treeshurt · 2 years
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I believe in world peace, I will fight for my beliefs, after the battle pacifists can exist, but until the war is over there will be no such idealism. If you do not desire to fight, than you are allowing the 1% to maintain order of your bodies, spirits, and minds, I’m not sure who rules the masses, but it is very clear the rulers are narcissistic and egotistical, self centred and force conformity in a negative manner. I will never surrender, I will never bite my tongue again, I will always have an open mind, but my fists remain closed and ready for combat. #illumanati #annunaki #oneworldorder #geneticallymodifiedorganisms #bigpharma #pi̇zzagate #alienabductions #alternatedimensions #governmentcoverups #showthelist #adrenochromeelites #childsacrifices (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4swq-NkK4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokka · 5 years
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#GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms "#AClockworkPizza" by @puta_lock 🕰️🧐🎩🍕🐢🔪💥 (at PIZZA O'clock) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5jxcnvgzyw/?igshid=lvj8w3kjcidz
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toneacademy · 2 years
This video explains the use of Biotechnology in Agriculture: - Biotechnology - Biotechnology in Agriculture - Bio-Pesticides - Genetically Modified Organisms - Characteristics of Bio-Fertilizers - Kinds of Bio-Fertilizers #Biotechnology #BiotechnologyinAgriculture #BioPesticides #GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms #CharacteristicsofBioFertilizers #KindsofBioFertilizers #BTCotton #BTCorn #BacterialBioFertilizers #FungalBioFertilizers #AlgaeBioFertilizers #BlueGreenAlgae #Agriculture For any queries/doubts/information - we are just an email away - mail us @ [email protected] Subscribe to : https://bit.ly/2YQOgbs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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athleticeatery · 6 years
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#foodadditives #foodpreservatives #foodpresentation #gmo #geneticengineering #geneticallymodifiedorganisms #artificialflavors #meatglue #transglutaminase #caffeine #hydrolyzedvegetableprotein #msg #monosodiumglutamate #foodcoloring #gym #fitness #food #diet #workout #exercise #sportsperformance #healthyeating #gymlife #athleticeatery #toronto #cleaneating #fitnessgoals #becarefulwhatyoueat #humanitywarrior #foodlife
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tropsmoothielv · 6 years
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“We have the right to Know what’s in our Food.” – Chef Tom Colicchio That includes products that contain GMOs... 🕵️‍♀️💉🌽🍅 __________________________________ #Tropicalsmoothieguy #GMO #GMOs #ChefTomColicchio #FoodIndustry #SayNoTOGMO #GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms #NonGMO #NoGMO #OrganicFood #Foodlabel #Foodlabels #GMOLabeling #GMOLabels #RealFood #Wholefoods #Wholefood #LiveFood #RawFood #OrganicFoods (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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jimabernethy · 4 years
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#Repost @magikelly_ @download.ins --- #stopmonsanto #monsanto #monsantokills #monsantoisbayer #bayerismonsanto #gmo #geneticallymodifiedorganisms #glyphosate #glyphosatekills #glyphosatecausescancer #roundupkills #roundupweedkiller (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CChkUdhBHx6/?igshid=rrz3q9fnwyfd
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nicksbiocorner · 5 years
Exactly What did He Jiankui Do?
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As discussed in my article “Genetic Engineering News: Super-Babies Are Here!”, He Jiankui, a biophysics researcher and associate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shanghai China, shocked the world when he announced that he genetically edited a pair of human embryos that had come to term. While many may understand the ramifications of He Jiankui’s actions, I find that many do not understand exactly what he did. So I will attempt to state, as plainly as I possibly can, exactly what He Jiankui did and how he did it. But before that, allow me to introduce briefly the man behind all this world changing news.
Meet He Jiankui
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Associated press He Jiankui, the Chinese scientist who claims to have edited the genome of a human embryo which have come to term. Meet Dr. He Jiankui. Born in Xinhua County, Loudi, Hunan, He Jiankui began his career by earning a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Science and Technology of China. He then traveled to the United States where he earned his Ph.D. in Biophysics at Rice University under supervision of professor Michael W. Deem in 2007. After a brief post doctoral fellowship at Stanford university, He Jiankui moved back to china and opened a lab at the Southern University of Science and Technology. While there, he received angel funding which he used to opened numerous startup companies. Some, worthy of note, include Direct Genomics, which develops single molecule sequence devices for clinical use, and Vienomics Biotech, a company that developed sequence devices specifically for detecting cancer. Following his many successes in February of 2018, He Jiankui then took an unpaid leave of absence from the university to begin an unknown clinical experiment. This experiment will then go on to shock not only the scientific community, but the world.
He Jiankui’s Experiment
The experiments purpose was to reduce the unborn child’s susceptibility to the HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. To do that, He Jiankui began by recruiting individuals that wanted to conceive children. The caveat, however is that the male participating in the experiment had to be HIV positive. He then took a sperm cell from said male and a egg from the female and performed in vitro fertilization on them, a procedure used to assist the conception of a child. After the egg was fertilized He Jiankui then used CRISPR/Cas 9, a revolutionary gene editing tool, to mutate the gene CCR5 into CCR5 Delta 32. Ok so what the heck does that mean? To understand what this means you first have to understand what the gene CCR5 is and its function. Also known as C-C motif chemokine receptor 5, CCR5 is a protein embedded in the cell membrane of a white blood cell that acts as a receptor for chemokines, small proteins involved in the process of cell signaling (perhaps cell signaling could later be its own blog post, who knows). CCR5 Role in Aiding HIV Infection
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HIV typically enters the body and targets your white blood cells using the CCR5 receptor as, well as a receptor. By attaching itself to this receptor HIV is able to successfully bind to the target cell without shedding of the GP120 glyco-protein envelope (GP120 is the glycoprotein HIV uses to attach to your white blood cells). CCR5 Delta 32 & HIV Resistance Surprising to many people, a small part of the population (specifically 1% of the population) display an innate resistance to HIV. This resistance to HIV seems due to a mutation in the gene that codes for the CCR5 protein. This mutation, named CCR5 delta 32, introduces a premature stop in the genetic code of the genes that code for the CCR5 protein. This premature stop causes the CCR5 receptor to become unreceptive thereby inhibiting GP120 and CCR5’s union. Now You Get It By artificially mutating the gene CCR5 into CCR5 delta 32 in the twins, Lulu and Nana, He Jiankui should theoretically have given the girls an heightened immunity of the strains of HIV that specifically uses the CCR5 protein as a receptor to infect your white blood cells.
The Outcome
Peer review is a natural part of the scientific process. Scientist submit their findings to scientific journals so that their work can be verified and reviewed objectively to verify accuracy. Unfortunately, He Jiankui’s work was never published in any scientific journal and other researchers have not been able to corroborate He’s claim. So there is no way to determine if what He Jiankui says is legitimate or fallacy. It may be possible however to verify or disprove He’s claim because according to Chinese researchers, the DNA of the twins were sequenced before and after birth. If scientists can examine this DNA they may be able to confirm He’s claims. Related Article: Genetic Engineering News: Super-babies are here Read the full article
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drzaibkhan · 2 years
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#GeneticallyModifiedOrganism (also called #GMO) are genetically modified organism such as plant, animals or microbes whose #DNA has been #altered using #GeneticEngineering. #GeneticallyModifiedFoods are made by inserting genes of other species into their DNA. This kind of genetic modification is used both in plants & animals. However #GM foods can have harmful effects on the human body & consumption of these #GeneticallyEngineeredFoods can cause allergic reactions plus the development of diseases which are resistant to antibiotics. Organic food or conventional #nonGMO foods are better & free from toxicity #InGodWeBelieve #DrZaibKhan February 23, 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVBUKUjnKP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do #GeneticallyModifiedOrganism (#GMO) #food and their #FoodLabeling interest you? 🤔 ➡️ Did you know that the (#Progressives', i.e. #LeftWing) #GreenParty supports #FoodLabels for #GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms (#GMOs) #foods so consumers can decide for themselves. 👍 ➡️ Did you know that Democratic Party leader, Hillary Clinton, and her (Liberal, i.e. #Centrist) Democrats filled their pockets with #Monsanto's #DarkMoney and #BigAg's #FrankenFood Industry. 😮 ____________________________________ #FoodLabel. #Vote: #JillStein! #DemExit! #GreenEnter: #Vote #Green! #VoteGreen! #Organic: #OrganicFood! #Sustainable: ____________________________________ Regrann from @kennedys_mommi .
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tokka · 6 years
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🍜🐢☠CLG aka @jumbo_nuggatron 's #TMNT #bootleg #Resin #artfigure "#GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms" #YummyMummy #GMO.. thru his process of "Ham Lamination", where he takes a sweaty pig and rubs it on the hand-made card backer so if you wish, you can peel back the tape and take the figure out to smell it then put it back on the card. It smells of toxic orange.
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spanky606 · 6 years
Regrann from @benevolent_blizz - Capncrunch needs to walk the plank, #trix aren't for anyone especially children (kids=baby goat👁) and none of this poison is greeeeeaaatt or magically nutritious, especially for our youths to start their day‼️.. It's no wonder why many of them can't pay attention in class‼️👁... Almost every #cereal in your average supermarket is #geneticallymodified ‼️🤖.... Thus literally turning you and your #children to #geneticallymodifiedorganisms ‼️🤖.... Almost everyone is filled with #gluten and #wheat grown in #glyphosate which is one of the most toxic substances to ever consume, a #neurotoxin #hormonedisruptor and super harmful to reproductive‼️... When you see #enriched vitamins added to your bread or "cereal", this means they processed the "food" so heavily that they stripped any and all #nutrition from food to the point where they had to add #synthetic man made vitamins back in‼️☠️👁... This all sinisterly marketed #depopulation "food like" products none of if fit for human consumption‼️... Next post I'll show you how to make a supremely nutritious game changer homemade cereal, full of vitamins minerals protein fiber and heathy fats‼️🙏.... #healthiswealth #itslisvital #capncrunch #luckycharms #frostedflakes #depop #chemicalshitstorm #govegan #plantbased #intermittentfasting #vegan #wholistic #holistichealing #higherconsciousness #istaywokeyallplaywoke #blizzytaughtme
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artisanbonded-blog · 7 years
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great #foundational material .#wheat #health #food #gmo #geneticallymodifiedorganisms #wheatbelly #bestseller
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stephjanet · 7 years
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Did You Know??? #ifyoudontknownowyouknow #organic #conventional #geneticallymodifiedorganisms #gmo #healthiswealth #instapic #instafood #instacool #instamood #instagood #knowledge #knowledgeispower #instadaily #like4like #likeforlike #l4l #delicious #beherewithme #cherishthenow #sundayfunday #sundaze #truth
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btownyaknow · 7 years
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Check out this massive blueberry! Holy GMO! 😂😂😂#vegan #blackvegan #geneticallymodifiedorganisms
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nicksbiocorner · 5 years
Genetic Engineering News: Super-Babies Are Here!
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The first genetic engineered babies are here. On November 25, 2018, Chinese scientist He Jiankui, claimed in an online video that he used CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing tool, to genetically engineer a pair of embryos to be HIV resistant. Let’s take a look at this consequential event and what it means for mankind. However, I feel it is important to first take a brief look at the history of mankind’s relationship with genetic engineering.
History of Humans and Genetic Engineering
Despite the futuristic overtones of “genetic engineering”, humanity has actually had a long history with the process. Even in prehistoric times, man would use selective and cross breeding techniques to engineer better crops and livestock! One example is the mule, which is a cross-breed between a male donkey and female horse, and has existed since 3000 BC. The techniques we have used to genetically engineer organisms has always been rudimentary at best but our techniques has improved over time. So much so, that now we are able to specify exactly what traits we wish an organism to exhibit. And upon examining key milestones throughout history, we can hone in on the events that paved the way for such specificity and were a precursor to the November 25, 2018 incident, the day the first genetically engineered humans were announced. Genetic Engineering Timeline •1859- The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. It’s release exposed humanity to the fact that populations evolve through a process called natural selection. •1865- Gregory Mendel developes a model of heredity, by cross breeding pea plants. His experiments garnered him the title of the father of modern genetics. •1866- The discovery that genetic materials (the blue print to heredity) resides in the nucleus of a cell by Ernst Haeckel. •1910- T.H. Morgan proves genetic material resides in chromosomes, which in turn resides in the cell’s nucleus. •1931- The discovery of physical recombination of DNA by scientist Rosalind Franklin. •1944- Oswald Avery discovers the role of DNA in Genetics. •1966- Marshall Nirenberg and Har Gobin Khorana deciphers the genetic code. •1976- Prenatal genetic diagnosis based of DNA discovered. •1978- The worlds first “test tube baby” born. A landmark achievement in the field of genetic engineering in humans. •1990- The human genome project launches. Our attempt to map the human genome. •2000- The completion of the Human Genome Project. •2018- He Jiankui, Chinese scientist, releases video claiming to have genetically modified human embryos which has come to term. ( Confirmed by the Chinese authorities)
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He Jiankui, Chinese Scientist who claims to have genetically engineered humans. Photo curtosey of Wikimedia Commons Genetic engineering is not something new to mankind. However, we have never had more control of the process than we do today. And these contributions all led to the day that we were able to genetically engineer the first man.
November 25, 2018
On november 25, 2018, He Jiankui sent tremors through the world when he announces, through a well-coordinated media campaign, that two babies he genetically engineered had came to term. The story was first published in an MIT Technology Review article, then he strategically released a promotional video on YouTube the next day. In the video, you can watch here, He Jiankui claims “two beautiful little Chinese girls, named Lulu and Nana (the names, for obvious reasons, are pseudonyms) came crying into this world as healthy as any other baby a few weeks ago.” (no doubt, an attempt to alleviate the coming fears from this bombshell). He then states that the twins were born via IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), a medical procedure in which the female’s gamete (basically her sex cells..so her eggs) are fertilized outside of the human body. Then after insemination of the fathers sperm, when the then future twins were just a single cell, He Jiankui then genetically modified the DNA of the cell. We can discuss the specifics of that modification in another post, which I will place here via hyperlink, but till then lets focus on the fact that genetically engineered humans are here.
The Reception
The problem is that the topic of genetic engineering is a controversial one, much less genetic engineering done on humans. When He Jiankui performed his controversial gene-editing experiment, he did not consult the scientific community. As a result, the fallout from the scientific community was swift. Scientist world wide condemned his actions and none more so than those in his home country of China, where scientist are already concerned with their image of being the “wild west” of genetic engineering research. Fall out from the government was equally as swift. On revelations of his experiment, a statement was issued from China’s National health Commission in Beijing, “the incident is a serious violation of national laws, regulations and ethical guidelines”. The country’s Ministry of Science and Technology took it a step further and pledged to “work with relevant departments to jointly improve relevant laws and regulations and improve the scientific research ethics review system.” Despite the wide spread condemnation does this mean that genetically engineered super babies are here?
Super Babies, Are They Here?
Does this mean that genetically engineered super-babies are here? Actually no. When people envision a future where we are able to utilize genetic engineering to create “designer babies”, typically it is one in which humans are engineered to be stronger or smarter. These traits however, are not dictated by a single gene, which is all genetic engineering is capable of changing. For example, there are an estimated 93,000 different genes that code for height alone and only 697 of those genes having been identified! So while we are able to make changes to a single gene, to edit a embryo to develop into a human with hightened physical or mental abilities is far out of our reach at the moment. It also should be noted that genetic engineering done to humans is illegal in almost all countries accross the world. We are still a long way of from genetically engineered “ super babies”.
What It Actually Means For Mankind
Until this point, mankind’s genetic predisposition has solely depended on the process of natural selection. But now, we are posed to take from nature, or god whichever you believe, the right to govern our own genetic make-up. This does not mean that we will be able to somehow improve the human population by selecting arbitrarily defined desirable traits” and increasing their reoccurrence. That is almost entirely impossible with genetic engineering. What is it does mean however, is that for certain diseases arising from a incorrect variation among base pairs, such as sick cell, we may now be able to go inside of our cells and correct that variation essentially curing ourselves of genetic disorders. Related Article: Biological Immortality! Can Hummans Live Forever? Read the full article
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solefoodbrand · 7 years
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Repost from @nick_cusi on Instagram: “#Repost @freedom_faction ・・・ #OrganicCoup was founded by the leaders of #Costco’s highly lucrative…” using @RepostRegramApp - #Repost @freedom_faction ・・・ #OrganicCoup was founded by the leaders of #Costco’s highly lucrative #organic division. Under the leadership of Dennis Hoover, a 33-year veteran of the wholesale chain, Costco became one of the country’s largest organic retailers, even lending funds to organic farmers to help them keep up with demand. Hoover launched Organic Coup last year, and thanks to his reputation, the growing chain secured funding from Jim Sinegal, Costco’s founder and former CEO, and Richard Galanti, Costco’s Chief Financial Officer. Organic Coup, which, according to its website, rejects “#GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms (GMOs), toxic chemicals and pesticides, [and] the use of antibiotics or added hormones in livestock,” started small in Northern #California. Its first two outlets in #SanFrancisco and Pleasanton started serving a variety of USDA-certified organic products, and they’re also certified by the nonprofit California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF). As Anti-Media summarized last year: “The two locations currently open for business, both located in Northern California, serve crispy chicken sandwiches fried in organic coconut oil and topped with spicy organic vegetables on an organic bun. The chicken is provided by the popular organic brand, Mary’s Chicken and also comes in wrap and bowl form. Organic Coup offers a variety of organic sauces, as well as chicken tenders on the side. “For dessert, Organic Coup serves organic popcorn drizzled in organic chocolate and caramel (perhaps a more appealing option to health conscious consumers than #McDonald’s recent addition of chocolate drizzled fries). They also plan to add organic tater tots and breakfast burritos to the menu.” Sure enough, they now offer breakfast burritos (with the option to add guacamole), as well as breakfast bowls – and of course, tater tots. As we noted last year, there are some small caveats:
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