#achievement hunter reader insert
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shutthehellupcaboose · 2 years ago
Hey you! Yeah you! Do you wanna be shipped with your fave character from Red Vs Blue??
Hi I'm doing commisions for match ups (match ups being you and a character of my choice to who I think will fit you the best) ADULT ONLY! 18 + MINORS DO NOT DM
The price is 5 to 10 USD (preferably venmo if possible)
You can give me a description of yourself in dms
And I will give you a 100 to 300 words of a character I think you'd fit best with
The characters!
I will write for almost anyone in RVB (excluding Theta, The Director and The Counselor and a few others)
I will also do other RT media such as
Lazer Team, Camp Camp, RWBY (if I do this with younger characters it will be after the time skip to when they are 18).
If you have another fandom in mind I am open to writing for then I will absolutely do that too
Won't do: EXTREME NSFW, Hazbin Hotel, or MCYT, or any IRL people in Rooster Teeth (Michael Jones, ect.)
This will super help me out a lot and I would really appreciate it if I could get some comms, if not feel free to browse my blog and my art, I have art commisions open too!
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C’è una cosa che mi da veramente sui nervi , quando incontri una persona la prima cosa che si chiede è “come stai?” Io odio questa domanda perché è palese che non risponderò mai “sto una merda grazie del pensiero” porca troia
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billconrad · 2 years ago
Believing The Lie
    I follow the tragic war in Ukraine closely and find it interesting that the primary source for raw news is Twitter, and the best analysis occurs on YouTube. These new sources have replaced the old sources, such as newspapers, internet articles, and national television. This new medium allows rapid news spreading and analysis. We can also check out the raw news sources and even directly contact the source—quite a change.
    Recently, a YouTube influencer (I hate that word) discussed a translated Russian state television broadcast. It proclaimed that the restaurants in England were serving rat meat because of the chronic food shortage caused by their Ukraine support. Wow, what a bold lie! But unfortunately, many people truly believed this “trusted” news source.
    What was going on in the viewer’s heads? “Because the news said so, it must be true.” “Makes sense to me.” “Seems logical.” “They have never lied before.” I propose something different is going on. These misguided people allowed themselves to believe the lie. Essentially, the lie is better than the truth. Humans often have ill-advised reactions to unpleasant situations. “I do not need to go on a diet. I look great!” But what does this have to do with writing? I am glad you asked.
    I realized that the newscaster was not lying as I watched this news clip. She was acting. She read a fictional script, and the audience allowed themselves to be taken in. The same activity occurs in a play or a movie. There is no such thing as a Star Wars lightsaber, but we sure liked it when Luke Skywalker started waving one around. So, we (the audience) believed the lie.
    Perhaps when watching a movie, we expect to be entertained; when watching the news, we expect facts. Yet, sometimes we allow ourselves to be taken in. It’s nice to feel good about ourselves; the awful truth is a hard pill. Blissful ignorance. How about our favorite person X? Did you hear X was drunk driving last week? No way, not true. X is a fantastic person!
    Fictional writers use every trick to pull readers into their stories. We twist facts, add intimate relationships where they would never occur, alter physics, spice up the characters, insert an impossible plot twist, entice the reader with a juicy hook, and paint a scene larger than life. “A beautiful, intelligent woman with everything going for her falling in love with an ugly, stupid, fat beast of a man? Of course!”
    Readers and viewers expect a dream world where crazy ideas come true, people commit outrageous acts, and the lowest of the low is commonplace. I suppose that was also the goal of the Russian newscaster. They were achieving the state agenda by any means necessary. However, to the rest of us, the results were absurd. Yet, that technique works every time in a story. Did you see the movie Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure? That silly movie was as believable as that Russian state news broadcaster. Fortunately, I keep my blogs real. Or do I?
 You’re the best! -Bill
 April 05, 2023
 Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
 Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
 Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
 Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
 These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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rosegoldachievement · 6 years ago
Where Good Girls Go To Die (Chapter 4)
pairing: fahc x reader
word count: 2,615
series: Where Good Girls Go To Die
summary: You’re not quite sure what compelled you to move to the infamous city of Los Santos, a ruthless playground for drug dealers, washed-up celebrities, and criminals alike. It was very different from your small hometown in the middle of nowhere, where nothing ever happened and you couldn’t even leave your house without running into someone you knew, but perhaps that was part of the attraction. But, after running into your ex-best friend, Jeremy Dooley, you began to think Los Santos wasn’t so bad as it seemed. Well, until the bank you worked at got robbed and you managed to get kidnapped all in the same week, leading you to become stuck in a penthouse with six very deadly males.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter four
It had been a few days since the robbery, and you had just entered your apartment building. The bank still hadn’t reopened because of the repairs and some security updates were still needed. You actually had begun to feel antsy from staying home. At first, you had debated on actually going out to a nightclub or something, but your introverted side settled on grocery shopping.
When you made it to your door, a confused expression took over your features. Your apartment door was slightly ajar and it appeared as if the lights were on inside. Your brain kicked into overdrive, trying to figure out what exactly had happened in your absence.
Maybe Mrs. Gunkhouse, your landlord, had stopped by to drop off the rest of the paperwork needed to move. But, she surely would have shut the door and turned off the light. Right? Or you just forgot to lock up before you had left. That was another probable reason.
Without having any other explanation of what could have happened, you decided to cautiously approach the cracked door and enter your apartment. Your eyes grew wide as you surveyed the scene.
Cardboard boxes were overturned, the items that they once contained sprawled out onto the floor. Anything that could be broken was shattered to pieces, including the vase you had bought the day prior. Your heart plummeted down into your stomach when you finally realized that you had been robbed. You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. Why now? Why you? As if things hadn’t gone to shit already since you had arrived in this town.
A countless amount of questions fluttered through your brain until you finally had one stabilized thought. I still have the card Miles gave me with his phone number. He had said to call if you had any more information about the bank situation, but you’re pretty sure he would help you with this robbery as well. All of the previous thoughts you had vanished and your only goal was to get that card.
You exited the living room and into the small hallway that housed the bathroom, your bedroom, and a closet. Thankfully, all of the boxes that once called this place home were now unpacked and thrown out, so you didn’t run the risk of dying on the way to your room.
However, when you did step foot into your room, you were too afraid to venture any further. Near your closet, was a man standing with his back turned to you and going through your belongings. It had just occurred to you that you weren’t robbed. No, there was someone currently still robbing you. You were frozen in fear for a second, but eventually, you had built up enough energy to begin stepping out of the room. Slowly and quietly, you backed up towards the door. Well, until you felt something hard collide against your back.
“Found her.” A gruff voice spoke from behind you. You tried to turn around to look at them, but a pair of strong hands clasped down onto your shoulders to keep you in place. The man who was going through your things previously turned around with a smile that made you uneasy.
“Hello, y/n.”
A sudden realization hit you, the feeling similar to a ton of bricks being thrown into your stomach. Your legs wobbled and if it wasn’t for the man holding your shoulders, you would probably be on the ground right about now. They didn’t come here to rob you. They came here for you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the words never came. Before you could, a rag was slipped over both your opened mouth and your nose. You stood like this for awhile, your struggle rendering useless as the man pushed the rag further into your face. Over time, your vision began to grow cloudy and your brain tripped over its own thoughts. After a few minutes, you had fallen unconscious.
When you woke up, you half expected to be greeted with the (favorite color) walls of your bedroom.  But, instead, you were greeted white brick walls and a terrifyingly open space. It looked like to be some sort of warehouse, or maybe even a hanger. There was a dull ache that surrounded your wrist and thanks to the experience you had back at the bank, you quickly realized a cable tie had been secured around them. You searched your brain for answers, but the memories only flooded back into your mind once you heard a familiar voice.
“Oh, you’re up.”
You looked to your left to see the man who had kidnapped you, along with several others. They all held the same scowl and rather lean builds but varied in height. Matter of fact, two of the men who stood closer to the very right end of the group looked to be twins.
It took you a minute, but you found your voice. It came out shaky, but at least noise actually left your lips.
“Where am I? What do you want from me?”
He licked his lips before a grin came onto his face.
“You’ll find that out in a little bit, sweetheart.” He then turned towards the others. “Get in your places, we’re starting the next phase of the plan.”
The group began to disperse in different directions, but the man who had called you sweetheart and another man still stood in front of you. You could only assume the other man was the one who had grabbed you in the bedroom.
“Ready?” The second guy looked towards the first man, who only nodded. This prompted him to turn to you. “You keep your mouth shut.” You noticed him push back his shirt slightly and grab hold of something. Your body immediately wretched when your (eye color) eyes landed upon the handgun. “Or things are going to go south real fast.” You wordlessly nodded, fear manifesting in your stomach.
The first man dug a phone out of his pocket and pressed a few buttons, initiating a call. It wasn’t until he had adjusted his grip on the cell and put it on speaker that you noticed that it was your phone. The line rings twice before someone picks up.
You blink in shock. Was...was that Jeremy?
“Hello, Jeremy. You don’t know me, but I know you.”
“Where’s y/n?” You had never heard Jeremy’s voice this cold before.
“She’s right next to me, but I’m afraid she’s a little bit too...tied up…. to speak with you at the moment. But I’m sure she’d be more than willing to talk once my group and I get what we want. Well, if she lives that long, that is. Give Geoff the phone.”
The fear that you had started to feel moments ago increased and your mind began to race.
“If you hurt her, I swear…”
“Time is ticking, Dooley.”
You heard Jeremy take a deep breath, but that was the last clear sound that came from his end of the phone call. Some noises came through the microphone after, but it was in the form of indistinguishable movements and muffled voices. Eventually someone was handed the phone and took over the conversation .
“You wanted to speak to me?” The man who you assumed was ‘Geoff’ spoke. There was something familiar about the voice, but you couldn’t exactly place where you had heard it before.
“Six months ago, you stole away our territory and gave it to some young bucks with nothing to their name.”
A scoff came from the other end of the line.
“That’s what this is about? Look, kid. We didn’t steal anything. I’ve known Joel Heyman for years. He gave the territory over to the Fakes because of his retirement.”
“It wasn’t his to give!” The man snapped before regaining his composure. “You boss types are all the same, aren’t cha? You all just see Sandy Shores as a territory to control. To us, it’s so much more. Some of us have friends and family there. It’s home. But you guys didn’t think about that when you laid off all these guys, huh? Didn’t think about most of them had criminal records and can’t put food on the table anymore for the people they love?”
“Look, man, I’m sorry. That sucks. But I can’t give you the spa-”
“We don’t care about that anymore, Ramsay.”
“Then why the fuck did you set thi-”
“We want money. Forty thousand, to be exact. And don’t say you don’t have it, because we know you do. Bring it to the old paper warehouse on fifth by midnight or the girl gets a bullet in her skull.” With that, the man ended the call and tosses your phone onto a nearby folding table.
Two hours later, the front door of the warehouse opened to reveal Jeremy and an older looking man wearing a suit and covered in tattoos. You guessed that this was Geoff, the man who was on the phone with your kidnapper. Behind them were a man with red hair wearing a brown leather jacket and a man with a beard in a Hawaiian shirt, both holding briefcases. You felt as if there was something familiar about the man with the red hair, but the sound of your captor’s hands slamming against the folding table made you jump.
“Wow, you all actually showed up!”
As they approached, you locked eyes with Jeremy. This was probably the most pissed you had even seen him, but his brown eyes softened when they glanced at you.
“We have your money, let the girl go.” Geoff spoke, locking his tattooed hands behind his back.
“Not so fast, Ramsey.” Your captor smiled. He held out his hand and did a ‘gimme’ motion. “Let me see the cash so I know you’re not jipping us.” Geoff nodded over to the redhead and the bearded man, who both took a step forward and placed the briefcases on the floor. They kicked over the money and slid it across the floor in order to ensure they wouldn’t case any alarm. Your captor looked towards his companion, who went over and picked up the suitcases. After opening it and looking over the cash, he nodded.
“Everything’s here.”
“We held up our end of the deal.” Geoff commented as he put his hands into his pockets. “Are you going to keep your promise?”
Your captor took a few steps to the side so he was positioned directly behind you and placed a cold hand onto your shoulder. You twitched at the sudden contact, but kept your mouth shut.
“Well, I would love to, but I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans.” You felt something cold and metal press against the side of your head, instantly causing your heart to drop. “It’s only fair that since you guys took away something so special to us, we do the same.” Tears threatened to spill as your observed the faces of the four men in front of you. Jeremy seemed tense, but one look from Geoff seemed to calm his nerves. You questioned this, but the chaos that erupted seconds later overtook your thoughts.
“I was really hoping it wouldn’t come to this but fine.” Geoff sighed. “Go ahead, Ryan.”
Before anyone could react, a bullet zoomed through one of windows and hit your captor in the head. You tried not to wretch as something wet splashed onto your face. The sound of gunshots overtook the area as Geoff, the redhead, and the bearded man were now all armed and fought against the remaining people. Within the chaos, Jeremy dashed over towards you and untied your restraints.
“Jeremy, what the fuck is happening?” You asked in a panic tone. He casted you a sympathetic look before shaking his head.
“I’ll explain later. Right now we gotta find cover, okay?” You blinked in confusion , straining to hear him over the gunshots, but nodded as he grabbed your hand. “Jack, cover me!”
Jack, the bearded man, peered over from the crate he was using as cover and called out.
“Got it!”
“On the count of three, we’re going to run over to that crate, okay?” Jeremy gestured to the crate that was in between the ones Jack and the redhead were using.
“One! Two! Three!” On cue, you and Jeremy both ran over to the box and hid behind it. “Stay down until it’s all clear.” He commanded as he retrieved the gun that was previously hidden on his body. You watched with a mixture of terror and awe as peeped over the side of the box and begun to fire. This was around the time when you noticed two things. One a man with a black skull mask and another man who you couldn’t exactly see because of his position behind a forklift had entered the fray on your side. Two, you felt like your heart could explode at any moment.
A few minutes went by before Geoff called out to the group.
“How many more are left?”
“Three, maybe four!” Jack answered before the redhead also chimed in.
“Two guys just escaped out the back door!”
“Michael and Gavin, go take care of it.”
“Got it Geoff!” A thick, British accent responded. “Let’s go boi!”
“Just shut up and come on.” The redhead, Michael, ran out of the back door with the other man following him. You squinted in remembrance, there was definitely something familiar about this. Jeremy noticed your reaction, because once the gunshots ceased, questioned your expression.
“You okay? It’s safe to stand up now, by the way.”
“W-what? Y-yeah. As much as I can be in this situation, yeah.” You stated while standing up. Your eyes locked onto one of the dead bodies that laid a few feet away. Your stomach churned at the sight. You quickly averted your gaze to the Michael and the other man re-entering the building with distraught expressions.
“We lost them at an busy intersection.” Michael announced.
“Do you think they left to get back up?” Jeremy asked, causing the group in front of you to exchange looks.
“We can’t keep standing around here, just in case they did.”
“What are we going to do with her?” The Brit jerked a thumb over in your direction.
“Doesn’t she have a house or something we can drop her off at?” Michael commented. You quickly decided to jump in, feigning confidence. You didn’t exactly want to confront the group of men you had just saw kill several people, but it had to be done.
“My apartment is where they found me. I came home from shopping and they were snooping around my room, waiting for me.”
“Then she’s definitely not going back and we’re certainly not leaving her alone since there’s two guys out there at know she can be used as an asset against u-”
“Cool your jets, Lil’ J.” Geoff sighed as he looked around the room. “I agree, it’s not safe for her right now. You care about her, thus we care about her. Let’s take her back to the penthouse.”
“And how are we going to do that? The penthouse location is supposed to be a secret to everyone who isn’t FAHC.” Jack looked towards Geoff for an idea, but before he could answer, the masked man spoke up.
“I have an idea.”
You suddenly felt something thump the back of your head. As you lost consciousness, you felt yourself fall into someone’s arms, presumingly Jeremy’s, and the group letting out a series of groans.
“God damn it, Ryan!”
@bananatron​ / @killerclownsandredballoons / @littlebabyblue33​ / @mochaandalchemy / @skatedp / @crazy-mad-insane / @yallgotkik 
please message me if you would like to be added/removed from the tag list!
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treycoffcentral · 6 years ago
Hey guys... I've been ridiculously inactive, like a year or longer, and I am very sorry for that. Life and lack of motivation/inspiration to write has gotten in the way.
So, my solution is that I would like everyone to know that Submissions are open, please feel free to submit anything and everything Trevor Collins Fanfiction related. I also have some requests from forever and a day ago that I will post without response so that if you find inspiration from such requests, you can jump on board.
I was considering giving this blog away but its a secondary blog and in order to give it away I would have to give away the main as well, which I still use on the daily for random-ass shit.
This can now be a community blog for are favourite Trevor Boy.
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years ago
Pairing: Trevor Collins x Reader
Word Count: 2,391
Description: You find yourself alone on Valentine’s Day, working after hours on editing with nothing better to do. That is, until a certain someone walks in. (This was a commission for @trevc0, thank you so much!!)
Warnings: None!
It is… somewhat disheartening to see all your coworkers leaving the office, either with their loved one, with gifts from/for a loved one, or with plans to see their loved one when they get home. Meanwhile, you’re just staying after to catch up on some editing, seeing as you had the time for it. No partner means no plans so, it’s not like you have anything better to do. Work’s better than staying in, watching netflix, and thinking about how nice it’d be to be with someone tonight.
That doesn’t stop those thoughts from lingering in your subconscious.
With a deep breath, you try to keep you entire focus on your work. Balancing the audio levels of six microphones, finding the best footage to switch to at different points in the video, it’s at least an easy thing to get fully absorbed in.
So it startles you when you feel a tap on your shoulder, and you look up to see Trevor standing behind your chair, shooting you a smile as you take your headphones off. “Hey, (y/n), is there, uh, a reason you’re still here? Office hours ended like, ehh two hours ago.” You check your phone to see that it is, in fact, seven o’clock, and it surprises you how fast the time went by. (It’s not surprising, however, when you see your only notifications are from Twitter and Tumblr.)
“I just stopped by to grab my jacket, wound up leaving it since the weather was so nice, and then I saw the light was on and… there you were, editin’ away.”
You laugh under your breath, shaking your head slightly before replying, “I dunno, figured I could get some work done since I have no plans; plus, you dorks aren’t here to interrupt with your ‘shenanigans’ so…” You shoot him a grin, and he rolls his eyes.
“Wow, you walk in on flinchless kickie doo one time—”
“It hit me right in the face, Trevor; and I had a fuckin bounce house dropped on me one time?”
“ —alright well, yeah, but it’s not like that really interrupted anything. Just… delayed things a bit.” He fires back, crossing his arms with a slightly guilty expression.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night,” you tease, sitting back in your chair as you look up at him. “Is there a specific reason for tonight’s interruption? Outside of curiosity, of course.”
“Well, uh, since you don’t have plans or anything,” he rubs the back of his neck, gaze darting over to a random spot in the room before looking back at you, “would you, like, wanna go get dinner?”
As if to answer his question, your stomach rumbles, and you both laugh. “Yeah man, I’m absolutely down for dinner.” It doesn’t occur to you until after you’ve already answered the question, but you realize you have no idea what the connotations surrounding dinner are.
Well, too late now.
He shoots you another smile, moving to grab his jacket from the couch. “Better save your work then, cuz I’m a hungry boy,” you can’t help but snort at that. You’re a dork, that’s what you are. “And, judging by the whale noises, I’m guessing you’re in the same boat.”
“You know I’m the hungriest boy around,” you shoot back, spinning around in your chair and quickly saving what you have. “Honestly, I would devour the entire McDonald’s menu right now, and I don’t even like McDonald’s.”
“Dammit, there goes my plan for good ol’ MickeyD’s.”
With a slight eye roll, you sit and wait for your computer to shut down, placing your headphones on your desk.
You can’t help but let out a surprised gasp, almost squeal, when your chair suddenly begins moving backwards. “Let’s get movin’, kid,” Trevor says as he starts rolling you toward the door, unable to keep from chuckling at his own dumb antics.
With slight difficulty, you jump out of the moving chair, quickly stepping to the side and laughing as he stumbles through his momentum. “Hang on, dude, I can’t leave my bag behind,” you tell him as you walk back to your desk, “and I can walk on my own, thanks.”
“Well, if you insist,” he retorts, sliding your chair back to your desk as you pick up your bag. Tossing your phone inside, you turn back to him, and he smiles. “Ready to roll?”
“If by roll you mean walk, and not take my chair out in the parking lot, then yeah, let’s roll.”
“I mean, there aren’t any cameras around, so I think we can leave the safety violations at the office tonight,” he replies, walking backward toward the door as he waits for you to follow.
With a combination of a laugh and an exasperated sigh, you walk after him, hitting the switch on your way out.
The two of you wind up at a hole-in-the-wall Italian place, one that your coworkers have been raving about (and that was thankfully small enough to not be completely booked on Valentine’s Day). You’d felt somewhat embarrassed when you’d had to admit to Trevor that Steffie was normally your ride home, and you’d been planning on taking a Lyft home tonight. Of course he assured you that driving you home was no problem, and that it made things easier anyways, not having to figure out what to do with two cars.
He had a point, but that doesn’t stop you from being anxious about inconveniencing him.
However, the weird conversation you find yourself in does more than enough to distract you from that anxiety.
“Wait, wait, so hang on,” Trevor speaks through suppressed laughter, “you’re telling me— that you were afraid of swimming pools until you were nine??”
“Listen, it was a valid fear!” you defend yourself, crossing your arms in a slightly exaggerated manner. “I mean, at least at the time. Of course I knew that sharks probably didn’t swim in public swimming pools, but was I one hundred percent sure? Nope, and I wasn’t about to take that chance.”
“Had to wait until you were at least ten for that.”
“Now you’re getting it,” you shoot back with a grin, which he cheekily returns.
You’d been at the restaurant for only twenty minutes, when suddenly the waiter sets down the appetizer in front of you; it looks nothing short of amazing. Of course, neither of you are surprised, suggestions from the podcast crew rarely let anyone down. In all honesty, it’s really just the price makes the quality astonishing.
“Jesus christ, I could eat that entire plate in two seconds flat,” Trevor absentmindedly mumbles, and you’re drawn back to the present, quickly grabbing a ravioli as you narrow your eyes at him.
“You better fuckin’ not.”
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, fork still between his fingers. “Hey, I said I could, not that I will. You think I’m gonna pull something like that when you have a fork and knife at hand?”
“I mean, we have the same silverware, you could technically defend yourself, if it came to that.”
He rolls his eyes, leaning back against the booth, “Please, I was born to fence with silverware. I would crush you, easy.” He can only keep up his cocky demeanor for another small moment before cracking, shooting you a grin.
“Oh, is that so?” you raise an eyebrow before sinking your fork into the toasted ravioli on your plate, twirling it around as you hold it up. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
You take a bite of the ravioli, and he’s quick to retort, “Are you challenging me to a duel? In the middle of this refined establishment?” His voice is practically dripping with faux shock and horror, and you can’t help but let out a small laugh.
“I’m just saying, you gotta be able to put your money where your mouth is, Collins.”
He smiles, grabbing a ravioli for himself as he replies, “Well, maybe sometime when we aren’t surrounded by innocent civilians, I’ll prove my fork dueling skills.” After a quick bite, he adds, “Besides, I don’t think that old lady would be too thrilled about it, our laughing was offensive enough.”
You glance over to where he subtly gestured with his fork, and see a very old couple. It’s almost as if the woman can sense you looking, because she immediately turns and meets your gaze, with a glare that you think could probably kill you. You return your eyes to Trevor, trying to hold back a laugh as you say, “Holy shit, yeah, no, let’s hold off on this duel for now.” He doesn’t have time to respond before you add, “She also definitely caught me staring so… pretty sure I’m on her shit list now.”
Trevor locks eyes with you, deadly serious as he tells you, “You better watch out, pretty sure that red wine she’s drinking isn’t actually wine.”
You mimic his demeanor as you lean in closer, whispering, “Can you see her reflection on any of the silverware? Is there any color in her cheeks, like, at all?” He quickly glances over, and shakes his head. “Well, fuck.”
“Listen, you’re cool and all, but if you’ve got a vampire after you, you might have to find your own way home tonight.”
Your eyes are still locked as you stay quiet for a moment, the two of you almost daring each other to break the stare, but then the corner of Trevor’s mouth quirks. You can’t keep from laughing at that point, and neither can he, neither of you paying any mind to the dirty look the same woman throws your way.
“If we get kicked out of here before my pasta shows up, I’m blaming you.”
Trevor laughs under his breath, grabbing another ravioli as he replies, “I mean, you’re the one staring at harmless old ladies.”
“You told me to! And I’m not sure how harmless she’ll be when she catches me in an alley, ready to snap my neck; did you see the look she gave me?” You try your best to keep your voice accusatory, but the smile on your face immediately betrays you. God, how could you not smile when this man was smiling right back?
“Eh, you’re a tough kid, you’ll manage.”
You laugh as you chew your next bite, swallowing before adding, “Thanks for that vote of confidence.”
“Oh, anytime.”
You’re not sure how someone’s smile can look so smug and so sincere in the same moment.
It’s surprising how easily the conversation flowed between the two of you at dinner. Sure, you talked to each other at the office, got on fairly well, but that was usually with other people around. You never expected to spend so much one-on-one time with someone and not fall into an awkward silence at some point.
And yet, here you are, in the passenger seat of Trevor’s car as he drives you home, the silence between the two of you something comfortable, safe. He hums along to whatever Spotify playlist he has going, tapping the steering wheel, and you watch the Austin city streets go by in a blur of lights and nightlife.
“I had no clue you were in the same neighborhood as me,” you break the silence, “but I’m glad you don’t have to go too far out of your way to get my dumb ass home.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t have minded going out of my way to get your dumb ass home,” he fires back, shooting you a grin. You roll your eyes with a laugh, and he adds, “For real though, don’t sweat it; Lyft fare is bullshit, and I’m more than happy to help.”
You smile over at him as you reply, “Well, thank you.”
He pulls his car into the one available spot outside your townhouse, meaning one of your roommates is out for the night, and he parallel parks with an ease you can’t fathom. As he puts the car in park, you unbuckle your seatbelt, turning towards him to say, “Thanks for the ride, and for the company. I definitely had a way better time than I thought I would tonight, working after office hours on Valentine’s Day.”
“Hey, anytime!” he says as he opens his door, and you get out of the car as well. “I had fun laughing at old ladies and disturbing the peace with you.”
“I mean, the latter is Achievement Hunter’s specialty, isn’t it?”
“Gotta represent the brand,” he adds as the two of you make your way to your door, both exchanging dumb smiles.
“So, can I ask a dumb question?” you ask, standing in front of your door, shifting on your feet slightly.
“Hit me with it.”
You know you’ll probably regret asking, but you’ll also regret not asking so, might as well. “Would you wanna, um, go out again?” Before he can even respond, you’re quick to add, “I understand if this like, wasn’t a thing, though; I just, figured I’d ask.”
He laughs under his breath, smiling down at you. “This definitely was a thing, yeah. I would’ve asked you out legitimately weeks ago, but I kept second guessing myself; and when I saw you in the office tonight, I finally kicked my own ass and said something, though uh… clearly not well.”
“Hey, we got there eventually, and I had a great time so, I’d say you did well enough.”
Your smile is incredibly teasing, and honestly, he looks like he wants to kiss you right there. But, instead, he settles for kissing your forehead, and you can’t fight the blush that rises to your cheeks. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Bright and early,” you reply, unlocking your front door, “and I’m taking that as a yes, you do wanna go out again?”
“You’re a nerd.”
You stick your tongue out at him as he smiles, kissing your cheek before continuing, “But yes, that’s one hundred percent a yes.”
You’re practically beaming as you say, “See you tomorrow, Collins.”
“Bright and early,” he grins before walking back to his car, stopping before he opens the door. “Goodnight, (y/n).”
As you say goodbye and close the door behind you, you can’t keep from giggling to yourself, still blushing. Maybe, maybe Valentine’s Day was kind of okay.
If it was with him, anyways.
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trevorcollumns · 7 years ago
A Good Sleep
Pairing: Trevor C x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1800+
Warnings: swearing, a joke about a car crash
A/N: my first attempt at writing in 3 years, do me a favour and please let me know how I did lmao
Seven goddamn thirty.
You click the B team office closed, arm the lock, and open Twitter as you shoulder open the door to the main office.
“Hey, I’m off now. I’ll pick up those SD cards in the morning - Trevor?”
You don’t see him at first, across the room at his desk, slumped over with his head cradled in his crossed arms. He hadn’t been one hundred percent today, but you didn’t realise it was this bad. The soft snores you hear tell you otherwise. You drop your bag on the couch and tread carefully through the trash pile at the back of the room. “Trev?”
He stirs and mumbles what might be a “what’s up,” but remains facedown in his keyboard.
“Come on, you’re going home right now.” You reach to place your hand on his back, but your stomach flip-flops at the thought, so you settle for the back of his chair. Swaying it lightly, you reach for his mouse to save his work and shut down the computer.
Trevor rouses to swat at your hand clumsily, “S’fine, Y/N, I just- I gotta finish this.” He sits upright and stretches, and you have to bite back a smile at the face he pulls. However, when he slumps backwards into his chair and rubs at his face, you frown at the bags under his eyes. Looking up at you, he gives you a dopey smile, “Is it that bad?”
You open your mouth to kindly object, but Trevor laughs at bit, and you do too. “Yeah, it’s that bad,” you admit. You know you have that stupid kind-of-fond, kind-of-pitiful smirk going on, but you let it stay there. “These emails will be here tomorrow, and you need sleep. So do I. Go home so I can sleep in peace.”
“Ah, well, I wouldn’t want to keep you up at night,” Trevor teases as he stands up.
Heat creeps up your neck and cheeks - oh please, like you don’t already . He yawns and stretches again, and you have to turn away your face as your blush deepens. You’re searching for something to say when he drops his stretch and claps his hands on his thighs.
“Fuck,” he sighs, his shouldered slumped and eyes trained unfocused on the floor.
You smirk again, “Fuck?”
“Yeah,” he smiles at you sheepishly as he collects his stuff from his desk, “Thanks for checking in. I would have been here all night.”
“I’m sure. And it’s no worry.” You regard him as he rubs at his face again, “Are you alright to get home?”
Trevor jingles the keys hooked on one of his fingers.
You laugh. “No. No, you cannot drive like this. Not in this weather.”
“I’ll be fine, I’ll just-”
“Nope. You’re ten minutes from mine. If something happened to you, I’d never sleep again.” You make your way back to the other side of the office, grab your bag from the couch and hold the door for him. “Let’s go.”
You watch him process your words for a beat, then pocket his keys and follow you to the door. “Yes, ma’am.”
The walk to your car is comfortably quiet, albeit the slight drag of Trevor’s feet and the little yawns he tries to stifle. You steal glances at him, disguised as concern as he lags behind you a little through the corridors of Stage 2. You’re unable to help yourself - Trevor is stunning twenty four hours a day seven days a week, but you’ve never seen him so sleepy. His mussed hair and heavy lidded eyes have you blushing for no good reason, and pushing away some persistent thoughts.
Outside, it’s well past dark and freezing, and you both pick up the pace as you dig your keys out of your bag. Your car isn’t far, and Trevor laughs as he moves a plate with the crumbs of this morning’s breakfast from the passenger seat before he climbs in. “Relatable,” he grins at you.
“Gotta do what I gotta do to be on time. Can’t let the boss down.” You flash him a teasing smile, turn on the heating, put your car in gear, and head for the gates.
As you do, Trevor scoffs. “Impossible.” He fiddles with your stereo, and your playlist from this morning quietly fills the silence. “Good stuff,” he murmurs and sinks into his seat, head back and eyes closed to the street lights now passing overhead.
“Big weekend, then?” you query.
He turns his face towards you, eyebrows raised in question. “Hmm?”
“It’s Monday and you’re dead to the world, Trev.”
“Oh,” he laughs, “I, uh, guess I got a little too invested in Hell’s Kitchen reruns last night.”
You look at him incredulously. “One half of me wants to say fair play, the other half wants to say you’re an idiot.”
“Fair play.”
You laugh, a good proper laugh, and Trevor does too, and you feel good - light, and giddy. The laughter is passing when you feel his gaze on you. Still giggling, you tear your eyes from the road to find him watching you with another dopey smile. “What?”
Trevor starts a little, like you’ve interrupted a thought. A beat goes by, and his smile returns. “You’re the prettiest Uber driver I’ve ever had.” He looks pleased with himself for the joke.
Your grin falters for a split second while you internalise the remark. “Mm, good one,” your grin returns, but your knuckles are white where you grip the steering wheel.
“No, really. I, uh, I mean it.” This time when you look at him, his smile is gentle and ernest.
“Oh.” You’re taken aback, and the shade of red you’re sure you’re turning is mortifying, but you glance back at him nonetheless, “Thanks, Trev.”
“Any time.” Trevor says confidently. When you look at him again, he’s staring out the passenger window. It could be the brake lights from the car in front of you, but his cheeks seem to glow just as red your own.
You let him dooze the rest of the way.
With your quiet music and Trevor’s low breathing, you find yourself on autopilot, reliving his words and chewing your lip until swells. Are you overthinking it? Could it really be that simple? Your crush on Trevor had been with you so long it had become more a casual avocation than the pining it had been. Sometimes you thought you’d worked past it - for the better. He’s your boss now, after all.
And now, this. Fuck.
You’re surprised when you find yourself pulling onto Trevor’s street. You shake his shoulder gently, “Where’re we at?”
He rubs the sleep from his face, answering you through a yawn, “Uh, it’s right up here on the left.”
You pull up outside his place, familiar from the time or two you’d visited for game nights. You leave the engine running.
“Well, goddamn, were you right about me not driving home, huh?” Trevor unbuckles himself and gathers his things in his lap. He’s smiling at you, cheeky again.
You hum in mock contemplation. “I’d say you would have been a goner around about the North Loop.”
“Hey now, I would have gotten further than that.”
“Dead meat either way. You were out like a light.” You’re smug, and you can’t help it, “Good thing I’m a good person.”
He opens his door, “You’re an amazing person, actually.” And he’s out on the street and coming around the back of your car before you can get a word in. You’ve barely closed the shocked little ‘o’ on your lips when he’s tapping your window. Cheeks still pink, you wind it down for him.
“An actual saint,” he continues, “I owe you one. Thank you so much, Y/N.”
“My pleasure. The pictures I may have snapped on the way make it all worth it,” you tease. “Very cute.”
He cringes, “Yikes. Did I drool?”
“Just a little.” You grin and lean towards him, against your door.
“How charming of me.” He runs his hand through his hair, a habit you could never look away from. His tired eyes catch the warmth of the streetlight, and his cheeks are flushed from the cold. His breath clouded by the frost about his head make you think of a halo - you smile at him softly.
“What?” His smile is nervous.
You almost don’t say it. Instead, you steel yourself, swallow what feels like your heart in your throat, and say brightly, “You’re the prettiest passenger I’ve ever had.”
Trevor’s surprise melts to something softer as he looks at the ground, then back to you, “You’re a dork.” It’s that dopey smile again.
You give an exaggerated shrug, “Yeah, but I’m right, so…”
He laughs. He’s shivering now, even in his coat, and it’s well past eight thirty. You’re about to say goodnight when he speaks.
“Do you want to get lunch together tomorrow?”
“I, uh - like, lunch lunch?”
“Like a date, yeah, if you want.”
Your heart’s in your throat again, beating ten million miles an hour, but somehow you manage to get “I’d love to,” around it.
Trevor laughs with what sounds like a little touch of relief, “That’s that, then.”
“Sure is,” you smile, thankful that you at least sound like you’re not losing your mind. “Hey, go get some sleep. You need it bad”
“Yeah, sleep sounds good.” He runs his hand through his hair once more before shoving it back in his pocket and stepping back onto the curb, “Have a good night, Y/N.”
“Back at you!”
You watch him turn and make his way across his front yard. He gets halfway before he stops and turns back, shaking his head.
“You alright?” you call.
“I forgot something.”
You look over your shoulder at your passenger seat, which is empty. “Trev, I think you’ve -”
You turn to lean out your window to him again, but Trevor’s already there, taking your face in his hands and kissing you squarely on the lips. In the moment it takes you to process what’s happening, you feel him start to pull away. Before he can, you wrap your hand around the back of his neck, and place the other on his shoulder, anchoring him right where you need him. You feel his smile against your own and every part of you is humming. You deepen the kiss, until you feel his tongue swipe gently at your bottom lip, and you want to, you so badly want to open your mouth to Trevor, but now’s not the time, so you don’t. You pull yourself away to look up at him. “Was that it?”
He’s breathless and flushed and starry-eyed, a mirror image of yourself. “Yeah,” he murmurs, “That was it.” He strokes your cheek before he takes his hands from your face, and you do the same. For moment, all either of you can do is stare at each other, short of breath and beaming. Trevor takes a step back onto the curb, but his gaze doesn’t leave your face, your dopey smile. “Night, Y/N.”
“Have a good sleep, Trev.”
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cowboylikehim · 8 years ago
Smarties-Trevor Collins
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Trevor Collins x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
"Hey, Trev! I have an idea!" (Y/n) spoke running into the kitchen.
"Uh oh," Ryan said before sipping his diet coke. "That's never good."
"Shut up Ryan, it was one time! Also, Trevor owes me 30 bucks."
"One, that one thing ended up with Jack's chair being thrown out and using all my Cokes in the process. Two what'd Trevor do?" He questioned with a smirk.
"Yeah, What did I do?" Trevor asked, crossing his arms.
"Well, I spent 10 dollars on Smarties and he owns me 20 dollars for a new blender, It didn't work out so well."  (Y/n) held up a plastic bag. "I wanna get Gavin back, for Trevor. And Ryan is also gonna help us."
She grabbed Trevor's hand and Ryan sighed before following. (Y/n) antics were always extra insane. She had been bribed with lunch multiple times by the AH guys to use her evil mind to come up with Shenanigans ideas.
"Alrighty, so..." She stopped at her office, grabbing a plastic back. "In this bag is a shit load of Smarties Wrappers. Ryan gave me all the wrapped from when Gavin used them."
Trevor's eyes widened once she dumped out all of the wrappers. It was a shit load. Ryan smiled at her crazy idea.
"We are going to put a bunch of smarties in his office, and the wrappers will be in his car. So when he goes to open a compartment they will all be released."
"Oh my God, (Y/n). This is why I love you!" Trevor started laughing. "Okay, where do we start?"
"Well, Trevor Boy. I happen to have already prepared this whole thing. You and Ryan do your worst to his office. And I shall take on his car. Meg already gave me his keys!" (Y/n) smirked jangling the Brits keys, making a clanking sound.
"(Y/n)! Help me hide!" Trevor ran into her work space as a yelling Brit was heard in the distance. He was quickly followed by Ryan recording him.
"Closet." She replied standing up and moving and standing protectively in front of the bathroom.
"Hello (Y/n). Have you seen Trevor?" (Y/n) quickly shook her head, too fast. "Is he hiding in the bathroom?"
"Let me see, the bloody git got Smarties dust all over my clean office."
Gavin managed to run into the bathroom when he was investigating (Y/n) shut the door on him while laughing.
"Trev! Run!" (Y/n) yelled letting Gav out.
-- "My legs hurt, (Y/n)," Trevor whined at a coffee shop with (Y/n).
"Poor Baby. Want me to kiss it better?" (Y/n) asked him in a teasing tone. "Just wait till Gavin realized what I did inside his car."
"Oh no."
"You'd be proud. Plus I have nothing to worry about, Gavin will think it was you."
"How do I love you?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"Well, Baby Girl. You are funny, Drop Dead Gorgeous. You fit right in with the guys, plus when we have a prank war you have the best ideas. They're fucking insane. Also sometimes you get super protective of me which is so cute. And I love your everything."
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magical-rt-writing-blog · 8 years ago
Pairing: Jeremy Dooley x Reader
Word Count: 479
Warnings: Cursing
Everyone but you Geoff, Jeremy, Gavin and yourself had left the achievement hunter office. Unfortunately a game of Uno had broken out and no one was even close to winning.
At first it was funny, making people pick up eight cards, listening to the bird noises Gavin made when he got fucked over by someone else.
You had been the closest to winning and were fairly confident that you could end it if you won this next hand. "Can someone just end this already?" Geoff groaned from his desk. "I'm working on it Geoff" you said having been down to just two cards left.
Then Gavin switched with you causing you to have his absolute monstrosity of a hand. "Motherfucker" you groaned looking through all the cards he had and now had given to you.
Jeremy giggling next to you. "It's not funny Jeremy, ya know the cats probably think we're dead by now" you sighed reaching for some of the chips on your desk as your stomach started to rumble.
"We haven't been gone that long" he said chuckling as switching cards with Geoff as you worked to get rid of some of the cards you had.
"We've been playing this for like 3 years, just because someone had to set it to five hundred" you sent Gavin a playful glare. "We've gotta keep it interesting!" He argued back at you. "This is the least interesting video I think we're ever gonna put out" you said sarcastically laughing.
After another thirty minutes but felt like an eternity, you were down to one card calling Uno and hoping no one would change it from green.
All you could think about was going home making something to eat, and snuggling up in bed. You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn't even realize when it happened.
“I’m not cuddling with you for a week…not after you made me draw six" you said looking at Jeremy trying to keep a straight face. "Hey someone's gotta win this thing and it's gonna be me" he said back to you playfully. You just rolled your eyes and continued to play.
Eventually you leaned over and rested your head in Jeremy's shoulder. "You better not be cheating (Y/n)!" He scolded you. Sighing you went to sit back up. "I was just joking here" he said sliding his chair slightly more towards yours so you could get comfortable again.
"Finally that's over" you said yawning as you turned your Xbox off. "C'mon it wasn't THAT bad" Jeremy countered slipping his jacket on. You just turned to him and gave him a 'you've gotta be kidding me' look. Causing him to laugh.
"Can we just agree to not play UNO for a year please?" You asked slipping your hand into his as you walked out of the office. "Nothing would make me happier."
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trecotrash · 5 years ago
I Should Tell You
A/N: Logged on in the first time in forever and finished a draft. 
Pairing:  Trevor Collins x Reader
Description: I’m looking for baggage that goes with mine...I should tell you (I really don’t know how to put an actual description to this besides the two song lyrics)
Inspired by I Should Tell You from Rent
You stormed out of the restaurant and wrapped your coat around you.
“(Y/N), wait!” You kept walking as someone jogged up to you. “(Y/N), just-”
“Just what, Trevor?” you asked as you stopped in your tracks. “Did I do something wrong?”
“What do you mean?” You scoffed and continued you walk to God-knows-where. “(Y/N), what are you talking about?” he inquired as he caught up to you. 
“Oh, you know, just the fact that you invited me to a company party only to ignore me all night long,” you argued. “Look, I get it if you’re not ready for a serious relationship, but that’s a pretty shitty thing to do to someone.” He grabbed your wrist and turned you around. “What?”
“I know,” he sighed. “I know what I did was shitty, and it’s no excuse. All tonight I’ve been trying. I swear. It’s just that...I’ve got a lot of baggage.”
“So does everyone else!” You took a deep breath. “Including me,” you added on. His eyes softened as he loosened his grip on you. Your gaze switched from him to the ground. “Life’s too short to waste any moment on dwelling on it.”
“Well, what’s your baggage?” he questioned.
“Why? It’s not like you care anyways,” you snorted. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “But what if I do?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe then I would tell you that I have shit luck when it comes to love.” 
His hand slid down from your wrist to your hand, and he intertwined your fingers. He took a step closer. “What else?” You ran a hand through your hair and shook your head. “(Y/N), what do you mean by that?” he asked. “Because so far, you sound like every other 20-something-year-old.” You rolled your eyes at his statement. “Look, I’m not perfect, but at least I’m trying.”
“Are you really though? Because from what I’ve seen, you left me to fend for myself,” you told him. “You can’t expect me to tell you my fucked up life in exchange for you to feel better about yourself.” You pulled your hand away. “That’s not how this works.”
“Then what do you want me to do?” 
“I don’t know!” you screamed. He flinched and took a step back. “I’m just looking for baggage that goes with mine, okay?”
“(Y/N), I-”
“Save it,” you interrupted. “It’s clear that you’re not willing to share.” You turned around and started to walk.
“Wait,” he called out. “I should tell you that I’m a disaster.” You stopped in your tracks. “I have a whole story that I’ve never told anyone.
You sighed and turned around. “You have one minute.” He grabbed your hand and took you to a nearby bench. 
After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke. “It’s been a while since I’ve had to go over my story,” he admitted. “I forget how to begin it.”
“You have thirty seconds left, and I have yet to be in it,” you attempted to joke in order to help him feel a bit more comfortable. “If it makes you feel any better, that night when our apartment complex had a power outage, I blew the candle out just so I could get back in.“
He chuckled. “Well up until your candle burned my skin, I had forgotten how to smile.” You cracked a small smile. “If I’m being completely honest, I’m still trying to get to a place where I can trust someone,” he said. 
“And if it’s anything to you, I’m still learning to trust people too,” you confessed. “What made you stop trusting people?”
“Just...my last girlfriend cheated on me,” he told you. “What about you?
“Every single person I’ve met essentially used me to either get to someone else or just for a good fuck.” He took your hand in his and squeezed it tight. “It’s sorta hard believing someone actually wants something real with you when everything before that has been so shitty.”
He took a deep breath. “(Y/N), I want you to know I’d never use you like that.”
“Trevor,” you sighed.
“I mean it,” he reiterated. “I would never hurt you. 
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes. You find yourself looking out onto the street in front of you. 
Soon enough, you both turned toward each other and said, “I should tell you-”
You bit your lip as he motioned toward you. “You first,” he said. 
“It’s just, I like where this is going,” you breathed out, “but I’m afraid to fall.” 
“Even if you know I’ll be there to catch you?” 
You shook your head. “You’re missing the point. I’m afraid because I don’t know if you’ll be there to catch me,” you told him. “I just...Trevor-”
“(Y/N),” he interjected. “I won’t let you crash and hit the ground. We’ll never know where this goes unless we try though.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What are you saying?” 
“I’m saying, let’s give this a real shot.”
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short-honey-badger · 5 years ago
I wrote this little thing after reading the Fake AH Headconnons that wonderful @sarahinara wrote up. So the idea goes to them. I hope you like it!
    In Los Santos, it was an unspoken rule that the civilians living there were not to be involved with any gang activity. The Fakes always made sure that this rule was followed and came down on anyone who thought to break it. So it came to your surprise when you are taken hostage by a man who looks similar to the Vagabond. Sure the mask was a little too different and the man was not as broad as what you thought he should be, but to your terrified mind you did not take in these differences right away. 
To you, it was the Vagabond tying you up and shoving a gag into your mouth before locking you in the supply closet at your work. You force the tears that sprung in your eyes away and tried to focus on getting out of the restraints the man had forced you into. 
The sharp crack of gunfire makes you jump and the tears drip from your eyes and make your vision blur. All you had wanted to do was eat your lunch while on break. Being shoved in a closet was not your idea of a good time.
The sound of gunfire went off further away this time and you hoped that a stray bullet would not somehow find your defenseless body. It had seemed like hours had passed before the gunfire finally stopped, but it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. When you hear approaching footsteps, you strain your ears to listen to the people talking.
“Search the place. Make sure that copycat didn’t hurt anyone else.'' The voice is vaguely familiar with a southern accent and it makes you wonder where you’ve heard it from before.
“Roger that, Kingpin.” another voice says and you slouch in relief. It was The Fakes! You knew that the gang who ran Los Santos would not hurt any civilians, but you were still confused on why the Vagabond had done this to you in the first place. However; now that you were not filled with terror, it was easy for you to recall the details of the man who bound you. The differences you had unconsciously noticed came to mind and you relaxed even more. What Ramsey had said was right-it was a copycat!
Your thoughts are interrupted when the door to the closet is opened and the man of your thoughts is suddenly standing in front of you. From the short distance you can see his blue eyes, while they are cold and calculated, you can’t help but to sag when he looks at you and begins to cut you lose. 
“You alright?” he asks and you answer after wetting your lips from the dryness of the cloth. 
“Yeah. Thanks for getting me outta there.”
You see his eyes crinkles at the edges behind his mask and the real Vagabond offers you his hand to lead you out from the closet. You were absolutely going to be telling your friends about this later.
Outside in the hallway the Kingpin and Beardo are speaking in hushed voices. When they turn in your direction, you can see a pool of red behind them and are quick to close your eyes. You are grateful when the Vagabond pulls you closer and begins to lead you away.
“Found this one in a closet. I’m getting her out of here.” You hear him say and Ramsey says something you can’t quite make out with being smothered in the leather of the man’s jacket.
Soon you can feel the outside air and Vagabond releases his hold on you. You open your eyes and turn to look at the man who saved your life to find him gazing back at you. Before you can open your mouth to thank him again, he is leading you away once more to an intimidating bike. “Let me give you a ride home.” he says and offers you a helmet he has stored in one of the saddle bags. 
You obviously must be more traumatized than you think because instead of telling him no thank you. I can drive, you are taking the helmet and slipping it on your head. He mounts the bike first and soon you are clinging to his waist as the two of you zip out of the parking lot and out to the road. You yell directions to him over the wind and it feels like seconds when you see you see the familiar paneling of your modest house. 
You get off the bike and hand the helmet back to the large man. He gives off a striking image sitting in his skull mask on the equally terrifying bike. It is no wonder why the other minor gangs and criminals are so terrified of the Vagabond. You give him another smile and hold yourself against the chill of the wind, “Thank you again. You saved probably saved my life.” 
The Vagabond simply shrugs and says, “You shouldn’t be a part of any of our business and we shouldn’t be a part of yours.” you see his eyes crinkle behind his mask again before he gives you a two fingered salute and then he is gone. You watch until you can’t see him anymore before making your way inside your home. What a day.                
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rtscrobbles · 5 years ago
Taking requests! I may be slow getting to them but I'll try my best!
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5lbsofsmarties · 6 years ago
21 with Ryan Haywood please?? 😊
Word Count: 436
The sound of shouts and general misery is what drew you to the main room of Achievement Hunter. You’d been walking by and heard what sounded to be Michael and Jeremy screaming for some sort of assistance. Now, you knew that they were very obviously playing a game but you couldn’t help but open the door to take a peek inside just to see what it was that had gotten them all riled up.
In the office itself, the lights were mostly off and five monitors were pulled up to blank white pages which cast a bright light over the faces of the men sitting at those stations.
“Get him, Michael! The Tap Man is done for,” Jeremy screamed as he wildly tapped at his keyboard.
Michael was practically bouncing in his chair, “If I get closer he’ll vom on me, Jeremy!”
It seemed as though no one was paying attention to the door opening and closing as you stepped foot into the room. No one, except for Gavin. “Y/N!” he shouted, having spotted you in the capture of his webcam. He whipped around and looked at you with wild, frantic eyes.
“Go stop Ryan from killing us all. He’s already got me and Fiona, but Jeremy and Michael can make it if they get away!”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to process just what it was that he was saying. When it all finally clicked, you strolled across the room to where Ryan was sitting at his desk. You could see Jeremy’s character on the shoulder of Ryan’s as he made his way to a hook. “Ry? Darling,” you said softly as you bent enough to nearly eye level with him.
His eyes cut briefly from the screen to you but returned just as fast.
Reaching out, you grabbed his chin between your thumb and forefinger, and gently pulled his head to the side so that you could plant a kiss to his lips. You felt him relax and vaguely registered the four other people in the game cheering and shouting. You stayed there for a beat or two longer before slowly pulling away from him, smiling warming as you did so.
“Tap Man’s got the door! Go, go, go!”
Jeremy’s shouts seemed to finally connect to Ryan’s brain and his eyes widened comically before he snapped his head back to his screen. “Fuck! You… You…”
“YOU!” both Michael and Jeremy laughed as they escaped the level.
Ryan whipped around to look at you with a vaguely upset glint in his eyes, “You distracted me!”
“You killed my friends,” you shrugged.
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mischi3f-manag3d · 5 years ago
Ok hear me out. I keep thinking about the prank Rooster Teeth did on Achievement Hunter where they made a carnival in the AH office. And Chris had the Chrissing booth and people paid him $5 to not have to kiss him. But like, can someone write something to where he does get kissed by his office crush or something? Like a chris x reader situation. I would die. 🥺❤
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rosegoldachievement · 7 years ago
Where Good Girls Go To Die (Chapter 3)
pairing: fahc x reader
word count: 2,316
series: Where Good Girls Go To Die
summary:  You’re not quite sure what compelled you to move to the infamous city of Los Santos, a ruthless playground for drug dealers, washed-up celebrities, and criminals alike. It was very different from your small hometown in the middle of nowhere, where nothing ever happened and you couldn’t even leave your house without running into someone you knew, but perhaps that was part of the attraction. But, after running into your ex-best friend, Jeremy Dooley, you began to think Los Santos wasn’t so bad as it seemed. Well, until the bank you worked at got robbed and you managed to get kidnapped all in the same week, leading you to become stuck in a penthouse with six very deadly males.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter four
Chapter Three: Bittersweet
Later that night, you had found yourself being pulled out of your slumber by a phone going off. With still closed eyes, you mindlessly extended your hand and brushed it along the surface of the end table. As your phone continued to send its cry for attention out into the open air, you found yourself changing your technique to a patting motion. Finally, the texture underneath your fingertips changed as you found your phone. The rather cold phone case made you grown but miraculously, you managed to accept the call and press the phone to your ear before time ran out.
“Y/n?” Jeremy’s voice broke through the speaker. You quickly retracted the phone from your ear and forced open your eyelids to read the caller ID. Once you got confirmation that it was indeed Jeremy on the other end of the line, you allowed your eyes to rest again. You let out a small noise of acknowledgement as a response. “Hey, I’m just checking in. I got kind of worried that you didn’t text me after work like you said you would.”
The afternoon of your re-connection with Jeremy, you had sent him a message so he had your number. This sparked a conversation between the two of you, and it had been carried over into the past couple of days. In a way it was weird, the rekindled friendship of the two of you. Sometimes, the two of you acted like the relationship you had was totally new. Which, it technically was, neither of you were the same people as you were before. But, there was still that sense of familiarity in the way you spoke to each other, the way that either of you would somehow bring up an old joke like it happened yesterday. And for some reason, you hated it.
The night previous you had mentioned you were starting your new job in the morning and Jeremy insisted that you text him when you get home to tell him all about it. You agreed and after telling him your shift hours, you went to sleep. Because of all of the commotion this morning, you completely forgot this promise.
“Sorry Jeremy. Today was just...” You trailed off in an attempt to figure out how to explain the day’s events. Luckily, the amount of brain power needed to do this task woke you up slightly. “A long day.”
“Is that still code for ‘today’s been shit’?” Your lack of reply to this question made Jeremy’s tone of voice change. “That bad, huh?” You wouldn’t consider yourself as a optimist, but you were admittedly more calm about the situation than when it first happened. Your time at the station gave you time to reflect on how lucky you were that you, or anyone else, wasn’t dead from the interaction.  But, that goes to say that this day was far from the best in your life.
“Yeah, it was pretty rough.”
“Did your boss chew you out or something? Where did you even get a job at, anyway?” You sat up in your bed and leaned yourself against the headboard, fully aware that this conversation was not going to end anytime soon.
“Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank.” You expected Jeremy to bring the conversation to how you followed your father’s footsteps. Silence seemed to pass through the speaker for a moment before Jeremy spoke up.
“You were at the robbery.;;”
“How do you know about the robbery?” You heard Jeremy shift his body, the distant sound of sheets being ruffled filled the speaker.
“I saw it on the news. Are you okay?” Concern was evident in his voice. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Y/n-”
“Jeremy, relax. I’m alright, I promise. I’m not going to lie to you, I was apart of a hostage situation but I’m okay. I’m sorry for not calling you, I came home and immediately fell asleep.” You attempted to convince him that you were indeed fine with today’s previous events.
“Alright, I want to take your word for it but I’m still worried about you. When you said you moved here, I suspected that you would run into crime. Hell, it’s impossible not to in this fucking city, but I didn’t think it would be so soon…” A beat of silence came between the two of you before Jeremy spoke up in a more positive tone.  “If you’re comfortable enough to go out tonight, maybe I can show you one of the places that makes Los Santos worth it?” You had to admit, ever since you had ran into Jeremy, you wanted to hang out with him again and hopefully this could be what was needed to end your horrible day on a good note. Jeremy was the type of person that had a carefree aura around him, which allowed whoever he was with to feel it too.
“Yeah, I’m feeling okay enough to go out.”
“Nice! Text me your address and I’ll be there in a little bit, okay?” You could envision the smile on his face as he said this.
“Will do. See you in a little bit, bye Jeremy.” With this you hung up and managed to force yourself out of bed. You sent him a text with your address and tossed your phone onto your bed. Your bedroom was still a mess, but luckily your clothes were all unpacked and put away in the closet. After rummaging around for something decent to wear, you finally settled on a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.
It wasn’t long until you had received a text from Jeremy, saying that he was outside. You patted your pockets, making sure you had everything before heading downstairs to join him. Once you slipped out of the front doors of your apartment complex, you noticed a royal purple Pariah sitting in front of the sidewalk. Before you could text Jeremy for confirmation, the passenger door opened to reveal him leaning over from the driver’s seat.
“Need a ride?” He asked, then shifted back into his seat. You only chuckled at this and walked over to the car. After you had climbed into the car and shut the door, you put on your seatbelt. The familiar feeling of comfort settled into your bones.
“Never thought I’d see you driving a sports car.” You hummed as he began to drive out of the parking lot.
“It’s no Big Blue, but it works.” You smiled at the reference to Jeremy’s rusted powder blue pick up truck, the one he received on his sixteenth birthday that drove you and him across every inch of your hometown. You found yourself looking out of the window next to you, focusing on the way that the buildings basked in neon colors of the city. “That reminds me, how’s everyone at home?”
“Anyone in particular you want to know about?” You could faintly hear Jeremy’s fingers tap against the steering wheel.
“How about the old troop?” Throughout most of your childhood, you and Jeremy were considered the dynamic duo but sometime around the second year of high school, the two of you formed a small friend group.
“Mark is still trying to do that archery thing and Edger managed to get a job as a stablehand a few towns over. Taylor and I haven’t talked since she got married. I heard she gave birth to a baby boy last May. Anyone else?” “My parents?” You tried to hide the shock on your face when he said this. You couldn’t fathom the fact that Jeremy hadn’t had some sort of contact with his family for the last few years.
“They’re okay. I honestly don’t see them all that often, but sometimes your mom will say hi if we cross paths at the market.” You answered truthfully. Upon saying this, questions began to appear in your brain. The overarching theme of Jeremy’s absence seemed to be prominent in each one. As much as you wanted to ask him all of them, you opted to stay quiet, not wanting to come off as the bitter friend who assumed was left behind. Once you opened your mouth to continue the conversation and bring it to a different topic, Jeremy parked the car. The two of you got out of the car and you were instantly met with the smell of salt water filling your nose.
“Welcome to Del Perro Pier.” In front of you sat a boardwalk overlooking the beach. Various amenities and amusement park rides covered a section that protruded out into the water. Just as Jeremy had said, a large red sign with blinking yellow lights read Del Perro Pier. You turned to Jeremy with a teasing smile.
“This is what makes Los Santos worth wild?”
“Give it a chance.” He remarked as he began to go up the ramp to the boardwalk. You followed, eventually falling back into step with him. You had to admit, the concept of the beach was very compelling to you. Growing up, the only large body of water within radiance of your home was the town lake. There was something euphoric about swimming in the lake on a nice hot summer day but since it was the only swimming spot in town, it was hard to enjoy it with the amount of people that often inhabited it. You and Jeremy walked towards the portion of the pier that stretches over the ocean, various shops and carnival games were lined up on either side of you. Jeremy paused, causing you to do the same.
Jeremy’s mouth opened to say something, but your attention was focused on the booth behind him. Nested onto the shelf fixated on the sidewall sat a collection of stuffed bears, all arranged by the color of their fur. Tied around each one of their necks was a crimson colored ribbon. Jeremy must have noticed, because he turned his head to see behind him before looking back at you.
“Let me guess, you want one of the bears?” He chuckled. You shrugged and a shy smile came across your face.
“A little, yeah.” Jeremy turned around and approached the booth in which you had eyed up. You followed, fully prepared to give the game your all. But, to your surprise, Jeremy placed down the cash that was required before casting you a smile.
“I got this.” He insisted. The man in the booth accepted the money and begun to explain the game. Behind him stood a mock shooting gallery that had zombie animatronics. The goal of the game was when the zombie’s eyes glowed bright blue, the person with the cork gun would send a cork into the large target on the zombie’s chest. He handed Jeremy the cork gun and got out of the way by standing on the side of the gallery.
“Ready?” The guy asked, which earned a nod from Jeremy. The man pressed a button on the booth’s wall, which activated the zombies. You watched in awe as Jeremy’s focus snapped to zombie after zombie as their eyes changed, hitting them perfectly in the center of the zombie each time. It was strange to see him so comfortable holding something that resembled a gun, but you chose not to think about it too much.
A loud buzzing sound could be heard after roughly three minutes, signaling the end of the game. Jeremy placed the cork gun on the counter of the booth. The game manager then went around, examining the glowing red areas where Jeremy had hit the zombies.
“Good job, dude. Perfect score.” He congratulated Jeremy, who only smiled broadly. “Pick any prize you want.” Jeremy looked towards you, indicating that the choice was yours. Your eyes locked upon a caramel colored stuffed bear and pointed at it.
“Can we have that one, please?” You asked. The man nodded and retrieve the bear. He handed it to you and thanked you guys for playing. After wishing him a good day, you and Jeremy walked away to find something else to do.
After riding the ferris wheel and practically being blackmailed onto a roller coaster called the Leviathan, you and Jeremy decided to get ice cream to end your night out. The two of you sat at one of the circular tables outside of the ice cream shop, chatting about anything that sparked your interest. With the stuffed bear he had won you sitting on your lap, you put another spoonful of the (favorite flavor) ice cream into your mouth.
“So, how was it. Did Pleasure Pier live up to the hype?” Jeremy asked. You shrugged lightly, making sure the food in your mouth had vanished before you answered.
“It was nice.”
“Just ‘nice’? C’mon, this place is the bomb!” You laughed at his words.
“I’m a big fan of the concept that it’s who you’re with and not the place that make it a good situation.” Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed as he pointed his spoon towards you.
“Take your sappy bullshit,” He then moved the utensil to point in another direction. “And take it somewhere else.” A warmth resonated inside of you, this was definitely the Jeremy you had come to love. Nethertheless, you rolled your eyes at his reaction and shot back a protest.
“That was only, like, not even five percent sap.”
“So, you admit it had some sap?”
“Anyway,” You chose to ignore his question. “Thanks for taking me out, Jeremy.” The robbery seemed like it happens months prior now, even though it occurred only a few hours ago. The little outing he provided helped cease some of the tightness that still lingered in your chest when you were getting ready for Jeremy to pick you up.
“No problem, y/n.” The fluorescent light that was fixated on the wall behind him flickered once, covering him in a dark shadow before illuminating his features once more. “Anytime.”
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years ago
Okay I know I’m eleven days behind but hopefully I’ll get them all out? Not going to make any promises though
Prompt: Fake dating for a holiday dinner with Trevor
“Remember the rules?” You had turned the car engine off, both you and Trevor now sitting in the darkened car outside your parents’ house. 
 “Of course, Y/N. What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” Trevor laughed, placing a hand on top of yours. 
 “You’re lucky I trust you,” You said, unbuckling your seatbelt and stepping out of the car. Waiting on the sidewalk you shoved your hands into your pockets, praying to whatever god above that tonight would go smoothly. Trevor linked his arm with yours, giving you a final good luck squeeze as the two of you walked up to the front door. 
 Rule One: Don’t be too charming. 
 Your family couldn’t fall in love with him. Hell, you aren’t in love with him, so why should they be? They would never let up, and when you eventually told them about the ‘breakup’, they’d probably cry more than you would. 
 So you were pissed that, within minutes of the pair of you removing your jackets, your mother was whisking you away, leaving Trevor to entertain the rest of you extended family. 
 “I can’t believe you haven’t introduced us to that charming - and might I add gorgeous - man before!” You returned her wide smile with a tight lipped one. 
“Isn’t he just the most charming!” You laughed loudly, internally cursing Trevor and his stupid charming personality. 
Rule Two: No excessive PDA.
As you all laughed at your dad’s lame joke you felt Trevor’s hand on your knee. It wasn’t as if he was trying to convince your parents that the two of you actually were a couple (you were pretty sure they already believed it), and besides, no one could see under the table. 
Your mind wandered away from the flow of the conversation, distracted by Trevor’s strange actions and incessant rule breaking. 
“I’ll clear the table!” You jumped up after noticing everyone was done with the dinner, desperate for some time alone to sort out your thoughts. 
“And I’ll help!” Trevor smiled, copying your movements. You felt his hand on the small of your back long after the two of you had left the gaze of the family. Was he really that good at playing pretend or was there something more behind the seemingly innocent touches? 
Rule Three: Don’t fall in love
“Thank you for an amazing night and a wonderful dinner!” Trevor went around, hugging your family as you stood off to the side. A small smile had found a home on your face as your eyes remained glued to Trevor. 
“Well, we best get going now,” You waved goodbye to your family, wanting nothing more than to get home and work out how to tell your parents that the two of you had ‘broken up’. 
“I hope we get to see you again soon, Trevor!” Your mother said, winking at you as soon as Trevor’s back was turned. 
The two of you walked in silence until you reached the car, but before you unlocked it you stopped Trevor. 
“Thanks for helping me out, Trevor,” You smiled, enveloping him with an awkward hug. 
“My pleasure, Y/N,” For one reason or another he had not stepped away from you yet. “And I’m sorry, but I think I broke all three rules.”
“Three? But I thought -” Trevor cut off your surprise with a kiss, tentatively pressing his lips to yours. It was soft, as if he was scared about how you would respond. 
“Yep. All three of them,” He laughed, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Good to know I don’t have to tell our parents we have broken up,” You return his laugh, pressing your lips back to his. 
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