#genetics are cool
megpricephotography · 2 years
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Have some blurry photos of Flynn being his best Flynnie-self: slinking about & "herding” me... Look at that happy face! 
These were taken while I was walking, holding the camera down by my knees & just guessing when to best press the shutter, as Flynn raced circles around my legs... I’ve found this method is the easiest way to get pics of Flynn in motion, while he’s in herd-y mode. If I try to crouch down & put the camera to my eye, he tends to slow right down then just sink flat to the ground & stare back at me in Pause Position, waiting for me to move again.  
Oh, all these pics are from the same side cause Flynn insists he can only run anticlockwise circles around my legs. Occasionally I try to persuade him to go in a clockwise direction but this tends to result in Flynn’s collie brain temporarily breaking. If he was a proper sheepdog this would be Bad Training but he’s a pet, so meh!  
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redladydeath · 1 year
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Pink-stained flowers
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cowboythewizard726 · 6 months
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yeahg. theyre related. they’re both bugs to me. one stares into your soul like a creature. the other is a pathetic little lad.
drawing on my phone of @pangur-and-grim’s Belphegor and @unfunsized’s Miss Honey (as a kitten) <3
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Reference photos used :D
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chipper-smol · 1 month
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
as a neuroscience major who is also very interested in tumblr history, i hope you know this is my favorite active blog. thank you for your service 🫡.
also, i’d love to know more about your process. how do you choose posts to use? is there a database where you can enter the text? do you do it all manually? inquiring minds want to know.
String identified: a a cc a a tt t t, t at act g. ta c 🫡.
a, ’ t at c. c t t ? t a ataa ca t t tt? t a aa? g at t .
Closest match: Macrobrachium nipponense isolate FS-2020 chromosome 21 Common name: Oriental River Prawn
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(image source)
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
do you have freckles
i have this feeling you have freckles
and if youre okay with it i need this affirmation to be either confirmed or denied like please(again only if you feel comfortable with it)
No I dont. But I do have a lot of moles haha
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aphidclan-clangen · 4 months
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Spiderglade doodle
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secretly-a-trekkie · 1 month
lol i think it is kinda funny how often we take our favorite overworked little guy (gender neutral ) and just go oh yeah he (gender neutral) hasn't slept in a month and his blood is now coffee and redbull but said guy (gender neutral) is just functioning mostly normally but with no filter
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foursidecity · 5 months
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Thinking about them... designs... silly..
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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1988's Marvel Graphic Novel Vol.1 #39/The Inhumans's painted cover (and back cover) by artist Bret Blevins.
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Writing my Marvelous Kon idea
Have some misunderstandings as to why Billy and Co. care about Kon from Kon’s perspective
Thinking about miscomunicating until Clark thinks he’s an incidental father to 4 different clone kids
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mau-mao · 2 months
Favorite Cat Coat Pattern
The tortoiseshell point Siamese!
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Did you know? Siamese cats have a genetic mutation called the Himalayan gene, which produces temperature-sensitive pigment. Darker sections are due to cooler temps. and lighter sections are due to warmer temps.
Their coats can actually change colors depending on age and season.
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dreamcatcher-faux · 8 months
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The reason why this took so long is because I was drawing them all at the same time! I wanted them to match eachother and look like siblings while still feeling like their own character. I gave each of them some purple to match with their mother, corresponded their eyes with eachother, and gave their outfits the basic colors of Red, White, and Black :3
Of course they still have their differences, Sonic is very minimal clothing wise, keeping it simple yet practical. Manic is similar with keeping things simple and practical, but add some punk elements, asymmetry, and some survival flair. Sonia, on the other hand, leans more into fashion than practicality, combining sporty with witch and a hint of glam rock :3
In this universe, while they're not separated because of a prophecy, they do still end up separated at different points. Manic is first, being kidnapped and escaping into the forest at the age of 5, then Sonic running away at 10, and Sonia starting to become a popstar. They reunite eventually, I'm thinking maybe after this universe's version of Frontiers? Sense the gang separates to go on journeys of self discovery and have their own adventures, leaving Sonic on his own for a bit :3
As for what they do before reuniting, Sonic is traveling and taking down Eggman along the way as per usual. Sonia is on her way to becoming a popstar like their mother. Manic is the Co-Guardian of a small colony of Wisps along with Sticks, going into the nearby town for supplies :3
I would explain them more thoroughly, but this is already very long. I might make character info cards one day tho! If I do I'll explain them individually there! Until then, feel free to send me asks about them! I like to talk as you can see :3
Below the cut are transparent versions, a version without clothes, and a Manic concept headshot :3
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bolithesenate · 9 months
fun fact of the morning is that to me Tarre Vizsla was a cringefail jedi twink so horribly bad at jedi-ing that he did an accidental 180 and became Mand'alor
man's could not find a lightsaber crystal for his goddamn life, so much so that a mandalorian deity had to come and help out
then he crashed in someones backyard destroying half their tuber harvest when he took a wrong turn after going home from a bandomeer agricorps summit
the shame is too big so he ditches everything and becomes a weaver for a like year
only after that year does he even realize he landed himself in karking mandalorian space (the weaver he holes up at is an old lady and doesn't wear armor so he just never noticed)
meanwhile everyone back at the temple just assumed he died
over his year as weaver-apprenticing he also did odd little jobs here and there around the village. mostly helping people with paperwork and taxes and how to price grain to sell the next city over
which gets him implicitly elected like mayor of that village (mostly because no one else wants to do the paperwork)
which is how he, a failed jedi that crashed in someones backyard and just wallowed in shame ever since somehow is made to attend a city/region council as representative of that village (it is there that he realizes that wtf that's too many mandalorians for this to just be coincidence. those CANNOT all be bodyguards) (yes he had stereotypes)
still, apparently he is one of them now
(he is standing there like 🧍🏻 the only one in the room without any armor to speak)
but also definitely the only one with a single political bone in him (it was forcibly installed in him by the temple's teachers). and also the knowledge of How To Do Taxes (that and he weaves a mean rug)
which once again gets him elected representative of that council as well
so now he has to go to a House meeting in a month
(which is bad, he has a deadline on a new tapestry that needs to be done by then can't they just postpone? also what is a House and why do they have meetings)
the lady weaver who kinda just is his adoptive mom now just laughs and pats him on the head and tells him he'll figure it out. but oh maybe he should wear some armor for that one, House meetings have a tendency to get wild and many things are settled over honor duels. and the city/region he's representing sure would like for their needs to be defended.
meanwhile Tarre is panicking because the one thing he was worse at at Jedi School than actually being a jedi was lightsabering
he's decent at hand-to-hand but that was NOT worth any points in the eyes of the Battlemaster
(turns out he shouldn't have worried. 'decent at hand-to-hand' for an old republic jedi still meant 'kriffing lethal' in comparison to everyone else.)
his region's demands have never been represented better
especially since he also does know the maths to make it work in the long run.
that gets him noticed by the like son or heir or whatever of the Head of the House, who promptly makes Tarre his right hand (Tarre agreed to it either while drunk -- he is a sad drunk and JEdi aRE SupPOseD To hELP aaaaaaaa -- and was guilttripped into it OR he misunderstood the assignment to be a weaving commission)
(because, in Tarre's mind, that IS still his day job)
and so on and so forth it spirals out of control farther and farther until one day he is there helping represent the mandalorian side in a trade dispute with the republic and the other side have jedi with them (ofc) and he is one again just doing his best statue impression trying not to be noticed only he forgot that mandalorians announce themselves and their whole allegiance and lineage in front of everyone so he gets first-name-last-named by his new boss in front of his old boss and it does horrors to his nerves that much is certain
only the jedi just kinda squint and then leave it uncommented so he thinks he's safe until HIS OLD MASTER JUST TELEPORTS STRAIGHT INTO THE DINNER ROOM DEMANDING TO KNOW WHY HE WASN'T THERE FOR THE LAST TWELVE LINEAGE DINNERS
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aurosoul · 30 days
the electric sheep were looking especially photogenic the other day
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