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Growing up Gay in the Age of Google Maps, Grindr and ChatGPT
From the time I knew what intersections were, I said my family lived at the crossing of Inwood Road and Preston Road in North Dallas. I asserted that fact certainly for the better part of a decade. Then I found out those two roads ran parallel to each other. Then we moved to a different house. I did eventually learn our new home’s location and nearest intersection. I did not, however, pass my…
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#Abby#chatgpt#Dungeons & Dragons#Elon Musk#Exley#Fran Drescher#Garmin#garmin gps#Gay men#Geosocial networking#Gizmodo#Google#Google Maps#Greggor Mattson#Grimes#Grindr#Joel Simkhai#Matt Shumer#OBERLIN COLLEGE#SAG-AFTRA
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In PlaceTime, you create a point on a map for your business and see interesting places near you.
If you don't have an actual address, you can create a point where you most want to become visible. 📍
The places the app shows you as "interesting" change depending on where you are.
That way you are always aware of what is going on nearby.
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apa yang saya syukuri minggu ini. 🥰
saya tahu penyebab tangan kiri sakit. ini terjadi di hari senin. jadi, pada hari minggu, saya menutup malam dengan kebingungan karena tangan kiri saya sakit. memang, pada hari minggu itu, saya habis menulis +4.8k kata dalam sekali duduk---istirahat cuma salat zuhur & asar saja---tapi biasanya nggak sampai kayak gini (karena pernah lebih banyak & lebih lama lagi). nah, ketika hari senin itulah, saya baru betul-betul memperhatikan tatanan meja saya di kantor. dan ... ternyata, kalau saya capek/pegal, saya cenderung untuk memundurkan laptop dan memajukan kursi, sehingga jarak antara badan dan meja justru seminimal mungkin. otomatis, ruang buat kedua tangan saya agak berkurang. dan ternyata, di posisi ini, bahu kiri saya otomatis agak naik, agar pergelangan tangan kiri saya bisa tetap di atas meja. kalau ini terulang dalam waktu yang lama, dia jadi sakit.
setelah saya mengetahui hal ini, tentu saja, saya jadi nggak banyak memakai tangan kiri. syukurlah ada teknologi bernama ✨mouse✨ sehingga saya bisa memanfaatkan itu untuk gantiin tangan kiri saya yang kebanyakan berfungsi untuk menekan shortcut kayak ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+x dll. workload dia nggak banyak sebetulnya, tapi karena sering sekali dibutuhkan, jadi dia perlu standby. minggu ini kurang lebih saya banyak kasih dia keringanan. XD (dan akhirnya, hari ini bangun-bangun sudah sembuh! yey. setelah empat hari berturut-turut masih nyeri ;w;)
saya bisa bikin scriptwriting lagi! ini terjadi hari selasa. bikin reels itu selalu mengkhawatirkan bagi saya di awal. kalau inget untuk harus bikin reels, rasanya maaalesss banget. mungkin karena formatnya beda dengan copywriting, jadi ada kekhawatiran kalau nggak berjalan dengan baik (atau harus belajar dari awal). tapi, kalau selama dijalanin tuh, rasanya menyenangkan. proses nulisnya bikin seneng, bahkan ngulik-ulik asetnya pun menyenangkan wkwk padahal bejibun folder kompilasi foto & video untuk kegiatan yang berlangsung empat hari. dan ketika saya kasihkan ke atasan saya untuk dicek, langsung lolos. alhamdulillah. <3
nggak jaga uts~ hahahah, ini ada harganya sih, tapi dibebastugaskan jaga ujian itu berkah yang jarang banget ada sementara pelaksanaan ujian kan datang dan pergi ya quite literally, jadi mari disyukuri!
ini masih di hari selasa. pada suatu pagi yang mengagetkan, tahu-tahu saya dan segelintir kawan dijawil di grup besar dan diminta untuk ngadap pengurus 🔥sekarang juga🔥 saya jarang ngecek grup-grup, tapi untungnya di ruangan saya ada kawan yang kena jawil juga, jadi saling ngingetin. sesungguhnya dalam perjalanan dari ruangan kerja ke ruang pengurus itu saya deg-degan banget hahahahah rasanya kayak langsung memutar ulang dosa-dosa yang saya buat (yang sejujurnya saya memang punya dosa, jadi saya mau gak mau dihantui oleh ketakutan itu XD). alhamdulillahnya enggak. kami diminta untuk jadi tim ad hoc untuk bantuin mengadministrasikan paper dosen. masing-masing dari kami pegang +-10 dosen. lumayan banyak, tapi karena deadlinenya di tengah-tengah pelaksanaan uts, jadi kami nggak jaga uts.
jas hujan saya kering ... jadi bisa dipakai lagi. ini hari rabu. jadi, hari senin itu kan hujan. saya pakai tuh jas hujan selama perjalanan pulang---jalanan licin sampai saya kepeleset waktu itu wkwk untungnya saya nggak kenapa-kenapa. nah, hari selasa, saya jemur jas hujan saya di parkiran kantor. seneng banget karena bisa kering. apalagi, karena hari rabunya hujan ... jadi, jas hujan saya bisa dipakai. XD sebetulnya jas hujan yang basah pun masih bisa dipakai ya, tapi rasanya nggak enak aja kalau pakai jas hujan dalam kondisi ketika dia masih basah.
saya reach out kawan lama saya. ah, ini ungkapan syukur yang back story-nya banyaaak dan panjaaang! XD
dulu sekali, pas semester satu kuliah, saya pernah install aplikasi geosocial networking(?) buat berteman sama orang-orang di luar negeri gitu, sekalian belajar bahasa inggris. saya langsung aplikasikan filter biar yang muncul orang-orang yang berdomisili di inggris doang 😂✌️ kenalan sama beberapa orang, tapi yang berkesan tuh cuma satu orang. mari kita panggil A. dia perempuan, aslinya orang polandia, dan pindah ke inggris setelah menikah. setelah ngobrol beberapa hari, dia bilang kalau dia mau uninstall aplikasi ini karena banyak orang aneh =w= not surprised. dan kebetulan pas saya udah bosen sama aplikasinya juga hahahah jadi kami sama-sama berhenti pakai aplikasi dan pindah ke whatsapp.
pas awal-awal perkenalan, kami sering banget chattingan, akrab banget sampai-sampai saya ngabarin lho kalau istirahat kuliah & lagi jajan makan siang. terus lama-lama jarang, dan ... uniknya, kami cuma chattingan untuk "nitip doa". ini dia yang mulai sih. kebetulan dia orang islam juga, dan setiap dia apdet kehidupan, pasti ditutup dengan, "can you make dua for me?" gitu. saya tahu sih konsep nitip doa kalau ada yang mau umroh atau naik haji, tapi pas dia yang bilang, konsep minta doa rasanya asing buat saya. saya jadi terbiasa ya karena dari dia. mungkin karena itulah saya ngerasa deket ya, karena dapet feeling aja kalau dia baik. XD
pas covid juga dia cerita kalau ada hambatan pergi-pulang gitu untuk para pendatang pasca-brexit ... ini kayaknya masa-masa yang berat buat dia. tapi pas saya ganti foto profil jadi foto wisuda (hahahaha) dia sempet-sempetnya nge-pm ngucapin selamat ;w;
anyway, sebelum saya reach out hari itu, kami terakhir kali chattingan itu pertengahan 2022. ngobrol lumayan banyak, ngucapin ramadan mubarak. saya cerita soal tempat kerja saya yang baru, dan dia cerita soal bayinya~ seneng banget dengernya!! dan, sekalipun saya seneng juga ya, tapi kayaknya dia justru yang jauuuuh lebih seneng daripada saya pas saya bilang kalau jam kerja saya disesuaikan karena puasa :"")
saya dibeliin earphone baru~ sama kayak dibebaskan jaga uts, ini juga ada harganya XD jadi, setiap bulan kan ada rapat online, dan earphone lama saya tuh bisa berfungsi sebetulnya, tapi entah kenapa mikrofonnya enggak. kalau saya on mic, suara saya kayak tenggelam sampai-sampai saya mendingan nggak usah pakai earphone sekalian. ini terjadi dengan konsisten (hahahahah) sampai akhirnya saya disuruh beli earphone, nanti di-reimburse. mana mungkin saya nolak ya kan 🫠 saya beli hari kamis di toko offline yang disarankan. harganya mungkin adalah saya bakal ditagih buat banyak open mic ya hahahahXD tapi gak papa. malam ini, earphone itu udah saya pakai dengerin lagu, belajar, dan nonton video esai, dan suaranya pun jerniiih banget! rapat online juga "cuma" sebulan sekali kaan. :P
boleh ngadain kuis berhadiah. ini kabar yang pas saya pertama kali denger, rasanya seruuu banget! jadi, biasanya kalau saya bikin konten kuis kecil-kecilan, jatuhnya cuma tebak-tebakan aja biar banyak yang komen. tapi nggak ada hadiahnya. terus, atasan saya (ini atasan baru per bulan maret, dan dia jauuuh lebih luwes orangnya!) yang bilang, "pakai hadiah aja biar asik!" oh ya tentu saya mau banget! XD
selama memproses, agak ribet sejujurnya, karena saya yang diminta buat ngurusin approval & administrasi wkwk. sampai tawar-tawaran dulu mau hadiahnya berapa segala. tapi begitu akhirnya dibolehin, DAN konten kuisnya final, rasanya seneeeeeeng banget! bismillah ya.
saya buka puasa sama seseorang. ini terjadi di hari kamis.
ini kayaknya bisa jadi pos tersendiri deh, soalnya saya mensyukuri satu hari penuh XD anyway. sebelumnya, saya sempet baca dua komik detective conan dulu sambil nunggu dia datang ke tempat janjian ketemuannya, dan pas banget kasus yang saya baca itu menariiik! salah satu kasusnya terjadi dengan latar kompetisi hyakunin isshu, permainan kartu karuta yang isinya puisi-puisi dalam bahasa jepang. saya nggak ngerti cara mainnya sih wkwk tapi saya jadi nemu kalimat yang saya suka di antara kalimat-kalimat lainnya di kasus itu, yaitu adalah:
しのぶれど��色に出でにけり わが恋(こひ)は ものや思ふと 人の問ふまで
ini arti modernnya: I kept love in my heart, but it seemed to have appeared on my face and expression; it reached the point where people ask, "Are you in love?"
saya jadi inget ketika semua orang kayaknya udah sadar saya jatuh cinta kecuali diri saya sendiri 🫠
ANYWAYYY. habis itu kami buka puasa bareng! lalu salat magrib juga. lalu tarawih di masjid kampus. seneng banget cuacanya cerah, alhamdulillah. saya nangis sih di sepanjang jalan pulang karena samting ;w; emang rada-rada sih ini pikiran saya, hadeeeeehh ;w; tapi itu malam yang menyenangkan kok---sebuah kesimpulan yang baru bisa saya tarik sehari setelahnya. berjarak dari momen tuh, memang bisa bikin kita memproses sesuatu dengan lebih tertata ya. yah, ini pun saya syukuri juga.
hari ini hari jumat. saya buka puasa sama ibu saya. <3 menutup minggu kerja dengan quality time sama ibuk. di rumah pun masih quality time wkwk. kami ketawa lamaaaaaa banget pas saya ngasih lihat salah satu shorts youtube, tayangannya adalah scene di film dilan, waktu lomba cerdas cermat. di salah satu pertanyaannya, dilan paling cepet mencet bel di babak cepet-cepetan, dan setelah dikasih kesempatan bicara, dia justru bilang, "nggak tahu pak." yaallahXD
terus saya mau bersyukur karena saya belajar banyak hari ini. saya nonton youtube tentang kebahagiaan(?), lalu bikin janjian bukber lagi, dan mau siap-siap tidur untuk (bismillah, insyaallah) menyambut weekend!
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Grindr is a popular geosocial networking app for the LGBTQ+ community. Discover how it works, its benefits, drawbacks, and its impact on the community. read the full article: https://bit.ly/3Y8PJWQ #Grindr #LGBTQ #socialnetworking #datingapp #geosocialapp read more: what is grindr
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Tinder: Encounters with Strange Individuals, am I one too?
Launched in 2012, Tinder is an online dating and geosocial networking app. On Tinder, users have the option to “swipe left” to hate or “swipe right” to like the profiles of other users. These profiles contain a user’s photo, a brief bio, and a list of their interests. Online dating has completely changed the dating scene in the last several decades. It is no longer necessary to approach…
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Foggy Noggin Brewing releasing the latest edition of their Wasky (Buron Ale) this Saturday.
image courtesy Foggy Noggin Brewing Press Release Are you familiar with Burton Ale? Did you know Foggy Noggin Brewing has a world class top rated Burton Ale? This week's featured Fn beer - Wasky (Burton Ale) 6.6% ABV - 79 IBU. We celebrate Wasky with a fresh bottling release this weekend. This beer has been rated by all of you as the 17th highest rated Burton Ale in America and 32nd in the world on Untappd, a geosocial networking service and mobile phone application that allows its users to check in as they drink beers, and share these check-ins and their locations with their friends. When you think of the most historical brewing traditional region, Burton on Trent will always rank in the top. In the 1700's Burton Ale was a very popular English beer style. This almost extinct style deserves to be revisited. This beer's rich, sweet malty beginning transforms to a wonderfully warming bitter dryness that lingers long in the palate. In honor of Wasky's service in 1946 - on the shores of Lake Washington, Foggy Noggin Brewing shares his name with this wonderful brew. Traditionally, this beer is aged for a year before served. Good to drink now and sure to age well over time. 22 ounce bottles of Wasky are $12. Beer Release: Wasky (Burton Ale) OG: 1.075 IBU: 79 SRM: 13 ABV: 6.0 Malts: Maris Otter, Crystal 45, Brown Sugar, Black Strap Molasses Hops: Target, Nothern Brewer, Fuggle, Goldings from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/41PMQdD
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Your roleplay has been added to our list of Network Members and you may begin tagging us using #krpnet!
Name of Roleplay: kandid-net
Link to Your Roleplay: https://kandid-net.tumblr.com/
Platform: mewe
General/Themed: general
Literate/Semi-Lit/Mixed/Action?: semi-lit
Age Limit: 21+
Mature Content?: yes
Who you accept (All Asians, etc): all asians active in the south korean entertainment industry
Description: In an industry where every move is calculated, every step is observed, and every mistake is antagonized, you must be dying to finally have a break from the hellscape of public scrutiny, aren’t you? Well, this is your sign to join KANDID — an online dating and geosocial networking getaway for high-profile persons like yourself, where your digital tracks are ensured to stay covered, giving you the freedom you’ve been longing for all this time. Here, you can konnect with people who crave the same things you do, and be 100%: honest, open, and unapologetically yourself — all strings attached. Your skandals are our secrets.
#application accepted#kandid net#mewe krp#mewe rp#rp#krp#kpop rp#revamp#seraph rp#roleplay#krp ad#krp promo#semi lit#semi literate#semi lit krp#general krp#gen krp#gen rp#krpnetads#krp network
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#Loopt#old web#old internet#webcore#techcore#frutiger aero#2000s#2010s#2010#geosocial#geosocial network#geosocial media#sam altman#app#application#mobile#smartphone
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How Hinge's Algorithm Picks Your Dates
Last year, a friend came to me with a strange tech problem. “The algorithm is screwing me over,” he said, peering over a drink at a bar in Manhattan’s East Village. Anthony, a 31-year old engineer who asked to withhold his real name, had been on the dating app Hinge for five years. He said he always had a hard time meeting people on apps, but over the course of the pandemic, Anthony noticed a…
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#Amazon#Anthony#Bumble#Caitlyn#Damona Hoffman#Dating app#Eve Tilley-Coulson#Geosocial networking#Gizmodo#Grindr#Hinge#IAC#Ignancio Rios#Joe#Liesel Sharabi#Match Group#MATCH.COM#Mouse#Netflix#OkCupid#Online dating#Online dating applications#Pancake#Pancake Mouse#Plenty of Fish#Tinder
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It would seem that such a great idea is to find a business that ignites you and start making money on it. Then why are there not so many people who do what they love, and why do hobbies remain unpaid activities?
It's all about fears and stereotypes, let's take a closer look at them and dispel them.
❓ Nobody cares.
Whether you're doing anything - painting on fabric, roasting coffee, creating interior items out of wood - there are people who would like to buy it from you. Start with friends - they will be interested because they sincerely want to support you. And the rest will follow them.
❓ You won't make money on this.
It is this "support" that often comes from others. In fact, the profit from this activity is determined only by your desire. Many professionals once started with an enthusiastic sitting at the computer and could not think about how high incomes their interest would one day turn into.
❓ Need money for promotion.
In order for the whole world to know about you, you do not need to invest millions in advertising - just invest a little time and effort. With PlaceTime you can advance from scratch. Create a personal page - now a company page with a big future - and tell us about yourself. The platform allows you to find clients all over the world - if your activity is not related to personal interaction; or use the advantages of the location - allowing you to find the target audience in your country, city and region.
Discover a new chapter of your life in which you will do what you love and earn money from it.
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How to remove tinder from facebook
How to remove Tinder from facebook?
Tinder is a geosocial networking app that allows users to find matches near their areas. One of the most popular dating sites, Tinder allows users to access Tinder through their Facebook account. But at the same time, if any user does not have a Facebook account or doesn’t want to access Tinder through Facebook, they can also use their phone number and email address to access Tinder.
Removing Tinder from Facebook is quite different from one operating system to another. This short post will explain the procedure to How to remove tinder from facebook on your android device.
Below are the steps to remove Tinder from Facebook;
· Open your Facebook app
· Go to the Menu tab
· Scroll down to the bottom, pull down the Setting & Privacy list, and select Settings.
· Find the Security tab, and go to the Apps and website options
· After enter editing Logged in with Facebook
· Select the Tinder and click on the Remove button
· Finally, mark I delete all posts, photos, videos, and click Remove
Meanwhile, if you face any issue, you can speak to tinder experts at the
Tinder Customer Service
introduced by a leading tech support service provider known for offering the online support service for third-party products. Tinder users can dial us anytime from anywhere accessible around the clock.By removing Tinder from your Facebook, you will lose all your matches. In short, you will have to create a fresh Tinder account and start fresh to find the right matches.
Removing Tinder from the Facebook account is simple if you step by step follow the procedure. Remember, our tinder experts are right there to assist you on the technical front. Keep our tinder phone number always with you to answer Tinder-related issues, including how to remove Tinder from the Facebook account.
Get In Touch
Website: How to remove tinder from facebook
Address: 31 San Antonio, TX,78201
FAQ: Remove tinder from facebook,How to remove tinder from facebook,
Tinder Customer Service,tinder customer phone number
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Download Tinder Gold for Android
Free download tinder gold apk for android devices and tablet devices. We will share full information about tinder gold who is the advanced version of tinder. Keep getting safe and secure file from tindergoldapk.net to enjoy amazing android dating app on your phone.
Tinder shows you different profiles as per common interests. You can only see photos and small bio of other users with common interests. When two users like each other profile and tinder declare them “Matched”, both users can exchange messages. As it is a geosocial networking app, it shows you the profile of those who live near to you. So that it is easy for both of you to date physically after a better understanding via messages.
Tinder wants permission to access data from your Facebook ID to create your profile. After the recent update, you can also create your profile with a phone number only. With a basic user account, you only get a limited swipe option and several other features are missing. This limit to swiping profiles and likes is not present in the first version of the app. This limit is added in the free app with the release of tinder plus service. A great controversy has started then. After that, several other features are added to tinder such as;
Information of who likes your profile before you do
Unlimited likes every day
Rewinding profiles
5 Supers likes per day
One boost every month
Advertisement free application
Top picks every day
There are numerous controversies that have created since its release. After many journalists like Nancy J. Sales expose the dark side of tinder that is the culture of seeking sex partners not a game of date anymore, this application is marked as a restricted app for below eighteen. Another research was held by students of queen marry university on the behavior of Tinder users. They found that users are not interested in the bio of others and common interests. People like or dislike profiles on the basis of display photos.
There are several safety-related issues that are being found after time to time intervals by different researchers. Tinder has deliberately accepted these flaws and worked to remove all such issues with the release of new versions. After all these safety and psychological issues, there is no dip in the popularity graph of tinder. People are loving this dating app and even paying for tinder plus and tinder gold accounts.
But we got something bigger than this. Being a tinder app lover, you want to enjoy tinder gold features but with zero payments. This article will help you get free tinder gold account so that you can enjoy all the advanced features of tinder with a glass of scotch in your hand. We will tell you what is Tinder APK mod? What are the system requirements? From where to download it? Because it is not really necessary to pay for all those features that are added in tinder gold. The Tinder gold APK is the best solution to it.
Difference between Tinder and Tinder Gold
Tinder is the first version developed by Tinder Inc. The most important thing which makes tinder favorite among the users is, it is unpaid. It’s free to download and use. Whereas to operate tinder gold you have to pay some amount. Tinder is geosocial networking and chatting app that lets you choose the person’s profile to select or reject. Its features include swiping that is right to accept, left for reject, and further search. After the match it lets you do the messaging with the right-swiped person for better understanding. It let you search for the Instagram profiles of people. It also shows you the Facebook friends of yours.
But if you compare its features with tinder gold. Then its number of right swipes is limited per day while in tinder gold you have the unlimited right swipe chances. Tinder offers one super like per day whereas tinder gold allows you to have 5 super likes per 24 hours. Tinder shows you all the accounts of the tinder users for swiping where tinder gold shows only the relevant profiles of your interest. Thus matching process takes less time and it became easy to search for the right person. Tinder never shows the girl or boy who liked you before swiping however tinder gold is specialized by this main feature.
Although the tinder is a very interesting app to use for the users who want to use it free of cost. But if one wants to enjoy its whole features then a small amount for ultimate and unlimited fun is nothing.
How to Download Tinder Gold APK?
Socializing is the need of the hour. The era is of technology. Each and everything is being done on computers, mobile, and internet. Then why not finding a boy or girl for going on a date should be done online. The development of the tinder gold mod serves as the best source of finding your date online. As someone said that modern problems require modern solutions. So the tinder is a very good solution. It matches your habits, interest, and hobbies with someone having the same or some.
You will then be able to have chat with him or her. Chatting helps you in exchanging your ideas, thoughts, and moods. Thus you can easily predict the personality of each other. If you don’t feel good about that person you can discard that profile otherwise just get ready for a perfect date at a perfect place for having a good vibe for that person. This important app is widely used by many people worldwide. This app is setting its bars high in many countries. Many of the users are trying to download it to search for a good partner.
To download this app many links are available. It is free to use. But in the future, you need to pay for unlocking some features. It can be directly downloaded from the tinder website on pc and in mobiles it is available through play store. Here are some steps which need to follow to download this app into your android phone. The foremost thing to keep in mind is that the android version should be 2.2 or higher for having this app into your phone.
Download Tinder Gold APK
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Type Journal Article Author Elizabeth A. McConnell Author Patrick Janulis Author Gregory Phillips Author Roky Truong Author Michelle Birkett URL https://ift.tt/39bDL3t Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 1-12 Publication Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity ISSN 2329-0390, 2329-0382 Date 03/2018 Journal Abbr Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity DOI 10.1037/sgd0000265 Accessed 2020-07-20 14:34:52 Library Catalog DOI.org (Crossref) Language en Abstract Minority stress theory has widespread research support in explaining health disparities experienced by sexual and gender minorities. However, less is known about how minority stress impacts multiply marginalized groups, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of color (LGBT POC). Also, although research has documented resilience in the face of minority stress at the individual level, research is needed that examines macro-level processes such as community resilience (Meyer, 2015). In the current study, we integrate minority stress theory and intersectionality theory to examine multiple minority stress (i.e., racial/ethnic stigma in LGBT spaces and LGBT stigma in one’s neighborhood) and community resilience (i.e., connection to LGBT community) among sexual minority men of different racial/ethnic groups who use a geosocial networking application for meeting sexual partners. Results showed that Black sexual minority men reported the highest levels of racial/ethnic stigma in LGBT spaces and White sexual minority men reported the lowest levels, with Asian and Hispanic/Latino men falling in between. Consistent with minority stress theory, racial/ethnic stigma in LGBT spaces and LGBT stigma in one’s neighborhood were associated with greater stress for sexual minority men of all racial/ethnic groups. However, connection to LGBT community played more central role in mediating the relationship between stigma and stress for White than POC sexual minority men. Results suggest that minority stress and community resilience processes may differ for White and POC sexual minority men. Potential processes driving these differences and implications for minority stress theory are discussed.
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Posting in a Pandemic
Welcome to GeoSocially distancing. I’m an Assistant Professor in Geography at University at Buffalo (SUNY). My opinions represent my experience stuck socially distancing during the COVID pandemic. My research examines online social networks, geographies of misinformation, and new methods in GIScience. I’m also trying to work from home and maintain my career while homeschooling a 3-year old...
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Love at first swipe? Exploring Misogyny and Trolling through Tinder
The world we live in today has experienced a digital revolution. Human-kind is bearing witness to a transformation in the way that we are approaching and seeking romantic and sexual interaction. This idea of a “modern relationship,” (A, Anzani, M, Di Sarno , A, Prunas 2018) is a coined phrase describing the rise of online dating applications and websites, veering away from the traditional and old fashioned ways of interaction and socialising. This fast evolving technologically driven society has had a dramatic impact on what is now considered to be a “inherently frenetic dating culture.” (Feuer A 2015) Despite online-dating’s revolutionary success in society, this post will explore the notion of online identities participating with anti-social behaviours in this realm. Specifically we are considering anti-social behaviours such as trolling through Location Based Real-Time Dating (LBRTD) applications, which is becoming increasingly more prevalent in society. In particular, we will look to the most popular dating LBRTD “geosocial-networking mobile application,” (A, Anzani , M, Di Sarno , A, Prunas 2018) Tinder.
What is trolling?
“Trolling involves deliberate, deceptive and mischievous attempts to provoke reactions from other online users.” (Papaz, G, M, Veer, E 2016)
Tinder is a matchmaking phone application, enabling individuals to connect with the touch of just one swipe. The application allows users the chance to either swipe right and match or swipe left to decline. Tinder differs to traditional dating sites which are usually cost based, contrast to Tinder’s free complimentary service attracting all age demographics. This mobile dating service relies on four communication affordances including “portability, availability, locatability, and multimediality.” (Ranzini, G, Lutz, C 2016)
Despite the benefits of Tinder’s “Match. Chat. Date,” (Tinder 2019) enhancing interpersonal interactions and psychological well-being, it has also advocated for misogyny and cyber misconduct. LBRTD applications such as Tinder has been accountable for these arising social issues and skill. Society nowadays tends to have their heads stuck in their smartphones, losing the old-fashioned face-face communication. What is the old-fashioned way you may ask? I recall my parents expressing their intrigue to my sisters and I about how Tinder works, reminiscing on the old conventional fantasies of the way they used to find love. It’s almost as if Tinder has devalued romanced turning the search for love into an aggressive and abrupt Ritalin paced video game. (Alan Feuer 2015)
What is Misogyny?
“The hatred of women and/or the overall feminine expression.” (Urban Dictionary)
Men with online identities are more likely to engage in antisocial behaviour such as trolling then woman on Tinder. This behaviour includes sending hate mail, sending threats, spreading rumours, and harassment. With the intention to expose and raise awareness of online dating harassment directed at woman, Elan Gale created an Instagram page called ‘Tinder Nightmares.’ Currently the page has a 2 million following, encouraging woman to speak about gross messages and tinder creeps they have come across. (March, E, Grieve, R, Marrington, J, Jonason, K, P 2017)
Check out the below link of Ellen DeGeneres touching on Tinder Nightmares:
What would Don Norman say?
Don Norman explores the concept of affordances, a term defined as the perceived and actual properties of objects that determine how they could be used. Where Tinder is concerned, it was ground-breaking and innovative way of utilising technology to make dating and meeting the love of your life more time effective and efficient. However, despite its respectable intentions, human kind has made use of it in other ways which it wasn’t set out to do. That being unintentionally providing individuals with a platform to partake in misogyny. Norman would therefore use Tinder as a social media networking platform as another example as to how humans are developing technology which is being used by the user of the platform for different purposes.
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