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theshunbun · 4 months ago
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♡ Sanbun and Shunbun ♡
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yeesiine · 1 year ago
What matters most is how you see yourself.
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mypositiveoutlooks · 1 year ago
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iamrubyjanerabaca · 2 years ago
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2023.4.3 Art
Not really into drawings growing up. I had interest but I never really pursued since every time I see my drawings, they are ugly.
But last night, as I was speaking to God about what I have observed in my current relationship: a sudden feeling of disappointment and fear crept in.
Disappointment upon seeing inconsistency of what he says in the beginning and present. Also, him not allowing himself to be vulnerable to me.
Fear because I don’t want this relationship to fail and that we both just be each other’s teachers and leave.
In both, I kept talking to God about these things and gave me an idea to draw this.
This represents how God holds my heart. There are times that I, myself, breaks my own heart by thoughts I have allowed to creep in my head. Sometimes, others but most of the time me. I know I have the ability to choose how to feel and what to feel, logical or illogical.
Broken but saved is my reminder that wherever I am in my relationships, God shall be in the center of my heart. He is king in my throne of life so no matter how many times my heart gets broken, I will never be able to break whatever God has in store for me. So I pray that I be protected with his love and grace as I go on with this journey of life.
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anarulkhaledsblog · 2 months ago
The moon doesn’t need to tell the stars how to shine.
The river doesn’t ask the mountain to move.
You don’t have to rush to match someone else’s rhythm.
Exist as you are—wild, soft, free.
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spicymangomargarita · 7 months ago
It's ok not to show up for people on the days you can't even show up for yourself.
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jeezumbub · 1 year ago
If being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now.
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soulbitescom · 2 years ago
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“TALK TO YOURSELF LIKE SOMEONE YOU LOVE.” (because every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts 🤟🏼) words by @brenebrown neon by @paletteneon soul “Friendly Pressure” by @Jhelisa.anderson ➡️ @instasoulbites: your daily group hug of words & art with soul. 🫶🏻 - #instasoulbites #selflovequotes #brenebrown #notetoself #gentlereminder #neonsigns #neonvibes #neonlight #neonlove #lovesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq8Y-hKMeDi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mstudi0s · 1 year ago
🍁 Things to Remember
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You did the best you could
Change takes time. Rome wasn't build over night ok.
You don't have to explain anything to anyone.
No, really is a complete sentence. No.
Your time and presence are precious.
Somebody loves you. I promise.
You are not your thoughts.
Somebody is thinking of you right now and how much they appreciate and admire you.
You're not selfish for having boundaries.
Take care of yourself for the future you.
There is good in this world.
You didn't deserve the abuse or trauma you want through.
You can be happy.
It's ok for you to take up space.
Anything is really possible.
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Greetings, kind souls!
I am Eredin, humble assistant to the esteemed Lindir, and I must apologize if I come across as overly forward, but there is a small matter I must address. I noticed some of the hashtags being discussed recently, and I feel it is my duty to gently remind everyone of something important.
My Lord, Lindir, is currently recovering from a rather unsettling fainting spell (I suspect it was related to some, uh, delicate matters we’ve encountered in certain discussions), and I want to ensure that he can rest without being unduly concerned by what I believe to be some references to “smut,” which I am told is a rather… intense subject.
While I am sure these topics have their place in many hearts, I must ask that if one is to mention such matters, please be so kind as to include appropriate tags or warnings, as we are all very sensitive to matters of this nature. My Lord is not one for scandal, after all.
Ah, and before I go, a brief but essential note from your humble assistant, just to clear up any potential misunderstandings.
While I know many of you are lovely and respectful, I must gently remind you (and by gently, I mean firmly) that any hate messages will be swiftly reported. My Lord, Lindir, has asked that I ensure his spaces remain peaceful, free from negativity, and, to be frank, free from people who can't seem to grasp the concept of basic courtesy.
So, if you have unpleasant words to share, please do so quietly. Or, better yet, don't. As the saying goes, "If you can't say something nice, at least make it hilarious."
Otherwise, your message will be swiftly escorted into the land of the blocked and reported. ✨🔒
Thank you for your understanding, and please know that I do this only out of care for my Lord's wellbeing. It would be quite the tragedy if anything were to interrupt his recovery (though I do believe the stress of some of these words is far too much for him).
Thank you again for your consideration! 🙏✨
[NB: While my lord is recovering from his recent... fainting spell, I shall take up the mantle of his journal updates and any inquiries you may have. Should you require any assistance or wish to discuss matters (sensible ones, of course), do not hesitate to reach out. Kindly ensure all content is tagged appropriately, especially if it involves sensitive topics, as my lord’s delicate constitution demands such considerations. 💫]
Any inquiries or concerns will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism, though I reserve the right to be slightly sarcastic when necessary.
Sincerely, Eredin, your humble and well-meaning scribe assistant
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theshunbun · 3 months ago
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Kawaii potato 💖💖💖
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mypositiveoutlooks · 1 year ago
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if you’re craving anything right now, this is your sign to go get it!!! and your reminder that it’s okay and nothing bad will happen and you deserve it alWAYsss!!! believe in yourself<333
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gentlespiritgirl · 2 years ago
It’s been a while but I have just posted a new video on prioritizing God’s Word! 📖 You can watch the full video in the link below 👇🏽
“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws. I hold fast to your statutes, Lord; do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding.” Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭30‬-‭32‬ ‭NIV ❤️
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melbatoast207 · 1 year ago
A Gentle reminder ✨️ #WordPorn #gentlereminder #beautybeyondskin
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confidencethrutheroof · 1 year ago
Holy shit!🥴🫣
#accountability #healing #gentlereminder
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