#geoff ramsey X reader
rosegoldachievement · 6 years
Where Good Girls Go To Die (Chapter 4)
pairing: fahc x reader
word count: 2,615
series: Where Good Girls Go To Die
summary: You’re not quite sure what compelled you to move to the infamous city of Los Santos, a ruthless playground for drug dealers, washed-up celebrities, and criminals alike. It was very different from your small hometown in the middle of nowhere, where nothing ever happened and you couldn’t even leave your house without running into someone you knew, but perhaps that was part of the attraction. But, after running into your ex-best friend, Jeremy Dooley, you began to think Los Santos wasn’t so bad as it seemed. Well, until the bank you worked at got robbed and you managed to get kidnapped all in the same week, leading you to become stuck in a penthouse with six very deadly males.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter four
It had been a few days since the robbery, and you had just entered your apartment building. The bank still hadn’t reopened because of the repairs and some security updates were still needed. You actually had begun to feel antsy from staying home. At first, you had debated on actually going out to a nightclub or something, but your introverted side settled on grocery shopping.
When you made it to your door, a confused expression took over your features. Your apartment door was slightly ajar and it appeared as if the lights were on inside. Your brain kicked into overdrive, trying to figure out what exactly had happened in your absence.
Maybe Mrs. Gunkhouse, your landlord, had stopped by to drop off the rest of the paperwork needed to move. But, she surely would have shut the door and turned off the light. Right? Or you just forgot to lock up before you had left. That was another probable reason.
Without having any other explanation of what could have happened, you decided to cautiously approach the cracked door and enter your apartment. Your eyes grew wide as you surveyed the scene.
Cardboard boxes were overturned, the items that they once contained sprawled out onto the floor. Anything that could be broken was shattered to pieces, including the vase you had bought the day prior. Your heart plummeted down into your stomach when you finally realized that you had been robbed. You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. Why now? Why you? As if things hadn’t gone to shit already since you had arrived in this town.
A countless amount of questions fluttered through your brain until you finally had one stabilized thought. I still have the card Miles gave me with his phone number. He had said to call if you had any more information about the bank situation, but you’re pretty sure he would help you with this robbery as well. All of the previous thoughts you had vanished and your only goal was to get that card.
You exited the living room and into the small hallway that housed the bathroom, your bedroom, and a closet. Thankfully, all of the boxes that once called this place home were now unpacked and thrown out, so you didn’t run the risk of dying on the way to your room.
However, when you did step foot into your room, you were too afraid to venture any further. Near your closet, was a man standing with his back turned to you and going through your belongings. It had just occurred to you that you weren’t robbed. No, there was someone currently still robbing you. You were frozen in fear for a second, but eventually, you had built up enough energy to begin stepping out of the room. Slowly and quietly, you backed up towards the door. Well, until you felt something hard collide against your back.
“Found her.” A gruff voice spoke from behind you. You tried to turn around to look at them, but a pair of strong hands clasped down onto your shoulders to keep you in place. The man who was going through your things previously turned around with a smile that made you uneasy.
“Hello, y/n.”
A sudden realization hit you, the feeling similar to a ton of bricks being thrown into your stomach. Your legs wobbled and if it wasn’t for the man holding your shoulders, you would probably be on the ground right about now. They didn’t come here to rob you. They came here for you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the words never came. Before you could, a rag was slipped over both your opened mouth and your nose. You stood like this for awhile, your struggle rendering useless as the man pushed the rag further into your face. Over time, your vision began to grow cloudy and your brain tripped over its own thoughts. After a few minutes, you had fallen unconscious.
When you woke up, you half expected to be greeted with the (favorite color) walls of your bedroom.  But, instead, you were greeted white brick walls and a terrifyingly open space. It looked like to be some sort of warehouse, or maybe even a hanger. There was a dull ache that surrounded your wrist and thanks to the experience you had back at the bank, you quickly realized a cable tie had been secured around them. You searched your brain for answers, but the memories only flooded back into your mind once you heard a familiar voice.
“Oh, you’re up.”
You looked to your left to see the man who had kidnapped you, along with several others. They all held the same scowl and rather lean builds but varied in height. Matter of fact, two of the men who stood closer to the very right end of the group looked to be twins.
It took you a minute, but you found your voice. It came out shaky, but at least noise actually left your lips.
“Where am I? What do you want from me?”
He licked his lips before a grin came onto his face.
“You’ll find that out in a little bit, sweetheart.” He then turned towards the others. “Get in your places, we’re starting the next phase of the plan.”
The group began to disperse in different directions, but the man who had called you sweetheart and another man still stood in front of you. You could only assume the other man was the one who had grabbed you in the bedroom.
“Ready?” The second guy looked towards the first man, who only nodded. This prompted him to turn to you. “You keep your mouth shut.” You noticed him push back his shirt slightly and grab hold of something. Your body immediately wretched when your (eye color) eyes landed upon the handgun. “Or things are going to go south real fast.” You wordlessly nodded, fear manifesting in your stomach.
The first man dug a phone out of his pocket and pressed a few buttons, initiating a call. It wasn’t until he had adjusted his grip on the cell and put it on speaker that you noticed that it was your phone. The line rings twice before someone picks up.
You blink in shock. Was...was that Jeremy?
“Hello, Jeremy. You don’t know me, but I know you.”
“Where’s y/n?” You had never heard Jeremy’s voice this cold before.
“She’s right next to me, but I’m afraid she’s a little bit too...tied up…. to speak with you at the moment. But I’m sure she’d be more than willing to talk once my group and I get what we want. Well, if she lives that long, that is. Give Geoff the phone.”
The fear that you had started to feel moments ago increased and your mind began to race.
“If you hurt her, I swear…”
“Time is ticking, Dooley.”
You heard Jeremy take a deep breath, but that was the last clear sound that came from his end of the phone call. Some noises came through the microphone after, but it was in the form of indistinguishable movements and muffled voices. Eventually someone was handed the phone and took over the conversation .
“You wanted to speak to me?” The man who you assumed was ‘Geoff’ spoke. There was something familiar about the voice, but you couldn’t exactly place where you had heard it before.
“Six months ago, you stole away our territory and gave it to some young bucks with nothing to their name.”
A scoff came from the other end of the line.
“That’s what this is about? Look, kid. We didn’t steal anything. I’ve known Joel Heyman for years. He gave the territory over to the Fakes because of his retirement.”
“It wasn’t his to give!” The man snapped before regaining his composure. “You boss types are all the same, aren’t cha? You all just see Sandy Shores as a territory to control. To us, it’s so much more. Some of us have friends and family there. It’s home. But you guys didn’t think about that when you laid off all these guys, huh? Didn’t think about most of them had criminal records and can’t put food on the table anymore for the people they love?”
“Look, man, I’m sorry. That sucks. But I can’t give you the spa-”
“We don’t care about that anymore, Ramsay.”
“Then why the fuck did you set thi-”
“We want money. Forty thousand, to be exact. And don’t say you don’t have it, because we know you do. Bring it to the old paper warehouse on fifth by midnight or the girl gets a bullet in her skull.” With that, the man ended the call and tosses your phone onto a nearby folding table.
Two hours later, the front door of the warehouse opened to reveal Jeremy and an older looking man wearing a suit and covered in tattoos. You guessed that this was Geoff, the man who was on the phone with your kidnapper. Behind them were a man with red hair wearing a brown leather jacket and a man with a beard in a Hawaiian shirt, both holding briefcases. You felt as if there was something familiar about the man with the red hair, but the sound of your captor’s hands slamming against the folding table made you jump.
“Wow, you all actually showed up!”
As they approached, you locked eyes with Jeremy. This was probably the most pissed you had even seen him, but his brown eyes softened when they glanced at you.
“We have your money, let the girl go.” Geoff spoke, locking his tattooed hands behind his back.
“Not so fast, Ramsey.” Your captor smiled. He held out his hand and did a ‘gimme’ motion. “Let me see the cash so I know you’re not jipping us.” Geoff nodded over to the redhead and the bearded man, who both took a step forward and placed the briefcases on the floor. They kicked over the money and slid it across the floor in order to ensure they wouldn’t case any alarm. Your captor looked towards his companion, who went over and picked up the suitcases. After opening it and looking over the cash, he nodded.
“Everything’s here.”
“We held up our end of the deal.” Geoff commented as he put his hands into his pockets. “Are you going to keep your promise?”
Your captor took a few steps to the side so he was positioned directly behind you and placed a cold hand onto your shoulder. You twitched at the sudden contact, but kept your mouth shut.
“Well, I would love to, but I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans.” You felt something cold and metal press against the side of your head, instantly causing your heart to drop. “It’s only fair that since you guys took away something so special to us, we do the same.” Tears threatened to spill as your observed the faces of the four men in front of you. Jeremy seemed tense, but one look from Geoff seemed to calm his nerves. You questioned this, but the chaos that erupted seconds later overtook your thoughts.
“I was really hoping it wouldn’t come to this but fine.” Geoff sighed. “Go ahead, Ryan.”
Before anyone could react, a bullet zoomed through one of windows and hit your captor in the head. You tried not to wretch as something wet splashed onto your face. The sound of gunshots overtook the area as Geoff, the redhead, and the bearded man were now all armed and fought against the remaining people. Within the chaos, Jeremy dashed over towards you and untied your restraints.
“Jeremy, what the fuck is happening?” You asked in a panic tone. He casted you a sympathetic look before shaking his head.
“I’ll explain later. Right now we gotta find cover, okay?” You blinked in confusion , straining to hear him over the gunshots, but nodded as he grabbed your hand. “Jack, cover me!”
Jack, the bearded man, peered over from the crate he was using as cover and called out.
“Got it!”
“On the count of three, we’re going to run over to that crate, okay?” Jeremy gestured to the crate that was in between the ones Jack and the redhead were using.
“One! Two! Three!” On cue, you and Jeremy both ran over to the box and hid behind it. “Stay down until it’s all clear.” He commanded as he retrieved the gun that was previously hidden on his body. You watched with a mixture of terror and awe as peeped over the side of the box and begun to fire. This was around the time when you noticed two things. One a man with a black skull mask and another man who you couldn’t exactly see because of his position behind a forklift had entered the fray on your side. Two, you felt like your heart could explode at any moment.
A few minutes went by before Geoff called out to the group.
“How many more are left?”
“Three, maybe four!” Jack answered before the redhead also chimed in.
“Two guys just escaped out the back door!”
“Michael and Gavin, go take care of it.”
“Got it Geoff!” A thick, British accent responded. “Let’s go boi!”
“Just shut up and come on.” The redhead, Michael, ran out of the back door with the other man following him. You squinted in remembrance, there was definitely something familiar about this. Jeremy noticed your reaction, because once the gunshots ceased, questioned your expression.
“You okay? It’s safe to stand up now, by the way.”
“W-what? Y-yeah. As much as I can be in this situation, yeah.” You stated while standing up. Your eyes locked onto one of the dead bodies that laid a few feet away. Your stomach churned at the sight. You quickly averted your gaze to the Michael and the other man re-entering the building with distraught expressions.
“We lost them at an busy intersection.” Michael announced.
“Do you think they left to get back up?” Jeremy asked, causing the group in front of you to exchange looks.
“We can’t keep standing around here, just in case they did.”
“What are we going to do with her?” The Brit jerked a thumb over in your direction.
“Doesn’t she have a house or something we can drop her off at?” Michael commented. You quickly decided to jump in, feigning confidence. You didn’t exactly want to confront the group of men you had just saw kill several people, but it had to be done.
“My apartment is where they found me. I came home from shopping and they were snooping around my room, waiting for me.”
“Then she’s definitely not going back and we’re certainly not leaving her alone since there’s two guys out there at know she can be used as an asset against u-”
“Cool your jets, Lil’ J.” Geoff sighed as he looked around the room. “I agree, it’s not safe for her right now. You care about her, thus we care about her. Let’s take her back to the penthouse.”
“And how are we going to do that? The penthouse location is supposed to be a secret to everyone who isn’t FAHC.” Jack looked towards Geoff for an idea, but before he could answer, the masked man spoke up.
“I have an idea.”
You suddenly felt something thump the back of your head. As you lost consciousness, you felt yourself fall into someone’s arms, presumingly Jeremy’s, and the group letting out a series of groans.
“God damn it, Ryan!”
@bananatron​ / @killerclownsandredballoons / @littlebabyblue33​ / @mochaandalchemy / @skatedp / @crazy-mad-insane / @yallgotkik 
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the-locked-chussy · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geoff Ramsey/Reader Characters: Geoff Ramsey, Reader Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Self-Insert, Fingerfucking, Sex, Meet-Cute, Dom/sub Undertones, If You Squint - Freeform, Pet Names Summary:
Preparing for a stormy weekend, you head to your favorite bookstore, where you meet a handsome stranger.
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aplaceforrtprompts · 6 years
It was soo good wasn't it!! So, I got the idea of maybe Geoff's current s/o watching it before he got home from work without him knowing, and seeing the scene where he's dressed as a priest with ripped sleeves, and like dying because of catholic upbringing/it turning them on, and like trying to discreetly bring it up that Geoff needs to bring that outfit home ASAP.
Word Count: 371
“Hey, Geoff,” you hummed sitting down on the couch across from your husband.
He looked up from his laptop long enough to give you that loving smile that never failed to make you melt, “Hey, Baby.” Geoff did a double take when he caught a certain look in your eyes. Geoff slowly closed his laptop, “What’s going on?”
You gave him a coy grin as you took a moment to try and think of the way you were going to phrase what you were going to say next.
He turned towards you, giving his full attention, “Okay. Either I’m going to love this or hate this.”
You chuckled softly  and scooted closer, “More like either you’re going to love this or think I’m weird.”
His eyebrows raised, “Okay now I’m really intrigued.”
You took a deep breath, “Well, while you were on your last business trip I finally got around to watching Achievement Haunter and well, uh, there’s sort of a scene when they were talking about nuns and tattoos…” Geoff smirked and you could feel your cheeks turning pink as you trailed off. He kept his eyebrows raised show he was going to make you finish. “Can you just get that priest costume please?”
Geoff pretended to think about it for a moment, “Maybe? And what do I get out of this?”
“You know, I think I still have one of my Catholic school girl uniforms,” you teased,  crawling into his lap and straddling him. “And I may have tried it on while you were away and wouldn’t you guess it still fits.”
That caught Geoff’s attention. He placed his hands on your hips but then moved you aside, back onto the couch.
You frowned as he got up and walked away. You leaned back and closed your eyes as you sighed loudly, knowing it was stupid to even suggest such a thing.
A few minutes later, you heard a throat clear, “I had a feeling this would be a good idea to snag.”
You looked up and your eyes went quickly from curious to hungry. You sat up, “I love you so much.”
Geoff chuckled, “Why don’t you go get dressed? We have a lot of sinning to do.”
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5lbsofsmarties · 6 years
19. Geoff Ramsey
“you never let anyone in, and that’s why everyone leaves.” Word Count: 632
You weren’t even entirely sure how exactly you ended up at Geoff’s condo in the middle of the night, especially since you’d been drinking, but at this point you decided to not even question it. He managed to hide any sign of agitation on his face when he opened the door for you, and even invited you in without a question. He ushered you into the living room where you immediately slumped onto the sofa.
Geoff gave you a look as he disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing a moment later with a bottle of water. He held it out for you to take and sat down in a lounge chair nearby, leaning back slightly. He folded a leg over the other and brought both of his arm up behind his head as he watched you with a concerned sort of look on his face.
“Any particular reason you’re here at one in the morning?” he asked after a few moments of silence.
You sighed and took the cap off of the water, “You’re the only one I could think of that wouldn’t bullshit me.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Geoff laughed softly, ruffling his hair, “What happened?”
You took a sip of the water and slipped your shoes off before lifting your legs up to tuck them up under your body. Absently, you fidgeted with the label of the bottle in your hands and let out slight sigh. “I’m just… I’m tired of all of this bullshit, y’know? I try really hard and I get nothing in return except for more pain. I don’t know what else to do. What’s wrong with me that people always end up walking out?” you ask, not looking up from the bottle.
Geoff sighed and let out a soft grunting sound as he shifted his position to plant both feet on the ground and rest his elbows on top of his knees as his hands rubbed at his face. “You’re not going to like my answer,” he said, causing you to look back up at him. Your eyebrows furrowed and you bit down onto your lower lip as you blinked slowly at Geoff. You came here for someone to be honest and you knew that you needed to hear whatever it was he had to say no matter how upset it would make you.
“Go ahead,” you urged.
“You never let anyone in, and that’s why everyone leaves,” he said, shrugging a shoulder, “You shut people out to the point that they stop trying and give up.”
Your lips pursed slightly and you inhaled sharply through your nose as your eyes narrowed slightly in his direction. “That’s rich coming from someone who is on his second divorce,” you muttered before you realized what you had said. The words clicked in your head and you suddenly felt your stomach sink and your eyes water as you looked at Geoff. He, however, looked unphased by your words.
“Yeah… I wasn’t a great husband. I know that and I accept that. I’m 42 years old, Y/N. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life but I’ve learned and I’ve grown. You’re still young, man. You’ve got time to sort yourself out so you don’t end up on your second divorce in an overpriced condo in fuckin’ downtown,” he said, sitting upright and clapping his hands against his knees once.
Swallowing hard, you set your water bottle to the side and got to your feet. You walked over to where Geoff sat and bent enough to wrap your arms around him, laying your head down on his shoulder. Almost immediately, his arms secured you in a tight hug in return. “I’m sorry,” you said softly, “I didn’t mean it.”
Geoff chuckled and patted your back, “I know, kid, I know.”
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chezzkaa · 7 years
Can I Walk You Home?
Pairing: Geoff Ramsey x Reader Day 17 of Fics Advent Calendar 2017. Read the others here
For the lovely Anon that requested some Geoff love <3
Summary: Abandoned in a bar, you’re alone until someone buys you a drink. WC: 558
You fiddle with the small umbrella adorning the far too sweet drink you’d bought, displeasure furrowing your brows at the sight of the excited bubbles. Noise explodes around you, boisterous yells and painfully drunken slurs emanating from the booths as you sit alone in the small enclave, lost in your thoughts.
Long since abandoned by your best friend, you were stuck in limbo – not wanting to stay in the far too warm bar, but unwilling to go anywhere else. You can’t blame her for leaving, the guy had eyes like diamonds and a jaw line stone, but you’ll allow yourself to be bitter if only for a moment.
And that moment has stretched into an hour, dragging past as the crowd grows steadily louder and brave. You’d turned so many away, refused the number of drinks the waiter had tried to deliver, redirecting them to whoever you could see without a beverage. You didn’t want the empty sugar, but that doesn’t mean it should go to waste.
You don’t even look up when the waiter returns, the refusal already loaded on your tongue – only to stop once the cup of tea is placed before you.
“Courtesy of the tattoos,” smiles the server, motioning to the unassuming man curled over a coffee and book at the bar. He senses your gaze, glancing over and smiling sheepishly, throwing a small wave in your direction.
You pick up the drink and his face falls, lips whispering as he scolds himself into the pages of his book, illustrated fingers rubbing worry into his closed eyes. He peeks through his scrunched expression at the sound of the stool scraping out, the teacup clinking pleasantly as you settle in beside him.
Up close you can see the freckles dusting his cheeks and splattering across his crooked nose, blue eyes waiting for the rejection he feels to be surely coming.
You smile, pouring in a tube of sugar and splash of milk. “True crime or fiction?”
He doesn’t hesitate. “True crime.”
“Charles Manson or JFK conspiracies?”
Another speedy response as the cup presses against your lips, liquid filling you with warmth and relief.
“Oh god, where would I even begin?”
A smile forms as you hold out a hand, his eyes darting from your fingers and back up to your face before taking it in bewilderment. “Y/N.”
“Geoff,” he chuckles nervously, callous fingers incredibly gentle, “thanks for not yelling at me.”
“Thanks for the tea.”
“You looked like you needed it,” he teases, placing his book down and burying his hands between his knees, legs bouncing.
“You have no idea how right you are,” you laugh, his soft nature surprisingly comforting.
“Are you alright?”
The question catches you off guard, the concern unexpected and incredibly genuine. Rather than replying immediately, you sip deeply on your tea. “I’m alright as I can be, just kinda stuck existing you know?”
He sighs, relatability rattling inside, “yeah, I know all too well. That’s why I try and exist in different places, keep things interesting.”
“Does it work?”
“Kind of?”
You laugh into your tea. “I should be existing back home, I just haven’t found the motivation to get up and leave.”
“Well, can I walk you home then?”
You smile, finishing your tea as it cools in the china. “As long as I can make you a coffee.”
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bellshellsrage · 7 years
Snow? No Go
{Welcome to Winter Month: Week 1! This is the last Season month, so I hope you enjoy!}
Word Count: 523
Pairing: Geoff Ramsey x reader
       “Do you wanna Build a-” - “Absolutely not.”
Snow was not one of my favorite things. It was cold and wet and always made the world feel silent and dead. I could never build a snowman and I hated sledding. Shoveling and driving in the white mess was the worst.
Geoff on the other hand, loved everything about snow. The second he saw the flakes falling he was a giddy child, running to the window to watch it. He grinned as he shoveled and laughed as he sailed down the hills.
One night, we were sitting on the couch reading, the tv on low in the background to keep the silence away. I was engrossed in my story when Geoff jumped up, scaring me and making my book fly out of my hands as I jumped. “What the fuck was that for?”
“It’s snowing! Look!” His face was lit up and I couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.
“That’s nice. Do you have your shovel out?”
He nodded. “It’s been out for a while.”
I chuckled and watched him go to the window, his book forgotten on the table. The childlike wonder in his eyes made me smirk before he turned and went to the door, grabbing our coats.
“Hey, do you wanna build a-”
I shook my head. “Absolutely not.” His smile fell and I put my book down to face him. “I’ve had to deal with snow my whole life, Geoff. I hate it.”
“I know… but I was hoping that this year we could have some fun with it. Come on! Just this once?”
His pleading eyes made my heart melt and I sighed. “Alright fine. But if you throw one snowball at me, I’m done.”
“No snowballs. I promise.” He was practically bouncing up and down as we got our coats on and headed out the door.
Hours were spent making snow angels and trying to build a snowman that didn’t fall over before Geoff sighed. I turned to him with a slight scowl. “What’s the sigh for?”
“I’m just happy that you’re out here with me.”
I grinned and trudged through the snow to him. “I’m happy too. But how about we go in and warm up?”
“Are you going to make your famous hot chocolate?” his face lit up and I laughed.
“Yeah, I’ll make some hot chocolate.”
Geoff threw his fist in the air. “Fuck yeah! You’re the best.”
I shrugged with a smirk. “I guess so. But it takes the best to date the best, you know.”
“And that is why I love you.” Geoff muttered as he grabbed my hands tenderly.
“Really? It’s not because I’m intelligent and kind and all that?”
He made a face of mock disgust. “I mean, you are smokin hot, but nah. It’s because you inflate my ego.” he grinned.
“Geoffrey, what am I going to do with you?”
He wrapped his hands around my waist as more snow started to slowly fall on us. “You can just keep on loving me.”
“Now that I can do.” I replied softly before leaning forward to kiss him. Maybe this whole snow thing wasn’t so bad after all.
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stormynightcloud · 7 years
Looking for good fanfic recommendations, preferably longer stories (like a few thousand words or more), but I will read short ones as well!! I mostly only read RT/AH/FH/CC stuff right now, so that’s what I’m looking for. Literally, if you read/write fanfic, recommend me your stuff!! My fav pairing right now is probably Ryan/Reader but I will legit read any of it.
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theifbaby · 7 years
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brilliantlyyours · 7 years
Negotiations, Part 1; Geoff Ramsey x Reader
Rating: T for Part 1, Explicit for Part 2
Description: You are the leader of the Lads, a small crew but one of the most powerful in Los Santos. Your having a meeting at one of your most successful clubs to negotiate weapons deals with you biggest rivals: the Gents and their leader, Ramsey.
Words: 924
“Well when the bloody hell are they going to be getting here?”
You sighed as Gavin complained, once again, about how late your guests were. You took another sip of your drink and scanned the dancing crowd below. “The Gents run on their own time, Gav. you know that.” You replied, eyes glued to the door. “They’ll fucking get here when they get here, Gavin. Now sit down and shut the fuck up.” Michael groaned, taking another swig of beer and scrolling through his phone.  Gavin groaned and leaned against the railing, tapping his foot and flicking his eyes across the crowd.
You chuckled at your boys’ antics, but grew more contemplative as time ticked on. You and your boys were in the VIP lounge of your most profitable club: Tease. You were waiting to do some weapons negotiations with your biggest rival in Los Santos: the Gents. You knew all about them, being the only other crew worth mentioning in town. Vagabond, the ruthless mercenary whose real name and face were unknown, his specialty being brutality and efficiency. Jack, the hulking getaway driver who never failed to evade any sort of heat the police threw at them. And the infamous leader: Geoff, alias Ramsey. The tattooed mystery that was somehow able to know exactly which heist you were planning and did his best to sneak it out from under you.
Whenever he could, that is. The Lads were equals in power to the Gents; the only reason Ramsey was bothering negotiating with you. You were both leaders of the top gangs in Los Santos, and everyone was edgy about what would happen when two pillars of crime finally met, face to face.
 One of your men came out from the shadows by the window and bent to whisper in your ear. You waved him away and downed the remaining drink you had, slamming the glass down and causing Michael and Gavin to look at you. You grinned at them as you stood. “Showtime, boys.” Double checking the gun at your back, and making sure your boys did the same, you began making your way down to the dance floor.
 Everyone needed a dramatic entrance, as Gavin liked to say. And the Gents were no exception to this rule.
 The entrance doors slammed open, banging against the doors and grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.  You had never seen the Gents in person before, only on the news with masks. You knew the reverse was  true as well. So when you finally saw what they really looked like, you contained your shock only with years of practice.
 Ramsey entered first, as you expected, and he certainly pulled all the stops. He was dressed in a crisp suit, fitted to him in all the right places. You could see tattoos peeking out of the top of his shirt and the bottom of his sleeves. His hands were covered in gaudy, shiny rings, and he had the most ridiculous curled mustache you had ever seen. His eyes were steel beacons, glinting with all the intensity you might have thought he was missing, and they found your own across the room immediately.
 You walked forward, Michael and Gavin flanking you and the crowd parting instantly. You met Ramsey in the middle of the dance floor, your boys eyeing up his behind you; but you only had eyes for him.
The world seemed to hush as you stopped in front of him; your lips curled. “Ramsey. We finally meet.”
 For a moment, he said nothing. His eyes dragged down your body, and you couldn’t tell if he was sizing you up, checking you out, or both. All three options sent a thrill of electricity through you, blood lust mixing with lust in equal measure. But you had a job to do.
 “Y/N.” He finally said. Your name spilled out of his mouth and you had to restrain yourself from jumping him in the middle of the dance floor. “I believe we have business to discuss.” You said before you did something you regretted. He hummed, and you took that as a cue to get started. Turning around, you crooked a finger at him to follow you, and headed back to the stairs. Gavin fell in beside you as you walked, and did his best to whisper under the music.
 “I don’t like the looks of him.” He said, eyes flicking behind you. Michael hummed his affirmation on your other side, fingering a lump in his jacket pocket. You had an inkling as to what it was. “Is that done?” You asked him. He grinned, all teeth and gunpowder. “Why I brought it. In case these old timers get any ideas.”
 You chuckled, finally reaching the lounge. “Please sit, gentlemen. Anything to drink?” You offered, resuming your seat at the head of the coffee table surrounded by couches. Jack sat on the couch to your right, next to Michael, who he shot a smile at. Michael pretended he didn’t see it and continued scrolling through his phone, but you saw his eyes twitch under his glasses.
 Vagabond didn’t sit, but took a standing position behind Ramsey, who sat to your left, next to Gavin. You prayed Gavin wouldn’t start his endless stream of bullshit questions, but it seemed even he was taking this seriously for once. “No thanks.” Ramsey replied, twiddling with the corner of his mustache. Usually you were good at reading people, but Geoff Ramsey was an enigma, and you weren’t sure if you would ever figure him out.
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youtubexreader · 7 years
Send in yo' requests ~ final's week relief
I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you at this ungodly hour (it's 9:41am and I have so much school shite I should be doing but therz no time) Fellow readers and lurkers, reading fanfics have kept me up days in a row (back when I went to a traditional fckn school) and I would get up and read them specifically in government/Econ because we'd work on group projects so we'd lounge in the library while on our laptops and phones working and listening to music and I'd also be reading Matt peake x reader ff (sHHSHHH don't tell my Econ teacher) ANYWAYS! I know x reader ff have kept me occupied and helped get me out of anxious times during finals so I'd like to be able to write and provide the same for those alike: However I can't do much without your own thoughts, your preferences, prompts, specific requests, non specific requests, song requests, etc. You name it, send it in via anon, non anon, message, post. (Whatever you prefer <333)
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rosegoldachievement · 7 years
Where Good Girls Go To Die (chapter 1)
pairing: fahc x reader 
word count:  1,987
series: Where Good Girls Go To Die 
summary:  You're not quite sure what compelled you to move to the infamous city of Los Santos, a ruthless playground for drug dealers, washed-up celebrities, and criminals alike. It was very different from your small hometown in the middle of nowhere, where nothing ever happened and you couldn't even leave your house without running into someone you knew, but perhaps that was part of the attraction. But, after running into your ex-best friend, Jeremy Dooley, you began to think Los Santos wasn't so bad as it seemed. Well, until the bank you worked at got robbed and you managed to get kidnapped all in the same week, leading you to become stuck in a penthouse with six very deadly males.
chapter one / chapter two
Chapter One: Lil’ Cups of Coffee
The sun rose above the skyline, painting it various shades of pink and orange. Beams of light shone directly through the blinds and onto your face, causing you to throw the blankets over yourself.
“Fuck off.” You mumbled, trying to block out the luminescence from the other end of the room.
When you had first entered your new apartment the night previous, you immediately could tell the city’s nightlife four floors below would be hard to adapt to. Whizzing cars and alarms lasted past nightfall, making you toss and turn in your bed. It didn’t help that you were ninety percent sure gunshots had gone off  only a few streets down from yours at around three in the morning.
It had taken you five minutes to retreat from the darkness of your sheets and get up from the bed, going through the obstacle course of unpacked boxes that cluttered your room.
You had finally managed to make it to your kitchen without dying and began to rummage through the boxes on the island for the one labeled ‘kitchen appliances’. After a few minutes of searching, you found it and pulled out the coffee machine. This was only one of many graduation presents from your family, and just like most of the others, it was unused and still in its original packaging.
After finally setting up the machine and making a pot of coffee, you began to unpack the boxes that were scattered across the dining area. It was quite a chore, but you knew it had to get done sometime..
The clock showed ten o’clock in the morning when you finished unpacking. You had managed to create a home for every object, developing a comfy atmosphere. Yet, when you were cleaning, you couldn't help but notice the lack of food in your fridge. Your parents didn't enjoy the concept of you taking the food they had on your move, so you settled for knowing you would have to go shopping once you arrived at your new town.
“I guess it's time for a shopping trip.” If you remembered correctly, there was a small plaza with convenience store a few blocks away from your apartment building. After changing into a pair of comfy sweatpants and a thin tee-shirt and exiting your apartment. you walked down the four flights of stairs to the ground floor. From there, you walked out of the double glass doors and watched as the city bloomed to life upon walking onto the sidewalk.
Your attempt to dodge the clusters of people while walking was fruitless, clipping some shoulders as you went down the street. The differences between Los Santos and your hometown were like black and white. At home, you could go blocks without seeing anyone but here, you couldn't even step without stepping on someone's foot.
By the time you pulled yourself out of your thoughts, you had arrived at the plaza the store was in. From the looks of it, the other places that inhabited the lot were a laundromat, tattoo parlor, and pizza place. You were about to enter your set destination when someone suddenly bumped into you, causing you to lose your balance and fall.
“Fuck,” a somewhat familiar voice grumbled. You looked up to see brown eyes that you had glimpsed at many times throughout the years but rather foreign green hair.
“Jeremy?” You managed to ask, mouth agape. The male seemed to be taken back from hearing his name, studying your features before realizing who you were.
“Y/n?” He offered a hand to help you up, which you gladly accepted. After he pulled you to your feet, you couldn't believe that your ex best friend, Jeremy Dooley, was stood in front of you. The same Jeremy Dooley who packed up his old beat up truck the morning of his eighteenth birthday and left the town without saying goodbye to anyone, including you. In that moment, you wanted to question his choices. Yet, you felt like you had already known the answer.
“Uh, yeah. It’s been awhile, huh?” You allowed your thoughts to quickly dissolve into the back of your brain. An eternity of silence seemed to slip over the two of you before a bright smile overtook his features. He seemed to gaze down at the watch on his wrist before putting his attention back on you.
“You in a rush? If not, I’d love to take you out to get some coffee and talk for a little. My treat.” You opened your mouth to admit you were actually on your way to shop and politely excuse yourself, but the words that escaped your mouth were anything but.
“Coffee sounds great,Jer.”
“Alright, cool. I know a place we can walk to from here. C’mon.” Jeremy began to walk the way in which he came, only leaving you to follow. As you caught up him and your footsteps fell in line with his, you couldn’t help but question your own feelings in the moment. Half of you was eager to learn how Jeremy has been all of these years, but the other half hated how casual this seemed. You even used his old nickname, for fuck’s sake.
Jeremy ended up leading you to an ally. You were about to question him when you noticed a blinking neon sign saying ‘Rimmy Tim’s’ hung up above a descending staircase. The sign casted tinted the ally with its custom colors, which happened to be an very distasteful purple and orange.  
“Y/n?” Your vision drifted from the sign to see Jeremy lingering below it, his right hand lightly grasping the handrail. “You coming?” A sudden sound of embarrassment came from your lips as you quickly nodded your head, going back to his side once more.
At the bottom of the staircase stood frosted glass double doors, serving as an entrance way to the shop. With one hand, Jeremy opened the large door, revealing the coffee shop behind it. As Jeremy expertly guided you to a specific table, you began to observe your surroundings. The strong scent of coffee beans hung in the air as you passed by the front counter. The color scheme of Rimmy Tim’s matched the outside, the interior design seemingly as mix of industrial and nautical. This created a peaceful aura, which was something you needed after moving. You wouldn’t expect a gem like this to be tucked underground the city of Los Santos.
“Do you come here often?” You asked, slipping into the booth that Jeremy had picked out. You expected him to do the same, but he just stood next to the table.
“You could say that. I’m going to get us something to drink.” You began to stand up, but Jeremy immediately shook his head.
“Nope, you stay here.” Your eyebrows knitted together as you shot him a confused look.
“Jeremy, you don’t even know my order.” Jeremy was quick to dismiss your concerns, waving his hand as if swatting them away.
“Trust me, I’ll figure it out. Now sit.” Reluctantly, you sat down and Jeremy took his victory in stride as he turned on his heel and headed towards the front counter. While you awaited Jeremy’s return, you found yourself playing with different apps on your phone. You had just completed a very difficult level in a puzzle game when he returned, placing a white ceramic coffee cup down in front of you. As he sat down across from you, you looked down in the hopes to identify what he had gotten you. The top was covered with whipped cream, so you couldn’t exactly figure out the exact contents of your drink. Jeremy took a sip of what seemed to be some kind of iced drink before speaking.
“Go ahead, try it.” He gestured to the cup in front of you. You casted him a look of uncertainty, causing him to chuckle. “Y/n, just taste it.” With a sigh, you raised the cup up to your lips and took a small sip. As the liquid touched your tongue, a sense of familiarity rushed over you. Your (eye color) eyes flashed upwards, making contact with Jeremy’s.
“Is this a cafe mocha?” You smiled, taking another sip, this one bigger than the last. Jeremy’s smile grew as he nodded. Memories of junior year of high school flooded your brain, Jeremy and you sitting at one of the only coffee shops in town and talking for hours on end. A sad smile crossed over your lips, thinking about all of the days you had spent there, nursing a drink identical to the one you had now.
“Just like the one at home, right? I wasn’t sure if you still liked them, but I wanted to give it a shot.” He watched as you enjoyed your drink, taking a sip of his own before continuing to speak. “Speaking of home, why aren't you there?” You rested your coffee on the table, your hands still wrapped around the cup, enjoying the warmth it was giving off.
“I moved here yesterday.” Jeremy’s face contorted into a shocked expression, a silence lingering in the air between you. It took him awhile to formulate the words, but after a minute, Jeremy spoke up.
“Why did you move here? A city, nonetheless? Weren’t you always the one saying you wanted to settle down and make a family back home?” Well, he wasn’t wrong. Jeremy moved to your small, quaint town the summer before fourth grade from Boston. His rebunkous self refused to conform to the country background of your town. Ever since you had known Jeremy, he had been claiming he was going to move back to the city one day. You idolized his ambition and need for change, but your small town was all you had ever known. But, once Jeremy left, you realized that his spontaneous behavior was what made your town bearable.
“Yeah. I know what you mean. It’s just things started to get….” You trailed off, trying to figure out where you were going with that sentence before shrugging. “I don’t know, boring, I guess?” Jeremy’s mouth swung open to answer, but the sound of his phone going off averted his attention.
“Shit, I gotta take this. I’m sorry.” A frown formed on his face once he read the caller ID.
“It’s fine, take your time.” You told him, raising your coffee to your lips. With that, Jeremy answered the call and walked away.
After a few minutes, Jeremy returned, still bearing a frown.
“Hey, I’m really sorry to do this but, that was work. I gotta go.” You sighed, but understood.
“It’s alright, I understand. It was really nice catching up with you, Jeremy. Thanks for the coffee.” Jeremy’s frown quickly turned into a smile at your words.
“No problem. I’ll cya around, I guess.” Jeremy jammed his hand into his pocket and turned around. A second seem to pass before he sighed, quickly turning back around to face you. “Sorry, I was just wondering, uh, can I put my number in your phone?” He suddenly asked. You smiled and nodded, picking your phone up from the table and handing it over to him.
“Yeah, of course!” Jeremy quickly put his information in and handed you back his phone. The moment he did this, his phone buzzed, indicating he received a message. After checking it, you heard him mumble something under his breath.
“Alright, I’m coming. Calm the fuck down, Geoff.” You brought yourself not to question this, since it seemed like Jeremy was only talking to himself. “Alright, y/n. Text me whenever you get the time.” And with that, you watched your former best friend walk away and disappear out of the frosted double doors at the front of Rimmy Tim’s. Staring at the half-empty cup he left across from you, you found yourself chuckling.
“Maybe moving here won’t be so bad after all.”  
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goldisaunotag · 8 years
Prompt: Where reader is an unpresented and she presents as an omega at work and the Michael is the only one in the room and he flips out and they’re caught trying to calm each other down. With Geoff or Ryan. Smut.
Pairing: Michael x Geoff x female reader. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics
Warnings: swearing, smut though no sex, biting.. 
“What the fuck!” You heard Michael yell as he was just sitting at his desk. “What is that?” Michael asks as you also smell it. You bared your neck at Michael and squirmed in your seat, “I mean the Gents thought this would happen soon.” You admitted and Michael turned to you, lust filling his eyes and he smelled your new scent. “That what would happen?” “That I would go into heat?” You shrugged and squirmed more in your chair. You felt fresh slick pool in your panties and you moaned breathily. “I should call Geoff.” Michael said, trying to swallow but the sight of you in this new heat was making it hard to. Instead of being able to think properly because who can do that while in this state? you reached out towards Michael. “Please.” You whined and Michael stood up, startled that you would ask that of him. “You need an alpha.” He said, more to himself than for you. You shook your head, “Please.” You said and Michael groaned.
Michael got up from his desk and made his way towards you. Once he was in touching distance you grasped his hand. “Michael.” You said and even your voice sounded sickly sweet at this moment. Michael could no longer hold back, he kissed you. He swallowed your moans so that no one else would hear them. “Baby, try and relax.” You squirmed and rutted your hips against his own. Michael felt a growl in his throat but it died shortly after it came. “I’m not what you need baby.” “Michael please, you are, you are.” You said and humped his leg. Michael keened at the action but the fact of both your statuses being omega made him shiver. He had only seen stuff like this happening on Omegan porn, he didn’t think people actually got away with stuff like this. You pulled him out of his thoughts though when this time you kissed him. You licked into his mouth and ran your tongue over his sharp omega teeth.
“(Y/N)..” He moaned out your name and you humped him more. “Michael, take care of me please, I want you to be my omega.” You said and got up from your chair, you took Michael’s hand and led him to the couch in the office. There was no one else there because one, it was labor day so Jack and Jeremy were out and Gavin was traveling. Ryan was on The Patch but it was lunch time. “Geoff should be back any minute.” Michael tried to coax, but even he was losing control. Your scent started to mix with Michael’s and suddenly the room was filled with the smell of fizzy peaches with strong hints of vanilla. Soon the whole room would smell like some kind of dessert. You rubbed your neck against Michael’s and then licked him there. “I taste myself on you Michael.” You said and Michael moaned. By now he was on top of you and you were both humping at each other, clothes still on. You bit into his neck and he went to growl again but it soon turned into a moan when he realized how much he enjoyed it. “Can I bite you back?” He asked and you happily bared your neck for him.
Just as he sank his teeth into your scent glad Geoff opened the door. He was hit with hot, intense waves of vanilla peaches and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you two on the couch. He quickly shut the door to keep the scent in check and then he watched the scene before him. “Michael.. Michael.” You whimpered out and Michael unlatched his teeth from your neck. “Yeah baby?” He asked as you both grinded against each other. “Need you.” You managed and Michael kissed you again, slid his tongue in your mouth and pulled at you bottom lip. Geoff stood half in shock, and now half hard where he came in the room. He was definitely turned on by the sight of the two of you, going at it like you were. But soon he heard your new omegan call for an alpha and he was beside you and Michael in an instant.
Once you both registered Geoff was there you got off the other, though you slipped your hand into Michael’s to keep him near you. You looked up at Geoff and felt slightly ashamed for what you had been doing. You bared your neck for him and muttered out a, “Sorry Alpha.” Geoff almost lost his eyes to back of his head with the way you said that but before that could happen he took note of the new bruise forming on your neck from where Michael had bit you. He went to growl and turn to Michael but he saw the same mark on Michael’s neck. “My babes are so naughty, marking each other up when only I should do that.” You both bared your necks more but Geoff chuckled. “Enough of that now babes, we need to help calm (Y/N) down.” Michael made a move to get up but Geoff pushed him back. “Why didn’t you call me Michael?” He asked and Michael’s cheeks reddened with a blush. “Tried to but-“ “I didn’t let him.” You said, wiggling where you sat.
“Why not?” Geoff asked and put a hand on your shoulder, a wave of comforting wood smoke scent wafted over you and you wiggled less. “I want him Geoff.” You admitted honestly, “I want Michael to be my Omega.” Geoff raised his eyebrows, “Have you been watching things on the computer again?” You shook your head, “No, but when I think of presenting, I’m presenting to both of you. You as my alpha and Michael as my omega.” You looked down suddenly unsure of yourself but Geoff brought your chin back up to look at him. “Well it might be different, but I’m okay with that.” You and Michael whirred happily on the couch and the situation you were in was quickly brought back when you started wiggling again. You squeezed Michael’s hand and reached out for Geoff. “Alpha? Take care of us?” You asked and the fact you’d asked for more than yourself in your scent drunk and heated brain made Geoff smile. “Of course. Anything for my omegas.”
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aplaceforrtprompts · 6 years
“forget it. you fucking suck.” for Geoff?
“Forget it. You fucking suck,” you stood up throwing your napkin on the table.
You stormed out of the restaurant that Geoff had insisted on taking you to after years of giving him a chance. You spent the past several years telling him no after you watched him break one heart after another. He finally wore you down with a bet then he spent the entire night on his phone and you finally had it when you saw he was playing some stupid flash game.
You frowned as you stepped outside. You debated waiting here for a car or walking a few blocks just so he didn’t have a chance to catch you once he noticed you were gone.
You frowned even further when you didn’t even have a chance to decide and he came bursting out the front door.
You turned away from him, flipping him off as you started down the road, “Screw off, Geoff.”
He didn’t listen. He came running over and caught up with you quickly. Damn heels. He jogged in front of you and held up his hands, “Just let me explain.”
You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, “This better be good.”
He took a deep breath and looked you in the eye, “Look I’m sorry. I’m just really nervous and I was trying to distract myself. I care about you a lot and I spent years not committing just because I was always holding out hope for us and I’m already fucking it up. Look just give me one more chance. We can do anything, go anywhere as long as it’ll make you happy.”
You weren’t thrilled with him still but that little confession you have to admit did warm your heart. You dropped your arms and asked, “Anything? Anywhere?”
Geoff perked up and gave a hopeful smile that made your heart skip a beat, “Name it.”
You smirked, “I have a few ideas.”
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5lbsofsmarties · 7 years
Dialogue #20 with Geoffy? Please???
Word Count: 222
“I feel like I’ve circled this map ten times and haven’tseen anymore,” Geoff whined into his microphone.
Around the room there were various chuckles, but you turnedyour head to look at him, “Haven’t you been killed like six times?”
Geoff made a very affronted noise and raised his voice inresponse, “Yeah, I didn’t see them, did I?!”
You laughed loudly and shook your head as you looked back toyour monitor just in time to see Jeremy coming out of nowhere to at rush you.You let out a squeaked loudly and pulled out your melee weapon just in timestop him and kill him instead. Once he was dead, you reactivated your cloakingonce it was ready and hid out in the shadows.
“You’re a sneaky bitch, Y/N,” Jeremy laughed as he watchedhis kill cam.
“Shut your mouth,” you threatened.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Geoff’s charactercome into view but before you could do anything he stopped and looked right atyou. “Hey… Y/N?” he murmured curiously. However, before he could say or doanything else, you pulled out your gun and shot him in the head. Geoff gruntedand shouted unintelligible before finally yelling, “Why me?!”
“Because you saw me when I was invisible!” you retorted,running off to another spot.
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rtscrobbles · 8 years
11 or 13 or 14 with fahc geoff? but he's basically the readers dad tho 👌🏻
I enjoyed writing this.. way too much. Should I make it a series?
“Y/N. You weren’t even meant to come out on this heist but I want you to follow one rule and one rule only: stay safe and out of line,” 
“Gotcha,” You nod, pointing finger-guns at the figure next to you. He shakes his head with a laugh. “Never a dull day with you kid,” He comments. 
“Uhh, hate to ruin a family moment but we’re almost at the spot,” Michael interjects. 
“Hey, do I get a gun? Or something at least? I need something if I’m gonna be left waiting in the car..”
“Y/N, it has tinted windows and bulletproof glass. You couldn’t be any safer,”
“But what about a worse case scenario?!”
“You know what?” Ryan leans out the seat and hands you a pocket knife, you felt the sharp blade against your fingers. You couldn’t be more assumed, watching it glimmer from streaks of light.  You rest your head on Jeremy’s shoulder, closing your eyes. 
“We’ll be right kid. We’ll come right back.” Jeremy assures you, running his fingers through your hair. You always worried about your family… well they weren’t exactly your biological family but they were the closest you had. They were nothing but caring towards you, especially Jack who’d spend countless nights with you, painting nails and gossiping. They all had a place in your heart and they all cared for you: Geoff was the one who took the Dad role and held you when you cried, even offering you alcohol to make you feel better. You knew you probably wouldn’t have a normal upbringing but even so, this was better than any life you could’ve imagined. 
Michael pulls up a few meters away from the small little shop. There was a fury as everyone collected and cocked their guns; Ryan put on his skull mask and adjusted his jacket. Everyone shortly exited the vehicle: you grabbed Geoff’s wrist “Come back in one piece, okay Dad?”
“Of course kiddo,” He smiles, leaning over and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. “See you in a few,”
“Hey Geoff, hurry the fuck up! We’ve got a heist to do!” Michael shouts from the background. Geoff gives you a smile before slamming the door shut. You unbuckle your seatbelt and stretch your legs across all three of the middle seats. You grab your earphones and play some music, kindling with the knife. It made you feel safe, but Geoff made you feel safer. 
You close your eyes for a moment, listening to the music. You hated being alone at the apartment, so you’d join them on heists but even then that gave you a bad vibe. You hear the sound of one of the doors opening and some whispering; you feel some tugging on your legs and someone leaning over you, their warm breath hitting you in the face.
You open your eyes and scream so loud your voice cuts out: you being to thrash you limbs. “Oh shut it!” One of the masked figures says, grabbing your knife that had fallen onto the floor.
“No! No! No! Nooooo!” You scream, one of the masked figures covers you mouth with their gloved fingers and the other poises the knife over your abdomen. With a muffled scream, you thrash you legs hoping to buy enough time for someone to come help.
“Shut UP!” The knife-welding one yells, pressing the sharp object into your skin.
“Get the fuck away!” You hear Michael scream as the two figures being to run away, followed by a few shots. Your shaky hands move to the pulsating wound.
“Y/N!” You father-figure screams, climbing into the back seat.
“Hey, hey I’m here. Oh shit you’re bleeding!” 
“D-Dad. Am I going to d-die?” You choke, tears flowing down your cheeks. You didn’t want to die, you weren’t even an adult yet. You wanted to experience life. You always thought you’d go out memorable and heroically, not like this.
“No, you’re not doing to die Kid. I’m not going to allow it.” He cups your cheeks as the other crew members clamber in. Jack lifts your head and rests it on her lap, stroking your hair. 
“Shit, shit, shit!” Gavin yells, kicking his seat.
“Shut it! Just get us to the nearest hospital okay?!” Jeremy exasperates. 
“Hey, just look at me. Breathe” Geoff says calmly as your shaky hands reach out for his tattooed limb. You look Geoff in the eyes and being to cry again, “I love you Dad,”
“I love you too Kiddo, now hold my hand. You’re going to be fine” He grabs your bloody hands and grips them tightly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left you. You would’ve been much safer with us -”
“Geoff, none of us knew what was going to happen.” Ryan speaks up, you roll your head to your side and close your eyes. “I w-wanna sleep,” 
“Y/N no! Y/N!”
Darkness possesses your vision but Geoff’s grip and eagerness becomes stronger before you’re pulled away and everything becomes nothing but a distant memory.  
The sound of beeping and scuttling wakes you. You open your heavy eyes to see Geoff, asleep with his head on your hand: an IV had been placed in your hand with wires going in every direction. You lift your other hand and tousle his hair until he wakes up groggily. You even noticed that he had changed into more casual not-heist attire, placing a weak smile on your face.
“Hey Kiddo, you’re awake,” Geoff smiles, lifting your hand a pressing it against his lips gently.
“Yeah, how long have I been out?”
“A few days; they patched you up pretty good and looks like you’re gonna be out of action for a few days,” 
“Aww, does that mean I get a slave?” You suggest, knowing that all the crew would be at your call in a heartbeat.
“Don’t push it kid. But yeah, we’re all gonna take care of you, like a family. Together.” 
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chezzkaa · 6 years
Numb pt 26
Click here for more Numb content OR JOIN THE NUMB DISCORD
Lumberjack AU Pairing: Ryan Haywood x Reader WC: 2100+
Date posted: 20 Jan 2018
A/N: Y’all can thank @trevorcollumns for this part actually being completed. She’s become a nagging motivation and I love her to pieces for keeping me inspired with this fic. She refuses to let my interest move elsewhere, and I’m really thankful. Cya soon, my bitch. You can nag me in person soon! 
The skull stares at you. It’s black empty sockets screaming with a loneliness that is not only striking, but fearful. Like the creature it once was continues to lament over its last moments alive. Jaw dislocated and limp, but cries so loud they’re deafening.
Ryan is right, the remnants of the animal before you hadn’t fallen to an ordinary predator.
The grooves carved into it’s features wander like footpaths traipsed through familiarity, smooth and deliberate when unwrapping the skin from bone. Intelligent. Not clusters of claw marks in sets of threes and fours, and not the aftermath of clumsy teeth trying to keep a hold - but created with a precision that you just can’t place.
Can’t place, at least, until an outstretched finger touches the bone. All at once the base of your skull is left searing, a prickling pain that glides smoothly up the centre of your head, right over until coming to sting at the bridge of your nose. Along with it comes a heat that circles your neck, the hollow of your throat closing with the pressure of unseen fingers.
“Fuck!” You recoil instantly, shuddering and hoping to pass the discomfort off as a reaction to the cold. The word slips from your lips before you can catch a breath, Ryan placing a cautionary hand against your lower back to stop you from toppling out of the crouch you’re folded into. “You’re right, this isn’t an animal… But why wouldn’t whoever it is take the head?”
“Y/N, come on.” Ryan gives you a concerned look. “Why’re you freaking out? I was kidding about the murder mystery thing. It’s probably just left over from a camper who needed a good meal.”
“In this weather?”
He doesn’t have a response.
Letting the hand he has against your back guide you into sitting, your legs guard the sides of the skull. You can’t help following the grooves; pressing their image against the memories you have of those adorning the window frames of Motbury, and decorating the bodies you’re now too familiar with.
“Why,” you ask again, reaching out to the bone again and pulling it into your lap, “would someone meticulously remove the head of a creature, skin the skull, and not take it with them? Surely a hunter wouldn’t chop off and clean the head before taking the body away. That doesn’t make sense.”
He struggles, uncertain of what answer you might possibly want. Taking the skull from you, Ryan turns it over in his hands, examining the clean separation that had seen it removed from the spine in the dimming evening light. “Well,” he says, “maybe he didn’t need it.”
 The feeling of cobblestone pounds against the soles of your feet. Hard and aching in the cold. Bitter with every slap of your shoes as you run. The orange glow of streetlights trace the path you carve through the town, chasing the shadows you leave behind and playing in your hair. Scampering between your legs and leaping across the stone you bound over. Glinting against the black ice that has already managed to trip you twice, ground kissing the skin it’s left bruised across your hip and thigh.
Ryan’s confusion still rings in your ears. His alarmed expression, of which you had left in the snow as you’d rocketed to your feet and started moving, haunts the darkened spaced between houses and shop fronts.
“What, Y/N? What’s wrong - wait, where’re you going? Y/N, slow down. Y/N-”
He’d snatched out, crumpling to his knees as you’d darted away.
Instead of explaining, you’d thrown him an incoherent response and reminder for him to join dinner that night with nothing else on your mind besides racing thoughts and a need to find Detective Dooley. To hurl definitive evidence at his feet and demand that he acknowledge the grooves that match those found clinging to buildings. To force him to address the links exposed by the timeline you and Michael had slaved over. To make him see, once and for all, that the removal of the head and the slaughter of animals oh so long ago has to mean something. It just had to.
 It had to.
 The skull, minor in its existence, brings the three factors they’d been scratching their heads over together with clumsy a bow. Solidifying the concept of a copycat killer so much so that Jeremy will be unable to argue, and parading the fact that that whoever had been killing livestock hadn’t upgraded to children, but had kept a clear line between those he hunts. One for food, and one for fun.
It isn’t much, but it consumes you. Taking over your being and vibrating in your limbs, stretching tight across your icy cheekbones. But it’s more than the relief of a definitive copycat that spurs you on. Ryan’s comment had stirred something inside you. Flipped a switch and brought blinding possibilities you hadn’t yet considered.
 If the killer didn’t take the skulls of animals because he didn’t need them or want them - he must have had a reason for collecting the heads that he does.
 Your rampant thoughts, along with your being, collide into the figure in front of you. So dizzy in your mind that it takes you a moment to register the shock, the man is already grunting and skirting past. Swallowed again by the night. A shake of your head sees the panic dislodge and recognition take its place.
“Jeremy?” you call, waving a hand above your head and stumbling after him. “Hey, wait up. You’re just who I’m looking for.”
He doesn’t. Instead his head tucks deeper into his coat, shoulders hunched. The quickness of his pace is hard to match, but you manage.
"Slow down, J, I need to talk to you," you plead, catching his arm. But he still doesn't stop, shaking free and powering on into the snow. Recoiling, stung, you jam your hands into you pockets. "Are you kidding me? C’mon man, stop messing around. This is important."
“Then why don't you go and tell Ryan?”
The words burn, lashing out and leaving your skin raw.
“Excuse me?” you demand faintly, “what does Ryan have to do with anything?”
"I just figured," he starts, finally facing you with an expression set in stone, "that considering how close you've gotten, he's all you need."
“I'm trying to talk to you about the case, Detective. You know, the one where kids are dying? And you think now's a good time to go digging around in my personal life?”
"Why not?" he asks hollowly, and you take a step back. “Why shouldn't I treat you like everyone else in this town? I’d be covering all the bases like you want me to.”
“Jesus Christ, Jeremy!” you snap, infuriated at the man who cowers from your anger for a brief moment. “What the fuck is your problem? Just because you fancy Ryan doesn’t mean you get to be an ass to me!”
“Fancy Ryan?” He almost laughs, but stops himself, instead settling for bewilderment. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Stop it.” Your eyes narrow at his defence, in no mood for his denials. A sharp gesture of your hand cuts his confusion, letting it fall noisily to the floor. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” You’re seething, body desperate to pace and yet feet remaining rooted to the cold, frozen ground. Through the dark you struggle with his expression, equally hurt by his scowl as he is with your own. “Jon already told me that you’re interested in him. Which is fucking fine, and I get that you’re hurting in this situation. But don’t you dare go around being an absolute asshole to both of us, just because you can’t get what you want. We have a job to do, and I’m your friend.”
He’s shaking his head, eyes wide and mouth pouted open. This time he can’t stop the laugh, harsh and mocking in the night’s biting air. “You’re kidding? You think I don’t like you guys hanging out because I’m in love with Ryan?”
You stop, accepting his simple explanation with a tight nod. You resist the urge to shuffle guiltily, uncomfortable with confronting his feelings with such volatile accusations.
Jeremy’s jaw sets, fists balling by his side while he turns bitter. “Oh, you’ve caught me. I’m interested in him, alright? Really really interested.”
A rattling sigh bounces from your lungs, falling flat in the snow. You knew this would be inevitable, and sucking in a breath and as much confidence as possible, you start the conversation you’d rather not have. “Look, Jeremy, Ryan and I-”
“I’m interested in him because he’s a person of interest, you fucking moron.”
The words stop, clinging to your tongue and scampering back down your throat before you can comprehend his vicious growl. “A person of interest? You mean-”
“I mean that you’ve been trying to date a god damn murder suspect.”
“Oh.” The shock expelled from your lips forms with a gentle pop, and with it his expression softens. Regretfully he gathers his apologies, rubbing them comfortingly into your arm. Tears well, but you don’t let them fall, feeling them thicken in your throat. “Wow J. I- I just… I can’t believe this.”
“I know, Y/N, it was hard for me to accept too, but-”
You jerk away, skin stinging from his touch. Recoiling, a few stumbles steps see the fountain greet the back of your knees, accusations like daggers. “I can’t believe you’d think your closest friend could be a part of this. That he could hurt children. After losing his own, for god sakes. What the fuck is wrong with you? It’s like - It’s like you don’t even know him.”
“Yeah, sure, lost his own, wha- you’re not listening, are you? Because you just obviously know him better, huh? All that time you’ve spent together, all those nights stumbling home arm in arm - yeah, I fucking know about that because we’ve got men watching his every fucking move so he doesn’t kill another kid - it must mean that you know him better than me? Bearing in mind, Y/N, you were the one that dated a god damn serial killer and refused to accept it, not me. And it got people killed.”
Your spine straightens, bite so lethal he shrinks away. The sharp breath sears through your lungs, mind reeling from the night that haunts your dreams and forced you to run from all that you love as he jams it into your hands. It’s your turn to ball your fists, clutching your coat close with the enraged whip of wind. It takes all you have not to launch across the space and punch him, to refrain from falling to your knees and screaming like there’s no tomorrow.
When you speak your voice is low, far more threatening than intended, but appreciated all the same. “Yeah, I guess I do know him better.”
Jeremy wants to snap back, but you don’t let him.
“I must do, because I know what type of person he is, Jeremy. And he’s a damn good one. And I also know what obsessing over a case does to people like us. I was too blind to see Charlie for who he was, because I was too busy focusing on someone else. Someone innocent, remember? I chased him to the point where he couldn’t handle the hounds and killed himself. Do you remember that, huh? Remember when we charged into his apartment and found him hanging, then got the call that my sister was dead all in the same hour?”
Jeremy doesn’t speak, as frozen as the world around him. If he could swallow his comment, he would. He’d forgotten the raw hurt, the agony in your eyes whenever you’d talk about your sister - and hadn’t realised it was still as fresh as ever. He can’t look at you anymore, glaring at his fingers as they slowly blotch purple. And you don’t look at him, either. Can’t stand his guilt, can’t stand seeing him the way he was all those years ago, watching your sister’s blood coat his hands after he’d done all he could to save her.
“I won’t let you make the same mistakes I did, Jeremy. I won’t let you drive yourself, or Ryan, into madness, just because you don’t know how to stop and see a bigger picture.” You turn to leave, stopping only to spit your final remark into the street you’re desperate to escape. “Oh, and once you’re done condemning Ryan you might want to talk to him, seeing as he’s just found the evidence we need to link the killer as a copycat to the Widow of the Woods story.”
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