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professorpski · 2 years ago
This show opens on Saturday, September 16th in Washington DC, but it was organized by the American Folk Art Museum of New York. Part of the exhibition is what they call a Community Quilt. And the curators explained "Visitors to the exhibition are invited to contribute to our community quilt. Stitch a place in the cartography of Washington, D.C., that holds special significance for you." I am not sure how that will work but I am intrigued.
I am primarily a dressmaker, not a quilter, but I have been inspired by beautiful colors and shapes in quilts. This show offers up traditional early-American quilts up to contemporary quilts. Click through to see m ore info and for some pictures.
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news247worldpressposts · 11 months ago
#Breaking: #Palestine #protestors removed the #American #flag from the main campus flagpole with #PalestinianFlag at #GeorgeWashingtonUniversity yesterday
🚨#BREAKING: Three Men have Unfurl A Massive American Flag After Pro-Palestine Protesters Replace it with Palestinian Flag at George Washington University yesterday ⁰📌#Washington l #DC Moments ago, watch as three men atop the roof of George Washington University in… pic.twitter.com/H8IRc5uHxz — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) May 3, 2024 Source: X
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instadw · 4 years ago
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Free beer, other new incentives for Biden's 'vaccine sprint'
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dragon-drones · 5 years ago
Grainy Skycam video captures a lightning bolt hitting the Washington Monument.⚡️⚡️ | Our audience: #meteorologist #stormyweather #uav #pilotlife #robots #georgewashingtonuniversity #planespotting #beechcraft #weatherchannel #robotics #robot #aerialphotography #fpv #drones #skycam #washingtondc #skynet #thunderstorm #arduino #blackmirror #thunderstorms #tornado #washingtonmonument #spacetravel #spacex #meteorology #flir #nasa #raspberrypi #mavicpro | Need an affordable drone to give as a gift? Check here: http://www.tinyurl.com/DroneDeals2020 (at Washington Monument State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGn0FJDJBR/?igshid=exfbl5tjdmz0
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arincrumley · 6 years ago
This is one of three microfilms I have produced to explain a solution to the #climatecrisis I learned about reading #stuartlitch research out of #georgewashingtonuniversity. There are many solutions to #climatechange and the reason I choose this one is because it can be paired with putting an end to burning of fossil fuels and at the same time building a really fun future where any item or person or even pet can simply and cheaply be delivered autonomously to anywhere on this new smart road system. And that’s why I have been selling electric skateboards. As a foundational step to build a company that can speed up this future and to learn about #electricvehicles. Because of the financial asset of the carbon produced from the co2 there can be a budget to build more systems that remove more co2. It’s like starting an economic engine that can perpetuate itself. But we will run out of ways to use all of that carbon fiber and it’s value will decrease as the volume goes up. Unless we have a giant global project that everyone stands to benefit from. That’s why the smart road system is so important. The value it can provide society can motivate the collective effort keep removing co2 and keep using it to build more of the smart road system. So that is one pretty good way out of this mess. Do we have the will? If so please get involved by sharing these videos. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByEoGIoBD-7/?igshid=1fs70jr00posr
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diploma2637859758 · 2 years ago
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★诚聘代理★如已删请点网页快照★Q/微信717549916办理#美国文凭毕业证认证#美国学历认证#美国毕业证成绩单#英国文凭毕业证认证#英国学历认证#英国毕业证成绩单#加拿大文凭毕业证认证#加拿大学历认证#加拿大毕业证成绩单#澳洲文凭毕业证认证#澳洲学历认证#澳洲毕业证成绩单 实体公司,注册经营,行业标杆,精益求精! 咨询顾问:kevin QQ/微信:717549916 为英国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰、美国、法国、德国、新加坡等国留学生提供以下服务:
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diplomavv717549916 · 3 years ago
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  ⑦详情请咨询Apple Q/微717549916(全天在线,免费咨询)
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wq717549916 · 4 years ago
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  ⑦详情请咨询Apple Q/微717549916(全天在线,免费咨询)
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diploma88 · 4 years ago
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#德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校毕业证毕业证 #theuniversityoftexasataustin#ut #华盛顿大学毕业证 #universityofwashingtonseattlecampus#uw #耶斯希瓦大学毕业证 #yeshivauniversity #乔治华盛顿大学毕业证 #georgewashingtonuniversity#gwu #康涅狄格大学毕业证 #universityofconnecticut#uconn #马里兰大学帕克分校毕业证 #universityofmarylandcollegepark#umd#diploma (在 Connecticut, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO1p3TjDhwz/?igshid=whv5foms1x7y
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punkecodavid · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧First in Georgetown, then walking around downtown DC and finishing up at Adams Morgan... 🇫🇷D'abord à Georgetown, puis se promener dans le centre-ville de DC et finir à Adams Morgan... 🇪🇸Primero en Georgetown, luego caminando por el centro de DC y terminando en Adams Morgan... #georgetown #theexorciststairs #horrormovielocations #ambassadedefrance #mercilafrance #justice4jane #georgewashingtonuniversity #jumbopizza #adamsmorgan #dupontcircle #dctrip (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zKn1YgFKP/?igshid=xay9vd722yba
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cherryintheblossom · 5 years ago
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It seems @crdisdesign and I see each other every two years, we try to make a point to have our picture taken together. Two years prior I was telling Curtis how I left L.A. I probably mentioned I had Princess Coyote as a screenplay idea, but honestly can’t remember because the delicious food we ate at Lucky Dill and the comment about Brie tasting like cum is all my brain recalls. Also, Curtis was still in school for Graphic Design and living outside of D.C. This time around, Curtis relocated to Philadelphia and has passed the Court of Masters Sommeliers Intro Exam and continues to follow his passion for Wine. He also graduated from George Washington University focusing on Graphic Design. Of course you all know I wrote a couple of screenplays and my feature, Princess Coyote has had multiple selections and three awards. I’ve been getting involved with Women in Film FL and meeting filmmakers in other states, creating connections etc. Along with doing art commissions and last year I had shown my artwork in an exhibition. We are two kids from a nowhere town in Florida who keep trying. It’s not everyday people become something more than the reputation of our hometown as the OxyContin epidemic of the US. We are two people who know we can beat the odds. We are awesome. . . . #friendship #friendshipgoals #friendshipneverends #spicegirl #spiceboy #dreams #wine #graphicdesign #mastersommelier #georgewashingtonuniversity #screenwriter #artist #filmmaker #womeninfilm #success #wecandoit #sisepuede #florida #justkids #allgrownup #PrincessCoyote #washingtondc #losangeles https://www.instagram.com/p/B6msmYpF22X/?igshid=3a40w1kl8jg6
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baobaooo0019-blog · 5 years ago
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#bostoncollege#georgiainstituteoftechnology#lehighuniversity#universityofrochester#casewesternreserveuniversity#universityoftexasaustin#universityofmiami#yeshivauniversity#georgewashingtonuniversity#universityofgeorgia#clemsonuniversity#fordhamuniversity#umassamherst#umassboston#umasslowell(在 University Of Western Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3JS3cwB0z7/?igshid=hxwdritbo4n8
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diploma8888-blog · 6 years ago
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#universityofmiami #ohiostateuniversitycolumbus #pepperdineuniversity #universityoftexasaustin #universityofwashington #yeshivauniversity #georgewashingtonuniversity #universityofconnecticut #universityofmarylandcollegepark #worcesterpolytechnicinstitute #clemsonuniversity #purdueuniversitywestlafayette #southernmethodistuniversity #syracuseuniversity #universityofgeorgia #brighamyounguniversity(在 University of Connecticut - UConn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yPRxBAjii/?igshid=17j62nrz56rn5
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banyo22604 · 6 years ago
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1.辗转多个学校毕不了业? 2.回国要有教育部认证? 3.本科没毕业想要硕士? 花一年时间,给自己给父母一个交代! (包进去,包排课,包负责监督,包后期回国认证通过!一站式服务) 实体公司可面谈,全天在线免费咨询。微信Amxwcn #BostonCollege#GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology#LehighUniversity#UniversityofRochester#CaseWesternReserveUniversity#UniversityofTexasAustin#UniversityofMiami#YeshivaUniversity#GeorgeWashingtonUniversity#UniversityofGeorgia#ClemsonUniversity#FordhamUniversity#umassamherst#umassBoston#umassLowell https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yFRb8FkNf/?igshid=1o9ex5474nk94
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wechat2637859758 · 3 years ago
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  #微717549916 #修改GPA #录取通知书 #offer # wse #毕业证 #成绩单 #毕业证成
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  ⑦详情请咨询Apple Q/微717549916(全天在线,免费咨询)
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diplomavv717549916 · 3 years ago
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  #微717549916 #修改GPA #录取通知书 #offer # wse #毕业证 #成绩单 #毕业证成绩单 #文凭 #文凭证书 #证书 #学历 #学历文凭 #学历认证 #学历认证书 #使馆认证 #教育部认证 #回国证明 #学生卡 #驾照 #病假条 #结业证 #雅思 #托福 #留信认证 #留学 #留信 #transcript #degreecertificate #degree #certificate #diploma #certification #grade #ielts #toefl #转学 #本硕保录取
  ⑦详情请咨询Apple Q/微717549916(全天在线,免费咨询)
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