#genuinely bewildered
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theblackwomb · 3 months ago
Found out my sister-in-law is on an Ozempic-related drug this week and I'm so fucking done.
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kittenkes · 3 months ago
Can't help but wonder if anyone else's notes app is as unhinged as mine.
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lotus-lamps · 9 months ago
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lezbianz · 1 year ago
i’m literally so confused rn…i’ve never been catcalled once in my life but i just got catcalled like 3 times in the span of 5 minutes ??
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always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 1 year ago
Every once in awhile I remember this one weirdo in the YouTube comment section that saw my very emotional response under a video about a child mummy and said something like “lmao you fucking looser libtard. The kid died thousands of years ago, you and your stupid feelings, blah blah” and I roasted the guy in the replies, and a bunch of other people shamed him because “what the actual fuck? We are being emotional about a child mummy. What is wrong with you?” To the point where he just deleted his comment and I’m like, why though? What did he have to gain from replying to someone’s emotional response to a documentary about a child mummy and just, mock them? Because they found the act of a family caring for their dead two year old moving? Why???? You are literally just setting yourself up for a verbal beating. It wasn’t even in a political video, it was a DOCUMENTARY about a CHILD MUMMY. I can’t comprehend how that seemed like a good idea? Or why it was an idea at all? It was funny to see him get the verbal shit beaten out of him, but why would you respond like that in the first place??? Did he just go around YouTube trying to find people talking about feelings so he could try and, what, shame them politically??? Literally what was the point? Beyond comprehension.
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beaft · 7 months ago
do genuinely find it fascinating how indeed.com is like the biggest job-hunting website out there and yet manages to be profoundly useless in every possible way
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calamitys-child · 1 year ago
One of my favourite mundane weirdnesses about Edinburgh is that we set the big clock visible approaching the station to be 3 minutes fast to make sure people are on time for their trains. My Favourite mundane weirdness of Edinburgh is that we check this by firing a cannon.
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vintage-bentley · 2 months ago
I do not feel comfortable being openly homosexual in the company of “queer” people. Even hinting that I experience absolutely no attraction to the male sex is stressful, because often this results in a bunch of questions that equally feel like bafflement and interrogation. “What about THESE men?” No, not them either. No men. “But this man identifies as a woman!” I am not wired to be attracted to pronouns. “What about this man? He’s femme!” He is still a man, and I am still a lesbian. “So just no men at all?” YES. What is so hard to understand about that? Why can’t you just accept that female homosexuality exists, that it isn’t an evil ideology, and that it’s just how I and many other women are born? Why can you accept and understand so many things, but draw the line at a woman having no interest in the male sex?
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jakotsuto · 2 months ago
For the most part, when my videos get disliked, I can chalk it up to s*ssrinners and homophobes (as Ban/Ja is not a particularly controversial ship). But I can't possibly fathom why anyone would dislike the Jinenji edit to Half Horse, Half Man. Unless either
A) it was a mis-click
B) they hate fun ??? or Jinenji?
like jeez I am not exactly forcing anyone to watch these (aside from my sister, who, being my sister, is legally obligated to watch my edits.)
tbh I just can't fathom caring enough to be a hater about these things. I don't think my silly little joke edits are hurting anyone.
people are such haters smh. What exactly is it that prompts people to dislike videos presumably Just Because? i truly cannot imagine doing the same.
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What Do You Have Against Jaken? I am exposing his struggles </3
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fairylando · 4 months ago
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im crying at this???????
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waitineedaname · 6 months ago
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I've received a sudden influx of followers because of an entirely unrelated textpost from several years ago, which means all of you legally have to read my current interest in order to understand my blog. ooooh you wanna read scum villain's self-saving system so bad (Anna's archive link since the internet archive is down)
some quotes to further persuade you:
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also read my fanfiction. hi.
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sparklecarehospital · 5 months ago
its gonna feel so fucking weird when this is over
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t4tails · 4 months ago
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remember when ted cruz spent the week in cancún while the entire texas power grid shut down? dumbass state
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paladerp · 1 year ago
Like bro you don't have to explain jack or shit to me but it's pretty rich to complain that I should be learning something when you don't.
If I was out here sealioning I'd get the hostility, but what tf did I do that suggests I'm not willing to consider other points of view?
How am I learning when it's all just bully behavior? Wild.
not everyone who gets mad at you on the internet is an evil hater purposefully acting in bad faith for fun, you were just objectively in the wrong. you could learn from this situation and instead youre shifting the blame onto op and trying to vilify her and all the people rightfully calling you on your fuck up. you clearly expect someone to come along and gently walk you through every step of what you did wrong when its literally spelled out in the original post that you did the exact thing op was talking about and thats why people are pissed at you. if your only response is to just brush this off because you got your feelings hurt instead of actually confronting the fact that you screwed up and trying to be better then youre beyond help lmfao. sometimes life is uncomfortable and sometimes its your own fault. thats not even me trying to be mean on purpose thats literally just the truth. take the L
Do you think I haven't considered that maybe I am wrong? Do you think I didn't consider that premise before I said anything in the first place??
What am I supposed to be learning when I'm being told I should delete my account because I'm selfish and don't care about Palestinians?? As if saying that makes me any less aware, daily, of the genocide being committed by the people who claim to represent me??? If you could take the hurt away by claiming I never felt it, or that my feeling it isn't genuine, just because you're saying so... That would be something.
But no one is criticisizing the things I said, only that I disagreed. The comments are that i am selfish, nothing about how you can conclude that compassion fatigue is evil and selfish; how is burn out something that possesses a moral value? As if it's a choice you make and not a state of being??? An action you have taken instead of an experience you are having? That's not how it works.
You can tell me how selfish that is and I am for saying so, but I fundamentally do not understand how.
My feelings are hurt that the people I see community in (other humans who believe that Palestine matters and that Israel is committing genocide) consider me an enemy for advocating for the needs of people who are burnt out.
That's some bullshit and no matter how hard I try I'm just not seeing truth in the opposite viewpoint.
Unless youre saying that compassion fatigue is unrelated to burn out and grief? Is that the understanding?? Because maybe we should see if we're sharing an understanding of the concept.
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0507-worms · 2 months ago
shidou's last few timeline conversations feel a little too ominous for him to Not Know that something was coming; which just makes me wonder what made him let his guard down
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eating-figs-here · 8 months ago
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People who view Wanderer like this fascinate me. Like how was he supposed to. Stay a villain. Completely ignoring how limiting him to being.. 'psychopathic' (not a big fan of using that word in this context) ignores the nuances of his character, how was he meant to continue being an antagonistic force??? We kinda. Crushed any hope that he had abt being able to ascend to godhood. We took the gnosis from him, then gave it to Dottore, who is part of the Fatui- the organization he BETRAYED. Dottore views Scaramouche's attempt to seize godhood as a fun little experiment, but now that he's seen that he failed, Dottore wouldn't be interested in trying again... We backed Scaramouche into a corner, man. He can't do ANYTHING. He can't go back to the Fatui and his literal only goal for the past 400ish years that he was so close to achieving was smashed in front of his face. He can't go back to that previous ambition either.
That's why I don't understand some people's pushback to him.. accepting Nahida's mercy?? And staying with her in Sumeru?? What else was he supposed to do??? And then it's like. Yeah, of course he's gonna internalize some better behavior because yEAH Nahida is a good influence. She stops him from isolating himself and pushes him into participating in things (like in the Darshan event) to allow things in this world to have meaning to him. So he stays. Because.. this undoubtedly makes him feel better. He's so much gentler to people as Wanderer, and that's because he's learning to once again be gentle with himself. Idk, I've always felt that this was a very natural progression...
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