#thread: genevieve
encntada · 3 months
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genevieve  tugged  her  father's  jacket  closer  as  she  stepped  out  of  the  backdoor  of  her  cottage  into  the  crisp  morning  air.  retrieving  the  watering  can  sitting  amongst  her  gardening  supplies,  she  filled  it  up  before  beginning  to  water  the  rather  expansive  garden  surrounding  the  home.  the  young  woman  hums  softly  to  herself  as  she  goes   about  hydrating  the  various  buds,  blooms  and  full  growths  in  her  care.  deep  blue  eyes  subtly  scan  the  grass  just  in  case  she  happened  upon  any  of  the  interesting  rocks  she'd  found  as  of  late.  her  humming  stops  abruptly  at  the  sound  of  soft  snoring  in  the  distance.  genevieve's  steps  are  much  slower   with  the  task  of  watering  abandoned  altogether.  a  gasp  tore  past  her  chest  nearly  sending  the  watering  can  flying  out  of  her  hands.  there  laid  @erstwhles,  curled  up  and  half  dressed,  sound  asleep  amongst  her  flowers. 
a  small  gray  cat  suddenly  spawned  at  her  feet,  weaving  between  her  legs  before  sitting  and  looking  up  with  expectant  eyes.  " is  he  a  friend  of  yours? "  genevieve  murmured nervously   to  her  companion.  the  cat  surely  rolls  their  eyes  as  they  rose  and  walked  over  to  the  sleeping  figure  before  circling  him.  she  followed  cautiously  behind  the  cat.  she  leaned  over  him  ever  so  slightly  hoping  to  get  a  look  at  his  face.  her  heart  pounded  against  her  ribs  as  she  wracked  her  brain  on  how  to  wake  him  up.  what  if  he  was  dangerous  and  rousing  him  triggered  violence ?  or  what  if  he  was  hurt  and  she  couldn't  help  him ? the  possibility  sends  a  shiver  down  genevieve's  spine.  her  hands  shake  as  she  tightens  her  grip  on  the  watering  can  prepared  to  brandish  it  as  a  weapon,  if  need  be.  she  swallowed  roughly  just  as  her  lips  part  to  speak.  the  morning  breeze  drying  her  mouth  as  the  moment  of  hesitation  persists.  say  something !  say  anything !  he's  crushing  your  flowerbeds !  a  deep  breath  before,  " h  —  hello? "  when  the  young  man  doesn't  stir,  the  mortifying  realization  that  she'd  have  to  be  louder  and  closer  to  wake  him  washes  over  her.  the  grey  cat,  still  circling  the  figure,  looks  up  at  genevieve  again  with  the  same  expectant eyes.  she  returns  the  look  as  if  to  say  alright,  okay !  admittedly,  she  couldn't  be  louder  but  she  could  try  closer. 
releasing  the  iron  grip  on  the  watering  can,  genevieve  placed  it  down  at  her  feet  before  moving  cautiously  towards  the  sleeping  man.  a  deep  exhale  escapes  her  as  she  knelt  down  in  the  grass  beside  him,  " hello? "  firmer,  a  touch  louder.  " wake  up. "  her  hand  trembles  as  it  reached  out  to  gently  shake  his  shoulder.  "  please  wake  up.  "
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ataulis · 8 months
open  starter​​​​​​​  ⇢​​​​​​​  𝖆𝖓𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖊.
𝓼𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 . . .  daskalos  bookstore.
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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃  𝐈𝐒  𝐍𝐎𝐓  𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐓  𝐅𝐎𝐑  𝐇𝐄𝐑,  or  at  least  for  people  of  her  stature  —  she’s  been  at  it  for  ten  whole  minutes  now,  reaching  high  above  her  head  for  the  book  in  question.  if  she  were  more  susceptible  to  spiteful  thoughts,  she  would’ve  cursed  avila  for  having  an  𝓐  name  &  causing  his  works  to reside  on  the  top  shelf,  but  she  adores  the  man  far  too  much  for  that,  &  besides  —  the  first  assignment  of  the  year  is  her  namesake,  for  god’s  sakes.  it  would  feel  like  utter  betrayal  to  be  even  the  slightest  bit  annoyed.  she’s  tried  it  all  —  jumping  up,  using  another  book  to  knock  it  off  the  shelf  —  &  now  she’s  resorted  to  one  of  the  more  precarious  options:  standing  on  top  of  a  stack  of  books  on  her  tiptoes,  lip  caught  between  her  teeth  as  she  reaches  &  reaches. . . until  the  stack  crumbles  from  underneath  her,  &  before  she  knows  it,  her  ass  meets  the  outdated,  scratchy  carpet.  with  a  wince,  she  grumbles  &  pulls  herself  up,  huffing  to  blow  the  strands  of  hair  that  have  fallen  from  their  ribbons  &  into  her  face.  footsteps  to  her  left  draw  her  attention,  &  she  turns  to  her  new  company,  smiling  sheepishly.    “  do  you,  uh  …  ”    she  turns  her  gaze  up  to  the  book,  still  sitting  smugly  upon  its  shelf.    “  do  you  mind  ?  ”
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swtsours-archived · 4 months
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“   do   you   want   to   join   me   ?   ”
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monarhrh · 2 months
@thcrnedthrones | Cedric & Genevieve
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In the cold confines of his cell, Cédric Antoine Perceval Leclerc sat with his back against the damp stone wall, his thoughts a tumultuous storm of anger, betrayal, and longing. The events that led to his imprisonment felt like a cruel twist of fate, orchestrated by unseen hands that sought to tear him apart from everything he held dear. And yet, amid the shadows and echoes of despair, there came a hauntingly familiar sound—the soft echo of footsteps approaching. The Commander looked up, his heart lurching as Princess Genevieve appeared before him, her face illuminated by the faint glow of a flickering torch. She stood just beyond the reach of his outstretched hand, her presence both a balm and a torment to his weary soul. "Genevieve" Cédric murmured, his voice rough with unspoken anguish. "You shouldn't have come. It's too dangerous."
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gccdwitch · 3 months
🌸 @tripzon3
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“Is she prettier than she was on the Internet?” Gen knows she shouldn't be asking, it's only going to cause more heartache but, for some reason, she can't help herself. “Are your conversations good? Are you interested?”
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hazalyildizs · 5 months
closed starter @gbardot
Hazal grabbed a cart and made her way through Nash's Supermarket, picking up the essentials she needed for the week. She tossed in a loaf of bread, a carton of eggs, some fresh vegetables, and a pack of chicken breasts. As she headed towards the snack aisle, her eyes lit up at the sight of her favorite chips. Reaching out to grab the last bag, when out of nowhere another hand brushed against hers. She quickly pulled back, an apologetic smile on her face as she met the gaze of the other shopper. "Oh, I'm sorry. You can have it," she said with a sheepish smile.
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shivanixrao · 6 months
closed for @gbardot location: genevieve's home
Shivani looked across the table in Genevieve's home when the other took a bite of the food she'd brought over. She desperately wanted to get the other's reaction but let her take her time until finally Shivani just couldn't take it anymore. "Well? Are you going to tell me how it is or not?" She said with a glint in her eyes--praying that the other enjoyed the food. Shivani often liked to cook and would always make more than she needed which was when the food would be shared with friends and neighbors alike. "If you hate it, I'll handle the criticism, I swear."
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teaganweatherford · 1 year
who: Genevieve Hernandez @genhernandez where: Liberman Law Office
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The last place that Teagan had wanted to be was sitting in the waiting room of the lawyers office, waiting for someone to call her name as if she were about to receive the worst news known to man. And sure, she knew she was being dramatic, but she'd never expected to be in a situation like this one where she'd have to be taking care of all of this. She was grateful that her father was still here with her, but, the position he was in currently - living in the assisted living, struggling to get better at the end of every day - and it was a lot for loved ones to handle. But she wanted to make sure everything was lined up properly, that there were no red flags or questions to come up in the situation that something were to happen, which is what brought her here in the first place. After waiting for what felt like hours in the waiting room, Teagan was led to the office of Genevieve Hernandez and Teagan entered the room after being escorted there. Offering the other a small smile as she extended her hand in greeting, Teagan spoke. "Thank you for meeting me here today, Ms. Hernandez." she smiled. "I don't want to keep you too long, I'm not even sure you can help me but I have some legal concerns in regards to my father that I'd like to check in on and I was brought to talk to you."
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chantelbedford · 1 year
who: Genevieve Hernandez @genhernandez where: The Wilson when: Wagner Wedding 2023
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Chantel was living it up on the dance floor, doing the best she could to feel the beat of the music. She wasn't used to being on two feet again, and while she knew that she needed to take it easy it wasn't stopping her from doing anything. She twirled, loosing her balance and bumping into the other and she apologized as she nearly knocked her down. "I am so sorry." she sighed. "I didn't mean to. I guess I shouldn't be twirling when I'm still getting used to being on two feet again."
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wiendarken · 1 year
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tag drop.
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insidi0summoved · 1 year
@fuckfate 〃 starter call : accepting
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The metallic taste & scent of blood were invading his every sense.  The warm crimson liquid seeping through his clothes, clinging to heated skin, making him almost look like a feral animal, not that it would have been that far from the truth, after all, in that moment, he felt anything but human.  Fingers closing around a handful of dirt as he sat on the forest's ground, back propped against the trunk of a pine.  A deep exhale, a familiar ache of forming bruises all through his body making itself known, both a welcomed feeling and an unwanted reminder.
it was always the same outcome between the two of them, never once one prevailing against the other, it simply wasn't possible, not when their fates had been snatched from their hands a long time ago, leaving the both of them unable to succumb to the embrace of death, even if one wanted to.  Similar and yet so different.  How many times such thought crossed the witch's mind ever since knowing them ?  One too many, but oh, both the curiosity and interest that it was brought forth.  Perhaps, if Nick was to be honest with himself he would admit that there had been times that he let his mind wonder if his life would have been more similar to theirs if he was given a choice; if he hadn't let the darkness consume him, but oftentimes those thoughts were quickly pushed away, what ifs were nothing but made up scenarios for delusional people, or so he had always believed.
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Head tilting backward, pale hues watching the first rays of sunlight filling the sky with a blaze of pale pinks and reds as the night made room for the new day ahead of them.  The moment feeling nothing short from surreal.  Their shallow breathing the only sound filling the otherwise quiet place.  Perhaps that was what prompted the witch to speak, he could always pretend that it never happened afterward.  Tongue sliding over blood stained lips.  " Don't you ever get tired ? "  Such broad question, one that could have had a endless amount of answer, at least if one didn't know him.  Which was the case for most people, only knowing the well crafted persona, the one made up of lies and deception, occasionally getting a glimpse of truth.
However it was easy to hear the silent ' of living like this. '  hidden in the way his voice trailed off, if one knew what laid beneath the surface, and oh, if Gen knew more than what Nick would have liked.
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fuckedliar · 1 year
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 fingers  flutter  as  she  waves  her  hands  in  the  air,  the  mattress  beneath  her  squeaking  as  she  bounces  from  bare  foot  to  bare  foot. "  oh  my  god!  gen  wake  the  fuck  up!  wake  up!  "  she's  too  excited  to  properly  shake  the  other,  her  pale  brows  drawn  into  focus  as  she  listens  to  the  radio  on  the  dresser. with  a  huff  so  heavy  it  could  knock  sail  boats  back  she  drops  to  her  knees,  bouncing  once  as  the  bed  shakes. a  palm  comes  to  shake  at  the  others  back  before  finally  delivering  a  smack  to  gen's  left  ass  cheek. "  genevieve  o'hara  wake  your  cute  ass  up!  "  a  squeal  is  released  from  her  lips  as  the  announcer  on  the  radio  continues  to  speak,  finally  their  names  are  called  out  and  liz  cant  stand  it  anymore. "  we  won!  gen  we  fuckin'  won!  all  expense  paid  trip  baby!  "
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@fuckfate liked for a thing!
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halfgrown · 2 years
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"What do you say we go cut ourselves down a tree?" @xlostparadise
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The Royal Bachelorette (Part One: Beach Blues) --@ [Brunch Babes + Mirabel]
In which Isabela and her family and friends go on her bachelorette weekend to Monaco...[takes place: June 22-25]
@waitingona-mirabel, @haveyoumet-dolores, @lady-snow-flower, @genevieve-davenport, @displacedprincess, and Luisa and Camilo in spirit.
[tw -- none]
--@ --@ --@
[link here]
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giovanniiricci · 1 year
WHO: @genevievericci LOCATION: Bountiful Harvest Vineyard & Winery
Events were the perfect place to put on a show. The Riccis were doing just that, pretending to be a happy, loving couple when that couldn't be further from the truth. Keeping up appearances was paramount, however, which was why Giovanni was showing his face here in the first place. They'd done plenty of small talk up to that point, and as the night carried on, he found himself needing something to help him get through it. Leaning into Genevieve's ear so only she could hear him, he said, "I'm thinking of grabbing some wine, if you'd like to accompany me inside."
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overwhlcmed · 2 years
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status : closed / ( @multihailstormm​​ ) location : a hallway somewhere idk
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ─────────────  without  kal  to  hide  behind,  staying  within  the  ballroom  became  dangerous.  evie  knew  there  was  a  risk  of  running  into  hunt  at  the  gala.  some  light  (  very  light,  she  swears  )  social  media  stalking  had  told  her  that  he  was  still  in  new  york,  that  he  was  still  writing  (  or  trying  to  ),  and  what  better  place  to  pull  inspiration  for  the  fantastical  than  an  event  that  looked  like  it  came  straight  from  a  novel.  it  was  nearly  enough  to  make  her  put  her  pajamas  back  on,  cuddle  up  with  spidey,  and  witness  the  event  through  instagram  posts  and  short  clipped  stories.  hunt  deserved  to  enjoy  his  night  without  a  reminder  of  the  way  she  betrayed  his  trust  and  broke  the  promise  she’d  made  to  him  when  she  accepted  his  engagement  ring.  but  her  therapist  pointed  out  that  her  tendency  to  run  from  things  that  were  scary  contributed  to  her  being  unable  to  leave  her  house  for  years.  with  all  the  progress  she’d  made,  evie  hadn’t  wanted  to  go  backwards,  she  wanted  to  continue  moving  forward.  something  that  could  have  been  a  lot  easier  to  do  had  they  been  in  matching  colors;  their  outfits  so  identical  it  would  be  easy  to  believe  they’d  come  together  had  she  not  spent  the  not  ducking  behind  her  friend  every  chance  she  got.
when  he  ran  after  his  own  love  lost,  evie  thought  she  could  muster  up  the  courage  to  do  the  same.  she’d  only  managed  to  take  one  step  in  his  direction  before  u-turning  and  heading  out  of  the  ballroom  altogether.  she  was  still  sitting  on  the  steps  of  a  staircase  nearly  an  hour  later  when  the  same  door  she’d  run  out  of  had  opened  and  his  frame  emerged  from  it.  at  his  appearance  she  shot  straight  up;  her  hands  coming  to  rest  on  her  stomach  as  if  covering  up  a  portion  of  her  dress  was  the  enough  to  hide  its  color  entirely.  “  oh...  hi  !  ”  she  tried  enthusiasm,  but  it  felt  too  forced,  so  she  swallowed  down  the  volume  and  tried  again.  “  hi...──  um,  it’s  quite  the  party  in  there  isn’t  it  ?  ”  she  questioned.  the  scene  between  them  one  that  was  much  too  familiar.  the  entire  reason  their  strings  of  fate  had  been  knotted  so  tightly  together  had  been  because  of  a  matching  t-shirt  at  an  event  the  two  of  them  were  trying  to  find  their  way  out  of.  the  eerie  similarity  provoking  her  to  give  explanation  that  wasn’t  asked  for.  “  i  decided  to  come  last  minute.  this  was  like...───  the  only  dress  left  on  the  rack.  or  rather  the  only  dress  i  could  stay  in  the  store  long  enough  to  purchase  because  it  was  really,  really  loud  in  there  and  i  hate  wearing  my  headphones  indoors  in  case  people  need  to  get  my  attention,  or  there���s  an  emergency  and...──  sorry,  you  didn’t  ask  any  of  that.  ”  her  voice  was  somber  as  fingertips  that  once  yearned  to  sit  in  the  space  between  his  clung  to  themselves.  “  why  aren’t  you  inside  ?  not  having  fun  ?  ”
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