#genevieve 001.
lydsdonovan · 10 months
where: gen's place who: @genevievericci & lydia donovan
"Landon asked me to bring this to you," Lydia rummaged through her tote bag, carefully retrieving a folder containing a thick piece of paper with a painted portrait that, with enough squinting, vaguely resembled the woman before her. "He was assigned to create portraits of all his family members in his art class. Believe it or not, this one was actually one of the better ones," she chuckled with a hint of amusement, tilting her head as she examined the painting. "I don't foresee art shows in his future, but he's really good at baseball, I swear!"
She placed the image on the counter and turned her attention back to her former sister-in-law, a warm grin appearing on her cheeks. "Are you doing okay? I can't imagine how you're feeling; that's such an invasion of privacy to put you in that position."
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rviner · 19 days
@waterfallswords bella x genevieve - rodeo drive
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"...you had an Afghan hound. I can't remember his name, but Emine didn't even look like herself. That's when it got kinda weird, because a random cousin who I don't even know pulled a girl in the pool, who kinda looked like the gymnast...er...Ines Alvarez?" Bella recounts her vivid dream as she laughs, of course leaving out the part where she and Felix were engaged in her subconscious. "And then aunt Winnie and Marie were there, too. And Aunt Win brought back these two Italian guys." she can't stop laughing as she remembers more details, none of which make much sense to her. "I really don't want to analyze any of it." Bella finalizes, glancing to her mom with a beaming smile.
Shopping is a standard thing to be used to with Genevieve as a mother, not that Bella minds. Even if she tries with all her might to show Gen the wonders of online retail therapy. "Do you think they'll have it this time?" she asks as they wander into Prada, knowing her mother has had her eye on certain Galleria bag for weeks now. Bella keeps her vegan-esque opinions to herself about the leather used, even if she knows everybody else knows what she thinks already. "I saw Gigi Hadid with one, so...she might've beat you to it." it was Kate Middleton last time when they tried in London. Bella not mentioning the war, so to speak.
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lukas-dimopoulos · 1 month
WHERE: Tori & Eve's Place WITH: @evesyoung
Slowing to a stop outside of Tori’s place, Lukas cut the engine and started up to the doorway. Knocking thrice, he stepped back, his heart pounding in his chest. He’d missed Betty. He’d missed her so much over the last four years that it physically hurt him to think or talk about her…because Betty was a lot like him– she was a misfit, she was good enough despite the people around her believing that she wasn’t. She needed saving, just like he had, and so? They’d become quite the pair. Having to leave her to serve out his sentence had nearly killed Luke, even though he knew Tori would care for her probably better than he could. But still, it felt like abandonment, and now that he was free? He couldn’t wait to reunite with his favorite girl. Luke knocked on the door, impatiently waiting for his sister to answer. But when the door opened and Eve stood on the other side of it, Lukas shifted his weight between his feet, somehow having forgotten that the two of them lived together now. Sure, Tori had yapped about it enough, but Luke had been so concerned with his own survival while he was inside that so many details tended to slip his mind. “Eve– hey,” he started, the corner of his mouth twitching into a brief smile, “Long time, no see.” That rang true for everyone though. Four years had a way of feeling like a fucking eternity. “Just here to get my girl.” He was clearly talking about Betty, the gray pitbull who’d become his entire world before he’d gone inside. He’d missed his entire family over the last four years, but Lukas would argue that he’d missed Betty the most. “Tori around?”
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temptedfates · 11 months
* ✦  ゜。closed starter : for @vvhimsicals muse : xavier cruz , club owner & promoter. ( w / genevieve aka the loml ) plot : the happy couple are on a vacation paid for with a portion of the money they got from winning love island. during a mini staged photoshoot , xavier calls for a little break because he can tell something is off with his ' girlfriend '
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❝ hey ! can you stop taking pictures for fucking five minutes. yeah , go do something else , i don't fucking know -- take a break , have a piña colada or some shit. ❞ frustrated words were directed at the borderline entourage taking pictures for xavier and genevieve's social media. reaching for genevieve's hand , he pulled her gently in the direction of a more secluded area shaded by a palm tree. ❝ vi , you're stiff as a board. it's like i'm trying to caress hardwood floors. no one's going to buy it unless we actually commit to the act , you know this , ❞ a sigh left pink lips , hand reaching up and running through dark locks. ❝ are you still stressed about the whole bed thing ? i already told you it's not that big of a deal . . . what can i do to make you relax ? ❞
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shivanixrao · 6 months
closed for @gbardot location: genevieve's home
Shivani looked across the table in Genevieve's home when the other took a bite of the food she'd brought over. She desperately wanted to get the other's reaction but let her take her time until finally Shivani just couldn't take it anymore. "Well? Are you going to tell me how it is or not?" She said with a glint in her eyes--praying that the other enjoyed the food. Shivani often liked to cook and would always make more than she needed which was when the food would be shared with friends and neighbors alike. "If you hate it, I'll handle the criticism, I swear."
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featuringnina · 1 year
closed starter for   @julicttc​ . 
A versão de Genevieve de quinze anos estaria surtando por tudo que a sua versão de vinte e oito estava vivendo. Estava no palácio real, conhecendo tudo, sendo servida e tratada como uma princesa e, acima de tudo, convivendo com o príncipe. No entanto, ela não poderia estar se sentindo mais vazia. O sorriso no rosto era o completo oposto do que sentia, parecia radiante e feliz, mas era apenas parte de seu papel. Sua gentileza tão típica ainda era real, mas não havia felicidade. Fora o jantar com o príncipe e todas as selecionadas, a apresentação para o público, ela agora apenas aguardava ser chamada. A cada dia o príncipe tinha um encontro a sós e personalizado com cara selecionada, e o dia seguinte seria o seu. Aproveitando seus últimos minutos antes do grande dia, onde passaria horas se produzindo e ficando nervosa com a experiência, ela passeava pelo castelo, cada dia conhecendo um lugar diferente. Quando não estava enfurnada na biblioteca, fugindo da própria realidade e lendo livros. A escolha de hoje havia sido os jardins. Eram enormes e coloridos, e ela adorava a natureza. Maldita hora que fez a tal escolha! 
Passeava com os dedos pelas flores, sentindo o aroma e o vento refrescante do dia ensolarado. Tudo parecia perfeito, até seus olhos encontrarem a figura de John Albernathy. De todas as pessoas do mundo, ela jamais esperou - ou quis - encontrar logo ele. Aquele que a fez voltar com a ideia de vir para a Seleção, aquele que partiu o seu coração depois de lhe todas as esperanças de viver um amor que ela sempre quis. Genevieve ficou estática, parada, os olhos azuis arregalados e os lábios vermelhos de batom entreabertos, sem conseguir dizer nada. Estava em choque. Piscou quando sentiu os olhos secarem, engolindo em seco e encarando em volta, se alguém a observava ou se alguma câmera estava em sua direção. Será que era um teste? Uma pegadinha? Queriam saber o quão fiel ela estava ao príncipe? Sem controle dos próprios pés, ela caminhou na direção dele. As pernas tremiam de nervosismo, mas o que antes pareciam passos incertos, se tornaram firmes e raivosos à medida que seus pensamentos recordavam de todo o sofrimento após o término. Ou melhor: do abandono.  “Uma carta?”  Ela falou entredentes, quando já estava perto o suficiente para não gritar e nem ser ouvida.  “Depois de tudo o que vivemos, o que eu merecia era uma carta de término? Sorte a sua que estamos aqui e preciso me comportar como uma dama, porque a vontade era gritar com você e te bater!”  A voz era baixa, mas raivosa, rancorosa e ela quase bufava como um touro enraivecido.  “E o que você está fazendo aqui, Albernathy? Veio me atormentar um pouco mais? Arruinar a minha chance na Seleção? Ou você sequer se lembra de mim?” 
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rayxclairmont · 8 months
closed starter for @genhernandez location: Children's Discovery Museum
It was Nate's first solo outing with the girls and he decided to take them to the museum. Lenny was going to meet them later on once she was done with some meetings, but he wanted to try this on his own. So far, it was going good. Or as good as he could hope. Leah was acting like she wasn't interested, but then helping her younger siblings who were definitely interested in everything. He was smiling watching them when someone caught his eye and he grinned more as he spotted Genevieve. "Hey, Gen. Bring the kiddos out too I see."
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xlostparadise · 1 year
@richardxoliverxmayhew liked for a starter
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"What are you doing here, Mayhew?" She was supposed to be working alone, and if Genevieve had desired a partner, he was the last person on her list. No, scratch that. He didn't even make the list.
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teaganweatherford · 1 year
who: Genevieve Hernandez @genhernandez where: Liberman Law Office
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The last place that Teagan had wanted to be was sitting in the waiting room of the lawyers office, waiting for someone to call her name as if she were about to receive the worst news known to man. And sure, she knew she was being dramatic, but she'd never expected to be in a situation like this one where she'd have to be taking care of all of this. She was grateful that her father was still here with her, but, the position he was in currently - living in the assisted living, struggling to get better at the end of every day - and it was a lot for loved ones to handle. But she wanted to make sure everything was lined up properly, that there were no red flags or questions to come up in the situation that something were to happen, which is what brought her here in the first place. After waiting for what felt like hours in the waiting room, Teagan was led to the office of Genevieve Hernandez and Teagan entered the room after being escorted there. Offering the other a small smile as she extended her hand in greeting, Teagan spoke. "Thank you for meeting me here today, Ms. Hernandez." she smiled. "I don't want to keep you too long, I'm not even sure you can help me but I have some legal concerns in regards to my father that I'd like to check in on and I was brought to talk to you."
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waywordhearts · 1 year
— characters: genevieve & augustus — setting: at mr adler’s bar — partner:  @fearhidden​
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Oh how far the mighty had fallen.
It was Genevieve’s only thought as she stood outside the now promising bar. The professional photographer route she’d taken with her life wasn’t considered a real career by her parents. Time and time again they had tried to push her into what they believed were the better paths, the right paths she should be heading in life. And for a while Gen played the part. Mostly it was due to being completely stuck under her parents thumb. When under their roof it was too much to push back against them when they dictated what classes she took and what university she applied to.
They had the money which meant they had the power and control. As long as she obliged she was completely taken care of. 
Genevieve was done with that now though. Not only had she gone to the university they chose for her and got a degree in a respectable major they had decided on, she also made an attempt at internships and took baby steps toward a safe career. On one hand she understood; they wanted what was best for her and couldn’t fathom their daughter struggling. The flipside was that the photographer’s wealthy parent also didn’t want to feel any shame or disappointment, possible embarrassment if Gen didn’t live up to the high expectations of the elite.
There was a sign by the door that said, ‘HELP WANTED’ and right under it a paper with chicken scratch on it stating: BARTENDER NEEDED. Now, Genevieve didn’t know shit about bartending or even customer service but she hoped a pretty smile would be enough.
Fake it ‘til you make it.
That was the mantra the brunette amped herself up with as she walked through the door and headed for the bar. Heads turned as her lithe frame carried across the floor and Gen hoped the manager or owner was catching this. The fact that people liked to look at her could be a bonus, right? Even if it generally made Genevieve’s skin crawl. Fake it ‘til you make it. She was in a tank top and jeans and it was only when she stopped at the bar that the photographer though this wasn’t the appropriate attire for a job interview.
Fuck it. Genevieve was currently living out of a suitcase in a shitty motel in town because all her money was cut off and her dream career hadn’t been working out quite as well as she’d hoped. Not to mention, the cash that she did have would barely last her another week. 
Desperate times.
“Hey, umm...” Awkwardly, she fidgeted, unsure what to do with her hands. Gen wasn’t used to having to ask for things like this. “I saw your sign outside that you’re hiring. That’s still a thing, right?” If it was filled already her last option in this town was working at the laundromat. Well, that and giving blowjobs for cash. “I just moved into town and, umm, I could really use the job.”
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mournfulminds · 2 years
╱ starter for ❪ @ofmusingsxandmayhem ❫ . 
          The lengthy and winding path that led up to the Romano estate was lined with trees, parched foliage now that it was fall taking the last of the sunset that sunk into sky, and was replaced it with a dusky shade of eventide as her car pulled into the driveway, parking near the gate. The lights from inside welcomed her as she strolled to the door, clad in a silk olive green dress, she took an abrupt moment to compose herself before entering, a domestic greeting her at the door to take her door before she made her way into the sea of people that had gathered for the celebration. She gifted the host a bottle of limoncino imported from the Amalfi region, since she was taught to never attend an event empty-handed, and then commenced her proverbial divergence, conversing with a few colleagues as she eyed the tray of sweets a waiter was toting around. Excusing herself from her current engagement, she took two from the waiter, thanked him and slipped through the large doors and down the corridor. 
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It was there that she saw a familiar figure, her head slanting slightly as she traced the outline of Gen’s as she tranquilly approached her, cake in one hand, “tiramisu? In case you were in the mood for something sweet. You know, I think I heard it can mean “pick me up” in Italian.” 
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lincoln-riley · 11 months
WHERE: Two Kings Casino WITH: @genevievericci
Part of having the charity ball at the casino meant that Lincoln, as a co-owner, had to make his rounds and find a moment to speak with everyone– which ordinarily wasn’t an issue for the youngest Riley. He was sociable, possessed enough charisma to hold a meaningful conversation, but still, he couldn’t deny the idea that he wasn’t particularly looking forward to speaking with Genevieve Ricci. It wasn’t a knock on her, not really– it stemmed mostly from Lincoln’s distaste towards her husband, and the way he’d casually suspected Link of trying to sabotage him. He couldn’t help but wonder if his wife shared those suspicions or if she wasn’t the paranoid old fuck that Giovanni was. Taking up residence beside her at the bar, Lincoln offered up a curt smile and nodded, “Mrs. Ricci,” he addressed, keeping his tone light and even, “How are you enjoying the ball? Tried any of the house wine?”
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
She was tight and warm around his fingers, walls clenching as if trying to push them out. But Ángel had never been one to give in to the demands of others, especially when he had something he wanted, digits being pushed farther before he pulled them out and thrust them inside again. "Do you even want to repent, Genevieve? Are you doing a bad job of begging for God's forgiveness because you think you have done no wrong?" she hadn't, the only mistake she had made was catching their attention. Soft, gullible, easy to break.
The perfect target for them. Ángel hummed as he took a leisurely pace with his fingers, watching Ione present the cross to Genevieve with interest.
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Her eyes were already shiny, and it brought a sick sort of satisfaction into Ione, lips quirking into a smile as the girl went chaste and gave the cross a peck. "You think that is good enough for your God? Are you mocking him, Genevieve? Are you not taking this seriously?" she pursed her lips in mocking annoyance. "Open your mouth and properly apologize." as if to make it more obvious what she intended, the blonde pressed the cross against the woman's lips, intent to thrust it inside the moment they opened.
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For a moment she had thought that was it, that Ángel had merely needed to assure the holy water was inside her and that the digits would remain for a moment before withdrawing. She was wrong. It's impossible to ignore the sensation of them digging in farther before finally withdrawing, only to ease back inside, notable enough to cause her thighs to tremble and begin creating moisture within her core. "No. No, I do..." The tears are spilling freely from her cheeks now, mortified not only that she'd sinned against God but that in doing so, she'd disappointed the siblings to such a degree. "I know I've sinned, I know...I want to be forgiven."
It's overwhelming; their disappointment, their criticism, Ángel's fingers, Ione's demands, the congregation watching her. Each of these things would be a task for her to manage on it's own and she's facing them all in the same instant.
"N-no." Her lips draw away from the cross, eyes casting back to Ione's face as she seeks understanding, both from Ione and from herself. "I would never mock him. I just...I don't understand." But between words and actions, the blonde helps to make it more clear. Her blue orbs flicker down to the cross before once more to the girl's face, lips hesitatingly falling open under the command, searching for the approval and the forgiveness she so desperately needed.
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devouredher · 1 year
@dreamgrlevl cont. from here
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“mmhmm, i can see that.” nadia replied, a knowing smirk on her lips as she let her eyes fall to the woman’s glistening cunt. it was clear what was going on, all her suspicion confirmed by just how wet the older woman was. she should have stopped then, called genevieve out for the obvious ruse, but instead the girl just carefully began to work her thumb into the stretched hole with the rest of her fingers. “i bet it’s in there real deep.” she added a moment later, biting her lip as she watched the woman’s rim stretching to accommodate the rest of her hand as she eased it in slowly. unable to resist any longer, nadia lifted her free hand to drag her fingers through genevieve’s wet folds. “god you’re so wet,” she murmured softly. “you sure you aren’t getting off on this?” the question was more teasing than anything, her fist fully in the woman’s ass now and slowly thrusting back and forth as if she were testing if the older woman could truly handle it.
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it should embarrass her how ridiculously wet she was to the point where her cunt was drooling with her juices. coating the back of her thighs and dripping on the sheets. a pool of evidence just under her. there was no explanation for her current state. not even the 'lost toy' could explain this. but genevieve was a proud woman, and she wouldn't admit that she was doing all this just to be fisted by her son's girlfriend. feeling her fingers on her sopping wet folds had gen feeling shivers go up her spine. she almost came just from the attention to her pussy. it has been too long since her cunt has received any action from anyone other than herself. "no, i'm really not. i swear--" her words would be more convincing if she was able to bite down on the wanton moan that just escaped her lips at the fullness she felt. "fuck, keep going, baby." she gripped her cheeks tighter and spreads herself even more. genevieve started to fuck herself backwards, too impatient to wait for her to go faster.
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suavinhotinto · 8 months
task 001.
"sua sorte é que eu não to de ressaca. começa."
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Nome: haelena genevieve vassiliev
Idade: eu tenho 25 aninhos de pura beleza
Gênero: mulher cisgenero
Pronomes: ela/dela
Altura: 1,62
Parente divino e número do chalé: o melhor: dionísio, chalé 12.
Idade que chegou ao Acampamento: cheguei com 5 anos
Quem te trouxe até aqui? meu pai mandou me chamar
Seu parente divino te reclamou de imediato ou você ficou um pouco no chalé de Hermes sem saber a quem pertencia? reclamou de imediato.
Após descobrir sobre o Acampamento, ainda voltou para o mundo dos mortais ou ficou apenas entre os semideuses? Se você ficou no Acampamento, sente falta de sua vida anterior? E se a resposta for que saiu algumas vezes, como você agia entre os mortais? eu saio algumas vezes para ver minha mãe ou para assistir os shows da minha irmã. nem tanta, eu saio quando eu consigo. normal, ué, tem gente que age diferente entre os mortais?
Se você pudesse possuir um item mágico do mundo mitológico, qual escolheria e por quê? o raio de zeus seria do caralho. é o raio mestre, precisa de explicação? imagina eletrocutar todo mundo que me fizesse uma raiva...
Existe alguma profecia ou visão do futuro que o assombra ou guia suas escolhas? eu não, eu vivo como se fosse morrer no dia seguinte mesmo. 
Fale um pouco sobre seus poderes: eu transformo água em vinho, tu gosta?
Quais suas habilidades e como elas te ajudam no dia a dia: velocidade e vigor. a velocidade, só quando eu quero chegar rápido em algum lugar ou fugir de alguma coisa. o vigor me ajuda diariamente, porque se não fosse isso, nem da cama eu saía.
Você lembra qual foi o primeiro momento em que usou seus poderes? eu tinha 16 anos de idade, eu fui beber água e do nada senti gosto de uva e álcool.
Qual a parte negativa de seu poder: eu fico bebada.
E qual a parte positiva: eu embebedo os outros.
Você tem uma arma preferida? Se sim, qual? tenho não, eu sou uma negação com todas as armas.
Acredito que tenha uma arma pessoal, como a conseguiu? também tenho não, nenhum deus me deu uma. meu pai só me dá garrafa de água.
Qual arma você não consegue dominar de jeito algum e qual sua maior dificuldade no manuseio desta? tu escutou o que eu falei duas perguntas atrás?
*Quem nunca esteve em missões, podem pular essa camada. 
Já saiu em alguma missão? sim, uma vez. eu acho que o papai não confiaria uma missão à mim, depois da única que eu fui.
Qual foi a primeira que saiu? eu tinha por volta dos 15 anos, foi no cassino lótus, o líder me escolheu, sabe-se lá o porquê, mas disse que precisava pegar um item perdido de atena, se eu não me engano. talvez eu fosse só uma distração para os monstros.
Qual a missão mais difícil? essa mesmo.
Qual a missão mais fácil? depois que eu comi flor de lótus no cassino e fiquei meses por lá, eu não consegui mais sair em missões.
Em alguma você sentiu que não conseguiria escapar, mas por sorte o fez? de novo... não tá prestando atenção né?
Já teve que enfrentar a ira de algum deus? Se sim, teve consequências? não.
Qual divindade você acha mais legal, mais interessante? eu vou ser babona se eu falar que é meu pai? (...) meu pai.
Qual você desgosta mais? apolo, porque não tem a menor necessidade daquela bola de fogo do tamanho do ego dele.
Se pudesse ser filhe de outro deus, qual seria? queria não, to de boa... *silêncio constrangedor* sei lá, poseidon.
Já teve contato com algum deus? Se sim, qual? Como foi? Se não, quem você desejaria conhecer? meu pai. adoro implicar com ele, faço isso religiosamente todo dia.
Faz oferendas para algum deus? Tirando seu parente divino. Se sim, para qual? E por qual motivo? não, faço não. 
Qual monstro você acha mais difícil matar e por qual motivo? todos... não tem um que se salve. mas o pior é aquela que corta a cabeça e aparece duas no lugar, qual o nome?
Qual o pior monstro que teve que enfrentar em sua vida? químera
Dos monstros que você ainda não enfrentou, qual você acha que seria o mais difícil e que teria mais receio de lidar? qualquer um, não tenho preferência não.
Caçar monstros em trio ( x ) OU Caçar monstros sozinho ( ) 
Capture a bandeira ( ) OU Corrida com Pégasos  ( x ) 
Ser respeitado pelos deuses ( ) OU Viver em paz ( x ) 
Hidra ( ) OU Dracaenae ( x ) 
Estaria disposto a liderar uma missão suicida com duas outras pessoas, sabendo que nenhum dos três retornaria com vida mas que essa missão salvaria todos os outros semideuses do acampamento? eu não. no fundo, ela iria sim.
Que sacrifícios faria pelo bem maior? pararia de beber mentira.
Como gostaria de ser lembrado? eu gostaria de não morrer, se fosse possível... mas como alguém divertido já seria legal.
Local favorito do acampamento: chalé 12
Local menos favorito: arena de treinamentos
Lugar perfeito para encontros dentro do acampamento: praia
Atividade favorita para se fazer: tomar uma.
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animasola86 · 11 months
Reinventing my Gryffindor MC: Genevieve Belette
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Getting immersed in my first proper longfic for the fandom again, The Darkness Within, I went and changed my Gryffindor MC up a little. Her backstory/my headcanons for her are still somewhat the same, she just looks a little different. (Thank goodness for mods!) (That fic portrays an older version of her, where she's 21/23, and it's NSFW! Just FYI!)
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Name: Genevieve Belette
brown eyes * ginger * 1.55m/155cm (5′1“) * Gryffindor
born on April 1, 1875 on the outskirts of London
Aries (who is determined, courageous, charismatic, honest, passionate, energetic, impatient, impulsive)
was born a Weasley: Father was a Weasley, mother a Rosier (making her a pure-blood, despite being born a Squib), and when she didn't receive her Hogwarts letter at age 11, she was sent to live with non-magical relatives (the Belettes) in France, who practically adopted her, where she stayed until she turned 15
has a strained relationship with her parents and even though they somewhat accepted her back into the family after she found her magic, she still holds a little bit of a grudge (and will keep the name of her adoptive parents)
has a scar on her right cheek (was a reckless child who tried everything to awaken her magic, but failed, mother refused to heal her wound properly and left her with that scar, sent her away shortly thereafter)
was taught to be a proper lady in France (had a house teacher) and it took her a while to get used to the fact that girls wore trousers in Hogwarts
is an introvert (grows up to be quite the opposite though)
has a severe fear of heights, hates flying
is very helpful, but reckless in doing so, prefers to be alone, but allows a certain extrovert to accompany her on her adventures
had a crush on Professor Sharp before falling for Sebastian
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How she looks:
Face 001, Skin color 022 Hair color: Dark Ginger, Eye color: Medium Brown Eyebrow shape 006, Eyebrow color: Dark Ginger Freckles 3, Complexion Type 3, Scars: Lines on right cheek
Mods I used:
Wednesday Addams Inspired Makeup Variations (no lipstick version) Custom Hair Very Long 41 (no bangs version)
Yes, she is basically Ginny Weasley with her twin brothers' birth date, I was very creative when naming and creating her XD (belette is also the French word for weasel, so, there's that) Rosier was/is a pure-blood family originating in France in HP canon, but I HC that those relatives come from the Weasley side. And even though she is related to Garreth and Prof Weasley, it is very distant and they might not know about it due to their vast family tree and her name change (and her mother's influence, the Rosiers were much stricter and Darker and I can imagine her mother had cut the ties to her husband's family because she didn't think as open as the Weasleys did).
More on her life during Hogwarts can be read in my very first, now abandoned HL fanfic Diary of a Snake Lover on FF.net.
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Post-Hogwarts (spoilers for The Darkness Within):
dies after having absorbed Isidora's magic because her soul was too pure to handle the darkness, is resurrected by Sebastian and ends up in the future - found by Tom Riddle
is easily influenced by others, lets the darkness within get the better of her and turns her life around completely: becomes manipulative, seductive, knows what she wants, gives her life to Tom's cause and recruits for him with every means possible (basically uses her body and Dark magic)
has forgotten/suppressed everything prior (manipulated by Tom)
is very conflicted once she remembers her former life thanks to Sebastian's intervention
her fate is yet to be determined!
Read more about her and Sebastian's trip to Tom Riddle's timeline right here: The Darkness Within.
The story is hosted on AO3, but here are Chapter excerpts posted on Tumblr (careful, they are NSFW!):
Chapter 6 (fluff) here Chapter 7 (smut) here Chapter 8 (angsty smut) here Chapter 9 (TomxMC smut) here
I also tried recreating my story during an AI RP session with a Tom Riddle bot, can be read here: Magical Fingers (also NSFW, sorry!)
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