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atduskart · 1 year ago
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Here is a master post of the Neoloids I did. I might do more who knows
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fulgurantfirstborn · 1 month ago
{{Sorry for the lack of activity, I hope y'all are well, I know Nightreign is going to be a wild concept for having Nameless King in Elden Ring but I have been focusing on Final Fantasy XIV instead LOL}}
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geraskierfanficprompts · 7 months ago
Prompt 109
Geralt is a witcher. Cats tend to distance themselves from witchers. Sometimes Geralt wonders what cats are like. So one day he asks. "Cats are lovely. Beautiful little sweethearts." The old woman who owns the inn says to him. "Cats are annoying varmints, always yowling in the middle of the night when they're in heat, they SCREAM their little heads off, can't catch a wink of sleep with them around!" A man passing by him in the market complains, with the anger of someone who has clearly thought about this a lot. "My cat isn't the biggest fan of being touched, but she's a good girl. Catches the mice." "They're evil little hellions, nothing compared to dogs. Don't even like their owners." "I'd like 'em a whole lot more if my way of living wasn't being a fisherman. They climb in at night and steal my best catches." "They're adorable!" "My cat is the cuddliest sweetest snuggliest little kitty to ever live, I think. Nobody will ever love me as much as he loves me." "My friend has a kitten! She already knows to chase the feathers we wave in front of her! I hope she still plays when she grows up." Opinions are varied in the town, but the majority seem to love them. He wants to know what they're like, not if they are liked. He sits down with a friendlier townie one afternoon and asks in detail what cats are like. What's great about them, what's bad about them, what do they like, what do they hate, what can they do, what have they done? The more she describes cats, however, the more Geralt can't help but be reminded of Jaskier. "They're playful. They love making noise and chasing things."
"Geralt, please, can't I play my lute? It's been fourteen whole minutes of SILENCE! Let me play a song!" "Why do you stay?" "Maybe I just like following you, Geralt. It's nice only having to pay for half of everything, after all."
"They're moody little things. Cats will want to cuddle you one second, and be left alone the next, and if you can't read their mind, they'll give you an annoyed little pouty face, as if you were meant to know better!"
"Geralt, do you mind if I...?" "If you what?" "Sit here?" "...My lap?" "That is where I'm sitting, yes. May I?" "...Mm." "Great thanks!~" "Geralt, you pissing idiot! I can't believe you! Don't touch me! Don't even look at me! How could you do something so so so SO stupid!?" "This is my job, Jaskier." "And apparently sewing up your arm is mine!" "I can take care of it." "Oh, I'm meant to just trust the man who went off and got mauled by a werewolf, then?"
"They enjoy a good sleep. Cats nap more than my old man, if you can believe it. They love comfort and luxury."
"Geralt, can't we stay at an inn? It's been so long." "Can we rest? Just for a bit? Pleaaaase? I want a nap. Don't I deserve it?" "Geralt, not to be ungrateful, but I think sleeping on the dirt would be better than this inn. Don't tell me you're making us sleep here. There's probably snakes nesting in the pillows."
"But at the same time, they love the grittiest bits of the outdoors. Chasing rabbits through tunnels, climbing trees after a songbird- My childhood cat used to dive in the swamp to catch frogs."
"Geralt, taking a shortcut through the bog is the easiest way to get to the competition in time! Now hurry along! Either I cross the bog alone, or you come with me!" "Geralt, I went looking for potion ingredients while you were skinning the deer!" "Geralt, are you going to cut the damn thing's head off or what? Wait, darling, are you alright? Are you hurt? Let me do it-"
"They sometimes bring you dead critters because they want to feed you. It's oddly very endearing."
"Geralt, I bought you some honey buns!" "I found some lovely cakes, do you want one, Geralt? You haven't eaten at all today." "I- I killed it. It was coming straight for you and I panicked. Am I bleeding? I can't quite tell because of the adrenaline, so am I bleeding or not, Gerelt? Can you tell me? Are YOU bleeding? Did I get it in time?" "I got so many tips last time I played, Geralt, you can get a bigger meal."
"They get themselves into trouble a lot, though. Places they shouldn't be, things they shouldn't touch, things they shouldn't eat."
"Geralt, I didn't mean to cause all of this. I'm sorry." "It's nothing, Jaskier. I'm just glad you're unharmed." "...Um... Geralt? Can you let go of my wrists now?" "Don't. Touch. Anything. The plant's spines are poisonous." "Jaskier, spit it out! SPIT IT OUT! I told you to stop fucking eating things in Yennefer's place" "Then why was it colored like a nice candy?"
"When they're scared or angry, they can make a right mess out of you. Don't let their cuteness fool you, they can do some damage."
"What else was I supposed to do, Geralt?" "Not punch him!" "He said you were a monster!" "I am!" "Do you want me to punch YOU?" "Geralt, I lost my dagger. It was in one of the bandits we chased away." "Geralt, will you teach me how to use a sword? Nothing fancy, just how to kill something."
"But above all, they're loyal, and loving. Ever so lovely. They'd die for you, if you treated them nice enough." "Thank you for telling me. I.. Have to go." Geralt stammers out, racing away to the inn he left Jaskier in. "Oh, hello, Geralt. Did you find a contact?" And Geralt yanks him close, and hugs him. He should try kissing him one of these days. Either way, Geralt won't mourn for the cat he can never have, for he has a Jaskier, and it's close enough.
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Зүүд Нойрондоо [Zuud Noirondoo] • Цэнхэр Нүд [Tsenkher Nud] • Будыг Анх Хараад Төрсөн Сэтгэгдэл [Budiig Ankh Haraad Tursun Setgegdel] • Элэг Бөөр [Eleg Buur] • Хайртай... [Khairtai...] • Мэлхий Гүнж [Melkhii Gunj] • Ш**си Ма [Sh***si Ma] • Гэрэлт Хотын Гудамж [Gerelt Khotiin Gudamj] • ...Харах Дуртай [...Harah Durtai] • Улаанбаатарын Үдэш [Ulaanbaatariin Udesh]
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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softnoobgirl · 2 years ago
My sexualy is asexual with the exception of gerelt from the witcher 3.
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artbysarf · 11 months ago
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OC's as Tarot Cards: 10. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Gerelt UPRIGHT Meanings: Change, cycles, inevitable fate REVERSED Meanings: No control, clinging to control, bad luck
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katycatkpxo · 4 months ago
katycatkp: I fell in love with Henry while he was being Gerelt so the character holds a special place in my heart. It's going to be weird to see someone else as the roll. I'm sure you're doing an amazing job and it's truly nothing personal. I just know how disappointed Henry was to let that show go.
liamhemsworth: last week on the witcher set until the new year. so excited to get back to the kids. even more excited for everyone to see what we have in store for the show!
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beevynn · 5 years ago
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 4 years ago
“Let him take a bath,” Eskel assured Julian, who was feeling quite off-kilter by Geralt’s responses, after Geralt had gone to the bedroom. “He’ll feel better once he’s clean and had a chance to unwind. He gets a bit irritable sometimes, when he’s dirty and tired.” 
from NWS
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death-made-her-stronger · 1 year ago
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“I go by a couple of names but you may call me Loveday.” She said with a smile as she moved closer to him. True she had gone there to see Gerelt but she was not disappointed in what she found in his absence.
Continued from here with @goddamndaddies
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“Oh and just who might you be?” The witch purred.
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only-one-brain-cell · 4 years ago
Me: I watch The Witcher for the plot
The plot:
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vvitchering · 5 years ago
Thinking about Geralt and his semi-retirement at Corvo Bianco and how bad at relaxing he is. He still takes contracts occasionally, just small local ones, because he enjoys the work and likes staying active. His staff are very fond of him because not only does he pay them well, he’s kind to all of them and values their services. Marlene has torn him apart several times for tracking monster guts on the antique carpets and almost giving BB a heart attack. She insists on sending him with packed lunches when he goes on hunts. He might be getting a little soft around the middle from the regular meals and desserts.
His neighbors adore him. They’ve never felt safer. Geralt is invited to parties constantly, but he rarely attends because he’s still a little awkward around people. When he does go, he’s popular and well liked and accidentally impresses everyone with his talents (those mutated senses turn out to be extremely well suited to wine tasting)
Things are simple and good. He’s happy.
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the-fuckery-factory · 4 years ago
I'm on e5 of the witcher and I have a few things to say
I'm so glad they're allowed to say "Fuck"
What's with this show and women's tits
I didn't expect to become attached to the characters so quickly
Idk they're names yet but the little bard dude is my favorite I think
I liked Yenefer in the beginning but when she tried to become the host for that genie thing and put white haired dude under a spell I began to dislike her
I also like that elf dude that was with the bard guy during the whole genie thing
I'm mad at the doppler ganger guy for tricking the (princess?) Into thinking that dude was still alive
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shininginyourlight · 2 years ago
Bards were a hit or miss, most people that came out of Oxenfurt thinking they can play epic ballots and claim fame often were. Sheik had composed a few ballots, he’s pretty sure they’re lost in books as old as time. His age was a toss up in the air, and he can’t remember entirely if Gerelt is younger than he is. He’s pretty sure he has at least a couple years on the other but without asking, he won’t entirely know. And he’s not about to drag that up through the mud of old and painful memories. Image
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Sheik’s red gaze drifts from the harp up toward the Bard as the maid brings him some ale and a simple dish of bread and fruit. It was good enough for him, he could sustain himself off of just about anything. As long as it doesn’t mean he has to drag his beaten and body up to go hunting in the forest for his meal.
He watches the weird bard, Jaskier they announced, before picking his head up from the table and turning to what the Barmaid brought him. He tossed a piece of fruit in his mouth and chewed it slowly before picking up the tankard and washing it down with the Ale. Watered down, he really doesn’t care. At this point he’d drink even water to just quench his thirst.
A few songs in, the audience became a touch rowdy. That was becoming more and more often as time went on. None too pleased that their favorite tunes weren't being played while they was sloshed. It's not like Jaskier could get into it really. He wasn't just going to stand on stage and say he didn't want to sing songs about Geralt anymore.
"Play "Toss a Coin," bard!"
"Yeah! Play "Toss a Coin!"" The drunken patrons would request. Gods, how annoying...
"Ah, don't you want to hear something far better?" Jaskier crooned toward the audience. Despite the assertion from them that no, they didn't want to hear something else, he would start on one of his newer tunes regardless. Briefly, he'd glance back toward the other musicians accompanying him and make a motion. Telling them without words what song they were going to play.
Turning back toward his audience, Jaskier would smile brightly.
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"The king called on the kingdom, to gather all their best to slay a mighty dragon because it was his pest. A strange little man came forth to request a deft assist But the witcher was quite reluctant, the story had a twist,"
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martialartscompendium · 5 years ago
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new fighter ic tag?
I gotchu fam!
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inexplicifics · 3 years ago
Sorry this ended up being so long!
Idea for both Yenn and Ciri in MBTT
Yenn is a hedgewitch/alchemist/apothecary in Cintra desperately trying for a child. She gets pregnant but the baby is still born.
Pavetta finds about Duny/Emyr and (much like AWAU) doesn't want her child to be used as a pawn. She talks to Mousesack and the two of them develop a plan.
Mousesack reaches out to Yennifer (maybe they have worked/studied together in the past?) and they switch the babies.
However as Ciri looks so unlike Yenn (and so much like Pavetta) they can't stay in Cintra. So Mousesack arranges for Yennifer and Ciri to go as far away as possible. No one would look for the child of Princess Pavetta in middle of nowhere northern Kaedwan. Maybe he knows Gerelt from before Wolflord things and writes a letter explaining Ciri to him.
As Ciri grows, it becomes obvious she looks similar to Gerelt and visitors/people in Wolvenburg start to make assumptions. That's how she comes to be known as Gerelts heir, and they roll with it to keep people from guessing her connection to Pavetta.
Oh now that's a very interesting way to get Yen and Ciri to Kaer Morhen! Poor Pavetta!
Yen, upon seeing the famed and terrible Wolf-Lord of Kaedwen completely melting over this baby, would be extremely confused.
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