#Achievement Hunter Insert
Hey you! Yeah you! Do you wanna be shipped with your fave character from Red Vs Blue??
Hi I'm doing commisions for match ups (match ups being you and a character of my choice to who I think will fit you the best) ADULT ONLY! 18 + MINORS DO NOT DM
The price is 5 to 10 USD (preferably venmo if possible)
You can give me a description of yourself in dms
And I will give you a 100 to 300 words of a character I think you'd fit best with
The characters!
I will write for almost anyone in RVB (excluding Theta, The Director and The Counselor and a few others)
I will also do other RT media such as
Lazer Team, Camp Camp, RWBY (if I do this with younger characters it will be after the time skip to when they are 18).
If you have another fandom in mind I am open to writing for then I will absolutely do that too
Won't do: EXTREME NSFW, Hazbin Hotel, or MCYT, or any IRL people in Rooster Teeth (Michael Jones, ect.)
This will super help me out a lot and I would really appreciate it if I could get some comms, if not feel free to browse my blog and my art, I have art commisions open too!
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C’è una cosa che mi da veramente sui nervi , quando incontri una persona la prima cosa che si chiede è “come stai?” Io odio questa domanda perché è palese che non risponderò mai “sto una merda grazie del pensiero” porca troia
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officialah · 1 year
Achievement Hunter is changing and we're taking you with us
As you may have noticed, Achievement Hunter has gone through a number of changes this year. We’ve grown a bit smaller as our cast has moved on to work on exciting new ventures, including Inside Gaming and VTubing. Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of Dogbark, a new content group featuring Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Trevor Collins, and Joe Lee. 
Rooster Teeth is at its best when employees have been given the opportunity to pursue new creative passions. Fifteen years ago, this meant giving Geoff the ability to create Achievement Hunter. And today, this means letting the Achievement Hunter cast move on to new creative projects.
Over the last few years, this has allowed our cast to put time into creating F**kface, ANMA, Red Web, Face Jam, and more. More recently, Jack and BK have put their efforts into streaming at Inside Gaming, Lindsay has begun exploring Vtubing as Ruby, and Ky is producing multiple projects, including some of those listed above.
With all of our new focuses, this means we will not be actively creating content for the Achievement Hunter channel. Let’s Play will also look a little bit different moving forward, but we can assure you that it’s not going anywhere, and it’s in great hands.
But why Dogbark, and not just new shows under the Achievement Hunter banner? At this point in our creative careers, we have grown as both people and as entertainers. Much like how early Achievement Hunter evolved from video game guides to Let’s Plays, we’re looking to take Dogbark in a bold new direction that is more heavily focused on improv and sketch comedy. It’s new. It’s fun. It’s weird. And it’s such a departure from what Achievement Hunter has been that we feel Dogbark is truly its own thing.
We’re very excited to share these projects with all of you, and we really do hope you’ll enjoy all the new content we have in store. Through the years, we’ve reached heights we never thought possible–from Haunter to the Hardcore series, from RTX Panels to AH Live Tours. Whether you joined us back in 2008 or 2023, we couldn’t have done this without you. We have been met with so much support as we’ve grown and changed over the years, and we can’t thank you enough for that.
We know this news might be shocking and saddening for you. It’s bittersweet. On one hand, we’re saying “See you later” to a truly indescribable brand. On the other, we’re getting to pursue new passions, explore, test ourselves as creators, and that’s an incredibly exciting experience. It’s hard to do the same thing for our whole lives, and we shouldn’t have to. But, just because we’re not a part of AH anymore doesn’t mean that we didn’t appreciate the time spent there, or with you.
It’s okay to be sad; it’s okay to take time to process. After, when you’re ready, come join us over at Inside Gaming, F**kface, RWBY’s Twitch, Dogbark, Red Web, Face Jam, ANMA, and So…Alright. We’ll be waiting for you.
To watch our full video on this, check out this link: https://youtu.be/YVgACDwlgq0 To learn more about our future projects, check out the links below. 
Dogbark - www.youtube.com/@dogbarkshow || /www.instagram.com/dogbarkshow/
F**kface - www.youtube.com/@fckfacepod || twitter.com/FuckFacePod
Inside Gaming -www.twitch.tv/roosterteeth || www.youtube.com/@insidegaming
RWBY Twitch - www.twitch.tv/rwby_vt
We’ve anticipated your questions and have created an FAQ below that will hopefully provide answers.
Where are [insert the AH person you are looking for] going?
Honestly, nowhere. They’re still here at Rooster Teeth, but are jumping into new exciting opportunities that bring them joy and passion.Geoff and Gavin are focusing on F**kface, Jack and BK are streaming over with Inside Gaming, Lindsay is launching a RWBY Vtubing Twitch, and Ky is producing these projects. Michael, Trevor, Alfredo, and Joe are excited to announce their new project, Dogbark, which launches 10/2.
Does this mean AH content is going away?
Nope. It’ll exist in perpetuity online. Both on Rooster Teeth Site and Apps as well as the AH YouTube channel.
Will AH ever return?
Think of it like your favorite band going on hiatus. We don’t want to close the door completely and turn off all the lights. There’s always the chance that One Direction will come back.
Is Let’s Play content and channel going away?
Also nope! But stay tuned, you might recognize who will start showing up (and reshowing up) there.
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prototypelq · 1 month
DMC Questions Anon here!
A little bit ago it was Father's Day (for me anyways)! Now I want you to tell me how DMC characters celebrate Father's Day.
Hi Ember! I am, as usual, very timely with my answers. Thanks for continuing to give me food for thought despite that 💚
Father's Day is actually the series' favourite holiday, given how 3/5 games give us an opportunity to murder someone's dad! xD
But, uh, yeah, no joke, parents are a big part of DMC themes so it's genuinely an important holiday for the characters, whether they like it or not. And about half of them don't like it probably.
Obviously, Lady and the twins hate it. Sparda's absence was the event that made the childhood of brothers come crashing down, and no matter how mature they are, I don't think that is something they can ever forgive. Outwardly, they might be neutral about it, or try to excuse Sparda even, but deep down I think they will always be resentful about it.
It's also the reason I adore the fics where Sparda somehow returns. I think this upsets the whatever careful balance and peace post-hell twins can achieve, but without anything life-threatening happening. Pure family drama and I'm a sucker for that xD (Sparda's definitely getting a violent welcome from the twins tho). Plus, Nero gets a grandpa!
For Lady, Trish and Lucia I don't think Father's day is salvageable. Not for Lady for sure, and neither Trish nor Lucia really Have a figure they could celebrate so yeah.
Returning to more canon/my-fanon territory, (nodding at Nero and Patty) I think Father's day might become a pleasant day for the twins)))
(headcanon that Patty started bringing Dante small gifts for Father's Day a long time ago, she got away with it because Dante didn't pay attention to dates or holidays for most of his life, and she did it without fanfare)
We don't know what Kyrie's situation is, but I imagine she and Nero could honor her and Credo's parents.
Nico is probably the one character who has a genuine great and uncomplicated day with Rock. I think they go fishing or maybe camping or smth. Nico's in just because her dad likes it, but she enjoys the activity with him.
If you don't mind, I'll also insert Mother's day answer here.
A couple of weeks ago (listen I was lazy okay) it was Mother's Day (for me anyways)! Now I want you to tell me how DMC characters celebrate Mother's Day.
Same way as the Father's day is...complicated for most of the cast, Mother's day is pretty somber for most of the cast.
The twins, Kyrie and Lady spend the day honouring their respective mothers.
I imagine this would be a good date for the twins to Talk TM with Nero about their family history. Maybe they visit the mansion again, if only for some emotional closure, as pretty much nothing there survived.
(crossing fingers for more fanon Witch Eva)
Trish has had a complicated time on this day, but I think she's better about it now and probably ignores it.
Patty and Lucia spend the holiday with their moms, I think the whole cast can only be happy for them.
(free space to insert some unpopular opinions regarding parents:
- I don't think Nero and Kyrie fulfill the parental roles for the orphans they host, as they are not ready for that themselves. They take care of those children, sure, but it's out of sympathy (and relatability) of their situation. It's not a permanent arrangement, nor is it parenting.
- A tutorship of new Devil Hunters would fix Lady, maybe with some unwanted responsibility and parental feelings for her students involved
- demonic pets for twins au reminder. pets aren't children and pet owners' aren't parents, but it's close)
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A rant about Reyna’s love life situation in ToA…
So I just read the Tyrant’s Tomb and uhhh…I see why people have such mixed feelings about what happened with Reyna. Here are my thoughts (w/ spoilers of course).
- First of all, that whole Lester/Reyna pseudo love story thing was so…weird? Like, I understood the point of getting Reyna to reflect on dating, but like, did she really need a bizarre romantic subplot with Lester to achieve that? The whole incident w/ Venus felt like it only existed solely for the sake of this moment with Reyna, seeing as it was first introduced in this same book, and will likely be forgotten about afterwards. As a result, the whole thing seems so random with no buildup whatsoever. I think there are better ways to introduce Reyna’s interest in taking on celibacy and joining the Hunters than this pile of weirdness with Lester/Apollo.
- Second of all, a lot of Reyna’s dialogue concerning her love life sounded like Rick Riordan just inserting himself into the story, and it was extremely cringey. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was OOC for Reyna to say these things, but the language choices made it clear that RR was just using the character to voice his own thoughts (I literally cringed when he used the word “ship” unironically in her speech to Lester/Apollo near the end of the book. Nobody talks like this.) We have never seen any of the kids at New Rome actually mention Reyna’s love life in any of the books as far as I remember (let me know if I’m wrong). So this problem she has with other people “shipping” her doesn’t seem real in-universe and feels like it’s being brought up to address the fandom specifically and sort of…scold(?) them for shipping Reyna with other characters.
In addition, I don’t like it when authors use their characters as a disguise for their own thoughts. It ruins the integrity of the character and the story. If you have something to say to the fandom, just say it instead of hiding behind your character.
- Third, I find the line where Reyna says “Why do healthy friendships have to progress into romance” (or something like that) in response to Lester/Apollo asking her if she’s dating Thalia to be really hypocritical. Romance is a very major theme in RR’s books and he has a knack for pairing up as many characters as possible, even characters who don’t really need to be a relationship/whose romances could have worked just as well as a friendship. This line Reyna says about not every friendship needing to be a romance could apply to almost every couple in this franchise.
I give Percabeth, Frazel, SilenaxBeckendorf, and EmmiexJo a pass, because romance genuinely complements their stories, but as far as other ships goes, I actually think their romances were unnecessary/poorly executed/could’ve worked just as well as a friendship. ChrisxClarisse definitely didn’t need to be a thing; Clarisse doesn’t even give off romance vibes anyway and Chris stops existing after TLO. Grover and Juniper are cute, but nothing would change if their relationship didn’t exist. Jasper/Jiper might have genuinely been better as friends. Caleo ABSOLUTELY didn’t need to happen; I personally believe romance was NOT the best resolution for Leo’s arc. I give props to Nico and Will for being the first gay ship, but again, RR should not be using romance as a bandaid for emotional conflicts. Nico should learn to maintain healthy friendships first before jumping into romance. TysonxElla did not need to happen for any reason at all. A lot of the hinted pairings in The Hidden Oracle (Miranda & Sherman, Chiara x Damien, Valentina x Paolo) didn’t need to exist either. These are all side characters whose romances have little to no impact, and who would lose nothing if they were all just friends. Same for Lavinia x Poison Oak.
As you can see, RR loves to pair people up together. And most of these pairings are straight/straight-passing. But Reyna maybe liking girls is where he finally draws the line, and decides that romance doesn’t need to happen all the time? Seriously? Like don’t get me wrong, it’s cool to finally have a character in this franchise who chooses to be happily single, and I know that Thalia has not expressed any interest in women (neither has Reyna, tbh), but like…still. RR has been gung-ho about romance everywhere else, even with characters where it literally didn’t matter. Why did he draw the line here?
All of this also makes me wonder if Piper/Shel became a thing just to placate disappointed fans who wanted to see a major character in a wlw relationship. I remember RR’s tweet where he was like “I didn’t want to make Reyna like girls because it would seem like girls only like girls if things don’t work out with boys”. This is a nice sentiment, but it becomes questionable when you realize that what he tried to avoid with Reyna is basically what he did with Piper? And to make matters worse, Shel is such a non-character. She exists for a few pages at the very end of the final series, has no canon personality or physical appearance (as far as I remember), and she’s so unimportant, she doesn’t even have a last name! Her only purpose in the story is to show us that Piper likes girls, which is so lame! Why not give a wlw between two fully fleshed out characters instead of this last-minute romance between a major character and a character who’s just a device?
- Lastly, I’m really tired of RR shoving the female characters that he doesn’t want to pair up into vows of celibacy (Rachel, Thalia, and now Reyna). In fact, this happens with the male characters too, where they are either dating (Percy, Grover, Tyson, Leo, Nico, Will, Frank, Jason) or they’re dead (Luke, Octavian, Jason).
Reyna was so close to being the first major character who didn’t fall into this pattern and then it was ruined. There are many options that people can have for their love lives beyond dating or mandatory celibacy, Richard Riordan, and these options are not that hard to write/explore even in a book aimed at preteens. The characters could easily say that they’re not interested in romance at the moment and may become interested at a later point, that they’re interested but are waiting for a person that they truly want to date, that they’re working on friendships right now, that they’re focused on other things right now, etc. Not everyone needs to be paired up, but not everyone needs to take on a vow of celibacy either. Characters are allowed to just be single, no explanations given. There are so many things Reyna could do besides being a Hunter. She could go to school, travel the world, do something similar to Emmie and Jo where she creates a safe haven for others, maybe even a safe haven for abused girls such as a herself. Becoming a Hunter is not the only option here.
Sorry for the length of this rant, and sorry if this post sounds hyper-critical of Rick. I’m just not impressed with the way Reyna’s love life was handled, and how she explained it using dialogue that was essentially just Rick Riordan talking. Very weird.
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lunatriense · 1 year
I need to ask this because this has been bothering me:
Jaune talked about in canon how his family didn’t believe in him to become a huntsman.
However thinking more on this I question jaunes mindset: his family shows in the later volumes that they did care for him and loved him.
I think personally that jaune didn’t take his training seriously and the father stopped training.
How is it you know how to commit forgery and come from a line of heroes and yet have no idea about aura or non existent training?
after all jaune in the early volumes did act like a man child that think the world owns him. He was very self centered that I questioned how he was even likable?
I am trying to understand this guy but god the early volumes make me so angry and disappointed in the guy.
I could totally see that, and I also think he way oversells the 'my family are heroes' thing. My guess is they were soldiers, and he has that every soldier is a hero mindset, because seriously… if they were heroes, why does no one know his name? If there's a family in which multiple generations are heroes — and I'm talking like hugely important achievements, way above and beyond heroes, not 'everyday heroes' (which are great, don't get me wrong, but don't actually lend any weight to his lineage) — people would recognise his name. Not just everyone, but hunter-obsessed people like Ruby most certainly would.
He's exactly what you call him, a self-centred man child with no business being at Beacon who only got to stay and only had the rest of the main cast as his friends because he's Miles' self insert.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Hey guys, in light of even more stuff coming out about Rooster Teeth, it’s great to see so many people condemning it wholeheartedly. But I have already noticed people saying things like “Fuck RT but this has nothing to do with (insert RT show here)” or “Yeah RT is obviously bad but I still love everyone involved in (insert RT show here.)” And I’m just gonna respectfully ask that people please keep a couple of things in mind.
1. The shows that you love are still RT properties in the same way that Rings of Power is still an Amazon show. I’m not urging any sort of boycott, but when you talk about RWBY or Achievement Hunter or Gen:Lock or any other Rooster Teeth product you are still talking about an RT product and when you financially support them, you are still funding Rooster Teeth.
2. The culture and environment of RT is incredibly problematic, that’s something that likely goes beyond a couple of higher up execs. Obviously, that doesn’t mean that everyone involved in RT is a bigot or has been involved in things like harassing LGBTQ+ members of staff or writing the N word on whiteboards, and the majority of animators and voice actors are probably victims rather than preparators and abusers, but it takes more than a couple vague ‘higher up execs’ or founding members to create a full on environment and culture. Please look at the people involved in the projects you like before you support them or dismiss them as not part of the problem. Although I don’t know anything about RT projects that aren’t RWBY, I can tell you that RWBY has several problematic writers and VAs under its belt already.
3. Several complaints about Rooster Teeth from past employees have been about the inability to get anywhere in the company as friends of people already influential in the company got more promotions, and about the nepotism the company is heavily involved in. The people who are high up at all should automatically be viewed with wariness in light of these developments, even including regular writers and producers etc. And once again, I don’t know anything about RT shows that aren’t RWBY, but in RWBY there are a lot of people who are pretty involved in the company. Just talking about Miles Luna who was one of the masterminds behind RWBY and one of the main writers and the voice actor for Jaune Arc, he’s been heavily involved in Rooster Teeth and tons of its products and was the Head Writer of animation. To be clear, again, I’m not calling for any boycotting or cancelations, but please please recognize that the people who are higher up on the projects you like might be culpable, and some of them already have easily found sketchy things in their pasts. You can’t just say that your show has absolutely nothing to do with any problems at RT and therefore definitively can escape being under any fire, it’s very possible the people running that show are part of the problem and you’ve gotta be open to that.
Yes this isn’t about fandom drama, this isn’t about condemning a whole show or fans or people who like this or that show, or any of that. But while you’re saying ‘fuck RT’ please at least do research. Please know what you’re supporting before you dismiss something as completely not part of the problem without even a discussion. And please don’t blame people for wondering, for being wary, or for being uncomfortable with supporting the projects you like.
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Trish Una x OC Post
Trish x Abella Wedding Heacanons 👰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👰
Here’s a link to my JJBA Masterlist I write a lot of character x reader. I also have Trish x Abella under the Trish x OC category if you’re interested in their story. My OC is a self insert OC so she’s me. I like creating OC content for fun. I enjoy talking about OCs so feel free to tell me about your own OCs if you like.
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Trish would be the one to propose with how confident she is. They get married within three years of their committed relationship to each other. Trish truly understood Abella was her soul mate after knowing her for seven years. It was when Abella dedicated a fashion line of clothing to her beloved Trish she knew Abella was her bride to be. The popstar proposed to Abella after a garden date. While they looked over the flowers she got on her knee popping the question to Abella. The ring she offered Abella is a rose gold band with a huge pink heart shaped diamond center outlined in diamonds. Trish would have a ring with similar colors but a big diamond with the band covered in small diamonds. She spent a month figuring out how she wanted to propose and what rings she would want for them.
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Trish would be twenty-one by this point and Abella would be twenty-five. They marry in 2008 around spring time.
The two desire a pink rose theme so they’ll book somewhere private with a ballroom and huge pink rose garden. The garden will be where they marry in front of the rose covered gazebo.
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Trish would’ve loved Bruno Bucciarati to walk her down the isle but after his passing she grew close friends to her companions she met when she was fifteen. She asks none other than Giorno Giovanna to would walk her down the isle. The don was pleasantly surprised and accepted. He felt honored and was a friend of Abella’s as well, he was happy upon hearing the news of the girl’s marriage.
For Abella her treasure hunting uncle would walk her down the isle as she has no other father figure in her life. Her father died in a tragic accident after she moved away from New York when she was fourteen. Her uncle was someone who inspired her to become a treasure hunter after she established her fashion boutique in France with her best friend, Crisella.
The entire wedding would have a garden theme and the two young women would spend much time together planning. They knew what they desired so no wedding planner was necessary. Their friends in Passione would help them plan. Giorno offered to help cover costs for much of their wedding much to the girl’s surprise. They would thank him countless times and squeeze him into hugs. Much to the surprise of their blonde friend. He isn’t used to hugs but accepted them. He would help them with the flowers too since his stand has no trouble growing them.
There would be no expense too high for Trish’s outfit. She went shopping for a short white bridal dress with all her friends. They would help her pick her outfit for the wedding. It would be Giorno, Mista, Fugo, Polnareff, and many of her friends from her popstar life.
The day before the wedding she gets a manicure with hot pink tips fading to pink. She hires her hairstylist and makeup artist who normally take care of her looks before she goes on stage to perform. They’re eager to help her achieve her look for the wedding. Her hair is styled about the same but styled to be more elegant. Her hair is a bit longer reaching to her shoulders. For makeup she has pink lips with sparkly rose gold eyeshadows and long black flirty lashes. She’ll wear a pair of rosegold pearl earrings to finish off her look.
Her attire consists of a short white bridal dress with puffy off the shoulder sleeves. For her shoes they’re white lace heals with thin white bows at the heal. She’ll wear short white lace gloves and a small head accessory with a small veil shielding her face.
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Abella being the fashion designer she is takes it upon herself to design her wedding dress. She’ll spend months sewing together the lace and gown together. Her strapless ball gown will be the wedding dress of her dreams. The gown itself is elegant with a floor length, giving enough room to show off her heals as she walks. She’ll buy a long cathedral wedding veil with lace and white bridal heals with white thin ribbons tied into bows around her ankles. She’ll decide to wear a black tailcoat vest with enough room to show off the front of her dress, making for a heart shaped look at the chest. The black tailcoat will be short with two small buttons in the front. Her wrists will have black suit cuffs and gold teal colored rose cuff links. She’ll wear rose gold hanging earrings with teardrop teal jewels to match the cuff links.
The day of the wedding Bella’s staff and friends will help her get ready at the boutique. Abella owns her own boutique with her business partner and bestie Crisella, so it’s big enough to accommodate all her friends. Since it’s self owned she closed for the day so all her staff could go to her wedding. They help her into her gown and give her a makeover. They like to call it a bridal makeover.
All her friends are good at makeup and hair. Abella has long dark locks of curls that require a lot to maintain. Her curls are waist length. Three of her friends begin to style it since she has so much hair to work with. One friend focuses on her eye makeup going for nude brown colors and shimmering inner corners to bring out Bella’s big brown eyes. Her long lashes are attached with an elegant look to them. Her lip gloss is a natural pink much like her manicured nails one of her staff members took upon themselves to do. Her manicure looked similar to a French tip.
After all is said and done Abella has curls dropping beside her face to shape her face. A big strand of her hair was wrapped around her head while the rest of her curls fell behind her shoulders. Her hairs falls down her back and waist. After she is done getting ready her friends begin to cry and take pictures of her inside her boutique. They all get ready for the wedding since they’re bridesmaids.
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Finally at the huge rose garden Bella is walked down the isle first and her uncle has a smile upon his face as he’s walking her down the isle. His gold tooth among the rest of his white teeth shining eagerly as he smiles. His normal black eye patch is switched out with one having a pink rose stitched to his eyepatch. He wears a black suit with the front showing off some of his chest. The leather boots and ponytail finish off his look. He towers over the small bride at 5’11. Her long wedding viel is two tiered so the front covers her torso and face. The gown is big covering the area she walks by.
Her uncle gives her such a proud and loving smile before he kisses her head whispering an, “I love you” and she returns the loving words to her emotional uncle. Her veil is so long Mista and his stands take it upon themselves to fix it prompting Abella to thank them with a kiss to the foreheads. They all give her a thumbs up as they take their seats. Number five is crying and surprisingly the others don’t pick on him for it.
Abella tried keeping it together since she felt so overwhelmingly happy. Her loved ones in the crowd crying as well. Trish’s side is filled with mafioso, her manager, fellow celebrities, famous fashion designers or models she’s met, etc. They’re not emotional like Abella’s side but they do smile upon seeing Trish.
Soon it’s Trish’s turn to walk down the isle. Giorno is beside her wearing a pink suit with golden ladybug button accessories. The undershirt is black with the vest matching his jacket. His outfit is complete with a red tie and white gloves. His hair is down with a pink rose sticking by his ear. He is smiling but his smile doesn’t compare to Trish’s.
The pink haired bride is smiling like never before. It’s such a gaze she only makes while she’s singing on stage. Such a smile will make for a lovely picture as in the near future it will be used on the cover of a magazine when it’s revealed she had married. She kisses Giornos cheek before he gives Abella a kind smile which she returns with a thankful teary eyed expression. He’s happy for his dear friends and thinks it’s nice to witness their beautiful display of love with this marriage. More so when he hears their vows to each other later. He takes a seat between Fugo and Polnareff. His consigliere crying rivers of tears for poor Fugo to deal with. Who wipes off his purple suit with a tired sigh. Polnareff always cries at weddings.
Trish is greeted to Abella who is crying tears of joy. She tells Trish how beautiful she looks. Trish returns the compliment as she lifts her brides veil, gently placing it behind her head. Abella’s teary eyes are filled with love but she’s wiping off her tears. Afterwards the two say their vows and “I do’s” with tears running down their faces. Abella shyly kisses her bride and their picture is taken by their photographer.
They run down the isle together holding hands and looking at each other with love. Abella’s side is cheering while Trish’s side applauds. They’ll be taking pictures at the gazebo with all their friends and family.
Everyone makes it to the ballroom to dance. The brides are greeted by all their loved ones. Their bridesmaids crying and giving the two a big group hug.
Giorno takes it upon himself to steal the first dance by inviting Trish with a gentlemanly bow. She accepts while Abella giggles. Not long after her uncle asks her to dance with him. The two brides end up dancing with everyone.
Abella and Trish attack their dessert table since they’ve been eating so healthy to look good for the wedding. The giant wedding cake had their favorite flavors. Red velvet and extra dark chocolate for Trish who devoured two pieces. Carrot cake for Abella who also had strawberry shortcake from the dessert table. The two had plenty of guests especially Trish since she’s a celebrity. They took plenty of pictures with the wedding cake since it was so incredibly over priced.
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At the end of the night they toss their bouquets who ended up being Fugo and Abella’s maid of honor, Crisella. Fugo was pleasantly surprised he caught it. He caught Trish’s bouquet. He was walking by to serve himself strawberry shortcake. Bella’s best friend was screaming as she cheered catching her bouquet.
The blushing brides end up at an expensive hotel Trish booked. For their honeymoon they traveled to Cancun to enjoy three days together. Trish would get many calls from her manager upon the news of her marriage being known as many wanted to contact her about it once she’s back from her honeymoon.
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stardusthuntress · 2 years
I'M TERRIFIED that they've just setup something very sad!!! The following is not for the faint of heart. You must be brave-hearted to read beneath the cut!!! THIS IS YOUR WARNING!!!
IS ANYONE ELSE TERRIFIED THAT EPISODE WAS A SETUP FOR TECH'S DEMISE AT THE END OF THE SEASON???!!! IF THEY END HIM I'M GONNA SCREAM, and cry, A LOT!!!! I don’t think Dave understands…. how DARE they threaten to end Tech after just two seasons!!! I NEED him!!! WE need him!!! NONE OF THE CLONES ARE DISPOSABLE TO US!!! ESPECIALLY not the ones that represent us better than most characters ever have!!! ESPECIALLY not the ones that give us hope!!! ESPECIALLY not the ones who ARE the embodiment of the people we search for in the real world EVERY DAY!!!
The Clone War is over… I know, it was just the beginning, I know. But can’t we see ONE SQUADRON, one FAMILY survive the war and give us hope for the real world? And don’t try to quote “this squadron existed before [insert clone name here] and it will exist after” because it’s NOT THE SAME!!! It’s not even the same without Crosshair!!! We’re still waiting for him to come home. The death of any of them should NEVER be used as the thing that brings the last one home. Star Wars doesn't HAVE to be 100% tragedy, or even 90% tragedy. Why can't ONE family make it to life's dusk intact and happy??? WHY???
I feel like in the season finale Tech is going to scoop Omega out of the way at the last second. And then get himself caught in her place. And somehow, this Zillow Beast experience is going to have taught him the thing that could save the cloning projects in exactly the way the Empire wants. But he’s going to refuse, and they will prove they dont care who gets in their way when Rampart 2.0, Mr. Mad Scientist, is gonna pull a Rampart-Wilco on Tech, and Crosshair is gonna be forced to watch it and have to bring Tech’s helmet and datapad back to Hunter, who’s gonna be SO MAD at him until Omega points out he kept the data on Tech’s datapad from the Empire and brought it home instead. And that's gonna be the final straw that makes the rest of the Bad Batch into rebels. And then we’re all gonna cry FOREVER……
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lascidarkblueuniverse · 8 months
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My Adventure Time Self Insert/Persona (Adventuresona), Isrrael The Unknown! by isrrael120
Hello Well, I was looking through my old notebooks from high school and I found an old drawing of some kind of old Adventure Time Self Insert drawing that I did and I remembered that I did it after watching the end of the first season, so I basically redrawn it and created a kind of bio with the vague memories I have about it, well this time it is in the universe of “Adventure Time with Finn and Jake” or “Adventure Time” for short!!!!
Name: Isrrael The Unknown
Nicknames: Isrrael, Issa, Wet Dog, Creature, Abomination, Weird Werewolf, Thing, Unknown Entity, New Species
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Physical Age: 15 - 21
Species: Unknown
Occupation: Adventurer And Hunter
Place of Origin: Unknown
Current Residence: In An Unknown Place In A Forest Of Trees
Height: 5′ 6″ - 5’ 11"
Weight: 200 lbs
Family: Unnamed mother, Unnamed father
Friends: Finn, Jake, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, Marceline, Ice King etc.
Love Interests: None
Enemies: The Lich etc.
Neutral: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality and Character Traits: Isrrael often describes himself as unpredictable because of his tendency to suddenly change his emotions, such as being excited about fighting and then getting very nervous about forgetting a person he had an important meeting with for one simple reason, In general, he is a calm person at first glance, although there are moments where he becomes the opposite of his calm nature, in addition to being distant at times with everyone, Depending on the situation (including small and insignificant things) he becomes very nervous, He usually looks like a funny person although his sense of humor is quite simple in reality, He is usually quiet or not very talkative, He is a sentimental person and he always tries to do things right with everyone and if he doesn't it affects his mind a lot, He is curious by nature, he usually tries to search and understand everything although it brings him problems sometimes, He has traits of being intelligent even though he doesn't understand very advanced things, He is clumsy sometimes and apologizes a lot when he screws up, He is insecure about himself and gets sad easily because of that, He likes to spend long periods of time alone!
Powers and Abilities:
Wolf Physiology/Werewolf Physiology: He possesses the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of wolves, achieving this by completely or partially transforming into wolves, choosing to imitate certain aspects of them or simply already being a wolf in the first place/He possesses the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transforming into, or being/is a werewolf, a human or humanoid being with the ability to transform into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, he acquires the traits of werewolves, the most obvious being the ability to transform into a wolf with the natural characteristics inherent to both wolves and humans, including senses, stamina, agility, etc!
Earth Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate earth and “earthen” elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc!
Mana Manipulation: He can create, shape, and manipulate mana, a magical form of life energy. He is also a source of impersonal energy that is both external and internal, existing in people, places, and objects, and that the user can transmute into magical powers that produce outstanding results in both practice and combat!
Healing: He can heal himself and restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, healing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality and disease/poisoning, he can potentially heal any form of bodily damage!
Lunar Empowerment: He becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when he comes into contact with the moon, moonlight, or lunar energy/substance, unlocking affinity-related abilities and enhancing his existing powers, depending on the lunar cycle of the moment (he can't use his powers on a new moon and is very powerful on a full moon)! +Powers/Abilities Unlocked Under Full Moon: *Lunar Energy Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate lunar energy! *Illusion Manipulation: He can manipulate illusions/hallucinations, making targets see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently than they really are! *Power Echo: He can automatically replicate/reflect every attack used against him, where every attack on a target is instantly and automatically returned in equal measure to the attacker! *Extreme Temperature Resistance: He can survive a wide variety of hot/warm and cold/low temperatures without discomfort!
Skills and Hobbies: Hunt, Drawing, Playing Video Games, Surfing, Playing Guitar, Read Books, Waterbody, Learning New Magic Arts, Astronomy
Basic Backstory (Main): Isrrael The Unknown Is An Adventurer And Hunter From The Land Of Ooo, Of An Unknown Origin And With Vague Memories Of A Different Life He Goes On Many Adventures Alone Or Accompanied, He Is A Great Beast Hunter, He Likes To Read Books And Spend Hours In Bodies Of Water Such As Lakes, Rivers, Seas And Etc!
Basic Backstory (Others Stories And AUs): None
Complete Biography (Main): +During The Series(Season 1): He originally appears as an elusive new species of werewolf, the only thing we can get of him are photos of shadows with the simple characteristics of a wolf, his ears and tail, many locals began to get scared when he began to approach them during The nights then ask Finn and Jake for help to get rid of him, during a search they meet Isrrael who was actually a 15 year old teenager with the same wolf characteristics said by the locals and he only greets while eating a piece of raw meat. lying near a lake, during a chat with Finn and Jake they realize that this boy has a pretty relaxed personality although he doesn't mention that he doesn't remember how he got to this place to begin with, so Finn mentions the issue of the locals so that Israel I simply say that he did it because the animals he hunted tried to hide near them, indicating that he basically behaved like a wild animal and he says that he has been living that way for weeks, although it seems to be his way of life, he couldn't continue scaring everyone so Finn and Jake try to convince him to show up with the locals to avoid more problems but at first Isrrael didn't want to do it but in the end he does when he finally shows up the locals themselves seemed upset making Isrrael ask Finn in a whisper if he could be buried alive but Finn clearly denies that idea so Isrrael thinks of something else so he tells the locals that he could help them with their daily activities for a while, so Isrrael does it for the next day and in the end he manages to talk to the locals that he was good and making him feel good then he goes to Finn and Jake to thank them for talking him into doing it and then he sees a squirrel with two suitcases and chases it through the forest followed by Finn and Jake!
Complete Biography (Others Stories And AUs): None
Additional Information: +He Acts Like a Dog And/Or Wolf Sometimes! +Everyone in the Land of Ooo Thinks He's Some Kind of Werewolf! +He Likes To Try New Things That He Sees! +He Really Likes Fighting And Violence Because Of His Aggressive and Analytical Way of Fighting! +Sometimes He Looks Like He Has Depression Although He Doesn't See It As Such! +He Sometimes Prefers To Be Alone With His Thoughts! +He Sometimes Has Flashbacks To A Different Life! +He Is A Surfer And Swimmer!
Weapons and Equipment: Various Swords And Other Weapons!
Disguises and Other Personalities: The Shadow Wolf: It used to be how they knew him at the beginning because he used to be fast with what he did, he was a shadow with werewolf characteristics the only thing that was known about him! The Secret Wizard: A Costume That He Uses To Enter The Wizard City, It Consists Of A Large Night Blue Tunic With A Large Moon Drawn In The Center!
Likes: Draw, Water, Magic, Music, Food, Bread
Dislikes: Stress, Soup, Hard Things
Quotes: “Oh hello you two, what do you want?” “It's Hunter Time!” “A good lake to relax!” “Seriously, take a bath, you smell like death!” “sorry for being late, I had a fight!” “you want what thing?” “Hey if I want to fight I will and if I don't I won't I won't!” “Delicious, fresh meat!” “I'm always ready to be violent!” “I like parties like everyone!” “Hey, I can bury everyone alive, right?” “Hey, just because I behave like a wild animal sometimes doesn't mean I can't be civilized!” “I don't know how I got here in the first place!” “I'm a little sad about what happened!” “Hey don't talk to me that way now!” “very good, I don't know what to say now!” “I'm kind of crazy if I'm honest but I'm fine!” “Wait I have a date?” “this should be easy!” “Well I eat raw meat, I say it's common for me!” “Hey, I bathe frequently!” “These memories are confusing!”
Relationship Chart/List: Closed None
Questions: Closed
Roleplays: Closed
Dares: Closed
Headcanons: Closed
Notes: -When I drew him for the first time I was 16 years old and his personality is based on mine at that age! -A lot of what I write is based on memories of seeing AT OC/Self Inserts ideas on the internet at that time! -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Pixiv, Instagram and Deviantart
Isrrael The Unknown (Adventure Time Sona) - Me Art - Me Adventure Time © Pendleton Ward/Cartoon Network
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edgiestdude · 7 months
So when I heard Roosterteeth shut down, I was debating on whether to make this post or not.
The last post I made was…
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Wow, that was a year ago. A year ago I left RWBY because I lost interest in the show after my Weaboo self rose back from the dead. Not only that, but the more I thought about the show, the more I realized
“Wow that show wasn’t as good as people made it out to be.”
Throughout my RWBY fanself, I’ve done a lot of cringe things and decided to leave because: what was the point of sticking around and Criticizing RWDE and other RWBY critics who had some awful takes if I wasn’t interested in the show. (Fun fact, my memes are apparently popular in Facebook?)
It’s why I debated on making this post and decided: might as well. End it fully.
RWBY is a strange show. It’s neither good nor is it bad. It’s more…Mediocre. It’s not bad because the writers tried and did make a few good writing choices at times and didn’t go full on “Power fantasy!!!” (For those who think Jaune is Miles Luna self insert, go watch/read Isekais. Those are a different story). To be frank, as I thought about RWBY and its writing, I realized “RWBY was never as good as people made it out to be.”
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RWBY, I feel, was never meant to be a fucking masterpiece like ATLA, Paranoia Agent, or Serial Experiments Lain. RWBYs more like Hellsing. It’s not thought-provoking, it’s more for fun. Now that’s not to say Miles and Kerry made some weird choices, like Faunus Racism and whatever happened in Atlas…
[Quick note if you want to write stuff on this: make sure to do research like reading books, looking at history, and reading up on websites (don’t just use Wikipedia kids). Oh and use appropriate timing and tone, that’s all]
So did Miles and Kerry write weird shit in RWBY? Yes. Should they get criticized. Yes. Were they planning on writing stuff like this on the long run? Maybe but I’m more leaning towards no.
RWBY was more of a show created by anime fans. Monty thought “hey wouldn’t it be cool if four girls fought and did cool things.” And with Miles and Kerry’s help created RWBY. RWBY, from what I saw, was more like a fighting game. “Fighting first, story second”
Now RWBY has been on a weird ride ever since Monty died, but I saw it more as Kerry and Miles carrying Monty’s torch. And that’s why I respected it. It could’ve just ended there, but they kept going. Also it’s worth noting that there was NO story thought of whatsoever, even when Monty was alive. It was more of a friend project that created a fanbase and franchise.
I came back to write this post because it was an interesting series that intrigued me back then. I was shocked that Roosterteeth shut down. The company that created Achievement hunter, Red vs blue, Camp Camp, and among other things.
Was it ever planning on coming? Ehhh…
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Sort of. Roosterteeth did a lot of weird things and bad. But, be honest, how many companies do this? EA, Mappa, etc. Roosterteeth I feel had it coming since their founders were leaving left and right leaving very weird leaderships. And Roosterteeth was gonna be no exception to this. It’s why animation companies tend to be a pain in the ass for animators, especially in Japan. The thing about Roosterteeth is that it was more of an indie company, which later got swallowed by Warner, so I feel it was more prone to getting hurt worse. Roosterteeth was a sack of shit, but people tried to create content for people, even if they faced horrible harassment. No matter the issues that Roosterteeth had, may we never forget the memories and legacy they left behind. Every thing has an ugly side, that’s what makes us human. Roosterteeth had an interesting story with ugly and good, but it brought us memories and moments we may never get back. It’s a sad thing. But it’s life.
{Wanted to make a quick note: I read a RWBYcritics comment making fun of Canonseeker punching the air, which is funny because I forgot about Canonseeker a long time ago, so it’s kind of funny he lives rent free on some peoples head, even if he did bad shit back then}
Well, this is where it ends. I made this post to vent out my feelings about the situation and to finally close the book for good. I’ve might made some mistakes or bad calls, so I’d be interested in reading criticism, even if I don’t stick in tumblr for a while. Till then, farewell RWBY fandom and Roosterteeth, thanks for some of the memories.
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mhsu · 1 year
Fated Foursome
(Kirin=Kirin Hunter, Narga= Nargacuga hunter, Garon= Odogaro hunter.)
On the hunt especially marathon hunts could take days or weeks, and being away for so long can make feelings come forth because this could easily be our last hunt. “So how long has it been kirin?” You ask. "I don't know about a week" replied Kirin. “Hmm alright well it’s getting late let’s set up camp and keep looking tomorrow” you say to the 3 female hunters with you. “I’ll keep first watch” Narga said as you nod and fall asleep.
Few hours pass as you hear a strange noise.
“Narga you there?” You ask as you slowly approached the noise. “Yes right there. Don’t stop” you hear a voice as you approached a bush. Moving the bush aside you see Kirin on top of Narga, “what are they doing?” As you observe closely. “Yes please move your fingers more, yes right there Kirin!” Moaned Narga as you can clerly see Kirin fingering Narga. “Wow” you say as you take out your cock and stroke it to the beautiful sight. At that moment you feel a presence behind you “who’s….” you say as they cover your mouth to keep you quiet. Garon stood behind you still covering your mouth, “I see you’re enjoying the show” Garon said as she grabbed your cock stroking it. “You know they’ve been doing this for the past few days, waiting for you to try something” Garon whispered as she stroked the shaft and massages the tip. “So why don’t we join them?” Garon said as she pushed you through the bush. You fall on your face and the moment you recover you see Kirin and Narga looking at you fully exposed. “Hello Hunter what do you want?” Kirin asked as she kept fingering Narga. Seeing them both like that makes your mind go blank and you can feel your insticts take over. You slowly approached the two as they both spread their legs inviting you to come over. You grab a hold of Kirin’s ass and thrust into her vagina in one go. Kirin yells in pleasure as you pound her wet cunt, “yes fuck me harder! Fuck me till you can’t cum anymore!” She yelled. Hey don’t forget to fuck me" Narga said as she gyrated her hips. You pull out of Kirin hearing a plop from the suction and you thrust into Narga. “Your dick is the best! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time!” Narga yelled as she cums and sprays love juices everywhere. Beginning to lose your humanity to lust you begin fucking both by putting your cock between their wet vaginas and begin thrusting. Both yelling and moaning as you rub their clits with your dick. You give a final thrust and you cover them both with your pent-up cum. Both happy you marked them but it wasn’t over. “Is it my turn?” You hear behind you as turn around and see Garon sticking her ass out towards you. You stumbled your way towards her as you get another hard on. You fall as you lose strength in your legs. Here I got this Garon said as she inserted your dick into her dripping pussy. Garon now ridding you “my god you are so big” she moaned.hey don’t forget about us Kirin said as she sat on your face and Narga began to grope Garon. “No Narga don’t play with my nipples like that,” moaned Garon as you felt her get tighter. You finally get a hold of Narga and inserts your fingers deep inside herand begin to twist and turn. Garon began to bounce up and down more intensely on your cock. You decide to go into demon mode and finish this. You begin to thrust harder and faster into Garon, begin to eat out Kirin like it was your last meal and make Narga squirt non stop. I’m cumming all three female hunters moaned as you covered all three in a sea of white. Now all three of you have achieved a type of synergy that will stay with you forever.
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the7thcrow · 2 years
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I posted 764 times in 2022
That's 156 more posts than 2021!
235 posts created (31%)
529 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 755 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#corynn thinks - 234 posts
#asks - 95 posts
#srb - 91 posts
#mutual pals🕺🏼 - 60 posts
#fic recs - 50 posts
#corynn:💡 - 36 posts
#natgig feedback - 35 posts
#male wife - 33 posts
#itzy - 20 posts
#my enemy <3 - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#have definitely been thinking about the need to work on my protagonist building though and i think the amount of strictly reader insert
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not all that Glitters is Gold -> 07
series pairing: (fem) princess!reader x seonghwa x san x wooyoung. eventual polyamory.
series masterlist | previous chapter
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Part Seven: an orphanage, an elemental, and comfort
series rating: 16+
series genre: action and adventure. romance. angst. fluff. suggestive. fantasy au.
series warnings: character death, blood and violence, weaponry, injury, suggestive content, mxm content, elements of misogyny, language, monsters. (will only be using chapter specific warnings for things not included on this list.)
summary: as a princess fleeing a royal assassination attempt, you have no choice but to put your trust in a band of three thieves in order to reach the kingdom of kuroku alive. however, amongst magic, deceit, and the bounty hunters that are hot on your trail, you realize that you might have stumbled upon a relationship far more complicated than what meets the eye.
chapter details beneath the cut ->
See the full post
268 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
toxin | psh
pairing: historian!seonghwa x (fem) goddess!reader.
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wc: 9.4k
genre: meet-ugly. angst. suggestive. magic au. god/goddess au.
summary: having fallen victim to a rather bizarre betrayal by a colleague, seonghwa finds himself in an even more bizarre situation. that being the unexpected success of their summoning ritual that leaves him subject to the will of a fertility goddess, as well as his own intemperate desire.
warnings: cults and cult activities, character death, religious tones (although any relation to a real religion is strictly coincidental, this is entirely made up), guns and violence, blood, mild gore, elements of mind control, heavy making out, aphrodisiac of sorts (?), generally dominant and submissive tones.
a/n: that’s.. a lot more warnings than i originally intended there to be. lmao oops. maybe i’m a tad insane for this, but if you’re also insane and prepared for a wild ride, strap in and enjoy. twas inspired by the ponzonya mv by purple kiss.
... .. .
“Something about this seems… off,” Seonghwa whispers, voice low so that only the man next to him is able to hear. The reasoning for his hushed tone is abundantly clear, eyes darting around the room to ensure that none of the others might be listening. That none of them are aware of his hesitancy, of his nervous reluctance.
Fortunately, they don’t seem to notice. The cave bustles with activity, the different men dressed in dark robes busying themselves as they prepare the room for the ritual. Dressing the once dreary cave with items of luxury, they carry large silk tapestries and golden decor, dragging in velvet furniture and barrels of expensive wine, so that the room appears fit for royalty.
Although Seonghwa supposes that in a way, after all, it is. Although the subject may be considered to hold far grander superiority than any earthly king may hope to achieve.
“Are we certain this is a good idea?” He presses a little further, nudging the man next to him, who’s name he’s learned is Hongjoong. Although eccentric, he seems to be a tad more understanding than the rest of his colleagues. After the past few weeks of this mess, he’s the closest thing that the historian could consider as a friend.
Although the fact stands that for all the kindness and sympathy the small, delicate man seems to offer, he also is the head of this organization.
“Cult,” Seonghwa reminds himself, because organization is simply too light a term to define exactly what he’s gotten himself caught up in. “He’s the head of a cult.”
“Don’t fret, Dr. Park,” Hongjoong replies, accompanied by far too easy of a smile, as his hands dust along the altar before him, tracing the carved runes with his fingers. “It will all be worth it, you’ll see.”
“I just,” Seonghwa starts again, swallowing deeply as he glances around the room. There’s an itch under his skin, one that screams for him to stop this whole disaster, that something is undeniably wrong. “I’m just not sure about this.”
The smile on Hongjoong’s face falls almost immediately, eyebrows furrowing together in concern. “You’re not telling me that you’re getting cold feet now, are you?” He asks, and although his tone is far more worried than accusatory, there is something of an edge to them, an unspoken warning.
The underlying message that hints if Seonghwa really were to be having cold feet, then the sweetness of his words and their friendship could quickly turn sour.
“No, of course not,” Seonghwa rushes quickly, nails digging into his palm in a desperate release of panic, as he plasters a smile onto his face. “It’s just that the air feels a little different today, don’t you think? A little off?”
Hongjoong nods in agreement, although the gesture shows far more eagerness and excitement compared to the sick nausea Seongwha feels.
“I feel it too,” Hongjoong states, before clasping both his hands on Seonghwa’s shoulders, shaking him slightly. “It means we’re about to do something extraordinary.”
With that the man leaves his side, most likely to check that everything else is in order. That all artifacts and sigils for the ceremony are in the proper place and planned to perfection.
Artifacts. Seonghwa can’t help but chuckle at the word, at the entire foundation of his life's work that has led him to this moment.
As a historian and archeologist, he always liked to believe that his work would bring him to new places and adventures. That he’d get to travel to ancient lands, and dig up the remnants of their history and beauty, to walk with past societies as if they were his own.
Well, he supposes that the universe may have taken these wishes a little too literally.
When Hongjoong first arrived at the historian’s makeshift office a few weeks ago, nestled deep within the forest and about a mile’s walk from the nearest village, he was in search of an artifact that Seonghwa had recently added to his collection of study. Upon first meeting, the historian had found the man delightful.
They’d talked over brandy for the utmost of three hours, discussing the ancient religion native to the area, and their different perspectives and findings. Hongjoong, he learned, was very well-versed in the identities and roles of the many different gods and goddesses, and had plenty to offer that Seonghwa had yet to discover in texts of his own.
Of course at the moment, Seonghwa didn’t know why Hongjoong was so well acquainted with this myth. If he had, perhaps he would have kindly said goodbye to the younger man, before proceeding to usher him out of the office and lock the door behind him.
But Seonghwa did not know this at the time, so instead - after an entire evening of pleasant conversation - he accepted Hongjoong’s invitation to view his own collection of artifacts and ancient texts back at the man’s apartment the following night.
And so one evening turned into two, and then two into three, and over the next couple weeks it was safe to say that a certain level of trust had been established between them. This was Hongjoong’s plan after all, to establish a bond before he started to introduce the more… eccentric parts of his research.
See the full post
368 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
pairing: witch!wooyoung x (fem) hunter!reader
summary: get in, get the job done, get out before sunrise. as a hunter that is your motto, a sacred rule for whenever you dare to enter a witch’s lair. however, on this particular solo quest, your plans take a turn that you never could have quite anticipated.
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word count: 6.2k
genre: enemies to lovers au. supernatural au. suggestive. romance.
warnings: sacrilegious tones, knives, attempted murder, themes of misogyny (not from wooyoung), heavy making out, bondage but make it magical.
rating: 16+
a/n: this is self-indulgent. i just needed to write some woo enemies to lovers, okay? don’t judge me.
Get in, get the job done, get out before sunrise.
A mantra that you can’t help but repeat over and over in your mind as you make your way down the narrow alleyway, footsteps echoing against the lantern-lit, cobblestone path. You press your hand firmly against the knife fastened to your thigh, feeling it’s cool metal hilt even through the fabric of your dress. The only source of protection against the danger you are willingly approaching.
The danger you’ve approached countless times before, but then again, never alone. That is exactly what makes tonight different, what makes the risk tenfold. You’re entirely on your own this time round, none of your hunting band willing to join you on this particular little escapade. All too frightened to approach the rumours that have been plaguing your city these last couple months.
The alleyway takes another turn, and you find yourself on a main drag, doing your best to hurry as you sprint across the street before hiding yourself once more. A woman out this late is thought to be unseemly, as well as dangerous. The last thing you need is to catch the attention of the wrong set of eyes, whether it be gossip or something far more sinister you might catch yourself up in.
These thoughts are put to a halt as you see your destination further down the alley, a small shop, the only light emitted from the run-down building shining through it’s single stained window.
As you approach closer, you can see that the sign hanging above the shop simply reads “Artisan Goods.” No semblance of creativity or personable flare, but of course, it doesn’t need one.
Because it’s not actually an artisan goods store, it’s simply masquerading to be.
You approach the window, peeking inside to see if there are any other customers. If there are, you will wait until they are gone, until any possible witnesses for what you are about to do are out of the way.
Fortunately, you see that the shop is empty of any buyers. The only person inside being the owner, who currently has his back turned as he adjusts the display of goods stationed behind the counter.
The exact man you’re looking for tonight.
You adjust your hair, doing your best to look poised and put-together as you take a deep breath, preparing for your act. Deception is something you’ve trained well in, and you know the in’s and out’s of fooling a man.
There are two major rules: Look attractive and keep them distracted. You pull both off, they always let their guard down. Every single time.
You push open the door, the soft jingle of the entry bell ringing as you do so, pulling the man’s attention from the display to yourself.
“Ah, welcome,” he says, setting down the jar of jam in his hands and facing you fully. He has dark hair, parted in the middle and falling long over his eyes. A sharp jawline, tall nose-bridge, and straight teeth. He’s handsome, but that comes as no surprise. All witches are attractive, as well as vein. They have magic to make themselves beautiful, and you have yet to meet one that didn’t refrain from using it.
Your hunting group states this is a sin, a defiance against creation. Frankly, you couldn’t care less, spells for vanity are the very least of the dangers that witches are capable of.
“Can I help you find anything in particular?” He asks, watching you with a curious look. It’s late for a woman to be out by herself, and he is fully aware of that. You won’t be able to catch him off guard at the moment, but luckily you are prepared for this.
“Chrysopoeia,” you state, silently reveling in the way the man smiles, expression shifting from wary to delighted. The term is the name of an old alchemical text, written by the witch Cleopatra herself. However, it doubles as a code in occult circles around the city, a way of proving that you are also a practitioner of the dark arts. They change every couple months, and fortunately for you, it hasn’t since your last hunt.
The man grins, walking out from behind the counter and pulling a pair of keys from his pocket. He moves over to a wall of tapestries, gently peeling back the fabrics to reveal a hidden door.
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431 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
not all that glitters is gold: mlist ♛
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series trailer I series playlist
series pairing: (fem) princess!reader x seonghwa x san x wooyoung. eventual polyamory.
series genre: action and adventure. romance. angst. fluff. suggestive. fantasy au.
current word count: 87.9k
chapter list:
part one: a sacrifice, a narrow escape, and three bandits. (10.0k)
“Where are we going to go?” You ask as Mingi removes his cloak, handing the garment over to you. You put it on, throwing the hood over your head. Best to take any precautions available.
“Assuming we get out of here alive,” he starts, checking to see if the horse’s saddle is in proper condition. “Kuroku.”
part two: a thrice stolen necklace, two scorpions, and a lie. (10.1k)
Your neck feels abnormally bare. Naked, the last part of your home falling into the grasp of a thief.
“There,” you whisper, shifting your attention back to the map, not looking the elemental in the eye. “Happy?”
Woo chuckles before slipping the necklace into his back pocket. “Actually, I am.”
part three: a blacksmith, a nightmare, and oh-so-sweet empathy. (12.9k)
You feel the presence of a figure settle behind you, as San awkwardly clears his throat.
“I meant to tell you earlier,” he says, voice quiet. You can faintly see his reflection through the window as well, and his expression is somber. “I just wasn’t sure how.”
part four: an old enemy, jealousy, and a bar-room brawl. (12.3k)
You don’t even get the chance to turn around and see who it is before San speaks.
“Fuck,” he mutters beneath his breath, good eye wide as his gaze shifts from the door, to you, to the table. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
part five: a desert, a strange tavern, and the influence of desire. (16.7k)
“It’s strange for a tavern to be out here,” San comments, casting a wary glance to which you return. “I wouldn’t think there’d be much business.”
“Maybe they run off of people like us,” Woo offers with a shrug. “Fools who don’t bring enough water.”
part six: a rest-stop, illusions, and a begrudging truce. (12.7k)
And yet, something about the way San’s hand sits on his shoulder, remaining an entire arm-length away, makes him feel…small.
It’s what drives him to say his next few words, to finally let a fraction of what’s been building inside of him slip. To be selfish for once.
“Do I make you uncomfortable, San?”
part seven: an orphanage, an elemental, and comfort. (13.2k)
“Have you ever killed a person?” You ask, and Wooyoung finds he isn’t surprised by the question. He doesn’t want to answer it, but he isn’t surprised by it.
He also believes the answer is something you should hear.
“I have,” he replies. “But sometimes people are monsters too.”
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714 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
just in case | hhj
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pairing: hyunjin x (gn) reader.
wc: 8.6k
genre: fluff. angst. suggestive. romcom. office au. valentine’s day au. coworkers to lovers. slight enemies to lovers.
warnings: alcohol, heavy making out, a both snarky and unreliable narrator, all around just inappropriate behaviour for a workplace (but what else would you expect from an office au lmao.)
summary: your valentine’s day plans of bad cable and a bottle of wine take an unexpected turn, as when leaving the office you witness a completely different side of your least favourite coworker, hwang hyunjin. perhaps valentine’s day really does hold a little bit of magic.
a/n: this is so disgustingly late, frankly i’m ashamed. but life and such, you know how it is. this is for the sweet treats from skz event hosted by @districtninewriters. hope you all enjoy, and i’d recommend checking out everyone else’s works!! also i lowkey resent this fic for how long it has taken me, so i hope it’s okay.
Sunday’s are the worst.
With the office being full of coworkers hungover and regretful from the previous night’s little escapades, as well as consumed by the dread of being forced to work during the weekend, the air always seems to hang a little lower on Sunday’s.
Of course, today is no normal Sunday. Not at all, and it is apparent in the excited buzz and extra chatter that fills the office with a tad more enthusiasm than annoyance.
No, today is no normal Sunday, but rather Valentine’s Day.
Which depending on exactly who you are and the activities you have planned for the evening, could either mean that this particular Sunday is slightly better or worse than average. For some, it’s a night of romance - budding or long-term - of roses and chocolate and candlelit dinners, of longing glances and playing footsie under the table.
While for others, it’s nothing special, no significant other to share the night with, and the giddy attitude that fills the air is only slightly nauseating.
You are a part of this latter.
It should be made clear that you don’t hate Valentine’s Day. Frankly, an extra night just to celebrate the love in a relationship is really quite sweet, and you are not such a killjoy as to rain on other’s parades.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t hate the way that people in the office treat Valentine’s Day. At least a little.
This particularly applies to Gahyeon, who is now peaking over your cubicle, a far too cheery smile on her face.
“Any plans for the night?” She asks sweetly, expression innocent, although you’re fairly certain she already knows the answer.
“No,” you say shortly, before realizing that might be too blunt, and frankly, a little rude. “Nothing tonight. You?”
“Felix and I are going out for drinks later,” she replies, a faint blush lacing her cheeks at the mention of her fiance. You’ve met Felix a few times, the blonde sometimes opting to come inside when picking her up after a later shift. He’s nice. Cute. A well-suited match for her, based on the very brief conversations you’ve had with him.
“We’re going to Dominique’s,” she adds, and you manage to refrain from letting your surprise show. Felix clearly has expensive taste, although you suppose the ring he gave her two months ago was already a pretty obvious indication of that.
“Well, I’m sure the two of you will have a good time,” you offer, returning to face your computer screen, assuming that the conversation is over and you’re free to return to your work. However, this is not the case, as Gahyeon continues to stare at you from over-top the cubicle, chin resting over top of her crossed arms.
“I got you a gift,” she says, causing you to twist your chair to face her once more, raising an eyebrow. She disappears back into her own space, searching for whatever she wishes to give you.
“Here,” she calls out, before once again popping her head back up into your line of sight. She has a gift bag in her hand, one that is so narrow and tall in length you already have a good idea of what it might be.
After taking the bag, you find your assumption proven correct, as you pull out a rather hefty bottle of wine.
You stare at the gift, before flickering your gaze back to Gahyeon. It’s not that you don’t like it, in fact, it’s your favourite brand. Even a tad more expensive than you typically let yourself reach for, unless for a special occasion.
You’re more so just confused as to exactly why Gahyeon would be giving you a bottle of wine, on Valentine’s Day none-the-less.
Her smile falls slightly. “Do you not like it?”
“No!” You rush out, quickly changing your bewildered expression into a smile. You certainly don’t want her to feel bad for getting you a gift, however strange it might be. “I mean, no - but not no as in no I hate it - sorry, yes. Yes, I like it. Thank you.”
She smiles again, and you let yourself relax slightly, taking a breath. “I’m more so just a bit lost,” you continue, examining the bottle once more. “What is this for?”
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749 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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lowerqualityrp · 1 year
five songs that remind you of your muse.
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tagged: @strongfuck (thanks king *insert jack fingerguns*) tagging: @digicloner @envyei @auroradicit (Sabi?) @therelignedstars and you!
Angel- Theory of A Deadman
I'm in love with an angel who's afraid of the light Her halo is broken but there's fight in her eyes Walls are built to keep us safe Until they're crashing down Worlds apart we were the same Until you hit the ground Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm weak Maybe I'm blinded by what I see You wanted a soldier but it wasn't me 'Cause I could never set you free So fly on your own It's time I let you go
Honestly, the whole song is very Jack, but this part especially resonates as him. Jack without a doubt loves Angel, but he also just as obviously hates the siren that she is. He kept her in a bubble to both use her siren abilities to fulfill his goal of eradicating all bandits while also "protecting" her from herself. Jack becomes so wrapped up in his mission that he ends up not only hurting Angel to the point she asks the hunters to do what she does during the story of BL2 (if you know the scene you'll know what I'm talking about), but destroying any possibility of a relationship they might have been able to salvage at one point. Angel was the pinnacle of Jack's life as John, and was still such even as Handsome Jack, but the way he demonstrated was cruel. As much as it may have seemed he didn't love her, his immediate reaction to aforementioned scene (the murder immediately after) as well as how he handles talking about Angel with Rhys in TFBL are significant indicators that he did and does love her, his hate for sirens, bandits, etc. just "blinded [him] by what [he] sees".
Rest In Peace- Dorothy
Blood on my hands, what's done is done Left you by the road with the crows in the dust Heart so hollow deep as a cave One day I'll be dancing on your grave Taking it back the life you stole Every little piece you took of my soul Now I lay you down to sleep And pray with the devil You rest in peace
Truthfully, this bit especially feels like Jack's whole view on his mission. He does genuinely see himself as the hero and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. He'll kill, use, manipulate, destroy anyone and everyone he needs to in order to bring "peace" to Pandora. Jack killed everything that made him John in order to do this, too.
Fabulous- HSM2
I want fabulous, That is my simple request, All things fabulous, Bigger and better and best, I need something inspiring to help me get along, I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?
One of the first things Jack ever talks about is his Diamond Horse, Butt Stallion. This man literally wants fabulous. Tell me I'm wrong.
Victorious- Panic! At The Disco
Double bubble disco queen Headed to the guillotine Skin as cool as Steve McQueen Let me be your killer king It hurts until it stops We will love until it's not I'm a killing spree in white Eyes like broken Christmas lights My touch is black and poisonous And nothing like my punch drunk kiss
Firstly, Jack's always considered himself the winner. There is no doubt in his mind that he'll reign victorious with the vault and his warrior. Everything he does, he does with the certainty of winning. Secondly, parts of the lyrics like "we will love until it's not" are very true to his relationships. When Jack loves, he loves hard. Even when it ends, the only people safe from his wrath are those he'd ever loved to begin with.
Blood in the Cut- K. Flay
Guess I'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran Fuck, that's what they all just end up doing in the end Take my car and paint it black Take my arm, break it in half Say something, do it soon It's too quiet in this room
This also hits on Jack's love life. We see throughout his canon that the only successful relationship he had was with his first wife. His second wife ran when she found out about Angel. His relationships with Nisha and Moxxi failed, too, and quite seemingly incredibly badly. Jack's life before and after the incident with Angel and the turret was filled with betrayal, abandonment, and loss to the point where he keeps people at bay so they can't hurt him.
Bonus Track: Hate Me-Blue October
Hate me today Hate me tomorrow Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you Hate me in ways Yeah, ways hard to swallow Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you
This one is more of a "John" track. He's failed Angel and his late, first wife, he knows this. That's part of what drives him to such an unhinged, mass-murdering, megalomaniac. He's done many unforgiveable things, but, to him, nothing is as unforgiveable as failing the two people who meant the world to him. Because John failed at protecting his loved ones, his psyche began to corrode and Handsome Jack was born.
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billconrad · 1 year
Believing The Lie
    I follow the tragic war in Ukraine closely and find it interesting that the primary source for raw news is Twitter, and the best analysis occurs on YouTube. These new sources have replaced the old sources, such as newspapers, internet articles, and national television. This new medium allows rapid news spreading and analysis. We can also check out the raw news sources and even directly contact the source—quite a change.
    Recently, a YouTube influencer (I hate that word) discussed a translated Russian state television broadcast. It proclaimed that the restaurants in England were serving rat meat because of the chronic food shortage caused by their Ukraine support. Wow, what a bold lie! But unfortunately, many people truly believed this “trusted” news source.
    What was going on in the viewer’s heads? “Because the news said so, it must be true.” “Makes sense to me.” “Seems logical.” “They have never lied before.” I propose something different is going on. These misguided people allowed themselves to believe the lie. Essentially, the lie is better than the truth. Humans often have ill-advised reactions to unpleasant situations. “I do not need to go on a diet. I look great!” But what does this have to do with writing? I am glad you asked.
    I realized that the newscaster was not lying as I watched this news clip. She was acting. She read a fictional script, and the audience allowed themselves to be taken in. The same activity occurs in a play or a movie. There is no such thing as a Star Wars lightsaber, but we sure liked it when Luke Skywalker started waving one around. So, we (the audience) believed the lie.
    Perhaps when watching a movie, we expect to be entertained; when watching the news, we expect facts. Yet, sometimes we allow ourselves to be taken in. It’s nice to feel good about ourselves; the awful truth is a hard pill. Blissful ignorance. How about our favorite person X? Did you hear X was drunk driving last week? No way, not true. X is a fantastic person!
    Fictional writers use every trick to pull readers into their stories. We twist facts, add intimate relationships where they would never occur, alter physics, spice up the characters, insert an impossible plot twist, entice the reader with a juicy hook, and paint a scene larger than life. “A beautiful, intelligent woman with everything going for her falling in love with an ugly, stupid, fat beast of a man? Of course!”
    Readers and viewers expect a dream world where crazy ideas come true, people commit outrageous acts, and the lowest of the low is commonplace. I suppose that was also the goal of the Russian newscaster. They were achieving the state agenda by any means necessary. However, to the rest of us, the results were absurd. Yet, that technique works every time in a story. Did you see the movie Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure? That silly movie was as believable as that Russian state news broadcaster. Fortunately, I keep my blogs real. Or do I?
 You’re the best! -Bill
 April 05, 2023
 Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
 Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
 Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
 Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
 These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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