk, and you invite them to sit. Hondo introduces you to Tan, Luca, and Street, and you shake each of their hands before you sit across from them. Hondo rolls his eyes when you smile at Street, but you’re not sure why.
“So, what exactly does Metro SWAT need from an auto shop?” you ask.
“Long story short, there’s a guy stealing sports cars; classics, fresh off the floor, and everything in between. Then he’s customizing them, driving them once, and ditching them for a new illegally obtained ride,” Hondo answers.
You nod as you think, then lean on your elbows on your desk. “Why customize them?”
“To make them untraceable, we think,” Luca answers. “You can’t report a car missing if it doesn’t exist anymore.”
“That tracks,” you agree. “But then the question becomes, how do you ditch them? You can’t leave something like that at a chop shop, the parts would bring more issues.”
“Private garage,” Street says. “Or maybe he’s selling them out of the county. Lots of possibilities.”
“It takes an incredibly rich, incredibly dumb person to treat cars like that,” you comment.
“We deal with criminals,” Hondo interrupts. “Rich and dumb is kind of our thing.”
“No, Hondo, cars aren’t like people. They fight back, they don’t just disappear without a trace.”
“She’s right,” Street adds. “These cars are more than property to be stolen.”
“What are you saying?” Hondo asks.
“Ever read Christine?” you joke.
“Or heard of Decepticons?” Street adds.
You smile at him again, and he nods before he winks quickly.
“So, can you help us or not?” Hondo inquires.
“Yeah, of course. What do you need me to do?”
“We’ve got some security cam footage of the cars he’s altered. We need to know where he’s getting the work done, or info on where a private garage big enough for a collection like this would be.”
“I’d be happy to look. I can’t promise anything, though. My clientele is more of the rebuild this classic or fix this issue not the I want to make a rare sports car even more unique off the books.”
“That’s why we’re here.” Hondo looks at his phone quickly and huffs. “Uh, Street, you stay and go over the videos with her. Deac said he and Chris need backup.”
“You got it,” Street answers.
Hondo thanks you quickly before he, Luca, and Tan leave. You’re left alone in your office with Street and aren’t sure how to start a conversation after joking together while Hondo filled you in on the case.
“Uh, here’s the videos. There’s only a few on this, but it should be enough to get an idea of what he’s doing,” Street says as he passes you a memory stick.
You take it from him and insert it into your computer. As the videos begin playing, you rewind it, pause it, and take a few notes. The cars in it don’t have anything in common, other than the fact that they’re stolen and modified.
“Well, I can say for sure that my guys didn’t do this work. Nobody I work with did, either. I’ll ask around and see what I can find,” you tell Street.
“I appreciate that,” he replies. “You know, when Hondo said he had a car guy, I was expecting…”
“A guy?” you guess.
“I mean, yeah. Middle-aged, beer belly, his name on the sign. The usual.”
“Sounds like my shapewear is doing its job if you don’t see a beer belly,” you joke.
“Please, you know how pretty you are,” Street replies.
“Seems like you think so.”
You lean forward and smile as you return the video drive to Street. He returns your smile and opens his mouth, likely to make another joke, before Joel knocks on the door.
“We’ve got another customer, boss. With a ’73 Corolla,” he informs.
���Excellent timing,” you mumble.
Street stands as you do and says, “Call Hondo, or me, whoever, if you find anything. Thanks for helping.”
“I will. Thanks, Street.”
He leaves through the lobby, and you take a deep breath. Joel smiles as he watches you, but you tell him to get back to work before he can comment.
“On what?” he yells behind you.
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“Hondo, we’re not even doing anything,” Street groans in HQ the following morning. “Just let me go make sure she doesn’t need help or anything!”
“She knows more about cars than you do,” Hondo answers.
“That’s not what I mean. C’mon, man, she has an auto shop. Are you really going to make me sit here when I could be solving a case in my dream garage?”
“Hondo!” Deacon calls. “We’ve got another video. New car this time, but it doesn’t look modified.”
Street looks toward Hondo expectantly, and nearly cheers when Hondo sighs and tells him to go. He accepts the video and rushes to his motorcycle. Work will be more fun with you, he thinks.
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“You’re back,” you say when Street walks into the garage.
“And you’re working on a 1960s Mustang,” he says dreamily.
“1964,” you tell him. “Want to take a look?”
“I’m supposed to be working. We have a new video with a different car.”
“Surely it can wait a few seconds, so you can look at the new 289 sitting pretty under the hood.”
“Yeah, we can wait,” Street agrees as he follows you to the hood of the car.
After Street takes a few minutes to admire the work you’ve done on the Mustang, you lead him to your office and bring up the new video.
“I haven’t seen it, but the people in the lab didn’t think it had been modified,” Street explains.
“Okay. Let’s see,” you say, turning the screen toward him.
Your shoulder presses against his arm as you watch, but you’re both too interested in the sports car on the screen to notice that you’re in shared space.
“I don’t see anything,” Street says.
You drag the video slowly and pause it when the wheels turn.
“That car shouldn’t be all-wheel drive. It’s a minor conversion compared to the other work you’ve shown me.”
“Who makes a Datsun 240z all-wheel drive?” Street murmurs.
“Who steals a Datsun 240z?” you counter. “They stopped making them for a reason. Short of a complete overhaul, they weren’t worth their weight in metal.”
“As right as you are, that doesn’t bring us any closer to finding this guy.”
“No,” you agree. “And none of my friends have heard anything. We’re getting the word out, though, so as soon as it reaches the right person, I’ll have more information for you. It’d be great if he decided to switch garages and was my next customer.”
“It would be easier.” Street leans back in the seat and looks at the pictures on your wall. “Best and worst customer to date, go,” he asks.
“Ooh, okay,” you say excitedly. “Best? A writer who lives up in the hills has brought me over 20 different rare classics to restore from the ground up. The worst was last week. Kid came in with a brand new, stock Lambo Huracan and wanted the double-clutch tranny switched out for a 4-speed automatic.”
“In a Huracan?” Street repeats incredulously. “I… I feel like I just aged twenty years.”
“Tell me about it. I asked him if he could drive it the way it was and never got an answer.”
“Did you do it?”
“Are you kidding? No! I’m in this business for the cars, and that’s just sacrilegious.”
Hondo knocks on your open door, and he’s leaning against it with his brows raised when you look up.
“There’s two of them!” he exclaims dramatically as he looks back at the rest of the guys. “I thought you and Street were bad enough separately, but this isn’t fair.”
“Can I help you Hondo?” you ask, ignoring his comment. Although, you don’t hate him viewing this as you and Street, together, as one.
“I just came to see if anything came of that video,” Hondo says.
“Nothing inherently helpful. Your smoking gun is still lost.”
“Keep looking,” Hondo requests, tapping his knuckles against the doorframe before he leads 20 squad away.
Street watches him leave, shakes his head, and turns back to you to ask, “How’d you get into cars?”
“My, uh, my home life wasn’t great growing up. Cars were my escape. From the time I was old enough to realize that walking out into the driveway to mess with the cars got me away from the fighting, I was out there constantly. Then it became a love for cars and everything they mean to people. This isn’t just my job, it’s my passion.”
“I lived in foster homes for too long,” Street says. “When I met my brother, Noah, he got me into motorcycles, which led to cars. We dreamed about getting a Ducati someday.”
“See? Cars mean something, they’re more than electronics and gas to get you from A to B. They’re life itself for some of us.”
“And you treat them like that. When I get that Ducati, I’ll bring it to you.”
“For what? Those are perfect as is.”
“Maybe it’ll just be an excuse to see you.”
You smile and shake your head, but you know that you’d welcome him in, anytime, with or without a Ducati.
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“… And then after the toe, caster, and camber are matched up on both sides, we can move on to complete the diagnostics,” you finish.
“Okay,” the young girl says. “I need to call my dad really fast. Can I come back in and let you know after that?”
“Of course. Take your time.”
As she walks out, you notice Street standing in the doorway to the garage.
“That happen often?” he asks, gesturing toward the girl standing outside.
“Occasionally. Mostly with younger customers,” you answer. “Must be nice to have a parental relationship like that.”
“Tell me about it.”
“So, what can I do for you, Officer Street?”
“Are you ever going to call me Jim?” he asks.
“I like cars, so Street is more fun,” you reply with a shrug.
“I actually came to give you a break. Hondo said you’ve been sending him updates day and night. You have to step back from it all before you burn out,” Street explains.
“I can’t. I have cars to finish, and some of my contacts have leads that seem promising, but they have to go through a chain of different garages, and…”
Street steps to you and lays his hands on your shoulders. He waits until you look into his eyes and relax to say, “You need a break. Trust me.”
“I need to finish with her,” you whisper. “Five minutes?”
“Five minutes,” he agrees. “And then I’m dragging you out of here if you won’t go willingly.”
Five minutes later, you follow Street into the small customer parking area outside the lobby. He walks to a motorcycle, and you eye it in admiration.
“This is your bike? It’s gorgeous, Street,” you say, running your fingers over the smooth metal body.
“It’s fast too,” he replies.
You accept a helmet and put it on as he climbs onto the bike. The Cardo logo on the side of the helmet catches your attention, but as you sit behind him and wrap your arms around him, you’re more than happy to ride in silence and decompress.
When you get back to the garage, you climb off the bike and hug Street before he can swing his leg over.
“Thank you,” you say softly. “I did need that.”
“I’m not just a pretty face, you know,” he jokes as he returns your hug.
“Neither am I. And you shift into fourth too soon. That’s why it revs harder.”
“I knew coming to see you would embarrass me eventually,” Street laments. “But at least you’re pretty and really close to me.”
“I can move,” you say against his shoulder.
“No, thanks. Not until I have to go back to work.”
His phone rings in his pocket and you laugh as he grumbles, “Hondo always has to ruin the moment.”
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The phone on your desk rings again as you lower the new L1 engine into a C-10. You roll your eyes at the sound but refuse to answer it.
“Somebody else answer the phone!” you call. “I can’t answer another stupid question today!”
Joel salutes you as he walks through your open door. He returns a moment later with the cordless phone in his hand and smiles.
“It’s Street. Would you like me to pass along your message?”
You extend your cleaner hand and tuck the phone between your ear and shoulder to say, “Hey, Street.”
“Can you remove the hemi from my Charger?” he asks. “It’s too loud when I drive.”
“I will hang up on you,” you threaten.
The line beeps and you pull the phone from your ear with pinched brows.
“Not if I hang up on you first,” Street says from the doorway. “Which is rude, by the way.”
“Have more videos for me to watch?” you ask loudly as you lean into the engine bay of the truck.
“No, just wanted to drop by. Nice body… the truck, I mean.”
“Sure, you did.”
You grunt as you stand and pass a screwdriver to Street.
“I don’t work here.”
“Yet you’re here every day,” Joel says from inside the cab of the truck.
“Not my fault your boss freelances for my boss,” Street replies.
“I told Hondo this morning that I hadn’t heard anything,” you interrupt as you wipe your hands on a rag.
“I know. I just wanted to drop by. I got off early, so, here I am.”
“Hmm. I was hoping you’d say you were undercover or something.”
“Because I don’t want to believe this is how you dress when you’re not in uniform,” you joke.
“You’re covered in-“
“I’m at work,” you defend. “Hazards of the job. And don’t bring up the fact that my laundry room smells like motor oil because you can’t prove that.”
Your phone buzzes on the workbench behind you, and you apologize as you walk past Street to get it. He watches your eyes widen as you press the screen a few times.
“Call Hondo,” you demand.
“I know who your car thief is. He’s on his way here right now with the Triumph T3.”
“How? Why?” Street questions.
“The guy he hired to do the work thought they were really his cars. Apparently, my name came up and with the message about him going through the automotive grapevine, his former mechanic recommended me for a modification tune-up,” you explain quickly.
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Hondo arrives less than ten minutes later with the rest of 20 Squad. He asks what is so urgent as he looks between you and Street, though there isn’t much room between you.
“He isn’t ditching the cars. He’s still driving the cars because the Triumph slid last night and now he’s bringing it here to be repaired,” you tell Hondo.
“Okay, it slid and he’s bringing in one stolen car. What does that mean for me? And no automotive speak,” Hondo replies.
“Could I interest you in the Cybertronian translation?”
“Tell me what my bad guy did.”
“If I can convince him to list every car he may want me to work on in the future, could you get a warrant? I’ll try to get an address and a name for him, though they may not be legitimate.”
“We can certainly try,” Deacon agrees. “But he doesn’t seem like the type that will answer questions.”
“I have a way of getting people to talk. Especially car people. Guys like him like to brag, so if I one him up, he won’t have a choice but to tell me what you need to know.”
“Just be careful,” Street says. “Don’t let him get so cocky he thinks he has to prove himself in any way except talking about cars.”
“I won’t. But you guys need to get out of sight. He’ll want to see the garage and get a feel for the security.”
“We can pretend to be security,” Street argues.
“Nah, you got a cop face, man,” Joel says from inside the truck.
“Joel, I’m going to marry your boss and ask her to fire you,” Street shoots back.
“I want to hear more about that later,” you interrupt. “But seriously, get out of sight.”
A few minutes later, a Triumph T3 stops outside of the lobby entrance. The man who enters looks like the driver in the security videos, but you have to get more information before anything else can happen.
“Hi,” you greet. “You must be the gentleman Josh told me about. He said you had a classic, but I was not expecting a ‘50s Triumph. That’s a gorgeous car, sir.”
“I appreciate it. She’s my baby, but the steering is a bit off since I hit a wet patch last night and the back end slid.”
“That sounds like a simple enough fix. If you can just fill out some information-“
“Josh said you’d do this off the books for me, like he has. Cash upfront.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” you agree. “Go ahead and pull her into the garage.”
He nods and exits the front door. You sigh and move into the garage, planning how to get him to talk about the other cars he has stolen and where he keeps them.
“Nice facility,” he compliments as he enters your garage. “Yeah, well, I’ve got a couple incredibly rare classics that I work on often, and those customers deserve the best.”
“Rarer than a 1953 Triumph T3?” the man asks, defensive and growing insulted.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve had a Model T in here, several European cars, including a T2, plus modern sports cars.”
“I’ve got a garage full of classics that make those seem like Hot Wheels.”
“I don’t know,” you murmur as you lift the hood of the Triumph. “I’ve had my hands in a 1931 Bugatti Type 41. I don’t think it gets much better.”
“My collection is worth a dozen of those outdated bugs!” he exclaims. “The Triumph, a Lamborghini Aventador with custom drivetrains, and I’d bet this car that you haven’t seen a Datsun 240z in mint condition with all-wheel drive. If your little dump of a garage could handle even that! My 25,000 square foot garage has cars you’ve never even heard of.”
“LAPD SWAT!” Hondo calls as he and his team enter the garage. “You’re under arrest for grand theft auto, carjacking, assault and battery, murder, and about fifteen more charges that I don’t have the patience to list. Now, when an arrest warrant goes through without a name, you know that’s a bad person.”
“Do not push him up against this car!” you demand as Hondo grabs his shoulder. “Toolbox, wall, anything other than a pristine T3.”
“Thanks for the help,” Hondo calls over his shoulder as he leads the thief out of the garage.
“It’s a shame such a pretty car has to go into evidence before it returns to its owner,” you tell Street.
“Yeah. Listen-“
“You didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?” you ask.
“Do you want to go out with me?” he asks.
You smile as you answer, “I’d love to.”
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“Trust me, you’re gonna love this place,” you promise as you take Street’s hand. “All of the food is served in trays that look like classic cars.”
Street laughs as you bounce excitedly and uses your joined hands to pull you close.
“If you could buy one classic car, what would it be?” he asks.
You answer without hesitation before asking him the same question.
“Car? Probably an Aston Martin or a ‘60s Impala. Something sleek, classic, dangerously fast,” he answers. “Motorcycle is still a Ducati.”
“You’d suit an Aston Martin or an Impala,” you agree. “Or you can just ride shotgun in mine.”
“I was born to drive,” Street says dramatically.
You laugh at him as you slide into a booth in the restaurant. Street follows, setting the tray of food before you as he sits beside you.
“Are all of our dates going to be car-themed?” Street asks.
“You’re the one who already planned our wedding, and I’ll go ahead and tell you now that I’m not firing Joel, so you tell me.”
“I don’t care what we do as long as you’re there,” Street decides.
You smile as you turn toward him, and when you raise your chin, Street kisses you quickly. You momentarily forget about the car-themed trays holding your food, too distracted by his affection to care about which model you got. But then he tells you he got the better one and you push him away from you to check. Street laughs as he pulls you close again, and you’ve never been happier to have so much in common with one person. Maybe there are two of you, but the balance and love Street brings is perfect.
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avatarloverfrfr · 1 month
had this little thought that made me cackle, so i just had to share. imagine, a human that says “mate” frequently, maybe they’re aussie idk, and the na’vi are shocked. just this human referring to everyone as their mate with some big ass smile on their face while everyone is like…y’all seeing this shit? BUT it gets the na’vi that’s been courting them to assume the process has worked, obvious to the fact the human is oblivious to na’vi courting rituals, so now the human is even more confused when their friend is suddenly very friendly and purring whenever they say “mate” hehe
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Avatar2009 x Avatar!Reader
Summary: Being a dreamwalker in Pandora has its issues, now throw an Aussie into the mix and there’s bound to be miscommunication.
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Deep within the flora of Pandora, the Omatikaya clan was busy preparing for the evenings festivals, the completion of Jake and my iknimaya. The clan members moved gracefully through the trees their lithe bodies blending seamlessly with the vibrant flora.
Among them, a small group of scientists and avatars, their presence a testament to the growing bonds between both species. Among the avatars was Y/n, an australian whos accent refused to relent, even when communicating in Na'vi, a constant reminder of her Earthly roots.
"'ì'awn mi uniltìranyu, I must make no mistakes applying this paint," Ka'ani hissed, his voice low and focused. This was it, I was finally accepted into becoming true Na’vi, and I would complete the ceremony with Ka'ani, someone who had become one of my closest friends on Pandora.
Nearby Jake was undergoing the same preparations. His transformation from a human to a full fledged Omatikaya, with Neytiri helping apply his body paint. This was a rite of message, a bridge between both worlds.
Ka'ani finished applying the paint and lowered his hands onto my shoulders, careful not to smudge the work he had spent the past hour perfecting. "You are ready Y/n. Tonight, you will become one of, The People."
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A few months ago...
Jake and I walk into the hometree, surrounded by Na'vi who yip and holler at the sight of us, staring at us with a mix of distrust and disgust moving away from us as we walked forward, leaving a path that led us to the centre off the hometree. Meeting the eyes of the warrior that had bound Jake and I standing next to a well decorated elder Na'vi, clearly the leader of the tribe.
The warrior holding me by my queue pushed me forward slightly, slightly tightening his grip. "Oel ngati kameie," the Na'vi who had found us in the forest says, raising her hand to her to her forehead and lowering it in respect. The elder circles us, his stern gaze filled with disdain as he examines us. Jake gives him a slight nod, as I whisper to Jake, "He might take that as a threat, mate." The elder's ear twitches at my words, looking at me through the corner of his eyes.
After finishing his inspection of us, he returns to the center and says something in Na'vi, addressing the girl in front of us. "What's he saying?" Jake asks, still watching the exchange. "No clue. But he's definitely judging us." I replied back shrugging. The leader says something that makes the warrior next to him and the other Na'vi laugh. 'Definitely made a joke about us.'
"My father is deciding whether to kill you." the female Na'vi says, turning to look at us. The words sending a chill down my spine, as I shift my gaze to the warrior beside her father. "Your father... It's nice to meet you, sir," Jake says, taking a step forward reaching his hand out for him to shake. Immediately, the Na'vi move to restrain him, and the girl pushes him back, shouting something. The warrior holding me tightens his grip, moving his knife closer to my kuru.
Amidst the shouts, a powerful woman's voice echoes down the spiral stairs of the tree. The Na'vi shouts die down as she descends, the female Na'vi whispers, "That is my mother, she is Tsahik. She interprets the will of Eywa."
"What are you called?" The Tsahik asks, circling Jake and I like her husband had done. "I'm Jake Sully, and she's—" Jake starts, but she quickly cuts him off with a quick prick of a hand crafted needle. She turns to me, and I introduce myself, "I'm Y/n." She pricks me too, mixing Jack's and I's blood on the tip of her needle before licking it off.
"Why did you come to us?" she asks looking over at Jake, putting the needle back. "We come to learn," I answer, raising my hands slightly to emphasise my point. She looks away from Jake and steps closer to me. "We have tried to teach other sky people. It is hard to fill a cup that is already full," she says sternly. "Our cups are empty. Trust me. Just ask Dr. Augustine, we're no scientists," Jake interupts, his hand to his chest.
"What are you?" Mo'at says ignoring Jakes plea. "I'm a marine." Jake replies, but the Tsahik doesn't seem to recognize the term. "We are warriors," I interject, hoping the warrior behind the leader would understand. At that he raising his weapon at us, but the leader stops hi, calming the crowd.
The leader addresses the crowd in Na'vi, as he speaks, the murmurs of disagreement grow among them. The Tsahik continues speaking to her daughter and the warrior beside the leader. Finally, she declares, "It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways, and Tsu'tey will teach you ours. Learn well, JakeSully and Y/n." she then turns to Jake "Then we will see if your insanity can be cured."
I wake up in cryo-pod to Norm calling my name. "Y/n, Y/n! Wake up, come back to us." Norm says, tapping my face. "Mate, don't you ever touch my gace," I grumble, using his hand to pull myself up. As he whispers a small sorry. I hurry over to Jake's pod, and when he opens his eyes, we exchange relieved smiles. "Are the avatars safe?" Grace asks. Jake and I nod, exchanging knowing looks. "Yeah, and you're not gonna believe where we are,"
A few days later...
"Engage your core, Uniltìranyu." Tsu'tey commands as I mount the pa'li, forming tsaheylu with it again. I manage a few meters before the pa'li speeds up and drops me onto the mud. Laughter erupts from the treeline, I follow my the sounds with my eyes and see five more Na'vi on pa'li, coming out to watch me struggle.
"I thought you would do better than JakeSully." I heard one of them say as the others cackle in response, I look around to see how Jake is doing and see Neytiri laughing at him as he falls off his pa'li too. "Rude" I mutter to myself as I try and wipe the mud off my body.
"Don't worry Y/n. Maybe you should give it some fruit. It worked with Ka'ani," one of them teases, and the gorup laughs again. There was one who didn't laugh and who I assume Ka'ani is. Looking at him I realise that he was the when who captured me the day Jake and I had arrived. "Don't listen to these sxkwangs, you'll get it soon." He yips and rides off with the others, leaving me to try again. "Thanks mate" I murmer after him, the group turning back to look at me.
Over the following weeks, Ka'ani and I grow closer, helping each other with tasks Tsu'tey sets for us.
"Don't eat that Y/n. It's poisonous," Ka'ani says grabbing my hand away from the dangerous plant.
"Do you want to be my sparing partner?"
"Yovo, that is your favourite fruit?" he asks one day at a communal dinner. After that day he would constantly bring me Yovo throughout the day.
"Come on mate! Don't lose to Jake!" I cheer during a sparing match Ka'ani and Jake were having, ignoring the curious looks from the Na'vi around me.
"I went out on a hunt. I brought you Yerik." Ka'ani said dropping the prey onto the floor in front of me. "Is it good?" He asks looking into my eyes, waiting for my validation. "Thank you Ka'ani." I say smiling as he lets out a toothy grin exiting my tent, his joy evident.
"Have you seen Ka'ani anywhere?" I ask around the vilage stopping where Jake and Neytiri were, "Ah- your 'mate' I saw him enter his tent." Neytiri said pushing me teasingly with a smile on my face. Letting out a quiet thank you I wondered over to his tent.
"Ka'ani? Neytiri had said you would be in here, but I think something is wrong with her." I joke. He turns around, laughing holding a beaded top in his hands.
He held the gift toward me, it was a top, "For you. 'mate'"
Now we're at the final stage of our rite of passage. "Go ahead, you need to catch up," Ka'ani urges as we run through the forest, climbing the vines toward the ikran den. When we arrive, I marvel at the sight. Looking at Ka'ani I realise that he was already looking at me, a smile on his face. "How will we know if the ikran chooses him?" "It will try to kill him."
After a tense struggle, Jake succeeds, and the Na'vi cheer. "It is now your turn Y/n." Tsu'tey says, the mood growing serious again. I enter the den, lasso in hand, and mutter to myself, "C'mon don't embarrass me now..." Just then, a vibrant green, blue and red ikran skreeches and charges at me. I manage to lasso its mouth and climb onto it's back, but it slams me against the cliff wall repeatedly.
"Tsaheylu!" someone shots. I grab its kuru and make the bond, calming the ikran. The Na'vi behind me yip and cheer as I fly off on my ikran, Looking down I saw Ka'ani amongst the others cheering. had did it, I completed my iknimaya.
During the communual dinner, Ka'ani leads to me a big tent. I turn toward him, to see he was already staring at me waiting to see my reaction. "This tent is so beautiful Ka'ani." at that he lets out a say of relief. "Kelku. This is a kelku Y/n. I built it myself." he corrects, "Well Ka'ani this kelku is amazing, I like it, but the nivi would look better on the left and not the right." I tease, Ka'ani chuckles too but seems to take the advice seriously.
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"You are now son and daughter among the Omatikaya. You are apart of the people." Eytukan declares as he places a hand on both Jake's and my shoulders. I feel the weight of multiple Na'vi hands on me, and turn my head to see Ka'ani who was already watching me,staring intently at someting, a proud smile hanging from his lips, his hands on top of Tsu'tey and Eytukan own. Glancing around at the Na'vi crowd, I realised that the once uncertain looks were now gone, replaced with fond smiles. It dawns on me then that, we are truly apart of the people.
"Where are we headed mate? the party's way back there," I tease, as Ka'ani pulls me through the forest, occasionally glancing back, "Latsi, Ma Y/n." he replies smoothly, effortlessly navigating over branches and roots.
Pandora's bioluminescence illuminates our path as I playfully chase after him, reaching out to grasp his hand in mine. As we emerge into a clearing, I realise we're at the place he, Tsu'tey and the other students caught Jake and I, where he and I first met. Walking toward the huge log of fallen tree, Ka'ani turns to me, his gaze meeting mine.
"Do you remember this place?" he asks a holding a playful grin. "How could I forget." I say playfully back inching up closer to him so I could breathe in his scent. He looked me over before softly smiling to himself.
"You are wearing the pxen i gifted you." he remarked, slightly playing with the beads on the top. "You accept?" he asks with a smile, though the seriousness of the question isn't lost.
"Of course, mate. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I say, gently caressing his shoulders as they visibly relax from unseen tension. A broad smile spreads across his lips as he continues to gaze into my eyes. "Muntxa si." he murmurs to me.
"Muntxa si?" I echoed, smiling but still confused.
"It is to mate, we are mated now. You must stop using that word recklessly." he explains, his voice muffled as he nuzzles his face into my neck, breathing in my scent.
"I have already prepared the kelku which I showed you and accepted, and I moved the nivi from right to left for you Ma Y/n, for our future. We must share this with the clan Mas Tìyawn." he says excitedly, grabbing my hand as we run hand-in-hand to Hometree to share the news with everyone.
i feel like i’m disappointing yall with my content, im so sorry. I’m just so🌚 I love yall who have been with me forever you don’t know how much it motivates me.💗
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reveriebae · 3 months
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pairing(s) : seonghwa x reader
word count : 3186
genre : smut
warning(s) : stranger to lovers, fem bodied! reader, mention of Yunho and Jongho, reader's choice of clothes is kinda cunty that caused something, Seonghwa kiss a lot, overstimulate, squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, name calling (baby, pretty baby), cunnilingus, fingering (f receiving), creampie, kinda rough?idk, lmk if I missed anything!
Minors do not interact, 21+ only!!
🪐smut under the cut🪐
Hate ice cream? No one could. Love ice cream? Everyone should!. You're at the new ice cream shop that's very popular lately, it's so hard to get the ice cream here cause they runs out really fast, so you decided to come early in a rush.
You busy yourself thinking about what flavor will you choose, the queue is very long in front and behind you even though it's still 9 am, why do people want to consume a sweet cold thing in the morning, and why do I want it too, it's summer anyway no one gives a fuck.
When it's your turn to order the ice cream after standing in line, you smile at the cashier with the name 'Yunho' written in his nametag. "Hi! what can I get for you? " Yunho said with a cute smile on his face.
"Can I have medium size of mint choco with chocolate drizzle on top, please? " Yunho nod and type something on the computer in front of him, "sure, that will be eight dollars. Dine in or take out? " You rummaging your small bag and then realized you fucked up.
"Oh my god, I forgot to bring my purse. I'm sorry, can you keep that-" you feel a tap on your shoulder and look behind, guy with black tshirt, matching denim jacket and pants with a pretty face make your knees tremble "I'll pay for hers" he says to Yunho.
Yunho looks at you waiting for your confirmation but instead you look at the guy behind you "why would you pay my ice cream? " he glance down at you as he pull out his card "you could always pay me back later", you mumble 'thank you' to him as you nod looking at Yunho "Dine in".
You sit on the chair at the corner near the big windows, it's feels pretty comfortable here, a quite nice place to hangout. The place is so clean, the colors match so well, and the dim yellow lights make you want to sip a cup of hot latte with croissant beside it, unfortunately it's an ice cream shop.
The guy who pays for you before catches your attention as he sits in front of you, he greets you and you greet him back, you keep looking at your phone cause this is lowkey awkward cause after the greets neither of you said anything.
"You have not answer my question" you start making conversation, he looks at you while feeling the taste of his cookies and cream ice cream on his tongue.
"About why do I pay for you? Just because" he says as he look back to dig on his ice cream, "because what? " you stop looking at your phone and put it down makes him draw his attention to you "because..maybe we can make a good friend, I love making new friends. I'm Seonghwa anyways" he sticks out his hand to you.
You reach out his hand and you both shaking hands "I'm y/n, it's a quite strange way to make friends by paying a stranger their ice cream, but yeah thank you so much for helping me" he smiles to you, your hand still wrapped around his, more like he's not letting go of your hand. His hands looks really pretty though, slender fingers with a couple of thin rings make it's prettier and you can't help but shiver at the skin contact between you and Seonghwa.
You pull your hand out of Seonghwa's hand, he chuckles "let's follow each other on Instagram" he said as you eye him confused, Seonghwa look at your confusion "so we can keep communicate and maybe hangout sometime?".
You can't think straight. He's a total stranger, and so are you to him. What if he's dangerous for you? Or what if he has bad intention towards you?, but he doesn't seem like that, but you can't guess whats in people's mind but this dude just pay your Ice cream you feel bad if you have to refuse what he asked.
"Sure" you say in a small voice yourself could barely hear, you take your phone back and open your instagram account, show it to the male in front of you, he type on his phone and you got a notification of someone's following your account, "Looks like I have to go now, I'll message you later" he wave and just go before you can say anything, you decided to follow back his instagram account and head home cause you need to get ready to the library.
You're trying so hard to concentrate on your laptop that burn like hell when you touch it because of how long you've been turn it on to complete tomorrow's presentation, you keep glancing at your phone ignoring the books you've borrowed from the library.
"Let's call it a day, I'm gonna make it 100% done tonight. I'll call you later... If I need some help" Jongho says as he stands and take the books from the desk.
"You sure? We can finish it together at my house if you want to" you say, saving the edited document on your laptop then turn it off and close it.
"No no, you already done this more than a half, let me do the rest. I have to go now, see ya" he left you without letting you say anything. You chuckle to yourself "why do people like to leave me alone today".
Right before you stand to take your stuffs, your phone dings and show a notification from Instagram, and yes it's from him. Of course you don't open it right away, you read his message through the notification bar.
You start to reply his message when you just arrived at your house, probably when you just lay on your bed. Which is an hour and a half after the first time he texted you, surprisingly he replies to your messages very quickly like a blink of an eye.
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Thank god you live on your own, so your place is always tidy enough to see when there's an unexpected guest coming. You brush your hair, change your blouse to a white oversized tee and put your small purse inside your shorts pocket.
You read some online journals from your laptop in the living room while wait for Seonghwa. It's been 3 hours and you started to get so sleepy from reading a lot of things you don't even like.
"I need ice cream" is all you say make you run to your room and put on a hoodie, when you just step outside of your house right in front of your door, there's a car in front of the gate, it's him.
You just continue, open the gate and walk to his car knocking the window and he opens it, "hey, I'm gonna go to Ice cream shop, I'll return your money now" you said and he chuckles.
"Who wants your money? Just keep it, I got you some snacks and ice cream" you just stand there confused, cause why? why he doesn't want his money back? why he brings you snacks? does he wants to be close with you? if he doesn't, why he's so kind? why are you questioning so many things today? .
You and Seonghwa end up eating tons of snacks and talks a lot about random things. He's so humble and make you comfortable enough, he always have a topic to bring up.
You have so much fun until you realized it's almost midnight, now you're the one who bring up more topics cause deep down you don't want him to go home, you don't want him to leave.
The problem is, it's summer night, air conditioner is not air conditionering, the oversized shirt you are wearing is too hot to get comfortable right now, and so does he, he still wears the same clothes as last morning.
When he sees you fanning yourself with the hem of your tshirt he suddenly feel the temperature and just take off his jacket, you can see his neck is covered in sweat and his tshirt shows a wet spot on his chest and his back.
You gulp at the sight of him, he's insanely attractive, rolled up sleeves you can see his toned arms, he definitely sees you staring you can feel he's muffling a smirk on his lips.
"Don't you remember we got ice creams?" He says while you busy trying to get rid of the heat in your body from the temperature and the situation.
"Oh right! You know where the kitchen is, I'm gonna change to a comfier clothes, make sure you knock the door before you get back here" he nods as he walks to your kitchen, leaving your bedroom.
You change to a white tank top and a white thin cardigan to at least make it less revealing, still wear the same high waisted short cause why bother to change when it's already a short.
Seonghwa knock your door and you open it quickly, he smiles at you but you slightly pouting, you thought it was the same ice cream from the shop but it's different, it's not in a cup but in a stick, but it's the same flavor as last morning cause maybe he afraid that you won't like the random flavors he chooses.
"I don't really feel to have mint choco right now, can I have the cookies and cream one? " he looks at you then to the ice cream, and now you understand, he hates mint choco.
"You can take both, I'm not eating chocolate covered toothpaste" he said as you rolled your eyes, "anyway, I saw a big bottle of coke in your refrigerator, can I have that instead? Looks like it will cool down better than ice cream".
You nod to him and he leaves, he's back with the coke and bring 2 glasses with him. The mint choco ice cream is half gone already when he came back to the room, he pour the coke to both glass as he chugged down the whole glass in one sec, he really is thirsty.
Now you open the second ice cream that actually belongs to him, "you really don't mind if I eat this one? " you asked him to make sure if he really doesn't want the ice cream.
"Sure, you can have that" he said, eyes not leaving the tv screen and looks busy with the honey butter flavored potato chips in his hands. So you just eat it.
"Is this your favorite flavor? Or just a random pick? " you asked him makes him look at you.
"My favorite is rainbow sherbet, but I feel like I'm addicted to oreo these days so I always choose that flavor for every dessert for almost a whole month" He said as he bite at the potato chip.
Your lips leave a small scream when you feel the cold on your collarbone, the ice cream melts and leaves a drop on your skin, "even the ice cream melt quickly on how hot it feels right now".
Seonghwa grabs 2 sheets of tissues, "let me clean it up, fortunately it doesn't drop on your white clothes" you nod and he softly clean the melted ice cream from your collarbone, you find you breath hitch when he touch your shoulder, his thumb pressing right below your neck with his left hand.
He leans closer as if he's cleaning a bloody cut, "you should eat it faster or it would be a bigger mess princess" he look up at your eyes, you try to calm down yourself at the nickname but then he says "by the way, you smell so good from here" you just hope he doesn't feel your heartbeat became faster.
"Oh.. Uhm.. Thanks" you look up to the ceiling, not daring to look at his face if he is this close, "I... I think.... What if you help me to eat this? " you say and he leans back after done cleaning your skin.
"Help you to eat the ice cream?" His eyebrow furrowed, you finally can look at him again cause there's a distance now.
You lick the melted ice cream on the stick and your hand, you nod while looking at him and then bite the ice cream, there's just one more bite of the ice cream and you give it to him, but he doesn't take that.
Instead, he leans closer to you and put his lips in yours, you gasp make your mouth open and his tongue suddenly enters your mouth.
You can't help but let out a whimper when you feel Seonghwa's tongue on yours and feeling of cold ice cream swirling inside your mouth, one of your hand grip into his shoulder then he cups your face and pull out from the kiss.
"Wow, didn't know cookies and cream would taste so good like that, could've say the sweetest I've ever had" he take the the ice cream stick from your hand and wink while looking at you, take the last bite of the ice cream and lick the stick clean.
You frown and throw yourself at him, sit on his lap and straddling him, "I think I know how I want you to pay me back now" he gently stroke your hair but then grips it lightly, a moan escape from your lips.
"All I can say is me too" you say with a smirk make Seonghwa grins, your hands slowly make a way to his chest feeling the muscles that covered under his tshirt.
One of his hand hold you hips to help you grind on him and the other hand pull your head closer to his face, he kisses you again but this time it feels more intimate and gets more intense when he bite your lips to enter his tongue inside your mouth.
You can still taste the ice cream on his tongue, you wrapped you hands around his neck, grind into him faster, you can hear the slight moans spills from his lips, the way he breathes faster, sweat began to appear on his forehead and the way he's focusing to kiss you just make you getting wetter.
He pulls out from you lips, kissing your forehead, down to your cheeks, your nose, give a peck to your lips, kiss your jawline while have a grip of your hair, one of his hands travels everywhere on your back then he sucks and nibble around your neck.
You can't keep the moan out of your lips with the feeling of his hardened cock that covered with his jeans, his hands back to your hips and guide you to grind on him harder.
"Fuck, we should get naked like...right now" Seonghwa says as he slide his hands to open your cardigan in one motion and feel the soft skin of your arms, you shiver cause he does it so slow with his breath fanning through your neck.
He slips his hand underneath your tank top, you can't help but grip his hair that unexpectedly makes him gets so aggressive, he lift up your tank top then make you put off your short.
"Pretty baby, should've fuck you since last morning" he make you lay on your back, on the carpet while he keeps rubbing his hard cock to your clothed pussy.
"Seonghwa..kiss me please" you whine with a pouty face, his lips pressing against your in a heated and messy kiss. He carry you in a bridal style then throw you on your bed, you can't help but squeeze your thighs together when he strip himself in front of you.
He surely can see that wet patch in your panties, he slowly crawling towards you and kiss your left cheek while pull you panties to the side and rub your clit slowly.
"Fuck, i know you will be this wet for me baby" he pushes his middle finger into your entrance slowly moving his finger as you gasp giving him a chance to slip his thumb from the other hand to your mouth.
You rolled your tongue on his thumb while looking at his eyes, he's about to burst a nut when he sees you like that "damn y/n, you gotta be the death of me", he slips another finger inside you and make the pace of his fingers faster than you could imagine.
You bite his thumb makes him pull out his thumb from your mouth, you cry while calling his name multiple times as you cum on this fingers. "Fuck Seonghwa, stop it please I can't ah--" he suddenly go down on you without a warning, fingers still inside you as he suck and lick your clit so fast you sure your eyeballs are gone.
You squirt into his face while scream his name out loud, you could hear the way he slurp all your juices and the way he's overstimulating you is too much for you to handle. "Oh, do my baby feel good enough her eyes is rolling back like that. Now, gather all the energy you have left and fucking take everything I'll give you, my pretty baby".
He flips you to all four then rub his cock on your ass "You got a beautiful ass y/n, bet it'll look more pretty with my red hand print on it" he smack your ass so hard as you cry into the mattress. He slowly slips his cock into your pussy, when I say slowly it does mean the 'painfuly slow'.
You look at your back and reach Seonghwa's hand with yours. "Please fuck me Seonghwa, don't be such a tease" with your pleading eyes and your messy hair, you can sense how insane his mind is, right now.
"Pretty baby isn't satisfied enough with her previous release?" He said while stroking your hair gently from your back, then he is gripping it for dear life make you shiver.
And eyes rolled back, of course.
He's slamming his cock inside you, so hard you can't muffle any sound, tears breaming in your eyes, drool pooling in the side of your mouth. His pace is so fast make you grip the sheets tightly, his left hand holds your hip while his right hand still gripping your hair.
You cum about two times and hardly shaking, then it his turn to cum. He shot his hot seed inside you while still pumping it.
"Oh shit, I forgot to pull out" he said when he's back to reality, you look back at him as he pulled out of you. "Don't be worry about it" you said to sure him.
He nods and then go to your bathroom to take a clean towel and warm water then clean you up like a gentlemen he is, isn't he?
You thank him after he helps you wear a clean tee from your wardrobe. He bit hip lips while looking at you, you furrow your eyebrows to him.
"Uhm.. you wanna cuddle?" He asks as you laugh at him.
"Sure Seonghwa".
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