#genevieve thread; 001
teaganweatherford · 1 year
who: Genevieve Hernandez @genhernandez where: Liberman Law Office
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The last place that Teagan had wanted to be was sitting in the waiting room of the lawyers office, waiting for someone to call her name as if she were about to receive the worst news known to man. And sure, she knew she was being dramatic, but she'd never expected to be in a situation like this one where she'd have to be taking care of all of this. She was grateful that her father was still here with her, but, the position he was in currently - living in the assisted living, struggling to get better at the end of every day - and it was a lot for loved ones to handle. But she wanted to make sure everything was lined up properly, that there were no red flags or questions to come up in the situation that something were to happen, which is what brought her here in the first place. After waiting for what felt like hours in the waiting room, Teagan was led to the office of Genevieve Hernandez and Teagan entered the room after being escorted there. Offering the other a small smile as she extended her hand in greeting, Teagan spoke. "Thank you for meeting me here today, Ms. Hernandez." she smiled. "I don't want to keep you too long, I'm not even sure you can help me but I have some legal concerns in regards to my father that I'd like to check in on and I was brought to talk to you."
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shivanixrao · 6 months
closed for @gbardot location: genevieve's home
Shivani looked across the table in Genevieve's home when the other took a bite of the food she'd brought over. She desperately wanted to get the other's reaction but let her take her time until finally Shivani just couldn't take it anymore. "Well? Are you going to tell me how it is or not?" She said with a glint in her eyes--praying that the other enjoyed the food. Shivani often liked to cook and would always make more than she needed which was when the food would be shared with friends and neighbors alike. "If you hate it, I'll handle the criticism, I swear."
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mournfulminds · 2 years
╱ starter for ❪ @ofmusingsxandmayhem ❫ . 
          The lengthy and winding path that led up to the Romano estate was lined with trees, parched foliage now that it was fall taking the last of the sunset that sunk into sky, and was replaced it with a dusky shade of eventide as her car pulled into the driveway, parking near the gate. The lights from inside welcomed her as she strolled to the door, clad in a silk olive green dress, she took an abrupt moment to compose herself before entering, a domestic greeting her at the door to take her door before she made her way into the sea of people that had gathered for the celebration. She gifted the host a bottle of limoncino imported from the Amalfi region, since she was taught to never attend an event empty-handed, and then commenced her proverbial divergence, conversing with a few colleagues as she eyed the tray of sweets a waiter was toting around. Excusing herself from her current engagement, she took two from the waiter, thanked him and slipped through the large doors and down the corridor. 
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It was there that she saw a familiar figure, her head slanting slightly as she traced the outline of Gen’s as she tranquilly approached her, cake in one hand, “tiramisu? In case you were in the mood for something sweet. You know, I think I heard it can mean “pick me up” in Italian.” 
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
She was tight and warm around his fingers, walls clenching as if trying to push them out. But Ángel had never been one to give in to the demands of others, especially when he had something he wanted, digits being pushed farther before he pulled them out and thrust them inside again. "Do you even want to repent, Genevieve? Are you doing a bad job of begging for God's forgiveness because you think you have done no wrong?" she hadn't, the only mistake she had made was catching their attention. Soft, gullible, easy to break.
The perfect target for them. Ángel hummed as he took a leisurely pace with his fingers, watching Ione present the cross to Genevieve with interest.
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Her eyes were already shiny, and it brought a sick sort of satisfaction into Ione, lips quirking into a smile as the girl went chaste and gave the cross a peck. "You think that is good enough for your God? Are you mocking him, Genevieve? Are you not taking this seriously?" she pursed her lips in mocking annoyance. "Open your mouth and properly apologize." as if to make it more obvious what she intended, the blonde pressed the cross against the woman's lips, intent to thrust it inside the moment they opened.
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For a moment she had thought that was it, that Ángel had merely needed to assure the holy water was inside her and that the digits would remain for a moment before withdrawing. She was wrong. It's impossible to ignore the sensation of them digging in farther before finally withdrawing, only to ease back inside, notable enough to cause her thighs to tremble and begin creating moisture within her core. "No. No, I do..." The tears are spilling freely from her cheeks now, mortified not only that she'd sinned against God but that in doing so, she'd disappointed the siblings to such a degree. "I know I've sinned, I know...I want to be forgiven."
It's overwhelming; their disappointment, their criticism, Ángel's fingers, Ione's demands, the congregation watching her. Each of these things would be a task for her to manage on it's own and she's facing them all in the same instant.
"N-no." Her lips draw away from the cross, eyes casting back to Ione's face as she seeks understanding, both from Ione and from herself. "I would never mock him. I just...I don't understand." But between words and actions, the blonde helps to make it more clear. Her blue orbs flicker down to the cross before once more to the girl's face, lips hesitatingly falling open under the command, searching for the approval and the forgiveness she so desperately needed.
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devouredher · 1 year
@dreamgrlevl cont. from here
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“mmhmm, i can see that.” nadia replied, a knowing smirk on her lips as she let her eyes fall to the woman’s glistening cunt. it was clear what was going on, all her suspicion confirmed by just how wet the older woman was. she should have stopped then, called genevieve out for the obvious ruse, but instead the girl just carefully began to work her thumb into the stretched hole with the rest of her fingers. “i bet it’s in there real deep.” she added a moment later, biting her lip as she watched the woman’s rim stretching to accommodate the rest of her hand as she eased it in slowly. unable to resist any longer, nadia lifted her free hand to drag her fingers through genevieve’s wet folds. “god you’re so wet,” she murmured softly. “you sure you aren’t getting off on this?” the question was more teasing than anything, her fist fully in the woman’s ass now and slowly thrusting back and forth as if she were testing if the older woman could truly handle it.
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it should embarrass her how ridiculously wet she was to the point where her cunt was drooling with her juices. coating the back of her thighs and dripping on the sheets. a pool of evidence just under her. there was no explanation for her current state. not even the 'lost toy' could explain this. but genevieve was a proud woman, and she wouldn't admit that she was doing all this just to be fisted by her son's girlfriend. feeling her fingers on her sopping wet folds had gen feeling shivers go up her spine. she almost came just from the attention to her pussy. it has been too long since her cunt has received any action from anyone other than herself. "no, i'm really not. i swear--" her words would be more convincing if she was able to bite down on the wanton moan that just escaped her lips at the fullness she felt. "fuck, keep going, baby." she gripped her cheeks tighter and spreads herself even more. genevieve started to fuck herself backwards, too impatient to wait for her to go faster.
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arch-godenvy · 11 months
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001. GENEVIEVE CASTILLO JESTER. — intro. musings. mirror. threads.
002. CASSIAN NWODO WHIRLPOOL. — intro. musings. mirror. threads.
003. RYUUNOSUKE NISHIYAMA THANATOS. — intro. musings. mirror. threads.
004. SERAFÍN REYES DOCTOR NULL. — intro. musings. mirror. threads.
005. MAGDALENA ST. JAMES BLOODHUNTER. — intro. musings. mirror. threads.
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aciiers · 3 years
»       CLOSED   STARTER  !       @invisiblevee  :
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      ❛    𝑎   𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒   𝑣𝑒𝑒 ,       spotted  in  the   wild .    how   miraculous ,   ❜         sirius  speaks  from  the   archway   to  their   sitting   room ,   where  his  mother  had   so  politely   told  him  to  go  entertain  the   guest .    he’d   seen   her  father ,   and  heard  the   singular   use  of   guest .    frankly ,    he  was  really   expecting   it  to  be  her   sister   he’d  have  to  try  and   tolerate   for  a  few  hours .    seeing   genevieve   there  alone  washes  him  with  enough   relief   to  offer   more   than  just  a  tight  smile .        ❛     how  has   summer   been  going  for  you ,    then  ?   ❜
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rebclhearts · 6 years
ethan teller. (  @brcisedandbroken )
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if anyone told her a month ago that she’d end up back in this town, she would have laughed in their face. she hasn’t set foot here in twenty-five years, since the last time she came home for christmas and had the worst fight on record with her mother. she hadn’t missed it, either. not when she was too busy being genevieve hart, executive editor-in-chief of the new york branch of harper collins. being in the position she was meant leaving her past behind and becoming a new yorker, someone willing to shove everyone out of her way in order to get to the top and damn, had she been determined to be the best. after so many years on top now, she didn’t even give a second thought to returning home until she received word that her mother was sick. her brothers were unable to come back and take care of her for the time being and gen was set on hiring a nurse if not for being guilted into it by her elder brother, saying she ought to patch things up in case things go south. it was with reluctance that she’d taken the month off ( though she’d still work from her phone ) to return home.
she was already regretting not hiring a home nurse. she’d been home a whole of five minutes before she was back into an argument with her mother, been recognized by near everyone on the street, and run into old high school friends that she’d burned by cutting them out of her life. home five minutes and it already felt like she had stepped into a nightmare. it has her fumbling for her keys and driving herself to the bar that she used to break into as a teenager only to get thrown out because the owner knew her all too well. as she makes her way through the bar, she doesn’t take much note of the people around her lest somebody else recognizes her, and ends up seated at the end of the counter, one hand coming up to rest her forehead against. it’s only when she hears shuffles from behind the bar that she finally speaks without glancing up. “whiskey, on the rocks.”
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
The congregation was watching with an almost sort of awe and fervor that Ángel doubted that they were aware of what the siblings were planning to do. What they were doing. Nothing more than the reveal and a slight base of a plan had been made, the ending something they both wanted to see - Genevieve, debauched and devout, praising the same Lord she would be 'sinning' against.
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"What do you think, Ángel? Does it look to you that she has repented?" it was almost a taunt from Ione, lips quirked into a smirk, not really hiding anymore because it wasn't like the crowd was paying attention to them anymore. Eyes fully on the red-haired woman.
"I don't think so." he moved forward, closer to Genevieve. He took a gold vial from the pocket of his pants, humming. "I think we should anoint her with holy oil." a chuckle, oil being dropped on two of his fingers, the only preparation that he gave her before thrusting the digits inside her cunt. He didn't move, letting her feel herself stretch around them.
Ione moved until she was near Genevieve's head, playing with the silver plated cross. "Now, I think you should show God how sorry you are." the cross was presented in front of her face. "I think you know what to do with a mouth that keeps spewing lies about being sorry."
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Be it for better or worse, with her back to them and the words streaming from her own lips, Genevieve is too lost in her prayers to be entirely aware of the on-goings of the siblings behind her. It isn't until Ángel makes his move that they seem to draw any further response from her, a cry escaping her lips as his fingers are thrust into her virginal cunt, hands dropping from their clasped position in order to grasp the wood at the top of the pew, as it might grant her some relief.
Her entire frame has gone rigid with tension, walls clutching around the digits as if they could stop the intrusion and yet Ione's trying to pull her attention elsewhere, a task that seems impossible in that moment.
Flooded blue eyes cast to the blonde, to the cross in her hand, uncertainty playing its way across her features as she's left with no clear direction. If the tightness of her core or the reaction it drew from her weren't enough display of her lack of experience, her next actions are, head bowing to press a kiss to the cross as if that was the show of remorse Ione was searching for.
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
Keeping his glee contained was difficult, but he had years to perfect the good man persona, to embody the man of faith garb that everyone ate up with ease. Ángel had been manipulating everyone around him since he was young, after all, and fuck if church-loving girls weren't gullible little fools.
Not that the rest of the parish was much better. "You are witnesses of the sins of this young woman, and you will also witness the absolution of them." A shared look between the siblings, Ione easily raising the skirt and baring her ass to them. He continued as his sister pulled Genevieve's panties down her legs "My sister will assist me in making sure that all the sin leaks out of her."
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Ione hid her chuckle with a nod of her head, lips tilted in a beatific version of a smile that shouldn't have put anyone at ease, but they were easy to fool into thinking she was as gullible and innocent as the others. "It will be my pleasure."
Two fingers spread the red-haired woman's lower lips, thumb trailing over her opening before the blonde hummed pleased. "I don't think God has heard you yet, you have to plead for His forgiveness louder."
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Despite the image cast onto the screen behind her, the fact that a fair amount of her body had been placed on shameless display for not the entirety of the church to see, there's something far more intimate in the moment that she feels her skirt lifted. Granted hardly a second to process the reveal when her underwear are eased downwards as well, granting the siblings an even more full view of her. If her body hadn't been flush with embarrassment already, it certainly was in that instant, skin feeling as if it would all but scald Ione when she touched her.
Her body tenses, shuddering as the blonde's fingers come into contact with her most sensitive of spots, her most private of spots, thumb teasing against the opening that she herself had hardly found the courage to explore. It's hard to focus on words when she feels so exposed, so vulnerable, but she's far from prepared to ignore the siblings direction, to resist the salvation they're attempting to offer her.
"Father-..." Hands clasp, head bowing as tears finally spill over and stain her cheeks. "I beg you to please forgive me. I- I know my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I...I showed it off in a way that is not pleasing to you. I was wrong. I knew- I knew I was wrong and I...I did it anyway. I’m sorry that I broke our trust. I’m sorry for sinning against you. Please...please forgive me for my weakness."
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
"You're not what?" her expression is soft, almost too soft. And it's cut by the venom that her next words contain. "A whore?" A blink of brown eyes, cross being brought to caress the young woman's face.
To be honest, Ione could care less who Genevieve showed her tits to, rather, the whole view of purity from the congregation was pretty fucked up. But it did help with allowing the siblings to do whatever they wished, didn't it? So who the fuck cared? Ione was going to manipulate the situation in her favor, and she was going to enjoy debauching the woman in front of her.
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"Daughter of Jezebel." Ángel supplied from behind her, one hand on her lower back as Ione moved the cross lower, resting it against Genevieve's chest. Soon, his fingers found the cool metal, pressing it further into her soft skin, probably to leave a pretty red imprint behind. "Isn't that what she is?"
His words were to the congregation, and there was a murmur of agreement, people hanging on to his words. "We have to make sure you are free of sin. After all, who would have sent such a picture to anyone?" a chorus of no one and not me rang from behind the young woman. "Accept the punishment for your sin and repent in the eyes of the lord."
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Genevieve can't tell which stings more, the metal pressing into her porcelain skin and marking it red or the disgust that Ione and Ángel displayed for her in that instant, that the entirety of the church displayed for her. It'd been months since she'd first stepped inside these walls, felt, for the first time, seen and welcomed. It wasn't just herself that her actions had brought disgrace upon, it was all of them and the disappointment they felt for her was palpable.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The tears that well in her eyes make it clear she means it, that if she could take it all back, she would in an instant. Only she can't. "I...I accept the punishment. I do." And though she hesitates, the girl is soon rising from her seat on trembling legs, turning her back to the siblings and doing as originally was requested of her, facing the rest of the congregation and bending herself over the pew. "F-forgive me..." A plea for the entirety of the parish as well as the lord. "I've...I've committed an act of lust. My actions w-were wrong...they were sinful and I...I beg for your forgiveness. Please...please, purge me of my sin."
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thedcvilherself · 1 year
open to f/femme nb muses: Ángel Martinez, 24 & Ione Shaw, 24 - step siblings in this verse plot: t*boo warning, ione is a tw herself and so is ángel tbh, this will deal with sacrilege. they're being menaces. your muse comes to ángel's congregation and he has found out something to use against them ( of accounts, nudes, etc... )
"It seems that the devil has infiltrated our midst." Ángel had never wanted to follow ministerhood. After all, he wasn’t really cut for it, but it paid well, and to add to the already good deal going on, he could get away with things that most people could never. People trusted him, confided in him, allowed him liberties they didn’t allow others. And of course, he took advantage of it.
Especially in this case, as the image on the screen showed everyone what they had done. “As you can see, we have a sinner in our midst.” blue eyes sparkled as he hid his smile behind a concerned frown “I think we have to show them how sinners are treated, don’t you think?”
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There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd, blue eyes meeting brown as his sister smiled at him before raising from her seat, moving until she was in front of the young adult.
“Such nasty sinner you showed yourself to be.” Ione cooed to the person, well manicured hands putting a strand of the woman's hair behind her ear. “Maybe you need something holy inside of you.” a look was given to Ángel, making him handle her a cross. “You’re going to be very good and bend down to face the rest of the parish, aren’t you?”
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The word's that escape Ángel's lips are nothing short of an attention grabber, anyone whom hadn't been paying attention to his sermon certainly focusing in that instant, the church silent and eyes all cast to where he stood, her own included. There's not a thought in her mind that his words could have been about her, not until the image flashes onto the screen behind him. There's no denying what it is, her reflection captured in a mirror, body bare, breast and just the top of her cunt on display.
Genevieve could swear the temperature had been turned up to well past a hundred degrees, her entire body feeling as if it were on fire, as if the baby blue dress adorning her frame might suddenly melt against her skin. She's frozen in place, seeming unable to move or speak, as if time had frozen, only pulled from her trance when Ione's gentle touch is upon her. Eyes, the same hue as her dress, flash to the blonde's face and she searches for understanding there.
"Ione, this isn't...I'm not..." Her thoughts and words tumble over themselves, gaze following the hands that exchange the cross and her head shaking. "I only sent that to one person." As if that changes anything, as if his were the only eyes that had viewed it now. "We were dating and he...he asked and I...please." An ex whom she'd persuaded to join the church just weeks prior, and who'd seemingly, turned on her in response. "It's not for everyone to see."
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