#german tag
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skeletal-fish · 2 months ago
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der mood rn
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steffen-dilfrael · 9 months ago
Schreiben ist schwierig Freund*innen. Ich bin auch nur am prokrastinieren und sollte an meinem Kolloquium arbeiten
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holocrone · 11 months ago
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Böse Hexen gibt es nicht!
BIBI BLOCKSBERG (2002) dir. Hermine Huntgeburth
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secondbreakfastwizard · 30 days ago
Das weirdeste an den Wahlen ist grade durch Social Media zu scrollen und (außer von deutschen Accounts) einfach *nix* dazu zu lesen. Like wdym gefühlt jeder Kleinscheiß aus den USA führt zu 10 Millionen posts aber wenn bei uns die Faschos gewinnen interessiert es keine Sau?
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annefraid · 1 month ago
bin in ner toxischen beziehung mit dem wahl-o-mat
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phoenix-is-still-here · 9 months ago
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happy pride from a german nonbinary icon
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salvadorbonaparte · 5 months ago
Recently moved back to the US after living in germany for a bit, but I've been trying to keep up with german politics. Unfortunately I speak german at like an A2 level and don't have the reading comprehension to understand most news/memes/general conversation online. Would you be willing to just briefly explain the whole thing going on right now? I've sorta got the general idea from some American news outlets but I'm still quite confused.
Okay I'm probably missing a lot of Nuance as well but:
The current German government is a three party coalition between SPD, FDP and Green Party (traffic light coalition). Christian Lindner was minister of finance. As a FDP member he was a neoliberal piece of shit. He kept blocking government budgeting because he wanted to lower taxes for millionaires, lower retirement and unemployment benefits etc.
In a surprising turn of events our chancellor fired Lindner on Wednesday evening. He gave a speech that was absolutely scathing - for his standards. Our chancellor is known to have zero backbone or charisma and a monotone voice that puts you to sleep.
Now people find this pretty hilarious because 1) Lindner is a piece of shit 2) we've never seen our chancellor act like this. There's been plenty of memes about him being unemployed and several journalists have already asked him things like "will you apply for unemployment benefits" and "what do you think about people calling you Germany's cheekiest unemployed person".
But unfortunately the FDP didn't find this funny so now all other FDP ministers stepped back - except for one who left the party to save his job. This was also really unexpected and is also leading to lots of memes. Without the FDP, the coalition is broken and there's no longer a ruling majority. The current government will spend some time taking care of urgent stuff now and then in the beginning of next year there will be a "vote of confidence". A strategic vote of confidence will trigger a general election, which will happen next spring.
Unfortunately² the current coalition was not very popular in the first place and conservative and right wing parties are gaining lots of influence. We also have a new party called BSW funded by a former Leftist party member who is singlehandedly proving the horseshoe theory by being so leftist she's right wing. So there's a good chance the election will have pretty bad consequences.
But since it's been a really hard week for everyone we're all just enjoying making fun of Chrissy Lindner losing his job #unemployed.
If you want I can translate some of the memes as well.
Hope this helped!
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flodaya · 1 month ago
in german you are on cloud 7 not cloud 9, cats have 7 lives and not 9, you're the fifth wheel on the car and not thirdwheeling, at the eleventh hour is when the clock is striking 12, when you kill two birds with one stone you're killing three (flies) in one sweep
i love languages
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felicity-worthington · 1 month ago
mir gefällt die Hochrechnung bei ARD zurzeit etwas besser als ZDF, möge wenigstens das so bleiben
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medusa-is-a-terf · 11 days ago
„Kein Triebtäter wird von einer Toilettentür abgehalten“
Ja und kein manipulativer Soziopath/Psychopath wird von seiner Moral abgehalten, sich nicht als trans auszugeben um Frauen zu belästigen, denen ist nämlich egal was ihr Verhalten langfristig für Folgen für andere Menschen hat. Und anders als Triebtätern macht ihnen die Herausforderung Spaß, sie müssen etwas riskieren und sich intelligent vorkommen, um sich bei einer Tat wirklich überlegen fühlen zu können. Da geht es nicht nur um Trieb. Es geht um ihr krankes Ego.
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niccocum · 1 month ago
Need some fun after today‘s election results? I wrote a little satirical story about Friedrich and Alice having a secret celebration on the election evening. Just the two of them in a luxurious hotel room to toast onto their success and shared goals.
Hop over to ao3 to read The Secret Celebration!
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skeletal-fish · 2 months ago
remember kids: mit faschisten zusammenarbeiten ist niemals in ordnung.
außer wenn es euch halt grade echt echt gut in den kram passt
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ben-learns-smth · 1 month ago
kleiner reminder, dass die bundestagswahl diesen sonntag ist (demokratisch & antifaschistisch wählen gehen, let's go!) und die woche wahrscheinlich viel schneller rum ist als gedacht (wie immer) und wenn du auch eher typ generalisierte angststörung (oder einfach so berechtigt besorgt) bist, dann ist jetzt ein guter zeitpunkt zu überlegen was du sonntag tust (außer wählen gehen) um nicht alle 5 minuten prognosen, hochrechnungen und einordnungen aus zig perspektiven im bevorzugten digitalen medium deiner wahl anzuschauen und panik zu schieben
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sumquiasum · 2 months ago
jsyk a neoliberal German politician got pied in the face yesterday and told to "get a job" by someone affiliated with the left party, finally some good political campaigning
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littlechameleonguy · 5 months ago
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live in such a way that the AfD (German right-wing party) would have something against it
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annefraid · 1 day ago
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an alle deutschen girlies The Newsreader Staffel 1 & 2 gibt's kostenlos in der Arte Mediathek ✌️
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